BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterbsp: trusted-firmware-a: remove already merged patchQuentin Schulz5 weeks
walnascarbsp: trusted-firmware-a: remove already merged patchQuentin Schulz5 weeks
scarthgapbsp: rkbin: bump to latest commit in master branchQuentin Schulz8 weeks
styheadradxa-zero-3: switch to yocto-dev kernelTrevor Woerner8 weeks
nanbieldrockchip.wks: fix typoTrevor Woerner11 months
kirkstonebsp: rkbin: fix default COMPATIBLE_MACHINE matching allQuentin Schulz16 months
mickledorelayer.conf: update LAYERSERIES_COMPAT for mickledoreTrevor Woerner2 years
honisterrockchip.wic.inc: let wic update fstab againQuentin Schulz2 years
langdalerockchip.wic.inc: let wic update fstab againQuentin Schulz2 years
hardknottupdate layer compatibility for hardknottTrevor Woerner4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2025-01-11bsp: trusted-firmware-a: remove already merged patchHEADwalnascarmasterQuentin Schulz
2024-12-15u-boot: use upstream for radxa-zero-3{e|w}Trevor Woerner
2024-12-15layer.conf: update to walnascar onlyTrevor Woerner
2024-12-15radxa-zero-3: switch to yocto-dev kernelTrevor Woerner
2024-12-15u-boot: switch to upstream SRCREV for rk-u-boot-envTrevor Woerner
2024-12-15bsp: rkbin: bump to latest commit in master branchQuentin Schulz
2024-12-15bsp: rkbin: rkbin-ddr: use version and file variables for path matchingQuentin Schulz
2024-12-15rk3308: add provider for trusted firmware-aTrevor Woerner
2024-11-21SOQuartz: addPaul M. B. Bendixen
2024-11-01rk3588(s): add support for upstream TF-AQuentin Schulz