Notice: The repository viewer is offline due to bot attacks. However, you can still use git clone to access repositories.
pokyPoky Build Tool and Metadata3 hours
poky-contribPoky Built Tool and Metadata - User Contributions Tree1 min.
yocto-docsVersioned project documentation5 hours
-Poky Support
poky-configCombo-layer configuration and support scripts for the poky repository8 weeks
poky-contrib-archiveUser contributions older than January 1st 20134 years
-Yocto Automated Testing
poky-buildhistoryAutobuilder Saved Build History (for Poky master)10 hours
poky-buildhistory-archiveAutobuilder Saved Build History Archive (for Poky master)12 months
poky-ci-archiveRepo to log and improve traceability of CI builds2 hours
yocto-buildstatsBuild performance test results from the Yocto project2 min.
yocto-testresultsTest results published from the public autobuilder8 hours
yocto-testresults-contribTest results published from contributor autobuilders and QA teams3 days
-Yocto Metadata Layers - Platinum Members
meta-armLayer containing support for Arm products4 days
meta-awsLayer containing Amazon Web Services (AWS) device software support metadata5 hours
meta-intelLayer containing Intel hardware support metadata3 weeks
meta-xilinxLayer containing Xilinx hardware support metadata3 months
-Yocto Metadata Layers - Autobuilder Tested
meta-mingwLayer for mingw based SDKs4 days
meta-yoctoYocto Project integration layers (Poky distro configuration, reference hardware ...2 days
-Yocto Metadata Layers - Member Layers
meta-amdLayer containing AMD hardware support metadata3 weeks
meta-freescaleLayer containing NXP hardware support metadata5 hours
meta-renesasLayer supporting Renesas Electronics SoCs4 years
meta-sokol-flexLayer containing Sokol Flex OS support metadata5 hours
meta-tiLayer containing TI hardware support metadata14 hours
-Yocto Metadata Layers - Other Layers
meta-anacondaLayer to provide Anaconda installer3 weeks
meta-aragoArago Project Distro and Apps metadata used in TI SDKs14 hours
meta-axxiaLayer for LSI’s family of Axxia mobile & enterprise communication processors4 years
meta-cglEnable Carrier Grade Linux compliance through a reference Linux distribution6 months
meta-cloud-servicesProvides the packages and images for Cloud compute, control and storage nodes (O...3 months
meta-dpdkData Plane Developer Kit ( weeks
meta-external-toolchainOE/Yocto external toolchain support layer19 months
meta-gplv2GPLv2 versions of software where upstream has moved to GPLv3 licenses5 weeks
meta-intel-contribIntel hardware support extras3 weeks
meta-intel-fpgaLayer containing Intel SoCFPGA hardware support metadata12 days
meta-intel-qatIntel Quick Assist Technology Layer6 months
meta-iviCollection of software related to In-Vehicle Infotainment systems4 years
meta-javaLayer containing recipes for OpenJDK and other open source Java-2 months
meta-lts-mixinsRepository to collect mixin layers for LTS releases3 weeks
meta-makerLayer supporting applications and tools for Makers in OE4 years
meta-monoMetadata layer to build the Mono runtime5 hours
meta-oicLayer containing recipes for building the Open Interconnect Consortium Iotivity ...4 years
meta-openssl102Enable OpenSSL 1.0.2 usage throughout the Yocto Project and related layers4 years
meta-openssl102-fipsProvides infrastructure to augment OpenSSL 1.0.2 with the FIPS Object Module4 years
meta-patchtestLayer supporting the test framework for community patches5 months
meta-qcomLayer containing Qualcomm hardware support metadata5 hours
meta-qt3Qt3 layer for supporting LSB Testing and Compliance4 years
meta-qt4Qt4 layer for supporting LSB Testing and Compliance4 years
meta-raspberrypiHardware specific BSP overlay for the RaspberryPi device10 days
meta-realtimeLayer enabling realtime development and system tuning12 months
meta-rockchipLayer supporting public rockchip-based development boards and products4 weeks
meta-securitySecurity tools for Internet connected devices8 days
meta-selinuxLayer enabling SELinux support.2 weeks
meta-spdxscannerLayer to support multiple SPDX creation tools7 weeks
meta-systemdevSystem Development Images4 years
meta-tensorflowLayer containing recipes related to building tensorflow5 hours
meta-virtualizationLayer enabling hypervisor, virtualization tool stack, and cloud support.5 days
meta-xilinx-toolsLayer for XSCT tooling related to meta-xilinx3 months
meta-zephyrLayer to support building of Zephyr images4 months
-Yocto Tools
auto-upgrade-helperAutomatic Recipe Upgrade Helper8 months
buildhistory-webBuildhistory warnings web interface4 years
error-report-webReceive and visualize image build errors4 years
git-refinery-webWeb based release note generation utility3 years
layerindex-webMetadata layer index web application5 weeks
mraaLinux Library for low speed IO communication. Supports generic io platforms, as ...7 months
opkgOpkg lightweight package management system3 weeks
opkg-utilsHelper scripts for use with the opkg package manager8 months
pseudoAllows emulation of root user operations12 days
psplashVery simple boot splash screen12 days
ptest-runner2A program to run Yocto/OE ptests6 months
recipetool-go-testA simple Golang project for recipetool selftests.3 months
release-toolsRelease engineering tools and scripts2 years
swat-toolsA python tool helping triage of Yocto autobuilder failures reported on swatbot13 days
swatbotDjango app to assist with SWAT team5 months
update-rc.dTool to update the links in /etc/rc[0-9S].d/17 months
wicOpenEmbedded Image Creator10 days
yocto-autobuilder-helperDecoupled release build scripts3 days
yocto-autobuilder2Yocto Autobuilder Buildbot Interface code (second generation)5 days
libfakekeyLibrary for simulating key press events under X114 years
libmatchboxMatchbox common functionality library12 days
libmatchboxwm2Matchbox Window Manager Library 24 years
matchbox-commonMatchbox shared files4 years
matchbox-config-gtkMatchbox GUI config tool17 months
matchbox-desktopMatchbox Desktop v117 months
matchbox-desktop-2Matchbox Desktop v217 months
matchbox-documentationMatchbox Documentation4 years
matchbox-historyOriginal Matchbox repository historical record4 years
matchbox-keyboardMatchbox Keyboard17 months
matchbox-panelMatchbox Panel v14 years
matchbox-panel-2Matchbox Panel v216 months
matchbox-panel-managerMatchbox Panel Manager Application17 months
matchbox-strokeMatchbox touchscreen input method17 months
matchbox-terminalMatchbox Terminal4 years
matchbox-testsMatchbox Tests4 years
matchbox-themes-extraMatchbox themes4 years
matchbox-window-managerMatchbox Window Manager v117 months
matchbox-window-manager-2Matchbox Window Manager v217 months
mb-applet-input-managerMatchbox Panel Input Manager Applet4 years
mb-applet-lightMatchbox Panel Screen Brightness Applet4 years
mb-applet-startup-monitorMatchbox Panel Startup Monitor Applet4 years
mb-applet-volumeMatchbox Panel Volume Control Applet4 years
mb-desktop-xineMedia player for Matchbox4 years
xcursor-transparent-themeXCursor Transparent Theme4 years
xlib-asyncUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.4 years
xsettings-daemonSmall gconf -> xsettings bridge9 months
dbus-waitA simple tool to wait for a specific signal over DBus17 months
git-submodule-testTest repository for the BitBake gitsm fetcher4 years
guessing-gameWrap a version of the guessing game from The Rust Book to run in Python using py...10 months
meta-layerindex-testSynthetic layer for testing layerindex-web4 years
meta-trainingLayer to store example code from YP/OE training courses4 years
qa-toolsScripts used to automate the Yocto Project professional QA team's work4 years
srtoolSecurity Response Tool - Web based application for monitoring and managing CVE i...14 months
stormBlimp demo control application4 years
syncOpenSync frontend (unfinished)4 years
test-xvideoSmall XVideo extension testing utility4 years
web-patchesUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.4 years
web-webkitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.4 years
yocto-firewall-testA dummy repo for use by the git fetcher sanity check4 years
yocto-metricsYocto Project autobuilder gathered metrics CVEs etc.13 hours
yocto-metrics-meta-oeMetrics for meta-openembedded13 hours
zaurusdZaurus device handling daemon and scripts4 years
gakuA simple music player, using GTK+ and GStreamer4 years
gtk-sato-engineGTK+ Sato Theme Engine4 years
libowlOpenedHand/Sato Widget Library4 years
libowl-avOpenedHand/Sato Audio/Video Widget Library4 years
matchbox-desktop-satoMatchbox Desktop 2 Sato Configuration4 years
matchbox-satoMatchbox Window Manager Sato Theme17 months
oh-puzzlesPuzzles with Sato branding/themeing optimised for handhelds4 years
owl-videoUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.4 years
sato-icon-themeIcon theme for Sato desktop3 years
screenshotAn ultra-simple screen capture utility using GTK+4 years
web-satoUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.4 years
Yocto Linux Kernel
kernel-module-hello-worldExample code used in QA testing.4 years
linux-yoctoYocto Linux Embedded kernel3 days
linux-yocto-contribLinux Embedded Kernel Extras15 months
linux-yocto-devLinux Embedded Kernel - tracks the next mainline release6 days
yocto-kernel-cachePatches and configuration for the linux-yocto kernel tree3 days
yocto-kernel-toolsLinux 2.6 Embedded Kernel Tools3 months
Yocto Linux Kernel Archive
linux-yocto-4.1Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.4 years
linux-yocto-4.10Linux 4.10 Embedded Kernel4 years
linux-yocto-4.12Linux 4.12 Embedded Kernel4 years
linux-yocto-4.4Linux 4.4 Embedded Kernel4 years
linux-yocto-4.6Linux 4.6 Embedded Kernel4 years
linux-yocto-4.8Linux 4.8 Embedded Kernel4 years
linux-yocto-4.9Linux 4.9 Embedded Kernel4 years
Yocto Metadata Layer Archive
experimental/meta-m2Experimental Moblin metadata layer (obsolete)4 years
experimental/meta-maemoExperimental maemo support layer (obsolete)4 years
experimental/meta-trustedTrusted support and tools4 years
intel-iot-refkitIot Reference OS Kit for Intel3 days
meta-alexa-demoLayer containing recipes to add an Alexa client to an image4 years
meta-baryonExample NAS layer4 years
meta-darwinLayer for darwin based SDKs7 weeks
meta-darwin-contribDarwin based SDKs extras4 years
meta-dlnaExample headless mediaserver generated using combo-layer tool and meta-guacamayo4 years
meta-ecaLayer containing Embedded Connectivity Appliance (ECA) support metadata4 years
meta-extrasLayer containing unsupported or deprecated metadata4 years
meta-fsl-armLayer containing Freescale ARM hardware support metadata4 years
meta-fsl-ppcLayer containing Freescale PPC hardware support metadata4 years
meta-intel-clear-containersLayer enabling Intel Clear Containers4 years
meta-intel-edisonLayer for the Intel Edison Development Platform4 years
meta-intel-galileoIntel Galileo platform support4 years
meta-intel-iot-middlewareShared middleware recipes for Intel IoT platforms4 years
meta-intel-quarkIntel Quark platform support4 years
meta-luvluvOS metadata layer4 years
meta-mesonSoftware layer for the meta-meson autonomous blimp demo.4 years
meta-meson-bspBSP layer for meta-meson. This is based off of meta-sakoman.4 years
meta-minnowMinnowBoard BSP layer4 years
meta-oracle-javaLayer hosting Oracle Java binary recipes4 years
meta-swupdMeta layer for swupd software-update4 years
meta-tlkLayer enabling time limited kernels4 years
meta-translatorLayer to convert from recipes to buildable RPM spec files4 years
meta-web-kioskLayer enabling browser based kiosk devices with virtual keyboard support.4 years
meta-xilinx-communityLayer adding community support for the Xilinx hardware4 years
meta-yocto-bsp-oldFormer reference hardware BSPs previously provided in meta-yocto-bsp4 years
meta-yocto-kernel-extrasSupplementary metadata layers to extend the Poky core4 years
Yocto Tools Archive
anjuta-pokyAnjuta IDE plugin4 years
cropsArchive of original CROPS cross-platform development framework for Linux/Windows...17 months
fstestsUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.4 years
machinesetuptoolA tool to configure a BSP image automatically at the boot time4 years
oprofileuiA GTK+ based UI for OProfile4 years
patchtest-oeArchived test suite for OE-Core patches, now part of openembedded-core17 months
patchworkOpenEmbedded / Yocto Project fork of's fork of's Patc...17 months
pkg-reportUsed to generate the data at packages.yoctoproject.org4 years
prelink-crossCross capable Prelink9 months
qemuglGL passthrough for qemu on x864 years
rmcRuntime Machine Configuration Utility17 months
swabberBuild system contamination detection tool4 years
yocto-autobuilderAutobuilder build cluster4 years
yocto-webhob-designDesign for WebHob Bitbake UI4 years