BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
scarthgaprauc-conf: set arch to machineTrevor Woerner14 days
masterrauc-conf: set arch to machineTrevor Woerner14 days
walnascarbsp: trusted-firmware-a: remove already merged patchQuentin Schulz2 months
styheadradxa-zero-3: switch to yocto-dev kernelTrevor Woerner3 months
nanbieldrockchip.wks: fix typoTrevor Woerner12 months
kirkstonebsp: rkbin: fix default COMPATIBLE_MACHINE matching allQuentin Schulz17 months
mickledorelayer.conf: update LAYERSERIES_COMPAT for mickledoreTrevor Woerner2 years
honisterrockchip.wic.inc: let wic update fstab againQuentin Schulz2 years
langdalerockchip.wic.inc: let wic update fstab againQuentin Schulz2 years
hardknottupdate layer compatibility for hardknottTrevor Woerner4 years
gatesgarthFix Rock Pi 4 serial portJoshua Watt4 years
dunfellarm-trusted-firmware: Upgrade 2.2 -> 2.3Joshua Watt5 years
warriorkernel bumpsTrevor Woerner5 years
thudkernel bump:Trevor Woerner5 years
zeuslayer compat: warrior -> zeusTrevor Woerner5 years
pyrolinux-veyron: change fetch protocolTrevor Woerner7 years
rockolinux-veyron: change fetch protocolTrevor Woerner7 years
sumolinux-veyron: change fetch protocolTrevor Woerner7 years
mortylinux-veyron: add support for gcc6Trevor Woerner7 years
jethrolinux-veyron: change fetch protocolTrevor Woerner7 years
krogothlinux-veyron: last one MACHINE change fixTrevor Woerner7 years
fidoREADME: Add a contributing sectionRomain Perier10 years