path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test')
23 files changed, 0 insertions, 9681 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/__init__.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index cfdc40d1..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Unit tests for L{twisted.python}.
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/deprecatedattributes.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/deprecatedattributes.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b94c3617..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/deprecatedattributes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Import reflect first, so that circular imports (between deprecate and
-# reflect) don't cause headaches.
-import twisted.python.reflect
-from twisted.python.versions import Version
-from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute
-# Known module-level attributes.
-version = Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0)
-message = 'Oh noes!'
- version,
- message,
- __name__,
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/modules_helpers.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/modules_helpers.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 15ef6c1d..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/modules_helpers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Facilities for helping test code which interacts with L{twisted.python.modules},
-or uses Python's own module system to load code.
-import sys
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python import modules
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-class TwistedModulesTestCase(TestCase):
- def findByIteration(self, modname, where=modules, importPackages=False):
- """
- You don't ever actually want to do this, so it's not in the public API, but
- sometimes we want to compare the result of an iterative call with a
- lookup call and make sure they're the same for test purposes.
- """
- for modinfo in where.walkModules(importPackages=importPackages):
- if modinfo.name == modname:
- return modinfo
- self.fail("Unable to find module %r through iteration." % (modname,))
- def replaceSysPath(self, sysPath):
- """
- Replace sys.path, for the duration of the test, with the given value.
- """
- originalSysPath = sys.path[:]
- def cleanUpSysPath():
- sys.path[:] = originalSysPath
- self.addCleanup(cleanUpSysPath)
- sys.path[:] = sysPath
- def replaceSysModules(self, sysModules):
- """
- Replace sys.modules, for the duration of the test, with the given value.
- """
- originalSysModules = sys.modules.copy()
- def cleanUpSysModules():
- sys.modules.clear()
- sys.modules.update(originalSysModules)
- self.addCleanup(cleanUpSysModules)
- sys.modules.clear()
- sys.modules.update(sysModules)
- def pathEntryWithOnePackage(self, pkgname="test_package"):
- """
- Generate a L{FilePath} with one package, named C{pkgname}, on it, and
- return the L{FilePath} of the path entry.
- """
- entry = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- pkg = entry.child("test_package")
- pkg.makedirs()
- pkg.child("__init__.py").setContent("")
- return entry
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/pullpipe.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/pullpipe.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e6066627..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/pullpipe.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.python.test.test_sendmsg -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import sys, os
-from struct import unpack
-# This makes me sad. Why aren't things nice?
-sys.path.insert(0, __file__.rsplit('/', 4)[0])
-from twisted.python.sendmsg import recv1msg
-def recvfd(socketfd):
- """
- Receive a file descriptor from a L{send1msg} message on the given C{AF_UNIX}
- socket.
- @param socketfd: An C{AF_UNIX} socket, attached to another process waiting
- to send sockets via the ancillary data mechanism in L{send1msg}.
- @param fd: C{int}
- @return: a 2-tuple of (new file descriptor, description).
- @rtype: 2-tuple of (C{int}, C{str})
- """
- data, flags, ancillary = recv1msg(socketfd)
- [(cmsg_level, cmsg_type, packedFD)] = ancillary
- # cmsg_level and cmsg_type really need to be SOL_SOCKET / SCM_RIGHTS, but
- # since those are the *only* standard values, there's not much point in
- # checking.
- [unpackedFD] = unpack("i", packedFD)
- return (unpackedFD, data)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- fd, description = recvfd(int(sys.argv[1]))
- os.write(fd, "Test fixture data: %s.\n" % (description,))
- os.close(fd)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_components.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_components.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c4c1b451..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_components.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,770 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Test cases for Twisted component architecture.
-from zope.interface import Interface, implements, Attribute
-from zope.interface.adapter import AdapterRegistry
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.python import components
-from twisted.python.components import _addHook, _removeHook, proxyForInterface
-class InterfacesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """Test interfaces."""
-class Compo(components.Componentized):
- num = 0
- def inc(self):
- self.num = self.num + 1
- return self.num
-class IAdept(Interface):
- def adaptorFunc():
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class IElapsed(Interface):
- def elapsedFunc():
- """
- 1!
- """
-class Adept(components.Adapter):
- implements(IAdept)
- def __init__(self, orig):
- self.original = orig
- self.num = 0
- def adaptorFunc(self):
- self.num = self.num + 1
- return self.num, self.original.inc()
-class Elapsed(components.Adapter):
- implements(IElapsed)
- def elapsedFunc(self):
- return 1
-class AComp(components.Componentized):
- pass
-class BComp(AComp):
- pass
-class CComp(BComp):
- pass
-class ITest(Interface):
- pass
-class ITest2(Interface):
- pass
-class ITest3(Interface):
- pass
-class ITest4(Interface):
- pass
-class Test(components.Adapter):
- implements(ITest, ITest3, ITest4)
- def __init__(self, orig):
- pass
-class Test2:
- implements(ITest2)
- temporaryAdapter = 1
- def __init__(self, orig):
- pass
-class RegistryUsingMixin(object):
- """
- Mixin for test cases which modify the global registry somehow.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Configure L{twisted.python.components.registerAdapter} to mutate an
- alternate registry to improve test isolation.
- """
- # Create a brand new, empty registry and put it onto the components
- # module where registerAdapter will use it. Also ensure that it goes
- # away at the end of the test.
- scratchRegistry = AdapterRegistry()
- self.patch(components, 'globalRegistry', scratchRegistry)
- # Hook the new registry up to the adapter lookup system and ensure that
- # association is also discarded after the test.
- hook = _addHook(scratchRegistry)
- self.addCleanup(_removeHook, hook)
-class ComponentizedTestCase(unittest.TestCase, RegistryUsingMixin):
- """
- Simple test case for caching in Componentized.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- RegistryUsingMixin.setUp(self)
- components.registerAdapter(Test, AComp, ITest)
- components.registerAdapter(Test, AComp, ITest3)
- components.registerAdapter(Test2, AComp, ITest2)
- def testComponentized(self):
- components.registerAdapter(Adept, Compo, IAdept)
- components.registerAdapter(Elapsed, Compo, IElapsed)
- c = Compo()
- assert c.getComponent(IAdept).adaptorFunc() == (1, 1)
- assert c.getComponent(IAdept).adaptorFunc() == (2, 2)
- assert IElapsed(IAdept(c)).elapsedFunc() == 1
- def testInheritanceAdaptation(self):
- c = CComp()
- co1 = c.getComponent(ITest)
- co2 = c.getComponent(ITest)
- co3 = c.getComponent(ITest2)
- co4 = c.getComponent(ITest2)
- assert co1 is co2
- assert co3 is not co4
- c.removeComponent(co1)
- co5 = c.getComponent(ITest)
- co6 = c.getComponent(ITest)
- assert co5 is co6
- assert co1 is not co5
- def testMultiAdapter(self):
- c = CComp()
- co1 = c.getComponent(ITest)
- co2 = c.getComponent(ITest2)
- co3 = c.getComponent(ITest3)
- co4 = c.getComponent(ITest4)
- self.assertIdentical(None, co4)
- self.assertIdentical(co1, co3)
- def test_getComponentDefaults(self):
- """
- Test that a default value specified to Componentized.getComponent if
- there is no component for the requested interface.
- """
- componentized = components.Componentized()
- default = object()
- self.assertIdentical(
- componentized.getComponent(ITest, default),
- default)
- self.assertIdentical(
- componentized.getComponent(ITest, default=default),
- default)
- self.assertIdentical(
- componentized.getComponent(ITest),
- None)
-class AdapterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """Test adapters."""
- def testAdapterGetComponent(self):
- o = object()
- a = Adept(o)
- self.assertRaises(components.CannotAdapt, ITest, a)
- self.assertEqual(ITest(a, None), None)
-class IMeta(Interface):
- pass
-class MetaAdder(components.Adapter):
- implements(IMeta)
- def add(self, num):
- return self.original.num + num
-class BackwardsAdder(components.Adapter):
- implements(IMeta)
- def add(self, num):
- return self.original.num - num
-class MetaNumber:
- def __init__(self, num):
- self.num = num
-class FakeAdder:
- def add(self, num):
- return num + 5
-class FakeNumber:
- num = 3
-class ComponentNumber(components.Componentized):
- def __init__(self):
- self.num = 0
- components.Componentized.__init__(self)
-class ComponentMeta(components.Adapter):
- implements(IMeta)
- def __init__(self, original):
- components.Adapter.__init__(self, original)
- self.num = self.original.num
-class ComponentAdder(ComponentMeta):
- def add(self, num):
- self.num += num
- return self.num
-class ComponentDoubler(ComponentMeta):
- def add(self, num):
- self.num += (num * 2)
- return self.original.num
-class IAttrX(Interface):
- def x():
- pass
-class IAttrXX(Interface):
- def xx():
- pass
-class Xcellent:
- implements(IAttrX)
- def x(self):
- return 'x!'
-class DoubleXAdapter:
- num = 42
- def __init__(self, original):
- self.original = original
- def xx(self):
- return (self.original.x(), self.original.x())
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- return cmp(self.num, other.num)
-class TestMetaInterface(RegistryUsingMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def testBasic(self):
- components.registerAdapter(MetaAdder, MetaNumber, IMeta)
- n = MetaNumber(1)
- self.assertEqual(IMeta(n).add(1), 2)
- def testComponentizedInteraction(self):
- components.registerAdapter(ComponentAdder, ComponentNumber, IMeta)
- c = ComponentNumber()
- IMeta(c).add(1)
- IMeta(c).add(1)
- self.assertEqual(IMeta(c).add(1), 3)
- def testAdapterWithCmp(self):
- # Make sure that a __cmp__ on an adapter doesn't break anything
- components.registerAdapter(DoubleXAdapter, IAttrX, IAttrXX)
- xx = IAttrXX(Xcellent())
- self.assertEqual(('x!', 'x!'), xx.xx())
-class RegistrationTestCase(RegistryUsingMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for adapter registration.
- """
- def _registerAdapterForClassOrInterface(self, original):
- """
- Register an adapter with L{components.registerAdapter} for the given
- class or interface and verify that the adapter can be looked up with
- L{components.getAdapterFactory}.
- """
- adapter = lambda o: None
- components.registerAdapter(adapter, original, ITest)
- self.assertIdentical(
- components.getAdapterFactory(original, ITest, None),
- adapter)
- def test_registerAdapterForClass(self):
- """
- Test that an adapter from a class can be registered and then looked
- up.
- """
- class TheOriginal(object):
- pass
- return self._registerAdapterForClassOrInterface(TheOriginal)
- def test_registerAdapterForInterface(self):
- """
- Test that an adapter from an interface can be registered and then
- looked up.
- """
- return self._registerAdapterForClassOrInterface(ITest2)
- def _duplicateAdapterForClassOrInterface(self, original):
- """
- Verify that L{components.registerAdapter} raises L{ValueError} if the
- from-type/interface and to-interface pair is not unique.
- """
- firstAdapter = lambda o: False
- secondAdapter = lambda o: True
- components.registerAdapter(firstAdapter, original, ITest)
- self.assertRaises(
- ValueError,
- components.registerAdapter,
- secondAdapter, original, ITest)
- # Make sure that the original adapter is still around as well
- self.assertIdentical(
- components.getAdapterFactory(original, ITest, None),
- firstAdapter)
- def test_duplicateAdapterForClass(self):
- """
- Test that attempting to register a second adapter from a class
- raises the appropriate exception.
- """
- class TheOriginal(object):
- pass
- return self._duplicateAdapterForClassOrInterface(TheOriginal)
- def test_duplicateAdapterForInterface(self):
- """
- Test that attempting to register a second adapter from an interface
- raises the appropriate exception.
- """
- return self._duplicateAdapterForClassOrInterface(ITest2)
- def _duplicateAdapterForClassOrInterfaceAllowed(self, original):
- """
- Verify that when C{components.ALLOW_DUPLICATES} is set to C{True}, new
- adapter registrations for a particular from-type/interface and
- to-interface pair replace older registrations.
- """
- firstAdapter = lambda o: False
- secondAdapter = lambda o: True
- class TheInterface(Interface):
- pass
- components.registerAdapter(firstAdapter, original, TheInterface)
- components.ALLOW_DUPLICATES = True
- try:
- components.registerAdapter(secondAdapter, original, TheInterface)
- self.assertIdentical(
- components.getAdapterFactory(original, TheInterface, None),
- secondAdapter)
- finally:
- components.ALLOW_DUPLICATES = False
- # It should be rejected again at this point
- self.assertRaises(
- ValueError,
- components.registerAdapter,
- firstAdapter, original, TheInterface)
- self.assertIdentical(
- components.getAdapterFactory(original, TheInterface, None),
- secondAdapter)
- def test_duplicateAdapterForClassAllowed(self):
- """
- Test that when L{components.ALLOW_DUPLICATES} is set to a true
- value, duplicate registrations from classes are allowed to override
- the original registration.
- """
- class TheOriginal(object):
- pass
- return self._duplicateAdapterForClassOrInterfaceAllowed(TheOriginal)
- def test_duplicateAdapterForInterfaceAllowed(self):
- """
- Test that when L{components.ALLOW_DUPLICATES} is set to a true
- value, duplicate registrations from interfaces are allowed to
- override the original registration.
- """
- class TheOriginal(Interface):
- pass
- return self._duplicateAdapterForClassOrInterfaceAllowed(TheOriginal)
- def _multipleInterfacesForClassOrInterface(self, original):
- """
- Verify that an adapter can be registered for multiple to-interfaces at a
- time.
- """
- adapter = lambda o: None
- components.registerAdapter(adapter, original, ITest, ITest2)
- self.assertIdentical(
- components.getAdapterFactory(original, ITest, None), adapter)
- self.assertIdentical(
- components.getAdapterFactory(original, ITest2, None), adapter)
- def test_multipleInterfacesForClass(self):
- """
- Test the registration of an adapter from a class to several
- interfaces at once.
- """
- class TheOriginal(object):
- pass
- return self._multipleInterfacesForClassOrInterface(TheOriginal)
- def test_multipleInterfacesForInterface(self):
- """
- Test the registration of an adapter from an interface to several
- interfaces at once.
- """
- return self._multipleInterfacesForClassOrInterface(ITest3)
- def _subclassAdapterRegistrationForClassOrInterface(self, original):
- """
- Verify that a new adapter can be registered for a particular
- to-interface from a subclass of a type or interface which already has an
- adapter registered to that interface and that the subclass adapter takes
- precedence over the base class adapter.
- """
- firstAdapter = lambda o: True
- secondAdapter = lambda o: False
- class TheSubclass(original):
- pass
- components.registerAdapter(firstAdapter, original, ITest)
- components.registerAdapter(secondAdapter, TheSubclass, ITest)
- self.assertIdentical(
- components.getAdapterFactory(original, ITest, None),
- firstAdapter)
- self.assertIdentical(
- components.getAdapterFactory(TheSubclass, ITest, None),
- secondAdapter)
- def test_subclassAdapterRegistrationForClass(self):
- """
- Test that an adapter to a particular interface can be registered
- from both a class and its subclass.
- """
- class TheOriginal(object):
- pass
- return self._subclassAdapterRegistrationForClassOrInterface(TheOriginal)
- def test_subclassAdapterRegistrationForInterface(self):
- """
- Test that an adapter to a particular interface can be registered
- from both an interface and its subclass.
- """
- return self._subclassAdapterRegistrationForClassOrInterface(ITest2)
-class IProxiedInterface(Interface):
- """
- An interface class for use by L{proxyForInterface}.
- """
- ifaceAttribute = Attribute("""
- An example declared attribute, which should be proxied.""")
- def yay(*a, **kw):
- """
- A sample method which should be proxied.
- """
-class IProxiedSubInterface(IProxiedInterface):
- """
- An interface that derives from another for use with L{proxyForInterface}.
- """
- def boo(self):
- """
- A different sample method which should be proxied.
- """
-class Yayable(object):
- """
- A provider of L{IProxiedInterface} which increments a counter for
- every call to C{yay}.
- @ivar yays: The number of times C{yay} has been called.
- """
- implements(IProxiedInterface)
- def __init__(self):
- self.yays = 0
- self.yayArgs = []
- def yay(self, *a, **kw):
- """
- Increment C{self.yays}.
- """
- self.yays += 1
- self.yayArgs.append((a, kw))
- return self.yays
-class Booable(object):
- """
- An implementation of IProxiedSubInterface
- """
- implements(IProxiedSubInterface)
- yayed = False
- booed = False
- def yay(self):
- """
- Mark the fact that 'yay' has been called.
- """
- self.yayed = True
- def boo(self):
- """
- Mark the fact that 'boo' has been called.1
- """
- self.booed = True
-class IMultipleMethods(Interface):
- """
- An interface with multiple methods.
- """
- def methodOne():
- """
- The first method. Should return 1.
- """
- def methodTwo():
- """
- The second method. Should return 2.
- """
-class MultipleMethodImplementor(object):
- """
- A precise implementation of L{IMultipleMethods}.
- """
- def methodOne(self):
- """
- @return: 1
- """
- return 1
- def methodTwo(self):
- """
- @return: 2
- """
- return 2
-class ProxyForInterfaceTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{proxyForInterface}.
- """
- def test_original(self):
- """
- Proxy objects should have an C{original} attribute which refers to the
- original object passed to the constructor.
- """
- original = object()
- proxy = proxyForInterface(IProxiedInterface)(original)
- self.assertIdentical(proxy.original, original)
- def test_proxyMethod(self):
- """
- The class created from L{proxyForInterface} passes methods on an
- interface to the object which is passed to its constructor.
- """
- klass = proxyForInterface(IProxiedInterface)
- yayable = Yayable()
- proxy = klass(yayable)
- proxy.yay()
- self.assertEqual(proxy.yay(), 2)
- self.assertEqual(yayable.yays, 2)
- def test_proxyAttribute(self):
- """
- Proxy objects should proxy declared attributes, but not other
- attributes.
- """
- yayable = Yayable()
- yayable.ifaceAttribute = object()
- proxy = proxyForInterface(IProxiedInterface)(yayable)
- self.assertIdentical(proxy.ifaceAttribute, yayable.ifaceAttribute)
- self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: proxy.yays)
- def test_proxySetAttribute(self):
- """
- The attributes that proxy objects proxy should be assignable and affect
- the original object.
- """
- yayable = Yayable()
- proxy = proxyForInterface(IProxiedInterface)(yayable)
- thingy = object()
- proxy.ifaceAttribute = thingy
- self.assertIdentical(yayable.ifaceAttribute, thingy)
- def test_proxyDeleteAttribute(self):
- """
- The attributes that proxy objects proxy should be deletable and affect
- the original object.
- """
- yayable = Yayable()
- yayable.ifaceAttribute = None
- proxy = proxyForInterface(IProxiedInterface)(yayable)
- del proxy.ifaceAttribute
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(yayable, 'ifaceAttribute'))
- def test_multipleMethods(self):
- """
- [Regression test] The proxy should send its method calls to the correct
- method, not the incorrect one.
- """
- multi = MultipleMethodImplementor()
- proxy = proxyForInterface(IMultipleMethods)(multi)
- self.assertEqual(proxy.methodOne(), 1)
- self.assertEqual(proxy.methodTwo(), 2)
- def test_subclassing(self):
- """
- It is possible to subclass the result of L{proxyForInterface}.
- """
- class SpecializedProxy(proxyForInterface(IProxiedInterface)):
- """
- A specialized proxy which can decrement the number of yays.
- """
- def boo(self):
- """
- Decrement the number of yays.
- """
- self.original.yays -= 1
- yayable = Yayable()
- special = SpecializedProxy(yayable)
- self.assertEqual(yayable.yays, 0)
- special.boo()
- self.assertEqual(yayable.yays, -1)
- def test_proxyName(self):
- """
- The name of a proxy class indicates which interface it proxies.
- """
- proxy = proxyForInterface(IProxiedInterface)
- self.assertEqual(
- proxy.__name__,
- "(Proxy for "
- "twisted.python.test.test_components.IProxiedInterface)")
- def test_implements(self):
- """
- The resulting proxy implements the interface that it proxies.
- """
- proxy = proxyForInterface(IProxiedInterface)
- self.assertTrue(IProxiedInterface.implementedBy(proxy))
- def test_proxyDescriptorGet(self):
- """
- _ProxyDescriptor's __get__ method should return the appropriate
- attribute of its argument's 'original' attribute if it is invoked with
- an object. If it is invoked with None, it should return a false
- class-method emulator instead.
- For some reason, Python's documentation recommends to define
- descriptors' __get__ methods with the 'type' parameter as optional,
- despite the fact that Python itself never actually calls the descriptor
- that way. This is probably do to support 'foo.__get__(bar)' as an
- idiom. Let's make sure that the behavior is correct. Since we don't
- actually use the 'type' argument at all, this test calls it the
- idiomatic way to ensure that signature works; test_proxyInheritance
- verifies the how-Python-actually-calls-it signature.
- """
- class Sample:
- called = False
- def hello(self):
- self.called = True
- fakeProxy = Sample()
- testObject = Sample()
- fakeProxy.original = testObject
- pd = components._ProxyDescriptor("hello", "original")
- self.assertEqual(pd.__get__(fakeProxy), testObject.hello)
- fakeClassMethod = pd.__get__(None)
- fakeClassMethod(fakeProxy)
- self.failUnless(testObject.called)
- def test_proxyInheritance(self):
- """
- Subclasses of the class returned from L{proxyForInterface} should be
- able to upcall methods by reference to their superclass, as any normal
- Python class can.
- """
- class YayableWrapper(proxyForInterface(IProxiedInterface)):
- """
- This class does not override any functionality.
- """
- class EnhancedWrapper(YayableWrapper):
- """
- This class overrides the 'yay' method.
- """
- wrappedYays = 1
- def yay(self, *a, **k):
- self.wrappedYays += 1
- return YayableWrapper.yay(self, *a, **k) + 7
- yayable = Yayable()
- wrapper = EnhancedWrapper(yayable)
- self.assertEqual(wrapper.yay(3, 4, x=5, y=6), 8)
- self.assertEqual(yayable.yayArgs,
- [((3, 4), dict(x=5, y=6))])
- def test_interfaceInheritance(self):
- """
- Proxies of subinterfaces generated with proxyForInterface should allow
- access to attributes of both the child and the base interfaces.
- """
- proxyClass = proxyForInterface(IProxiedSubInterface)
- booable = Booable()
- proxy = proxyClass(booable)
- proxy.yay()
- proxy.boo()
- self.failUnless(booable.yayed)
- self.failUnless(booable.booed)
- def test_attributeCustomization(self):
- """
- The original attribute name can be customized via the
- C{originalAttribute} argument of L{proxyForInterface}: the attribute
- should change, but the methods of the original object should still be
- callable, and the attributes still accessible.
- """
- yayable = Yayable()
- yayable.ifaceAttribute = object()
- proxy = proxyForInterface(
- IProxiedInterface, originalAttribute='foo')(yayable)
- self.assertIdentical(proxy.foo, yayable)
- # Check the behavior
- self.assertEqual(proxy.yay(), 1)
- self.assertIdentical(proxy.ifaceAttribute, yayable.ifaceAttribute)
- thingy = object()
- proxy.ifaceAttribute = thingy
- self.assertIdentical(yayable.ifaceAttribute, thingy)
- del proxy.ifaceAttribute
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(yayable, 'ifaceAttribute'))
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_constants.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_constants.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 870d342b..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_constants.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,778 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Unit tests for L{twisted.python.constants}.
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python.constants import (
- NamedConstant, Names, ValueConstant, Values, FlagConstant, Flags)
-class NamedConstantTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the L{twisted.python.constants.NamedConstant} class which is used
- to represent individual values.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a dummy container into which constants can be placed.
- """
- class foo(Names):
- pass
- self.container = foo
- def test_name(self):
- """
- The C{name} attribute of a L{NamedConstant} refers to the value passed
- for the C{name} parameter to C{_realize}.
- """
- name = NamedConstant()
- name._realize(self.container, "bar", None)
- self.assertEqual("bar", name.name)
- def test_representation(self):
- """
- The string representation of an instance of L{NamedConstant} includes
- the container the instances belongs to as well as the instance's name.
- """
- name = NamedConstant()
- name._realize(self.container, "bar", None)
- self.assertEqual("<foo=bar>", repr(name))
- def test_equality(self):
- """
- A L{NamedConstant} instance compares equal to itself.
- """
- name = NamedConstant()
- name._realize(self.container, "bar", None)
- self.assertTrue(name == name)
- self.assertFalse(name != name)
- def test_nonequality(self):
- """
- Two different L{NamedConstant} instances do not compare equal to each
- other.
- """
- first = NamedConstant()
- first._realize(self.container, "bar", None)
- second = NamedConstant()
- second._realize(self.container, "bar", None)
- self.assertFalse(first == second)
- self.assertTrue(first != second)
- def test_hash(self):
- """
- Because two different L{NamedConstant} instances do not compare as equal
- to each other, they also have different hashes to avoid collisions when
- added to a C{dict} or C{set}.
- """
- first = NamedConstant()
- first._realize(self.container, "bar", None)
- second = NamedConstant()
- second._realize(self.container, "bar", None)
- self.assertNotEqual(hash(first), hash(second))
-class _ConstantsTestsMixin(object):
- """
- Mixin defining test helpers common to multiple types of constants
- collections.
- """
- def _notInstantiableTest(self, name, cls):
- """
- Assert that an attempt to instantiate the constants class raises
- C{TypeError}.
- @param name: A C{str} giving the name of the constants collection.
- @param cls: The constants class to test.
- """
- exc = self.assertRaises(TypeError, cls)
- self.assertEqual(name + " may not be instantiated.", str(exc))
-class NamesTests(TestCase, _ConstantsTestsMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.python.constants.Names}, a base class for containers of
- related constaints.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a fresh new L{Names} subclass for each unit test to use. Since
- L{Names} is stateful, re-using the same subclass across test methods
- makes exercising all of the implementation code paths difficult.
- """
- class METHOD(Names):
- """
- A container for some named constants to use in unit tests for
- L{Names}.
- """
- GET = NamedConstant()
- PUT = NamedConstant()
- POST = NamedConstant()
- DELETE = NamedConstant()
- def test_notInstantiable(self):
- """
- A subclass of L{Names} raises C{TypeError} if an attempt is made to
- instantiate it.
- """
- self._notInstantiableTest("METHOD", self.METHOD)
- def test_symbolicAttributes(self):
- """
- Each name associated with a L{NamedConstant} instance in the definition
- of a L{Names} subclass is available as an attribute on the resulting
- class.
- """
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.METHOD, "GET"))
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.METHOD, "PUT"))
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.METHOD, "POST"))
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.METHOD, "DELETE"))
- def test_withoutOtherAttributes(self):
- """
- As usual, names not defined in the class scope of a L{Names}
- subclass are not available as attributes on the resulting class.
- """
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(self.METHOD, "foo"))
- def test_representation(self):
- """
- The string representation of a constant on a L{Names} subclass includes
- the name of the L{Names} subclass and the name of the constant itself.
- """
- self.assertEqual("<METHOD=GET>", repr(self.METHOD.GET))
- def test_lookupByName(self):
- """
- Constants can be looked up by name using L{Names.lookupByName}.
- """
- method = self.METHOD.lookupByName("GET")
- self.assertIdentical(self.METHOD.GET, method)
- def test_notLookupMissingByName(self):
- """
- Names not defined with a L{NamedConstant} instance cannot be looked up
- using L{Names.lookupByName}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.METHOD.lookupByName, "lookupByName")
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.METHOD.lookupByName, "__init__")
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.METHOD.lookupByName, "foo")
- def test_name(self):
- """
- The C{name} attribute of one of the named constants gives that
- constant's name.
- """
- self.assertEqual("GET", self.METHOD.GET.name)
- def test_attributeIdentity(self):
- """
- Repeated access of an attribute associated with a L{NamedConstant} value
- in a L{Names} subclass results in the same object.
- """
- self.assertIdentical(self.METHOD.GET, self.METHOD.GET)
- def test_iterconstants(self):
- """
- L{Names.iterconstants} returns an iterator over all of the constants
- defined in the class, in the order they were defined.
- """
- constants = list(self.METHOD.iterconstants())
- self.assertEqual(
- [self.METHOD.GET, self.METHOD.PUT,
- constants)
- def test_attributeIterconstantsIdentity(self):
- """
- The constants returned from L{Names.iterconstants} are identical to the
- constants accessible using attributes.
- """
- constants = list(self.METHOD.iterconstants())
- self.assertIdentical(self.METHOD.GET, constants[0])
- self.assertIdentical(self.METHOD.PUT, constants[1])
- self.assertIdentical(self.METHOD.POST, constants[2])
- self.assertIdentical(self.METHOD.DELETE, constants[3])
- def test_iterconstantsIdentity(self):
- """
- The constants returned from L{Names.iterconstants} are identical on each
- call to that method.
- """
- constants = list(self.METHOD.iterconstants())
- again = list(self.METHOD.iterconstants())
- self.assertIdentical(again[0], constants[0])
- self.assertIdentical(again[1], constants[1])
- self.assertIdentical(again[2], constants[2])
- self.assertIdentical(again[3], constants[3])
- def test_initializedOnce(self):
- """
- L{Names._enumerants} is initialized once and its value re-used on
- subsequent access.
- """
- first = self.METHOD._enumerants
- self.METHOD.GET # Side-effects!
- second = self.METHOD._enumerants
- self.assertIdentical(first, second)
-class ValuesTests(TestCase, _ConstantsTestsMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.python.constants.Names}, a base class for containers of
- related constaints with arbitrary values.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a fresh new L{Values} subclass for each unit test to use. Since
- L{Values} is stateful, re-using the same subclass across test methods
- makes exercising all of the implementation code paths difficult.
- """
- class STATUS(Values):
- OK = ValueConstant("200")
- NOT_FOUND = ValueConstant("404")
- def test_notInstantiable(self):
- """
- A subclass of L{Values} raises C{TypeError} if an attempt is made to
- instantiate it.
- """
- self._notInstantiableTest("STATUS", self.STATUS)
- def test_symbolicAttributes(self):
- """
- Each name associated with a L{ValueConstant} instance in the definition
- of a L{Values} subclass is available as an attribute on the resulting
- class.
- """
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.STATUS, "OK"))
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.STATUS, "NOT_FOUND"))
- def test_withoutOtherAttributes(self):
- """
- As usual, names not defined in the class scope of a L{Values}
- subclass are not available as attributes on the resulting class.
- """
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(self.STATUS, "foo"))
- def test_representation(self):
- """
- The string representation of a constant on a L{Values} subclass includes
- the name of the L{Values} subclass and the name of the constant itself.
- """
- self.assertEqual("<STATUS=OK>", repr(self.STATUS.OK))
- def test_lookupByName(self):
- """
- Constants can be looked up by name using L{Values.lookupByName}.
- """
- method = self.STATUS.lookupByName("OK")
- self.assertIdentical(self.STATUS.OK, method)
- def test_notLookupMissingByName(self):
- """
- Names not defined with a L{ValueConstant} instance cannot be looked up
- using L{Values.lookupByName}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.STATUS.lookupByName, "lookupByName")
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.STATUS.lookupByName, "__init__")
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.STATUS.lookupByName, "foo")
- def test_lookupByValue(self):
- """
- Constants can be looked up by their associated value, defined by the
- argument passed to L{ValueConstant}, using L{Values.lookupByValue}.
- """
- status = self.STATUS.lookupByValue("200")
- self.assertIdentical(self.STATUS.OK, status)
- def test_lookupDuplicateByValue(self):
- """
- If more than one constant is associated with a particular value,
- L{Values.lookupByValue} returns whichever of them is defined first.
- """
- class TRANSPORT_MESSAGE(Values):
- """
- Message types supported by an SSH transport.
- """
- KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD = ValueConstant(30)
- KEXDH_INIT = ValueConstant(30)
- self.assertIdentical(
- TRANSPORT_MESSAGE.lookupByValue(30),
- def test_notLookupMissingByValue(self):
- """
- L{Values.lookupByValue} raises L{ValueError} when called with a value
- with which no constant is associated.
- """
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.STATUS.lookupByValue, "OK")
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.STATUS.lookupByValue, 200)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.STATUS.lookupByValue, "200.1")
- def test_name(self):
- """
- The C{name} attribute of one of the constants gives that constant's
- name.
- """
- self.assertEqual("OK", self.STATUS.OK.name)
- def test_attributeIdentity(self):
- """
- Repeated access of an attribute associated with a L{ValueConstant} value
- in a L{Values} subclass results in the same object.
- """
- self.assertIdentical(self.STATUS.OK, self.STATUS.OK)
- def test_iterconstants(self):
- """
- L{Values.iterconstants} returns an iterator over all of the constants
- defined in the class, in the order they were defined.
- """
- constants = list(self.STATUS.iterconstants())
- self.assertEqual(
- constants)
- def test_attributeIterconstantsIdentity(self):
- """
- The constants returned from L{Values.iterconstants} are identical to the
- constants accessible using attributes.
- """
- constants = list(self.STATUS.iterconstants())
- self.assertIdentical(self.STATUS.OK, constants[0])
- self.assertIdentical(self.STATUS.NOT_FOUND, constants[1])
- def test_iterconstantsIdentity(self):
- """
- The constants returned from L{Values.iterconstants} are identical on
- each call to that method.
- """
- constants = list(self.STATUS.iterconstants())
- again = list(self.STATUS.iterconstants())
- self.assertIdentical(again[0], constants[0])
- self.assertIdentical(again[1], constants[1])
- def test_initializedOnce(self):
- """
- L{Values._enumerants} is initialized once and its value re-used on
- subsequent access.
- """
- first = self.STATUS._enumerants
- self.STATUS.OK # Side-effects!
- second = self.STATUS._enumerants
- self.assertIdentical(first, second)
-class _FlagsTestsMixin(object):
- """
- Mixin defining setup code for any tests for L{Flags} subclasses.
- @ivar FXF: A L{Flags} subclass created for each test method.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a fresh new L{Flags} subclass for each unit test to use. Since
- L{Flags} is stateful, re-using the same subclass across test methods
- makes exercising all of the implementation code paths difficult.
- """
- class FXF(Flags):
- # Implicitly assign three flag values based on definition order
- READ = FlagConstant()
- WRITE = FlagConstant()
- APPEND = FlagConstant()
- # Explicitly assign one flag value by passing it in
- EXCLUSIVE = FlagConstant(0x20)
- # Implicitly assign another flag value, following the previously
- # specified explicit value.
- TEXT = FlagConstant()
- self.FXF = FXF
-class FlagsTests(_FlagsTestsMixin, TestCase, _ConstantsTestsMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.python.constants.Flags}, a base class for containers of
- related, combinable flag or bitvector-like constants.
- """
- def test_notInstantiable(self):
- """
- A subclass of L{Flags} raises L{TypeError} if an attempt is made to
- instantiate it.
- """
- self._notInstantiableTest("FXF", self.FXF)
- def test_symbolicAttributes(self):
- """
- Each name associated with a L{FlagConstant} instance in the definition
- of a L{Flags} subclass is available as an attribute on the resulting
- class.
- """
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.FXF, "READ"))
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.FXF, "WRITE"))
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.FXF, "APPEND"))
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.FXF, "EXCLUSIVE"))
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.FXF, "TEXT"))
- def test_withoutOtherAttributes(self):
- """
- As usual, names not defined in the class scope of a L{Flags} subclass
- are not available as attributes on the resulting class.
- """
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(self.FXF, "foo"))
- def test_representation(self):
- """
- The string representation of a constant on a L{Flags} subclass includes
- the name of the L{Flags} subclass and the name of the constant itself.
- """
- self.assertEqual("<FXF=READ>", repr(self.FXF.READ))
- def test_lookupByName(self):
- """
- Constants can be looked up by name using L{Flags.lookupByName}.
- """
- flag = self.FXF.lookupByName("READ")
- self.assertIdentical(self.FXF.READ, flag)
- def test_notLookupMissingByName(self):
- """
- Names not defined with a L{FlagConstant} instance cannot be looked up
- using L{Flags.lookupByName}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.FXF.lookupByName, "lookupByName")
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.FXF.lookupByName, "__init__")
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.FXF.lookupByName, "foo")
- def test_lookupByValue(self):
- """
- Constants can be looked up by their associated value, defined implicitly
- by the position in which the constant appears in the class definition or
- explicitly by the argument passed to L{FlagConstant}.
- """
- flag = self.FXF.lookupByValue(0x01)
- self.assertIdentical(flag, self.FXF.READ)
- flag = self.FXF.lookupByValue(0x02)
- self.assertIdentical(flag, self.FXF.WRITE)
- flag = self.FXF.lookupByValue(0x04)
- self.assertIdentical(flag, self.FXF.APPEND)
- flag = self.FXF.lookupByValue(0x20)
- self.assertIdentical(flag, self.FXF.EXCLUSIVE)
- flag = self.FXF.lookupByValue(0x40)
- self.assertIdentical(flag, self.FXF.TEXT)
- def test_lookupDuplicateByValue(self):
- """
- If more than one constant is associated with a particular value,
- L{Flags.lookupByValue} returns whichever of them is defined first.
- """
- class TIMEX(Flags):
- # (timex.mode)
- ADJ_OFFSET = FlagConstant(0x0001) # time offset
- # xntp 3.4 compatibility names
- MOD_OFFSET = FlagConstant(0x0001)
- self.assertIdentical(TIMEX.lookupByValue(0x0001), TIMEX.ADJ_OFFSET)
- def test_notLookupMissingByValue(self):
- """
- L{Flags.lookupByValue} raises L{ValueError} when called with a value
- with which no constant is associated.
- """
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.FXF.lookupByValue, 0x10)
- def test_name(self):
- """
- The C{name} attribute of one of the constants gives that constant's
- name.
- """
- self.assertEqual("READ", self.FXF.READ.name)
- def test_attributeIdentity(self):
- """
- Repeated access of an attribute associated with a L{FlagConstant} value
- in a L{Flags} subclass results in the same object.
- """
- self.assertIdentical(self.FXF.READ, self.FXF.READ)
- def test_iterconstants(self):
- """
- L{Flags.iterconstants} returns an iterator over all of the constants
- defined in the class, in the order they were defined.
- """
- constants = list(self.FXF.iterconstants())
- self.assertEqual(
- [self.FXF.READ, self.FXF.WRITE, self.FXF.APPEND,
- constants)
- def test_attributeIterconstantsIdentity(self):
- """
- The constants returned from L{Flags.iterconstants} are identical to the
- constants accessible using attributes.
- """
- constants = list(self.FXF.iterconstants())
- self.assertIdentical(self.FXF.READ, constants[0])
- self.assertIdentical(self.FXF.WRITE, constants[1])
- self.assertIdentical(self.FXF.APPEND, constants[2])
- self.assertIdentical(self.FXF.EXCLUSIVE, constants[3])
- self.assertIdentical(self.FXF.TEXT, constants[4])
- def test_iterconstantsIdentity(self):
- """
- The constants returned from L{Flags.iterconstants} are identical on each
- call to that method.
- """
- constants = list(self.FXF.iterconstants())
- again = list(self.FXF.iterconstants())
- self.assertIdentical(again[0], constants[0])
- self.assertIdentical(again[1], constants[1])
- self.assertIdentical(again[2], constants[2])
- self.assertIdentical(again[3], constants[3])
- self.assertIdentical(again[4], constants[4])
- def test_initializedOnce(self):
- """
- L{Flags._enumerants} is initialized once and its value re-used on
- subsequent access.
- """
- first = self.FXF._enumerants
- self.FXF.READ # Side-effects!
- second = self.FXF._enumerants
- self.assertIdentical(first, second)
-class FlagConstantSimpleOrTests(_FlagsTestsMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the C{|} operator as defined for L{FlagConstant} instances, used
- to create new L{FlagConstant} instances representing both of two existing
- L{FlagConstant} instances from the same L{Flags} class.
- """
- def test_value(self):
- """
- The value of the L{FlagConstant} which results from C{|} has all of the
- bits set which were set in either of the values of the two original
- constants.
- """
- flag = self.FXF.READ | self.FXF.WRITE
- self.assertEqual(self.FXF.READ.value | self.FXF.WRITE.value, flag.value)
- def test_name(self):
- """
- The name of the L{FlagConstant} instance which results from C{|}
- includes the names of both of the two original constants.
- """
- flag = self.FXF.READ | self.FXF.WRITE
- self.assertEqual("{READ,WRITE}", flag.name)
- def test_representation(self):
- """
- The string representation of a L{FlagConstant} instance which results
- from C{|} includes the names of both of the two original constants.
- """
- flag = self.FXF.READ | self.FXF.WRITE
- self.assertEqual("<FXF={READ,WRITE}>", repr(flag))
-class FlagConstantSimpleAndTests(_FlagsTestsMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the C{&} operator as defined for L{FlagConstant} instances, used
- to create new L{FlagConstant} instances representing the common parts of two
- existing L{FlagConstant} instances from the same L{Flags} class.
- """
- def test_value(self):
- """
- The value of the L{FlagConstant} which results from C{&} has all of the
- bits set which were set in both of the values of the two original
- constants.
- """
- readWrite = (self.FXF.READ | self.FXF.WRITE)
- writeAppend = (self.FXF.WRITE | self.FXF.APPEND)
- flag = readWrite & writeAppend
- self.assertEqual(self.FXF.WRITE.value, flag.value)
- def test_name(self):
- """
- The name of the L{FlagConstant} instance which results from C{&}
- includes the names of only the flags which were set in both of the two
- original constants.
- """
- readWrite = (self.FXF.READ | self.FXF.WRITE)
- writeAppend = (self.FXF.WRITE | self.FXF.APPEND)
- flag = readWrite & writeAppend
- self.assertEqual("WRITE", flag.name)
- def test_representation(self):
- """
- The string representation of a L{FlagConstant} instance which results
- from C{&} includes the names of only the flags which were set in both
- both of the two original constants.
- """
- readWrite = (self.FXF.READ | self.FXF.WRITE)
- writeAppend = (self.FXF.WRITE | self.FXF.APPEND)
- flag = readWrite & writeAppend
- self.assertEqual("<FXF=WRITE>", repr(flag))
-class FlagConstantSimpleExclusiveOrTests(_FlagsTestsMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the C{^} operator as defined for L{FlagConstant} instances, used
- to create new L{FlagConstant} instances representing the uncommon parts of
- two existing L{FlagConstant} instances from the same L{Flags} class.
- """
- def test_value(self):
- """
- The value of the L{FlagConstant} which results from C{^} has all of the
- bits set which were set in exactly one of the values of the two original
- constants.
- """
- readWrite = (self.FXF.READ | self.FXF.WRITE)
- writeAppend = (self.FXF.WRITE | self.FXF.APPEND)
- flag = readWrite ^ writeAppend
- self.assertEqual(self.FXF.READ.value | self.FXF.APPEND.value, flag.value)
- def test_name(self):
- """
- The name of the L{FlagConstant} instance which results from C{^}
- includes the names of only the flags which were set in exactly one of
- the two original constants.
- """
- readWrite = (self.FXF.READ | self.FXF.WRITE)
- writeAppend = (self.FXF.WRITE | self.FXF.APPEND)
- flag = readWrite ^ writeAppend
- self.assertEqual("{APPEND,READ}", flag.name)
- def test_representation(self):
- """
- The string representation of a L{FlagConstant} instance which results
- from C{^} includes the names of only the flags which were set in exactly
- one of the two original constants.
- """
- readWrite = (self.FXF.READ | self.FXF.WRITE)
- writeAppend = (self.FXF.WRITE | self.FXF.APPEND)
- flag = readWrite ^ writeAppend
- self.assertEqual("<FXF={APPEND,READ}>", repr(flag))
-class FlagConstantNegationTests(_FlagsTestsMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the C{~} operator as defined for L{FlagConstant} instances, used
- to create new L{FlagConstant} instances representing all the flags from a
- L{Flags} class not set in a particular L{FlagConstant} instance.
- """
- def test_value(self):
- """
- The value of the L{FlagConstant} which results from C{~} has all of the
- bits set which were not set in the original constant.
- """
- flag = ~self.FXF.READ
- self.assertEqual(
- self.FXF.WRITE.value |
- self.FXF.APPEND.value |
- self.FXF.EXCLUSIVE.value |
- self.FXF.TEXT.value,
- flag.value)
- flag = ~self.FXF.WRITE
- self.assertEqual(
- self.FXF.READ.value |
- self.FXF.APPEND.value |
- self.FXF.EXCLUSIVE.value |
- self.FXF.TEXT.value,
- flag.value)
- def test_name(self):
- """
- The name of the L{FlagConstant} instance which results from C{~}
- includes the names of all the flags which were not set in the original
- constant.
- """
- flag = ~self.FXF.WRITE
- self.assertEqual("{APPEND,EXCLUSIVE,READ,TEXT}", flag.name)
- def test_representation(self):
- """
- The string representation of a L{FlagConstant} instance which results
- from C{~} includes the names of all the flags which were not set in the
- original constant.
- """
- flag = ~self.FXF.WRITE
- self.assertEqual("<FXF={APPEND,EXCLUSIVE,READ,TEXT}>", repr(flag))
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_deprecate.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_deprecate.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 03498e4e..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_deprecate.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,767 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for Twisted's deprecation framework, L{twisted.python.deprecate}.
-import sys, types
-import warnings
-from os.path import normcase
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python import deprecate
-from twisted.python.deprecate import _appendToDocstring
-from twisted.python.deprecate import _getDeprecationDocstring
-from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecated, getDeprecationWarningString
-from twisted.python.deprecate import _getDeprecationWarningString
-from twisted.python.deprecate import DEPRECATION_WARNING_FORMAT
-from twisted.python.reflect import fullyQualifiedName
-from twisted.python.versions import Version
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.python.test import deprecatedattributes
-from twisted.python.test.modules_helpers import TwistedModulesTestCase
-def dummyCallable():
- """
- Do nothing.
- This is used to test the deprecation decorators.
- """
-def dummyReplacementMethod():
- """
- Do nothing.
- This is used to test the replacement parameter to L{deprecated}.
- """
-class TestDeprecationWarnings(TestCase):
- def test_getDeprecationWarningString(self):
- """
- L{getDeprecationWarningString} returns a string that tells us that a
- callable was deprecated at a certain released version of Twisted.
- """
- version = Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0)
- self.assertEqual(
- getDeprecationWarningString(self.test_getDeprecationWarningString,
- version),
- "twisted.python.test.test_deprecate.TestDeprecationWarnings."
- "test_getDeprecationWarningString was deprecated in "
- "Twisted 8.0.0")
- def test_getDeprecationWarningStringWithFormat(self):
- """
- L{getDeprecationWarningString} returns a string that tells us that a
- callable was deprecated at a certain released version of Twisted, with
- a message containing additional information about the deprecation.
- """
- version = Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0)
- format = deprecate.DEPRECATION_WARNING_FORMAT + ': This is a message'
- self.assertEqual(
- getDeprecationWarningString(self.test_getDeprecationWarningString,
- version, format),
- 'twisted.python.test.test_deprecate.TestDeprecationWarnings.'
- 'test_getDeprecationWarningString was deprecated in '
- 'Twisted 8.0.0: This is a message')
- def test_deprecateEmitsWarning(self):
- """
- Decorating a callable with L{deprecated} emits a warning.
- """
- version = Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0)
- dummy = deprecated(version)(dummyCallable)
- def addStackLevel():
- dummy()
- self.assertWarns(
- DeprecationWarning,
- getDeprecationWarningString(dummyCallable, version),
- __file__,
- addStackLevel)
- def test_deprecatedPreservesName(self):
- """
- The decorated function has the same name as the original.
- """
- version = Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0)
- dummy = deprecated(version)(dummyCallable)
- self.assertEqual(dummyCallable.__name__, dummy.__name__)
- self.assertEqual(fullyQualifiedName(dummyCallable),
- fullyQualifiedName(dummy))
- def test_getDeprecationDocstring(self):
- """
- L{_getDeprecationDocstring} returns a note about the deprecation to go
- into a docstring.
- """
- version = Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0)
- self.assertEqual(
- "Deprecated in Twisted 8.0.0.",
- _getDeprecationDocstring(version, ''))
- def test_deprecatedUpdatesDocstring(self):
- """
- The docstring of the deprecated function is appended with information
- about the deprecation.
- """
- version = Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0)
- dummy = deprecated(version)(dummyCallable)
- _appendToDocstring(
- dummyCallable,
- _getDeprecationDocstring(version, ''))
- self.assertEqual(dummyCallable.__doc__, dummy.__doc__)
- def test_versionMetadata(self):
- """
- Deprecating a function adds version information to the decorated
- version of that function.
- """
- version = Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0)
- dummy = deprecated(version)(dummyCallable)
- self.assertEqual(version, dummy.deprecatedVersion)
- def test_getDeprecationWarningStringReplacement(self):
- """
- L{getDeprecationWarningString} takes an additional replacement parameter
- that can be used to add information to the deprecation. If the
- replacement parameter is a string, it will be interpolated directly into
- the result.
- """
- version = Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0)
- warningString = getDeprecationWarningString(
- self.test_getDeprecationWarningString, version,
- replacement="something.foobar")
- self.assertEqual(
- warningString,
- "%s was deprecated in Twisted 8.0.0; please use something.foobar "
- "instead" % (
- fullyQualifiedName(self.test_getDeprecationWarningString),))
- def test_getDeprecationWarningStringReplacementWithCallable(self):
- """
- L{getDeprecationWarningString} takes an additional replacement parameter
- that can be used to add information to the deprecation. If the
- replacement parameter is a callable, its fully qualified name will be
- interpolated into the result.
- """
- version = Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0)
- warningString = getDeprecationWarningString(
- self.test_getDeprecationWarningString, version,
- replacement=dummyReplacementMethod)
- self.assertEqual(
- warningString,
- "%s was deprecated in Twisted 8.0.0; please use "
- "twisted.python.test.test_deprecate.dummyReplacementMethod "
- "instead" % (
- fullyQualifiedName(self.test_getDeprecationWarningString),))
- def test_deprecatedReplacement(self):
- """
- L{deprecated} takes an additional replacement parameter that can be used
- to indicate the new, non-deprecated method developers should use. If
- the replacement parameter is a string, it will be interpolated directly
- into the warning message.
- """
- version = Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0)
- dummy = deprecated(version, "something.foobar")(dummyCallable)
- self.assertEqual(dummy.__doc__,
- "\n"
- " Do nothing.\n\n"
- " This is used to test the deprecation decorators.\n\n"
- " Deprecated in Twisted 8.0.0; please use "
- "something.foobar"
- " instead.\n"
- " ")
- def test_deprecatedReplacementWithCallable(self):
- """
- L{deprecated} takes an additional replacement parameter that can be used
- to indicate the new, non-deprecated method developers should use. If
- the replacement parameter is a callable, its fully qualified name will
- be interpolated into the warning message.
- """
- version = Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0)
- decorator = deprecated(version, replacement=dummyReplacementMethod)
- dummy = decorator(dummyCallable)
- self.assertEqual(dummy.__doc__,
- "\n"
- " Do nothing.\n\n"
- " This is used to test the deprecation decorators.\n\n"
- " Deprecated in Twisted 8.0.0; please use "
- "twisted.python.test.test_deprecate.dummyReplacementMethod"
- " instead.\n"
- " ")
-class TestAppendToDocstring(TestCase):
- """
- Test the _appendToDocstring function.
- _appendToDocstring is used to add text to a docstring.
- """
- def test_appendToEmptyDocstring(self):
- """
- Appending to an empty docstring simply replaces the docstring.
- """
- def noDocstring():
- pass
- _appendToDocstring(noDocstring, "Appended text.")
- self.assertEqual("Appended text.", noDocstring.__doc__)
- def test_appendToSingleLineDocstring(self):
- """
- Appending to a single line docstring places the message on a new line,
- with a blank line separating it from the rest of the docstring.
- The docstring ends with a newline, conforming to Twisted and PEP 8
- standards. Unfortunately, the indentation is incorrect, since the
- existing docstring doesn't have enough info to help us indent
- properly.
- """
- def singleLineDocstring():
- """This doesn't comply with standards, but is here for a test."""
- _appendToDocstring(singleLineDocstring, "Appended text.")
- self.assertEqual(
- ["This doesn't comply with standards, but is here for a test.",
- "",
- "Appended text."],
- singleLineDocstring.__doc__.splitlines())
- self.assertTrue(singleLineDocstring.__doc__.endswith('\n'))
- def test_appendToMultilineDocstring(self):
- """
- Appending to a multi-line docstring places the messade on a new line,
- with a blank line separating it from the rest of the docstring.
- Because we have multiple lines, we have enough information to do
- indentation.
- """
- def multiLineDocstring():
- """
- This is a multi-line docstring.
- """
- def expectedDocstring():
- """
- This is a multi-line docstring.
- Appended text.
- """
- _appendToDocstring(multiLineDocstring, "Appended text.")
- self.assertEqual(
- expectedDocstring.__doc__, multiLineDocstring.__doc__)
-class _MockDeprecatedAttribute(object):
- """
- Mock of L{twisted.python.deprecate._DeprecatedAttribute}.
- @ivar value: The value of the attribute.
- """
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def get(self):
- """
- Get a known value.
- """
- return self.value
-class ModuleProxyTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.python.deprecate._ModuleProxy}, which proxies
- access to module-level attributes, intercepting access to deprecated
- attributes and passing through access to normal attributes.
- """
- def _makeProxy(self, **attrs):
- """
- Create a temporary module proxy object.
- @param **kw: Attributes to initialise on the temporary module object
- @rtype: L{twistd.python.deprecate._ModuleProxy}
- """
- mod = types.ModuleType('foo')
- for key, value in attrs.iteritems():
- setattr(mod, key, value)
- return deprecate._ModuleProxy(mod)
- def test_getattrPassthrough(self):
- """
- Getting a normal attribute on a L{twisted.python.deprecate._ModuleProxy}
- retrieves the underlying attribute's value, and raises C{AttributeError}
- if a non-existant attribute is accessed.
- """
- proxy = self._makeProxy(SOME_ATTRIBUTE='hello')
- self.assertIdentical(proxy.SOME_ATTRIBUTE, 'hello')
- self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, proxy, 'DOES_NOT_EXIST')
- def test_getattrIntercept(self):
- """
- Getting an attribute marked as being deprecated on
- L{twisted.python.deprecate._ModuleProxy} results in calling the
- deprecated wrapper's C{get} method.
- """
- proxy = self._makeProxy()
- _deprecatedAttributes = object.__getattribute__(
- proxy, '_deprecatedAttributes')
- _deprecatedAttributes['foo'] = _MockDeprecatedAttribute(42)
- self.assertEqual(proxy.foo, 42)
- def test_privateAttributes(self):
- """
- Private attributes of L{twisted.python.deprecate._ModuleProxy} are
- inaccessible when regular attribute access is used.
- """
- proxy = self._makeProxy()
- self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, proxy, '_module')
- self.assertRaises(
- AttributeError, getattr, proxy, '_deprecatedAttributes')
- def test_setattr(self):
- """
- Setting attributes on L{twisted.python.deprecate._ModuleProxy} proxies
- them through to the wrapped module.
- """
- proxy = self._makeProxy()
- proxy._module = 1
- self.assertNotEquals(object.__getattribute__(proxy, '_module'), 1)
- self.assertEqual(proxy._module, 1)
- def test_repr(self):
- """
- L{twisted.python.deprecated._ModuleProxy.__repr__} produces a string
- containing the proxy type and a representation of the wrapped module
- object.
- """
- proxy = self._makeProxy()
- realModule = object.__getattribute__(proxy, '_module')
- self.assertEqual(
- repr(proxy), '<%s module=%r>' % (type(proxy).__name__, realModule))
-class DeprecatedAttributeTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.python.deprecate._DeprecatedAttribute} and
- L{twisted.python.deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute}, which issue
- warnings for deprecated module-level attributes.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.version = deprecatedattributes.version
- self.message = deprecatedattributes.message
- self._testModuleName = __name__ + '.foo'
- def _getWarningString(self, attr):
- """
- Create the warning string used by deprecated attributes.
- """
- return _getDeprecationWarningString(
- deprecatedattributes.__name__ + '.' + attr,
- deprecatedattributes.version,
- DEPRECATION_WARNING_FORMAT + ': ' + deprecatedattributes.message)
- def test_deprecatedAttributeHelper(self):
- """
- L{twisted.python.deprecate._DeprecatedAttribute} correctly sets its
- __name__ to match that of the deprecated attribute and emits a warning
- when the original attribute value is accessed.
- """
- setattr(deprecatedattributes, name, 42)
- attr = deprecate._DeprecatedAttribute(
- deprecatedattributes, name, self.version, self.message)
- self.assertEqual(attr.__name__, name)
- # Since we're accessing the value getter directly, as opposed to via
- # the module proxy, we need to match the warning's stack level.
- def addStackLevel():
- attr.get()
- # Access the deprecated attribute.
- addStackLevel()
- warningsShown = self.flushWarnings([
- self.test_deprecatedAttributeHelper])
- self.assertIdentical(warningsShown[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- self.assertEqual(
- warningsShown[0]['message'],
- self._getWarningString(name))
- self.assertEqual(len(warningsShown), 1)
- def test_deprecatedAttribute(self):
- """
- L{twisted.python.deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute} wraps a
- module-level attribute in an object that emits a deprecation warning
- when it is accessed the first time only, while leaving other unrelated
- attributes alone.
- """
- # Accessing non-deprecated attributes does not issue a warning.
- deprecatedattributes.ANOTHER_ATTRIBUTE
- warningsShown = self.flushWarnings([self.test_deprecatedAttribute])
- self.assertEqual(len(warningsShown), 0)
- # Access the deprecated attribute. This uses getattr to avoid repeating
- # the attribute name.
- getattr(deprecatedattributes, name)
- warningsShown = self.flushWarnings([self.test_deprecatedAttribute])
- self.assertEqual(len(warningsShown), 1)
- self.assertIdentical(warningsShown[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- self.assertEqual(
- warningsShown[0]['message'],
- self._getWarningString(name))
- def test_wrappedModule(self):
- """
- Deprecating an attribute in a module replaces and wraps that module
- instance, in C{sys.modules}, with a
- L{twisted.python.deprecate._ModuleProxy} instance but only if it hasn't
- already been wrapped.
- """
- sys.modules[self._testModuleName] = mod = types.ModuleType('foo')
- self.addCleanup(sys.modules.pop, self._testModuleName)
- setattr(mod, 'first', 1)
- setattr(mod, 'second', 2)
- deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(
- Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0),
- 'message',
- self._testModuleName,
- 'first')
- proxy = sys.modules[self._testModuleName]
- self.assertNotEqual(proxy, mod)
- deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(
- Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0),
- 'message',
- self._testModuleName,
- 'second')
- self.assertIdentical(proxy, sys.modules[self._testModuleName])
-class ImportedModuleAttributeTests(TwistedModulesTestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{deprecatedModuleAttribute} which involve loading a module via
- 'import'.
- """
- _packageInit = """\
-from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute
-from twisted.python.versions import Version
- Version('Package', 1, 2, 3), 'message', __name__, 'module')
- def pathEntryTree(self, tree):
- """
- Create some files in a hierarchy, based on a dictionary describing those
- files. The resulting hierarchy will be placed onto sys.path for the
- duration of the test.
- @param tree: A dictionary representing a directory structure. Keys are
- strings, representing filenames, dictionary values represent
- directories, string values represent file contents.
- @return: another dictionary similar to the input, with file content
- strings replaced with L{FilePath} objects pointing at where those
- contents are now stored.
- """
- def makeSomeFiles(pathobj, dirdict):
- pathdict = {}
- for (key, value) in dirdict.items():
- child = pathobj.child(key)
- if isinstance(value, str):
- pathdict[key] = child
- child.setContent(value)
- elif isinstance(value, dict):
- child.createDirectory()
- pathdict[key] = makeSomeFiles(child, value)
- else:
- raise ValueError("only strings and dicts allowed as values")
- return pathdict
- base = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- base.makedirs()
- result = makeSomeFiles(base, tree)
- self.replaceSysPath([base.path] + sys.path)
- self.replaceSysModules(sys.modules.copy())
- return result
- def simpleModuleEntry(self):
- """
- Add a sample module and package to the path, returning a L{FilePath}
- pointing at the module which will be loadable as C{package.module}.
- """
- paths = self.pathEntryTree(
- {"package": {"__init__.py": self._packageInit,
- "module.py": ""}})
- return paths['package']['module.py']
- def checkOneWarning(self, modulePath):
- """
- Verification logic for L{test_deprecatedModule}.
- """
- # import package.module
- from package import module
- self.assertEqual(module.__file__, modulePath.path)
- emitted = self.flushWarnings([self.checkOneWarning])
- self.assertEqual(len(emitted), 1)
- self.assertEqual(emitted[0]['message'],
- 'package.module was deprecated in Package 1.2.3: '
- 'message')
- self.assertEqual(emitted[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- def test_deprecatedModule(self):
- """
- If L{deprecatedModuleAttribute} is used to deprecate a module attribute
- of a package, only one deprecation warning is emitted when the
- deprecated module is imported.
- """
- self.checkOneWarning(self.simpleModuleEntry())
- def test_deprecatedModuleMultipleTimes(self):
- """
- If L{deprecatedModuleAttribute} is used to deprecate a module attribute
- of a package, only one deprecation warning is emitted when the
- deprecated module is subsequently imported.
- """
- mp = self.simpleModuleEntry()
- # The first time, the code needs to be loaded.
- self.checkOneWarning(mp)
- # The second time, things are slightly different; the object's already
- # in the namespace.
- self.checkOneWarning(mp)
- # The third and fourth times, things things should all be exactly the
- # same, but this is a sanity check to make sure the implementation isn't
- # special casing the second time. Also, putting these cases into a loop
- # means that the stack will be identical, to make sure that the
- # implementation doesn't rely too much on stack-crawling.
- for x in range(2):
- self.checkOneWarning(mp)
-class WarnAboutFunctionTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.python.deprecate.warnAboutFunction} which allows the
- callers of a function to issue a C{DeprecationWarning} about that function.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a file that will have known line numbers when emitting warnings.
- """
- self.package = FilePath(self.mktemp()).child('twisted_private_helper')
- self.package.makedirs()
- self.package.child('__init__.py').setContent('')
- self.package.child('module.py').setContent('''
-"A module string"
-from twisted.python import deprecate
-def testFunction():
- "A doc string"
- a = 1 + 2
- return a
-def callTestFunction():
- b = testFunction()
- if b == 3:
- deprecate.warnAboutFunction(testFunction, "A Warning String")
- sys.path.insert(0, self.package.parent().path)
- self.addCleanup(sys.path.remove, self.package.parent().path)
- modules = sys.modules.copy()
- self.addCleanup(
- lambda: (sys.modules.clear(), sys.modules.update(modules)))
- def test_warning(self):
- """
- L{deprecate.warnAboutFunction} emits a warning the file and line number
- of which point to the beginning of the implementation of the function
- passed to it.
- """
- def aFunc():
- pass
- deprecate.warnAboutFunction(aFunc, 'A Warning Message')
- warningsShown = self.flushWarnings()
- filename = __file__
- if filename.lower().endswith('.pyc'):
- filename = filename[:-1]
- self.assertSamePath(
- FilePath(warningsShown[0]["filename"]), FilePath(filename))
- self.assertEqual(warningsShown[0]["message"], "A Warning Message")
- def test_warningLineNumber(self):
- """
- L{deprecate.warnAboutFunction} emits a C{DeprecationWarning} with the
- number of a line within the implementation of the function passed to it.
- """
- from twisted_private_helper import module
- module.callTestFunction()
- warningsShown = self.flushWarnings()
- self.assertSamePath(
- FilePath(warningsShown[0]["filename"]),
- self.package.sibling('twisted_private_helper').child('module.py'))
- # Line number 9 is the last line in the testFunction in the helper
- # module.
- self.assertEqual(warningsShown[0]["lineno"], 9)
- self.assertEqual(warningsShown[0]["message"], "A Warning String")
- self.assertEqual(len(warningsShown), 1)
- def assertSamePath(self, first, second):
- """
- Assert that the two paths are the same, considering case normalization
- appropriate for the current platform.
- @type first: L{FilePath}
- @type second: L{FilePath}
- @raise C{self.failureType}: If the paths are not the same.
- """
- self.assertTrue(
- normcase(first.path) == normcase(second.path),
- "%r != %r" % (first, second))
- def test_renamedFile(self):
- """
- Even if the implementation of a deprecated function is moved around on
- the filesystem, the line number in the warning emitted by
- L{deprecate.warnAboutFunction} points to a line in the implementation of
- the deprecated function.
- """
- from twisted_private_helper import module
- # Clean up the state resulting from that import; we're not going to use
- # this module, so it should go away.
- del sys.modules['twisted_private_helper']
- del sys.modules[module.__name__]
- # Rename the source directory
- self.package.moveTo(self.package.sibling('twisted_renamed_helper'))
- # Import the newly renamed version
- from twisted_renamed_helper import module
- self.addCleanup(sys.modules.pop, 'twisted_renamed_helper')
- self.addCleanup(sys.modules.pop, module.__name__)
- module.callTestFunction()
- warningsShown = self.flushWarnings()
- warnedPath = FilePath(warningsShown[0]["filename"])
- expectedPath = self.package.sibling(
- 'twisted_renamed_helper').child('module.py')
- self.assertSamePath(warnedPath, expectedPath)
- self.assertEqual(warningsShown[0]["lineno"], 9)
- self.assertEqual(warningsShown[0]["message"], "A Warning String")
- self.assertEqual(len(warningsShown), 1)
- def test_filteredWarning(self):
- """
- L{deprecate.warnAboutFunction} emits a warning that will be filtered if
- L{warnings.filterwarning} is called with the module name of the
- deprecated function.
- """
- # Clean up anything *else* that might spuriously filter out the warning,
- # such as the "always" simplefilter set up by unittest._collectWarnings.
- # We'll also rely on trial to restore the original filters afterwards.
- del warnings.filters[:]
- warnings.filterwarnings(
- action="ignore", module="twisted_private_helper")
- from twisted_private_helper import module
- module.callTestFunction()
- warningsShown = self.flushWarnings()
- self.assertEqual(len(warningsShown), 0)
- def test_filteredOnceWarning(self):
- """
- L{deprecate.warnAboutFunction} emits a warning that will be filtered
- once if L{warnings.filterwarning} is called with the module name of the
- deprecated function and an action of once.
- """
- # Clean up anything *else* that might spuriously filter out the warning,
- # such as the "always" simplefilter set up by unittest._collectWarnings.
- # We'll also rely on trial to restore the original filters afterwards.
- del warnings.filters[:]
- warnings.filterwarnings(
- action="module", module="twisted_private_helper")
- from twisted_private_helper import module
- module.callTestFunction()
- module.callTestFunction()
- warningsShown = self.flushWarnings()
- self.assertEqual(len(warningsShown), 1)
- message = warningsShown[0]['message']
- category = warningsShown[0]['category']
- filename = warningsShown[0]['filename']
- lineno = warningsShown[0]['lineno']
- msg = warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno)
- self.assertTrue(
- msg.endswith("module.py:9: DeprecationWarning: A Warning String\n"
- " return a\n"),
- "Unexpected warning string: %r" % (msg,))
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_dist.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_dist.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 34c67896..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_dist.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for parts of our release automation system.
-import os
-import sys
-from distutils.core import Distribution
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python import dist
-from twisted.python.dist import (get_setup_args, ConditionalExtension,
- build_scripts_twisted)
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-class SetupTest(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{get_setup_args}.
- """
- def test_conditionalExtensions(self):
- """
- Passing C{conditionalExtensions} as a list of L{ConditionalExtension}
- objects to get_setup_args inserts a custom build_ext into the result
- which knows how to check whether they should be built.
- """
- good_ext = ConditionalExtension("whatever", ["whatever.c"],
- condition=lambda b: True)
- bad_ext = ConditionalExtension("whatever", ["whatever.c"],
- condition=lambda b: False)
- args = get_setup_args(conditionalExtensions=[good_ext, bad_ext])
- # ext_modules should be set even though it's not used. See comment
- # in get_setup_args
- self.assertEqual(args["ext_modules"], [good_ext, bad_ext])
- cmdclass = args["cmdclass"]
- build_ext = cmdclass["build_ext"]
- builder = build_ext(Distribution())
- builder.prepare_extensions()
- self.assertEqual(builder.extensions, [good_ext])
- def test_win32Definition(self):
- """
- When building on Windows NT, the WIN32 macro will be defined as 1.
- """
- ext = ConditionalExtension("whatever", ["whatever.c"],
- define_macros=[("whatever", 2)])
- args = get_setup_args(conditionalExtensions=[ext])
- builder = args["cmdclass"]["build_ext"](Distribution())
- self.patch(os, "name", "nt")
- builder.prepare_extensions()
- self.assertEqual(ext.define_macros, [("whatever", 2), ("WIN32", 1)])
-class GetExtensionsTest(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{dist.getExtensions}.
- """
- setupTemplate = (
- "from twisted.python.dist import ConditionalExtension\n"
- "extensions = [\n"
- " ConditionalExtension(\n"
- " '%s', ['twisted/some/thing.c'],\n"
- " condition=lambda builder: True)\n"
- " ]\n")
- def setUp(self):
- self.basedir = FilePath(self.mktemp()).child("twisted")
- self.basedir.makedirs()
- self.addCleanup(os.chdir, os.getcwd())
- os.chdir(self.basedir.parent().path)
- def writeSetup(self, name, *path):
- """
- Write out a C{setup.py} file to a location determined by
- L{self.basedir} and L{path}. L{self.setupTemplate} is used to
- generate its contents.
- """
- outdir = self.basedir.descendant(path)
- outdir.makedirs()
- setup = outdir.child("setup.py")
- setup.setContent(self.setupTemplate % (name,))
- def writeEmptySetup(self, *path):
- """
- Write out an empty C{setup.py} file to a location determined by
- L{self.basedir} and L{path}.
- """
- outdir = self.basedir.descendant(path)
- outdir.makedirs()
- outdir.child("setup.py").setContent("")
- def assertExtensions(self, expected):
- """
- Assert that the given names match the (sorted) names of discovered
- extensions.
- """
- extensions = dist.getExtensions()
- names = [extension.name for extension in extensions]
- self.assertEqual(sorted(names), expected)
- def test_getExtensions(self):
- """
- Files named I{setup.py} in I{twisted/topfiles} and I{twisted/*/topfiles}
- are executed with L{execfile} in order to discover the extensions they
- declare.
- """
- self.writeSetup("twisted.transmutate", "topfiles")
- self.writeSetup("twisted.tele.port", "tele", "topfiles")
- self.assertExtensions(["twisted.tele.port", "twisted.transmutate"])
- def test_getExtensionsTooDeep(self):
- """
- Files named I{setup.py} in I{topfiles} directories are not considered if
- they are too deep in the directory hierarchy.
- """
- self.writeSetup("twisted.trans.mog.rify", "trans", "mog", "topfiles")
- self.assertExtensions([])
- def test_getExtensionsNotTopfiles(self):
- """
- The folder in which I{setup.py} is discovered must be called I{topfiles}
- otherwise it is ignored.
- """
- self.writeSetup("twisted.metamorphosis", "notfiles")
- self.assertExtensions([])
- def test_getExtensionsNotSupportedOnJava(self):
- """
- Extensions are not supported on Java-based platforms.
- """
- self.addCleanup(setattr, sys, "platform", sys.platform)
- sys.platform = "java"
- self.writeSetup("twisted.sorcery", "topfiles")
- self.assertExtensions([])
- def test_getExtensionsExtensionsLocalIsOptional(self):
- """
- It is acceptable for extensions to not define the C{extensions} local
- variable.
- """
- self.writeEmptySetup("twisted.necromancy", "topfiles")
- self.assertExtensions([])
-class GetVersionTest(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{dist.getVersion}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.dirname = self.mktemp()
- os.mkdir(self.dirname)
- def test_getVersionCore(self):
- """
- Test that getting the version of core reads from the
- [base]/_version.py file.
- """
- f = open(os.path.join(self.dirname, "_version.py"), "w")
- f.write("""
-from twisted.python import versions
-version = versions.Version("twisted", 0, 1, 2)
- f.close()
- self.assertEqual(dist.getVersion("core", base=self.dirname), "0.1.2")
- def test_getVersionOther(self):
- """
- Test that getting the version of a non-core project reads from
- the [base]/[projname]/_version.py file.
- """
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.dirname, "blat"))
- f = open(os.path.join(self.dirname, "blat", "_version.py"), "w")
- f.write("""
-from twisted.python import versions
-version = versions.Version("twisted.blat", 9, 8, 10)
- f.close()
- self.assertEqual(dist.getVersion("blat", base=self.dirname), "9.8.10")
-class GetScriptsTest(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{dist.getScripts} which returns the scripts which should be
- included in the distribution of a project.
- """
- def test_scriptsInSVN(self):
- """
- getScripts should return the scripts associated with a project
- in the context of Twisted SVN.
- """
- basedir = self.mktemp()
- os.mkdir(basedir)
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(basedir, 'bin'))
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(basedir, 'bin', 'proj'))
- f = open(os.path.join(basedir, 'bin', 'proj', 'exy'), 'w')
- f.write('yay')
- f.close()
- scripts = dist.getScripts('proj', basedir=basedir)
- self.assertEqual(len(scripts), 1)
- self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(scripts[0]), 'exy')
- def test_excludedPreamble(self):
- """
- L{dist.getScripts} includes neither C{"_preamble.py"} nor
- C{"_preamble.pyc"}.
- """
- basedir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- bin = basedir.child('bin')
- bin.makedirs()
- bin.child('_preamble.py').setContent('some preamble code\n')
- bin.child('_preamble.pyc').setContent('some preamble byte code\n')
- bin.child('program').setContent('good program code\n')
- scripts = dist.getScripts("", basedir=basedir.path)
- self.assertEqual(scripts, [bin.child('program').path])
- def test_scriptsInRelease(self):
- """
- getScripts should return the scripts associated with a project
- in the context of a released subproject tarball.
- """
- basedir = self.mktemp()
- os.mkdir(basedir)
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(basedir, 'bin'))
- f = open(os.path.join(basedir, 'bin', 'exy'), 'w')
- f.write('yay')
- f.close()
- scripts = dist.getScripts('proj', basedir=basedir)
- self.assertEqual(len(scripts), 1)
- self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(scripts[0]), 'exy')
- def test_noScriptsInSVN(self):
- """
- When calling getScripts for a project which doesn't actually
- have any scripts, in the context of an SVN checkout, an
- empty list should be returned.
- """
- basedir = self.mktemp()
- os.mkdir(basedir)
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(basedir, 'bin'))
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(basedir, 'bin', 'otherproj'))
- scripts = dist.getScripts('noscripts', basedir=basedir)
- self.assertEqual(scripts, [])
- def test_getScriptsTopLevel(self):
- """
- Passing the empty string to getScripts returns scripts that are (only)
- in the top level bin directory.
- """
- basedir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- basedir.createDirectory()
- bindir = basedir.child("bin")
- bindir.createDirectory()
- included = bindir.child("included")
- included.setContent("yay included")
- subdir = bindir.child("subdir")
- subdir.createDirectory()
- subdir.child("not-included").setContent("not included")
- scripts = dist.getScripts("", basedir=basedir.path)
- self.assertEqual(scripts, [included.path])
- def test_noScriptsInSubproject(self):
- """
- When calling getScripts for a project which doesn't actually
- have any scripts in the context of that project's individual
- project structure, an empty list should be returned.
- """
- basedir = self.mktemp()
- os.mkdir(basedir)
- scripts = dist.getScripts('noscripts', basedir=basedir)
- self.assertEqual(scripts, [])
-class DummyCommand:
- """
- A fake Command.
- """
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- for kw, val in kwargs.items():
- setattr(self, kw, val)
- def ensure_finalized(self):
- pass
-class BuildScriptsTest(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{dist.build_scripts_twisted}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.source = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.target = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.source.makedirs()
- self.addCleanup(os.chdir, os.getcwd())
- os.chdir(self.source.path)
- def buildScripts(self):
- """
- Write 3 types of scripts and run the L{build_scripts_twisted}
- command.
- """
- self.writeScript(self.source, "script1",
- ("#! /usr/bin/env python2.7\n"
- "# bogus script w/ Python sh-bang\n"
- "pass\n"))
- self.writeScript(self.source, "script2.py",
- ("#!/usr/bin/python\n"
- "# bogus script w/ Python sh-bang\n"
- "pass\n"))
- self.writeScript(self.source, "shell.sh",
- ("#!/bin/sh\n"
- "# bogus shell script w/ sh-bang\n"
- "exit 0\n"))
- expected = ['script1', 'script2.py', 'shell.sh']
- cmd = self.getBuildScriptsCmd(self.target,
- [self.source.child(fn).path
- for fn in expected])
- cmd.finalize_options()
- cmd.run()
- return self.target.listdir()
- def getBuildScriptsCmd(self, target, scripts):
- """
- Create a distutils L{Distribution} with a L{DummyCommand} and wrap it
- in L{build_scripts_twisted}.
- @type target: L{FilePath}
- """
- dist = Distribution()
- dist.scripts = scripts
- dist.command_obj["build"] = DummyCommand(
- build_scripts = target.path,
- force = 1,
- executable = sys.executable
- )
- return build_scripts_twisted(dist)
- def writeScript(self, dir, name, text):
- """
- Write the script to disk.
- """
- with open(dir.child(name).path, "w") as f:
- f.write(text)
- def test_notWindows(self):
- """
- L{build_scripts_twisted} does not rename scripts on non-Windows
- platforms.
- """
- self.patch(os, "name", "twisted")
- built = self.buildScripts()
- for name in ['script1', 'script2.py', 'shell.sh']:
- self.assertTrue(name in built)
- def test_windows(self):
- """
- L{build_scripts_twisted} renames scripts so they end with '.py' on
- the Windows platform.
- """
- self.patch(os, "name", "nt")
- built = self.buildScripts()
- for name in ['script1.py', 'script2.py', 'shell.sh.py']:
- self.assertTrue(name in built)
-class FakeModule(object):
- """
- A fake module, suitable for dependency injection in testing.
- """
- def __init__(self, attrs):
- """
- Initializes a fake module.
- @param attrs: The attrs that will be accessible on the module.
- @type attrs: C{dict} of C{str} (Python names) to objects
- """
- self._attrs = attrs
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- """
- Gets an attribute of this fake module from its attrs.
- @raise AttributeError: When the requested attribute is missing.
- """
- try:
- return self._attrs[name]
- except KeyError:
- raise AttributeError()
-fakeCPythonPlatform = FakeModule({"python_implementation": lambda: "CPython"})
-fakeOtherPlatform = FakeModule({"python_implementation": lambda: "lvhpy"})
-emptyPlatform = FakeModule({})
-class WithPlatformTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{_checkCPython} when used with a (fake) recent C{platform}
- module.
- """
- def test_cpython(self):
- """
- L{_checkCPython} returns C{True} when C{platform.python_implementation}
- says we're running on CPython.
- """
- self.assertTrue(dist._checkCPython(platform=fakeCPythonPlatform))
- def test_other(self):
- """
- L{_checkCPython} returns C{False} when C{platform.python_implementation}
- says we're not running on CPython.
- """
- self.assertFalse(dist._checkCPython(platform=fakeOtherPlatform))
-fakeCPythonSys = FakeModule({"subversion": ("CPython", None, None)})
-fakeOtherSys = FakeModule({"subversion": ("lvhpy", None, None)})
-def _checkCPythonWithEmptyPlatform(sys):
- """
- A partially applied L{_checkCPython} that uses an empty C{platform}
- module (otherwise the code this test case is supposed to test won't
- even be called).
- """
- return dist._checkCPython(platform=emptyPlatform, sys=sys)
-class WithSubversionTest(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{_checkCPython} when used with a (fake) recent (2.5+)
- C{sys.subversion}. This is effectively only relevant for 2.5, since 2.6 and
- beyond have L{platform.python_implementation}, which is tried first.
- """
- def test_cpython(self):
- """
- L{_checkCPython} returns C{True} when C{platform.python_implementation}
- is unavailable and C{sys.subversion} says we're running on CPython.
- """
- isCPython = _checkCPythonWithEmptyPlatform(fakeCPythonSys)
- self.assertTrue(isCPython)
- def test_other(self):
- """
- L{_checkCPython} returns C{False} when C{platform.python_implementation}
- is unavailable and C{sys.subversion} says we're not running on CPython.
- """
- isCPython = _checkCPythonWithEmptyPlatform(fakeOtherSys)
- self.assertFalse(isCPython)
-oldCPythonSys = FakeModule({"modules": {}})
-oldPypySys = FakeModule({"modules": {"__pypy__": None}})
-class OldPythonsFallbackTest(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{_checkCPython} when used on a Python 2.4-like platform, when
- neither C{platform.python_implementation} nor C{sys.subversion} is
- available.
- """
- def test_cpython(self):
- """
- L{_checkCPython} returns C{True} when both
- C{platform.python_implementation} and C{sys.subversion} are unavailable
- and there is no C{__pypy__} module in C{sys.modules}.
- """
- isCPython = _checkCPythonWithEmptyPlatform(oldCPythonSys)
- self.assertTrue(isCPython)
- def test_pypy(self):
- """
- L{_checkCPython} returns C{False} when both
- C{platform.python_implementation} and C{sys.subversion} are unavailable
- and there is a C{__pypy__} module in C{sys.modules}.
- """
- isCPython = _checkCPythonWithEmptyPlatform(oldPypySys)
- self.assertFalse(isCPython)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_fakepwd.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_fakepwd.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 6c101056..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_fakepwd.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.python.fakepwd}.
- import pwd
-except ImportError:
- pwd = None
- import spwd
-except ImportError:
- spwd = None
-import os
-from operator import getitem
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python.fakepwd import UserDatabase, ShadowDatabase
-from twisted.python.compat import set
-class UserDatabaseTestsMixin:
- """
- L{UserDatabaseTestsMixin} defines tests which apply to any user database
- implementation. Subclasses should mix it in, implement C{setUp} to create
- C{self.database} bound to a user database instance, and implement
- C{getExistingUserInfo} to return information about a user (such information
- should be unique per test method).
- """
- def test_getpwuid(self):
- """
- I{getpwuid} accepts a uid and returns the user record associated with
- it.
- """
- for i in range(2):
- # Get some user which exists in the database.
- username, password, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell = self.getExistingUserInfo()
- # Now try to look it up and make sure the result is correct.
- entry = self.database.getpwuid(uid)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_name, username)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_passwd, password)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_uid, uid)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_gid, gid)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_gecos, gecos)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_dir, dir)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_shell, shell)
- def test_noSuchUID(self):
- """
- I{getpwuid} raises L{KeyError} when passed a uid which does not exist
- in the user database.
- """
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.database.getpwuid, -13)
- def test_getpwnam(self):
- """
- I{getpwnam} accepts a username and returns the user record associated
- with it.
- """
- for i in range(2):
- # Get some user which exists in the database.
- username, password, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell = self.getExistingUserInfo()
- # Now try to look it up and make sure the result is correct.
- entry = self.database.getpwnam(username)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_name, username)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_passwd, password)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_uid, uid)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_gid, gid)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_gecos, gecos)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_dir, dir)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_shell, shell)
- def test_noSuchName(self):
- """
- I{getpwnam} raises L{KeyError} when passed a username which does not
- exist in the user database.
- """
- self.assertRaises(
- KeyError, self.database.getpwnam,
- 'no' 'such' 'user' 'exists' 'the' 'name' 'is' 'too' 'long' 'and' 'has'
- '\1' 'in' 'it' 'too')
- def test_recordLength(self):
- """
- The user record returned by I{getpwuid}, I{getpwnam}, and I{getpwall}
- has a length.
- """
- db = self.database
- username, password, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell = self.getExistingUserInfo()
- for entry in [db.getpwuid(uid), db.getpwnam(username), db.getpwall()[0]]:
- self.assertIsInstance(len(entry), int)
- self.assertEqual(len(entry), 7)
- def test_recordIndexable(self):
- """
- The user record returned by I{getpwuid}, I{getpwnam}, and I{getpwall}
- is indexable, with successive indexes starting from 0 corresponding to
- the values of the C{pw_name}, C{pw_passwd}, C{pw_uid}, C{pw_gid},
- C{pw_gecos}, C{pw_dir}, and C{pw_shell} attributes, respectively.
- """
- db = self.database
- username, password, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell = self.getExistingUserInfo()
- for entry in [db.getpwuid(uid), db.getpwnam(username), db.getpwall()[0]]:
- self.assertEqual(entry[0], username)
- self.assertEqual(entry[1], password)
- self.assertEqual(entry[2], uid)
- self.assertEqual(entry[3], gid)
- self.assertEqual(entry[4], gecos)
- self.assertEqual(entry[5], dir)
- self.assertEqual(entry[6], shell)
- self.assertEqual(len(entry), len(list(entry)))
- self.assertRaises(IndexError, getitem, entry, 7)
-class UserDatabaseTests(TestCase, UserDatabaseTestsMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{UserDatabase}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a L{UserDatabase} with no user data in it.
- """
- self.database = UserDatabase()
- self._counter = 0
- def getExistingUserInfo(self):
- """
- Add a new user to C{self.database} and return its information.
- """
- self._counter += 1
- suffix = '_' + str(self._counter)
- username = 'username' + suffix
- password = 'password' + suffix
- uid = self._counter
- gid = self._counter + 1000
- gecos = 'gecos' + suffix
- dir = 'dir' + suffix
- shell = 'shell' + suffix
- self.database.addUser(username, password, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell)
- return (username, password, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell)
- def test_addUser(self):
- """
- L{UserDatabase.addUser} accepts seven arguments, one for each field of
- a L{pwd.struct_passwd}, and makes the new record available via
- L{UserDatabase.getpwuid}, L{UserDatabase.getpwnam}, and
- L{UserDatabase.getpwall}.
- """
- username = 'alice'
- password = 'secr3t'
- uid = 123
- gid = 456
- gecos = 'Alice,,,'
- home = '/users/alice'
- shell = '/usr/bin/foosh'
- db = self.database
- db.addUser(username, password, uid, gid, gecos, home, shell)
- for [entry] in [[db.getpwuid(uid)], [db.getpwnam(username)],
- db.getpwall()]:
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_name, username)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_passwd, password)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_uid, uid)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_gid, gid)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_gecos, gecos)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_dir, home)
- self.assertEqual(entry.pw_shell, shell)
-class PwdModuleTests(TestCase, UserDatabaseTestsMixin):
- """
- L{PwdModuleTests} runs the tests defined by L{UserDatabaseTestsMixin}
- against the built-in C{pwd} module. This serves to verify that
- L{UserDatabase} is really a fake of that API.
- """
- if pwd is None:
- skip = "Cannot verify UserDatabase against pwd without pwd"
- else:
- database = pwd
- def setUp(self):
- self._users = iter(self.database.getpwall())
- self._uids = set()
- def getExistingUserInfo(self):
- """
- Read and return the next record from C{self._users}, filtering out
- any records with previously seen uid values (as these cannot be
- found with C{getpwuid} and only cause trouble).
- """
- while True:
- entry = next(self._users)
- uid = entry.pw_uid
- if uid not in self._uids:
- self._uids.add(uid)
- return entry
-class ShadowDatabaseTestsMixin:
- """
- L{ShadowDatabaseTestsMixin} defines tests which apply to any shadow user
- database implementation. Subclasses should mix it in, implement C{setUp} to
- create C{self.database} bound to a shadow user database instance, and
- implement C{getExistingUserInfo} to return information about a user (such
- information should be unique per test method).
- """
- def test_getspnam(self):
- """
- L{getspnam} accepts a username and returns the user record associated
- with it.
- """
- for i in range(2):
- # Get some user which exists in the database.
- (username, password, lastChange, min, max, warn, inact, expire,
- flag) = self.getExistingUserInfo()
- entry = self.database.getspnam(username)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_nam, username)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_pwd, password)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_lstchg, lastChange)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_min, min)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_max, max)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_warn, warn)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_inact, inact)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_expire, expire)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_flag, flag)
- def test_noSuchName(self):
- """
- I{getspnam} raises L{KeyError} when passed a username which does not
- exist in the user database.
- """
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.database.getspnam, "alice")
- def test_recordLength(self):
- """
- The shadow user record returned by I{getspnam} and I{getspall} has a
- length.
- """
- db = self.database
- username = self.getExistingUserInfo()[0]
- for entry in [db.getspnam(username), db.getspall()[0]]:
- self.assertIsInstance(len(entry), int)
- self.assertEqual(len(entry), 9)
- def test_recordIndexable(self):
- """
- The shadow user record returned by I{getpwnam} and I{getspall} is
- indexable, with successive indexes starting from 0 corresponding to the
- values of the C{sp_nam}, C{sp_pwd}, C{sp_lstchg}, C{sp_min}, C{sp_max},
- C{sp_warn}, C{sp_inact}, C{sp_expire}, and C{sp_flag} attributes,
- respectively.
- """
- db = self.database
- (username, password, lastChange, min, max, warn, inact, expire,
- flag) = self.getExistingUserInfo()
- for entry in [db.getspnam(username), db.getspall()[0]]:
- self.assertEqual(entry[0], username)
- self.assertEqual(entry[1], password)
- self.assertEqual(entry[2], lastChange)
- self.assertEqual(entry[3], min)
- self.assertEqual(entry[4], max)
- self.assertEqual(entry[5], warn)
- self.assertEqual(entry[6], inact)
- self.assertEqual(entry[7], expire)
- self.assertEqual(entry[8], flag)
- self.assertEqual(len(entry), len(list(entry)))
- self.assertRaises(IndexError, getitem, entry, 9)
-class ShadowDatabaseTests(TestCase, ShadowDatabaseTestsMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{ShadowDatabase}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a L{ShadowDatabase} with no user data in it.
- """
- self.database = ShadowDatabase()
- self._counter = 0
- def getExistingUserInfo(self):
- """
- Add a new user to C{self.database} and return its information.
- """
- self._counter += 1
- suffix = '_' + str(self._counter)
- username = 'username' + suffix
- password = 'password' + suffix
- lastChange = self._counter + 1
- min = self._counter + 2
- max = self._counter + 3
- warn = self._counter + 4
- inact = self._counter + 5
- expire = self._counter + 6
- flag = self._counter + 7
- self.database.addUser(username, password, lastChange, min, max, warn,
- inact, expire, flag)
- return (username, password, lastChange, min, max, warn, inact,
- expire, flag)
- def test_addUser(self):
- """
- L{UserDatabase.addUser} accepts seven arguments, one for each field of
- a L{pwd.struct_passwd}, and makes the new record available via
- L{UserDatabase.getpwuid}, L{UserDatabase.getpwnam}, and
- L{UserDatabase.getpwall}.
- """
- username = 'alice'
- password = 'secr3t'
- lastChange = 17
- min = 42
- max = 105
- warn = 12
- inact = 3
- expire = 400
- flag = 3
- db = self.database
- db.addUser(username, password, lastChange, min, max, warn, inact,
- expire, flag)
- for [entry] in [[db.getspnam(username)], db.getspall()]:
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_nam, username)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_pwd, password)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_lstchg, lastChange)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_min, min)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_max, max)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_warn, warn)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_inact, inact)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_expire, expire)
- self.assertEqual(entry.sp_flag, flag)
-class SPwdModuleTests(TestCase, ShadowDatabaseTestsMixin):
- """
- L{SPwdModuleTests} runs the tests defined by L{ShadowDatabaseTestsMixin}
- against the built-in C{spwd} module. This serves to verify that
- L{ShadowDatabase} is really a fake of that API.
- """
- if spwd is None:
- skip = "Cannot verify ShadowDatabase against spwd without spwd"
- elif os.getuid() != 0:
- skip = "Cannot access shadow user database except as root"
- else:
- database = spwd
- def setUp(self):
- self._users = iter(self.database.getspall())
- def getExistingUserInfo(self):
- """
- Read and return the next record from C{self._users}.
- """
- return next(self._users)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_hashlib.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_hashlib.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b50997c2..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_hashlib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.python.hashlib}
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python.hashlib import md5, sha1
-class HashObjectTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the hash object APIs presented by L{hashlib}, C{md5} and C{sha1}.
- """
- def test_md5(self):
- """
- L{hashlib.md5} returns an object which can be used to compute an MD5
- hash as defined by U{RFC 1321<http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1321.txt>}.
- """
- # Test the result using values from section A.5 of the RFC.
- self.assertEqual(
- md5().hexdigest(), "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e")
- self.assertEqual(
- md5("a").hexdigest(), "0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661")
- self.assertEqual(
- md5("abc").hexdigest(), "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72")
- self.assertEqual(
- md5("message digest").hexdigest(),
- "f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0")
- self.assertEqual(
- md5("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz").hexdigest(),
- "c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b")
- self.assertEqual(
- md5("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- "0123456789").hexdigest(),
- "d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f")
- self.assertEqual(
- md5("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901"
- "2345678901234567890").hexdigest(),
- "57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a")
- # It should have digest and update methods, too.
- self.assertEqual(
- md5().digest().encode('hex'),
- "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e")
- hash = md5()
- hash.update("a")
- self.assertEqual(
- hash.digest().encode('hex'),
- "0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661")
- # Instances of it should have a digest_size attribute
- self.assertEqual(md5().digest_size, 16)
- def test_sha1(self):
- """
- L{hashlib.sha1} returns an object which can be used to compute a SHA1
- hash as defined by U{RFC 3174<http://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3174.txt>}.
- """
- def format(s):
- return ''.join(s.split()).lower()
- # Test the result using values from section 7.3 of the RFC.
- self.assertEqual(
- sha1("abc").hexdigest(),
- format(
- "A9 99 3E 36 47 06 81 6A BA 3E 25 71 78 50 C2 6C 9C D0 D8 9D"))
- self.assertEqual(
- sha1("abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhi"
- "jkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq").hexdigest(),
- format(
- "84 98 3E 44 1C 3B D2 6E BA AE 4A A1 F9 51 29 E5 E5 46 70 F1"))
- # It should have digest and update methods, too.
- self.assertEqual(
- sha1("abc").digest().encode('hex'),
- format(
- "A9 99 3E 36 47 06 81 6A BA 3E 25 71 78 50 C2 6C 9C D0 D8 9D"))
- hash = sha1()
- hash.update("abc")
- self.assertEqual(
- hash.digest().encode('hex'),
- format(
- "A9 99 3E 36 47 06 81 6A BA 3E 25 71 78 50 C2 6C 9C D0 D8 9D"))
- # Instances of it should have a digest_size attribute.
- self.assertEqual(
- sha1().digest_size, 20)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_htmlizer.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_htmlizer.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 38e607a7..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_htmlizer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.python.htmlizer}.
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python.htmlizer import filter
-class FilterTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.python.htmlizer.filter}.
- """
- def test_empty(self):
- """
- If passed an empty input file, L{filter} writes a I{pre} tag containing
- only an end marker to the output file.
- """
- input = StringIO("")
- output = StringIO()
- filter(input, output)
- self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), '<pre><span class="py-src-endmarker"></span></pre>\n')
- def test_variable(self):
- """
- If passed an input file containing a variable access, L{filter} writes
- a I{pre} tag containing a I{py-src-variable} span containing the
- variable.
- """
- input = StringIO("foo\n")
- output = StringIO()
- filter(input, output)
- self.assertEqual(
- output.getvalue(),
- '<pre><span class="py-src-variable">foo</span><span class="py-src-newline">\n'
- '</span><span class="py-src-endmarker"></span></pre>\n')
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_inotify.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_inotify.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a6cea65e..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_inotify.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.python._inotify}.
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python.runtime import platform
-if platform.supportsINotify():
- from ctypes import c_int, c_uint32, c_char_p
- from twisted.python import _inotify
- from twisted.python._inotify import (
- INotifyError, initializeModule, init, add)
- _inotify = None
-class INotifyTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.python._inotify}.
- """
- if _inotify is None:
- skip = "This platform doesn't support INotify."
- def test_missingInit(self):
- """
- If the I{libc} object passed to L{initializeModule} has no
- C{inotify_init} attribute, L{ImportError} is raised.
- """
- class libc:
- def inotify_add_watch(self):
- pass
- def inotify_rm_watch(self):
- pass
- self.assertRaises(ImportError, initializeModule, libc())
- def test_missingAdd(self):
- """
- If the I{libc} object passed to L{initializeModule} has no
- C{inotify_add_watch} attribute, L{ImportError} is raised.
- """
- class libc:
- def inotify_init(self):
- pass
- def inotify_rm_watch(self):
- pass
- self.assertRaises(ImportError, initializeModule, libc())
- def test_missingRemove(self):
- """
- If the I{libc} object passed to L{initializeModule} has no
- C{inotify_rm_watch} attribute, L{ImportError} is raised.
- """
- class libc:
- def inotify_init(self):
- pass
- def inotify_add_watch(self):
- pass
- self.assertRaises(ImportError, initializeModule, libc())
- def test_setTypes(self):
- """
- If the I{libc} object passed to L{initializeModule} has all of the
- necessary attributes, it sets the C{argtypes} and C{restype} attributes
- of the three ctypes methods used from libc.
- """
- class libc:
- def inotify_init(self):
- pass
- inotify_init = staticmethod(inotify_init)
- def inotify_rm_watch(self):
- pass
- inotify_rm_watch = staticmethod(inotify_rm_watch)
- def inotify_add_watch(self):
- pass
- inotify_add_watch = staticmethod(inotify_add_watch)
- c = libc()
- initializeModule(c)
- self.assertEqual(c.inotify_init.argtypes, [])
- self.assertEqual(c.inotify_init.restype, c_int)
- self.assertEqual(c.inotify_rm_watch.argtypes, [c_int, c_int])
- self.assertEqual(c.inotify_rm_watch.restype, c_int)
- self.assertEqual(
- c.inotify_add_watch.argtypes, [c_int, c_char_p, c_uint32])
- self.assertEqual(c.inotify_add_watch.restype, c_int)
- def test_failedInit(self):
- """
- If C{inotify_init} returns a negative number, L{init} raises
- L{INotifyError}.
- """
- class libc:
- def inotify_init(self):
- return -1
- self.patch(_inotify, 'libc', libc())
- self.assertRaises(INotifyError, init)
- def test_failedAddWatch(self):
- """
- If C{inotify_add_watch} returns a negative number, L{add}
- raises L{INotifyError}.
- """
- class libc:
- def inotify_add_watch(self, fd, path, mask):
- return -1
- self.patch(_inotify, 'libc', libc())
- self.assertRaises(INotifyError, add, 3, '/foo', 0)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_release.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_release.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a4f868c7..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_release.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2598 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.python.release} and L{twisted.python._release}.
-All of these tests are skipped on platforms other than Linux, as the release is
-only ever performed on Linux.
-import warnings
-import operator
-import os, sys, signal
-from StringIO import StringIO
-import tarfile
-from xml.dom import minidom as dom
-from datetime import date
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python.compat import execfile, set
-from twisted.python.procutils import which
-from twisted.python import release
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.python.versions import Version
-from twisted.python._release import _changeVersionInFile, getNextVersion
-from twisted.python._release import findTwistedProjects, replaceInFile
-from twisted.python._release import replaceProjectVersion
-from twisted.python._release import updateTwistedVersionInformation, Project
-from twisted.python._release import generateVersionFileData
-from twisted.python._release import changeAllProjectVersions
-from twisted.python._release import VERSION_OFFSET, DocBuilder, ManBuilder
-from twisted.python._release import NoDocumentsFound, filePathDelta
-from twisted.python._release import CommandFailed, BookBuilder
-from twisted.python._release import DistributionBuilder, APIBuilder
-from twisted.python._release import BuildAPIDocsScript
-from twisted.python._release import buildAllTarballs, runCommand
-from twisted.python._release import UncleanWorkingDirectory, NotWorkingDirectory
-from twisted.python._release import ChangeVersionsScript, BuildTarballsScript
-from twisted.python._release import NewsBuilder
-if os.name != 'posix':
- skip = "Release toolchain only supported on POSIX."
- skip = None
-# Check a bunch of dependencies to skip tests if necessary.
- from twisted.lore.scripts import lore
-except ImportError:
- loreSkip = "Lore is not present."
- loreSkip = skip
- import pydoctor.driver
- # it might not be installed, or it might use syntax not available in
- # this version of Python.
-except (ImportError, SyntaxError):
- pydoctorSkip = "Pydoctor is not present."
- if getattr(pydoctor, "version_info", (0,)) < (0, 1):
- pydoctorSkip = "Pydoctor is too old."
- else:
- pydoctorSkip = skip
-if which("latex") and which("dvips") and which("ps2pdf13"):
- latexSkip = skip
- latexSkip = "LaTeX is not available."
-if which("svn") and which("svnadmin"):
- svnSkip = skip
- svnSkip = "svn or svnadmin is not present."
-def genVersion(*args, **kwargs):
- """
- A convenience for generating _version.py data.
- @param args: Arguments to pass to L{Version}.
- @param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to L{Version}.
- """
- return generateVersionFileData(Version(*args, **kwargs))
-class StructureAssertingMixin(object):
- """
- A mixin for L{TestCase} subclasses which provides some methods for asserting
- the structure and contents of directories and files on the filesystem.
- """
- def createStructure(self, root, dirDict):
- """
- Create a set of directories and files given a dict defining their
- structure.
- @param root: The directory in which to create the structure. It must
- already exist.
- @type root: L{FilePath}
- @param dirDict: The dict defining the structure. Keys should be strings
- naming files, values should be strings describing file contents OR
- dicts describing subdirectories. All files are written in binary
- mode. Any string values are assumed to describe text files and
- will have their newlines replaced with the platform-native newline
- convention. For example::
- {"foofile": "foocontents",
- "bardir": {"barfile": "bar\ncontents"}}
- @type dirDict: C{dict}
- """
- for x in dirDict:
- child = root.child(x)
- if isinstance(dirDict[x], dict):
- child.createDirectory()
- self.createStructure(child, dirDict[x])
- else:
- child.setContent(dirDict[x].replace('\n', os.linesep))
- def assertStructure(self, root, dirDict):
- """
- Assert that a directory is equivalent to one described by a dict.
- @param root: The filesystem directory to compare.
- @type root: L{FilePath}
- @param dirDict: The dict that should describe the contents of the
- directory. It should be the same structure as the C{dirDict}
- parameter to L{createStructure}.
- @type dirDict: C{dict}
- """
- children = [x.basename() for x in root.children()]
- for x in dirDict:
- child = root.child(x)
- if isinstance(dirDict[x], dict):
- self.assertTrue(child.isdir(), "%s is not a dir!"
- % (child.path,))
- self.assertStructure(child, dirDict[x])
- else:
- a = child.getContent().replace(os.linesep, '\n')
- self.assertEqual(a, dirDict[x], child.path)
- children.remove(x)
- if children:
- self.fail("There were extra children in %s: %s"
- % (root.path, children))
- def assertExtractedStructure(self, outputFile, dirDict):
- """
- Assert that a tarfile content is equivalent to one described by a dict.
- @param outputFile: The tar file built by L{DistributionBuilder}.
- @type outputFile: L{FilePath}.
- @param dirDict: The dict that should describe the contents of the
- directory. It should be the same structure as the C{dirDict}
- parameter to L{createStructure}.
- @type dirDict: C{dict}
- """
- tarFile = tarfile.TarFile.open(outputFile.path, "r:bz2")
- extracted = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- extracted.createDirectory()
- for info in tarFile:
- tarFile.extract(info, path=extracted.path)
- self.assertStructure(extracted.children()[0], dirDict)
-class ChangeVersionTest(TestCase, StructureAssertingMixin):
- """
- Twisted has the ability to change versions.
- """
- def makeFile(self, relativePath, content):
- """
- Create a file with the given content relative to a temporary directory.
- @param relativePath: The basename of the file to create.
- @param content: The content that the file will have.
- @return: The filename.
- """
- baseDirectory = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- directory, filename = os.path.split(relativePath)
- directory = baseDirectory.preauthChild(directory)
- directory.makedirs()
- file = directory.child(filename)
- directory.child(filename).setContent(content)
- return file
- def test_getNextVersion(self):
- """
- When calculating the next version to release when a release is
- happening in the same year as the last release, the minor version
- number is incremented.
- """
- now = date.today()
- major = now.year - VERSION_OFFSET
- version = Version("twisted", major, 9, 0)
- self.assertEqual(getNextVersion(version, now=now),
- Version("twisted", major, 10, 0))
- def test_getNextVersionAfterYearChange(self):
- """
- When calculating the next version to release when a release is
- happening in a later year, the minor version number is reset to 0.
- """
- now = date.today()
- major = now.year - VERSION_OFFSET
- version = Version("twisted", major - 1, 9, 0)
- self.assertEqual(getNextVersion(version, now=now),
- Version("twisted", major, 0, 0))
- def test_changeVersionInFile(self):
- """
- _changeVersionInFile replaces the old version information in a file
- with the given new version information.
- """
- # The version numbers are arbitrary, the name is only kind of
- # arbitrary.
- packageName = 'foo'
- oldVersion = Version(packageName, 2, 5, 0)
- file = self.makeFile('README',
- "Hello and welcome to %s." % oldVersion.base())
- newVersion = Version(packageName, 7, 6, 0)
- _changeVersionInFile(oldVersion, newVersion, file.path)
- self.assertEqual(file.getContent(),
- "Hello and welcome to %s." % newVersion.base())
- def test_changeAllProjectVersions(self):
- """
- L{changeAllProjectVersions} changes all version numbers in _version.py
- and README files for all projects as well as in the the top-level
- README file.
- """
- root = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- root.createDirectory()
- structure = {
- "README": "Hi this is 1.0.0.",
- "twisted": {
- "topfiles": {
- "README": "Hi this is 1.0.0"},
- "_version.py":
- genVersion("twisted", 1, 0, 0),
- "web": {
- "topfiles": {
- "README": "Hi this is 1.0.0"},
- "_version.py": genVersion("twisted.web", 1, 0, 0)
- }}}
- self.createStructure(root, structure)
- changeAllProjectVersions(root, Version("lol", 1, 0, 2))
- outStructure = {
- "README": "Hi this is 1.0.2.",
- "twisted": {
- "topfiles": {
- "README": "Hi this is 1.0.2"},
- "_version.py":
- genVersion("twisted", 1, 0, 2),
- "web": {
- "topfiles": {
- "README": "Hi this is 1.0.2"},
- "_version.py": genVersion("twisted.web", 1, 0, 2),
- }}}
- self.assertStructure(root, outStructure)
- def test_changeAllProjectVersionsPreRelease(self):
- """
- L{changeAllProjectVersions} changes all version numbers in _version.py
- and README files for all projects as well as in the the top-level
- README file. If the old version was a pre-release, it will change the
- version in NEWS files as well.
- """
- root = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- root.createDirectory()
- coreNews = ("Twisted Core 1.0.0 (2009-12-25)\n"
- "===============================\n"
- "\n")
- webNews = ("Twisted Web 1.0.0pre1 (2009-12-25)\n"
- "==================================\n"
- "\n")
- structure = {
- "README": "Hi this is 1.0.0.",
- "NEWS": coreNews + webNews,
- "twisted": {
- "topfiles": {
- "README": "Hi this is 1.0.0",
- "NEWS": coreNews},
- "_version.py":
- genVersion("twisted", 1, 0, 0),
- "web": {
- "topfiles": {
- "README": "Hi this is 1.0.0pre1",
- "NEWS": webNews},
- "_version.py": genVersion("twisted.web", 1, 0, 0, 1)
- }}}
- self.createStructure(root, structure)
- changeAllProjectVersions(root, Version("lol", 1, 0, 2), '2010-01-01')
- coreNews = (
- "Twisted Core 1.0.0 (2009-12-25)\n"
- "===============================\n"
- "\n")
- webNews = ("Twisted Web 1.0.2 (2010-01-01)\n"
- "==============================\n"
- "\n")
- outStructure = {
- "README": "Hi this is 1.0.2.",
- "NEWS": coreNews + webNews,
- "twisted": {
- "topfiles": {
- "README": "Hi this is 1.0.2",
- "NEWS": coreNews},
- "_version.py":
- genVersion("twisted", 1, 0, 2),
- "web": {
- "topfiles": {
- "README": "Hi this is 1.0.2",
- "NEWS": webNews},
- "_version.py": genVersion("twisted.web", 1, 0, 2),
- }}}
- self.assertStructure(root, outStructure)
-class ProjectTest(TestCase):
- """
- There is a first-class representation of a project.
- """
- def assertProjectsEqual(self, observedProjects, expectedProjects):
- """
- Assert that two lists of L{Project}s are equal.
- """
- self.assertEqual(len(observedProjects), len(expectedProjects))
- observedProjects = sorted(observedProjects,
- key=operator.attrgetter('directory'))
- expectedProjects = sorted(expectedProjects,
- key=operator.attrgetter('directory'))
- for observed, expected in zip(observedProjects, expectedProjects):
- self.assertEqual(observed.directory, expected.directory)
- def makeProject(self, version, baseDirectory=None):
- """
- Make a Twisted-style project in the given base directory.
- @param baseDirectory: The directory to create files in
- (as a L{FilePath).
- @param version: The version information for the project.
- @return: L{Project} pointing to the created project.
- """
- if baseDirectory is None:
- baseDirectory = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- baseDirectory.createDirectory()
- segments = version.package.split('.')
- directory = baseDirectory
- for segment in segments:
- directory = directory.child(segment)
- if not directory.exists():
- directory.createDirectory()
- directory.child('__init__.py').setContent('')
- directory.child('topfiles').createDirectory()
- directory.child('topfiles').child('README').setContent(version.base())
- replaceProjectVersion(
- directory.child('_version.py').path, version)
- return Project(directory)
- def makeProjects(self, *versions):
- """
- Create a series of projects underneath a temporary base directory.
- @return: A L{FilePath} for the base directory.
- """
- baseDirectory = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- baseDirectory.createDirectory()
- for version in versions:
- self.makeProject(version, baseDirectory)
- return baseDirectory
- def test_getVersion(self):
- """
- Project objects know their version.
- """
- version = Version('foo', 2, 1, 0)
- project = self.makeProject(version)
- self.assertEqual(project.getVersion(), version)
- def test_updateVersion(self):
- """
- Project objects know how to update the version numbers in those
- projects.
- """
- project = self.makeProject(Version("bar", 2, 1, 0))
- newVersion = Version("bar", 3, 2, 9)
- project.updateVersion(newVersion)
- self.assertEqual(project.getVersion(), newVersion)
- self.assertEqual(
- project.directory.child("topfiles").child("README").getContent(),
- "3.2.9")
- def test_repr(self):
- """
- The representation of a Project is Project(directory).
- """
- foo = Project(FilePath('bar'))
- self.assertEqual(
- repr(foo), 'Project(%r)' % (foo.directory))
- def test_findTwistedStyleProjects(self):
- """
- findTwistedStyleProjects finds all projects underneath a particular
- directory. A 'project' is defined by the existence of a 'topfiles'
- directory and is returned as a Project object.
- """
- baseDirectory = self.makeProjects(
- Version('foo', 2, 3, 0), Version('foo.bar', 0, 7, 4))
- projects = findTwistedProjects(baseDirectory)
- self.assertProjectsEqual(
- projects,
- [Project(baseDirectory.child('foo')),
- Project(baseDirectory.child('foo').child('bar'))])
- def test_updateTwistedVersionInformation(self):
- """
- Update Twisted version information in the top-level project and all of
- the subprojects.
- """
- baseDirectory = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- baseDirectory.createDirectory()
- now = date.today()
- projectName = 'foo'
- oldVersion = Version(projectName, 2, 5, 0)
- newVersion = getNextVersion(oldVersion, now=now)
- project = self.makeProject(oldVersion, baseDirectory)
- updateTwistedVersionInformation(baseDirectory, now=now)
- self.assertEqual(project.getVersion(), newVersion)
- self.assertEqual(
- project.directory.child('topfiles').child('README').getContent(),
- newVersion.base())
-class UtilityTest(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for various utility functions for releasing.
- """
- def test_chdir(self):
- """
- Test that the runChdirSafe is actually safe, i.e., it still
- changes back to the original directory even if an error is
- raised.
- """
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- def chAndBreak():
- os.mkdir('releaseCh')
- os.chdir('releaseCh')
- 1//0
- self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError,
- release.runChdirSafe, chAndBreak)
- self.assertEqual(cwd, os.getcwd())
- def test_replaceInFile(self):
- """
- L{replaceInFile} replaces data in a file based on a dict. A key from
- the dict that is found in the file is replaced with the corresponding
- value.
- """
- in_ = 'foo\nhey hey $VER\nbar\n'
- outf = open('release.replace', 'w')
- outf.write(in_)
- outf.close()
- expected = in_.replace('$VER', '2.0.0')
- replaceInFile('release.replace', {'$VER': '2.0.0'})
- self.assertEqual(open('release.replace').read(), expected)
- expected = expected.replace('2.0.0', '3.0.0')
- replaceInFile('release.replace', {'2.0.0': '3.0.0'})
- self.assertEqual(open('release.replace').read(), expected)
-class VersionWritingTest(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{replaceProjectVersion}.
- """
- def test_replaceProjectVersion(self):
- """
- L{replaceProjectVersion} writes a Python file that defines a
- C{version} variable that corresponds to the given name and version
- number.
- """
- replaceProjectVersion("test_project",
- Version("twisted.test_project", 0, 82, 7))
- ns = {'__name___': 'twisted.test_project'}
- execfile("test_project", ns)
- self.assertEqual(ns["version"].base(), "0.82.7")
- def test_replaceProjectVersionWithPrerelease(self):
- """
- L{replaceProjectVersion} will write a Version instantiation that
- includes a prerelease parameter if necessary.
- """
- replaceProjectVersion("test_project",
- Version("twisted.test_project", 0, 82, 7,
- prerelease=8))
- ns = {'__name___': 'twisted.test_project'}
- execfile("test_project", ns)
- self.assertEqual(ns["version"].base(), "0.82.7pre8")
-class BuilderTestsMixin(object):
- """
- A mixin class which provides various methods for creating sample Lore input
- and output.
- @cvar template: The lore template that will be used to prepare sample
- output.
- @type template: C{str}
- @ivar docCounter: A counter which is incremented every time input is
- generated and which is included in the documents.
- @type docCounter: C{int}
- """
- template = '''
- <html>
- <head><title>Yo:</title></head>
- <body>
- <div class="body" />
- <a href="index.html">Index</a>
- <span class="version">Version: </span>
- </body>
- </html>
- '''
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Initialize the doc counter which ensures documents are unique.
- """
- self.docCounter = 0
- def assertXMLEqual(self, first, second):
- """
- Verify that two strings represent the same XML document.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- dom.parseString(first).toxml(),
- dom.parseString(second).toxml())
- def getArbitraryOutput(self, version, counter, prefix="", apiBaseURL="%s"):
- """
- Get the correct HTML output for the arbitrary input returned by
- L{getArbitraryLoreInput} for the given parameters.
- @param version: The version string to include in the output.
- @type version: C{str}
- @param counter: A counter to include in the output.
- @type counter: C{int}
- """
- document = """\
-<?xml version="1.0"?><html>
- <head><title>Yo:Hi! Title: %(count)d</title></head>
- <body>
- <div class="content">Hi! %(count)d<div class="API"><a href="%(foobarLink)s" title="foobar">foobar</a></div></div>
- <a href="%(prefix)sindex.html">Index</a>
- <span class="version">Version: %(version)s</span>
- </body>
- </html>"""
- # Try to normalize irrelevant whitespace.
- return dom.parseString(
- document % {"count": counter, "prefix": prefix,
- "version": version,
- "foobarLink": apiBaseURL % ("foobar",)}).toxml('utf-8')
- def getArbitraryLoreInput(self, counter):
- """
- Get an arbitrary, unique (for this test case) string of lore input.
- @param counter: A counter to include in the input.
- @type counter: C{int}
- """
- template = (
- '<html>'
- '<head><title>Hi! Title: %(count)s</title></head>'
- '<body>'
- 'Hi! %(count)s'
- '<div class="API">foobar</div>'
- '</body>'
- '</html>')
- return template % {"count": counter}
- def getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(self, version, prefix="",
- apiBaseURL="%s"):
- """
- Get an input document along with expected output for lore run on that
- output document, assuming an appropriately-specified C{self.template}.
- @param version: A version string to include in the input and output.
- @type version: C{str}
- @param prefix: The prefix to include in the link to the index.
- @type prefix: C{str}
- @return: A two-tuple of input and expected output.
- @rtype: C{(str, str)}.
- """
- self.docCounter += 1
- return (self.getArbitraryLoreInput(self.docCounter),
- self.getArbitraryOutput(version, self.docCounter,
- prefix=prefix, apiBaseURL=apiBaseURL))
- def getArbitraryManInput(self):
- """
- Get an arbitrary man page content.
- """
- return """.TH MANHOLE "1" "August 2001" "" ""
-manhole \- Connect to a Twisted Manhole service
-.B manhole
-manhole is a GTK interface to Twisted Manhole services. You can execute python
-code as if at an interactive Python console inside a running Twisted process
-with this."""
- def getArbitraryManLoreOutput(self):
- """
- Get an arbitrary lore input document which represents man-to-lore
- output based on the man page returned from L{getArbitraryManInput}
- """
- return """\
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<p>manhole - Connect to a Twisted Manhole service
-<p><strong>manhole</strong> </p>
-<p>manhole is a GTK interface to Twisted Manhole services. You can execute python
-code as if at an interactive Python console inside a running Twisted process
-with this.</p>
- def getArbitraryManHTMLOutput(self, version, prefix=""):
- """
- Get an arbitrary lore output document which represents the lore HTML
- output based on the input document returned from
- L{getArbitraryManLoreOutput}.
- @param version: A version string to include in the document.
- @type version: C{str}
- @param prefix: The prefix to include in the link to the index.
- @type prefix: C{str}
- """
- # Try to normalize the XML a little bit.
- return dom.parseString("""\
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><html>
- <head><title>Yo:MANHOLE.1</title></head>
- <body>
- <div class="content">
-<h2>NAME<a name="auto0"/></h2>
-<p>manhole - Connect to a Twisted Manhole service
-<h2>SYNOPSIS<a name="auto1"/></h2>
-<p><strong>manhole</strong> </p>
-<h2>DESCRIPTION<a name="auto2"/></h2>
-<p>manhole is a GTK interface to Twisted Manhole services. You can execute python
-code as if at an interactive Python console inside a running Twisted process
-with this.</p>
- <a href="%(prefix)sindex.html">Index</a>
- <span class="version">Version: %(version)s</span>
- </body>
- </html>""" % {
- 'prefix': prefix, 'version': version}).toxml("utf-8")
-class DocBuilderTestCase(TestCase, BuilderTestsMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{DocBuilder}.
- Note for future maintainers: The exact byte equality assertions throughout
- this suite may need to be updated due to minor differences in lore. They
- should not be taken to mean that Lore must maintain the same byte format
- forever. Feel free to update the tests when Lore changes, but please be
- careful.
- """
- skip = loreSkip
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Set up a few instance variables that will be useful.
- @ivar builder: A plain L{DocBuilder}.
- @ivar docCounter: An integer to be used as a counter by the
- C{getArbitrary...} methods.
- @ivar howtoDir: A L{FilePath} representing a directory to be used for
- containing Lore documents.
- @ivar templateFile: A L{FilePath} representing a file with
- C{self.template} as its content.
- """
- BuilderTestsMixin.setUp(self)
- self.builder = DocBuilder()
- self.howtoDir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.howtoDir.createDirectory()
- self.templateFile = self.howtoDir.child("template.tpl")
- self.templateFile.setContent(self.template)
- def test_build(self):
- """
- The L{DocBuilder} runs lore on all .xhtml files within a directory.
- """
- version = "1.2.3"
- input1, output1 = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(version)
- input2, output2 = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(version)
- self.howtoDir.child("one.xhtml").setContent(input1)
- self.howtoDir.child("two.xhtml").setContent(input2)
- self.builder.build(version, self.howtoDir, self.howtoDir,
- self.templateFile)
- out1 = self.howtoDir.child('one.html')
- out2 = self.howtoDir.child('two.html')
- self.assertXMLEqual(out1.getContent(), output1)
- self.assertXMLEqual(out2.getContent(), output2)
- def test_noDocumentsFound(self):
- """
- The C{build} method raises L{NoDocumentsFound} if there are no
- .xhtml files in the given directory.
- """
- self.assertRaises(
- NoDocumentsFound,
- self.builder.build, "1.2.3", self.howtoDir, self.howtoDir,
- self.templateFile)
- def test_parentDocumentLinking(self):
- """
- The L{DocBuilder} generates correct links from documents to
- template-generated links like stylesheets and index backreferences.
- """
- input = self.getArbitraryLoreInput(0)
- tutoDir = self.howtoDir.child("tutorial")
- tutoDir.createDirectory()
- tutoDir.child("child.xhtml").setContent(input)
- self.builder.build("1.2.3", self.howtoDir, tutoDir, self.templateFile)
- outFile = tutoDir.child('child.html')
- self.assertIn('<a href="../index.html">Index</a>',
- outFile.getContent())
- def test_siblingDirectoryDocumentLinking(self):
- """
- It is necessary to generate documentation in a directory foo/bar where
- stylesheet and indexes are located in foo/baz. Such resources should be
- appropriately linked to.
- """
- input = self.getArbitraryLoreInput(0)
- resourceDir = self.howtoDir.child("resources")
- docDir = self.howtoDir.child("docs")
- docDir.createDirectory()
- docDir.child("child.xhtml").setContent(input)
- self.builder.build("1.2.3", resourceDir, docDir, self.templateFile)
- outFile = docDir.child('child.html')
- self.assertIn('<a href="../resources/index.html">Index</a>',
- outFile.getContent())
- def test_apiLinking(self):
- """
- The L{DocBuilder} generates correct links from documents to API
- documentation.
- """
- version = "1.2.3"
- input, output = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(version)
- self.howtoDir.child("one.xhtml").setContent(input)
- self.builder.build(version, self.howtoDir, self.howtoDir,
- self.templateFile, "scheme:apilinks/%s.ext")
- out = self.howtoDir.child('one.html')
- self.assertIn(
- '<a href="scheme:apilinks/foobar.ext" title="foobar">foobar</a>',
- out.getContent())
- def test_deleteInput(self):
- """
- L{DocBuilder.build} can be instructed to delete the input files after
- generating the output based on them.
- """
- input1 = self.getArbitraryLoreInput(0)
- self.howtoDir.child("one.xhtml").setContent(input1)
- self.builder.build("whatever", self.howtoDir, self.howtoDir,
- self.templateFile, deleteInput=True)
- self.assertTrue(self.howtoDir.child('one.html').exists())
- self.assertFalse(self.howtoDir.child('one.xhtml').exists())
- def test_doNotDeleteInput(self):
- """
- Input will not be deleted by default.
- """
- input1 = self.getArbitraryLoreInput(0)
- self.howtoDir.child("one.xhtml").setContent(input1)
- self.builder.build("whatever", self.howtoDir, self.howtoDir,
- self.templateFile)
- self.assertTrue(self.howtoDir.child('one.html').exists())
- self.assertTrue(self.howtoDir.child('one.xhtml').exists())
- def test_getLinkrelToSameDirectory(self):
- """
- If the doc and resource directories are the same, the linkrel should be
- an empty string.
- """
- linkrel = self.builder.getLinkrel(FilePath("/foo/bar"),
- FilePath("/foo/bar"))
- self.assertEqual(linkrel, "")
- def test_getLinkrelToParentDirectory(self):
- """
- If the doc directory is a child of the resource directory, the linkrel
- should make use of '..'.
- """
- linkrel = self.builder.getLinkrel(FilePath("/foo"),
- FilePath("/foo/bar"))
- self.assertEqual(linkrel, "../")
- def test_getLinkrelToSibling(self):
- """
- If the doc directory is a sibling of the resource directory, the
- linkrel should make use of '..' and a named segment.
- """
- linkrel = self.builder.getLinkrel(FilePath("/foo/howto"),
- FilePath("/foo/examples"))
- self.assertEqual(linkrel, "../howto/")
- def test_getLinkrelToUncle(self):
- """
- If the doc directory is a sibling of the parent of the resource
- directory, the linkrel should make use of multiple '..'s and a named
- segment.
- """
- linkrel = self.builder.getLinkrel(FilePath("/foo/howto"),
- FilePath("/foo/examples/quotes"))
- self.assertEqual(linkrel, "../../howto/")
-class APIBuilderTestCase(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{APIBuilder}.
- """
- skip = pydoctorSkip
- def test_build(self):
- """
- L{APIBuilder.build} writes an index file which includes the name of the
- project specified.
- """
- stdout = StringIO()
- self.patch(sys, 'stdout', stdout)
- projectName = "Foobar"
- packageName = "quux"
- projectURL = "scheme:project"
- sourceURL = "scheme:source"
- docstring = "text in docstring"
- privateDocstring = "should also appear in output"
- inputPath = FilePath(self.mktemp()).child(packageName)
- inputPath.makedirs()
- inputPath.child("__init__.py").setContent(
- "def foo():\n"
- " '%s'\n"
- "def _bar():\n"
- " '%s'" % (docstring, privateDocstring))
- outputPath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- outputPath.makedirs()
- builder = APIBuilder()
- builder.build(projectName, projectURL, sourceURL, inputPath, outputPath)
- indexPath = outputPath.child("index.html")
- self.assertTrue(
- indexPath.exists(),
- "API index %r did not exist." % (outputPath.path,))
- self.assertIn(
- '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (projectURL, projectName),
- indexPath.getContent(),
- "Project name/location not in file contents.")
- quuxPath = outputPath.child("quux.html")
- self.assertTrue(
- quuxPath.exists(),
- "Package documentation file %r did not exist." % (quuxPath.path,))
- self.assertIn(
- docstring, quuxPath.getContent(),
- "Docstring not in package documentation file.")
- self.assertIn(
- '<a href="%s/%s">View Source</a>' % (sourceURL, packageName),
- quuxPath.getContent())
- self.assertIn(
- '<a href="%s/%s/__init__.py#L1" class="functionSourceLink">' % (
- sourceURL, packageName),
- quuxPath.getContent())
- self.assertIn(privateDocstring, quuxPath.getContent())
- # There should also be a page for the foo function in quux.
- self.assertTrue(quuxPath.sibling('quux.foo.html').exists())
- self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), '')
- def test_buildWithPolicy(self):
- """
- L{BuildAPIDocsScript.buildAPIDocs} builds the API docs with values
- appropriate for the Twisted project.
- """
- stdout = StringIO()
- self.patch(sys, 'stdout', stdout)
- docstring = "text in docstring"
- projectRoot = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- packagePath = projectRoot.child("twisted")
- packagePath.makedirs()
- packagePath.child("__init__.py").setContent(
- "def foo():\n"
- " '%s'\n" % (docstring,))
- packagePath.child("_version.py").setContent(
- genVersion("twisted", 1, 0, 0))
- outputPath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- script = BuildAPIDocsScript()
- script.buildAPIDocs(projectRoot, outputPath)
- indexPath = outputPath.child("index.html")
- self.assertTrue(
- indexPath.exists(),
- "API index %r did not exist." % (outputPath.path,))
- self.assertIn(
- '<a href="http://twistedmatrix.com/">Twisted</a>',
- indexPath.getContent(),
- "Project name/location not in file contents.")
- twistedPath = outputPath.child("twisted.html")
- self.assertTrue(
- twistedPath.exists(),
- "Package documentation file %r did not exist."
- % (twistedPath.path,))
- self.assertIn(
- docstring, twistedPath.getContent(),
- "Docstring not in package documentation file.")
- #Here we check that it figured out the correct version based on the
- #source code.
- self.assertIn(
- '<a href="http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/browser/tags/releases/'
- 'twisted-1.0.0/twisted">View Source</a>',
- twistedPath.getContent())
- self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), '')
- def test_apiBuilderScriptMainRequiresTwoArguments(self):
- """
- SystemExit is raised when the incorrect number of command line
- arguments are passed to the API building script.
- """
- script = BuildAPIDocsScript()
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, script.main, [])
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, script.main, ["foo"])
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, script.main, ["foo", "bar", "baz"])
- def test_apiBuilderScriptMain(self):
- """
- The API building script invokes the same code that
- L{test_buildWithPolicy} tests.
- """
- script = BuildAPIDocsScript()
- calls = []
- script.buildAPIDocs = lambda a, b: calls.append((a, b))
- script.main(["hello", "there"])
- self.assertEqual(calls, [(FilePath("hello"), FilePath("there"))])
-class ManBuilderTestCase(TestCase, BuilderTestsMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{ManBuilder}.
- """
- skip = loreSkip
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Set up a few instance variables that will be useful.
- @ivar builder: A plain L{ManBuilder}.
- @ivar manDir: A L{FilePath} representing a directory to be used for
- containing man pages.
- """
- BuilderTestsMixin.setUp(self)
- self.builder = ManBuilder()
- self.manDir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.manDir.createDirectory()
- def test_noDocumentsFound(self):
- """
- L{ManBuilder.build} raises L{NoDocumentsFound} if there are no
- .1 files in the given directory.
- """
- self.assertRaises(NoDocumentsFound, self.builder.build, self.manDir)
- def test_build(self):
- """
- Check that L{ManBuilder.build} find the man page in the directory, and
- successfully produce a Lore content.
- """
- manContent = self.getArbitraryManInput()
- self.manDir.child('test1.1').setContent(manContent)
- self.builder.build(self.manDir)
- output = self.manDir.child('test1-man.xhtml').getContent()
- expected = self.getArbitraryManLoreOutput()
- # No-op on *nix, fix for windows
- expected = expected.replace('\n', os.linesep)
- self.assertEqual(output, expected)
- def test_toHTML(self):
- """
- Check that the content output by C{build} is compatible as input of
- L{DocBuilder.build}.
- """
- manContent = self.getArbitraryManInput()
- self.manDir.child('test1.1').setContent(manContent)
- self.builder.build(self.manDir)
- templateFile = self.manDir.child("template.tpl")
- templateFile.setContent(DocBuilderTestCase.template)
- docBuilder = DocBuilder()
- docBuilder.build("1.2.3", self.manDir, self.manDir,
- templateFile)
- output = self.manDir.child('test1-man.html').getContent()
- self.assertXMLEqual(
- output,
- """\
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><html>
- <head><title>Yo:MANHOLE.1</title></head>
- <body>
- <div class="content">
-<h2>NAME<a name="auto0"/></h2>
-<p>manhole - Connect to a Twisted Manhole service
-<h2>SYNOPSIS<a name="auto1"/></h2>
-<p><strong>manhole</strong> </p>
-<h2>DESCRIPTION<a name="auto2"/></h2>
-<p>manhole is a GTK interface to Twisted Manhole services. You can execute python
-code as if at an interactive Python console inside a running Twisted process
-with this.</p>
- <a href="index.html">Index</a>
- <span class="version">Version: 1.2.3</span>
- </body>
- </html>""")
-class BookBuilderTests(TestCase, BuilderTestsMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{BookBuilder}.
- """
- skip = latexSkip or loreSkip
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Make a directory into which to place temporary files.
- """
- self.docCounter = 0
- self.howtoDir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.howtoDir.makedirs()
- self.oldHandler = signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_DFL)
- def tearDown(self):
- signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self.oldHandler)
- def getArbitraryOutput(self, version, counter, prefix="", apiBaseURL=None):
- """
- Create and return a C{str} containing the LaTeX document which is
- expected as the output for processing the result of the document
- returned by C{self.getArbitraryLoreInput(counter)}.
- """
- path = self.howtoDir.child("%d.xhtml" % (counter,)).path
- return (
- r'\section{Hi! Title: %(count)s\label{%(path)s}}'
- '\n'
- r'Hi! %(count)sfoobar') % {'count': counter, 'path': path}
- def test_runSuccess(self):
- """
- L{BookBuilder.run} executes the command it is passed and returns a
- string giving the stdout and stderr of the command if it completes
- successfully.
- """
- builder = BookBuilder()
- self.assertEqual(
- builder.run([
- sys.executable, '-c',
- 'import sys; '
- 'sys.stdout.write("hi\\n"); '
- 'sys.stdout.flush(); '
- 'sys.stderr.write("bye\\n"); '
- 'sys.stderr.flush()']),
- "hi\nbye\n")
- def test_runFailed(self):
- """
- L{BookBuilder.run} executes the command it is passed and raises
- L{CommandFailed} if it completes unsuccessfully.
- """
- builder = BookBuilder()
- exc = self.assertRaises(
- CommandFailed, builder.run,
- [sys.executable, '-c', 'print "hi"; raise SystemExit(1)'])
- self.assertEqual(exc.exitStatus, 1)
- self.assertEqual(exc.exitSignal, None)
- self.assertEqual(exc.output, "hi\n")
- def test_runSignaled(self):
- """
- L{BookBuilder.run} executes the command it is passed and raises
- L{CommandFailed} if it exits due to a signal.
- """
- builder = BookBuilder()
- exc = self.assertRaises(
- CommandFailed, builder.run,
- [sys.executable, '-c',
- 'import sys; print "hi"; sys.stdout.flush(); '
- 'import os; os.kill(os.getpid(), 9)'])
- self.assertEqual(exc.exitSignal, 9)
- self.assertEqual(exc.exitStatus, None)
- self.assertEqual(exc.output, "hi\n")
- def test_buildTeX(self):
- """
- L{BookBuilder.buildTeX} writes intermediate TeX files for all lore
- input files in a directory.
- """
- version = "3.2.1"
- input1, output1 = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(version)
- input2, output2 = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(version)
- # Filenames are chosen by getArbitraryOutput to match the counter used
- # by getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput.
- self.howtoDir.child("1.xhtml").setContent(input1)
- self.howtoDir.child("2.xhtml").setContent(input2)
- builder = BookBuilder()
- builder.buildTeX(self.howtoDir)
- self.assertEqual(self.howtoDir.child("1.tex").getContent(), output1)
- self.assertEqual(self.howtoDir.child("2.tex").getContent(), output2)
- def test_buildTeXRejectsInvalidDirectory(self):
- """
- L{BookBuilder.buildTeX} raises L{ValueError} if passed a directory
- which does not exist.
- """
- builder = BookBuilder()
- self.assertRaises(
- ValueError, builder.buildTeX, self.howtoDir.temporarySibling())
- def test_buildTeXOnlyBuildsXHTML(self):
- """
- L{BookBuilder.buildTeX} ignores files which which don't end with
- ".xhtml".
- """
- # Hopefully ">" is always a parse error from microdom!
- self.howtoDir.child("not-input.dat").setContent(">")
- self.test_buildTeX()
- def test_stdout(self):
- """
- L{BookBuilder.buildTeX} does not write to stdout.
- """
- stdout = StringIO()
- self.patch(sys, 'stdout', stdout)
- # Suppress warnings so that if there are any old-style plugins that
- # lore queries for don't confuse the assertion below. See #3070.
- self.patch(warnings, 'warn', lambda *a, **kw: None)
- self.test_buildTeX()
- self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), '')
- def test_buildPDFRejectsInvalidBookFilename(self):
- """
- L{BookBuilder.buildPDF} raises L{ValueError} if the book filename does
- not end with ".tex".
- """
- builder = BookBuilder()
- self.assertRaises(
- ValueError,
- builder.buildPDF,
- FilePath(self.mktemp()).child("foo"),
- None,
- None)
- def _setupTeXFiles(self):
- sections = range(3)
- self._setupTeXSections(sections)
- return self._setupTeXBook(sections)
- def _setupTeXSections(self, sections):
- for texSectionNumber in sections:
- texPath = self.howtoDir.child("%d.tex" % (texSectionNumber,))
- texPath.setContent(self.getArbitraryOutput(
- "1.2.3", texSectionNumber))
- def _setupTeXBook(self, sections):
- bookTeX = self.howtoDir.child("book.tex")
- bookTeX.setContent(
- r"\documentclass{book}" "\n"
- r"\begin{document}" "\n" +
- "\n".join([r"\input{%d.tex}" % (n,) for n in sections]) +
- r"\end{document}" "\n")
- return bookTeX
- def test_buildPDF(self):
- """
- L{BookBuilder.buildPDF} creates a PDF given an index tex file and a
- directory containing .tex files.
- """
- bookPath = self._setupTeXFiles()
- outputPath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- builder = BookBuilder()
- builder.buildPDF(bookPath, self.howtoDir, outputPath)
- self.assertTrue(outputPath.exists())
- def test_buildPDFLongPath(self):
- """
- L{BookBuilder.buildPDF} succeeds even if the paths it is operating on
- are very long.
- C{ps2pdf13} seems to have problems when path names are long. This test
- verifies that even if inputs have long paths, generation still
- succeeds.
- """
- # Make it long.
- self.howtoDir = self.howtoDir.child("x" * 128).child("x" * 128).child("x" * 128)
- self.howtoDir.makedirs()
- # This will use the above long path.
- bookPath = self._setupTeXFiles()
- outputPath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- builder = BookBuilder()
- builder.buildPDF(bookPath, self.howtoDir, outputPath)
- self.assertTrue(outputPath.exists())
- def test_buildPDFRunsLaTeXThreeTimes(self):
- """
- L{BookBuilder.buildPDF} runs C{latex} three times.
- """
- class InspectableBookBuilder(BookBuilder):
- def __init__(self):
- BookBuilder.__init__(self)
- self.commands = []
- def run(self, command):
- """
- Record the command and then execute it.
- """
- self.commands.append(command)
- return BookBuilder.run(self, command)
- bookPath = self._setupTeXFiles()
- outputPath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- builder = InspectableBookBuilder()
- builder.buildPDF(bookPath, self.howtoDir, outputPath)
- # These string comparisons are very fragile. It would be better to
- # have a test which asserted the correctness of the contents of the
- # output files. I don't know how one could do that, though. -exarkun
- latex1, latex2, latex3, dvips, ps2pdf13 = builder.commands
- self.assertEqual(latex1, latex2)
- self.assertEqual(latex2, latex3)
- self.assertEqual(
- latex1[:1], ["latex"],
- "LaTeX command %r does not seem right." % (latex1,))
- self.assertEqual(
- latex1[-1:], [bookPath.path],
- "LaTeX command %r does not end with the book path (%r)." % (
- latex1, bookPath.path))
- self.assertEqual(
- dvips[:1], ["dvips"],
- "dvips command %r does not seem right." % (dvips,))
- self.assertEqual(
- ps2pdf13[:1], ["ps2pdf13"],
- "ps2pdf13 command %r does not seem right." % (ps2pdf13,))
- def test_noSideEffects(self):
- """
- The working directory is the same before and after a call to
- L{BookBuilder.buildPDF}. Also the contents of the directory containing
- the input book are the same before and after the call.
- """
- startDir = os.getcwd()
- bookTeX = self._setupTeXFiles()
- startTeXSiblings = bookTeX.parent().children()
- startHowtoChildren = self.howtoDir.children()
- builder = BookBuilder()
- builder.buildPDF(bookTeX, self.howtoDir, FilePath(self.mktemp()))
- self.assertEqual(startDir, os.getcwd())
- self.assertEqual(startTeXSiblings, bookTeX.parent().children())
- self.assertEqual(startHowtoChildren, self.howtoDir.children())
- def test_failedCommandProvidesOutput(self):
- """
- If a subprocess fails, L{BookBuilder.buildPDF} raises L{CommandFailed}
- with the subprocess's output and leaves the temporary directory as a
- sibling of the book path.
- """
- bookTeX = FilePath(self.mktemp() + ".tex")
- builder = BookBuilder()
- inputState = bookTeX.parent().children()
- exc = self.assertRaises(
- CommandFailed,
- builder.buildPDF,
- bookTeX, self.howtoDir, FilePath(self.mktemp()))
- self.assertTrue(exc.output)
- newOutputState = set(bookTeX.parent().children()) - set(inputState)
- self.assertEqual(len(newOutputState), 1)
- workPath = newOutputState.pop()
- self.assertTrue(
- workPath.isdir(),
- "Expected work path %r was not a directory." % (workPath.path,))
- def test_build(self):
- """
- L{BookBuilder.build} generates a pdf book file from some lore input
- files.
- """
- sections = range(1, 4)
- for sectionNumber in sections:
- self.howtoDir.child("%d.xhtml" % (sectionNumber,)).setContent(
- self.getArbitraryLoreInput(sectionNumber))
- bookTeX = self._setupTeXBook(sections)
- bookPDF = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- builder = BookBuilder()
- builder.build(self.howtoDir, [self.howtoDir], bookTeX, bookPDF)
- self.assertTrue(bookPDF.exists())
- def test_buildRemovesTemporaryLaTeXFiles(self):
- """
- L{BookBuilder.build} removes the intermediate LaTeX files it creates.
- """
- sections = range(1, 4)
- for sectionNumber in sections:
- self.howtoDir.child("%d.xhtml" % (sectionNumber,)).setContent(
- self.getArbitraryLoreInput(sectionNumber))
- bookTeX = self._setupTeXBook(sections)
- bookPDF = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- builder = BookBuilder()
- builder.build(self.howtoDir, [self.howtoDir], bookTeX, bookPDF)
- self.assertEqual(
- set(self.howtoDir.listdir()),
- set([bookTeX.basename()] + ["%d.xhtml" % (n,) for n in sections]))
-class FilePathDeltaTest(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{filePathDelta}.
- """
- def test_filePathDeltaSubdir(self):
- """
- L{filePathDelta} can create a simple relative path to a child path.
- """
- self.assertEqual(filePathDelta(FilePath("/foo/bar"),
- FilePath("/foo/bar/baz")),
- ["baz"])
- def test_filePathDeltaSiblingDir(self):
- """
- L{filePathDelta} can traverse upwards to create relative paths to
- siblings.
- """
- self.assertEqual(filePathDelta(FilePath("/foo/bar"),
- FilePath("/foo/baz")),
- ["..", "baz"])
- def test_filePathNoCommonElements(self):
- """
- L{filePathDelta} can create relative paths to totally unrelated paths
- for maximum portability.
- """
- self.assertEqual(filePathDelta(FilePath("/foo/bar"),
- FilePath("/baz/quux")),
- ["..", "..", "baz", "quux"])
- def test_filePathDeltaSimilarEndElements(self):
- """
- L{filePathDelta} doesn't take into account final elements when
- comparing 2 paths, but stops at the first difference.
- """
- self.assertEqual(filePathDelta(FilePath("/foo/bar/bar/spam"),
- FilePath("/foo/bar/baz/spam")),
- ["..", "..", "baz", "spam"])
-class NewsBuilderTests(TestCase, StructureAssertingMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{NewsBuilder}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a fake project and stuff some basic structure and content into
- it.
- """
- self.builder = NewsBuilder()
- self.project = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.project.createDirectory()
- self.existingText = 'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n'
- self.createStructure(self.project, {
- 'NEWS': self.existingText,
- '5.feature': 'We now support the web.\n',
- '12.feature': 'The widget is more robust.\n',
- '15.feature': (
- 'A very long feature which takes many words to '
- 'describe with any accuracy was introduced so that '
- 'the line wrapping behavior of the news generating '
- 'code could be verified.\n'),
- '16.feature': (
- 'A simpler feature\ndescribed on multiple lines\n'
- 'was added.\n'),
- '23.bugfix': 'Broken stuff was fixed.\n',
- '25.removal': 'Stupid stuff was deprecated.\n',
- '30.misc': '',
- '35.misc': '',
- '40.doc': 'foo.bar.Baz.quux',
- '41.doc': 'writing Foo servers'})
- def test_today(self):
- """
- L{NewsBuilder._today} returns today's date in YYYY-MM-DD form.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.builder._today(), date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
- def test_findFeatures(self):
- """
- When called with L{NewsBuilder._FEATURE}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
- returns a list of bugfix ticket numbers and descriptions as a list of
- two-tuples.
- """
- features = self.builder._findChanges(
- self.project, self.builder._FEATURE)
- self.assertEqual(
- features,
- [(5, "We now support the web."),
- (12, "The widget is more robust."),
- (15,
- "A very long feature which takes many words to describe with "
- "any accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior "
- "of the news generating code could be verified."),
- (16, "A simpler feature described on multiple lines was added.")])
- def test_findBugfixes(self):
- """
- When called with L{NewsBuilder._BUGFIX}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
- returns a list of bugfix ticket numbers and descriptions as a list of
- two-tuples.
- """
- bugfixes = self.builder._findChanges(
- self.project, self.builder._BUGFIX)
- self.assertEqual(
- bugfixes,
- [(23, 'Broken stuff was fixed.')])
- def test_findRemovals(self):
- """
- When called with L{NewsBuilder._REMOVAL}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
- returns a list of removal/deprecation ticket numbers and descriptions
- as a list of two-tuples.
- """
- removals = self.builder._findChanges(
- self.project, self.builder._REMOVAL)
- self.assertEqual(
- removals,
- [(25, 'Stupid stuff was deprecated.')])
- def test_findDocumentation(self):
- """
- When called with L{NewsBuilder._DOC}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
- returns a list of documentation ticket numbers and descriptions as a
- list of two-tuples.
- """
- doc = self.builder._findChanges(
- self.project, self.builder._DOC)
- self.assertEqual(
- doc,
- [(40, 'foo.bar.Baz.quux'),
- (41, 'writing Foo servers')])
- def test_findMiscellaneous(self):
- """
- When called with L{NewsBuilder._MISC}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}
- returns a list of removal/deprecation ticket numbers and descriptions
- as a list of two-tuples.
- """
- misc = self.builder._findChanges(
- self.project, self.builder._MISC)
- self.assertEqual(
- misc,
- [(30, ''),
- (35, '')])
- def test_writeHeader(self):
- """
- L{NewsBuilder._writeHeader} accepts a file-like object opened for
- writing and a header string and writes out a news file header to it.
- """
- output = StringIO()
- self.builder._writeHeader(output, "Super Awesometastic 32.16")
- self.assertEqual(
- output.getvalue(),
- "Super Awesometastic 32.16\n"
- "=========================\n"
- "\n")
- def test_writeSection(self):
- """
- L{NewsBuilder._writeSection} accepts a file-like object opened for
- writing, a section name, and a list of ticket information (as returned
- by L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}) and writes out a section header and all
- of the given ticket information.
- """
- output = StringIO()
- self.builder._writeSection(
- output, "Features",
- [(3, "Great stuff."),
- (17, "Very long line which goes on and on and on, seemingly "
- "without end until suddenly without warning it does end.")])
- self.assertEqual(
- output.getvalue(),
- "Features\n"
- "--------\n"
- " - Great stuff. (#3)\n"
- " - Very long line which goes on and on and on, seemingly without end\n"
- " until suddenly without warning it does end. (#17)\n"
- "\n")
- def test_writeMisc(self):
- """
- L{NewsBuilder._writeMisc} accepts a file-like object opened for
- writing, a section name, and a list of ticket information (as returned
- by L{NewsBuilder._findChanges} and writes out a section header and all
- of the ticket numbers, but excludes any descriptions.
- """
- output = StringIO()
- self.builder._writeMisc(
- output, "Other",
- [(x, "") for x in range(2, 50, 3)])
- self.assertEqual(
- output.getvalue(),
- "Other\n"
- "-----\n"
- " - #2, #5, #8, #11, #14, #17, #20, #23, #26, #29, #32, #35, #38, #41,\n"
- " #44, #47\n"
- "\n")
- def test_build(self):
- """
- L{NewsBuilder.build} updates a NEWS file with new features based on the
- I{<ticket>.feature} files found in the directory specified.
- """
- self.builder.build(
- self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'),
- "Super Awesometastic 32.16")
- results = self.project.child('NEWS').getContent()
- self.assertEqual(
- results,
- 'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n'
- '=========================\n'
- '\n'
- 'Features\n'
- '--------\n'
- ' - We now support the web. (#5)\n'
- ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n'
- ' - A very long feature which takes many words to describe with any\n'
- ' accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior of the\n'
- ' news generating code could be verified. (#15)\n'
- ' - A simpler feature described on multiple lines was added. (#16)\n'
- '\n'
- 'Bugfixes\n'
- '--------\n'
- ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
- '\n'
- 'Improved Documentation\n'
- '----------------------\n'
- ' - foo.bar.Baz.quux (#40)\n'
- ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n'
- '\n'
- 'Deprecations and Removals\n'
- '-------------------------\n'
- ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
- '\n'
- 'Other\n'
- '-----\n'
- ' - #30, #35\n'
- '\n\n' + self.existingText)
- def test_emptyProjectCalledOut(self):
- """
- If no changes exist for a project, I{NEWS} gains a new section for
- that project that includes some helpful text about how there were no
- interesting changes.
- """
- project = FilePath(self.mktemp()).child("twisted")
- project.makedirs()
- self.createStructure(project, {
- 'NEWS': self.existingText })
- self.builder.build(
- project, project.child('NEWS'),
- "Super Awesometastic 32.16")
- results = project.child('NEWS').getContent()
- self.assertEqual(
- results,
- 'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n'
- '=========================\n'
- '\n' +
- self.builder._NO_CHANGES +
- '\n\n' + self.existingText)
- def test_preserveTicketHint(self):
- """
- If a I{NEWS} file begins with the two magic lines which point readers
- at the issue tracker, those lines are kept at the top of the new file.
- """
- news = self.project.child('NEWS')
- news.setContent(
- 'Ticket numbers in this file can be looked up by visiting\n'
- 'http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/<number>\n'
- '\n'
- 'Blah blah other stuff.\n')
- self.builder.build(self.project, news, "Super Awesometastic 32.16")
- self.assertEqual(
- news.getContent(),
- 'Ticket numbers in this file can be looked up by visiting\n'
- 'http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/<number>\n'
- '\n'
- 'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n'
- '=========================\n'
- '\n'
- 'Features\n'
- '--------\n'
- ' - We now support the web. (#5)\n'
- ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n'
- ' - A very long feature which takes many words to describe with any\n'
- ' accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior of the\n'
- ' news generating code could be verified. (#15)\n'
- ' - A simpler feature described on multiple lines was added. (#16)\n'
- '\n'
- 'Bugfixes\n'
- '--------\n'
- ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
- '\n'
- 'Improved Documentation\n'
- '----------------------\n'
- ' - foo.bar.Baz.quux (#40)\n'
- ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n'
- '\n'
- 'Deprecations and Removals\n'
- '-------------------------\n'
- ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
- '\n'
- 'Other\n'
- '-----\n'
- ' - #30, #35\n'
- '\n\n'
- 'Blah blah other stuff.\n')
- def test_emptySectionsOmitted(self):
- """
- If there are no changes of a particular type (feature, bugfix, etc), no
- section for that type is written by L{NewsBuilder.build}.
- """
- for ticket in self.project.children():
- if ticket.splitext()[1] in ('.feature', '.misc', '.doc'):
- ticket.remove()
- self.builder.build(
- self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'),
- 'Some Thing 1.2')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.project.child('NEWS').getContent(),
- 'Some Thing 1.2\n'
- '==============\n'
- '\n'
- 'Bugfixes\n'
- '--------\n'
- ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
- '\n'
- 'Deprecations and Removals\n'
- '-------------------------\n'
- ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
- '\n\n'
- 'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n')
- def test_duplicatesMerged(self):
- """
- If two change files have the same contents, they are merged in the
- generated news entry.
- """
- def feature(s):
- return self.project.child(s + '.feature')
- feature('5').copyTo(feature('15'))
- feature('5').copyTo(feature('16'))
- self.builder.build(
- self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'),
- 'Project Name 5.0')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.project.child('NEWS').getContent(),
- 'Project Name 5.0\n'
- '================\n'
- '\n'
- 'Features\n'
- '--------\n'
- ' - We now support the web. (#5, #15, #16)\n'
- ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n'
- '\n'
- 'Bugfixes\n'
- '--------\n'
- ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n'
- '\n'
- 'Improved Documentation\n'
- '----------------------\n'
- ' - foo.bar.Baz.quux (#40)\n'
- ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n'
- '\n'
- 'Deprecations and Removals\n'
- '-------------------------\n'
- ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n'
- '\n'
- 'Other\n'
- '-----\n'
- ' - #30, #35\n'
- '\n\n'
- 'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n')
- def createFakeTwistedProject(self):
- """
- Create a fake-looking Twisted project to build from.
- """
- project = FilePath(self.mktemp()).child("twisted")
- project.makedirs()
- self.createStructure(project, {
- 'NEWS': 'Old boring stuff from the past.\n',
- '_version.py': genVersion("twisted", 1, 2, 3),
- 'topfiles': {
- 'NEWS': 'Old core news.\n',
- '3.feature': 'Third feature addition.\n',
- '5.misc': ''},
- 'conch': {
- '_version.py': genVersion("twisted.conch", 3, 4, 5),
- 'topfiles': {
- 'NEWS': 'Old conch news.\n',
- '7.bugfix': 'Fixed that bug.\n'}},
- })
- return project
- def test_buildAll(self):
- """
- L{NewsBuilder.buildAll} calls L{NewsBuilder.build} once for each
- subproject, passing that subproject's I{topfiles} directory as C{path},
- the I{NEWS} file in that directory as C{output}, and the subproject's
- name as C{header}, and then again for each subproject with the
- top-level I{NEWS} file for C{output}. Blacklisted subprojects are
- skipped.
- """
- builds = []
- builder = NewsBuilder()
- builder.build = lambda path, output, header: builds.append((
- path, output, header))
- builder._today = lambda: '2009-12-01'
- project = self.createFakeTwistedProject()
- builder.buildAll(project)
- coreTopfiles = project.child("topfiles")
- coreNews = coreTopfiles.child("NEWS")
- coreHeader = "Twisted Core 1.2.3 (2009-12-01)"
- conchTopfiles = project.child("conch").child("topfiles")
- conchNews = conchTopfiles.child("NEWS")
- conchHeader = "Twisted Conch 3.4.5 (2009-12-01)"
- aggregateNews = project.child("NEWS")
- self.assertEqual(
- builds,
- [(conchTopfiles, conchNews, conchHeader),
- (coreTopfiles, coreNews, coreHeader),
- (conchTopfiles, aggregateNews, conchHeader),
- (coreTopfiles, aggregateNews, coreHeader)])
- def test_changeVersionInNews(self):
- """
- L{NewsBuilder._changeVersions} gets the release date for a given
- version of a project as a string.
- """
- builder = NewsBuilder()
- builder._today = lambda: '2009-12-01'
- project = self.createFakeTwistedProject()
- builder.buildAll(project)
- newVersion = Version('TEMPLATE', 7, 7, 14)
- coreNews = project.child('topfiles').child('NEWS')
- # twisted 1.2.3 is the old version.
- builder._changeNewsVersion(
- coreNews, "Core", Version("twisted", 1, 2, 3),
- newVersion, '2010-01-01')
- expectedCore = (
- 'Twisted Core 7.7.14 (2010-01-01)\n'
- '================================\n'
- '\n'
- 'Features\n'
- '--------\n'
- ' - Third feature addition. (#3)\n'
- '\n'
- 'Other\n'
- '-----\n'
- ' - #5\n\n\n')
- self.assertEqual(
- expectedCore + 'Old core news.\n', coreNews.getContent())
-class DistributionBuilderTestBase(BuilderTestsMixin, StructureAssertingMixin,
- TestCase):
- """
- Base for tests of L{DistributionBuilder}.
- """
- skip = loreSkip
- def setUp(self):
- BuilderTestsMixin.setUp(self)
- self.rootDir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.rootDir.createDirectory()
- self.outputDir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.outputDir.createDirectory()
- self.builder = DistributionBuilder(self.rootDir, self.outputDir)
-class DistributionBuilderTest(DistributionBuilderTestBase):
- def test_twistedDistribution(self):
- """
- The Twisted tarball contains everything in the source checkout, with
- built documentation.
- """
- loreInput, loreOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput("10.0.0")
- manInput1 = self.getArbitraryManInput()
- manOutput1 = self.getArbitraryManHTMLOutput("10.0.0", "../howto/")
- manInput2 = self.getArbitraryManInput()
- manOutput2 = self.getArbitraryManHTMLOutput("10.0.0", "../howto/")
- coreIndexInput, coreIndexOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(
- "10.0.0", prefix="howto/")
- structure = {
- "README": "Twisted",
- "unrelated": "x",
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "setup.py": "import toplevel",
- "bin": {"web": {"websetroot": "SET ROOT"},
- "twistd": "TWISTD"},
- "twisted":
- {"web":
- {"__init__.py": "import WEB",
- "topfiles": {"setup.py": "import WEBINSTALL",
- "README": "WEB!"}},
- "words": {"__init__.py": "import WORDS"},
- "plugins": {"twisted_web.py": "import WEBPLUG",
- "twisted_words.py": "import WORDPLUG"}},
- "doc": {"web": {"howto": {"index.xhtml": loreInput},
- "man": {"websetroot.1": manInput2}},
- "core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template},
- "man": {"twistd.1": manInput1},
- "index.xhtml": coreIndexInput}}}
- outStructure = {
- "README": "Twisted",
- "unrelated": "x",
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "setup.py": "import toplevel",
- "bin": {"web": {"websetroot": "SET ROOT"},
- "twistd": "TWISTD"},
- "twisted":
- {"web": {"__init__.py": "import WEB",
- "topfiles": {"setup.py": "import WEBINSTALL",
- "README": "WEB!"}},
- "words": {"__init__.py": "import WORDS"},
- "plugins": {"twisted_web.py": "import WEBPLUG",
- "twisted_words.py": "import WORDPLUG"}},
- "doc": {"web": {"howto": {"index.html": loreOutput},
- "man": {"websetroot.1": manInput2,
- "websetroot-man.html": manOutput2}},
- "core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template},
- "man": {"twistd.1": manInput1,
- "twistd-man.html": manOutput1},
- "index.html": coreIndexOutput}}}
- self.createStructure(self.rootDir, structure)
- outputFile = self.builder.buildTwisted("10.0.0")
- self.assertExtractedStructure(outputFile, outStructure)
- def test_excluded(self):
- """
- bin/admin and doc/historic are excluded from the Twisted tarball.
- """
- structure = {
- "bin": {"admin": {"blah": "ADMIN"},
- "twistd": "TWISTD"},
- "twisted":
- {"web":
- {"__init__.py": "import WEB",
- "topfiles": {"setup.py": "import WEBINSTALL",
- "README": "WEB!"}},
- },
- "doc": {"historic": {"hello": "there"},
- "other": "contents",
- },
- }
- outStructure = {
- "bin": {"twistd": "TWISTD"},
- "twisted":
- {"web":
- {"__init__.py": "import WEB",
- "topfiles": {"setup.py": "import WEBINSTALL",
- "README": "WEB!"}},
- },
- "doc": {"other": "contents"},
- }
- self.createStructure(self.rootDir, structure)
- outputFile = self.builder.buildTwisted("10.0.0")
- self.assertExtractedStructure(outputFile, outStructure)
- def test_subProjectLayout(self):
- """
- The subproject tarball includes files like so:
- 1. twisted/<subproject>/topfiles defines the files that will be in the
- top level in the tarball, except LICENSE, which comes from the real
- top-level directory.
- 2. twisted/<subproject> is included, but without the topfiles entry
- in that directory. No other twisted subpackages are included.
- 3. twisted/plugins/twisted_<subproject>.py is included, but nothing
- else in plugins is.
- """
- structure = {
- "README": "HI!@",
- "unrelated": "x",
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "setup.py": "import toplevel",
- "bin": {"web": {"websetroot": "SET ROOT"},
- "words": {"im": "#!im"}},
- "twisted":
- {"web":
- {"__init__.py": "import WEB",
- "topfiles": {"setup.py": "import WEBINSTALL",
- "README": "WEB!"}},
- "words": {"__init__.py": "import WORDS"},
- "plugins": {"twisted_web.py": "import WEBPLUG",
- "twisted_words.py": "import WORDPLUG"}}}
- outStructure = {
- "README": "WEB!",
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "setup.py": "import WEBINSTALL",
- "bin": {"websetroot": "SET ROOT"},
- "twisted": {"web": {"__init__.py": "import WEB"},
- "plugins": {"twisted_web.py": "import WEBPLUG"}}}
- self.createStructure(self.rootDir, structure)
- outputFile = self.builder.buildSubProject("web", "0.3.0")
- self.assertExtractedStructure(outputFile, outStructure)
- def test_minimalSubProjectLayout(self):
- """
- buildSubProject should work with minimal subprojects.
- """
- structure = {
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "bin": {},
- "twisted":
- {"web": {"__init__.py": "import WEB",
- "topfiles": {"setup.py": "import WEBINSTALL"}},
- "plugins": {}}}
- outStructure = {
- "setup.py": "import WEBINSTALL",
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "twisted": {"web": {"__init__.py": "import WEB"}}}
- self.createStructure(self.rootDir, structure)
- outputFile = self.builder.buildSubProject("web", "0.3.0")
- self.assertExtractedStructure(outputFile, outStructure)
- def test_subProjectDocBuilding(self):
- """
- When building a subproject release, documentation should be built with
- lore.
- """
- loreInput, loreOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput("0.3.0")
- manInput = self.getArbitraryManInput()
- manOutput = self.getArbitraryManHTMLOutput("0.3.0", "../howto/")
- structure = {
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "twisted": {"web": {"__init__.py": "import WEB",
- "topfiles": {"setup.py": "import WEBINST"}}},
- "doc": {"web": {"howto": {"index.xhtml": loreInput},
- "man": {"twistd.1": manInput}},
- "core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template}}
- }
- }
- outStructure = {
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "setup.py": "import WEBINST",
- "twisted": {"web": {"__init__.py": "import WEB"}},
- "doc": {"howto": {"index.html": loreOutput},
- "man": {"twistd.1": manInput,
- "twistd-man.html": manOutput}}}
- self.createStructure(self.rootDir, structure)
- outputFile = self.builder.buildSubProject("web", "0.3.0")
- self.assertExtractedStructure(outputFile, outStructure)
- def test_coreProjectLayout(self):
- """
- The core tarball looks a lot like a subproject tarball, except it
- doesn't include:
- - Python packages from other subprojects
- - plugins from other subprojects
- - scripts from other subprojects
- """
- indexInput, indexOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(
- "8.0.0", prefix="howto/")
- howtoInput, howtoOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput("8.0.0")
- specInput, specOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(
- "8.0.0", prefix="../howto/")
- tutorialInput, tutorialOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(
- "8.0.0", prefix="../")
- structure = {
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "twisted": {"__init__.py": "twisted",
- "python": {"__init__.py": "python",
- "roots.py": "roots!"},
- "conch": {"__init__.py": "conch",
- "unrelated.py": "import conch"},
- "plugin.py": "plugin",
- "plugins": {"twisted_web.py": "webplug",
- "twisted_whatever.py": "include!",
- "cred.py": "include!"},
- "topfiles": {"setup.py": "import CORE",
- "README": "core readme"}},
- "doc": {"core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template,
- "index.xhtml": howtoInput,
- "tutorial":
- {"index.xhtml": tutorialInput}},
- "specifications": {"index.xhtml": specInput},
- "examples": {"foo.py": "foo.py"},
- "index.xhtml": indexInput},
- "web": {"howto": {"index.xhtml": "webindex"}}},
- "bin": {"twistd": "TWISTD",
- "web": {"websetroot": "websetroot"}}
- }
- outStructure = {
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "setup.py": "import CORE",
- "README": "core readme",
- "twisted": {"__init__.py": "twisted",
- "python": {"__init__.py": "python",
- "roots.py": "roots!"},
- "plugin.py": "plugin",
- "plugins": {"twisted_whatever.py": "include!",
- "cred.py": "include!"}},
- "doc": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template,
- "index.html": howtoOutput,
- "tutorial": {"index.html": tutorialOutput}},
- "specifications": {"index.html": specOutput},
- "examples": {"foo.py": "foo.py"},
- "index.html": indexOutput},
- "bin": {"twistd": "TWISTD"},
- }
- self.createStructure(self.rootDir, structure)
- outputFile = self.builder.buildCore("8.0.0")
- self.assertExtractedStructure(outputFile, outStructure)
- def test_apiBaseURL(self):
- """
- DistributionBuilder builds documentation with the specified
- API base URL.
- """
- apiBaseURL = "http://%s"
- builder = DistributionBuilder(self.rootDir, self.outputDir,
- apiBaseURL=apiBaseURL)
- loreInput, loreOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(
- "0.3.0", apiBaseURL=apiBaseURL)
- structure = {
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "twisted": {"web": {"__init__.py": "import WEB",
- "topfiles": {"setup.py": "import WEBINST"}}},
- "doc": {"web": {"howto": {"index.xhtml": loreInput}},
- "core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template}}
- }
- }
- outStructure = {
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "setup.py": "import WEBINST",
- "twisted": {"web": {"__init__.py": "import WEB"}},
- "doc": {"howto": {"index.html": loreOutput}}}
- self.createStructure(self.rootDir, structure)
- outputFile = builder.buildSubProject("web", "0.3.0")
- self.assertExtractedStructure(outputFile, outStructure)
-class BuildAllTarballsTest(DistributionBuilderTestBase):
- """
- Tests for L{DistributionBuilder.buildAllTarballs}.
- """
- skip = svnSkip
- def setUp(self):
- self.oldHandler = signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_DFL)
- DistributionBuilderTestBase.setUp(self)
- def tearDown(self):
- signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self.oldHandler)
- DistributionBuilderTestBase.tearDown(self)
- def test_buildAllTarballs(self):
- """
- L{buildAllTarballs} builds tarballs for Twisted and all of its
- subprojects based on an SVN checkout; the resulting tarballs contain
- no SVN metadata. This involves building documentation, which it will
- build with the correct API documentation reference base URL.
- """
- repositoryPath = self.mktemp()
- repository = FilePath(repositoryPath)
- checkoutPath = self.mktemp()
- checkout = FilePath(checkoutPath)
- self.outputDir.remove()
- runCommand(["svnadmin", "create", repositoryPath])
- runCommand(["svn", "checkout", "file://" + repository.path,
- checkout.path])
- coreIndexInput, coreIndexOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(
- "1.2.0", prefix="howto/",
- apiBaseURL="http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/1.2.0/api/%s.html")
- structure = {
- "README": "Twisted",
- "unrelated": "x",
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "setup.py": "import toplevel",
- "bin": {"words": {"im": "import im"},
- "twistd": "TWISTD"},
- "twisted":
- {
- "topfiles": {"setup.py": "import TOPINSTALL",
- "README": "CORE!"},
- "_version.py": genVersion("twisted", 1, 2, 0),
- "words": {"__init__.py": "import WORDS",
- "_version.py":
- genVersion("twisted.words", 1, 2, 0),
- "topfiles": {"setup.py": "import WORDSINSTALL",
- "README": "WORDS!"},
- },
- "plugins": {"twisted_web.py": "import WEBPLUG",
- "twisted_words.py": "import WORDPLUG",
- "twisted_yay.py": "import YAY"}},
- "doc": {"core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template},
- "index.xhtml": coreIndexInput}}}
- twistedStructure = {
- "README": "Twisted",
- "unrelated": "x",
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "setup.py": "import toplevel",
- "bin": {"twistd": "TWISTD",
- "words": {"im": "import im"}},
- "twisted":
- {
- "topfiles": {"setup.py": "import TOPINSTALL",
- "README": "CORE!"},
- "_version.py": genVersion("twisted", 1, 2, 0),
- "words": {"__init__.py": "import WORDS",
- "_version.py":
- genVersion("twisted.words", 1, 2, 0),
- "topfiles": {"setup.py": "import WORDSINSTALL",
- "README": "WORDS!"},
- },
- "plugins": {"twisted_web.py": "import WEBPLUG",
- "twisted_words.py": "import WORDPLUG",
- "twisted_yay.py": "import YAY"}},
- "doc": {"core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template},
- "index.html": coreIndexOutput}}}
- coreStructure = {
- "setup.py": "import TOPINSTALL",
- "README": "CORE!",
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "bin": {"twistd": "TWISTD"},
- "twisted": {
- "_version.py": genVersion("twisted", 1, 2, 0),
- "plugins": {"twisted_yay.py": "import YAY"}},
- "doc": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template},
- "index.html": coreIndexOutput}}
- wordsStructure = {
- "LICENSE": "copyright!",
- "setup.py": "import WORDSINSTALL",
- "bin": {"im": "import im"},
- "twisted":
- {
- "words": {"__init__.py": "import WORDS",
- "_version.py":
- genVersion("twisted.words", 1, 2, 0),
- },
- "plugins": {"twisted_words.py": "import WORDPLUG"}}}
- self.createStructure(checkout, structure)
- childs = [x.path for x in checkout.children()]
- runCommand(["svn", "add"] + childs)
- runCommand(["svn", "commit", checkout.path, "-m", "yay"])
- buildAllTarballs(checkout, self.outputDir)
- self.assertEqual(
- set(self.outputDir.children()),
- set([self.outputDir.child("Twisted-1.2.0.tar.bz2"),
- self.outputDir.child("TwistedCore-1.2.0.tar.bz2"),
- self.outputDir.child("TwistedWords-1.2.0.tar.bz2")]))
- self.assertExtractedStructure(
- self.outputDir.child("Twisted-1.2.0.tar.bz2"),
- twistedStructure)
- self.assertExtractedStructure(
- self.outputDir.child("TwistedCore-1.2.0.tar.bz2"),
- coreStructure)
- self.assertExtractedStructure(
- self.outputDir.child("TwistedWords-1.2.0.tar.bz2"),
- wordsStructure)
- def test_buildAllTarballsEnsuresCleanCheckout(self):
- """
- L{UncleanWorkingDirectory} is raised by L{buildAllTarballs} when the
- SVN checkout provided has uncommitted changes.
- """
- repositoryPath = self.mktemp()
- repository = FilePath(repositoryPath)
- checkoutPath = self.mktemp()
- checkout = FilePath(checkoutPath)
- runCommand(["svnadmin", "create", repositoryPath])
- runCommand(["svn", "checkout", "file://" + repository.path,
- checkout.path])
- checkout.child("foo").setContent("whatever")
- self.assertRaises(UncleanWorkingDirectory,
- buildAllTarballs, checkout, FilePath(self.mktemp()))
- def test_buildAllTarballsEnsuresExistingCheckout(self):
- """
- L{NotWorkingDirectory} is raised by L{buildAllTarballs} when the
- checkout passed does not exist or is not an SVN checkout.
- """
- checkout = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.assertRaises(NotWorkingDirectory,
- buildAllTarballs,
- checkout, FilePath(self.mktemp()))
- checkout.createDirectory()
- self.assertRaises(NotWorkingDirectory,
- buildAllTarballs,
- checkout, FilePath(self.mktemp()))
-class ScriptTests(BuilderTestsMixin, StructureAssertingMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the release script functionality.
- """
- def _testVersionChanging(self, major, minor, micro, prerelease=None):
- """
- Check that L{ChangeVersionsScript.main} calls the version-changing
- function with the appropriate version data and filesystem path.
- """
- versionUpdates = []
- def myVersionChanger(sourceTree, versionTemplate):
- versionUpdates.append((sourceTree, versionTemplate))
- versionChanger = ChangeVersionsScript()
- versionChanger.changeAllProjectVersions = myVersionChanger
- version = "%d.%d.%d" % (major, minor, micro)
- if prerelease is not None:
- version += "pre%d" % (prerelease,)
- versionChanger.main([version])
- self.assertEqual(len(versionUpdates), 1)
- self.assertEqual(versionUpdates[0][0], FilePath("."))
- self.assertEqual(versionUpdates[0][1].major, major)
- self.assertEqual(versionUpdates[0][1].minor, minor)
- self.assertEqual(versionUpdates[0][1].micro, micro)
- self.assertEqual(versionUpdates[0][1].prerelease, prerelease)
- def test_changeVersions(self):
- """
- L{ChangeVersionsScript.main} changes version numbers for all Twisted
- projects.
- """
- self._testVersionChanging(8, 2, 3)
- def test_changeVersionsWithPrerelease(self):
- """
- A prerelease can be specified to L{changeVersionsScript}.
- """
- self._testVersionChanging(9, 2, 7, 38)
- def test_defaultChangeVersionsVersionChanger(self):
- """
- The default implementation of C{changeAllProjectVersions} is
- L{changeAllProjectVersions}.
- """
- versionChanger = ChangeVersionsScript()
- self.assertEqual(versionChanger.changeAllProjectVersions,
- changeAllProjectVersions)
- def test_badNumberOfArgumentsToChangeVersionsScript(self):
- """
- L{changeVersionsScript} raises SystemExit when the wrong number of
- arguments are passed.
- """
- versionChanger = ChangeVersionsScript()
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, versionChanger.main, [])
- def test_tooManyDotsToChangeVersionsScript(self):
- """
- L{changeVersionsScript} raises SystemExit when there are the wrong
- number of segments in the version number passed.
- """
- versionChanger = ChangeVersionsScript()
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, versionChanger.main,
- [""])
- def test_nonIntPartsToChangeVersionsScript(self):
- """
- L{changeVersionsScript} raises SystemExit when the version number isn't
- made out of numbers.
- """
- versionChanger = ChangeVersionsScript()
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, versionChanger.main,
- ["my united.states.of prewhatever"])
- def test_buildTarballsScript(self):
- """
- L{BuildTarballsScript.main} invokes L{buildAllTarballs} with
- 2 or 3 L{FilePath} instances representing the paths passed to it.
- """
- builds = []
- def myBuilder(checkout, destination, template=None):
- builds.append((checkout, destination, template))
- tarballBuilder = BuildTarballsScript()
- tarballBuilder.buildAllTarballs = myBuilder
- tarballBuilder.main(["checkoutDir", "destinationDir"])
- self.assertEqual(
- builds,
- [(FilePath("checkoutDir"), FilePath("destinationDir"), None)])
- builds = []
- tarballBuilder.main(["checkoutDir", "destinationDir", "templatePath"])
- self.assertEqual(
- builds,
- [(FilePath("checkoutDir"), FilePath("destinationDir"),
- FilePath("templatePath"))])
- def test_defaultBuildTarballsScriptBuilder(self):
- """
- The default implementation of L{BuildTarballsScript.buildAllTarballs}
- is L{buildAllTarballs}.
- """
- tarballBuilder = BuildTarballsScript()
- self.assertEqual(tarballBuilder.buildAllTarballs, buildAllTarballs)
- def test_badNumberOfArgumentsToBuildTarballs(self):
- """
- L{BuildTarballsScript.main} raises SystemExit when the wrong number of
- arguments are passed.
- """
- tarballBuilder = BuildTarballsScript()
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, tarballBuilder.main, [])
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, tarballBuilder.main, ["a", "b", "c", "d"])
- def test_badNumberOfArgumentsToBuildNews(self):
- """
- L{NewsBuilder.main} raises L{SystemExit} when other than 1 argument is
- passed to it.
- """
- newsBuilder = NewsBuilder()
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, newsBuilder.main, [])
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, newsBuilder.main, ["hello", "world"])
- def test_buildNews(self):
- """
- L{NewsBuilder.main} calls L{NewsBuilder.buildAll} with a L{FilePath}
- instance constructed from the path passed to it.
- """
- builds = []
- newsBuilder = NewsBuilder()
- newsBuilder.buildAll = builds.append
- newsBuilder.main(["/foo/bar/baz"])
- self.assertEqual(builds, [FilePath("/foo/bar/baz")])
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_runtime.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_runtime.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 4c94fb5e..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_runtime.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for runtime checks.
-import sys
-from twisted.python.runtime import Platform, shortPythonVersion
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-class PythonVersionTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests the shortPythonVersion method.
- """
- def test_shortPythonVersion(self):
- """
- Verify if the Python version is returned correctly.
- """
- ver = shortPythonVersion().split('.')
- for i in range(3):
- self.assertEqual(int(ver[i]), sys.version_info[i])
-class PlatformTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the default L{Platform} initializer.
- """
- def test_isVistaConsistency(self):
- """
- Verify consistency of L{Platform.isVista}: it can only be C{True} if
- L{Platform.isWinNT} and L{Platform.isWindows} are C{True}.
- """
- platform = Platform()
- if platform.isVista():
- self.assertTrue(platform.isWinNT())
- self.assertTrue(platform.isWindows())
- self.assertFalse(platform.isMacOSX())
- def test_isMacOSXConsistency(self):
- """
- L{Platform.isMacOSX} can only return C{True} if L{Platform.getType}
- returns C{'posix'}.
- """
- platform = Platform()
- if platform.isMacOSX():
- self.assertEqual(platform.getType(), 'posix')
- def test_isLinuxConsistency(self):
- """
- L{Platform.isLinux} can only return C{True} if L{Platform.getType}
- returns C{'posix'} and L{sys.platform} starts with C{"linux"}.
- """
- platform = Platform()
- if platform.isLinux():
- self.assertTrue(sys.platform.startswith("linux"))
-class ForeignPlatformTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{Platform} based overridden initializer values.
- """
- def test_getType(self):
- """
- If an operating system name is supplied to L{Platform}'s initializer,
- L{Platform.getType} returns the platform type which corresponds to that
- name.
- """
- self.assertEqual(Platform('nt').getType(), 'win32')
- self.assertEqual(Platform('ce').getType(), 'win32')
- self.assertEqual(Platform('posix').getType(), 'posix')
- self.assertEqual(Platform('java').getType(), 'java')
- def test_isMacOSX(self):
- """
- If a system platform name is supplied to L{Platform}'s initializer, it
- is used to determine the result of L{Platform.isMacOSX}, which returns
- C{True} for C{"darwin"}, C{False} otherwise.
- """
- self.assertTrue(Platform(None, 'darwin').isMacOSX())
- self.assertFalse(Platform(None, 'linux2').isMacOSX())
- self.assertFalse(Platform(None, 'win32').isMacOSX())
- def test_isLinux(self):
- """
- If a system platform name is supplied to L{Platform}'s initializer, it
- is used to determine the result of L{Platform.isLinux}, which returns
- C{True} for values beginning with C{"linux"}, C{False} otherwise.
- """
- self.assertFalse(Platform(None, 'darwin').isLinux())
- self.assertTrue(Platform(None, 'linux').isLinux())
- self.assertTrue(Platform(None, 'linux2').isLinux())
- self.assertTrue(Platform(None, 'linux3').isLinux())
- self.assertFalse(Platform(None, 'win32').isLinux())
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_sendmsg.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_sendmsg.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 48301f5e..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_sendmsg.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.python.sendmsg}.
-import sys
-import errno
-from socket import SOL_SOCKET, AF_INET, AF_INET6, socket, error
- from socket import AF_UNIX, socketpair
-except ImportError:
- nonUNIXSkip = "Platform does not support AF_UNIX sockets"
- nonUNIXSkip = None
-from struct import pack
-from os import devnull, pipe, read, close, environ
-from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
-from twisted.internet.error import ProcessDone
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.python.runtime import platform
-from twisted.internet.protocol import ProcessProtocol
-if platform.isLinux():
- from socket import MSG_DONTWAIT
- dontWaitSkip = None
- # It would be nice to be able to test flags on more platforms, but finding a
- # flag that works *at all* is somewhat challenging.
- dontWaitSkip = "MSG_DONTWAIT is only known to work as intended on Linux"
- from twisted.python.sendmsg import SCM_RIGHTS, send1msg, recv1msg, getsockfam
-except ImportError:
- importSkip = "Cannot import twisted.python.sendmsg"
- importSkip = None
-class ExitedWithStderr(Exception):
- """
- A process exited with some stderr.
- """
- def __str__(self):
- """
- Dump the errors in a pretty way in the event of a subprocess traceback.
- """
- return '\n'.join([''] + list(self.args))
-class StartStopProcessProtocol(ProcessProtocol):
- """
- An L{IProcessProtocol} with a Deferred for events where the subprocess
- starts and stops.
- @ivar started: A L{Deferred} which fires with this protocol's
- L{IProcessTransport} provider when it is connected to one.
- @ivar stopped: A L{Deferred} which fires with the process output or a
- failure if the process produces output on standard error.
- @ivar output: A C{str} used to accumulate standard output.
- @ivar errors: A C{str} used to accumulate standard error.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.started = Deferred()
- self.stopped = Deferred()
- self.output = ''
- self.errors = ''
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.started.callback(self.transport)
- def outReceived(self, data):
- self.output += data
- def errReceived(self, data):
- self.errors += data
- def processEnded(self, reason):
- if reason.check(ProcessDone):
- self.stopped.callback(self.output)
- else:
- self.stopped.errback(ExitedWithStderr(
- self.errors, self.output))
-class BadList(list):
- """
- A list which cannot be iterated sometimes.
- This is a C{list} subclass to get past the type check in L{send1msg}, not as
- an example of how real programs might want to interact with L{send1msg} (or
- anything else). A custom C{list} subclass makes it easier to trigger
- certain error cases in the implementation.
- @ivar iterate: A flag which indicates whether an instance of L{BadList} will
- allow iteration over itself or not. If C{False}, an attempt to iterate
- over the instance will raise an exception.
- """
- iterate = True
- def __iter__(self):
- """
- Allow normal list iteration, or raise an exception.
- If C{self.iterate} is C{True}, it will be flipped to C{False} and then
- normal iteration will proceed. If C{self.iterate} is C{False},
- L{RuntimeError} is raised instead.
- """
- if self.iterate:
- self.iterate = False
- return super(BadList, self).__iter__()
- raise RuntimeError("Something bad happened")
-class WorseList(list):
- """
- A list which at first gives the appearance of being iterable, but then
- raises an exception.
- See L{BadList} for a warning about not writing code like this.
- """
- def __iter__(self):
- """
- Return an iterator which will raise an exception as soon as C{next} is
- called on it.
- """
- class BadIterator(object):
- def next(self):
- raise RuntimeError("This is a really bad case.")
- return BadIterator()
-class SendmsgTestCase(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for sendmsg extension module and associated file-descriptor sending
- functionality.
- """
- if nonUNIXSkip is not None:
- skip = nonUNIXSkip
- elif importSkip is not None:
- skip = importSkip
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a pair of UNIX sockets.
- """
- self.input, self.output = socketpair(AF_UNIX)
- def tearDown(self):
- """
- Close the sockets opened by setUp.
- """
- self.input.close()
- self.output.close()
- def test_sendmsgBadArguments(self):
- """
- The argument types accepted by L{send1msg} are:
- 1. C{int}
- 2. read-only character buffer
- 3. C{int}
- 4. sequence
- The 3rd and 4th arguments are optional. If fewer than two arguments or
- more than four arguments are passed, or if any of the arguments passed
- are not compatible with these types, L{TypeError} is raised.
- """
- # Exercise the wrong number of arguments cases
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, send1msg)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, send1msg, 1)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, send1msg, 1, "hello world", 2, [], object())
- # Exercise the wrong type of arguments cases
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, send1msg, object(), "hello world", 2, [])
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, send1msg, 1, object(), 2, [])
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, send1msg, 1, "hello world", object(), [])
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, send1msg, 1, "hello world", 2, object())
- def test_badAncillaryIter(self):
- """
- If iteration over the ancillary data list fails (at the point of the
- C{__iter__} call), the exception with which it fails is propagated to
- the caller of L{send1msg}.
- """
- badList = BadList()
- badList.append((1, 2, "hello world"))
- badList.iterate = False
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, send1msg, 1, "hello world", 2, badList)
- # Hit the second iteration
- badList.iterate = True
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, send1msg, 1, "hello world", 2, badList)
- def test_badAncillaryNext(self):
- """
- If iteration over the ancillary data list fails (at the point of a
- C{next} call), the exception with which it fails is propagated to the
- caller of L{send1msg}.
- """
- worseList = WorseList()
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, send1msg, 1, "hello world", 2, worseList)
- def test_sendmsgBadAncillaryItem(self):
- """
- The ancillary data list contains three-tuples with element types of:
- 1. C{int}
- 2. C{int}
- 3. read-only character buffer
- If a tuple in the ancillary data list does not elements of these types,
- L{TypeError} is raised.
- """
- # Exercise the wrong number of arguments cases
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, send1msg, 1, "hello world", 2, [()])
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, send1msg, 1, "hello world", 2, [(1,)])
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, send1msg, 1, "hello world", 2, [(1, 2)])
- self.assertRaises(
- TypeError,
- send1msg, 1, "hello world", 2, [(1, 2, "goodbye", object())])
- # Exercise the wrong type of arguments cases
- exc = self.assertRaises(
- TypeError, send1msg, 1, "hello world", 2, [object()])
- self.assertEqual(
- "send1msg argument 3 expected list of tuple, "
- "got list containing object",
- str(exc))
- self.assertRaises(
- TypeError,
- send1msg, 1, "hello world", 2, [(object(), 1, "goodbye")])
- self.assertRaises(
- TypeError,
- send1msg, 1, "hello world", 2, [(1, object(), "goodbye")])
- self.assertRaises(
- TypeError,
- send1msg, 1, "hello world", 2, [(1, 1, object())])
- def test_syscallError(self):
- """
- If the underlying C{sendmsg} call fails, L{send1msg} raises
- L{socket.error} with its errno set to the underlying errno value.
- """
- probe = file(devnull)
- fd = probe.fileno()
- probe.close()
- exc = self.assertRaises(error, send1msg, fd, "hello, world")
- self.assertEqual(exc.args[0], errno.EBADF)
- def test_syscallErrorWithControlMessage(self):
- """
- The behavior when the underlying C{sendmsg} call fails is the same
- whether L{send1msg} is passed ancillary data or not.
- """
- probe = file(devnull)
- fd = probe.fileno()
- probe.close()
- exc = self.assertRaises(
- error, send1msg, fd, "hello, world", 0, [(0, 0, "0123")])
- self.assertEqual(exc.args[0], errno.EBADF)
- def test_roundtrip(self):
- """
- L{recv1msg} will retrieve a message sent via L{send1msg}.
- """
- message = "hello, world!"
- self.assertEqual(
- len(message),
- send1msg(self.input.fileno(), message, 0))
- result = recv1msg(fd=self.output.fileno())
- self.assertEquals(result, (message, 0, []))
- def test_shortsend(self):
- """
- L{send1msg} returns the number of bytes which it was able to send.
- """
- message = "x" * 1024 * 1024
- self.input.setblocking(False)
- sent = send1msg(self.input.fileno(), message)
- # Sanity check - make sure we did fill the send buffer and then some
- self.assertTrue(sent < len(message))
- received = recv1msg(self.output.fileno(), 0, len(message))
- self.assertEqual(len(received[0]), sent)
- def test_roundtripEmptyAncillary(self):
- """
- L{send1msg} treats an empty ancillary data list the same way it treats
- receiving no argument for the ancillary parameter at all.
- """
- send1msg(self.input.fileno(), "hello, world!", 0, [])
- result = recv1msg(fd=self.output.fileno())
- self.assertEquals(result, ("hello, world!", 0, []))
- def test_flags(self):
- """
- The C{flags} argument to L{send1msg} is passed on to the underlying
- C{sendmsg} call, to affect it in whatever way is defined by those flags.
- """
- # Just exercise one flag with simple, well-known behavior. MSG_DONTWAIT
- # makes the send a non-blocking call, even if the socket is in blocking
- # mode. See also test_flags in RecvmsgTestCase
- for i in range(1024):
- try:
- send1msg(self.input.fileno(), "x" * 1024, MSG_DONTWAIT)
- except error, e:
- self.assertEqual(e.args[0], errno.EAGAIN)
- break
- else:
- self.fail(
- "Failed to fill up the send buffer, "
- "or maybe send1msg blocked for a while")
- if dontWaitSkip is not None:
- test_flags.skip = dontWaitSkip
- def test_wrongTypeAncillary(self):
- """
- L{send1msg} will show a helpful exception message when given the wrong
- type of object for the 'ancillary' argument.
- """
- error = self.assertRaises(TypeError,
- send1msg, self.input.fileno(),
- "hello, world!", 0, 4321)
- self.assertEquals(str(error),
- "send1msg argument 3 expected list, got int")
- def spawn(self, script):
- """
- Start a script that is a peer of this test as a subprocess.
- @param script: the module name of the script in this directory (no
- package prefix, no '.py')
- @type script: C{str}
- @rtype: L{StartStopProcessProtocol}
- """
- sspp = StartStopProcessProtocol()
- reactor.spawnProcess(
- sspp, sys.executable, [
- sys.executable,
- FilePath(__file__).sibling(script + ".py").path,
- str(self.output.fileno()),
- ],
- environ,
- childFDs={0: "w", 1: "r", 2: "r",
- self.output.fileno(): self.output.fileno()}
- )
- return sspp
- @inlineCallbacks
- def test_sendSubProcessFD(self):
- """
- Calling L{sendsmsg} with SOL_SOCKET, SCM_RIGHTS, and a platform-endian
- packed file descriptor number should send that file descriptor to a
- different process, where it can be retrieved by using L{recv1msg}.
- """
- sspp = self.spawn("pullpipe")
- yield sspp.started
- pipeOut, pipeIn = pipe()
- self.addCleanup(close, pipeOut)
- send1msg(
- self.input.fileno(), "blonk", 0,
- [(SOL_SOCKET, SCM_RIGHTS, pack("i", pipeIn))])
- close(pipeIn)
- yield sspp.stopped
- self.assertEquals(read(pipeOut, 1024), "Test fixture data: blonk.\n")
- # Make sure that the pipe is actually closed now.
- self.assertEquals(read(pipeOut, 1024), "")
-class RecvmsgTestCase(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{recv1msg} (primarily error handling cases).
- """
- if importSkip is not None:
- skip = importSkip
- def test_badArguments(self):
- """
- The argument types accepted by L{recv1msg} are:
- 1. C{int}
- 2. C{int}
- 3. C{int}
- 4. C{int}
- The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th arguments are optional. If fewer than one
- argument or more than four arguments are passed, or if any of the
- arguments passed are not compatible with these types, L{TypeError} is
- raised.
- """
- # Exercise the wrong number of arguments cases
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, recv1msg)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, recv1msg, 1, 2, 3, 4, object())
- # Exercise the wrong type of arguments cases
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, recv1msg, object(), 2, 3, 4)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, recv1msg, 1, object(), 3, 4)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, recv1msg, 1, 2, object(), 4)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, recv1msg, 1, 2, 3, object())
- def test_cmsgSpaceOverflow(self):
- """
- L{recv1msg} raises L{OverflowError} if passed a value for the
- C{cmsg_size} argument which exceeds C{SOCKLEN_MAX}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(OverflowError, recv1msg, 0, 0, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF)
- def test_syscallError(self):
- """
- If the underlying C{recvmsg} call fails, L{recv1msg} raises
- L{socket.error} with its errno set to the underlying errno value.
- """
- probe = file(devnull)
- fd = probe.fileno()
- probe.close()
- exc = self.assertRaises(error, recv1msg, fd)
- self.assertEqual(exc.args[0], errno.EBADF)
- def test_flags(self):
- """
- The C{flags} argument to L{recv1msg} is passed on to the underlying
- C{recvmsg} call, to affect it in whatever way is defined by those flags.
- """
- # See test_flags in SendmsgTestCase
- reader, writer = socketpair(AF_UNIX)
- exc = self.assertRaises(
- error, recv1msg, reader.fileno(), MSG_DONTWAIT)
- self.assertEqual(exc.args[0], errno.EAGAIN)
- if dontWaitSkip is not None:
- test_flags.skip = dontWaitSkip
-class GetSocketFamilyTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{getsockfam}, a helper which reveals the address family of an
- arbitrary socket.
- """
- if importSkip is not None:
- skip = importSkip
- def _socket(self, addressFamily):
- """
- Create a new socket using the given address family and return that
- socket's file descriptor. The socket will automatically be closed when
- the test is torn down.
- """
- s = socket(addressFamily)
- self.addCleanup(s.close)
- return s.fileno()
- def test_badArguments(self):
- """
- L{getsockfam} accepts a single C{int} argument. If it is called in some
- other way, L{TypeError} is raised.
- """
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, getsockfam)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, getsockfam, 1, 2)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, getsockfam, object())
- def test_syscallError(self):
- """
- If the underlying C{getsockname} call fails, L{getsockfam} raises
- L{socket.error} with its errno set to the underlying errno value.
- """
- probe = file(devnull)
- fd = probe.fileno()
- probe.close()
- exc = self.assertRaises(error, getsockfam, fd)
- self.assertEqual(errno.EBADF, exc.args[0])
- def test_inet(self):
- """
- When passed the file descriptor of a socket created with the C{AF_INET}
- address family, L{getsockfam} returns C{AF_INET}.
- """
- self.assertEqual(AF_INET, getsockfam(self._socket(AF_INET)))
- def test_inet6(self):
- """
- When passed the file descriptor of a socket created with the C{AF_INET6}
- address family, L{getsockfam} returns C{AF_INET6}.
- """
- self.assertEqual(AF_INET6, getsockfam(self._socket(AF_INET6)))
- def test_unix(self):
- """
- When passed the file descriptor of a socket created with the C{AF_UNIX}
- address family, L{getsockfam} returns C{AF_UNIX}.
- """
- self.assertEqual(AF_UNIX, getsockfam(self._socket(AF_UNIX)))
- if nonUNIXSkip is not None:
- test_unix.skip = nonUNIXSkip
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_shellcomp.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_shellcomp.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 7f9cc833..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_shellcomp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,623 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Test cases for twisted.python._shellcomp
-import sys
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.python import _shellcomp, usage, reflect
-from twisted.python.usage import Completions, Completer, CompleteFiles
-from twisted.python.usage import CompleteList
-class ZshScriptTestMeta(type):
- """
- Metaclass of ZshScriptTestMixin.
- """
- def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
- def makeTest(cmdName, optionsFQPN):
- def runTest(self):
- return test_genZshFunction(self, cmdName, optionsFQPN)
- return runTest
- # add test_ methods to the class for each script
- # we are testing.
- if 'generateFor' in attrs:
- for cmdName, optionsFQPN in attrs['generateFor']:
- test = makeTest(cmdName, optionsFQPN)
- attrs['test_genZshFunction_' + cmdName] = test
- return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
-class ZshScriptTestMixin(object):
- """
- Integration test helper to show that C{usage.Options} classes can have zsh
- completion functions generated for them without raising errors.
- In your subclasses set a class variable like so:
- # | cmd name | Fully Qualified Python Name of Options class |
- #
- generateFor = [('conch', 'twisted.conch.scripts.conch.ClientOptions'),
- ('twistd', 'twisted.scripts.twistd.ServerOptions'),
- ]
- Each package that contains Twisted scripts should contain one TestCase
- subclass which also inherits from this mixin, and contains a C{generateFor}
- list appropriate for the scripts in that package.
- """
- __metaclass__ = ZshScriptTestMeta
-def test_genZshFunction(self, cmdName, optionsFQPN):
- """
- Generate completion functions for given twisted command - no errors
- should be raised
- @type cmdName: C{str}
- @param cmdName: The name of the command-line utility e.g. 'twistd'
- @type optionsFQPN: C{str}
- @param optionsFQPN: The Fully Qualified Python Name of the C{Options}
- class to be tested.
- """
- outputFile = StringIO()
- self.patch(usage.Options, '_shellCompFile', outputFile)
- # some scripts won't import or instantiate because of missing
- # dependencies (PyCrypto, etc) so we have to skip them.
- try:
- o = reflect.namedAny(optionsFQPN)()
- except Exception, e:
- raise unittest.SkipTest("Couldn't import or instantiate "
- "Options class: %s" % (e,))
- try:
- o.parseOptions(["", "--_shell-completion", "zsh:2"])
- except ImportError, e:
- # this can happen for commands which don't have all
- # the necessary dependencies installed. skip test.
- # skip
- raise unittest.SkipTest("ImportError calling parseOptions(): %s", (e,))
- except SystemExit:
- pass # expected
- else:
- self.fail('SystemExit not raised')
- outputFile.seek(0)
- # test that we got some output
- self.assertEqual(1, len(outputFile.read(1)))
- outputFile.seek(0)
- outputFile.truncate()
- # now, if it has sub commands, we have to test those too
- if hasattr(o, 'subCommands'):
- for (cmd, short, parser, doc) in o.subCommands:
- try:
- o.parseOptions([cmd, "", "--_shell-completion",
- "zsh:3"])
- except ImportError, e:
- # this can happen for commands which don't have all
- # the necessary dependencies installed. skip test.
- raise unittest.SkipTest("ImportError calling parseOptions() "
- "on subcommand: %s", (e,))
- except SystemExit:
- pass # expected
- else:
- self.fail('SystemExit not raised')
- outputFile.seek(0)
- # test that we got some output
- self.assertEqual(1, len(outputFile.read(1)))
- outputFile.seek(0)
- outputFile.truncate()
- # flushed because we don't want DeprecationWarnings to be printed when
- # running these test cases.
- self.flushWarnings()
-class ZshTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for zsh completion code
- """
- def test_accumulateMetadata(self):
- """
- Are `compData' attributes you can place on Options classes
- picked up correctly?
- """
- opts = FighterAceExtendedOptions()
- ag = _shellcomp.ZshArgumentsGenerator(opts, 'ace', 'dummy_value')
- descriptions = FighterAceOptions.compData.descriptions.copy()
- descriptions.update(FighterAceExtendedOptions.compData.descriptions)
- self.assertEqual(ag.descriptions, descriptions)
- self.assertEqual(ag.multiUse,
- set(FighterAceOptions.compData.multiUse))
- self.assertEqual(ag.mutuallyExclusive,
- FighterAceOptions.compData.mutuallyExclusive)
- optActions = FighterAceOptions.compData.optActions.copy()
- optActions.update(FighterAceExtendedOptions.compData.optActions)
- self.assertEqual(ag.optActions, optActions)
- self.assertEqual(ag.extraActions,
- FighterAceOptions.compData.extraActions)
- def test_mutuallyExclusiveCornerCase(self):
- """
- Exercise a corner-case of ZshArgumentsGenerator.makeExcludesDict()
- where the long option name already exists in the `excludes` dict being
- built.
- """
- class OddFighterAceOptions(FighterAceExtendedOptions):
- # since "fokker", etc, are already defined as mutually-
- # exclusive on the super-class, defining them again here forces
- # the corner-case to be exercised.
- optFlags = [['anatra', None,
- 'Select the Anatra DS as your dogfighter aircraft']]
- compData = Completions(
- mutuallyExclusive=[['anatra', 'fokker', 'albatros',
- 'spad', 'bristol']])
- opts = OddFighterAceOptions()
- ag = _shellcomp.ZshArgumentsGenerator(opts, 'ace', 'dummy_value')
- expected = {
- 'albatros': set(['anatra', 'b', 'bristol', 'f',
- 'fokker', 's', 'spad']),
- 'anatra': set(['a', 'albatros', 'b', 'bristol',
- 'f', 'fokker', 's', 'spad']),
- 'bristol': set(['a', 'albatros', 'anatra', 'f',
- 'fokker', 's', 'spad']),
- 'fokker': set(['a', 'albatros', 'anatra', 'b',
- 'bristol', 's', 'spad']),
- 'spad': set(['a', 'albatros', 'anatra', 'b',
- 'bristol', 'f', 'fokker'])}
- self.assertEqual(ag.excludes, expected)
- def test_accumulateAdditionalOptions(self):
- """
- We pick up options that are only defined by having an
- appropriately named method on your Options class,
- e.g. def opt_foo(self, foo)
- """
- opts = FighterAceExtendedOptions()
- ag = _shellcomp.ZshArgumentsGenerator(opts, 'ace', 'dummy_value')
- self.assertIn('nocrash', ag.flagNameToDefinition)
- self.assertIn('nocrash', ag.allOptionsNameToDefinition)
- self.assertIn('difficulty', ag.paramNameToDefinition)
- self.assertIn('difficulty', ag.allOptionsNameToDefinition)
- def test_verifyZshNames(self):
- """
- Using a parameter/flag name that doesn't exist
- will raise an error
- """
- class TmpOptions(FighterAceExtendedOptions):
- # Note typo of detail
- compData = Completions(optActions={'detaill' : None})
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, _shellcomp.ZshArgumentsGenerator,
- TmpOptions(), 'ace', 'dummy_value')
- class TmpOptions2(FighterAceExtendedOptions):
- # Note that 'foo' and 'bar' are not real option
- # names defined in this class
- compData = Completions(
- mutuallyExclusive=[("foo", "bar")])
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, _shellcomp.ZshArgumentsGenerator,
- TmpOptions2(), 'ace', 'dummy_value')
- def test_zshCode(self):
- """
- Generate a completion function, and test the textual output
- against a known correct output
- """
- outputFile = StringIO()
- self.patch(usage.Options, '_shellCompFile', outputFile)
- self.patch(sys, 'argv', ["silly", "", "--_shell-completion", "zsh:2"])
- opts = SimpleProgOptions()
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, opts.parseOptions)
- self.assertEqual(testOutput1, outputFile.getvalue())
- def test_zshCodeWithSubs(self):
- """
- Generate a completion function with subcommands,
- and test the textual output against a known correct output
- """
- outputFile = StringIO()
- self.patch(usage.Options, '_shellCompFile', outputFile)
- self.patch(sys, 'argv', ["silly2", "", "--_shell-completion", "zsh:2"])
- opts = SimpleProgWithSubcommands()
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, opts.parseOptions)
- self.assertEqual(testOutput2, outputFile.getvalue())
- def test_incompleteCommandLine(self):
- """
- Completion still happens even if a command-line is given
- that would normally throw UsageError.
- """
- outputFile = StringIO()
- self.patch(usage.Options, '_shellCompFile', outputFile)
- opts = FighterAceOptions()
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, opts.parseOptions,
- ["--fokker", "server", "--unknown-option",
- "--unknown-option2",
- "--_shell-completion", "zsh:5"])
- outputFile.seek(0)
- # test that we got some output
- self.assertEqual(1, len(outputFile.read(1)))
- def test_incompleteCommandLine_case2(self):
- """
- Completion still happens even if a command-line is given
- that would normally throw UsageError.
- The existance of --unknown-option prior to the subcommand
- will break subcommand detection... but we complete anyway
- """
- outputFile = StringIO()
- self.patch(usage.Options, '_shellCompFile', outputFile)
- opts = FighterAceOptions()
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, opts.parseOptions,
- ["--fokker", "--unknown-option", "server",
- "--list-server", "--_shell-completion", "zsh:5"])
- outputFile.seek(0)
- # test that we got some output
- self.assertEqual(1, len(outputFile.read(1)))
- outputFile.seek(0)
- outputFile.truncate()
- def test_incompleteCommandLine_case3(self):
- """
- Completion still happens even if a command-line is given
- that would normally throw UsageError.
- Break subcommand detection in a different way by providing
- an invalid subcommand name.
- """
- outputFile = StringIO()
- self.patch(usage.Options, '_shellCompFile', outputFile)
- opts = FighterAceOptions()
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, opts.parseOptions,
- ["--fokker", "unknown-subcommand",
- "--list-server", "--_shell-completion", "zsh:4"])
- outputFile.seek(0)
- # test that we got some output
- self.assertEqual(1, len(outputFile.read(1)))
- def test_skipSubcommandList(self):
- """
- Ensure the optimization which skips building the subcommand list
- under certain conditions isn't broken.
- """
- outputFile = StringIO()
- self.patch(usage.Options, '_shellCompFile', outputFile)
- opts = FighterAceOptions()
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, opts.parseOptions,
- ["--alba", "--_shell-completion", "zsh:2"])
- outputFile.seek(0)
- # test that we got some output
- self.assertEqual(1, len(outputFile.read(1)))
- def test_poorlyDescribedOptMethod(self):
- """
- Test corner case fetching an option description from a method docstring
- """
- opts = FighterAceOptions()
- argGen = _shellcomp.ZshArgumentsGenerator(opts, 'ace', None)
- descr = argGen.getDescription('silly')
- # docstring for opt_silly is useless so it should just use the
- # option name as the description
- self.assertEqual(descr, 'silly')
- def test_brokenActions(self):
- """
- A C{Completer} with repeat=True may only be used as the
- last item in the extraActions list.
- """
- class BrokenActions(usage.Options):
- compData = usage.Completions(
- extraActions=[usage.Completer(repeat=True),
- usage.Completer()]
- )
- outputFile = StringIO()
- opts = BrokenActions()
- self.patch(opts, '_shellCompFile', outputFile)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, opts.parseOptions,
- ["", "--_shell-completion", "zsh:2"])
- def test_optMethodsDontOverride(self):
- """
- opt_* methods on Options classes should not override the
- data provided in optFlags or optParameters.
- """
- class Options(usage.Options):
- optFlags = [['flag', 'f', 'A flag']]
- optParameters = [['param', 'p', None, 'A param']]
- def opt_flag(self):
- """ junk description """
- def opt_param(self, param):
- """ junk description """
- opts = Options()
- argGen = _shellcomp.ZshArgumentsGenerator(opts, 'ace', None)
- self.assertEqual(argGen.getDescription('flag'), 'A flag')
- self.assertEqual(argGen.getDescription('param'), 'A param')
-class EscapeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_escape(self):
- """
- Verify _shellcomp.escape() function
- """
- esc = _shellcomp.escape
- test = "$"
- self.assertEqual(esc(test), "'$'")
- test = 'A--\'$"\\`--B'
- self.assertEqual(esc(test), '"A--\'\\$\\"\\\\\\`--B"')
-class CompleterNotImplementedTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test that using an unknown shell constant with SubcommandAction
- raises NotImplementedError
- The other Completer() subclasses are tested in test_usage.py
- """
- def test_unknownShell(self):
- """
- Using an unknown shellType should raise NotImplementedError
- """
- action = _shellcomp.SubcommandAction()
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, action._shellCode,
- None, "bad_shell_type")
-class FighterAceServerOptions(usage.Options):
- """
- Options for FighterAce 'server' subcommand
- """
- optFlags = [['list-server', None,
- 'List this server with the online FighterAce network']]
- optParameters = [['packets-per-second', None,
- 'Number of update packets to send per second', '20']]
-class FighterAceOptions(usage.Options):
- """
- Command-line options for an imaginary `Fighter Ace` game
- """
- optFlags = [['fokker', 'f',
- 'Select the Fokker Dr.I as your dogfighter aircraft'],
- ['albatros', 'a',
- 'Select the Albatros D-III as your dogfighter aircraft'],
- ['spad', 's',
- 'Select the SPAD S.VII as your dogfighter aircraft'],
- ['bristol', 'b',
- 'Select the Bristol Scout as your dogfighter aircraft'],
- ['physics', 'p',
- 'Enable secret Twisted physics engine'],
- ['jam', 'j',
- 'Enable a small chance that your machine guns will jam!'],
- ['verbose', 'v',
- 'Verbose logging (may be specified more than once)'],
- ]
- optParameters = [['pilot-name', None, "What's your name, Ace?",
- 'Manfred von Richthofen'],
- ['detail', 'd',
- 'Select the level of rendering detail (1-5)', '3'],
- ]
- subCommands = [['server', None, FighterAceServerOptions,
- 'Start FighterAce game-server.'],
- ]
- compData = Completions(
- descriptions={'physics' : 'Twisted-Physics',
- 'detail' : 'Rendering detail level'},
- multiUse=['verbose'],
- mutuallyExclusive=[['fokker', 'albatros', 'spad',
- 'bristol']],
- optActions={'detail' : CompleteList(['1' '2' '3'
- '4' '5'])},
- extraActions=[CompleteFiles(descr='saved game file to load')]
- )
- def opt_silly(self):
- # A silly option which nobody can explain
- """ """
-class FighterAceExtendedOptions(FighterAceOptions):
- """
- Extend the options and zsh metadata provided by FighterAceOptions.
- _shellcomp must accumulate options and metadata from all classes in the
- hiearchy so this is important to test.
- """
- optFlags = [['no-stalls', None,
- 'Turn off the ability to stall your aircraft']]
- optParameters = [['reality-level', None,
- 'Select the level of physics reality (1-5)', '5']]
- compData = Completions(
- descriptions={'no-stalls' : 'Can\'t stall your plane'},
- optActions={'reality-level' :
- Completer(descr='Physics reality level')}
- )
- def opt_nocrash(self):
- """
- Select that you can't crash your plane
- """
- def opt_difficulty(self, difficulty):
- """
- How tough are you? (1-10)
- """
-def _accuracyAction():
- # add tick marks just to exercise quoting
- return CompleteList(['1', '2', '3'], descr='Accuracy\'`?')
-class SimpleProgOptions(usage.Options):
- """
- Command-line options for a `Silly` imaginary program
- """
- optFlags = [['color', 'c', 'Turn on color output'],
- ['gray', 'g', 'Turn on gray-scale output'],
- ['verbose', 'v',
- 'Verbose logging (may be specified more than once)'],
- ]
- optParameters = [['optimization', None, '5',
- 'Select the level of optimization (1-5)'],
- ['accuracy', 'a', '3',
- 'Select the level of accuracy (1-3)'],
- ]
- compData = Completions(
- descriptions={'color' : 'Color on',
- 'optimization' : 'Optimization level'},
- multiUse=['verbose'],
- mutuallyExclusive=[['color', 'gray']],
- optActions={'optimization' : CompleteList(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'],
- descr='Optimization?'),
- 'accuracy' : _accuracyAction},
- extraActions=[CompleteFiles(descr='output file')]
- )
- def opt_X(self):
- """
- usage.Options does not recognize single-letter opt_ methods
- """
-class SimpleProgSub1(usage.Options):
- optFlags = [['sub-opt', 's', 'Sub Opt One']]
-class SimpleProgSub2(usage.Options):
- optFlags = [['sub-opt', 's', 'Sub Opt Two']]
-class SimpleProgWithSubcommands(SimpleProgOptions):
- optFlags = [['some-option'],
- ['other-option', 'o']]
- optParameters = [['some-param'],
- ['other-param', 'p'],
- ['another-param', 'P', 'Yet Another Param']]
- subCommands = [ ['sub1', None, SimpleProgSub1, 'Sub Command 1'],
- ['sub2', None, SimpleProgSub2, 'Sub Command 2']]
-testOutput1 = """#compdef silly
-_arguments -s -A "-*" \\
-':output file (*):_files -g "*"' \\
-"(--accuracy)-a[Select the level of accuracy (1-3)]:Accuracy'\`?:(1 2 3)" \\
-"(-a)--accuracy=[Select the level of accuracy (1-3)]:Accuracy'\`?:(1 2 3)" \\
-'(--color --gray -g)-c[Color on]' \\
-'(--gray -c -g)--color[Color on]' \\
-'(--color --gray -c)-g[Turn on gray-scale output]' \\
-'(--color -c -g)--gray[Turn on gray-scale output]' \\
-'--help[Display this help and exit.]' \\
-'--optimization=[Optimization level]:Optimization?:(1 2 3 4 5)' \\
-'*-v[Verbose logging (may be specified more than once)]' \\
-'*--verbose[Verbose logging (may be specified more than once)]' \\
-'--version[Display Twisted version and exit.]' \\
-&& return 0
-# with sub-commands
-testOutput2 = """#compdef silly2
-_arguments -s -A "-*" \\
-'*::subcmd:->subcmd' \\
-':output file (*):_files -g "*"' \\
-"(--accuracy)-a[Select the level of accuracy (1-3)]:Accuracy'\`?:(1 2 3)" \\
-"(-a)--accuracy=[Select the level of accuracy (1-3)]:Accuracy'\`?:(1 2 3)" \\
-'(--another-param)-P[another-param]:another-param:_files' \\
-'(-P)--another-param=[another-param]:another-param:_files' \\
-'(--color --gray -g)-c[Color on]' \\
-'(--gray -c -g)--color[Color on]' \\
-'(--color --gray -c)-g[Turn on gray-scale output]' \\
-'(--color -c -g)--gray[Turn on gray-scale output]' \\
-'--help[Display this help and exit.]' \\
-'--optimization=[Optimization level]:Optimization?:(1 2 3 4 5)' \\
-'(--other-option)-o[other-option]' \\
-'(-o)--other-option[other-option]' \\
-'(--other-param)-p[other-param]:other-param:_files' \\
-'(-p)--other-param=[other-param]:other-param:_files' \\
-'--some-option[some-option]' \\
-'--some-param=[some-param]:some-param:_files' \\
-'*-v[Verbose logging (may be specified more than once)]' \\
-'*--verbose[Verbose logging (may be specified more than once)]' \\
-'--version[Display Twisted version and exit.]' \\
-&& return 0
-local _zsh_subcmds_array
-"sub1:Sub Command 1"
-"sub2:Sub Command 2"
-_describe "sub-command" _zsh_subcmds_array
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_syslog.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_syslog.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 559c62f3..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_syslog.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
- import syslog as stdsyslog
-except ImportError:
- stdsyslog = None
- from twisted.python import syslog
-class SyslogObserverTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{SyslogObserver} which sends Twisted log events to the syslog.
- """
- events = None
- if stdsyslog is None:
- skip = "syslog is not supported on this platform"
- def setUp(self):
- self.patch(syslog.SyslogObserver, 'openlog', self.openlog)
- self.patch(syslog.SyslogObserver, 'syslog', self.syslog)
- self.observer = syslog.SyslogObserver('SyslogObserverTests')
- def openlog(self, prefix, options, facility):
- self.logOpened = (prefix, options, facility)
- self.events = []
- def syslog(self, options, message):
- self.events.append((options, message))
- def test_emitWithoutMessage(self):
- """
- L{SyslogObserver.emit} ignores events with an empty value for the
- C{'message'} key.
- """
- self.observer.emit({'message': (), 'isError': False, 'system': '-'})
- self.assertEqual(self.events, [])
- def test_emitCustomPriority(self):
- """
- L{SyslogObserver.emit} uses the value of the C{'syslogPriority'} as the
- syslog priority, if that key is present in the event dictionary.
- """
- self.observer.emit({
- 'message': ('hello, world',), 'isError': False, 'system': '-',
- 'syslogPriority': stdsyslog.LOG_DEBUG})
- self.assertEqual(
- self.events,
- [(stdsyslog.LOG_DEBUG, '[-] hello, world')])
- def test_emitErrorPriority(self):
- """
- L{SyslogObserver.emit} uses C{LOG_ALERT} if the event represents an
- error.
- """
- self.observer.emit({
- 'message': ('hello, world',), 'isError': True, 'system': '-',
- 'failure': Failure(Exception("foo"))})
- self.assertEqual(
- self.events,
- [(stdsyslog.LOG_ALERT, '[-] hello, world')])
- def test_emitCustomPriorityOverridesError(self):
- """
- L{SyslogObserver.emit} uses the value of the C{'syslogPriority'} key if
- it is specified even if the event dictionary represents an error.
- """
- self.observer.emit({
- 'message': ('hello, world',), 'isError': True, 'system': '-',
- 'syslogPriority': stdsyslog.LOG_NOTICE,
- 'failure': Failure(Exception("bar"))})
- self.assertEqual(
- self.events,
- [(stdsyslog.LOG_NOTICE, '[-] hello, world')])
- def test_emitCustomFacility(self):
- """
- L{SyslogObserver.emit} uses the value of the C{'syslogPriority'} as the
- syslog priority, if that key is present in the event dictionary.
- """
- self.observer.emit({
- 'message': ('hello, world',), 'isError': False, 'system': '-',
- 'syslogFacility': stdsyslog.LOG_CRON})
- self.assertEqual(
- self.events,
- [(stdsyslog.LOG_INFO | stdsyslog.LOG_CRON, '[-] hello, world')])
- def test_emitCustomSystem(self):
- """
- L{SyslogObserver.emit} uses the value of the C{'system'} key to prefix
- the logged message.
- """
- self.observer.emit({'message': ('hello, world',), 'isError': False,
- 'system': 'nonDefaultSystem'})
- self.assertEqual(
- self.events,
- [(stdsyslog.LOG_INFO, "[nonDefaultSystem] hello, world")])
- def test_emitMessage(self):
- """
- L{SyslogObserver.emit} logs the value of the C{'message'} key of the
- event dictionary it is passed to the syslog.
- """
- self.observer.emit({
- 'message': ('hello, world',), 'isError': False,
- 'system': '-'})
- self.assertEqual(
- self.events,
- [(stdsyslog.LOG_INFO, "[-] hello, world")])
- def test_emitMultilineMessage(self):
- """
- Each line of a multiline message is emitted separately to the syslog.
- """
- self.observer.emit({
- 'message': ('hello,\nworld',), 'isError': False,
- 'system': '-'})
- self.assertEqual(
- self.events,
- [(stdsyslog.LOG_INFO, '[-] hello,'),
- (stdsyslog.LOG_INFO, '[-] \tworld')])
- def test_emitStripsTrailingEmptyLines(self):
- """
- Trailing empty lines of a multiline message are omitted from the
- messages sent to the syslog.
- """
- self.observer.emit({
- 'message': ('hello,\nworld\n\n',), 'isError': False,
- 'system': '-'})
- self.assertEqual(
- self.events,
- [(stdsyslog.LOG_INFO, '[-] hello,'),
- (stdsyslog.LOG_INFO, '[-] \tworld')])
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_systemd.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_systemd.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 23d590f9..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_systemd.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.python.systemd}.
-import os
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python.systemd import ListenFDs
-class InheritedDescriptorsMixin(object):
- """
- Mixin for a L{TestCase} subclass which defines test methods for some kind of
- systemd sd-daemon class. In particular, it defines tests for a
- C{inheritedDescriptors} method.
- """
- def test_inheritedDescriptors(self):
- """
- C{inheritedDescriptors} returns a list of integers giving the file
- descriptors which were inherited from systemd.
- """
- sddaemon = self.getDaemon(7, 3)
- self.assertEqual([7, 8, 9], sddaemon.inheritedDescriptors())
- def test_repeated(self):
- """
- Any subsequent calls to C{inheritedDescriptors} return the same list.
- """
- sddaemon = self.getDaemon(7, 3)
- self.assertEqual(
- sddaemon.inheritedDescriptors(),
- sddaemon.inheritedDescriptors())
-class MemoryOnlyMixin(object):
- """
- Mixin for a L{TestCase} subclass which creates creating a fake, in-memory
- implementation of C{inheritedDescriptors}. This provides verification that
- the fake behaves in a compatible way with the real implementation.
- """
- def getDaemon(self, start, count):
- """
- Invent C{count} new I{file descriptors} (actually integers, attached to
- no real file description), starting at C{start}. Construct and return a
- new L{ListenFDs} which will claim those integers represent inherited
- file descriptors.
- """
- return ListenFDs(range(start, start + count))
-class EnvironmentMixin(object):
- """
- Mixin for a L{TestCase} subclass which creates a real implementation of
- C{inheritedDescriptors} which is based on the environment variables set by
- systemd. To facilitate testing, this mixin will also create a fake
- environment dictionary and add keys to it to make it look as if some
- descriptors have been inherited.
- """
- def initializeEnvironment(self, count, pid):
- """
- Create a copy of the process environment and add I{LISTEN_FDS} and
- I{LISTEN_PID} (the environment variables set by systemd) to it.
- """
- result = os.environ.copy()
- result['LISTEN_FDS'] = str(count)
- result['LISTEN_PID'] = str(pid)
- return result
- def getDaemon(self, start, count):
- """
- Create a new L{ListenFDs} instance, initialized with a fake environment
- dictionary which will be set up as systemd would have set it up if
- C{count} descriptors were being inherited. The descriptors will also
- start at C{start}.
- """
- fakeEnvironment = self.initializeEnvironment(count, os.getpid())
- return ListenFDs.fromEnvironment(environ=fakeEnvironment, start=start)
-class MemoryOnlyTests(MemoryOnlyMixin, InheritedDescriptorsMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Apply tests to L{ListenFDs}, explicitly constructed with some fake file
- descriptors.
- """
-class EnvironmentTests(EnvironmentMixin, InheritedDescriptorsMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Apply tests to L{ListenFDs}, constructed based on an environment dictionary.
- """
- def test_secondEnvironment(self):
- """
- Only a single L{Environment} can extract inherited file descriptors.
- """
- fakeEnvironment = self.initializeEnvironment(3, os.getpid())
- first = ListenFDs.fromEnvironment(environ=fakeEnvironment)
- second = ListenFDs.fromEnvironment(environ=fakeEnvironment)
- self.assertEqual(range(3, 6), first.inheritedDescriptors())
- self.assertEqual([], second.inheritedDescriptors())
- def test_mismatchedPID(self):
- """
- If the current process PID does not match the PID in the environment, no
- inherited descriptors are reported.
- """
- fakeEnvironment = self.initializeEnvironment(3, os.getpid() + 1)
- sddaemon = ListenFDs.fromEnvironment(environ=fakeEnvironment)
- self.assertEqual([], sddaemon.inheritedDescriptors())
- def test_missingPIDVariable(self):
- """
- If the I{LISTEN_PID} environment variable is not present, no inherited
- descriptors are reported.
- """
- fakeEnvironment = self.initializeEnvironment(3, os.getpid())
- del fakeEnvironment['LISTEN_PID']
- sddaemon = ListenFDs.fromEnvironment(environ=fakeEnvironment)
- self.assertEqual([], sddaemon.inheritedDescriptors())
- def test_nonIntegerPIDVariable(self):
- """
- If the I{LISTEN_PID} environment variable is set to a string that cannot
- be parsed as an integer, no inherited descriptors are reported.
- """
- fakeEnvironment = self.initializeEnvironment(3, "hello, world")
- sddaemon = ListenFDs.fromEnvironment(environ=fakeEnvironment)
- self.assertEqual([], sddaemon.inheritedDescriptors())
- def test_missingFDSVariable(self):
- """
- If the I{LISTEN_FDS} environment variable is not present, no inherited
- descriptors are reported.
- """
- fakeEnvironment = self.initializeEnvironment(3, os.getpid())
- del fakeEnvironment['LISTEN_FDS']
- sddaemon = ListenFDs.fromEnvironment(environ=fakeEnvironment)
- self.assertEqual([], sddaemon.inheritedDescriptors())
- def test_nonIntegerFDSVariable(self):
- """
- If the I{LISTEN_FDS} environment variable is set to a string that cannot
- be parsed as an integer, no inherited descriptors are reported.
- """
- fakeEnvironment = self.initializeEnvironment("hello, world", os.getpid())
- sddaemon = ListenFDs.fromEnvironment(environ=fakeEnvironment)
- self.assertEqual([], sddaemon.inheritedDescriptors())
- def test_defaultEnviron(self):
- """
- If the process environment is not explicitly passed to
- L{Environment.__init__}, the real process environment dictionary is
- used.
- """
- self.patch(os, 'environ', {
- 'LISTEN_PID': str(os.getpid()),
- 'LISTEN_FDS': '5'})
- sddaemon = ListenFDs.fromEnvironment()
- self.assertEqual(range(3, 3 + 5), sddaemon.inheritedDescriptors())
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_util.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_util.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 08c39d65..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_util.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,928 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.python.test.test_util
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.python.util}.
-import os.path, sys
-import shutil, errno
- import pwd, grp
-except ImportError:
- pwd = grp = None
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.python import util
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorProcess
-from twisted.internet.protocol import ProcessProtocol
-from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
-from twisted.internet.error import ProcessDone
-from twisted.test.test_process import MockOS
-class UtilTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def testUniq(self):
- l = ["a", 1, "ab", "a", 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 4, 6]
- self.assertEqual(util.uniquify(l), ["a", 1, "ab", 3, 4, 2, 6])
- def testRaises(self):
- self.failUnless(util.raises(ZeroDivisionError, divmod, 1, 0))
- self.failIf(util.raises(ZeroDivisionError, divmod, 0, 1))
- try:
- util.raises(TypeError, divmod, 1, 0)
- except ZeroDivisionError:
- pass
- else:
- raise unittest.FailTest, "util.raises didn't raise when it should have"
- def testUninterruptably(self):
- def f(a, b):
- self.calls += 1
- exc = self.exceptions.pop()
- if exc is not None:
- raise exc(errno.EINTR, "Interrupted system call!")
- return a + b
- self.exceptions = [None]
- self.calls = 0
- self.assertEqual(util.untilConcludes(f, 1, 2), 3)
- self.assertEqual(self.calls, 1)
- self.exceptions = [None, OSError, IOError]
- self.calls = 0
- self.assertEqual(util.untilConcludes(f, 2, 3), 5)
- self.assertEqual(self.calls, 3)
- def testNameToLabel(self):
- """
- Test the various kinds of inputs L{nameToLabel} supports.
- """
- nameData = [
- ('f', 'F'),
- ('fo', 'Fo'),
- ('foo', 'Foo'),
- ('fooBar', 'Foo Bar'),
- ('fooBarBaz', 'Foo Bar Baz'),
- ]
- for inp, out in nameData:
- got = util.nameToLabel(inp)
- self.assertEqual(
- got, out,
- "nameToLabel(%r) == %r != %r" % (inp, got, out))
- def test_uidFromNumericString(self):
- """
- When L{uidFromString} is called with a base-ten string representation
- of an integer, it returns the integer.
- """
- self.assertEqual(util.uidFromString("100"), 100)
- def test_uidFromUsernameString(self):
- """
- When L{uidFromString} is called with a base-ten string representation
- of an integer, it returns the integer.
- """
- pwent = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())
- self.assertEqual(util.uidFromString(pwent.pw_name), pwent.pw_uid)
- if pwd is None:
- test_uidFromUsernameString.skip = (
- "Username/UID conversion requires the pwd module.")
- def test_gidFromNumericString(self):
- """
- When L{gidFromString} is called with a base-ten string representation
- of an integer, it returns the integer.
- """
- self.assertEqual(util.gidFromString("100"), 100)
- def test_gidFromGroupnameString(self):
- """
- When L{gidFromString} is called with a base-ten string representation
- of an integer, it returns the integer.
- """
- grent = grp.getgrgid(os.getgid())
- self.assertEqual(util.gidFromString(grent.gr_name), grent.gr_gid)
- if grp is None:
- test_gidFromGroupnameString.skip = (
- "Group Name/GID conversion requires the grp module.")
-class SwitchUIDTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{util.switchUID}.
- """
- if getattr(os, "getuid", None) is None:
- skip = "getuid/setuid not available"
- def setUp(self):
- self.mockos = MockOS()
- self.patch(util, "os", self.mockos)
- self.patch(util, "initgroups", self.initgroups)
- self.initgroupsCalls = []
- def initgroups(self, uid, gid):
- """
- Save L{util.initgroups} calls in C{self.initgroupsCalls}.
- """
- self.initgroupsCalls.append((uid, gid))
- def test_uid(self):
- """
- L{util.switchUID} calls L{util.initgroups} and then C{os.setuid} with
- the given uid.
- """
- util.switchUID(12000, None)
- self.assertEqual(self.initgroupsCalls, [(12000, None)])
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.actions, [("setuid", 12000)])
- def test_euid(self):
- """
- L{util.switchUID} calls L{util.initgroups} and then C{os.seteuid} with
- the given uid if the C{euid} parameter is set to C{True}.
- """
- util.switchUID(12000, None, True)
- self.assertEqual(self.initgroupsCalls, [(12000, None)])
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.seteuidCalls, [12000])
- def test_currentUID(self):
- """
- If the current uid is the same as the uid passed to L{util.switchUID},
- then initgroups does not get called, but a warning is issued.
- """
- uid = self.mockos.getuid()
- util.switchUID(uid, None)
- self.assertEqual(self.initgroupsCalls, [])
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.actions, [])
- warnings = self.flushWarnings([util.switchUID])
- self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
- self.assertIn('tried to drop privileges and setuid %i' % uid,
- warnings[0]['message'])
- self.assertIn('but uid is already %i' % uid, warnings[0]['message'])
- def test_currentEUID(self):
- """
- If the current euid is the same as the euid passed to L{util.switchUID},
- then initgroups does not get called, but a warning is issued.
- """
- euid = self.mockos.geteuid()
- util.switchUID(euid, None, True)
- self.assertEqual(self.initgroupsCalls, [])
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.seteuidCalls, [])
- warnings = self.flushWarnings([util.switchUID])
- self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
- self.assertIn('tried to drop privileges and seteuid %i' % euid,
- warnings[0]['message'])
- self.assertIn('but euid is already %i' % euid, warnings[0]['message'])
-class TestMergeFunctionMetadata(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{mergeFunctionMetadata}.
- """
- def test_mergedFunctionBehavesLikeMergeTarget(self):
- """
- After merging C{foo}'s data into C{bar}, the returned function behaves
- as if it is C{bar}.
- """
- foo_object = object()
- bar_object = object()
- def foo():
- return foo_object
- def bar(x, y, (a, b), c=10, *d, **e):
- return bar_object
- baz = util.mergeFunctionMetadata(foo, bar)
- self.assertIdentical(baz(1, 2, (3, 4), quux=10), bar_object)
- def test_moduleIsMerged(self):
- """
- Merging C{foo} into C{bar} returns a function with C{foo}'s
- C{__module__}.
- """
- def foo():
- pass
- def bar():
- pass
- bar.__module__ = 'somewhere.else'
- baz = util.mergeFunctionMetadata(foo, bar)
- self.assertEqual(baz.__module__, foo.__module__)
- def test_docstringIsMerged(self):
- """
- Merging C{foo} into C{bar} returns a function with C{foo}'s docstring.
- """
- def foo():
- """
- This is foo.
- """
- def bar():
- """
- This is bar.
- """
- baz = util.mergeFunctionMetadata(foo, bar)
- self.assertEqual(baz.__doc__, foo.__doc__)
- def test_nameIsMerged(self):
- """
- Merging C{foo} into C{bar} returns a function with C{foo}'s name.
- """
- def foo():
- pass
- def bar():
- pass
- baz = util.mergeFunctionMetadata(foo, bar)
- self.assertEqual(baz.__name__, foo.__name__)
- def test_instanceDictionaryIsMerged(self):
- """
- Merging C{foo} into C{bar} returns a function with C{bar}'s
- dictionary, updated by C{foo}'s.
- """
- def foo():
- pass
- foo.a = 1
- foo.b = 2
- def bar():
- pass
- bar.b = 3
- bar.c = 4
- baz = util.mergeFunctionMetadata(foo, bar)
- self.assertEqual(foo.a, baz.a)
- self.assertEqual(foo.b, baz.b)
- self.assertEqual(bar.c, baz.c)
-class OrderedDictTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def testOrderedDict(self):
- d = util.OrderedDict()
- d['a'] = 'b'
- d['b'] = 'a'
- d[3] = 12
- d[1234] = 4321
- self.assertEqual(repr(d), "{'a': 'b', 'b': 'a', 3: 12, 1234: 4321}")
- self.assertEqual(d.values(), ['b', 'a', 12, 4321])
- del d[3]
- self.assertEqual(repr(d), "{'a': 'b', 'b': 'a', 1234: 4321}")
- self.assertEqual(d, {'a': 'b', 'b': 'a', 1234:4321})
- self.assertEqual(d.keys(), ['a', 'b', 1234])
- self.assertEqual(list(d.iteritems()),
- [('a', 'b'), ('b','a'), (1234, 4321)])
- item = d.popitem()
- self.assertEqual(item, (1234, 4321))
- def testInitialization(self):
- d = util.OrderedDict({'monkey': 'ook',
- 'apple': 'red'})
- self.failUnless(d._order)
- d = util.OrderedDict(((1,1),(3,3),(2,2),(0,0)))
- self.assertEqual(repr(d), "{1: 1, 3: 3, 2: 2, 0: 0}")
-class InsensitiveDictTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def testPreserve(self):
- InsensitiveDict=util.InsensitiveDict
- dct=InsensitiveDict({'Foo':'bar', 1:2, 'fnz':{1:2}}, preserve=1)
- self.assertEqual(dct['fnz'], {1:2})
- self.assertEqual(dct['foo'], 'bar')
- self.assertEqual(dct.copy(), dct)
- self.assertEqual(dct['foo'], dct.get('Foo'))
- assert 1 in dct and 'foo' in dct
- self.assertEqual(eval(repr(dct)), dct)
- keys=['Foo', 'fnz', 1]
- for x in keys:
- assert x in dct.keys()
- assert (x, dct[x]) in dct.items()
- self.assertEqual(len(keys), len(dct))
- del dct[1]
- del dct['foo']
- def testNoPreserve(self):
- InsensitiveDict=util.InsensitiveDict
- dct=InsensitiveDict({'Foo':'bar', 1:2, 'fnz':{1:2}}, preserve=0)
- keys=['foo', 'fnz', 1]
- for x in keys:
- assert x in dct.keys()
- assert (x, dct[x]) in dct.items()
- self.assertEqual(len(keys), len(dct))
- del dct[1]
- del dct['foo']
-class PasswordTestingProcessProtocol(ProcessProtocol):
- """
- Write the string C{"secret\n"} to a subprocess and then collect all of
- its output and fire a Deferred with it when the process ends.
- """
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.output = []
- self.transport.write('secret\n')
- def childDataReceived(self, fd, output):
- self.output.append((fd, output))
- def processEnded(self, reason):
- self.finished.callback((reason, self.output))
-class GetPasswordTest(unittest.TestCase):
- if not IReactorProcess.providedBy(reactor):
- skip = "Process support required to test getPassword"
- def test_stdin(self):
- """
- Making sure getPassword accepts a password from standard input by
- running a child process which uses getPassword to read in a string
- which it then writes it out again. Write a string to the child
- process and then read one and make sure it is the right string.
- """
- p = PasswordTestingProcessProtocol()
- p.finished = Deferred()
- reactor.spawnProcess(
- p,
- sys.executable,
- [sys.executable,
- '-c',
- ('import sys\n'
- 'from twisted.python.util import getPassword\n'
- 'sys.stdout.write(getPassword())\n'
- 'sys.stdout.flush()\n')],
- env={'PYTHONPATH': os.pathsep.join(sys.path)})
- def processFinished((reason, output)):
- reason.trap(ProcessDone)
- self.assertIn((1, 'secret'), output)
- return p.finished.addCallback(processFinished)
-class SearchUpwardsTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def testSearchupwards(self):
- os.makedirs('searchupwards/a/b/c')
- file('searchupwards/foo.txt', 'w').close()
- file('searchupwards/a/foo.txt', 'w').close()
- file('searchupwards/a/b/c/foo.txt', 'w').close()
- os.mkdir('searchupwards/bar')
- os.mkdir('searchupwards/bam')
- os.mkdir('searchupwards/a/bar')
- os.mkdir('searchupwards/a/b/bam')
- actual=util.searchupwards('searchupwards/a/b/c',
- files=['foo.txt'],
- dirs=['bar', 'bam'])
- expected=os.path.abspath('searchupwards') + os.sep
- self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
- shutil.rmtree('searchupwards')
- actual=util.searchupwards('searchupwards/a/b/c',
- files=['foo.txt'],
- dirs=['bar', 'bam'])
- expected=None
- self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
-class IntervalDifferentialTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def testDefault(self):
- d = iter(util.IntervalDifferential([], 10))
- for i in range(100):
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (10, None))
- def testSingle(self):
- d = iter(util.IntervalDifferential([5], 10))
- for i in range(100):
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (5, 0))
- def testPair(self):
- d = iter(util.IntervalDifferential([5, 7], 10))
- for i in range(100):
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (5, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (2, 1))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (3, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (4, 1))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (1, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (5, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (1, 1))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (4, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (3, 1))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (2, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (5, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (0, 1))
- def testTriple(self):
- d = iter(util.IntervalDifferential([2, 4, 5], 10))
- for i in range(100):
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (2, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (2, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (0, 1))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (1, 2))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (1, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (2, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (0, 1))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (2, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (0, 2))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (2, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (0, 1))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (2, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (1, 2))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (1, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (0, 1))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (2, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (2, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (0, 1))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (0, 2))
- def testInsert(self):
- d = iter(util.IntervalDifferential([], 10))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (10, None))
- d.addInterval(3)
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (3, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (3, 0))
- d.addInterval(6)
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (3, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (3, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (0, 1))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (3, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (3, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (0, 1))
- def testRemove(self):
- d = iter(util.IntervalDifferential([3, 5], 10))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (3, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (2, 1))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (1, 0))
- d.removeInterval(3)
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (4, 0))
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (5, 0))
- d.removeInterval(5)
- self.assertEqual(d.next(), (10, None))
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, d.removeInterval, 10)
-class Record(util.FancyEqMixin):
- """
- Trivial user of L{FancyEqMixin} used by tests.
- """
- compareAttributes = ('a', 'b')
- def __init__(self, a, b):
- self.a = a
- self.b = b
-class DifferentRecord(util.FancyEqMixin):
- """
- Trivial user of L{FancyEqMixin} which is not related to L{Record}.
- """
- compareAttributes = ('a', 'b')
- def __init__(self, a, b):
- self.a = a
- self.b = b
-class DerivedRecord(Record):
- """
- A class with an inheritance relationship to L{Record}.
- """
-class EqualToEverything(object):
- """
- A class the instances of which consider themselves equal to everything.
- """
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return True
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return False
-class EqualToNothing(object):
- """
- A class the instances of which consider themselves equal to nothing.
- """
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return False
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return True
-class EqualityTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{FancyEqMixin}.
- """
- def test_identity(self):
- """
- Instances of a class which mixes in L{FancyEqMixin} but which
- defines no comparison attributes compare by identity.
- """
- class Empty(util.FancyEqMixin):
- pass
- self.assertFalse(Empty() == Empty())
- self.assertTrue(Empty() != Empty())
- empty = Empty()
- self.assertTrue(empty == empty)
- self.assertFalse(empty != empty)
- def test_equality(self):
- """
- Instances of a class which mixes in L{FancyEqMixin} should compare
- equal if all of their attributes compare equal. They should not
- compare equal if any of their attributes do not compare equal.
- """
- self.assertTrue(Record(1, 2) == Record(1, 2))
- self.assertFalse(Record(1, 2) == Record(1, 3))
- self.assertFalse(Record(1, 2) == Record(2, 2))
- self.assertFalse(Record(1, 2) == Record(3, 4))
- def test_unequality(self):
- """
- Unequality between instances of a particular L{record} should be
- defined as the negation of equality.
- """
- self.assertFalse(Record(1, 2) != Record(1, 2))
- self.assertTrue(Record(1, 2) != Record(1, 3))
- self.assertTrue(Record(1, 2) != Record(2, 2))
- self.assertTrue(Record(1, 2) != Record(3, 4))
- def test_differentClassesEquality(self):
- """
- Instances of different classes which mix in L{FancyEqMixin} should not
- compare equal.
- """
- self.assertFalse(Record(1, 2) == DifferentRecord(1, 2))
- def test_differentClassesInequality(self):
- """
- Instances of different classes which mix in L{FancyEqMixin} should
- compare unequal.
- """
- self.assertTrue(Record(1, 2) != DifferentRecord(1, 2))
- def test_inheritedClassesEquality(self):
- """
- An instance of a class which derives from a class which mixes in
- L{FancyEqMixin} should compare equal to an instance of the base class
- if and only if all of their attributes compare equal.
- """
- self.assertTrue(Record(1, 2) == DerivedRecord(1, 2))
- self.assertFalse(Record(1, 2) == DerivedRecord(1, 3))
- self.assertFalse(Record(1, 2) == DerivedRecord(2, 2))
- self.assertFalse(Record(1, 2) == DerivedRecord(3, 4))
- def test_inheritedClassesInequality(self):
- """
- An instance of a class which derives from a class which mixes in
- L{FancyEqMixin} should compare unequal to an instance of the base
- class if any of their attributes compare unequal.
- """
- self.assertFalse(Record(1, 2) != DerivedRecord(1, 2))
- self.assertTrue(Record(1, 2) != DerivedRecord(1, 3))
- self.assertTrue(Record(1, 2) != DerivedRecord(2, 2))
- self.assertTrue(Record(1, 2) != DerivedRecord(3, 4))
- def test_rightHandArgumentImplementsEquality(self):
- """
- The right-hand argument to the equality operator is given a chance
- to determine the result of the operation if it is of a type
- unrelated to the L{FancyEqMixin}-based instance on the left-hand
- side.
- """
- self.assertTrue(Record(1, 2) == EqualToEverything())
- self.assertFalse(Record(1, 2) == EqualToNothing())
- def test_rightHandArgumentImplementsUnequality(self):
- """
- The right-hand argument to the non-equality operator is given a
- chance to determine the result of the operation if it is of a type
- unrelated to the L{FancyEqMixin}-based instance on the left-hand
- side.
- """
- self.assertFalse(Record(1, 2) != EqualToEverything())
- self.assertTrue(Record(1, 2) != EqualToNothing())
-class RunAsEffectiveUserTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test for the L{util.runAsEffectiveUser} function.
- """
- if getattr(os, "geteuid", None) is None:
- skip = "geteuid/seteuid not available"
- def setUp(self):
- self.mockos = MockOS()
- self.patch(os, "geteuid", self.mockos.geteuid)
- self.patch(os, "getegid", self.mockos.getegid)
- self.patch(os, "seteuid", self.mockos.seteuid)
- self.patch(os, "setegid", self.mockos.setegid)
- def _securedFunction(self, startUID, startGID, wantUID, wantGID):
- """
- Check if wanted UID/GID matched start or saved ones.
- """
- self.assertTrue(wantUID == startUID or
- wantUID == self.mockos.seteuidCalls[-1])
- self.assertTrue(wantGID == startGID or
- wantGID == self.mockos.setegidCalls[-1])
- def test_forwardResult(self):
- """
- L{util.runAsEffectiveUser} forwards the result obtained by calling the
- given function
- """
- result = util.runAsEffectiveUser(0, 0, lambda: 1)
- self.assertEqual(result, 1)
- def test_takeParameters(self):
- """
- L{util.runAsEffectiveUser} pass the given parameters to the given
- function.
- """
- result = util.runAsEffectiveUser(0, 0, lambda x: 2*x, 3)
- self.assertEqual(result, 6)
- def test_takesKeyworkArguments(self):
- """
- L{util.runAsEffectiveUser} pass the keyword parameters to the given
- function.
- """
- result = util.runAsEffectiveUser(0, 0, lambda x, y=1, z=1: x*y*z, 2, z=3)
- self.assertEqual(result, 6)
- def _testUIDGIDSwitch(self, startUID, startGID, wantUID, wantGID,
- expectedUIDSwitches, expectedGIDSwitches):
- """
- Helper method checking the calls to C{os.seteuid} and C{os.setegid}
- made by L{util.runAsEffectiveUser}, when switching from startUID to
- wantUID and from startGID to wantGID.
- """
- self.mockos.euid = startUID
- self.mockos.egid = startGID
- util.runAsEffectiveUser(
- wantUID, wantGID,
- self._securedFunction, startUID, startGID, wantUID, wantGID)
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.seteuidCalls, expectedUIDSwitches)
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.setegidCalls, expectedGIDSwitches)
- self.mockos.seteuidCalls = []
- self.mockos.setegidCalls = []
- def test_root(self):
- """
- Check UID/GID switches when current effective UID is root.
- """
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(0, 0, 0, 0, [], [])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(0, 0, 1, 0, [1, 0], [])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(0, 0, 0, 1, [], [1, 0])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(0, 0, 1, 1, [1, 0], [1, 0])
- def test_UID(self):
- """
- Check UID/GID switches when current effective UID is non-root.
- """
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(1, 0, 0, 0, [0, 1], [])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(1, 0, 1, 0, [], [])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(1, 0, 1, 1, [0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(1, 0, 2, 1, [0, 2, 0, 1], [1, 0])
- def test_GID(self):
- """
- Check UID/GID switches when current effective GID is non-root.
- """
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(0, 1, 0, 0, [], [0, 1])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(0, 1, 0, 1, [], [])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(0, 1, 1, 1, [1, 0], [])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(0, 1, 1, 2, [1, 0], [2, 1])
- def test_UIDGID(self):
- """
- Check UID/GID switches when current effective UID/GID is non-root.
- """
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(1, 1, 0, 0, [0, 1], [0, 1])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(1, 1, 0, 1, [0, 1], [])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(1, 1, 1, 0, [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 1])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(1, 1, 1, 1, [], [])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(1, 1, 2, 1, [0, 2, 0, 1], [])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(1, 1, 1, 2, [0, 1, 0, 1], [2, 1])
- self._testUIDGIDSwitch(1, 1, 2, 2, [0, 2, 0, 1], [2, 1])
-class UnsignedIDTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{util.unsignedID} and L{util.setIDFunction}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Save the value of L{util._idFunction} and arrange for it to be restored
- after the test runs.
- """
- self.addCleanup(setattr, util, '_idFunction', util._idFunction)
- def test_setIDFunction(self):
- """
- L{util.setIDFunction} returns the last value passed to it.
- """
- value = object()
- previous = util.setIDFunction(value)
- result = util.setIDFunction(previous)
- self.assertIdentical(value, result)
- def test_unsignedID(self):
- """
- L{util.unsignedID} uses the function passed to L{util.setIDFunction} to
- determine the unique integer id of an object and then adjusts it to be
- positive if necessary.
- """
- foo = object()
- bar = object()
- # A fake object identity mapping
- objects = {foo: 17, bar: -73}
- def fakeId(obj):
- return objects[obj]
- util.setIDFunction(fakeId)
- self.assertEqual(util.unsignedID(foo), 17)
- self.assertEqual(util.unsignedID(bar), (sys.maxint + 1) * 2 - 73)
- def test_defaultIDFunction(self):
- """
- L{util.unsignedID} uses the built in L{id} by default.
- """
- obj = object()
- idValue = id(obj)
- if idValue < 0:
- idValue += (sys.maxint + 1) * 2
- self.assertEqual(util.unsignedID(obj), idValue)
-class InitGroupsTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{util.initgroups}.
- """
- if pwd is None:
- skip = "pwd not available"
- def setUp(self):
- self.addCleanup(setattr, util, "_c_initgroups", util._c_initgroups)
- self.addCleanup(setattr, util, "setgroups", util.setgroups)
- def test_initgroupsForceC(self):
- """
- If we fake the presence of the C extension, it's called instead of the
- Python implementation.
- """
- calls = []
- util._c_initgroups = lambda x, y: calls.append((x, y))
- setgroupsCalls = []
- util.setgroups = calls.append
- util.initgroups(os.getuid(), 4)
- self.assertEqual(calls, [(pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0], 4)])
- self.assertFalse(setgroupsCalls)
- def test_initgroupsForcePython(self):
- """
- If we fake the absence of the C extension, the Python implementation is
- called instead, calling C{os.setgroups}.
- """
- util._c_initgroups = None
- calls = []
- util.setgroups = calls.append
- util.initgroups(os.getuid(), os.getgid())
- # Something should be in the calls, we don't really care what
- self.assertTrue(calls)
- def test_initgroupsInC(self):
- """
- If the C extension is present, it's called instead of the Python
- version. We check that by making sure C{os.setgroups} is not called.
- """
- calls = []
- util.setgroups = calls.append
- try:
- util.initgroups(os.getuid(), os.getgid())
- except OSError:
- pass
- self.assertFalse(calls)
- if util._c_initgroups is None:
- test_initgroupsInC.skip = "C initgroups not available"
-class DeprecationTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for deprecations in C{twisted.python.util}.
- """
- def test_getPluginDirs(self):
- """
- L{util.getPluginDirs} is deprecated.
- """
- util.getPluginDirs()
- warnings = self.flushWarnings(offendingFunctions=[
- self.test_getPluginDirs])
- self.assertEqual(
- warnings[0]['message'],
- "twisted.python.util.getPluginDirs is deprecated since Twisted "
- "12.2.")
- self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
- def test_addPluginDir(self):
- """
- L{util.addPluginDir} is deprecated.
- """
- util.addPluginDir()
- warnings = self.flushWarnings(offendingFunctions=[
- self.test_addPluginDir])
- self.assertEqual(
- warnings[0]['message'],
- "twisted.python.util.addPluginDir is deprecated since Twisted "
- "12.2.")
- self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_versions.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_versions.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 79388cfa..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_versions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import sys
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from twisted.python.versions import getVersionString, IncomparableVersions
-from twisted.python.versions import Version, _inf
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- xmlns="svn:">
- committed-rev="18210"
- name=""
- committed-date="2006-09-21T04:43:09.542953Z"
- url="svn+ssh://svn.twistedmatrix.com/svn/Twisted/trunk/twisted"
- last-author="exarkun"
- kind="dir"
- uuid="bbbe8e31-12d6-0310-92fd-ac37d47ddeeb"
- repos="svn+ssh://svn.twistedmatrix.com/svn/Twisted"
- revision="18211"/>
-class VersionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_versionComparison(self):
- """
- Versions can be compared for equality and order.
- """
- va = Version("dummy", 1, 0, 0)
- vb = Version("dummy", 0, 1, 0)
- self.failUnless(va > vb)
- self.failUnless(vb < va)
- self.failUnless(va >= vb)
- self.failUnless(vb <= va)
- self.failUnless(va != vb)
- self.failUnless(vb == Version("dummy", 0, 1, 0))
- self.failUnless(vb == vb)
- self.failIf(va < vb)
- self.failIf(vb > va)
- self.failIf(va <= vb)
- self.failIf(vb >= va)
- self.failIf(va == vb)
- self.failIf(vb != Version("dummy", 0, 1, 0))
- self.failIf(vb != vb)
- def test_comparingPrereleasesWithReleases(self):
- """
- Prereleases are always less than versions without prereleases.
- """
- va = Version("whatever", 1, 0, 0, prerelease=1)
- vb = Version("whatever", 1, 0, 0)
- self.assertTrue(va < vb)
- self.assertFalse(va > vb)
- self.assertNotEquals(vb, va)
- def test_comparingPrereleases(self):
- """
- The value specified as the prerelease is used in version comparisons.
- """
- va = Version("whatever", 1, 0, 0, prerelease=1)
- vb = Version("whatever", 1, 0, 0, prerelease=2)
- self.assertTrue(va < vb)
- self.assertFalse(va > vb)
- self.assertNotEqual(va, vb)
- def test_infComparison(self):
- """
- L{_inf} is equal to L{_inf}.
- This is a regression test.
- """
- self.assertEqual(_inf, _inf)
- def testDontAllowBuggyComparisons(self):
- self.assertRaises(IncomparableVersions,
- cmp,
- Version("dummy", 1, 0, 0),
- Version("dumym", 1, 0, 0))
- def test_repr(self):
- """
- Calling C{repr} on a version returns a human-readable string
- representation of the version.
- """
- self.assertEqual(repr(Version("dummy", 1, 2, 3)),
- "Version('dummy', 1, 2, 3)")
- def test_reprWithPrerelease(self):
- """
- Calling C{repr} on a version with a prerelease returns a human-readable
- string representation of the version including the prerelease.
- """
- self.assertEqual(repr(Version("dummy", 1, 2, 3, prerelease=4)),
- "Version('dummy', 1, 2, 3, prerelease=4)")
- def test_str(self):
- """
- Calling C{str} on a version returns a human-readable string
- representation of the version.
- """
- self.assertEqual(str(Version("dummy", 1, 2, 3)),
- "[dummy, version 1.2.3]")
- def test_strWithPrerelease(self):
- """
- Calling C{str} on a version with a prerelease includes the prerelease.
- """
- self.assertEqual(str(Version("dummy", 1, 0, 0, prerelease=1)),
- "[dummy, version 1.0.0pre1]")
- def testShort(self):
- self.assertEqual(Version('dummy', 1, 2, 3).short(), '1.2.3')
- def test_goodSVNEntries_4(self):
- """
- Version should be able to parse an SVN format 4 entries file.
- """
- version = Version("dummy", 1, 0, 0)
- self.assertEqual(
- version._parseSVNEntries_4(StringIO(VERSION_4_ENTRIES)), '18211')
- def test_goodSVNEntries_8(self):
- """
- Version should be able to parse an SVN format 8 entries file.
- """
- version = Version("dummy", 1, 0, 0)
- self.assertEqual(
- version._parseSVNEntries_8(StringIO(VERSION_8_ENTRIES)), '22715')
- def test_goodSVNEntries_9(self):
- """
- Version should be able to parse an SVN format 9 entries file.
- """
- version = Version("dummy", 1, 0, 0)
- self.assertEqual(
- version._parseSVNEntries_9(StringIO(VERSION_9_ENTRIES)), '22715')
- def test_goodSVNEntriesTenPlus(self):
- """
- Version should be able to parse an SVN format 10 entries file.
- """
- version = Version("dummy", 1, 0, 0)
- self.assertEqual(
- version._parseSVNEntriesTenPlus(StringIO(VERSION_10_ENTRIES)), '22715')
- def test_getVersionString(self):
- """
- L{getVersionString} returns a string with the package name and the
- short version number.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- 'Twisted 8.0.0', getVersionString(Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0)))
- def test_getVersionStringWithPrerelease(self):
- """
- L{getVersionString} includes the prerelease, if any.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- getVersionString(Version("whatever", 8, 0, 0, prerelease=1)),
- "whatever 8.0.0pre1")
- def test_base(self):
- """
- The L{base} method returns a very simple representation of the version.
- """
- self.assertEqual(Version("foo", 1, 0, 0).base(), "1.0.0")
- def test_baseWithPrerelease(self):
- """
- The base version includes 'preX' for versions with prereleases.
- """
- self.assertEqual(Version("foo", 1, 0, 0, prerelease=8).base(),
- "1.0.0pre8")
-class FormatDiscoveryTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests which discover the parsing method based on the imported module name.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a temporary directory with a package structure in it.
- """
- self.entry = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.preTestModules = sys.modules.copy()
- sys.path.append(self.entry.path)
- pkg = self.entry.child("twisted_python_versions_package")
- pkg.makedirs()
- pkg.child("__init__.py").setContent(
- "from twisted.python.versions import Version\n"
- "version = Version('twisted_python_versions_package', 1, 0, 0)\n")
- self.svnEntries = pkg.child(".svn")
- self.svnEntries.makedirs()
- def tearDown(self):
- """
- Remove the imported modules and sys.path modifications.
- """
- sys.modules.clear()
- sys.modules.update(self.preTestModules)
- sys.path.remove(self.entry.path)
- def checkSVNFormat(self, formatVersion, entriesText, expectedRevision):
- """
- Check for the given revision being detected after setting the SVN
- entries text and format version of the test directory structure.
- """
- self.svnEntries.child("format").setContent(formatVersion+"\n")
- self.svnEntries.child("entries").setContent(entriesText)
- self.assertEqual(self.getVersion()._getSVNVersion(), expectedRevision)
- def getVersion(self):
- """
- Import and retrieve the Version object from our dynamically created
- package.
- """
- import twisted_python_versions_package
- return twisted_python_versions_package.version
- def test_detectVersion4(self):
- """
- Verify that version 4 format file will be properly detected and parsed.
- """
- self.checkSVNFormat("4", VERSION_4_ENTRIES, '18211')
- def test_detectVersion8(self):
- """
- Verify that version 8 format files will be properly detected and
- parsed.
- """
- self.checkSVNFormat("8", VERSION_8_ENTRIES, '22715')
- def test_detectVersion9(self):
- """
- Verify that version 9 format files will be properly detected and
- parsed.
- """
- self.checkSVNFormat("9", VERSION_9_ENTRIES, '22715')
- def test_detectVersion10(self):
- """
- Verify that version 10 format files will be properly detected and
- parsed.
- Differing from previous formats, the version 10 format lacks a
- I{format} file and B{only} has the version information on the first
- line of the I{entries} file.
- """
- self.svnEntries.child("entries").setContent(VERSION_10_ENTRIES)
- self.assertEqual(self.getVersion()._getSVNVersion(), '22715')
- def test_detectUnknownVersion(self):
- """
- Verify that a new version of SVN will result in the revision 'Unknown'.
- """
- self.checkSVNFormat("some-random-new-version", "ooga booga!", 'Unknown')
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_win32.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_win32.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e262ea2b..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_win32.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.python.runtime import platform
-from twisted.python.win32 import cmdLineQuote
-class CommandLineQuotingTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{cmdLineQuote}.
- """
- def test_argWithoutSpaces(self):
- """
- Calling C{cmdLineQuote} with an argument with no spaces should
- return the argument unchanged.
- """
- self.assertEqual(cmdLineQuote('an_argument'), 'an_argument')
- def test_argWithSpaces(self):
- """
- Calling C{cmdLineQuote} with an argument containing spaces should
- return the argument surrounded by quotes.
- """
- self.assertEqual(cmdLineQuote('An Argument'), '"An Argument"')
- def test_emptyStringArg(self):
- """
- Calling C{cmdLineQuote} with an empty string should return a
- quoted empty string.
- """
- self.assertEqual(cmdLineQuote(''), '""')
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_zipstream.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_zipstream.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b9d9a8a5..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_zipstream.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.python.zipstream}
-import sys
-import random
-import zipfile
-from twisted.python.compat import set
-from twisted.python import zipstream, filepath
-from twisted.python.hashlib import md5
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-class FileEntryMixin:
- """
- File entry classes should behave as file-like objects
- """
- def getFileEntry(self, contents):
- """
- Return an appropriate zip file entry
- """
- filename = self.mktemp()
- z = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'w', self.compression)
- z.writestr('content', contents)
- z.close()
- z = zipstream.ChunkingZipFile(filename, 'r')
- return z.readfile('content')
- def test_isatty(self):
- """
- zip files should not be ttys, so isatty() should be false
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.getFileEntry('').isatty(), False)
- def test_closed(self):
- """
- The C{closed} attribute should reflect whether C{close()} has been
- called.
- """
- fileEntry = self.getFileEntry('')
- self.assertEqual(fileEntry.closed, False)
- fileEntry.close()
- self.assertEqual(fileEntry.closed, True)
- def test_readline(self):
- """
- C{readline()} should mirror L{file.readline} and return up to a single
- deliminter.
- """
- fileEntry = self.getFileEntry('hoho\nho')
- self.assertEqual(fileEntry.readline(), 'hoho\n')
- self.assertEqual(fileEntry.readline(), 'ho')
- self.assertEqual(fileEntry.readline(), '')
- def test_next(self):
- """
- Zip file entries should implement the iterator protocol as files do.
- """
- fileEntry = self.getFileEntry('ho\nhoho')
- self.assertEqual(fileEntry.next(), 'ho\n')
- self.assertEqual(fileEntry.next(), 'hoho')
- self.assertRaises(StopIteration, fileEntry.next)
- def test_readlines(self):
- """
- C{readlines()} should return a list of all the lines.
- """
- fileEntry = self.getFileEntry('ho\nho\nho')
- self.assertEqual(fileEntry.readlines(), ['ho\n', 'ho\n', 'ho'])
- def test_iteration(self):
- """
- C{__iter__()} and C{xreadlines()} should return C{self}.
- """
- fileEntry = self.getFileEntry('')
- self.assertIdentical(iter(fileEntry), fileEntry)
- self.assertIdentical(fileEntry.xreadlines(), fileEntry)
- def test_readWhole(self):
- """
- C{.read()} should read the entire file.
- """
- contents = "Hello, world!"
- entry = self.getFileEntry(contents)
- self.assertEqual(entry.read(), contents)
- def test_readPartial(self):
- """
- C{.read(num)} should read num bytes from the file.
- """
- contents = "0123456789"
- entry = self.getFileEntry(contents)
- one = entry.read(4)
- two = entry.read(200)
- self.assertEqual(one, "0123")
- self.assertEqual(two, "456789")
- def test_tell(self):
- """
- C{.tell()} should return the number of bytes that have been read so
- far.
- """
- contents = "x" * 100
- entry = self.getFileEntry(contents)
- entry.read(2)
- self.assertEqual(entry.tell(), 2)
- entry.read(4)
- self.assertEqual(entry.tell(), 6)
-class DeflatedZipFileEntryTest(FileEntryMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- """
- DeflatedZipFileEntry should be file-like
- """
- compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
-class ZipFileEntryTest(FileEntryMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- """
- ZipFileEntry should be file-like
- """
- compression = zipfile.ZIP_STORED
-class ZipstreamTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for twisted.python.zipstream
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Creates junk data that can be compressed and a test directory for any
- files that will be created
- """
- self.testdir = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.testdir.makedirs()
- self.unzipdir = self.testdir.child('unzipped')
- self.unzipdir.makedirs()
- def makeZipFile(self, contents, directory=''):
- """
- Makes a zip file archive containing len(contents) files. Contents
- should be a list of strings, each string being the content of one file.
- """
- zpfilename = self.testdir.child('zipfile.zip').path
- zpfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zpfilename, 'w')
- for i, content in enumerate(contents):
- filename = str(i)
- if directory:
- filename = directory + "/" + filename
- zpfile.writestr(filename, content)
- zpfile.close()
- return zpfilename
- def test_invalidMode(self):
- """
- A ChunkingZipFile opened in write-mode should not allow .readfile(),
- and raise a RuntimeError instead.
- """
- czf = zipstream.ChunkingZipFile(self.mktemp(), "w")
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, czf.readfile, "something")
- def test_closedArchive(self):
- """
- A closed ChunkingZipFile should raise a L{RuntimeError} when
- .readfile() is invoked.
- """
- czf = zipstream.ChunkingZipFile(self.makeZipFile(["something"]), "r")
- czf.close()
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, czf.readfile, "something")
- def test_invalidHeader(self):
- """
- A zipfile entry with the wrong magic number should raise BadZipfile for
- readfile(), but that should not affect other files in the archive.
- """
- fn = self.makeZipFile(["test contents",
- "more contents"])
- zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fn, "r")
- zeroOffset = zf.getinfo("0").header_offset
- zf.close()
- # Zero out just the one header.
- scribble = file(fn, "r+b")
- scribble.seek(zeroOffset, 0)
- scribble.write(chr(0) * 4)
- scribble.close()
- czf = zipstream.ChunkingZipFile(fn)
- self.assertRaises(zipfile.BadZipfile, czf.readfile, "0")
- self.assertEqual(czf.readfile("1").read(), "more contents")
- def test_filenameMismatch(self):
- """
- A zipfile entry with a different filename than is found in the central
- directory should raise BadZipfile.
- """
- fn = self.makeZipFile(["test contents",
- "more contents"])
- zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fn, "r")
- info = zf.getinfo("0")
- info.filename = "not zero"
- zf.close()
- scribble = file(fn, "r+b")
- scribble.seek(info.header_offset, 0)
- scribble.write(info.FileHeader())
- scribble.close()
- czf = zipstream.ChunkingZipFile(fn)
- self.assertRaises(zipfile.BadZipfile, czf.readfile, "0")
- self.assertEqual(czf.readfile("1").read(), "more contents")
- if sys.version_info < (2, 5):
- # In python 2.4 and earlier, consistency between the directory and the
- # file header are verified at archive-opening time. In python 2.5
- # (and, presumably, later) it is readzipfile's responsibility.
- message = "Consistency-checking only necessary in 2.5."
- test_invalidHeader.skip = message
- test_filenameMismatch.skip = message
- def test_unsupportedCompression(self):
- """
- A zipfile which describes an unsupported compression mechanism should
- raise BadZipfile.
- """
- fn = self.mktemp()
- zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fn, "w")
- zi = zipfile.ZipInfo("0")
- zf.writestr(zi, "some data")
- # Mangle its compression type in the central directory; can't do this
- # before the writestr call or zipfile will (correctly) tell us not to
- # pass bad compression types :)
- zi.compress_type = 1234
- zf.close()
- czf = zipstream.ChunkingZipFile(fn)
- self.assertRaises(zipfile.BadZipfile, czf.readfile, "0")
- def test_extraData(self):
- """
- readfile() should skip over 'extra' data present in the zip metadata.
- """
- fn = self.mktemp()
- zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fn, 'w')
- zi = zipfile.ZipInfo("0")
- zi.extra = "hello, extra"
- zf.writestr(zi, "the real data")
- zf.close()
- czf = zipstream.ChunkingZipFile(fn)
- self.assertEqual(czf.readfile("0").read(), "the real data")
- def test_unzipIterChunky(self):
- """
- L{twisted.python.zipstream.unzipIterChunky} returns an iterator which
- must be exhausted to completely unzip the input archive.
- """
- numfiles = 10
- contents = ['This is test file %d!' % i for i in range(numfiles)]
- zpfilename = self.makeZipFile(contents)
- list(zipstream.unzipIterChunky(zpfilename, self.unzipdir.path))
- self.assertEqual(
- set(self.unzipdir.listdir()),
- set(map(str, range(numfiles))))
- for child in self.unzipdir.children():
- num = int(child.basename())
- self.assertEqual(child.getContent(), contents[num])
- def test_unzipIterChunkyDirectory(self):
- """
- The path to which a file is extracted by L{zipstream.unzipIterChunky}
- is determined by joining the C{directory} argument to C{unzip} with the
- path within the archive of the file being extracted.
- """
- numfiles = 10
- contents = ['This is test file %d!' % i for i in range(numfiles)]
- zpfilename = self.makeZipFile(contents, 'foo')
- list(zipstream.unzipIterChunky(zpfilename, self.unzipdir.path))
- self.assertEqual(
- set(self.unzipdir.child('foo').listdir()),
- set(map(str, range(numfiles))))
- for child in self.unzipdir.child('foo').children():
- num = int(child.basename())
- self.assertEqual(child.getContent(), contents[num])
- # XXX these tests are kind of gross and old, but I think unzipIterChunky is
- # kind of a gross function anyway. We should really write an abstract
- # copyTo/moveTo that operates on FilePath and make sure ZipPath can support
- # it, then just deprecate / remove this stuff.
- def _unzipIterChunkyTest(self, compression, chunksize, lower, upper):
- """
- unzipIterChunky should unzip the given number of bytes per iteration.
- """
- junk = ' '.join([str(random.random()) for n in xrange(1000)])
- junkmd5 = md5(junk).hexdigest()
- tempdir = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- tempdir.makedirs()
- zfpath = tempdir.child('bigfile.zip').path
- self._makebigfile(zfpath, compression, junk)
- uziter = zipstream.unzipIterChunky(zfpath, tempdir.path,
- chunksize=chunksize)
- r = uziter.next()
- # test that the number of chunks is in the right ballpark;
- # this could theoretically be any number but statistically it
- # should always be in this range
- approx = lower < r < upper
- self.failUnless(approx)
- for r in uziter:
- pass
- self.assertEqual(r, 0)
- newmd5 = md5(
- tempdir.child("zipstreamjunk").open().read()).hexdigest()
- self.assertEqual(newmd5, junkmd5)
- def test_unzipIterChunkyStored(self):
- """
- unzipIterChunky should unzip the given number of bytes per iteration on
- a stored archive.
- """
- self._unzipIterChunkyTest(zipfile.ZIP_STORED, 500, 35, 45)
- def test_chunkyDeflated(self):
- """
- unzipIterChunky should unzip the given number of bytes per iteration on
- a deflated archive.
- """
- self._unzipIterChunkyTest(zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, 972, 23, 27)
- def _makebigfile(self, filename, compression, junk):
- """
- Create a zip file with the given file name and compression scheme.
- """
- zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'w', compression)
- for i in range(10):
- fn = 'zipstream%d' % i
- zf.writestr(fn, "")
- zf.writestr('zipstreamjunk', junk)
- zf.close()
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_zshcomp.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_zshcomp.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 13865b21..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/python/test/test_zshcomp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Test cases for twisted.python.zshcomp
-import os
-import os.path
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.python import zshcomp, usage
-class ZshcompTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the zsh completion function builder in twisted/python/zshcomp.py
- """
- def test_buildAll(self):
- """
- Build all the completion functions for twisted commands - no errors
- should be raised
- """
- dirname = self.mktemp()
- os.mkdir(dirname)
- skippedCmds = [x[0] for x in zshcomp.makeCompFunctionFiles(dirname)]
- # verify a zsh function was created for each twisted command
- for info in zshcomp.generateFor:
- if info[0] in skippedCmds:
- continue
- funcPath = os.path.join(dirname, '_' + info[0])
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(funcPath))
- def test_accumulateMetadata(self):
- """
- The zsh_* variables you can place on Options classes are
- picked up correctly?
- """
- opts = FighterAceExtendedOptions()
- ag = zshcomp.ArgumentsGenerator('dummy_cmd', opts, 'dummy_value')
- altArgDescr = FighterAceOptions.zsh_altArgDescr.copy()
- altArgDescr.update(FighterAceExtendedOptions.zsh_altArgDescr)
- actionDescr = FighterAceOptions.zsh_actionDescr.copy()
- actionDescr.update(FighterAceExtendedOptions.zsh_actionDescr)
- self.assertEqual(ag.altArgDescr, altArgDescr)
- self.assertEqual(ag.actionDescr, actionDescr)
- self.assertEqual(ag.multiUse, FighterAceOptions.zsh_multiUse)
- self.assertEqual(ag.mutuallyExclusive,
- FighterAceOptions.zsh_mutuallyExclusive)
- self.assertEqual(ag.actions, FighterAceOptions.zsh_actions)
- self.assertEqual(ag.extras, FighterAceOptions.zsh_extras)
- def test_accumulateAdditionalOptions(self):
- """
- We pick up options that are only defined by having an
- appropriately named method on your Options class,
- e.g. def opt_foo(self, foo)
- """
- opts = FighterAceExtendedOptions()
- ag = zshcomp.ArgumentsGenerator('dummy_cmd', opts, 'dummy_value')
- self.assertIn('nocrash', ag.optFlags_d)
- self.assertIn('nocrash', ag.optAll_d)
- self.assertIn('difficulty', ag.optParams_d)
- self.assertIn('difficulty', ag.optAll_d)
- def test_verifyZshNames(self):
- """
- Using a parameter/flag name that doesn't exist
- will raise an error
- """
- class TmpOptions(FighterAceExtendedOptions):
- zsh_actions = {'detaill' : 'foo'} # Note typo of detail
- opts = TmpOptions()
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, zshcomp.ArgumentsGenerator,
- 'dummy_cmd', opts, 'dummy_value')
- def test_zshCode(self):
- """
- Generate a completion function, and test the textual output
- against a known correct output
- """
- cmd_name = 'testprog'
- opts = SillyOptions()
- f = StringIO()
- b = zshcomp.Builder(cmd_name, opts, f)
- b.write()
- f.reset()
- self.assertEqual(f.read(), testOutput1)
- def test_skipBuild(self):
- """
- makeCompFunctionFiles skips building for commands whos
- script module cannot be imported
- """
- generateFor = [('test_cmd', 'no.way.your.gonna.import.this', 'Foo')]
- skips = zshcomp.makeCompFunctionFiles('out_dir', generateFor, {})
- # no exceptions should be raised. hooray.
- self.assertEqual(len(skips), 1)
- self.assertEqual(len(skips[0]), 2)
- self.assertEqual(skips[0][0], 'test_cmd')
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(skips[0][1], ImportError))
-class FighterAceOptions(usage.Options):
- """
- Command-line options for an imaginary "Fighter Ace" game
- """
- optFlags = [['fokker', 'f',
- 'Select the Fokker Dr.I as your dogfighter aircraft'],
- ['albatros', 'a',
- 'Select the Albatros D-III as your dogfighter aircraft'],
- ['spad', 's',
- 'Select the SPAD S.VII as your dogfighter aircraft'],
- ['bristol', 'b',
- 'Select the Bristol Scout as your dogfighter aircraft'],
- ['physics', 'p',
- 'Enable secret Twisted physics engine'],
- ['jam', 'j',
- 'Enable a small chance that your machine guns will jam!'],
- ['verbose', 'v',
- 'Verbose logging (may be specified more than once)'],
- ]
- optParameters = [['pilot-name', None, "What's your name, Ace?",
- 'Manfred von Richthofen'],
- ['detail', 'd',
- 'Select the level of rendering detail (1-5)', '3'],
- ]
- zsh_altArgDescr = {'physics' : 'Twisted-Physics',
- 'detail' : 'Rendering detail level'}
- zsh_actionDescr = {'detail' : 'Pick your detail'}
- zsh_multiUse = ['verbose']
- zsh_mutuallyExclusive = [['fokker', 'albatros', 'spad', 'bristol']]
- zsh_actions = {'detail' : '(1 2 3 4 5)'}
- zsh_extras = [':saved game file to load:_files']
-class FighterAceExtendedOptions(FighterAceOptions):
- """
- Extend the options and zsh metadata provided by FighterAceOptions. zshcomp
- must accumulate options and metadata from all classes in the hiearchy so
- this is important for testing
- """
- optFlags = [['no-stalls', None,
- 'Turn off the ability to stall your aircraft']]
- optParameters = [['reality-level', None,
- 'Select the level of physics reality (1-5)', '5']]
- zsh_altArgDescr = {'no-stalls' : 'Can\'t stall your plane'}
- zsh_actionDescr = {'reality-level' : 'Physics reality level'}
- def opt_nocrash(self):
- """Select that you can't crash your plane"""
- def opt_difficulty(self, difficulty):
- """How tough are you? (1-10)"""
-def _accuracyAction():
- return '(1 2 3)'
-class SillyOptions(usage.Options):
- """
- Command-line options for a "silly" program
- """
- optFlags = [['color', 'c', 'Turn on color output'],
- ['gray', 'g', 'Turn on gray-scale output'],
- ['verbose', 'v',
- 'Verbose logging (may be specified more than once)'],
- ]
- optParameters = [['optimization', None,
- 'Select the level of optimization (1-5)', '5'],
- ['accuracy', 'a',
- 'Select the level of accuracy (1-3)', '3'],
- ]
- zsh_altArgDescr = {'color' : 'Color on',
- 'optimization' : 'Optimization level'}
- zsh_actionDescr = {'optimization' : 'Optimization?',
- 'accuracy' : 'Accuracy?'}
- zsh_multiUse = ['verbose']
- zsh_mutuallyExclusive = [['color', 'gray']]
- zsh_actions = {'optimization' : '(1 2 3 4 5)',
- 'accuracy' : _accuracyAction}
- zsh_extras = [':output file:_files']
-testOutput1 = """#compdef testprog
-_arguments -s -A "-*" \\
-':output file:_files' \\
-'(--accuracy)-a[3]:Accuracy?:(1 2 3)' \\
-'(-a)--accuracy=[3]:Accuracy?:(1 2 3)' \\
-'(--gray -g --color)-c[Color on]' \\
-'(--gray -g -c)--color[Color on]' \\
-'(--color -c --gray)-g[Turn on gray-scale output]' \\
-'(--color -c -g)--gray[Turn on gray-scale output]' \\
-'--help[Display this help and exit.]' \\
-'--optimization=[Optimization level]:Optimization?:(1 2 3 4 5)' \\
-'*-v[Verbose logging (may be specified more than once)]' \\
-'*--verbose[Verbose logging (may be specified more than once)]' \\
-'--version[Display Twisted version and exit.]' \\
-&& return 0