AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-07-30TestReport for Yocto-3.4_M2.rc1 release3.4_M2Vineela Tummalapalli
2021-07-26added testresults for yocto-3.4_M2.rc1sangeeta jain
2021-06-22TestReport for Yocto-3.4_M1.rc1 release.3.4_M1Vineela Tummalapalli
2021-06-17added testresults for yocto-3.4_M1.rc1sangeeta jain
2019-06-14Add some clarity to the branching instructions to denote that newGraydon, Tracy
2019-06-14Update the file with maintainers, usage info and examples.Graydon, Tracy
2019-06-14Deleting the 2.8_M1 directory. Testresult collateral should be committedpokybuild
2019-06-14added sample Header.txt file to check push access is working fine.sangeeta jain