BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterMerge branch 'master' of ssh://push.yoctoproject.org/meta-spdxscannerLei Maohui3 days
scarthgapRename spdx-common.bbclass to spdx-api.bbclass because oe-core added aLei Maohui6 months
kirkstonepython3-patch: fix an error in kirkstoneLei Maohui11 months
nanbieldscancode-toolkit: Dleted scancode-toolkit-native, it doesn;t work well.Lei Maohui11 months
langdaleImproved gcc-source support:Lei Maohui3 years
honisterMerge branch 'master' into honisterLei Maohui3 years
hardknottFix issue of Document Information.Lei Maohui3 years
gatesgarthREADME.md: Updated.Lei Maohui4 years
dunfellAdded some error capture from fossology-python.Lei Maohui4 years
devel/jsmoeller/phasedAdd WIP phased variant of fossology uploaderJan-Simon Moeller5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
3 daysMerge branch 'master' of ssh://push.yoctoproject.org/meta-spdxscannerHEADmasterLei Maohui
3 daysfossology-python.bbclass: Deleted missing error type and correct some warning...Lei Maohui
2024-11-22find_infoinlicensefile: modfied search stop rule to avoid missing info when m...Lei Maohui
2024-11-13classes/fossology-python.bbclass: Modified dependency of do_get_report to mak...Lei Maohui
2024-11-11classes/spdx-api.bbclass: Modified according to cve-check.bbclass.Lei Maohui
2024-11-11fossology-python.bbclass: By default, use the token that defined in conf/loca...Lei Maohui
2024-10-09Modified cve data get method reference to oe-core.Lei Maohui
2024-09-25Merge branch 'master' of ssh://push.yoctoproject.org/meta-spdxscannerLei Maohui
2024-09-25fossology-python.bbclass: Updated to work with fossology-python 3.2.1.Lei Maohui
2024-09-12layer.conf: Updated to styhead according to poky.Lei Maohui