path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch')
88 files changed, 0 insertions, 32553 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/__init__.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d7ce597c..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Twisted.Conch: The Twisted Shell. Terminal emulation, SSHv2 and telnet.
-Currently this contains the SSHv2 implementation, but it may work over other
-protocols in the future. (i.e. Telnet)
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-from twisted.conch._version import version
-__version__ = version.short()
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/_version.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/_version.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 26337c3f..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/_version.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit it.
-from twisted.python import versions
-version = versions.Version('twisted.conch', 12, 2, 0)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/avatar.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/avatar.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a914da3e..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/avatar.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_conch -*-
-from interfaces import IConchUser
-from error import ConchError
-from ssh.connection import OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE
-from twisted.python import log
-from zope import interface
-class ConchUser:
- interface.implements(IConchUser)
- def __init__(self):
- self.channelLookup = {}
- self.subsystemLookup = {}
- def lookupChannel(self, channelType, windowSize, maxPacket, data):
- klass = self.channelLookup.get(channelType, None)
- if not klass:
- raise ConchError(OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE, "unknown channel")
- else:
- return klass(remoteWindow = windowSize,
- remoteMaxPacket = maxPacket,
- data=data, avatar=self)
- def lookupSubsystem(self, subsystem, data):
- log.msg(repr(self.subsystemLookup))
- klass = self.subsystemLookup.get(subsystem, None)
- if not klass:
- return False
- return klass(data, avatar=self)
- def gotGlobalRequest(self, requestType, data):
- # XXX should this use method dispatch?
- requestType = requestType.replace('-','_')
- f = getattr(self, "global_%s" % requestType, None)
- if not f:
- return 0
- return f(data)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/checkers.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/checkers.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3cd6a0ec..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/checkers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_checkers -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Provide L{ICredentialsChecker} implementations to be used in Conch protocols.
-import os, base64, binascii, errno
- import pwd
-except ImportError:
- pwd = None
- import crypt
- # Python 2.5 got spwd to interface with shadow passwords
- import spwd
-except ImportError:
- spwd = None
- try:
- import shadow
- except ImportError:
- shadow = None
- shadow = None
- from twisted.cred import pamauth
-except ImportError:
- pamauth = None
-from zope.interface import implements, providedBy
-from twisted.conch import error
-from twisted.conch.ssh import keys
-from twisted.cred.checkers import ICredentialsChecker
-from twisted.cred.credentials import IUsernamePassword, ISSHPrivateKey
-from twisted.cred.error import UnauthorizedLogin, UnhandledCredentials
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.python import failure, reflect, log
-from twisted.python.util import runAsEffectiveUser
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-def verifyCryptedPassword(crypted, pw):
- return crypt.crypt(pw, crypted) == crypted
-def _pwdGetByName(username):
- """
- Look up a user in the /etc/passwd database using the pwd module. If the
- pwd module is not available, return None.
- @param username: the username of the user to return the passwd database
- information for.
- """
- if pwd is None:
- return None
- return pwd.getpwnam(username)
-def _shadowGetByName(username):
- """
- Look up a user in the /etc/shadow database using the spwd or shadow
- modules. If neither module is available, return None.
- @param username: the username of the user to return the shadow database
- information for.
- """
- if spwd is not None:
- f = spwd.getspnam
- elif shadow is not None:
- f = shadow.getspnam
- else:
- return None
- return runAsEffectiveUser(0, 0, f, username)
-class UNIXPasswordDatabase:
- """
- A checker which validates users out of the UNIX password databases, or
- databases of a compatible format.
- @ivar _getByNameFunctions: a C{list} of functions which are called in order
- to valid a user. The default value is such that the /etc/passwd
- database will be tried first, followed by the /etc/shadow database.
- """
- credentialInterfaces = IUsernamePassword,
- implements(ICredentialsChecker)
- def __init__(self, getByNameFunctions=None):
- if getByNameFunctions is None:
- getByNameFunctions = [_pwdGetByName, _shadowGetByName]
- self._getByNameFunctions = getByNameFunctions
- def requestAvatarId(self, credentials):
- for func in self._getByNameFunctions:
- try:
- pwnam = func(credentials.username)
- except KeyError:
- return defer.fail(UnauthorizedLogin("invalid username"))
- else:
- if pwnam is not None:
- crypted = pwnam[1]
- if crypted == '':
- continue
- if verifyCryptedPassword(crypted, credentials.password):
- return defer.succeed(credentials.username)
- # fallback
- return defer.fail(UnauthorizedLogin("unable to verify password"))
-class SSHPublicKeyDatabase:
- """
- Checker that authenticates SSH public keys, based on public keys listed in
- authorized_keys and authorized_keys2 files in user .ssh/ directories.
- """
- implements(ICredentialsChecker)
- credentialInterfaces = (ISSHPrivateKey,)
- _userdb = pwd
- def requestAvatarId(self, credentials):
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.checkKey, credentials)
- d.addCallback(self._cbRequestAvatarId, credentials)
- d.addErrback(self._ebRequestAvatarId)
- return d
- def _cbRequestAvatarId(self, validKey, credentials):
- """
- Check whether the credentials themselves are valid, now that we know
- if the key matches the user.
- @param validKey: A boolean indicating whether or not the public key
- matches a key in the user's authorized_keys file.
- @param credentials: The credentials offered by the user.
- @type credentials: L{ISSHPrivateKey} provider
- @raise UnauthorizedLogin: (as a failure) if the key does not match the
- user in C{credentials}. Also raised if the user provides an invalid
- signature.
- @raise ValidPublicKey: (as a failure) if the key matches the user but
- the credentials do not include a signature. See
- L{error.ValidPublicKey} for more information.
- @return: The user's username, if authentication was successful.
- """
- if not validKey:
- return failure.Failure(UnauthorizedLogin("invalid key"))
- if not credentials.signature:
- return failure.Failure(error.ValidPublicKey())
- else:
- try:
- pubKey = keys.Key.fromString(credentials.blob)
- if pubKey.verify(credentials.signature, credentials.sigData):
- return credentials.username
- except: # any error should be treated as a failed login
- log.err()
- return failure.Failure(UnauthorizedLogin('error while verifying key'))
- return failure.Failure(UnauthorizedLogin("unable to verify key"))
- def getAuthorizedKeysFiles(self, credentials):
- """
- Return a list of L{FilePath} instances for I{authorized_keys} files
- which might contain information about authorized keys for the given
- credentials.
- On OpenSSH servers, the default location of the file containing the
- list of authorized public keys is
- U{$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys<http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=sshd_config>}.
- I{$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys2} is also returned, though it has been
- U{deprecated by OpenSSH since
- 2001<http://marc.info/?m=100508718416162>}.
- @return: A list of L{FilePath} instances to files with the authorized keys.
- """
- pwent = self._userdb.getpwnam(credentials.username)
- root = FilePath(pwent.pw_dir).child('.ssh')
- files = ['authorized_keys', 'authorized_keys2']
- return [root.child(f) for f in files]
- def checkKey(self, credentials):
- """
- Retrieve files containing authorized keys and check against user
- credentials.
- """
- uid, gid = os.geteuid(), os.getegid()
- ouid, ogid = self._userdb.getpwnam(credentials.username)[2:4]
- for filepath in self.getAuthorizedKeysFiles(credentials):
- if not filepath.exists():
- continue
- try:
- lines = filepath.open()
- except IOError, e:
- if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
- lines = runAsEffectiveUser(ouid, ogid, filepath.open)
- else:
- raise
- for l in lines:
- l2 = l.split()
- if len(l2) < 2:
- continue
- try:
- if base64.decodestring(l2[1]) == credentials.blob:
- return True
- except binascii.Error:
- continue
- return False
- def _ebRequestAvatarId(self, f):
- if not f.check(UnauthorizedLogin):
- log.msg(f)
- return failure.Failure(UnauthorizedLogin("unable to get avatar id"))
- return f
-class SSHProtocolChecker:
- """
- SSHProtocolChecker is a checker that requires multiple authentications
- to succeed. To add a checker, call my registerChecker method with
- the checker and the interface.
- After each successful authenticate, I call my areDone method with the
- avatar id. To get a list of the successful credentials for an avatar id,
- use C{SSHProcotolChecker.successfulCredentials[avatarId]}. If L{areDone}
- returns True, the authentication has succeeded.
- """
- implements(ICredentialsChecker)
- def __init__(self):
- self.checkers = {}
- self.successfulCredentials = {}
- def get_credentialInterfaces(self):
- return self.checkers.keys()
- credentialInterfaces = property(get_credentialInterfaces)
- def registerChecker(self, checker, *credentialInterfaces):
- if not credentialInterfaces:
- credentialInterfaces = checker.credentialInterfaces
- for credentialInterface in credentialInterfaces:
- self.checkers[credentialInterface] = checker
- def requestAvatarId(self, credentials):
- """
- Part of the L{ICredentialsChecker} interface. Called by a portal with
- some credentials to check if they'll authenticate a user. We check the
- interfaces that the credentials provide against our list of acceptable
- checkers. If one of them matches, we ask that checker to verify the
- credentials. If they're valid, we call our L{_cbGoodAuthentication}
- method to continue.
- @param credentials: the credentials the L{Portal} wants us to verify
- """
- ifac = providedBy(credentials)
- for i in ifac:
- c = self.checkers.get(i)
- if c is not None:
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(c.requestAvatarId, credentials)
- return d.addCallback(self._cbGoodAuthentication,
- credentials)
- return defer.fail(UnhandledCredentials("No checker for %s" % \
- ', '.join(map(reflect.qual, ifac))))
- def _cbGoodAuthentication(self, avatarId, credentials):
- """
- Called if a checker has verified the credentials. We call our
- L{areDone} method to see if the whole of the successful authentications
- are enough. If they are, we return the avatar ID returned by the first
- checker.
- """
- if avatarId not in self.successfulCredentials:
- self.successfulCredentials[avatarId] = []
- self.successfulCredentials[avatarId].append(credentials)
- if self.areDone(avatarId):
- del self.successfulCredentials[avatarId]
- return avatarId
- else:
- raise error.NotEnoughAuthentication()
- def areDone(self, avatarId):
- """
- Override to determine if the authentication is finished for a given
- avatarId.
- @param avatarId: the avatar returned by the first checker. For
- this checker to function correctly, all the checkers must
- return the same avatar ID.
- """
- return True
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/__init__.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f55d474d..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Client support code for Conch.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/agent.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/agent.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 50a8feaa..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/agent.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_default -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Accesses the key agent for user authentication.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-import os
-from twisted.conch.ssh import agent, channel, keys
-from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor
-from twisted.python import log
-class SSHAgentClient(agent.SSHAgentClient):
- def __init__(self):
- agent.SSHAgentClient.__init__(self)
- self.blobs = []
- def getPublicKeys(self):
- return self.requestIdentities().addCallback(self._cbPublicKeys)
- def _cbPublicKeys(self, blobcomm):
- log.msg('got %i public keys' % len(blobcomm))
- self.blobs = [x[0] for x in blobcomm]
- def getPublicKey(self):
- """
- Return a L{Key} from the first blob in C{self.blobs}, if any, or
- return C{None}.
- """
- if self.blobs:
- return keys.Key.fromString(self.blobs.pop(0))
- return None
-class SSHAgentForwardingChannel(channel.SSHChannel):
- def channelOpen(self, specificData):
- cc = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, SSHAgentForwardingLocal)
- d = cc.connectUNIX(os.environ['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'])
- d.addCallback(self._cbGotLocal)
- d.addErrback(lambda x:self.loseConnection())
- self.buf = ''
- def _cbGotLocal(self, local):
- self.local = local
- self.dataReceived = self.local.transport.write
- self.local.dataReceived = self.write
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.buf += data
- def closed(self):
- if self.local:
- self.local.loseConnection()
- self.local = None
-class SSHAgentForwardingLocal(protocol.Protocol):
- pass
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/connect.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/connect.py
deleted file mode 100755
index dc5fe22d..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/connect.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import direct
-connectTypes = {"direct" : direct.connect}
-def connect(host, port, options, verifyHostKey, userAuthObject):
- useConnects = ['direct']
- return _ebConnect(None, useConnects, host, port, options, verifyHostKey,
- userAuthObject)
-def _ebConnect(f, useConnects, host, port, options, vhk, uao):
- if not useConnects:
- return f
- connectType = useConnects.pop(0)
- f = connectTypes[connectType]
- d = f(host, port, options, vhk, uao)
- d.addErrback(_ebConnect, useConnects, host, port, options, vhk, uao)
- return d
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/default.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/default.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 50fe97a1..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/default.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_knownhosts,twisted.conch.test.test_default -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Various classes and functions for implementing user-interaction in the
-command-line conch client.
-You probably shouldn't use anything in this module directly, since it assumes
-you are sitting at an interactive terminal. For example, to programmatically
-interact with a known_hosts database, use L{twisted.conch.client.knownhosts}.
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.conch.error import ConchError
-from twisted.conch.ssh import common, keys, userauth
-from twisted.internet import defer, protocol, reactor
-from twisted.conch.client.knownhosts import KnownHostsFile, ConsoleUI
-from twisted.conch.client import agent
-import os, sys, base64, getpass
-# This name is bound so that the unit tests can use 'patch' to override it.
-_open = open
-def verifyHostKey(transport, host, pubKey, fingerprint):
- """
- Verify a host's key.
- This function is a gross vestige of some bad factoring in the client
- internals. The actual implementation, and a better signature of this logic
- is in L{KnownHostsFile.verifyHostKey}. This function is not deprecated yet
- because the callers have not yet been rehabilitated, but they should
- eventually be changed to call that method instead.
- However, this function does perform two functions not implemented by
- L{KnownHostsFile.verifyHostKey}. It determines the path to the user's
- known_hosts file based on the options (which should really be the options
- object's job), and it provides an opener to L{ConsoleUI} which opens
- '/dev/tty' so that the user will be prompted on the tty of the process even
- if the input and output of the process has been redirected. This latter
- part is, somewhat obviously, not portable, but I don't know of a portable
- equivalent that could be used.
- @param host: Due to a bug in L{SSHClientTransport.verifyHostKey}, this is
- always the dotted-quad IP address of the host being connected to.
- @type host: L{str}
- @param transport: the client transport which is attempting to connect to
- the given host.
- @type transport: L{SSHClientTransport}
- @param fingerprint: the fingerprint of the given public key, in
- xx:xx:xx:... format. This is ignored in favor of getting the fingerprint
- from the key itself.
- @type fingerprint: L{str}
- @param pubKey: The public key of the server being connected to.
- @type pubKey: L{str}
- @return: a L{Deferred} which fires with C{1} if the key was successfully
- verified, or fails if the key could not be successfully verified. Failure
- types may include L{HostKeyChanged}, L{UserRejectedKey}, L{IOError} or
- L{KeyboardInterrupt}.
- """
- actualHost = transport.factory.options['host']
- actualKey = keys.Key.fromString(pubKey)
- kh = KnownHostsFile.fromPath(FilePath(
- transport.factory.options['known-hosts']
- or os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/known_hosts")
- ))
- ui = ConsoleUI(lambda : _open("/dev/tty", "r+b"))
- return kh.verifyHostKey(ui, actualHost, host, actualKey)
-def isInKnownHosts(host, pubKey, options):
- """checks to see if host is in the known_hosts file for the user.
- returns 0 if it isn't, 1 if it is and is the same, 2 if it's changed.
- """
- keyType = common.getNS(pubKey)[0]
- retVal = 0
- if not options['known-hosts'] and not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/')):
- print 'Creating ~/.ssh directory...'
- os.mkdir(os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh'))
- kh_file = options['known-hosts'] or '~/.ssh/known_hosts'
- try:
- known_hosts = open(os.path.expanduser(kh_file))
- except IOError:
- return 0
- for line in known_hosts.xreadlines():
- split = line.split()
- if len(split) < 3:
- continue
- hosts, hostKeyType, encodedKey = split[:3]
- if host not in hosts.split(','): # incorrect host
- continue
- if hostKeyType != keyType: # incorrect type of key
- continue
- try:
- decodedKey = base64.decodestring(encodedKey)
- except:
- continue
- if decodedKey == pubKey:
- return 1
- else:
- retVal = 2
- return retVal
-class SSHUserAuthClient(userauth.SSHUserAuthClient):
- def __init__(self, user, options, *args):
- userauth.SSHUserAuthClient.__init__(self, user, *args)
- self.keyAgent = None
- self.options = options
- self.usedFiles = []
- if not options.identitys:
- options.identitys = ['~/.ssh/id_rsa', '~/.ssh/id_dsa']
- def serviceStarted(self):
- if 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK' in os.environ and not self.options['noagent']:
- log.msg('using agent')
- cc = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, agent.SSHAgentClient)
- d = cc.connectUNIX(os.environ['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'])
- d.addCallback(self._setAgent)
- d.addErrback(self._ebSetAgent)
- else:
- userauth.SSHUserAuthClient.serviceStarted(self)
- def serviceStopped(self):
- if self.keyAgent:
- self.keyAgent.transport.loseConnection()
- self.keyAgent = None
- def _setAgent(self, a):
- self.keyAgent = a
- d = self.keyAgent.getPublicKeys()
- d.addBoth(self._ebSetAgent)
- return d
- def _ebSetAgent(self, f):
- userauth.SSHUserAuthClient.serviceStarted(self)
- def _getPassword(self, prompt):
- try:
- oldout, oldin = sys.stdout, sys.stdin
- sys.stdin = sys.stdout = open('/dev/tty','r+')
- p=getpass.getpass(prompt)
- sys.stdout,sys.stdin=oldout,oldin
- return p
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, IOError):
- print
- raise ConchError('PEBKAC')
- def getPassword(self, prompt = None):
- if not prompt:
- prompt = "%s@%s's password: " % (self.user, self.transport.transport.getPeer().host)
- try:
- p = self._getPassword(prompt)
- return defer.succeed(p)
- except ConchError:
- return defer.fail()
- def getPublicKey(self):
- """
- Get a public key from the key agent if possible, otherwise look in
- the next configured identity file for one.
- """
- if self.keyAgent:
- key = self.keyAgent.getPublicKey()
- if key is not None:
- return key
- files = [x for x in self.options.identitys if x not in self.usedFiles]
- log.msg(str(self.options.identitys))
- log.msg(str(files))
- if not files:
- return None
- file = files[0]
- log.msg(file)
- self.usedFiles.append(file)
- file = os.path.expanduser(file)
- file += '.pub'
- if not os.path.exists(file):
- return self.getPublicKey() # try again
- try:
- return keys.Key.fromFile(file)
- except keys.BadKeyError:
- return self.getPublicKey() # try again
- def signData(self, publicKey, signData):
- """
- Extend the base signing behavior by using an SSH agent to sign the
- data, if one is available.
- @type publicKey: L{Key}
- @type signData: C{str}
- """
- if not self.usedFiles: # agent key
- return self.keyAgent.signData(publicKey.blob(), signData)
- else:
- return userauth.SSHUserAuthClient.signData(self, publicKey, signData)
- def getPrivateKey(self):
- """
- Try to load the private key from the last used file identified by
- C{getPublicKey}, potentially asking for the passphrase if the key is
- encrypted.
- """
- file = os.path.expanduser(self.usedFiles[-1])
- if not os.path.exists(file):
- return None
- try:
- return defer.succeed(keys.Key.fromFile(file))
- except keys.EncryptedKeyError:
- for i in range(3):
- prompt = "Enter passphrase for key '%s': " % \
- self.usedFiles[-1]
- try:
- p = self._getPassword(prompt)
- return defer.succeed(keys.Key.fromFile(file, passphrase=p))
- except (keys.BadKeyError, ConchError):
- pass
- return defer.fail(ConchError('bad password'))
- raise
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print
- reactor.stop()
- def getGenericAnswers(self, name, instruction, prompts):
- responses = []
- try:
- oldout, oldin = sys.stdout, sys.stdin
- sys.stdin = sys.stdout = open('/dev/tty','r+')
- if name:
- print name
- if instruction:
- print instruction
- for prompt, echo in prompts:
- if echo:
- responses.append(raw_input(prompt))
- else:
- responses.append(getpass.getpass(prompt))
- finally:
- sys.stdout,sys.stdin=oldout,oldin
- return defer.succeed(responses)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/direct.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/direct.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/direct.py
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@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from twisted.internet import defer, protocol, reactor
-from twisted.conch import error
-from twisted.conch.ssh import transport
-from twisted.python import log
-class SSHClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
- def __init__(self, d, options, verifyHostKey, userAuthObject):
- self.d = d
- self.options = options
- self.verifyHostKey = verifyHostKey
- self.userAuthObject = userAuthObject
- def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
- if self.options['reconnect']:
- connector.connect()
- def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
- if self.d is None:
- return
- d, self.d = self.d, None
- d.errback(reason)
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- trans = SSHClientTransport(self)
- if self.options['ciphers']:
- trans.supportedCiphers = self.options['ciphers']
- if self.options['macs']:
- trans.supportedMACs = self.options['macs']
- if self.options['compress']:
- trans.supportedCompressions[0:1] = ['zlib']
- if self.options['host-key-algorithms']:
- trans.supportedPublicKeys = self.options['host-key-algorithms']
- return trans
-class SSHClientTransport(transport.SSHClientTransport):
- def __init__(self, factory):
- self.factory = factory
- self.unixServer = None
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- if self.unixServer:
- d = self.unixServer.stopListening()
- self.unixServer = None
- else:
- d = defer.succeed(None)
- d.addCallback(lambda x:
- transport.SSHClientTransport.connectionLost(self, reason))
- def receiveError(self, code, desc):
- if self.factory.d is None:
- return
- d, self.factory.d = self.factory.d, None
- d.errback(error.ConchError(desc, code))
- def sendDisconnect(self, code, reason):
- if self.factory.d is None:
- return
- d, self.factory.d = self.factory.d, None
- transport.SSHClientTransport.sendDisconnect(self, code, reason)
- d.errback(error.ConchError(reason, code))
- def receiveDebug(self, alwaysDisplay, message, lang):
- log.msg('Received Debug Message: %s' % message)
- if alwaysDisplay: # XXX what should happen here?
- print message
- def verifyHostKey(self, pubKey, fingerprint):
- return self.factory.verifyHostKey(self, self.transport.getPeer().host, pubKey,
- fingerprint)
- def setService(self, service):
- log.msg('setting client server to %s' % service)
- transport.SSHClientTransport.setService(self, service)
- if service.name != 'ssh-userauth' and self.factory.d is not None:
- d, self.factory.d = self.factory.d, None
- d.callback(None)
- def connectionSecure(self):
- self.requestService(self.factory.userAuthObject)
-def connect(host, port, options, verifyHostKey, userAuthObject):
- d = defer.Deferred()
- factory = SSHClientFactory(d, options, verifyHostKey, userAuthObject)
- reactor.connectTCP(host, port, factory)
- return d
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index 48cd89bf..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/knownhosts.py
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@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_knownhosts -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-An implementation of the OpenSSH known_hosts database.
-@since: 8.2
-from binascii import Error as DecodeError, b2a_base64
-import hmac
-import sys
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python.randbytes import secureRandom
-if sys.version_info >= (2, 5):
- from twisted.python.hashlib import sha1
- # We need to have an object with a method named 'new'.
- import sha as sha1
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.conch.interfaces import IKnownHostEntry
-from twisted.conch.error import HostKeyChanged, UserRejectedKey, InvalidEntry
-from twisted.conch.ssh.keys import Key, BadKeyError
-def _b64encode(s):
- """
- Encode a binary string as base64 with no trailing newline.
- """
- return b2a_base64(s).strip()
-def _extractCommon(string):
- """
- Extract common elements of base64 keys from an entry in a hosts file.
- @return: a 4-tuple of hostname data (L{str}), ssh key type (L{str}), key
- (L{Key}), and comment (L{str} or L{None}). The hostname data is simply the
- beginning of the line up to the first occurrence of whitespace.
- """
- elements = string.split(None, 2)
- if len(elements) != 3:
- raise InvalidEntry()
- hostnames, keyType, keyAndComment = elements
- splitkey = keyAndComment.split(None, 1)
- if len(splitkey) == 2:
- keyString, comment = splitkey
- comment = comment.rstrip("\n")
- else:
- keyString = splitkey[0]
- comment = None
- key = Key.fromString(keyString.decode('base64'))
- return hostnames, keyType, key, comment
-class _BaseEntry(object):
- """
- Abstract base of both hashed and non-hashed entry objects, since they
- represent keys and key types the same way.
- @ivar keyType: The type of the key; either ssh-dss or ssh-rsa.
- @type keyType: L{str}
- @ivar publicKey: The server public key indicated by this line.
- @type publicKey: L{twisted.conch.ssh.keys.Key}
- @ivar comment: Trailing garbage after the key line.
- @type comment: L{str}
- """
- def __init__(self, keyType, publicKey, comment):
- self.keyType = keyType
- self.publicKey = publicKey
- self.comment = comment
- def matchesKey(self, keyObject):
- """
- Check to see if this entry matches a given key object.
- @type keyObject: L{Key}
- @rtype: bool
- """
- return self.publicKey == keyObject
-class PlainEntry(_BaseEntry):
- """
- A L{PlainEntry} is a representation of a plain-text entry in a known_hosts
- file.
- @ivar _hostnames: the list of all host-names associated with this entry.
- @type _hostnames: L{list} of L{str}
- """
- implements(IKnownHostEntry)
- def __init__(self, hostnames, keyType, publicKey, comment):
- self._hostnames = hostnames
- super(PlainEntry, self).__init__(keyType, publicKey, comment)
- def fromString(cls, string):
- """
- Parse a plain-text entry in a known_hosts file, and return a
- corresponding L{PlainEntry}.
- @param string: a space-separated string formatted like "hostname
- key-type base64-key-data comment".
- @type string: L{str}
- @raise DecodeError: if the key is not valid encoded as valid base64.
- @raise InvalidEntry: if the entry does not have the right number of
- elements and is therefore invalid.
- @raise BadKeyError: if the key, once decoded from base64, is not
- actually an SSH key.
- @return: an IKnownHostEntry representing the hostname and key in the
- input line.
- @rtype: L{PlainEntry}
- """
- hostnames, keyType, key, comment = _extractCommon(string)
- self = cls(hostnames.split(","), keyType, key, comment)
- return self
- fromString = classmethod(fromString)
- def matchesHost(self, hostname):
- """
- Check to see if this entry matches a given hostname.
- @type hostname: L{str}
- @rtype: bool
- """
- return hostname in self._hostnames
- def toString(self):
- """
- Implement L{IKnownHostEntry.toString} by recording the comma-separated
- hostnames, key type, and base-64 encoded key.
- """
- fields = [','.join(self._hostnames),
- self.keyType,
- _b64encode(self.publicKey.blob())]
- if self.comment is not None:
- fields.append(self.comment)
- return ' '.join(fields)
-class UnparsedEntry(object):
- """
- L{UnparsedEntry} is an entry in a L{KnownHostsFile} which can't actually be
- parsed; therefore it matches no keys and no hosts.
- """
- implements(IKnownHostEntry)
- def __init__(self, string):
- """
- Create an unparsed entry from a line in a known_hosts file which cannot
- otherwise be parsed.
- """
- self._string = string
- def matchesHost(self, hostname):
- """
- Always returns False.
- """
- return False
- def matchesKey(self, key):
- """
- Always returns False.
- """
- return False
- def toString(self):
- """
- Returns the input line, without its newline if one was given.
- """
- return self._string.rstrip("\n")
-def _hmacedString(key, string):
- """
- Return the SHA-1 HMAC hash of the given key and string.
- """
- hash = hmac.HMAC(key, digestmod=sha1)
- hash.update(string)
- return hash.digest()
-class HashedEntry(_BaseEntry):
- """
- A L{HashedEntry} is a representation of an entry in a known_hosts file
- where the hostname has been hashed and salted.
- @ivar _hostSalt: the salt to combine with a hostname for hashing.
- @ivar _hostHash: the hashed representation of the hostname.
- @cvar MAGIC: the 'hash magic' string used to identify a hashed line in a
- known_hosts file as opposed to a plaintext one.
- """
- implements(IKnownHostEntry)
- MAGIC = '|1|'
- def __init__(self, hostSalt, hostHash, keyType, publicKey, comment):
- self._hostSalt = hostSalt
- self._hostHash = hostHash
- super(HashedEntry, self).__init__(keyType, publicKey, comment)
- def fromString(cls, string):
- """
- Load a hashed entry from a string representing a line in a known_hosts
- file.
- @raise DecodeError: if the key, the hostname, or the is not valid
- encoded as valid base64
- @raise InvalidEntry: if the entry does not have the right number of
- elements and is therefore invalid, or the host/hash portion contains
- more items than just the host and hash.
- @raise BadKeyError: if the key, once decoded from base64, is not
- actually an SSH key.
- """
- stuff, keyType, key, comment = _extractCommon(string)
- saltAndHash = stuff[len(cls.MAGIC):].split("|")
- if len(saltAndHash) != 2:
- raise InvalidEntry()
- hostSalt, hostHash = saltAndHash
- self = cls(hostSalt.decode("base64"), hostHash.decode("base64"),
- keyType, key, comment)
- return self
- fromString = classmethod(fromString)
- def matchesHost(self, hostname):
- """
- Implement L{IKnownHostEntry.matchesHost} to compare the hash of the
- input to the stored hash.
- """
- return (_hmacedString(self._hostSalt, hostname) == self._hostHash)
- def toString(self):
- """
- Implement L{IKnownHostEntry.toString} by base64-encoding the salt, host
- hash, and key.
- """
- fields = [self.MAGIC + '|'.join([_b64encode(self._hostSalt),
- _b64encode(self._hostHash)]),
- self.keyType,
- _b64encode(self.publicKey.blob())]
- if self.comment is not None:
- fields.append(self.comment)
- return ' '.join(fields)
-class KnownHostsFile(object):
- """
- A structured representation of an OpenSSH-format ~/.ssh/known_hosts file.
- @ivar _entries: a list of L{IKnownHostEntry} providers.
- @ivar _savePath: the L{FilePath} to save new entries to.
- """
- def __init__(self, savePath):
- """
- Create a new, empty KnownHostsFile.
- You want to use L{KnownHostsFile.fromPath} to parse one of these.
- """
- self._entries = []
- self._savePath = savePath
- def hasHostKey(self, hostname, key):
- """
- @return: True if the given hostname and key are present in this file,
- False if they are not.
- @rtype: L{bool}
- @raise HostKeyChanged: if the host key found for the given hostname
- does not match the given key.
- """
- for lineidx, entry in enumerate(self._entries):
- if entry.matchesHost(hostname):
- if entry.matchesKey(key):
- return True
- else:
- raise HostKeyChanged(entry, self._savePath, lineidx + 1)
- return False
- def verifyHostKey(self, ui, hostname, ip, key):
- """
- Verify the given host key for the given IP and host, asking for
- confirmation from, and notifying, the given UI about changes to this
- file.
- @param ui: The user interface to request an IP address from.
- @param hostname: The hostname that the user requested to connect to.
- @param ip: The string representation of the IP address that is actually
- being connected to.
- @param key: The public key of the server.
- @return: a L{Deferred} that fires with True when the key has been
- verified, or fires with an errback when the key either cannot be
- verified or has changed.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- hhk = defer.maybeDeferred(self.hasHostKey, hostname, key)
- def gotHasKey(result):
- if result:
- if not self.hasHostKey(ip, key):
- ui.warn("Warning: Permanently added the %s host key for "
- "IP address '%s' to the list of known hosts." %
- (key.type(), ip))
- self.addHostKey(ip, key)
- self.save()
- return result
- else:
- def promptResponse(response):
- if response:
- self.addHostKey(hostname, key)
- self.addHostKey(ip, key)
- self.save()
- return response
- else:
- raise UserRejectedKey()
- return ui.prompt(
- "The authenticity of host '%s (%s)' "
- "can't be established.\n"
- "RSA key fingerprint is %s.\n"
- "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? " %
- (hostname, ip, key.fingerprint())).addCallback(promptResponse)
- return hhk.addCallback(gotHasKey)
- def addHostKey(self, hostname, key):
- """
- Add a new L{HashedEntry} to the key database.
- Note that you still need to call L{KnownHostsFile.save} if you wish
- these changes to be persisted.
- @return: the L{HashedEntry} that was added.
- """
- salt = secureRandom(20)
- keyType = "ssh-" + key.type().lower()
- entry = HashedEntry(salt, _hmacedString(salt, hostname),
- keyType, key, None)
- self._entries.append(entry)
- return entry
- def save(self):
- """
- Save this L{KnownHostsFile} to the path it was loaded from.
- """
- p = self._savePath.parent()
- if not p.isdir():
- p.makedirs()
- self._savePath.setContent('\n'.join(
- [entry.toString() for entry in self._entries]) + "\n")
- def fromPath(cls, path):
- """
- @param path: A path object to use for both reading contents from and
- later saving to.
- @type path: L{FilePath}
- """
- self = cls(path)
- try:
- fp = path.open()
- except IOError:
- return self
- for line in fp:
- try:
- if line.startswith(HashedEntry.MAGIC):
- entry = HashedEntry.fromString(line)
- else:
- entry = PlainEntry.fromString(line)
- except (DecodeError, InvalidEntry, BadKeyError):
- entry = UnparsedEntry(line)
- self._entries.append(entry)
- return self
- fromPath = classmethod(fromPath)
-class ConsoleUI(object):
- """
- A UI object that can ask true/false questions and post notifications on the
- console, to be used during key verification.
- @ivar opener: a no-argument callable which should open a console file-like
- object to be used for reading and writing.
- """
- def __init__(self, opener):
- self.opener = opener
- def prompt(self, text):
- """
- Write the given text as a prompt to the console output, then read a
- result from the console input.
- @return: a L{Deferred} which fires with L{True} when the user answers
- 'yes' and L{False} when the user answers 'no'. It may errback if there
- were any I/O errors.
- """
- d = defer.succeed(None)
- def body(ignored):
- f = self.opener()
- f.write(text)
- while True:
- answer = f.readline().strip().lower()
- if answer == 'yes':
- f.close()
- return True
- elif answer == 'no':
- f.close()
- return False
- else:
- f.write("Please type 'yes' or 'no': ")
- return d.addCallback(body)
- def warn(self, text):
- """
- Notify the user (non-interactively) of the provided text, by writing it
- to the console.
- """
- try:
- f = self.opener()
- f.write(text)
- f.close()
- except:
- log.err()
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/client/options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from twisted.conch.ssh.transport import SSHClientTransport, SSHCiphers
-from twisted.python import usage
-import sys
-class ConchOptions(usage.Options):
- optParameters = [['user', 'l', None, 'Log in using this user name.'],
- ['identity', 'i', None],
- ['ciphers', 'c', None],
- ['macs', 'm', None],
- ['port', 'p', None, 'Connect to this port. Server must be on the same port.'],
- ['option', 'o', None, 'Ignored OpenSSH options'],
- ['host-key-algorithms', '', None],
- ['known-hosts', '', None, 'File to check for host keys'],
- ['user-authentications', '', None, 'Types of user authentications to use.'],
- ['logfile', '', None, 'File to log to, or - for stdout'],
- ]
- optFlags = [['version', 'V', 'Display version number only.'],
- ['compress', 'C', 'Enable compression.'],
- ['log', 'v', 'Enable logging (defaults to stderr)'],
- ['nox11', 'x', 'Disable X11 connection forwarding (default)'],
- ['agent', 'A', 'Enable authentication agent forwarding'],
- ['noagent', 'a', 'Disable authentication agent forwarding (default)'],
- ['reconnect', 'r', 'Reconnect to the server if the connection is lost.'],
- ]
- compData = usage.Completions(
- mutuallyExclusive=[("agent", "noagent")],
- optActions={
- "user": usage.CompleteUsernames(),
- "ciphers": usage.CompleteMultiList(
- SSHCiphers.cipherMap.keys(),
- descr='ciphers to choose from'),
- "macs": usage.CompleteMultiList(
- SSHCiphers.macMap.keys(),
- descr='macs to choose from'),
- "host-key-algorithms": usage.CompleteMultiList(
- SSHClientTransport.supportedPublicKeys,
- descr='host key algorithms to choose from'),
- #"user-authentications": usage.CompleteMultiList(?
- # descr='user authentication types' ),
- },
- extraActions=[usage.CompleteUserAtHost(),
- usage.Completer(descr="command"),
- usage.Completer(descr='argument',
- repeat=True)]
- )
- def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
- usage.Options.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
- self.identitys = []
- self.conns = None
- def opt_identity(self, i):
- """Identity for public-key authentication"""
- self.identitys.append(i)
- def opt_ciphers(self, ciphers):
- "Select encryption algorithms"
- ciphers = ciphers.split(',')
- for cipher in ciphers:
- if not SSHCiphers.cipherMap.has_key(cipher):
- sys.exit("Unknown cipher type '%s'" % cipher)
- self['ciphers'] = ciphers
- def opt_macs(self, macs):
- "Specify MAC algorithms"
- macs = macs.split(',')
- for mac in macs:
- if not SSHCiphers.macMap.has_key(mac):
- sys.exit("Unknown mac type '%s'" % mac)
- self['macs'] = macs
- def opt_host_key_algorithms(self, hkas):
- "Select host key algorithms"
- hkas = hkas.split(',')
- for hka in hkas:
- if hka not in SSHClientTransport.supportedPublicKeys:
- sys.exit("Unknown host key type '%s'" % hka)
- self['host-key-algorithms'] = hkas
- def opt_user_authentications(self, uas):
- "Choose how to authenticate to the remote server"
- self['user-authentications'] = uas.split(',')
-# def opt_compress(self):
-# "Enable compression"
-# self.enableCompression = 1
-# SSHClientTransport.supportedCompressions[0:1] = ['zlib']
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@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-An error to represent bad things happening in Conch.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-from twisted.cred.error import UnauthorizedLogin
-class ConchError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, value, data = None):
- Exception.__init__(self, value, data)
- self.value = value
- self.data = data
-class NotEnoughAuthentication(Exception):
- """
- This is thrown if the authentication is valid, but is not enough to
- successfully verify the user. i.e. don't retry this type of
- authentication, try another one.
- """
-class ValidPublicKey(UnauthorizedLogin):
- """
- Raised by public key checkers when they receive public key credentials
- that don't contain a signature at all, but are valid in every other way.
- (e.g. the public key matches one in the user's authorized_keys file).
- Protocol code (eg
- L{SSHUserAuthServer<twisted.conch.ssh.userauth.SSHUserAuthServer>}) which
- attempts to log in using
- L{ISSHPrivateKey<twisted.cred.credentials.ISSHPrivateKey>} credentials
- should be prepared to handle a failure of this type by telling the user to
- re-authenticate using the same key and to include a signature with the new
- attempt.
- See U{http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4252.txt} section 7 for more details.
- """
-class IgnoreAuthentication(Exception):
- """
- This is thrown to let the UserAuthServer know it doesn't need to handle the
- authentication anymore.
- """
-class MissingKeyStoreError(Exception):
- """
- Raised if an SSHAgentServer starts receiving data without its factory
- providing a keys dict on which to read/write key data.
- """
-class UserRejectedKey(Exception):
- """
- The user interactively rejected a key.
- """
-class InvalidEntry(Exception):
- """
- An entry in a known_hosts file could not be interpreted as a valid entry.
- """
-class HostKeyChanged(Exception):
- """
- The host key of a remote host has changed.
- @ivar offendingEntry: The entry which contains the persistent host key that
- disagrees with the given host key.
- @type offendingEntry: L{twisted.conch.interfaces.IKnownHostEntry}
- @ivar path: a reference to the known_hosts file that the offending entry
- was loaded from
- @type path: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath}
- @ivar lineno: The line number of the offending entry in the given path.
- @type lineno: L{int}
- """
- def __init__(self, offendingEntry, path, lineno):
- Exception.__init__(self)
- self.offendingEntry = offendingEntry
- self.path = path
- self.lineno = lineno
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/__init__.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c070d4f5..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Insults: a replacement for Curses/S-Lang.
-Very basic at the moment."""
-from twisted.python import deprecate, versions
- versions.Version("Twisted", 10, 1, 0),
- "Please use twisted.conch.insults.helper instead.",
- __name__, "colors")
- versions.Version("Twisted", 10, 1, 0),
- "Please use twisted.conch.insults.insults instead.",
- __name__, "client")
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/client.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/client.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 89c79cda..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/client.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-You don't really want to use this module. Try insults.py instead.
-from twisted.internet import protocol
-class InsultsClient(protocol.Protocol):
- escapeTimeout = 0.2
- def __init__(self):
- self.width = self.height = None
- self.xpos = self.ypos = 0
- self.commandQueue = []
- self.inEscape = ''
- def setSize(self, width, height):
- call = 0
- if self.width:
- call = 1
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- if call:
- self.windowSizeChanged()
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- for ch in data:
- if ch == '\x1b':
- if self.inEscape:
- self.keyReceived(ch)
- self.inEscape = ''
- else:
- self.inEscape = ch
- self.escapeCall = reactor.callLater(self.escapeTimeout,
- self.endEscape)
- elif ch in 'ABCD' and self.inEscape:
- self.inEscape = ''
- self.escapeCall.cancel()
- if ch == 'A':
- self.keyReceived('<Up>')
- elif ch == 'B':
- self.keyReceived('<Down>')
- elif ch == 'C':
- self.keyReceived('<Right>')
- elif ch == 'D':
- self.keyReceived('<Left>')
- elif self.inEscape:
- self.inEscape += ch
- else:
- self.keyReceived(ch)
- def endEscape(self):
- ch = self.inEscape
- self.inEscape = ''
- self.keyReceived(ch)
- def initScreen(self):
- self.transport.write('\x1b=\x1b[?1h')
- def gotoXY(self, x, y):
- """Go to a position on the screen.
- """
- self.xpos = x
- self.ypos = y
- self.commandQueue.append(('gotoxy', x, y))
- def writeCh(self, ch):
- """Write a character to the screen. If we're at the end of the row,
- ignore the write.
- """
- if self.xpos < self.width - 1:
- self.commandQueue.append(('write', ch))
- self.xpos += 1
- def writeStr(self, s):
- """Write a string to the screen. This does not wrap a the edge of the
- screen, and stops at \\r and \\n.
- """
- s = s[:self.width-self.xpos]
- if '\n' in s:
- s=s[:s.find('\n')]
- if '\r' in s:
- s=s[:s.find('\r')]
- self.commandQueue.append(('write', s))
- self.xpos += len(s)
- def eraseToLine(self):
- """Erase from the current position to the end of the line.
- """
- self.commandQueue.append(('eraseeol',))
- def eraseToScreen(self):
- """Erase from the current position to the end of the screen.
- """
- self.commandQueue.append(('eraseeos',))
- def clearScreen(self):
- """Clear the screen, and return the cursor to 0, 0.
- """
- self.commandQueue = [('cls',)]
- self.xpos = self.ypos = 0
- def setAttributes(self, *attrs):
- """Set the attributes for drawing on the screen.
- """
- self.commandQueue.append(('attributes', attrs))
- def refresh(self):
- """Redraw the screen.
- """
- redraw = ''
- for command in self.commandQueue:
- if command[0] == 'gotoxy':
- redraw += '\x1b[%i;%iH' % (command[2]+1, command[1]+1)
- elif command[0] == 'write':
- redraw += command[1]
- elif command[0] == 'eraseeol':
- redraw += '\x1b[0K'
- elif command[0] == 'eraseeos':
- redraw += '\x1b[OJ'
- elif command[0] == 'cls':
- redraw += '\x1b[H\x1b[J'
- elif command[0] == 'attributes':
- redraw += '\x1b[%sm' % ';'.join(map(str, command[1]))
- else:
- print command
- self.commandQueue = []
- self.transport.write(redraw)
- def windowSizeChanged(self):
- """Called when the size of the window changes.
- Might want to redraw the screen here, or something.
- """
- def keyReceived(self, key):
- """Called when the user hits a key.
- """
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/colors.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/colors.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c12ab16f..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/colors.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-You don't really want to use this module. Try helper.py instead.
-CLEAR = 0
-BOLD = 1
-DIM = 2
-FG_BLACK = 30
-FG_RED = 31
-FG_GREEN = 32
-FG_BLUE = 34
-FG_CYAN = 36
-FG_WHITE = 37
-BG_BLACK = 40
-BG_RED = 41
-BG_GREEN = 42
-BG_BLUE = 44
-BG_CYAN = 46
-BG_WHITE = 47
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/helper.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/helper.py
deleted file mode 100755
index ed645c48..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/helper.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_helper -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Partial in-memory terminal emulator
-@author: Jp Calderone
-import re, string
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.internet import defer, protocol, reactor
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.conch.insults import insults
-class CharacterAttribute:
- """Represents the attributes of a single character.
- Character set, intensity, underlinedness, blinkitude, video
- reversal, as well as foreground and background colors made up a
- character's attributes.
- """
- def __init__(self, charset=insults.G0,
- bold=False, underline=False,
- blink=False, reverseVideo=False,
- foreground=WHITE, background=BLACK,
- _subtracting=False):
- self.charset = charset
- self.bold = bold
- self.underline = underline
- self.blink = blink
- self.reverseVideo = reverseVideo
- self.foreground = foreground
- self.background = background
- self._subtracting = _subtracting
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return vars(self) == vars(other)
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self.__eq__(other)
- def copy(self):
- c = self.__class__()
- c.__dict__.update(vars(self))
- return c
- def wantOne(self, **kw):
- k, v = kw.popitem()
- if getattr(self, k) != v:
- attr = self.copy()
- attr._subtracting = not v
- setattr(attr, k, v)
- return attr
- else:
- return self.copy()
- def toVT102(self):
- # Spit out a vt102 control sequence that will set up
- # all the attributes set here. Except charset.
- attrs = []
- if self._subtracting:
- attrs.append(0)
- if self.bold:
- attrs.append(insults.BOLD)
- if self.underline:
- attrs.append(insults.UNDERLINE)
- if self.blink:
- attrs.append(insults.BLINK)
- if self.reverseVideo:
- attrs.append(insults.REVERSE_VIDEO)
- if self.foreground != WHITE:
- attrs.append(FOREGROUND + self.foreground)
- if self.background != BLACK:
- attrs.append(BACKGROUND + self.background)
- if attrs:
- return '\x1b[' + ';'.join(map(str, attrs)) + 'm'
- return ''
-# XXX - need to support scroll regions and scroll history
-class TerminalBuffer(protocol.Protocol):
- """
- An in-memory terminal emulator.
- """
- implements(insults.ITerminalTransport)
- 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9',
- 'F10', 'F11', 'F12'):
- exec '%s = object()' % (keyID,)
- TAB = '\t'
- BACKSPACE = '\x7f'
- width = 80
- height = 24
- fill = ' '
- void = object()
- def getCharacter(self, x, y):
- return self.lines[y][x]
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.reset()
- def write(self, bytes):
- """
- Add the given printable bytes to the terminal.
- Line feeds in C{bytes} will be replaced with carriage return / line
- feed pairs.
- """
- for b in bytes.replace('\n', '\r\n'):
- self.insertAtCursor(b)
- def _currentCharacterAttributes(self):
- return CharacterAttribute(self.activeCharset, **self.graphicRendition)
- def insertAtCursor(self, b):
- """
- Add one byte to the terminal at the cursor and make consequent state
- updates.
- If b is a carriage return, move the cursor to the beginning of the
- current row.
- If b is a line feed, move the cursor to the next row or scroll down if
- the cursor is already in the last row.
- Otherwise, if b is printable, put it at the cursor position (inserting
- or overwriting as dictated by the current mode) and move the cursor.
- """
- if b == '\r':
- self.x = 0
- elif b == '\n':
- self._scrollDown()
- elif b in string.printable:
- if self.x >= self.width:
- self.nextLine()
- ch = (b, self._currentCharacterAttributes())
- if self.modes.get(insults.modes.IRM):
- self.lines[self.y][self.x:self.x] = [ch]
- self.lines[self.y].pop()
- else:
- self.lines[self.y][self.x] = ch
- self.x += 1
- def _emptyLine(self, width):
- return [(self.void, self._currentCharacterAttributes()) for i in xrange(width)]
- def _scrollDown(self):
- self.y += 1
- if self.y >= self.height:
- self.y -= 1
- del self.lines[0]
- self.lines.append(self._emptyLine(self.width))
- def _scrollUp(self):
- self.y -= 1
- if self.y < 0:
- self.y = 0
- del self.lines[-1]
- self.lines.insert(0, self._emptyLine(self.width))
- def cursorUp(self, n=1):
- self.y = max(0, self.y - n)
- def cursorDown(self, n=1):
- self.y = min(self.height - 1, self.y + n)
- def cursorBackward(self, n=1):
- self.x = max(0, self.x - n)
- def cursorForward(self, n=1):
- self.x = min(self.width, self.x + n)
- def cursorPosition(self, column, line):
- self.x = column
- self.y = line
- def cursorHome(self):
- self.x = self.home.x
- self.y = self.home.y
- def index(self):
- self._scrollDown()
- def reverseIndex(self):
- self._scrollUp()
- def nextLine(self):
- """
- Update the cursor position attributes and scroll down if appropriate.
- """
- self.x = 0
- self._scrollDown()
- def saveCursor(self):
- self._savedCursor = (self.x, self.y)
- def restoreCursor(self):
- self.x, self.y = self._savedCursor
- del self._savedCursor
- def setModes(self, modes):
- for m in modes:
- self.modes[m] = True
- def resetModes(self, modes):
- for m in modes:
- try:
- del self.modes[m]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- def setPrivateModes(self, modes):
- """
- Enable the given modes.
- Track which modes have been enabled so that the implementations of
- other L{insults.ITerminalTransport} methods can be properly implemented
- to respect these settings.
- @see: L{resetPrivateModes}
- @see: L{insults.ITerminalTransport.setPrivateModes}
- """
- for m in modes:
- self.privateModes[m] = True
- def resetPrivateModes(self, modes):
- """
- Disable the given modes.
- @see: L{setPrivateModes}
- @see: L{insults.ITerminalTransport.resetPrivateModes}
- """
- for m in modes:
- try:
- del self.privateModes[m]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- def applicationKeypadMode(self):
- self.keypadMode = 'app'
- def numericKeypadMode(self):
- self.keypadMode = 'num'
- def selectCharacterSet(self, charSet, which):
- self.charsets[which] = charSet
- def shiftIn(self):
- self.activeCharset = insults.G0
- def shiftOut(self):
- self.activeCharset = insults.G1
- def singleShift2(self):
- oldActiveCharset = self.activeCharset
- self.activeCharset = insults.G2
- f = self.insertAtCursor
- def insertAtCursor(b):
- f(b)
- del self.insertAtCursor
- self.activeCharset = oldActiveCharset
- self.insertAtCursor = insertAtCursor
- def singleShift3(self):
- oldActiveCharset = self.activeCharset
- self.activeCharset = insults.G3
- f = self.insertAtCursor
- def insertAtCursor(b):
- f(b)
- del self.insertAtCursor
- self.activeCharset = oldActiveCharset
- self.insertAtCursor = insertAtCursor
- def selectGraphicRendition(self, *attributes):
- for a in attributes:
- if a == insults.NORMAL:
- self.graphicRendition = {
- 'bold': False,
- 'underline': False,
- 'blink': False,
- 'reverseVideo': False,
- 'foreground': WHITE,
- 'background': BLACK}
- elif a == insults.BOLD:
- self.graphicRendition['bold'] = True
- elif a == insults.UNDERLINE:
- self.graphicRendition['underline'] = True
- elif a == insults.BLINK:
- self.graphicRendition['blink'] = True
- elif a == insults.REVERSE_VIDEO:
- self.graphicRendition['reverseVideo'] = True
- else:
- try:
- v = int(a)
- except ValueError:
- log.msg("Unknown graphic rendition attribute: " + repr(a))
- else:
- self.graphicRendition['foreground'] = v - FOREGROUND
- self.graphicRendition['background'] = v - BACKGROUND
- else:
- log.msg("Unknown graphic rendition attribute: " + repr(a))
- def eraseLine(self):
- self.lines[self.y] = self._emptyLine(self.width)
- def eraseToLineEnd(self):
- width = self.width - self.x
- self.lines[self.y][self.x:] = self._emptyLine(width)
- def eraseToLineBeginning(self):
- self.lines[self.y][:self.x + 1] = self._emptyLine(self.x + 1)
- def eraseDisplay(self):
- self.lines = [self._emptyLine(self.width) for i in xrange(self.height)]
- def eraseToDisplayEnd(self):
- self.eraseToLineEnd()
- height = self.height - self.y - 1
- self.lines[self.y + 1:] = [self._emptyLine(self.width) for i in range(height)]
- def eraseToDisplayBeginning(self):
- self.eraseToLineBeginning()
- self.lines[:self.y] = [self._emptyLine(self.width) for i in range(self.y)]
- def deleteCharacter(self, n=1):
- del self.lines[self.y][self.x:self.x+n]
- self.lines[self.y].extend(self._emptyLine(min(self.width - self.x, n)))
- def insertLine(self, n=1):
- self.lines[self.y:self.y] = [self._emptyLine(self.width) for i in range(n)]
- del self.lines[self.height:]
- def deleteLine(self, n=1):
- del self.lines[self.y:self.y+n]
- self.lines.extend([self._emptyLine(self.width) for i in range(n)])
- def reportCursorPosition(self):
- return (self.x, self.y)
- def reset(self):
- self.home = insults.Vector(0, 0)
- self.x = self.y = 0
- self.modes = {}
- self.privateModes = {}
- self.setPrivateModes([insults.privateModes.AUTO_WRAP,
- insults.privateModes.CURSOR_MODE])
- self.numericKeypad = 'app'
- self.activeCharset = insults.G0
- self.graphicRendition = {
- 'bold': False,
- 'underline': False,
- 'blink': False,
- 'reverseVideo': False,
- 'foreground': WHITE,
- 'background': BLACK}
- self.charsets = {
- insults.G0: insults.CS_US,
- insults.G1: insults.CS_US,
- insults.G2: insults.CS_ALTERNATE,
- insults.G3: insults.CS_ALTERNATE_SPECIAL}
- self.eraseDisplay()
- def unhandledControlSequence(self, buf):
- print 'Could not handle', repr(buf)
- def __str__(self):
- lines = []
- for L in self.lines:
- buf = []
- length = 0
- for (ch, attr) in L:
- if ch is not self.void:
- buf.append(ch)
- length = len(buf)
- else:
- buf.append(self.fill)
- lines.append(''.join(buf[:length]))
- return '\n'.join(lines)
-class ExpectationTimeout(Exception):
- pass
-class ExpectableBuffer(TerminalBuffer):
- _mark = 0
- def connectionMade(self):
- TerminalBuffer.connectionMade(self)
- self._expecting = []
- def write(self, bytes):
- TerminalBuffer.write(self, bytes)
- self._checkExpected()
- def cursorHome(self):
- TerminalBuffer.cursorHome(self)
- self._mark = 0
- def _timeoutExpected(self, d):
- d.errback(ExpectationTimeout())
- self._checkExpected()
- def _checkExpected(self):
- s = str(self)[self._mark:]
- while self._expecting:
- expr, timer, deferred = self._expecting[0]
- if timer and not timer.active():
- del self._expecting[0]
- continue
- for match in expr.finditer(s):
- if timer:
- timer.cancel()
- del self._expecting[0]
- self._mark += match.end()
- s = s[match.end():]
- deferred.callback(match)
- break
- else:
- return
- def expect(self, expression, timeout=None, scheduler=reactor):
- d = defer.Deferred()
- timer = None
- if timeout:
- timer = scheduler.callLater(timeout, self._timeoutExpected, d)
- self._expecting.append((re.compile(expression), timer, d))
- self._checkExpected()
- return d
-__all__ = ['CharacterAttribute', 'TerminalBuffer', 'ExpectableBuffer']
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/insults.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/insults.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 721551de..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/insults.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1087 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_insults -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-VT102 and VT220 terminal manipulation.
-@author: Jp Calderone
-from zope.interface import implements, Interface
-from twisted.internet import protocol, defer, interfaces as iinternet
-class ITerminalProtocol(Interface):
- def makeConnection(transport):
- """Called with an L{ITerminalTransport} when a connection is established.
- """
- def keystrokeReceived(keyID, modifier):
- """A keystroke was received.
- Each keystroke corresponds to one invocation of this method.
- keyID is a string identifier for that key. Printable characters
- are represented by themselves. Control keys, such as arrows and
- function keys, are represented with symbolic constants on
- L{ServerProtocol}.
- """
- def terminalSize(width, height):
- """Called to indicate the size of the terminal.
- A terminal of 80x24 should be assumed if this method is not
- called. This method might not be called for real terminals.
- """
- def unhandledControlSequence(seq):
- """Called when an unsupported control sequence is received.
- @type seq: C{str}
- @param seq: The whole control sequence which could not be interpreted.
- """
- def connectionLost(reason):
- """Called when the connection has been lost.
- reason is a Failure describing why.
- """
-class TerminalProtocol(object):
- implements(ITerminalProtocol)
- def makeConnection(self, terminal):
- # assert ITerminalTransport.providedBy(transport), "TerminalProtocol.makeConnection must be passed an ITerminalTransport implementor"
- self.terminal = terminal
- self.connectionMade()
- def connectionMade(self):
- """Called after a connection has been established.
- """
- def keystrokeReceived(self, keyID, modifier):
- pass
- def terminalSize(self, width, height):
- pass
- def unhandledControlSequence(self, seq):
- pass
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- pass
-class ITerminalTransport(iinternet.ITransport):
- def cursorUp(n=1):
- """Move the cursor up n lines.
- """
- def cursorDown(n=1):
- """Move the cursor down n lines.
- """
- def cursorForward(n=1):
- """Move the cursor right n columns.
- """
- def cursorBackward(n=1):
- """Move the cursor left n columns.
- """
- def cursorPosition(column, line):
- """Move the cursor to the given line and column.
- """
- def cursorHome():
- """Move the cursor home.
- """
- def index():
- """Move the cursor down one line, performing scrolling if necessary.
- """
- def reverseIndex():
- """Move the cursor up one line, performing scrolling if necessary.
- """
- def nextLine():
- """Move the cursor to the first position on the next line, performing scrolling if necessary.
- """
- def saveCursor():
- """Save the cursor position, character attribute, character set, and origin mode selection.
- """
- def restoreCursor():
- """Restore the previously saved cursor position, character attribute, character set, and origin mode selection.
- If no cursor state was previously saved, move the cursor to the home position.
- """
- def setModes(modes):
- """Set the given modes on the terminal.
- """
- def resetModes(mode):
- """Reset the given modes on the terminal.
- """
- def setPrivateModes(modes):
- """
- Set the given DEC private modes on the terminal.
- """
- def resetPrivateModes(modes):
- """
- Reset the given DEC private modes on the terminal.
- """
- def applicationKeypadMode():
- """Cause keypad to generate control functions.
- Cursor key mode selects the type of characters generated by cursor keys.
- """
- def numericKeypadMode():
- """Cause keypad to generate normal characters.
- """
- def selectCharacterSet(charSet, which):
- """Select a character set.
- charSet should be one of CS_US, CS_UK, CS_DRAWING, CS_ALTERNATE, or
- which should be one of G0 or G1.
- """
- def shiftIn():
- """Activate the G0 character set.
- """
- def shiftOut():
- """Activate the G1 character set.
- """
- def singleShift2():
- """Shift to the G2 character set for a single character.
- """
- def singleShift3():
- """Shift to the G3 character set for a single character.
- """
- def selectGraphicRendition(*attributes):
- """Enabled one or more character attributes.
- Arguments should be one or more of UNDERLINE, REVERSE_VIDEO, BLINK, or BOLD.
- NORMAL may also be specified to disable all character attributes.
- """
- def horizontalTabulationSet():
- """Set a tab stop at the current cursor position.
- """
- def tabulationClear():
- """Clear the tab stop at the current cursor position.
- """
- def tabulationClearAll():
- """Clear all tab stops.
- """
- def doubleHeightLine(top=True):
- """Make the current line the top or bottom half of a double-height, double-width line.
- If top is True, the current line is the top half. Otherwise, it is the bottom half.
- """
- def singleWidthLine():
- """Make the current line a single-width, single-height line.
- """
- def doubleWidthLine():
- """Make the current line a double-width line.
- """
- def eraseToLineEnd():
- """Erase from the cursor to the end of line, including cursor position.
- """
- def eraseToLineBeginning():
- """Erase from the cursor to the beginning of the line, including the cursor position.
- """
- def eraseLine():
- """Erase the entire cursor line.
- """
- def eraseToDisplayEnd():
- """Erase from the cursor to the end of the display, including the cursor position.
- """
- def eraseToDisplayBeginning():
- """Erase from the cursor to the beginning of the display, including the cursor position.
- """
- def eraseDisplay():
- """Erase the entire display.
- """
- def deleteCharacter(n=1):
- """Delete n characters starting at the cursor position.
- Characters to the right of deleted characters are shifted to the left.
- """
- def insertLine(n=1):
- """Insert n lines at the cursor position.
- Lines below the cursor are shifted down. Lines moved past the bottom margin are lost.
- This command is ignored when the cursor is outside the scroll region.
- """
- def deleteLine(n=1):
- """Delete n lines starting at the cursor position.
- Lines below the cursor are shifted up. This command is ignored when the cursor is outside
- the scroll region.
- """
- def reportCursorPosition():
- """Return a Deferred that fires with a two-tuple of (x, y) indicating the cursor position.
- """
- def reset():
- """Reset the terminal to its initial state.
- """
- def unhandledControlSequence(seq):
- """Called when an unsupported control sequence is received.
- @type seq: C{str}
- @param seq: The whole control sequence which could not be interpreted.
- """
-CSI = '\x1b'
-CST = {'~': 'tilde'}
-class modes:
- """ECMA 48 standardized modes
- """
- # When set, enables character insertion. New display characters
- # move old display characters to the right. Characters moved past
- # the right margin are lost.
- # When reset, enables replacement mode (disables character
- # insertion). New display characters replace old display
- # characters at cursor position. The old character is erased.
- # Set causes a received linefeed, form feed, or vertical tab to
- # move cursor to first column of next line. RETURN transmits both
- # a carriage return and linefeed. This selection is also called
- # new line option.
- # Reset causes a received linefeed, form feed, or vertical tab to
- # move cursor to next line in current column. RETURN transmits a
- # carriage return.
-class privateModes:
- """ANSI-Compatible Private Modes
- """
- ERROR = 0
- ANSI_VT52 = 2
- COLUMN = 3
- SCROLL = 4
- SCREEN = 5
- ORIGIN = 6
- # Toggle cursor visibility (reset hides it)
-# Character sets
-CS_US = 'CS_US'
-CS_UK = 'CS_UK'
-# Groupings (or something?? These are like variables that can be bound to character sets)
-G0 = 'G0'
-G1 = 'G1'
-# G2 and G3 cannot be changed, but they can be shifted to.
-G2 = 'G2'
-G3 = 'G3'
-# Character attributes
-BOLD = 1
-BLINK = 5
-class Vector:
- def __init__(self, x, y):
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
-def log(s):
- file('log', 'a').write(str(s) + '\n')
-# XXX TODO - These attributes are really part of the
-# ITerminalTransport interface, I think.
- 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9',
- 'F10', 'F11', 'F12',
-class _const(object):
- """
- @ivar name: A string naming this constant
- """
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.name = name
- def __repr__(self):
- return '[' + self.name + ']'
- _const(_name) for _name in _KEY_NAMES]
-class ServerProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
- implements(ITerminalTransport)
- protocolFactory = None
- terminalProtocol = None
- TAB = '\t'
- BACKSPACE = '\x7f'
- ##
- lastWrite = ''
- state = 'data'
- termSize = Vector(80, 24)
- cursorPos = Vector(0, 0)
- scrollRegion = None
- # Factory who instantiated me
- factory = None
- def __init__(self, protocolFactory=None, *a, **kw):
- """
- @param protocolFactory: A callable which will be invoked with
- *a, **kw and should return an ITerminalProtocol implementor.
- This will be invoked when a connection to this ServerProtocol
- is established.
- @param a: Any positional arguments to pass to protocolFactory.
- @param kw: Any keyword arguments to pass to protocolFactory.
- """
- # assert protocolFactory is None or ITerminalProtocol.implementedBy(protocolFactory), "ServerProtocol.__init__ must be passed an ITerminalProtocol implementor"
- if protocolFactory is not None:
- self.protocolFactory = protocolFactory
- self.protocolArgs = a
- self.protocolKwArgs = kw
- self._cursorReports = []
- def connectionMade(self):
- if self.protocolFactory is not None:
- self.terminalProtocol = self.protocolFactory(*self.protocolArgs, **self.protocolKwArgs)
- try:
- factory = self.factory
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- else:
- self.terminalProtocol.factory = factory
- self.terminalProtocol.makeConnection(self)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- for ch in data:
- if self.state == 'data':
- if ch == '\x1b':
- self.state = 'escaped'
- else:
- self.terminalProtocol.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- elif self.state == 'escaped':
- if ch == '[':
- self.state = 'bracket-escaped'
- self.escBuf = []
- elif ch == 'O':
- self.state = 'low-function-escaped'
- else:
- self.state = 'data'
- self._handleShortControlSequence(ch)
- elif self.state == 'bracket-escaped':
- if ch == 'O':
- self.state = 'low-function-escaped'
- elif ch.isalpha() or ch == '~':
- self._handleControlSequence(''.join(self.escBuf) + ch)
- del self.escBuf
- self.state = 'data'
- else:
- self.escBuf.append(ch)
- elif self.state == 'low-function-escaped':
- self._handleLowFunctionControlSequence(ch)
- self.state = 'data'
- else:
- raise ValueError("Illegal state")
- def _handleShortControlSequence(self, ch):
- self.terminalProtocol.keystrokeReceived(ch, self.ALT)
- def _handleControlSequence(self, buf):
- buf = '\x1b[' + buf
- f = getattr(self.controlSequenceParser, CST.get(buf[-1], buf[-1]), None)
- if f is None:
- self.unhandledControlSequence(buf)
- else:
- f(self, self.terminalProtocol, buf[:-1])
- def unhandledControlSequence(self, buf):
- self.terminalProtocol.unhandledControlSequence(buf)
- def _handleLowFunctionControlSequence(self, ch):
- map = {'P': self.F1, 'Q': self.F2, 'R': self.F3, 'S': self.F4}
- keyID = map.get(ch)
- if keyID is not None:
- self.terminalProtocol.keystrokeReceived(keyID, None)
- else:
- self.terminalProtocol.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[O' + ch)
- class ControlSequenceParser:
- def A(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.UP_ARROW, None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'A')
- def B(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.DOWN_ARROW, None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'B')
- def C(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.RIGHT_ARROW, None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'C')
- def D(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.LEFT_ARROW, None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'D')
- def E(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.NUMPAD_MIDDLE, None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'E')
- def F(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.END, None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'F')
- def H(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.HOME, None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'H')
- def R(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not proto._cursorReports:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'R')
- elif buf.startswith('\x1b['):
- report = buf[2:]
- parts = report.split(';')
- if len(parts) != 2:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'R')
- else:
- Pl, Pc = parts
- try:
- Pl, Pc = int(Pl), int(Pc)
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'R')
- else:
- d = proto._cursorReports.pop(0)
- d.callback((Pc - 1, Pl - 1))
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'R')
- def Z(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.TAB, proto.SHIFT)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'Z')
- def tilde(self, proto, handler, buf):
- map = {1: proto.HOME, 2: proto.INSERT, 3: proto.DELETE,
- 4: proto.END, 5: proto.PGUP, 6: proto.PGDN,
- 15: proto.F5, 17: proto.F6, 18: proto.F7,
- 19: proto.F8, 20: proto.F9, 21: proto.F10,
- 23: proto.F11, 24: proto.F12}
- if buf.startswith('\x1b['):
- ch = buf[2:]
- try:
- v = int(ch)
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + '~')
- else:
- symbolic = map.get(v)
- if symbolic is not None:
- handler.keystrokeReceived(map[v], None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + '~')
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + '~')
- controlSequenceParser = ControlSequenceParser()
- # ITerminalTransport
- def cursorUp(self, n=1):
- assert n >= 1
- self.cursorPos.y = max(self.cursorPos.y - n, 0)
- self.write('\x1b[%dA' % (n,))
- def cursorDown(self, n=1):
- assert n >= 1
- self.cursorPos.y = min(self.cursorPos.y + n, self.termSize.y - 1)
- self.write('\x1b[%dB' % (n,))
- def cursorForward(self, n=1):
- assert n >= 1
- self.cursorPos.x = min(self.cursorPos.x + n, self.termSize.x - 1)
- self.write('\x1b[%dC' % (n,))
- def cursorBackward(self, n=1):
- assert n >= 1
- self.cursorPos.x = max(self.cursorPos.x - n, 0)
- self.write('\x1b[%dD' % (n,))
- def cursorPosition(self, column, line):
- self.write('\x1b[%d;%dH' % (line + 1, column + 1))
- def cursorHome(self):
- self.cursorPos.x = self.cursorPos.y = 0
- self.write('\x1b[H')
- def index(self):
- self.cursorPos.y = min(self.cursorPos.y + 1, self.termSize.y - 1)
- self.write('\x1bD')
- def reverseIndex(self):
- self.cursorPos.y = max(self.cursorPos.y - 1, 0)
- self.write('\x1bM')
- def nextLine(self):
- self.cursorPos.x = 0
- self.cursorPos.y = min(self.cursorPos.y + 1, self.termSize.y - 1)
- self.write('\n')
- def saveCursor(self):
- self._savedCursorPos = Vector(self.cursorPos.x, self.cursorPos.y)
- self.write('\x1b7')
- def restoreCursor(self):
- self.cursorPos = self._savedCursorPos
- del self._savedCursorPos
- self.write('\x1b8')
- def setModes(self, modes):
- # XXX Support ANSI-Compatible private modes
- self.write('\x1b[%sh' % (';'.join(map(str, modes)),))
- def setPrivateModes(self, modes):
- self.write('\x1b[?%sh' % (';'.join(map(str, modes)),))
- def resetModes(self, modes):
- # XXX Support ANSI-Compatible private modes
- self.write('\x1b[%sl' % (';'.join(map(str, modes)),))
- def resetPrivateModes(self, modes):
- self.write('\x1b[?%sl' % (';'.join(map(str, modes)),))
- def applicationKeypadMode(self):
- self.write('\x1b=')
- def numericKeypadMode(self):
- self.write('\x1b>')
- def selectCharacterSet(self, charSet, which):
- # XXX Rewrite these as dict lookups
- if which == G0:
- which = '('
- elif which == G1:
- which = ')'
- else:
- raise ValueError("`which' argument to selectCharacterSet must be G0 or G1")
- if charSet == CS_UK:
- charSet = 'A'
- elif charSet == CS_US:
- charSet = 'B'
- elif charSet == CS_DRAWING:
- charSet = '0'
- elif charSet == CS_ALTERNATE:
- charSet = '1'
- elif charSet == CS_ALTERNATE_SPECIAL:
- charSet = '2'
- else:
- raise ValueError("Invalid `charSet' argument to selectCharacterSet")
- self.write('\x1b' + which + charSet)
- def shiftIn(self):
- self.write('\x15')
- def shiftOut(self):
- self.write('\x14')
- def singleShift2(self):
- self.write('\x1bN')
- def singleShift3(self):
- self.write('\x1bO')
- def selectGraphicRendition(self, *attributes):
- attrs = []
- for a in attributes:
- attrs.append(a)
- self.write('\x1b[%sm' % (';'.join(attrs),))
- def horizontalTabulationSet(self):
- self.write('\x1bH')
- def tabulationClear(self):
- self.write('\x1b[q')
- def tabulationClearAll(self):
- self.write('\x1b[3q')
- def doubleHeightLine(self, top=True):
- if top:
- self.write('\x1b#3')
- else:
- self.write('\x1b#4')
- def singleWidthLine(self):
- self.write('\x1b#5')
- def doubleWidthLine(self):
- self.write('\x1b#6')
- def eraseToLineEnd(self):
- self.write('\x1b[K')
- def eraseToLineBeginning(self):
- self.write('\x1b[1K')
- def eraseLine(self):
- self.write('\x1b[2K')
- def eraseToDisplayEnd(self):
- self.write('\x1b[J')
- def eraseToDisplayBeginning(self):
- self.write('\x1b[1J')
- def eraseDisplay(self):
- self.write('\x1b[2J')
- def deleteCharacter(self, n=1):
- self.write('\x1b[%dP' % (n,))
- def insertLine(self, n=1):
- self.write('\x1b[%dL' % (n,))
- def deleteLine(self, n=1):
- self.write('\x1b[%dM' % (n,))
- def setScrollRegion(self, first=None, last=None):
- if first is not None:
- first = '%d' % (first,)
- else:
- first = ''
- if last is not None:
- last = '%d' % (last,)
- else:
- last = ''
- self.write('\x1b[%s;%sr' % (first, last))
- def resetScrollRegion(self):
- self.setScrollRegion()
- def reportCursorPosition(self):
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self._cursorReports.append(d)
- self.write('\x1b[6n')
- return d
- def reset(self):
- self.cursorPos.x = self.cursorPos.y = 0
- try:
- del self._savedCursorPos
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- self.write('\x1bc')
- # ITransport
- def write(self, bytes):
- if bytes:
- self.lastWrite = bytes
- self.transport.write('\r\n'.join(bytes.split('\n')))
- def writeSequence(self, bytes):
- self.write(''.join(bytes))
- def loseConnection(self):
- self.reset()
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- if self.terminalProtocol is not None:
- try:
- self.terminalProtocol.connectionLost(reason)
- finally:
- self.terminalProtocol = None
-# Add symbolic names for function keys
-for name, const in zip(_KEY_NAMES, FUNCTION_KEYS):
- setattr(ServerProtocol, name, const)
-class ClientProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
- terminalFactory = None
- terminal = None
- state = 'data'
- _escBuf = None
- _shorts = {
- 'D': 'index',
- 'M': 'reverseIndex',
- 'E': 'nextLine',
- '7': 'saveCursor',
- '8': 'restoreCursor',
- '=': 'applicationKeypadMode',
- '>': 'numericKeypadMode',
- 'N': 'singleShift2',
- 'O': 'singleShift3',
- 'H': 'horizontalTabulationSet',
- 'c': 'reset'}
- _longs = {
- '[': 'bracket-escape',
- '(': 'select-g0',
- ')': 'select-g1',
- '#': 'select-height-width'}
- _charsets = {
- 'A': CS_UK,
- 'B': CS_US,
- '0': CS_DRAWING,
- # Factory who instantiated me
- factory = None
- def __init__(self, terminalFactory=None, *a, **kw):
- """
- @param terminalFactory: A callable which will be invoked with
- *a, **kw and should return an ITerminalTransport provider.
- This will be invoked when this ClientProtocol establishes a
- connection.
- @param a: Any positional arguments to pass to terminalFactory.
- @param kw: Any keyword arguments to pass to terminalFactory.
- """
- # assert terminalFactory is None or ITerminalTransport.implementedBy(terminalFactory), "ClientProtocol.__init__ must be passed an ITerminalTransport implementor"
- if terminalFactory is not None:
- self.terminalFactory = terminalFactory
- self.terminalArgs = a
- self.terminalKwArgs = kw
- def connectionMade(self):
- if self.terminalFactory is not None:
- self.terminal = self.terminalFactory(*self.terminalArgs, **self.terminalKwArgs)
- self.terminal.factory = self.factory
- self.terminal.makeConnection(self)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- if self.terminal is not None:
- try:
- self.terminal.connectionLost(reason)
- finally:
- del self.terminal
- def dataReceived(self, bytes):
- """
- Parse the given data from a terminal server, dispatching to event
- handlers defined by C{self.terminal}.
- """
- toWrite = []
- for b in bytes:
- if self.state == 'data':
- if b == '\x1b':
- if toWrite:
- self.terminal.write(''.join(toWrite))
- del toWrite[:]
- self.state = 'escaped'
- elif b == '\x14':
- if toWrite:
- self.terminal.write(''.join(toWrite))
- del toWrite[:]
- self.terminal.shiftOut()
- elif b == '\x15':
- if toWrite:
- self.terminal.write(''.join(toWrite))
- del toWrite[:]
- self.terminal.shiftIn()
- elif b == '\x08':
- if toWrite:
- self.terminal.write(''.join(toWrite))
- del toWrite[:]
- self.terminal.cursorBackward()
- else:
- toWrite.append(b)
- elif self.state == 'escaped':
- fName = self._shorts.get(b)
- if fName is not None:
- self.state = 'data'
- getattr(self.terminal, fName)()
- else:
- state = self._longs.get(b)
- if state is not None:
- self.state = state
- else:
- self.terminal.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b' + b)
- self.state = 'data'
- elif self.state == 'bracket-escape':
- if self._escBuf is None:
- self._escBuf = []
- if b.isalpha() or b == '~':
- self._handleControlSequence(''.join(self._escBuf), b)
- del self._escBuf
- self.state = 'data'
- else:
- self._escBuf.append(b)
- elif self.state == 'select-g0':
- self.terminal.selectCharacterSet(self._charsets.get(b, b), G0)
- self.state = 'data'
- elif self.state == 'select-g1':
- self.terminal.selectCharacterSet(self._charsets.get(b, b), G1)
- self.state = 'data'
- elif self.state == 'select-height-width':
- self._handleHeightWidth(b)
- self.state = 'data'
- else:
- raise ValueError("Illegal state")
- if toWrite:
- self.terminal.write(''.join(toWrite))
- def _handleControlSequence(self, buf, terminal):
- f = getattr(self.controlSequenceParser, CST.get(terminal, terminal), None)
- if f is None:
- self.terminal.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + terminal)
- else:
- f(self, self.terminal, buf)
- class ControlSequenceParser:
- def _makeSimple(ch, fName):
- n = 'cursor' + fName
- def simple(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not buf:
- getattr(handler, n)(1)
- else:
- try:
- m = int(buf)
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + ch)
- else:
- getattr(handler, n)(m)
- return simple
- for (ch, fName) in (('A', 'Up'),
- ('B', 'Down'),
- ('C', 'Forward'),
- ('D', 'Backward')):
- exec ch + " = _makeSimple(ch, fName)"
- del _makeSimple
- def h(self, proto, handler, buf):
- # XXX - Handle '?' to introduce ANSI-Compatible private modes.
- try:
- modes = map(int, buf.split(';'))
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'h')
- else:
- handler.setModes(modes)
- def l(self, proto, handler, buf):
- # XXX - Handle '?' to introduce ANSI-Compatible private modes.
- try:
- modes = map(int, buf.split(';'))
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'l')
- else:
- handler.resetModes(modes)
- def r(self, proto, handler, buf):
- parts = buf.split(';')
- if len(parts) == 1:
- handler.setScrollRegion(None, None)
- elif len(parts) == 2:
- try:
- if parts[0]:
- pt = int(parts[0])
- else:
- pt = None
- if parts[1]:
- pb = int(parts[1])
- else:
- pb = None
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'r')
- else:
- handler.setScrollRegion(pt, pb)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'r')
- def K(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not buf:
- handler.eraseToLineEnd()
- elif buf == '1':
- handler.eraseToLineBeginning()
- elif buf == '2':
- handler.eraseLine()
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'K')
- def H(self, proto, handler, buf):
- handler.cursorHome()
- def J(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not buf:
- handler.eraseToDisplayEnd()
- elif buf == '1':
- handler.eraseToDisplayBeginning()
- elif buf == '2':
- handler.eraseDisplay()
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'J')
- def P(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not buf:
- handler.deleteCharacter(1)
- else:
- try:
- n = int(buf)
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'P')
- else:
- handler.deleteCharacter(n)
- def L(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not buf:
- handler.insertLine(1)
- else:
- try:
- n = int(buf)
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'L')
- else:
- handler.insertLine(n)
- def M(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not buf:
- handler.deleteLine(1)
- else:
- try:
- n = int(buf)
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'M')
- else:
- handler.deleteLine(n)
- def n(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '6':
- x, y = handler.reportCursorPosition()
- proto.transport.write('\x1b[%d;%dR' % (x + 1, y + 1))
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'n')
- def m(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not buf:
- handler.selectGraphicRendition(NORMAL)
- else:
- attrs = []
- for a in buf.split(';'):
- try:
- a = int(a)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- attrs.append(a)
- handler.selectGraphicRendition(*attrs)
- controlSequenceParser = ControlSequenceParser()
- def _handleHeightWidth(self, b):
- if b == '3':
- self.terminal.doubleHeightLine(True)
- elif b == '4':
- self.terminal.doubleHeightLine(False)
- elif b == '5':
- self.terminal.singleWidthLine()
- elif b == '6':
- self.terminal.doubleWidthLine()
- else:
- self.terminal.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b#' + b)
-__all__ = [
- # Interfaces
- 'ITerminalProtocol', 'ITerminalTransport',
- # Symbolic constants
- 'modes', 'privateModes', 'FUNCTION_KEYS',
- 'G0', 'G1', 'G2', 'G3',
- # Protocol classes
- 'ServerProtocol', 'ClientProtocol']
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/text.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/text.py
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index e5c8fd12..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/text.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_text -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Character attribute manipulation API
-This module provides a domain-specific language (using Python syntax)
-for the creation of text with additional display attributes associated
-with it. It is intended as an alternative to manually building up
-strings containing ECMA 48 character attribute control codes. It
-currently supports foreground and background colors (black, red,
-green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white), intensity selection,
-underlining, blinking and reverse video. Character set selection
-support is planned.
-Character attributes are specified by using two Python operations:
-attribute lookup and indexing. For example, the string \"Hello
-world\" with red foreground and all other attributes set to their
-defaults, assuming the name twisted.conch.insults.text.attributes has
-been imported and bound to the name \"A\" (with the statement C{from
-twisted.conch.insults.text import attributes as A}, for example) one
-uses this expression::
- | A.fg.red[\"Hello world\"]
-Other foreground colors are set by substituting their name for
-\"red\". To set both a foreground and a background color, this
-expression is used::
- | A.fg.red[A.bg.green[\"Hello world\"]]
-Note that either A.bg.green can be nested within A.fg.red or vice
-versa. Also note that multiple items can be nested within a single
-index operation by separating them with commas::
- | A.bg.green[A.fg.red[\"Hello\"], " ", A.fg.blue[\"world\"]]
-Other character attributes are set in a similar fashion. To specify a
-blinking version of the previous expression::
- | A.blink[A.bg.green[A.fg.red[\"Hello\"], " ", A.fg.blue[\"world\"]]]
-C{A.reverseVideo}, C{A.underline}, and C{A.bold} are also valid.
-A third operation is actually supported: unary negation. This turns
-off an attribute when an enclosing expression would otherwise have
-caused it to be on. For example::
- | A.underline[A.fg.red[\"Hello\", -A.underline[\" world\"]]]
-@author: Jp Calderone
-from twisted.conch.insults import helper, insults
-class _Attribute(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.children = []
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- assert isinstance(item, (list, tuple, _Attribute, str))
- if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
- self.children.extend(item)
- else:
- self.children.append(item)
- return self
- def serialize(self, write, attrs=None):
- if attrs is None:
- attrs = helper.CharacterAttribute()
- for ch in self.children:
- if isinstance(ch, _Attribute):
- ch.serialize(write, attrs.copy())
- else:
- write(attrs.toVT102())
- write(ch)
-class _NormalAttr(_Attribute):
- def serialize(self, write, attrs):
- attrs.__init__()
- super(_NormalAttr, self).serialize(write, attrs)
-class _OtherAttr(_Attribute):
- def __init__(self, attrname, attrvalue):
- self.attrname = attrname
- self.attrvalue = attrvalue
- self.children = []
- def __neg__(self):
- result = _OtherAttr(self.attrname, not self.attrvalue)
- result.children.extend(self.children)
- return result
- def serialize(self, write, attrs):
- attrs = attrs.wantOne(**{self.attrname: self.attrvalue})
- super(_OtherAttr, self).serialize(write, attrs)
-class _ColorAttr(_Attribute):
- def __init__(self, color, ground):
- self.color = color
- self.ground = ground
- self.children = []
- def serialize(self, write, attrs):
- attrs = attrs.wantOne(**{self.ground: self.color})
- super(_ColorAttr, self).serialize(write, attrs)
-class _ForegroundColorAttr(_ColorAttr):
- def __init__(self, color):
- super(_ForegroundColorAttr, self).__init__(color, 'foreground')
-class _BackgroundColorAttr(_ColorAttr):
- def __init__(self, color):
- super(_BackgroundColorAttr, self).__init__(color, 'background')
-class CharacterAttributes(object):
- class _ColorAttribute(object):
- def __init__(self, ground):
- self.ground = ground
- attrs = {
- 'black': helper.BLACK,
- 'red': helper.RED,
- 'green': helper.GREEN,
- 'yellow': helper.YELLOW,
- 'blue': helper.BLUE,
- 'magenta': helper.MAGENTA,
- 'cyan': helper.CYAN,
- 'white': helper.WHITE}
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- try:
- return self.ground(self.attrs[name])
- except KeyError:
- raise AttributeError(name)
- fg = _ColorAttribute(_ForegroundColorAttr)
- bg = _ColorAttribute(_BackgroundColorAttr)
- attrs = {
- 'bold': insults.BOLD,
- 'blink': insults.BLINK,
- 'underline': insults.UNDERLINE,
- 'reverseVideo': insults.REVERSE_VIDEO}
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- if name == 'normal':
- return _NormalAttr()
- if name in self.attrs:
- return _OtherAttr(name, True)
- raise AttributeError(name)
-def flatten(output, attrs):
- """Serialize a sequence of characters with attribute information
- The resulting string can be interpreted by VT102-compatible
- terminals so that the contained characters are displayed and, for
- those attributes which the terminal supports, have the attributes
- specified in the input.
- For example, if your terminal is VT102 compatible, you might run
- this for a colorful variation on the \"hello world\" theme::
- | from twisted.conch.insults.text import flatten, attributes as A
- | from twisted.conch.insults.helper import CharacterAttribute
- | print flatten(
- | A.normal[A.bold[A.fg.red['He'], A.fg.green['ll'], A.fg.magenta['o'], ' ',
- | A.fg.yellow['Wo'], A.fg.blue['rl'], A.fg.cyan['d!']]],
- | CharacterAttribute())
- @param output: Object returned by accessing attributes of the
- module-level attributes object.
- @param attrs: A L{twisted.conch.insults.helper.CharacterAttribute}
- instance
- @return: A VT102-friendly string
- """
- L = []
- output.serialize(L.append, attrs)
- return ''.join(L)
-attributes = CharacterAttributes()
-__all__ = ['attributes', 'flatten']
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/window.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/window.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 99013273..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/window.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,868 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_window -*-
-Simple insults-based widget library
-@author: Jp Calderone
-import array
-from twisted.conch.insults import insults, helper
-from twisted.python import text as tptext
-class YieldFocus(Exception):
- """Input focus manipulation exception
- """
-class BoundedTerminalWrapper(object):
- def __init__(self, terminal, width, height, xoff, yoff):
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- self.xoff = xoff
- self.yoff = yoff
- self.terminal = terminal
- self.cursorForward = terminal.cursorForward
- self.selectCharacterSet = terminal.selectCharacterSet
- self.selectGraphicRendition = terminal.selectGraphicRendition
- self.saveCursor = terminal.saveCursor
- self.restoreCursor = terminal.restoreCursor
- def cursorPosition(self, x, y):
- return self.terminal.cursorPosition(
- self.xoff + min(self.width, x),
- self.yoff + min(self.height, y)
- )
- def cursorHome(self):
- return self.terminal.cursorPosition(
- self.xoff, self.yoff)
- def write(self, bytes):
- return self.terminal.write(bytes)
-class Widget(object):
- focused = False
- parent = None
- dirty = False
- width = height = None
- def repaint(self):
- if not self.dirty:
- self.dirty = True
- if self.parent is not None and not self.parent.dirty:
- self.parent.repaint()
- def filthy(self):
- self.dirty = True
- def redraw(self, width, height, terminal):
- self.filthy()
- self.draw(width, height, terminal)
- def draw(self, width, height, terminal):
- if width != self.width or height != self.height or self.dirty:
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- self.dirty = False
- self.render(width, height, terminal)
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- pass
- def sizeHint(self):
- return None
- def keystrokeReceived(self, keyID, modifier):
- if keyID == '\t':
- self.tabReceived(modifier)
- elif keyID == '\x7f':
- self.backspaceReceived()
- elif keyID in insults.FUNCTION_KEYS:
- self.functionKeyReceived(keyID, modifier)
- else:
- self.characterReceived(keyID, modifier)
- def tabReceived(self, modifier):
- # XXX TODO - Handle shift+tab
- raise YieldFocus()
- def focusReceived(self):
- """Called when focus is being given to this widget.
- May raise YieldFocus is this widget does not want focus.
- """
- self.focused = True
- self.repaint()
- def focusLost(self):
- self.focused = False
- self.repaint()
- def backspaceReceived(self):
- pass
- def functionKeyReceived(self, keyID, modifier):
- func = getattr(self, 'func_' + keyID.name, None)
- if func is not None:
- func(modifier)
- def characterReceived(self, keyID, modifier):
- pass
-class ContainerWidget(Widget):
- """
- @ivar focusedChild: The contained widget which currently has
- focus, or None.
- """
- focusedChild = None
- focused = False
- def __init__(self):
- Widget.__init__(self)
- self.children = []
- def addChild(self, child):
- assert child.parent is None
- child.parent = self
- self.children.append(child)
- if self.focusedChild is None and self.focused:
- try:
- child.focusReceived()
- except YieldFocus:
- pass
- else:
- self.focusedChild = child
- self.repaint()
- def remChild(self, child):
- assert child.parent is self
- child.parent = None
- self.children.remove(child)
- self.repaint()
- def filthy(self):
- for ch in self.children:
- ch.filthy()
- Widget.filthy(self)
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- for ch in self.children:
- ch.draw(width, height, terminal)
- def changeFocus(self):
- self.repaint()
- if self.focusedChild is not None:
- self.focusedChild.focusLost()
- focusedChild = self.focusedChild
- self.focusedChild = None
- try:
- curFocus = self.children.index(focusedChild) + 1
- except ValueError:
- raise YieldFocus()
- else:
- curFocus = 0
- while curFocus < len(self.children):
- try:
- self.children[curFocus].focusReceived()
- except YieldFocus:
- curFocus += 1
- else:
- self.focusedChild = self.children[curFocus]
- return
- # None of our children wanted focus
- raise YieldFocus()
- def focusReceived(self):
- self.changeFocus()
- self.focused = True
- def keystrokeReceived(self, keyID, modifier):
- if self.focusedChild is not None:
- try:
- self.focusedChild.keystrokeReceived(keyID, modifier)
- except YieldFocus:
- self.changeFocus()
- self.repaint()
- else:
- Widget.keystrokeReceived(self, keyID, modifier)
-class TopWindow(ContainerWidget):
- """
- A top-level container object which provides focus wrap-around and paint
- scheduling.
- @ivar painter: A no-argument callable which will be invoked when this
- widget needs to be redrawn.
- @ivar scheduler: A one-argument callable which will be invoked with a
- no-argument callable and should arrange for it to invoked at some point in
- the near future. The no-argument callable will cause this widget and all
- its children to be redrawn. It is typically beneficial for the no-argument
- callable to be invoked at the end of handling for whatever event is
- currently active; for example, it might make sense to call it at the end of
- L{twisted.conch.insults.insults.ITerminalProtocol.keystrokeReceived}.
- Note, however, that since calls to this may also be made in response to no
- apparent event, arrangements should be made for the function to be called
- even if an event handler such as C{keystrokeReceived} is not on the call
- stack (eg, using C{reactor.callLater} with a short timeout).
- """
- focused = True
- def __init__(self, painter, scheduler):
- ContainerWidget.__init__(self)
- self.painter = painter
- self.scheduler = scheduler
- _paintCall = None
- def repaint(self):
- if self._paintCall is None:
- self._paintCall = object()
- self.scheduler(self._paint)
- ContainerWidget.repaint(self)
- def _paint(self):
- self._paintCall = None
- self.painter()
- def changeFocus(self):
- try:
- ContainerWidget.changeFocus(self)
- except YieldFocus:
- try:
- ContainerWidget.changeFocus(self)
- except YieldFocus:
- pass
- def keystrokeReceived(self, keyID, modifier):
- try:
- ContainerWidget.keystrokeReceived(self, keyID, modifier)
- except YieldFocus:
- self.changeFocus()
-class AbsoluteBox(ContainerWidget):
- def moveChild(self, child, x, y):
- for n in range(len(self.children)):
- if self.children[n][0] is child:
- self.children[n] = (child, x, y)
- break
- else:
- raise ValueError("No such child", child)
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- for (ch, x, y) in self.children:
- wrap = BoundedTerminalWrapper(terminal, width - x, height - y, x, y)
- ch.draw(width, height, wrap)
-class _Box(ContainerWidget):
- TOP, CENTER, BOTTOM = range(3)
- def __init__(self, gravity=CENTER):
- ContainerWidget.__init__(self)
- self.gravity = gravity
- def sizeHint(self):
- height = 0
- width = 0
- for ch in self.children:
- hint = ch.sizeHint()
- if hint is None:
- hint = (None, None)
- if self.variableDimension == 0:
- if hint[0] is None:
- width = None
- elif width is not None:
- width += hint[0]
- if hint[1] is None:
- height = None
- elif height is not None:
- height = max(height, hint[1])
- else:
- if hint[0] is None:
- width = None
- elif width is not None:
- width = max(width, hint[0])
- if hint[1] is None:
- height = None
- elif height is not None:
- height += hint[1]
- return width, height
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- if not self.children:
- return
- greedy = 0
- wants = []
- for ch in self.children:
- hint = ch.sizeHint()
- if hint is None:
- hint = (None, None)
- if hint[self.variableDimension] is None:
- greedy += 1
- wants.append(hint[self.variableDimension])
- length = (width, height)[self.variableDimension]
- totalWant = sum([w for w in wants if w is not None])
- if greedy:
- leftForGreedy = int((length - totalWant) / greedy)
- widthOffset = heightOffset = 0
- for want, ch in zip(wants, self.children):
- if want is None:
- want = leftForGreedy
- subWidth, subHeight = width, height
- if self.variableDimension == 0:
- subWidth = want
- else:
- subHeight = want
- wrap = BoundedTerminalWrapper(
- terminal,
- subWidth,
- subHeight,
- widthOffset,
- heightOffset,
- )
- ch.draw(subWidth, subHeight, wrap)
- if self.variableDimension == 0:
- widthOffset += want
- else:
- heightOffset += want
-class HBox(_Box):
- variableDimension = 0
-class VBox(_Box):
- variableDimension = 1
-class Packer(ContainerWidget):
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- if not self.children:
- return
- root = int(len(self.children) ** 0.5 + 0.5)
- boxes = [VBox() for n in range(root)]
- for n, ch in enumerate(self.children):
- boxes[n % len(boxes)].addChild(ch)
- h = HBox()
- map(h.addChild, boxes)
- h.render(width, height, terminal)
-class Canvas(Widget):
- focused = False
- contents = None
- def __init__(self):
- Widget.__init__(self)
- self.resize(1, 1)
- def resize(self, width, height):
- contents = array.array('c', ' ' * width * height)
- if self.contents is not None:
- for x in range(min(width, self._width)):
- for y in range(min(height, self._height)):
- contents[width * y + x] = self[x, y]
- self.contents = contents
- self._width = width
- self._height = height
- if self.x >= width:
- self.x = width - 1
- if self.y >= height:
- self.y = height - 1
- def __getitem__(self, (x, y)):
- return self.contents[(self._width * y) + x]
- def __setitem__(self, (x, y), value):
- self.contents[(self._width * y) + x] = value
- def clear(self):
- self.contents = array.array('c', ' ' * len(self.contents))
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- if not width or not height:
- return
- if width != self._width or height != self._height:
- self.resize(width, height)
- for i in range(height):
- terminal.cursorPosition(0, i)
- terminal.write(''.join(self.contents[self._width * i:self._width * i + self._width])[:width])
-def horizontalLine(terminal, y, left, right):
- terminal.selectCharacterSet(insults.CS_DRAWING, insults.G0)
- terminal.cursorPosition(left, y)
- terminal.write(chr(0161) * (right - left))
- terminal.selectCharacterSet(insults.CS_US, insults.G0)
-def verticalLine(terminal, x, top, bottom):
- terminal.selectCharacterSet(insults.CS_DRAWING, insults.G0)
- for n in xrange(top, bottom):
- terminal.cursorPosition(x, n)
- terminal.write(chr(0170))
- terminal.selectCharacterSet(insults.CS_US, insults.G0)
-def rectangle(terminal, (top, left), (width, height)):
- terminal.selectCharacterSet(insults.CS_DRAWING, insults.G0)
- terminal.cursorPosition(top, left)
- terminal.write(chr(0154))
- terminal.write(chr(0161) * (width - 2))
- terminal.write(chr(0153))
- for n in range(height - 2):
- terminal.cursorPosition(left, top + n + 1)
- terminal.write(chr(0170))
- terminal.cursorForward(width - 2)
- terminal.write(chr(0170))
- terminal.cursorPosition(0, top + height - 1)
- terminal.write(chr(0155))
- terminal.write(chr(0161) * (width - 2))
- terminal.write(chr(0152))
- terminal.selectCharacterSet(insults.CS_US, insults.G0)
-class Border(Widget):
- def __init__(self, containee):
- Widget.__init__(self)
- self.containee = containee
- self.containee.parent = self
- def focusReceived(self):
- return self.containee.focusReceived()
- def focusLost(self):
- return self.containee.focusLost()
- def keystrokeReceived(self, keyID, modifier):
- return self.containee.keystrokeReceived(keyID, modifier)
- def sizeHint(self):
- hint = self.containee.sizeHint()
- if hint is None:
- hint = (None, None)
- if hint[0] is None:
- x = None
- else:
- x = hint[0] + 2
- if hint[1] is None:
- y = None
- else:
- y = hint[1] + 2
- return x, y
- def filthy(self):
- self.containee.filthy()
- Widget.filthy(self)
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- if self.containee.focused:
- terminal.write('\x1b[31m')
- rectangle(terminal, (0, 0), (width, height))
- terminal.write('\x1b[0m')
- wrap = BoundedTerminalWrapper(terminal, width - 2, height - 2, 1, 1)
- self.containee.draw(width - 2, height - 2, wrap)
-class Button(Widget):
- def __init__(self, label, onPress):
- Widget.__init__(self)
- self.label = label
- self.onPress = onPress
- def sizeHint(self):
- return len(self.label), 1
- def characterReceived(self, keyID, modifier):
- if keyID == '\r':
- self.onPress()
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- terminal.cursorPosition(0, 0)
- if self.focused:
- terminal.write('\x1b[1m' + self.label + '\x1b[0m')
- else:
- terminal.write(self.label)
-class TextInput(Widget):
- def __init__(self, maxwidth, onSubmit):
- Widget.__init__(self)
- self.onSubmit = onSubmit
- self.maxwidth = maxwidth
- self.buffer = ''
- self.cursor = 0
- def setText(self, text):
- self.buffer = text[:self.maxwidth]
- self.cursor = len(self.buffer)
- self.repaint()
- def func_LEFT_ARROW(self, modifier):
- if self.cursor > 0:
- self.cursor -= 1
- self.repaint()
- def func_RIGHT_ARROW(self, modifier):
- if self.cursor < len(self.buffer):
- self.cursor += 1
- self.repaint()
- def backspaceReceived(self):
- if self.cursor > 0:
- self.buffer = self.buffer[:self.cursor - 1] + self.buffer[self.cursor:]
- self.cursor -= 1
- self.repaint()
- def characterReceived(self, keyID, modifier):
- if keyID == '\r':
- self.onSubmit(self.buffer)
- else:
- if len(self.buffer) < self.maxwidth:
- self.buffer = self.buffer[:self.cursor] + keyID + self.buffer[self.cursor:]
- self.cursor += 1
- self.repaint()
- def sizeHint(self):
- return self.maxwidth + 1, 1
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- currentText = self._renderText()
- terminal.cursorPosition(0, 0)
- if self.focused:
- terminal.write(currentText[:self.cursor])
- cursor(terminal, currentText[self.cursor:self.cursor+1] or ' ')
- terminal.write(currentText[self.cursor+1:])
- terminal.write(' ' * (self.maxwidth - len(currentText) + 1))
- else:
- more = self.maxwidth - len(currentText)
- terminal.write(currentText + '_' * more)
- def _renderText(self):
- return self.buffer
-class PasswordInput(TextInput):
- def _renderText(self):
- return '*' * len(self.buffer)
-class TextOutput(Widget):
- text = ''
- def __init__(self, size=None):
- Widget.__init__(self)
- self.size = size
- def sizeHint(self):
- return self.size
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- terminal.cursorPosition(0, 0)
- text = self.text[:width]
- terminal.write(text + ' ' * (width - len(text)))
- def setText(self, text):
- self.text = text
- self.repaint()
- def focusReceived(self):
- raise YieldFocus()
-class TextOutputArea(TextOutput):
- WRAP, TRUNCATE = range(2)
- def __init__(self, size=None, longLines=WRAP):
- TextOutput.__init__(self, size)
- self.longLines = longLines
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- n = 0
- inputLines = self.text.splitlines()
- outputLines = []
- while inputLines:
- if self.longLines == self.WRAP:
- wrappedLines = tptext.greedyWrap(inputLines.pop(0), width)
- outputLines.extend(wrappedLines or [''])
- else:
- outputLines.append(inputLines.pop(0)[:width])
- if len(outputLines) >= height:
- break
- for n, L in enumerate(outputLines[:height]):
- terminal.cursorPosition(0, n)
- terminal.write(L)
-class Viewport(Widget):
- _xOffset = 0
- _yOffset = 0
- def xOffset():
- def get(self):
- return self._xOffset
- def set(self, value):
- if self._xOffset != value:
- self._xOffset = value
- self.repaint()
- return get, set
- xOffset = property(*xOffset())
- def yOffset():
- def get(self):
- return self._yOffset
- def set(self, value):
- if self._yOffset != value:
- self._yOffset = value
- self.repaint()
- return get, set
- yOffset = property(*yOffset())
- _width = 160
- _height = 24
- def __init__(self, containee):
- Widget.__init__(self)
- self.containee = containee
- self.containee.parent = self
- self._buf = helper.TerminalBuffer()
- self._buf.width = self._width
- self._buf.height = self._height
- self._buf.connectionMade()
- def filthy(self):
- self.containee.filthy()
- Widget.filthy(self)
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- self.containee.draw(self._width, self._height, self._buf)
- # XXX /Lame/
- for y, line in enumerate(self._buf.lines[self._yOffset:self._yOffset + height]):
- terminal.cursorPosition(0, y)
- n = 0
- for n, (ch, attr) in enumerate(line[self._xOffset:self._xOffset + width]):
- if ch is self._buf.void:
- ch = ' '
- terminal.write(ch)
- if n < width:
- terminal.write(' ' * (width - n - 1))
-class _Scrollbar(Widget):
- def __init__(self, onScroll):
- Widget.__init__(self)
- self.onScroll = onScroll
- self.percent = 0.0
- def smaller(self):
- self.percent = min(1.0, max(0.0, self.onScroll(-1)))
- self.repaint()
- def bigger(self):
- self.percent = min(1.0, max(0.0, self.onScroll(+1)))
- self.repaint()
-class HorizontalScrollbar(_Scrollbar):
- def sizeHint(self):
- return (None, 1)
- def func_LEFT_ARROW(self, modifier):
- self.smaller()
- def func_RIGHT_ARROW(self, modifier):
- self.bigger()
- _bar = u'\N{LIGHT SHADE}'
- _slider = u'\N{DARK SHADE}'
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- terminal.cursorPosition(0, 0)
- n = width - 3
- before = int(n * self.percent)
- after = n - before
- me = self._left + (self._bar * before) + self._slider + (self._bar * after) + self._right
- terminal.write(me.encode('utf-8'))
-class VerticalScrollbar(_Scrollbar):
- def sizeHint(self):
- return (1, None)
- def func_UP_ARROW(self, modifier):
- self.smaller()
- def func_DOWN_ARROW(self, modifier):
- self.bigger()
- _bar = u'\N{LIGHT SHADE}'
- _slider = u'\N{DARK SHADE}'
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- terminal.cursorPosition(0, 0)
- knob = int(self.percent * (height - 2))
- terminal.write(self._up.encode('utf-8'))
- for i in xrange(1, height - 1):
- terminal.cursorPosition(0, i)
- if i != (knob + 1):
- terminal.write(self._bar.encode('utf-8'))
- else:
- terminal.write(self._slider.encode('utf-8'))
- terminal.cursorPosition(0, height - 1)
- terminal.write(self._down.encode('utf-8'))
-class ScrolledArea(Widget):
- """
- A L{ScrolledArea} contains another widget wrapped in a viewport and
- vertical and horizontal scrollbars for moving the viewport around.
- """
- def __init__(self, containee):
- Widget.__init__(self)
- self._viewport = Viewport(containee)
- self._horiz = HorizontalScrollbar(self._horizScroll)
- self._vert = VerticalScrollbar(self._vertScroll)
- for w in self._viewport, self._horiz, self._vert:
- w.parent = self
- def _horizScroll(self, n):
- self._viewport.xOffset += n
- self._viewport.xOffset = max(0, self._viewport.xOffset)
- return self._viewport.xOffset / 25.0
- def _vertScroll(self, n):
- self._viewport.yOffset += n
- self._viewport.yOffset = max(0, self._viewport.yOffset)
- return self._viewport.yOffset / 25.0
- def func_UP_ARROW(self, modifier):
- self._vert.smaller()
- def func_DOWN_ARROW(self, modifier):
- self._vert.bigger()
- def func_LEFT_ARROW(self, modifier):
- self._horiz.smaller()
- def func_RIGHT_ARROW(self, modifier):
- self._horiz.bigger()
- def filthy(self):
- self._viewport.filthy()
- self._horiz.filthy()
- self._vert.filthy()
- Widget.filthy(self)
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- wrapper = BoundedTerminalWrapper(terminal, width - 2, height - 2, 1, 1)
- self._viewport.draw(width - 2, height - 2, wrapper)
- if self.focused:
- terminal.write('\x1b[31m')
- horizontalLine(terminal, 0, 1, width - 1)
- verticalLine(terminal, 0, 1, height - 1)
- self._vert.draw(1, height - 1, BoundedTerminalWrapper(terminal, 1, height - 1, width - 1, 0))
- self._horiz.draw(width, 1, BoundedTerminalWrapper(terminal, width, 1, 0, height - 1))
- terminal.write('\x1b[0m')
-def cursor(terminal, ch):
- terminal.saveCursor()
- terminal.selectGraphicRendition(str(insults.REVERSE_VIDEO))
- terminal.write(ch)
- terminal.restoreCursor()
- terminal.cursorForward()
-class Selection(Widget):
- # Index into the sequence
- focusedIndex = 0
- # Offset into the displayed subset of the sequence
- renderOffset = 0
- def __init__(self, sequence, onSelect, minVisible=None):
- Widget.__init__(self)
- self.sequence = sequence
- self.onSelect = onSelect
- self.minVisible = minVisible
- if minVisible is not None:
- self._width = max(map(len, self.sequence))
- def sizeHint(self):
- if self.minVisible is not None:
- return self._width, self.minVisible
- def func_UP_ARROW(self, modifier):
- if self.focusedIndex > 0:
- self.focusedIndex -= 1
- if self.renderOffset > 0:
- self.renderOffset -= 1
- self.repaint()
- def func_PGUP(self, modifier):
- if self.renderOffset != 0:
- self.focusedIndex -= self.renderOffset
- self.renderOffset = 0
- else:
- self.focusedIndex = max(0, self.focusedIndex - self.height)
- self.repaint()
- def func_DOWN_ARROW(self, modifier):
- if self.focusedIndex < len(self.sequence) - 1:
- self.focusedIndex += 1
- if self.renderOffset < self.height - 1:
- self.renderOffset += 1
- self.repaint()
- def func_PGDN(self, modifier):
- if self.renderOffset != self.height - 1:
- change = self.height - self.renderOffset - 1
- if change + self.focusedIndex >= len(self.sequence):
- change = len(self.sequence) - self.focusedIndex - 1
- self.focusedIndex += change
- self.renderOffset = self.height - 1
- else:
- self.focusedIndex = min(len(self.sequence) - 1, self.focusedIndex + self.height)
- self.repaint()
- def characterReceived(self, keyID, modifier):
- if keyID == '\r':
- self.onSelect(self.sequence[self.focusedIndex])
- def render(self, width, height, terminal):
- self.height = height
- start = self.focusedIndex - self.renderOffset
- if start > len(self.sequence) - height:
- start = max(0, len(self.sequence) - height)
- elements = self.sequence[start:start+height]
- for n, ele in enumerate(elements):
- terminal.cursorPosition(0, n)
- if n == self.renderOffset:
- terminal.saveCursor()
- if self.focused:
- modes = str(insults.REVERSE_VIDEO), str(insults.BOLD)
- else:
- modes = str(insults.REVERSE_VIDEO),
- terminal.selectGraphicRendition(*modes)
- text = ele[:width]
- terminal.write(text + (' ' * (width - len(text))))
- if n == self.renderOffset:
- terminal.restoreCursor()
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/interfaces.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/interfaces.py
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index d42811a8..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/interfaces.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-This module contains interfaces defined for the L{twisted.conch} package.
-from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute
-class IConchUser(Interface):
- """
- A user who has been authenticated to Cred through Conch. This is
- the interface between the SSH connection and the user.
- """
- conn = Attribute('The SSHConnection object for this user.')
- def lookupChannel(channelType, windowSize, maxPacket, data):
- """
- The other side requested a channel of some sort.
- channelType is the type of channel being requested,
- windowSize is the initial size of the remote window,
- maxPacket is the largest packet we should send,
- data is any other packet data (often nothing).
- We return a subclass of L{SSHChannel<ssh.channel.SSHChannel>}. If
- an appropriate channel can not be found, an exception will be
- raised. If a L{ConchError<error.ConchError>} is raised, the .value
- will be the message, and the .data will be the error code.
- @type channelType: C{str}
- @type windowSize: C{int}
- @type maxPacket: C{int}
- @type data: C{str}
- @rtype: subclass of L{SSHChannel}/C{tuple}
- """
- def lookupSubsystem(subsystem, data):
- """
- The other side requested a subsystem.
- subsystem is the name of the subsystem being requested.
- data is any other packet data (often nothing).
- We return a L{Protocol}.
- """
- def gotGlobalRequest(requestType, data):
- """
- A global request was sent from the other side.
- By default, this dispatches to a method 'channel_channelType' with any
- non-alphanumerics in the channelType replace with _'s. If it cannot
- find a suitable method, it returns an OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE error.
- The method is called with arguments of windowSize, maxPacket, data.
- """
-class ISession(Interface):
- def getPty(term, windowSize, modes):
- """
- Get a psuedo-terminal for use by a shell or command.
- If a psuedo-terminal is not available, or the request otherwise
- fails, raise an exception.
- """
- def openShell(proto):
- """
- Open a shell and connect it to proto.
- @param proto: a L{ProcessProtocol} instance.
- """
- def execCommand(proto, command):
- """
- Execute a command.
- @param proto: a L{ProcessProtocol} instance.
- """
- def windowChanged(newWindowSize):
- """
- Called when the size of the remote screen has changed.
- """
- def eofReceived():
- """
- Called when the other side has indicated no more data will be sent.
- """
- def closed():
- """
- Called when the session is closed.
- """
-class ISFTPServer(Interface):
- """
- The only attribute of this class is "avatar". It is the avatar
- returned by the Realm that we are authenticated with, and
- represents the logged-in user. Each method should check to verify
- that the user has permission for their actions.
- """
- def gotVersion(otherVersion, extData):
- """
- Called when the client sends their version info.
- otherVersion is an integer representing the version of the SFTP
- protocol they are claiming.
- extData is a dictionary of extended_name : extended_data items.
- These items are sent by the client to indicate additional features.
- This method should return a dictionary of extended_name : extended_data
- items. These items are the additional features (if any) supported
- by the server.
- """
- return {}
- def openFile(filename, flags, attrs):
- """
- Called when the clients asks to open a file.
- @param filename: a string representing the file to open.
- @param flags: an integer of the flags to open the file with, ORed together.
- The flags and their values are listed at the bottom of this file.
- @param attrs: a list of attributes to open the file with. It is a
- dictionary, consisting of 0 or more keys. The possible keys are::
- size: the size of the file in bytes
- uid: the user ID of the file as an integer
- gid: the group ID of the file as an integer
- permissions: the permissions of the file with as an integer.
- the bit representation of this field is defined by POSIX.
- atime: the access time of the file as seconds since the epoch.
- mtime: the modification time of the file as seconds since the epoch.
- ext_*: extended attributes. The server is not required to
- understand this, but it may.
- NOTE: there is no way to indicate text or binary files. it is up
- to the SFTP client to deal with this.
- This method returns an object that meets the ISFTPFile interface.
- Alternatively, it can return a L{Deferred} that will be called back
- with the object.
- """
- def removeFile(filename):
- """
- Remove the given file.
- This method returns when the remove succeeds, or a Deferred that is
- called back when it succeeds.
- @param filename: the name of the file as a string.
- """
- def renameFile(oldpath, newpath):
- """
- Rename the given file.
- This method returns when the rename succeeds, or a L{Deferred} that is
- called back when it succeeds. If the rename fails, C{renameFile} will
- raise an implementation-dependent exception.
- @param oldpath: the current location of the file.
- @param newpath: the new file name.
- """
- def makeDirectory(path, attrs):
- """
- Make a directory.
- This method returns when the directory is created, or a Deferred that
- is called back when it is created.
- @param path: the name of the directory to create as a string.
- @param attrs: a dictionary of attributes to create the directory with.
- Its meaning is the same as the attrs in the L{openFile} method.
- """
- def removeDirectory(path):
- """
- Remove a directory (non-recursively)
- It is an error to remove a directory that has files or directories in
- it.
- This method returns when the directory is removed, or a Deferred that
- is called back when it is removed.
- @param path: the directory to remove.
- """
- def openDirectory(path):
- """
- Open a directory for scanning.
- This method returns an iterable object that has a close() method,
- or a Deferred that is called back with same.
- The close() method is called when the client is finished reading
- from the directory. At this point, the iterable will no longer
- be used.
- The iterable should return triples of the form (filename,
- longname, attrs) or Deferreds that return the same. The
- sequence must support __getitem__, but otherwise may be any
- 'sequence-like' object.
- filename is the name of the file relative to the directory.
- logname is an expanded format of the filename. The recommended format
- is:
- -rwxr-xr-x 1 mjos staff 348911 Mar 25 14:29 t-filexfer
- 1234567890 123 12345678 12345678 12345678 123456789012
- The first line is sample output, the second is the length of the field.
- The fields are: permissions, link count, user owner, group owner,
- size in bytes, modification time.
- attrs is a dictionary in the format of the attrs argument to openFile.
- @param path: the directory to open.
- """
- def getAttrs(path, followLinks):
- """
- Return the attributes for the given path.
- This method returns a dictionary in the same format as the attrs
- argument to openFile or a Deferred that is called back with same.
- @param path: the path to return attributes for as a string.
- @param followLinks: a boolean. If it is True, follow symbolic links
- and return attributes for the real path at the base. If it is False,
- return attributes for the specified path.
- """
- def setAttrs(path, attrs):
- """
- Set the attributes for the path.
- This method returns when the attributes are set or a Deferred that is
- called back when they are.
- @param path: the path to set attributes for as a string.
- @param attrs: a dictionary in the same format as the attrs argument to
- L{openFile}.
- """
- def readLink(path):
- """
- Find the root of a set of symbolic links.
- This method returns the target of the link, or a Deferred that
- returns the same.
- @param path: the path of the symlink to read.
- """
- def makeLink(linkPath, targetPath):
- """
- Create a symbolic link.
- This method returns when the link is made, or a Deferred that
- returns the same.
- @param linkPath: the pathname of the symlink as a string.
- @param targetPath: the path of the target of the link as a string.
- """
- def realPath(path):
- """
- Convert any path to an absolute path.
- This method returns the absolute path as a string, or a Deferred
- that returns the same.
- @param path: the path to convert as a string.
- """
- def extendedRequest(extendedName, extendedData):
- """
- This is the extension mechanism for SFTP. The other side can send us
- arbitrary requests.
- If we don't implement the request given by extendedName, raise
- NotImplementedError.
- The return value is a string, or a Deferred that will be called
- back with a string.
- @param extendedName: the name of the request as a string.
- @param extendedData: the data the other side sent with the request,
- as a string.
- """
-class IKnownHostEntry(Interface):
- """
- A L{IKnownHostEntry} is an entry in an OpenSSH-formatted C{known_hosts}
- file.
- @since: 8.2
- """
- def matchesKey(key):
- """
- Return True if this entry matches the given Key object, False
- otherwise.
- @param key: The key object to match against.
- @type key: L{twisted.conch.ssh.Key}
- """
- def matchesHost(hostname):
- """
- Return True if this entry matches the given hostname, False otherwise.
- Note that this does no name resolution; if you want to match an IP
- address, you have to resolve it yourself, and pass it in as a dotted
- quad string.
- @param key: The hostname to match against.
- @type key: L{str}
- """
- def toString():
- """
- @return: a serialized string representation of this entry, suitable for
- inclusion in a known_hosts file. (Newline not included.)
- @rtype: L{str}
- """
-class ISFTPFile(Interface):
- """
- This represents an open file on the server. An object adhering to this
- interface should be returned from L{openFile}().
- """
- def close():
- """
- Close the file.
- This method returns nothing if the close succeeds immediately, or a
- Deferred that is called back when the close succeeds.
- """
- def readChunk(offset, length):
- """
- Read from the file.
- If EOF is reached before any data is read, raise EOFError.
- This method returns the data as a string, or a Deferred that is
- called back with same.
- @param offset: an integer that is the index to start from in the file.
- @param length: the maximum length of data to return. The actual amount
- returned may less than this. For normal disk files, however,
- this should read the requested number (up to the end of the file).
- """
- def writeChunk(offset, data):
- """
- Write to the file.
- This method returns when the write completes, or a Deferred that is
- called when it completes.
- @param offset: an integer that is the index to start from in the file.
- @param data: a string that is the data to write.
- """
- def getAttrs():
- """
- Return the attributes for the file.
- This method returns a dictionary in the same format as the attrs
- argument to L{openFile} or a L{Deferred} that is called back with same.
- """
- def setAttrs(attrs):
- """
- Set the attributes for the file.
- This method returns when the attributes are set or a Deferred that is
- called back when they are.
- @param attrs: a dictionary in the same format as the attrs argument to
- L{openFile}.
- """
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ls.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ls.py
deleted file mode 100755
index ab44f855..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ls.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_cftp -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import array
-import stat
-from time import time, strftime, localtime
-# locale-independent month names to use instead of strftime's
-_MONTH_NAMES = dict(zip(
- range(1, 13),
- "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split()))
-def lsLine(name, s):
- """
- Build an 'ls' line for a file ('file' in its generic sense, it
- can be of any type).
- """
- mode = s.st_mode
- perms = array.array('c', '-'*10)
- ft = stat.S_IFMT(mode)
- if stat.S_ISDIR(ft): perms[0] = 'd'
- elif stat.S_ISCHR(ft): perms[0] = 'c'
- elif stat.S_ISBLK(ft): perms[0] = 'b'
- elif stat.S_ISREG(ft): perms[0] = '-'
- elif stat.S_ISFIFO(ft): perms[0] = 'f'
- elif stat.S_ISLNK(ft): perms[0] = 'l'
- elif stat.S_ISSOCK(ft): perms[0] = 's'
- else: perms[0] = '!'
- # user
- if mode&stat.S_IRUSR:perms[1] = 'r'
- if mode&stat.S_IWUSR:perms[2] = 'w'
- if mode&stat.S_IXUSR:perms[3] = 'x'
- # group
- if mode&stat.S_IRGRP:perms[4] = 'r'
- if mode&stat.S_IWGRP:perms[5] = 'w'
- if mode&stat.S_IXGRP:perms[6] = 'x'
- # other
- if mode&stat.S_IROTH:perms[7] = 'r'
- if mode&stat.S_IWOTH:perms[8] = 'w'
- if mode&stat.S_IXOTH:perms[9] = 'x'
- # suid/sgid
- if mode&stat.S_ISUID:
- if perms[3] == 'x': perms[3] = 's'
- else: perms[3] = 'S'
- if mode&stat.S_ISGID:
- if perms[6] == 'x': perms[6] = 's'
- else: perms[6] = 'S'
- lsresult = [
- perms.tostring(),
- str(s.st_nlink).rjust(5),
- ' ',
- str(s.st_uid).ljust(9),
- str(s.st_gid).ljust(9),
- str(s.st_size).rjust(8),
- ' ',
- ]
- # need to specify the month manually, as strftime depends on locale
- ttup = localtime(s.st_mtime)
- sixmonths = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 26
- if s.st_mtime + sixmonths < time(): # last edited more than 6mo ago
- strtime = strftime("%%s %d %Y ", ttup)
- else:
- strtime = strftime("%%s %d %H:%M ", ttup)
- lsresult.append(strtime % (_MONTH_NAMES[ttup[1]],))
- lsresult.append(name)
- return ''.join(lsresult)
-__all__ = ['lsLine']
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/manhole.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/manhole.py
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index dee6a024..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/manhole.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_manhole -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Line-input oriented interactive interpreter loop.
-Provides classes for handling Python source input and arbitrary output
-interactively from a Twisted application. Also included is syntax coloring
-code with support for VT102 terminals, control code handling (^C, ^D, ^Q),
-and reasonable handling of Deferreds.
-@author: Jp Calderone
-import code, sys, StringIO, tokenize
-from twisted.conch import recvline
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.python.htmlizer import TokenPrinter
-class FileWrapper:
- """Minimal write-file-like object.
- Writes are translated into addOutput calls on an object passed to
- __init__. Newlines are also converted from network to local style.
- """
- softspace = 0
- state = 'normal'
- def __init__(self, o):
- self.o = o
- def flush(self):
- pass
- def write(self, data):
- self.o.addOutput(data.replace('\r\n', '\n'))
- def writelines(self, lines):
- self.write(''.join(lines))
-class ManholeInterpreter(code.InteractiveInterpreter):
- """Interactive Interpreter with special output and Deferred support.
- Aside from the features provided by L{code.InteractiveInterpreter}, this
- class captures sys.stdout output and redirects it to the appropriate
- location (the Manhole protocol instance). It also treats Deferreds
- which reach the top-level specially: each is formatted to the user with
- a unique identifier and a new callback and errback added to it, each of
- which will format the unique identifier and the result with which the
- Deferred fires and then pass it on to the next participant in the
- callback chain.
- """
- numDeferreds = 0
- def __init__(self, handler, locals=None, filename="<console>"):
- code.InteractiveInterpreter.__init__(self, locals)
- self._pendingDeferreds = {}
- self.handler = handler
- self.filename = filename
- self.resetBuffer()
- def resetBuffer(self):
- """Reset the input buffer."""
- self.buffer = []
- def push(self, line):
- """Push a line to the interpreter.
- The line should not have a trailing newline; it may have
- internal newlines. The line is appended to a buffer and the
- interpreter's runsource() method is called with the
- concatenated contents of the buffer as source. If this
- indicates that the command was executed or invalid, the buffer
- is reset; otherwise, the command is incomplete, and the buffer
- is left as it was after the line was appended. The return
- value is 1 if more input is required, 0 if the line was dealt
- with in some way (this is the same as runsource()).
- """
- self.buffer.append(line)
- source = "\n".join(self.buffer)
- more = self.runsource(source, self.filename)
- if not more:
- self.resetBuffer()
- return more
- def runcode(self, *a, **kw):
- orighook, sys.displayhook = sys.displayhook, self.displayhook
- try:
- origout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, FileWrapper(self.handler)
- try:
- code.InteractiveInterpreter.runcode(self, *a, **kw)
- finally:
- sys.stdout = origout
- finally:
- sys.displayhook = orighook
- def displayhook(self, obj):
- self.locals['_'] = obj
- if isinstance(obj, defer.Deferred):
- # XXX Ick, where is my "hasFired()" interface?
- if hasattr(obj, "result"):
- self.write(repr(obj))
- elif id(obj) in self._pendingDeferreds:
- self.write("<Deferred #%d>" % (self._pendingDeferreds[id(obj)][0],))
- else:
- d = self._pendingDeferreds
- k = self.numDeferreds
- d[id(obj)] = (k, obj)
- self.numDeferreds += 1
- obj.addCallbacks(self._cbDisplayDeferred, self._ebDisplayDeferred,
- callbackArgs=(k, obj), errbackArgs=(k, obj))
- self.write("<Deferred #%d>" % (k,))
- elif obj is not None:
- self.write(repr(obj))
- def _cbDisplayDeferred(self, result, k, obj):
- self.write("Deferred #%d called back: %r" % (k, result), True)
- del self._pendingDeferreds[id(obj)]
- return result
- def _ebDisplayDeferred(self, failure, k, obj):
- self.write("Deferred #%d failed: %r" % (k, failure.getErrorMessage()), True)
- del self._pendingDeferreds[id(obj)]
- return failure
- def write(self, data, async=False):
- self.handler.addOutput(data, async)
-CTRL_C = '\x03'
-CTRL_D = '\x04'
-CTRL_L = '\x0c'
-CTRL_A = '\x01'
-CTRL_E = '\x05'
-class Manhole(recvline.HistoricRecvLine):
- """Mediator between a fancy line source and an interactive interpreter.
- This accepts lines from its transport and passes them on to a
- L{ManholeInterpreter}. Control commands (^C, ^D, ^\) are also handled
- with something approximating their normal terminal-mode behavior. It
- can optionally be constructed with a dict which will be used as the
- local namespace for any code executed.
- """
- namespace = None
- def __init__(self, namespace=None):
- recvline.HistoricRecvLine.__init__(self)
- if namespace is not None:
- self.namespace = namespace.copy()
- def connectionMade(self):
- recvline.HistoricRecvLine.connectionMade(self)
- self.interpreter = ManholeInterpreter(self, self.namespace)
- self.keyHandlers[CTRL_C] = self.handle_INT
- self.keyHandlers[CTRL_D] = self.handle_EOF
- self.keyHandlers[CTRL_L] = self.handle_FF
- self.keyHandlers[CTRL_A] = self.handle_HOME
- self.keyHandlers[CTRL_E] = self.handle_END
- self.keyHandlers[CTRL_BACKSLASH] = self.handle_QUIT
- def handle_INT(self):
- """
- Handle ^C as an interrupt keystroke by resetting the current input
- variables to their initial state.
- """
- self.pn = 0
- self.lineBuffer = []
- self.lineBufferIndex = 0
- self.interpreter.resetBuffer()
- self.terminal.nextLine()
- self.terminal.write("KeyboardInterrupt")
- self.terminal.nextLine()
- self.terminal.write(self.ps[self.pn])
- def handle_EOF(self):
- if self.lineBuffer:
- self.terminal.write('\a')
- else:
- self.handle_QUIT()
- def handle_FF(self):
- """
- Handle a 'form feed' byte - generally used to request a screen
- refresh/redraw.
- """
- self.terminal.eraseDisplay()
- self.terminal.cursorHome()
- self.drawInputLine()
- def handle_QUIT(self):
- self.terminal.loseConnection()
- def _needsNewline(self):
- w = self.terminal.lastWrite
- return not w.endswith('\n') and not w.endswith('\x1bE')
- def addOutput(self, bytes, async=False):
- if async:
- self.terminal.eraseLine()
- self.terminal.cursorBackward(len(self.lineBuffer) + len(self.ps[self.pn]))
- self.terminal.write(bytes)
- if async:
- if self._needsNewline():
- self.terminal.nextLine()
- self.terminal.write(self.ps[self.pn])
- if self.lineBuffer:
- oldBuffer = self.lineBuffer
- self.lineBuffer = []
- self.lineBufferIndex = 0
- self._deliverBuffer(oldBuffer)
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- more = self.interpreter.push(line)
- self.pn = bool(more)
- if self._needsNewline():
- self.terminal.nextLine()
- self.terminal.write(self.ps[self.pn])
-class VT102Writer:
- """Colorizer for Python tokens.
- A series of tokens are written to instances of this object. Each is
- colored in a particular way. The final line of the result of this is
- generally added to the output.
- """
- typeToColor = {
- 'identifier': '\x1b[31m',
- 'keyword': '\x1b[32m',
- 'parameter': '\x1b[33m',
- 'variable': '\x1b[1;33m',
- 'string': '\x1b[35m',
- 'number': '\x1b[36m',
- 'op': '\x1b[37m'}
- normalColor = '\x1b[0m'
- def __init__(self):
- self.written = []
- def color(self, type):
- r = self.typeToColor.get(type, '')
- return r
- def write(self, token, type=None):
- if token and token != '\r':
- c = self.color(type)
- if c:
- self.written.append(c)
- self.written.append(token)
- if c:
- self.written.append(self.normalColor)
- def __str__(self):
- s = ''.join(self.written)
- return s.strip('\n').splitlines()[-1]
-def lastColorizedLine(source):
- """Tokenize and colorize the given Python source.
- Returns a VT102-format colorized version of the last line of C{source}.
- """
- w = VT102Writer()
- p = TokenPrinter(w.write).printtoken
- s = StringIO.StringIO(source)
- tokenize.tokenize(s.readline, p)
- return str(w)
-class ColoredManhole(Manhole):
- """A REPL which syntax colors input as users type it.
- """
- def getSource(self):
- """Return a string containing the currently entered source.
- This is only the code which will be considered for execution
- next.
- """
- return ('\n'.join(self.interpreter.buffer) +
- '\n' +
- ''.join(self.lineBuffer))
- def characterReceived(self, ch, moreCharactersComing):
- if self.mode == 'insert':
- self.lineBuffer.insert(self.lineBufferIndex, ch)
- else:
- self.lineBuffer[self.lineBufferIndex:self.lineBufferIndex+1] = [ch]
- self.lineBufferIndex += 1
- if moreCharactersComing:
- # Skip it all, we'll get called with another character in
- # like 2 femtoseconds.
- return
- if ch == ' ':
- # Don't bother to try to color whitespace
- self.terminal.write(ch)
- return
- source = self.getSource()
- # Try to write some junk
- try:
- coloredLine = lastColorizedLine(source)
- except tokenize.TokenError:
- # We couldn't do it. Strange. Oh well, just add the character.
- self.terminal.write(ch)
- else:
- # Success! Clear the source on this line.
- self.terminal.eraseLine()
- self.terminal.cursorBackward(len(self.lineBuffer) + len(self.ps[self.pn]) - 1)
- # And write a new, colorized one.
- self.terminal.write(self.ps[self.pn] + coloredLine)
- # And move the cursor to where it belongs
- n = len(self.lineBuffer) - self.lineBufferIndex
- if n:
- self.terminal.cursorBackward(n)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/manhole_ssh.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/manhole_ssh.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/manhole_ssh.py
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@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_manhole -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-insults/SSH integration support.
-@author: Jp Calderone
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.conch import avatar, interfaces as iconch, error as econch
-from twisted.conch.ssh import factory, keys, session
-from twisted.cred import credentials, checkers, portal
-from twisted.python import components
-from twisted.conch.insults import insults
-class _Glue:
- """A feeble class for making one attribute look like another.
- This should be replaced with a real class at some point, probably.
- Try not to write new code that uses it.
- """
- def __init__(self, **kw):
- self.__dict__.update(kw)
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- raise AttributeError(self.name, "has no attribute", name)
-class TerminalSessionTransport:
- def __init__(self, proto, chainedProtocol, avatar, width, height):
- self.proto = proto
- self.avatar = avatar
- self.chainedProtocol = chainedProtocol
- session = self.proto.session
- self.proto.makeConnection(
- _Glue(write=self.chainedProtocol.dataReceived,
- loseConnection=lambda: avatar.conn.sendClose(session),
- name="SSH Proto Transport"))
- def loseConnection():
- self.proto.loseConnection()
- self.chainedProtocol.makeConnection(
- _Glue(write=self.proto.write,
- loseConnection=loseConnection,
- name="Chained Proto Transport"))
- # chainedProtocol is supposed to be an ITerminalTransport,
- # maybe. That means perhaps its terminalProtocol attribute is
- # an ITerminalProtocol, it could be. So calling terminalSize
- # on that should do the right thing But it'd be nice to clean
- # this bit up.
- self.chainedProtocol.terminalProtocol.terminalSize(width, height)
-class TerminalSession(components.Adapter):
- implements(iconch.ISession)
- transportFactory = TerminalSessionTransport
- chainedProtocolFactory = insults.ServerProtocol
- def getPty(self, term, windowSize, attrs):
- self.height, self.width = windowSize[:2]
- def openShell(self, proto):
- self.transportFactory(
- proto, self.chainedProtocolFactory(),
- iconch.IConchUser(self.original),
- self.width, self.height)
- def execCommand(self, proto, cmd):
- raise econch.ConchError("Cannot execute commands")
- def closed(self):
- pass
-class TerminalUser(avatar.ConchUser, components.Adapter):
- def __init__(self, original, avatarId):
- components.Adapter.__init__(self, original)
- avatar.ConchUser.__init__(self)
- self.channelLookup['session'] = session.SSHSession
-class TerminalRealm:
- userFactory = TerminalUser
- sessionFactory = TerminalSession
- transportFactory = TerminalSessionTransport
- chainedProtocolFactory = insults.ServerProtocol
- def _getAvatar(self, avatarId):
- comp = components.Componentized()
- user = self.userFactory(comp, avatarId)
- sess = self.sessionFactory(comp)
- sess.transportFactory = self.transportFactory
- sess.chainedProtocolFactory = self.chainedProtocolFactory
- comp.setComponent(iconch.IConchUser, user)
- comp.setComponent(iconch.ISession, sess)
- return user
- def __init__(self, transportFactory=None):
- if transportFactory is not None:
- self.transportFactory = transportFactory
- def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
- for i in interfaces:
- if i is iconch.IConchUser:
- return (iconch.IConchUser,
- self._getAvatar(avatarId),
- lambda: None)
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class ConchFactory(factory.SSHFactory):
- publicKey = 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAGEArzJx8OYOnJmzf4tfBEvLi8DVPrJ3/c9k2I/Az64fxjHf9imyRJbixtQhlH9lfNjUIx+4LmrJH5QNRsFporcHDKOTwTTYLh5KmRpslkYHRivcJSkbh/C+BR3utDS555mV'
- publicKeys = {
- 'ssh-rsa' : keys.Key.fromString(publicKey)
- }
- del publicKey
- privateKey = """-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
------END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"""
- privateKeys = {
- 'ssh-rsa' : keys.Key.fromString(privateKey)
- }
- del privateKey
- def __init__(self, portal):
- self.portal = portal
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/manhole_tap.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/manhole_tap.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/manhole_tap.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-TAP plugin for creating telnet- and ssh-accessible manhole servers.
-@author: Jp Calderone
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.internet import protocol
-from twisted.application import service, strports
-from twisted.conch.ssh import session
-from twisted.conch import interfaces as iconch
-from twisted.cred import portal, checkers
-from twisted.python import usage
-from twisted.conch.insults import insults
-from twisted.conch import manhole, manhole_ssh, telnet
-class makeTelnetProtocol:
- def __init__(self, portal):
- self.portal = portal
- def __call__(self):
- auth = telnet.AuthenticatingTelnetProtocol
- args = (self.portal,)
- return telnet.TelnetTransport(auth, *args)
-class chainedProtocolFactory:
- def __init__(self, namespace):
- self.namespace = namespace
- def __call__(self):
- return insults.ServerProtocol(manhole.ColoredManhole, self.namespace)
-class _StupidRealm:
- implements(portal.IRealm)
- def __init__(self, proto, *a, **kw):
- self.protocolFactory = proto
- self.protocolArgs = a
- self.protocolKwArgs = kw
- def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, *interfaces):
- if telnet.ITelnetProtocol in interfaces:
- return (telnet.ITelnetProtocol,
- self.protocolFactory(*self.protocolArgs, **self.protocolKwArgs),
- lambda: None)
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class Options(usage.Options):
- optParameters = [
- ["telnetPort", "t", None, "strports description of the address on which to listen for telnet connections"],
- ["sshPort", "s", None, "strports description of the address on which to listen for ssh connections"],
- ["passwd", "p", "/etc/passwd", "name of a passwd(5)-format username/password file"]]
- def __init__(self):
- usage.Options.__init__(self)
- self['namespace'] = None
- def postOptions(self):
- if self['telnetPort'] is None and self['sshPort'] is None:
- raise usage.UsageError("At least one of --telnetPort and --sshPort must be specified")
-def makeService(options):
- """Create a manhole server service.
- @type options: C{dict}
- @param options: A mapping describing the configuration of
- the desired service. Recognized key/value pairs are::
- "telnetPort": strports description of the address on which
- to listen for telnet connections. If None,
- no telnet service will be started.
- "sshPort": strports description of the address on which to
- listen for ssh connections. If None, no ssh
- service will be started.
- "namespace": dictionary containing desired initial locals
- for manhole connections. If None, an empty
- dictionary will be used.
- "passwd": Name of a passwd(5)-format username/password file.
- @rtype: L{twisted.application.service.IService}
- @return: A manhole service.
- """
- svc = service.MultiService()
- namespace = options['namespace']
- if namespace is None:
- namespace = {}
- checker = checkers.FilePasswordDB(options['passwd'])
- if options['telnetPort']:
- telnetRealm = _StupidRealm(telnet.TelnetBootstrapProtocol,
- insults.ServerProtocol,
- manhole.ColoredManhole,
- namespace)
- telnetPortal = portal.Portal(telnetRealm, [checker])
- telnetFactory = protocol.ServerFactory()
- telnetFactory.protocol = makeTelnetProtocol(telnetPortal)
- telnetService = strports.service(options['telnetPort'],
- telnetFactory)
- telnetService.setServiceParent(svc)
- if options['sshPort']:
- sshRealm = manhole_ssh.TerminalRealm()
- sshRealm.chainedProtocolFactory = chainedProtocolFactory(namespace)
- sshPortal = portal.Portal(sshRealm, [checker])
- sshFactory = manhole_ssh.ConchFactory(sshPortal)
- sshService = strports.service(options['sshPort'],
- sshFactory)
- sshService.setServiceParent(svc)
- return svc
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/mixin.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/mixin.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/mixin.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_mixin -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Experimental optimization
-This module provides a single mixin class which allows protocols to
-collapse numerous small writes into a single larger one.
-@author: Jp Calderone
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-class BufferingMixin:
- """Mixin which adds write buffering.
- """
- _delayedWriteCall = None
- bytes = None
- DELAY = 0.0
- def schedule(self):
- return reactor.callLater(self.DELAY, self.flush)
- def reschedule(self, token):
- token.reset(self.DELAY)
- def write(self, bytes):
- """Buffer some bytes to be written soon.
- Every call to this function delays the real write by C{self.DELAY}
- seconds. When the delay expires, all collected bytes are written
- to the underlying transport using L{ITransport.writeSequence}.
- """
- if self._delayedWriteCall is None:
- self.bytes = []
- self._delayedWriteCall = self.schedule()
- else:
- self.reschedule(self._delayedWriteCall)
- self.bytes.append(bytes)
- def flush(self):
- """Flush the buffer immediately.
- """
- self._delayedWriteCall = None
- self.transport.writeSequence(self.bytes)
- self.bytes = None
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/openssh_compat/__init__.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/openssh_compat/__init__.py
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index 69d5927d..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/openssh_compat/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Support for OpenSSH configuration files.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/openssh_compat/factory.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/openssh_compat/factory.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f0ad8f79..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/openssh_compat/factory.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_openssh_compat -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Factory for reading openssh configuration files: public keys, private keys, and
-moduli file.
-import os, errno
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.python.util import runAsEffectiveUser
-from twisted.conch.ssh import keys, factory, common
-from twisted.conch.openssh_compat import primes
-class OpenSSHFactory(factory.SSHFactory):
- dataRoot = '/usr/local/etc'
- moduliRoot = '/usr/local/etc' # for openbsd which puts moduli in a different
- # directory from keys
- def getPublicKeys(self):
- """
- Return the server public keys.
- """
- ks = {}
- for filename in os.listdir(self.dataRoot):
- if filename[:9] == 'ssh_host_' and filename[-8:]=='_key.pub':
- try:
- k = keys.Key.fromFile(
- os.path.join(self.dataRoot, filename))
- t = common.getNS(k.blob())[0]
- ks[t] = k
- except Exception, e:
- log.msg('bad public key file %s: %s' % (filename, e))
- return ks
- def getPrivateKeys(self):
- """
- Return the server private keys.
- """
- privateKeys = {}
- for filename in os.listdir(self.dataRoot):
- if filename[:9] == 'ssh_host_' and filename[-4:]=='_key':
- fullPath = os.path.join(self.dataRoot, filename)
- try:
- key = keys.Key.fromFile(fullPath)
- except IOError, e:
- if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
- # Not allowed, let's switch to root
- key = runAsEffectiveUser(0, 0, keys.Key.fromFile, fullPath)
- keyType = keys.objectType(key.keyObject)
- privateKeys[keyType] = key
- else:
- raise
- except Exception, e:
- log.msg('bad private key file %s: %s' % (filename, e))
- else:
- keyType = keys.objectType(key.keyObject)
- privateKeys[keyType] = key
- return privateKeys
- def getPrimes(self):
- try:
- return primes.parseModuliFile(self.moduliRoot+'/moduli')
- except IOError:
- return None
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/openssh_compat/primes.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/openssh_compat/primes.py
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index 5d939e6d..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/openssh_compat/primes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Parsing for the moduli file, which contains Diffie-Hellman prime groups.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-def parseModuliFile(filename):
- lines = open(filename).readlines()
- primes = {}
- for l in lines:
- l = l.strip()
- if not l or l[0]=='#':
- continue
- tim, typ, tst, tri, size, gen, mod = l.split()
- size = int(size) + 1
- gen = long(gen)
- mod = long(mod, 16)
- if not primes.has_key(size):
- primes[size] = []
- primes[size].append((gen, mod))
- return primes
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/recvline.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/recvline.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 6c8416ae..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/recvline.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_recvline -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Basic line editing support.
-@author: Jp Calderone
-import string
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.conch.insults import insults, helper
-from twisted.python import log, reflect
-_counters = {}
-class Logging(object):
- """Wrapper which logs attribute lookups.
- This was useful in debugging something, I guess. I forget what.
- It can probably be deleted or moved somewhere more appropriate.
- Nothing special going on here, really.
- """
- def __init__(self, original):
- self.original = original
- key = reflect.qual(original.__class__)
- count = _counters.get(key, 0)
- _counters[key] = count + 1
- self._logFile = file(key + '-' + str(count), 'w')
- def __str__(self):
- return str(super(Logging, self).__getattribute__('original'))
- def __repr__(self):
- return repr(super(Logging, self).__getattribute__('original'))
- def __getattribute__(self, name):
- original = super(Logging, self).__getattribute__('original')
- logFile = super(Logging, self).__getattribute__('_logFile')
- logFile.write(name + '\n')
- return getattr(original, name)
-class TransportSequence(object):
- """An L{ITerminalTransport} implementation which forwards calls to
- one or more other L{ITerminalTransport}s.
- This is a cheap way for servers to keep track of the state they
- expect the client to see, since all terminal manipulations can be
- send to the real client and to a terminal emulator that lives in
- the server process.
- """
- implements(insults.ITerminalTransport)
- 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9',
- 'F10', 'F11', 'F12'):
- exec '%s = object()' % (keyID,)
- TAB = '\t'
- BACKSPACE = '\x7f'
- def __init__(self, *transports):
- assert transports, "Cannot construct a TransportSequence with no transports"
- self.transports = transports
- for method in insults.ITerminalTransport:
- exec """\
-def %s(self, *a, **kw):
- for tpt in self.transports:
- result = tpt.%s(*a, **kw)
- return result
-""" % (method, method)
-class LocalTerminalBufferMixin(object):
- """A mixin for RecvLine subclasses which records the state of the terminal.
- This is accomplished by performing all L{ITerminalTransport} operations on both
- the transport passed to makeConnection and an instance of helper.TerminalBuffer.
- @ivar terminalCopy: A L{helper.TerminalBuffer} instance which efforts
- will be made to keep up to date with the actual terminal
- associated with this protocol instance.
- """
- def makeConnection(self, transport):
- self.terminalCopy = helper.TerminalBuffer()
- self.terminalCopy.connectionMade()
- return super(LocalTerminalBufferMixin, self).makeConnection(
- TransportSequence(transport, self.terminalCopy))
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.terminalCopy)
-class RecvLine(insults.TerminalProtocol):
- """L{TerminalProtocol} which adds line editing features.
- Clients will be prompted for lines of input with all the usual
- features: character echoing, left and right arrow support for
- moving the cursor to different areas of the line buffer, backspace
- and delete for removing characters, and insert for toggling
- between typeover and insert mode. Tabs will be expanded to enough
- spaces to move the cursor to the next tabstop (every four
- characters by default). Enter causes the line buffer to be
- cleared and the line to be passed to the lineReceived() method
- which, by default, does nothing. Subclasses are responsible for
- redrawing the input prompt (this will probably change).
- """
- width = 80
- height = 24
- ps = ('>>> ', '... ')
- pn = 0
- _printableChars = set(string.printable)
- def connectionMade(self):
- # A list containing the characters making up the current line
- self.lineBuffer = []
- # A zero-based (wtf else?) index into self.lineBuffer.
- # Indicates the current cursor position.
- self.lineBufferIndex = 0
- t = self.terminal
- # A map of keyIDs to bound instance methods.
- self.keyHandlers = {
- t.LEFT_ARROW: self.handle_LEFT,
- t.RIGHT_ARROW: self.handle_RIGHT,
- t.TAB: self.handle_TAB,
- # Both of these should not be necessary, but figuring out
- # which is necessary is a huge hassle.
- '\r': self.handle_RETURN,
- '\n': self.handle_RETURN,
- t.BACKSPACE: self.handle_BACKSPACE,
- t.DELETE: self.handle_DELETE,
- t.INSERT: self.handle_INSERT,
- t.HOME: self.handle_HOME,
- t.END: self.handle_END}
- self.initializeScreen()
- def initializeScreen(self):
- # Hmm, state sucks. Oh well.
- # For now we will just take over the whole terminal.
- self.terminal.reset()
- self.terminal.write(self.ps[self.pn])
- # XXX Note: I would prefer to default to starting in insert
- # mode, however this does not seem to actually work! I do not
- # know why. This is probably of interest to implementors
- # subclassing RecvLine.
- # XXX XXX Note: But the unit tests all expect the initial mode
- # to be insert right now. Fuck, there needs to be a way to
- # query the current mode or something.
- # self.setTypeoverMode()
- self.setInsertMode()
- def currentLineBuffer(self):
- s = ''.join(self.lineBuffer)
- return s[:self.lineBufferIndex], s[self.lineBufferIndex:]
- def setInsertMode(self):
- self.mode = 'insert'
- self.terminal.setModes([insults.modes.IRM])
- def setTypeoverMode(self):
- self.mode = 'typeover'
- self.terminal.resetModes([insults.modes.IRM])
- def drawInputLine(self):
- """
- Write a line containing the current input prompt and the current line
- buffer at the current cursor position.
- """
- self.terminal.write(self.ps[self.pn] + ''.join(self.lineBuffer))
- def terminalSize(self, width, height):
- # XXX - Clear the previous input line, redraw it at the new
- # cursor position
- self.terminal.eraseDisplay()
- self.terminal.cursorHome()
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- self.drawInputLine()
- def unhandledControlSequence(self, seq):
- pass
- def keystrokeReceived(self, keyID, modifier):
- m = self.keyHandlers.get(keyID)
- if m is not None:
- m()
- elif keyID in self._printableChars:
- self.characterReceived(keyID, False)
- else:
- log.msg("Received unhandled keyID: %r" % (keyID,))
- def characterReceived(self, ch, moreCharactersComing):
- if self.mode == 'insert':
- self.lineBuffer.insert(self.lineBufferIndex, ch)
- else:
- self.lineBuffer[self.lineBufferIndex:self.lineBufferIndex+1] = [ch]
- self.lineBufferIndex += 1
- self.terminal.write(ch)
- def handle_TAB(self):
- n = self.TABSTOP - (len(self.lineBuffer) % self.TABSTOP)
- self.terminal.cursorForward(n)
- self.lineBufferIndex += n
- self.lineBuffer.extend(' ' * n)
- def handle_LEFT(self):
- if self.lineBufferIndex > 0:
- self.lineBufferIndex -= 1
- self.terminal.cursorBackward()
- def handle_RIGHT(self):
- if self.lineBufferIndex < len(self.lineBuffer):
- self.lineBufferIndex += 1
- self.terminal.cursorForward()
- def handle_HOME(self):
- if self.lineBufferIndex:
- self.terminal.cursorBackward(self.lineBufferIndex)
- self.lineBufferIndex = 0
- def handle_END(self):
- offset = len(self.lineBuffer) - self.lineBufferIndex
- if offset:
- self.terminal.cursorForward(offset)
- self.lineBufferIndex = len(self.lineBuffer)
- def handle_BACKSPACE(self):
- if self.lineBufferIndex > 0:
- self.lineBufferIndex -= 1
- del self.lineBuffer[self.lineBufferIndex]
- self.terminal.cursorBackward()
- self.terminal.deleteCharacter()
- def handle_DELETE(self):
- if self.lineBufferIndex < len(self.lineBuffer):
- del self.lineBuffer[self.lineBufferIndex]
- self.terminal.deleteCharacter()
- def handle_RETURN(self):
- line = ''.join(self.lineBuffer)
- self.lineBuffer = []
- self.lineBufferIndex = 0
- self.terminal.nextLine()
- self.lineReceived(line)
- def handle_INSERT(self):
- assert self.mode in ('typeover', 'insert')
- if self.mode == 'typeover':
- self.setInsertMode()
- else:
- self.setTypeoverMode()
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- pass
-class HistoricRecvLine(RecvLine):
- """L{TerminalProtocol} which adds both basic line-editing features and input history.
- Everything supported by L{RecvLine} is also supported by this class. In addition, the
- up and down arrows traverse the input history. Each received line is automatically
- added to the end of the input history.
- """
- def connectionMade(self):
- RecvLine.connectionMade(self)
- self.historyLines = []
- self.historyPosition = 0
- t = self.terminal
- self.keyHandlers.update({t.UP_ARROW: self.handle_UP,
- t.DOWN_ARROW: self.handle_DOWN})
- def currentHistoryBuffer(self):
- b = tuple(self.historyLines)
- return b[:self.historyPosition], b[self.historyPosition:]
- def _deliverBuffer(self, buf):
- if buf:
- for ch in buf[:-1]:
- self.characterReceived(ch, True)
- self.characterReceived(buf[-1], False)
- def handle_UP(self):
- if self.lineBuffer and self.historyPosition == len(self.historyLines):
- self.historyLines.append(self.lineBuffer)
- if self.historyPosition > 0:
- self.handle_HOME()
- self.terminal.eraseToLineEnd()
- self.historyPosition -= 1
- self.lineBuffer = []
- self._deliverBuffer(self.historyLines[self.historyPosition])
- def handle_DOWN(self):
- if self.historyPosition < len(self.historyLines) - 1:
- self.handle_HOME()
- self.terminal.eraseToLineEnd()
- self.historyPosition += 1
- self.lineBuffer = []
- self._deliverBuffer(self.historyLines[self.historyPosition])
- else:
- self.handle_HOME()
- self.terminal.eraseToLineEnd()
- self.historyPosition = len(self.historyLines)
- self.lineBuffer = []
- self.lineBufferIndex = 0
- def handle_RETURN(self):
- if self.lineBuffer:
- self.historyLines.append(''.join(self.lineBuffer))
- self.historyPosition = len(self.historyLines)
- return RecvLine.handle_RETURN(self)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/__init__.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 63fdb3d2..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-'conch scripts'
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/cftp.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/cftp.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e6db67f0..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/cftp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,832 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_cftp -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Implementation module for the I{cftp} command.
-import os, sys, getpass, struct, tty, fcntl, stat
-import fnmatch, pwd, glob
-from twisted.conch.client import connect, default, options
-from twisted.conch.ssh import connection, common
-from twisted.conch.ssh import channel, filetransfer
-from twisted.protocols import basic
-from twisted.internet import reactor, stdio, defer, utils
-from twisted.python import log, usage, failure
-class ClientOptions(options.ConchOptions):
- synopsis = """Usage: cftp [options] [user@]host
- cftp [options] [user@]host[:dir[/]]
- cftp [options] [user@]host[:file [localfile]]
- longdesc = ("cftp is a client for logging into a remote machine and "
- "executing commands to send and receive file information")
- optParameters = [
- ['buffersize', 'B', 32768, 'Size of the buffer to use for sending/receiving.'],
- ['batchfile', 'b', None, 'File to read commands from, or \'-\' for stdin.'],
- ['requests', 'R', 5, 'Number of requests to make before waiting for a reply.'],
- ['subsystem', 's', 'sftp', 'Subsystem/server program to connect to.']]
- compData = usage.Completions(
- descriptions={
- "buffersize": "Size of send/receive buffer (default: 32768)"},
- extraActions=[usage.CompleteUserAtHost(),
- usage.CompleteFiles(descr="local file")])
- def parseArgs(self, host, localPath=None):
- self['remotePath'] = ''
- if ':' in host:
- host, self['remotePath'] = host.split(':', 1)
- self['remotePath'].rstrip('/')
- self['host'] = host
- self['localPath'] = localPath
-def run():
-# import hotshot
-# prof = hotshot.Profile('cftp.prof')
-# prof.start()
- args = sys.argv[1:]
- if '-l' in args: # cvs is an idiot
- i = args.index('-l')
- args = args[i:i+2]+args
- del args[i+2:i+4]
- options = ClientOptions()
- try:
- options.parseOptions(args)
- except usage.UsageError, u:
- print 'ERROR: %s' % u
- sys.exit(1)
- if options['log']:
- realout = sys.stdout
- log.startLogging(sys.stderr)
- sys.stdout = realout
- else:
- log.discardLogs()
- doConnect(options)
- reactor.run()
-# prof.stop()
-# prof.close()
-def handleError():
- global exitStatus
- exitStatus = 2
- try:
- reactor.stop()
- except: pass
- log.err(failure.Failure())
- raise
-def doConnect(options):
-# log.deferr = handleError # HACK
- if '@' in options['host']:
- options['user'], options['host'] = options['host'].split('@',1)
- host = options['host']
- if not options['user']:
- options['user'] = getpass.getuser()
- if not options['port']:
- options['port'] = 22
- else:
- options['port'] = int(options['port'])
- host = options['host']
- port = options['port']
- conn = SSHConnection()
- conn.options = options
- vhk = default.verifyHostKey
- uao = default.SSHUserAuthClient(options['user'], options, conn)
- connect.connect(host, port, options, vhk, uao).addErrback(_ebExit)
-def _ebExit(f):
- #global exitStatus
- if hasattr(f.value, 'value'):
- s = f.value.value
- else:
- s = str(f)
- print s
- #exitStatus = "conch: exiting with error %s" % f
- try:
- reactor.stop()
- except: pass
-def _ignore(*args): pass
-class FileWrapper:
- def __init__(self, f):
- self.f = f
- self.total = 0.0
- f.seek(0, 2) # seek to the end
- self.size = f.tell()
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- return getattr(self.f, attr)
-class StdioClient(basic.LineReceiver):
- _pwd = pwd
- ps = 'cftp> '
- delimiter = '\n'
- reactor = reactor
- def __init__(self, client, f = None):
- self.client = client
- self.currentDirectory = ''
- self.file = f
- self.useProgressBar = (not f and 1) or 0
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.client.realPath('').addCallback(self._cbSetCurDir)
- def _cbSetCurDir(self, path):
- self.currentDirectory = path
- self._newLine()
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- if self.client.transport.localClosed:
- return
- log.msg('got line %s' % repr(line))
- line = line.lstrip()
- if not line:
- self._newLine()
- return
- if self.file and line.startswith('-'):
- self.ignoreErrors = 1
- line = line[1:]
- else:
- self.ignoreErrors = 0
- d = self._dispatchCommand(line)
- if d is not None:
- d.addCallback(self._cbCommand)
- d.addErrback(self._ebCommand)
- def _dispatchCommand(self, line):
- if ' ' in line:
- command, rest = line.split(' ', 1)
- rest = rest.lstrip()
- else:
- command, rest = line, ''
- if command.startswith('!'): # command
- f = self.cmd_EXEC
- rest = (command[1:] + ' ' + rest).strip()
- else:
- command = command.upper()
- log.msg('looking up cmd %s' % command)
- f = getattr(self, 'cmd_%s' % command, None)
- if f is not None:
- return defer.maybeDeferred(f, rest)
- else:
- self._ebCommand(failure.Failure(NotImplementedError(
- "No command called `%s'" % command)))
- self._newLine()
- def _printFailure(self, f):
- log.msg(f)
- e = f.trap(NotImplementedError, filetransfer.SFTPError, OSError, IOError)
- if e == NotImplementedError:
- self.transport.write(self.cmd_HELP(''))
- elif e == filetransfer.SFTPError:
- self.transport.write("remote error %i: %s\n" %
- (f.value.code, f.value.message))
- elif e in (OSError, IOError):
- self.transport.write("local error %i: %s\n" %
- (f.value.errno, f.value.strerror))
- def _newLine(self):
- if self.client.transport.localClosed:
- return
- self.transport.write(self.ps)
- self.ignoreErrors = 0
- if self.file:
- l = self.file.readline()
- if not l:
- self.client.transport.loseConnection()
- else:
- self.transport.write(l)
- self.lineReceived(l.strip())
- def _cbCommand(self, result):
- if result is not None:
- self.transport.write(result)
- if not result.endswith('\n'):
- self.transport.write('\n')
- self._newLine()
- def _ebCommand(self, f):
- self._printFailure(f)
- if self.file and not self.ignoreErrors:
- self.client.transport.loseConnection()
- self._newLine()
- def cmd_CD(self, path):
- path, rest = self._getFilename(path)
- if not path.endswith('/'):
- path += '/'
- newPath = path and os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, path) or ''
- d = self.client.openDirectory(newPath)
- d.addCallback(self._cbCd)
- d.addErrback(self._ebCommand)
- return d
- def _cbCd(self, directory):
- directory.close()
- d = self.client.realPath(directory.name)
- d.addCallback(self._cbCurDir)
- return d
- def _cbCurDir(self, path):
- self.currentDirectory = path
- def cmd_CHGRP(self, rest):
- grp, rest = rest.split(None, 1)
- path, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- grp = int(grp)
- d = self.client.getAttrs(path)
- d.addCallback(self._cbSetUsrGrp, path, grp=grp)
- return d
- def cmd_CHMOD(self, rest):
- mod, rest = rest.split(None, 1)
- path, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- mod = int(mod, 8)
- d = self.client.setAttrs(path, {'permissions':mod})
- d.addCallback(_ignore)
- return d
- def cmd_CHOWN(self, rest):
- usr, rest = rest.split(None, 1)
- path, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- usr = int(usr)
- d = self.client.getAttrs(path)
- d.addCallback(self._cbSetUsrGrp, path, usr=usr)
- return d
- def _cbSetUsrGrp(self, attrs, path, usr=None, grp=None):
- new = {}
- new['uid'] = (usr is not None) and usr or attrs['uid']
- new['gid'] = (grp is not None) and grp or attrs['gid']
- d = self.client.setAttrs(path, new)
- d.addCallback(_ignore)
- return d
- def cmd_GET(self, rest):
- remote, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- if '*' in remote or '?' in remote: # wildcard
- if rest:
- local, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- if not os.path.isdir(local):
- return "Wildcard get with non-directory target."
- else:
- local = ''
- d = self._remoteGlob(remote)
- d.addCallback(self._cbGetMultiple, local)
- return d
- if rest:
- local, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- else:
- local = os.path.split(remote)[1]
- log.msg((remote, local))
- lf = file(local, 'w', 0)
- path = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, remote)
- d = self.client.openFile(path, filetransfer.FXF_READ, {})
- d.addCallback(self._cbGetOpenFile, lf)
- d.addErrback(self._ebCloseLf, lf)
- return d
- def _cbGetMultiple(self, files, local):
- #if self._useProgressBar: # one at a time
- # XXX this can be optimized for times w/o progress bar
- return self._cbGetMultipleNext(None, files, local)
- def _cbGetMultipleNext(self, res, files, local):
- if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
- self._printFailure(res)
- elif res:
- self.transport.write(res)
- if not res.endswith('\n'):
- self.transport.write('\n')
- if not files:
- return
- f = files.pop(0)[0]
- lf = file(os.path.join(local, os.path.split(f)[1]), 'w', 0)
- path = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, f)
- d = self.client.openFile(path, filetransfer.FXF_READ, {})
- d.addCallback(self._cbGetOpenFile, lf)
- d.addErrback(self._ebCloseLf, lf)
- d.addBoth(self._cbGetMultipleNext, files, local)
- return d
- def _ebCloseLf(self, f, lf):
- lf.close()
- return f
- def _cbGetOpenFile(self, rf, lf):
- return rf.getAttrs().addCallback(self._cbGetFileSize, rf, lf)
- def _cbGetFileSize(self, attrs, rf, lf):
- if not stat.S_ISREG(attrs['permissions']):
- rf.close()
- lf.close()
- return "Can't get non-regular file: %s" % rf.name
- rf.size = attrs['size']
- bufferSize = self.client.transport.conn.options['buffersize']
- numRequests = self.client.transport.conn.options['requests']
- rf.total = 0.0
- dList = []
- chunks = []
- startTime = self.reactor.seconds()
- for i in range(numRequests):
- d = self._cbGetRead('', rf, lf, chunks, 0, bufferSize, startTime)
- dList.append(d)
- dl = defer.DeferredList(dList, fireOnOneErrback=1)
- dl.addCallback(self._cbGetDone, rf, lf)
- return dl
- def _getNextChunk(self, chunks):
- end = 0
- for chunk in chunks:
- if end == 'eof':
- return # nothing more to get
- if end != chunk[0]:
- i = chunks.index(chunk)
- chunks.insert(i, (end, chunk[0]))
- return (end, chunk[0] - end)
- end = chunk[1]
- bufSize = int(self.client.transport.conn.options['buffersize'])
- chunks.append((end, end + bufSize))
- return (end, bufSize)
- def _cbGetRead(self, data, rf, lf, chunks, start, size, startTime):
- if data and isinstance(data, failure.Failure):
- log.msg('get read err: %s' % data)
- reason = data
- reason.trap(EOFError)
- i = chunks.index((start, start + size))
- del chunks[i]
- chunks.insert(i, (start, 'eof'))
- elif data:
- log.msg('get read data: %i' % len(data))
- lf.seek(start)
- lf.write(data)
- if len(data) != size:
- log.msg('got less than we asked for: %i < %i' %
- (len(data), size))
- i = chunks.index((start, start + size))
- del chunks[i]
- chunks.insert(i, (start, start + len(data)))
- rf.total += len(data)
- if self.useProgressBar:
- self._printProgressBar(rf, startTime)
- chunk = self._getNextChunk(chunks)
- if not chunk:
- return
- else:
- start, length = chunk
- log.msg('asking for %i -> %i' % (start, start+length))
- d = rf.readChunk(start, length)
- d.addBoth(self._cbGetRead, rf, lf, chunks, start, length, startTime)
- return d
- def _cbGetDone(self, ignored, rf, lf):
- log.msg('get done')
- rf.close()
- lf.close()
- if self.useProgressBar:
- self.transport.write('\n')
- return "Transferred %s to %s" % (rf.name, lf.name)
- def cmd_PUT(self, rest):
- local, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- if '*' in local or '?' in local: # wildcard
- if rest:
- remote, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- path = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, remote)
- d = self.client.getAttrs(path)
- d.addCallback(self._cbPutTargetAttrs, remote, local)
- return d
- else:
- remote = ''
- files = glob.glob(local)
- return self._cbPutMultipleNext(None, files, remote)
- if rest:
- remote, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- else:
- remote = os.path.split(local)[1]
- lf = file(local, 'r')
- path = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, remote)
- flags = filetransfer.FXF_WRITE|filetransfer.FXF_CREAT|filetransfer.FXF_TRUNC
- d = self.client.openFile(path, flags, {})
- d.addCallback(self._cbPutOpenFile, lf)
- d.addErrback(self._ebCloseLf, lf)
- return d
- def _cbPutTargetAttrs(self, attrs, path, local):
- if not stat.S_ISDIR(attrs['permissions']):
- return "Wildcard put with non-directory target."
- return self._cbPutMultipleNext(None, files, path)
- def _cbPutMultipleNext(self, res, files, path):
- if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
- self._printFailure(res)
- elif res:
- self.transport.write(res)
- if not res.endswith('\n'):
- self.transport.write('\n')
- f = None
- while files and not f:
- try:
- f = files.pop(0)
- lf = file(f, 'r')
- except:
- self._printFailure(failure.Failure())
- f = None
- if not f:
- return
- name = os.path.split(f)[1]
- remote = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, path, name)
- log.msg((name, remote, path))
- flags = filetransfer.FXF_WRITE|filetransfer.FXF_CREAT|filetransfer.FXF_TRUNC
- d = self.client.openFile(remote, flags, {})
- d.addCallback(self._cbPutOpenFile, lf)
- d.addErrback(self._ebCloseLf, lf)
- d.addBoth(self._cbPutMultipleNext, files, path)
- return d
- def _cbPutOpenFile(self, rf, lf):
- numRequests = self.client.transport.conn.options['requests']
- if self.useProgressBar:
- lf = FileWrapper(lf)
- dList = []
- chunks = []
- startTime = self.reactor.seconds()
- for i in range(numRequests):
- d = self._cbPutWrite(None, rf, lf, chunks, startTime)
- if d:
- dList.append(d)
- dl = defer.DeferredList(dList, fireOnOneErrback=1)
- dl.addCallback(self._cbPutDone, rf, lf)
- return dl
- def _cbPutWrite(self, ignored, rf, lf, chunks, startTime):
- chunk = self._getNextChunk(chunks)
- start, size = chunk
- lf.seek(start)
- data = lf.read(size)
- if self.useProgressBar:
- lf.total += len(data)
- self._printProgressBar(lf, startTime)
- if data:
- d = rf.writeChunk(start, data)
- d.addCallback(self._cbPutWrite, rf, lf, chunks, startTime)
- return d
- else:
- return
- def _cbPutDone(self, ignored, rf, lf):
- lf.close()
- rf.close()
- if self.useProgressBar:
- self.transport.write('\n')
- return 'Transferred %s to %s' % (lf.name, rf.name)
- def cmd_LCD(self, path):
- os.chdir(path)
- def cmd_LN(self, rest):
- linkpath, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- targetpath, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- linkpath, targetpath = map(
- lambda x: os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, x),
- (linkpath, targetpath))
- return self.client.makeLink(linkpath, targetpath).addCallback(_ignore)
- def cmd_LS(self, rest):
- # possible lines:
- # ls current directory
- # ls name_of_file that file
- # ls name_of_directory that directory
- # ls some_glob_string current directory, globbed for that string
- options = []
- rest = rest.split()
- while rest and rest[0] and rest[0][0] == '-':
- opts = rest.pop(0)[1:]
- for o in opts:
- if o == 'l':
- options.append('verbose')
- elif o == 'a':
- options.append('all')
- rest = ' '.join(rest)
- path, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- if not path:
- fullPath = self.currentDirectory + '/'
- else:
- fullPath = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, path)
- d = self._remoteGlob(fullPath)
- d.addCallback(self._cbDisplayFiles, options)
- return d
- def _cbDisplayFiles(self, files, options):
- files.sort()
- if 'all' not in options:
- files = [f for f in files if not f[0].startswith('.')]
- if 'verbose' in options:
- lines = [f[1] for f in files]
- else:
- lines = [f[0] for f in files]
- if not lines:
- return None
- else:
- return '\n'.join(lines)
- def cmd_MKDIR(self, path):
- path, rest = self._getFilename(path)
- path = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, path)
- return self.client.makeDirectory(path, {}).addCallback(_ignore)
- def cmd_RMDIR(self, path):
- path, rest = self._getFilename(path)
- path = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, path)
- return self.client.removeDirectory(path).addCallback(_ignore)
- def cmd_LMKDIR(self, path):
- os.system("mkdir %s" % path)
- def cmd_RM(self, path):
- path, rest = self._getFilename(path)
- path = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, path)
- return self.client.removeFile(path).addCallback(_ignore)
- def cmd_LLS(self, rest):
- os.system("ls %s" % rest)
- def cmd_RENAME(self, rest):
- oldpath, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- newpath, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- oldpath, newpath = map (
- lambda x: os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, x),
- (oldpath, newpath))
- return self.client.renameFile(oldpath, newpath).addCallback(_ignore)
- def cmd_EXIT(self, ignored):
- self.client.transport.loseConnection()
- cmd_QUIT = cmd_EXIT
- def cmd_VERSION(self, ignored):
- return "SFTP version %i" % self.client.version
- def cmd_HELP(self, ignored):
- return """Available commands:
-cd path Change remote directory to 'path'.
-chgrp gid path Change gid of 'path' to 'gid'.
-chmod mode path Change mode of 'path' to 'mode'.
-chown uid path Change uid of 'path' to 'uid'.
-exit Disconnect from the server.
-get remote-path [local-path] Get remote file.
-help Get a list of available commands.
-lcd path Change local directory to 'path'.
-lls [ls-options] [path] Display local directory listing.
-lmkdir path Create local directory.
-ln linkpath targetpath Symlink remote file.
-lpwd Print the local working directory.
-ls [-l] [path] Display remote directory listing.
-mkdir path Create remote directory.
-progress Toggle progress bar.
-put local-path [remote-path] Put local file.
-pwd Print the remote working directory.
-quit Disconnect from the server.
-rename oldpath newpath Rename remote file.
-rmdir path Remove remote directory.
-rm path Remove remote file.
-version Print the SFTP version.
-? Synonym for 'help'.
- def cmd_PWD(self, ignored):
- return self.currentDirectory
- def cmd_LPWD(self, ignored):
- return os.getcwd()
- def cmd_PROGRESS(self, ignored):
- self.useProgressBar = not self.useProgressBar
- return "%ssing progess bar." % (self.useProgressBar and "U" or "Not u")
- def cmd_EXEC(self, rest):
- """
- Run C{rest} using the user's shell (or /bin/sh if they do not have
- one).
- """
- shell = self._pwd.getpwnam(getpass.getuser())[6]
- if not shell:
- shell = '/bin/sh'
- if rest:
- cmds = ['-c', rest]
- return utils.getProcessOutput(shell, cmds, errortoo=1)
- else:
- os.system(shell)
- # accessory functions
- def _remoteGlob(self, fullPath):
- log.msg('looking up %s' % fullPath)
- head, tail = os.path.split(fullPath)
- if '*' in tail or '?' in tail:
- glob = 1
- else:
- glob = 0
- if tail and not glob: # could be file or directory
- # try directory first
- d = self.client.openDirectory(fullPath)
- d.addCallback(self._cbOpenList, '')
- d.addErrback(self._ebNotADirectory, head, tail)
- else:
- d = self.client.openDirectory(head)
- d.addCallback(self._cbOpenList, tail)
- return d
- def _cbOpenList(self, directory, glob):
- files = []
- d = directory.read()
- d.addBoth(self._cbReadFile, files, directory, glob)
- return d
- def _ebNotADirectory(self, reason, path, glob):
- d = self.client.openDirectory(path)
- d.addCallback(self._cbOpenList, glob)
- return d
- def _cbReadFile(self, files, l, directory, glob):
- if not isinstance(files, failure.Failure):
- if glob:
- l.extend([f for f in files if fnmatch.fnmatch(f[0], glob)])
- else:
- l.extend(files)
- d = directory.read()
- d.addBoth(self._cbReadFile, l, directory, glob)
- return d
- else:
- reason = files
- reason.trap(EOFError)
- directory.close()
- return l
- def _abbrevSize(self, size):
- # from http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/1999-December/018395.html
- _abbrevs = [
- (1<<50L, 'PB'),
- (1<<40L, 'TB'),
- (1<<30L, 'GB'),
- (1<<20L, 'MB'),
- (1<<10L, 'kB'),
- (1, 'B')
- ]
- for factor, suffix in _abbrevs:
- if size > factor:
- break
- return '%.1f' % (size/factor) + suffix
- def _abbrevTime(self, t):
- if t > 3600: # 1 hour
- hours = int(t / 3600)
- t -= (3600 * hours)
- mins = int(t / 60)
- t -= (60 * mins)
- return "%i:%02i:%02i" % (hours, mins, t)
- else:
- mins = int(t/60)
- t -= (60 * mins)
- return "%02i:%02i" % (mins, t)
- def _printProgressBar(self, f, startTime):
- """
- Update a console progress bar on this L{StdioClient}'s transport, based
- on the difference between the start time of the operation and the
- current time according to the reactor, and appropriate to the size of
- the console window.
- @param f: a wrapper around the file which is being written or read
- @type f: L{FileWrapper}
- @param startTime: The time at which the operation being tracked began.
- @type startTime: C{float}
- """
- diff = self.reactor.seconds() - startTime
- total = f.total
- try:
- winSize = struct.unpack('4H',
- fcntl.ioctl(0, tty.TIOCGWINSZ, '12345679'))
- except IOError:
- winSize = [None, 80]
- if diff == 0.0:
- speed = 0.0
- else:
- speed = total / diff
- if speed:
- timeLeft = (f.size - total) / speed
- else:
- timeLeft = 0
- front = f.name
- back = '%3i%% %s %sps %s ' % ((total / f.size) * 100,
- self._abbrevSize(total),
- self._abbrevSize(speed),
- self._abbrevTime(timeLeft))
- spaces = (winSize[1] - (len(front) + len(back) + 1)) * ' '
- self.transport.write('\r%s%s%s' % (front, spaces, back))
- def _getFilename(self, line):
- line.lstrip()
- if not line:
- return None, ''
- if line[0] in '\'"':
- ret = []
- line = list(line)
- try:
- for i in range(1,len(line)):
- c = line[i]
- if c == line[0]:
- return ''.join(ret), ''.join(line[i+1:]).lstrip()
- elif c == '\\': # quoted character
- del line[i]
- if line[i] not in '\'"\\':
- raise IndexError, "bad quote: \\%s" % line[i]
- ret.append(line[i])
- else:
- ret.append(line[i])
- except IndexError:
- raise IndexError, "unterminated quote"
- ret = line.split(None, 1)
- if len(ret) == 1:
- return ret[0], ''
- else:
- return ret
-StdioClient.__dict__['cmd_?'] = StdioClient.cmd_HELP
-class SSHConnection(connection.SSHConnection):
- def serviceStarted(self):
- self.openChannel(SSHSession())
-class SSHSession(channel.SSHChannel):
- name = 'session'
- def channelOpen(self, foo):
- log.msg('session %s open' % self.id)
- if self.conn.options['subsystem'].startswith('/'):
- request = 'exec'
- else:
- request = 'subsystem'
- d = self.conn.sendRequest(self, request, \
- common.NS(self.conn.options['subsystem']), wantReply=1)
- d.addCallback(self._cbSubsystem)
- d.addErrback(_ebExit)
- def _cbSubsystem(self, result):
- self.client = filetransfer.FileTransferClient()
- self.client.makeConnection(self)
- self.dataReceived = self.client.dataReceived
- f = None
- if self.conn.options['batchfile']:
- fn = self.conn.options['batchfile']
- if fn != '-':
- f = file(fn)
- self.stdio = stdio.StandardIO(StdioClient(self.client, f))
- def extReceived(self, t, data):
- if t==connection.EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR:
- log.msg('got %s stderr data' % len(data))
- sys.stderr.write(data)
- sys.stderr.flush()
- def eofReceived(self):
- log.msg('got eof')
- self.stdio.closeStdin()
- def closeReceived(self):
- log.msg('remote side closed %s' % self)
- self.conn.sendClose(self)
- def closed(self):
- try:
- reactor.stop()
- except:
- pass
- def stopWriting(self):
- self.stdio.pauseProducing()
- def startWriting(self):
- self.stdio.resumeProducing()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- run()
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/ckeygen.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/ckeygen.py
deleted file mode 100755
index ab51fc19..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/ckeygen.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_ckeygen -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Implementation module for the `ckeygen` command.
-import sys, os, getpass, socket
-if getpass.getpass == getpass.unix_getpass:
- try:
- import termios # hack around broken termios
- termios.tcgetattr, termios.tcsetattr
- except (ImportError, AttributeError):
- sys.modules['termios'] = None
- reload(getpass)
-from twisted.conch.ssh import keys
-from twisted.python import filepath, log, usage, randbytes
-class GeneralOptions(usage.Options):
- synopsis = """Usage: ckeygen [options]
- """
- longdesc = "ckeygen manipulates public/private keys in various ways."
- optParameters = [['bits', 'b', 1024, 'Number of bits in the key to create.'],
- ['filename', 'f', None, 'Filename of the key file.'],
- ['type', 't', None, 'Specify type of key to create.'],
- ['comment', 'C', None, 'Provide new comment.'],
- ['newpass', 'N', None, 'Provide new passphrase.'],
- ['pass', 'P', None, 'Provide old passphrase']]
- optFlags = [['fingerprint', 'l', 'Show fingerprint of key file.'],
- ['changepass', 'p', 'Change passphrase of private key file.'],
- ['quiet', 'q', 'Quiet.'],
- ['showpub', 'y', 'Read private key file and print public key.']]
- compData = usage.Completions(
- optActions={"type": usage.CompleteList(["rsa", "dsa"])})
-def run():
- options = GeneralOptions()
- try:
- options.parseOptions(sys.argv[1:])
- except usage.UsageError, u:
- print 'ERROR: %s' % u
- options.opt_help()
- sys.exit(1)
- log.discardLogs()
- log.deferr = handleError # HACK
- if options['type']:
- if options['type'] == 'rsa':
- generateRSAkey(options)
- elif options['type'] == 'dsa':
- generateDSAkey(options)
- else:
- sys.exit('Key type was %s, must be one of: rsa, dsa' % options['type'])
- elif options['fingerprint']:
- printFingerprint(options)
- elif options['changepass']:
- changePassPhrase(options)
- elif options['showpub']:
- displayPublicKey(options)
- else:
- options.opt_help()
- sys.exit(1)
-def handleError():
- from twisted.python import failure
- global exitStatus
- exitStatus = 2
- log.err(failure.Failure())
- reactor.stop()
- raise
-def generateRSAkey(options):
- from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
- print 'Generating public/private rsa key pair.'
- key = RSA.generate(int(options['bits']), randbytes.secureRandom)
- _saveKey(key, options)
-def generateDSAkey(options):
- from Crypto.PublicKey import DSA
- print 'Generating public/private dsa key pair.'
- key = DSA.generate(int(options['bits']), randbytes.secureRandom)
- _saveKey(key, options)
-def printFingerprint(options):
- if not options['filename']:
- filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa')
- options['filename'] = raw_input('Enter file in which the key is (%s): ' % filename)
- if os.path.exists(options['filename']+'.pub'):
- options['filename'] += '.pub'
- try:
- key = keys.Key.fromFile(options['filename'])
- obj = key.keyObject
- string = key.blob()
- print '%s %s %s' % (
- obj.size() + 1,
- key.fingerprint(),
- os.path.basename(options['filename']))
- except:
- sys.exit('bad key')
-def changePassPhrase(options):
- if not options['filename']:
- filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa')
- options['filename'] = raw_input('Enter file in which the key is (%s): ' % filename)
- try:
- key = keys.Key.fromFile(options['filename']).keyObject
- except keys.BadKeyError, e:
- if e.args[0] != 'encrypted key with no passphrase':
- raise
- else:
- if not options['pass']:
- options['pass'] = getpass.getpass('Enter old passphrase: ')
- key = keys.Key.fromFile(
- options['filename'], passphrase = options['pass']).keyObject
- if not options['newpass']:
- while 1:
- p1 = getpass.getpass('Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase): ')
- p2 = getpass.getpass('Enter same passphrase again: ')
- if p1 == p2:
- break
- print 'Passphrases do not match. Try again.'
- options['newpass'] = p1
- open(options['filename'], 'w').write(
- keys.Key(key).toString(passphrase=options['newpass']))
- print 'Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.'
-def displayPublicKey(options):
- if not options['filename']:
- filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa')
- options['filename'] = raw_input('Enter file in which the key is (%s): ' % filename)
- try:
- key = keys.Key.fromFile(options['filename']).keyObject
- except keys.BadKeyError, e:
- if e.args[0] != 'encrypted key with no passphrase':
- raise
- else:
- if not options['pass']:
- options['pass'] = getpass.getpass('Enter passphrase: ')
- key = keys.Key.fromFile(
- options['filename'], passphrase = options['pass']).keyObject
- print keys.Key(key).public().toString()
-def _saveKey(key, options):
- if not options['filename']:
- kind = keys.objectType(key)
- kind = {'ssh-rsa':'rsa','ssh-dss':'dsa'}[kind]
- filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_%s'%kind)
- options['filename'] = raw_input('Enter file in which to save the key (%s): '%filename).strip() or filename
- if os.path.exists(options['filename']):
- print '%s already exists.' % options['filename']
- yn = raw_input('Overwrite (y/n)? ')
- if yn[0].lower() != 'y':
- sys.exit()
- if not options['pass']:
- while 1:
- p1 = getpass.getpass('Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): ')
- p2 = getpass.getpass('Enter same passphrase again: ')
- if p1 == p2:
- break
- print 'Passphrases do not match. Try again.'
- options['pass'] = p1
- keyObj = keys.Key(key)
- comment = '%s@%s' % (getpass.getuser(), socket.gethostname())
- filepath.FilePath(options['filename']).setContent(
- keyObj.toString('openssh', options['pass']))
- os.chmod(options['filename'], 33152)
- filepath.FilePath(options['filename'] + '.pub').setContent(
- keyObj.public().toString('openssh', comment))
- print 'Your identification has been saved in %s' % options['filename']
- print 'Your public key has been saved in %s.pub' % options['filename']
- print 'The key fingerprint is:'
- print keyObj.fingerprint()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- run()
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/conch.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/conch.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 8c495441..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/conch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_conch -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-# $Id: conch.py,v 1.65 2004/03/11 00:29:14 z3p Exp $
-#""" Implementation module for the `conch` command.
-from twisted.conch.client import connect, default, options
-from twisted.conch.error import ConchError
-from twisted.conch.ssh import connection, common
-from twisted.conch.ssh import session, forwarding, channel
-from twisted.internet import reactor, stdio, task
-from twisted.python import log, usage
-import os, sys, getpass, struct, tty, fcntl, signal
-class ClientOptions(options.ConchOptions):
- synopsis = """Usage: conch [options] host [command]
- longdesc = ("conch is a SSHv2 client that allows logging into a remote "
- "machine and executing commands.")
- optParameters = [['escape', 'e', '~'],
- ['localforward', 'L', None, 'listen-port:host:port Forward local port to remote address'],
- ['remoteforward', 'R', None, 'listen-port:host:port Forward remote port to local address'],
- ]
- optFlags = [['null', 'n', 'Redirect input from /dev/null.'],
- ['fork', 'f', 'Fork to background after authentication.'],
- ['tty', 't', 'Tty; allocate a tty even if command is given.'],
- ['notty', 'T', 'Do not allocate a tty.'],
- ['noshell', 'N', 'Do not execute a shell or command.'],
- ['subsystem', 's', 'Invoke command (mandatory) as SSH2 subsystem.'],
- ]
- compData = usage.Completions(
- mutuallyExclusive=[("tty", "notty")],
- optActions={
- "localforward": usage.Completer(descr="listen-port:host:port"),
- "remoteforward": usage.Completer(descr="listen-port:host:port")},
- extraActions=[usage.CompleteUserAtHost(),
- usage.Completer(descr="command"),
- usage.Completer(descr="argument", repeat=True)]
- )
- localForwards = []
- remoteForwards = []
- def opt_escape(self, esc):
- "Set escape character; ``none'' = disable"
- if esc == 'none':
- self['escape'] = None
- elif esc[0] == '^' and len(esc) == 2:
- self['escape'] = chr(ord(esc[1])-64)
- elif len(esc) == 1:
- self['escape'] = esc
- else:
- sys.exit("Bad escape character '%s'." % esc)
- def opt_localforward(self, f):
- "Forward local port to remote address (lport:host:port)"
- localPort, remoteHost, remotePort = f.split(':') # doesn't do v6 yet
- localPort = int(localPort)
- remotePort = int(remotePort)
- self.localForwards.append((localPort, (remoteHost, remotePort)))
- def opt_remoteforward(self, f):
- """Forward remote port to local address (rport:host:port)"""
- remotePort, connHost, connPort = f.split(':') # doesn't do v6 yet
- remotePort = int(remotePort)
- connPort = int(connPort)
- self.remoteForwards.append((remotePort, (connHost, connPort)))
- def parseArgs(self, host, *command):
- self['host'] = host
- self['command'] = ' '.join(command)
-# Rest of code in "run"
-options = None
-conn = None
-exitStatus = 0
-old = None
-_inRawMode = 0
-_savedRawMode = None
-def run():
- global options, old
- args = sys.argv[1:]
- if '-l' in args: # cvs is an idiot
- i = args.index('-l')
- args = args[i:i+2]+args
- del args[i+2:i+4]
- for arg in args[:]:
- try:
- i = args.index(arg)
- if arg[:2] == '-o' and args[i+1][0]!='-':
- args[i:i+2] = [] # suck on it scp
- except ValueError:
- pass
- options = ClientOptions()
- try:
- options.parseOptions(args)
- except usage.UsageError, u:
- print 'ERROR: %s' % u
- options.opt_help()
- sys.exit(1)
- if options['log']:
- if options['logfile']:
- if options['logfile'] == '-':
- f = sys.stdout
- else:
- f = file(options['logfile'], 'a+')
- else:
- f = sys.stderr
- realout = sys.stdout
- log.startLogging(f)
- sys.stdout = realout
- else:
- log.discardLogs()
- doConnect()
- fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
- try:
- old = tty.tcgetattr(fd)
- except:
- old = None
- try:
- oldUSR1 = signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, lambda *a: reactor.callLater(0, reConnect))
- except:
- oldUSR1 = None
- try:
- reactor.run()
- finally:
- if old:
- tty.tcsetattr(fd, tty.TCSANOW, old)
- if oldUSR1:
- signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, oldUSR1)
- if (options['command'] and options['tty']) or not options['notty']:
- signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, signal.SIG_DFL)
- if sys.stdout.isatty() and not options['command']:
- print 'Connection to %s closed.' % options['host']
- sys.exit(exitStatus)
-def handleError():
- from twisted.python import failure
- global exitStatus
- exitStatus = 2
- reactor.callLater(0.01, _stopReactor)
- log.err(failure.Failure())
- raise
-def _stopReactor():
- try:
- reactor.stop()
- except: pass
-def doConnect():
-# log.deferr = handleError # HACK
- if '@' in options['host']:
- options['user'], options['host'] = options['host'].split('@',1)
- if not options.identitys:
- options.identitys = ['~/.ssh/id_rsa', '~/.ssh/id_dsa']
- host = options['host']
- if not options['user']:
- options['user'] = getpass.getuser()
- if not options['port']:
- options['port'] = 22
- else:
- options['port'] = int(options['port'])
- host = options['host']
- port = options['port']
- vhk = default.verifyHostKey
- uao = default.SSHUserAuthClient(options['user'], options, SSHConnection())
- connect.connect(host, port, options, vhk, uao).addErrback(_ebExit)
-def _ebExit(f):
- global exitStatus
- if hasattr(f.value, 'value'):
- s = f.value.value
- else:
- s = str(f)
- exitStatus = "conch: exiting with error %s" % f
- reactor.callLater(0.1, _stopReactor)
-def onConnect():
-# if keyAgent and options['agent']:
-# cc = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, SSHAgentForwardingLocal, conn)
-# cc.connectUNIX(os.environ['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'])
- if hasattr(conn.transport, 'sendIgnore'):
- _KeepAlive(conn)
- if options.localForwards:
- for localPort, hostport in options.localForwards:
- s = reactor.listenTCP(localPort,
- forwarding.SSHListenForwardingFactory(conn,
- hostport,
- SSHListenClientForwardingChannel))
- conn.localForwards.append(s)
- if options.remoteForwards:
- for remotePort, hostport in options.remoteForwards:
- log.msg('asking for remote forwarding for %s:%s' %
- (remotePort, hostport))
- conn.requestRemoteForwarding(remotePort, hostport)
- reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', beforeShutdown)
- if not options['noshell'] or options['agent']:
- conn.openChannel(SSHSession())
- if options['fork']:
- if os.fork():
- os._exit(0)
- os.setsid()
- for i in range(3):
- try:
- os.close(i)
- except OSError, e:
- import errno
- if e.errno != errno.EBADF:
- raise
-def reConnect():
- beforeShutdown()
- conn.transport.transport.loseConnection()
-def beforeShutdown():
- remoteForwards = options.remoteForwards
- for remotePort, hostport in remoteForwards:
- log.msg('cancelling %s:%s' % (remotePort, hostport))
- conn.cancelRemoteForwarding(remotePort)
-def stopConnection():
- if not options['reconnect']:
- reactor.callLater(0.1, _stopReactor)
-class _KeepAlive:
- def __init__(self, conn):
- self.conn = conn
- self.globalTimeout = None
- self.lc = task.LoopingCall(self.sendGlobal)
- self.lc.start(300)
- def sendGlobal(self):
- d = self.conn.sendGlobalRequest("conch-keep-alive@twistedmatrix.com",
- "", wantReply = 1)
- d.addBoth(self._cbGlobal)
- self.globalTimeout = reactor.callLater(30, self._ebGlobal)
- def _cbGlobal(self, res):
- if self.globalTimeout:
- self.globalTimeout.cancel()
- self.globalTimeout = None
- def _ebGlobal(self):
- if self.globalTimeout:
- self.globalTimeout = None
- self.conn.transport.loseConnection()
-class SSHConnection(connection.SSHConnection):
- def serviceStarted(self):
- global conn
- conn = self
- self.localForwards = []
- self.remoteForwards = {}
- if not isinstance(self, connection.SSHConnection):
- # make these fall through
- del self.__class__.requestRemoteForwarding
- del self.__class__.cancelRemoteForwarding
- onConnect()
- def serviceStopped(self):
- lf = self.localForwards
- self.localForwards = []
- for s in lf:
- s.loseConnection()
- stopConnection()
- def requestRemoteForwarding(self, remotePort, hostport):
- data = forwarding.packGlobal_tcpip_forward(('', remotePort))
- d = self.sendGlobalRequest('tcpip-forward', data,
- wantReply=1)
- log.msg('requesting remote forwarding %s:%s' %(remotePort, hostport))
- d.addCallback(self._cbRemoteForwarding, remotePort, hostport)
- d.addErrback(self._ebRemoteForwarding, remotePort, hostport)
- def _cbRemoteForwarding(self, result, remotePort, hostport):
- log.msg('accepted remote forwarding %s:%s' % (remotePort, hostport))
- self.remoteForwards[remotePort] = hostport
- log.msg(repr(self.remoteForwards))
- def _ebRemoteForwarding(self, f, remotePort, hostport):
- log.msg('remote forwarding %s:%s failed' % (remotePort, hostport))
- log.msg(f)
- def cancelRemoteForwarding(self, remotePort):
- data = forwarding.packGlobal_tcpip_forward(('', remotePort))
- self.sendGlobalRequest('cancel-tcpip-forward', data)
- log.msg('cancelling remote forwarding %s' % remotePort)
- try:
- del self.remoteForwards[remotePort]
- except:
- pass
- log.msg(repr(self.remoteForwards))
- def channel_forwarded_tcpip(self, windowSize, maxPacket, data):
- log.msg('%s %s' % ('FTCP', repr(data)))
- remoteHP, origHP = forwarding.unpackOpen_forwarded_tcpip(data)
- log.msg(self.remoteForwards)
- log.msg(remoteHP)
- if self.remoteForwards.has_key(remoteHP[1]):
- connectHP = self.remoteForwards[remoteHP[1]]
- log.msg('connect forwarding %s' % (connectHP,))
- return SSHConnectForwardingChannel(connectHP,
- remoteWindow = windowSize,
- remoteMaxPacket = maxPacket,
- conn = self)
- else:
- raise ConchError(connection.OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED, "don't know about that port")
-# def channel_auth_agent_openssh_com(self, windowSize, maxPacket, data):
-# if options['agent'] and keyAgent:
-# return agent.SSHAgentForwardingChannel(remoteWindow = windowSize,
-# remoteMaxPacket = maxPacket,
-# conn = self)
-# else:
-# return connection.OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED, "don't have an agent"
- def channelClosed(self, channel):
- log.msg('connection closing %s' % channel)
- log.msg(self.channels)
- if len(self.channels) == 1: # just us left
- log.msg('stopping connection')
- stopConnection()
- else:
- # because of the unix thing
- self.__class__.__bases__[0].channelClosed(self, channel)
-class SSHSession(channel.SSHChannel):
- name = 'session'
- def channelOpen(self, foo):
- log.msg('session %s open' % self.id)
- if options['agent']:
- d = self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'auth-agent-req@openssh.com', '', wantReply=1)
- d.addBoth(lambda x:log.msg(x))
- if options['noshell']: return
- if (options['command'] and options['tty']) or not options['notty']:
- _enterRawMode()
- c = session.SSHSessionClient()
- if options['escape'] and not options['notty']:
- self.escapeMode = 1
- c.dataReceived = self.handleInput
- else:
- c.dataReceived = self.write
- c.connectionLost = lambda x=None,s=self:s.sendEOF()
- self.stdio = stdio.StandardIO(c)
- fd = 0
- if options['subsystem']:
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'subsystem', \
- common.NS(options['command']))
- elif options['command']:
- if options['tty']:
- term = os.environ['TERM']
- winsz = fcntl.ioctl(fd, tty.TIOCGWINSZ, '12345678')
- winSize = struct.unpack('4H', winsz)
- ptyReqData = session.packRequest_pty_req(term, winSize, '')
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'pty-req', ptyReqData)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, self._windowResized)
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'exec', \
- common.NS(options['command']))
- else:
- if not options['notty']:
- term = os.environ['TERM']
- winsz = fcntl.ioctl(fd, tty.TIOCGWINSZ, '12345678')
- winSize = struct.unpack('4H', winsz)
- ptyReqData = session.packRequest_pty_req(term, winSize, '')
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'pty-req', ptyReqData)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, self._windowResized)
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'shell', '')
- #if hasattr(conn.transport, 'transport'):
- # conn.transport.transport.setTcpNoDelay(1)
- def handleInput(self, char):
- #log.msg('handling %s' % repr(char))
- if char in ('\n', '\r'):
- self.escapeMode = 1
- self.write(char)
- elif self.escapeMode == 1 and char == options['escape']:
- self.escapeMode = 2
- elif self.escapeMode == 2:
- self.escapeMode = 1 # so we can chain escapes together
- if char == '.': # disconnect
- log.msg('disconnecting from escape')
- stopConnection()
- return
- elif char == '\x1a': # ^Z, suspend
- def _():
- _leaveRawMode()
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stdin.flush()
- os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTSTP)
- _enterRawMode()
- reactor.callLater(0, _)
- return
- elif char == 'R': # rekey connection
- log.msg('rekeying connection')
- self.conn.transport.sendKexInit()
- return
- elif char == '#': # display connections
- self.stdio.write('\r\nThe following connections are open:\r\n')
- channels = self.conn.channels.keys()
- channels.sort()
- for channelId in channels:
- self.stdio.write(' #%i %s\r\n' % (channelId, str(self.conn.channels[channelId])))
- return
- self.write('~' + char)
- else:
- self.escapeMode = 0
- self.write(char)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.stdio.write(data)
- def extReceived(self, t, data):
- if t==connection.EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR:
- log.msg('got %s stderr data' % len(data))
- sys.stderr.write(data)
- def eofReceived(self):
- log.msg('got eof')
- self.stdio.loseWriteConnection()
- def closeReceived(self):
- log.msg('remote side closed %s' % self)
- self.conn.sendClose(self)
- def closed(self):
- global old
- log.msg('closed %s' % self)
- log.msg(repr(self.conn.channels))
- def request_exit_status(self, data):
- global exitStatus
- exitStatus = int(struct.unpack('>L', data)[0])
- log.msg('exit status: %s' % exitStatus)
- def sendEOF(self):
- self.conn.sendEOF(self)
- def stopWriting(self):
- self.stdio.pauseProducing()
- def startWriting(self):
- self.stdio.resumeProducing()
- def _windowResized(self, *args):
- winsz = fcntl.ioctl(0, tty.TIOCGWINSZ, '12345678')
- winSize = struct.unpack('4H', winsz)
- newSize = winSize[1], winSize[0], winSize[2], winSize[3]
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'window-change', struct.pack('!4L', *newSize))
-class SSHListenClientForwardingChannel(forwarding.SSHListenClientForwardingChannel): pass
-class SSHConnectForwardingChannel(forwarding.SSHConnectForwardingChannel): pass
-def _leaveRawMode():
- global _inRawMode
- if not _inRawMode:
- return
- fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
- tty.tcsetattr(fd, tty.TCSANOW, _savedMode)
- _inRawMode = 0
-def _enterRawMode():
- global _inRawMode, _savedMode
- if _inRawMode:
- return
- fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
- try:
- old = tty.tcgetattr(fd)
- new = old[:]
- except:
- log.msg('not a typewriter!')
- else:
- # iflage
- new[0] = new[0] | tty.IGNPAR
- new[0] = new[0] & ~(tty.ISTRIP | tty.INLCR | tty.IGNCR | tty.ICRNL |
- tty.IXON | tty.IXANY | tty.IXOFF)
- if hasattr(tty, 'IUCLC'):
- new[0] = new[0] & ~tty.IUCLC
- # lflag
- new[3] = new[3] & ~(tty.ISIG | tty.ICANON | tty.ECHO | tty.ECHO |
- tty.ECHOE | tty.ECHOK | tty.ECHONL)
- if hasattr(tty, 'IEXTEN'):
- new[3] = new[3] & ~tty.IEXTEN
- #oflag
- new[1] = new[1] & ~tty.OPOST
- new[6][tty.VMIN] = 1
- new[6][tty.VTIME] = 0
- _savedMode = old
- tty.tcsetattr(fd, tty.TCSANOW, new)
- #tty.setraw(fd)
- _inRawMode = 1
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- run()
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/tkconch.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/tkconch.py
deleted file mode 100755
index eb001869..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/tkconch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,572 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_scripts -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Implementation module for the `tkconch` command.
-import Tkinter, tkFileDialog, tkFont, tkMessageBox, string
-from twisted.conch.ui import tkvt100
-from twisted.conch.ssh import transport, userauth, connection, common, keys
-from twisted.conch.ssh import session, forwarding, channel
-from twisted.conch.client.default import isInKnownHosts
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, protocol, tksupport
-from twisted.python import usage, log
-import os, sys, getpass, struct, base64, signal
-class TkConchMenu(Tkinter.Frame):
- def __init__(self, *args, **params):
- ## Standard heading: initialization
- apply(Tkinter.Frame.__init__, (self,) + args, params)
- self.master.title('TkConch')
- self.localRemoteVar = Tkinter.StringVar()
- self.localRemoteVar.set('local')
- Tkinter.Label(self, anchor='w', justify='left', text='Hostname').grid(column=1, row=1, sticky='w')
- self.host = Tkinter.Entry(self)
- self.host.grid(column=2, columnspan=2, row=1, sticky='nesw')
- Tkinter.Label(self, anchor='w', justify='left', text='Port').grid(column=1, row=2, sticky='w')
- self.port = Tkinter.Entry(self)
- self.port.grid(column=2, columnspan=2, row=2, sticky='nesw')
- Tkinter.Label(self, anchor='w', justify='left', text='Username').grid(column=1, row=3, sticky='w')
- self.user = Tkinter.Entry(self)
- self.user.grid(column=2, columnspan=2, row=3, sticky='nesw')
- Tkinter.Label(self, anchor='w', justify='left', text='Command').grid(column=1, row=4, sticky='w')
- self.command = Tkinter.Entry(self)
- self.command.grid(column=2, columnspan=2, row=4, sticky='nesw')
- Tkinter.Label(self, anchor='w', justify='left', text='Identity').grid(column=1, row=5, sticky='w')
- self.identity = Tkinter.Entry(self)
- self.identity.grid(column=2, row=5, sticky='nesw')
- Tkinter.Button(self, command=self.getIdentityFile, text='Browse').grid(column=3, row=5, sticky='nesw')
- Tkinter.Label(self, text='Port Forwarding').grid(column=1, row=6, sticky='w')
- self.forwards = Tkinter.Listbox(self, height=0, width=0)
- self.forwards.grid(column=2, columnspan=2, row=6, sticky='nesw')
- Tkinter.Button(self, text='Add', command=self.addForward).grid(column=1, row=7)
- Tkinter.Button(self, text='Remove', command=self.removeForward).grid(column=1, row=8)
- self.forwardPort = Tkinter.Entry(self)
- self.forwardPort.grid(column=2, row=7, sticky='nesw')
- Tkinter.Label(self, text='Port').grid(column=3, row=7, sticky='nesw')
- self.forwardHost = Tkinter.Entry(self)
- self.forwardHost.grid(column=2, row=8, sticky='nesw')
- Tkinter.Label(self, text='Host').grid(column=3, row=8, sticky='nesw')
- self.localForward = Tkinter.Radiobutton(self, text='Local', variable=self.localRemoteVar, value='local')
- self.localForward.grid(column=2, row=9)
- self.remoteForward = Tkinter.Radiobutton(self, text='Remote', variable=self.localRemoteVar, value='remote')
- self.remoteForward.grid(column=3, row=9)
- Tkinter.Label(self, text='Advanced Options').grid(column=1, columnspan=3, row=10, sticky='nesw')
- Tkinter.Label(self, anchor='w', justify='left', text='Cipher').grid(column=1, row=11, sticky='w')
- self.cipher = Tkinter.Entry(self, name='cipher')
- self.cipher.grid(column=2, columnspan=2, row=11, sticky='nesw')
- Tkinter.Label(self, anchor='w', justify='left', text='MAC').grid(column=1, row=12, sticky='w')
- self.mac = Tkinter.Entry(self, name='mac')
- self.mac.grid(column=2, columnspan=2, row=12, sticky='nesw')
- Tkinter.Label(self, anchor='w', justify='left', text='Escape Char').grid(column=1, row=13, sticky='w')
- self.escape = Tkinter.Entry(self, name='escape')
- self.escape.grid(column=2, columnspan=2, row=13, sticky='nesw')
- Tkinter.Button(self, text='Connect!', command=self.doConnect).grid(column=1, columnspan=3, row=14, sticky='nesw')
- # Resize behavior(s)
- self.grid_rowconfigure(6, weight=1, minsize=64)
- self.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1, minsize=2)
- self.master.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", sys.exit)
- def getIdentityFile(self):
- r = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
- if r:
- self.identity.delete(0, Tkinter.END)
- self.identity.insert(Tkinter.END, r)
- def addForward(self):
- port = self.forwardPort.get()
- self.forwardPort.delete(0, Tkinter.END)
- host = self.forwardHost.get()
- self.forwardHost.delete(0, Tkinter.END)
- if self.localRemoteVar.get() == 'local':
- self.forwards.insert(Tkinter.END, 'L:%s:%s' % (port, host))
- else:
- self.forwards.insert(Tkinter.END, 'R:%s:%s' % (port, host))
- def removeForward(self):
- cur = self.forwards.curselection()
- if cur:
- self.forwards.remove(cur[0])
- def doConnect(self):
- finished = 1
- options['host'] = self.host.get()
- options['port'] = self.port.get()
- options['user'] = self.user.get()
- options['command'] = self.command.get()
- cipher = self.cipher.get()
- mac = self.mac.get()
- escape = self.escape.get()
- if cipher:
- if cipher in SSHClientTransport.supportedCiphers:
- SSHClientTransport.supportedCiphers = [cipher]
- else:
- tkMessageBox.showerror('TkConch', 'Bad cipher.')
- finished = 0
- if mac:
- if mac in SSHClientTransport.supportedMACs:
- SSHClientTransport.supportedMACs = [mac]
- elif finished:
- tkMessageBox.showerror('TkConch', 'Bad MAC.')
- finished = 0
- if escape:
- if escape == 'none':
- options['escape'] = None
- elif escape[0] == '^' and len(escape) == 2:
- options['escape'] = chr(ord(escape[1])-64)
- elif len(escape) == 1:
- options['escape'] = escape
- elif finished:
- tkMessageBox.showerror('TkConch', "Bad escape character '%s'." % escape)
- finished = 0
- if self.identity.get():
- options.identitys.append(self.identity.get())
- for line in self.forwards.get(0,Tkinter.END):
- if line[0]=='L':
- options.opt_localforward(line[2:])
- else:
- options.opt_remoteforward(line[2:])
- if '@' in options['host']:
- options['user'], options['host'] = options['host'].split('@',1)
- if (not options['host'] or not options['user']) and finished:
- tkMessageBox.showerror('TkConch', 'Missing host or username.')
- finished = 0
- if finished:
- self.master.quit()
- self.master.destroy()
- if options['log']:
- realout = sys.stdout
- log.startLogging(sys.stderr)
- sys.stdout = realout
- else:
- log.discardLogs()
- log.deferr = handleError # HACK
- if not options.identitys:
- options.identitys = ['~/.ssh/id_rsa', '~/.ssh/id_dsa']
- host = options['host']
- port = int(options['port'] or 22)
- log.msg((host,port))
- reactor.connectTCP(host, port, SSHClientFactory())
- frame.master.deiconify()
- frame.master.title('%s@%s - TkConch' % (options['user'], options['host']))
- else:
- self.focus()
-class GeneralOptions(usage.Options):
- synopsis = """Usage: tkconch [options] host [command]
- """
- optParameters = [['user', 'l', None, 'Log in using this user name.'],
- ['identity', 'i', '~/.ssh/identity', 'Identity for public key authentication'],
- ['escape', 'e', '~', "Set escape character; ``none'' = disable"],
- ['cipher', 'c', None, 'Select encryption algorithm.'],
- ['macs', 'm', None, 'Specify MAC algorithms for protocol version 2.'],
- ['port', 'p', None, 'Connect to this port. Server must be on the same port.'],
- ['localforward', 'L', None, 'listen-port:host:port Forward local port to remote address'],
- ['remoteforward', 'R', None, 'listen-port:host:port Forward remote port to local address'],
- ]
- optFlags = [['tty', 't', 'Tty; allocate a tty even if command is given.'],
- ['notty', 'T', 'Do not allocate a tty.'],
- ['version', 'V', 'Display version number only.'],
- ['compress', 'C', 'Enable compression.'],
- ['noshell', 'N', 'Do not execute a shell or command.'],
- ['subsystem', 's', 'Invoke command (mandatory) as SSH2 subsystem.'],
- ['log', 'v', 'Log to stderr'],
- ['ansilog', 'a', 'Print the receieved data to stdout']]
- _ciphers = transport.SSHClientTransport.supportedCiphers
- _macs = transport.SSHClientTransport.supportedMACs
- compData = usage.Completions(
- mutuallyExclusive=[("tty", "notty")],
- optActions={
- "cipher": usage.CompleteList(_ciphers),
- "macs": usage.CompleteList(_macs),
- "localforward": usage.Completer(descr="listen-port:host:port"),
- "remoteforward": usage.Completer(descr="listen-port:host:port")},
- extraActions=[usage.CompleteUserAtHost(),
- usage.Completer(descr="command"),
- usage.Completer(descr="argument", repeat=True)]
- )
- identitys = []
- localForwards = []
- remoteForwards = []
- def opt_identity(self, i):
- self.identitys.append(i)
- def opt_localforward(self, f):
- localPort, remoteHost, remotePort = f.split(':') # doesn't do v6 yet
- localPort = int(localPort)
- remotePort = int(remotePort)
- self.localForwards.append((localPort, (remoteHost, remotePort)))
- def opt_remoteforward(self, f):
- remotePort, connHost, connPort = f.split(':') # doesn't do v6 yet
- remotePort = int(remotePort)
- connPort = int(connPort)
- self.remoteForwards.append((remotePort, (connHost, connPort)))
- def opt_compress(self):
- SSHClientTransport.supportedCompressions[0:1] = ['zlib']
- def parseArgs(self, *args):
- if args:
- self['host'] = args[0]
- self['command'] = ' '.join(args[1:])
- else:
- self['host'] = ''
- self['command'] = ''
-# Rest of code in "run"
-options = None
-menu = None
-exitStatus = 0
-frame = None
-def deferredAskFrame(question, echo):
- if frame.callback:
- raise ValueError("can't ask 2 questions at once!")
- d = defer.Deferred()
- resp = []
- def gotChar(ch, resp=resp):
- if not ch: return
- if ch=='\x03': # C-c
- reactor.stop()
- if ch=='\r':
- frame.write('\r\n')
- stresp = ''.join(resp)
- del resp
- frame.callback = None
- d.callback(stresp)
- return
- elif 32 <= ord(ch) < 127:
- resp.append(ch)
- if echo:
- frame.write(ch)
- elif ord(ch) == 8 and resp: # BS
- if echo: frame.write('\x08 \x08')
- resp.pop()
- frame.callback = gotChar
- frame.write(question)
- frame.canvas.focus_force()
- return d
-def run():
- global menu, options, frame
- args = sys.argv[1:]
- if '-l' in args: # cvs is an idiot
- i = args.index('-l')
- args = args[i:i+2]+args
- del args[i+2:i+4]
- for arg in args[:]:
- try:
- i = args.index(arg)
- if arg[:2] == '-o' and args[i+1][0]!='-':
- args[i:i+2] = [] # suck on it scp
- except ValueError:
- pass
- root = Tkinter.Tk()
- root.withdraw()
- top = Tkinter.Toplevel()
- menu = TkConchMenu(top)
- menu.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.BOTH, expand=1)
- options = GeneralOptions()
- try:
- options.parseOptions(args)
- except usage.UsageError, u:
- print 'ERROR: %s' % u
- options.opt_help()
- sys.exit(1)
- for k,v in options.items():
- if v and hasattr(menu, k):
- getattr(menu,k).insert(Tkinter.END, v)
- for (p, (rh, rp)) in options.localForwards:
- menu.forwards.insert(Tkinter.END, 'L:%s:%s:%s' % (p, rh, rp))
- options.localForwards = []
- for (p, (rh, rp)) in options.remoteForwards:
- menu.forwards.insert(Tkinter.END, 'R:%s:%s:%s' % (p, rh, rp))
- options.remoteForwards = []
- frame = tkvt100.VT100Frame(root, callback=None)
- root.geometry('%dx%d'%(tkvt100.fontWidth*frame.width+3, tkvt100.fontHeight*frame.height+3))
- frame.pack(side = Tkinter.TOP)
- tksupport.install(root)
- root.withdraw()
- if (options['host'] and options['user']) or '@' in options['host']:
- menu.doConnect()
- else:
- top.mainloop()
- reactor.run()
- sys.exit(exitStatus)
-def handleError():
- from twisted.python import failure
- global exitStatus
- exitStatus = 2
- log.err(failure.Failure())
- reactor.stop()
- raise
-class SSHClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
- noisy = 1
- def stopFactory(self):
- reactor.stop()
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- return SSHClientTransport()
- def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
- tkMessageBox.showwarning('TkConch','Connection Failed, Reason:\n %s: %s' % (reason.type, reason.value))
-class SSHClientTransport(transport.SSHClientTransport):
- def receiveError(self, code, desc):
- global exitStatus
- exitStatus = 'conch:\tRemote side disconnected with error code %i\nconch:\treason: %s' % (code, desc)
- def sendDisconnect(self, code, reason):
- global exitStatus
- exitStatus = 'conch:\tSending disconnect with error code %i\nconch:\treason: %s' % (code, reason)
- transport.SSHClientTransport.sendDisconnect(self, code, reason)
- def receiveDebug(self, alwaysDisplay, message, lang):
- global options
- if alwaysDisplay or options['log']:
- log.msg('Received Debug Message: %s' % message)
- def verifyHostKey(self, pubKey, fingerprint):
- #d = defer.Deferred()
- #d.addCallback(lambda x:defer.succeed(1))
- #d.callback(2)
- #return d
- goodKey = isInKnownHosts(options['host'], pubKey, {'known-hosts': None})
- if goodKey == 1: # good key
- return defer.succeed(1)
- elif goodKey == 2: # AAHHHHH changed
- return defer.fail(error.ConchError('bad host key'))
- else:
- if options['host'] == self.transport.getPeer()[1]:
- host = options['host']
- khHost = options['host']
- else:
- host = '%s (%s)' % (options['host'],
- self.transport.getPeer()[1])
- khHost = '%s,%s' % (options['host'],
- self.transport.getPeer()[1])
- keyType = common.getNS(pubKey)[0]
- ques = """The authenticity of host '%s' can't be established.\r
-%s key fingerprint is %s.""" % (host,
- {'ssh-dss':'DSA', 'ssh-rsa':'RSA'}[keyType],
- fingerprint)
- ques+='\r\nAre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? '
- return deferredAskFrame(ques, 1).addCallback(self._cbVerifyHostKey, pubKey, khHost, keyType)
- def _cbVerifyHostKey(self, ans, pubKey, khHost, keyType):
- if ans.lower() not in ('yes', 'no'):
- return deferredAskFrame("Please type 'yes' or 'no': ",1).addCallback(self._cbVerifyHostKey, pubKey, khHost, keyType)
- if ans.lower() == 'no':
- frame.write('Host key verification failed.\r\n')
- raise error.ConchError('bad host key')
- try:
- frame.write("Warning: Permanently added '%s' (%s) to the list of known hosts.\r\n" % (khHost, {'ssh-dss':'DSA', 'ssh-rsa':'RSA'}[keyType]))
- known_hosts = open(os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/known_hosts'), 'a')
- encodedKey = base64.encodestring(pubKey).replace('\n', '')
- known_hosts.write('\n%s %s %s' % (khHost, keyType, encodedKey))
- known_hosts.close()
- except:
- log.deferr()
- raise error.ConchError
- def connectionSecure(self):
- if options['user']:
- user = options['user']
- else:
- user = getpass.getuser()
- self.requestService(SSHUserAuthClient(user, SSHConnection()))
-class SSHUserAuthClient(userauth.SSHUserAuthClient):
- usedFiles = []
- def getPassword(self, prompt = None):
- if not prompt:
- prompt = "%s@%s's password: " % (self.user, options['host'])
- return deferredAskFrame(prompt,0)
- def getPublicKey(self):
- files = [x for x in options.identitys if x not in self.usedFiles]
- if not files:
- return None
- file = files[0]
- log.msg(file)
- self.usedFiles.append(file)
- file = os.path.expanduser(file)
- file += '.pub'
- if not os.path.exists(file):
- return
- try:
- return keys.Key.fromFile(file).blob()
- except:
- return self.getPublicKey() # try again
- def getPrivateKey(self):
- file = os.path.expanduser(self.usedFiles[-1])
- if not os.path.exists(file):
- return None
- try:
- return defer.succeed(keys.Key.fromFile(file).keyObject)
- except keys.BadKeyError, e:
- if e.args[0] == 'encrypted key with no password':
- prompt = "Enter passphrase for key '%s': " % \
- self.usedFiles[-1]
- return deferredAskFrame(prompt, 0).addCallback(self._cbGetPrivateKey, 0)
- def _cbGetPrivateKey(self, ans, count):
- file = os.path.expanduser(self.usedFiles[-1])
- try:
- return keys.Key.fromFile(file, password = ans).keyObject
- except keys.BadKeyError:
- if count == 2:
- raise
- prompt = "Enter passphrase for key '%s': " % \
- self.usedFiles[-1]
- return deferredAskFrame(prompt, 0).addCallback(self._cbGetPrivateKey, count+1)
-class SSHConnection(connection.SSHConnection):
- def serviceStarted(self):
- if not options['noshell']:
- self.openChannel(SSHSession())
- if options.localForwards:
- for localPort, hostport in options.localForwards:
- reactor.listenTCP(localPort,
- forwarding.SSHListenForwardingFactory(self,
- hostport,
- forwarding.SSHListenClientForwardingChannel))
- if options.remoteForwards:
- for remotePort, hostport in options.remoteForwards:
- log.msg('asking for remote forwarding for %s:%s' %
- (remotePort, hostport))
- data = forwarding.packGlobal_tcpip_forward(
- ('', remotePort))
- d = self.sendGlobalRequest('tcpip-forward', data)
- self.remoteForwards[remotePort] = hostport
-class SSHSession(channel.SSHChannel):
- name = 'session'
- def channelOpen(self, foo):
- #global globalSession
- #globalSession = self
- # turn off local echo
- self.escapeMode = 1
- c = session.SSHSessionClient()
- if options['escape']:
- c.dataReceived = self.handleInput
- else:
- c.dataReceived = self.write
- c.connectionLost = self.sendEOF
- frame.callback = c.dataReceived
- frame.canvas.focus_force()
- if options['subsystem']:
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'subsystem', \
- common.NS(options['command']))
- elif options['command']:
- if options['tty']:
- term = os.environ.get('TERM', 'xterm')
- #winsz = fcntl.ioctl(fd, tty.TIOCGWINSZ, '12345678')
- winSize = (25,80,0,0) #struct.unpack('4H', winsz)
- ptyReqData = session.packRequest_pty_req(term, winSize, '')
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'pty-req', ptyReqData)
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'exec', \
- common.NS(options['command']))
- else:
- if not options['notty']:
- term = os.environ.get('TERM', 'xterm')
- #winsz = fcntl.ioctl(fd, tty.TIOCGWINSZ, '12345678')
- winSize = (25,80,0,0) #struct.unpack('4H', winsz)
- ptyReqData = session.packRequest_pty_req(term, winSize, '')
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'pty-req', ptyReqData)
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'shell', '')
- self.conn.transport.transport.setTcpNoDelay(1)
- def handleInput(self, char):
- #log.msg('handling %s' % repr(char))
- if char in ('\n', '\r'):
- self.escapeMode = 1
- self.write(char)
- elif self.escapeMode == 1 and char == options['escape']:
- self.escapeMode = 2
- elif self.escapeMode == 2:
- self.escapeMode = 1 # so we can chain escapes together
- if char == '.': # disconnect
- log.msg('disconnecting from escape')
- reactor.stop()
- return
- elif char == '\x1a': # ^Z, suspend
- # following line courtesy of Erwin@freenode
- os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGSTOP)
- return
- elif char == 'R': # rekey connection
- log.msg('rekeying connection')
- self.conn.transport.sendKexInit()
- return
- self.write('~' + char)
- else:
- self.escapeMode = 0
- self.write(char)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- if options['ansilog']:
- print repr(data)
- frame.write(data)
- def extReceived(self, t, data):
- if t==connection.EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR:
- log.msg('got %s stderr data' % len(data))
- sys.stderr.write(data)
- sys.stderr.flush()
- def eofReceived(self):
- log.msg('got eof')
- sys.stdin.close()
- def closed(self):
- log.msg('closed %s' % self)
- if len(self.conn.channels) == 1: # just us left
- reactor.stop()
- def request_exit_status(self, data):
- global exitStatus
- exitStatus = int(struct.unpack('>L', data)[0])
- log.msg('exit status: %s' % exitStatus)
- def sendEOF(self):
- self.conn.sendEOF(self)
-if __name__=="__main__":
- run()
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/__init__.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 4b7f024b..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-An SSHv2 implementation for Twisted. Part of the Twisted.Conch package.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/address.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/address.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c06f2bfa..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/address.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_address -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Address object for SSH network connections.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-@since: 12.1
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.internet.interfaces import IAddress
-from twisted.python import util
-class SSHTransportAddress(object, util.FancyEqMixin):
- """
- Object representing an SSH Transport endpoint.
- @ivar address: A instance of an object which implements I{IAddress} to
- which this transport address is connected.
- """
- implements(IAddress)
- compareAttributes = ('address',)
- def __init__(self, address):
- self.address = address
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'SSHTransportAddress(%r)' % (self.address,)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(('SSH', self.address))
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/agent.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/agent.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c1bf1a09..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/agent.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Implements the SSH v2 key agent protocol. This protocol is documented in the
-SSH source code, in the file
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-import struct
-from twisted.conch.ssh.common import NS, getNS, getMP
-from twisted.conch.error import ConchError, MissingKeyStoreError
-from twisted.conch.ssh import keys
-from twisted.internet import defer, protocol
-class SSHAgentClient(protocol.Protocol):
- """
- The client side of the SSH agent protocol. This is equivalent to
- ssh-add(1) and can be used with either ssh-agent(1) or the SSHAgentServer
- protocol, also in this package.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.buf = ''
- self.deferreds = []
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.buf += data
- while 1:
- if len(self.buf) <= 4:
- return
- packLen = struct.unpack('!L', self.buf[:4])[0]
- if len(self.buf) < 4 + packLen:
- return
- packet, self.buf = self.buf[4:4 + packLen], self.buf[4 + packLen:]
- reqType = ord(packet[0])
- d = self.deferreds.pop(0)
- if reqType == AGENT_FAILURE:
- d.errback(ConchError('agent failure'))
- elif reqType == AGENT_SUCCESS:
- d.callback('')
- else:
- d.callback(packet)
- def sendRequest(self, reqType, data):
- pack = struct.pack('!LB',len(data) + 1, reqType) + data
- self.transport.write(pack)
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.deferreds.append(d)
- return d
- def requestIdentities(self):
- """
- @return: A L{Deferred} which will fire with a list of all keys found in
- the SSH agent. The list of keys is comprised of (public key blob,
- comment) tuples.
- """
- d = self.sendRequest(AGENTC_REQUEST_IDENTITIES, '')
- d.addCallback(self._cbRequestIdentities)
- return d
- def _cbRequestIdentities(self, data):
- """
- Unpack a collection of identities into a list of tuples comprised of
- public key blobs and comments.
- """
- if ord(data[0]) != AGENT_IDENTITIES_ANSWER:
- raise ConchError('unexpected response: %i' % ord(data[0]))
- numKeys = struct.unpack('!L', data[1:5])[0]
- keys = []
- data = data[5:]
- for i in range(numKeys):
- blob, data = getNS(data)
- comment, data = getNS(data)
- keys.append((blob, comment))
- return keys
- def addIdentity(self, blob, comment = ''):
- """
- Add a private key blob to the agent's collection of keys.
- """
- req = blob
- req += NS(comment)
- return self.sendRequest(AGENTC_ADD_IDENTITY, req)
- def signData(self, blob, data):
- """
- Request that the agent sign the given C{data} with the private key
- which corresponds to the public key given by C{blob}. The private
- key should have been added to the agent already.
- @type blob: C{str}
- @type data: C{str}
- @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a signature for given data
- created with the given key.
- """
- req = NS(blob)
- req += NS(data)
- req += '\000\000\000\000' # flags
- return self.sendRequest(AGENTC_SIGN_REQUEST, req).addCallback(self._cbSignData)
- def _cbSignData(self, data):
- if ord(data[0]) != AGENT_SIGN_RESPONSE:
- raise ConchError('unexpected data: %i' % ord(data[0]))
- signature = getNS(data[1:])[0]
- return signature
- def removeIdentity(self, blob):
- """
- Remove the private key corresponding to the public key in blob from the
- running agent.
- """
- req = NS(blob)
- return self.sendRequest(AGENTC_REMOVE_IDENTITY, req)
- def removeAllIdentities(self):
- """
- Remove all keys from the running agent.
- """
- return self.sendRequest(AGENTC_REMOVE_ALL_IDENTITIES, '')
-class SSHAgentServer(protocol.Protocol):
- """
- The server side of the SSH agent protocol. This is equivalent to
- ssh-agent(1) and can be used with either ssh-add(1) or the SSHAgentClient
- protocol, also in this package.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.buf = ''
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.buf += data
- while 1:
- if len(self.buf) <= 4:
- return
- packLen = struct.unpack('!L', self.buf[:4])[0]
- if len(self.buf) < 4 + packLen:
- return
- packet, self.buf = self.buf[4:4 + packLen], self.buf[4 + packLen:]
- reqType = ord(packet[0])
- reqName = messages.get(reqType, None)
- if not reqName:
- self.sendResponse(AGENT_FAILURE, '')
- else:
- f = getattr(self, 'agentc_%s' % reqName)
- if getattr(self.factory, 'keys', None) is None:
- self.sendResponse(AGENT_FAILURE, '')
- raise MissingKeyStoreError()
- f(packet[1:])
- def sendResponse(self, reqType, data):
- pack = struct.pack('!LB', len(data) + 1, reqType) + data
- self.transport.write(pack)
- def agentc_REQUEST_IDENTITIES(self, data):
- """
- Return all of the identities that have been added to the server
- """
- assert data == ''
- numKeys = len(self.factory.keys)
- resp = []
- resp.append(struct.pack('!L', numKeys))
- for key, comment in self.factory.keys.itervalues():
- resp.append(NS(key.blob())) # yes, wrapped in an NS
- resp.append(NS(comment))
- self.sendResponse(AGENT_IDENTITIES_ANSWER, ''.join(resp))
- def agentc_SIGN_REQUEST(self, data):
- """
- Data is a structure with a reference to an already added key object and
- some data that the clients wants signed with that key. If the key
- object wasn't loaded, return AGENT_FAILURE, else return the signature.
- """
- blob, data = getNS(data)
- if blob not in self.factory.keys:
- return self.sendResponse(AGENT_FAILURE, '')
- signData, data = getNS(data)
- assert data == '\000\000\000\000'
- self.sendResponse(AGENT_SIGN_RESPONSE, NS(self.factory.keys[blob][0].sign(signData)))
- def agentc_ADD_IDENTITY(self, data):
- """
- Adds a private key to the agent's collection of identities. On
- subsequent interactions, the private key can be accessed using only the
- corresponding public key.
- """
- # need to pre-read the key data so we can get past it to the comment string
- keyType, rest = getNS(data)
- if keyType == 'ssh-rsa':
- nmp = 6
- elif keyType == 'ssh-dss':
- nmp = 5
- else:
- raise keys.BadKeyError('unknown blob type: %s' % keyType)
- rest = getMP(rest, nmp)[-1] # ignore the key data for now, we just want the comment
- comment, rest = getNS(rest) # the comment, tacked onto the end of the key blob
- k = keys.Key.fromString(data, type='private_blob') # not wrapped in NS here
- self.factory.keys[k.blob()] = (k, comment)
- self.sendResponse(AGENT_SUCCESS, '')
- def agentc_REMOVE_IDENTITY(self, data):
- """
- Remove a specific key from the agent's collection of identities.
- """
- blob, _ = getNS(data)
- k = keys.Key.fromString(blob, type='blob')
- del self.factory.keys[k.blob()]
- self.sendResponse(AGENT_SUCCESS, '')
- def agentc_REMOVE_ALL_IDENTITIES(self, data):
- """
- Remove all keys from the agent's collection of identities.
- """
- assert data == ''
- self.factory.keys = {}
- self.sendResponse(AGENT_SUCCESS, '')
- # v1 messages that we ignore because we don't keep v1 keys
- # open-ssh sends both v1 and v2 commands, so we have to
- # do no-ops for v1 commands or we'll get "bad request" errors
- def agentc_REQUEST_RSA_IDENTITIES(self, data):
- """
- v1 message for listing RSA1 keys; superseded by
- agentc_REQUEST_IDENTITIES, which handles different key types.
- """
- self.sendResponse(AGENT_RSA_IDENTITIES_ANSWER, struct.pack('!L', 0))
- def agentc_REMOVE_RSA_IDENTITY(self, data):
- """
- v1 message for removing RSA1 keys; superseded by
- agentc_REMOVE_IDENTITY, which handles different key types.
- """
- self.sendResponse(AGENT_SUCCESS, '')
- def agentc_REMOVE_ALL_RSA_IDENTITIES(self, data):
- """
- v1 message for removing all RSA1 keys; superseded by
- agentc_REMOVE_ALL_IDENTITIES, which handles different key types.
- """
- self.sendResponse(AGENT_SUCCESS, '')
-messages = {}
-for name, value in locals().copy().items():
- if name[:7] == 'AGENTC_':
- messages[value] = name[7:] # doesn't handle doubles
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/channel.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/channel.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f498aec0..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/channel.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_channel -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-The parent class for all the SSH Channels. Currently implemented channels
-are session. direct-tcp, and forwarded-tcp.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.internet import interfaces
-from zope.interface import implements
-class SSHChannel(log.Logger):
- """
- A class that represents a multiplexed channel over an SSH connection.
- The channel has a local window which is the maximum amount of data it will
- receive, and a remote which is the maximum amount of data the remote side
- will accept. There is also a maximum packet size for any individual data
- packet going each way.
- @ivar name: the name of the channel.
- @type name: C{str}
- @ivar localWindowSize: the maximum size of the local window in bytes.
- @type localWindowSize: C{int}
- @ivar localWindowLeft: how many bytes are left in the local window.
- @type localWindowLeft: C{int}
- @ivar localMaxPacket: the maximum size of packet we will accept in bytes.
- @type localMaxPacket: C{int}
- @ivar remoteWindowLeft: how many bytes are left in the remote window.
- @type remoteWindowLeft: C{int}
- @ivar remoteMaxPacket: the maximum size of a packet the remote side will
- accept in bytes.
- @type remoteMaxPacket: C{int}
- @ivar conn: the connection this channel is multiplexed through.
- @type conn: L{SSHConnection}
- @ivar data: any data to send to the other size when the channel is
- requested.
- @type data: C{str}
- @ivar avatar: an avatar for the logged-in user (if a server channel)
- @ivar localClosed: True if we aren't accepting more data.
- @type localClosed: C{bool}
- @ivar remoteClosed: True if the other size isn't accepting more data.
- @type remoteClosed: C{bool}
- """
- implements(interfaces.ITransport)
- name = None # only needed for client channels
- def __init__(self, localWindow = 0, localMaxPacket = 0,
- remoteWindow = 0, remoteMaxPacket = 0,
- conn = None, data=None, avatar = None):
- self.localWindowSize = localWindow or 131072
- self.localWindowLeft = self.localWindowSize
- self.localMaxPacket = localMaxPacket or 32768
- self.remoteWindowLeft = remoteWindow
- self.remoteMaxPacket = remoteMaxPacket
- self.areWriting = 1
- self.conn = conn
- self.data = data
- self.avatar = avatar
- self.specificData = ''
- self.buf = ''
- self.extBuf = []
- self.closing = 0
- self.localClosed = 0
- self.remoteClosed = 0
- self.id = None # gets set later by SSHConnection
- def __str__(self):
- return '<SSHChannel %s (lw %i rw %i)>' % (self.name,
- self.localWindowLeft, self.remoteWindowLeft)
- def logPrefix(self):
- id = (self.id is not None and str(self.id)) or "unknown"
- return "SSHChannel %s (%s) on %s" % (self.name, id,
- self.conn.logPrefix())
- def channelOpen(self, specificData):
- """
- Called when the channel is opened. specificData is any data that the
- other side sent us when opening the channel.
- @type specificData: C{str}
- """
- log.msg('channel open')
- def openFailed(self, reason):
- """
- Called when the the open failed for some reason.
- reason.desc is a string descrption, reason.code the the SSH error code.
- @type reason: L{error.ConchError}
- """
- log.msg('other side refused open\nreason: %s'% reason)
- def addWindowBytes(self, bytes):
- """
- Called when bytes are added to the remote window. By default it clears
- the data buffers.
- @type bytes: C{int}
- """
- self.remoteWindowLeft = self.remoteWindowLeft+bytes
- if not self.areWriting and not self.closing:
- self.areWriting = True
- self.startWriting()
- if self.buf:
- b = self.buf
- self.buf = ''
- self.write(b)
- if self.extBuf:
- b = self.extBuf
- self.extBuf = []
- for (type, data) in b:
- self.writeExtended(type, data)
- def requestReceived(self, requestType, data):
- """
- Called when a request is sent to this channel. By default it delegates
- to self.request_<requestType>.
- If this function returns true, the request succeeded, otherwise it
- failed.
- @type requestType: C{str}
- @type data: C{str}
- @rtype: C{bool}
- """
- foo = requestType.replace('-', '_')
- f = getattr(self, 'request_%s'%foo, None)
- if f:
- return f(data)
- log.msg('unhandled request for %s'%requestType)
- return 0
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- """
- Called when we receive data.
- @type data: C{str}
- """
- log.msg('got data %s'%repr(data))
- def extReceived(self, dataType, data):
- """
- Called when we receive extended data (usually standard error).
- @type dataType: C{int}
- @type data: C{str}
- """
- log.msg('got extended data %s %s'%(dataType, repr(data)))
- def eofReceived(self):
- """
- Called when the other side will send no more data.
- """
- log.msg('remote eof')
- def closeReceived(self):
- """
- Called when the other side has closed the channel.
- """
- log.msg('remote close')
- self.loseConnection()
- def closed(self):
- """
- Called when the channel is closed. This means that both our side and
- the remote side have closed the channel.
- """
- log.msg('closed')
- # transport stuff
- def write(self, data):
- """
- Write some data to the channel. If there is not enough remote window
- available, buffer until it is. Otherwise, split the data into
- packets of length remoteMaxPacket and send them.
- @type data: C{str}
- """
- if self.buf:
- self.buf += data
- return
- top = len(data)
- if top > self.remoteWindowLeft:
- data, self.buf = (data[:self.remoteWindowLeft],
- data[self.remoteWindowLeft:])
- self.areWriting = 0
- self.stopWriting()
- top = self.remoteWindowLeft
- rmp = self.remoteMaxPacket
- write = self.conn.sendData
- r = range(0, top, rmp)
- for offset in r:
- write(self, data[offset: offset+rmp])
- self.remoteWindowLeft -= top
- if self.closing and not self.buf:
- self.loseConnection() # try again
- def writeExtended(self, dataType, data):
- """
- Send extended data to this channel. If there is not enough remote
- window available, buffer until there is. Otherwise, split the data
- into packets of length remoteMaxPacket and send them.
- @type dataType: C{int}
- @type data: C{str}
- """
- if self.extBuf:
- if self.extBuf[-1][0] == dataType:
- self.extBuf[-1][1] += data
- else:
- self.extBuf.append([dataType, data])
- return
- if len(data) > self.remoteWindowLeft:
- data, self.extBuf = (data[:self.remoteWindowLeft],
- [[dataType, data[self.remoteWindowLeft:]]])
- self.areWriting = 0
- self.stopWriting()
- while len(data) > self.remoteMaxPacket:
- self.conn.sendExtendedData(self, dataType,
- data[:self.remoteMaxPacket])
- data = data[self.remoteMaxPacket:]
- self.remoteWindowLeft -= self.remoteMaxPacket
- if data:
- self.conn.sendExtendedData(self, dataType, data)
- self.remoteWindowLeft -= len(data)
- if self.closing:
- self.loseConnection() # try again
- def writeSequence(self, data):
- """
- Part of the Transport interface. Write a list of strings to the
- channel.
- @type data: C{list} of C{str}
- """
- self.write(''.join(data))
- def loseConnection(self):
- """
- Close the channel if there is no buferred data. Otherwise, note the
- request and return.
- """
- self.closing = 1
- if not self.buf and not self.extBuf:
- self.conn.sendClose(self)
- def getPeer(self):
- """
- Return a tuple describing the other side of the connection.
- @rtype: C{tuple}
- """
- return('SSH', )+self.conn.transport.getPeer()
- def getHost(self):
- """
- Return a tuple describing our side of the connection.
- @rtype: C{tuple}
- """
- return('SSH', )+self.conn.transport.getHost()
- def stopWriting(self):
- """
- Called when the remote buffer is full, as a hint to stop writing.
- This can be ignored, but it can be helpful.
- """
- def startWriting(self):
- """
- Called when the remote buffer has more room, as a hint to continue
- writing.
- """
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/common.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/common.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3afa3413..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/common.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_ssh -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Common functions for the SSH classes.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-import struct, warnings, __builtin__
- from Crypto import Util
-except ImportError:
- warnings.warn("PyCrypto not installed, but continuing anyways!",
- RuntimeWarning)
-from twisted.python import randbytes
-def NS(t):
- """
- net string
- """
- return struct.pack('!L',len(t)) + t
-def getNS(s, count=1):
- """
- get net string
- """
- ns = []
- c = 0
- for i in range(count):
- l, = struct.unpack('!L',s[c:c+4])
- ns.append(s[c+4:4+l+c])
- c += 4 + l
- return tuple(ns) + (s[c:],)
-def MP(number):
- if number==0: return '\000'*4
- assert number>0
- bn = Util.number.long_to_bytes(number)
- if ord(bn[0])&128:
- bn = '\000' + bn
- return struct.pack('>L',len(bn)) + bn
-def getMP(data, count=1):
- """
- Get multiple precision integer out of the string. A multiple precision
- integer is stored as a 4-byte length followed by length bytes of the
- integer. If count is specified, get count integers out of the string.
- The return value is a tuple of count integers followed by the rest of
- the data.
- """
- mp = []
- c = 0
- for i in range(count):
- length, = struct.unpack('>L',data[c:c+4])
- mp.append(Util.number.bytes_to_long(data[c+4:c+4+length]))
- c += 4 + length
- return tuple(mp) + (data[c:],)
-def _MPpow(x, y, z):
- """return the MP version of (x**y)%z
- """
- return MP(pow(x,y,z))
-def ffs(c, s):
- """
- first from second
- goes through the first list, looking for items in the second, returns the first one
- """
- for i in c:
- if i in s: return i
-getMP_py = getMP
-MP_py = MP
-_MPpow_py = _MPpow
-pyPow = pow
-def _fastgetMP(data, count=1):
- mp = []
- c = 0
- for i in range(count):
- length = struct.unpack('!L', data[c:c+4])[0]
- mp.append(long(gmpy.mpz(data[c + 4:c + 4 + length][::-1] + '\x00', 256)))
- c += length + 4
- return tuple(mp) + (data[c:],)
-def _fastMP(i):
- i2 = gmpy.mpz(i).binary()[::-1]
- return struct.pack('!L', len(i2)) + i2
-def _fastMPpow(x, y, z=None):
- r = pyPow(gmpy.mpz(x),y,z).binary()[::-1]
- return struct.pack('!L', len(r)) + r
-def install():
- global getMP, MP, _MPpow
- getMP = _fastgetMP
- MP = _fastMP
- _MPpow = _fastMPpow
- # XXX: We override builtin pow so that PyCrypto can benefit from gmpy too.
- def _fastpow(x, y, z=None, mpz=gmpy.mpz):
- if type(x) in (long, int):
- x = mpz(x)
- return pyPow(x, y, z)
- __builtin__.pow = _fastpow # evil evil
- import gmpy
- install()
-except ImportError:
- pass
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/connection.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/connection.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 25271995..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/connection.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,637 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_connection -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-This module contains the implementation of the ssh-connection service, which
-allows access to the shell and port-forwarding.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-import struct
-from twisted.conch.ssh import service, common
-from twisted.conch import error
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.python import log
-class SSHConnection(service.SSHService):
- """
- An implementation of the 'ssh-connection' service. It is used to
- multiplex multiple channels over the single SSH connection.
- @ivar localChannelID: the next number to use as a local channel ID.
- @type localChannelID: C{int}
- @ivar channels: a C{dict} mapping a local channel ID to C{SSHChannel}
- subclasses.
- @type channels: C{dict}
- @ivar localToRemoteChannel: a C{dict} mapping a local channel ID to a
- remote channel ID.
- @type localToRemoteChannel: C{dict}
- @ivar channelsToRemoteChannel: a C{dict} mapping a C{SSHChannel} subclass
- to remote channel ID.
- @type channelsToRemoteChannel: C{dict}
- @ivar deferreds: a C{dict} mapping a local channel ID to a C{list} of
- C{Deferreds} for outstanding channel requests. Also, the 'global'
- key stores the C{list} of pending global request C{Deferred}s.
- """
- name = 'ssh-connection'
- def __init__(self):
- self.localChannelID = 0 # this is the current # to use for channel ID
- self.localToRemoteChannel = {} # local channel ID -> remote channel ID
- self.channels = {} # local channel ID -> subclass of SSHChannel
- self.channelsToRemoteChannel = {} # subclass of SSHChannel ->
- # remote channel ID
- self.deferreds = {"global": []} # local channel -> list of deferreds
- # for pending requests or 'global' -> list of
- # deferreds for global requests
- self.transport = None # gets set later
- def serviceStarted(self):
- if hasattr(self.transport, 'avatar'):
- self.transport.avatar.conn = self
- def serviceStopped(self):
- """
- Called when the connection is stopped.
- """
- map(self.channelClosed, self.channels.values())
- self._cleanupGlobalDeferreds()
- def _cleanupGlobalDeferreds(self):
- """
- All pending requests that have returned a deferred must be errbacked
- when this service is stopped, otherwise they might be left uncalled and
- uncallable.
- """
- for d in self.deferreds["global"]:
- d.errback(error.ConchError("Connection stopped."))
- del self.deferreds["global"][:]
- # packet methods
- def ssh_GLOBAL_REQUEST(self, packet):
- """
- The other side has made a global request. Payload::
- string request type
- bool want reply
- <request specific data>
- This dispatches to self.gotGlobalRequest.
- """
- requestType, rest = common.getNS(packet)
- wantReply, rest = ord(rest[0]), rest[1:]
- ret = self.gotGlobalRequest(requestType, rest)
- if wantReply:
- data = ''
- if ret:
- if isinstance(ret, (tuple, list)):
- data = ret[1]
- self.transport.sendPacket(reply, data)
- def ssh_REQUEST_SUCCESS(self, packet):
- """
- Our global request succeeded. Get the appropriate Deferred and call
- it back with the packet we received.
- """
- log.msg('RS')
- self.deferreds['global'].pop(0).callback(packet)
- def ssh_REQUEST_FAILURE(self, packet):
- """
- Our global request failed. Get the appropriate Deferred and errback
- it with the packet we received.
- """
- log.msg('RF')
- self.deferreds['global'].pop(0).errback(
- error.ConchError('global request failed', packet))
- def ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN(self, packet):
- """
- The other side wants to get a channel. Payload::
- string channel name
- uint32 remote channel number
- uint32 remote window size
- uint32 remote maximum packet size
- <channel specific data>
- We get a channel from self.getChannel(), give it a local channel number
- and notify the other side. Then notify the channel by calling its
- channelOpen method.
- """
- channelType, rest = common.getNS(packet)
- senderChannel, windowSize, maxPacket = struct.unpack('>3L', rest[:12])
- packet = rest[12:]
- try:
- channel = self.getChannel(channelType, windowSize, maxPacket,
- packet)
- localChannel = self.localChannelID
- self.localChannelID += 1
- channel.id = localChannel
- self.channels[localChannel] = channel
- self.channelsToRemoteChannel[channel] = senderChannel
- self.localToRemoteChannel[localChannel] = senderChannel
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION,
- struct.pack('>4L', senderChannel, localChannel,
- channel.localWindowSize,
- channel.localMaxPacket)+channel.specificData)
- log.callWithLogger(channel, channel.channelOpen, packet)
- except Exception, e:
- log.msg('channel open failed')
- log.err(e)
- if isinstance(e, error.ConchError):
- textualInfo, reason = e.args
- if isinstance(textualInfo, (int, long)):
- # See #3657 and #3071
- textualInfo, reason = reason, textualInfo
- else:
- textualInfo = "unknown failure"
- self.transport.sendPacket(
- struct.pack('>2L', senderChannel, reason) +
- common.NS(textualInfo) + common.NS(''))
- def ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION(self, packet):
- """
- The other side accepted our MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN request. Payload::
- uint32 local channel number
- uint32 remote channel number
- uint32 remote window size
- uint32 remote maximum packet size
- <channel specific data>
- Find the channel using the local channel number and notify its
- channelOpen method.
- """
- (localChannel, remoteChannel, windowSize,
- maxPacket) = struct.unpack('>4L', packet[: 16])
- specificData = packet[16:]
- channel = self.channels[localChannel]
- channel.conn = self
- self.localToRemoteChannel[localChannel] = remoteChannel
- self.channelsToRemoteChannel[channel] = remoteChannel
- channel.remoteWindowLeft = windowSize
- channel.remoteMaxPacket = maxPacket
- log.callWithLogger(channel, channel.channelOpen, specificData)
- def ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE(self, packet):
- """
- The other side did not accept our MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN request. Payload::
- uint32 local channel number
- uint32 reason code
- string reason description
- Find the channel using the local channel number and notify it by
- calling its openFailed() method.
- """
- localChannel, reasonCode = struct.unpack('>2L', packet[:8])
- reasonDesc = common.getNS(packet[8:])[0]
- channel = self.channels[localChannel]
- del self.channels[localChannel]
- channel.conn = self
- reason = error.ConchError(reasonDesc, reasonCode)
- log.callWithLogger(channel, channel.openFailed, reason)
- def ssh_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST(self, packet):
- """
- The other side is adding bytes to its window. Payload::
- uint32 local channel number
- uint32 bytes to add
- Call the channel's addWindowBytes() method to add new bytes to the
- remote window.
- """
- localChannel, bytesToAdd = struct.unpack('>2L', packet[:8])
- channel = self.channels[localChannel]
- log.callWithLogger(channel, channel.addWindowBytes, bytesToAdd)
- def ssh_CHANNEL_DATA(self, packet):
- """
- The other side is sending us data. Payload::
- uint32 local channel number
- string data
- Check to make sure the other side hasn't sent too much data (more
- than what's in the window, or more than the maximum packet size). If
- they have, close the channel. Otherwise, decrease the available
- window and pass the data to the channel's dataReceived().
- """
- localChannel, dataLength = struct.unpack('>2L', packet[:8])
- channel = self.channels[localChannel]
- # XXX should this move to dataReceived to put client in charge?
- if (dataLength > channel.localWindowLeft or
- dataLength > channel.localMaxPacket): # more data than we want
- log.callWithLogger(channel, log.msg, 'too much data')
- self.sendClose(channel)
- return
- #packet = packet[:channel.localWindowLeft+4]
- data = common.getNS(packet[4:])[0]
- channel.localWindowLeft -= dataLength
- if channel.localWindowLeft < channel.localWindowSize // 2:
- self.adjustWindow(channel, channel.localWindowSize - \
- channel.localWindowLeft)
- #log.msg('local window left: %s/%s' % (channel.localWindowLeft,
- # channel.localWindowSize))
- log.callWithLogger(channel, channel.dataReceived, data)
- def ssh_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA(self, packet):
- """
- The other side is sending us exteneded data. Payload::
- uint32 local channel number
- uint32 type code
- string data
- Check to make sure the other side hasn't sent too much data (more
- than what's in the window, or or than the maximum packet size). If
- they have, close the channel. Otherwise, decrease the available
- window and pass the data and type code to the channel's
- extReceived().
- """
- localChannel, typeCode, dataLength = struct.unpack('>3L', packet[:12])
- channel = self.channels[localChannel]
- if (dataLength > channel.localWindowLeft or
- dataLength > channel.localMaxPacket):
- log.callWithLogger(channel, log.msg, 'too much extdata')
- self.sendClose(channel)
- return
- data = common.getNS(packet[8:])[0]
- channel.localWindowLeft -= dataLength
- if channel.localWindowLeft < channel.localWindowSize // 2:
- self.adjustWindow(channel, channel.localWindowSize -
- channel.localWindowLeft)
- log.callWithLogger(channel, channel.extReceived, typeCode, data)
- def ssh_CHANNEL_EOF(self, packet):
- """
- The other side is not sending any more data. Payload::
- uint32 local channel number
- Notify the channel by calling its eofReceived() method.
- """
- localChannel = struct.unpack('>L', packet[:4])[0]
- channel = self.channels[localChannel]
- log.callWithLogger(channel, channel.eofReceived)
- def ssh_CHANNEL_CLOSE(self, packet):
- """
- The other side is closing its end; it does not want to receive any
- more data. Payload::
- uint32 local channel number
- Notify the channnel by calling its closeReceived() method. If
- the channel has also sent a close message, call self.channelClosed().
- """
- localChannel = struct.unpack('>L', packet[:4])[0]
- channel = self.channels[localChannel]
- log.callWithLogger(channel, channel.closeReceived)
- channel.remoteClosed = True
- if channel.localClosed and channel.remoteClosed:
- self.channelClosed(channel)
- def ssh_CHANNEL_REQUEST(self, packet):
- """
- The other side is sending a request to a channel. Payload::
- uint32 local channel number
- string request name
- bool want reply
- <request specific data>
- Pass the message to the channel's requestReceived method. If the
- other side wants a reply, add callbacks which will send the
- reply.
- """
- localChannel = struct.unpack('>L', packet[: 4])[0]
- requestType, rest = common.getNS(packet[4:])
- wantReply = ord(rest[0])
- channel = self.channels[localChannel]
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(log.callWithLogger, channel,
- channel.requestReceived, requestType, rest[1:])
- if wantReply:
- d.addCallback(self._cbChannelRequest, localChannel)
- d.addErrback(self._ebChannelRequest, localChannel)
- return d
- def _cbChannelRequest(self, result, localChannel):
- """
- Called back if the other side wanted a reply to a channel request. If
- the result is true, send a MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS. Otherwise, raise
- a C{error.ConchError}
- @param result: the value returned from the channel's requestReceived()
- method. If it's False, the request failed.
- @type result: C{bool}
- @param localChannel: the local channel ID of the channel to which the
- request was made.
- @type localChannel: C{int}
- @raises ConchError: if the result is False.
- """
- if not result:
- raise error.ConchError('failed request')
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS, struct.pack('>L',
- self.localToRemoteChannel[localChannel]))
- def _ebChannelRequest(self, result, localChannel):
- """
- Called if the other wisde wanted a reply to the channel requeset and
- the channel request failed.
- @param result: a Failure, but it's not used.
- @param localChannel: the local channel ID of the channel to which the
- request was made.
- @type localChannel: C{int}
- """
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE, struct.pack('>L',
- self.localToRemoteChannel[localChannel]))
- def ssh_CHANNEL_SUCCESS(self, packet):
- """
- Our channel request to the other other side succeeded. Payload::
- uint32 local channel number
- Get the C{Deferred} out of self.deferreds and call it back.
- """
- localChannel = struct.unpack('>L', packet[:4])[0]
- if self.deferreds.get(localChannel):
- d = self.deferreds[localChannel].pop(0)
- log.callWithLogger(self.channels[localChannel],
- d.callback, '')
- def ssh_CHANNEL_FAILURE(self, packet):
- """
- Our channel request to the other side failed. Payload::
- uint32 local channel number
- Get the C{Deferred} out of self.deferreds and errback it with a
- C{error.ConchError}.
- """
- localChannel = struct.unpack('>L', packet[:4])[0]
- if self.deferreds.get(localChannel):
- d = self.deferreds[localChannel].pop(0)
- log.callWithLogger(self.channels[localChannel],
- d.errback,
- error.ConchError('channel request failed'))
- # methods for users of the connection to call
- def sendGlobalRequest(self, request, data, wantReply=0):
- """
- Send a global request for this connection. Current this is only used
- for remote->local TCP forwarding.
- @type request: C{str}
- @type data: C{str}
- @type wantReply: C{bool}
- @rtype C{Deferred}/C{None}
- """
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST,
- common.NS(request)
- + (wantReply and '\xff' or '\x00')
- + data)
- if wantReply:
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.deferreds['global'].append(d)
- return d
- def openChannel(self, channel, extra=''):
- """
- Open a new channel on this connection.
- @type channel: subclass of C{SSHChannel}
- @type extra: C{str}
- """
- log.msg('opening channel %s with %s %s'%(self.localChannelID,
- channel.localWindowSize, channel.localMaxPacket))
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, common.NS(channel.name)
- + struct.pack('>3L', self.localChannelID,
- channel.localWindowSize, channel.localMaxPacket)
- + extra)
- channel.id = self.localChannelID
- self.channels[self.localChannelID] = channel
- self.localChannelID += 1
- def sendRequest(self, channel, requestType, data, wantReply=0):
- """
- Send a request to a channel.
- @type channel: subclass of C{SSHChannel}
- @type requestType: C{str}
- @type data: C{str}
- @type wantReply: C{bool}
- @rtype C{Deferred}/C{None}
- """
- if channel.localClosed:
- return
- log.msg('sending request %s' % requestType)
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, struct.pack('>L',
- self.channelsToRemoteChannel[channel])
- + common.NS(requestType)+chr(wantReply)
- + data)
- if wantReply:
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.deferreds.setdefault(channel.id, []).append(d)
- return d
- def adjustWindow(self, channel, bytesToAdd):
- """
- Tell the other side that we will receive more data. This should not
- normally need to be called as it is managed automatically.
- @type channel: subclass of L{SSHChannel}
- @type bytesToAdd: C{int}
- """
- if channel.localClosed:
- return # we're already closed
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST, struct.pack('>2L',
- self.channelsToRemoteChannel[channel],
- bytesToAdd))
- log.msg('adding %i to %i in channel %i' % (bytesToAdd,
- channel.localWindowLeft, channel.id))
- channel.localWindowLeft += bytesToAdd
- def sendData(self, channel, data):
- """
- Send data to a channel. This should not normally be used: instead use
- channel.write(data) as it manages the window automatically.
- @type channel: subclass of L{SSHChannel}
- @type data: C{str}
- """
- if channel.localClosed:
- return # we're already closed
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_CHANNEL_DATA, struct.pack('>L',
- self.channelsToRemoteChannel[channel]) +
- common.NS(data))
- def sendExtendedData(self, channel, dataType, data):
- """
- Send extended data to a channel. This should not normally be used:
- instead use channel.writeExtendedData(data, dataType) as it manages
- the window automatically.
- @type channel: subclass of L{SSHChannel}
- @type dataType: C{int}
- @type data: C{str}
- """
- if channel.localClosed:
- return # we're already closed
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA, struct.pack('>2L',
- self.channelsToRemoteChannel[channel],dataType) \
- + common.NS(data))
- def sendEOF(self, channel):
- """
- Send an EOF (End of File) for a channel.
- @type channel: subclass of L{SSHChannel}
- """
- if channel.localClosed:
- return # we're already closed
- log.msg('sending eof')
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_CHANNEL_EOF, struct.pack('>L',
- self.channelsToRemoteChannel[channel]))
- def sendClose(self, channel):
- """
- Close a channel.
- @type channel: subclass of L{SSHChannel}
- """
- if channel.localClosed:
- return # we're already closed
- log.msg('sending close %i' % channel.id)
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, struct.pack('>L',
- self.channelsToRemoteChannel[channel]))
- channel.localClosed = True
- if channel.localClosed and channel.remoteClosed:
- self.channelClosed(channel)
- # methods to override
- def getChannel(self, channelType, windowSize, maxPacket, data):
- """
- The other side requested a channel of some sort.
- channelType is the type of channel being requested,
- windowSize is the initial size of the remote window,
- maxPacket is the largest packet we should send,
- data is any other packet data (often nothing).
- We return a subclass of L{SSHChannel}.
- By default, this dispatches to a method 'channel_channelType' with any
- non-alphanumerics in the channelType replace with _'s. If it cannot
- find a suitable method, it returns an OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE error.
- The method is called with arguments of windowSize, maxPacket, data.
- @type channelType: C{str}
- @type windowSize: C{int}
- @type maxPacket: C{int}
- @type data: C{str}
- @rtype: subclass of L{SSHChannel}/C{tuple}
- """
- log.msg('got channel %s request' % channelType)
- if hasattr(self.transport, "avatar"): # this is a server!
- chan = self.transport.avatar.lookupChannel(channelType,
- windowSize,
- maxPacket,
- data)
- else:
- channelType = channelType.translate(TRANSLATE_TABLE)
- f = getattr(self, 'channel_%s' % channelType, None)
- if f is not None:
- chan = f(windowSize, maxPacket, data)
- else:
- chan = None
- if chan is None:
- raise error.ConchError('unknown channel',
- else:
- chan.conn = self
- return chan
- def gotGlobalRequest(self, requestType, data):
- """
- We got a global request. pretty much, this is just used by the client
- to request that we forward a port from the server to the client.
- Returns either:
- - 1: request accepted
- - 1, <data>: request accepted with request specific data
- - 0: request denied
- By default, this dispatches to a method 'global_requestType' with
- -'s in requestType replaced with _'s. The found method is passed data.
- If this method cannot be found, this method returns 0. Otherwise, it
- returns the return value of that method.
- @type requestType: C{str}
- @type data: C{str}
- @rtype: C{int}/C{tuple}
- """
- log.msg('got global %s request' % requestType)
- if hasattr(self.transport, 'avatar'): # this is a server!
- return self.transport.avatar.gotGlobalRequest(requestType, data)
- requestType = requestType.replace('-','_')
- f = getattr(self, 'global_%s' % requestType, None)
- if not f:
- return 0
- return f(data)
- def channelClosed(self, channel):
- """
- Called when a channel is closed.
- It clears the local state related to the channel, and calls
- channel.closed().
- MAKE SURE YOU CALL THIS METHOD, even if you subclass L{SSHConnection}.
- If you don't, things will break mysteriously.
- @type channel: L{SSHChannel}
- """
- if channel in self.channelsToRemoteChannel: # actually open
- channel.localClosed = channel.remoteClosed = True
- del self.localToRemoteChannel[channel.id]
- del self.channels[channel.id]
- del self.channelsToRemoteChannel[channel]
- for d in self.deferreds.setdefault(channel.id, []):
- d.errback(error.ConchError("Channel closed."))
- del self.deferreds[channel.id][:]
- log.callWithLogger(channel, channel.closed)
-messages = {}
-for name, value in locals().copy().items():
- if name[:4] == 'MSG_':
- messages[value] = name # doesn't handle doubles
-import string
-alphanums = string.letters + string.digits
-TRANSLATE_TABLE = ''.join([chr(i) in alphanums and chr(i) or '_'
- for i in range(256)])
-SSHConnection.protocolMessages = messages
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/factory.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/factory.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3c50932f..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/factory.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-A Factory for SSH servers, along with an OpenSSHFactory to use the same
-data sources as OpenSSH.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-from twisted.internet import protocol
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.python.reflect import qual
-from twisted.conch import error
-from twisted.conch.ssh import keys
-import transport, userauth, connection
-import random
-import warnings
-class SSHFactory(protocol.Factory):
- """
- A Factory for SSH servers.
- """
- protocol = transport.SSHServerTransport
- services = {
- 'ssh-userauth':userauth.SSHUserAuthServer,
- 'ssh-connection':connection.SSHConnection
- }
- def startFactory(self):
- """
- Check for public and private keys.
- """
- if not hasattr(self,'publicKeys'):
- self.publicKeys = self.getPublicKeys()
- for keyType, value in self.publicKeys.items():
- if isinstance(value, str):
- warnings.warn("Returning a mapping from strings to "
- "strings from getPublicKeys()/publicKeys (in %s) "
- "is deprecated. Return a mapping from "
- "strings to Key objects instead." %
- (qual(self.__class__)),
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1)
- self.publicKeys[keyType] = keys.Key.fromString(value)
- if not hasattr(self,'privateKeys'):
- self.privateKeys = self.getPrivateKeys()
- for keyType, value in self.privateKeys.items():
- if not isinstance(value, keys.Key):
- warnings.warn("Returning a mapping from strings to "
- "PyCrypto key objects from "
- "getPrivateKeys()/privateKeys (in %s) "
- "is deprecated. Return a mapping from "
- "strings to Key objects instead." %
- (qual(self.__class__),),
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1)
- self.privateKeys[keyType] = keys.Key(value)
- if not self.publicKeys or not self.privateKeys:
- raise error.ConchError('no host keys, failing')
- if not hasattr(self,'primes'):
- self.primes = self.getPrimes()
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- """
- Create an instance of the server side of the SSH protocol.
- @type addr: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IAddress} provider
- @param addr: The address at which the server will listen.
- @rtype: L{twisted.conch.ssh.SSHServerTransport}
- @return: The built transport.
- """
- t = protocol.Factory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
- t.supportedPublicKeys = self.privateKeys.keys()
- if not self.primes:
- log.msg('disabling diffie-hellman-group-exchange because we '
- 'cannot find moduli file')
- ske = t.supportedKeyExchanges[:]
- ske.remove('diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1')
- t.supportedKeyExchanges = ske
- return t
- def getPublicKeys(self):
- """
- Called when the factory is started to get the public portions of the
- servers host keys. Returns a dictionary mapping SSH key types to
- public key strings.
- @rtype: C{dict}
- """
- raise NotImplementedError('getPublicKeys unimplemented')
- def getPrivateKeys(self):
- """
- Called when the factory is started to get the private portions of the
- servers host keys. Returns a dictionary mapping SSH key types to
- C{Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey} objects.
- @rtype: C{dict}
- """
- raise NotImplementedError('getPrivateKeys unimplemented')
- def getPrimes(self):
- """
- Called when the factory is started to get Diffie-Hellman generators and
- primes to use. Returns a dictionary mapping number of bits to lists
- of tuple of (generator, prime).
- @rtype: C{dict}
- """
- def getDHPrime(self, bits):
- """
- Return a tuple of (g, p) for a Diffe-Hellman process, with p being as
- close to bits bits as possible.
- @type bits: C{int}
- @rtype: C{tuple}
- """
- primesKeys = self.primes.keys()
- primesKeys.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(abs(x - bits), abs(y - bits)))
- realBits = primesKeys[0]
- return random.choice(self.primes[realBits])
- def getService(self, transport, service):
- """
- Return a class to use as a service for the given transport.
- @type transport: L{transport.SSHServerTransport}
- @type service: C{str}
- @rtype: subclass of L{service.SSHService}
- """
- if service == 'ssh-userauth' or hasattr(transport, 'avatar'):
- return self.services[service]
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/filetransfer.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/filetransfer.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 9b11db0d..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/filetransfer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,934 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_filetransfer -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import struct, errno
-from twisted.internet import defer, protocol
-from twisted.python import failure, log
-from common import NS, getNS
-from twisted.conch.interfaces import ISFTPServer, ISFTPFile
-from zope import interface
-class FileTransferBase(protocol.Protocol):
- versions = (3, )
- packetTypes = {}
- def __init__(self):
- self.buf = ''
- self.otherVersion = None # this gets set
- def sendPacket(self, kind, data):
- self.transport.write(struct.pack('!LB', len(data)+1, kind) + data)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.buf += data
- while len(self.buf) > 5:
- length, kind = struct.unpack('!LB', self.buf[:5])
- if len(self.buf) < 4 + length:
- return
- data, self.buf = self.buf[5:4+length], self.buf[4+length:]
- packetType = self.packetTypes.get(kind, None)
- if not packetType:
- log.msg('no packet type for', kind)
- continue
- f = getattr(self, 'packet_%s' % packetType, None)
- if not f:
- log.msg('not implemented: %s' % packetType)
- log.msg(repr(data[4:]))
- reqId, = struct.unpack('!L', data[:4])
- self._sendStatus(reqId, FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED,
- "don't understand %s" % packetType)
- #XXX not implemented
- continue
- try:
- f(data)
- except:
- log.err()
- continue
- reqId ,= struct.unpack('!L', data[:4])
- self._ebStatus(failure.Failure(e), reqId)
- def _parseAttributes(self, data):
- flags ,= struct.unpack('!L', data[:4])
- attrs = {}
- data = data[4:]
- size ,= struct.unpack('!Q', data[:8])
- attrs['size'] = size
- data = data[8:]
- uid, gid = struct.unpack('!2L', data[:8])
- attrs['uid'] = uid
- attrs['gid'] = gid
- data = data[8:]
- perms ,= struct.unpack('!L', data[:4])
- attrs['permissions'] = perms
- data = data[4:]
- atime, mtime = struct.unpack('!2L', data[:8])
- attrs['atime'] = atime
- attrs['mtime'] = mtime
- data = data[8:]
- extended_count ,= struct.unpack('!L', data[:4])
- data = data[4:]
- for i in xrange(extended_count):
- extended_type, data = getNS(data)
- extended_data, data = getNS(data)
- attrs['ext_%s' % extended_type] = extended_data
- return attrs, data
- def _packAttributes(self, attrs):
- flags = 0
- data = ''
- if 'size' in attrs:
- data += struct.pack('!Q', attrs['size'])
- if 'uid' in attrs and 'gid' in attrs:
- data += struct.pack('!2L', attrs['uid'], attrs['gid'])
- if 'permissions' in attrs:
- data += struct.pack('!L', attrs['permissions'])
- if 'atime' in attrs and 'mtime' in attrs:
- data += struct.pack('!2L', attrs['atime'], attrs['mtime'])
- extended = []
- for k in attrs:
- if k.startswith('ext_'):
- ext_type = NS(k[4:])
- ext_data = NS(attrs[k])
- extended.append(ext_type+ext_data)
- if extended:
- data += struct.pack('!L', len(extended))
- data += ''.join(extended)
- return struct.pack('!L', flags) + data
-class FileTransferServer(FileTransferBase):
- def __init__(self, data=None, avatar=None):
- FileTransferBase.__init__(self)
- self.client = ISFTPServer(avatar) # yay interfaces
- self.openFiles = {}
- self.openDirs = {}
- def packet_INIT(self, data):
- version ,= struct.unpack('!L', data[:4])
- self.version = min(list(self.versions) + [version])
- data = data[4:]
- ext = {}
- while data:
- ext_name, data = getNS(data)
- ext_data, data = getNS(data)
- ext[ext_name] = ext_data
- our_ext = self.client.gotVersion(version, ext)
- our_ext_data = ""
- for (k,v) in our_ext.items():
- our_ext_data += NS(k) + NS(v)
- self.sendPacket(FXP_VERSION, struct.pack('!L', self.version) + \
- our_ext_data)
- def packet_OPEN(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- filename, data = getNS(data)
- flags ,= struct.unpack('!L', data[:4])
- data = data[4:]
- attrs, data = self._parseAttributes(data)
- assert data == '', 'still have data in OPEN: %s' % repr(data)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.openFile, filename, flags, attrs)
- d.addCallback(self._cbOpenFile, requestId)
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, "open failed")
- def _cbOpenFile(self, fileObj, requestId):
- fileId = str(hash(fileObj))
- if fileId in self.openFiles:
- raise KeyError, 'id already open'
- self.openFiles[fileId] = fileObj
- self.sendPacket(FXP_HANDLE, requestId + NS(fileId))
- def packet_CLOSE(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- handle, data = getNS(data)
- assert data == '', 'still have data in CLOSE: %s' % repr(data)
- if handle in self.openFiles:
- fileObj = self.openFiles[handle]
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(fileObj.close)
- d.addCallback(self._cbClose, handle, requestId)
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, "close failed")
- elif handle in self.openDirs:
- dirObj = self.openDirs[handle][0]
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(dirObj.close)
- d.addCallback(self._cbClose, handle, requestId, 1)
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, "close failed")
- else:
- self._ebClose(failure.Failure(KeyError()), requestId)
- def _cbClose(self, result, handle, requestId, isDir = 0):
- if isDir:
- del self.openDirs[handle]
- else:
- del self.openFiles[handle]
- self._sendStatus(requestId, FX_OK, 'file closed')
- def packet_READ(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- handle, data = getNS(data)
- (offset, length), data = struct.unpack('!QL', data[:12]), data[12:]
- assert data == '', 'still have data in READ: %s' % repr(data)
- if handle not in self.openFiles:
- self._ebRead(failure.Failure(KeyError()), requestId)
- else:
- fileObj = self.openFiles[handle]
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(fileObj.readChunk, offset, length)
- d.addCallback(self._cbRead, requestId)
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, "read failed")
- def _cbRead(self, result, requestId):
- if result == '': # python's read will return this for EOF
- raise EOFError()
- self.sendPacket(FXP_DATA, requestId + NS(result))
- def packet_WRITE(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- handle, data = getNS(data)
- offset, = struct.unpack('!Q', data[:8])
- data = data[8:]
- writeData, data = getNS(data)
- assert data == '', 'still have data in WRITE: %s' % repr(data)
- if handle not in self.openFiles:
- self._ebWrite(failure.Failure(KeyError()), requestId)
- else:
- fileObj = self.openFiles[handle]
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(fileObj.writeChunk, offset, writeData)
- d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, "write succeeded")
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, "write failed")
- def packet_REMOVE(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- filename, data = getNS(data)
- assert data == '', 'still have data in REMOVE: %s' % repr(data)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.removeFile, filename)
- d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, "remove succeeded")
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, "remove failed")
- def packet_RENAME(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- oldPath, data = getNS(data)
- newPath, data = getNS(data)
- assert data == '', 'still have data in RENAME: %s' % repr(data)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.renameFile, oldPath, newPath)
- d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, "rename succeeded")
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, "rename failed")
- def packet_MKDIR(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- path, data = getNS(data)
- attrs, data = self._parseAttributes(data)
- assert data == '', 'still have data in MKDIR: %s' % repr(data)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.makeDirectory, path, attrs)
- d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, "mkdir succeeded")
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, "mkdir failed")
- def packet_RMDIR(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- path, data = getNS(data)
- assert data == '', 'still have data in RMDIR: %s' % repr(data)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.removeDirectory, path)
- d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, "rmdir succeeded")
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, "rmdir failed")
- def packet_OPENDIR(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- path, data = getNS(data)
- assert data == '', 'still have data in OPENDIR: %s' % repr(data)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.openDirectory, path)
- d.addCallback(self._cbOpenDirectory, requestId)
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, "opendir failed")
- def _cbOpenDirectory(self, dirObj, requestId):
- handle = str(hash(dirObj))
- if handle in self.openDirs:
- raise KeyError, "already opened this directory"
- self.openDirs[handle] = [dirObj, iter(dirObj)]
- self.sendPacket(FXP_HANDLE, requestId + NS(handle))
- def packet_READDIR(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- handle, data = getNS(data)
- assert data == '', 'still have data in READDIR: %s' % repr(data)
- if handle not in self.openDirs:
- self._ebStatus(failure.Failure(KeyError()), requestId)
- else:
- dirObj, dirIter = self.openDirs[handle]
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._scanDirectory, dirIter, [])
- d.addCallback(self._cbSendDirectory, requestId)
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, "scan directory failed")
- def _scanDirectory(self, dirIter, f):
- while len(f) < 250:
- try:
- info = dirIter.next()
- except StopIteration:
- if not f:
- raise EOFError
- return f
- if isinstance(info, defer.Deferred):
- info.addCallback(self._cbScanDirectory, dirIter, f)
- return
- else:
- f.append(info)
- return f
- def _cbScanDirectory(self, result, dirIter, f):
- f.append(result)
- return self._scanDirectory(dirIter, f)
- def _cbSendDirectory(self, result, requestId):
- data = ''
- for (filename, longname, attrs) in result:
- data += NS(filename)
- data += NS(longname)
- data += self._packAttributes(attrs)
- self.sendPacket(FXP_NAME, requestId +
- struct.pack('!L', len(result))+data)
- def packet_STAT(self, data, followLinks = 1):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- path, data = getNS(data)
- assert data == '', 'still have data in STAT/LSTAT: %s' % repr(data)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.getAttrs, path, followLinks)
- d.addCallback(self._cbStat, requestId)
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, 'stat/lstat failed')
- def packet_LSTAT(self, data):
- self.packet_STAT(data, 0)
- def packet_FSTAT(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- handle, data = getNS(data)
- assert data == '', 'still have data in FSTAT: %s' % repr(data)
- if handle not in self.openFiles:
- self._ebStatus(failure.Failure(KeyError('%s not in self.openFiles'
- % handle)), requestId)
- else:
- fileObj = self.openFiles[handle]
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(fileObj.getAttrs)
- d.addCallback(self._cbStat, requestId)
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, 'fstat failed')
- def _cbStat(self, result, requestId):
- data = requestId + self._packAttributes(result)
- self.sendPacket(FXP_ATTRS, data)
- def packet_SETSTAT(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- path, data = getNS(data)
- attrs, data = self._parseAttributes(data)
- if data != '':
- log.msg('WARN: still have data in SETSTAT: %s' % repr(data))
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.setAttrs, path, attrs)
- d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, 'setstat succeeded')
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, 'setstat failed')
- def packet_FSETSTAT(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- handle, data = getNS(data)
- attrs, data = self._parseAttributes(data)
- assert data == '', 'still have data in FSETSTAT: %s' % repr(data)
- if handle not in self.openFiles:
- self._ebStatus(failure.Failure(KeyError()), requestId)
- else:
- fileObj = self.openFiles[handle]
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(fileObj.setAttrs, attrs)
- d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, 'fsetstat succeeded')
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, 'fsetstat failed')
- def packet_READLINK(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- path, data = getNS(data)
- assert data == '', 'still have data in READLINK: %s' % repr(data)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.readLink, path)
- d.addCallback(self._cbReadLink, requestId)
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, 'readlink failed')
- def _cbReadLink(self, result, requestId):
- self._cbSendDirectory([(result, '', {})], requestId)
- def packet_SYMLINK(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- linkPath, data = getNS(data)
- targetPath, data = getNS(data)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.makeLink, linkPath, targetPath)
- d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, 'symlink succeeded')
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, 'symlink failed')
- def packet_REALPATH(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- path, data = getNS(data)
- assert data == '', 'still have data in REALPATH: %s' % repr(data)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.realPath, path)
- d.addCallback(self._cbReadLink, requestId) # same return format
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, 'realpath failed')
- def packet_EXTENDED(self, data):
- requestId = data[:4]
- data = data[4:]
- extName, extData = getNS(data)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.extendedRequest, extName, extData)
- d.addCallback(self._cbExtended, requestId)
- d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, 'extended %s failed' % extName)
- def _cbExtended(self, data, requestId):
- self.sendPacket(FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY, requestId + data)
- def _cbStatus(self, result, requestId, msg = "request succeeded"):
- self._sendStatus(requestId, FX_OK, msg)
- def _ebStatus(self, reason, requestId, msg = "request failed"):
- code = FX_FAILURE
- message = msg
- if reason.type in (IOError, OSError):
- if reason.value.errno == errno.ENOENT: # no such file
- code = FX_NO_SUCH_FILE
- message = reason.value.strerror
- elif reason.value.errno == errno.EACCES: # permission denied
- message = reason.value.strerror
- elif reason.value.errno == errno.EEXIST:
- else:
- log.err(reason)
- elif reason.type == EOFError: # EOF
- code = FX_EOF
- if reason.value.args:
- message = reason.value.args[0]
- elif reason.type == NotImplementedError:
- if reason.value.args:
- message = reason.value.args[0]
- elif reason.type == SFTPError:
- code = reason.value.code
- message = reason.value.message
- else:
- log.err(reason)
- self._sendStatus(requestId, code, message)
- def _sendStatus(self, requestId, code, message, lang = ''):
- """
- Helper method to send a FXP_STATUS message.
- """
- data = requestId + struct.pack('!L', code)
- data += NS(message)
- data += NS(lang)
- self.sendPacket(FXP_STATUS, data)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- """
- Clean all opened files and directories.
- """
- for fileObj in self.openFiles.values():
- fileObj.close()
- self.openFiles = {}
- for (dirObj, dirIter) in self.openDirs.values():
- dirObj.close()
- self.openDirs = {}
-class FileTransferClient(FileTransferBase):
- def __init__(self, extData = {}):
- """
- @param extData: a dict of extended_name : extended_data items
- to be sent to the server.
- """
- FileTransferBase.__init__(self)
- self.extData = {}
- self.counter = 0
- self.openRequests = {} # id -> Deferred
- self.wasAFile = {} # Deferred -> 1 TERRIBLE HACK
- def connectionMade(self):
- data = struct.pack('!L', max(self.versions))
- for k,v in self.extData.itervalues():
- data += NS(k) + NS(v)
- self.sendPacket(FXP_INIT, data)
- def _sendRequest(self, msg, data):
- data = struct.pack('!L', self.counter) + data
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.openRequests[self.counter] = d
- self.counter += 1
- self.sendPacket(msg, data)
- return d
- def _parseRequest(self, data):
- (id,) = struct.unpack('!L', data[:4])
- d = self.openRequests[id]
- del self.openRequests[id]
- return d, data[4:]
- def openFile(self, filename, flags, attrs):
- """
- Open a file.
- This method returns a L{Deferred} that is called back with an object
- that provides the L{ISFTPFile} interface.
- @param filename: a string representing the file to open.
- @param flags: a integer of the flags to open the file with, ORed together.
- The flags and their values are listed at the bottom of this file.
- @param attrs: a list of attributes to open the file with. It is a
- dictionary, consisting of 0 or more keys. The possible keys are::
- size: the size of the file in bytes
- uid: the user ID of the file as an integer
- gid: the group ID of the file as an integer
- permissions: the permissions of the file with as an integer.
- the bit representation of this field is defined by POSIX.
- atime: the access time of the file as seconds since the epoch.
- mtime: the modification time of the file as seconds since the epoch.
- ext_*: extended attributes. The server is not required to
- understand this, but it may.
- NOTE: there is no way to indicate text or binary files. it is up
- to the SFTP client to deal with this.
- """
- data = NS(filename) + struct.pack('!L', flags) + self._packAttributes(attrs)
- d = self._sendRequest(FXP_OPEN, data)
- self.wasAFile[d] = (1, filename) # HACK
- return d
- def removeFile(self, filename):
- """
- Remove the given file.
- This method returns a Deferred that is called back when it succeeds.
- @param filename: the name of the file as a string.
- """
- return self._sendRequest(FXP_REMOVE, NS(filename))
- def renameFile(self, oldpath, newpath):
- """
- Rename the given file.
- This method returns a Deferred that is called back when it succeeds.
- @param oldpath: the current location of the file.
- @param newpath: the new file name.
- """
- return self._sendRequest(FXP_RENAME, NS(oldpath)+NS(newpath))
- def makeDirectory(self, path, attrs):
- """
- Make a directory.
- This method returns a Deferred that is called back when it is
- created.
- @param path: the name of the directory to create as a string.
- @param attrs: a dictionary of attributes to create the directory
- with. Its meaning is the same as the attrs in the openFile method.
- """
- return self._sendRequest(FXP_MKDIR, NS(path)+self._packAttributes(attrs))
- def removeDirectory(self, path):
- """
- Remove a directory (non-recursively)
- It is an error to remove a directory that has files or directories in
- it.
- This method returns a Deferred that is called back when it is removed.
- @param path: the directory to remove.
- """
- return self._sendRequest(FXP_RMDIR, NS(path))
- def openDirectory(self, path):
- """
- Open a directory for scanning.
- This method returns a Deferred that is called back with an iterable
- object that has a close() method.
- The close() method is called when the client is finished reading
- from the directory. At this point, the iterable will no longer
- be used.
- The iterable returns triples of the form (filename, longname, attrs)
- or a Deferred that returns the same. The sequence must support
- __getitem__, but otherwise may be any 'sequence-like' object.
- filename is the name of the file relative to the directory.
- logname is an expanded format of the filename. The recommended format
- is:
- -rwxr-xr-x 1 mjos staff 348911 Mar 25 14:29 t-filexfer
- 1234567890 123 12345678 12345678 12345678 123456789012
- The first line is sample output, the second is the length of the field.
- The fields are: permissions, link count, user owner, group owner,
- size in bytes, modification time.
- attrs is a dictionary in the format of the attrs argument to openFile.
- @param path: the directory to open.
- """
- d = self._sendRequest(FXP_OPENDIR, NS(path))
- self.wasAFile[d] = (0, path)
- return d
- def getAttrs(self, path, followLinks=0):
- """
- Return the attributes for the given path.
- This method returns a dictionary in the same format as the attrs
- argument to openFile or a Deferred that is called back with same.
- @param path: the path to return attributes for as a string.
- @param followLinks: a boolean. if it is True, follow symbolic links
- and return attributes for the real path at the base. if it is False,
- return attributes for the specified path.
- """
- if followLinks: m = FXP_STAT
- else: m = FXP_LSTAT
- return self._sendRequest(m, NS(path))
- def setAttrs(self, path, attrs):
- """
- Set the attributes for the path.
- This method returns when the attributes are set or a Deferred that is
- called back when they are.
- @param path: the path to set attributes for as a string.
- @param attrs: a dictionary in the same format as the attrs argument to
- openFile.
- """
- data = NS(path) + self._packAttributes(attrs)
- return self._sendRequest(FXP_SETSTAT, data)
- def readLink(self, path):
- """
- Find the root of a set of symbolic links.
- This method returns the target of the link, or a Deferred that
- returns the same.
- @param path: the path of the symlink to read.
- """
- d = self._sendRequest(FXP_READLINK, NS(path))
- return d.addCallback(self._cbRealPath)
- def makeLink(self, linkPath, targetPath):
- """
- Create a symbolic link.
- This method returns when the link is made, or a Deferred that
- returns the same.
- @param linkPath: the pathname of the symlink as a string
- @param targetPath: the path of the target of the link as a string.
- """
- return self._sendRequest(FXP_SYMLINK, NS(linkPath)+NS(targetPath))
- def realPath(self, path):
- """
- Convert any path to an absolute path.
- This method returns the absolute path as a string, or a Deferred
- that returns the same.
- @param path: the path to convert as a string.
- """
- d = self._sendRequest(FXP_REALPATH, NS(path))
- return d.addCallback(self._cbRealPath)
- def _cbRealPath(self, result):
- name, longname, attrs = result[0]
- return name
- def extendedRequest(self, request, data):
- """
- Make an extended request of the server.
- The method returns a Deferred that is called back with
- the result of the extended request.
- @param request: the name of the extended request to make.
- @param data: any other data that goes along with the request.
- """
- return self._sendRequest(FXP_EXTENDED, NS(request) + data)
- def packet_VERSION(self, data):
- version, = struct.unpack('!L', data[:4])
- data = data[4:]
- d = {}
- while data:
- k, data = getNS(data)
- v, data = getNS(data)
- d[k]=v
- self.version = version
- self.gotServerVersion(version, d)
- def packet_STATUS(self, data):
- d, data = self._parseRequest(data)
- code, = struct.unpack('!L', data[:4])
- data = data[4:]
- if len(data) >= 4:
- msg, data = getNS(data)
- if len(data) >= 4:
- lang, data = getNS(data)
- else:
- lang = ''
- else:
- msg = ''
- lang = ''
- if code == FX_OK:
- d.callback((msg, lang))
- elif code == FX_EOF:
- d.errback(EOFError(msg))
- elif code == FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED:
- d.errback(NotImplementedError(msg))
- else:
- d.errback(SFTPError(code, msg, lang))
- def packet_HANDLE(self, data):
- d, data = self._parseRequest(data)
- isFile, name = self.wasAFile.pop(d)
- if isFile:
- cb = ClientFile(self, getNS(data)[0])
- else:
- cb = ClientDirectory(self, getNS(data)[0])
- cb.name = name
- d.callback(cb)
- def packet_DATA(self, data):
- d, data = self._parseRequest(data)
- d.callback(getNS(data)[0])
- def packet_NAME(self, data):
- d, data = self._parseRequest(data)
- count, = struct.unpack('!L', data[:4])
- data = data[4:]
- files = []
- for i in range(count):
- filename, data = getNS(data)
- longname, data = getNS(data)
- attrs, data = self._parseAttributes(data)
- files.append((filename, longname, attrs))
- d.callback(files)
- def packet_ATTRS(self, data):
- d, data = self._parseRequest(data)
- d.callback(self._parseAttributes(data)[0])
- def packet_EXTENDED_REPLY(self, data):
- d, data = self._parseRequest(data)
- d.callback(data)
- def gotServerVersion(self, serverVersion, extData):
- """
- Called when the client sends their version info.
- @param otherVersion: an integer representing the version of the SFTP
- protocol they are claiming.
- @param extData: a dictionary of extended_name : extended_data items.
- These items are sent by the client to indicate additional features.
- """
-class ClientFile:
- interface.implements(ISFTPFile)
- def __init__(self, parent, handle):
- self.parent = parent
- self.handle = NS(handle)
- def close(self):
- return self.parent._sendRequest(FXP_CLOSE, self.handle)
- def readChunk(self, offset, length):
- data = self.handle + struct.pack("!QL", offset, length)
- return self.parent._sendRequest(FXP_READ, data)
- def writeChunk(self, offset, chunk):
- data = self.handle + struct.pack("!Q", offset) + NS(chunk)
- return self.parent._sendRequest(FXP_WRITE, data)
- def getAttrs(self):
- return self.parent._sendRequest(FXP_FSTAT, self.handle)
- def setAttrs(self, attrs):
- data = self.handle + self.parent._packAttributes(attrs)
- return self.parent._sendRequest(FXP_FSTAT, data)
-class ClientDirectory:
- def __init__(self, parent, handle):
- self.parent = parent
- self.handle = NS(handle)
- self.filesCache = []
- def read(self):
- d = self.parent._sendRequest(FXP_READDIR, self.handle)
- return d
- def close(self):
- return self.parent._sendRequest(FXP_CLOSE, self.handle)
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self):
- if self.filesCache:
- return self.filesCache.pop(0)
- d = self.read()
- d.addCallback(self._cbReadDir)
- d.addErrback(self._ebReadDir)
- return d
- def _cbReadDir(self, names):
- self.filesCache = names[1:]
- return names[0]
- def _ebReadDir(self, reason):
- reason.trap(EOFError)
- def _():
- raise StopIteration
- self.next = _
- return reason
-class SFTPError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, errorCode, errorMessage, lang = ''):
- Exception.__init__(self)
- self.code = errorCode
- self._message = errorMessage
- self.lang = lang
- def message(self):
- """
- A string received over the network that explains the error to a human.
- """
- # Python 2.6 deprecates assigning to the 'message' attribute of an
- # exception. We define this read-only property here in order to
- # prevent the warning about deprecation while maintaining backwards
- # compatibility with object clients that rely on the 'message'
- # attribute being set correctly. See bug #3897.
- return self._message
- message = property(message)
- def __str__(self):
- return 'SFTPError %s: %s' % (self.code, self.message)
-FXP_STAT = 17
-FXP_DATA = 103
-FXP_NAME = 104
-FXP_ATTRS = 105
-FILEXFER_ATTR_SIZE = 0x00000001
-FXF_READ = 0x00000001
-FXF_WRITE = 0x00000002
-FXF_APPEND = 0x00000004
-FXF_CREAT = 0x00000008
-FXF_TRUNC = 0x00000010
-FXF_EXCL = 0x00000020
-FXF_TEXT = 0x00000040
-FX_OK = 0
-FX_EOF = 1
-# http://tools.ietf.org/wg/secsh/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer/ defines more
-# useful error codes, but so far OpenSSH doesn't implement them. We use them
-# internally for clarity, but for now define them all as FX_FAILURE to be
-# compatible with existing software.
-# initialize FileTransferBase.packetTypes:
-g = globals()
-for name in g.keys():
- if name.startswith('FXP_'):
- value = g[name]
- FileTransferBase.packetTypes[value] = name[4:]
-del g, name, value
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/forwarding.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/forwarding.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 753f9946..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/forwarding.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-This module contains the implementation of the TCP forwarding, which allows
-clients and servers to forward arbitrary TCP data across the connection.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-import struct
-from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor
-from twisted.python import log
-import common, channel
-class SSHListenForwardingFactory(protocol.Factory):
- def __init__(self, connection, hostport, klass):
- self.conn = connection
- self.hostport = hostport # tuple
- self.klass = klass
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- channel = self.klass(conn = self.conn)
- client = SSHForwardingClient(channel)
- channel.client = client
- addrTuple = (addr.host, addr.port)
- channelOpenData = packOpen_direct_tcpip(self.hostport, addrTuple)
- self.conn.openChannel(channel, channelOpenData)
- return client
-class SSHListenForwardingChannel(channel.SSHChannel):
- def channelOpen(self, specificData):
- log.msg('opened forwarding channel %s' % self.id)
- if len(self.client.buf)>1:
- b = self.client.buf[1:]
- self.write(b)
- self.client.buf = ''
- def openFailed(self, reason):
- self.closed()
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.client.transport.write(data)
- def eofReceived(self):
- self.client.transport.loseConnection()
- def closed(self):
- if hasattr(self, 'client'):
- log.msg('closing local forwarding channel %s' % self.id)
- self.client.transport.loseConnection()
- del self.client
-class SSHListenClientForwardingChannel(SSHListenForwardingChannel):
- name = 'direct-tcpip'
-class SSHListenServerForwardingChannel(SSHListenForwardingChannel):
- name = 'forwarded-tcpip'
-class SSHConnectForwardingChannel(channel.SSHChannel):
- def __init__(self, hostport, *args, **kw):
- channel.SSHChannel.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
- self.hostport = hostport
- self.client = None
- self.clientBuf = ''
- def channelOpen(self, specificData):
- cc = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, SSHForwardingClient, self)
- log.msg("connecting to %s:%i" % self.hostport)
- cc.connectTCP(*self.hostport).addCallbacks(self._setClient, self._close)
- def _setClient(self, client):
- self.client = client
- log.msg("connected to %s:%i" % self.hostport)
- if self.clientBuf:
- self.client.transport.write(self.clientBuf)
- self.clientBuf = None
- if self.client.buf[1:]:
- self.write(self.client.buf[1:])
- self.client.buf = ''
- def _close(self, reason):
- log.msg("failed to connect: %s" % reason)
- self.loseConnection()
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- if self.client:
- self.client.transport.write(data)
- else:
- self.clientBuf += data
- def closed(self):
- if self.client:
- log.msg('closed remote forwarding channel %s' % self.id)
- if self.client.channel:
- self.loseConnection()
- self.client.transport.loseConnection()
- del self.client
-def openConnectForwardingClient(remoteWindow, remoteMaxPacket, data, avatar):
- remoteHP, origHP = unpackOpen_direct_tcpip(data)
- return SSHConnectForwardingChannel(remoteHP,
- remoteWindow=remoteWindow,
- remoteMaxPacket=remoteMaxPacket,
- avatar=avatar)
-class SSHForwardingClient(protocol.Protocol):
- def __init__(self, channel):
- self.channel = channel
- self.buf = '\000'
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- if self.buf:
- self.buf += data
- else:
- self.channel.write(data)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- if self.channel:
- self.channel.loseConnection()
- self.channel = None
-def packOpen_direct_tcpip((connHost, connPort), (origHost, origPort)):
- """Pack the data suitable for sending in a CHANNEL_OPEN packet.
- """
- conn = common.NS(connHost) + struct.pack('>L', connPort)
- orig = common.NS(origHost) + struct.pack('>L', origPort)
- return conn + orig
-packOpen_forwarded_tcpip = packOpen_direct_tcpip
-def unpackOpen_direct_tcpip(data):
- """Unpack the data to a usable format.
- """
- connHost, rest = common.getNS(data)
- connPort = int(struct.unpack('>L', rest[:4])[0])
- origHost, rest = common.getNS(rest[4:])
- origPort = int(struct.unpack('>L', rest[:4])[0])
- return (connHost, connPort), (origHost, origPort)
-unpackOpen_forwarded_tcpip = unpackOpen_direct_tcpip
-def packGlobal_tcpip_forward((host, port)):
- return common.NS(host) + struct.pack('>L', port)
-def unpackGlobal_tcpip_forward(data):
- host, rest = common.getNS(data)
- port = int(struct.unpack('>L', rest[:4])[0])
- return host, port
-"""This is how the data -> eof -> close stuff /should/ work.
-debug3: channel 1: waiting for connection
-debug1: channel 1: connected
-debug1: channel 1: read<=0 rfd 7 len 0
-debug1: channel 1: read failed
-debug1: channel 1: close_read
-debug1: channel 1: input open -> drain
-debug1: channel 1: ibuf empty
-debug1: channel 1: send eof
-debug1: channel 1: input drain -> closed
-debug1: channel 1: rcvd eof
-debug1: channel 1: output open -> drain
-debug1: channel 1: obuf empty
-debug1: channel 1: close_write
-debug1: channel 1: output drain -> closed
-debug1: channel 1: rcvd close
-debug3: channel 1: will not send data after close
-debug1: channel 1: send close
-debug1: channel 1: is dead
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/keys.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/keys.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 1c223517..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/keys.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,809 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_keys -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Handling of RSA and DSA keys.
-Maintainer: U{Paul Swartz}
-# base library imports
-import base64
-import itertools
-# external library imports
-from Crypto.Cipher import DES3, AES
-from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA, DSA
-from Crypto import Util
-from pyasn1.type import univ
-from pyasn1.codec.ber import decoder as berDecoder
-from pyasn1.codec.ber import encoder as berEncoder
-# twisted
-from twisted.python import randbytes
-from twisted.python.hashlib import md5, sha1
-# sibling imports
-from twisted.conch.ssh import common, sexpy
-class BadKeyError(Exception):
- """
- Raised when a key isn't what we expected from it.
- XXX: we really need to check for bad keys
- """
-class EncryptedKeyError(Exception):
- """
- Raised when an encrypted key is presented to fromString/fromFile without
- a password.
- """
-class Key(object):
- """
- An object representing a key. A key can be either a public or
- private key. A public key can verify a signature; a private key can
- create or verify a signature. To generate a string that can be stored
- on disk, use the toString method. If you have a private key, but want
- the string representation of the public key, use Key.public().toString().
- @ivar keyObject: The C{Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey} object that
- operations are performed with.
- """
- def fromFile(Class, filename, type=None, passphrase=None):
- """
- Return a Key object corresponding to the data in filename. type
- and passphrase function as they do in fromString.
- """
- return Class.fromString(file(filename, 'rb').read(), type, passphrase)
- fromFile = classmethod(fromFile)
- def fromString(Class, data, type=None, passphrase=None):
- """
- Return a Key object corresponding to the string data.
- type is optionally the type of string, matching a _fromString_*
- method. Otherwise, the _guessStringType() classmethod will be used
- to guess a type. If the key is encrypted, passphrase is used as
- the decryption key.
- @type data: C{str}
- @type type: C{None}/C{str}
- @type passphrase: C{None}/C{str}
- @rtype: C{Key}
- """
- if type is None:
- type = Class._guessStringType(data)
- if type is None:
- raise BadKeyError('cannot guess the type of %r' % data)
- method = getattr(Class, '_fromString_%s' % type.upper(), None)
- if method is None:
- raise BadKeyError('no _fromString method for %s' % type)
- if method.func_code.co_argcount == 2: # no passphrase
- if passphrase:
- raise BadKeyError('key not encrypted')
- return method(data)
- else:
- return method(data, passphrase)
- fromString = classmethod(fromString)
- def _fromString_BLOB(Class, blob):
- """
- Return a public key object corresponding to this public key blob.
- The format of a RSA public key blob is::
- string 'ssh-rsa'
- integer e
- integer n
- The format of a DSA public key blob is::
- string 'ssh-dss'
- integer p
- integer q
- integer g
- integer y
- @type blob: C{str}
- @return: a C{Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey} object
- @raises BadKeyError: if the key type (the first string) is unknown.
- """
- keyType, rest = common.getNS(blob)
- if keyType == 'ssh-rsa':
- e, n, rest = common.getMP(rest, 2)
- return Class(RSA.construct((n, e)))
- elif keyType == 'ssh-dss':
- p, q, g, y, rest = common.getMP(rest, 4)
- return Class(DSA.construct((y, g, p, q)))
- else:
- raise BadKeyError('unknown blob type: %s' % keyType)
- _fromString_BLOB = classmethod(_fromString_BLOB)
- def _fromString_PRIVATE_BLOB(Class, blob):
- """
- Return a private key object corresponding to this private key blob.
- The blob formats are as follows:
- RSA keys::
- string 'ssh-rsa'
- integer n
- integer e
- integer d
- integer u
- integer p
- integer q
- DSA keys::
- string 'ssh-dss'
- integer p
- integer q
- integer g
- integer y
- integer x
- @type blob: C{str}
- @return: a C{Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey} object
- @raises BadKeyError: if the key type (the first string) is unknown.
- """
- keyType, rest = common.getNS(blob)
- if keyType == 'ssh-rsa':
- n, e, d, u, p, q, rest = common.getMP(rest, 6)
- rsakey = Class(RSA.construct((n, e, d, p, q, u)))
- return rsakey
- elif keyType == 'ssh-dss':
- p, q, g, y, x, rest = common.getMP(rest, 5)
- dsakey = Class(DSA.construct((y, g, p, q, x)))
- return dsakey
- else:
- raise BadKeyError('unknown blob type: %s' % keyType)
- _fromString_PRIVATE_BLOB = classmethod(_fromString_PRIVATE_BLOB)
- def _fromString_PUBLIC_OPENSSH(Class, data):
- """
- Return a public key object corresponding to this OpenSSH public key
- string. The format of an OpenSSH public key string is::
- <key type> <base64-encoded public key blob>
- @type data: C{str}
- @return: A {Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey} object
- @raises BadKeyError: if the blob type is unknown.
- """
- blob = base64.decodestring(data.split()[1])
- return Class._fromString_BLOB(blob)
- _fromString_PUBLIC_OPENSSH = classmethod(_fromString_PUBLIC_OPENSSH)
- def _fromString_PRIVATE_OPENSSH(Class, data, passphrase):
- """
- Return a private key object corresponding to this OpenSSH private key
- string. If the key is encrypted, passphrase MUST be provided.
- Providing a passphrase for an unencrypted key is an error.
- The format of an OpenSSH private key string is::
- -----BEGIN <key type> PRIVATE KEY-----
- [Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
- DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,<initialization value>]
- <base64-encoded ASN.1 structure>
- ------END <key type> PRIVATE KEY------
- The ASN.1 structure of a RSA key is::
- (0, n, e, d, p, q)
- The ASN.1 structure of a DSA key is::
- (0, p, q, g, y, x)
- @type data: C{str}
- @type passphrase: C{str}
- @return: a C{Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey} object
- @raises BadKeyError: if
- * a passphrase is provided for an unencrypted key
- * a passphrase is not provided for an encrypted key
- * the ASN.1 encoding is incorrect
- """
- lines = data.strip().split('\n')
- kind = lines[0][11:14]
- if lines[1].startswith('Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED'): # encrypted key
- try:
- _, cipher_iv_info = lines[2].split(' ', 1)
- cipher, ivdata = cipher_iv_info.rstrip().split(',', 1)
- except ValueError:
- raise BadKeyError('invalid DEK-info %r' % lines[2])
- if cipher == 'AES-128-CBC':
- CipherClass = AES
- keySize = 16
- if len(ivdata) != 32:
- raise BadKeyError('AES encrypted key with a bad IV')
- elif cipher == 'DES-EDE3-CBC':
- CipherClass = DES3
- keySize = 24
- if len(ivdata) != 16:
- raise BadKeyError('DES encrypted key with a bad IV')
- else:
- raise BadKeyError('unknown encryption type %r' % cipher)
- iv = ''.join([chr(int(ivdata[i:i + 2], 16))
- for i in range(0, len(ivdata), 2)])
- if not passphrase:
- raise EncryptedKeyError('encrypted key with no passphrase')
- ba = md5(passphrase + iv[:8]).digest()
- bb = md5(ba + passphrase + iv[:8]).digest()
- decKey = (ba + bb)[:keySize]
- b64Data = base64.decodestring(''.join(lines[3:-1]))
- keyData = CipherClass.new(decKey,
- CipherClass.MODE_CBC,
- iv).decrypt(b64Data)
- removeLen = ord(keyData[-1])
- keyData = keyData[:-removeLen]
- else:
- b64Data = ''.join(lines[1:-1])
- keyData = base64.decodestring(b64Data)
- try:
- decodedKey = berDecoder.decode(keyData)[0]
- except Exception:
- raise BadKeyError('something wrong with decode')
- if kind == 'RSA':
- if len(decodedKey) == 2: # alternate RSA key
- decodedKey = decodedKey[0]
- if len(decodedKey) < 6:
- raise BadKeyError('RSA key failed to decode properly')
- n, e, d, p, q = [long(value) for value in decodedKey[1:6]]
- if p > q: # make p smaller than q
- p, q = q, p
- return Class(RSA.construct((n, e, d, p, q)))
- elif kind == 'DSA':
- p, q, g, y, x = [long(value) for value in decodedKey[1: 6]]
- if len(decodedKey) < 6:
- raise BadKeyError('DSA key failed to decode properly')
- return Class(DSA.construct((y, g, p, q, x)))
- _fromString_PRIVATE_OPENSSH = classmethod(_fromString_PRIVATE_OPENSSH)
- def _fromString_PUBLIC_LSH(Class, data):
- """
- Return a public key corresponding to this LSH public key string.
- The LSH public key string format is::
- <s-expression: ('public-key', (<key type>, (<name, <value>)+))>
- The names for a RSA (key type 'rsa-pkcs1-sha1') key are: n, e.
- The names for a DSA (key type 'dsa') key are: y, g, p, q.
- @type data: C{str}
- @return: a C{Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey} object
- @raises BadKeyError: if the key type is unknown
- """
- sexp = sexpy.parse(base64.decodestring(data[1:-1]))
- assert sexp[0] == 'public-key'
- kd = {}
- for name, data in sexp[1][1:]:
- kd[name] = common.getMP(common.NS(data))[0]
- if sexp[1][0] == 'dsa':
- return Class(DSA.construct((kd['y'], kd['g'], kd['p'], kd['q'])))
- elif sexp[1][0] == 'rsa-pkcs1-sha1':
- return Class(RSA.construct((kd['n'], kd['e'])))
- else:
- raise BadKeyError('unknown lsh key type %s' % sexp[1][0])
- _fromString_PUBLIC_LSH = classmethod(_fromString_PUBLIC_LSH)
- def _fromString_PRIVATE_LSH(Class, data):
- """
- Return a private key corresponding to this LSH private key string.
- The LSH private key string format is::
- <s-expression: ('private-key', (<key type>, (<name>, <value>)+))>
- The names for a RSA (key type 'rsa-pkcs1-sha1') key are: n, e, d, p, q.
- The names for a DSA (key type 'dsa') key are: y, g, p, q, x.
- @type data: C{str}
- @return: a {Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey} object
- @raises BadKeyError: if the key type is unknown
- """
- sexp = sexpy.parse(data)
- assert sexp[0] == 'private-key'
- kd = {}
- for name, data in sexp[1][1:]:
- kd[name] = common.getMP(common.NS(data))[0]
- if sexp[1][0] == 'dsa':
- assert len(kd) == 5, len(kd)
- return Class(DSA.construct((kd['y'], kd['g'], kd['p'],
- kd['q'], kd['x'])))
- elif sexp[1][0] == 'rsa-pkcs1':
- assert len(kd) == 8, len(kd)
- if kd['p'] > kd['q']: # make p smaller than q
- kd['p'], kd['q'] = kd['q'], kd['p']
- return Class(RSA.construct((kd['n'], kd['e'], kd['d'],
- kd['p'], kd['q'])))
- else:
- raise BadKeyError('unknown lsh key type %s' % sexp[1][0])
- _fromString_PRIVATE_LSH = classmethod(_fromString_PRIVATE_LSH)
- def _fromString_AGENTV3(Class, data):
- """
- Return a private key object corresponsing to the Secure Shell Key
- Agent v3 format.
- The SSH Key Agent v3 format for a RSA key is::
- string 'ssh-rsa'
- integer e
- integer d
- integer n
- integer u
- integer p
- integer q
- The SSH Key Agent v3 format for a DSA key is::
- string 'ssh-dss'
- integer p
- integer q
- integer g
- integer y
- integer x
- @type data: C{str}
- @return: a C{Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey} object
- @raises BadKeyError: if the key type (the first string) is unknown
- """
- keyType, data = common.getNS(data)
- if keyType == 'ssh-dss':
- p, data = common.getMP(data)
- q, data = common.getMP(data)
- g, data = common.getMP(data)
- y, data = common.getMP(data)
- x, data = common.getMP(data)
- return Class(DSA.construct((y, g, p, q, x)))
- elif keyType == 'ssh-rsa':
- e, data = common.getMP(data)
- d, data = common.getMP(data)
- n, data = common.getMP(data)
- u, data = common.getMP(data)
- p, data = common.getMP(data)
- q, data = common.getMP(data)
- return Class(RSA.construct((n, e, d, p, q, u)))
- else:
- raise BadKeyError("unknown key type %s" % keyType)
- _fromString_AGENTV3 = classmethod(_fromString_AGENTV3)
- def _guessStringType(Class, data):
- """
- Guess the type of key in data. The types map to _fromString_*
- methods.
- """
- if data.startswith('ssh-'):
- return 'public_openssh'
- elif data.startswith('-----BEGIN'):
- return 'private_openssh'
- elif data.startswith('{'):
- return 'public_lsh'
- elif data.startswith('('):
- return 'private_lsh'
- elif data.startswith('\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-'):
- ignored, rest = common.getNS(data)
- count = 0
- while rest:
- count += 1
- ignored, rest = common.getMP(rest)
- if count > 4:
- return 'agentv3'
- else:
- return 'blob'
- _guessStringType = classmethod(_guessStringType)
- def __init__(self, keyObject):
- """
- Initialize a PublicKey with a C{Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey}
- object.
- @type keyObject: C{Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey}
- """
- self.keyObject = keyObject
- def __eq__(self, other):
- """
- Return True if other represents an object with the same key.
- """
- if type(self) == type(other):
- return self.type() == other.type() and self.data() == other.data()
- else:
- return NotImplemented
- def __ne__(self, other):
- """
- Return True if other represents anything other than this key.
- """
- result = self.__eq__(other)
- if result == NotImplemented:
- return result
- return not result
- def __repr__(self):
- """
- Return a pretty representation of this object.
- """
- lines = [
- '<%s %s (%s bits)' % (
- self.type(),
- self.isPublic() and 'Public Key' or 'Private Key',
- self.keyObject.size())]
- for k, v in sorted(self.data().items()):
- lines.append('attr %s:' % k)
- by = common.MP(v)[4:]
- while by:
- m = by[:15]
- by = by[15:]
- o = ''
- for c in m:
- o = o + '%02x:' % ord(c)
- if len(m) < 15:
- o = o[:-1]
- lines.append('\t' + o)
- lines[-1] = lines[-1] + '>'
- return '\n'.join(lines)
- def isPublic(self):
- """
- Returns True if this Key is a public key.
- """
- return not self.keyObject.has_private()
- def public(self):
- """
- Returns a version of this key containing only the public key data.
- If this is a public key, this may or may not be the same object
- as self.
- """
- return Key(self.keyObject.publickey())
- def fingerprint(self):
- """
- Get the user presentation of the fingerprint of this L{Key}. As
- described by U{RFC 4716 section
- 4<http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4716#section-4>}::
- The fingerprint of a public key consists of the output of the MD5
- message-digest algorithm [RFC1321]. The input to the algorithm is
- the public key data as specified by [RFC4253]. (...) The output
- of the (MD5) algorithm is presented to the user as a sequence of 16
- octets printed as hexadecimal with lowercase letters and separated
- by colons.
- @since: 8.2
- @return: the user presentation of this L{Key}'s fingerprint, as a
- string.
- @rtype: L{str}
- """
- return ':'.join([x.encode('hex') for x in md5(self.blob()).digest()])
- def type(self):
- """
- Return the type of the object we wrap. Currently this can only be
- 'RSA' or 'DSA'.
- """
- # the class is Crypto.PublicKey.<type>.<stuff we don't care about>
- mod = self.keyObject.__class__.__module__
- if mod.startswith('Crypto.PublicKey'):
- type = mod.split('.')[2]
- else:
- raise RuntimeError('unknown type of object: %r' % self.keyObject)
- if type in ('RSA', 'DSA'):
- return type
- else:
- raise RuntimeError('unknown type of key: %s' % type)
- def sshType(self):
- """
- Return the type of the object we wrap as defined in the ssh protocol.
- Currently this can only be 'ssh-rsa' or 'ssh-dss'.
- """
- return {'RSA': 'ssh-rsa', 'DSA': 'ssh-dss'}[self.type()]
- def data(self):
- """
- Return the values of the public key as a dictionary.
- @rtype: C{dict}
- """
- keyData = {}
- for name in self.keyObject.keydata:
- value = getattr(self.keyObject, name, None)
- if value is not None:
- keyData[name] = value
- return keyData
- def blob(self):
- """
- Return the public key blob for this key. The blob is the
- over-the-wire format for public keys:
- RSA keys::
- string 'ssh-rsa'
- integer e
- integer n
- DSA keys::
- string 'ssh-dss'
- integer p
- integer q
- integer g
- integer y
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- type = self.type()
- data = self.data()
- if type == 'RSA':
- return (common.NS('ssh-rsa') + common.MP(data['e']) +
- common.MP(data['n']))
- elif type == 'DSA':
- return (common.NS('ssh-dss') + common.MP(data['p']) +
- common.MP(data['q']) + common.MP(data['g']) +
- common.MP(data['y']))
- def privateBlob(self):
- """
- Return the private key blob for this key. The blob is the
- over-the-wire format for private keys:
- RSA keys::
- string 'ssh-rsa'
- integer n
- integer e
- integer d
- integer u
- integer p
- integer q
- DSA keys::
- string 'ssh-dss'
- integer p
- integer q
- integer g
- integer y
- integer x
- """
- type = self.type()
- data = self.data()
- if type == 'RSA':
- return (common.NS('ssh-rsa') + common.MP(data['n']) +
- common.MP(data['e']) + common.MP(data['d']) +
- common.MP(data['u']) + common.MP(data['p']) +
- common.MP(data['q']))
- elif type == 'DSA':
- return (common.NS('ssh-dss') + common.MP(data['p']) +
- common.MP(data['q']) + common.MP(data['g']) +
- common.MP(data['y']) + common.MP(data['x']))
- def toString(self, type, extra=None):
- """
- Create a string representation of this key. If the key is a private
- key and you want the represenation of its public key, use
- C{key.public().toString()}. type maps to a _toString_* method.
- @param type: The type of string to emit. Currently supported values
- are C{'OPENSSH'}, C{'LSH'}, and C{'AGENTV3'}.
- @type type: L{str}
- @param extra: Any extra data supported by the selected format which
- is not part of the key itself. For public OpenSSH keys, this is
- a comment. For private OpenSSH keys, this is a passphrase to
- encrypt with.
- @type extra: L{str} or L{NoneType}
- @rtype: L{str}
- """
- method = getattr(self, '_toString_%s' % type.upper(), None)
- if method is None:
- raise BadKeyError('unknown type: %s' % type)
- if method.func_code.co_argcount == 2:
- return method(extra)
- else:
- return method()
- def _toString_OPENSSH(self, extra):
- """
- Return a public or private OpenSSH string. See
- _fromString_PUBLIC_OPENSSH and _fromString_PRIVATE_OPENSSH for the
- string formats. If extra is present, it represents a comment for a
- public key, or a passphrase for a private key.
- @type extra: C{str}
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- data = self.data()
- if self.isPublic():
- b64Data = base64.encodestring(self.blob()).replace('\n', '')
- if not extra:
- extra = ''
- return ('%s %s %s' % (self.sshType(), b64Data, extra)).strip()
- else:
- lines = ['-----BEGIN %s PRIVATE KEY-----' % self.type()]
- if self.type() == 'RSA':
- p, q = data['p'], data['q']
- objData = (0, data['n'], data['e'], data['d'], q, p,
- data['d'] % (q - 1), data['d'] % (p - 1),
- data['u'])
- else:
- objData = (0, data['p'], data['q'], data['g'], data['y'],
- data['x'])
- asn1Sequence = univ.Sequence()
- for index, value in itertools.izip(itertools.count(), objData):
- asn1Sequence.setComponentByPosition(index, univ.Integer(value))
- asn1Data = berEncoder.encode(asn1Sequence)
- if extra:
- iv = randbytes.secureRandom(8)
- hexiv = ''.join(['%02X' % ord(x) for x in iv])
- lines.append('Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED')
- lines.append('DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,%s\n' % hexiv)
- ba = md5(extra + iv).digest()
- bb = md5(ba + extra + iv).digest()
- encKey = (ba + bb)[:24]
- padLen = 8 - (len(asn1Data) % 8)
- asn1Data += (chr(padLen) * padLen)
- asn1Data = DES3.new(encKey, DES3.MODE_CBC,
- iv).encrypt(asn1Data)
- b64Data = base64.encodestring(asn1Data).replace('\n', '')
- lines += [b64Data[i:i + 64] for i in range(0, len(b64Data), 64)]
- lines.append('-----END %s PRIVATE KEY-----' % self.type())
- return '\n'.join(lines)
- def _toString_LSH(self):
- """
- Return a public or private LSH key. See _fromString_PUBLIC_LSH and
- _fromString_PRIVATE_LSH for the key formats.
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- data = self.data()
- if self.isPublic():
- if self.type() == 'RSA':
- keyData = sexpy.pack([['public-key',
- ['rsa-pkcs1-sha1',
- ['n', common.MP(data['n'])[4:]],
- ['e', common.MP(data['e'])[4:]]]]])
- elif self.type() == 'DSA':
- keyData = sexpy.pack([['public-key',
- ['dsa',
- ['p', common.MP(data['p'])[4:]],
- ['q', common.MP(data['q'])[4:]],
- ['g', common.MP(data['g'])[4:]],
- ['y', common.MP(data['y'])[4:]]]]])
- return '{' + base64.encodestring(keyData).replace('\n', '') + '}'
- else:
- if self.type() == 'RSA':
- p, q = data['p'], data['q']
- return sexpy.pack([['private-key',
- ['rsa-pkcs1',
- ['n', common.MP(data['n'])[4:]],
- ['e', common.MP(data['e'])[4:]],
- ['d', common.MP(data['d'])[4:]],
- ['p', common.MP(q)[4:]],
- ['q', common.MP(p)[4:]],
- ['a', common.MP(data['d'] % (q - 1))[4:]],
- ['b', common.MP(data['d'] % (p - 1))[4:]],
- ['c', common.MP(data['u'])[4:]]]]])
- elif self.type() == 'DSA':
- return sexpy.pack([['private-key',
- ['dsa',
- ['p', common.MP(data['p'])[4:]],
- ['q', common.MP(data['q'])[4:]],
- ['g', common.MP(data['g'])[4:]],
- ['y', common.MP(data['y'])[4:]],
- ['x', common.MP(data['x'])[4:]]]]])
- def _toString_AGENTV3(self):
- """
- Return a private Secure Shell Agent v3 key. See
- _fromString_AGENTV3 for the key format.
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- data = self.data()
- if not self.isPublic():
- if self.type() == 'RSA':
- values = (data['e'], data['d'], data['n'], data['u'],
- data['p'], data['q'])
- elif self.type() == 'DSA':
- values = (data['p'], data['q'], data['g'], data['y'],
- data['x'])
- return common.NS(self.sshType()) + ''.join(map(common.MP, values))
- def sign(self, data):
- """
- Returns a signature with this Key.
- @type data: C{str}
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- if self.type() == 'RSA':
- digest = pkcs1Digest(data, self.keyObject.size() / 8)
- signature = self.keyObject.sign(digest, '')[0]
- ret = common.NS(Util.number.long_to_bytes(signature))
- elif self.type() == 'DSA':
- digest = sha1(data).digest()
- randomBytes = randbytes.secureRandom(19)
- sig = self.keyObject.sign(digest, randomBytes)
- # SSH insists that the DSS signature blob be two 160-bit integers
- # concatenated together. The sig[0], [1] numbers from obj.sign
- # are just numbers, and could be any length from 0 to 160 bits.
- # Make sure they are padded out to 160 bits (20 bytes each)
- ret = common.NS(Util.number.long_to_bytes(sig[0], 20) +
- Util.number.long_to_bytes(sig[1], 20))
- return common.NS(self.sshType()) + ret
- def verify(self, signature, data):
- """
- Returns true if the signature for data is valid for this Key.
- @type signature: C{str}
- @type data: C{str}
- @rtype: C{bool}
- """
- if len(signature) == 40:
- # DSA key with no padding
- signatureType, signature = 'ssh-dss', common.NS(signature)
- else:
- signatureType, signature = common.getNS(signature)
- if signatureType != self.sshType():
- return False
- if self.type() == 'RSA':
- numbers = common.getMP(signature)
- digest = pkcs1Digest(data, self.keyObject.size() / 8)
- elif self.type() == 'DSA':
- signature = common.getNS(signature)[0]
- numbers = [Util.number.bytes_to_long(n) for n in signature[:20],
- signature[20:]]
- digest = sha1(data).digest()
- return self.keyObject.verify(digest, numbers)
-def objectType(obj):
- """
- Return the SSH key type corresponding to a
- C{Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey} object.
- @type obj: C{Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey}
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- keyDataMapping = {
- ('n', 'e', 'd', 'p', 'q'): 'ssh-rsa',
- ('n', 'e', 'd', 'p', 'q', 'u'): 'ssh-rsa',
- ('y', 'g', 'p', 'q', 'x'): 'ssh-dss'
- }
- try:
- return keyDataMapping[tuple(obj.keydata)]
- except (KeyError, AttributeError):
- raise BadKeyError("invalid key object", obj)
-def pkcs1Pad(data, messageLength):
- """
- Pad out data to messageLength according to the PKCS#1 standard.
- @type data: C{str}
- @type messageLength: C{int}
- """
- lenPad = messageLength - 2 - len(data)
- return '\x01' + ('\xff' * lenPad) + '\x00' + data
-def pkcs1Digest(data, messageLength):
- """
- Create a message digest using the SHA1 hash algorithm according to the
- PKCS#1 standard.
- @type data: C{str}
- @type messageLength: C{str}
- """
- digest = sha1(data).digest()
- return pkcs1Pad(ID_SHA1 + digest, messageLength)
-def lenSig(obj):
- """
- Return the length of the signature in bytes for a key object.
- @type obj: C{Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey}
- @rtype: C{long}
- """
- return obj.size() / 8
-ID_SHA1 = '\x30\x21\x30\x09\x06\x05\x2b\x0e\x03\x02\x1a\x05\x00\x04\x14'
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@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-The parent class for all the SSH services. Currently implemented services
-are ssh-userauth and ssh-connection.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-from twisted.python import log
-class SSHService(log.Logger):
- name = None # this is the ssh name for the service
- protocolMessages = {} # these map #'s -> protocol names
- transport = None # gets set later
- def serviceStarted(self):
- """
- called when the service is active on the transport.
- """
- def serviceStopped(self):
- """
- called when the service is stopped, either by the connection ending
- or by another service being started
- """
- def logPrefix(self):
- return "SSHService %s on %s" % (self.name,
- self.transport.transport.logPrefix())
- def packetReceived(self, messageNum, packet):
- """
- called when we receive a packet on the transport
- """
- #print self.protocolMessages
- if messageNum in self.protocolMessages:
- messageType = self.protocolMessages[messageNum]
- f = getattr(self,'ssh_%s' % messageType[4:],
- None)
- if f is not None:
- return f(packet)
- log.msg("couldn't handle %r" % messageNum)
- log.msg(repr(packet))
- self.transport.sendUnimplemented()
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/session.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/session.py
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index e9eca3eb..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/session.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_session -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-This module contains the implementation of SSHSession, which (by default)
-allows access to a shell and a python interpreter over SSH.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-import struct
-import signal
-import sys
-import os
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.internet import interfaces, protocol
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.conch.interfaces import ISession
-from twisted.conch.ssh import common, channel
-class SSHSession(channel.SSHChannel):
- name = 'session'
- def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
- channel.SSHChannel.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
- self.buf = ''
- self.client = None
- self.session = None
- def request_subsystem(self, data):
- subsystem, ignored= common.getNS(data)
- log.msg('asking for subsystem "%s"' % subsystem)
- client = self.avatar.lookupSubsystem(subsystem, data)
- if client:
- pp = SSHSessionProcessProtocol(self)
- proto = wrapProcessProtocol(pp)
- client.makeConnection(proto)
- pp.makeConnection(wrapProtocol(client))
- self.client = pp
- return 1
- else:
- log.msg('failed to get subsystem')
- return 0
- def request_shell(self, data):
- log.msg('getting shell')
- if not self.session:
- self.session = ISession(self.avatar)
- try:
- pp = SSHSessionProcessProtocol(self)
- self.session.openShell(pp)
- except:
- log.deferr()
- return 0
- else:
- self.client = pp
- return 1
- def request_exec(self, data):
- if not self.session:
- self.session = ISession(self.avatar)
- f,data = common.getNS(data)
- log.msg('executing command "%s"' % f)
- try:
- pp = SSHSessionProcessProtocol(self)
- self.session.execCommand(pp, f)
- except:
- log.deferr()
- return 0
- else:
- self.client = pp
- return 1
- def request_pty_req(self, data):
- if not self.session:
- self.session = ISession(self.avatar)
- term, windowSize, modes = parseRequest_pty_req(data)
- log.msg('pty request: %s %s' % (term, windowSize))
- try:
- self.session.getPty(term, windowSize, modes)
- except:
- log.err()
- return 0
- else:
- return 1
- def request_window_change(self, data):
- if not self.session:
- self.session = ISession(self.avatar)
- winSize = parseRequest_window_change(data)
- try:
- self.session.windowChanged(winSize)
- except:
- log.msg('error changing window size')
- log.err()
- return 0
- else:
- return 1
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- if not self.client:
- #self.conn.sendClose(self)
- self.buf += data
- return
- self.client.transport.write(data)
- def extReceived(self, dataType, data):
- if dataType == connection.EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR:
- if self.client and hasattr(self.client.transport, 'writeErr'):
- self.client.transport.writeErr(data)
- else:
- log.msg('weird extended data: %s'%dataType)
- def eofReceived(self):
- if self.session:
- self.session.eofReceived()
- elif self.client:
- self.conn.sendClose(self)
- def closed(self):
- if self.session:
- self.session.closed()
- elif self.client:
- self.client.transport.loseConnection()
- #def closeReceived(self):
- # self.loseConnection() # don't know what to do with this
- def loseConnection(self):
- if self.client:
- self.client.transport.loseConnection()
- channel.SSHChannel.loseConnection(self)
-class _ProtocolWrapper(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
- """
- This class wraps a L{Protocol} instance in a L{ProcessProtocol} instance.
- """
- def __init__(self, proto):
- self.proto = proto
- def connectionMade(self): self.proto.connectionMade()
- def outReceived(self, data): self.proto.dataReceived(data)
- def processEnded(self, reason): self.proto.connectionLost(reason)
-class _DummyTransport:
- def __init__(self, proto):
- self.proto = proto
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.proto.transport.write(data)
- def write(self, data):
- self.proto.dataReceived(data)
- def writeSequence(self, seq):
- self.write(''.join(seq))
- def loseConnection(self):
- self.proto.connectionLost(protocol.connectionDone)
-def wrapProcessProtocol(inst):
- if isinstance(inst, protocol.Protocol):
- return _ProtocolWrapper(inst)
- else:
- return inst
-def wrapProtocol(proto):
- return _DummyTransport(proto)
-# SUPPORTED_SIGNALS is a list of signals that every session channel is supposed
-# to accept. See RFC 4254
- "PIPE", "QUIT", "SEGV", "TERM", "USR1", "USR2"]
-class SSHSessionProcessProtocol(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
- """I am both an L{IProcessProtocol} and an L{ITransport}.
- I am a transport to the remote endpoint and a process protocol to the
- local subsystem.
- """
- implements(interfaces.ITransport)
- # once initialized, a dictionary mapping signal values to strings
- # that follow RFC 4254.
- _signalValuesToNames = None
- def __init__(self, session):
- self.session = session
- self.lostOutOrErrFlag = False
- def connectionMade(self):
- if self.session.buf:
- self.transport.write(self.session.buf)
- self.session.buf = None
- def outReceived(self, data):
- self.session.write(data)
- def errReceived(self, err):
- self.session.writeExtended(connection.EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR, err)
- def outConnectionLost(self):
- """
- EOF should only be sent when both STDOUT and STDERR have been closed.
- """
- if self.lostOutOrErrFlag:
- self.session.conn.sendEOF(self.session)
- else:
- self.lostOutOrErrFlag = True
- def errConnectionLost(self):
- """
- See outConnectionLost().
- """
- self.outConnectionLost()
- def connectionLost(self, reason = None):
- self.session.loseConnection()
- def _getSignalName(self, signum):
- """
- Get a signal name given a signal number.
- """
- if self._signalValuesToNames is None:
- self._signalValuesToNames = {}
- # make sure that the POSIX ones are the defaults
- for signame in SUPPORTED_SIGNALS:
- signame = 'SIG' + signame
- sigvalue = getattr(signal, signame, None)
- if sigvalue is not None:
- self._signalValuesToNames[sigvalue] = signame
- for k, v in signal.__dict__.items():
- # Check for platform specific signals, ignoring Python specific
- if k.startswith('SIG') and not k.startswith('SIG_'):
- if v not in self._signalValuesToNames:
- self._signalValuesToNames[v] = k + '@' + sys.platform
- return self._signalValuesToNames[signum]
- def processEnded(self, reason=None):
- """
- When we are told the process ended, try to notify the other side about
- how the process ended using the exit-signal or exit-status requests.
- Also, close the channel.
- """
- if reason is not None:
- err = reason.value
- if err.signal is not None:
- signame = self._getSignalName(err.signal)
- if (getattr(os, 'WCOREDUMP', None) is not None and
- os.WCOREDUMP(err.status)):
- log.msg('exitSignal: %s (core dumped)' % (signame,))
- coreDumped = 1
- else:
- log.msg('exitSignal: %s' % (signame,))
- coreDumped = 0
- self.session.conn.sendRequest(self.session, 'exit-signal',
- common.NS(signame[3:]) + chr(coreDumped) +
- common.NS('') + common.NS(''))
- elif err.exitCode is not None:
- log.msg('exitCode: %r' % (err.exitCode,))
- self.session.conn.sendRequest(self.session, 'exit-status',
- struct.pack('>L', err.exitCode))
- self.session.loseConnection()
- def getHost(self):
- """
- Return the host from my session's transport.
- """
- return self.session.conn.transport.getHost()
- def getPeer(self):
- """
- Return the peer from my session's transport.
- """
- return self.session.conn.transport.getPeer()
- def write(self, data):
- self.session.write(data)
- def writeSequence(self, seq):
- self.session.write(''.join(seq))
- def loseConnection(self):
- self.session.loseConnection()
-class SSHSessionClient(protocol.Protocol):
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- if self.transport:
- self.transport.write(data)
-# methods factored out to make live easier on server writers
-def parseRequest_pty_req(data):
- """Parse the data from a pty-req request into usable data.
- @returns: a tuple of (terminal type, (rows, cols, xpixel, ypixel), modes)
- """
- term, rest = common.getNS(data)
- cols, rows, xpixel, ypixel = struct.unpack('>4L', rest[: 16])
- modes, ignored= common.getNS(rest[16:])
- winSize = (rows, cols, xpixel, ypixel)
- modes = [(ord(modes[i]), struct.unpack('>L', modes[i+1: i+5])[0]) for i in range(0, len(modes)-1, 5)]
- return term, winSize, modes
-def packRequest_pty_req(term, (rows, cols, xpixel, ypixel), modes):
- """Pack a pty-req request so that it is suitable for sending.
- NOTE: modes must be packed before being sent here.
- """
- termPacked = common.NS(term)
- winSizePacked = struct.pack('>4L', cols, rows, xpixel, ypixel)
- modesPacked = common.NS(modes) # depend on the client packing modes
- return termPacked + winSizePacked + modesPacked
-def parseRequest_window_change(data):
- """Parse the data from a window-change request into usuable data.
- @returns: a tuple of (rows, cols, xpixel, ypixel)
- """
- cols, rows, xpixel, ypixel = struct.unpack('>4L', data)
- return rows, cols, xpixel, ypixel
-def packRequest_window_change((rows, cols, xpixel, ypixel)):
- """Pack a window-change request so that it is suitable for sending.
- """
- return struct.pack('>4L', cols, rows, xpixel, ypixel)
-import connection
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/sexpy.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/sexpy.py
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index 60c43289..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/sexpy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-def parse(s):
- s = s.strip()
- expr = []
- while s:
- if s[0] == '(':
- newSexp = []
- if expr:
- expr[-1].append(newSexp)
- expr.append(newSexp)
- s = s[1:]
- continue
- if s[0] == ')':
- aList = expr.pop()
- s=s[1:]
- if not expr:
- assert not s
- return aList
- continue
- i = 0
- while s[i].isdigit(): i+=1
- assert i
- length = int(s[:i])
- data = s[i+1:i+1+length]
- expr[-1].append(data)
- s=s[i+1+length:]
- assert 0, "this should not happen"
-def pack(sexp):
- s = ""
- for o in sexp:
- if type(o) in (type(()), type([])):
- s+='('
- s+=pack(o)
- s+=')'
- else:
- s+='%i:%s' % (len(o), o)
- return s
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/transport.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1617 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_transport -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-The lowest level SSH protocol. This handles the key negotiation, the
-encryption and the compression. The transport layer is described in
-RFC 4253.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-# base library imports
-import struct
-import zlib
-import array
-# external library imports
-from Crypto import Util
-from Crypto.Cipher import XOR
-# twisted imports
-from twisted.internet import protocol, defer
-from twisted.conch import error
-from twisted.python import log, randbytes
-from twisted.python.hashlib import md5, sha1
-# sibling imports
-from twisted.conch.ssh import address, keys
-from twisted.conch.ssh.common import NS, getNS, MP, getMP, _MPpow, ffs
-def _getRandomNumber(random, bits):
- """
- Generate a random number in the range [0, 2 ** bits).
- @param bits: The number of bits in the result.
- @type bits: C{int}
- @rtype: C{int} or C{long}
- @return: The newly generated random number.
- @raise ValueError: if C{bits} is not a multiple of 8.
- """
- if bits % 8:
- raise ValueError("bits (%d) must be a multiple of 8" % (bits,))
- bytes = random(bits / 8)
- result = Util.number.bytes_to_long(bytes)
- return result
-def _generateX(random, bits):
- """
- Generate a new value for the private key x.
- From RFC 2631, section 2.2::
- X9.42 requires that the private key x be in the interval
- [2, (q - 2)]. x should be randomly generated in this interval.
- """
- while True:
- x = _getRandomNumber(random, bits)
- if 2 <= x <= (2 ** bits) - 2:
- return x
-class SSHTransportBase(protocol.Protocol):
- """
- Protocol supporting basic SSH functionality: sending/receiving packets
- and message dispatch. To connect to or run a server, you must use
- SSHClientTransport or SSHServerTransport.
- @ivar protocolVersion: A string representing the version of the SSH
- protocol we support. Currently defaults to '2.0'.
- @ivar version: A string representing the version of the server or client.
- Currently defaults to 'Twisted'.
- @ivar comment: An optional string giving more information about the
- server or client.
- @ivar supportedCiphers: A list of strings representing the encryption
- algorithms supported, in order from most-preferred to least.
- @ivar supportedMACs: A list of strings representing the message
- authentication codes (hashes) supported, in order from most-preferred
- to least. Both this and supportedCiphers can include 'none' to use
- no encryption or authentication, but that must be done manually,
- @ivar supportedKeyExchanges: A list of strings representing the
- key exchanges supported, in order from most-preferred to least.
- @ivar supportedPublicKeys: A list of strings representing the
- public key types supported, in order from most-preferred to least.
- @ivar supportedCompressions: A list of strings representing compression
- types supported, from most-preferred to least.
- @ivar supportedLanguages: A list of strings representing languages
- supported, from most-preferred to least.
- @ivar supportedVersions: A container of strings representing supported ssh
- protocol version numbers.
- @ivar isClient: A boolean indicating whether this is a client or server.
- @ivar gotVersion: A boolean indicating whether we have receieved the
- version string from the other side.
- @ivar buf: Data we've received but hasn't been parsed into a packet.
- @ivar outgoingPacketSequence: the sequence number of the next packet we
- will send.
- @ivar incomingPacketSequence: the sequence number of the next packet we
- are expecting from the other side.
- @ivar outgoingCompression: an object supporting the .compress(str) and
- .flush() methods, or None if there is no outgoing compression. Used to
- compress outgoing data.
- @ivar outgoingCompressionType: A string representing the outgoing
- compression type.
- @ivar incomingCompression: an object supporting the .decompress(str)
- method, or None if there is no incoming compression. Used to
- decompress incoming data.
- @ivar incomingCompressionType: A string representing the incoming
- compression type.
- @ivar ourVersionString: the version string that we sent to the other side.
- Used in the key exchange.
- @ivar otherVersionString: the version string sent by the other side. Used
- in the key exchange.
- @ivar ourKexInitPayload: the MSG_KEXINIT payload we sent. Used in the key
- exchange.
- @ivar otherKexInitPayload: the MSG_KEXINIT payload we received. Used in
- the key exchange
- @ivar sessionID: a string that is unique to this SSH session. Created as
- part of the key exchange, sessionID is used to generate the various
- encryption and authentication keys.
- @ivar service: an SSHService instance, or None. If it's set to an object,
- it's the currently running service.
- @ivar kexAlg: the agreed-upon key exchange algorithm.
- @ivar keyAlg: the agreed-upon public key type for the key exchange.
- @ivar currentEncryptions: an SSHCiphers instance. It represents the
- current encryption and authentication options for the transport.
- @ivar nextEncryptions: an SSHCiphers instance. Held here until the
- MSG_NEWKEYS messages are exchanged, when nextEncryptions is
- transitioned to currentEncryptions.
- @ivar first: the first bytes of the next packet. In order to avoid
- decrypting data twice, the first bytes are decrypted and stored until
- the whole packet is available.
- @ivar _keyExchangeState: The current protocol state with respect to key
- exchange. This is either C{_KEY_EXCHANGE_NONE} if no key exchange is
- in progress (and returns to this value after any key exchange
- completqes), C{_KEY_EXCHANGE_REQUESTED} if this side of the connection
- initiated a key exchange, and C{_KEY_EXCHANGE_PROGRESSING} if the other
- side of the connection initiated a key exchange. C{_KEY_EXCHANGE_NONE}
- is the initial value (however SSH connections begin with key exchange,
- so it will quickly change to another state).
- @ivar _blockedByKeyExchange: Whenever C{_keyExchangeState} is not
- C{_KEY_EXCHANGE_NONE}, this is a C{list} of pending messages which were
- passed to L{sendPacket} but could not be sent because it is not legal
- to send them while a key exchange is in progress. When the key
- exchange completes, another attempt is made to send these messages.
- """
- protocolVersion = '2.0'
- version = 'Twisted'
- comment = ''
- ourVersionString = ('SSH-' + protocolVersion + '-' + version + ' '
- + comment).strip()
- supportedCiphers = ['aes256-ctr', 'aes256-cbc', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes192-cbc',
- 'aes128-ctr', 'aes128-cbc', 'cast128-ctr',
- 'cast128-cbc', 'blowfish-ctr', 'blowfish-cbc',
- '3des-ctr', '3des-cbc'] # ,'none']
- supportedMACs = ['hmac-sha1', 'hmac-md5'] # , 'none']
- # both of the above support 'none', but for security are disabled by
- # default. to enable them, subclass this class and add it, or do:
- # SSHTransportBase.supportedCiphers.append('none')
- supportedKeyExchanges = ['diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1',
- 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1']
- supportedPublicKeys = ['ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss']
- supportedCompressions = ['none', 'zlib']
- supportedLanguages = ()
- supportedVersions = ('1.99', '2.0')
- isClient = False
- gotVersion = False
- buf = ''
- outgoingPacketSequence = 0
- incomingPacketSequence = 0
- outgoingCompression = None
- incomingCompression = None
- sessionID = None
- service = None
- # There is no key exchange activity in progress.
- # Key exchange is in progress and we started it.
- # Key exchange is in progress and both sides have sent KEXINIT messages.
- # There is a fourth conceptual state not represented here: KEXINIT received
- # but not sent. Since we always send a KEXINIT as soon as we get it, we
- # can't ever be in that state.
- # The current key exchange state.
- _keyExchangeState = _KEY_EXCHANGE_NONE
- _blockedByKeyExchange = None
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- if self.service:
- self.service.serviceStopped()
- if hasattr(self, 'avatar'):
- self.logoutFunction()
- log.msg('connection lost')
- def connectionMade(self):
- """
- Called when the connection is made to the other side. We sent our
- version and the MSG_KEXINIT packet.
- """
- self.transport.write('%s\r\n' % (self.ourVersionString,))
- self.currentEncryptions = SSHCiphers('none', 'none', 'none', 'none')
- self.currentEncryptions.setKeys('', '', '', '', '', '')
- self.sendKexInit()
- def sendKexInit(self):
- """
- Send a I{KEXINIT} message to initiate key exchange or to respond to a
- key exchange initiated by the peer.
- @raise RuntimeError: If a key exchange has already been started and it
- is not appropriate to send a I{KEXINIT} message at this time.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- if self._keyExchangeState != self._KEY_EXCHANGE_NONE:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "Cannot send KEXINIT while key exchange state is %r" % (
- self._keyExchangeState,))
- self.ourKexInitPayload = (chr(MSG_KEXINIT) +
- randbytes.secureRandom(16) +
- NS(','.join(self.supportedKeyExchanges)) +
- NS(','.join(self.supportedPublicKeys)) +
- NS(','.join(self.supportedCiphers)) +
- NS(','.join(self.supportedCiphers)) +
- NS(','.join(self.supportedMACs)) +
- NS(','.join(self.supportedMACs)) +
- NS(','.join(self.supportedCompressions)) +
- NS(','.join(self.supportedCompressions)) +
- NS(','.join(self.supportedLanguages)) +
- NS(','.join(self.supportedLanguages)) +
- '\000' + '\000\000\000\000')
- self.sendPacket(MSG_KEXINIT, self.ourKexInitPayload[1:])
- self._keyExchangeState = self._KEY_EXCHANGE_REQUESTED
- self._blockedByKeyExchange = []
- def _allowedKeyExchangeMessageType(self, messageType):
- """
- Determine if the given message type may be sent while key exchange is
- in progress.
- @param messageType: The type of message
- @type messageType: C{int}
- @return: C{True} if the given type of message may be sent while key
- exchange is in progress, C{False} if it may not.
- @rtype: C{bool}
- @see: U{http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253#section-7.1}
- """
- # Written somewhat peculularly to reflect the way the specification
- # defines the allowed message types.
- if 1 <= messageType <= 19:
- return messageType not in (MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST, MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT)
- if 20 <= messageType <= 29:
- return messageType not in (MSG_KEXINIT,)
- return 30 <= messageType <= 49
- def sendPacket(self, messageType, payload):
- """
- Sends a packet. If it's been set up, compress the data, encrypt it,
- and authenticate it before sending. If key exchange is in progress and
- the message is not part of key exchange, queue it to be sent later.
- @param messageType: The type of the packet; generally one of the
- MSG_* values.
- @type messageType: C{int}
- @param payload: The payload for the message.
- @type payload: C{str}
- """
- if self._keyExchangeState != self._KEY_EXCHANGE_NONE:
- if not self._allowedKeyExchangeMessageType(messageType):
- self._blockedByKeyExchange.append((messageType, payload))
- return
- payload = chr(messageType) + payload
- if self.outgoingCompression:
- payload = (self.outgoingCompression.compress(payload)
- + self.outgoingCompression.flush(2))
- bs = self.currentEncryptions.encBlockSize
- # 4 for the packet length and 1 for the padding length
- totalSize = 5 + len(payload)
- lenPad = bs - (totalSize % bs)
- if lenPad < 4:
- lenPad = lenPad + bs
- packet = (struct.pack('!LB',
- totalSize + lenPad - 4, lenPad) +
- payload + randbytes.secureRandom(lenPad))
- encPacket = (
- self.currentEncryptions.encrypt(packet) +
- self.currentEncryptions.makeMAC(
- self.outgoingPacketSequence, packet))
- self.transport.write(encPacket)
- self.outgoingPacketSequence += 1
- def getPacket(self):
- """
- Try to return a decrypted, authenticated, and decompressed packet
- out of the buffer. If there is not enough data, return None.
- @rtype: C{str}/C{None}
- """
- bs = self.currentEncryptions.decBlockSize
- ms = self.currentEncryptions.verifyDigestSize
- if len(self.buf) < bs: return # not enough data
- if not hasattr(self, 'first'):
- first = self.currentEncryptions.decrypt(self.buf[:bs])
- else:
- first = self.first
- del self.first
- packetLen, paddingLen = struct.unpack('!LB', first[:5])
- if packetLen > 1048576: # 1024 ** 2
- self.sendDisconnect(DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- 'bad packet length %s' % packetLen)
- return
- if len(self.buf) < packetLen + 4 + ms:
- self.first = first
- return # not enough packet
- if(packetLen + 4) % bs != 0:
- self.sendDisconnect(
- 'bad packet mod (%i%%%i == %i)' % (packetLen + 4, bs,
- (packetLen + 4) % bs))
- return
- encData, self.buf = self.buf[:4 + packetLen], self.buf[4 + packetLen:]
- packet = first + self.currentEncryptions.decrypt(encData[bs:])
- if len(packet) != 4 + packetLen:
- self.sendDisconnect(DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- 'bad decryption')
- return
- if ms:
- macData, self.buf = self.buf[:ms], self.buf[ms:]
- if not self.currentEncryptions.verify(self.incomingPacketSequence,
- packet, macData):
- self.sendDisconnect(DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR, 'bad MAC')
- return
- payload = packet[5:-paddingLen]
- if self.incomingCompression:
- try:
- payload = self.incomingCompression.decompress(payload)
- except: # bare except, because who knows what kind of errors
- # decompression can raise
- log.err()
- 'compression error')
- return
- self.incomingPacketSequence += 1
- return payload
- def _unsupportedVersionReceived(self, remoteVersion):
- """
- Called when an unsupported version of the ssh protocol is received from
- the remote endpoint.
- @param remoteVersion: remote ssh protocol version which is unsupported
- by us.
- @type remoteVersion: C{str}
- """
- 'bad version ' + remoteVersion)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- """
- First, check for the version string (SSH-2.0-*). After that has been
- received, this method adds data to the buffer, and pulls out any
- packets.
- @type data: C{str}
- """
- self.buf = self.buf + data
- if not self.gotVersion:
- if self.buf.find('\n', self.buf.find('SSH-')) == -1:
- return
- lines = self.buf.split('\n')
- for p in lines:
- if p.startswith('SSH-'):
- self.gotVersion = True
- self.otherVersionString = p.strip()
- remoteVersion = p.split('-')[1]
- if remoteVersion not in self.supportedVersions:
- self._unsupportedVersionReceived(remoteVersion)
- return
- i = lines.index(p)
- self.buf = '\n'.join(lines[i + 1:])
- packet = self.getPacket()
- while packet:
- messageNum = ord(packet[0])
- self.dispatchMessage(messageNum, packet[1:])
- packet = self.getPacket()
- def dispatchMessage(self, messageNum, payload):
- """
- Send a received message to the appropriate method.
- @type messageNum: C{int}
- @type payload: c{str}
- """
- if messageNum < 50 and messageNum in messages:
- messageType = messages[messageNum][4:]
- f = getattr(self, 'ssh_%s' % messageType, None)
- if f is not None:
- f(payload)
- else:
- log.msg("couldn't handle %s" % messageType)
- log.msg(repr(payload))
- self.sendUnimplemented()
- elif self.service:
- log.callWithLogger(self.service, self.service.packetReceived,
- messageNum, payload)
- else:
- log.msg("couldn't handle %s" % messageNum)
- log.msg(repr(payload))
- self.sendUnimplemented()
- def getPeer(self):
- """
- Returns an L{SSHTransportAddress} corresponding to the other (peer)
- side of this transport.
- @return: L{SSHTransportAddress} for the peer
- @rtype: L{SSHTransportAddress}
- @since: 12.1
- """
- return address.SSHTransportAddress(self.transport.getPeer())
- def getHost(self):
- """
- Returns an L{SSHTransportAddress} corresponding to the this side of
- transport.
- @return: L{SSHTransportAddress} for the peer
- @rtype: L{SSHTransportAddress}
- @since: 12.1
- """
- return address.SSHTransportAddress(self.transport.getHost())
- # Client-initiated rekeying looks like this:
- #
- # C> MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT or --
- #
- # Server-initiated rekeying is the same, only the first two messages are
- # switched.
- def ssh_KEXINIT(self, packet):
- """
- Called when we receive a MSG_KEXINIT message. Payload::
- bytes[16] cookie
- string keyExchangeAlgorithms
- string keyAlgorithms
- string incomingEncryptions
- string outgoingEncryptions
- string incomingAuthentications
- string outgoingAuthentications
- string incomingCompressions
- string outgoingCompressions
- string incomingLanguages
- string outgoingLanguages
- bool firstPacketFollows
- unit32 0 (reserved)
- Starts setting up the key exchange, keys, encryptions, and
- authentications. Extended by ssh_KEXINIT in SSHServerTransport and
- SSHClientTransport.
- """
- self.otherKexInitPayload = chr(MSG_KEXINIT) + packet
- #cookie = packet[: 16] # taking this is useless
- k = getNS(packet[16:], 10)
- strings, rest = k[:-1], k[-1]
- (kexAlgs, keyAlgs, encCS, encSC, macCS, macSC, compCS, compSC, langCS,
- langSC) = [s.split(',') for s in strings]
- # these are the server directions
- outs = [encSC, macSC, compSC]
- ins = [encCS, macSC, compCS]
- if self.isClient:
- outs, ins = ins, outs # switch directions
- server = (self.supportedKeyExchanges, self.supportedPublicKeys,
- self.supportedCiphers, self.supportedCiphers,
- self.supportedMACs, self.supportedMACs,
- self.supportedCompressions, self.supportedCompressions)
- client = (kexAlgs, keyAlgs, outs[0], ins[0], outs[1], ins[1],
- outs[2], ins[2])
- if self.isClient:
- server, client = client, server
- self.kexAlg = ffs(client[0], server[0])
- self.keyAlg = ffs(client[1], server[1])
- self.nextEncryptions = SSHCiphers(
- ffs(client[2], server[2]),
- ffs(client[3], server[3]),
- ffs(client[4], server[4]),
- ffs(client[5], server[5]))
- self.outgoingCompressionType = ffs(client[6], server[6])
- self.incomingCompressionType = ffs(client[7], server[7])
- if None in (self.kexAlg, self.keyAlg, self.outgoingCompressionType,
- self.incomingCompressionType):
- "couldn't match all kex parts")
- return
- if None in self.nextEncryptions.__dict__.values():
- "couldn't match all kex parts")
- return
- log.msg('kex alg, key alg: %s %s' % (self.kexAlg, self.keyAlg))
- log.msg('outgoing: %s %s %s' % (self.nextEncryptions.outCipType,
- self.nextEncryptions.outMACType,
- self.outgoingCompressionType))
- log.msg('incoming: %s %s %s' % (self.nextEncryptions.inCipType,
- self.nextEncryptions.inMACType,
- self.incomingCompressionType))
- if self._keyExchangeState == self._KEY_EXCHANGE_REQUESTED:
- self._keyExchangeState = self._KEY_EXCHANGE_PROGRESSING
- else:
- self.sendKexInit()
- return kexAlgs, keyAlgs, rest # for SSHServerTransport to use
- def ssh_DISCONNECT(self, packet):
- """
- Called when we receive a MSG_DISCONNECT message. Payload::
- long code
- string description
- This means that the other side has disconnected. Pass the message up
- and disconnect ourselves.
- """
- reasonCode = struct.unpack('>L', packet[: 4])[0]
- description, foo = getNS(packet[4:])
- self.receiveError(reasonCode, description)
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def ssh_IGNORE(self, packet):
- """
- Called when we receieve a MSG_IGNORE message. No payload.
- This means nothing; we simply return.
- """
- def ssh_UNIMPLEMENTED(self, packet):
- """
- Called when we receieve a MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED message. Payload::
- long packet
- This means that the other side did not implement one of our packets.
- """
- seqnum, = struct.unpack('>L', packet)
- self.receiveUnimplemented(seqnum)
- def ssh_DEBUG(self, packet):
- """
- Called when we receieve a MSG_DEBUG message. Payload::
- bool alwaysDisplay
- string message
- string language
- This means the other side has passed along some debugging info.
- """
- alwaysDisplay = bool(packet[0])
- message, lang, foo = getNS(packet[1:], 2)
- self.receiveDebug(alwaysDisplay, message, lang)
- def setService(self, service):
- """
- Set our service to service and start it running. If we were
- running a service previously, stop it first.
- @type service: C{SSHService}
- """
- log.msg('starting service %s' % service.name)
- if self.service:
- self.service.serviceStopped()
- self.service = service
- service.transport = self
- self.service.serviceStarted()
- def sendDebug(self, message, alwaysDisplay=False, language=''):
- """
- Send a debug message to the other side.
- @param message: the message to send.
- @type message: C{str}
- @param alwaysDisplay: if True, tell the other side to always
- display this message.
- @type alwaysDisplay: C{bool}
- @param language: optionally, the language the message is in.
- @type language: C{str}
- """
- self.sendPacket(MSG_DEBUG, chr(alwaysDisplay) + NS(message) +
- NS(language))
- def sendIgnore(self, message):
- """
- Send a message that will be ignored by the other side. This is
- useful to fool attacks based on guessing packet sizes in the
- encrypted stream.
- @param message: data to send with the message
- @type message: C{str}
- """
- self.sendPacket(MSG_IGNORE, NS(message))
- def sendUnimplemented(self):
- """
- Send a message to the other side that the last packet was not
- understood.
- """
- seqnum = self.incomingPacketSequence
- self.sendPacket(MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED, struct.pack('!L', seqnum))
- def sendDisconnect(self, reason, desc):
- """
- Send a disconnect message to the other side and then disconnect.
- @param reason: the reason for the disconnect. Should be one of the
- DISCONNECT_* values.
- @type reason: C{int}
- @param desc: a descrption of the reason for the disconnection.
- @type desc: C{str}
- """
- self.sendPacket(
- MSG_DISCONNECT, struct.pack('>L', reason) + NS(desc) + NS(''))
- log.msg('Disconnecting with error, code %s\nreason: %s' % (reason,
- desc))
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def _getKey(self, c, sharedSecret, exchangeHash):
- """
- Get one of the keys for authentication/encryption.
- @type c: C{str}
- @type sharedSecret: C{str}
- @type exchangeHash: C{str}
- """
- k1 = sha1(sharedSecret + exchangeHash + c + self.sessionID)
- k1 = k1.digest()
- k2 = sha1(sharedSecret + exchangeHash + k1).digest()
- return k1 + k2
- def _keySetup(self, sharedSecret, exchangeHash):
- """
- Set up the keys for the connection and sends MSG_NEWKEYS when
- finished,
- @param sharedSecret: a secret string agreed upon using a Diffie-
- Hellman exchange, so it is only shared between
- the server and the client.
- @type sharedSecret: C{str}
- @param exchangeHash: A hash of various data known by both sides.
- @type exchangeHash: C{str}
- """
- if not self.sessionID:
- self.sessionID = exchangeHash
- initIVCS = self._getKey('A', sharedSecret, exchangeHash)
- initIVSC = self._getKey('B', sharedSecret, exchangeHash)
- encKeyCS = self._getKey('C', sharedSecret, exchangeHash)
- encKeySC = self._getKey('D', sharedSecret, exchangeHash)
- integKeyCS = self._getKey('E', sharedSecret, exchangeHash)
- integKeySC = self._getKey('F', sharedSecret, exchangeHash)
- outs = [initIVSC, encKeySC, integKeySC]
- ins = [initIVCS, encKeyCS, integKeyCS]
- if self.isClient: # reverse for the client
- log.msg('REVERSE')
- outs, ins = ins, outs
- self.nextEncryptions.setKeys(outs[0], outs[1], ins[0], ins[1],
- outs[2], ins[2])
- self.sendPacket(MSG_NEWKEYS, '')
- def _newKeys(self):
- """
- Called back by a subclass once a I{MSG_NEWKEYS} message has been
- received. This indicates key exchange has completed and new encryption
- and compression parameters should be adopted. Any messages which were
- queued during key exchange will also be flushed.
- """
- log.msg('NEW KEYS')
- self.currentEncryptions = self.nextEncryptions
- if self.outgoingCompressionType == 'zlib':
- self.outgoingCompression = zlib.compressobj(6)
- if self.incomingCompressionType == 'zlib':
- self.incomingCompression = zlib.decompressobj()
- self._keyExchangeState = self._KEY_EXCHANGE_NONE
- messages = self._blockedByKeyExchange
- self._blockedByKeyExchange = None
- for (messageType, payload) in messages:
- self.sendPacket(messageType, payload)
- def isEncrypted(self, direction="out"):
- """
- Return True if the connection is encrypted in the given direction.
- Direction must be one of ["out", "in", "both"].
- """
- if direction == "out":
- return self.currentEncryptions.outCipType != 'none'
- elif direction == "in":
- return self.currentEncryptions.inCipType != 'none'
- elif direction == "both":
- return self.isEncrypted("in") and self.isEncrypted("out")
- else:
- raise TypeError('direction must be "out", "in", or "both"')
- def isVerified(self, direction="out"):
- """
- Return True if the connecction is verified/authenticated in the
- given direction. Direction must be one of ["out", "in", "both"].
- """
- if direction == "out":
- return self.currentEncryptions.outMACType != 'none'
- elif direction == "in":
- return self.currentEncryptions.inMACType != 'none'
- elif direction == "both":
- return self.isVerified("in")and self.isVerified("out")
- else:
- raise TypeError('direction must be "out", "in", or "both"')
- def loseConnection(self):
- """
- Lose the connection to the other side, sending a
- """
- "user closed connection")
- # client methods
- def receiveError(self, reasonCode, description):
- """
- Called when we receive a disconnect error message from the other
- side.
- @param reasonCode: the reason for the disconnect, one of the
- DISCONNECT_ values.
- @type reasonCode: C{int}
- @param description: a human-readable description of the
- disconnection.
- @type description: C{str}
- """
- log.msg('Got remote error, code %s\nreason: %s' % (reasonCode,
- description))
- def receiveUnimplemented(self, seqnum):
- """
- Called when we receive an unimplemented packet message from the other
- side.
- @param seqnum: the sequence number that was not understood.
- @type seqnum: C{int}
- """
- log.msg('other side unimplemented packet #%s' % seqnum)
- def receiveDebug(self, alwaysDisplay, message, lang):
- """
- Called when we receive a debug message from the other side.
- @param alwaysDisplay: if True, this message should always be
- displayed.
- @type alwaysDisplay: C{bool}
- @param message: the debug message
- @type message: C{str}
- @param lang: optionally the language the message is in.
- @type lang: C{str}
- """
- if alwaysDisplay:
- log.msg('Remote Debug Message: %s' % message)
-class SSHServerTransport(SSHTransportBase):
- """
- SSHServerTransport implements the server side of the SSH protocol.
- @ivar isClient: since we are never the client, this is always False.
- @ivar ignoreNextPacket: if True, ignore the next key exchange packet. This
- is set when the client sends a guessed key exchange packet but with
- an incorrect guess.
- @ivar dhGexRequest: the KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST(_OLD) that the client sent.
- The key generation needs this to be stored.
- @ivar g: the Diffie-Hellman group generator.
- @ivar p: the Diffie-Hellman group prime.
- """
- isClient = False
- ignoreNextPacket = 0
- def ssh_KEXINIT(self, packet):
- """
- Called when we receive a MSG_KEXINIT message. For a description
- of the packet, see SSHTransportBase.ssh_KEXINIT(). Additionally,
- this method checks if a guessed key exchange packet was sent. If
- it was sent, and it guessed incorrectly, the next key exchange
- packet MUST be ignored.
- """
- retval = SSHTransportBase.ssh_KEXINIT(self, packet)
- if not retval: # disconnected
- return
- else:
- kexAlgs, keyAlgs, rest = retval
- if ord(rest[0]): # first_kex_packet_follows
- if (kexAlgs[0] != self.supportedKeyExchanges[0] or
- keyAlgs[0] != self.supportedPublicKeys[0]):
- self.ignoreNextPacket = True # guess was wrong
- def _ssh_KEXDH_INIT(self, packet):
- """
- Called to handle the beginning of a diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 key
- exchange.
- Unlike other message types, this is not dispatched automatically. It
- is called from C{ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD} because an extra check is
- required to determine if this is really a KEXDH_INIT message or if it
- is a KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD message.
- The KEXDH_INIT (for diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 exchanges) payload::
- integer e (the client's Diffie-Hellman public key)
- We send the KEXDH_REPLY with our host key and signature.
- """
- clientDHpublicKey, foo = getMP(packet)
- y = _getRandomNumber(randbytes.secureRandom, 512)
- serverDHpublicKey = _MPpow(DH_GENERATOR, y, DH_PRIME)
- sharedSecret = _MPpow(clientDHpublicKey, y, DH_PRIME)
- h = sha1()
- h.update(NS(self.otherVersionString))
- h.update(NS(self.ourVersionString))
- h.update(NS(self.otherKexInitPayload))
- h.update(NS(self.ourKexInitPayload))
- h.update(NS(self.factory.publicKeys[self.keyAlg].blob()))
- h.update(MP(clientDHpublicKey))
- h.update(serverDHpublicKey)
- h.update(sharedSecret)
- exchangeHash = h.digest()
- self.sendPacket(
- NS(self.factory.publicKeys[self.keyAlg].blob()) +
- serverDHpublicKey +
- NS(self.factory.privateKeys[self.keyAlg].sign(exchangeHash)))
- self._keySetup(sharedSecret, exchangeHash)
- def ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD(self, packet):
- """
- This represents two different key exchange methods that share the same
- integer value. If the message is determined to be a KEXDH_INIT,
- C{_ssh_KEXDH_INIT} is called to handle it. Otherwise, for
- KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD (for diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1)
- payload::
- integer ideal (ideal size for the Diffie-Hellman prime)
- We send the KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP message with the group that is
- closest in size to ideal.
- If we were told to ignore the next key exchange packet by ssh_KEXINIT,
- drop it on the floor and return.
- """
- if self.ignoreNextPacket:
- self.ignoreNextPacket = 0
- return
- # KEXDH_INIT and KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD have the same value, so use
- # another cue to decide what kind of message the peer sent us.
- if self.kexAlg == 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1':
- return self._ssh_KEXDH_INIT(packet)
- elif self.kexAlg == 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1':
- self.dhGexRequest = packet
- ideal = struct.unpack('>L', packet)[0]
- self.g, self.p = self.factory.getDHPrime(ideal)
- self.sendPacket(MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP, MP(self.p) + MP(self.g))
- else:
- raise error.ConchError('bad kexalg: %s' % self.kexAlg)
- def ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST(self, packet):
- """
- Called when we receive a MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST message. Payload::
- integer minimum
- integer ideal
- integer maximum
- The client is asking for a Diffie-Hellman group between minimum and
- maximum size, and close to ideal if possible. We reply with a
- If we were told to ignore the next key exchange packet by ssh_KEXINIT,
- drop it on the floor and return.
- """
- if self.ignoreNextPacket:
- self.ignoreNextPacket = 0
- return
- self.dhGexRequest = packet
- min, ideal, max = struct.unpack('>3L', packet)
- self.g, self.p = self.factory.getDHPrime(ideal)
- self.sendPacket(MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP, MP(self.p) + MP(self.g))
- def ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT(self, packet):
- """
- Called when we get a MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT message. Payload::
- integer e (client DH public key)
- We send the MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY message with our host key and
- signature.
- """
- clientDHpublicKey, foo = getMP(packet)
- # TODO: we should also look at the value they send to us and reject
- # insecure values of f (if g==2 and f has a single '1' bit while the
- # rest are '0's, then they must have used a small y also).
- # TODO: This could be computed when self.p is set up
- # or do as openssh does and scan f for a single '1' bit instead
- pSize = Util.number.size(self.p)
- y = _getRandomNumber(randbytes.secureRandom, pSize)
- serverDHpublicKey = _MPpow(self.g, y, self.p)
- sharedSecret = _MPpow(clientDHpublicKey, y, self.p)
- h = sha1()
- h.update(NS(self.otherVersionString))
- h.update(NS(self.ourVersionString))
- h.update(NS(self.otherKexInitPayload))
- h.update(NS(self.ourKexInitPayload))
- h.update(NS(self.factory.publicKeys[self.keyAlg].blob()))
- h.update(self.dhGexRequest)
- h.update(MP(self.p))
- h.update(MP(self.g))
- h.update(MP(clientDHpublicKey))
- h.update(serverDHpublicKey)
- h.update(sharedSecret)
- exchangeHash = h.digest()
- self.sendPacket(
- NS(self.factory.publicKeys[self.keyAlg].blob()) +
- serverDHpublicKey +
- NS(self.factory.privateKeys[self.keyAlg].sign(exchangeHash)))
- self._keySetup(sharedSecret, exchangeHash)
- def ssh_NEWKEYS(self, packet):
- """
- Called when we get a MSG_NEWKEYS message. No payload.
- When we get this, the keys have been set on both sides, and we
- start using them to encrypt and authenticate the connection.
- """
- if packet != '':
- self.sendDisconnect(DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "NEWKEYS takes no data")
- return
- self._newKeys()
- def ssh_SERVICE_REQUEST(self, packet):
- """
- Called when we get a MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST message. Payload::
- string serviceName
- The client has requested a service. If we can start the service,
- start it; otherwise, disconnect with
- """
- service, rest = getNS(packet)
- cls = self.factory.getService(self, service)
- if not cls:
- "don't have service %s" % service)
- return
- else:
- self.sendPacket(MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT, NS(service))
- self.setService(cls())
-class SSHClientTransport(SSHTransportBase):
- """
- SSHClientTransport implements the client side of the SSH protocol.
- @ivar isClient: since we are always the client, this is always True.
- @ivar _gotNewKeys: if we receive a MSG_NEWKEYS message before we are
- ready to transition to the new keys, this is set to True so we
- can transition when the keys are ready locally.
- @ivar x: our Diffie-Hellman private key.
- @ivar e: our Diffie-Hellman public key.
- @ivar g: the Diffie-Hellman group generator.
- @ivar p: the Diffie-Hellman group prime
- @ivar instance: the SSHService object we are requesting.
- """
- isClient = True
- def connectionMade(self):
- """
- Called when the connection is started with the server. Just sets
- up a private instance variable.
- """
- SSHTransportBase.connectionMade(self)
- self._gotNewKeys = 0
- def ssh_KEXINIT(self, packet):
- """
- Called when we receive a MSG_KEXINIT message. For a description
- of the packet, see SSHTransportBase.ssh_KEXINIT(). Additionally,
- this method sends the first key exchange packet. If the agreed-upon
- exchange is diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, generate a public key
- and send it in a MSG_KEXDH_INIT message. If the exchange is
- diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1, ask for a 2048 bit group with a
- """
- if SSHTransportBase.ssh_KEXINIT(self, packet) is None:
- return # we disconnected
- if self.kexAlg == 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1':
- self.x = _generateX(randbytes.secureRandom, 512)
- self.e = _MPpow(DH_GENERATOR, self.x, DH_PRIME)
- self.sendPacket(MSG_KEXDH_INIT, self.e)
- elif self.kexAlg == 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1':
- self.sendPacket(MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD, '\x00\x00\x08\x00')
- else:
- raise error.ConchError("somehow, the kexAlg has been set "
- "to something we don't support")
- def _ssh_KEXDH_REPLY(self, packet):
- """
- Called to handle a reply to a diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 key exchange
- message (KEXDH_INIT).
- Like the handler for I{KEXDH_INIT}, this message type has an
- overlapping value. This method is called from C{ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP}
- if that method detects a diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 key exchange is in
- progress.
- Payload::
- string serverHostKey
- integer f (server Diffie-Hellman public key)
- string signature
- We verify the host key by calling verifyHostKey, then continue in
- _continueKEXDH_REPLY.
- """
- pubKey, packet = getNS(packet)
- f, packet = getMP(packet)
- signature, packet = getNS(packet)
- fingerprint = ':'.join([ch.encode('hex') for ch in
- md5(pubKey).digest()])
- d = self.verifyHostKey(pubKey, fingerprint)
- d.addCallback(self._continueKEXDH_REPLY, pubKey, f, signature)
- d.addErrback(
- lambda unused: self.sendDisconnect(
- return d
- def ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP(self, packet):
- """
- This handles two different message which share an integer value.
- If the key exchange is diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1, this is
- string g (group generator)
- string p (group prime)
- We generate a Diffie-Hellman public key and send it in a
- MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT message.
- """
- if self.kexAlg == 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1':
- return self._ssh_KEXDH_REPLY(packet)
- else:
- self.p, rest = getMP(packet)
- self.g, rest = getMP(rest)
- self.x = _generateX(randbytes.secureRandom, 320)
- self.e = _MPpow(self.g, self.x, self.p)
- self.sendPacket(MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT, self.e)
- def _continueKEXDH_REPLY(self, ignored, pubKey, f, signature):
- """
- The host key has been verified, so we generate the keys.
- @param pubKey: the public key blob for the server's public key.
- @type pubKey: C{str}
- @param f: the server's Diffie-Hellman public key.
- @type f: C{long}
- @param signature: the server's signature, verifying that it has the
- correct private key.
- @type signature: C{str}
- """
- serverKey = keys.Key.fromString(pubKey)
- sharedSecret = _MPpow(f, self.x, DH_PRIME)
- h = sha1()
- h.update(NS(self.ourVersionString))
- h.update(NS(self.otherVersionString))
- h.update(NS(self.ourKexInitPayload))
- h.update(NS(self.otherKexInitPayload))
- h.update(NS(pubKey))
- h.update(self.e)
- h.update(MP(f))
- h.update(sharedSecret)
- exchangeHash = h.digest()
- if not serverKey.verify(signature, exchangeHash):
- 'bad signature')
- return
- self._keySetup(sharedSecret, exchangeHash)
- def ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY(self, packet):
- """
- Called when we receieve a MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY message. Payload::
- string server host key
- integer f (server DH public key)
- We verify the host key by calling verifyHostKey, then continue in
- _continueGEX_REPLY.
- """
- pubKey, packet = getNS(packet)
- f, packet = getMP(packet)
- signature, packet = getNS(packet)
- fingerprint = ':'.join(map(lambda c: '%02x'%ord(c),
- md5(pubKey).digest()))
- d = self.verifyHostKey(pubKey, fingerprint)
- d.addCallback(self._continueGEX_REPLY, pubKey, f, signature)
- d.addErrback(
- lambda unused: self.sendDisconnect(
- return d
- def _continueGEX_REPLY(self, ignored, pubKey, f, signature):
- """
- The host key has been verified, so we generate the keys.
- @param pubKey: the public key blob for the server's public key.
- @type pubKey: C{str}
- @param f: the server's Diffie-Hellman public key.
- @type f: C{long}
- @param signature: the server's signature, verifying that it has the
- correct private key.
- @type signature: C{str}
- """
- serverKey = keys.Key.fromString(pubKey)
- sharedSecret = _MPpow(f, self.x, self.p)
- h = sha1()
- h.update(NS(self.ourVersionString))
- h.update(NS(self.otherVersionString))
- h.update(NS(self.ourKexInitPayload))
- h.update(NS(self.otherKexInitPayload))
- h.update(NS(pubKey))
- h.update('\x00\x00\x08\x00')
- h.update(MP(self.p))
- h.update(MP(self.g))
- h.update(self.e)
- h.update(MP(f))
- h.update(sharedSecret)
- exchangeHash = h.digest()
- if not serverKey.verify(signature, exchangeHash):
- 'bad signature')
- return
- self._keySetup(sharedSecret, exchangeHash)
- def _keySetup(self, sharedSecret, exchangeHash):
- """
- See SSHTransportBase._keySetup().
- """
- SSHTransportBase._keySetup(self, sharedSecret, exchangeHash)
- if self._gotNewKeys:
- self.ssh_NEWKEYS('')
- def ssh_NEWKEYS(self, packet):
- """
- Called when we receieve a MSG_NEWKEYS message. No payload.
- If we've finished setting up our own keys, start using them.
- Otherwise, remeber that we've receieved this message.
- """
- if packet != '':
- self.sendDisconnect(DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "NEWKEYS takes no data")
- return
- if not self.nextEncryptions.encBlockSize:
- self._gotNewKeys = 1
- return
- self._newKeys()
- self.connectionSecure()
- def ssh_SERVICE_ACCEPT(self, packet):
- """
- Called when we receieve a MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT message. Payload::
- string service name
- Start the service we requested.
- """
- if packet == '':
- log.msg('got SERVICE_ACCEPT without payload')
- else:
- name = getNS(packet)[0]
- if name != self.instance.name:
- self.sendDisconnect(
- "received accept for service we did not request")
- self.setService(self.instance)
- def requestService(self, instance):
- """
- Request that a service be run over this transport.
- @type instance: subclass of L{twisted.conch.ssh.service.SSHService}
- """
- self.sendPacket(MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST, NS(instance.name))
- self.instance = instance
- # client methods
- def verifyHostKey(self, hostKey, fingerprint):
- """
- Returns a Deferred that gets a callback if it is a valid key, or
- an errback if not.
- @type hostKey: C{str}
- @type fingerprint: C{str}
- @rtype: L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred}
- """
- # return if it's good
- return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
- def connectionSecure(self):
- """
- Called when the encryption has been set up. Generally,
- requestService() is called to run another service over the transport.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class _DummyCipher:
- """
- A cipher for the none encryption method.
- @ivar block_size: the block size of the encryption. In the case of the
- none cipher, this is 8 bytes.
- """
- block_size = 8
- def encrypt(self, x):
- return x
- decrypt = encrypt
-class SSHCiphers:
- """
- SSHCiphers represents all the encryption operations that need to occur
- to encrypt and authenticate the SSH connection.
- @cvar cipherMap: A dictionary mapping SSH encryption names to 3-tuples of
- (<Crypto.Cipher.* name>, <block size>, <counter mode>)
- @cvar macMap: A dictionary mapping SSH MAC names to hash modules.
- @ivar outCipType: the string type of the outgoing cipher.
- @ivar inCipType: the string type of the incoming cipher.
- @ivar outMACType: the string type of the incoming MAC.
- @ivar inMACType: the string type of the incoming MAC.
- @ivar encBlockSize: the block size of the outgoing cipher.
- @ivar decBlockSize: the block size of the incoming cipher.
- @ivar verifyDigestSize: the size of the incoming MAC.
- @ivar outMAC: a tuple of (<hash module>, <inner key>, <outer key>,
- <digest size>) representing the outgoing MAC.
- @ivar inMAc: see outMAC, but for the incoming MAC.
- """
- cipherMap = {
- '3des-cbc':('DES3', 24, 0),
- 'blowfish-cbc':('Blowfish', 16,0 ),
- 'aes256-cbc':('AES', 32, 0),
- 'aes192-cbc':('AES', 24, 0),
- 'aes128-cbc':('AES', 16, 0),
- 'cast128-cbc':('CAST', 16, 0),
- 'aes128-ctr':('AES', 16, 1),
- 'aes192-ctr':('AES', 24, 1),
- 'aes256-ctr':('AES', 32, 1),
- '3des-ctr':('DES3', 24, 1),
- 'blowfish-ctr':('Blowfish', 16, 1),
- 'cast128-ctr':('CAST', 16, 1),
- 'none':(None, 0, 0),
- }
- macMap = {
- 'hmac-sha1': sha1,
- 'hmac-md5': md5,
- 'none': None
- }
- def __init__(self, outCip, inCip, outMac, inMac):
- self.outCipType = outCip
- self.inCipType = inCip
- self.outMACType = outMac
- self.inMACType = inMac
- self.encBlockSize = 0
- self.decBlockSize = 0
- self.verifyDigestSize = 0
- self.outMAC = (None, '', '', 0)
- self.inMAC = (None, '', '', 0)
- def setKeys(self, outIV, outKey, inIV, inKey, outInteg, inInteg):
- """
- Set up the ciphers and hashes using the given keys,
- @param outIV: the outgoing initialization vector
- @param outKey: the outgoing encryption key
- @param inIV: the incoming initialization vector
- @param inKey: the incoming encryption key
- @param outInteg: the outgoing integrity key
- @param inInteg: the incoming integrity key.
- """
- o = self._getCipher(self.outCipType, outIV, outKey)
- self.encrypt = o.encrypt
- self.encBlockSize = o.block_size
- o = self._getCipher(self.inCipType, inIV, inKey)
- self.decrypt = o.decrypt
- self.decBlockSize = o.block_size
- self.outMAC = self._getMAC(self.outMACType, outInteg)
- self.inMAC = self._getMAC(self.inMACType, inInteg)
- if self.inMAC:
- self.verifyDigestSize = self.inMAC[3]
- def _getCipher(self, cip, iv, key):
- """
- Creates an initialized cipher object.
- @param cip: the name of the cipher: maps into Crypto.Cipher.*
- @param iv: the initialzation vector
- @param key: the encryption key
- """
- modName, keySize, counterMode = self.cipherMap[cip]
- if not modName: # no cipher
- return _DummyCipher()
- mod = __import__('Crypto.Cipher.%s'%modName, {}, {}, 'x')
- if counterMode:
- return mod.new(key[:keySize], mod.MODE_CTR, iv[:mod.block_size],
- counter=_Counter(iv, mod.block_size))
- else:
- return mod.new(key[:keySize], mod.MODE_CBC, iv[:mod.block_size])
- def _getMAC(self, mac, key):
- """
- Gets a 4-tuple representing the message authentication code.
- (<hash module>, <inner hash value>, <outer hash value>,
- <digest size>)
- @param mac: a key mapping into macMap
- @type mac: C{str}
- @param key: the MAC key.
- @type key: C{str}
- """
- mod = self.macMap[mac]
- if not mod:
- return (None, '', '', 0)
- ds = mod().digest_size
- key = key[:ds] + '\x00' * (64 - ds)
- i = XOR.new('\x36').encrypt(key)
- o = XOR.new('\x5c').encrypt(key)
- return mod, i, o, ds
- def encrypt(self, blocks):
- """
- Encrypt blocks. Overridden by the encrypt method of a
- Crypto.Cipher.* object in setKeys().
- @type blocks: C{str}
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def decrypt(self, blocks):
- """
- Decrypt blocks. See encrypt().
- @type blocks: C{str}
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def makeMAC(self, seqid, data):
- """
- Create a message authentication code (MAC) for the given packet using
- the outgoing MAC values.
- @param seqid: the sequence ID of the outgoing packet
- @type seqid: C{int}
- @param data: the data to create a MAC for
- @type data: C{str}
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- if not self.outMAC[0]:
- return ''
- data = struct.pack('>L', seqid) + data
- mod, i, o, ds = self.outMAC
- inner = mod(i + data)
- outer = mod(o + inner.digest())
- return outer.digest()
- def verify(self, seqid, data, mac):
- """
- Verify an incoming MAC using the incoming MAC values. Return True
- if the MAC is valid.
- @param seqid: the sequence ID of the incoming packet
- @type seqid: C{int}
- @param data: the packet data to verify
- @type data: C{str}
- @param mac: the MAC sent with the packet
- @type mac: C{str}
- @rtype: C{bool}
- """
- if not self.inMAC[0]:
- return mac == ''
- data = struct.pack('>L', seqid) + data
- mod, i, o, ds = self.inMAC
- inner = mod(i + data)
- outer = mod(o + inner.digest())
- return mac == outer.digest()
-class _Counter:
- """
- Stateful counter which returns results packed in a byte string
- """
- def __init__(self, initialVector, blockSize):
- """
- @type initialVector: C{str}
- @param initialVector: A byte string representing the initial counter
- value.
- @type blockSize: C{int}
- @param blockSize: The length of the output buffer, as well as the
- number of bytes at the beginning of C{initialVector} to consider.
- """
- initialVector = initialVector[:blockSize]
- self.count = getMP('\xff\xff\xff\xff' + initialVector)[0]
- self.blockSize = blockSize
- self.count = Util.number.long_to_bytes(self.count - 1)
- self.count = '\x00' * (self.blockSize - len(self.count)) + self.count
- self.count = array.array('c', self.count)
- self.len = len(self.count) - 1
- def __call__(self):
- """
- Increment the counter and return the new value.
- """
- i = self.len
- while i > -1:
- self.count[i] = n = chr((ord(self.count[i]) + 1) % 256)
- if n == '\x00':
- i -= 1
- else:
- return self.count.tostring()
- self.count = array.array('c', '\x00' * self.blockSize)
- return self.count.tostring()
-# Diffie-Hellman primes from Oakley Group 2 [RFC 2409]
-DH_PRIME = long('17976931348623159077083915679378745319786029604875601170644'
-messages = {}
-for name, value in globals().items():
- # Avoid legacy messages which overlap with never ones
- if name.startswith('MSG_') and not name.startswith('MSG_KEXDH_'):
- messages[value] = name
-# Check for regressions (#5352)
-if 'MSG_KEXDH_INIT' in messages or 'MSG_KEXDH_REPLY' in messages:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "legacy SSH mnemonics should not end up in messages dict")
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/userauth.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/userauth.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 65c0ef07..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ssh/userauth.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,848 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_userauth -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Implementation of the ssh-userauth service.
-Currently implemented authentication types are public-key and password.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-import struct, warnings
-from twisted.conch import error, interfaces
-from twisted.conch.ssh import keys, transport, service
-from twisted.conch.ssh.common import NS, getNS
-from twisted.cred import credentials
-from twisted.cred.error import UnauthorizedLogin
-from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
-from twisted.python import failure, log
-class SSHUserAuthServer(service.SSHService):
- """
- A service implementing the server side of the 'ssh-userauth' service. It
- is used to authenticate the user on the other side as being able to access
- this server.
- @ivar name: the name of this service: 'ssh-userauth'
- @type name: C{str}
- @ivar authenticatedWith: a list of authentication methods that have
- already been used.
- @type authenticatedWith: C{list}
- @ivar loginTimeout: the number of seconds we wait before disconnecting
- the user for taking too long to authenticate
- @type loginTimeout: C{int}
- @ivar attemptsBeforeDisconnect: the number of failed login attempts we
- allow before disconnecting.
- @type attemptsBeforeDisconnect: C{int}
- @ivar loginAttempts: the number of login attempts that have been made
- @type loginAttempts: C{int}
- @ivar passwordDelay: the number of seconds to delay when the user gives
- an incorrect password
- @type passwordDelay: C{int}
- @ivar interfaceToMethod: a C{dict} mapping credential interfaces to
- authentication methods. The server checks to see which of the
- cred interfaces have checkers and tells the client that those methods
- are valid for authentication.
- @type interfaceToMethod: C{dict}
- @ivar supportedAuthentications: A list of the supported authentication
- methods.
- @type supportedAuthentications: C{list} of C{str}
- @ivar user: the last username the client tried to authenticate with
- @type user: C{str}
- @ivar method: the current authentication method
- @type method: C{str}
- @ivar nextService: the service the user wants started after authentication
- has been completed.
- @type nextService: C{str}
- @ivar portal: the L{twisted.cred.portal.Portal} we are using for
- authentication
- @type portal: L{twisted.cred.portal.Portal}
- @ivar clock: an object with a callLater method. Stubbed out for testing.
- """
- name = 'ssh-userauth'
- loginTimeout = 10 * 60 * 60
- # 10 minutes before we disconnect them
- attemptsBeforeDisconnect = 20
- # 20 login attempts before a disconnect
- passwordDelay = 1 # number of seconds to delay on a failed password
- clock = reactor
- interfaceToMethod = {
- credentials.ISSHPrivateKey : 'publickey',
- credentials.IUsernamePassword : 'password',
- credentials.IPluggableAuthenticationModules : 'keyboard-interactive',
- }
- def serviceStarted(self):
- """
- Called when the userauth service is started. Set up instance
- variables, check if we should allow password/keyboard-interactive
- authentication (only allow if the outgoing connection is encrypted) and
- set up a login timeout.
- """
- self.authenticatedWith = []
- self.loginAttempts = 0
- self.user = None
- self.nextService = None
- self._pamDeferred = None
- self.portal = self.transport.factory.portal
- self.supportedAuthentications = []
- for i in self.portal.listCredentialsInterfaces():
- if i in self.interfaceToMethod:
- self.supportedAuthentications.append(self.interfaceToMethod[i])
- if not self.transport.isEncrypted('in'):
- # don't let us transport password in plaintext
- if 'password' in self.supportedAuthentications:
- self.supportedAuthentications.remove('password')
- if 'keyboard-interactive' in self.supportedAuthentications:
- self.supportedAuthentications.remove('keyboard-interactive')
- self._cancelLoginTimeout = self.clock.callLater(
- self.loginTimeout,
- self.timeoutAuthentication)
- def serviceStopped(self):
- """
- Called when the userauth service is stopped. Cancel the login timeout
- if it's still going.
- """
- if self._cancelLoginTimeout:
- self._cancelLoginTimeout.cancel()
- self._cancelLoginTimeout = None
- def timeoutAuthentication(self):
- """
- Called when the user has timed out on authentication. Disconnect
- """
- self._cancelLoginTimeout = None
- self.transport.sendDisconnect(
- 'you took too long')
- def tryAuth(self, kind, user, data):
- """
- Try to authenticate the user with the given method. Dispatches to a
- auth_* method.
- @param kind: the authentication method to try.
- @type kind: C{str}
- @param user: the username the client is authenticating with.
- @type user: C{str}
- @param data: authentication specific data sent by the client.
- @type data: C{str}
- @return: A Deferred called back if the method succeeded, or erred back
- if it failed.
- @rtype: C{defer.Deferred}
- """
- log.msg('%s trying auth %s' % (user, kind))
- if kind not in self.supportedAuthentications:
- return defer.fail(
- error.ConchError('unsupported authentication, failing'))
- kind = kind.replace('-', '_')
- f = getattr(self,'auth_%s'%kind, None)
- if f:
- ret = f(data)
- if not ret:
- return defer.fail(
- error.ConchError('%s return None instead of a Deferred'
- % kind))
- else:
- return ret
- return defer.fail(error.ConchError('bad auth type: %s' % kind))
- def ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(self, packet):
- """
- The client has requested authentication. Payload::
- string user
- string next service
- string method
- <authentication specific data>
- @type packet: C{str}
- """
- user, nextService, method, rest = getNS(packet, 3)
- if user != self.user or nextService != self.nextService:
- self.authenticatedWith = [] # clear auth state
- self.user = user
- self.nextService = nextService
- self.method = method
- d = self.tryAuth(method, user, rest)
- if not d:
- self._ebBadAuth(
- failure.Failure(error.ConchError('auth returned none')))
- return
- d.addCallback(self._cbFinishedAuth)
- d.addErrback(self._ebMaybeBadAuth)
- d.addErrback(self._ebBadAuth)
- return d
- def _cbFinishedAuth(self, (interface, avatar, logout)):
- """
- The callback when user has successfully been authenticated. For a
- description of the arguments, see L{twisted.cred.portal.Portal.login}.
- We start the service requested by the user.
- """
- self.transport.avatar = avatar
- self.transport.logoutFunction = logout
- service = self.transport.factory.getService(self.transport,
- self.nextService)
- if not service:
- raise error.ConchError('could not get next service: %s'
- % self.nextService)
- log.msg('%s authenticated with %s' % (self.user, self.method))
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS, '')
- self.transport.setService(service())
- def _ebMaybeBadAuth(self, reason):
- """
- An intermediate errback. If the reason is
- error.NotEnoughAuthentication, we send a MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE, but
- with the partial success indicator set.
- @type reason: L{twisted.python.failure.Failure}
- """
- reason.trap(error.NotEnoughAuthentication)
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE,
- NS(','.join(self.supportedAuthentications)) + '\xff')
- def _ebBadAuth(self, reason):
- """
- The final errback in the authentication chain. If the reason is
- error.IgnoreAuthentication, we simply return; the authentication
- method has sent its own response. Otherwise, send a failure message
- and (if the method is not 'none') increment the number of login
- attempts.
- @type reason: L{twisted.python.failure.Failure}
- """
- if reason.check(error.IgnoreAuthentication):
- return
- if self.method != 'none':
- log.msg('%s failed auth %s' % (self.user, self.method))
- if reason.check(UnauthorizedLogin):
- log.msg('unauthorized login: %s' % reason.getErrorMessage())
- elif reason.check(error.ConchError):
- log.msg('reason: %s' % reason.getErrorMessage())
- else:
- log.msg(reason.getTraceback())
- self.loginAttempts += 1
- if self.loginAttempts > self.attemptsBeforeDisconnect:
- self.transport.sendDisconnect(
- 'too many bad auths')
- return
- self.transport.sendPacket(
- NS(','.join(self.supportedAuthentications)) + '\x00')
- def auth_publickey(self, packet):
- """
- Public key authentication. Payload::
- byte has signature
- string algorithm name
- string key blob
- [string signature] (if has signature is True)
- Create a SSHPublicKey credential and verify it using our portal.
- """
- hasSig = ord(packet[0])
- algName, blob, rest = getNS(packet[1:], 2)
- pubKey = keys.Key.fromString(blob)
- signature = hasSig and getNS(rest)[0] or None
- if hasSig:
- b = (NS(self.transport.sessionID) + chr(MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST) +
- NS(self.user) + NS(self.nextService) + NS('publickey') +
- chr(hasSig) + NS(pubKey.sshType()) + NS(blob))
- c = credentials.SSHPrivateKey(self.user, algName, blob, b,
- signature)
- return self.portal.login(c, None, interfaces.IConchUser)
- else:
- c = credentials.SSHPrivateKey(self.user, algName, blob, None, None)
- return self.portal.login(c, None,
- interfaces.IConchUser).addErrback(self._ebCheckKey,
- packet[1:])
- def _ebCheckKey(self, reason, packet):
- """
- Called back if the user did not sent a signature. If reason is
- error.ValidPublicKey then this key is valid for the user to
- authenticate with. Send MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK.
- """
- reason.trap(error.ValidPublicKey)
- # if we make it here, it means that the publickey is valid
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK, packet)
- return failure.Failure(error.IgnoreAuthentication())
- def auth_password(self, packet):
- """
- Password authentication. Payload::
- string password
- Make a UsernamePassword credential and verify it with our portal.
- """
- password = getNS(packet[1:])[0]
- c = credentials.UsernamePassword(self.user, password)
- return self.portal.login(c, None, interfaces.IConchUser).addErrback(
- self._ebPassword)
- def _ebPassword(self, f):
- """
- If the password is invalid, wait before sending the failure in order
- to delay brute-force password guessing.
- """
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.clock.callLater(self.passwordDelay, d.callback, f)
- return d
- def auth_keyboard_interactive(self, packet):
- """
- Keyboard interactive authentication. No payload. We create a
- PluggableAuthenticationModules credential and authenticate with our
- portal.
- """
- if self._pamDeferred is not None:
- self.transport.sendDisconnect(
- "only one keyboard interactive attempt at a time")
- return defer.fail(error.IgnoreAuthentication())
- c = credentials.PluggableAuthenticationModules(self.user,
- self._pamConv)
- return self.portal.login(c, None, interfaces.IConchUser)
- def _pamConv(self, items):
- """
- Convert a list of PAM authentication questions into a
- MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST. Returns a Deferred that will be called
- back when the user has responses to the questions.
- @param items: a list of 2-tuples (message, kind). We only care about
- kinds 1 (password) and 2 (text).
- @type items: C{list}
- @rtype: L{defer.Deferred}
- """
- resp = []
- for message, kind in items:
- if kind == 1: # password
- resp.append((message, 0))
- elif kind == 2: # text
- resp.append((message, 1))
- elif kind in (3, 4):
- return defer.fail(error.ConchError(
- 'cannot handle PAM 3 or 4 messages'))
- else:
- return defer.fail(error.ConchError(
- 'bad PAM auth kind %i' % kind))
- packet = NS('') + NS('') + NS('')
- packet += struct.pack('>L', len(resp))
- for prompt, echo in resp:
- packet += NS(prompt)
- packet += chr(echo)
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST, packet)
- self._pamDeferred = defer.Deferred()
- return self._pamDeferred
- def ssh_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE(self, packet):
- """
- The user has responded with answers to PAMs authentication questions.
- Parse the packet into a PAM response and callback self._pamDeferred.
- Payload::
- uint32 numer of responses
- string response 1
- ...
- string response n
- """
- d, self._pamDeferred = self._pamDeferred, None
- try:
- resp = []
- numResps = struct.unpack('>L', packet[:4])[0]
- packet = packet[4:]
- while len(resp) < numResps:
- response, packet = getNS(packet)
- resp.append((response, 0))
- if packet:
- raise error.ConchError("%i bytes of extra data" % len(packet))
- except:
- d.errback(failure.Failure())
- else:
- d.callback(resp)
-class SSHUserAuthClient(service.SSHService):
- """
- A service implementing the client side of 'ssh-userauth'.
- @ivar name: the name of this service: 'ssh-userauth'
- @type name: C{str}
- @ivar preferredOrder: a list of authentication methods we support, in
- order of preference. The client will try authentication methods in
- this order, making callbacks for information when necessary.
- @type preferredOrder: C{list}
- @ivar user: the name of the user to authenticate as
- @type user: C{str}
- @ivar instance: the service to start after authentication has finished
- @type instance: L{service.SSHService}
- @ivar authenticatedWith: a list of strings of authentication methods we've tried
- @type authenticatedWith: C{list} of C{str}
- @ivar triedPublicKeys: a list of public key objects that we've tried to
- authenticate with
- @type triedPublicKeys: C{list} of L{Key}
- @ivar lastPublicKey: the last public key object we've tried to authenticate
- with
- @type lastPublicKey: L{Key}
- """
- name = 'ssh-userauth'
- preferredOrder = ['publickey', 'password', 'keyboard-interactive']
- def __init__(self, user, instance):
- self.user = user
- self.instance = instance
- def serviceStarted(self):
- self.authenticatedWith = []
- self.triedPublicKeys = []
- self.lastPublicKey = None
- self.askForAuth('none', '')
- def askForAuth(self, kind, extraData):
- """
- @param kind: the authentication method to try.
- @type kind: C{str}
- @param extraData: method-specific data to go in the packet
- @type extraData: C{str}
- """
- self.lastAuth = kind
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, NS(self.user) +
- NS(self.instance.name) + NS(kind) + extraData)
- def tryAuth(self, kind):
- """
- Dispatch to an authentication method.
- @param kind: the authentication method
- @type kind: C{str}
- """
- kind = kind.replace('-', '_')
- log.msg('trying to auth with %s' % (kind,))
- f = getattr(self,'auth_%s' % (kind,), None)
- if f:
- return f()
- def _ebAuth(self, ignored, *args):
- """
- Generic callback for a failed authentication attempt. Respond by
- asking for the list of accepted methods (the 'none' method)
- """
- self.askForAuth('none', '')
- def ssh_USERAUTH_SUCCESS(self, packet):
- """
- We received a MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS. The server has accepted our
- authentication, so start the next service.
- """
- self.transport.setService(self.instance)
- def ssh_USERAUTH_FAILURE(self, packet):
- """
- We received a MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE. Payload::
- string methods
- byte partial success
- If partial success is C{True}, then the previous method succeeded but is
- not sufficent for authentication. C{methods} is a comma-separated list
- of accepted authentication methods.
- We sort the list of methods by their position in C{self.preferredOrder},
- removing methods that have already succeeded. We then call
- C{self.tryAuth} with the most preferred method.
- @param packet: the L{MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE} payload.
- @type packet: C{str}
- @return: a L{defer.Deferred} that will be callbacked with C{None} as
- soon as all authentication methods have been tried, or C{None} if no
- more authentication methods are available.
- @rtype: C{defer.Deferred} or C{None}
- """
- canContinue, partial = getNS(packet)
- partial = ord(partial)
- if partial:
- self.authenticatedWith.append(self.lastAuth)
- def orderByPreference(meth):
- """
- Invoked once per authentication method in order to extract a
- comparison key which is then used for sorting.
- @param meth: the authentication method.
- @type meth: C{str}
- @return: the comparison key for C{meth}.
- @rtype: C{int}
- """
- if meth in self.preferredOrder:
- return self.preferredOrder.index(meth)
- else:
- # put the element at the end of the list.
- return len(self.preferredOrder)
- canContinue = sorted([meth for meth in canContinue.split(',')
- if meth not in self.authenticatedWith],
- key=orderByPreference)
- log.msg('can continue with: %s' % canContinue)
- return self._cbUserauthFailure(None, iter(canContinue))
- def _cbUserauthFailure(self, result, iterator):
- if result:
- return
- try:
- method = iterator.next()
- except StopIteration:
- self.transport.sendDisconnect(
- 'no more authentication methods available')
- else:
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.tryAuth, method)
- d.addCallback(self._cbUserauthFailure, iterator)
- return d
- def ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK(self, packet):
- """
- This message (number 60) can mean several different messages depending
- on the current authentication type. We dispatch to individual methods
- in order to handle this request.
- """
- func = getattr(self, 'ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK_%s' %
- self.lastAuth.replace('-', '_'), None)
- if func is not None:
- return func(packet)
- else:
- self.askForAuth('none', '')
- def ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK_publickey(self, packet):
- """
- This is MSG_USERAUTH_PK. Our public key is valid, so we create a
- signature and try to authenticate with it.
- """
- publicKey = self.lastPublicKey
- b = (NS(self.transport.sessionID) + chr(MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST) +
- NS(self.user) + NS(self.instance.name) + NS('publickey') +
- '\x01' + NS(publicKey.sshType()) + NS(publicKey.blob()))
- d = self.signData(publicKey, b)
- if not d:
- self.askForAuth('none', '')
- # this will fail, we'll move on
- return
- d.addCallback(self._cbSignedData)
- d.addErrback(self._ebAuth)
- def ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK_password(self, packet):
- """
- This is MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ. The password given has expired.
- We ask for an old password and a new password, then send both back to
- the server.
- """
- prompt, language, rest = getNS(packet, 2)
- self._oldPass = self._newPass = None
- d = self.getPassword('Old Password: ')
- d = d.addCallbacks(self._setOldPass, self._ebAuth)
- d.addCallback(lambda ignored: self.getPassword(prompt))
- d.addCallbacks(self._setNewPass, self._ebAuth)
- def ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK_keyboard_interactive(self, packet):
- """
- This is MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE. The server has sent us the
- questions it wants us to answer, so we ask the user and sent the
- responses.
- """
- name, instruction, lang, data = getNS(packet, 3)
- numPrompts = struct.unpack('!L', data[:4])[0]
- data = data[4:]
- prompts = []
- for i in range(numPrompts):
- prompt, data = getNS(data)
- echo = bool(ord(data[0]))
- data = data[1:]
- prompts.append((prompt, echo))
- d = self.getGenericAnswers(name, instruction, prompts)
- d.addCallback(self._cbGenericAnswers)
- d.addErrback(self._ebAuth)
- def _cbSignedData(self, signedData):
- """
- Called back out of self.signData with the signed data. Send the
- authentication request with the signature.
- @param signedData: the data signed by the user's private key.
- @type signedData: C{str}
- """
- publicKey = self.lastPublicKey
- self.askForAuth('publickey', '\x01' + NS(publicKey.sshType()) +
- NS(publicKey.blob()) + NS(signedData))
- def _setOldPass(self, op):
- """
- Called back when we are choosing a new password. Simply store the old
- password for now.
- @param op: the old password as entered by the user
- @type op: C{str}
- """
- self._oldPass = op
- def _setNewPass(self, np):
- """
- Called back when we are choosing a new password. Get the old password
- and send the authentication message with both.
- @param np: the new password as entered by the user
- @type np: C{str}
- """
- op = self._oldPass
- self._oldPass = None
- self.askForAuth('password', '\xff' + NS(op) + NS(np))
- def _cbGenericAnswers(self, responses):
- """
- Called back when we are finished answering keyboard-interactive
- questions. Send the info back to the server in a
- @param responses: a list of C{str} responses
- @type responses: C{list}
- """
- data = struct.pack('!L', len(responses))
- for r in responses:
- data += NS(r.encode('UTF8'))
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE, data)
- def auth_publickey(self):
- """
- Try to authenticate with a public key. Ask the user for a public key;
- if the user has one, send the request to the server and return True.
- Otherwise, return False.
- @rtype: C{bool}
- """
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.getPublicKey)
- d.addBoth(self._cbGetPublicKey)
- return d
- def _cbGetPublicKey(self, publicKey):
- if isinstance(publicKey, str):
- warnings.warn("Returning a string from "
- "SSHUserAuthClient.getPublicKey() is deprecated "
- "since Twisted 9.0. Return a keys.Key() instead.",
- DeprecationWarning)
- publicKey = keys.Key.fromString(publicKey)
- if not isinstance(publicKey, keys.Key): # failure or None
- publicKey = None
- if publicKey is not None:
- self.lastPublicKey = publicKey
- self.triedPublicKeys.append(publicKey)
- log.msg('using key of type %s' % publicKey.type())
- self.askForAuth('publickey', '\x00' + NS(publicKey.sshType()) +
- NS(publicKey.blob()))
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def auth_password(self):
- """
- Try to authenticate with a password. Ask the user for a password.
- If the user will return a password, return True. Otherwise, return
- False.
- @rtype: C{bool}
- """
- d = self.getPassword()
- if d:
- d.addCallbacks(self._cbPassword, self._ebAuth)
- return True
- else: # returned None, don't do password auth
- return False
- def auth_keyboard_interactive(self):
- """
- Try to authenticate with keyboard-interactive authentication. Send
- the request to the server and return True.
- @rtype: C{bool}
- """
- log.msg('authing with keyboard-interactive')
- self.askForAuth('keyboard-interactive', NS('') + NS(''))
- return True
- def _cbPassword(self, password):
- """
- Called back when the user gives a password. Send the request to the
- server.
- @param password: the password the user entered
- @type password: C{str}
- """
- self.askForAuth('password', '\x00' + NS(password))
- def signData(self, publicKey, signData):
- """
- Sign the given data with the given public key.
- By default, this will call getPrivateKey to get the private key,
- then sign the data using Key.sign().
- This method is factored out so that it can be overridden to use
- alternate methods, such as a key agent.
- @param publicKey: The public key object returned from L{getPublicKey}
- @type publicKey: L{keys.Key}
- @param signData: the data to be signed by the private key.
- @type signData: C{str}
- @return: a Deferred that's called back with the signature
- @rtype: L{defer.Deferred}
- """
- key = self.getPrivateKey()
- if not key:
- return
- return key.addCallback(self._cbSignData, signData)
- def _cbSignData(self, privateKey, signData):
- """
- Called back when the private key is returned. Sign the data and
- return the signature.
- @param privateKey: the private key object
- @type publicKey: L{keys.Key}
- @param signData: the data to be signed by the private key.
- @type signData: C{str}
- @return: the signature
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- if not isinstance(privateKey, keys.Key):
- warnings.warn("Returning a PyCrypto key object from "
- "SSHUserAuthClient.getPrivateKey() is deprecated "
- "since Twisted 9.0. Return a keys.Key() instead.",
- DeprecationWarning)
- privateKey = keys.Key(privateKey)
- return privateKey.sign(signData)
- def getPublicKey(self):
- """
- Return a public key for the user. If no more public keys are
- available, return C{None}.
- This implementation always returns C{None}. Override it in a
- subclass to actually find and return a public key object.
- @rtype: L{Key} or L{NoneType}
- """
- return None
- def getPrivateKey(self):
- """
- Return a L{Deferred} that will be called back with the private key
- object corresponding to the last public key from getPublicKey().
- If the private key is not available, errback on the Deferred.
- @rtype: L{Deferred} called back with L{Key}
- """
- return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
- def getPassword(self, prompt = None):
- """
- Return a L{Deferred} that will be called back with a password.
- prompt is a string to display for the password, or None for a generic
- 'user@hostname's password: '.
- @type prompt: C{str}/C{None}
- @rtype: L{defer.Deferred}
- """
- return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
- def getGenericAnswers(self, name, instruction, prompts):
- """
- Returns a L{Deferred} with the responses to the promopts.
- @param name: The name of the authentication currently in progress.
- @param instruction: Describes what the authentication wants.
- @param prompts: A list of (prompt, echo) pairs, where prompt is a
- string to display and echo is a boolean indicating whether the
- user's response should be echoed as they type it.
- """
- return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
-messages = {}
-for k, v in locals().items():
- if k[:4]=='MSG_':
- messages[v] = k
-SSHUserAuthServer.protocolMessages = messages
-SSHUserAuthClient.protocolMessages = messages
-del messages
-del v
-# Doubles, not included in the protocols' mappings
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/stdio.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/stdio.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c45fc3bf..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/stdio.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_manhole -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Asynchronous local terminal input handling
-@author: Jp Calderone
-import os, tty, sys, termios
-from twisted.internet import reactor, stdio, protocol, defer
-from twisted.python import failure, reflect, log
-from twisted.conch.insults.insults import ServerProtocol
-from twisted.conch.manhole import ColoredManhole
-class UnexpectedOutputError(Exception):
- pass
-class TerminalProcessProtocol(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
- def __init__(self, proto):
- self.proto = proto
- self.onConnection = defer.Deferred()
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.proto.makeConnection(self)
- self.onConnection.callback(None)
- self.onConnection = None
- def write(self, bytes):
- self.transport.write(bytes)
- def outReceived(self, bytes):
- self.proto.dataReceived(bytes)
- def errReceived(self, bytes):
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- if self.proto is not None:
- self.proto.connectionLost(failure.Failure(UnexpectedOutputError(bytes)))
- self.proto = None
- def childConnectionLost(self, childFD):
- if self.proto is not None:
- self.proto.childConnectionLost(childFD)
- def processEnded(self, reason):
- if self.proto is not None:
- self.proto.connectionLost(reason)
- self.proto = None
-class ConsoleManhole(ColoredManhole):
- """
- A manhole protocol specifically for use with L{stdio.StandardIO}.
- """
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- """
- When the connection is lost, there is nothing more to do. Stop the
- reactor so that the process can exit.
- """
- reactor.stop()
-def runWithProtocol(klass):
- fd = sys.__stdin__.fileno()
- oldSettings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
- tty.setraw(fd)
- try:
- p = ServerProtocol(klass)
- stdio.StandardIO(p)
- reactor.run()
- finally:
- termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, oldSettings)
- os.write(fd, "\r\x1bc\r")
-def main(argv=None):
- log.startLogging(file('child.log', 'w'))
- if argv is None:
- argv = sys.argv[1:]
- if argv:
- klass = reflect.namedClass(argv[0])
- else:
- klass = ConsoleManhole
- runWithProtocol(klass)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/tap.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/tap.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 7488cc02..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/tap.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_tap -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Support module for making SSH servers with twistd.
-from twisted.conch import unix
-from twisted.conch import checkers as conch_checkers
-from twisted.conch.openssh_compat import factory
-from twisted.cred import portal, checkers, strcred
-from twisted.python import usage
-from twisted.application import strports
- from twisted.cred import pamauth
-except ImportError:
- pamauth = None
-class Options(usage.Options, strcred.AuthOptionMixin):
- synopsis = "[-i <interface>] [-p <port>] [-d <dir>] "
- longdesc = ("Makes a Conch SSH server. If no authentication methods are "
- "specified, the default authentication methods are UNIX passwords, "
- "SSH public keys, and PAM if it is available. If --auth options are "
- "passed, only the measures specified will be used.")
- optParameters = [
- ["interface", "i", "", "local interface to which we listen"],
- ["port", "p", "tcp:22", "Port on which to listen"],
- ["data", "d", "/etc", "directory to look for host keys in"],
- ["moduli", "", None, "directory to look for moduli in "
- "(if different from --data)"]
- ]
- compData = usage.Completions(
- optActions={"data": usage.CompleteDirs(descr="data directory"),
- "moduli": usage.CompleteDirs(descr="moduli directory"),
- "interface": usage.CompleteNetInterfaces()}
- )
- def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
- usage.Options.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
- # call the default addCheckers (for backwards compatibility) that will
- # be used if no --auth option is provided - note that conch's
- # UNIXPasswordDatabase is used, instead of twisted.plugins.cred_unix's
- # checker
- super(Options, self).addChecker(conch_checkers.UNIXPasswordDatabase())
- super(Options, self).addChecker(conch_checkers.SSHPublicKeyDatabase())
- if pamauth is not None:
- super(Options, self).addChecker(
- checkers.PluggableAuthenticationModulesChecker())
- def addChecker(self, checker):
- """
- If addChecker is called, clear out the default checkers first
- """
- self['credCheckers'] = []
- self['credInterfaces'] = {}
- super(Options, self).addChecker(checker)
-def makeService(config):
- """
- Construct a service for operating a SSH server.
- @param config: An L{Options} instance specifying server options, including
- where server keys are stored and what authentication methods to use.
- @return: An L{IService} provider which contains the requested SSH server.
- """
- t = factory.OpenSSHFactory()
- r = unix.UnixSSHRealm()
- t.portal = portal.Portal(r, config.get('credCheckers', []))
- t.dataRoot = config['data']
- t.moduliRoot = config['moduli'] or config['data']
- port = config['port']
- if config['interface']:
- # Add warning here
- port += ':interface=' + config['interface']
- return strports.service(port, t)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/telnet.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/telnet.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c90fe1a2..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/telnet.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1086 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_telnet -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Telnet protocol implementation.
-@author: Jean-Paul Calderone
-import struct
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.internet import protocol, interfaces as iinternet, defer
-from twisted.python import log
-MODE = chr(1)
-EDIT = 1
-LIT_ECHO = 16
-# Characters gleaned from the various (and conflicting) RFCs. Not all of these are correct.
-NULL = chr(0) # No operation.
-BEL = chr(7) # Produces an audible or
- # visible signal (which does
- # NOT move the print head).
-BS = chr(8) # Moves the print head one
- # character position towards
- # the left margin.
-HT = chr(9) # Moves the printer to the
- # next horizontal tab stop.
- # It remains unspecified how
- # either party determines or
- # establishes where such tab
- # stops are located.
-LF = chr(10) # Moves the printer to the
- # next print line, keeping the
- # same horizontal position.
-VT = chr(11) # Moves the printer to the
- # next vertical tab stop. It
- # remains unspecified how
- # either party determines or
- # establishes where such tab
- # stops are located.
-FF = chr(12) # Moves the printer to the top
- # of the next page, keeping
- # the same horizontal position.
-CR = chr(13) # Moves the printer to the left
- # margin of the current line.
-ECHO = chr(1) # User-to-Server: Asks the server to send
- # Echos of the transmitted data.
-SGA = chr(3) # Suppress Go Ahead. Go Ahead is silly
- # and most modern servers should suppress
- # it.
-NAWS = chr(31) # Negotiate About Window Size. Indicate that
- # information about the size of the terminal
- # can be communicated.
-LINEMODE = chr(34) # Allow line buffering to be
- # negotiated about.
-SE = chr(240) # End of subnegotiation parameters.
-NOP = chr(241) # No operation.
-DM = chr(242) # "Data Mark": The data stream portion
- # of a Synch. This should always be
- # accompanied by a TCP Urgent
- # notification.
-BRK = chr(243) # NVT character Break.
-IP = chr(244) # The function Interrupt Process.
-AO = chr(245) # The function Abort Output
-AYT = chr(246) # The function Are You There.
-EC = chr(247) # The function Erase Character.
-EL = chr(248) # The function Erase Line
-GA = chr(249) # The Go Ahead signal.
-SB = chr(250) # Indicates that what follows is
- # subnegotiation of the indicated
- # option.
-WILL = chr(251) # Indicates the desire to begin
- # performing, or confirmation that
- # you are now performing, the
- # indicated option.
-WONT = chr(252) # Indicates the refusal to perform,
- # or continue performing, the
- # indicated option.
-DO = chr(253) # Indicates the request that the
- # other party perform, or
- # confirmation that you are expecting
- # the other party to perform, the
- # indicated option.
-DONT = chr(254) # Indicates the demand that the
- # other party stop performing,
- # or confirmation that you are no
- # longer expecting the other party
- # to perform, the indicated option.
-IAC = chr(255) # Data Byte 255. Introduces a
- # telnet command.
-LINEMODE_SLC = chr(3)
-LINEMODE_SLC_EC = chr(10)
-LINEMODE_SLC_EL = chr(11)
-LINEMODE_SLC_EW = chr(12)
-LINEMODE_SLC_RP = chr(13)
-LINEMODE_SLC_ACK = chr(128)
-LINEMODE_EOF = chr(236)
-LINEMODE_SUSP = chr(237)
-LINEMODE_ABORT = chr(238)
-class ITelnetProtocol(iinternet.IProtocol):
- def unhandledCommand(command, argument):
- """A command was received but not understood.
- @param command: the command received.
- @type command: C{str}, a single character.
- @param argument: the argument to the received command.
- @type argument: C{str}, a single character, or None if the command that
- was unhandled does not provide an argument.
- """
- def unhandledSubnegotiation(command, bytes):
- """A subnegotiation command was received but not understood.
- @param command: the command being subnegotiated. That is, the first
- byte after the SB command.
- @type command: C{str}, a single character.
- @param bytes: all other bytes of the subneogation. That is, all but the
- first bytes between SB and SE, with IAC un-escaping applied.
- @type bytes: C{list} of C{str}, each a single character
- """
- def enableLocal(option):
- """Enable the given option locally.
- This should enable the given option on this side of the
- telnet connection and return True. If False is returned,
- the option will be treated as still disabled and the peer
- will be notified.
- @param option: the option to be enabled.
- @type option: C{str}, a single character.
- """
- def enableRemote(option):
- """Indicate whether the peer should be allowed to enable this option.
- Returns True if the peer should be allowed to enable this option,
- False otherwise.
- @param option: the option to be enabled.
- @type option: C{str}, a single character.
- """
- def disableLocal(option):
- """Disable the given option locally.
- Unlike enableLocal, this method cannot fail. The option must be
- disabled.
- @param option: the option to be disabled.
- @type option: C{str}, a single character.
- """
- def disableRemote(option):
- """Indicate that the peer has disabled this option.
- @param option: the option to be disabled.
- @type option: C{str}, a single character.
- """
-class ITelnetTransport(iinternet.ITransport):
- def do(option):
- """
- Indicate a desire for the peer to begin performing the given option.
- Returns a Deferred that fires with True when the peer begins performing
- the option, or fails with L{OptionRefused} when the peer refuses to
- perform it. If the peer is already performing the given option, the
- Deferred will fail with L{AlreadyEnabled}. If a negotiation regarding
- this option is already in progress, the Deferred will fail with
- L{AlreadyNegotiating}.
- Note: It is currently possible that this Deferred will never fire,
- if the peer never responds, or if the peer believes the option to
- already be enabled.
- """
- def dont(option):
- """
- Indicate a desire for the peer to cease performing the given option.
- Returns a Deferred that fires with True when the peer ceases performing
- the option. If the peer is not performing the given option, the
- Deferred will fail with L{AlreadyDisabled}. If negotiation regarding
- this option is already in progress, the Deferred will fail with
- L{AlreadyNegotiating}.
- Note: It is currently possible that this Deferred will never fire,
- if the peer never responds, or if the peer believes the option to
- already be disabled.
- """
- def will(option):
- """
- Indicate our willingness to begin performing this option locally.
- Returns a Deferred that fires with True when the peer agrees to allow us
- to begin performing this option, or fails with L{OptionRefused} if the
- peer refuses to allow us to begin performing it. If the option is
- already enabled locally, the Deferred will fail with L{AlreadyEnabled}.
- If negotiation regarding this option is already in progress, the
- Deferred will fail with L{AlreadyNegotiating}.
- Note: It is currently possible that this Deferred will never fire,
- if the peer never responds, or if the peer believes the option to
- already be enabled.
- """
- def wont(option):
- """
- Indicate that we will stop performing the given option.
- Returns a Deferred that fires with True when the peer acknowledges
- we have stopped performing this option. If the option is already
- disabled locally, the Deferred will fail with L{AlreadyDisabled}.
- If negotiation regarding this option is already in progress,
- the Deferred will fail with L{AlreadyNegotiating}.
- Note: It is currently possible that this Deferred will never fire,
- if the peer never responds, or if the peer believes the option to
- already be disabled.
- """
- def requestNegotiation(about, bytes):
- """
- Send a subnegotiation request.
- @param about: A byte indicating the feature being negotiated.
- @param bytes: Any number of bytes containing specific information
- about the negotiation being requested. No values in this string
- need to be escaped, as this function will escape any value which
- requires it.
- """
-class TelnetError(Exception):
- pass
-class NegotiationError(TelnetError):
- def __str__(self):
- return self.__class__.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__ + ':' + repr(self.args[0])
-class OptionRefused(NegotiationError):
- pass
-class AlreadyEnabled(NegotiationError):
- pass
-class AlreadyDisabled(NegotiationError):
- pass
-class AlreadyNegotiating(NegotiationError):
- pass
-class TelnetProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
- implements(ITelnetProtocol)
- def unhandledCommand(self, command, argument):
- pass
- def unhandledSubnegotiation(self, command, bytes):
- pass
- def enableLocal(self, option):
- pass
- def enableRemote(self, option):
- pass
- def disableLocal(self, option):
- pass
- def disableRemote(self, option):
- pass
-class Telnet(protocol.Protocol):
- """
- @ivar commandMap: A mapping of bytes to callables. When a
- telnet command is received, the command byte (the first byte
- after IAC) is looked up in this dictionary. If a callable is
- found, it is invoked with the argument of the command, or None
- if the command takes no argument. Values should be added to
- this dictionary if commands wish to be handled. By default,
- only WILL, WONT, DO, and DONT are handled. These should not
- be overridden, as this class handles them correctly and
- provides an API for interacting with them.
- @ivar negotiationMap: A mapping of bytes to callables. When
- a subnegotiation command is received, the command byte (the
- first byte after SB) is looked up in this dictionary. If
- a callable is found, it is invoked with the argument of the
- subnegotiation. Values should be added to this dictionary if
- subnegotiations are to be handled. By default, no values are
- handled.
- @ivar options: A mapping of option bytes to their current
- state. This state is likely of little use to user code.
- Changes should not be made to it.
- @ivar state: A string indicating the current parse state. It
- can take on the values "data", "escaped", "command", "newline",
- "subnegotiation", and "subnegotiation-escaped". Changes
- should not be made to it.
- @ivar transport: This protocol's transport object.
- """
- # One of a lot of things
- state = 'data'
- def __init__(self):
- self.options = {}
- self.negotiationMap = {}
- self.commandMap = {
- WILL: self.telnet_WILL,
- WONT: self.telnet_WONT,
- DO: self.telnet_DO,
- DONT: self.telnet_DONT}
- def _write(self, bytes):
- self.transport.write(bytes)
- class _OptionState:
- """
- Represents the state of an option on both sides of a telnet
- connection.
- @ivar us: The state of the option on this side of the connection.
- @ivar him: The state of the option on the other side of the
- connection.
- """
- class _Perspective:
- """
- Represents the state of an option on side of the telnet
- connection. Some options can be enabled on a particular side of
- the connection (RFC 1073 for example: only the client can have
- NAWS enabled). Other options can be enabled on either or both
- sides (such as RFC 1372: each side can have its own flow control
- state).
- @ivar state: C{'yes'} or C{'no'} indicating whether or not this
- option is enabled on one side of the connection.
- @ivar negotiating: A boolean tracking whether negotiation about
- this option is in progress.
- @ivar onResult: When negotiation about this option has been
- initiated by this side of the connection, a L{Deferred}
- which will fire with the result of the negotiation. C{None}
- at other times.
- """
- state = 'no'
- negotiating = False
- onResult = None
- def __str__(self):
- return self.state + ('*' * self.negotiating)
- def __init__(self):
- self.us = self._Perspective()
- self.him = self._Perspective()
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<_OptionState us=%s him=%s>' % (self.us, self.him)
- def getOptionState(self, opt):
- return self.options.setdefault(opt, self._OptionState())
- def _do(self, option):
- self._write(IAC + DO + option)
- def _dont(self, option):
- self._write(IAC + DONT + option)
- def _will(self, option):
- self._write(IAC + WILL + option)
- def _wont(self, option):
- self._write(IAC + WONT + option)
- def will(self, option):
- """Indicate our willingness to enable an option.
- """
- s = self.getOptionState(option)
- if s.us.negotiating or s.him.negotiating:
- return defer.fail(AlreadyNegotiating(option))
- elif s.us.state == 'yes':
- return defer.fail(AlreadyEnabled(option))
- else:
- s.us.negotiating = True
- s.us.onResult = d = defer.Deferred()
- self._will(option)
- return d
- def wont(self, option):
- """Indicate we are not willing to enable an option.
- """
- s = self.getOptionState(option)
- if s.us.negotiating or s.him.negotiating:
- return defer.fail(AlreadyNegotiating(option))
- elif s.us.state == 'no':
- return defer.fail(AlreadyDisabled(option))
- else:
- s.us.negotiating = True
- s.us.onResult = d = defer.Deferred()
- self._wont(option)
- return d
- def do(self, option):
- s = self.getOptionState(option)
- if s.us.negotiating or s.him.negotiating:
- return defer.fail(AlreadyNegotiating(option))
- elif s.him.state == 'yes':
- return defer.fail(AlreadyEnabled(option))
- else:
- s.him.negotiating = True
- s.him.onResult = d = defer.Deferred()
- self._do(option)
- return d
- def dont(self, option):
- s = self.getOptionState(option)
- if s.us.negotiating or s.him.negotiating:
- return defer.fail(AlreadyNegotiating(option))
- elif s.him.state == 'no':
- return defer.fail(AlreadyDisabled(option))
- else:
- s.him.negotiating = True
- s.him.onResult = d = defer.Deferred()
- self._dont(option)
- return d
- def requestNegotiation(self, about, bytes):
- """
- Send a negotiation message for the option C{about} with C{bytes} as the
- payload.
- @see: L{ITelnetTransport.requestNegotiation}
- """
- bytes = bytes.replace(IAC, IAC * 2)
- self._write(IAC + SB + about + bytes + IAC + SE)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- appDataBuffer = []
- for b in data:
- if self.state == 'data':
- if b == IAC:
- self.state = 'escaped'
- elif b == '\r':
- self.state = 'newline'
- else:
- appDataBuffer.append(b)
- elif self.state == 'escaped':
- if b == IAC:
- appDataBuffer.append(b)
- self.state = 'data'
- elif b == SB:
- self.state = 'subnegotiation'
- self.commands = []
- elif b in (NOP, DM, BRK, IP, AO, AYT, EC, EL, GA):
- self.state = 'data'
- if appDataBuffer:
- self.applicationDataReceived(''.join(appDataBuffer))
- del appDataBuffer[:]
- self.commandReceived(b, None)
- elif b in (WILL, WONT, DO, DONT):
- self.state = 'command'
- self.command = b
- else:
- raise ValueError("Stumped", b)
- elif self.state == 'command':
- self.state = 'data'
- command = self.command
- del self.command
- if appDataBuffer:
- self.applicationDataReceived(''.join(appDataBuffer))
- del appDataBuffer[:]
- self.commandReceived(command, b)
- elif self.state == 'newline':
- self.state = 'data'
- if b == '\n':
- appDataBuffer.append('\n')
- elif b == '\0':
- appDataBuffer.append('\r')
- elif b == IAC:
- # IAC isn't really allowed after \r, according to the
- # RFC, but handling it this way is less surprising than
- # delivering the IAC to the app as application data.
- # The purpose of the restriction is to allow terminals
- # to unambiguously interpret the behavior of the CR
- # after reading only one more byte. CR LF is supposed
- # to mean one thing (cursor to next line, first column),
- # CR NUL another (cursor to first column). Absent the
- # NUL, it still makes sense to interpret this as CR and
- # then apply all the usual interpretation to the IAC.
- appDataBuffer.append('\r')
- self.state = 'escaped'
- else:
- appDataBuffer.append('\r' + b)
- elif self.state == 'subnegotiation':
- if b == IAC:
- self.state = 'subnegotiation-escaped'
- else:
- self.commands.append(b)
- elif self.state == 'subnegotiation-escaped':
- if b == SE:
- self.state = 'data'
- commands = self.commands
- del self.commands
- if appDataBuffer:
- self.applicationDataReceived(''.join(appDataBuffer))
- del appDataBuffer[:]
- self.negotiate(commands)
- else:
- self.state = 'subnegotiation'
- self.commands.append(b)
- else:
- raise ValueError("How'd you do this?")
- if appDataBuffer:
- self.applicationDataReceived(''.join(appDataBuffer))
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- for state in self.options.values():
- if state.us.onResult is not None:
- d = state.us.onResult
- state.us.onResult = None
- d.errback(reason)
- if state.him.onResult is not None:
- d = state.him.onResult
- state.him.onResult = None
- d.errback(reason)
- def applicationDataReceived(self, bytes):
- """Called with application-level data.
- """
- def unhandledCommand(self, command, argument):
- """Called for commands for which no handler is installed.
- """
- def commandReceived(self, command, argument):
- cmdFunc = self.commandMap.get(command)
- if cmdFunc is None:
- self.unhandledCommand(command, argument)
- else:
- cmdFunc(argument)
- def unhandledSubnegotiation(self, command, bytes):
- """Called for subnegotiations for which no handler is installed.
- """
- def negotiate(self, bytes):
- command, bytes = bytes[0], bytes[1:]
- cmdFunc = self.negotiationMap.get(command)
- if cmdFunc is None:
- self.unhandledSubnegotiation(command, bytes)
- else:
- cmdFunc(bytes)
- def telnet_WILL(self, option):
- s = self.getOptionState(option)
- self.willMap[s.him.state, s.him.negotiating](self, s, option)
- def will_no_false(self, state, option):
- # He is unilaterally offering to enable an option.
- if self.enableRemote(option):
- state.him.state = 'yes'
- self._do(option)
- else:
- self._dont(option)
- def will_no_true(self, state, option):
- # Peer agreed to enable an option in response to our request.
- state.him.state = 'yes'
- state.him.negotiating = False
- d = state.him.onResult
- state.him.onResult = None
- d.callback(True)
- assert self.enableRemote(option), "enableRemote must return True in this context (for option %r)" % (option,)
- def will_yes_false(self, state, option):
- # He is unilaterally offering to enable an already-enabled option.
- # Ignore this.
- pass
- def will_yes_true(self, state, option):
- # This is a bogus state. It is here for completeness. It will
- # never be entered.
- assert False, "will_yes_true can never be entered, but was called with %r, %r" % (state, option)
- willMap = {('no', False): will_no_false, ('no', True): will_no_true,
- ('yes', False): will_yes_false, ('yes', True): will_yes_true}
- def telnet_WONT(self, option):
- s = self.getOptionState(option)
- self.wontMap[s.him.state, s.him.negotiating](self, s, option)
- def wont_no_false(self, state, option):
- # He is unilaterally demanding that an already-disabled option be/remain disabled.
- # Ignore this (although we could record it and refuse subsequent enable attempts
- # from our side - he can always refuse them again though, so we won't)
- pass
- def wont_no_true(self, state, option):
- # Peer refused to enable an option in response to our request.
- state.him.negotiating = False
- d = state.him.onResult
- state.him.onResult = None
- d.errback(OptionRefused(option))
- def wont_yes_false(self, state, option):
- # Peer is unilaterally demanding that an option be disabled.
- state.him.state = 'no'
- self.disableRemote(option)
- self._dont(option)
- def wont_yes_true(self, state, option):
- # Peer agreed to disable an option at our request.
- state.him.state = 'no'
- state.him.negotiating = False
- d = state.him.onResult
- state.him.onResult = None
- d.callback(True)
- self.disableRemote(option)
- wontMap = {('no', False): wont_no_false, ('no', True): wont_no_true,
- ('yes', False): wont_yes_false, ('yes', True): wont_yes_true}
- def telnet_DO(self, option):
- s = self.getOptionState(option)
- self.doMap[s.us.state, s.us.negotiating](self, s, option)
- def do_no_false(self, state, option):
- # Peer is unilaterally requesting that we enable an option.
- if self.enableLocal(option):
- state.us.state = 'yes'
- self._will(option)
- else:
- self._wont(option)
- def do_no_true(self, state, option):
- # Peer agreed to allow us to enable an option at our request.
- state.us.state = 'yes'
- state.us.negotiating = False
- d = state.us.onResult
- state.us.onResult = None
- d.callback(True)
- self.enableLocal(option)
- def do_yes_false(self, state, option):
- # Peer is unilaterally requesting us to enable an already-enabled option.
- # Ignore this.
- pass
- def do_yes_true(self, state, option):
- # This is a bogus state. It is here for completeness. It will never be
- # entered.
- assert False, "do_yes_true can never be entered, but was called with %r, %r" % (state, option)
- doMap = {('no', False): do_no_false, ('no', True): do_no_true,
- ('yes', False): do_yes_false, ('yes', True): do_yes_true}
- def telnet_DONT(self, option):
- s = self.getOptionState(option)
- self.dontMap[s.us.state, s.us.negotiating](self, s, option)
- def dont_no_false(self, state, option):
- # Peer is unilaterally demanding us to disable an already-disabled option.
- # Ignore this.
- pass
- def dont_no_true(self, state, option):
- # Offered option was refused. Fail the Deferred returned by the
- # previous will() call.
- state.us.negotiating = False
- d = state.us.onResult
- state.us.onResult = None
- d.errback(OptionRefused(option))
- def dont_yes_false(self, state, option):
- # Peer is unilaterally demanding we disable an option.
- state.us.state = 'no'
- self.disableLocal(option)
- self._wont(option)
- def dont_yes_true(self, state, option):
- # Peer acknowledged our notice that we will disable an option.
- state.us.state = 'no'
- state.us.negotiating = False
- d = state.us.onResult
- state.us.onResult = None
- d.callback(True)
- self.disableLocal(option)
- dontMap = {('no', False): dont_no_false, ('no', True): dont_no_true,
- ('yes', False): dont_yes_false, ('yes', True): dont_yes_true}
- def enableLocal(self, option):
- """
- Reject all attempts to enable options.
- """
- return False
- def enableRemote(self, option):
- """
- Reject all attempts to enable options.
- """
- return False
- def disableLocal(self, option):
- """
- Signal a programming error by raising an exception.
- L{enableLocal} must return true for the given value of C{option} in
- order for this method to be called. If a subclass of L{Telnet}
- overrides enableLocal to allow certain options to be enabled, it must
- also override disableLocal to disable those options.
- @raise NotImplementedError: Always raised.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "Don't know how to disable local telnet option %r" % (option,))
- def disableRemote(self, option):
- """
- Signal a programming error by raising an exception.
- L{enableRemote} must return true for the given value of C{option} in
- order for this method to be called. If a subclass of L{Telnet}
- overrides enableRemote to allow certain options to be enabled, it must
- also override disableRemote tto disable those options.
- @raise NotImplementedError: Always raised.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "Don't know how to disable remote telnet option %r" % (option,))
-class ProtocolTransportMixin:
- def write(self, bytes):
- self.transport.write(bytes.replace('\n', '\r\n'))
- def writeSequence(self, seq):
- self.transport.writeSequence(seq)
- def loseConnection(self):
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def getHost(self):
- return self.transport.getHost()
- def getPeer(self):
- return self.transport.getPeer()
-class TelnetTransport(Telnet, ProtocolTransportMixin):
- """
- @ivar protocol: An instance of the protocol to which this
- transport is connected, or None before the connection is
- established and after it is lost.
- @ivar protocolFactory: A callable which returns protocol instances
- which provide L{ITelnetProtocol}. This will be invoked when a
- connection is established. It is passed *protocolArgs and
- **protocolKwArgs.
- @ivar protocolArgs: A tuple of additional arguments to
- pass to protocolFactory.
- @ivar protocolKwArgs: A dictionary of additional arguments
- to pass to protocolFactory.
- """
- disconnecting = False
- protocolFactory = None
- protocol = None
- def __init__(self, protocolFactory=None, *a, **kw):
- Telnet.__init__(self)
- if protocolFactory is not None:
- self.protocolFactory = protocolFactory
- self.protocolArgs = a
- self.protocolKwArgs = kw
- def connectionMade(self):
- if self.protocolFactory is not None:
- self.protocol = self.protocolFactory(*self.protocolArgs, **self.protocolKwArgs)
- assert ITelnetProtocol.providedBy(self.protocol)
- try:
- factory = self.factory
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- else:
- self.protocol.factory = factory
- self.protocol.makeConnection(self)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- Telnet.connectionLost(self, reason)
- if self.protocol is not None:
- try:
- self.protocol.connectionLost(reason)
- finally:
- del self.protocol
- def enableLocal(self, option):
- return self.protocol.enableLocal(option)
- def enableRemote(self, option):
- return self.protocol.enableRemote(option)
- def disableLocal(self, option):
- return self.protocol.disableLocal(option)
- def disableRemote(self, option):
- return self.protocol.disableRemote(option)
- def unhandledSubnegotiation(self, command, bytes):
- self.protocol.unhandledSubnegotiation(command, bytes)
- def unhandledCommand(self, command, argument):
- self.protocol.unhandledCommand(command, argument)
- def applicationDataReceived(self, bytes):
- self.protocol.dataReceived(bytes)
- def write(self, data):
- ProtocolTransportMixin.write(self, data.replace('\xff','\xff\xff'))
-class TelnetBootstrapProtocol(TelnetProtocol, ProtocolTransportMixin):
- implements()
- protocol = None
- def __init__(self, protocolFactory, *args, **kw):
- self.protocolFactory = protocolFactory
- self.protocolArgs = args
- self.protocolKwArgs = kw
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.transport.negotiationMap[NAWS] = self.telnet_NAWS
- self.transport.negotiationMap[LINEMODE] = self.telnet_LINEMODE
- for opt in (LINEMODE, NAWS, SGA):
- self.transport.do(opt).addErrback(log.err)
- for opt in (ECHO,):
- self.transport.will(opt).addErrback(log.err)
- self.protocol = self.protocolFactory(*self.protocolArgs, **self.protocolKwArgs)
- try:
- factory = self.factory
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- else:
- self.protocol.factory = factory
- self.protocol.makeConnection(self)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- if self.protocol is not None:
- try:
- self.protocol.connectionLost(reason)
- finally:
- del self.protocol
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.protocol.dataReceived(data)
- def enableLocal(self, opt):
- if opt == ECHO:
- return True
- elif opt == SGA:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def enableRemote(self, opt):
- if opt == LINEMODE:
- self.transport.requestNegotiation(LINEMODE, MODE + chr(TRAPSIG))
- return True
- elif opt == NAWS:
- return True
- elif opt == SGA:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def telnet_NAWS(self, bytes):
- # NAWS is client -> server *only*. self.protocol will
- # therefore be an ITerminalTransport, the `.protocol'
- # attribute of which will be an ITerminalProtocol. Maybe.
- # You know what, XXX TODO clean this up.
- if len(bytes) == 4:
- width, height = struct.unpack('!HH', ''.join(bytes))
- self.protocol.terminalProtocol.terminalSize(width, height)
- else:
- log.msg("Wrong number of NAWS bytes")
- linemodeSubcommands = {
- def telnet_LINEMODE(self, bytes):
- revmap = {}
- linemodeSubcommand = bytes[0]
- if 0:
- # XXX TODO: This should be enabled to parse linemode subnegotiation.
- getattr(self, 'linemode_' + self.linemodeSubcommands[linemodeSubcommand])(bytes[1:])
- def linemode_SLC(self, bytes):
- chunks = zip(*[iter(bytes)]*3)
- for slcFunction, slcValue, slcWhat in chunks:
- # Later, we should parse stuff.
- 'SLC', ord(slcFunction), ord(slcValue), ord(slcWhat)
-from twisted.protocols import basic
-class StatefulTelnetProtocol(basic.LineReceiver, TelnetProtocol):
- delimiter = '\n'
- state = 'Discard'
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- basic.LineReceiver.connectionLost(self, reason)
- TelnetProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason)
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- oldState = self.state
- newState = getattr(self, "telnet_" + oldState)(line)
- if newState is not None:
- if self.state == oldState:
- self.state = newState
- else:
- log.msg("Warning: state changed and new state returned")
- def telnet_Discard(self, line):
- pass
-from twisted.cred import credentials
-class AuthenticatingTelnetProtocol(StatefulTelnetProtocol):
- """A protocol which prompts for credentials and attempts to authenticate them.
- Username and password prompts are given (the password is obscured). When the
- information is collected, it is passed to a portal and an avatar implementing
- L{ITelnetProtocol} is requested. If an avatar is returned, it connected to this
- protocol's transport, and this protocol's transport is connected to it.
- Otherwise, the user is re-prompted for credentials.
- """
- state = "User"
- protocol = None
- def __init__(self, portal):
- self.portal = portal
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.transport.write("Username: ")
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- StatefulTelnetProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason)
- if self.protocol is not None:
- try:
- self.protocol.connectionLost(reason)
- self.logout()
- finally:
- del self.protocol, self.logout
- def telnet_User(self, line):
- self.username = line
- self.transport.will(ECHO)
- self.transport.write("Password: ")
- return 'Password'
- def telnet_Password(self, line):
- username, password = self.username, line
- del self.username
- def login(ignored):
- creds = credentials.UsernamePassword(username, password)
- d = self.portal.login(creds, None, ITelnetProtocol)
- d.addCallback(self._cbLogin)
- d.addErrback(self._ebLogin)
- self.transport.wont(ECHO).addCallback(login)
- return 'Discard'
- def _cbLogin(self, ial):
- interface, protocol, logout = ial
- assert interface is ITelnetProtocol
- self.protocol = protocol
- self.logout = logout
- self.state = 'Command'
- protocol.makeConnection(self.transport)
- self.transport.protocol = protocol
- def _ebLogin(self, failure):
- self.transport.write("\nAuthentication failed\n")
- self.transport.write("Username: ")
- self.state = "User"
-__all__ = [
- # Exceptions
- 'TelnetError', 'NegotiationError', 'OptionRefused',
- 'AlreadyNegotiating', 'AlreadyEnabled', 'AlreadyDisabled',
- # Interfaces
- 'ITelnetProtocol', 'ITelnetTransport',
- # Other stuff, protocols, etc.
- 'Telnet', 'TelnetProtocol', 'TelnetTransport',
- 'TelnetBootstrapProtocol',
- ]
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/__init__.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d09b4122..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-'conch tests'
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/keydata.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/keydata.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 9417ec57..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/keydata.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_keys -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Data used by test_keys as well as others.
-RSAData = {
- 'n':long('1062486685755247411169438309495398947372127791189432809481'
- '382072971106157632182084539383569281493520117634129557550415277'
- '516685881326038852354459895734875625093273594925884531272867425'
- '864910490065695876046999646807138717162833156501L'),
- 'e':35L,
- 'd':long('6678487739032983727350755088256793383481946116047863373882'
- '973030104095847973715959961839578340816412167985957218887914482'
- '713602371850869127033494910375212470664166001439410214474266799'
- '85974425203903884190893469297150446322896587555L'),
- 'q':long('3395694744258061291019136154000709371890447462086362702627'
- '9704149412726577280741108645721676968699696898960891593323L'),
- 'p':long('3128922844292337321766351031842562691837301298995834258844'
- '4720539204069737532863831050930719431498338835415515173887L')}
-DSAData = {
- 'y':long('2300663509295750360093768159135720439490120577534296730713'
- '348508834878775464483169644934425336771277908527130096489120714'
- '610188630979820723924744291603865L'),
- 'g':long('4451569990409370769930903934104221766858515498655655091803'
- '866645719060300558655677517139568505649468378587802312867198352'
- '1161998270001677664063945776405L'),
- 'p':long('7067311773048598659694590252855127633397024017439939353776'
- '608320410518694001356789646664502838652272205440894335303988504'
- '978724817717069039110940675621677L'),
- 'q':1184501645189849666738820838619601267690550087703L,
- 'x':863951293559205482820041244219051653999559962819L}
-publicRSA_openssh = ("ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAGEArzJx8OYOnJmzf4tfBE"
-"h5KmRpslkYHRivcJSkbh/C+BR3utDS555mV comment")
-privateRSA_openssh = """-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
------END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"""
-# some versions of OpenSSH generate these (slightly different keys)
-privateRSA_openssh_alternate = """-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
-------END RSA PRIVATE KEY------"""
-# encrypted with the passphrase 'encrypted'
-privateRSA_openssh_encrypted = """-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
-Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
------END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"""
-# encrypted with the passphrase 'testxp'. NB: this key was generated by
-# OpenSSH, so it doesn't use the same key data as the other keys here.
-privateRSA_openssh_encrypted_aes = """-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
-Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
-DEK-Info: AES-128-CBC,0673309A6ACCAB4B77DEE1C1E536AC26
------END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"""
-publicRSA_lsh = ("{KDEwOnB1YmxpYy1rZXkoMTQ6cnNhLXBrY3MxLXNoYTEoMTpuOTc6AK8yc"
-privateRSA_lsh = ("(11:private-key(9:rsa-pkcs1(1:n97:\x00\xaf2q\xf0\xe6\x0e"
-"\xcbJK\xd0@G\xe8ER\xf7\xc7\xaf\x0c mC\r\xb69\x94\xf9\xda\xa5\xe5\x03\x06v"
-"\x17;\xb0\xe4\x99\xa1\xd1g\x02*\xf2?\xe4 \xf6\x8bR\x062wm\x03\x0b\xa5$\xea"
-privateRSA_agentv3 = ("\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-rsa\x00\x00\x00\x01#\x00\x00\x00`"
-"\xba\xdc\xeb\xdb*\x00\x00\x001\x00\xcbJK\xd0@G\xe8ER\xf7\xc7\xaf\x0c mC\r"
-publicDSA_openssh = ("ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAABBAIbwTOSsZ7Bl7U1KyMNqV13Tu7"
-"SHp6hLKyy2bjnT29h7haELE+XHfq2bM9fckDx2FLOSIJzy83VmQ== comment")
-privateDSA_openssh = """-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----
------END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----"""
-publicDSA_lsh = ("{KDEwOnB1YmxpYy1rZXkoMzpkc2EoMTpwNjU6AIbwTOSsZ7Bl7U1KyMNqV"
-privateDSA_lsh = ("(11:private-key(3:dsa(1:p65:\x00\x86\xf0L\xe4\xacg\xb0e"
-privateDSA_agentv3 = ("\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-dss\x00\x00\x00A\x00\x86\xf0L\xe4"
-__all__ = ['DSAData', 'RSAData', 'privateDSA_agentv3', 'privateDSA_lsh',
- 'privateDSA_openssh', 'privateRSA_agentv3', 'privateRSA_lsh',
- 'privateRSA_openssh', 'publicDSA_lsh', 'publicDSA_openssh',
- 'publicRSA_lsh', 'publicRSA_openssh', 'privateRSA_openssh_alternate']
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_address.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_address.py
deleted file mode 100755
index cf02275b..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_address.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{SSHTransportAddrress} in ssh/address.py
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address
-from twisted.internet.test.test_address import AddressTestCaseMixin
-from twisted.conch.ssh.address import SSHTransportAddress
-class SSHTransportAddressTestCase(unittest.TestCase, AddressTestCaseMixin):
- """
- L{twisted.conch.ssh.address.SSHTransportAddress} is what Conch transports
- use to represent the other side of the SSH connection. This tests the
- basic functionality of that class (string representation, comparison, &c).
- """
- def _stringRepresentation(self, stringFunction):
- """
- The string representation of C{SSHTransportAddress} should be
- "SSHTransportAddress(<stringFunction on address>)".
- """
- addr = self.buildAddress()
- stringValue = stringFunction(addr)
- addressValue = stringFunction(addr.address)
- self.assertEqual(stringValue,
- "SSHTransportAddress(%s)" % addressValue)
- def buildAddress(self):
- """
- Create an arbitrary new C{SSHTransportAddress}. A new instance is
- created for each call, but always for the same address.
- """
- return SSHTransportAddress(IPv4Address("TCP", "", 22))
- def buildDifferentAddress(self):
- """
- Like C{buildAddress}, but with a different fixed address.
- """
- return SSHTransportAddress(IPv4Address("TCP", "", 22))
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_agent.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_agent.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 532a0e51..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_agent.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.ssh.agent}.
-import struct
-from twisted.trial import unittest
- import OpenSSL
-except ImportError:
- iosim = None
- from twisted.test import iosim
- import Crypto.Cipher.DES3
-except ImportError:
- Crypto = None
- import pyasn1
-except ImportError:
- pyasn1 = None
-if Crypto and pyasn1:
- from twisted.conch.ssh import keys, agent
- keys = agent = None
-from twisted.conch.test import keydata
-from twisted.conch.error import ConchError, MissingKeyStoreError
-class StubFactory(object):
- """
- Mock factory that provides the keys attribute required by the
- SSHAgentServerProtocol
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.keys = {}
-class AgentTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for SSHAgentServer/Client.
- """
- if iosim is None:
- skip = "iosim requires SSL, but SSL is not available"
- elif agent is None or keys is None:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyCrypto or PyASN1"
- def setUp(self):
- # wire up our client <-> server
- self.client, self.server, self.pump = iosim.connectedServerAndClient(
- agent.SSHAgentServer, agent.SSHAgentClient)
- # the server's end of the protocol is stateful and we store it on the
- # factory, for which we only need a mock
- self.server.factory = StubFactory()
- # pub/priv keys of each kind
- self.rsaPrivate = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- self.dsaPrivate = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateDSA_openssh)
- self.rsaPublic = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh)
- self.dsaPublic = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicDSA_openssh)
-class TestServerProtocolContractWithFactory(AgentTestBase):
- """
- The server protocol is stateful and so uses its factory to track state
- across requests. This test asserts that the protocol raises if its factory
- doesn't provide the necessary storage for that state.
- """
- def test_factorySuppliesKeyStorageForServerProtocol(self):
- # need a message to send into the server
- msg = struct.pack('!LB',1, agent.AGENTC_REQUEST_IDENTITIES)
- del self.server.factory.__dict__['keys']
- self.assertRaises(MissingKeyStoreError,
- self.server.dataReceived, msg)
-class TestUnimplementedVersionOneServer(AgentTestBase):
- """
- Tests for methods with no-op implementations on the server. We need these
- for clients, such as openssh, that try v1 methods before going to v2.
- Because the client doesn't expose these operations with nice method names,
- we invoke sendRequest directly with an op code.
- """
- def test_agentc_REQUEST_RSA_IDENTITIES(self):
- """
- assert that we get the correct op code for an RSA identities request
- """
- d = self.client.sendRequest(agent.AGENTC_REQUEST_RSA_IDENTITIES, '')
- self.pump.flush()
- def _cb(packet):
- self.assertEqual(
- agent.AGENT_RSA_IDENTITIES_ANSWER, ord(packet[0]))
- return d.addCallback(_cb)
- def test_agentc_REMOVE_RSA_IDENTITY(self):
- """
- assert that we get the correct op code for an RSA remove identity request
- """
- d = self.client.sendRequest(agent.AGENTC_REMOVE_RSA_IDENTITY, '')
- self.pump.flush()
- return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
- def test_agentc_REMOVE_ALL_RSA_IDENTITIES(self):
- """
- assert that we get the correct op code for an RSA remove all identities
- request.
- """
- d = self.client.sendRequest(agent.AGENTC_REMOVE_ALL_RSA_IDENTITIES, '')
- self.pump.flush()
- return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
-if agent is not None:
- class CorruptServer(agent.SSHAgentServer):
- """
- A misbehaving server that returns bogus response op codes so that we can
- verify that our callbacks that deal with these op codes handle such
- miscreants.
- """
- def agentc_REQUEST_IDENTITIES(self, data):
- self.sendResponse(254, '')
- def agentc_SIGN_REQUEST(self, data):
- self.sendResponse(254, '')
-class TestClientWithBrokenServer(AgentTestBase):
- """
- verify error handling code in the client using a misbehaving server
- """
- def setUp(self):
- AgentTestBase.setUp(self)
- self.client, self.server, self.pump = iosim.connectedServerAndClient(
- CorruptServer, agent.SSHAgentClient)
- # the server's end of the protocol is stateful and we store it on the
- # factory, for which we only need a mock
- self.server.factory = StubFactory()
- def test_signDataCallbackErrorHandling(self):
- """
- Assert that L{SSHAgentClient.signData} raises a ConchError
- if we get a response from the server whose opcode doesn't match
- the protocol for data signing requests.
- """
- d = self.client.signData(self.rsaPublic.blob(), "John Hancock")
- self.pump.flush()
- return self.assertFailure(d, ConchError)
- def test_requestIdentitiesCallbackErrorHandling(self):
- """
- Assert that L{SSHAgentClient.requestIdentities} raises a ConchError
- if we get a response from the server whose opcode doesn't match
- the protocol for identity requests.
- """
- d = self.client.requestIdentities()
- self.pump.flush()
- return self.assertFailure(d, ConchError)
-class TestAgentKeyAddition(AgentTestBase):
- """
- Test adding different flavors of keys to an agent.
- """
- def test_addRSAIdentityNoComment(self):
- """
- L{SSHAgentClient.addIdentity} adds the private key it is called
- with to the SSH agent server to which it is connected, associating
- it with the comment it is called with.
- This test asserts that ommitting the comment produces an
- empty string for the comment on the server.
- """
- d = self.client.addIdentity(self.rsaPrivate.privateBlob())
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(ignored):
- serverKey = self.server.factory.keys[self.rsaPrivate.blob()]
- self.assertEqual(self.rsaPrivate, serverKey[0])
- self.assertEqual('', serverKey[1])
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def test_addDSAIdentityNoComment(self):
- """
- L{SSHAgentClient.addIdentity} adds the private key it is called
- with to the SSH agent server to which it is connected, associating
- it with the comment it is called with.
- This test asserts that ommitting the comment produces an
- empty string for the comment on the server.
- """
- d = self.client.addIdentity(self.dsaPrivate.privateBlob())
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(ignored):
- serverKey = self.server.factory.keys[self.dsaPrivate.blob()]
- self.assertEqual(self.dsaPrivate, serverKey[0])
- self.assertEqual('', serverKey[1])
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def test_addRSAIdentityWithComment(self):
- """
- L{SSHAgentClient.addIdentity} adds the private key it is called
- with to the SSH agent server to which it is connected, associating
- it with the comment it is called with.
- This test asserts that the server receives/stores the comment
- as sent by the client.
- """
- d = self.client.addIdentity(
- self.rsaPrivate.privateBlob(), comment='My special key')
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(ignored):
- serverKey = self.server.factory.keys[self.rsaPrivate.blob()]
- self.assertEqual(self.rsaPrivate, serverKey[0])
- self.assertEqual('My special key', serverKey[1])
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def test_addDSAIdentityWithComment(self):
- """
- L{SSHAgentClient.addIdentity} adds the private key it is called
- with to the SSH agent server to which it is connected, associating
- it with the comment it is called with.
- This test asserts that the server receives/stores the comment
- as sent by the client.
- """
- d = self.client.addIdentity(
- self.dsaPrivate.privateBlob(), comment='My special key')
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(ignored):
- serverKey = self.server.factory.keys[self.dsaPrivate.blob()]
- self.assertEqual(self.dsaPrivate, serverKey[0])
- self.assertEqual('My special key', serverKey[1])
- return d.addCallback(_check)
-class TestAgentClientFailure(AgentTestBase):
- def test_agentFailure(self):
- """
- verify that the client raises ConchError on AGENT_FAILURE
- """
- d = self.client.sendRequest(254, '')
- self.pump.flush()
- return self.assertFailure(d, ConchError)
-class TestAgentIdentityRequests(AgentTestBase):
- """
- Test operations against a server with identities already loaded.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- AgentTestBase.setUp(self)
- self.server.factory.keys[self.dsaPrivate.blob()] = (
- self.dsaPrivate, 'a comment')
- self.server.factory.keys[self.rsaPrivate.blob()] = (
- self.rsaPrivate, 'another comment')
- def test_signDataRSA(self):
- """
- Sign data with an RSA private key and then verify it with the public
- key.
- """
- d = self.client.signData(self.rsaPublic.blob(), "John Hancock")
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(sig):
- expected = self.rsaPrivate.sign("John Hancock")
- self.assertEqual(expected, sig)
- self.assertTrue(self.rsaPublic.verify(sig, "John Hancock"))
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def test_signDataDSA(self):
- """
- Sign data with a DSA private key and then verify it with the public
- key.
- """
- d = self.client.signData(self.dsaPublic.blob(), "John Hancock")
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(sig):
- # Cannot do this b/c DSA uses random numbers when signing
- # expected = self.dsaPrivate.sign("John Hancock")
- # self.assertEqual(expected, sig)
- self.assertTrue(self.dsaPublic.verify(sig, "John Hancock"))
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def test_signDataRSAErrbackOnUnknownBlob(self):
- """
- Assert that we get an errback if we try to sign data using a key that
- wasn't added.
- """
- del self.server.factory.keys[self.rsaPublic.blob()]
- d = self.client.signData(self.rsaPublic.blob(), "John Hancock")
- self.pump.flush()
- return self.assertFailure(d, ConchError)
- def test_requestIdentities(self):
- """
- Assert that we get all of the keys/comments that we add when we issue a
- request for all identities.
- """
- d = self.client.requestIdentities()
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(keyt):
- expected = {}
- expected[self.dsaPublic.blob()] = 'a comment'
- expected[self.rsaPublic.blob()] = 'another comment'
- received = {}
- for k in keyt:
- received[keys.Key.fromString(k[0], type='blob').blob()] = k[1]
- self.assertEqual(expected, received)
- return d.addCallback(_check)
-class TestAgentKeyRemoval(AgentTestBase):
- """
- Test support for removing keys in a remote server.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- AgentTestBase.setUp(self)
- self.server.factory.keys[self.dsaPrivate.blob()] = (
- self.dsaPrivate, 'a comment')
- self.server.factory.keys[self.rsaPrivate.blob()] = (
- self.rsaPrivate, 'another comment')
- def test_removeRSAIdentity(self):
- """
- Assert that we can remove an RSA identity.
- """
- # only need public key for this
- d = self.client.removeIdentity(self.rsaPrivate.blob())
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(1, len(self.server.factory.keys))
- self.assertIn(self.dsaPrivate.blob(), self.server.factory.keys)
- self.assertNotIn(self.rsaPrivate.blob(), self.server.factory.keys)
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def test_removeDSAIdentity(self):
- """
- Assert that we can remove a DSA identity.
- """
- # only need public key for this
- d = self.client.removeIdentity(self.dsaPrivate.blob())
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(1, len(self.server.factory.keys))
- self.assertIn(self.rsaPrivate.blob(), self.server.factory.keys)
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def test_removeAllIdentities(self):
- """
- Assert that we can remove all identities.
- """
- d = self.client.removeAllIdentities()
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(0, len(self.server.factory.keys))
- return d.addCallback(_check)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_cftp.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_cftp.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 03e327a6..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_cftp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,975 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_cftp -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE file for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.scripts.cftp}.
-import locale
-import time, sys, os, operator, getpass, struct
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from twisted.conch.test.test_ssh import Crypto, pyasn1
-_reason = None
-if Crypto and pyasn1:
- try:
- from twisted.conch import unix
- from twisted.conch.scripts import cftp
- from twisted.conch.test.test_filetransfer import FileTransferForTestAvatar
- except ImportError, e:
- # Python 2.3 compatibility fix
- sys.modules.pop("twisted.conch.unix", None)
- unix = None
- _reason = str(e)
- del e
- unix = None
-from twisted.python.fakepwd import UserDatabase
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.cred import portal
-from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol, interfaces, defer, error
-from twisted.internet.utils import getProcessOutputAndValue
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.conch import ls
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport
-from twisted.internet.task import Clock
-from twisted.conch.test import test_ssh, test_conch
-from twisted.conch.test.test_filetransfer import SFTPTestBase
-from twisted.conch.test.test_filetransfer import FileTransferTestAvatar
-class ListingTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{lsLine}, the function which generates an entry for a file or
- directory in an SFTP I{ls} command's output.
- """
- if getattr(time, 'tzset', None) is None:
- skip = "Cannot test timestamp formatting code without time.tzset"
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Patch the L{ls} module's time function so the results of L{lsLine} are
- deterministic.
- """
- self.now = 123456789
- def fakeTime():
- return self.now
- self.patch(ls, 'time', fakeTime)
- # Make sure that the timezone ends up the same after these tests as
- # it was before.
- if 'TZ' in os.environ:
- self.addCleanup(operator.setitem, os.environ, 'TZ', os.environ['TZ'])
- self.addCleanup(time.tzset)
- else:
- def cleanup():
- # os.environ.pop is broken! Don't use it! Ever! Or die!
- try:
- del os.environ['TZ']
- except KeyError:
- pass
- time.tzset()
- self.addCleanup(cleanup)
- def _lsInTimezone(self, timezone, stat):
- """
- Call L{ls.lsLine} after setting the timezone to C{timezone} and return
- the result.
- """
- # Set the timezone to a well-known value so the timestamps are
- # predictable.
- os.environ['TZ'] = timezone
- time.tzset()
- return ls.lsLine('foo', stat)
- def test_oldFile(self):
- """
- A file with an mtime six months (approximately) or more in the past has
- a listing including a low-resolution timestamp.
- """
- # Go with 7 months. That's more than 6 months.
- then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 7)
- stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0))
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Apr 26 1973 foo')
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Apr 27 1973 foo')
- def test_oldSingleDigitDayOfMonth(self):
- """
- A file with a high-resolution timestamp which falls on a day of the
- month which can be represented by one decimal digit is formatted with
- one padding 0 to preserve the columns which come after it.
- """
- # A point about 7 months in the past, tweaked to fall on the first of a
- # month so we test the case we want to test.
- then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 7) + (60 * 60 * 24 * 5)
- stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0))
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 May 01 1973 foo')
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 May 02 1973 foo')
- def test_newFile(self):
- """
- A file with an mtime fewer than six months (approximately) in the past
- has a listing including a high-resolution timestamp excluding the year.
- """
- # A point about three months in the past.
- then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 3)
- stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0))
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Aug 28 17:33 foo')
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Aug 29 09:33 foo')
- def test_localeIndependent(self):
- """
- The month name in the date is locale independent.
- """
- # A point about three months in the past.
- then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 3)
- stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0))
- # Fake that we're in a language where August is not Aug (e.g.: Spanish)
- currentLocale = locale.getlocale()
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "es_AR.UTF8")
- self.addCleanup(locale.setlocale, locale.LC_ALL, currentLocale)
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Aug 28 17:33 foo')
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Aug 29 09:33 foo')
- # if alternate locale is not available, the previous test will be
- # skipped, please install this locale for it to run
- currentLocale = locale.getlocale()
- try:
- try:
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "es_AR.UTF8")
- except locale.Error:
- test_localeIndependent.skip = "The es_AR.UTF8 locale is not installed."
- finally:
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, currentLocale)
- def test_newSingleDigitDayOfMonth(self):
- """
- A file with a high-resolution timestamp which falls on a day of the
- month which can be represented by one decimal digit is formatted with
- one padding 0 to preserve the columns which come after it.
- """
- # A point about three months in the past, tweaked to fall on the first
- # of a month so we test the case we want to test.
- then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 3) + (60 * 60 * 24 * 4)
- stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0))
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Sep 01 17:33 foo')
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Sep 02 09:33 foo')
-class StdioClientTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{cftp.StdioClient}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a L{cftp.StdioClient} hooked up to dummy transport and a fake
- user database.
- """
- class Connection:
- pass
- conn = Connection()
- conn.transport = StringTransport()
- conn.transport.localClosed = False
- self.client = cftp.StdioClient(conn)
- self.database = self.client._pwd = UserDatabase()
- # Intentionally bypassing makeConnection - that triggers some code
- # which uses features not provided by our dumb Connection fake.
- self.client.transport = StringTransport()
- def test_exec(self):
- """
- The I{exec} command runs its arguments locally in a child process
- using the user's shell.
- """
- self.database.addUser(
- getpass.getuser(), 'secret', os.getuid(), 1234, 'foo', 'bar',
- sys.executable)
- d = self.client._dispatchCommand("exec print 1 + 2")
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "3\n")
- return d
- def test_execWithoutShell(self):
- """
- If the local user has no shell, the I{exec} command runs its arguments
- using I{/bin/sh}.
- """
- self.database.addUser(
- getpass.getuser(), 'secret', os.getuid(), 1234, 'foo', 'bar', '')
- d = self.client._dispatchCommand("exec echo hello")
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "hello\n")
- return d
- def test_bang(self):
- """
- The I{exec} command is run for lines which start with C{"!"}.
- """
- self.database.addUser(
- getpass.getuser(), 'secret', os.getuid(), 1234, 'foo', 'bar',
- '/bin/sh')
- d = self.client._dispatchCommand("!echo hello")
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "hello\n")
- return d
- def setKnownConsoleSize(self, width, height):
- """
- For the duration of this test, patch C{cftp}'s C{fcntl} module to return
- a fixed width and height.
- @param width: the width in characters
- @type width: C{int}
- @param height: the height in characters
- @type height: C{int}
- """
- import tty # local import to avoid win32 issues
- class FakeFcntl(object):
- def ioctl(self, fd, opt, mutate):
- if opt != tty.TIOCGWINSZ:
- self.fail("Only window-size queries supported.")
- return struct.pack("4H", height, width, 0, 0)
- self.patch(cftp, "fcntl", FakeFcntl())
- def test_progressReporting(self):
- """
- L{StdioClient._printProgressBar} prints a progress description,
- including percent done, amount transferred, transfer rate, and time
- remaining, all based the given start time, the given L{FileWrapper}'s
- progress information and the reactor's current time.
- """
- # Use a short, known console width because this simple test doesn't need
- # to test the console padding.
- self.setKnownConsoleSize(10, 34)
- clock = self.client.reactor = Clock()
- wrapped = StringIO("x")
- wrapped.name = "sample"
- wrapper = cftp.FileWrapper(wrapped)
- wrapper.size = 1024 * 10
- startTime = clock.seconds()
- clock.advance(2.0)
- wrapper.total += 4096
- self.client._printProgressBar(wrapper, startTime)
- self.assertEqual(self.client.transport.value(),
- "\rsample 40% 4.0kB 2.0kBps 00:03 ")
- def test_reportNoProgress(self):
- """
- L{StdioClient._printProgressBar} prints a progress description that
- indicates 0 bytes transferred if no bytes have been transferred and no
- time has passed.
- """
- self.setKnownConsoleSize(10, 34)
- clock = self.client.reactor = Clock()
- wrapped = StringIO("x")
- wrapped.name = "sample"
- wrapper = cftp.FileWrapper(wrapped)
- startTime = clock.seconds()
- self.client._printProgressBar(wrapper, startTime)
- self.assertEqual(self.client.transport.value(),
- "\rsample 0% 0.0B 0.0Bps 00:00 ")
-class FileTransferTestRealm:
- def __init__(self, testDir):
- self.testDir = testDir
- def requestAvatar(self, avatarID, mind, *interfaces):
- a = FileTransferTestAvatar(self.testDir)
- return interfaces[0], a, lambda: None
-class SFTPTestProcess(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
- """
- Protocol for testing cftp. Provides an interface between Python (where all
- the tests are) and the cftp client process (which does the work that is
- being tested).
- """
- def __init__(self, onOutReceived):
- """
- @param onOutReceived: A L{Deferred} to be fired as soon as data is
- received from stdout.
- """
- self.clearBuffer()
- self.onOutReceived = onOutReceived
- self.onProcessEnd = None
- self._expectingCommand = None
- self._processEnded = False
- def clearBuffer(self):
- """
- Clear any buffered data received from stdout. Should be private.
- """
- self.buffer = ''
- self._linesReceived = []
- self._lineBuffer = ''
- def outReceived(self, data):
- """
- Called by Twisted when the cftp client prints data to stdout.
- """
- log.msg('got %s' % data)
- lines = (self._lineBuffer + data).split('\n')
- self._lineBuffer = lines.pop(-1)
- self._linesReceived.extend(lines)
- # XXX - not strictly correct.
- # We really want onOutReceived to fire after the first 'cftp>' prompt
- # has been received. (See use in TestOurServerCmdLineClient.setUp)
- if self.onOutReceived is not None:
- d, self.onOutReceived = self.onOutReceived, None
- d.callback(data)
- self.buffer += data
- self._checkForCommand()
- def _checkForCommand(self):
- prompt = 'cftp> '
- if self._expectingCommand and self._lineBuffer == prompt:
- buf = '\n'.join(self._linesReceived)
- if buf.startswith(prompt):
- buf = buf[len(prompt):]
- self.clearBuffer()
- d, self._expectingCommand = self._expectingCommand, None
- d.callback(buf)
- def errReceived(self, data):
- """
- Called by Twisted when the cftp client prints data to stderr.
- """
- log.msg('err: %s' % data)
- def getBuffer(self):
- """
- Return the contents of the buffer of data received from stdout.
- """
- return self.buffer
- def runCommand(self, command):
- """
- Issue the given command via the cftp client. Return a C{Deferred} that
- fires when the server returns a result. Note that the C{Deferred} will
- callback even if the server returns some kind of error.
- @param command: A string containing an sftp command.
- @return: A C{Deferred} that fires when the sftp server returns a
- result. The payload is the server's response string.
- """
- self._expectingCommand = defer.Deferred()
- self.clearBuffer()
- self.transport.write(command + '\n')
- return self._expectingCommand
- def runScript(self, commands):
- """
- Run each command in sequence and return a Deferred that fires when all
- commands are completed.
- @param commands: A list of strings containing sftp commands.
- @return: A C{Deferred} that fires when all commands are completed. The
- payload is a list of response strings from the server, in the same
- order as the commands.
- """
- sem = defer.DeferredSemaphore(1)
- dl = [sem.run(self.runCommand, command) for command in commands]
- return defer.gatherResults(dl)
- def killProcess(self):
- """
- Kill the process if it is still running.
- If the process is still running, sends a KILL signal to the transport
- and returns a C{Deferred} which fires when L{processEnded} is called.
- @return: a C{Deferred}.
- """
- if self._processEnded:
- return defer.succeed(None)
- self.onProcessEnd = defer.Deferred()
- self.transport.signalProcess('KILL')
- return self.onProcessEnd
- def processEnded(self, reason):
- """
- Called by Twisted when the cftp client process ends.
- """
- self._processEnded = True
- if self.onProcessEnd:
- d, self.onProcessEnd = self.onProcessEnd, None
- d.callback(None)
-class CFTPClientTestBase(SFTPTestBase):
- def setUp(self):
- f = open('dsa_test.pub','w')
- f.write(test_ssh.publicDSA_openssh)
- f.close()
- f = open('dsa_test','w')
- f.write(test_ssh.privateDSA_openssh)
- f.close()
- os.chmod('dsa_test', 33152)
- f = open('kh_test','w')
- f.write(' ' + test_ssh.publicRSA_openssh)
- f.close()
- return SFTPTestBase.setUp(self)
- def startServer(self):
- realm = FileTransferTestRealm(self.testDir)
- p = portal.Portal(realm)
- p.registerChecker(test_ssh.ConchTestPublicKeyChecker())
- fac = test_ssh.ConchTestServerFactory()
- fac.portal = p
- self.server = reactor.listenTCP(0, fac, interface="")
- def stopServer(self):
- if not hasattr(self.server.factory, 'proto'):
- return self._cbStopServer(None)
- self.server.factory.proto.expectedLoseConnection = 1
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(
- self.server.factory.proto.transport.loseConnection)
- d.addCallback(self._cbStopServer)
- return d
- def _cbStopServer(self, ignored):
- return defer.maybeDeferred(self.server.stopListening)
- def tearDown(self):
- for f in ['dsa_test.pub', 'dsa_test', 'kh_test']:
- try:
- os.remove(f)
- except:
- pass
- return SFTPTestBase.tearDown(self)
-class TestOurServerCmdLineClient(CFTPClientTestBase):
- def setUp(self):
- CFTPClientTestBase.setUp(self)
- self.startServer()
- cmds = ('-p %i -l testuser '
- '--known-hosts kh_test '
- '--user-authentications publickey '
- '--host-key-algorithms ssh-rsa '
- '-i dsa_test '
- '-a '
- '-v '
- '')
- port = self.server.getHost().port
- cmds = test_conch._makeArgs((cmds % port).split(), mod='cftp')
- log.msg('running %s %s' % (sys.executable, cmds))
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.processProtocol = SFTPTestProcess(d)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.processProtocol.clearBuffer())
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
- reactor.spawnProcess(self.processProtocol, sys.executable, cmds,
- env=env)
- return d
- def tearDown(self):
- d = self.stopServer()
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.processProtocol.killProcess())
- return d
- def _killProcess(self, ignored):
- try:
- self.processProtocol.transport.signalProcess('KILL')
- except error.ProcessExitedAlready:
- pass
- def runCommand(self, command):
- """
- Run the given command with the cftp client. Return a C{Deferred} that
- fires when the command is complete. Payload is the server's output for
- that command.
- """
- return self.processProtocol.runCommand(command)
- def runScript(self, *commands):
- """
- Run the given commands with the cftp client. Returns a C{Deferred}
- that fires when the commands are all complete. The C{Deferred}'s
- payload is a list of output for each command.
- """
- return self.processProtocol.runScript(commands)
- def testCdPwd(self):
- """
- Test that 'pwd' reports the current remote directory, that 'lpwd'
- reports the current local directory, and that changing to a
- subdirectory then changing to its parent leaves you in the original
- remote directory.
- """
- # XXX - not actually a unit test, see docstring.
- homeDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.testDir)
- d = self.runScript('pwd', 'lpwd', 'cd testDirectory', 'cd ..', 'pwd')
- d.addCallback(lambda xs: xs[:3] + xs[4:])
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual,
- [homeDir, os.getcwd(), '', homeDir])
- return d
- def testChAttrs(self):
- """
- Check that 'ls -l' output includes the access permissions and that
- this output changes appropriately with 'chmod'.
- """
- def _check(results):
- self.flushLoggedErrors()
- self.assertTrue(results[0].startswith('-rw-r--r--'))
- self.assertEqual(results[1], '')
- self.assertTrue(results[2].startswith('----------'), results[2])
- self.assertEqual(results[3], '')
- d = self.runScript('ls -l testfile1', 'chmod 0 testfile1',
- 'ls -l testfile1', 'chmod 644 testfile1')
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- # XXX test chgrp/own
- def testList(self):
- """
- Check 'ls' works as expected. Checks for wildcards, hidden files,
- listing directories and listing empty directories.
- """
- def _check(results):
- self.assertEqual(results[0], ['testDirectory', 'testRemoveFile',
- 'testRenameFile', 'testfile1'])
- self.assertEqual(results[1], ['testDirectory', 'testRemoveFile',
- 'testRenameFile', 'testfile1'])
- self.assertEqual(results[2], ['testRemoveFile', 'testRenameFile'])
- self.assertEqual(results[3], ['.testHiddenFile', 'testRemoveFile',
- 'testRenameFile'])
- self.assertEqual(results[4], [''])
- d = self.runScript('ls', 'ls ../' + os.path.basename(self.testDir),
- 'ls *File', 'ls -a *File', 'ls -l testDirectory')
- d.addCallback(lambda xs: [x.split('\n') for x in xs])
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def testHelp(self):
- """
- Check that running the '?' command returns help.
- """
- d = self.runCommand('?')
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual,
- cftp.StdioClient(None).cmd_HELP('').strip())
- return d
- def assertFilesEqual(self, name1, name2, msg=None):
- """
- Assert that the files at C{name1} and C{name2} contain exactly the
- same data.
- """
- f1 = file(name1).read()
- f2 = file(name2).read()
- self.assertEqual(f1, f2, msg)
- def testGet(self):
- """
- Test that 'get' saves the remote file to the correct local location,
- that the output of 'get' is correct and that 'rm' actually removes
- the file.
- """
- # XXX - not actually a unit test
- expectedOutput = ("Transferred %s/%s/testfile1 to %s/test file2"
- % (os.getcwd(), self.testDir, self.testDir))
- def _checkGet(result):
- self.assertTrue(result.endswith(expectedOutput))
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/testfile1',
- self.testDir + '/test file2',
- "get failed")
- return self.runCommand('rm "test file2"')
- d = self.runCommand('get testfile1 "%s/test file2"' % (self.testDir,))
- d.addCallback(_checkGet)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.failIf(
- os.path.exists(self.testDir + '/test file2')))
- return d
- def testWildcardGet(self):
- """
- Test that 'get' works correctly when given wildcard parameters.
- """
- def _check(ignored):
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/testRemoveFile',
- 'testRemoveFile',
- 'testRemoveFile get failed')
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/testRenameFile',
- 'testRenameFile',
- 'testRenameFile get failed')
- d = self.runCommand('get testR*')
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def testPut(self):
- """
- Check that 'put' uploads files correctly and that they can be
- successfully removed. Also check the output of the put command.
- """
- # XXX - not actually a unit test
- expectedOutput = ('Transferred %s/testfile1 to %s/%s/test"file2'
- % (self.testDir, os.getcwd(), self.testDir))
- def _checkPut(result):
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/testfile1',
- self.testDir + '/test"file2')
- self.failUnless(result.endswith(expectedOutput))
- return self.runCommand('rm "test\\"file2"')
- d = self.runCommand('put %s/testfile1 "test\\"file2"'
- % (self.testDir,))
- d.addCallback(_checkPut)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.failIf(
- os.path.exists(self.testDir + '/test"file2')))
- return d
- def test_putOverLongerFile(self):
- """
- Check that 'put' uploads files correctly when overwriting a longer
- file.
- """
- # XXX - not actually a unit test
- f = file(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'shorterFile'), 'w')
- f.write("a")
- f.close()
- f = file(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'longerFile'), 'w')
- f.write("bb")
- f.close()
- def _checkPut(result):
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/shorterFile',
- self.testDir + '/longerFile')
- d = self.runCommand('put %s/shorterFile longerFile'
- % (self.testDir,))
- d.addCallback(_checkPut)
- return d
- def test_putMultipleOverLongerFile(self):
- """
- Check that 'put' uploads files correctly when overwriting a longer
- file and you use a wildcard to specify the files to upload.
- """
- # XXX - not actually a unit test
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'dir'))
- f = file(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'dir', 'file'), 'w')
- f.write("a")
- f.close()
- f = file(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'file'), 'w')
- f.write("bb")
- f.close()
- def _checkPut(result):
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/dir/file',
- self.testDir + '/file')
- d = self.runCommand('put %s/dir/*'
- % (self.testDir,))
- d.addCallback(_checkPut)
- return d
- def testWildcardPut(self):
- """
- What happens if you issue a 'put' command and include a wildcard (i.e.
- '*') in parameter? Check that all files matching the wildcard are
- uploaded to the correct directory.
- """
- def check(results):
- self.assertEqual(results[0], '')
- self.assertEqual(results[2], '')
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/testRemoveFile',
- self.testDir + '/../testRemoveFile',
- 'testRemoveFile get failed')
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/testRenameFile',
- self.testDir + '/../testRenameFile',
- 'testRenameFile get failed')
- d = self.runScript('cd ..',
- 'put %s/testR*' % (self.testDir,),
- 'cd %s' % os.path.basename(self.testDir))
- d.addCallback(check)
- return d
- def testLink(self):
- """
- Test that 'ln' creates a file which appears as a link in the output of
- 'ls'. Check that removing the new file succeeds without output.
- """
- def _check(results):
- self.flushLoggedErrors()
- self.assertEqual(results[0], '')
- self.assertTrue(results[1].startswith('l'), 'link failed')
- return self.runCommand('rm testLink')
- d = self.runScript('ln testLink testfile1', 'ls -l testLink')
- d.addCallback(_check)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
- return d
- def testRemoteDirectory(self):
- """
- Test that we can create and remove directories with the cftp client.
- """
- def _check(results):
- self.assertEqual(results[0], '')
- self.assertTrue(results[1].startswith('d'))
- return self.runCommand('rmdir testMakeDirectory')
- d = self.runScript('mkdir testMakeDirectory',
- 'ls -l testMakeDirector?')
- d.addCallback(_check)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
- return d
- def test_existingRemoteDirectory(self):
- """
- Test that a C{mkdir} on an existing directory fails with the
- appropriate error, and doesn't log an useless error server side.
- """
- def _check(results):
- self.assertEqual(results[0], '')
- self.assertEqual(results[1],
- 'remote error 11: mkdir failed')
- d = self.runScript('mkdir testMakeDirectory',
- 'mkdir testMakeDirectory')
- d.addCallback(_check)
- return d
- def testLocalDirectory(self):
- """
- Test that we can create a directory locally and remove it with the
- cftp client. This test works because the 'remote' server is running
- out of a local directory.
- """
- d = self.runCommand('lmkdir %s/testLocalDirectory' % (self.testDir,))
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.runCommand('rmdir testLocalDirectory'))
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
- return d
- def testRename(self):
- """
- Test that we can rename a file.
- """
- def _check(results):
- self.assertEqual(results[0], '')
- self.assertEqual(results[1], 'testfile2')
- return self.runCommand('rename testfile2 testfile1')
- d = self.runScript('rename testfile1 testfile2', 'ls testfile?')
- d.addCallback(_check)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
- return d
-class TestOurServerBatchFile(CFTPClientTestBase):
- def setUp(self):
- CFTPClientTestBase.setUp(self)
- self.startServer()
- def tearDown(self):
- CFTPClientTestBase.tearDown(self)
- return self.stopServer()
- def _getBatchOutput(self, f):
- fn = self.mktemp()
- open(fn, 'w').write(f)
- port = self.server.getHost().port
- cmds = ('-p %i -l testuser '
- '--known-hosts kh_test '
- '--user-authentications publickey '
- '--host-key-algorithms ssh-rsa '
- '-i dsa_test '
- '-a '
- '-v -b %s') % (port, fn)
- cmds = test_conch._makeArgs(cmds.split(), mod='cftp')[1:]
- log.msg('running %s %s' % (sys.executable, cmds))
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
- self.server.factory.expectedLoseConnection = 1
- d = getProcessOutputAndValue(sys.executable, cmds, env=env)
- def _cleanup(res):
- os.remove(fn)
- return res
- d.addCallback(lambda res: res[0])
- d.addBoth(_cleanup)
- return d
- def testBatchFile(self):
- """Test whether batch file function of cftp ('cftp -b batchfile').
- This works by treating the file as a list of commands to be run.
- """
- cmds = """pwd
- def _cbCheckResult(res):
- res = res.split('\n')
- log.msg('RES %s' % str(res))
- self.failUnless(res[1].find(self.testDir) != -1, repr(res))
- self.assertEqual(res[3:-2], ['testDirectory', 'testRemoveFile',
- 'testRenameFile', 'testfile1'])
- d = self._getBatchOutput(cmds)
- d.addCallback(_cbCheckResult)
- return d
- def testError(self):
- """Test that an error in the batch file stops running the batch.
- """
- cmds = """chown 0 missingFile
- def _cbCheckResult(res):
- self.failIf(res.find(self.testDir) != -1)
- d = self._getBatchOutput(cmds)
- d.addCallback(_cbCheckResult)
- return d
- def testIgnoredError(self):
- """Test that a minus sign '-' at the front of a line ignores
- any errors.
- """
- cmds = """-chown 0 missingFile
- def _cbCheckResult(res):
- self.failIf(res.find(self.testDir) == -1)
- d = self._getBatchOutput(cmds)
- d.addCallback(_cbCheckResult)
- return d
-class TestOurServerSftpClient(CFTPClientTestBase):
- """
- Test the sftp server against sftp command line client.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- CFTPClientTestBase.setUp(self)
- return self.startServer()
- def tearDown(self):
- return self.stopServer()
- def test_extendedAttributes(self):
- """
- Test the return of extended attributes by the server: the sftp client
- should ignore them, but still be able to parse the response correctly.
- This test is mainly here to check that
- L{filetransfer.FILEXFER_ATTR_EXTENDED} has the correct value.
- """
- fn = self.mktemp()
- open(fn, 'w').write("ls .\nexit")
- port = self.server.getHost().port
- oldGetAttr = FileTransferForTestAvatar._getAttrs
- def _getAttrs(self, s):
- attrs = oldGetAttr(self, s)
- attrs["ext_foo"] = "bar"
- return attrs
- self.patch(FileTransferForTestAvatar, "_getAttrs", _getAttrs)
- self.server.factory.expectedLoseConnection = True
- cmds = ('-o', 'IdentityFile=dsa_test',
- '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=kh_test',
- '-o', 'HostKeyAlgorithms=ssh-rsa',
- '-o', 'Port=%i' % (port,), '-b', fn, 'testuser@')
- d = getProcessOutputAndValue("sftp", cmds)
- def check(result):
- self.assertEqual(result[2], 0)
- for i in ['testDirectory', 'testRemoveFile',
- 'testRenameFile', 'testfile1']:
- self.assertIn(i, result[0])
- return d.addCallback(check)
-if unix is None or Crypto is None or pyasn1 is None or interfaces.IReactorProcess(reactor, None) is None:
- if _reason is None:
- _reason = "don't run w/o spawnProcess or PyCrypto or pyasn1"
- TestOurServerCmdLineClient.skip = _reason
- TestOurServerBatchFile.skip = _reason
- TestOurServerSftpClient.skip = _reason
- StdioClientTests.skip = _reason
- from twisted.python.procutils import which
- if not which('sftp'):
- TestOurServerSftpClient.skip = "no sftp command-line client available"
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_channel.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_channel.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a46596dd..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_channel.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Twisted Matrix Laboratories
-# See LICENSE for details
-Test ssh/channel.py.
-from twisted.conch.ssh import channel
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-class MockTransport(object):
- """
- A mock Transport. All we use is the getPeer() and getHost() methods.
- Channels implement the ITransport interface, and their getPeer() and
- getHost() methods return ('SSH', <transport's getPeer/Host value>) so
- we need to implement these methods so they have something to draw
- from.
- """
- def getPeer(self):
- return ('MockPeer',)
- def getHost(self):
- return ('MockHost',)
-class MockConnection(object):
- """
- A mock for twisted.conch.ssh.connection.SSHConnection. Record the data
- that channels send, and when they try to close the connection.
- @ivar data: a C{dict} mapping channel id #s to lists of data sent by that
- channel.
- @ivar extData: a C{dict} mapping channel id #s to lists of 2-tuples
- (extended data type, data) sent by that channel.
- @ivar closes: a C{dict} mapping channel id #s to True if that channel sent
- a close message.
- """
- transport = MockTransport()
- def __init__(self):
- self.data = {}
- self.extData = {}
- self.closes = {}
- def logPrefix(self):
- """
- Return our logging prefix.
- """
- return "MockConnection"
- def sendData(self, channel, data):
- """
- Record the sent data.
- """
- self.data.setdefault(channel, []).append(data)
- def sendExtendedData(self, channel, type, data):
- """
- Record the sent extended data.
- """
- self.extData.setdefault(channel, []).append((type, data))
- def sendClose(self, channel):
- """
- Record that the channel sent a close message.
- """
- self.closes[channel] = True
-class ChannelTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Initialize the channel. remoteMaxPacket is 10 so that data is able
- to be sent (the default of 0 means no data is sent because no packets
- are made).
- """
- self.conn = MockConnection()
- self.channel = channel.SSHChannel(conn=self.conn,
- remoteMaxPacket=10)
- self.channel.name = 'channel'
- def test_init(self):
- """
- Test that SSHChannel initializes correctly. localWindowSize defaults
- to 131072 (2**17) and localMaxPacket to 32768 (2**15) as reasonable
- defaults (what OpenSSH uses for those variables).
- The values in the second set of assertions are meaningless; they serve
- only to verify that the instance variables are assigned in the correct
- order.
- """
- c = channel.SSHChannel(conn=self.conn)
- self.assertEqual(c.localWindowSize, 131072)
- self.assertEqual(c.localWindowLeft, 131072)
- self.assertEqual(c.localMaxPacket, 32768)
- self.assertEqual(c.remoteWindowLeft, 0)
- self.assertEqual(c.remoteMaxPacket, 0)
- self.assertEqual(c.conn, self.conn)
- self.assertEqual(c.data, None)
- self.assertEqual(c.avatar, None)
- c2 = channel.SSHChannel(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
- self.assertEqual(c2.localWindowSize, 1)
- self.assertEqual(c2.localWindowLeft, 1)
- self.assertEqual(c2.localMaxPacket, 2)
- self.assertEqual(c2.remoteWindowLeft, 3)
- self.assertEqual(c2.remoteMaxPacket, 4)
- self.assertEqual(c2.conn, 5)
- self.assertEqual(c2.data, 6)
- self.assertEqual(c2.avatar, 7)
- def test_str(self):
- """
- Test that str(SSHChannel) works gives the channel name and local and
- remote windows at a glance..
- """
- self.assertEqual(str(self.channel), '<SSHChannel channel (lw 131072 '
- 'rw 0)>')
- def test_logPrefix(self):
- """
- Test that SSHChannel.logPrefix gives the name of the channel, the
- local channel ID and the underlying connection.
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.logPrefix(), 'SSHChannel channel '
- '(unknown) on MockConnection')
- def test_addWindowBytes(self):
- """
- Test that addWindowBytes adds bytes to the window and resumes writing
- if it was paused.
- """
- cb = [False]
- def stubStartWriting():
- cb[0] = True
- self.channel.startWriting = stubStartWriting
- self.channel.write('test')
- self.channel.writeExtended(1, 'test')
- self.channel.addWindowBytes(50)
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.remoteWindowLeft, 50 - 4 - 4)
- self.assertTrue(self.channel.areWriting)
- self.assertTrue(cb[0])
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.buf, '')
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.data[self.channel], ['test'])
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.extBuf, [])
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.extData[self.channel], [(1, 'test')])
- cb[0] = False
- self.channel.addWindowBytes(20)
- self.assertFalse(cb[0])
- self.channel.write('a'*80)
- self.channel.loseConnection()
- self.channel.addWindowBytes(20)
- self.assertFalse(cb[0])
- def test_requestReceived(self):
- """
- Test that requestReceived handles requests by dispatching them to
- request_* methods.
- """
- self.channel.request_test_method = lambda data: data == ''
- self.assertTrue(self.channel.requestReceived('test-method', ''))
- self.assertFalse(self.channel.requestReceived('test-method', 'a'))
- self.assertFalse(self.channel.requestReceived('bad-method', ''))
- def test_closeReceieved(self):
- """
- Test that the default closeReceieved closes the connection.
- """
- self.assertFalse(self.channel.closing)
- self.channel.closeReceived()
- self.assertTrue(self.channel.closing)
- def test_write(self):
- """
- Test that write handles data correctly. Send data up to the size
- of the remote window, splitting the data into packets of length
- remoteMaxPacket.
- """
- cb = [False]
- def stubStopWriting():
- cb[0] = True
- # no window to start with
- self.channel.stopWriting = stubStopWriting
- self.channel.write('d')
- self.channel.write('a')
- self.assertFalse(self.channel.areWriting)
- self.assertTrue(cb[0])
- # regular write
- self.channel.addWindowBytes(20)
- self.channel.write('ta')
- data = self.conn.data[self.channel]
- self.assertEqual(data, ['da', 'ta'])
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.remoteWindowLeft, 16)
- # larger than max packet
- self.channel.write('12345678901')
- self.assertEqual(data, ['da', 'ta', '1234567890', '1'])
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.remoteWindowLeft, 5)
- # running out of window
- cb[0] = False
- self.channel.write('123456')
- self.assertFalse(self.channel.areWriting)
- self.assertTrue(cb[0])
- self.assertEqual(data, ['da', 'ta', '1234567890', '1', '12345'])
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.buf, '6')
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.remoteWindowLeft, 0)
- def test_writeExtended(self):
- """
- Test that writeExtended handles data correctly. Send extended data
- up to the size of the window, splitting the extended data into packets
- of length remoteMaxPacket.
- """
- cb = [False]
- def stubStopWriting():
- cb[0] = True
- # no window to start with
- self.channel.stopWriting = stubStopWriting
- self.channel.writeExtended(1, 'd')
- self.channel.writeExtended(1, 'a')
- self.channel.writeExtended(2, 't')
- self.assertFalse(self.channel.areWriting)
- self.assertTrue(cb[0])
- # regular write
- self.channel.addWindowBytes(20)
- self.channel.writeExtended(2, 'a')
- data = self.conn.extData[self.channel]
- self.assertEqual(data, [(1, 'da'), (2, 't'), (2, 'a')])
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.remoteWindowLeft, 16)
- # larger than max packet
- self.channel.writeExtended(3, '12345678901')
- self.assertEqual(data, [(1, 'da'), (2, 't'), (2, 'a'),
- (3, '1234567890'), (3, '1')])
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.remoteWindowLeft, 5)
- # running out of window
- cb[0] = False
- self.channel.writeExtended(4, '123456')
- self.assertFalse(self.channel.areWriting)
- self.assertTrue(cb[0])
- self.assertEqual(data, [(1, 'da'), (2, 't'), (2, 'a'),
- (3, '1234567890'), (3, '1'), (4, '12345')])
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.extBuf, [[4, '6']])
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.remoteWindowLeft, 0)
- def test_writeSequence(self):
- """
- Test that writeSequence is equivalent to write(''.join(sequece)).
- """
- self.channel.addWindowBytes(20)
- self.channel.writeSequence(map(str, range(10)))
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.data[self.channel], ['0123456789'])
- def test_loseConnection(self):
- """
- Tesyt that loseConnection() doesn't close the channel until all
- the data is sent.
- """
- self.channel.write('data')
- self.channel.writeExtended(1, 'datadata')
- self.channel.loseConnection()
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.closes.get(self.channel), None)
- self.channel.addWindowBytes(4) # send regular data
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.closes.get(self.channel), None)
- self.channel.addWindowBytes(8) # send extended data
- self.assertTrue(self.conn.closes.get(self.channel))
- def test_getPeer(self):
- """
- Test that getPeer() returns ('SSH', <connection transport peer>).
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.getPeer(), ('SSH', 'MockPeer'))
- def test_getHost(self):
- """
- Test that getHost() returns ('SSH', <connection transport host>).
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.getHost(), ('SSH', 'MockHost'))
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_checkers.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_checkers.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 9c85050b..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_checkers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,609 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.checkers}.
- import crypt
-except ImportError:
- cryptSkip = 'cannot run without crypt module'
- cryptSkip = None
-import os, base64
-from twisted.python import util
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.cred.checkers import InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse
-from twisted.cred.credentials import UsernamePassword, IUsernamePassword, \
- SSHPrivateKey, ISSHPrivateKey
-from twisted.cred.error import UnhandledCredentials, UnauthorizedLogin
-from twisted.python.fakepwd import UserDatabase, ShadowDatabase
-from twisted.test.test_process import MockOS
- import Crypto.Cipher.DES3
- import pyasn1
-except ImportError:
- dependencySkip = "can't run without Crypto and PyASN1"
- dependencySkip = None
- from twisted.conch.ssh import keys
- from twisted.conch import checkers
- from twisted.conch.error import NotEnoughAuthentication, ValidPublicKey
- from twisted.conch.test import keydata
-if getattr(os, 'geteuid', None) is None:
- euidSkip = "Cannot run without effective UIDs (questionable)"
- euidSkip = None
-class HelperTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for helper functions L{verifyCryptedPassword}, L{_pwdGetByName} and
- L{_shadowGetByName}.
- """
- skip = cryptSkip or dependencySkip
- def setUp(self):
- self.mockos = MockOS()
- def test_verifyCryptedPassword(self):
- """
- L{verifyCryptedPassword} returns C{True} if the plaintext password
- passed to it matches the encrypted password passed to it.
- """
- password = 'secret string'
- salt = 'salty'
- crypted = crypt.crypt(password, salt)
- self.assertTrue(
- checkers.verifyCryptedPassword(crypted, password),
- '%r supposed to be valid encrypted password for %r' % (
- crypted, password))
- def test_verifyCryptedPasswordMD5(self):
- """
- L{verifyCryptedPassword} returns True if the provided cleartext password
- matches the provided MD5 password hash.
- """
- password = 'password'
- salt = '$1$salt'
- crypted = crypt.crypt(password, salt)
- self.assertTrue(
- checkers.verifyCryptedPassword(crypted, password),
- '%r supposed to be valid encrypted password for %s' % (
- crypted, password))
- def test_refuteCryptedPassword(self):
- """
- L{verifyCryptedPassword} returns C{False} if the plaintext password
- passed to it does not match the encrypted password passed to it.
- """
- password = 'string secret'
- wrong = 'secret string'
- crypted = crypt.crypt(password, password)
- self.assertFalse(
- checkers.verifyCryptedPassword(crypted, wrong),
- '%r not supposed to be valid encrypted password for %s' % (
- crypted, wrong))
- def test_pwdGetByName(self):
- """
- L{_pwdGetByName} returns a tuple of items from the UNIX /etc/passwd
- database if the L{pwd} module is present.
- """
- userdb = UserDatabase()
- userdb.addUser(
- 'alice', 'secrit', 1, 2, 'first last', '/foo', '/bin/sh')
- self.patch(checkers, 'pwd', userdb)
- self.assertEquals(
- checkers._pwdGetByName('alice'), userdb.getpwnam('alice'))
- def test_pwdGetByNameWithoutPwd(self):
- """
- If the C{pwd} module isn't present, L{_pwdGetByName} returns C{None}.
- """
- self.patch(checkers, 'pwd', None)
- self.assertIdentical(checkers._pwdGetByName('alice'), None)
- def test_shadowGetByName(self):
- """
- L{_shadowGetByName} returns a tuple of items from the UNIX /etc/shadow
- database if the L{spwd} is present.
- """
- userdb = ShadowDatabase()
- userdb.addUser('bob', 'passphrase', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
- self.patch(checkers, 'spwd', userdb)
- self.mockos.euid = 2345
- self.mockos.egid = 1234
- self.patch(checkers, 'os', self.mockos)
- self.patch(util, 'os', self.mockos)
- self.assertEquals(
- checkers._shadowGetByName('bob'), userdb.getspnam('bob'))
- self.assertEquals(self.mockos.seteuidCalls, [0, 2345])
- self.assertEquals(self.mockos.setegidCalls, [0, 1234])
- def test_shadowGetByNameWithoutSpwd(self):
- """
- L{_shadowGetByName} uses the C{shadow} module to return a tuple of items
- from the UNIX /etc/shadow database if the C{spwd} module is not present
- and the C{shadow} module is.
- """
- userdb = ShadowDatabase()
- userdb.addUser('bob', 'passphrase', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
- self.patch(checkers, 'spwd', None)
- self.patch(checkers, 'shadow', userdb)
- self.patch(checkers, 'os', self.mockos)
- self.patch(util, 'os', self.mockos)
- self.mockos.euid = 2345
- self.mockos.egid = 1234
- self.assertEquals(
- checkers._shadowGetByName('bob'), userdb.getspnam('bob'))
- self.assertEquals(self.mockos.seteuidCalls, [0, 2345])
- self.assertEquals(self.mockos.setegidCalls, [0, 1234])
- def test_shadowGetByNameWithoutEither(self):
- """
- L{_shadowGetByName} returns C{None} if neither C{spwd} nor C{shadow} is
- present.
- """
- self.patch(checkers, 'spwd', None)
- self.patch(checkers, 'shadow', None)
- self.patch(checkers, 'os', self.mockos)
- self.assertIdentical(checkers._shadowGetByName('bob'), None)
- self.assertEquals(self.mockos.seteuidCalls, [])
- self.assertEquals(self.mockos.setegidCalls, [])
-class SSHPublicKeyDatabaseTestCase(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{SSHPublicKeyDatabase}.
- """
- skip = euidSkip or dependencySkip
- def setUp(self):
- self.checker = checkers.SSHPublicKeyDatabase()
- self.key1 = base64.encodestring("foobar")
- self.key2 = base64.encodestring("eggspam")
- self.content = "t1 %s foo\nt2 %s egg\n" % (self.key1, self.key2)
- self.mockos = MockOS()
- self.mockos.path = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.mockos.path.makedirs()
- self.patch(checkers, 'os', self.mockos)
- self.patch(util, 'os', self.mockos)
- self.sshDir = self.mockos.path.child('.ssh')
- self.sshDir.makedirs()
- userdb = UserDatabase()
- userdb.addUser(
- 'user', 'password', 1, 2, 'first last',
- self.mockos.path.path, '/bin/shell')
- self.checker._userdb = userdb
- def _testCheckKey(self, filename):
- self.sshDir.child(filename).setContent(self.content)
- user = UsernamePassword("user", "password")
- user.blob = "foobar"
- self.assertTrue(self.checker.checkKey(user))
- user.blob = "eggspam"
- self.assertTrue(self.checker.checkKey(user))
- user.blob = "notallowed"
- self.assertFalse(self.checker.checkKey(user))
- def test_checkKey(self):
- """
- L{SSHPublicKeyDatabase.checkKey} should retrieve the content of the
- authorized_keys file and check the keys against that file.
- """
- self._testCheckKey("authorized_keys")
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.seteuidCalls, [])
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.setegidCalls, [])
- def test_checkKey2(self):
- """
- L{SSHPublicKeyDatabase.checkKey} should retrieve the content of the
- authorized_keys2 file and check the keys against that file.
- """
- self._testCheckKey("authorized_keys2")
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.seteuidCalls, [])
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.setegidCalls, [])
- def test_checkKeyAsRoot(self):
- """
- If the key file is readable, L{SSHPublicKeyDatabase.checkKey} should
- switch its uid/gid to the ones of the authenticated user.
- """
- keyFile = self.sshDir.child("authorized_keys")
- keyFile.setContent(self.content)
- # Fake permission error by changing the mode
- keyFile.chmod(0000)
- self.addCleanup(keyFile.chmod, 0777)
- # And restore the right mode when seteuid is called
- savedSeteuid = self.mockos.seteuid
- def seteuid(euid):
- keyFile.chmod(0777)
- return savedSeteuid(euid)
- self.mockos.euid = 2345
- self.mockos.egid = 1234
- self.patch(self.mockos, "seteuid", seteuid)
- self.patch(checkers, 'os', self.mockos)
- self.patch(util, 'os', self.mockos)
- user = UsernamePassword("user", "password")
- user.blob = "foobar"
- self.assertTrue(self.checker.checkKey(user))
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.seteuidCalls, [0, 1, 0, 2345])
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.setegidCalls, [2, 1234])
- def test_requestAvatarId(self):
- """
- L{SSHPublicKeyDatabase.requestAvatarId} should return the avatar id
- passed in if its C{_checkKey} method returns True.
- """
- def _checkKey(ignored):
- return True
- self.patch(self.checker, 'checkKey', _checkKey)
- credentials = SSHPrivateKey(
- 'test', 'ssh-rsa', keydata.publicRSA_openssh, 'foo',
- keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh).sign('foo'))
- d = self.checker.requestAvatarId(credentials)
- def _verify(avatarId):
- self.assertEqual(avatarId, 'test')
- return d.addCallback(_verify)
- def test_requestAvatarIdWithoutSignature(self):
- """
- L{SSHPublicKeyDatabase.requestAvatarId} should raise L{ValidPublicKey}
- if the credentials represent a valid key without a signature. This
- tells the user that the key is valid for login, but does not actually
- allow that user to do so without a signature.
- """
- def _checkKey(ignored):
- return True
- self.patch(self.checker, 'checkKey', _checkKey)
- credentials = SSHPrivateKey(
- 'test', 'ssh-rsa', keydata.publicRSA_openssh, None, None)
- d = self.checker.requestAvatarId(credentials)
- return self.assertFailure(d, ValidPublicKey)
- def test_requestAvatarIdInvalidKey(self):
- """
- If L{SSHPublicKeyDatabase.checkKey} returns False,
- C{_cbRequestAvatarId} should raise L{UnauthorizedLogin}.
- """
- def _checkKey(ignored):
- return False
- self.patch(self.checker, 'checkKey', _checkKey)
- d = self.checker.requestAvatarId(None);
- return self.assertFailure(d, UnauthorizedLogin)
- def test_requestAvatarIdInvalidSignature(self):
- """
- Valid keys with invalid signatures should cause
- L{SSHPublicKeyDatabase.requestAvatarId} to return a {UnauthorizedLogin}
- failure
- """
- def _checkKey(ignored):
- return True
- self.patch(self.checker, 'checkKey', _checkKey)
- credentials = SSHPrivateKey(
- 'test', 'ssh-rsa', keydata.publicRSA_openssh, 'foo',
- keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateDSA_openssh).sign('foo'))
- d = self.checker.requestAvatarId(credentials)
- return self.assertFailure(d, UnauthorizedLogin)
- def test_requestAvatarIdNormalizeException(self):
- """
- Exceptions raised while verifying the key should be normalized into an
- C{UnauthorizedLogin} failure.
- """
- def _checkKey(ignored):
- return True
- self.patch(self.checker, 'checkKey', _checkKey)
- credentials = SSHPrivateKey('test', None, 'blob', 'sigData', 'sig')
- d = self.checker.requestAvatarId(credentials)
- def _verifyLoggedException(failure):
- errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(keys.BadKeyError)
- self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
- return failure
- d.addErrback(_verifyLoggedException)
- return self.assertFailure(d, UnauthorizedLogin)
-class SSHProtocolCheckerTestCase(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{SSHProtocolChecker}.
- """
- skip = dependencySkip
- def test_registerChecker(self):
- """
- L{SSHProcotolChecker.registerChecker} should add the given checker to
- the list of registered checkers.
- """
- checker = checkers.SSHProtocolChecker()
- self.assertEqual(checker.credentialInterfaces, [])
- checker.registerChecker(checkers.SSHPublicKeyDatabase(), )
- self.assertEqual(checker.credentialInterfaces, [ISSHPrivateKey])
- self.assertIsInstance(checker.checkers[ISSHPrivateKey],
- checkers.SSHPublicKeyDatabase)
- def test_registerCheckerWithInterface(self):
- """
- If a apecific interface is passed into
- L{SSHProtocolChecker.registerChecker}, that interface should be
- registered instead of what the checker specifies in
- credentialIntefaces.
- """
- checker = checkers.SSHProtocolChecker()
- self.assertEqual(checker.credentialInterfaces, [])
- checker.registerChecker(checkers.SSHPublicKeyDatabase(),
- IUsernamePassword)
- self.assertEqual(checker.credentialInterfaces, [IUsernamePassword])
- self.assertIsInstance(checker.checkers[IUsernamePassword],
- checkers.SSHPublicKeyDatabase)
- def test_requestAvatarId(self):
- """
- L{SSHProtocolChecker.requestAvatarId} should defer to one if its
- registered checkers to authenticate a user.
- """
- checker = checkers.SSHProtocolChecker()
- passwordDatabase = InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse()
- passwordDatabase.addUser('test', 'test')
- checker.registerChecker(passwordDatabase)
- d = checker.requestAvatarId(UsernamePassword('test', 'test'))
- def _callback(avatarId):
- self.assertEqual(avatarId, 'test')
- return d.addCallback(_callback)
- def test_requestAvatarIdWithNotEnoughAuthentication(self):
- """
- If the client indicates that it is never satisfied, by always returning
- False from _areDone, then L{SSHProtocolChecker} should raise
- L{NotEnoughAuthentication}.
- """
- checker = checkers.SSHProtocolChecker()
- def _areDone(avatarId):
- return False
- self.patch(checker, 'areDone', _areDone)
- passwordDatabase = InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse()
- passwordDatabase.addUser('test', 'test')
- checker.registerChecker(passwordDatabase)
- d = checker.requestAvatarId(UsernamePassword('test', 'test'))
- return self.assertFailure(d, NotEnoughAuthentication)
- def test_requestAvatarIdInvalidCredential(self):
- """
- If the passed credentials aren't handled by any registered checker,
- L{SSHProtocolChecker} should raise L{UnhandledCredentials}.
- """
- checker = checkers.SSHProtocolChecker()
- d = checker.requestAvatarId(UsernamePassword('test', 'test'))
- return self.assertFailure(d, UnhandledCredentials)
- def test_areDone(self):
- """
- The default L{SSHProcotolChecker.areDone} should simply return True.
- """
- self.assertEquals(checkers.SSHProtocolChecker().areDone(None), True)
-class UNIXPasswordDatabaseTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{UNIXPasswordDatabase}.
- """
- skip = cryptSkip or dependencySkip
- def assertLoggedIn(self, d, username):
- """
- Assert that the L{Deferred} passed in is called back with the value
- 'username'. This represents a valid login for this TestCase.
- NOTE: To work, this method's return value must be returned from the
- test method, or otherwise hooked up to the test machinery.
- @param d: a L{Deferred} from an L{IChecker.requestAvatarId} method.
- @type d: L{Deferred}
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- result = []
- d.addBoth(result.append)
- self.assertEquals(len(result), 1, "login incomplete")
- if isinstance(result[0], Failure):
- result[0].raiseException()
- self.assertEquals(result[0], username)
- def test_defaultCheckers(self):
- """
- L{UNIXPasswordDatabase} with no arguments has checks the C{pwd} database
- and then the C{spwd} database.
- """
- checker = checkers.UNIXPasswordDatabase()
- def crypted(username, password):
- salt = crypt.crypt(password, username)
- crypted = crypt.crypt(password, '$1$' + salt)
- return crypted
- pwd = UserDatabase()
- pwd.addUser('alice', crypted('alice', 'password'),
- 1, 2, 'foo', '/foo', '/bin/sh')
- # x and * are convention for "look elsewhere for the password"
- pwd.addUser('bob', 'x', 1, 2, 'bar', '/bar', '/bin/sh')
- spwd = ShadowDatabase()
- spwd.addUser('alice', 'wrong', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
- spwd.addUser('bob', crypted('bob', 'password'),
- 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
- self.patch(checkers, 'pwd', pwd)
- self.patch(checkers, 'spwd', spwd)
- mockos = MockOS()
- self.patch(checkers, 'os', mockos)
- self.patch(util, 'os', mockos)
- mockos.euid = 2345
- mockos.egid = 1234
- cred = UsernamePassword("alice", "password")
- self.assertLoggedIn(checker.requestAvatarId(cred), 'alice')
- self.assertEquals(mockos.seteuidCalls, [])
- self.assertEquals(mockos.setegidCalls, [])
- cred.username = "bob"
- self.assertLoggedIn(checker.requestAvatarId(cred), 'bob')
- self.assertEquals(mockos.seteuidCalls, [0, 2345])
- self.assertEquals(mockos.setegidCalls, [0, 1234])
- def assertUnauthorizedLogin(self, d):
- """
- Asserts that the L{Deferred} passed in is erred back with an
- L{UnauthorizedLogin} L{Failure}. This reprsents an invalid login for
- this TestCase.
- NOTE: To work, this method's return value must be returned from the
- test method, or otherwise hooked up to the test machinery.
- @param d: a L{Deferred} from an L{IChecker.requestAvatarId} method.
- @type d: L{Deferred}
- @rtype: L{None}
- """
- self.assertRaises(
- checkers.UnauthorizedLogin, self.assertLoggedIn, d, 'bogus value')
- def test_passInCheckers(self):
- """
- L{UNIXPasswordDatabase} takes a list of functions to check for UNIX
- user information.
- """
- password = crypt.crypt('secret', 'secret')
- userdb = UserDatabase()
- userdb.addUser('anybody', password, 1, 2, 'foo', '/bar', '/bin/sh')
- checker = checkers.UNIXPasswordDatabase([userdb.getpwnam])
- self.assertLoggedIn(
- checker.requestAvatarId(UsernamePassword('anybody', 'secret')),
- 'anybody')
- def test_verifyPassword(self):
- """
- If the encrypted password provided by the getpwnam function is valid
- (verified by the L{verifyCryptedPassword} function), we callback the
- C{requestAvatarId} L{Deferred} with the username.
- """
- def verifyCryptedPassword(crypted, pw):
- return crypted == pw
- def getpwnam(username):
- return [username, username]
- self.patch(checkers, 'verifyCryptedPassword', verifyCryptedPassword)
- checker = checkers.UNIXPasswordDatabase([getpwnam])
- credential = UsernamePassword('username', 'username')
- self.assertLoggedIn(checker.requestAvatarId(credential), 'username')
- def test_failOnKeyError(self):
- """
- If the getpwnam function raises a KeyError, the login fails with an
- L{UnauthorizedLogin} exception.
- """
- def getpwnam(username):
- raise KeyError(username)
- checker = checkers.UNIXPasswordDatabase([getpwnam])
- credential = UsernamePassword('username', 'username')
- self.assertUnauthorizedLogin(checker.requestAvatarId(credential))
- def test_failOnBadPassword(self):
- """
- If the verifyCryptedPassword function doesn't verify the password, the
- login fails with an L{UnauthorizedLogin} exception.
- """
- def verifyCryptedPassword(crypted, pw):
- return False
- def getpwnam(username):
- return [username, username]
- self.patch(checkers, 'verifyCryptedPassword', verifyCryptedPassword)
- checker = checkers.UNIXPasswordDatabase([getpwnam])
- credential = UsernamePassword('username', 'username')
- self.assertUnauthorizedLogin(checker.requestAvatarId(credential))
- def test_loopThroughFunctions(self):
- """
- UNIXPasswordDatabase.requestAvatarId loops through each getpwnam
- function associated with it and returns a L{Deferred} which fires with
- the result of the first one which returns a value other than None.
- ones do not verify the password.
- """
- def verifyCryptedPassword(crypted, pw):
- return crypted == pw
- def getpwnam1(username):
- return [username, 'not the password']
- def getpwnam2(username):
- return [username, username]
- self.patch(checkers, 'verifyCryptedPassword', verifyCryptedPassword)
- checker = checkers.UNIXPasswordDatabase([getpwnam1, getpwnam2])
- credential = UsernamePassword('username', 'username')
- self.assertLoggedIn(checker.requestAvatarId(credential), 'username')
- def test_failOnSpecial(self):
- """
- If the password returned by any function is C{""}, C{"x"}, or C{"*"} it
- is not compared against the supplied password. Instead it is skipped.
- """
- pwd = UserDatabase()
- pwd.addUser('alice', '', 1, 2, '', 'foo', 'bar')
- pwd.addUser('bob', 'x', 1, 2, '', 'foo', 'bar')
- pwd.addUser('carol', '*', 1, 2, '', 'foo', 'bar')
- self.patch(checkers, 'pwd', pwd)
- checker = checkers.UNIXPasswordDatabase([checkers._pwdGetByName])
- cred = UsernamePassword('alice', '')
- self.assertUnauthorizedLogin(checker.requestAvatarId(cred))
- cred = UsernamePassword('bob', 'x')
- self.assertUnauthorizedLogin(checker.requestAvatarId(cred))
- cred = UsernamePassword('carol', '*')
- self.assertUnauthorizedLogin(checker.requestAvatarId(cred))
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_ckeygen.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_ckeygen.py
deleted file mode 100755
index df437e2d..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_ckeygen.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.scripts.ckeygen}.
-import sys
-from StringIO import StringIO
- import Crypto
- import pyasn1
-except ImportError:
- skip = "PyCrypto and pyasn1 required for twisted.conch.scripts.ckeygen."
- from twisted.conch.ssh.keys import Key
- from twisted.conch.scripts.ckeygen import printFingerprint, _saveKey
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.conch.test.keydata import publicRSA_openssh, privateRSA_openssh
-class KeyGenTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for various functions used to implement the I{ckeygen} script.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Patch C{sys.stdout} with a L{StringIO} instance to tests can make
- assertions about what's printed.
- """
- self.stdout = StringIO()
- self.patch(sys, 'stdout', self.stdout)
- def test_printFingerprint(self):
- """
- L{printFingerprint} writes a line to standard out giving the number of
- bits of the key, its fingerprint, and the basename of the file from it
- was read.
- """
- filename = self.mktemp()
- FilePath(filename).setContent(publicRSA_openssh)
- printFingerprint({'filename': filename})
- self.assertEqual(
- self.stdout.getvalue(),
- '768 3d:13:5f:cb:c9:79:8a:93:06:27:65:bc:3d:0b:8f:af temp\n')
- def test_saveKey(self):
- """
- L{_saveKey} writes the private and public parts of a key to two
- different files and writes a report of this to standard out.
- """
- base = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- base.makedirs()
- filename = base.child('id_rsa').path
- key = Key.fromString(privateRSA_openssh)
- _saveKey(
- key.keyObject,
- {'filename': filename, 'pass': 'passphrase'})
- self.assertEqual(
- self.stdout.getvalue(),
- "Your identification has been saved in %s\n"
- "Your public key has been saved in %s.pub\n"
- "The key fingerprint is:\n"
- "3d:13:5f:cb:c9:79:8a:93:06:27:65:bc:3d:0b:8f:af\n" % (
- filename,
- filename))
- self.assertEqual(
- key.fromString(
- base.child('id_rsa').getContent(), None, 'passphrase'),
- key)
- self.assertEqual(
- Key.fromString(base.child('id_rsa.pub').getContent()),
- key.public())
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_conch.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_conch.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 95219d4d..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_conch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,552 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_conch -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import os, sys, socket
-from itertools import count
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.cred import portal
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, protocol
-from twisted.internet.error import ProcessExitedAlready
-from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
-from twisted.python import log, runtime
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.conch.error import ConchError
-from twisted.conch.avatar import ConchUser
-from twisted.conch.ssh.session import ISession, SSHSession, wrapProtocol
- from twisted.conch.scripts.conch import SSHSession as StdioInteractingSession
-except ImportError, e:
- StdioInteractingSession = None
- _reason = str(e)
- del e
-from twisted.conch.test.test_ssh import ConchTestRealm
-from twisted.python.procutils import which
-from twisted.conch.test.keydata import publicRSA_openssh, privateRSA_openssh
-from twisted.conch.test.keydata import publicDSA_openssh, privateDSA_openssh
-from twisted.conch.test.test_ssh import Crypto, pyasn1
- from twisted.conch.test.test_ssh import ConchTestServerFactory, \
- ConchTestPublicKeyChecker
-except ImportError:
- pass
-class StdioInteractingSessionTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.conch.scripts.conch.SSHSession}.
- """
- if StdioInteractingSession is None:
- skip = _reason
- def test_eofReceived(self):
- """
- L{twisted.conch.scripts.conch.SSHSession.eofReceived} loses the
- write half of its stdio connection.
- """
- class FakeStdio:
- writeConnLost = False
- def loseWriteConnection(self):
- self.writeConnLost = True
- stdio = FakeStdio()
- channel = StdioInteractingSession()
- channel.stdio = stdio
- channel.eofReceived()
- self.assertTrue(stdio.writeConnLost)
-class Echo(protocol.Protocol):
- def connectionMade(self):
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.transport.write(data)
- if '\n' in data:
- self.transport.loseConnection()
-class EchoFactory(protocol.Factory):
- protocol = Echo
-class ConchTestOpenSSHProcess(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
- """
- Test protocol for launching an OpenSSH client process.
- @ivar deferred: Set by whatever uses this object. Accessed using
- L{_getDeferred}, which destroys the value so the Deferred is not
- fired twice. Fires when the process is terminated.
- """
- deferred = None
- buf = ''
- def _getDeferred(self):
- d, self.deferred = self.deferred, None
- return d
- def outReceived(self, data):
- self.buf += data
- def processEnded(self, reason):
- """
- Called when the process has ended.
- @param reason: a Failure giving the reason for the process' end.
- """
- if reason.value.exitCode != 0:
- self._getDeferred().errback(
- ConchError("exit code was not 0: %s" %
- reason.value.exitCode))
- else:
- buf = self.buf.replace('\r\n', '\n')
- self._getDeferred().callback(buf)
-class ConchTestForwardingProcess(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
- """
- Manages a third-party process which launches a server.
- Uses L{ConchTestForwardingPort} to connect to the third-party server.
- Once L{ConchTestForwardingPort} has disconnected, kill the process and fire
- a Deferred with the data received by the L{ConchTestForwardingPort}.
- @ivar deferred: Set by whatever uses this object. Accessed using
- L{_getDeferred}, which destroys the value so the Deferred is not
- fired twice. Fires when the process is terminated.
- """
- deferred = None
- def __init__(self, port, data):
- """
- @type port: C{int}
- @param port: The port on which the third-party server is listening.
- (it is assumed that the server is running on localhost).
- @type data: C{str}
- @param data: This is sent to the third-party server. Must end with '\n'
- in order to trigger a disconnect.
- """
- self.port = port
- self.buffer = None
- self.data = data
- def _getDeferred(self):
- d, self.deferred = self.deferred, None
- return d
- def connectionMade(self):
- self._connect()
- def _connect(self):
- """
- Connect to the server, which is often a third-party process.
- Tries to reconnect if it fails because we have no way of determining
- exactly when the port becomes available for listening -- we can only
- know when the process starts.
- """
- cc = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, ConchTestForwardingPort, self,
- self.data)
- d = cc.connectTCP('', self.port)
- d.addErrback(self._ebConnect)
- return d
- def _ebConnect(self, f):
- reactor.callLater(.1, self._connect)
- def forwardingPortDisconnected(self, buffer):
- """
- The network connection has died; save the buffer of output
- from the network and attempt to quit the process gracefully,
- and then (after the reactor has spun) send it a KILL signal.
- """
- self.buffer = buffer
- self.transport.write('\x03')
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- reactor.callLater(0, self._reallyDie)
- def _reallyDie(self):
- try:
- self.transport.signalProcess('KILL')
- except ProcessExitedAlready:
- pass
- def processEnded(self, reason):
- """
- Fire the Deferred at self.deferred with the data collected
- from the L{ConchTestForwardingPort} connection, if any.
- """
- self._getDeferred().callback(self.buffer)
-class ConchTestForwardingPort(protocol.Protocol):
- """
- Connects to server launched by a third-party process (managed by
- L{ConchTestForwardingProcess}) sends data, then reports whatever it
- received back to the L{ConchTestForwardingProcess} once the connection
- is ended.
- """
- def __init__(self, protocol, data):
- """
- @type protocol: L{ConchTestForwardingProcess}
- @param protocol: The L{ProcessProtocol} which made this connection.
- @type data: str
- @param data: The data to be sent to the third-party server.
- """
- self.protocol = protocol
- self.data = data
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.buffer = ''
- self.transport.write(self.data)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.buffer += data
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self.protocol.forwardingPortDisconnected(self.buffer)
-def _makeArgs(args, mod="conch"):
- start = [sys.executable, '-c'
-### Twisted Preamble
-import sys, os
-path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
-while os.path.dirname(path) != path:
- if os.path.basename(path).startswith('Twisted'):
- sys.path.insert(0, path)
- break
- path = os.path.dirname(path)
-from twisted.conch.scripts.%s import run
-run()""" % mod]
- return start + list(args)
-class ConchServerSetupMixin:
- if not Crypto:
- skip = "can't run w/o PyCrypto"
- if not pyasn1:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyASN1"
- realmFactory = staticmethod(lambda: ConchTestRealm('testuser'))
- def _createFiles(self):
- for f in ['rsa_test','rsa_test.pub','dsa_test','dsa_test.pub',
- 'kh_test']:
- if os.path.exists(f):
- os.remove(f)
- open('rsa_test','w').write(privateRSA_openssh)
- open('rsa_test.pub','w').write(publicRSA_openssh)
- open('dsa_test.pub','w').write(publicDSA_openssh)
- open('dsa_test','w').write(privateDSA_openssh)
- os.chmod('dsa_test', 33152)
- os.chmod('rsa_test', 33152)
- open('kh_test','w').write(' '+publicRSA_openssh)
- def _getFreePort(self):
- s = socket.socket()
- s.bind(('', 0))
- port = s.getsockname()[1]
- s.close()
- return port
- def _makeConchFactory(self):
- """
- Make a L{ConchTestServerFactory}, which allows us to start a
- L{ConchTestServer} -- i.e. an actually listening conch.
- """
- realm = self.realmFactory()
- p = portal.Portal(realm)
- p.registerChecker(ConchTestPublicKeyChecker())
- factory = ConchTestServerFactory()
- factory.portal = p
- return factory
- def setUp(self):
- self._createFiles()
- self.conchFactory = self._makeConchFactory()
- self.conchFactory.expectedLoseConnection = 1
- self.conchServer = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.conchFactory,
- interface="")
- self.echoServer = reactor.listenTCP(0, EchoFactory())
- self.echoPort = self.echoServer.getHost().port
- def tearDown(self):
- try:
- self.conchFactory.proto.done = 1
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- else:
- self.conchFactory.proto.transport.loseConnection()
- return defer.gatherResults([
- defer.maybeDeferred(self.conchServer.stopListening),
- defer.maybeDeferred(self.echoServer.stopListening)])
-class ForwardingMixin(ConchServerSetupMixin):
- """
- Template class for tests of the Conch server's ability to forward arbitrary
- protocols over SSH.
- These tests are integration tests, not unit tests. They launch a Conch
- server, a custom TCP server (just an L{EchoProtocol}) and then call
- L{execute}.
- L{execute} is implemented by subclasses of L{ForwardingMixin}. It should
- cause an SSH client to connect to the Conch server, asking it to forward
- data to the custom TCP server.
- """
- def test_exec(self):
- """
- Test that we can use whatever client to send the command "echo goodbye"
- to the Conch server. Make sure we receive "goodbye" back from the
- server.
- """
- d = self.execute('echo goodbye', ConchTestOpenSSHProcess())
- return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, 'goodbye\n')
- def test_localToRemoteForwarding(self):
- """
- Test that we can use whatever client to forward a local port to a
- specified port on the server.
- """
- localPort = self._getFreePort()
- process = ConchTestForwardingProcess(localPort, 'test\n')
- d = self.execute('', process,
- sshArgs='-N -L%i:'
- % (localPort, self.echoPort))
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, 'test\n')
- return d
- def test_remoteToLocalForwarding(self):
- """
- Test that we can use whatever client to forward a port from the server
- to a port locally.
- """
- localPort = self._getFreePort()
- process = ConchTestForwardingProcess(localPort, 'test\n')
- d = self.execute('', process,
- sshArgs='-N -R %i:'
- % (localPort, self.echoPort))
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, 'test\n')
- return d
-class RekeyAvatar(ConchUser):
- """
- This avatar implements a shell which sends 60 numbered lines to whatever
- connects to it, then closes the session with a 0 exit status.
- 60 lines is selected as being enough to send more than 2kB of traffic, the
- amount the client is configured to initiate a rekey after.
- """
- # Conventionally there is a separate adapter object which provides ISession
- # for the user, but making the user provide ISession directly works too.
- # This isn't a full implementation of ISession though, just enough to make
- # these tests pass.
- implements(ISession)
- def __init__(self):
- ConchUser.__init__(self)
- self.channelLookup['session'] = SSHSession
- def openShell(self, transport):
- """
- Write 60 lines of data to the transport, then exit.
- """
- proto = protocol.Protocol()
- proto.makeConnection(transport)
- transport.makeConnection(wrapProtocol(proto))
- # Send enough bytes to the connection so that a rekey is triggered in
- # the client.
- def write(counter):
- i = counter()
- if i == 60:
- call.stop()
- transport.session.conn.sendRequest(
- transport.session, 'exit-status', '\x00\x00\x00\x00')
- transport.loseConnection()
- else:
- transport.write("line #%02d\n" % (i,))
- # The timing for this loop is an educated guess (and/or the result of
- # experimentation) to exercise the case where a packet is generated
- # mid-rekey. Since the other side of the connection is (so far) the
- # OpenSSH command line client, there's no easy way to determine when the
- # rekey has been initiated. If there were, then generating a packet
- # immediately at that time would be a better way to test the
- # functionality being tested here.
- call = LoopingCall(write, count().next)
- call.start(0.01)
- def closed(self):
- """
- Ignore the close of the session.
- """
-class RekeyRealm:
- """
- This realm gives out new L{RekeyAvatar} instances for any avatar request.
- """
- def requestAvatar(self, avatarID, mind, *interfaces):
- return interfaces[0], RekeyAvatar(), lambda: None
-class RekeyTestsMixin(ConchServerSetupMixin):
- """
- TestCase mixin which defines tests exercising L{SSHTransportBase}'s handling
- of rekeying messages.
- """
- realmFactory = RekeyRealm
- def test_clientRekey(self):
- """
- After a client-initiated rekey is completed, application data continues
- to be passed over the SSH connection.
- """
- process = ConchTestOpenSSHProcess()
- d = self.execute("", process, '-o RekeyLimit=2K')
- def finished(result):
- self.assertEqual(
- result,
- '\n'.join(['line #%02d' % (i,) for i in range(60)]) + '\n')
- d.addCallback(finished)
- return d
-class OpenSSHClientMixin:
- if not which('ssh'):
- skip = "no ssh command-line client available"
- def execute(self, remoteCommand, process, sshArgs=''):
- """
- Connects to the SSH server started in L{ConchServerSetupMixin.setUp} by
- running the 'ssh' command line tool.
- @type remoteCommand: str
- @param remoteCommand: The command (with arguments) to run on the
- remote end.
- @type process: L{ConchTestOpenSSHProcess}
- @type sshArgs: str
- @param sshArgs: Arguments to pass to the 'ssh' process.
- @return: L{defer.Deferred}
- """
- process.deferred = defer.Deferred()
- cmdline = ('ssh -2 -l testuser -p %i '
- '-oUserKnownHostsFile=kh_test '
- '-oPasswordAuthentication=no '
- # Always use the RSA key, since that's the one in kh_test.
- '-oHostKeyAlgorithms=ssh-rsa '
- '-a '
- '-i dsa_test ') + sshArgs + \
- ' ' + remoteCommand
- port = self.conchServer.getHost().port
- cmds = (cmdline % port).split()
- reactor.spawnProcess(process, "ssh", cmds)
- return process.deferred
-class OpenSSHClientForwardingTestCase(ForwardingMixin, OpenSSHClientMixin,
- unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Connection forwarding tests run against the OpenSSL command line client.
- """
-class OpenSSHClientRekeyTestCase(RekeyTestsMixin, OpenSSHClientMixin,
- unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Rekeying tests run against the OpenSSL command line client.
- """
-class CmdLineClientTestCase(ForwardingMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Connection forwarding tests run against the Conch command line client.
- """
- if runtime.platformType == 'win32':
- skip = "can't run cmdline client on win32"
- def execute(self, remoteCommand, process, sshArgs=''):
- """
- As for L{OpenSSHClientTestCase.execute}, except it runs the 'conch'
- command line tool, not 'ssh'.
- """
- process.deferred = defer.Deferred()
- port = self.conchServer.getHost().port
- cmd = ('-p %i -l testuser '
- '--known-hosts kh_test '
- '--user-authentications publickey '
- '--host-key-algorithms ssh-rsa '
- '-a '
- '-i dsa_test '
- '-v ') % port + sshArgs + \
- ' ' + remoteCommand
- cmds = _makeArgs(cmd.split())
- log.msg(str(cmds))
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
- reactor.spawnProcess(process, sys.executable, cmds, env=env)
- return process.deferred
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_connection.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_connection.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 85a8e6a7..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_connection.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,730 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details
-This module tests twisted.conch.ssh.connection.
-import struct
-from twisted.conch import error
-from twisted.conch.ssh import channel, common, connection
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.conch.test import test_userauth
-class TestChannel(channel.SSHChannel):
- """
- A mocked-up version of twisted.conch.ssh.channel.SSHChannel.
- @ivar gotOpen: True if channelOpen has been called.
- @type gotOpen: C{bool}
- @ivar specificData: the specific channel open data passed to channelOpen.
- @type specificData: C{str}
- @ivar openFailureReason: the reason passed to openFailed.
- @type openFailed: C{error.ConchError}
- @ivar inBuffer: a C{list} of strings received by the channel.
- @type inBuffer: C{list}
- @ivar extBuffer: a C{list} of 2-tuples (type, extended data) of received by
- the channel.
- @type extBuffer: C{list}
- @ivar numberRequests: the number of requests that have been made to this
- channel.
- @type numberRequests: C{int}
- @ivar gotEOF: True if the other side sent EOF.
- @type gotEOF: C{bool}
- @ivar gotOneClose: True if the other side closed the connection.
- @type gotOneClose: C{bool}
- @ivar gotClosed: True if the channel is closed.
- @type gotClosed: C{bool}
- """
- name = "TestChannel"
- gotOpen = False
- def logPrefix(self):
- return "TestChannel %i" % self.id
- def channelOpen(self, specificData):
- """
- The channel is open. Set up the instance variables.
- """
- self.gotOpen = True
- self.specificData = specificData
- self.inBuffer = []
- self.extBuffer = []
- self.numberRequests = 0
- self.gotEOF = False
- self.gotOneClose = False
- self.gotClosed = False
- def openFailed(self, reason):
- """
- Opening the channel failed. Store the reason why.
- """
- self.openFailureReason = reason
- def request_test(self, data):
- """
- A test request. Return True if data is 'data'.
- @type data: C{str}
- """
- self.numberRequests += 1
- return data == 'data'
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- """
- Data was received. Store it in the buffer.
- """
- self.inBuffer.append(data)
- def extReceived(self, code, data):
- """
- Extended data was received. Store it in the buffer.
- """
- self.extBuffer.append((code, data))
- def eofReceived(self):
- """
- EOF was received. Remember it.
- """
- self.gotEOF = True
- def closeReceived(self):
- """
- Close was received. Remember it.
- """
- self.gotOneClose = True
- def closed(self):
- """
- The channel is closed. Rembember it.
- """
- self.gotClosed = True
-class TestAvatar:
- """
- A mocked-up version of twisted.conch.avatar.ConchUser
- """
- def lookupChannel(self, channelType, windowSize, maxPacket, data):
- """
- The server wants us to return a channel. If the requested channel is
- our TestChannel, return it, otherwise return None.
- """
- if channelType == TestChannel.name:
- return TestChannel(remoteWindow=windowSize,
- remoteMaxPacket=maxPacket,
- data=data, avatar=self)
- elif channelType == "conch-error-args":
- # Raise a ConchError with backwards arguments to make sure the
- # connection fixes it for us. This case should be deprecated and
- # deleted eventually, but only after all of Conch gets the argument
- # order right.
- raise error.ConchError(
- self._ARGS_ERROR_CODE, "error args in wrong order")
- def gotGlobalRequest(self, requestType, data):
- """
- The client has made a global request. If the global request is
- 'TestGlobal', return True. If the global request is 'TestData',
- return True and the request-specific data we received. Otherwise,
- return False.
- """
- if requestType == 'TestGlobal':
- return True
- elif requestType == 'TestData':
- return True, data
- else:
- return False
-class TestConnection(connection.SSHConnection):
- """
- A subclass of SSHConnection for testing.
- @ivar channel: the current channel.
- @type channel. C{TestChannel}
- """
- def logPrefix(self):
- return "TestConnection"
- def global_TestGlobal(self, data):
- """
- The other side made the 'TestGlobal' global request. Return True.
- """
- return True
- def global_Test_Data(self, data):
- """
- The other side made the 'Test-Data' global request. Return True and
- the data we received.
- """
- return True, data
- def channel_TestChannel(self, windowSize, maxPacket, data):
- """
- The other side is requesting the TestChannel. Create a C{TestChannel}
- instance, store it, and return it.
- """
- self.channel = TestChannel(remoteWindow=windowSize,
- remoteMaxPacket=maxPacket, data=data)
- return self.channel
- def channel_ErrorChannel(self, windowSize, maxPacket, data):
- """
- The other side is requesting the ErrorChannel. Raise an exception.
- """
- raise AssertionError('no such thing')
-class ConnectionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- if test_userauth.transport is None:
- skip = "Cannot run without both PyCrypto and pyasn1"
- def setUp(self):
- self.transport = test_userauth.FakeTransport(None)
- self.transport.avatar = TestAvatar()
- self.conn = TestConnection()
- self.conn.transport = self.transport
- self.conn.serviceStarted()
- def _openChannel(self, channel):
- """
- Open the channel with the default connection.
- """
- self.conn.openChannel(channel)
- self.transport.packets = self.transport.packets[:-1]
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION(struct.pack('>2L',
- channel.id, 255) + '\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00')
- def tearDown(self):
- self.conn.serviceStopped()
- def test_linkAvatar(self):
- """
- Test that the connection links itself to the avatar in the
- transport.
- """
- self.assertIdentical(self.transport.avatar.conn, self.conn)
- def test_serviceStopped(self):
- """
- Test that serviceStopped() closes any open channels.
- """
- channel1 = TestChannel()
- channel2 = TestChannel()
- self.conn.openChannel(channel1)
- self.conn.openChannel(channel2)
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION('\x00\x00\x00\x00' * 4)
- self.assertTrue(channel1.gotOpen)
- self.assertFalse(channel2.gotOpen)
- self.conn.serviceStopped()
- self.assertTrue(channel1.gotClosed)
- def test_GLOBAL_REQUEST(self):
- """
- Test that global request packets are dispatched to the global_*
- methods and the return values are translated into success or failure
- messages.
- """
- self.conn.ssh_GLOBAL_REQUEST(common.NS('TestGlobal') + '\xff')
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS, '')])
- self.transport.packets = []
- self.conn.ssh_GLOBAL_REQUEST(common.NS('TestData') + '\xff' +
- 'test data')
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS, 'test data')])
- self.transport.packets = []
- self.conn.ssh_GLOBAL_REQUEST(common.NS('TestBad') + '\xff')
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE, '')])
- self.transport.packets = []
- self.conn.ssh_GLOBAL_REQUEST(common.NS('TestGlobal') + '\x00')
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets, [])
- def test_REQUEST_SUCCESS(self):
- """
- Test that global request success packets cause the Deferred to be
- called back.
- """
- d = self.conn.sendGlobalRequest('request', 'data', True)
- self.conn.ssh_REQUEST_SUCCESS('data')
- def check(data):
- self.assertEqual(data, 'data')
- d.addCallback(check)
- d.addErrback(self.fail)
- return d
- def test_REQUEST_FAILURE(self):
- """
- Test that global request failure packets cause the Deferred to be
- erred back.
- """
- d = self.conn.sendGlobalRequest('request', 'data', True)
- self.conn.ssh_REQUEST_FAILURE('data')
- def check(f):
- self.assertEqual(f.value.data, 'data')
- d.addCallback(self.fail)
- d.addErrback(check)
- return d
- def test_CHANNEL_OPEN(self):
- """
- Test that open channel packets cause a channel to be created and
- opened or a failure message to be returned.
- """
- del self.transport.avatar
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN(common.NS('TestChannel') +
- '\x00\x00\x00\x01' * 4)
- self.assertTrue(self.conn.channel.gotOpen)
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.channel.conn, self.conn)
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.channel.data, '\x00\x00\x00\x01')
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.channel.specificData, '\x00\x00\x00\x01')
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.channel.remoteWindowLeft, 1)
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.channel.remoteMaxPacket, 1)
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00'
- '\x00\x00\x80\x00')])
- self.transport.packets = []
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN(common.NS('BadChannel') +
- '\x00\x00\x00\x02' * 4)
- self.flushLoggedErrors()
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- '\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x03' + common.NS(
- 'unknown channel') + common.NS(''))])
- self.transport.packets = []
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN(common.NS('ErrorChannel') +
- '\x00\x00\x00\x02' * 4)
- self.flushLoggedErrors()
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- '\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x02' + common.NS(
- 'unknown failure') + common.NS(''))])
- def _lookupChannelErrorTest(self, code):
- """
- Deliver a request for a channel open which will result in an exception
- being raised during channel lookup. Assert that an error response is
- delivered as a result.
- """
- self.transport.avatar._ARGS_ERROR_CODE = code
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN(
- common.NS('conch-error-args') + '\x00\x00\x00\x01' * 4)
- errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(error.ConchError)
- self.assertEqual(
- len(errors), 1, "Expected one error, got: %r" % (errors,))
- self.assertEqual(errors[0].value.args, (123, "error args in wrong order"))
- self.assertEqual(
- self.transport.packets,
- # The response includes some bytes which identifying the
- # associated request, as well as the error code (7b in hex) and
- # the error message.
- '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x7b' + common.NS(
- 'error args in wrong order') + common.NS(''))])
- def test_lookupChannelError(self):
- """
- If a C{lookupChannel} implementation raises L{error.ConchError} with the
- arguments in the wrong order, a C{MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN} failure is still
- sent in response to the message.
- This is a temporary work-around until L{error.ConchError} is given
- better attributes and all of the Conch code starts constructing
- instances of it properly. Eventually this functionality should be
- deprecated and then removed.
- """
- self._lookupChannelErrorTest(123)
- def test_lookupChannelErrorLongCode(self):
- """
- Like L{test_lookupChannelError}, but for the case where the failure code
- is represented as a C{long} instead of a C{int}.
- """
- self._lookupChannelErrorTest(123L)
- """
- Test that channel open confirmation packets cause the channel to be
- notified that it's open.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self.conn.openChannel(channel)
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION('\x00\x00\x00\x00'*5)
- self.assertEqual(channel.remoteWindowLeft, 0)
- self.assertEqual(channel.remoteMaxPacket, 0)
- self.assertEqual(channel.specificData, '\x00\x00\x00\x00')
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.channelsToRemoteChannel[channel],
- 0)
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.localToRemoteChannel[0], 0)
- def test_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE(self):
- """
- Test that channel open failure packets cause the channel to be
- notified that its opening failed.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self.conn.openChannel(channel)
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
- '\x01' + common.NS('failure!'))
- self.assertEqual(channel.openFailureReason.args, ('failure!', 1))
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.channels.get(channel), None)
- def test_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST(self):
- """
- Test that channel window adjust messages add bytes to the channel
- window.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- oldWindowSize = channel.remoteWindowLeft
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
- '\x01')
- self.assertEqual(channel.remoteWindowLeft, oldWindowSize + 1)
- def test_CHANNEL_DATA(self):
- """
- Test that channel data messages are passed up to the channel, or
- cause the channel to be closed if the data is too large.
- """
- channel = TestChannel(localWindow=6, localMaxPacket=5)
- self._openChannel(channel)
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_DATA('\x00\x00\x00\x00' + common.NS('data'))
- self.assertEqual(channel.inBuffer, ['data'])
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST, '\x00\x00\x00\xff'
- '\x00\x00\x00\x04')])
- self.transport.packets = []
- longData = 'a' * (channel.localWindowLeft + 1)
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_DATA('\x00\x00\x00\x00' + common.NS(longData))
- self.assertEqual(channel.inBuffer, ['data'])
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')])
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- bigData = 'a' * (channel.localMaxPacket + 1)
- self.transport.packets = []
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_DATA('\x00\x00\x00\x01' + common.NS(bigData))
- self.assertEqual(channel.inBuffer, [])
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')])
- def test_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA(self):
- """
- Test that channel extended data messages are passed up to the channel,
- or cause the channel to be closed if they're too big.
- """
- channel = TestChannel(localWindow=6, localMaxPacket=5)
- self._openChannel(channel)
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
- '\x00' + common.NS('data'))
- self.assertEqual(channel.extBuffer, [(0, 'data')])
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST, '\x00\x00\x00\xff'
- '\x00\x00\x00\x04')])
- self.transport.packets = []
- longData = 'a' * (channel.localWindowLeft + 1)
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
- '\x00' + common.NS(longData))
- self.assertEqual(channel.extBuffer, [(0, 'data')])
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')])
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- bigData = 'a' * (channel.localMaxPacket + 1)
- self.transport.packets = []
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA('\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00'
- '\x00' + common.NS(bigData))
- self.assertEqual(channel.extBuffer, [])
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')])
- def test_CHANNEL_EOF(self):
- """
- Test that channel eof messages are passed up to the channel.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_EOF('\x00\x00\x00\x00')
- self.assertTrue(channel.gotEOF)
- def test_CHANNEL_CLOSE(self):
- """
- Test that channel close messages are passed up to the channel. Also,
- test that channel.close() is called if both sides are closed when this
- message is received.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- self.conn.sendClose(channel)
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_CLOSE('\x00\x00\x00\x00')
- self.assertTrue(channel.gotOneClose)
- self.assertTrue(channel.gotClosed)
- def test_CHANNEL_REQUEST_success(self):
- """
- Test that channel requests that succeed send MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_REQUEST('\x00\x00\x00\x00' + common.NS('test')
- + '\x00')
- self.assertEqual(channel.numberRequests, 1)
- d = self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_REQUEST('\x00\x00\x00\x00' + common.NS(
- 'test') + '\xff' + 'data')
- def check(result):
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')])
- d.addCallback(check)
- return d
- def test_CHANNEL_REQUEST_failure(self):
- """
- Test that channel requests that fail send MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- d = self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_REQUEST('\x00\x00\x00\x00' + common.NS(
- 'test') + '\xff')
- def check(result):
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE, '\x00\x00\x00\xff'
- )])
- d.addCallback(self.fail)
- d.addErrback(check)
- return d
- """
- Test that channel request success messages cause the Deferred to be
- called back.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- d = self.conn.sendRequest(channel, 'test', 'data', True)
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_SUCCESS('\x00\x00\x00\x00')
- def check(result):
- self.assertTrue(result)
- return d
- """
- Test that channel request failure messages cause the Deferred to be
- erred back.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- d = self.conn.sendRequest(channel, 'test', '', True)
- self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_FAILURE('\x00\x00\x00\x00')
- def check(result):
- self.assertEqual(result.value.value, 'channel request failed')
- d.addCallback(self.fail)
- d.addErrback(check)
- return d
- def test_sendGlobalRequest(self):
- """
- Test that global request messages are sent in the right format.
- """
- d = self.conn.sendGlobalRequest('wantReply', 'data', True)
- # must be added to prevent errbacking during teardown
- d.addErrback(lambda failure: None)
- self.conn.sendGlobalRequest('noReply', '', False)
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST, common.NS('wantReply') +
- '\xffdata'),
- (connection.MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST, common.NS('noReply') +
- '\x00')])
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.deferreds, {'global':[d]})
- def test_openChannel(self):
- """
- Test that open channel messages are sent in the right format.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self.conn.openChannel(channel, 'aaaa')
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, common.NS('TestChannel') +
- '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00aaaa')])
- self.assertEqual(channel.id, 0)
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.localChannelID, 1)
- def test_sendRequest(self):
- """
- Test that channel request messages are sent in the right format.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- d = self.conn.sendRequest(channel, 'test', 'test', True)
- # needed to prevent errbacks during teardown.
- d.addErrback(lambda failure: None)
- self.conn.sendRequest(channel, 'test2', '', False)
- channel.localClosed = True # emulate sending a close message
- self.conn.sendRequest(channel, 'test3', '', True)
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, '\x00\x00\x00\xff' +
- common.NS('test') + '\x01test'),
- (connection.MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, '\x00\x00\x00\xff' +
- common.NS('test2') + '\x00')])
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.deferreds[0], [d])
- def test_adjustWindow(self):
- """
- Test that channel window adjust messages cause bytes to be added
- to the window.
- """
- channel = TestChannel(localWindow=5)
- self._openChannel(channel)
- channel.localWindowLeft = 0
- self.conn.adjustWindow(channel, 1)
- self.assertEqual(channel.localWindowLeft, 1)
- channel.localClosed = True
- self.conn.adjustWindow(channel, 2)
- self.assertEqual(channel.localWindowLeft, 1)
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST, '\x00\x00\x00\xff'
- '\x00\x00\x00\x01')])
- def test_sendData(self):
- """
- Test that channel data messages are sent in the right format.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- self.conn.sendData(channel, 'a')
- channel.localClosed = True
- self.conn.sendData(channel, 'b')
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_DATA, '\x00\x00\x00\xff' +
- common.NS('a'))])
- def test_sendExtendedData(self):
- """
- Test that channel extended data messages are sent in the right format.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- self.conn.sendExtendedData(channel, 1, 'test')
- channel.localClosed = True
- self.conn.sendExtendedData(channel, 2, 'test2')
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA, '\x00\x00\x00\xff' +
- '\x00\x00\x00\x01' + common.NS('test'))])
- def test_sendEOF(self):
- """
- Test that channel EOF messages are sent in the right format.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- self.conn.sendEOF(channel)
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_EOF, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')])
- channel.localClosed = True
- self.conn.sendEOF(channel)
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_EOF, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')])
- def test_sendClose(self):
- """
- Test that channel close messages are sent in the right format.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- self.conn.sendClose(channel)
- self.assertTrue(channel.localClosed)
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')])
- self.conn.sendClose(channel)
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.packets,
- [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')])
- channel2 = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel2)
- channel2.remoteClosed = True
- self.conn.sendClose(channel2)
- self.assertTrue(channel2.gotClosed)
- def test_getChannelWithAvatar(self):
- """
- Test that getChannel dispatches to the avatar when an avatar is
- present. Correct functioning without the avatar is verified in
- """
- channel = self.conn.getChannel('TestChannel', 50, 30, 'data')
- self.assertEqual(channel.data, 'data')
- self.assertEqual(channel.remoteWindowLeft, 50)
- self.assertEqual(channel.remoteMaxPacket, 30)
- self.assertRaises(error.ConchError, self.conn.getChannel,
- 'BadChannel', 50, 30, 'data')
- def test_gotGlobalRequestWithoutAvatar(self):
- """
- Test that gotGlobalRequests dispatches to global_* without an avatar.
- """
- del self.transport.avatar
- self.assertTrue(self.conn.gotGlobalRequest('TestGlobal', 'data'))
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.gotGlobalRequest('Test-Data', 'data'),
- (True, 'data'))
- self.assertFalse(self.conn.gotGlobalRequest('BadGlobal', 'data'))
- def test_channelClosedCausesLeftoverChannelDeferredsToErrback(self):
- """
- Whenever an SSH channel gets closed any Deferred that was returned by a
- sendRequest() on its parent connection must be errbacked.
- """
- channel = TestChannel()
- self._openChannel(channel)
- d = self.conn.sendRequest(
- channel, "dummyrequest", "dummydata", wantReply=1)
- d = self.assertFailure(d, error.ConchError)
- self.conn.channelClosed(channel)
- return d
-class TestCleanConnectionShutdown(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Check whether correct cleanup is performed on connection shutdown.
- """
- if test_userauth.transport is None:
- skip = "Cannot run without both PyCrypto and pyasn1"
- def setUp(self):
- self.transport = test_userauth.FakeTransport(None)
- self.transport.avatar = TestAvatar()
- self.conn = TestConnection()
- self.conn.transport = self.transport
- def test_serviceStoppedCausesLeftoverGlobalDeferredsToErrback(self):
- """
- Once the service is stopped any leftover global deferred returned by
- a sendGlobalRequest() call must be errbacked.
- """
- self.conn.serviceStarted()
- d = self.conn.sendGlobalRequest(
- "dummyrequest", "dummydata", wantReply=1)
- d = self.assertFailure(d, error.ConchError)
- self.conn.serviceStopped()
- return d
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_default.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_default.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 109f23d2..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_default.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.client.default}.
- import Crypto.Cipher.DES3
- import pyasn1
-except ImportError:
- skip = "PyCrypto and PyASN1 required for twisted.conch.client.default."
- from twisted.conch.client.agent import SSHAgentClient
- from twisted.conch.client.default import SSHUserAuthClient
- from twisted.conch.client.options import ConchOptions
- from twisted.conch.ssh.keys import Key
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.conch.test import keydata
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport
-class SSHUserAuthClientTest(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{SSHUserAuthClient}.
- @type rsaPublic: L{Key}
- @ivar rsaPublic: A public RSA key.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.rsaPublic = Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh)
- self.tmpdir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.tmpdir.makedirs()
- self.rsaFile = self.tmpdir.child('id_rsa')
- self.rsaFile.setContent(keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- self.tmpdir.child('id_rsa.pub').setContent(keydata.publicRSA_openssh)
- def test_signDataWithAgent(self):
- """
- When connected to an agent, L{SSHUserAuthClient} can use it to
- request signatures of particular data with a particular L{Key}.
- """
- client = SSHUserAuthClient("user", ConchOptions(), None)
- agent = SSHAgentClient()
- transport = StringTransport()
- agent.makeConnection(transport)
- client.keyAgent = agent
- cleartext = "Sign here"
- client.signData(self.rsaPublic, cleartext)
- self.assertEqual(
- transport.value(),
- "\x00\x00\x00\x8b\r\x00\x00\x00u" + self.rsaPublic.blob() +
- "\x00\x00\x00\t" + cleartext +
- "\x00\x00\x00\x00")
- def test_agentGetPublicKey(self):
- """
- L{SSHUserAuthClient} looks up public keys from the agent using the
- L{SSHAgentClient} class. That L{SSHAgentClient.getPublicKey} returns a
- L{Key} object with one of the public keys in the agent. If no more
- keys are present, it returns C{None}.
- """
- agent = SSHAgentClient()
- agent.blobs = [self.rsaPublic.blob()]
- key = agent.getPublicKey()
- self.assertEqual(key.isPublic(), True)
- self.assertEqual(key, self.rsaPublic)
- self.assertEqual(agent.getPublicKey(), None)
- def test_getPublicKeyFromFile(self):
- """
- L{SSHUserAuthClient.getPublicKey()} is able to get a public key from
- the first file described by its options' C{identitys} list, and return
- the corresponding public L{Key} object.
- """
- options = ConchOptions()
- options.identitys = [self.rsaFile.path]
- client = SSHUserAuthClient("user", options, None)
- key = client.getPublicKey()
- self.assertEqual(key.isPublic(), True)
- self.assertEqual(key, self.rsaPublic)
- def test_getPublicKeyAgentFallback(self):
- """
- If an agent is present, but doesn't return a key,
- L{SSHUserAuthClient.getPublicKey} continue with the normal key lookup.
- """
- options = ConchOptions()
- options.identitys = [self.rsaFile.path]
- agent = SSHAgentClient()
- client = SSHUserAuthClient("user", options, None)
- client.keyAgent = agent
- key = client.getPublicKey()
- self.assertEqual(key.isPublic(), True)
- self.assertEqual(key, self.rsaPublic)
- def test_getPublicKeyBadKeyError(self):
- """
- If L{keys.Key.fromFile} raises a L{keys.BadKeyError}, the
- L{SSHUserAuthClient.getPublicKey} tries again to get a public key by
- calling itself recursively.
- """
- options = ConchOptions()
- self.tmpdir.child('id_dsa.pub').setContent(keydata.publicDSA_openssh)
- dsaFile = self.tmpdir.child('id_dsa')
- dsaFile.setContent(keydata.privateDSA_openssh)
- options.identitys = [self.rsaFile.path, dsaFile.path]
- self.tmpdir.child('id_rsa.pub').setContent('not a key!')
- client = SSHUserAuthClient("user", options, None)
- key = client.getPublicKey()
- self.assertEqual(key.isPublic(), True)
- self.assertEqual(key, Key.fromString(keydata.publicDSA_openssh))
- self.assertEqual(client.usedFiles, [self.rsaFile.path, dsaFile.path])
- def test_getPrivateKey(self):
- """
- L{SSHUserAuthClient.getPrivateKey} will load a private key from the
- last used file populated by L{SSHUserAuthClient.getPublicKey}, and
- return a L{Deferred} which fires with the corresponding private L{Key}.
- """
- rsaPrivate = Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- options = ConchOptions()
- options.identitys = [self.rsaFile.path]
- client = SSHUserAuthClient("user", options, None)
- # Populate the list of used files
- client.getPublicKey()
- def _cbGetPrivateKey(key):
- self.assertEqual(key.isPublic(), False)
- self.assertEqual(key, rsaPrivate)
- return client.getPrivateKey().addCallback(_cbGetPrivateKey)
- def test_getPrivateKeyPassphrase(self):
- """
- L{SSHUserAuthClient} can get a private key from a file, and return a
- Deferred called back with a private L{Key} object, even if the key is
- encrypted.
- """
- rsaPrivate = Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- passphrase = 'this is the passphrase'
- self.rsaFile.setContent(rsaPrivate.toString('openssh', passphrase))
- options = ConchOptions()
- options.identitys = [self.rsaFile.path]
- client = SSHUserAuthClient("user", options, None)
- # Populate the list of used files
- client.getPublicKey()
- def _getPassword(prompt):
- self.assertEqual(prompt,
- "Enter passphrase for key '%s': " % (
- self.rsaFile.path,))
- return passphrase
- def _cbGetPrivateKey(key):
- self.assertEqual(key.isPublic(), False)
- self.assertEqual(key, rsaPrivate)
- self.patch(client, '_getPassword', _getPassword)
- return client.getPrivateKey().addCallback(_cbGetPrivateKey)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_filetransfer.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_filetransfer.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 38493317..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_filetransfer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,765 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_filetransfer -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE file for details.
-import os
-import re
-import struct
-import sys
-from twisted.trial import unittest
- from twisted.conch import unix
- unix # shut up pyflakes
-except ImportError:
- unix = None
- try:
- del sys.modules['twisted.conch.unix'] # remove the bad import
- except KeyError:
- # In Python 2.4, the bad import has already been cleaned up for us.
- # Hooray.
- pass
-from twisted.conch import avatar
-from twisted.conch.ssh import common, connection, filetransfer, session
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.protocols import loopback
-from twisted.python import components
-class TestAvatar(avatar.ConchUser):
- def __init__(self):
- avatar.ConchUser.__init__(self)
- self.channelLookup['session'] = session.SSHSession
- self.subsystemLookup['sftp'] = filetransfer.FileTransferServer
- def _runAsUser(self, f, *args, **kw):
- try:
- f = iter(f)
- except TypeError:
- f = [(f, args, kw)]
- for i in f:
- func = i[0]
- args = len(i)>1 and i[1] or ()
- kw = len(i)>2 and i[2] or {}
- r = func(*args, **kw)
- return r
-class FileTransferTestAvatar(TestAvatar):
- def __init__(self, homeDir):
- TestAvatar.__init__(self)
- self.homeDir = homeDir
- def getHomeDir(self):
- return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.homeDir)
-class ConchSessionForTestAvatar:
- def __init__(self, avatar):
- self.avatar = avatar
-if unix:
- if not hasattr(unix, 'SFTPServerForUnixConchUser'):
- # unix should either be a fully working module, or None. I'm not sure
- # how this happens, but on win32 it does. Try to cope. --spiv.
- import warnings
- warnings.warn(("twisted.conch.unix imported %r, "
- "but doesn't define SFTPServerForUnixConchUser'")
- % (unix,))
- unix = None
- else:
- class FileTransferForTestAvatar(unix.SFTPServerForUnixConchUser):
- def gotVersion(self, version, otherExt):
- return {'conchTest' : 'ext data'}
- def extendedRequest(self, extName, extData):
- if extName == 'testExtendedRequest':
- return 'bar'
- raise NotImplementedError
- components.registerAdapter(FileTransferForTestAvatar,
- TestAvatar,
- filetransfer.ISFTPServer)
-class SFTPTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.testDir = self.mktemp()
- # Give the testDir another level so we can safely "cd .." from it in
- # tests.
- self.testDir = os.path.join(self.testDir, 'extra')
- os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'testDirectory'))
- f = file(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'testfile1'),'w')
- f.write('a'*10+'b'*10)
- f.write(file('/dev/urandom').read(1024*64)) # random data
- os.chmod(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'testfile1'), 0644)
- file(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'testRemoveFile'), 'w').write('a')
- file(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'testRenameFile'), 'w').write('a')
- file(os.path.join(self.testDir, '.testHiddenFile'), 'w').write('a')
-class TestOurServerOurClient(SFTPTestBase):
- if not unix:
- skip = "can't run on non-posix computers"
- def setUp(self):
- SFTPTestBase.setUp(self)
- self.avatar = FileTransferTestAvatar(self.testDir)
- self.server = filetransfer.FileTransferServer(avatar=self.avatar)
- clientTransport = loopback.LoopbackRelay(self.server)
- self.client = filetransfer.FileTransferClient()
- self._serverVersion = None
- self._extData = None
- def _(serverVersion, extData):
- self._serverVersion = serverVersion
- self._extData = extData
- self.client.gotServerVersion = _
- serverTransport = loopback.LoopbackRelay(self.client)
- self.client.makeConnection(clientTransport)
- self.server.makeConnection(serverTransport)
- self.clientTransport = clientTransport
- self.serverTransport = serverTransport
- self._emptyBuffers()
- def _emptyBuffers(self):
- while self.serverTransport.buffer or self.clientTransport.buffer:
- self.serverTransport.clearBuffer()
- self.clientTransport.clearBuffer()
- def tearDown(self):
- self.serverTransport.loseConnection()
- self.clientTransport.loseConnection()
- self.serverTransport.clearBuffer()
- self.clientTransport.clearBuffer()
- def testServerVersion(self):
- self.assertEqual(self._serverVersion, 3)
- self.assertEqual(self._extData, {'conchTest' : 'ext data'})
- def test_openedFileClosedWithConnection(self):
- """
- A file opened with C{openFile} is close when the connection is lost.
- """
- d = self.client.openFile("testfile1", filetransfer.FXF_READ |
- filetransfer.FXF_WRITE, {})
- self._emptyBuffers()
- oldClose = os.close
- closed = []
- def close(fd):
- closed.append(fd)
- oldClose(fd)
- self.patch(os, "close", close)
- def _fileOpened(openFile):
- fd = self.server.openFiles[openFile.handle[4:]].fd
- self.serverTransport.loseConnection()
- self.clientTransport.loseConnection()
- self.serverTransport.clearBuffer()
- self.clientTransport.clearBuffer()
- self.assertEqual(self.server.openFiles, {})
- self.assertIn(fd, closed)
- d.addCallback(_fileOpened)
- return d
- def test_openedDirectoryClosedWithConnection(self):
- """
- A directory opened with C{openDirectory} is close when the connection
- is lost.
- """
- d = self.client.openDirectory('')
- self._emptyBuffers()
- def _getFiles(openDir):
- self.serverTransport.loseConnection()
- self.clientTransport.loseConnection()
- self.serverTransport.clearBuffer()
- self.clientTransport.clearBuffer()
- self.assertEqual(self.server.openDirs, {})
- d.addCallback(_getFiles)
- return d
- def testOpenFileIO(self):
- d = self.client.openFile("testfile1", filetransfer.FXF_READ |
- filetransfer.FXF_WRITE, {})
- self._emptyBuffers()
- def _fileOpened(openFile):
- self.assertEqual(openFile, filetransfer.ISFTPFile(openFile))
- d = _readChunk(openFile)
- d.addCallback(_writeChunk, openFile)
- return d
- def _readChunk(openFile):
- d = openFile.readChunk(0, 20)
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, 'a'*10 + 'b'*10)
- return d
- def _writeChunk(_, openFile):
- d = openFile.writeChunk(20, 'c'*10)
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(_readChunk2, openFile)
- return d
- def _readChunk2(_, openFile):
- d = openFile.readChunk(0, 30)
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, 'a'*10 + 'b'*10 + 'c'*10)
- return d
- d.addCallback(_fileOpened)
- return d
- def testClosedFileGetAttrs(self):
- d = self.client.openFile("testfile1", filetransfer.FXF_READ |
- filetransfer.FXF_WRITE, {})
- self._emptyBuffers()
- def _getAttrs(_, openFile):
- d = openFile.getAttrs()
- self._emptyBuffers()
- return d
- def _err(f):
- self.flushLoggedErrors()
- return f
- def _close(openFile):
- d = openFile.close()
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(_getAttrs, openFile)
- d.addErrback(_err)
- return self.assertFailure(d, filetransfer.SFTPError)
- d.addCallback(_close)
- return d
- def testOpenFileAttributes(self):
- d = self.client.openFile("testfile1", filetransfer.FXF_READ |
- filetransfer.FXF_WRITE, {})
- self._emptyBuffers()
- def _getAttrs(openFile):
- d = openFile.getAttrs()
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(_getAttrs2)
- return d
- def _getAttrs2(attrs1):
- d = self.client.getAttrs('testfile1')
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, attrs1)
- return d
- return d.addCallback(_getAttrs)
- def testOpenFileSetAttrs(self):
- # XXX test setAttrs
- # Ok, how about this for a start? It caught a bug :) -- spiv.
- d = self.client.openFile("testfile1", filetransfer.FXF_READ |
- filetransfer.FXF_WRITE, {})
- self._emptyBuffers()
- def _getAttrs(openFile):
- d = openFile.getAttrs()
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(_setAttrs)
- return d
- def _setAttrs(attrs):
- attrs['atime'] = 0
- d = self.client.setAttrs('testfile1', attrs)
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(_getAttrs2)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, attrs)
- return d
- def _getAttrs2(_):
- d = self.client.getAttrs('testfile1')
- self._emptyBuffers()
- return d
- d.addCallback(_getAttrs)
- return d
- def test_openFileExtendedAttributes(self):
- """
- Check that L{filetransfer.FileTransferClient.openFile} can send
- extended attributes, that should be extracted server side. By default,
- they are ignored, so we just verify they are correctly parsed.
- """
- savedAttributes = {}
- oldOpenFile = self.server.client.openFile
- def openFile(filename, flags, attrs):
- savedAttributes.update(attrs)
- return oldOpenFile(filename, flags, attrs)
- self.server.client.openFile = openFile
- d = self.client.openFile("testfile1", filetransfer.FXF_READ |
- filetransfer.FXF_WRITE, {"ext_foo": "bar"})
- self._emptyBuffers()
- def check(ign):
- self.assertEqual(savedAttributes, {"ext_foo": "bar"})
- return d.addCallback(check)
- def testRemoveFile(self):
- d = self.client.getAttrs("testRemoveFile")
- self._emptyBuffers()
- def _removeFile(ignored):
- d = self.client.removeFile("testRemoveFile")
- self._emptyBuffers()
- return d
- d.addCallback(_removeFile)
- d.addCallback(_removeFile)
- return self.assertFailure(d, filetransfer.SFTPError)
- def testRenameFile(self):
- d = self.client.getAttrs("testRenameFile")
- self._emptyBuffers()
- def _rename(attrs):
- d = self.client.renameFile("testRenameFile", "testRenamedFile")
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(_testRenamed, attrs)
- return d
- def _testRenamed(_, attrs):
- d = self.client.getAttrs("testRenamedFile")
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, attrs)
- return d.addCallback(_rename)
- def testDirectoryBad(self):
- d = self.client.getAttrs("testMakeDirectory")
- self._emptyBuffers()
- return self.assertFailure(d, filetransfer.SFTPError)
- def testDirectoryCreation(self):
- d = self.client.makeDirectory("testMakeDirectory", {})
- self._emptyBuffers()
- def _getAttrs(_):
- d = self.client.getAttrs("testMakeDirectory")
- self._emptyBuffers()
- return d
- # XXX not until version 4/5
- # self.assertEqual(filetransfer.FILEXFER_TYPE_DIRECTORY&attrs['type'],
- def _removeDirectory(_):
- d = self.client.removeDirectory("testMakeDirectory")
- self._emptyBuffers()
- return d
- d.addCallback(_getAttrs)
- d.addCallback(_removeDirectory)
- d.addCallback(_getAttrs)
- return self.assertFailure(d, filetransfer.SFTPError)
- def testOpenDirectory(self):
- d = self.client.openDirectory('')
- self._emptyBuffers()
- files = []
- def _getFiles(openDir):
- def append(f):
- files.append(f)
- return openDir
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(openDir.next)
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(append)
- d.addCallback(_getFiles)
- d.addErrback(_close, openDir)
- return d
- def _checkFiles(ignored):
- fs = list(zip(*files)[0])
- fs.sort()
- self.assertEqual(fs,
- ['.testHiddenFile', 'testDirectory',
- 'testRemoveFile', 'testRenameFile',
- 'testfile1'])
- def _close(_, openDir):
- d = openDir.close()
- self._emptyBuffers()
- return d
- d.addCallback(_getFiles)
- d.addCallback(_checkFiles)
- return d
- def testLinkDoesntExist(self):
- d = self.client.getAttrs('testLink')
- self._emptyBuffers()
- return self.assertFailure(d, filetransfer.SFTPError)
- def testLinkSharesAttrs(self):
- d = self.client.makeLink('testLink', 'testfile1')
- self._emptyBuffers()
- def _getFirstAttrs(_):
- d = self.client.getAttrs('testLink', 1)
- self._emptyBuffers()
- return d
- def _getSecondAttrs(firstAttrs):
- d = self.client.getAttrs('testfile1')
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, firstAttrs)
- return d
- d.addCallback(_getFirstAttrs)
- return d.addCallback(_getSecondAttrs)
- def testLinkPath(self):
- d = self.client.makeLink('testLink', 'testfile1')
- self._emptyBuffers()
- def _readLink(_):
- d = self.client.readLink('testLink')
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual,
- os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.testDir, 'testfile1'))
- return d
- def _realPath(_):
- d = self.client.realPath('testLink')
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual,
- os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.testDir, 'testfile1'))
- return d
- d.addCallback(_readLink)
- d.addCallback(_realPath)
- return d
- def testExtendedRequest(self):
- d = self.client.extendedRequest('testExtendedRequest', 'foo')
- self._emptyBuffers()
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, 'bar')
- d.addCallback(self._cbTestExtendedRequest)
- return d
- def _cbTestExtendedRequest(self, ignored):
- d = self.client.extendedRequest('testBadRequest', '')
- self._emptyBuffers()
- return self.assertFailure(d, NotImplementedError)
-class FakeConn:
- def sendClose(self, channel):
- pass
-class TestFileTransferClose(unittest.TestCase):
- if not unix:
- skip = "can't run on non-posix computers"
- def setUp(self):
- self.avatar = TestAvatar()
- def buildServerConnection(self):
- # make a server connection
- conn = connection.SSHConnection()
- # server connections have a 'self.transport.avatar'.
- class DummyTransport:
- def __init__(self):
- self.transport = self
- def sendPacket(self, kind, data):
- pass
- def logPrefix(self):
- return 'dummy transport'
- conn.transport = DummyTransport()
- conn.transport.avatar = self.avatar
- return conn
- def interceptConnectionLost(self, sftpServer):
- self.connectionLostFired = False
- origConnectionLost = sftpServer.connectionLost
- def connectionLost(reason):
- self.connectionLostFired = True
- origConnectionLost(reason)
- sftpServer.connectionLost = connectionLost
- def assertSFTPConnectionLost(self):
- self.assertTrue(self.connectionLostFired,
- "sftpServer's connectionLost was not called")
- def test_sessionClose(self):
- """
- Closing a session should notify an SFTP subsystem launched by that
- session.
- """
- # make a session
- testSession = session.SSHSession(conn=FakeConn(), avatar=self.avatar)
- # start an SFTP subsystem on the session
- testSession.request_subsystem(common.NS('sftp'))
- sftpServer = testSession.client.transport.proto
- # intercept connectionLost so we can check that it's called
- self.interceptConnectionLost(sftpServer)
- # close session
- testSession.closeReceived()
- self.assertSFTPConnectionLost()
- def test_clientClosesChannelOnConnnection(self):
- """
- A client sending CHANNEL_CLOSE should trigger closeReceived on the
- associated channel instance.
- """
- conn = self.buildServerConnection()
- # somehow get a session
- packet = common.NS('session') + struct.pack('>L', 0) * 3
- conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN(packet)
- sessionChannel = conn.channels[0]
- sessionChannel.request_subsystem(common.NS('sftp'))
- sftpServer = sessionChannel.client.transport.proto
- self.interceptConnectionLost(sftpServer)
- # intercept closeReceived
- self.interceptConnectionLost(sftpServer)
- # close the connection
- conn.ssh_CHANNEL_CLOSE(struct.pack('>L', 0))
- self.assertSFTPConnectionLost()
- def test_stopConnectionServiceClosesChannel(self):
- """
- Closing an SSH connection should close all sessions within it.
- """
- conn = self.buildServerConnection()
- # somehow get a session
- packet = common.NS('session') + struct.pack('>L', 0) * 3
- conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN(packet)
- sessionChannel = conn.channels[0]
- sessionChannel.request_subsystem(common.NS('sftp'))
- sftpServer = sessionChannel.client.transport.proto
- self.interceptConnectionLost(sftpServer)
- # close the connection
- conn.serviceStopped()
- self.assertSFTPConnectionLost()
-class TestConstants(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the constants used by the SFTP protocol implementation.
- @ivar filexferSpecExcerpts: Excerpts from the
- draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-02.txt (draft) specification of the SFTP
- protocol. There are more recent drafts of the specification, but this
- one describes version 3, which is what conch (and OpenSSH) implements.
- """
- filexferSpecExcerpts = [
- """
- The following values are defined for packet types.
- #define SSH_FXP_INIT 1
- #define SSH_FXP_VERSION 2
- #define SSH_FXP_OPEN 3
- #define SSH_FXP_CLOSE 4
- #define SSH_FXP_READ 5
- #define SSH_FXP_WRITE 6
- #define SSH_FXP_LSTAT 7
- #define SSH_FXP_FSTAT 8
- #define SSH_FXP_SETSTAT 9
- #define SSH_FXP_FSETSTAT 10
- #define SSH_FXP_OPENDIR 11
- #define SSH_FXP_READDIR 12
- #define SSH_FXP_REMOVE 13
- #define SSH_FXP_MKDIR 14
- #define SSH_FXP_RMDIR 15
- #define SSH_FXP_REALPATH 16
- #define SSH_FXP_STAT 17
- #define SSH_FXP_RENAME 18
- #define SSH_FXP_READLINK 19
- #define SSH_FXP_SYMLINK 20
- #define SSH_FXP_STATUS 101
- #define SSH_FXP_HANDLE 102
- #define SSH_FXP_DATA 103
- #define SSH_FXP_NAME 104
- #define SSH_FXP_ATTRS 105
- #define SSH_FXP_EXTENDED 200
- Additional packet types should only be defined if the protocol
- version number (see Section ``Protocol Initialization'') is
- incremented, and their use MUST be negotiated using the version
- packets can be used to implement vendor-specific extensions. See
- Section ``Vendor-Specific-Extensions'' for more details.
- """,
- """
- The flags bits are defined to have the following values:
- #define SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_SIZE 0x00000001
- #define SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_UIDGID 0x00000002
- #define SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_ACMODTIME 0x00000008
- #define SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_EXTENDED 0x80000000
- """,
- """
- The `pflags' field is a bitmask. The following bits have been
- defined.
- #define SSH_FXF_READ 0x00000001
- #define SSH_FXF_WRITE 0x00000002
- #define SSH_FXF_APPEND 0x00000004
- #define SSH_FXF_CREAT 0x00000008
- #define SSH_FXF_TRUNC 0x00000010
- #define SSH_FXF_EXCL 0x00000020
- """,
- """
- Currently, the following values are defined (other values may be
- defined by future versions of this protocol):
- #define SSH_FX_OK 0
- #define SSH_FX_EOF 1
- #define SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE 2
- #define SSH_FX_FAILURE 4
- #define SSH_FX_BAD_MESSAGE 5
- """]
- def test_constantsAgainstSpec(self):
- """
- The constants used by the SFTP protocol implementation match those
- found by searching through the spec.
- """
- constants = {}
- for excerpt in self.filexferSpecExcerpts:
- for line in excerpt.splitlines():
- m = re.match('^\s*#define SSH_([A-Z_]+)\s+([0-9x]*)\s*$', line)
- if m:
- constants[m.group(1)] = long(m.group(2), 0)
- self.assertTrue(
- len(constants) > 0, "No constants found (the test must be buggy).")
- for k, v in constants.items():
- self.assertEqual(v, getattr(filetransfer, k))
-class TestRawPacketData(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{filetransfer.FileTransferClient} which explicitly craft certain
- less common protocol messages to exercise their handling.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.ftc = filetransfer.FileTransferClient()
- def test_packetSTATUS(self):
- """
- A STATUS packet containing a result code, a message, and a language is
- parsed to produce the result of an outstanding request L{Deferred}.
- @see: U{section 9.1<http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-9.1>}
- of the SFTP Internet-Draft.
- """
- d = defer.Deferred()
- d.addCallback(self._cbTestPacketSTATUS)
- self.ftc.openRequests[1] = d
- data = struct.pack('!LL', 1, filetransfer.FX_OK) + common.NS('msg') + common.NS('lang')
- self.ftc.packet_STATUS(data)
- return d
- def _cbTestPacketSTATUS(self, result):
- """
- Assert that the result is a two-tuple containing the message and
- language from the STATUS packet.
- """
- self.assertEqual(result[0], 'msg')
- self.assertEqual(result[1], 'lang')
- def test_packetSTATUSShort(self):
- """
- A STATUS packet containing only a result code can also be parsed to
- produce the result of an outstanding request L{Deferred}. Such packets
- are sent by some SFTP implementations, though not strictly legal.
- @see: U{section 9.1<http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-9.1>}
- of the SFTP Internet-Draft.
- """
- d = defer.Deferred()
- d.addCallback(self._cbTestPacketSTATUSShort)
- self.ftc.openRequests[1] = d
- data = struct.pack('!LL', 1, filetransfer.FX_OK)
- self.ftc.packet_STATUS(data)
- return d
- def _cbTestPacketSTATUSShort(self, result):
- """
- Assert that the result is a two-tuple containing empty strings, since
- the STATUS packet had neither a message nor a language.
- """
- self.assertEqual(result[0], '')
- self.assertEqual(result[1], '')
- def test_packetSTATUSWithoutLang(self):
- """
- A STATUS packet containing a result code and a message but no language
- can also be parsed to produce the result of an outstanding request
- L{Deferred}. Such packets are sent by some SFTP implementations, though
- not strictly legal.
- @see: U{section 9.1<http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-9.1>}
- of the SFTP Internet-Draft.
- """
- d = defer.Deferred()
- d.addCallback(self._cbTestPacketSTATUSWithoutLang)
- self.ftc.openRequests[1] = d
- data = struct.pack('!LL', 1, filetransfer.FX_OK) + common.NS('msg')
- self.ftc.packet_STATUS(data)
- return d
- def _cbTestPacketSTATUSWithoutLang(self, result):
- """
- Assert that the result is a two-tuple containing the message from the
- STATUS packet and an empty string, since the language was missing.
- """
- self.assertEqual(result[0], 'msg')
- self.assertEqual(result[1], '')
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_helper.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_helper.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 7064d03b..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_helper.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_helper -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from twisted.conch.insults import helper
-from twisted.conch.insults.insults import G0, G1, G2, G3
-from twisted.conch.insults.insults import modes, privateModes
-from twisted.conch.insults.insults import NORMAL, BOLD, UNDERLINE, BLINK, REVERSE_VIDEO
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-WIDTH = 80
-HEIGHT = 24
-class BufferTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.term = helper.TerminalBuffer()
- self.term.connectionMade()
- def testInitialState(self):
- self.assertEqual(self.term.width, WIDTH)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.height, HEIGHT)
- self.assertEqual(str(self.term),
- '\n' * (HEIGHT - 1))
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 0))
- def test_initialPrivateModes(self):
- """
- Verify that only DEC Auto Wrap Mode (DECAWM) and DEC Text Cursor Enable
- Mode (DECTCEM) are initially in the Set Mode (SM) state.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- {privateModes.AUTO_WRAP: True,
- privateModes.CURSOR_MODE: True},
- self.term.privateModes)
- def test_carriageReturn(self):
- """
- C{"\r"} moves the cursor to the first column in the current row.
- """
- self.term.cursorForward(5)
- self.term.cursorDown(3)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (5, 3))
- self.term.insertAtCursor("\r")
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 3))
- def test_linefeed(self):
- """
- C{"\n"} moves the cursor to the next row without changing the column.
- """
- self.term.cursorForward(5)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (5, 0))
- self.term.insertAtCursor("\n")
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (5, 1))
- def test_newline(self):
- """
- C{write} transforms C{"\n"} into C{"\r\n"}.
- """
- self.term.cursorForward(5)
- self.term.cursorDown(3)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (5, 3))
- self.term.write("\n")
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 4))
- def test_setPrivateModes(self):
- """
- Verify that L{helper.TerminalBuffer.setPrivateModes} changes the Set
- Mode (SM) state to "set" for the private modes it is passed.
- """
- expected = self.term.privateModes.copy()
- self.term.setPrivateModes([privateModes.SCROLL, privateModes.SCREEN])
- expected[privateModes.SCROLL] = True
- expected[privateModes.SCREEN] = True
- self.assertEqual(expected, self.term.privateModes)
- def test_resetPrivateModes(self):
- """
- Verify that L{helper.TerminalBuffer.resetPrivateModes} changes the Set
- Mode (SM) state to "reset" for the private modes it is passed.
- """
- expected = self.term.privateModes.copy()
- self.term.resetPrivateModes([privateModes.AUTO_WRAP, privateModes.CURSOR_MODE])
- del expected[privateModes.AUTO_WRAP]
- del expected[privateModes.CURSOR_MODE]
- self.assertEqual(expected, self.term.privateModes)
- def testCursorDown(self):
- self.term.cursorDown(3)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 3))
- self.term.cursorDown()
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 4))
- self.term.cursorDown(HEIGHT)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, HEIGHT - 1))
- def testCursorUp(self):
- self.term.cursorUp(5)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 0))
- self.term.cursorDown(20)
- self.term.cursorUp(1)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 19))
- self.term.cursorUp(19)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 0))
- def testCursorForward(self):
- self.term.cursorForward(2)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (2, 0))
- self.term.cursorForward(2)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (4, 0))
- self.term.cursorForward(WIDTH)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (WIDTH, 0))
- def testCursorBackward(self):
- self.term.cursorForward(10)
- self.term.cursorBackward(2)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (8, 0))
- self.term.cursorBackward(7)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (1, 0))
- self.term.cursorBackward(1)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 0))
- self.term.cursorBackward(1)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 0))
- def testCursorPositioning(self):
- self.term.cursorPosition(3, 9)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (3, 9))
- def testSimpleWriting(self):
- s = "Hello, world."
- self.term.write(s)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(self.term),
- s + '\n' +
- '\n' * (HEIGHT - 2))
- def testOvertype(self):
- s = "hello, world."
- self.term.write(s)
- self.term.cursorBackward(len(s))
- self.term.resetModes([modes.IRM])
- self.term.write("H")
- self.assertEqual(
- str(self.term),
- ("H" + s[1:]) + '\n' +
- '\n' * (HEIGHT - 2))
- def testInsert(self):
- s = "ello, world."
- self.term.write(s)
- self.term.cursorBackward(len(s))
- self.term.setModes([modes.IRM])
- self.term.write("H")
- self.assertEqual(
- str(self.term),
- ("H" + s) + '\n' +
- '\n' * (HEIGHT - 2))
- def testWritingInTheMiddle(self):
- s = "Hello, world."
- self.term.cursorDown(5)
- self.term.cursorForward(5)
- self.term.write(s)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(self.term),
- '\n' * 5 +
- (self.term.fill * 5) + s + '\n' +
- '\n' * (HEIGHT - 7))
- def testWritingWrappedAtEndOfLine(self):
- s = "Hello, world."
- self.term.cursorForward(WIDTH - 5)
- self.term.write(s)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(self.term),
- s[:5].rjust(WIDTH) + '\n' +
- s[5:] + '\n' +
- '\n' * (HEIGHT - 3))
- def testIndex(self):
- self.term.index()
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 1))
- self.term.cursorDown(HEIGHT)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, HEIGHT - 1))
- self.term.index()
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, HEIGHT - 1))
- def testReverseIndex(self):
- self.term.reverseIndex()
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 0))
- self.term.cursorDown(2)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 2))
- self.term.reverseIndex()
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 1))
- def test_nextLine(self):
- """
- C{nextLine} positions the cursor at the beginning of the row below the
- current row.
- """
- self.term.nextLine()
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 1))
- self.term.cursorForward(5)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (5, 1))
- self.term.nextLine()
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (0, 2))
- def testSaveCursor(self):
- self.term.cursorDown(5)
- self.term.cursorForward(7)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (7, 5))
- self.term.saveCursor()
- self.term.cursorDown(7)
- self.term.cursorBackward(3)
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (4, 12))
- self.term.restoreCursor()
- self.assertEqual(self.term.reportCursorPosition(), (7, 5))
- def testSingleShifts(self):
- self.term.singleShift2()
- self.term.write('Hi')
- ch = self.term.getCharacter(0, 0)
- self.assertEqual(ch[0], 'H')
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].charset, G2)
- ch = self.term.getCharacter(1, 0)
- self.assertEqual(ch[0], 'i')
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].charset, G0)
- self.term.singleShift3()
- self.term.write('!!')
- ch = self.term.getCharacter(2, 0)
- self.assertEqual(ch[0], '!')
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].charset, G3)
- ch = self.term.getCharacter(3, 0)
- self.assertEqual(ch[0], '!')
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].charset, G0)
- def testShifting(self):
- s1 = "Hello"
- s2 = "World"
- s3 = "Bye!"
- self.term.write("Hello\n")
- self.term.shiftOut()
- self.term.write("World\n")
- self.term.shiftIn()
- self.term.write("Bye!\n")
- g = G0
- h = 0
- for s in (s1, s2, s3):
- for i in range(len(s)):
- ch = self.term.getCharacter(i, h)
- self.assertEqual(ch[0], s[i])
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].charset, g)
- g = g == G0 and G1 or G0
- h += 1
- def testGraphicRendition(self):
- self.term.selectGraphicRendition(BOLD, UNDERLINE, BLINK, REVERSE_VIDEO)
- self.term.write('W')
- self.term.selectGraphicRendition(NORMAL)
- self.term.write('X')
- self.term.selectGraphicRendition(BLINK)
- self.term.write('Y')
- self.term.selectGraphicRendition(BOLD)
- self.term.write('Z')
- ch = self.term.getCharacter(0, 0)
- self.assertEqual(ch[0], 'W')
- self.failUnless(ch[1].bold)
- self.failUnless(ch[1].underline)
- self.failUnless(ch[1].blink)
- self.failUnless(ch[1].reverseVideo)
- ch = self.term.getCharacter(1, 0)
- self.assertEqual(ch[0], 'X')
- self.failIf(ch[1].bold)
- self.failIf(ch[1].underline)
- self.failIf(ch[1].blink)
- self.failIf(ch[1].reverseVideo)
- ch = self.term.getCharacter(2, 0)
- self.assertEqual(ch[0], 'Y')
- self.failUnless(ch[1].blink)
- self.failIf(ch[1].bold)
- self.failIf(ch[1].underline)
- self.failIf(ch[1].reverseVideo)
- ch = self.term.getCharacter(3, 0)
- self.assertEqual(ch[0], 'Z')
- self.failUnless(ch[1].blink)
- self.failUnless(ch[1].bold)
- self.failIf(ch[1].underline)
- self.failIf(ch[1].reverseVideo)
- def testColorAttributes(self):
- s1 = "Merry xmas"
- s2 = "Just kidding"
- self.term.selectGraphicRendition(helper.FOREGROUND + helper.RED,
- helper.BACKGROUND + helper.GREEN)
- self.term.write(s1 + "\n")
- self.term.selectGraphicRendition(NORMAL)
- self.term.write(s2 + "\n")
- for i in range(len(s1)):
- ch = self.term.getCharacter(i, 0)
- self.assertEqual(ch[0], s1[i])
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].charset, G0)
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].bold, False)
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].underline, False)
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].blink, False)
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].reverseVideo, False)
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].foreground, helper.RED)
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].background, helper.GREEN)
- for i in range(len(s2)):
- ch = self.term.getCharacter(i, 1)
- self.assertEqual(ch[0], s2[i])
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].charset, G0)
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].bold, False)
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].underline, False)
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].blink, False)
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].reverseVideo, False)
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].foreground, helper.WHITE)
- self.assertEqual(ch[1].background, helper.BLACK)
- def testEraseLine(self):
- s1 = 'line 1'
- s2 = 'line 2'
- s3 = 'line 3'
- self.term.write('\n'.join((s1, s2, s3)) + '\n')
- self.term.cursorPosition(1, 1)
- self.term.eraseLine()
- self.assertEqual(
- str(self.term),
- s1 + '\n' +
- '\n' +
- s3 + '\n' +
- '\n' * (HEIGHT - 4))
- def testEraseToLineEnd(self):
- s = 'Hello, world.'
- self.term.write(s)
- self.term.cursorBackward(5)
- self.term.eraseToLineEnd()
- self.assertEqual(
- str(self.term),
- s[:-5] + '\n' +
- '\n' * (HEIGHT - 2))
- def testEraseToLineBeginning(self):
- s = 'Hello, world.'
- self.term.write(s)
- self.term.cursorBackward(5)
- self.term.eraseToLineBeginning()
- self.assertEqual(
- str(self.term),
- s[-4:].rjust(len(s)) + '\n' +
- '\n' * (HEIGHT - 2))
- def testEraseDisplay(self):
- self.term.write('Hello world\n')
- self.term.write('Goodbye world\n')
- self.term.eraseDisplay()
- self.assertEqual(
- str(self.term),
- '\n' * (HEIGHT - 1))
- def testEraseToDisplayEnd(self):
- s1 = "Hello world"
- s2 = "Goodbye world"
- self.term.write('\n'.join((s1, s2, '')))
- self.term.cursorPosition(5, 1)
- self.term.eraseToDisplayEnd()
- self.assertEqual(
- str(self.term),
- s1 + '\n' +
- s2[:5] + '\n' +
- '\n' * (HEIGHT - 3))
- def testEraseToDisplayBeginning(self):
- s1 = "Hello world"
- s2 = "Goodbye world"
- self.term.write('\n'.join((s1, s2)))
- self.term.cursorPosition(5, 1)
- self.term.eraseToDisplayBeginning()
- self.assertEqual(
- str(self.term),
- '\n' +
- s2[6:].rjust(len(s2)) + '\n' +
- '\n' * (HEIGHT - 3))
- def testLineInsertion(self):
- s1 = "Hello world"
- s2 = "Goodbye world"
- self.term.write('\n'.join((s1, s2)))
- self.term.cursorPosition(7, 1)
- self.term.insertLine()
- self.assertEqual(
- str(self.term),
- s1 + '\n' +
- '\n' +
- s2 + '\n' +
- '\n' * (HEIGHT - 4))
- def testLineDeletion(self):
- s1 = "Hello world"
- s2 = "Middle words"
- s3 = "Goodbye world"
- self.term.write('\n'.join((s1, s2, s3)))
- self.term.cursorPosition(9, 1)
- self.term.deleteLine()
- self.assertEqual(
- str(self.term),
- s1 + '\n' +
- s3 + '\n' +
- '\n' * (HEIGHT - 3))
-class FakeDelayedCall:
- called = False
- cancelled = False
- def __init__(self, fs, timeout, f, a, kw):
- self.fs = fs
- self.timeout = timeout
- self.f = f
- self.a = a
- self.kw = kw
- def active(self):
- return not (self.cancelled or self.called)
- def cancel(self):
- self.cancelled = True
-# self.fs.calls.remove(self)
- def call(self):
- self.called = True
- self.f(*self.a, **self.kw)
-class FakeScheduler:
- def __init__(self):
- self.calls = []
- def callLater(self, timeout, f, *a, **kw):
- self.calls.append(FakeDelayedCall(self, timeout, f, a, kw))
- return self.calls[-1]
-class ExpectTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.term = helper.ExpectableBuffer()
- self.term.connectionMade()
- self.fs = FakeScheduler()
- def testSimpleString(self):
- result = []
- d = self.term.expect("hello world", timeout=1, scheduler=self.fs)
- d.addCallback(result.append)
- self.term.write("greeting puny earthlings\n")
- self.failIf(result)
- self.term.write("hello world\n")
- self.failUnless(result)
- self.assertEqual(result[0].group(), "hello world")
- self.assertEqual(len(self.fs.calls), 1)
- self.failIf(self.fs.calls[0].active())
- def testBrokenUpString(self):
- result = []
- d = self.term.expect("hello world")
- d.addCallback(result.append)
- self.failIf(result)
- self.term.write("hello ")
- self.failIf(result)
- self.term.write("worl")
- self.failIf(result)
- self.term.write("d")
- self.failUnless(result)
- self.assertEqual(result[0].group(), "hello world")
- def testMultiple(self):
- result = []
- d1 = self.term.expect("hello ")
- d1.addCallback(result.append)
- d2 = self.term.expect("world")
- d2.addCallback(result.append)
- self.failIf(result)
- self.term.write("hello")
- self.failIf(result)
- self.term.write(" ")
- self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
- self.term.write("world")
- self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)
- self.assertEqual(result[0].group(), "hello ")
- self.assertEqual(result[1].group(), "world")
- def testSynchronous(self):
- self.term.write("hello world")
- result = []
- d = self.term.expect("hello world")
- d.addCallback(result.append)
- self.failUnless(result)
- self.assertEqual(result[0].group(), "hello world")
- def testMultipleSynchronous(self):
- self.term.write("goodbye world")
- result = []
- d1 = self.term.expect("bye")
- d1.addCallback(result.append)
- d2 = self.term.expect("world")
- d2.addCallback(result.append)
- self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)
- self.assertEqual(result[0].group(), "bye")
- self.assertEqual(result[1].group(), "world")
- def _cbTestTimeoutFailure(self, res):
- self.assert_(hasattr(res, 'type'))
- self.assertEqual(res.type, helper.ExpectationTimeout)
- def testTimeoutFailure(self):
- d = self.term.expect("hello world", timeout=1, scheduler=self.fs)
- d.addBoth(self._cbTestTimeoutFailure)
- self.fs.calls[0].call()
- def testOverlappingTimeout(self):
- self.term.write("not zoomtastic")
- result = []
- d1 = self.term.expect("hello world", timeout=1, scheduler=self.fs)
- d1.addBoth(self._cbTestTimeoutFailure)
- d2 = self.term.expect("zoom")
- d2.addCallback(result.append)
- self.fs.calls[0].call()
- self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
- self.assertEqual(result[0].group(), "zoom")
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_insults.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_insults.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f313b5ec..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_insults.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_insults -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport
-from twisted.conch.insults.insults import ServerProtocol, ClientProtocol
-from twisted.conch.insults.insults import CS_UK, CS_US, CS_DRAWING, CS_ALTERNATE, CS_ALTERNATE_SPECIAL
-from twisted.conch.insults.insults import G0, G1
-from twisted.conch.insults.insults import modes
-def _getattr(mock, name):
- return super(Mock, mock).__getattribute__(name)
-def occurrences(mock):
- return _getattr(mock, 'occurrences')
-def methods(mock):
- return _getattr(mock, 'methods')
-def _append(mock, obj):
- occurrences(mock).append(obj)
-default = object()
-class Mock(object):
- callReturnValue = default
- def __init__(self, methods=None, callReturnValue=default):
- """
- @param methods: Mapping of names to return values
- @param callReturnValue: object __call__ should return
- """
- self.occurrences = []
- if methods is None:
- methods = {}
- self.methods = methods
- if callReturnValue is not default:
- self.callReturnValue = callReturnValue
- def __call__(self, *a, **kw):
- returnValue = _getattr(self, 'callReturnValue')
- if returnValue is default:
- returnValue = Mock()
- # _getattr(self, 'occurrences').append(('__call__', returnValue, a, kw))
- _append(self, ('__call__', returnValue, a, kw))
- return returnValue
- def __getattribute__(self, name):
- methods = _getattr(self, 'methods')
- if name in methods:
- attrValue = Mock(callReturnValue=methods[name])
- else:
- attrValue = Mock()
- # _getattr(self, 'occurrences').append((name, attrValue))
- _append(self, (name, attrValue))
- return attrValue
-class MockMixin:
- def assertCall(self, occurrence, methodName, expectedPositionalArgs=(),
- expectedKeywordArgs={}):
- attr, mock = occurrence
- self.assertEqual(attr, methodName)
- self.assertEqual(len(occurrences(mock)), 1)
- [(call, result, args, kw)] = occurrences(mock)
- self.assertEqual(call, "__call__")
- self.assertEqual(args, expectedPositionalArgs)
- self.assertEqual(kw, expectedKeywordArgs)
- return result
-_byteGroupingTestTemplate = """\
-def testByte%(groupName)s(self):
- transport = StringTransport()
- proto = Mock()
- parser = self.protocolFactory(lambda: proto)
- parser.factory = self
- parser.makeConnection(transport)
- bytes = self.TEST_BYTES
- while bytes:
- chunk = bytes[:%(bytesPer)d]
- bytes = bytes[%(bytesPer)d:]
- parser.dataReceived(chunk)
- self.verifyResults(transport, proto, parser)
-class ByteGroupingsMixin(MockMixin):
- protocolFactory = None
- for word, n in [('Pairs', 2), ('Triples', 3), ('Quads', 4), ('Quints', 5), ('Sexes', 6)]:
- exec _byteGroupingTestTemplate % {'groupName': word, 'bytesPer': n}
- del word, n
- def verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser):
- result = self.assertCall(occurrences(proto).pop(0), "makeConnection", (parser,))
- self.assertEqual(occurrences(result), [])
-del _byteGroupingTestTemplate
-class ServerArrowKeys(ByteGroupingsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- protocolFactory = ServerProtocol
- # All the arrow keys once
- TEST_BYTES = '\x1b[A\x1b[B\x1b[C\x1b[D'
- def verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser):
- ByteGroupingsMixin.verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser)
- for arrow in (parser.UP_ARROW, parser.DOWN_ARROW,
- parser.RIGHT_ARROW, parser.LEFT_ARROW):
- result = self.assertCall(occurrences(proto).pop(0), "keystrokeReceived", (arrow, None))
- self.assertEqual(occurrences(result), [])
- self.failIf(occurrences(proto))
-class PrintableCharacters(ByteGroupingsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- protocolFactory = ServerProtocol
- # Some letters and digits, first on their own, then capitalized,
- # then modified with alt
- TEST_BYTES = 'abc123ABC!@#\x1ba\x1bb\x1bc\x1b1\x1b2\x1b3'
- def verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser):
- ByteGroupingsMixin.verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser)
- for char in 'abc123ABC!@#':
- result = self.assertCall(occurrences(proto).pop(0), "keystrokeReceived", (char, None))
- self.assertEqual(occurrences(result), [])
- for char in 'abc123':
- result = self.assertCall(occurrences(proto).pop(0), "keystrokeReceived", (char, parser.ALT))
- self.assertEqual(occurrences(result), [])
- occs = occurrences(proto)
- self.failIf(occs, "%r should have been []" % (occs,))
-class ServerFunctionKeys(ByteGroupingsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- """Test for parsing and dispatching function keys (F1 - F12)
- """
- protocolFactory = ServerProtocol
- byteList = []
- for bytes in ('OP', 'OQ', 'OR', 'OS', # F1 - F4
- '15~', '17~', '18~', '19~', # F5 - F8
- '20~', '21~', '23~', '24~'): # F9 - F12
- byteList.append('\x1b[' + bytes)
- TEST_BYTES = ''.join(byteList)
- del byteList, bytes
- def verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser):
- ByteGroupingsMixin.verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser)
- for funcNum in range(1, 13):
- funcArg = getattr(parser, 'F%d' % (funcNum,))
- result = self.assertCall(occurrences(proto).pop(0), "keystrokeReceived", (funcArg, None))
- self.assertEqual(occurrences(result), [])
- self.failIf(occurrences(proto))
-class ClientCursorMovement(ByteGroupingsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- protocolFactory = ClientProtocol
- d2 = "\x1b[2B"
- r4 = "\x1b[4C"
- u1 = "\x1b[A"
- l2 = "\x1b[2D"
- # Move the cursor down two, right four, up one, left two, up one, left two
- TEST_BYTES = d2 + r4 + u1 + l2 + u1 + l2
- del d2, r4, u1, l2
- def verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser):
- ByteGroupingsMixin.verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser)
- for (method, count) in [('Down', 2), ('Forward', 4), ('Up', 1),
- ('Backward', 2), ('Up', 1), ('Backward', 2)]:
- result = self.assertCall(occurrences(proto).pop(0), "cursor" + method, (count,))
- self.assertEqual(occurrences(result), [])
- self.failIf(occurrences(proto))
-class ClientControlSequences(unittest.TestCase, MockMixin):
- def setUp(self):
- self.transport = StringTransport()
- self.proto = Mock()
- self.parser = ClientProtocol(lambda: self.proto)
- self.parser.factory = self
- self.parser.makeConnection(self.transport)
- result = self.assertCall(occurrences(self.proto).pop(0), "makeConnection", (self.parser,))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- def testSimpleCardinals(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived(
- ''.join([''.join(['\x1b[' + str(n) + ch for n in ('', 2, 20, 200)]) for ch in 'BACD']))
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- for meth in ("Down", "Up", "Forward", "Backward"):
- for count in (1, 2, 20, 200):
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "cursor" + meth, (count,))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testScrollRegion(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived('\x1b[5;22r\x1b[r')
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "setScrollRegion", (5, 22))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "setScrollRegion", (None, None))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testHeightAndWidth(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1b#3\x1b#4\x1b#5\x1b#6")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "doubleHeightLine", (True,))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "doubleHeightLine", (False,))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "singleWidthLine")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "doubleWidthLine")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testCharacterSet(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived(
- ''.join([''.join(['\x1b' + g + n for n in 'AB012']) for g in '()']))
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- for which in (G0, G1):
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "selectCharacterSet", (charset, which))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testShifting(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x15\x14")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "shiftIn")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "shiftOut")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testSingleShifts(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1bN\x1bO")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "singleShift2")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "singleShift3")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testKeypadMode(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1b=\x1b>")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "applicationKeypadMode")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "numericKeypadMode")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testCursor(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1b7\x1b8")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "saveCursor")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "restoreCursor")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testReset(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1bc")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "reset")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testIndex(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1bD\x1bM\x1bE")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "index")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "reverseIndex")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "nextLine")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testModes(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived(
- "\x1b[" + ';'.join(map(str, [modes.KAM, modes.IRM, modes.LNM])) + "h")
- self.parser.dataReceived(
- "\x1b[" + ';'.join(map(str, [modes.KAM, modes.IRM, modes.LNM])) + "l")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "setModes", ([modes.KAM, modes.IRM, modes.LNM],))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "resetModes", ([modes.KAM, modes.IRM, modes.LNM],))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testErasure(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived(
- "\x1b[K\x1b[1K\x1b[2K\x1b[J\x1b[1J\x1b[2J\x1b[3P")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- for meth in ("eraseToLineEnd", "eraseToLineBeginning", "eraseLine",
- "eraseToDisplayEnd", "eraseToDisplayBeginning",
- "eraseDisplay"):
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), meth)
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "deleteCharacter", (3,))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testLineDeletion(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1b[M\x1b[3M")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- for arg in (1, 3):
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "deleteLine", (arg,))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testLineInsertion(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1b[L\x1b[3L")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- for arg in (1, 3):
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "insertLine", (arg,))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testCursorPosition(self):
- methods(self.proto)['reportCursorPosition'] = (6, 7)
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1b[6n")
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.value(), "\x1b[7;8R")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "reportCursorPosition")
- # This isn't really an interesting assert, since it only tests that
- # our mock setup is working right, but I'll include it anyway.
- self.assertEqual(result, (6, 7))
- def test_applicationDataBytes(self):
- """
- Contiguous non-control bytes are passed to a single call to the
- C{write} method of the terminal to which the L{ClientProtocol} is
- connected.
- """
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- self.parser.dataReceived('a')
- self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "write", ("a",))
- self.parser.dataReceived('bc')
- self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "write", ("bc",))
- def _applicationDataTest(self, data, calls):
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- self.parser.dataReceived(data)
- while calls:
- self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), *calls.pop(0))
- self.assertFalse(occs, "No other calls should happen: %r" % (occs,))
- def test_shiftInAfterApplicationData(self):
- """
- Application data bytes followed by a shift-in command are passed to a
- call to C{write} before the terminal's C{shiftIn} method is called.
- """
- self._applicationDataTest(
- 'ab\x15', [
- ("write", ("ab",)),
- ("shiftIn",)])
- def test_shiftOutAfterApplicationData(self):
- """
- Application data bytes followed by a shift-out command are passed to a
- call to C{write} before the terminal's C{shiftOut} method is called.
- """
- self._applicationDataTest(
- 'ab\x14', [
- ("write", ("ab",)),
- ("shiftOut",)])
- def test_cursorBackwardAfterApplicationData(self):
- """
- Application data bytes followed by a cursor-backward command are passed
- to a call to C{write} before the terminal's C{cursorBackward} method is
- called.
- """
- self._applicationDataTest(
- 'ab\x08', [
- ("write", ("ab",)),
- ("cursorBackward",)])
- def test_escapeAfterApplicationData(self):
- """
- Application data bytes followed by an escape character are passed to a
- call to C{write} before the terminal's handler method for the escape is
- called.
- """
- # Test a short escape
- self._applicationDataTest(
- 'ab\x1bD', [
- ("write", ("ab",)),
- ("index",)])
- # And a long escape
- self._applicationDataTest(
- 'ab\x1b[4h', [
- ("write", ("ab",)),
- ("setModes", ([4],))])
- # There's some other cases too, but they're all handled by the same
- # codepaths as above.
-class ServerProtocolOutputTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the bytes L{ServerProtocol} writes to its transport when its
- methods are called.
- """
- def test_nextLine(self):
- """
- L{ServerProtocol.nextLine} writes C{"\r\n"} to its transport.
- """
- # Why doesn't it write ESC E? Because ESC E is poorly supported. For
- # example, gnome-terminal (many different versions) fails to scroll if
- # it receives ESC E and the cursor is already on the last row.
- protocol = ServerProtocol()
- transport = StringTransport()
- protocol.makeConnection(transport)
- protocol.nextLine()
- self.assertEqual(transport.value(), "\r\n")
-class Deprecations(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests to ensure deprecation of L{insults.colors} and L{insults.client}
- """
- def ensureDeprecated(self, message):
- """
- Ensures that the correct deprecation warning was issued.
- """
- warnings = self.flushWarnings()
- self.assertIdentical(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['message'], message)
- self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
- def test_colors(self):
- """
- The L{insults.colors} module is deprecated
- """
- from twisted.conch.insults import colors
- self.ensureDeprecated("twisted.conch.insults.colors was deprecated "
- "in Twisted 10.1.0: Please use "
- "twisted.conch.insults.helper instead.")
- def test_client(self):
- """
- The L{insults.client} module is deprecated
- """
- from twisted.conch.insults import client
- self.ensureDeprecated("twisted.conch.insults.client was deprecated "
- "in Twisted 10.1.0: Please use "
- "twisted.conch.insults.insults instead.")
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_keys.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_keys.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 8403e1e5..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_keys.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.ssh.keys}.
- import Crypto.Cipher.DES3
-except ImportError:
- # we'll have to skip these tests without PyCypto and pyasn1
- Crypto = None
- import pyasn1
-except ImportError:
- pyasn1 = None
-if Crypto and pyasn1:
- from twisted.conch.ssh import keys, common, sexpy
-import os, base64
-from twisted.conch.test import keydata
-from twisted.python import randbytes
-from twisted.python.hashlib import sha1
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-class HelpersTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- if Crypto is None:
- skip = "cannot run w/o PyCrypto"
- if pyasn1 is None:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyASN1"
- def setUp(self):
- self._secureRandom = randbytes.secureRandom
- randbytes.secureRandom = lambda x: '\x55' * x
- def tearDown(self):
- randbytes.secureRandom = self._secureRandom
- self._secureRandom = None
- def test_pkcs1(self):
- """
- Test Public Key Cryptographic Standard #1 functions.
- """
- data = 'ABC'
- messageSize = 6
- self.assertEqual(keys.pkcs1Pad(data, messageSize),
- '\x01\xff\x00ABC')
- hash = sha1().digest()
- messageSize = 40
- self.assertEqual(keys.pkcs1Digest('', messageSize),
- '\x01\xff\xff\xff\x00' + keys.ID_SHA1 + hash)
- def _signRSA(self, data):
- key = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- sig = key.sign(data)
- return key.keyObject, sig
- def _signDSA(self, data):
- key = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateDSA_openssh)
- sig = key.sign(data)
- return key.keyObject, sig
- def test_signRSA(self):
- """
- Test that RSA keys return appropriate signatures.
- """
- data = 'data'
- key, sig = self._signRSA(data)
- sigData = keys.pkcs1Digest(data, keys.lenSig(key))
- v = key.sign(sigData, '')[0]
- self.assertEqual(sig, common.NS('ssh-rsa') + common.MP(v))
- return key, sig
- def test_signDSA(self):
- """
- Test that DSA keys return appropriate signatures.
- """
- data = 'data'
- key, sig = self._signDSA(data)
- sigData = sha1(data).digest()
- v = key.sign(sigData, '\x55' * 19)
- self.assertEqual(sig, common.NS('ssh-dss') + common.NS(
- Crypto.Util.number.long_to_bytes(v[0], 20) +
- Crypto.Util.number.long_to_bytes(v[1], 20)))
- return key, sig
- def test_objectType(self):
- """
- Test that objectType, returns the correct type for objects.
- """
- self.assertEqual(keys.objectType(keys.Key.fromString(
- keydata.privateRSA_openssh).keyObject), 'ssh-rsa')
- self.assertEqual(keys.objectType(keys.Key.fromString(
- keydata.privateDSA_openssh).keyObject), 'ssh-dss')
- self.assertRaises(keys.BadKeyError, keys.objectType, None)
-class KeyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- if Crypto is None:
- skip = "cannot run w/o PyCrypto"
- if pyasn1 is None:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyASN1"
- def setUp(self):
- self.rsaObj = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.construct((1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L))
- self.dsaObj = Crypto.PublicKey.DSA.construct((1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L))
- self.rsaSignature = ('\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-rsa\x00'
- '\x00\x00`N\xac\xb4@qK\xa0(\xc3\xf2h \xd3\xdd\xee6Np\x9d_'
- '\xb0>\xe3\x0c(L\x9d{\txUd|!\xf6m\x9c\xd3\x93\x842\x7fU'
- '\x05\xf4\xf7\xfaD\xda\xce\x81\x8ea\x7f=Y\xed*\xb7\xba\x81'
- '\xf2\xad\xda\xeb(\x97\x03S\x08\x81\xc7\xb1\xb7\xe6\xe3'
- '\xcd*\xd4\xbd\xc0wt\xf7y\xcd\xf0\xb7\x7f\xfb\x1e>\xf9r'
- '\x8c\xba')
- self.dsaSignature = ('\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-dss\x00\x00'
- '\x00(\x18z)H\x8a\x1b\xc6\r\xbbq\xa2\xd7f\x7f$\xa7\xbf'
- '\xe8\x87\x8c\x88\xef\xd9k\x1a\x98\xdd{=\xdec\x18\t\xe3'
- '\x87\xa9\xc72h\x95')
- self.oldSecureRandom = randbytes.secureRandom
- randbytes.secureRandom = lambda x: '\xff' * x
- self.keyFile = self.mktemp()
- file(self.keyFile, 'wb').write(keydata.privateRSA_lsh)
- def tearDown(self):
- randbytes.secureRandom = self.oldSecureRandom
- del self.oldSecureRandom
- os.unlink(self.keyFile)
- def test__guessStringType(self):
- """
- Test that the _guessStringType method guesses string types
- correctly.
- """
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key._guessStringType(keydata.publicRSA_openssh),
- 'public_openssh')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key._guessStringType(keydata.publicDSA_openssh),
- 'public_openssh')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key._guessStringType(
- keydata.privateRSA_openssh), 'private_openssh')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key._guessStringType(
- keydata.privateDSA_openssh), 'private_openssh')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key._guessStringType(keydata.publicRSA_lsh),
- 'public_lsh')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key._guessStringType(keydata.publicDSA_lsh),
- 'public_lsh')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key._guessStringType(keydata.privateRSA_lsh),
- 'private_lsh')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key._guessStringType(keydata.privateDSA_lsh),
- 'private_lsh')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key._guessStringType(
- keydata.privateRSA_agentv3), 'agentv3')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key._guessStringType(
- keydata.privateDSA_agentv3), 'agentv3')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key._guessStringType(
- '\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-rsa\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01'),
- 'blob')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key._guessStringType(
- '\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-dss\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01'),
- 'blob')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key._guessStringType('not a key'),
- None)
- def _testPublicPrivateFromString(self, public, private, type, data):
- self._testPublicFromString(public, type, data)
- self._testPrivateFromString(private, type, data)
- def _testPublicFromString(self, public, type, data):
- publicKey = keys.Key.fromString(public)
- self.assertTrue(publicKey.isPublic())
- self.assertEqual(publicKey.type(), type)
- for k, v in publicKey.data().items():
- self.assertEqual(data[k], v)
- def _testPrivateFromString(self, private, type, data):
- privateKey = keys.Key.fromString(private)
- self.assertFalse(privateKey.isPublic())
- self.assertEqual(privateKey.type(), type)
- for k, v in data.items():
- self.assertEqual(privateKey.data()[k], v)
- def test_fromOpenSSH(self):
- """
- Test that keys are correctly generated from OpenSSH strings.
- """
- self._testPublicPrivateFromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh,
- keydata.privateRSA_openssh, 'RSA', keydata.RSAData)
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key.fromString(
- keydata.privateRSA_openssh_encrypted,
- passphrase='encrypted'),
- keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh))
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key.fromString(
- keydata.privateRSA_openssh_alternate),
- keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh))
- self._testPublicPrivateFromString(keydata.publicDSA_openssh,
- keydata.privateDSA_openssh, 'DSA', keydata.DSAData)
- def test_fromOpenSSH_with_whitespace(self):
- """
- If key strings have trailing whitespace, it should be ignored.
- """
- # from bug #3391, since our test key data doesn't have
- # an issue with appended newlines
- privateDSAData = """-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----
------END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----"""
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key.fromString(privateDSAData),
- keys.Key.fromString(privateDSAData + '\n'))
- def test_fromNewerOpenSSH(self):
- """
- Newer versions of OpenSSH generate encrypted keys which have a longer
- IV than the older versions. These newer keys are also loaded.
- """
- key = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh_encrypted_aes,
- passphrase='testxp')
- self.assertEqual(key.type(), 'RSA')
- key2 = keys.Key.fromString(
- keydata.privateRSA_openssh_encrypted_aes + '\n',
- passphrase='testxp')
- self.assertEqual(key, key2)
- def test_fromLSH(self):
- """
- Test that keys are correctly generated from LSH strings.
- """
- self._testPublicPrivateFromString(keydata.publicRSA_lsh,
- keydata.privateRSA_lsh, 'RSA', keydata.RSAData)
- self._testPublicPrivateFromString(keydata.publicDSA_lsh,
- keydata.privateDSA_lsh, 'DSA', keydata.DSAData)
- sexp = sexpy.pack([['public-key', ['bad-key', ['p', '2']]]])
- self.assertRaises(keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key.fromString,
- data='{'+base64.encodestring(sexp)+'}')
- sexp = sexpy.pack([['private-key', ['bad-key', ['p', '2']]]])
- self.assertRaises(keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key.fromString,
- sexp)
- def test_fromAgentv3(self):
- """
- Test that keys are correctly generated from Agent v3 strings.
- """
- self._testPrivateFromString(keydata.privateRSA_agentv3, 'RSA',
- keydata.RSAData)
- self._testPrivateFromString(keydata.privateDSA_agentv3, 'DSA',
- keydata.DSAData)
- self.assertRaises(keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key.fromString,
- '\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-foo'+'\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01'*5)
- def test_fromStringErrors(self):
- """
- keys.Key.fromString should raise BadKeyError when the key is invalid.
- """
- self.assertRaises(keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key.fromString, '')
- # no key data with a bad key type
- self.assertRaises(keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key.fromString, '',
- 'bad_type')
- # trying to decrypt a key which doesn't support encryption
- self.assertRaises(keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key.fromString,
- keydata.publicRSA_lsh, passphrase = 'unencrypted')
- # trying to decrypt an unencrypted key
- self.assertRaises(keys.EncryptedKeyError, keys.Key.fromString,
- keys.Key(self.rsaObj).toString('openssh', 'encrypted'))
- # key with no key data
- self.assertRaises(keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key.fromString,
- '-----BEGIN RSA KEY-----\nwA==\n')
- # key with invalid DEK Info
- self.assertRaises(
- keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key.fromString,
-Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
-DEK-Info: weird type
------END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----""")
- # key with invalid encryption type
- self.assertRaises(
- keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key.fromString,
-Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
-DEK-Info: FOO-123-BAR,01234567
------END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----""")
- # key with bad IV (AES)
- self.assertRaises(
- keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key.fromString,
-Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
-DEK-Info: AES-128-CBC,01234
------END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----""")
- # key with bad IV (DES3)
- self.assertRaises(
- keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key.fromString,
-Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
-DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,01234
------END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----""")
- def test_fromFile(self):
- """
- Test that fromFile works correctly.
- """
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key.fromFile(self.keyFile),
- keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_lsh))
- self.assertRaises(keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key.fromFile,
- self.keyFile, 'bad_type')
- self.assertRaises(keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key.fromFile,
- self.keyFile, passphrase='unencrypted')
- def test_init(self):
- """
- Test that the PublicKey object is initialized correctly.
- """
- obj = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.construct((1L, 2L))
- key = keys.Key(obj)
- self.assertEqual(key.keyObject, obj)
- def test_equal(self):
- """
- Test that Key objects are compared correctly.
- """
- rsa1 = keys.Key(self.rsaObj)
- rsa2 = keys.Key(self.rsaObj)
- rsa3 = keys.Key(Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.construct((1L, 2L)))
- dsa = keys.Key(self.dsaObj)
- self.assertTrue(rsa1 == rsa2)
- self.assertFalse(rsa1 == rsa3)
- self.assertFalse(rsa1 == dsa)
- self.assertFalse(rsa1 == object)
- self.assertFalse(rsa1 == None)
- def test_notEqual(self):
- """
- Test that Key objects are not-compared correctly.
- """
- rsa1 = keys.Key(self.rsaObj)
- rsa2 = keys.Key(self.rsaObj)
- rsa3 = keys.Key(Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.construct((1L, 2L)))
- dsa = keys.Key(self.dsaObj)
- self.assertFalse(rsa1 != rsa2)
- self.assertTrue(rsa1 != rsa3)
- self.assertTrue(rsa1 != dsa)
- self.assertTrue(rsa1 != object)
- self.assertTrue(rsa1 != None)
- def test_type(self):
- """
- Test that the type method returns the correct type for an object.
- """
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key(self.rsaObj).type(), 'RSA')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key(self.rsaObj).sshType(), 'ssh-rsa')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key(self.dsaObj).type(), 'DSA')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key(self.dsaObj).sshType(), 'ssh-dss')
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, keys.Key(None).type)
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, keys.Key(None).sshType)
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, keys.Key(self).type)
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, keys.Key(self).sshType)
- def test_fromBlob(self):
- """
- Test that a public key is correctly generated from a public key blob.
- """
- rsaBlob = common.NS('ssh-rsa') + common.MP(2) + common.MP(3)
- rsaKey = keys.Key.fromString(rsaBlob)
- dsaBlob = (common.NS('ssh-dss') + common.MP(2) + common.MP(3) +
- common.MP(4) + common.MP(5))
- dsaKey = keys.Key.fromString(dsaBlob)
- badBlob = common.NS('ssh-bad')
- self.assertTrue(rsaKey.isPublic())
- self.assertEqual(rsaKey.data(), {'e':2L, 'n':3L})
- self.assertTrue(dsaKey.isPublic())
- self.assertEqual(dsaKey.data(), {'p':2L, 'q':3L, 'g':4L, 'y':5L})
- self.assertRaises(keys.BadKeyError,
- keys.Key.fromString, badBlob)
- def test_fromPrivateBlob(self):
- """
- Test that a private key is correctly generated from a private key blob.
- """
- rsaBlob = (common.NS('ssh-rsa') + common.MP(2) + common.MP(3) +
- common.MP(4) + common.MP(5) + common.MP(6) + common.MP(7))
- rsaKey = keys.Key._fromString_PRIVATE_BLOB(rsaBlob)
- dsaBlob = (common.NS('ssh-dss') + common.MP(2) + common.MP(3) +
- common.MP(4) + common.MP(5) + common.MP(6))
- dsaKey = keys.Key._fromString_PRIVATE_BLOB(dsaBlob)
- badBlob = common.NS('ssh-bad')
- self.assertFalse(rsaKey.isPublic())
- self.assertEqual(
- rsaKey.data(), {'n':2L, 'e':3L, 'd':4L, 'u':5L, 'p':6L, 'q':7L})
- self.assertFalse(dsaKey.isPublic())
- self.assertEqual(dsaKey.data(), {'p':2L, 'q':3L, 'g':4L, 'y':5L, 'x':6L})
- self.assertRaises(
- keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key._fromString_PRIVATE_BLOB, badBlob)
- def test_blob(self):
- """
- Test that the Key object generates blobs correctly.
- """
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key(self.rsaObj).blob(),
- '\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-rsa\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02'
- '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key(self.dsaObj).blob(),
- '\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-dss\x00\x00\x00\x01\x03'
- '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02'
- '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01')
- badKey = keys.Key(None)
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, badKey.blob)
- def test_privateBlob(self):
- """
- L{Key.privateBlob} returns the SSH protocol-level format of the private
- key and raises L{RuntimeError} if the underlying key object is invalid.
- """
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key(self.rsaObj).privateBlob(),
- '\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-rsa\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01'
- '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x03\x00'
- '\x00\x00\x01\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01\x04\x00\x00'
- '\x00\x01\x05')
- self.assertEqual(keys.Key(self.dsaObj).privateBlob(),
- '\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-dss\x00\x00\x00\x01\x03'
- '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02\x00'
- '\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x05')
- badKey = keys.Key(None)
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, badKey.privateBlob)
- def test_toOpenSSH(self):
- """
- Test that the Key object generates OpenSSH keys correctly.
- """
- key = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_lsh)
- self.assertEqual(key.toString('openssh'), keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- self.assertEqual(key.toString('openssh', 'encrypted'),
- keydata.privateRSA_openssh_encrypted)
- self.assertEqual(key.public().toString('openssh'),
- keydata.publicRSA_openssh[:-8]) # no comment
- self.assertEqual(key.public().toString('openssh', 'comment'),
- keydata.publicRSA_openssh)
- key = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateDSA_lsh)
- self.assertEqual(key.toString('openssh'), keydata.privateDSA_openssh)
- self.assertEqual(key.public().toString('openssh', 'comment'),
- keydata.publicDSA_openssh)
- self.assertEqual(key.public().toString('openssh'),
- keydata.publicDSA_openssh[:-8]) # no comment
- def test_toLSH(self):
- """
- Test that the Key object generates LSH keys correctly.
- """
- key = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- self.assertEqual(key.toString('lsh'), keydata.privateRSA_lsh)
- self.assertEqual(key.public().toString('lsh'),
- keydata.publicRSA_lsh)
- key = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateDSA_openssh)
- self.assertEqual(key.toString('lsh'), keydata.privateDSA_lsh)
- self.assertEqual(key.public().toString('lsh'),
- keydata.publicDSA_lsh)
- def test_toAgentv3(self):
- """
- Test that the Key object generates Agent v3 keys correctly.
- """
- key = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- self.assertEqual(key.toString('agentv3'), keydata.privateRSA_agentv3)
- key = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateDSA_openssh)
- self.assertEqual(key.toString('agentv3'), keydata.privateDSA_agentv3)
- def test_toStringErrors(self):
- """
- Test that toString raises errors appropriately.
- """
- self.assertRaises(keys.BadKeyError, keys.Key(self.rsaObj).toString,
- 'bad_type')
- def test_sign(self):
- """
- Test that the Key object generates correct signatures.
- """
- key = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- self.assertEqual(key.sign(''), self.rsaSignature)
- key = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateDSA_openssh)
- self.assertEqual(key.sign(''), self.dsaSignature)
- def test_verify(self):
- """
- Test that the Key object correctly verifies signatures.
- """
- key = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh)
- self.assertTrue(key.verify(self.rsaSignature, ''))
- self.assertFalse(key.verify(self.rsaSignature, 'a'))
- self.assertFalse(key.verify(self.dsaSignature, ''))
- key = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicDSA_openssh)
- self.assertTrue(key.verify(self.dsaSignature, ''))
- self.assertFalse(key.verify(self.dsaSignature, 'a'))
- self.assertFalse(key.verify(self.rsaSignature, ''))
- def test_verifyDSANoPrefix(self):
- """
- Some commercial SSH servers send DSA keys as 2 20-byte numbers;
- they are still verified as valid keys.
- """
- key = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicDSA_openssh)
- self.assertTrue(key.verify(self.dsaSignature[-40:], ''))
- def test_repr(self):
- """
- Test the pretty representation of Key.
- """
- self.assertEqual(repr(keys.Key(self.rsaObj)),
-"""<RSA Private Key (0 bits)
-attr d:
-attr e:
-attr n:
-attr p:
-attr q:
-attr u:
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_knownhosts.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_knownhosts.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d7fdacf0..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_knownhosts.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1037 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.client.knownhosts}.
-import os
-from binascii import Error as BinasciiError, b2a_base64, a2b_base64
- import Crypto
- import pyasn1
-except ImportError:
- skip = "PyCrypto and PyASN1 required for twisted.conch.knownhosts."
- from twisted.conch.ssh.keys import Key, BadKeyError
- from twisted.conch.client.knownhosts import \
- PlainEntry, HashedEntry, KnownHostsFile, UnparsedEntry, ConsoleUI
- from twisted.conch.client import default
-from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
-from twisted.conch.interfaces import IKnownHostEntry
-from twisted.conch.error import HostKeyChanged, UserRejectedKey, InvalidEntry
-sampleEncodedKey = (
- 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAsV0VMRbGmzhqxxayLRHmvnFvtyNqgbNKV46dU1bVFB+3y'
- 'tNvue4Riqv/SVkPRNwMb7eWH29SviXaBxUhYyzKkDoNUq3rTNnH1Vnif6d6X4JCrUb5d3W+Dm'
- 'YClyJrZ5HgD/hUpdSkTRqdbQ2TrvSAxRacj+vHHT4F4dm1bJSewm3B2D8HVOoi/CbVh3dsIiC'
- 'dp8VltdZx4qYVfYe2LwVINCbAa3d3tj9ma7RVfw3OH2Mfb+toLd1N5tBQFb7oqTt2nC6I/6Bd'
- '4JwPUld+IEitw/suElq/AIJVQXXujeyiZlea90HE65U2mF1ytr17HTAIT2ySokJWyuBANGACk'
- '6iIaw==')
-otherSampleEncodedKey = (
- 'WckKZauF7+0b7qm+ChT7kan6BzRVo4++gCVNfAlMzLysSt3ylmOR48tFpAfygg9UCX3DjHz0E'
- 'lOOUKh3iifc9aUShD0OPaK3pR5JJ8jfiBfzSYWt/hDi/iZ4igsSs8=')
-thirdSampleEncodedKey = (
- 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAl/TQakPkePlnwCBRPitIVUTg6Z8VzN1en+DGkyo/evkmLw'
- '7o4NWR5qbysk9A9jXW332nxnEuAnbcCam9SHe1su1liVfyIK0+3bdn0YRB0sXIbNEtMs2LtCho'
- '/aV3cXPS+Cf1yut3wvIpaRnAzXxuKPCTXQ7/y0IXa8TwkRBH58OJa3RqfQ/NsSp5SAfdsrHyH2'
- 'aitiVKm2jfbTKzSEqOQG/zq4J9GXTkq61gZugory/Tvl5/yPgSnOR6C9jVOMHf27ZPoRtyj9SY'
- '343Hd2QHiIE0KPZJEgCynKeWoKz8v6eTSK8n4rBnaqWdp8MnGZK1WGy05MguXbyCDuTC8AmJXQ'
- '==')
-sampleKey = a2b_base64(sampleEncodedKey)
-otherSampleKey = a2b_base64(otherSampleEncodedKey)
-thirdSampleKey = a2b_base64(thirdSampleEncodedKey)
-samplePlaintextLine = (
- "www.twistedmatrix.com ssh-rsa " + sampleEncodedKey + "\n")
-otherSamplePlaintextLine = (
- "divmod.com ssh-rsa " + otherSampleEncodedKey + "\n")
-sampleHostIPLine = (
- "www.twistedmatrix.com, ssh-rsa " + sampleEncodedKey + "\n")
-sampleHashedLine = (
- "|1|gJbSEPBG9ZSBoZpHNtZBD1bHKBA=|bQv+0Xa0dByrwkA1EB0E7Xop/Fo= ssh-rsa " +
- sampleEncodedKey + "\n")
-class EntryTestsMixin:
- """
- Tests for implementations of L{IKnownHostEntry}. Subclasses must set the
- 'entry' attribute to a provider of that interface, the implementation of
- that interface under test.
- @ivar entry: a provider of L{IKnownHostEntry} with a hostname of
- www.twistedmatrix.com and an RSA key of sampleKey.
- """
- def test_providesInterface(self):
- """
- The given entry should provide IKnownHostEntry.
- """
- verifyObject(IKnownHostEntry, self.entry)
- def test_fromString(self):
- """
- Constructing a plain text entry from an unhashed known_hosts entry will
- result in an L{IKnownHostEntry} provider with 'keyString', 'hostname',
- and 'keyType' attributes. While outside the interface in question,
- these attributes are held in common by L{PlainEntry} and L{HashedEntry}
- implementations; other implementations should override this method in
- subclasses.
- """
- entry = self.entry
- self.assertEqual(entry.publicKey, Key.fromString(sampleKey))
- self.assertEqual(entry.keyType, "ssh-rsa")
- def test_matchesKey(self):
- """
- L{IKnownHostEntry.matchesKey} checks to see if an entry matches a given
- SSH key.
- """
- twistedmatrixDotCom = Key.fromString(sampleKey)
- divmodDotCom = Key.fromString(otherSampleKey)
- self.assertEqual(
- True,
- self.entry.matchesKey(twistedmatrixDotCom))
- self.assertEqual(
- False,
- self.entry.matchesKey(divmodDotCom))
- def test_matchesHost(self):
- """
- L{IKnownHostEntry.matchesHost} checks to see if an entry matches a
- given hostname.
- """
- self.assertEqual(True, self.entry.matchesHost(
- "www.twistedmatrix.com"))
- self.assertEqual(False, self.entry.matchesHost(
- "www.divmod.com"))
-class PlainEntryTests(EntryTestsMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Test cases for L{PlainEntry}.
- """
- plaintextLine = samplePlaintextLine
- hostIPLine = sampleHostIPLine
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Set 'entry' to a sample plain-text entry with sampleKey as its key.
- """
- self.entry = PlainEntry.fromString(self.plaintextLine)
- def test_matchesHostIP(self):
- """
- A "hostname,ip" formatted line will match both the host and the IP.
- """
- self.entry = PlainEntry.fromString(self.hostIPLine)
- self.assertEqual(True, self.entry.matchesHost(""))
- self.test_matchesHost()
- def test_toString(self):
- """
- L{PlainEntry.toString} generates the serialized OpenSSL format string
- for the entry, sans newline.
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.entry.toString(), self.plaintextLine.rstrip("\n"))
- multiHostEntry = PlainEntry.fromString(self.hostIPLine)
- self.assertEqual(multiHostEntry.toString(),
- self.hostIPLine.rstrip("\n"))
-class PlainTextWithCommentTests(PlainEntryTests):
- """
- Test cases for L{PlainEntry} when parsed from a line with a comment.
- """
- plaintextLine = samplePlaintextLine[:-1] + " plain text comment.\n"
- hostIPLine = sampleHostIPLine[:-1] + " text following host/IP line\n"
-class HashedEntryTests(EntryTestsMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{HashedEntry}.
- This suite doesn't include any tests for host/IP pairs because hashed
- entries store IP addresses the same way as hostnames and does not support
- comma-separated lists. (If you hash the IP and host together you can't
- tell if you've got the key already for one or the other.)
- """
- hashedLine = sampleHashedLine
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Set 'entry' to a sample hashed entry for twistedmatrix.com with
- sampleKey as its key.
- """
- self.entry = HashedEntry.fromString(self.hashedLine)
- def test_toString(self):
- """
- L{HashedEntry.toString} generates the serialized OpenSSL format string
- for the entry, sans the newline.
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.entry.toString(), self.hashedLine.rstrip("\n"))
-class HashedEntryWithCommentTests(HashedEntryTests):
- """
- Test cases for L{PlainEntry} when parsed from a line with a comment.
- """
- hashedLine = sampleHashedLine[:-1] + " plain text comment.\n"
-class UnparsedEntryTests(TestCase, EntryTestsMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{UnparsedEntry}
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Set up the 'entry' to be an unparsed entry for some random text.
- """
- self.entry = UnparsedEntry(" This is a bogus entry. \n")
- def test_fromString(self):
- """
- Creating an L{UnparsedEntry} should simply record the string it was
- passed.
- """
- self.assertEqual(" This is a bogus entry. \n",
- self.entry._string)
- def test_matchesHost(self):
- """
- An unparsed entry can't match any hosts.
- """
- self.assertEqual(False, self.entry.matchesHost("www.twistedmatrix.com"))
- def test_matchesKey(self):
- """
- An unparsed entry can't match any keys.
- """
- self.assertEqual(False, self.entry.matchesKey(Key.fromString(sampleKey)))
- def test_toString(self):
- """
- L{UnparsedEntry.toString} returns its input string, sans trailing
- newline.
- """
- self.assertEqual(" This is a bogus entry. ", self.entry.toString())
-class ParseErrorTests(TestCase):
- """
- L{HashedEntry.fromString} and L{PlainEntry.fromString} can raise a variety
- of errors depending on misformattings of certain strings. These tests make
- sure those errors are caught. Since many of the ways that this can go
- wrong are in the lower-level APIs being invoked by the parsing logic,
- several of these are integration tests with the C{base64} and
- L{twisted.conch.ssh.keys} modules.
- """
- def invalidEntryTest(self, cls):
- """
- If there are fewer than three elements, C{fromString} should raise
- L{InvalidEntry}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(InvalidEntry, cls.fromString, "invalid")
- def notBase64Test(self, cls):
- """
- If the key is not base64, C{fromString} should raise L{BinasciiError}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(BinasciiError, cls.fromString, "x x x")
- def badKeyTest(self, cls, prefix):
- """
- If the key portion of the entry is valid base64, but is not actually an
- SSH key, C{fromString} should raise L{BadKeyError}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(BadKeyError, cls.fromString, ' '.join(
- [prefix, "ssh-rsa", b2a_base64(
- "Hey, this isn't an SSH key!").strip()]))
- def test_invalidPlainEntry(self):
- """
- If there are fewer than three whitespace-separated elements in an
- entry, L{PlainEntry.fromString} should raise L{InvalidEntry}.
- """
- self.invalidEntryTest(PlainEntry)
- def test_invalidHashedEntry(self):
- """
- If there are fewer than three whitespace-separated elements in an
- entry, or the hostname salt/hash portion has more than two elements,
- L{HashedEntry.fromString} should raise L{InvalidEntry}.
- """
- self.invalidEntryTest(HashedEntry)
- a, b, c = sampleHashedLine.split()
- self.assertRaises(InvalidEntry, HashedEntry.fromString, ' '.join(
- [a + "||", b, c]))
- def test_plainNotBase64(self):
- """
- If the key portion of a plain entry is not decodable as base64,
- C{fromString} should raise L{BinasciiError}.
- """
- self.notBase64Test(PlainEntry)
- def test_hashedNotBase64(self):
- """
- If the key, host salt, or host hash portion of a hashed entry is not
- encoded, it will raise L{BinasciiError}.
- """
- self.notBase64Test(HashedEntry)
- a, b, c = sampleHashedLine.split()
- # Salt not valid base64.
- self.assertRaises(
- BinasciiError, HashedEntry.fromString,
- ' '.join(["|1|x|" + b2a_base64("stuff").strip(), b, c]))
- # Host hash not valid base64.
- self.assertRaises(
- BinasciiError, HashedEntry.fromString,
- ' '.join([HashedEntry.MAGIC + b2a_base64("stuff").strip() + "|x",
- b, c]))
- # Neither salt nor hash valid base64.
- self.assertRaises(
- BinasciiError, HashedEntry.fromString,
- ' '.join(["|1|x|x", b, c]))
- def test_hashedBadKey(self):
- """
- If the key portion of the entry is valid base64, but is not actually an
- SSH key, C{HashedEntry.fromString} should raise L{BadKeyError}.
- """
- a, b, c = sampleHashedLine.split()
- self.badKeyTest(HashedEntry, a)
- def test_plainBadKey(self):
- """
- If the key portion of the entry is valid base64, but is not actually an
- SSH key, C{PlainEntry.fromString} should raise L{BadKeyError}.
- """
- self.badKeyTest(PlainEntry, "hostname")
-class KnownHostsDatabaseTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{KnownHostsFile}.
- """
- def pathWithContent(self, content):
- """
- Return a FilePath with the given initial content.
- """
- fp = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- fp.setContent(content)
- return fp
- def loadSampleHostsFile(self, content=(
- sampleHashedLine + otherSamplePlaintextLine +
- "\n# That was a blank line.\n"
- "This is just unparseable.\n"
- "|1|This also unparseable.\n")):
- """
- Return a sample hosts file, with keys for www.twistedmatrix.com and
- divmod.com present.
- """
- return KnownHostsFile.fromPath(self.pathWithContent(content))
- def test_loadFromPath(self):
- """
- Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path with six entries in it will
- result in a L{KnownHostsFile} object with six L{IKnownHostEntry}
- providers in it.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile()
- self.assertEqual(len(hostsFile._entries), 6)
- def test_verifyHashedEntry(self):
- """
- Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path containing a single valid
- L{HashedEntry} entry will result in a L{KnownHostsFile} object
- with one L{IKnownHostEntry} provider.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile((sampleHashedLine))
- self.assertIsInstance(hostsFile._entries[0], HashedEntry)
- self.assertEqual(True, hostsFile._entries[0].matchesHost(
- "www.twistedmatrix.com"))
- def test_verifyPlainEntry(self):
- """
- Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path containing a single valid
- L{PlainEntry} entry will result in a L{KnownHostsFile} object
- with one L{IKnownHostEntry} provider.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile((otherSamplePlaintextLine))
- self.assertIsInstance(hostsFile._entries[0], PlainEntry)
- self.assertEqual(True, hostsFile._entries[0].matchesHost(
- "divmod.com"))
- def test_verifyUnparsedEntry(self):
- """
- Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path that only contains '\n' will
- result in a L{KnownHostsFile} object containing a L{UnparsedEntry}
- object.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile(("\n"))
- self.assertIsInstance(hostsFile._entries[0], UnparsedEntry)
- self.assertEqual(hostsFile._entries[0].toString(), "")
- def test_verifyUnparsedComment(self):
- """
- Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path that contains a comment will
- result in a L{KnownHostsFile} object containing a L{UnparsedEntry}
- object.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile(("# That was a blank line.\n"))
- self.assertIsInstance(hostsFile._entries[0], UnparsedEntry)
- self.assertEqual(hostsFile._entries[0].toString(),
- "# That was a blank line.")
- def test_verifyUnparsableLine(self):
- """
- Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path that contains an unparseable
- line will be represented as an L{UnparsedEntry} instance.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile(("This is just unparseable.\n"))
- self.assertIsInstance(hostsFile._entries[0], UnparsedEntry)
- self.assertEqual(hostsFile._entries[0].toString(),
- "This is just unparseable.")
- def test_verifyUnparsableEncryptionMarker(self):
- """
- Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path containing an unparseable line
- that starts with an encryption marker will be represented as an
- L{UnparsedEntry} instance.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile(("|1|This is unparseable.\n"))
- self.assertIsInstance(hostsFile._entries[0], UnparsedEntry)
- self.assertEqual(hostsFile._entries[0].toString(),
- "|1|This is unparseable.")
- def test_loadNonExistent(self):
- """
- Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path that does not exist should
- result in an empty L{KnownHostsFile} that will save back to that path.
- """
- pn = self.mktemp()
- knownHostsFile = KnownHostsFile.fromPath(FilePath(pn))
- self.assertEqual([], list(knownHostsFile._entries))
- self.assertEqual(False, FilePath(pn).exists())
- knownHostsFile.save()
- self.assertEqual(True, FilePath(pn).exists())
- def test_loadNonExistentParent(self):
- """
- Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path whose parent directory does not
- exist should result in an empty L{KnownHostsFile} that will save back
- to that path, creating its parent directory(ies) in the process.
- """
- thePath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- knownHostsPath = thePath.child("foo").child("known_hosts")
- knownHostsFile = KnownHostsFile.fromPath(knownHostsPath)
- knownHostsFile.save()
- knownHostsPath.restat(False)
- self.assertEqual(True, knownHostsPath.exists())
- def test_savingAddsEntry(self):
- """
- L{KnownHostsFile.save()} will write out a new file with any entries
- that have been added.
- """
- path = self.pathWithContent(sampleHashedLine +
- otherSamplePlaintextLine)
- knownHostsFile = KnownHostsFile.fromPath(path)
- newEntry = knownHostsFile.addHostKey("some.example.com",
- Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey))
- expectedContent = (
- sampleHashedLine +
- otherSamplePlaintextLine + HashedEntry.MAGIC +
- b2a_base64(newEntry._hostSalt).strip() + "|" +
- b2a_base64(newEntry._hostHash).strip() + " ssh-rsa " +
- thirdSampleEncodedKey + "\n")
- # Sanity check, let's make sure the base64 API being used for the test
- # isn't inserting spurious newlines.
- self.assertEqual(3, expectedContent.count("\n"))
- knownHostsFile.save()
- self.assertEqual(expectedContent, path.getContent())
- def test_hasPresentKey(self):
- """
- L{KnownHostsFile.hasHostKey} returns C{True} when a key for the given
- hostname is present and matches the expected key.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile()
- self.assertEqual(True, hostsFile.hasHostKey(
- "www.twistedmatrix.com", Key.fromString(sampleKey)))
- def test_hasNonPresentKey(self):
- """
- L{KnownHostsFile.hasHostKey} returns C{False} when a key for the given
- hostname is not present.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile()
- self.assertEqual(False, hostsFile.hasHostKey(
- "non-existent.example.com", Key.fromString(sampleKey)))
- def test_hasKeyMismatch(self):
- """
- L{KnownHostsFile.hasHostKey} raises L{HostKeyChanged} if the host key
- is present, but different from the expected one. The resulting
- exception should have an C{offendingEntry} indicating the given entry.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile()
- exception = self.assertRaises(
- HostKeyChanged, hostsFile.hasHostKey,
- "www.twistedmatrix.com", Key.fromString(otherSampleKey))
- self.assertEqual(exception.offendingEntry, hostsFile._entries[0])
- self.assertEqual(exception.lineno, 1)
- self.assertEqual(exception.path, hostsFile._savePath)
- def test_addHostKey(self):
- """
- L{KnownHostsFile.addHostKey} adds a new L{HashedEntry} to the host
- file, and returns it.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile()
- aKey = Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey)
- self.assertEqual(False,
- hostsFile.hasHostKey("somewhere.example.com", aKey))
- newEntry = hostsFile.addHostKey("somewhere.example.com", aKey)
- # The code in OpenSSH requires host salts to be 20 characters long.
- # This is the required length of a SHA-1 HMAC hash, so it's just a
- # sanity check.
- self.assertEqual(20, len(newEntry._hostSalt))
- self.assertEqual(True,
- newEntry.matchesHost("somewhere.example.com"))
- self.assertEqual(newEntry.keyType, "ssh-rsa")
- self.assertEqual(aKey, newEntry.publicKey)
- self.assertEqual(True,
- hostsFile.hasHostKey("somewhere.example.com", aKey))
- def test_randomSalts(self):
- """
- L{KnownHostsFile.addHostKey} generates a random salt for each new key,
- so subsequent salts will be different.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile()
- aKey = Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey)
- self.assertNotEqual(
- hostsFile.addHostKey("somewhere.example.com", aKey)._hostSalt,
- hostsFile.addHostKey("somewhere-else.example.com", aKey)._hostSalt)
- def test_verifyValidKey(self):
- """
- Verifying a valid key should return a L{Deferred} which fires with
- True.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile()
- hostsFile.addHostKey("", Key.fromString(sampleKey))
- ui = FakeUI()
- d = hostsFile.verifyHostKey(ui, "www.twistedmatrix.com", "",
- Key.fromString(sampleKey))
- l = []
- d.addCallback(l.append)
- self.assertEqual(l, [True])
- def test_verifyInvalidKey(self):
- """
- Verfying an invalid key should return a L{Deferred} which fires with a
- L{HostKeyChanged} failure.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile()
- wrongKey = Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey)
- ui = FakeUI()
- hostsFile.addHostKey("", Key.fromString(sampleKey))
- d = hostsFile.verifyHostKey(
- ui, "www.twistedmatrix.com", "", wrongKey)
- return self.assertFailure(d, HostKeyChanged)
- def verifyNonPresentKey(self):
- """
- Set up a test to verify a key that isn't present. Return a 3-tuple of
- the UI, a list set up to collect the result of the verifyHostKey call,
- and the sample L{KnownHostsFile} being used.
- This utility method avoids returning a L{Deferred}, and records results
- in the returned list instead, because the events which get generated
- here are pre-recorded in the 'ui' object. If the L{Deferred} in
- question does not fire, the it will fail quickly with an empty list.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile()
- absentKey = Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey)
- ui = FakeUI()
- l = []
- d = hostsFile.verifyHostKey(
- ui, "sample-host.example.com", "", absentKey)
- d.addBoth(l.append)
- self.assertEqual([], l)
- self.assertEqual(
- ui.promptText,
- "The authenticity of host 'sample-host.example.com (' "
- "can't be established.\n"
- "RSA key fingerprint is "
- "89:4e:cc:8c:57:83:96:48:ef:63:ad:ee:99:00:4c:8f.\n"
- "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? ")
- return ui, l, hostsFile
- def test_verifyNonPresentKey_Yes(self):
- """
- Verifying a key where neither the hostname nor the IP are present
- should result in the UI being prompted with a message explaining as
- much. If the UI says yes, the Deferred should fire with True.
- """
- ui, l, knownHostsFile = self.verifyNonPresentKey()
- ui.promptDeferred.callback(True)
- self.assertEqual([True], l)
- reloaded = KnownHostsFile.fromPath(knownHostsFile._savePath)
- self.assertEqual(
- True,
- reloaded.hasHostKey("", Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey)))
- self.assertEqual(
- True,
- reloaded.hasHostKey("sample-host.example.com",
- Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey)))
- def test_verifyNonPresentKey_No(self):
- """
- Verifying a key where neither the hostname nor the IP are present
- should result in the UI being prompted with a message explaining as
- much. If the UI says no, the Deferred should fail with
- UserRejectedKey.
- """
- ui, l, knownHostsFile = self.verifyNonPresentKey()
- ui.promptDeferred.callback(False)
- l[0].trap(UserRejectedKey)
- def test_verifyHostIPMismatch(self):
- """
- Verifying a key where the host is present (and correct), but the IP is
- present and different, should result the deferred firing in a
- HostKeyChanged failure.
- """
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile()
- wrongKey = Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey)
- ui = FakeUI()
- d = hostsFile.verifyHostKey(
- ui, "www.twistedmatrix.com", "", wrongKey)
- return self.assertFailure(d, HostKeyChanged)
- def test_verifyKeyForHostAndIP(self):
- """
- Verifying a key where the hostname is present but the IP is not should
- result in the key being added for the IP and the user being warned
- about the change.
- """
- ui = FakeUI()
- hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile()
- expectedKey = Key.fromString(sampleKey)
- hostsFile.verifyHostKey(
- ui, "www.twistedmatrix.com", "", expectedKey)
- self.assertEqual(
- True, KnownHostsFile.fromPath(hostsFile._savePath).hasHostKey(
- "", expectedKey))
- self.assertEqual(
- ["Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address "
- "'' to the list of known hosts."],
- ui.userWarnings)
-class FakeFile(object):
- """
- A fake file-like object that acts enough like a file for
- L{ConsoleUI.prompt}.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.inlines = []
- self.outchunks = []
- self.closed = False
- def readline(self):
- """
- Return a line from the 'inlines' list.
- """
- return self.inlines.pop(0)
- def write(self, chunk):
- """
- Append the given item to the 'outchunks' list.
- """
- if self.closed:
- raise IOError("the file was closed")
- self.outchunks.append(chunk)
- def close(self):
- """
- Set the 'closed' flag to True, explicitly marking that it has been
- closed.
- """
- self.closed = True
-class ConsoleUITests(TestCase):
- """
- Test cases for L{ConsoleUI}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a L{ConsoleUI} pointed at a L{FakeFile}.
- """
- self.fakeFile = FakeFile()
- self.ui = ConsoleUI(self.openFile)
- def openFile(self):
- """
- Return the current fake file.
- """
- return self.fakeFile
- def newFile(self, lines):
- """
- Create a new fake file (the next file that self.ui will open) with the
- given list of lines to be returned from readline().
- """
- self.fakeFile = FakeFile()
- self.fakeFile.inlines = lines
- def test_promptYes(self):
- """
- L{ConsoleUI.prompt} writes a message to the console, then reads a line.
- If that line is 'yes', then it returns a L{Deferred} that fires with
- True.
- """
- for okYes in ['yes', 'Yes', 'yes\n']:
- self.newFile([okYes])
- l = []
- self.ui.prompt("Hello, world!").addCallback(l.append)
- self.assertEqual(["Hello, world!"], self.fakeFile.outchunks)
- self.assertEqual([True], l)
- self.assertEqual(True, self.fakeFile.closed)
- def test_promptNo(self):
- """
- L{ConsoleUI.prompt} writes a message to the console, then reads a line.
- If that line is 'no', then it returns a L{Deferred} that fires with
- False.
- """
- for okNo in ['no', 'No', 'no\n']:
- self.newFile([okNo])
- l = []
- self.ui.prompt("Goodbye, world!").addCallback(l.append)
- self.assertEqual(["Goodbye, world!"], self.fakeFile.outchunks)
- self.assertEqual([False], l)
- self.assertEqual(True, self.fakeFile.closed)
- def test_promptRepeatedly(self):
- """
- L{ConsoleUI.prompt} writes a message to the console, then reads a line.
- If that line is neither 'yes' nor 'no', then it says "Please enter
- 'yes' or 'no'" until it gets a 'yes' or a 'no', at which point it
- returns a Deferred that answers either True or False.
- """
- self.newFile(['what', 'uh', 'okay', 'yes'])
- l = []
- self.ui.prompt("Please say something useful.").addCallback(l.append)
- self.assertEqual([True], l)
- self.assertEqual(self.fakeFile.outchunks,
- ["Please say something useful."] +
- ["Please type 'yes' or 'no': "] * 3)
- self.assertEqual(True, self.fakeFile.closed)
- self.newFile(['blah', 'stuff', 'feh', 'no'])
- l = []
- self.ui.prompt("Please say something negative.").addCallback(l.append)
- self.assertEqual([False], l)
- self.assertEqual(self.fakeFile.outchunks,
- ["Please say something negative."] +
- ["Please type 'yes' or 'no': "] * 3)
- self.assertEqual(True, self.fakeFile.closed)
- def test_promptOpenFailed(self):
- """
- If the C{opener} passed to L{ConsoleUI} raises an exception, that
- exception will fail the L{Deferred} returned from L{ConsoleUI.prompt}.
- """
- def raiseIt():
- raise IOError()
- ui = ConsoleUI(raiseIt)
- d = ui.prompt("This is a test.")
- return self.assertFailure(d, IOError)
- def test_warn(self):
- """
- L{ConsoleUI.warn} should output a message to the console object.
- """
- self.ui.warn("Test message.")
- self.assertEqual(["Test message."], self.fakeFile.outchunks)
- self.assertEqual(True, self.fakeFile.closed)
- def test_warnOpenFailed(self):
- """
- L{ConsoleUI.warn} should log a traceback if the output can't be opened.
- """
- def raiseIt():
- 1 / 0
- ui = ConsoleUI(raiseIt)
- ui.warn("This message never makes it.")
- self.assertEqual(len(self.flushLoggedErrors(ZeroDivisionError)), 1)
-class FakeUI(object):
- """
- A fake UI object, adhering to the interface expected by
- L{KnownHostsFile.verifyHostKey}
- @ivar userWarnings: inputs provided to 'warn'.
- @ivar promptDeferred: last result returned from 'prompt'.
- @ivar promptText: the last input provided to 'prompt'.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.userWarnings = []
- self.promptDeferred = None
- self.promptText = None
- def prompt(self, text):
- """
- Issue the user an interactive prompt, which they can accept or deny.
- """
- self.promptText = text
- self.promptDeferred = Deferred()
- return self.promptDeferred
- def warn(self, text):
- """
- Issue a non-interactive warning to the user.
- """
- self.userWarnings.append(text)
-class FakeObject(object):
- """
- A fake object that can have some attributes. Used to fake
- L{SSHClientTransport} and L{SSHClientFactory}.
- """
-class DefaultAPITests(TestCase):
- """
- The API in L{twisted.conch.client.default.verifyHostKey} is the integration
- point between the code in the rest of conch and L{KnownHostsFile}.
- """
- def patchedOpen(self, fname, mode):
- """
- The patched version of 'open'; this returns a L{FakeFile} that the
- instantiated L{ConsoleUI} can use.
- """
- self.assertEqual(fname, "/dev/tty")
- self.assertEqual(mode, "r+b")
- return self.fakeFile
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Patch 'open' in verifyHostKey.
- """
- self.fakeFile = FakeFile()
- self.patch(default, "_open", self.patchedOpen)
- self.hostsOption = self.mktemp()
- knownHostsFile = KnownHostsFile(FilePath(self.hostsOption))
- knownHostsFile.addHostKey("exists.example.com",
- Key.fromString(sampleKey))
- knownHostsFile.addHostKey("", Key.fromString(sampleKey))
- knownHostsFile.save()
- self.fakeTransport = FakeObject()
- self.fakeTransport.factory = FakeObject()
- self.options = self.fakeTransport.factory.options = {
- 'host': "exists.example.com",
- 'known-hosts': self.hostsOption
- }
- def test_verifyOKKey(self):
- """
- L{default.verifyHostKey} should return a L{Deferred} which fires with
- C{1} when passed a host, IP, and key which already match the
- known_hosts file it is supposed to check.
- """
- l = []
- default.verifyHostKey(self.fakeTransport, "", sampleKey,
- "I don't care.").addCallback(l.append)
- self.assertEqual([1], l)
- def replaceHome(self, tempHome):
- """
- Replace the HOME environment variable until the end of the current
- test, with the given new home-directory, so that L{os.path.expanduser}
- will yield controllable, predictable results.
- @param tempHome: the pathname to replace the HOME variable with.
- @type tempHome: L{str}
- """
- oldHome = os.environ.get('HOME')
- def cleanupHome():
- if oldHome is None:
- del os.environ['HOME']
- else:
- os.environ['HOME'] = oldHome
- self.addCleanup(cleanupHome)
- os.environ['HOME'] = tempHome
- def test_noKnownHostsOption(self):
- """
- L{default.verifyHostKey} should find your known_hosts file in
- ~/.ssh/known_hosts if you don't specify one explicitly on the command
- line.
- """
- l = []
- tmpdir = self.mktemp()
- oldHostsOption = self.hostsOption
- hostsNonOption = FilePath(tmpdir).child(".ssh").child("known_hosts")
- hostsNonOption.parent().makedirs()
- FilePath(oldHostsOption).moveTo(hostsNonOption)
- self.replaceHome(tmpdir)
- self.options['known-hosts'] = None
- default.verifyHostKey(self.fakeTransport, "", sampleKey,
- "I don't care.").addCallback(l.append)
- self.assertEqual([1], l)
- def test_verifyHostButNotIP(self):
- """
- L{default.verifyHostKey} should return a L{Deferred} which fires with
- C{1} when passed a host which matches with an IP is not present in its
- known_hosts file, and should also warn the user that it has added the
- IP address.
- """
- l = []
- default.verifyHostKey(self.fakeTransport, "", sampleKey,
- "Fingerprint not required.").addCallback(l.append)
- self.assertEqual(
- ["Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address "
- "'' to the list of known hosts."],
- self.fakeFile.outchunks)
- self.assertEqual([1], l)
- knownHostsFile = KnownHostsFile.fromPath(FilePath(self.hostsOption))
- self.assertEqual(True, knownHostsFile.hasHostKey("",
- Key.fromString(sampleKey)))
- def test_verifyQuestion(self):
- """
- L{default.verifyHostKey} should return a L{Default} which fires with
- C{0} when passed a unknown host that the user refuses to acknowledge.
- """
- self.fakeTransport.factory.options['host'] = 'fake.example.com'
- self.fakeFile.inlines.append("no")
- d = default.verifyHostKey(
- self.fakeTransport, "", otherSampleKey, "No fingerprint!")
- self.assertEqual(
- ["The authenticity of host 'fake.example.com (' "
- "can't be established.\n"
- "RSA key fingerprint is "
- "57:a1:c2:a1:07:a0:2b:f4:ce:b5:e5:b7:ae:cc:e1:99.\n"
- "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? "],
- self.fakeFile.outchunks)
- return self.assertFailure(d, UserRejectedKey)
- def test_verifyBadKey(self):
- """
- L{default.verifyHostKey} should return a L{Deferred} which fails with
- L{HostKeyChanged} if the host key is incorrect.
- """
- d = default.verifyHostKey(
- self.fakeTransport, "", otherSampleKey,
- "Again, not required.")
- return self.assertFailure(d, HostKeyChanged)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_manhole.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_manhole.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 09dd52c2..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_manhole.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_manhole -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.manhole}.
-import traceback
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.internet import error, defer
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport
-from twisted.conch.test.test_recvline import _TelnetMixin, _SSHMixin, _StdioMixin, stdio, ssh
-from twisted.conch import manhole
-from twisted.conch.insults import insults
-def determineDefaultFunctionName():
- """
- Return the string used by Python as the name for code objects which are
- compiled from interactive input or at the top-level of modules.
- """
- try:
- 1 // 0
- except:
- # The last frame is this function. The second to last frame is this
- # function's caller, which is module-scope, which is what we want,
- # so -2.
- return traceback.extract_stack()[-2][2]
-defaultFunctionName = determineDefaultFunctionName()
-class ManholeInterpreterTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{manhole.ManholeInterpreter}.
- """
- def test_resetBuffer(self):
- """
- L{ManholeInterpreter.resetBuffer} should empty the input buffer.
- """
- interpreter = manhole.ManholeInterpreter(None)
- interpreter.buffer.extend(["1", "2"])
- interpreter.resetBuffer()
- self.assertFalse(interpreter.buffer)
-class ManholeProtocolTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{manhole.Manhole}.
- """
- def test_interruptResetsInterpreterBuffer(self):
- """
- L{manhole.Manhole.handle_INT} should cause the interpreter input buffer
- to be reset.
- """
- transport = StringTransport()
- terminal = insults.ServerProtocol(manhole.Manhole)
- terminal.makeConnection(transport)
- protocol = terminal.terminalProtocol
- interpreter = protocol.interpreter
- interpreter.buffer.extend(["1", "2"])
- protocol.handle_INT()
- self.assertFalse(interpreter.buffer)
-class WriterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def testInteger(self):
- manhole.lastColorizedLine("1")
- def testDoubleQuoteString(self):
- manhole.lastColorizedLine('"1"')
- def testSingleQuoteString(self):
- manhole.lastColorizedLine("'1'")
- def testTripleSingleQuotedString(self):
- manhole.lastColorizedLine("'''1'''")
- def testTripleDoubleQuotedString(self):
- manhole.lastColorizedLine('"""1"""')
- def testFunctionDefinition(self):
- manhole.lastColorizedLine("def foo():")
- def testClassDefinition(self):
- manhole.lastColorizedLine("class foo:")
-class ManholeLoopbackMixin:
- serverProtocol = manhole.ColoredManhole
- def wfd(self, d):
- return defer.waitForDeferred(d)
- def testSimpleExpression(self):
- done = self.recvlineClient.expect("done")
- self._testwrite(
- "1 + 1\n"
- "done")
- def finished(ign):
- self._assertBuffer(
- [">>> 1 + 1",
- "2",
- ">>> done"])
- return done.addCallback(finished)
- def testTripleQuoteLineContinuation(self):
- done = self.recvlineClient.expect("done")
- self._testwrite(
- "'''\n'''\n"
- "done")
- def finished(ign):
- self._assertBuffer(
- [">>> '''",
- "... '''",
- "'\\n'",
- ">>> done"])
- return done.addCallback(finished)
- def testFunctionDefinition(self):
- done = self.recvlineClient.expect("done")
- self._testwrite(
- "def foo(bar):\n"
- "\tprint bar\n\n"
- "foo(42)\n"
- "done")
- def finished(ign):
- self._assertBuffer(
- [">>> def foo(bar):",
- "... print bar",
- "... ",
- ">>> foo(42)",
- "42",
- ">>> done"])
- return done.addCallback(finished)
- def testClassDefinition(self):
- done = self.recvlineClient.expect("done")
- self._testwrite(
- "class Foo:\n"
- "\tdef bar(self):\n"
- "\t\tprint 'Hello, world!'\n\n"
- "Foo().bar()\n"
- "done")
- def finished(ign):
- self._assertBuffer(
- [">>> class Foo:",
- "... def bar(self):",
- "... print 'Hello, world!'",
- "... ",
- ">>> Foo().bar()",
- "Hello, world!",
- ">>> done"])
- return done.addCallback(finished)
- def testException(self):
- done = self.recvlineClient.expect("done")
- self._testwrite(
- "raise Exception('foo bar baz')\n"
- "done")
- def finished(ign):
- self._assertBuffer(
- [">>> raise Exception('foo bar baz')",
- "Traceback (most recent call last):",
- ' File "<console>", line 1, in ' + defaultFunctionName,
- "Exception: foo bar baz",
- ">>> done"])
- return done.addCallback(finished)
- def testControlC(self):
- done = self.recvlineClient.expect("done")
- self._testwrite(
- "cancelled line" + manhole.CTRL_C +
- "done")
- def finished(ign):
- self._assertBuffer(
- [">>> cancelled line",
- "KeyboardInterrupt",
- ">>> done"])
- return done.addCallback(finished)
- def test_interruptDuringContinuation(self):
- """
- Sending ^C to Manhole while in a state where more input is required to
- complete a statement should discard the entire ongoing statement and
- reset the input prompt to the non-continuation prompt.
- """
- continuing = self.recvlineClient.expect("things")
- self._testwrite("(\nthings")
- def gotContinuation(ignored):
- self._assertBuffer(
- [">>> (",
- "... things"])
- interrupted = self.recvlineClient.expect(">>> ")
- self._testwrite(manhole.CTRL_C)
- return interrupted
- continuing.addCallback(gotContinuation)
- def gotInterruption(ignored):
- self._assertBuffer(
- [">>> (",
- "... things",
- "KeyboardInterrupt",
- ">>> "])
- continuing.addCallback(gotInterruption)
- return continuing
- def testControlBackslash(self):
- self._testwrite("cancelled line")
- partialLine = self.recvlineClient.expect("cancelled line")
- def gotPartialLine(ign):
- self._assertBuffer(
- [">>> cancelled line"])
- self._testwrite(manhole.CTRL_BACKSLASH)
- d = self.recvlineClient.onDisconnection
- return self.assertFailure(d, error.ConnectionDone)
- def gotClearedLine(ign):
- self._assertBuffer(
- [""])
- return partialLine.addCallback(gotPartialLine).addCallback(gotClearedLine)
- def testControlD(self):
- self._testwrite("1 + 1")
- helloWorld = self.wfd(self.recvlineClient.expect(r"\+ 1"))
- yield helloWorld
- helloWorld.getResult()
- self._assertBuffer([">>> 1 + 1"])
- self._testwrite(manhole.CTRL_D + " + 1")
- cleared = self.wfd(self.recvlineClient.expect(r"\+ 1"))
- yield cleared
- cleared.getResult()
- self._assertBuffer([">>> 1 + 1 + 1"])
- self._testwrite("\n")
- printed = self.wfd(self.recvlineClient.expect("3\n>>> "))
- yield printed
- printed.getResult()
- self._testwrite(manhole.CTRL_D)
- d = self.recvlineClient.onDisconnection
- disconnected = self.wfd(self.assertFailure(d, error.ConnectionDone))
- yield disconnected
- disconnected.getResult()
- testControlD = defer.deferredGenerator(testControlD)
- def testControlL(self):
- """
- CTRL+L is generally used as a redraw-screen command in terminal
- applications. Manhole doesn't currently respect this usage of it,
- but it should at least do something reasonable in response to this
- event (rather than, say, eating your face).
- """
- # Start off with a newline so that when we clear the display we can
- # tell by looking for the missing first empty prompt line.
- self._testwrite("\n1 + 1")
- helloWorld = self.wfd(self.recvlineClient.expect(r"\+ 1"))
- yield helloWorld
- helloWorld.getResult()
- self._assertBuffer([">>> ", ">>> 1 + 1"])
- self._testwrite(manhole.CTRL_L + " + 1")
- redrew = self.wfd(self.recvlineClient.expect(r"1 \+ 1 \+ 1"))
- yield redrew
- redrew.getResult()
- self._assertBuffer([">>> 1 + 1 + 1"])
- testControlL = defer.deferredGenerator(testControlL)
- def test_controlA(self):
- """
- CTRL-A can be used as HOME - returning cursor to beginning of
- current line buffer.
- """
- self._testwrite('rint "hello"' + '\x01' + 'p')
- d = self.recvlineClient.expect('print "hello"')
- def cb(ignore):
- self._assertBuffer(['>>> print "hello"'])
- return d.addCallback(cb)
- def test_controlE(self):
- """
- CTRL-E can be used as END - setting cursor to end of current
- line buffer.
- """
- self._testwrite('rint "hello' + '\x01' + 'p' + '\x05' + '"')
- d = self.recvlineClient.expect('print "hello"')
- def cb(ignore):
- self._assertBuffer(['>>> print "hello"'])
- return d.addCallback(cb)
- def testDeferred(self):
- self._testwrite(
- "from twisted.internet import defer, reactor\n"
- "d = defer.Deferred()\n"
- "d\n")
- deferred = self.wfd(self.recvlineClient.expect("<Deferred #0>"))
- yield deferred
- deferred.getResult()
- self._testwrite(
- "c = reactor.callLater(0.1, d.callback, 'Hi!')\n")
- delayed = self.wfd(self.recvlineClient.expect(">>> "))
- yield delayed
- delayed.getResult()
- called = self.wfd(self.recvlineClient.expect("Deferred #0 called back: 'Hi!'\n>>> "))
- yield called
- called.getResult()
- self._assertBuffer(
- [">>> from twisted.internet import defer, reactor",
- ">>> d = defer.Deferred()",
- ">>> d",
- "<Deferred #0>",
- ">>> c = reactor.callLater(0.1, d.callback, 'Hi!')",
- "Deferred #0 called back: 'Hi!'",
- ">>> "])
- testDeferred = defer.deferredGenerator(testDeferred)
-class ManholeLoopbackTelnet(_TelnetMixin, unittest.TestCase, ManholeLoopbackMixin):
- pass
-class ManholeLoopbackSSH(_SSHMixin, unittest.TestCase, ManholeLoopbackMixin):
- if ssh is None:
- skip = "Crypto requirements missing, can't run manhole tests over ssh"
-class ManholeLoopbackStdio(_StdioMixin, unittest.TestCase, ManholeLoopbackMixin):
- if stdio is None:
- skip = "Terminal requirements missing, can't run manhole tests over stdio"
- else:
- serverProtocol = stdio.ConsoleManhole
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_mixin.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_mixin.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 74d60eaa..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_mixin.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# -*- twisted.conch.test.test_mixin -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import time
-from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport
-from twisted.conch import mixin
-class TestBufferingProto(mixin.BufferingMixin):
- scheduled = False
- rescheduled = 0
- def schedule(self):
- self.scheduled = True
- return object()
- def reschedule(self, token):
- self.rescheduled += 1
-class BufferingTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def testBuffering(self):
- p = TestBufferingProto()
- t = p.transport = StringTransport()
- self.failIf(p.scheduled)
- L = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux']
- p.write('foo')
- self.failUnless(p.scheduled)
- self.failIf(p.rescheduled)
- for s in L:
- n = p.rescheduled
- p.write(s)
- self.assertEqual(p.rescheduled, n + 1)
- self.assertEqual(t.value(), '')
- p.flush()
- self.assertEqual(t.value(), 'foo' + ''.join(L))
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_openssh_compat.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_openssh_compat.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 8b4e1a6f..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_openssh_compat.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.openssh_compat}.
-import os
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.python.compat import set
- import Crypto.Cipher.DES3
- import pyasn1
-except ImportError:
- OpenSSHFactory = None
- from twisted.conch.openssh_compat.factory import OpenSSHFactory
-from twisted.conch.test import keydata
-from twisted.test.test_process import MockOS
-class OpenSSHFactoryTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{OpenSSHFactory}.
- """
- if getattr(os, "geteuid", None) is None:
- skip = "geteuid/seteuid not available"
- elif OpenSSHFactory is None:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyCrypto or PyASN1"
- def setUp(self):
- self.factory = OpenSSHFactory()
- self.keysDir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.keysDir.makedirs()
- self.factory.dataRoot = self.keysDir.path
- self.keysDir.child("ssh_host_foo").setContent("foo")
- self.keysDir.child("bar_key").setContent("foo")
- self.keysDir.child("ssh_host_one_key").setContent(
- keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- self.keysDir.child("ssh_host_two_key").setContent(
- keydata.privateDSA_openssh)
- self.keysDir.child("ssh_host_three_key").setContent(
- "not a key content")
- self.keysDir.child("ssh_host_one_key.pub").setContent(
- keydata.publicRSA_openssh)
- self.mockos = MockOS()
- self.patch(os, "seteuid", self.mockos.seteuid)
- self.patch(os, "setegid", self.mockos.setegid)
- def test_getPublicKeys(self):
- """
- L{OpenSSHFactory.getPublicKeys} should return the available public keys
- in the data directory
- """
- keys = self.factory.getPublicKeys()
- self.assertEqual(len(keys), 1)
- keyTypes = keys.keys()
- self.assertEqual(keyTypes, ['ssh-rsa'])
- def test_getPrivateKeys(self):
- """
- L{OpenSSHFactory.getPrivateKeys} should return the available private
- keys in the data directory.
- """
- keys = self.factory.getPrivateKeys()
- self.assertEqual(len(keys), 2)
- keyTypes = keys.keys()
- self.assertEqual(set(keyTypes), set(['ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss']))
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.seteuidCalls, [])
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.setegidCalls, [])
- def test_getPrivateKeysAsRoot(self):
- """
- L{OpenSSHFactory.getPrivateKeys} should switch to root if the keys
- aren't readable by the current user.
- """
- keyFile = self.keysDir.child("ssh_host_two_key")
- # Fake permission error by changing the mode
- keyFile.chmod(0000)
- self.addCleanup(keyFile.chmod, 0777)
- # And restore the right mode when seteuid is called
- savedSeteuid = os.seteuid
- def seteuid(euid):
- keyFile.chmod(0777)
- return savedSeteuid(euid)
- self.patch(os, "seteuid", seteuid)
- keys = self.factory.getPrivateKeys()
- self.assertEqual(len(keys), 2)
- keyTypes = keys.keys()
- self.assertEqual(set(keyTypes), set(['ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss']))
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.seteuidCalls, [0, os.geteuid()])
- self.assertEqual(self.mockos.setegidCalls, [0, os.getegid()])
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_recvline.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_recvline.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3d535646..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_recvline.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,706 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_recvline -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.recvline} and fixtures for testing related
-import sys, os
-from twisted.conch.insults import insults
-from twisted.conch import recvline
-from twisted.python import reflect, components
-from twisted.internet import defer, error
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.cred import portal
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport
-class Arrows(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.underlyingTransport = StringTransport()
- self.pt = insults.ServerProtocol()
- self.p = recvline.HistoricRecvLine()
- self.pt.protocolFactory = lambda: self.p
- self.pt.factory = self
- self.pt.makeConnection(self.underlyingTransport)
- # self.p.makeConnection(self.pt)
- def test_printableCharacters(self):
- """
- When L{HistoricRecvLine} receives a printable character,
- it adds it to the current line buffer.
- """
- self.p.keystrokeReceived('x', None)
- self.p.keystrokeReceived('y', None)
- self.p.keystrokeReceived('z', None)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- def test_horizontalArrows(self):
- """
- When L{HistoricRecvLine} receives an LEFT_ARROW or
- RIGHT_ARROW keystroke it moves the cursor left or right
- in the current line buffer, respectively.
- """
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'xyz':
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- kR(self.pt.RIGHT_ARROW)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- kR(self.pt.LEFT_ARROW)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xy', 'z'))
- kR(self.pt.LEFT_ARROW)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('x', 'yz'))
- kR(self.pt.LEFT_ARROW)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', 'xyz'))
- kR(self.pt.LEFT_ARROW)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', 'xyz'))
- kR(self.pt.RIGHT_ARROW)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('x', 'yz'))
- kR(self.pt.RIGHT_ARROW)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xy', 'z'))
- kR(self.pt.RIGHT_ARROW)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- kR(self.pt.RIGHT_ARROW)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- def test_newline(self):
- """
- When {HistoricRecvLine} receives a newline, it adds the current
- line buffer to the end of its history buffer.
- """
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'xyz\nabc\n123\n':
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- (('xyz', 'abc', '123'), ()))
- kR('c')
- kR('b')
- kR('a')
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- (('xyz', 'abc', '123'), ()))
- kR('\n')
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- (('xyz', 'abc', '123', 'cba'), ()))
- def test_verticalArrows(self):
- """
- When L{HistoricRecvLine} receives UP_ARROW or DOWN_ARROW
- keystrokes it move the current index in the current history
- buffer up or down, and resets the current line buffer to the
- previous or next line in history, respectively for each.
- """
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'xyz\nabc\n123\n':
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- (('xyz', 'abc', '123'), ()))
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', ''))
- kR(self.pt.UP_ARROW)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- (('xyz', 'abc'), ('123',)))
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('123', ''))
- kR(self.pt.UP_ARROW)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- (('xyz',), ('abc', '123')))
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('abc', ''))
- kR(self.pt.UP_ARROW)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- ((), ('xyz', 'abc', '123')))
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- kR(self.pt.UP_ARROW)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- ((), ('xyz', 'abc', '123')))
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- for i in range(4):
- kR(self.pt.DOWN_ARROW)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- (('xyz', 'abc', '123'), ()))
- def test_home(self):
- """
- When L{HistoricRecvLine} receives a HOME keystroke it moves the
- cursor to the beginning of the current line buffer.
- """
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'hello, world':
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('hello, world', ''))
- kR(self.pt.HOME)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', 'hello, world'))
- def test_end(self):
- """
- When L{HistoricRecvLine} receives a END keystroke it moves the cursor
- to the end of the current line buffer.
- """
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'hello, world':
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('hello, world', ''))
- kR(self.pt.HOME)
- kR(self.pt.END)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('hello, world', ''))
- def test_backspace(self):
- """
- When L{HistoricRecvLine} receives a BACKSPACE keystroke it deletes
- the character immediately before the cursor.
- """
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'xyz':
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- kR(self.pt.BACKSPACE)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xy', ''))
- kR(self.pt.LEFT_ARROW)
- kR(self.pt.BACKSPACE)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', 'y'))
- kR(self.pt.BACKSPACE)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', 'y'))
- def test_delete(self):
- """
- When L{HistoricRecvLine} receives a DELETE keystroke, it
- delets the character immediately after the cursor.
- """
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'xyz':
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- kR(self.pt.DELETE)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- kR(self.pt.LEFT_ARROW)
- kR(self.pt.DELETE)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xy', ''))
- kR(self.pt.LEFT_ARROW)
- kR(self.pt.DELETE)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('x', ''))
- kR(self.pt.LEFT_ARROW)
- kR(self.pt.DELETE)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', ''))
- kR(self.pt.DELETE)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', ''))
- def test_insert(self):
- """
- When not in INSERT mode, L{HistoricRecvLine} inserts the typed
- character at the cursor before the next character.
- """
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'xyz':
- kR(ch)
- kR(self.pt.LEFT_ARROW)
- kR('A')
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyA', 'z'))
- kR(self.pt.LEFT_ARROW)
- kR('B')
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyB', 'Az'))
- def test_typeover(self):
- """
- When in INSERT mode and upon receiving a keystroke with a printable
- character, L{HistoricRecvLine} replaces the character at
- the cursor with the typed character rather than inserting before.
- Ah, the ironies of INSERT mode.
- """
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'xyz':
- kR(ch)
- kR(self.pt.INSERT)
- kR(self.pt.LEFT_ARROW)
- kR('A')
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyA', ''))
- kR(self.pt.LEFT_ARROW)
- kR('B')
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyB', ''))
- def test_unprintableCharacters(self):
- """
- When L{HistoricRecvLine} receives a keystroke for an unprintable
- function key with no assigned behavior, the line buffer is unmodified.
- """
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- pt = self.pt
- for ch in (pt.F1, pt.F2, pt.F3, pt.F4, pt.F5, pt.F6, pt.F7, pt.F8,
- pt.F9, pt.F10, pt.F11, pt.F12, pt.PGUP, pt.PGDN):
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', ''))
-from twisted.conch import telnet
-from twisted.conch.insults import helper
-from twisted.protocols import loopback
-class EchoServer(recvline.HistoricRecvLine):
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- self.terminal.write(line + '\n' + self.ps[self.pn])
-# An insults API for this would be nice.
-left = "\x1b[D"
-right = "\x1b[C"
-up = "\x1b[A"
-down = "\x1b[B"
-insert = "\x1b[2~"
-home = "\x1b[1~"
-delete = "\x1b[3~"
-end = "\x1b[4~"
-backspace = "\x7f"
-from twisted.cred import checkers
- from twisted.conch.ssh import userauth, transport, channel, connection, session
- from twisted.conch.manhole_ssh import TerminalUser, TerminalSession, TerminalRealm, TerminalSessionTransport, ConchFactory
-except ImportError:
- ssh = False
- ssh = True
- class SessionChannel(channel.SSHChannel):
- name = 'session'
- def __init__(self, protocolFactory, protocolArgs, protocolKwArgs, width, height, *a, **kw):
- channel.SSHChannel.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
- self.protocolFactory = protocolFactory
- self.protocolArgs = protocolArgs
- self.protocolKwArgs = protocolKwArgs
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- def channelOpen(self, data):
- term = session.packRequest_pty_req("vt102", (self.height, self.width, 0, 0), '')
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'pty-req', term)
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'shell', '')
- self._protocolInstance = self.protocolFactory(*self.protocolArgs, **self.protocolKwArgs)
- self._protocolInstance.factory = self
- self._protocolInstance.makeConnection(self)
- def closed(self):
- self._protocolInstance.connectionLost(error.ConnectionDone())
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self._protocolInstance.dataReceived(data)
- class TestConnection(connection.SSHConnection):
- def __init__(self, protocolFactory, protocolArgs, protocolKwArgs, width, height, *a, **kw):
- connection.SSHConnection.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
- self.protocolFactory = protocolFactory
- self.protocolArgs = protocolArgs
- self.protocolKwArgs = protocolKwArgs
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- def serviceStarted(self):
- self.__channel = SessionChannel(self.protocolFactory, self.protocolArgs, self.protocolKwArgs, self.width, self.height)
- self.openChannel(self.__channel)
- def write(self, bytes):
- return self.__channel.write(bytes)
- class TestAuth(userauth.SSHUserAuthClient):
- def __init__(self, username, password, *a, **kw):
- userauth.SSHUserAuthClient.__init__(self, username, *a, **kw)
- self.password = password
- def getPassword(self):
- return defer.succeed(self.password)
- class TestTransport(transport.SSHClientTransport):
- def __init__(self, protocolFactory, protocolArgs, protocolKwArgs, username, password, width, height, *a, **kw):
- # transport.SSHClientTransport.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
- self.protocolFactory = protocolFactory
- self.protocolArgs = protocolArgs
- self.protocolKwArgs = protocolKwArgs
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- def verifyHostKey(self, hostKey, fingerprint):
- return defer.succeed(True)
- def connectionSecure(self):
- self.__connection = TestConnection(self.protocolFactory, self.protocolArgs, self.protocolKwArgs, self.width, self.height)
- self.requestService(
- TestAuth(self.username, self.password, self.__connection))
- def write(self, bytes):
- return self.__connection.write(bytes)
- class TestSessionTransport(TerminalSessionTransport):
- def protocolFactory(self):
- return self.avatar.conn.transport.factory.serverProtocol()
- class TestSession(TerminalSession):
- transportFactory = TestSessionTransport
- class TestUser(TerminalUser):
- pass
- components.registerAdapter(TestSession, TestUser, session.ISession)
-class LoopbackRelay(loopback.LoopbackRelay):
- clearCall = None
- def logPrefix(self):
- return "LoopbackRelay(%r)" % (self.target.__class__.__name__,)
- def write(self, bytes):
- loopback.LoopbackRelay.write(self, bytes)
- if self.clearCall is not None:
- self.clearCall.cancel()
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- self.clearCall = reactor.callLater(0, self._clearBuffer)
- def _clearBuffer(self):
- self.clearCall = None
- loopback.LoopbackRelay.clearBuffer(self)
-class NotifyingExpectableBuffer(helper.ExpectableBuffer):
- def __init__(self):
- self.onConnection = defer.Deferred()
- self.onDisconnection = defer.Deferred()
- def connectionMade(self):
- helper.ExpectableBuffer.connectionMade(self)
- self.onConnection.callback(self)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self.onDisconnection.errback(reason)
-class _BaseMixin:
- WIDTH = 80
- HEIGHT = 24
- def _assertBuffer(self, lines):
- receivedLines = str(self.recvlineClient).splitlines()
- expectedLines = lines + ([''] * (self.HEIGHT - len(lines) - 1))
- self.assertEqual(len(receivedLines), len(expectedLines))
- for i in range(len(receivedLines)):
- self.assertEqual(
- receivedLines[i], expectedLines[i],
- str(receivedLines[max(0, i-1):i+1]) +
- " != " +
- str(expectedLines[max(0, i-1):i+1]))
- def _trivialTest(self, input, output):
- done = self.recvlineClient.expect("done")
- self._testwrite(input)
- def finished(ign):
- self._assertBuffer(output)
- return done.addCallback(finished)
-class _SSHMixin(_BaseMixin):
- def setUp(self):
- if not ssh:
- raise unittest.SkipTest("Crypto requirements missing, can't run historic recvline tests over ssh")
- u, p = 'testuser', 'testpass'
- rlm = TerminalRealm()
- rlm.userFactory = TestUser
- rlm.chainedProtocolFactory = lambda: insultsServer
- ptl = portal.Portal(
- rlm,
- [checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(**{u: p})])
- sshFactory = ConchFactory(ptl)
- sshFactory.serverProtocol = self.serverProtocol
- sshFactory.startFactory()
- recvlineServer = self.serverProtocol()
- insultsServer = insults.ServerProtocol(lambda: recvlineServer)
- sshServer = sshFactory.buildProtocol(None)
- clientTransport = LoopbackRelay(sshServer)
- recvlineClient = NotifyingExpectableBuffer()
- insultsClient = insults.ClientProtocol(lambda: recvlineClient)
- sshClient = TestTransport(lambda: insultsClient, (), {}, u, p, self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT)
- serverTransport = LoopbackRelay(sshClient)
- sshClient.makeConnection(clientTransport)
- sshServer.makeConnection(serverTransport)
- self.recvlineClient = recvlineClient
- self.sshClient = sshClient
- self.sshServer = sshServer
- self.clientTransport = clientTransport
- self.serverTransport = serverTransport
- return recvlineClient.onConnection
- def _testwrite(self, bytes):
- self.sshClient.write(bytes)
-from twisted.conch.test import test_telnet
-class TestInsultsClientProtocol(insults.ClientProtocol,
- test_telnet.TestProtocol):
- pass
-class TestInsultsServerProtocol(insults.ServerProtocol,
- test_telnet.TestProtocol):
- pass
-class _TelnetMixin(_BaseMixin):
- def setUp(self):
- recvlineServer = self.serverProtocol()
- insultsServer = TestInsultsServerProtocol(lambda: recvlineServer)
- telnetServer = telnet.TelnetTransport(lambda: insultsServer)
- clientTransport = LoopbackRelay(telnetServer)
- recvlineClient = NotifyingExpectableBuffer()
- insultsClient = TestInsultsClientProtocol(lambda: recvlineClient)
- telnetClient = telnet.TelnetTransport(lambda: insultsClient)
- serverTransport = LoopbackRelay(telnetClient)
- telnetClient.makeConnection(clientTransport)
- telnetServer.makeConnection(serverTransport)
- serverTransport.clearBuffer()
- clientTransport.clearBuffer()
- self.recvlineClient = recvlineClient
- self.telnetClient = telnetClient
- self.clientTransport = clientTransport
- self.serverTransport = serverTransport
- return recvlineClient.onConnection
- def _testwrite(self, bytes):
- self.telnetClient.write(bytes)
- from twisted.conch import stdio
-except ImportError:
- stdio = None
-class _StdioMixin(_BaseMixin):
- def setUp(self):
- # A memory-only terminal emulator, into which the server will
- # write things and make other state changes. What ends up
- # here is basically what a user would have seen on their
- # screen.
- testTerminal = NotifyingExpectableBuffer()
- # An insults client protocol which will translate bytes
- # received from the child process into keystroke commands for
- # an ITerminalProtocol.
- insultsClient = insults.ClientProtocol(lambda: testTerminal)
- # A process protocol which will translate stdout and stderr
- # received from the child process to dataReceived calls and
- # error reporting on an insults client protocol.
- processClient = stdio.TerminalProcessProtocol(insultsClient)
- # Run twisted/conch/stdio.py with the name of a class
- # implementing ITerminalProtocol. This class will be used to
- # handle bytes we send to the child process.
- exe = sys.executable
- module = stdio.__file__
- if module.endswith('.pyc') or module.endswith('.pyo'):
- module = module[:-1]
- args = [exe, module, reflect.qual(self.serverProtocol)]
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env["PYTHONPATH"] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- clientTransport = reactor.spawnProcess(processClient, exe, args,
- env=env, usePTY=True)
- self.recvlineClient = self.testTerminal = testTerminal
- self.processClient = processClient
- self.clientTransport = clientTransport
- # Wait for the process protocol and test terminal to become
- # connected before proceeding. The former should always
- # happen first, but it doesn't hurt to be safe.
- return defer.gatherResults(filter(None, [
- processClient.onConnection,
- testTerminal.expect(">>> ")]))
- def tearDown(self):
- # Kill the child process. We're done with it.
- try:
- self.clientTransport.signalProcess("KILL")
- except (error.ProcessExitedAlready, OSError):
- pass
- def trap(failure):
- failure.trap(error.ProcessTerminated)
- self.assertEqual(failure.value.exitCode, None)
- self.assertEqual(failure.value.status, 9)
- return self.testTerminal.onDisconnection.addErrback(trap)
- def _testwrite(self, bytes):
- self.clientTransport.write(bytes)
-class RecvlineLoopbackMixin:
- serverProtocol = EchoServer
- def testSimple(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "first line\ndone",
- [">>> first line",
- "first line",
- ">>> done"])
- def testLeftArrow(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- insert + 'first line' + left * 4 + "xxxx\ndone",
- [">>> first xxxx",
- "first xxxx",
- ">>> done"])
- def testRightArrow(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- insert + 'right line' + left * 4 + right * 2 + "xx\ndone",
- [">>> right lixx",
- "right lixx",
- ">>> done"])
- def testBackspace(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "second line" + backspace * 4 + "xxxx\ndone",
- [">>> second xxxx",
- "second xxxx",
- ">>> done"])
- def testDelete(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "delete xxxx" + left * 4 + delete * 4 + "line\ndone",
- [">>> delete line",
- "delete line",
- ">>> done"])
- def testInsert(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "third ine" + left * 3 + "l\ndone",
- [">>> third line",
- "third line",
- ">>> done"])
- def testTypeover(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "fourth xine" + left * 4 + insert + "l\ndone",
- [">>> fourth line",
- "fourth line",
- ">>> done"])
- def testHome(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- insert + "blah line" + home + "home\ndone",
- [">>> home line",
- "home line",
- ">>> done"])
- def testEnd(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "end " + left * 4 + end + "line\ndone",
- [">>> end line",
- "end line",
- ">>> done"])
-class RecvlineLoopbackTelnet(_TelnetMixin, unittest.TestCase, RecvlineLoopbackMixin):
- pass
-class RecvlineLoopbackSSH(_SSHMixin, unittest.TestCase, RecvlineLoopbackMixin):
- pass
-class RecvlineLoopbackStdio(_StdioMixin, unittest.TestCase, RecvlineLoopbackMixin):
- if stdio is None:
- skip = "Terminal requirements missing, can't run recvline tests over stdio"
-class HistoricRecvlineLoopbackMixin:
- serverProtocol = EchoServer
- def testUpArrow(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "first line\n" + up + "\ndone",
- [">>> first line",
- "first line",
- ">>> first line",
- "first line",
- ">>> done"])
- def testDownArrow(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "first line\nsecond line\n" + up * 2 + down + "\ndone",
- [">>> first line",
- "first line",
- ">>> second line",
- "second line",
- ">>> second line",
- "second line",
- ">>> done"])
-class HistoricRecvlineLoopbackTelnet(_TelnetMixin, unittest.TestCase, HistoricRecvlineLoopbackMixin):
- pass
-class HistoricRecvlineLoopbackSSH(_SSHMixin, unittest.TestCase, HistoricRecvlineLoopbackMixin):
- pass
-class HistoricRecvlineLoopbackStdio(_StdioMixin, unittest.TestCase, HistoricRecvlineLoopbackMixin):
- if stdio is None:
- skip = "Terminal requirements missing, can't run historic recvline tests over stdio"
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_scripts.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_scripts.py
deleted file mode 100755
index ae90e828..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_scripts.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for the command-line interfaces to conch.
- import pyasn1
-except ImportError:
- pyasn1Skip = "Cannot run without PyASN1"
- pyasn1Skip = None
- import Crypto
-except ImportError:
- cryptoSkip = "can't run w/o PyCrypto"
- cryptoSkip = None
- import tty
-except ImportError:
- ttySkip = "can't run w/o tty"
- ttySkip = None
- import Tkinter
-except ImportError:
- tkskip = "can't run w/o Tkinter"
- try:
- Tkinter.Tk().destroy()
- except Tkinter.TclError, e:
- tkskip = "Can't test Tkinter: " + str(e)
- else:
- tkskip = None
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.scripts.test.test_scripts import ScriptTestsMixin
-from twisted.python.test.test_shellcomp import ZshScriptTestMixin
-class ScriptTests(TestCase, ScriptTestsMixin):
- """
- Tests for the Conch scripts.
- """
- skip = pyasn1Skip or cryptoSkip
- def test_conch(self):
- self.scriptTest("conch/conch")
- test_conch.skip = ttySkip or skip
- def test_cftp(self):
- self.scriptTest("conch/cftp")
- test_cftp.skip = ttySkip or skip
- def test_ckeygen(self):
- self.scriptTest("conch/ckeygen")
- def test_tkconch(self):
- self.scriptTest("conch/tkconch")
- test_tkconch.skip = tkskip or skip
-class ZshIntegrationTestCase(TestCase, ZshScriptTestMixin):
- """
- Test that zsh completion functions are generated without error
- """
- generateFor = [('conch', 'twisted.conch.scripts.conch.ClientOptions'),
- ('cftp', 'twisted.conch.scripts.cftp.ClientOptions'),
- ('ckeygen', 'twisted.conch.scripts.ckeygen.GeneralOptions'),
- ('tkconch', 'twisted.conch.scripts.tkconch.GeneralOptions'),
- ]
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_session.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_session.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 4db16298..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_session.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1256 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for the 'session' channel implementation in twisted.conch.ssh.session.
-See also RFC 4254.
-import os, signal, sys, struct
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address
-from twisted.internet.error import ProcessTerminated, ProcessDone
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
-from twisted.conch.ssh import common, session, connection
-from twisted.internet import defer, protocol, error
-from twisted.python import components, failure
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-class SubsystemOnlyAvatar(object):
- """
- A stub class representing an avatar that is only useful for
- getting a subsystem.
- """
- def lookupSubsystem(self, name, data):
- """
- If the other side requests the 'subsystem' subsystem, allow it by
- returning a MockProtocol to implement it. Otherwise, return
- None which is interpreted by SSHSession as a failure.
- """
- if name == 'subsystem':
- return MockProtocol()
-class StubAvatar:
- """
- A stub class representing the avatar representing the authenticated user.
- It implements the I{ISession} interface.
- """
- def lookupSubsystem(self, name, data):
- """
- If the user requests the TestSubsystem subsystem, connect them to a
- MockProtocol. If they request neither, then None is returned which is
- interpreted by SSHSession as a failure.
- """
- if name == 'TestSubsystem':
- self.subsystem = MockProtocol()
- self.subsystem.packetData = data
- return self.subsystem
-class StubSessionForStubAvatar(object):
- """
- A stub ISession implementation for our StubAvatar. The instance
- variables generally keep track of method invocations so that we can test
- that the methods were called.
- @ivar avatar: the L{StubAvatar} we are adapting.
- @ivar ptyRequest: if present, the terminal, window size, and modes passed
- to the getPty method.
- @ivar windowChange: if present, the window size passed to the
- windowChangned method.
- @ivar shellProtocol: if present, the L{SSHSessionProcessProtocol} passed
- to the openShell method.
- @ivar shellTransport: if present, the L{EchoTransport} connected to
- shellProtocol.
- @ivar execProtocol: if present, the L{SSHSessionProcessProtocol} passed
- to the execCommand method.
- @ivar execTransport: if present, the L{EchoTransport} connected to
- execProtocol.
- @ivar execCommandLine: if present, the command line passed to the
- execCommand method.
- @ivar gotEOF: if present, an EOF message was received.
- @ivar gotClosed: if present, a closed message was received.
- """
- implements(session.ISession)
- def __init__(self, avatar):
- """
- Store the avatar we're adapting.
- """
- self.avatar = avatar
- self.shellProtocol = None
- def getPty(self, terminal, window, modes):
- """
- If the terminal is 'bad', fail. Otherwise, store the information in
- the ptyRequest variable.
- """
- if terminal != 'bad':
- self.ptyRequest = (terminal, window, modes)
- else:
- raise RuntimeError('not getting a pty')
- def windowChanged(self, window):
- """
- If all the window sizes are 0, fail. Otherwise, store the size in the
- windowChange variable.
- """
- if window == (0, 0, 0, 0):
- raise RuntimeError('not changing the window size')
- else:
- self.windowChange = window
- def openShell(self, pp):
- """
- If we have gotten a shell request before, fail. Otherwise, store the
- process protocol in the shellProtocol variable, connect it to the
- EchoTransport and store that as shellTransport.
- """
- if self.shellProtocol is not None:
- raise RuntimeError('not getting a shell this time')
- else:
- self.shellProtocol = pp
- self.shellTransport = EchoTransport(pp)
- def execCommand(self, pp, command):
- """
- If the command is 'true', store the command, the process protocol, and
- the transport we connect to the process protocol. Otherwise, just
- store the command and raise an error.
- """
- self.execCommandLine = command
- if command == 'success':
- self.execProtocol = pp
- elif command[:6] == 'repeat':
- self.execProtocol = pp
- self.execTransport = EchoTransport(pp)
- pp.outReceived(command[7:])
- else:
- raise RuntimeError('not getting a command')
- def eofReceived(self):
- """
- Note that EOF has been received.
- """
- self.gotEOF = True
- def closed(self):
- """
- Note that close has been received.
- """
- self.gotClosed = True
-components.registerAdapter(StubSessionForStubAvatar, StubAvatar,
- session.ISession)
-class MockProcessProtocol(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
- """
- A mock ProcessProtocol which echoes back data sent to it and
- appends a tilde. The tilde is appended so the tests can verify that
- we received and processed the data.
- @ivar packetData: C{str} of data to be sent when the connection is made.
- @ivar data: a C{str} of data received.
- @ivar err: a C{str} of error data received.
- @ivar inConnectionOpen: True if the input side is open.
- @ivar outConnectionOpen: True if the output side is open.
- @ivar errConnectionOpen: True if the error side is open.
- @ivar ended: False if the protocol has not ended, a C{Failure} if the
- process has ended.
- """
- packetData = ''
- def connectionMade(self):
- """
- Set up variables.
- """
- self.data = ''
- self.err = ''
- self.inConnectionOpen = True
- self.outConnectionOpen = True
- self.errConnectionOpen = True
- self.ended = False
- if self.packetData:
- self.outReceived(self.packetData)
- def outReceived(self, data):
- """
- Data was received. Store it and echo it back with a tilde.
- """
- self.data += data
- if self.transport is not None:
- self.transport.write(data + '~')
- def errReceived(self, data):
- """
- Error data was received. Store it and echo it back backwards.
- """
- self.err += data
- self.transport.write(data[::-1])
- def inConnectionLost(self):
- """
- Close the input side.
- """
- self.inConnectionOpen = False
- def outConnectionLost(self):
- """
- Close the output side.
- """
- self.outConnectionOpen = False
- def errConnectionLost(self):
- """
- Close the error side.
- """
- self.errConnectionOpen = False
- def processEnded(self, reason):
- """
- End the process and store the reason.
- """
- self.ended = reason
-class EchoTransport:
- """
- A transport for a ProcessProtocol which echos data that is sent to it with
- a Window newline (CR LF) appended to it. If a null byte is in the data,
- disconnect. When we are asked to disconnect, disconnect the
- C{ProcessProtocol} with a 0 exit code.
- @ivar proto: the C{ProcessProtocol} connected to us.
- @ivar data: a C{str} of data written to us.
- """
- def __init__(self, processProtocol):
- """
- Initialize our instance variables.
- @param processProtocol: a C{ProcessProtocol} to connect to ourself.
- """
- self.proto = processProtocol
- self.closed = False
- self.data = ''
- processProtocol.makeConnection(self)
- def write(self, data):
- """
- We got some data. Give it back to our C{ProcessProtocol} with
- a newline attached. Disconnect if there's a null byte.
- """
- self.data += data
- self.proto.outReceived(data)
- self.proto.outReceived('\r\n')
- if '\x00' in data: # mimic 'exit' for the shell test
- self.loseConnection()
- def loseConnection(self):
- """
- If we're asked to disconnect (and we haven't already) shut down
- the C{ProcessProtocol} with a 0 exit code.
- """
- if self.closed:
- return
- self.closed = 1
- self.proto.inConnectionLost()
- self.proto.outConnectionLost()
- self.proto.errConnectionLost()
- self.proto.processEnded(failure.Failure(
- error.ProcessTerminated(0, None, None)))
-class MockProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
- """
- A sample Protocol which stores the data passed to it.
- @ivar packetData: a C{str} of data to be sent when the connection is made.
- @ivar data: a C{str} of the data passed to us.
- @ivar open: True if the channel is open.
- @ivar reason: if not None, the reason the protocol was closed.
- """
- packetData = ''
- def connectionMade(self):
- """
- Set up the instance variables. If we have any packetData, send it
- along.
- """
- self.data = ''
- self.open = True
- self.reason = None
- if self.packetData:
- self.dataReceived(self.packetData)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- """
- Store the received data and write it back with a tilde appended.
- The tilde is appended so that the tests can verify that we processed
- the data.
- """
- self.data += data
- if self.transport is not None:
- self.transport.write(data + '~')
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- """
- Close the protocol and store the reason.
- """
- self.open = False
- self.reason = reason
-class StubConnection(object):
- """
- A stub for twisted.conch.ssh.connection.SSHConnection. Record the data
- that channels send, and when they try to close the connection.
- @ivar data: a C{dict} mapping C{SSHChannel}s to a C{list} of C{str} of data
- they sent.
- @ivar extData: a C{dict} mapping L{SSHChannel}s to a C{list} of C{tuple} of
- (C{int}, C{str}) of extended data they sent.
- @ivar requests: a C{dict} mapping L{SSHChannel}s to a C{list} of C{tuple}
- of (C{str}, C{str}) of channel requests they made.
- @ivar eofs: a C{dict} mapping L{SSHChannel}s to C{true} if they have sent
- an EOF.
- @ivar closes: a C{dict} mapping L{SSHChannel}s to C{true} if they have sent
- a close.
- """
- def __init__(self, transport=None):
- """
- Initialize our instance variables.
- """
- self.data = {}
- self.extData = {}
- self.requests = {}
- self.eofs = {}
- self.closes = {}
- self.transport = transport
- def logPrefix(self):
- """
- Return our logging prefix.
- """
- return "MockConnection"
- def sendData(self, channel, data):
- """
- Record the sent data.
- """
- self.data.setdefault(channel, []).append(data)
- def sendExtendedData(self, channel, type, data):
- """
- Record the sent extended data.
- """
- self.extData.setdefault(channel, []).append((type, data))
- def sendRequest(self, channel, request, data, wantReply=False):
- """
- Record the sent channel request.
- """
- self.requests.setdefault(channel, []).append((request, data,
- wantReply))
- if wantReply:
- return defer.succeed(None)
- def sendEOF(self, channel):
- """
- Record the sent EOF.
- """
- self.eofs[channel] = True
- def sendClose(self, channel):
- """
- Record the sent close.
- """
- self.closes[channel] = True
-class StubTransport:
- """
- A stub transport which records the data written.
- @ivar buf: the data sent to the transport.
- @type buf: C{str}
- @ivar close: flags indicating if the transport has been closed.
- @type close: C{bool}
- """
- buf = ''
- close = False
- def getPeer(self):
- """
- Return an arbitrary L{IAddress}.
- """
- return IPv4Address('TCP', 'remotehost', 8888)
- def getHost(self):
- """
- Return an arbitrary L{IAddress}.
- """
- return IPv4Address('TCP', 'localhost', 9999)
- def write(self, data):
- """
- Record data in the buffer.
- """
- self.buf += data
- def loseConnection(self):
- """
- Note that the connection was closed.
- """
- self.close = True
-class StubTransportWithWriteErr(StubTransport):
- """
- A version of StubTransport which records the error data sent to it.
- @ivar err: the extended data sent to the transport.
- @type err: C{str}
- """
- err = ''
- def writeErr(self, data):
- """
- Record the extended data in the buffer. This was an old interface
- that allowed the Transports from ISession.openShell() or
- ISession.execCommand() to receive extended data from the client.
- """
- self.err += data
-class StubClient(object):
- """
- A stub class representing the client to a SSHSession.
- @ivar transport: A L{StubTransport} object which keeps track of the data
- passed to it.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.transport = StubTransportWithWriteErr()
-class SessionInterfaceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the SSHSession class interface. This interface is not ideal, but
- it is tested in order to maintain backwards compatibility.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Make an SSHSession object to test. Give the channel some window
- so that it's allowed to send packets. 500 and 100 are arbitrary
- values.
- """
- self.session = session.SSHSession(remoteWindow=500,
- remoteMaxPacket=100, conn=StubConnection(),
- avatar=StubAvatar())
- def assertSessionIsStubSession(self):
- """
- Asserts that self.session.session is an instance of
- StubSessionForStubOldAvatar.
- """
- self.assertIsInstance(self.session.session,
- StubSessionForStubAvatar)
- def test_init(self):
- """
- SSHSession initializes its buffer (buf), client, and ISession adapter.
- The avatar should not need to be adaptable to an ISession immediately.
- """
- s = session.SSHSession(avatar=object) # use object because it doesn't
- # have an adapter
- self.assertEqual(s.buf, '')
- self.assertIdentical(s.client, None)
- self.assertIdentical(s.session, None)
- def test_client_dataReceived(self):
- """
- SSHSession.dataReceived() passes data along to a client. If the data
- comes before there is a client, the data should be discarded.
- """
- self.session.dataReceived('1')
- self.session.client = StubClient()
- self.session.dataReceived('2')
- self.assertEqual(self.session.client.transport.buf, '2')
- def test_client_extReceived(self):
- """
- SSHSession.extReceived() passed data of type EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR along
- to the client. If the data comes before there is a client, or if the
- data is not of type EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR, it is discared.
- """
- self.session.extReceived(connection.EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR, '1')
- self.session.extReceived(255, '2') # 255 is arbitrary
- self.session.client = StubClient()
- self.session.extReceived(connection.EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR, '3')
- self.assertEqual(self.session.client.transport.err, '3')
- def test_client_extReceivedWithoutWriteErr(self):
- """
- SSHSession.extReceived() should handle the case where the transport
- on the client doesn't have a writeErr method.
- """
- client = self.session.client = StubClient()
- client.transport = StubTransport() # doesn't have writeErr
- # should not raise an error
- self.session.extReceived(connection.EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR, 'ignored')
- def test_client_closed(self):
- """
- SSHSession.closed() should tell the transport connected to the client
- that the connection was lost.
- """
- self.session.client = StubClient()
- self.session.closed()
- self.assertTrue(self.session.client.transport.close)
- self.session.client.transport.close = False
- def test_badSubsystemDoesNotCreateClient(self):
- """
- When a subsystem request fails, SSHSession.client should not be set.
- """
- ret = self.session.requestReceived(
- 'subsystem', common.NS('BadSubsystem'))
- self.assertFalse(ret)
- self.assertIdentical(self.session.client, None)
- def test_lookupSubsystem(self):
- """
- When a client requests a subsystem, the SSHSession object should get
- the subsystem by calling avatar.lookupSubsystem, and attach it as
- the client.
- """
- ret = self.session.requestReceived(
- 'subsystem', common.NS('TestSubsystem') + 'data')
- self.assertTrue(ret)
- self.assertIsInstance(self.session.client, protocol.ProcessProtocol)
- self.assertIdentical(self.session.client.transport.proto,
- self.session.avatar.subsystem)
- def test_lookupSubsystemDoesNotNeedISession(self):
- """
- Previously, if one only wanted to implement a subsystem, an ISession
- adapter wasn't needed because subsystems were looked up using the
- lookupSubsystem method on the avatar.
- """
- s = session.SSHSession(avatar=SubsystemOnlyAvatar(),
- conn=StubConnection())
- ret = s.request_subsystem(
- common.NS('subsystem') + 'data')
- self.assertTrue(ret)
- self.assertNotIdentical(s.client, None)
- self.assertIdentical(s.conn.closes.get(s), None)
- s.eofReceived()
- self.assertTrue(s.conn.closes.get(s))
- # these should not raise errors
- s.loseConnection()
- s.closed()
- def test_lookupSubsystem_data(self):
- """
- After having looked up a subsystem, data should be passed along to the
- client. Additionally, subsystems were passed the entire request packet
- as data, instead of just the additional data.
- We check for the additional tidle to verify that the data passed
- through the client.
- """
- #self.session.dataReceived('1')
- # subsystems didn't get extended data
- #self.session.extReceived(connection.EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR, '2')
- self.session.requestReceived('subsystem',
- common.NS('TestSubsystem') + 'data')
- self.assertEqual(self.session.conn.data[self.session],
- ['\x00\x00\x00\x0dTestSubsystemdata~'])
- self.session.dataReceived('more data')
- self.assertEqual(self.session.conn.data[self.session][-1],
- 'more data~')
- def test_lookupSubsystem_closeReceived(self):
- """
- SSHSession.closeReceived() should sent a close message to the remote
- side.
- """
- self.session.requestReceived('subsystem',
- common.NS('TestSubsystem') + 'data')
- self.session.closeReceived()
- self.assertTrue(self.session.conn.closes[self.session])
- def assertRequestRaisedRuntimeError(self):
- """
- Assert that the request we just made raised a RuntimeError (and only a
- RuntimeError).
- """
- errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(RuntimeError)
- self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1, "Multiple RuntimeErrors raised: %s" %
- '\n'.join([repr(error) for error in errors]))
- errors[0].trap(RuntimeError)
- def test_requestShell(self):
- """
- When a client requests a shell, the SSHSession object should get
- the shell by getting an ISession adapter for the avatar, then
- calling openShell() with a ProcessProtocol to attach.
- """
- # gets a shell the first time
- ret = self.session.requestReceived('shell', '')
- self.assertTrue(ret)
- self.assertSessionIsStubSession()
- self.assertIsInstance(self.session.client,
- session.SSHSessionProcessProtocol)
- self.assertIdentical(self.session.session.shellProtocol,
- self.session.client)
- # doesn't get a shell the second time
- self.assertFalse(self.session.requestReceived('shell', ''))
- self.assertRequestRaisedRuntimeError()
- def test_requestShellWithData(self):
- """
- When a client executes a shell, it should be able to give pass data
- back and forth between the local and the remote side.
- """
- ret = self.session.requestReceived('shell', '')
- self.assertTrue(ret)
- self.assertSessionIsStubSession()
- self.session.dataReceived('some data\x00')
- self.assertEqual(self.session.session.shellTransport.data,
- 'some data\x00')
- self.assertEqual(self.session.conn.data[self.session],
- ['some data\x00', '\r\n'])
- self.assertTrue(self.session.session.shellTransport.closed)
- self.assertEqual(self.session.conn.requests[self.session],
- [('exit-status', '\x00\x00\x00\x00', False)])
- def test_requestExec(self):
- """
- When a client requests a command, the SSHSession object should get
- the command by getting an ISession adapter for the avatar, then
- calling execCommand with a ProcessProtocol to attach and the
- command line.
- """
- ret = self.session.requestReceived('exec',
- common.NS('failure'))
- self.assertFalse(ret)
- self.assertRequestRaisedRuntimeError()
- self.assertIdentical(self.session.client, None)
- self.assertTrue(self.session.requestReceived('exec',
- common.NS('success')))
- self.assertSessionIsStubSession()
- self.assertIsInstance(self.session.client,
- session.SSHSessionProcessProtocol)
- self.assertIdentical(self.session.session.execProtocol,
- self.session.client)
- self.assertEqual(self.session.session.execCommandLine,
- 'success')
- def test_requestExecWithData(self):
- """
- When a client executes a command, it should be able to give pass data
- back and forth.
- """
- ret = self.session.requestReceived('exec',
- common.NS('repeat hello'))
- self.assertTrue(ret)
- self.assertSessionIsStubSession()
- self.session.dataReceived('some data')
- self.assertEqual(self.session.session.execTransport.data, 'some data')
- self.assertEqual(self.session.conn.data[self.session],
- ['hello', 'some data', '\r\n'])
- self.session.eofReceived()
- self.session.closeReceived()
- self.session.closed()
- self.assertTrue(self.session.session.execTransport.closed)
- self.assertEqual(self.session.conn.requests[self.session],
- [('exit-status', '\x00\x00\x00\x00', False)])
- def test_requestPty(self):
- """
- When a client requests a PTY, the SSHSession object should make
- the request by getting an ISession adapter for the avatar, then
- calling getPty with the terminal type, the window size, and any modes
- the client gave us.
- """
- # 'bad' terminal type fails
- ret = self.session.requestReceived(
- 'pty_req', session.packRequest_pty_req(
- 'bad', (1, 2, 3, 4), ''))
- self.assertFalse(ret)
- self.assertSessionIsStubSession()
- self.assertRequestRaisedRuntimeError()
- # 'good' terminal type succeeds
- self.assertTrue(self.session.requestReceived('pty_req',
- session.packRequest_pty_req('good', (1, 2, 3, 4), '')))
- self.assertEqual(self.session.session.ptyRequest,
- ('good', (1, 2, 3, 4), []))
- def test_requestWindowChange(self):
- """
- When the client requests to change the window size, the SSHSession
- object should make the request by getting an ISession adapter for the
- avatar, then calling windowChanged with the new window size.
- """
- ret = self.session.requestReceived(
- 'window_change',
- session.packRequest_window_change((0, 0, 0, 0)))
- self.assertFalse(ret)
- self.assertRequestRaisedRuntimeError()
- self.assertSessionIsStubSession()
- self.assertTrue(self.session.requestReceived('window_change',
- session.packRequest_window_change((1, 2, 3, 4))))
- self.assertEqual(self.session.session.windowChange,
- (1, 2, 3, 4))
- def test_eofReceived(self):
- """
- When an EOF is received and a ISession adapter is present, it should
- be notified of the EOF message.
- """
- self.session.session = session.ISession(self.session.avatar)
- self.session.eofReceived()
- self.assertTrue(self.session.session.gotEOF)
- def test_closeReceived(self):
- """
- When a close is received, the session should send a close message.
- """
- ret = self.session.closeReceived()
- self.assertIdentical(ret, None)
- self.assertTrue(self.session.conn.closes[self.session])
- def test_closed(self):
- """
- When a close is received and a ISession adapter is present, it should
- be notified of the close message.
- """
- self.session.session = session.ISession(self.session.avatar)
- self.session.closed()
- self.assertTrue(self.session.session.gotClosed)
-class SessionWithNoAvatarTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test for the SSHSession interface. Several of the methods (request_shell,
- request_exec, request_pty_req, request_window_change) would create a
- 'session' instance variable from the avatar if one didn't exist when they
- were called.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.session = session.SSHSession()
- self.session.avatar = StubAvatar()
- self.assertIdentical(self.session.session, None)
- def assertSessionProvidesISession(self):
- """
- self.session.session should provide I{ISession}.
- """
- self.assertTrue(session.ISession.providedBy(self.session.session),
- "ISession not provided by %r" % self.session.session)
- def test_requestShellGetsSession(self):
- """
- If an ISession adapter isn't already present, request_shell should get
- one.
- """
- self.session.requestReceived('shell', '')
- self.assertSessionProvidesISession()
- def test_requestExecGetsSession(self):
- """
- If an ISession adapter isn't already present, request_exec should get
- one.
- """
- self.session.requestReceived('exec',
- common.NS('success'))
- self.assertSessionProvidesISession()
- def test_requestPtyReqGetsSession(self):
- """
- If an ISession adapter isn't already present, request_pty_req should
- get one.
- """
- self.session.requestReceived('pty_req',
- session.packRequest_pty_req(
- 'term', (0, 0, 0, 0), ''))
- self.assertSessionProvidesISession()
- def test_requestWindowChangeGetsSession(self):
- """
- If an ISession adapter isn't already present, request_window_change
- should get one.
- """
- self.session.requestReceived(
- 'window_change',
- session.packRequest_window_change(
- (1, 1, 1, 1)))
- self.assertSessionProvidesISession()
-class WrappersTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- A test for the wrapProtocol and wrapProcessProtocol functions.
- """
- def test_wrapProtocol(self):
- """
- L{wrapProtocol}, when passed a L{Protocol} should return something that
- has write(), writeSequence(), loseConnection() methods which call the
- Protocol's dataReceived() and connectionLost() methods, respectively.
- """
- protocol = MockProtocol()
- protocol.transport = StubTransport()
- protocol.connectionMade()
- wrapped = session.wrapProtocol(protocol)
- wrapped.dataReceived('dataReceived')
- self.assertEqual(protocol.transport.buf, 'dataReceived')
- wrapped.write('data')
- wrapped.writeSequence(['1', '2'])
- wrapped.loseConnection()
- self.assertEqual(protocol.data, 'data12')
- protocol.reason.trap(error.ConnectionDone)
- def test_wrapProcessProtocol_Protocol(self):
- """
- L{wrapPRocessProtocol}, when passed a L{Protocol} should return
- something that follows the L{IProcessProtocol} interface, with
- connectionMade() mapping to connectionMade(), outReceived() mapping to
- dataReceived() and processEnded() mapping to connectionLost().
- """
- protocol = MockProtocol()
- protocol.transport = StubTransport()
- process_protocol = session.wrapProcessProtocol(protocol)
- process_protocol.connectionMade()
- process_protocol.outReceived('data')
- self.assertEqual(protocol.transport.buf, 'data~')
- process_protocol.processEnded(failure.Failure(
- error.ProcessTerminated(0, None, None)))
- protocol.reason.trap(error.ProcessTerminated)
-class TestHelpers(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the 4 helper functions: parseRequest_* and packRequest_*.
- """
- def test_parseRequest_pty_req(self):
- """
- The payload of a pty-req message is::
- string terminal
- uint32 columns
- uint32 rows
- uint32 x pixels
- uint32 y pixels
- string modes
- Modes are::
- byte mode number
- uint32 mode value
- """
- self.assertEqual(session.parseRequest_pty_req(common.NS('xterm') +
- struct.pack('>4L',
- 1, 2, 3, 4)
- + common.NS(
- struct.pack('>BL', 5, 6))),
- ('xterm', (2, 1, 3, 4), [(5, 6)]))
- def test_packRequest_pty_req_old(self):
- """
- See test_parseRequest_pty_req for the payload format.
- """
- packed = session.packRequest_pty_req('xterm', (2, 1, 3, 4),
- '\x05\x00\x00\x00\x06')
- self.assertEqual(packed,
- common.NS('xterm') + struct.pack('>4L', 1, 2, 3, 4) +
- common.NS(struct.pack('>BL', 5, 6)))
- def test_packRequest_pty_req(self):
- """
- See test_parseRequest_pty_req for the payload format.
- """
- packed = session.packRequest_pty_req('xterm', (2, 1, 3, 4),
- '\x05\x00\x00\x00\x06')
- self.assertEqual(packed,
- common.NS('xterm') + struct.pack('>4L', 1, 2, 3, 4) +
- common.NS(struct.pack('>BL', 5, 6)))
- def test_parseRequest_window_change(self):
- """
- The payload of a window_change request is::
- uint32 columns
- uint32 rows
- uint32 x pixels
- uint32 y pixels
- parseRequest_window_change() returns (rows, columns, x pixels,
- y pixels).
- """
- self.assertEqual(session.parseRequest_window_change(
- struct.pack('>4L', 1, 2, 3, 4)), (2, 1, 3, 4))
- def test_packRequest_window_change(self):
- """
- See test_parseRequest_window_change for the payload format.
- """
- self.assertEqual(session.packRequest_window_change((2, 1, 3, 4)),
- struct.pack('>4L', 1, 2, 3, 4))
-class SSHSessionProcessProtocolTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{SSHSessionProcessProtocol}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.transport = StubTransport()
- self.session = session.SSHSession(
- conn=StubConnection(self.transport), remoteWindow=500,
- remoteMaxPacket=100)
- self.pp = session.SSHSessionProcessProtocol(self.session)
- self.pp.makeConnection(self.transport)
- def assertSessionClosed(self):
- """
- Assert that C{self.session} is closed.
- """
- self.assertTrue(self.session.conn.closes[self.session])
- def assertRequestsEqual(self, expectedRequests):
- """
- Assert that C{self.session} has sent the C{expectedRequests}.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.session.conn.requests[self.session],
- expectedRequests)
- def test_init(self):
- """
- SSHSessionProcessProtocol should set self.session to the session passed
- to the __init__ method.
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.pp.session, self.session)
- def test_getHost(self):
- """
- SSHSessionProcessProtocol.getHost() just delegates to its
- session.conn.transport.getHost().
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.session.conn.transport.getHost(), self.pp.getHost())
- def test_getPeer(self):
- """
- SSHSessionProcessProtocol.getPeer() just delegates to its
- session.conn.transport.getPeer().
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.session.conn.transport.getPeer(), self.pp.getPeer())
- def test_connectionMade(self):
- """
- SSHSessionProcessProtocol.connectionMade() should check if there's a
- 'buf' attribute on its session and write it to the transport if so.
- """
- self.session.buf = 'buffer'
- self.pp.connectionMade()
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.buf, 'buffer')
- def test_getSignalName(self):
- """
- _getSignalName should return the name of a signal when given the
- signal number.
- """
- for signalName in session.SUPPORTED_SIGNALS:
- signalName = 'SIG' + signalName
- signalValue = getattr(signal, signalName)
- sshName = self.pp._getSignalName(signalValue)
- self.assertEqual(sshName, signalName,
- "%i: %s != %s" % (signalValue, sshName,
- signalName))
- def test_getSignalNameWithLocalSignal(self):
- """
- If there are signals in the signal module which aren't in the SSH RFC,
- we map their name to [signal name]@[platform].
- """
- signal.SIGTwistedTest = signal.NSIG + 1 # value can't exist normally
- # Force reinitialization of signals
- self.pp._signalValuesToNames = None
- self.assertEqual(self.pp._getSignalName(signal.SIGTwistedTest),
- 'SIGTwistedTest@' + sys.platform)
- if getattr(signal, 'SIGALRM', None) is None:
- test_getSignalName.skip = test_getSignalNameWithLocalSignal.skip = \
- "Not all signals available"
- def test_outReceived(self):
- """
- When data is passed to the outReceived method, it should be sent to
- the session's write method.
- """
- self.pp.outReceived('test data')
- self.assertEqual(self.session.conn.data[self.session],
- ['test data'])
- def test_write(self):
- """
- When data is passed to the write method, it should be sent to the
- session channel's write method.
- """
- self.pp.write('test data')
- self.assertEqual(self.session.conn.data[self.session],
- ['test data'])
- def test_writeSequence(self):
- """
- When a sequence is passed to the writeSequence method, it should be
- joined together and sent to the session channel's write method.
- """
- self.pp.writeSequence(['test ', 'data'])
- self.assertEqual(self.session.conn.data[self.session],
- ['test data'])
- def test_errReceived(self):
- """
- When data is passed to the errReceived method, it should be sent to
- the session's writeExtended method.
- """
- self.pp.errReceived('test data')
- self.assertEqual(self.session.conn.extData[self.session],
- [(1, 'test data')])
- def test_outConnectionLost(self):
- """
- When outConnectionLost and errConnectionLost are both called, we should
- send an EOF message.
- """
- self.pp.outConnectionLost()
- self.assertFalse(self.session in self.session.conn.eofs)
- self.pp.errConnectionLost()
- self.assertTrue(self.session.conn.eofs[self.session])
- def test_errConnectionLost(self):
- """
- Make sure reverse ordering of events in test_outConnectionLost also
- sends EOF.
- """
- self.pp.errConnectionLost()
- self.assertFalse(self.session in self.session.conn.eofs)
- self.pp.outConnectionLost()
- self.assertTrue(self.session.conn.eofs[self.session])
- def test_loseConnection(self):
- """
- When loseConnection() is called, it should call loseConnection
- on the session channel.
- """
- self.pp.loseConnection()
- self.assertTrue(self.session.conn.closes[self.session])
- def test_connectionLost(self):
- """
- When connectionLost() is called, it should call loseConnection()
- on the session channel.
- """
- self.pp.connectionLost(failure.Failure(
- ProcessDone(0)))
- def test_processEndedWithExitCode(self):
- """
- When processEnded is called, if there is an exit code in the reason
- it should be sent in an exit-status method. The connection should be
- closed.
- """
- self.pp.processEnded(Failure(ProcessDone(None)))
- self.assertRequestsEqual(
- [('exit-status', struct.pack('>I', 0) , False)])
- self.assertSessionClosed()
- def test_processEndedWithExitSignalCoreDump(self):
- """
- When processEnded is called, if there is an exit signal in the reason
- it should be sent in an exit-signal message. The connection should be
- closed.
- """
- self.pp.processEnded(
- Failure(ProcessTerminated(1,
- signal.SIGTERM, 1 << 7))) # 7th bit means core dumped
- self.assertRequestsEqual(
- [('exit-signal',
- common.NS('TERM') # signal name
- + '\x01' # core dumped is true
- + common.NS('') # error message
- + common.NS(''), # language tag
- False)])
- self.assertSessionClosed()
- def test_processEndedWithExitSignalNoCoreDump(self):
- """
- When processEnded is called, if there is an exit signal in the
- reason it should be sent in an exit-signal message. If no
- core was dumped, don't set the core-dump bit.
- """
- self.pp.processEnded(
- Failure(ProcessTerminated(1, signal.SIGTERM, 0)))
- # see comments in test_processEndedWithExitSignalCoreDump for the
- # meaning of the parts in the request
- self.assertRequestsEqual(
- [('exit-signal', common.NS('TERM') + '\x00' + common.NS('') +
- common.NS(''), False)])
- self.assertSessionClosed()
- if getattr(os, 'WCOREDUMP', None) is None:
- skipMsg = "can't run this w/o os.WCOREDUMP"
- test_processEndedWithExitSignalCoreDump.skip = skipMsg
- test_processEndedWithExitSignalNoCoreDump.skip = skipMsg
-class SSHSessionClientTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- SSHSessionClient is an obsolete class used to connect standard IO to
- an SSHSession.
- """
- def test_dataReceived(self):
- """
- When data is received, it should be sent to the transport.
- """
- client = session.SSHSessionClient()
- client.transport = StubTransport()
- client.dataReceived('test data')
- self.assertEqual(client.transport.buf, 'test data')
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_ssh.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_ssh.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 6cf1a1ab..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_ssh.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,995 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.ssh}.
-import struct
- import Crypto.Cipher.DES3
-except ImportError:
- Crypto = None
- import pyasn1
-except ImportError:
- pyasn1 = None
-from twisted.conch.ssh import common, session, forwarding
-from twisted.conch import avatar, error
-from twisted.conch.test.keydata import publicRSA_openssh, privateRSA_openssh
-from twisted.conch.test.keydata import publicDSA_openssh, privateDSA_openssh
-from twisted.cred import portal
-from twisted.cred.error import UnauthorizedLogin
-from twisted.internet import defer, protocol, reactor
-from twisted.internet.error import ProcessTerminated
-from twisted.python import failure, log
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.conch.test.test_recvline import LoopbackRelay
-class ConchTestRealm(object):
- """
- A realm which expects a particular avatarId to log in once and creates a
- L{ConchTestAvatar} for that request.
- @ivar expectedAvatarID: The only avatarID that this realm will produce an
- avatar for.
- @ivar avatar: A reference to the avatar after it is requested.
- """
- avatar = None
- def __init__(self, expectedAvatarID):
- self.expectedAvatarID = expectedAvatarID
- def requestAvatar(self, avatarID, mind, *interfaces):
- """
- Return a new L{ConchTestAvatar} if the avatarID matches the expected one
- and this is the first avatar request.
- """
- if avatarID == self.expectedAvatarID:
- if self.avatar is not None:
- raise UnauthorizedLogin("Only one login allowed")
- self.avatar = ConchTestAvatar()
- return interfaces[0], self.avatar, self.avatar.logout
- raise UnauthorizedLogin(
- "Only %r may log in, not %r" % (self.expectedAvatarID, avatarID))
-class ConchTestAvatar(avatar.ConchUser):
- """
- An avatar against which various SSH features can be tested.
- @ivar loggedOut: A flag indicating whether the avatar logout method has been
- called.
- """
- loggedOut = False
- def __init__(self):
- avatar.ConchUser.__init__(self)
- self.listeners = {}
- self.globalRequests = {}
- self.channelLookup.update({'session': session.SSHSession,
- 'direct-tcpip':forwarding.openConnectForwardingClient})
- self.subsystemLookup.update({'crazy': CrazySubsystem})
- def global_foo(self, data):
- self.globalRequests['foo'] = data
- return 1
- def global_foo_2(self, data):
- self.globalRequests['foo_2'] = data
- return 1, 'data'
- def global_tcpip_forward(self, data):
- host, port = forwarding.unpackGlobal_tcpip_forward(data)
- try:
- listener = reactor.listenTCP(
- port, forwarding.SSHListenForwardingFactory(
- self.conn, (host, port),
- forwarding.SSHListenServerForwardingChannel),
- interface=host)
- except:
- log.err(None, "something went wrong with remote->local forwarding")
- return 0
- else:
- self.listeners[(host, port)] = listener
- return 1
- def global_cancel_tcpip_forward(self, data):
- host, port = forwarding.unpackGlobal_tcpip_forward(data)
- listener = self.listeners.get((host, port), None)
- if not listener:
- return 0
- del self.listeners[(host, port)]
- listener.stopListening()
- return 1
- def logout(self):
- self.loggedOut = True
- for listener in self.listeners.values():
- log.msg('stopListening %s' % listener)
- listener.stopListening()
-class ConchSessionForTestAvatar(object):
- """
- An ISession adapter for ConchTestAvatar.
- """
- def __init__(self, avatar):
- """
- Initialize the session and create a reference to it on the avatar for
- later inspection.
- """
- self.avatar = avatar
- self.avatar._testSession = self
- self.cmd = None
- self.proto = None
- self.ptyReq = False
- self.eof = 0
- self.onClose = defer.Deferred()
- def getPty(self, term, windowSize, attrs):
- log.msg('pty req')
- self._terminalType = term
- self._windowSize = windowSize
- self.ptyReq = True
- def openShell(self, proto):
- log.msg('opening shell')
- self.proto = proto
- EchoTransport(proto)
- self.cmd = 'shell'
- def execCommand(self, proto, cmd):
- self.cmd = cmd
- self.proto = proto
- f = cmd.split()[0]
- if f == 'false':
- t = FalseTransport(proto)
- # Avoid disconnecting this immediately. If the channel is closed
- # before execCommand even returns the caller gets confused.
- reactor.callLater(0, t.loseConnection)
- elif f == 'echo':
- t = EchoTransport(proto)
- t.write(cmd[5:])
- t.loseConnection()
- elif f == 'secho':
- t = SuperEchoTransport(proto)
- t.write(cmd[6:])
- t.loseConnection()
- elif f == 'eecho':
- t = ErrEchoTransport(proto)
- t.write(cmd[6:])
- t.loseConnection()
- else:
- raise error.ConchError('bad exec')
- self.avatar.conn.transport.expectedLoseConnection = 1
- def eofReceived(self):
- self.eof = 1
- def closed(self):
- log.msg('closed cmd "%s"' % self.cmd)
- self.remoteWindowLeftAtClose = self.proto.session.remoteWindowLeft
- self.onClose.callback(None)
-from twisted.python import components
-components.registerAdapter(ConchSessionForTestAvatar, ConchTestAvatar, session.ISession)
-class CrazySubsystem(protocol.Protocol):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
- pass
- def connectionMade(self):
- """
- good ... good
- """
-class FalseTransport:
- """
- False transport should act like a /bin/false execution, i.e. just exit with
- nonzero status, writing nothing to the terminal.
- @ivar proto: The protocol associated with this transport.
- @ivar closed: A flag tracking whether C{loseConnection} has been called yet.
- """
- def __init__(self, p):
- """
- @type p L{twisted.conch.ssh.session.SSHSessionProcessProtocol} instance
- """
- self.proto = p
- p.makeConnection(self)
- self.closed = 0
- def loseConnection(self):
- """
- Disconnect the protocol associated with this transport.
- """
- if self.closed:
- return
- self.closed = 1
- self.proto.inConnectionLost()
- self.proto.outConnectionLost()
- self.proto.errConnectionLost()
- self.proto.processEnded(failure.Failure(ProcessTerminated(255, None, None)))
-class EchoTransport:
- def __init__(self, p):
- self.proto = p
- p.makeConnection(self)
- self.closed = 0
- def write(self, data):
- log.msg(repr(data))
- self.proto.outReceived(data)
- self.proto.outReceived('\r\n')
- if '\x00' in data: # mimic 'exit' for the shell test
- self.loseConnection()
- def loseConnection(self):
- if self.closed: return
- self.closed = 1
- self.proto.inConnectionLost()
- self.proto.outConnectionLost()
- self.proto.errConnectionLost()
- self.proto.processEnded(failure.Failure(ProcessTerminated(0, None, None)))
-class ErrEchoTransport:
- def __init__(self, p):
- self.proto = p
- p.makeConnection(self)
- self.closed = 0
- def write(self, data):
- self.proto.errReceived(data)
- self.proto.errReceived('\r\n')
- def loseConnection(self):
- if self.closed: return
- self.closed = 1
- self.proto.inConnectionLost()
- self.proto.outConnectionLost()
- self.proto.errConnectionLost()
- self.proto.processEnded(failure.Failure(ProcessTerminated(0, None, None)))
-class SuperEchoTransport:
- def __init__(self, p):
- self.proto = p
- p.makeConnection(self)
- self.closed = 0
- def write(self, data):
- self.proto.outReceived(data)
- self.proto.outReceived('\r\n')
- self.proto.errReceived(data)
- self.proto.errReceived('\r\n')
- def loseConnection(self):
- if self.closed: return
- self.closed = 1
- self.proto.inConnectionLost()
- self.proto.outConnectionLost()
- self.proto.errConnectionLost()
- self.proto.processEnded(failure.Failure(ProcessTerminated(0, None, None)))
-if Crypto is not None and pyasn1 is not None:
- from twisted.conch import checkers
- from twisted.conch.ssh import channel, connection, factory, keys
- from twisted.conch.ssh import transport, userauth
- class UtilityTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def testCounter(self):
- c = transport._Counter('\x00\x00', 2)
- for i in xrange(256 * 256):
- self.assertEqual(c(), struct.pack('!H', (i + 1) % (2 ** 16)))
- # It should wrap around, too.
- for i in xrange(256 * 256):
- self.assertEqual(c(), struct.pack('!H', (i + 1) % (2 ** 16)))
- class ConchTestPublicKeyChecker(checkers.SSHPublicKeyDatabase):
- def checkKey(self, credentials):
- blob = keys.Key.fromString(publicDSA_openssh).blob()
- if credentials.username == 'testuser' and credentials.blob == blob:
- return True
- return False
- class ConchTestPasswordChecker:
- credentialInterfaces = checkers.IUsernamePassword,
- def requestAvatarId(self, credentials):
- if credentials.username == 'testuser' and credentials.password == 'testpass':
- return defer.succeed(credentials.username)
- return defer.fail(Exception("Bad credentials"))
- class ConchTestSSHChecker(checkers.SSHProtocolChecker):
- def areDone(self, avatarId):
- if avatarId != 'testuser' or len(self.successfulCredentials[avatarId]) < 2:
- return False
- return True
- class ConchTestServerFactory(factory.SSHFactory):
- noisy = 0
- services = {
- 'ssh-userauth':userauth.SSHUserAuthServer,
- 'ssh-connection':connection.SSHConnection
- }
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- proto = ConchTestServer()
- proto.supportedPublicKeys = self.privateKeys.keys()
- proto.factory = self
- if hasattr(self, 'expectedLoseConnection'):
- proto.expectedLoseConnection = self.expectedLoseConnection
- self.proto = proto
- return proto
- def getPublicKeys(self):
- return {
- 'ssh-rsa': keys.Key.fromString(publicRSA_openssh),
- 'ssh-dss': keys.Key.fromString(publicDSA_openssh)
- }
- def getPrivateKeys(self):
- return {
- 'ssh-rsa': keys.Key.fromString(privateRSA_openssh),
- 'ssh-dss': keys.Key.fromString(privateDSA_openssh)
- }
- def getPrimes(self):
- return {
- 2048:[(transport.DH_GENERATOR, transport.DH_PRIME)]
- }
- def getService(self, trans, name):
- return factory.SSHFactory.getService(self, trans, name)
- class ConchTestBase:
- done = 0
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- if self.done:
- return
- if not hasattr(self,'expectedLoseConnection'):
- unittest.fail('unexpectedly lost connection %s\n%s' % (self, reason))
- self.done = 1
- def receiveError(self, reasonCode, desc):
- self.expectedLoseConnection = 1
- # Some versions of OpenSSH (for example, OpenSSH_5.3p1) will
- # send a DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION error before closing the
- # connection. Other, older versions (for example,
- # OpenSSH_5.1p1), won't. So accept this particular error here,
- # but no others.
- if reasonCode != transport.DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION:
- log.err(
- Exception(
- 'got disconnect for %s: reason %s, desc: %s' % (
- self, reasonCode, desc)))
- self.loseConnection()
- def receiveUnimplemented(self, seqID):
- unittest.fail('got unimplemented: seqid %s' % seqID)
- self.expectedLoseConnection = 1
- self.loseConnection()
- class ConchTestServer(ConchTestBase, transport.SSHServerTransport):
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- ConchTestBase.connectionLost(self, reason)
- transport.SSHServerTransport.connectionLost(self, reason)
- class ConchTestClient(ConchTestBase, transport.SSHClientTransport):
- """
- @ivar _channelFactory: A callable which accepts an SSH connection and
- returns a channel which will be attached to a new channel on that
- connection.
- """
- def __init__(self, channelFactory):
- self._channelFactory = channelFactory
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- ConchTestBase.connectionLost(self, reason)
- transport.SSHClientTransport.connectionLost(self, reason)
- def verifyHostKey(self, key, fp):
- keyMatch = key == keys.Key.fromString(publicRSA_openssh).blob()
- fingerprintMatch = (
- fp == '3d:13:5f:cb:c9:79:8a:93:06:27:65:bc:3d:0b:8f:af')
- if keyMatch and fingerprintMatch:
- return defer.succeed(1)
- return defer.fail(Exception("Key or fingerprint mismatch"))
- def connectionSecure(self):
- self.requestService(ConchTestClientAuth('testuser',
- ConchTestClientConnection(self._channelFactory)))
- class ConchTestClientAuth(userauth.SSHUserAuthClient):
- hasTriedNone = 0 # have we tried the 'none' auth yet?
- canSucceedPublicKey = 0 # can we succed with this yet?
- canSucceedPassword = 0
- def ssh_USERAUTH_SUCCESS(self, packet):
- if not self.canSucceedPassword and self.canSucceedPublicKey:
- unittest.fail('got USERAUTH_SUCESS before password and publickey')
- userauth.SSHUserAuthClient.ssh_USERAUTH_SUCCESS(self, packet)
- def getPassword(self):
- self.canSucceedPassword = 1
- return defer.succeed('testpass')
- def getPrivateKey(self):
- self.canSucceedPublicKey = 1
- return defer.succeed(keys.Key.fromString(privateDSA_openssh))
- def getPublicKey(self):
- return keys.Key.fromString(publicDSA_openssh)
- class ConchTestClientConnection(connection.SSHConnection):
- """
- @ivar _completed: A L{Deferred} which will be fired when the number of
- results collected reaches C{totalResults}.
- """
- name = 'ssh-connection'
- results = 0
- totalResults = 8
- def __init__(self, channelFactory):
- connection.SSHConnection.__init__(self)
- self._channelFactory = channelFactory
- def serviceStarted(self):
- self.openChannel(self._channelFactory(conn=self))
- class SSHTestChannel(channel.SSHChannel):
- def __init__(self, name, opened, *args, **kwargs):
- self.name = name
- self._opened = opened
- self.received = []
- self.receivedExt = []
- self.onClose = defer.Deferred()
- channel.SSHChannel.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- def openFailed(self, reason):
- self._opened.errback(reason)
- def channelOpen(self, ignore):
- self._opened.callback(self)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.received.append(data)
- def extReceived(self, dataType, data):
- if dataType == connection.EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR:
- self.receivedExt.append(data)
- else:
- log.msg("Unrecognized extended data: %r" % (dataType,))
- def request_exit_status(self, status):
- [self.status] = struct.unpack('>L', status)
- def eofReceived(self):
- self.eofCalled = True
- def closed(self):
- self.onClose.callback(None)
-class SSHProtocolTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for communication between L{SSHServerTransport} and
- L{SSHClientTransport}.
- """
- if not Crypto:
- skip = "can't run w/o PyCrypto"
- if not pyasn1:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyASN1"
- def _ourServerOurClientTest(self, name='session', **kwargs):
- """
- Create a connected SSH client and server protocol pair and return a
- L{Deferred} which fires with an L{SSHTestChannel} instance connected to
- a channel on that SSH connection.
- """
- result = defer.Deferred()
- self.realm = ConchTestRealm('testuser')
- p = portal.Portal(self.realm)
- sshpc = ConchTestSSHChecker()
- sshpc.registerChecker(ConchTestPasswordChecker())
- sshpc.registerChecker(ConchTestPublicKeyChecker())
- p.registerChecker(sshpc)
- fac = ConchTestServerFactory()
- fac.portal = p
- fac.startFactory()
- self.server = fac.buildProtocol(None)
- self.clientTransport = LoopbackRelay(self.server)
- self.client = ConchTestClient(
- lambda conn: SSHTestChannel(name, result, conn=conn, **kwargs))
- self.serverTransport = LoopbackRelay(self.client)
- self.server.makeConnection(self.serverTransport)
- self.client.makeConnection(self.clientTransport)
- return result
- def test_subsystemsAndGlobalRequests(self):
- """
- Run the Conch server against the Conch client. Set up several different
- channels which exercise different behaviors and wait for them to
- complete. Verify that the channels with errors log them.
- """
- channel = self._ourServerOurClientTest()
- def cbSubsystem(channel):
- self.channel = channel
- return self.assertFailure(
- channel.conn.sendRequest(
- channel, 'subsystem', common.NS('not-crazy'), 1),
- Exception)
- channel.addCallback(cbSubsystem)
- def cbNotCrazyFailed(ignored):
- channel = self.channel
- return channel.conn.sendRequest(
- channel, 'subsystem', common.NS('crazy'), 1)
- channel.addCallback(cbNotCrazyFailed)
- def cbGlobalRequests(ignored):
- channel = self.channel
- d1 = channel.conn.sendGlobalRequest('foo', 'bar', 1)
- d2 = channel.conn.sendGlobalRequest('foo-2', 'bar2', 1)
- d2.addCallback(self.assertEqual, 'data')
- d3 = self.assertFailure(
- channel.conn.sendGlobalRequest('bar', 'foo', 1),
- Exception)
- return defer.gatherResults([d1, d2, d3])
- channel.addCallback(cbGlobalRequests)
- def disconnect(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(
- self.realm.avatar.globalRequests,
- {"foo": "bar", "foo_2": "bar2"})
- channel = self.channel
- channel.conn.transport.expectedLoseConnection = True
- channel.conn.serviceStopped()
- channel.loseConnection()
- channel.addCallback(disconnect)
- return channel
- def test_shell(self):
- """
- L{SSHChannel.sendRequest} can open a shell with a I{pty-req} request,
- specifying a terminal type and window size.
- """
- channel = self._ourServerOurClientTest()
- data = session.packRequest_pty_req('conch-test-term', (24, 80, 0, 0), '')
- def cbChannel(channel):
- self.channel = channel
- return channel.conn.sendRequest(channel, 'pty-req', data, 1)
- channel.addCallback(cbChannel)
- def cbPty(ignored):
- # The server-side object corresponding to our client side channel.
- session = self.realm.avatar.conn.channels[0].session
- self.assertIdentical(session.avatar, self.realm.avatar)
- self.assertEqual(session._terminalType, 'conch-test-term')
- self.assertEqual(session._windowSize, (24, 80, 0, 0))
- self.assertTrue(session.ptyReq)
- channel = self.channel
- return channel.conn.sendRequest(channel, 'shell', '', 1)
- channel.addCallback(cbPty)
- def cbShell(ignored):
- self.channel.write('testing the shell!\x00')
- self.channel.conn.sendEOF(self.channel)
- return defer.gatherResults([
- self.channel.onClose,
- self.realm.avatar._testSession.onClose])
- channel.addCallback(cbShell)
- def cbExited(ignored):
- if self.channel.status != 0:
- log.msg(
- 'shell exit status was not 0: %i' % (self.channel.status,))
- self.assertEqual(
- "".join(self.channel.received),
- 'testing the shell!\x00\r\n')
- self.assertTrue(self.channel.eofCalled)
- self.assertTrue(
- self.realm.avatar._testSession.eof)
- channel.addCallback(cbExited)
- return channel
- def test_failedExec(self):
- """
- If L{SSHChannel.sendRequest} issues an exec which the server responds to
- with an error, the L{Deferred} it returns fires its errback.
- """
- channel = self._ourServerOurClientTest()
- def cbChannel(channel):
- self.channel = channel
- return self.assertFailure(
- channel.conn.sendRequest(
- channel, 'exec', common.NS('jumboliah'), 1),
- Exception)
- channel.addCallback(cbChannel)
- def cbFailed(ignored):
- # The server logs this exception when it cannot perform the
- # requested exec.
- errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(error.ConchError)
- self.assertEqual(errors[0].value.args, ('bad exec', None))
- channel.addCallback(cbFailed)
- return channel
- def test_falseChannel(self):
- """
- When the process started by a L{SSHChannel.sendRequest} exec request
- exits, the exit status is reported to the channel.
- """
- channel = self._ourServerOurClientTest()
- def cbChannel(channel):
- self.channel = channel
- return channel.conn.sendRequest(
- channel, 'exec', common.NS('false'), 1)
- channel.addCallback(cbChannel)
- def cbExec(ignored):
- return self.channel.onClose
- channel.addCallback(cbExec)
- def cbClosed(ignored):
- # No data is expected
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.received, [])
- self.assertNotEquals(self.channel.status, 0)
- channel.addCallback(cbClosed)
- return channel
- def test_errorChannel(self):
- """
- Bytes sent over the extended channel for stderr data are delivered to
- the channel's C{extReceived} method.
- """
- channel = self._ourServerOurClientTest(localWindow=4, localMaxPacket=5)
- def cbChannel(channel):
- self.channel = channel
- return channel.conn.sendRequest(
- channel, 'exec', common.NS('eecho hello'), 1)
- channel.addCallback(cbChannel)
- def cbExec(ignored):
- return defer.gatherResults([
- self.channel.onClose,
- self.realm.avatar._testSession.onClose])
- channel.addCallback(cbExec)
- def cbClosed(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.received, [])
- self.assertEqual("".join(self.channel.receivedExt), "hello\r\n")
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.status, 0)
- self.assertTrue(self.channel.eofCalled)
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.localWindowLeft, 4)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.channel.localWindowLeft,
- self.realm.avatar._testSession.remoteWindowLeftAtClose)
- channel.addCallback(cbClosed)
- return channel
- def test_unknownChannel(self):
- """
- When an attempt is made to open an unknown channel type, the L{Deferred}
- returned by L{SSHChannel.sendRequest} fires its errback.
- """
- d = self.assertFailure(
- self._ourServerOurClientTest('crazy-unknown-channel'), Exception)
- def cbFailed(ignored):
- errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(error.ConchError)
- self.assertEqual(errors[0].value.args, (3, 'unknown channel'))
- self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
- d.addCallback(cbFailed)
- return d
- def test_maxPacket(self):
- """
- An L{SSHChannel} can be configured with a maximum packet size to
- receive.
- """
- # localWindow needs to be at least 11 otherwise the assertion about it
- # in cbClosed is invalid.
- channel = self._ourServerOurClientTest(
- localWindow=11, localMaxPacket=1)
- def cbChannel(channel):
- self.channel = channel
- return channel.conn.sendRequest(
- channel, 'exec', common.NS('secho hello'), 1)
- channel.addCallback(cbChannel)
- def cbExec(ignored):
- return self.channel.onClose
- channel.addCallback(cbExec)
- def cbClosed(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.status, 0)
- self.assertEqual("".join(self.channel.received), "hello\r\n")
- self.assertEqual("".join(self.channel.receivedExt), "hello\r\n")
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.localWindowLeft, 11)
- self.assertTrue(self.channel.eofCalled)
- channel.addCallback(cbClosed)
- return channel
- def test_echo(self):
- """
- Normal standard out bytes are sent to the channel's C{dataReceived}
- method.
- """
- channel = self._ourServerOurClientTest(localWindow=4, localMaxPacket=5)
- def cbChannel(channel):
- self.channel = channel
- return channel.conn.sendRequest(
- channel, 'exec', common.NS('echo hello'), 1)
- channel.addCallback(cbChannel)
- def cbEcho(ignored):
- return defer.gatherResults([
- self.channel.onClose,
- self.realm.avatar._testSession.onClose])
- channel.addCallback(cbEcho)
- def cbClosed(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.status, 0)
- self.assertEqual("".join(self.channel.received), "hello\r\n")
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.localWindowLeft, 4)
- self.assertTrue(self.channel.eofCalled)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.channel.localWindowLeft,
- self.realm.avatar._testSession.remoteWindowLeftAtClose)
- channel.addCallback(cbClosed)
- return channel
-class TestSSHFactory(unittest.TestCase):
- if not Crypto:
- skip = "can't run w/o PyCrypto"
- if not pyasn1:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyASN1"
- def makeSSHFactory(self, primes=None):
- sshFactory = factory.SSHFactory()
- gpk = lambda: {'ssh-rsa' : keys.Key(None)}
- sshFactory.getPrimes = lambda: primes
- sshFactory.getPublicKeys = sshFactory.getPrivateKeys = gpk
- sshFactory.startFactory()
- return sshFactory
- def test_buildProtocol(self):
- """
- By default, buildProtocol() constructs an instance of
- SSHServerTransport.
- """
- factory = self.makeSSHFactory()
- protocol = factory.buildProtocol(None)
- self.assertIsInstance(protocol, transport.SSHServerTransport)
- def test_buildProtocolRespectsProtocol(self):
- """
- buildProtocol() calls 'self.protocol()' to construct a protocol
- instance.
- """
- calls = []
- def makeProtocol(*args):
- calls.append(args)
- return transport.SSHServerTransport()
- factory = self.makeSSHFactory()
- factory.protocol = makeProtocol
- factory.buildProtocol(None)
- self.assertEqual([()], calls)
- def test_multipleFactories(self):
- f1 = self.makeSSHFactory(primes=None)
- f2 = self.makeSSHFactory(primes={1:(2,3)})
- p1 = f1.buildProtocol(None)
- p2 = f2.buildProtocol(None)
- self.failIf('diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' in p1.supportedKeyExchanges,
- p1.supportedKeyExchanges)
- self.failUnless('diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' in p2.supportedKeyExchanges,
- p2.supportedKeyExchanges)
-class MPTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{common.getMP}.
- @cvar getMP: a method providing a MP parser.
- @type getMP: C{callable}
- """
- getMP = staticmethod(common.getMP)
- if not Crypto:
- skip = "can't run w/o PyCrypto"
- if not pyasn1:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyASN1"
- def test_getMP(self):
- """
- L{common.getMP} should parse the a multiple precision integer from a
- string: a 4-byte length followed by length bytes of the integer.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.getMP('\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01'),
- (1, ''))
- def test_getMPBigInteger(self):
- """
- L{common.getMP} should be able to parse a big enough integer
- (that doesn't fit on one byte).
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.getMP('\x00\x00\x00\x04\x01\x02\x03\x04'),
- (16909060, ''))
- def test_multipleGetMP(self):
- """
- L{common.getMP} has the ability to parse multiple integer in the same
- string.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.getMP('\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01'
- '\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x02', 2),
- (1, 2, ''))
- def test_getMPRemainingData(self):
- """
- When more data than needed is sent to L{common.getMP}, it should return
- the remaining data.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.getMP('\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01foo'),
- (1, 'foo'))
- def test_notEnoughData(self):
- """
- When the string passed to L{common.getMP} doesn't even make 5 bytes,
- it should raise a L{struct.error}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(struct.error, self.getMP, '\x02\x00')
-class PyMPTestCase(MPTestCase):
- """
- Tests for the python implementation of L{common.getMP}.
- """
- getMP = staticmethod(common.getMP_py)
-class GMPYMPTestCase(MPTestCase):
- """
- Tests for the gmpy implementation of L{common.getMP}.
- """
- getMP = staticmethod(common._fastgetMP)
-class BuiltinPowHackTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests that the builtin pow method is still correct after
- L{twisted.conch.ssh.common} monkeypatches it to use gmpy.
- """
- def test_floatBase(self):
- """
- pow gives the correct result when passed a base of type float with a
- non-integer value.
- """
- self.assertEqual(6.25, pow(2.5, 2))
- def test_intBase(self):
- """
- pow gives the correct result when passed a base of type int.
- """
- self.assertEqual(81, pow(3, 4))
- def test_longBase(self):
- """
- pow gives the correct result when passed a base of type long.
- """
- self.assertEqual(81, pow(3, 4))
- def test_mpzBase(self):
- """
- pow gives the correct result when passed a base of type gmpy.mpz.
- """
- if gmpy is None:
- raise unittest.SkipTest('gmpy not available')
- self.assertEqual(81, pow(gmpy.mpz(3), 4))
- import gmpy
-except ImportError:
- GMPYMPTestCase.skip = "gmpy not available"
- gmpy = None
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_tap.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_tap.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 44acecd3..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_tap.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.tap}.
- import Crypto.Cipher.DES3
- Crypto = None
- import pyasn1
-except ImportError:
- pyasn1 = None
- from twisted.conch import unix
-except ImportError:
- unix = None
-if Crypto and pyasn1 and unix:
- from twisted.conch import tap
- from twisted.conch.openssh_compat.factory import OpenSSHFactory
-from twisted.python.compat import set
-from twisted.application.internet import StreamServerEndpointService
-from twisted.cred import error
-from twisted.cred.credentials import IPluggableAuthenticationModules
-from twisted.cred.credentials import ISSHPrivateKey
-from twisted.cred.credentials import IUsernamePassword, UsernamePassword
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-class MakeServiceTest(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{tap.makeService}.
- """
- if not Crypto:
- skip = "can't run w/o PyCrypto"
- if not pyasn1:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyASN1"
- if not unix:
- skip = "can't run on non-posix computers"
- usernamePassword = ('iamuser', 'thisispassword')
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a file with two users.
- """
- self.filename = self.mktemp()
- f = open(self.filename, 'wb+')
- f.write(':'.join(self.usernamePassword))
- f.close()
- self.options = tap.Options()
- def test_basic(self):
- """
- L{tap.makeService} returns a L{StreamServerEndpointService} instance
- running on TCP port 22, and the linked protocol factory is an instance
- of L{OpenSSHFactory}.
- """
- config = tap.Options()
- service = tap.makeService(config)
- self.assertIsInstance(service, StreamServerEndpointService)
- self.assertEqual(service.endpoint._port, 22)
- self.assertIsInstance(service.factory, OpenSSHFactory)
- def test_defaultAuths(self):
- """
- Make sure that if the C{--auth} command-line option is not passed,
- the default checkers are (for backwards compatibility): SSH, UNIX, and
- PAM if available
- """
- numCheckers = 2
- try:
- from twisted.cred import pamauth
- self.assertIn(IPluggableAuthenticationModules,
- self.options['credInterfaces'],
- "PAM should be one of the modules")
- numCheckers += 1
- except ImportError:
- pass
- self.assertIn(ISSHPrivateKey, self.options['credInterfaces'],
- "SSH should be one of the default checkers")
- self.assertIn(IUsernamePassword, self.options['credInterfaces'],
- "UNIX should be one of the default checkers")
- self.assertEqual(numCheckers, len(self.options['credCheckers']),
- "There should be %d checkers by default" % (numCheckers,))
- def test_authAdded(self):
- """
- The C{--auth} command-line option will add a checker to the list of
- checkers, and it should be the only auth checker
- """
- self.options.parseOptions(['--auth', 'file:' + self.filename])
- self.assertEqual(len(self.options['credCheckers']), 1)
- def test_authFailure(self):
- """
- The checker created by the C{--auth} command-line option returns a
- L{Deferred} that fails with L{UnauthorizedLogin} when
- presented with credentials that are unknown to that checker.
- """
- self.options.parseOptions(['--auth', 'file:' + self.filename])
- checker = self.options['credCheckers'][-1]
- invalid = UsernamePassword(self.usernamePassword[0], 'fake')
- # Wrong password should raise error
- return self.assertFailure(
- checker.requestAvatarId(invalid), error.UnauthorizedLogin)
- def test_authSuccess(self):
- """
- The checker created by the C{--auth} command-line option returns a
- L{Deferred} that returns the avatar id when presented with credentials
- that are known to that checker.
- """
- self.options.parseOptions(['--auth', 'file:' + self.filename])
- checker = self.options['credCheckers'][-1]
- correct = UsernamePassword(*self.usernamePassword)
- d = checker.requestAvatarId(correct)
- def checkSuccess(username):
- self.assertEqual(username, correct.username)
- return d.addCallback(checkSuccess)
- def test_checkersPamAuth(self):
- """
- The L{OpenSSHFactory} built by L{tap.makeService} has a portal with
- L{IPluggableAuthenticationModules}, L{ISSHPrivateKey} and
- L{IUsernamePassword} interfaces registered as checkers if C{pamauth} is
- available.
- """
- # Fake the presence of pamauth, even if PyPAM is not installed
- self.patch(tap, "pamauth", object())
- config = tap.Options()
- service = tap.makeService(config)
- portal = service.factory.portal
- self.assertEqual(
- set(portal.checkers.keys()),
- set([IPluggableAuthenticationModules, ISSHPrivateKey,
- IUsernamePassword]))
- def test_checkersWithoutPamAuth(self):
- """
- The L{OpenSSHFactory} built by L{tap.makeService} has a portal with
- L{ISSHPrivateKey} and L{IUsernamePassword} interfaces registered as
- checkers if C{pamauth} is not available.
- """
- # Fake the absence of pamauth, even if PyPAM is installed
- self.patch(tap, "pamauth", None)
- config = tap.Options()
- service = tap.makeService(config)
- portal = service.factory.portal
- self.assertEqual(
- set(portal.checkers.keys()),
- set([ISSHPrivateKey, IUsernamePassword]))
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_telnet.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_telnet.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 9b5bf76a..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_telnet.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,767 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_telnet -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.telnet}.
-from zope.interface import implements
-from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.conch import telnet
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.test import proto_helpers
-class TestProtocol:
- implements(telnet.ITelnetProtocol)
- localEnableable = ()
- remoteEnableable = ()
- def __init__(self):
- self.bytes = ''
- self.subcmd = ''
- self.calls = []
- self.enabledLocal = []
- self.enabledRemote = []
- self.disabledLocal = []
- self.disabledRemote = []
- def makeConnection(self, transport):
- d = transport.negotiationMap = {}
- d['\x12'] = self.neg_TEST_COMMAND
- d = transport.commandMap = transport.commandMap.copy()
- for cmd in ('NOP', 'DM', 'BRK', 'IP', 'AO', 'AYT', 'EC', 'EL', 'GA'):
- d[getattr(telnet, cmd)] = lambda arg, cmd=cmd: self.calls.append(cmd)
- def dataReceived(self, bytes):
- self.bytes += bytes
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- pass
- def neg_TEST_COMMAND(self, payload):
- self.subcmd = payload
- def enableLocal(self, option):
- if option in self.localEnableable:
- self.enabledLocal.append(option)
- return True
- return False
- def disableLocal(self, option):
- self.disabledLocal.append(option)
- def enableRemote(self, option):
- if option in self.remoteEnableable:
- self.enabledRemote.append(option)
- return True
- return False
- def disableRemote(self, option):
- self.disabledRemote.append(option)
-class TestInterfaces(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_interface(self):
- """
- L{telnet.TelnetProtocol} implements L{telnet.ITelnetProtocol}
- """
- p = telnet.TelnetProtocol()
- verifyObject(telnet.ITelnetProtocol, p)
-class TelnetTransportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{telnet.TelnetTransport}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.p = telnet.TelnetTransport(TestProtocol)
- self.t = proto_helpers.StringTransport()
- self.p.makeConnection(self.t)
- def testRegularBytes(self):
- # Just send a bunch of bytes. None of these do anything
- # with telnet. They should pass right through to the
- # application layer.
- h = self.p.protocol
- L = ["here are some bytes la la la",
- "some more arrive here",
- "lots of bytes to play with",
- "la la la",
- "ta de da",
- "dum"]
- for b in L:
- self.p.dataReceived(b)
- self.assertEqual(h.bytes, ''.join(L))
- def testNewlineHandling(self):
- # Send various kinds of newlines and make sure they get translated
- # into \n.
- h = self.p.protocol
- L = ["here is the first line\r\n",
- "here is the second line\r\0",
- "here is the third line\r\n",
- "here is the last line\r\0"]
- for b in L:
- self.p.dataReceived(b)
- self.assertEqual(h.bytes, L[0][:-2] + '\n' +
- L[1][:-2] + '\r' +
- L[2][:-2] + '\n' +
- L[3][:-2] + '\r')
- def testIACEscape(self):
- # Send a bunch of bytes and a couple quoted \xFFs. Unquoted,
- # \xFF is a telnet command. Quoted, one of them from each pair
- # should be passed through to the application layer.
- h = self.p.protocol
- L = ["here are some bytes\xff\xff with an embedded IAC",
- "and here is a test of a border escape\xff",
- "\xff did you get that IAC?"]
- for b in L:
- self.p.dataReceived(b)
- self.assertEqual(h.bytes, ''.join(L).replace('\xff\xff', '\xff'))
- def _simpleCommandTest(self, cmdName):
- # Send a single simple telnet command and make sure
- # it gets noticed and the appropriate method gets
- # called.
- h = self.p.protocol
- cmd = telnet.IAC + getattr(telnet, cmdName)
- L = ["Here's some bytes, tra la la",
- "But ono!" + cmd + " an interrupt"]
- for b in L:
- self.p.dataReceived(b)
- self.assertEqual(h.calls, [cmdName])
- self.assertEqual(h.bytes, ''.join(L).replace(cmd, ''))
- def testInterrupt(self):
- self._simpleCommandTest("IP")
- def testNoOperation(self):
- self._simpleCommandTest("NOP")
- def testDataMark(self):
- self._simpleCommandTest("DM")
- def testBreak(self):
- self._simpleCommandTest("BRK")
- def testAbortOutput(self):
- self._simpleCommandTest("AO")
- def testAreYouThere(self):
- self._simpleCommandTest("AYT")
- def testEraseCharacter(self):
- self._simpleCommandTest("EC")
- def testEraseLine(self):
- self._simpleCommandTest("EL")
- def testGoAhead(self):
- self._simpleCommandTest("GA")
- def testSubnegotiation(self):
- # Send a subnegotiation command and make sure it gets
- # parsed and that the correct method is called.
- h = self.p.protocol
- cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.SB + '\x12hello world' + telnet.IAC + telnet.SE
- L = ["These are some bytes but soon" + cmd,
- "there will be some more"]
- for b in L:
- self.p.dataReceived(b)
- self.assertEqual(h.bytes, ''.join(L).replace(cmd, ''))
- self.assertEqual(h.subcmd, list("hello world"))
- def testSubnegotiationWithEmbeddedSE(self):
- # Send a subnegotiation command with an embedded SE. Make sure
- # that SE gets passed to the correct method.
- h = self.p.protocol
- cmd = (telnet.IAC + telnet.SB +
- '\x12' + telnet.SE +
- telnet.IAC + telnet.SE)
- L = ["Some bytes are here" + cmd + "and here",
- "and here"]
- for b in L:
- self.p.dataReceived(b)
- self.assertEqual(h.bytes, ''.join(L).replace(cmd, ''))
- self.assertEqual(h.subcmd, [telnet.SE])
- def testBoundarySubnegotiation(self):
- # Send a subnegotiation command. Split it at every possible byte boundary
- # and make sure it always gets parsed and that it is passed to the correct
- # method.
- cmd = (telnet.IAC + telnet.SB +
- '\x12' + telnet.SE + 'hello' +
- telnet.IAC + telnet.SE)
- for i in range(len(cmd)):
- h = self.p.protocol = TestProtocol()
- h.makeConnection(self.p)
- a, b = cmd[:i], cmd[i:]
- L = ["first part" + a,
- b + "last part"]
- for bytes in L:
- self.p.dataReceived(bytes)
- self.assertEqual(h.bytes, ''.join(L).replace(cmd, ''))
- self.assertEqual(h.subcmd, [telnet.SE] + list('hello'))
- def _enabledHelper(self, o, eL=[], eR=[], dL=[], dR=[]):
- self.assertEqual(o.enabledLocal, eL)
- self.assertEqual(o.enabledRemote, eR)
- self.assertEqual(o.disabledLocal, dL)
- self.assertEqual(o.disabledRemote, dR)
- def testRefuseWill(self):
- # Try to enable an option. The server should refuse to enable it.
- cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + '\x12'
- bytes = "surrounding bytes" + cmd + "to spice things up"
- self.p.dataReceived(bytes)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.bytes, bytes.replace(cmd, ''))
- self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.DONT + '\x12')
- self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol)
- def testRefuseDo(self):
- # Try to enable an option. The server should refuse to enable it.
- cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.DO + '\x12'
- bytes = "surrounding bytes" + cmd + "to spice things up"
- self.p.dataReceived(bytes)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.bytes, bytes.replace(cmd, ''))
- self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.WONT + '\x12')
- self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol)
- def testAcceptDo(self):
- # Try to enable an option. The option is in our allowEnable
- # list, so we will allow it to be enabled.
- cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.DO + '\x19'
- bytes = 'padding' + cmd + 'trailer'
- h = self.p.protocol
- h.localEnableable = ('\x19',)
- self.p.dataReceived(bytes)
- self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + '\x19')
- self._enabledHelper(h, eL=['\x19'])
- def testAcceptWill(self):
- # Same as testAcceptDo, but reversed.
- cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + '\x91'
- bytes = 'header' + cmd + 'padding'
- h = self.p.protocol
- h.remoteEnableable = ('\x91',)
- self.p.dataReceived(bytes)
- self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.DO + '\x91')
- self._enabledHelper(h, eR=['\x91'])
- def testAcceptWont(self):
- # Try to disable an option. The server must allow any option to
- # be disabled at any time. Make sure it disables it and sends
- # back an acknowledgement of this.
- cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.WONT + '\x29'
- # Jimmy it - after these two lines, the server will be in a state
- # such that it believes the option to have been previously enabled
- # via normal negotiation.
- s = self.p.getOptionState('\x29')
- s.him.state = 'yes'
- bytes = "fiddle dee" + cmd
- self.p.dataReceived(bytes)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.bytes, bytes.replace(cmd, ''))
- self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.DONT + '\x29')
- self.assertEqual(s.him.state, 'no')
- self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol, dR=['\x29'])
- def testAcceptDont(self):
- # Try to disable an option. The server must allow any option to
- # be disabled at any time. Make sure it disables it and sends
- # back an acknowledgement of this.
- cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.DONT + '\x29'
- # Jimmy it - after these two lines, the server will be in a state
- # such that it believes the option to have beenp previously enabled
- # via normal negotiation.
- s = self.p.getOptionState('\x29')
- s.us.state = 'yes'
- bytes = "fiddle dum " + cmd
- self.p.dataReceived(bytes)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.bytes, bytes.replace(cmd, ''))
- self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.WONT + '\x29')
- self.assertEqual(s.us.state, 'no')
- self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol, dL=['\x29'])
- def testIgnoreWont(self):
- # Try to disable an option. The option is already disabled. The
- # server should send nothing in response to this.
- cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.WONT + '\x47'
- bytes = "dum de dum" + cmd + "tra la la"
- self.p.dataReceived(bytes)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.bytes, bytes.replace(cmd, ''))
- self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), '')
- self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol)
- def testIgnoreDont(self):
- # Try to disable an option. The option is already disabled. The
- # server should send nothing in response to this. Doing so could
- # lead to a negotiation loop.
- cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.DONT + '\x47'
- bytes = "dum de dum" + cmd + "tra la la"
- self.p.dataReceived(bytes)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.bytes, bytes.replace(cmd, ''))
- self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), '')
- self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol)
- def testIgnoreWill(self):
- # Try to enable an option. The option is already enabled. The
- # server should send nothing in response to this. Doing so could
- # lead to a negotiation loop.
- cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + '\x56'
- # Jimmy it - after these two lines, the server will be in a state
- # such that it believes the option to have been previously enabled
- # via normal negotiation.
- s = self.p.getOptionState('\x56')
- s.him.state = 'yes'
- bytes = "tra la la" + cmd + "dum de dum"
- self.p.dataReceived(bytes)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.bytes, bytes.replace(cmd, ''))
- self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), '')
- self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol)
- def testIgnoreDo(self):
- # Try to enable an option. The option is already enabled. The
- # server should send nothing in response to this. Doing so could
- # lead to a negotiation loop.
- cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.DO + '\x56'
- # Jimmy it - after these two lines, the server will be in a state
- # such that it believes the option to have been previously enabled
- # via normal negotiation.
- s = self.p.getOptionState('\x56')
- s.us.state = 'yes'
- bytes = "tra la la" + cmd + "dum de dum"
- self.p.dataReceived(bytes)
- self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.bytes, bytes.replace(cmd, ''))
- self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), '')
- self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol)
- def testAcceptedEnableRequest(self):
- # Try to enable an option through the user-level API. This
- # returns a Deferred that fires when negotiation about the option
- # finishes. Make sure it fires, make sure state gets updated
- # properly, make sure the result indicates the option was enabled.
- d = self.p.do('\x42')
- h = self.p.protocol
- h.remoteEnableable = ('\x42',)
- self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.DO + '\x42')
- self.p.dataReceived(telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + '\x42')
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, True)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self._enabledHelper(h, eR=['\x42']))
- return d
- def test_refusedEnableRequest(self):
- """
- If the peer refuses to enable an option we request it to enable, the
- L{Deferred} returned by L{TelnetProtocol.do} fires with an
- L{OptionRefused} L{Failure}.
- """
- # Try to enable an option through the user-level API. This returns a
- # Deferred that fires when negotiation about the option finishes. Make
- # sure it fires, make sure state gets updated properly, make sure the
- # result indicates the option was enabled.
- self.p.protocol.remoteEnableable = ('\x42',)
- d = self.p.do('\x42')
- self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.DO + '\x42')
- s = self.p.getOptionState('\x42')
- self.assertEqual(s.him.state, 'no')
- self.assertEqual(s.us.state, 'no')
- self.assertEqual(s.him.negotiating, True)
- self.assertEqual(s.us.negotiating, False)
- self.p.dataReceived(telnet.IAC + telnet.WONT + '\x42')
- d = self.assertFailure(d, telnet.OptionRefused)
- d.addCallback(lambda ignored: self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol))
- d.addCallback(
- lambda ignored: self.assertEqual(s.him.negotiating, False))
- return d
- def test_refusedEnableOffer(self):
- """
- If the peer refuses to allow us to enable an option, the L{Deferred}
- returned by L{TelnetProtocol.will} fires with an L{OptionRefused}
- L{Failure}.
- """
- # Try to offer an option through the user-level API. This returns a
- # Deferred that fires when negotiation about the option finishes. Make
- # sure it fires, make sure state gets updated properly, make sure the
- # result indicates the option was enabled.
- self.p.protocol.localEnableable = ('\x42',)
- d = self.p.will('\x42')
- self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + '\x42')
- s = self.p.getOptionState('\x42')
- self.assertEqual(s.him.state, 'no')
- self.assertEqual(s.us.state, 'no')
- self.assertEqual(s.him.negotiating, False)
- self.assertEqual(s.us.negotiating, True)
- self.p.dataReceived(telnet.IAC + telnet.DONT + '\x42')
- d = self.assertFailure(d, telnet.OptionRefused)
- d.addCallback(lambda ignored: self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol))
- d.addCallback(
- lambda ignored: self.assertEqual(s.us.negotiating, False))
- return d
- def testAcceptedDisableRequest(self):
- # Try to disable an option through the user-level API. This
- # returns a Deferred that fires when negotiation about the option
- # finishes. Make sure it fires, make sure state gets updated
- # properly, make sure the result indicates the option was enabled.
- s = self.p.getOptionState('\x42')
- s.him.state = 'yes'
- d = self.p.dont('\x42')
- self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.DONT + '\x42')
- self.p.dataReceived(telnet.IAC + telnet.WONT + '\x42')
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, True)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol,
- dR=['\x42']))
- return d
- def testNegotiationBlocksFurtherNegotiation(self):
- # Try to disable an option, then immediately try to enable it, then
- # immediately try to disable it. Ensure that the 2nd and 3rd calls
- # fail quickly with the right exception.
- s = self.p.getOptionState('\x24')
- s.him.state = 'yes'
- d2 = self.p.dont('\x24') # fires after the first line of _final
- def _do(x):
- d = self.p.do('\x24')
- return self.assertFailure(d, telnet.AlreadyNegotiating)
- def _dont(x):
- d = self.p.dont('\x24')
- return self.assertFailure(d, telnet.AlreadyNegotiating)
- def _final(x):
- self.p.dataReceived(telnet.IAC + telnet.WONT + '\x24')
- # an assertion that only passes if d2 has fired
- self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol, dR=['\x24'])
- # Make sure we allow this
- self.p.protocol.remoteEnableable = ('\x24',)
- d = self.p.do('\x24')
- self.p.dataReceived(telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + '\x24')
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, True)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol,
- eR=['\x24'],
- dR=['\x24']))
- return d
- d = _do(None)
- d.addCallback(_dont)
- d.addCallback(_final)
- return d
- def testSuperfluousDisableRequestRaises(self):
- # Try to disable a disabled option. Make sure it fails properly.
- d = self.p.dont('\xab')
- return self.assertFailure(d, telnet.AlreadyDisabled)
- def testSuperfluousEnableRequestRaises(self):
- # Try to disable a disabled option. Make sure it fails properly.
- s = self.p.getOptionState('\xab')
- s.him.state = 'yes'
- d = self.p.do('\xab')
- return self.assertFailure(d, telnet.AlreadyEnabled)
- def testLostConnectionFailsDeferreds(self):
- d1 = self.p.do('\x12')
- d2 = self.p.do('\x23')
- d3 = self.p.do('\x34')
- class TestException(Exception):
- pass
- self.p.connectionLost(TestException("Total failure!"))
- d1 = self.assertFailure(d1, TestException)
- d2 = self.assertFailure(d2, TestException)
- d3 = self.assertFailure(d3, TestException)
- return defer.gatherResults([d1, d2, d3])
-class TestTelnet(telnet.Telnet):
- """
- A trivial extension of the telnet protocol class useful to unit tests.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- telnet.Telnet.__init__(self)
- self.events = []
- def applicationDataReceived(self, bytes):
- """
- Record the given data in C{self.events}.
- """
- self.events.append(('bytes', bytes))
- def unhandledCommand(self, command, bytes):
- """
- Record the given command in C{self.events}.
- """
- self.events.append(('command', command, bytes))
- def unhandledSubnegotiation(self, command, bytes):
- """
- Record the given subnegotiation command in C{self.events}.
- """
- self.events.append(('negotiate', command, bytes))
-class TelnetTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{telnet.Telnet}.
- L{telnet.Telnet} implements the TELNET protocol (RFC 854), including option
- and suboption negotiation, and option state tracking.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create an unconnected L{telnet.Telnet} to be used by tests.
- """
- self.protocol = TestTelnet()
- def test_enableLocal(self):
- """
- L{telnet.Telnet.enableLocal} should reject all options, since
- L{telnet.Telnet} does not know how to implement any options.
- """
- self.assertFalse(self.protocol.enableLocal('\0'))
- def test_enableRemote(self):
- """
- L{telnet.Telnet.enableRemote} should reject all options, since
- L{telnet.Telnet} does not know how to implement any options.
- """
- self.assertFalse(self.protocol.enableRemote('\0'))
- def test_disableLocal(self):
- """
- It is an error for L{telnet.Telnet.disableLocal} to be called, since
- L{telnet.Telnet.enableLocal} will never allow any options to be enabled
- locally. If a subclass overrides enableLocal, it must also override
- disableLocal.
- """
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.protocol.disableLocal, '\0')
- def test_disableRemote(self):
- """
- It is an error for L{telnet.Telnet.disableRemote} to be called, since
- L{telnet.Telnet.enableRemote} will never allow any options to be
- enabled remotely. If a subclass overrides enableRemote, it must also
- override disableRemote.
- """
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.protocol.disableRemote, '\0')
- def test_requestNegotiation(self):
- """
- L{telnet.Telnet.requestNegotiation} formats the feature byte and the
- payload bytes into the subnegotiation format and sends them.
- See RFC 855.
- """
- transport = proto_helpers.StringTransport()
- self.protocol.makeConnection(transport)
- self.protocol.requestNegotiation('\x01', '\x02\x03')
- self.assertEqual(
- transport.value(),
- # IAC SB feature bytes IAC SE
- '\xff\xfa\x01\x02\x03\xff\xf0')
- def test_requestNegotiationEscapesIAC(self):
- """
- If the payload for a subnegotiation includes I{IAC}, it is escaped by
- L{telnet.Telnet.requestNegotiation} with another I{IAC}.
- See RFC 855.
- """
- transport = proto_helpers.StringTransport()
- self.protocol.makeConnection(transport)
- self.protocol.requestNegotiation('\x01', '\xff')
- self.assertEqual(
- transport.value(),
- '\xff\xfa\x01\xff\xff\xff\xf0')
- def _deliver(self, bytes, *expected):
- """
- Pass the given bytes to the protocol's C{dataReceived} method and
- assert that the given events occur.
- """
- received = self.protocol.events = []
- self.protocol.dataReceived(bytes)
- self.assertEqual(received, list(expected))
- def test_oneApplicationDataByte(self):
- """
- One application-data byte in the default state gets delivered right
- away.
- """
- self._deliver('a', ('bytes', 'a'))
- def test_twoApplicationDataBytes(self):
- """
- Two application-data bytes in the default state get delivered
- together.
- """
- self._deliver('bc', ('bytes', 'bc'))
- def test_threeApplicationDataBytes(self):
- """
- Three application-data bytes followed by a control byte get
- delivered, but the control byte doesn't.
- """
- self._deliver('def' + telnet.IAC, ('bytes', 'def'))
- def test_escapedControl(self):
- """
- IAC in the escaped state gets delivered and so does another
- application-data byte following it.
- """
- self._deliver(telnet.IAC)
- self._deliver(telnet.IAC + 'g', ('bytes', telnet.IAC + 'g'))
- def test_carriageReturn(self):
- """
- A carriage return only puts the protocol into the newline state. A
- linefeed in the newline state causes just the newline to be
- delivered. A nul in the newline state causes a carriage return to
- be delivered. An IAC in the newline state causes a carriage return
- to be delivered and puts the protocol into the escaped state.
- Anything else causes a carriage return and that thing to be
- delivered.
- """
- self._deliver('\r')
- self._deliver('\n', ('bytes', '\n'))
- self._deliver('\r\n', ('bytes', '\n'))
- self._deliver('\r')
- self._deliver('\0', ('bytes', '\r'))
- self._deliver('\r\0', ('bytes', '\r'))
- self._deliver('\r')
- self._deliver('a', ('bytes', '\ra'))
- self._deliver('\ra', ('bytes', '\ra'))
- self._deliver('\r')
- self._deliver(
- telnet.IAC + telnet.IAC + 'x', ('bytes', '\r' + telnet.IAC + 'x'))
- def test_applicationDataBeforeSimpleCommand(self):
- """
- Application bytes received before a command are delivered before the
- command is processed.
- """
- self._deliver(
- 'x' + telnet.IAC + telnet.NOP,
- ('bytes', 'x'), ('command', telnet.NOP, None))
- def test_applicationDataBeforeCommand(self):
- """
- Application bytes received before a WILL/WONT/DO/DONT are delivered
- before the command is processed.
- """
- self.protocol.commandMap = {}
- self._deliver(
- 'y' + telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + '\x00',
- ('bytes', 'y'), ('command', telnet.WILL, '\x00'))
- def test_applicationDataBeforeSubnegotiation(self):
- """
- Application bytes received before a subnegotiation command are
- delivered before the negotiation is processed.
- """
- self._deliver(
- 'z' + telnet.IAC + telnet.SB + 'Qx' + telnet.IAC + telnet.SE,
- ('bytes', 'z'), ('negotiate', 'Q', ['x']))
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_text.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_text.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 1d688703..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_text.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_text -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.conch.insults import helper, text
-A = text.attributes
-class Serialization(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.attrs = helper.CharacterAttribute()
- def testTrivial(self):
- self.assertEqual(
- text.flatten(A.normal['Hello, world.'], self.attrs),
- 'Hello, world.')
- def testBold(self):
- self.assertEqual(
- text.flatten(A.bold['Hello, world.'], self.attrs),
- '\x1b[1mHello, world.')
- def testUnderline(self):
- self.assertEqual(
- text.flatten(A.underline['Hello, world.'], self.attrs),
- '\x1b[4mHello, world.')
- def testBlink(self):
- self.assertEqual(
- text.flatten(A.blink['Hello, world.'], self.attrs),
- '\x1b[5mHello, world.')
- def testReverseVideo(self):
- self.assertEqual(
- text.flatten(A.reverseVideo['Hello, world.'], self.attrs),
- '\x1b[7mHello, world.')
- def testMinus(self):
- self.assertEqual(
- text.flatten(
- A.bold[A.blink['Hello', -A.bold[' world'], '.']],
- self.attrs),
- '\x1b[1;5mHello\x1b[0;5m world\x1b[1;5m.')
- def testForeground(self):
- self.assertEqual(
- text.flatten(
- A.normal[A.fg.red['Hello, '], A.fg.green['world!']],
- self.attrs),
- '\x1b[31mHello, \x1b[32mworld!')
- def testBackground(self):
- self.assertEqual(
- text.flatten(
- A.normal[A.bg.red['Hello, '], A.bg.green['world!']],
- self.attrs),
- '\x1b[41mHello, \x1b[42mworld!')
-class EfficiencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- todo = ("flatten() isn't quite stateful enough to avoid emitting a few extra bytes in "
- "certain circumstances, so these tests fail. The failures take the form of "
- "additional elements in the ;-delimited character attribute lists. For example, "
- "\\x1b[0;31;46m might be emitted instead of \\x[46m, even if 31 has already been "
- "activated and no conflicting attributes are set which need to be cleared.")
- def setUp(self):
- self.attrs = helper.CharacterAttribute()
- def testComplexStructure(self):
- output = A.normal[
- A.bold[
- A.bg.cyan[
- A.fg.red[
- "Foreground Red, Background Cyan, Bold",
- A.blink[
- "Blinking"],
- -A.bold[
- "Foreground Red, Background Cyan, normal"]],
- A.fg.green[
- "Foreground Green, Background Cyan, Bold"]]]]
- self.assertEqual(
- text.flatten(output, self.attrs),
- "\x1b[1;31;46mForeground Red, Background Cyan, Bold"
- "\x1b[5mBlinking"
- "\x1b[0;31;46mForeground Red, Background Cyan, normal"
- "\x1b[1;32;46mForeground Green, Background Cyan, Bold")
- def testNesting(self):
- self.assertEqual(
- text.flatten(A.bold['Hello, ', A.underline['world.']], self.attrs),
- '\x1b[1mHello, \x1b[4mworld.')
- self.assertEqual(
- text.flatten(
- A.bold[A.reverseVideo['Hello, ', A.normal['world'], '.']],
- self.attrs),
- '\x1b[1;7mHello, \x1b[0mworld\x1b[1;7m.')
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_transport.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_transport.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 8b801b0b..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_transport.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2225 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for ssh/transport.py and the classes therein.
- import pyasn1
-except ImportError:
- pyasn1 = None
- import Crypto.Cipher.DES3
-except ImportError:
- Crypto = None
-if pyasn1 is not None and Crypto is not None:
- dependencySkip = None
- from twisted.conch.ssh import transport, keys, factory
- from twisted.conch.test import keydata
- if pyasn1 is None:
- dependencySkip = "Cannot run without PyASN1"
- elif Crypto is None:
- dependencySkip = "can't run w/o PyCrypto"
- class transport: # fictional modules to make classes work
- class SSHTransportBase: pass
- class SSHServerTransport: pass
- class SSHClientTransport: pass
- class factory:
- class SSHFactory:
- pass
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.protocols import loopback
-from twisted.python import randbytes
-from twisted.python.reflect import qual, getClass
-from twisted.python.hashlib import md5, sha1
-from twisted.conch.ssh import address, service, common
-from twisted.test import proto_helpers
-from twisted.conch.error import ConchError
-class MockTransportBase(transport.SSHTransportBase):
- """
- A base class for the client and server protocols. Stores the messages
- it receieves instead of ignoring them.
- @ivar errors: a list of tuples: (reasonCode, description)
- @ivar unimplementeds: a list of integers: sequence number
- @ivar debugs: a list of tuples: (alwaysDisplay, message, lang)
- @ivar ignoreds: a list of strings: ignored data
- """
- def connectionMade(self):
- """
- Set up instance variables.
- """
- transport.SSHTransportBase.connectionMade(self)
- self.errors = []
- self.unimplementeds = []
- self.debugs = []
- self.ignoreds = []
- self.gotUnsupportedVersion = None
- def _unsupportedVersionReceived(self, remoteVersion):
- """
- Intercept unsupported version call.
- @type remoteVersion: C{str}
- """
- self.gotUnsupportedVersion = remoteVersion
- return transport.SSHTransportBase._unsupportedVersionReceived(
- self, remoteVersion)
- def receiveError(self, reasonCode, description):
- """
- Store any errors received.
- @type reasonCode: C{int}
- @type description: C{str}
- """
- self.errors.append((reasonCode, description))
- def receiveUnimplemented(self, seqnum):
- """
- Store any unimplemented packet messages.
- @type seqnum: C{int}
- """
- self.unimplementeds.append(seqnum)
- def receiveDebug(self, alwaysDisplay, message, lang):
- """
- Store any debug messages.
- @type alwaysDisplay: C{bool}
- @type message: C{str}
- @type lang: C{str}
- """
- self.debugs.append((alwaysDisplay, message, lang))
- def ssh_IGNORE(self, packet):
- """
- Store any ignored data.
- @type packet: C{str}
- """
- self.ignoreds.append(packet)
-class MockCipher(object):
- """
- A mocked-up version of twisted.conch.ssh.transport.SSHCiphers.
- """
- outCipType = 'test'
- encBlockSize = 6
- inCipType = 'test'
- decBlockSize = 6
- inMACType = 'test'
- outMACType = 'test'
- verifyDigestSize = 1
- usedEncrypt = False
- usedDecrypt = False
- outMAC = (None, '', '', 1)
- inMAC = (None, '', '', 1)
- keys = ()
- def encrypt(self, x):
- """
- Called to encrypt the packet. Simply record that encryption was used
- and return the data unchanged.
- """
- self.usedEncrypt = True
- if (len(x) % self.encBlockSize) != 0:
- raise RuntimeError("length %i modulo blocksize %i is not 0: %i" %
- (len(x), self.encBlockSize, len(x) % self.encBlockSize))
- return x
- def decrypt(self, x):
- """
- Called to decrypt the packet. Simply record that decryption was used
- and return the data unchanged.
- """
- self.usedDecrypt = True
- if (len(x) % self.encBlockSize) != 0:
- raise RuntimeError("length %i modulo blocksize %i is not 0: %i" %
- (len(x), self.decBlockSize, len(x) % self.decBlockSize))
- return x
- def makeMAC(self, outgoingPacketSequence, payload):
- """
- Make a Message Authentication Code by sending the character value of
- the outgoing packet.
- """
- return chr(outgoingPacketSequence)
- def verify(self, incomingPacketSequence, packet, macData):
- """
- Verify the Message Authentication Code by checking that the packet
- sequence number is the same.
- """
- return chr(incomingPacketSequence) == macData
- def setKeys(self, ivOut, keyOut, ivIn, keyIn, macIn, macOut):
- """
- Record the keys.
- """
- self.keys = (ivOut, keyOut, ivIn, keyIn, macIn, macOut)
-class MockCompression:
- """
- A mocked-up compression, based on the zlib interface. Instead of
- compressing, it reverses the data and adds a 0x66 byte to the end.
- """
- def compress(self, payload):
- return payload[::-1] # reversed
- def decompress(self, payload):
- return payload[:-1][::-1]
- def flush(self, kind):
- return '\x66'
-class MockService(service.SSHService):
- """
- A mocked-up service, based on twisted.conch.ssh.service.SSHService.
- @ivar started: True if this service has been started.
- @ivar stopped: True if this service has been stopped.
- """
- name = "MockService"
- started = False
- stopped = False
- protocolMessages = {0xff: "MSG_TEST", 71: "MSG_fiction"}
- def logPrefix(self):
- return "MockService"
- def serviceStarted(self):
- """
- Record that the service was started.
- """
- self.started = True
- def serviceStopped(self):
- """
- Record that the service was stopped.
- """
- self.stopped = True
- def ssh_TEST(self, packet):
- """
- A message that this service responds to.
- """
- self.transport.sendPacket(0xff, packet)
-class MockFactory(factory.SSHFactory):
- """
- A mocked-up factory based on twisted.conch.ssh.factory.SSHFactory.
- """
- services = {
- 'ssh-userauth': MockService}
- def getPublicKeys(self):
- """
- Return the public keys that authenticate this server.
- """
- return {
- 'ssh-rsa': keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh),
- 'ssh-dsa': keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicDSA_openssh)}
- def getPrivateKeys(self):
- """
- Return the private keys that authenticate this server.
- """
- return {
- 'ssh-rsa': keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh),
- 'ssh-dsa': keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateDSA_openssh)}
- def getPrimes(self):
- """
- Return the Diffie-Hellman primes that can be used for the
- diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 key exchange.
- """
- return {
- 1024: ((2, transport.DH_PRIME),),
- 2048: ((3, transport.DH_PRIME),),
- 4096: ((5, 7),)}
-class MockOldFactoryPublicKeys(MockFactory):
- """
- The old SSHFactory returned mappings from key names to strings from
- getPublicKeys(). We return those here for testing.
- """
- def getPublicKeys(self):
- """
- We used to map key types to public key blobs as strings.
- """
- keys = MockFactory.getPublicKeys(self)
- for name, key in keys.items()[:]:
- keys[name] = key.blob()
- return keys
-class MockOldFactoryPrivateKeys(MockFactory):
- """
- The old SSHFactory returned mappings from key names to PyCrypto key
- objects from getPrivateKeys(). We return those here for testing.
- """
- def getPrivateKeys(self):
- """
- We used to map key types to PyCrypto key objects.
- """
- keys = MockFactory.getPrivateKeys(self)
- for name, key in keys.items()[:]:
- keys[name] = key.keyObject
- return keys
-class TransportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Base class for transport test cases.
- """
- klass = None
- if Crypto is None:
- skip = "cannot run w/o PyCrypto"
- if pyasn1 is None:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyASN1"
- def setUp(self):
- self.transport = proto_helpers.StringTransport()
- self.proto = self.klass()
- self.packets = []
- def secureRandom(len):
- """
- Return a consistent entropy value
- """
- return '\x99' * len
- self.oldSecureRandom = randbytes.secureRandom
- randbytes.secureRandom = secureRandom
- def stubSendPacket(messageType, payload):
- self.packets.append((messageType, payload))
- self.proto.makeConnection(self.transport)
- # we just let the kex packet go into the transport
- self.proto.sendPacket = stubSendPacket
- def finishKeyExchange(self, proto):
- """
- Deliver enough additional messages to C{proto} so that the key exchange
- which is started in L{SSHTransportBase.connectionMade} completes and
- non-key exchange messages can be sent and received.
- """
- proto.dataReceived("SSH-2.0-BogoClient-1.2i\r\n")
- proto.dispatchMessage(
- proto._keySetup("foo", "bar")
- # SSHTransportBase can't handle MSG_NEWKEYS, or it would be the right
- # thing to deliver next. _newKeys won't work either, because
- # sendKexInit (probably) hasn't been called. sendKexInit is
- # responsible for setting up certain state _newKeys relies on. So,
- # just change the key exchange state to what it would be when key
- # exchange is finished.
- proto._keyExchangeState = proto._KEY_EXCHANGE_NONE
- def tearDown(self):
- randbytes.secureRandom = self.oldSecureRandom
- self.oldSecureRandom = None
- def simulateKeyExchange(self, sharedSecret, exchangeHash):
- """
- Finish a key exchange by calling C{_keySetup} with the given arguments.
- Also do extra whitebox stuff to satisfy that method's assumption that
- some kind of key exchange has actually taken place.
- """
- self.proto._keyExchangeState = self.proto._KEY_EXCHANGE_REQUESTED
- self.proto._blockedByKeyExchange = []
- self.proto._keySetup(sharedSecret, exchangeHash)
-class BaseSSHTransportTestCase(TransportTestCase):
- """
- Test TransportBase. It implements the non-server/client specific
- parts of the SSH transport protocol.
- """
- klass = MockTransportBase
- "\xAA" * 16 +
- common.NS('diffie-hellman-group1-sha1') +
- common.NS('ssh-rsa') +
- common.NS('aes256-ctr') +
- common.NS('aes256-ctr') +
- common.NS('hmac-sha1') +
- common.NS('hmac-sha1') +
- common.NS('none') +
- common.NS('none') +
- common.NS('') +
- common.NS('') +
- '\x00' + '\x00\x00\x00\x00')
- def test_sendVersion(self):
- """
- Test that the first thing sent over the connection is the version
- string.
- """
- # the other setup was done in the setup method
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.value().split('\r\n', 1)[0],
- "SSH-2.0-Twisted")
- def test_sendPacketPlain(self):
- """
- Test that plain (unencrypted, uncompressed) packets are sent
- correctly. The format is::
- uint32 length (including type and padding length)
- byte padding length
- byte type
- bytes[length-padding length-2] data
- bytes[padding length] padding
- """
- proto = MockTransportBase()
- proto.makeConnection(self.transport)
- self.finishKeyExchange(proto)
- self.transport.clear()
- message = ord('A')
- payload = 'BCDEFG'
- proto.sendPacket(message, payload)
- value = self.transport.value()
- self.assertEqual(value, '\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x04ABCDEFG\x99\x99\x99\x99')
- def test_sendPacketEncrypted(self):
- """
- Test that packets sent while encryption is enabled are sent
- correctly. The whole packet should be encrypted.
- """
- proto = MockTransportBase()
- proto.makeConnection(self.transport)
- self.finishKeyExchange(proto)
- proto.currentEncryptions = testCipher = MockCipher()
- message = ord('A')
- payload = 'BC'
- self.transport.clear()
- proto.sendPacket(message, payload)
- self.assertTrue(testCipher.usedEncrypt)
- value = self.transport.value()
- self.assertEqual(
- value,
- # Four byte length prefix
- '\x00\x00\x00\x08'
- # One byte padding length
- '\x04'
- # The actual application data
- 'ABC'
- # "Random" padding - see the secureRandom monkeypatch in setUp
- '\x99\x99\x99\x99'
- # The MAC
- '\x02')
- def test_sendPacketCompressed(self):
- """
- Test that packets sent while compression is enabled are sent
- correctly. The packet type and data should be encrypted.
- """
- proto = MockTransportBase()
- proto.makeConnection(self.transport)
- self.finishKeyExchange(proto)
- proto.outgoingCompression = MockCompression()
- self.transport.clear()
- proto.sendPacket(ord('A'), 'B')
- value = self.transport.value()
- self.assertEqual(
- value,
- '\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x08BA\x66\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99')
- def test_sendPacketBoth(self):
- """
- Test that packets sent while compression and encryption are
- enabled are sent correctly. The packet type and data should be
- compressed and then the whole packet should be encrypted.
- """
- proto = MockTransportBase()
- proto.makeConnection(self.transport)
- self.finishKeyExchange(proto)
- proto.currentEncryptions = testCipher = MockCipher()
- proto.outgoingCompression = MockCompression()
- message = ord('A')
- payload = 'BC'
- self.transport.clear()
- proto.sendPacket(message, payload)
- self.assertTrue(testCipher.usedEncrypt)
- value = self.transport.value()
- self.assertEqual(
- value,
- # Four byte length prefix
- '\x00\x00\x00\x0e'
- # One byte padding length
- '\x09'
- # Compressed application data
- 'CBA\x66'
- # "Random" padding - see the secureRandom monkeypatch in setUp
- '\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99'
- # The MAC
- '\x02')
- def test_getPacketPlain(self):
- """
- Test that packets are retrieved correctly out of the buffer when
- no encryption is enabled.
- """
- proto = MockTransportBase()
- proto.makeConnection(self.transport)
- self.finishKeyExchange(proto)
- self.transport.clear()
- proto.sendPacket(ord('A'), 'BC')
- proto.buf = self.transport.value() + 'extra'
- self.assertEqual(proto.getPacket(), 'ABC')
- self.assertEqual(proto.buf, 'extra')
- def test_getPacketEncrypted(self):
- """
- Test that encrypted packets are retrieved correctly.
- See test_sendPacketEncrypted.
- """
- proto = MockTransportBase()
- proto.sendKexInit = lambda: None # don't send packets
- proto.makeConnection(self.transport)
- self.transport.clear()
- proto.currentEncryptions = testCipher = MockCipher()
- proto.sendPacket(ord('A'), 'BCD')
- value = self.transport.value()
- proto.buf = value[:MockCipher.decBlockSize]
- self.assertEqual(proto.getPacket(), None)
- self.assertTrue(testCipher.usedDecrypt)
- self.assertEqual(proto.first, '\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x09A')
- proto.buf += value[MockCipher.decBlockSize:]
- self.assertEqual(proto.getPacket(), 'ABCD')
- self.assertEqual(proto.buf, '')
- def test_getPacketCompressed(self):
- """
- Test that compressed packets are retrieved correctly. See
- test_sendPacketCompressed.
- """
- proto = MockTransportBase()
- proto.makeConnection(self.transport)
- self.finishKeyExchange(proto)
- self.transport.clear()
- proto.outgoingCompression = MockCompression()
- proto.incomingCompression = proto.outgoingCompression
- proto.sendPacket(ord('A'), 'BCD')
- proto.buf = self.transport.value()
- self.assertEqual(proto.getPacket(), 'ABCD')
- def test_getPacketBoth(self):
- """
- Test that compressed and encrypted packets are retrieved correctly.
- See test_sendPacketBoth.
- """
- proto = MockTransportBase()
- proto.sendKexInit = lambda: None
- proto.makeConnection(self.transport)
- self.transport.clear()
- proto.currentEncryptions = MockCipher()
- proto.outgoingCompression = MockCompression()
- proto.incomingCompression = proto.outgoingCompression
- proto.sendPacket(ord('A'), 'BCDEFG')
- proto.buf = self.transport.value()
- self.assertEqual(proto.getPacket(), 'ABCDEFG')
- def test_ciphersAreValid(self):
- """
- Test that all the supportedCiphers are valid.
- """
- ciphers = transport.SSHCiphers('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')
- iv = key = '\x00' * 16
- for cipName in self.proto.supportedCiphers:
- self.assertTrue(ciphers._getCipher(cipName, iv, key))
- def test_sendKexInit(self):
- """
- Test that the KEXINIT (key exchange initiation) message is sent
- correctly. Payload::
- bytes[16] cookie
- string key exchange algorithms
- string public key algorithms
- string outgoing ciphers
- string incoming ciphers
- string outgoing MACs
- string incoming MACs
- string outgoing compressions
- string incoming compressions
- bool first packet follows
- uint32 0
- """
- value = self.transport.value().split('\r\n', 1)[1]
- self.proto.buf = value
- packet = self.proto.getPacket()
- self.assertEqual(packet[0], chr(transport.MSG_KEXINIT))
- self.assertEqual(packet[1:17], '\x99' * 16)
- (kex, pubkeys, ciphers1, ciphers2, macs1, macs2, compressions1,
- compressions2, languages1, languages2,
- buf) = common.getNS(packet[17:], 10)
- self.assertEqual(kex, ','.join(self.proto.supportedKeyExchanges))
- self.assertEqual(pubkeys, ','.join(self.proto.supportedPublicKeys))
- self.assertEqual(ciphers1, ','.join(self.proto.supportedCiphers))
- self.assertEqual(ciphers2, ','.join(self.proto.supportedCiphers))
- self.assertEqual(macs1, ','.join(self.proto.supportedMACs))
- self.assertEqual(macs2, ','.join(self.proto.supportedMACs))
- self.assertEqual(compressions1,
- ','.join(self.proto.supportedCompressions))
- self.assertEqual(compressions2,
- ','.join(self.proto.supportedCompressions))
- self.assertEqual(languages1, ','.join(self.proto.supportedLanguages))
- self.assertEqual(languages2, ','.join(self.proto.supportedLanguages))
- self.assertEqual(buf, '\x00' * 5)
- def test_receiveKEXINITReply(self):
- """
- Immediately after connecting, the transport expects a KEXINIT message
- and does not reply to it.
- """
- self.transport.clear()
- self.proto.dispatchMessage(
- self.assertEqual(self.packets, [])
- def test_sendKEXINITReply(self):
- """
- When a KEXINIT message is received which is not a reply to an earlier
- KEXINIT message which was sent, a KEXINIT reply is sent.
- """
- self.finishKeyExchange(self.proto)
- del self.packets[:]
- self.proto.dispatchMessage(
- self.assertEqual(len(self.packets), 1)
- self.assertEqual(self.packets[0][0], transport.MSG_KEXINIT)
- def test_sendKexInitTwiceFails(self):
- """
- A new key exchange cannot be started while a key exchange is already in
- progress. If an attempt is made to send a I{KEXINIT} message using
- L{SSHTransportBase.sendKexInit} while a key exchange is in progress
- causes that method to raise a L{RuntimeError}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.proto.sendKexInit)
- def test_sendKexInitBlocksOthers(self):
- """
- After L{SSHTransportBase.sendKexInit} has been called, messages types
- other than the following are queued and not sent until after I{NEWKEYS}
- is sent by L{SSHTransportBase._keySetup}.
- RFC 4253, section 7.1.
- """
- # sendKexInit is called by connectionMade, which is called in setUp.
- # So we're in the state already.
- disallowedMessageTypes = [
- transport.MSG_KEXINIT,
- ]
- # Drop all the bytes sent by setUp, they're not relevant to this test.
- self.transport.clear()
- # Get rid of the sendPacket monkey patch, we are testing the behavior
- # of sendPacket.
- del self.proto.sendPacket
- for messageType in disallowedMessageTypes:
- self.proto.sendPacket(messageType, 'foo')
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.value(), "")
- self.finishKeyExchange(self.proto)
- # Make the bytes written to the transport cleartext so it's easier to
- # make an assertion about them.
- self.proto.nextEncryptions = MockCipher()
- # Pseudo-deliver the peer's NEWKEYS message, which should flush the
- # messages which were queued above.
- self.proto._newKeys()
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.value().count("foo"), 2)
- def test_sendDebug(self):
- """
- Test that debug messages are sent correctly. Payload::
- bool always display
- string debug message
- string language
- """
- self.proto.sendDebug("test", True, 'en')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.packets,
- [(transport.MSG_DEBUG,
- "\x01\x00\x00\x00\x04test\x00\x00\x00\x02en")])
- def test_receiveDebug(self):
- """
- Test that debug messages are received correctly. See test_sendDebug.
- """
- self.proto.dispatchMessage(
- transport.MSG_DEBUG,
- '\x01\x00\x00\x00\x04test\x00\x00\x00\x02en')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.debugs, [(True, 'test', 'en')])
- def test_sendIgnore(self):
- """
- Test that ignored messages are sent correctly. Payload::
- string ignored data
- """
- self.proto.sendIgnore("test")
- self.assertEqual(
- self.packets, [(transport.MSG_IGNORE,
- '\x00\x00\x00\x04test')])
- def test_receiveIgnore(self):
- """
- Test that ignored messages are received correctly. See
- test_sendIgnore.
- """
- self.proto.dispatchMessage(transport.MSG_IGNORE, 'test')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.ignoreds, ['test'])
- def test_sendUnimplemented(self):
- """
- Test that unimplemented messages are sent correctly. Payload::
- uint32 sequence number
- """
- self.proto.sendUnimplemented()
- self.assertEqual(
- self.packets, [(transport.MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED,
- '\x00\x00\x00\x00')])
- def test_receiveUnimplemented(self):
- """
- Test that unimplemented messages are received correctly. See
- test_sendUnimplemented.
- """
- self.proto.dispatchMessage(transport.MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED,
- '\x00\x00\x00\xff')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.unimplementeds, [255])
- def test_sendDisconnect(self):
- """
- Test that disconnection messages are sent correctly. Payload::
- uint32 reason code
- string reason description
- string language
- """
- disconnected = [False]
- def stubLoseConnection():
- disconnected[0] = True
- self.transport.loseConnection = stubLoseConnection
- self.proto.sendDisconnect(0xff, "test")
- self.assertEqual(
- self.packets,
- [(transport.MSG_DISCONNECT,
- "\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\x04test\x00\x00\x00\x00")])
- self.assertTrue(disconnected[0])
- def test_receiveDisconnect(self):
- """
- Test that disconnection messages are received correctly. See
- test_sendDisconnect.
- """
- disconnected = [False]
- def stubLoseConnection():
- disconnected[0] = True
- self.transport.loseConnection = stubLoseConnection
- self.proto.dispatchMessage(transport.MSG_DISCONNECT,
- '\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\x04test')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.errors, [(255, 'test')])
- self.assertTrue(disconnected[0])
- def test_dataReceived(self):
- """
- Test that dataReceived parses packets and dispatches them to
- ssh_* methods.
- """
- kexInit = [False]
- def stubKEXINIT(packet):
- kexInit[0] = True
- self.proto.ssh_KEXINIT = stubKEXINIT
- self.proto.dataReceived(self.transport.value())
- self.assertTrue(self.proto.gotVersion)
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.ourVersionString,
- self.proto.otherVersionString)
- self.assertTrue(kexInit[0])
- def test_service(self):
- """
- Test that the transport can set the running service and dispatches
- packets to the service's packetReceived method.
- """
- service = MockService()
- self.proto.setService(service)
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.service, service)
- self.assertTrue(service.started)
- self.proto.dispatchMessage(0xff, "test")
- self.assertEqual(self.packets, [(0xff, "test")])
- service2 = MockService()
- self.proto.setService(service2)
- self.assertTrue(service2.started)
- self.assertTrue(service.stopped)
- self.proto.connectionLost(None)
- self.assertTrue(service2.stopped)
- def test_avatar(self):
- """
- Test that the transport notifies the avatar of disconnections.
- """
- disconnected = [False]
- def logout():
- disconnected[0] = True
- self.proto.logoutFunction = logout
- self.proto.avatar = True
- self.proto.connectionLost(None)
- self.assertTrue(disconnected[0])
- def test_isEncrypted(self):
- """
- Test that the transport accurately reflects its encrypted status.
- """
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.isEncrypted('in'))
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.isEncrypted('out'))
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.isEncrypted('both'))
- self.proto.currentEncryptions = MockCipher()
- self.assertTrue(self.proto.isEncrypted('in'))
- self.assertTrue(self.proto.isEncrypted('out'))
- self.assertTrue(self.proto.isEncrypted('both'))
- self.proto.currentEncryptions = transport.SSHCiphers('none', 'none',
- 'none', 'none')
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.isEncrypted('in'))
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.isEncrypted('out'))
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.isEncrypted('both'))
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.proto.isEncrypted, 'bad')
- def test_isVerified(self):
- """
- Test that the transport accurately reflects its verified status.
- """
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.isVerified('in'))
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.isVerified('out'))
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.isVerified('both'))
- self.proto.currentEncryptions = MockCipher()
- self.assertTrue(self.proto.isVerified('in'))
- self.assertTrue(self.proto.isVerified('out'))
- self.assertTrue(self.proto.isVerified('both'))
- self.proto.currentEncryptions = transport.SSHCiphers('none', 'none',
- 'none', 'none')
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.isVerified('in'))
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.isVerified('out'))
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.isVerified('both'))
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.proto.isVerified, 'bad')
- def test_loseConnection(self):
- """
- Test that loseConnection sends a disconnect message and closes the
- connection.
- """
- disconnected = [False]
- def stubLoseConnection():
- disconnected[0] = True
- self.transport.loseConnection = stubLoseConnection
- self.proto.loseConnection()
- self.assertEqual(self.packets[0][0], transport.MSG_DISCONNECT)
- self.assertEqual(self.packets[0][1][3],
- def test_badVersion(self):
- """
- Test that the transport disconnects when it receives a bad version.
- """
- def testBad(version):
- self.packets = []
- self.proto.gotVersion = False
- disconnected = [False]
- def stubLoseConnection():
- disconnected[0] = True
- self.transport.loseConnection = stubLoseConnection
- for c in version + '\r\n':
- self.proto.dataReceived(c)
- self.assertTrue(disconnected[0])
- self.assertEqual(self.packets[0][0], transport.MSG_DISCONNECT)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.packets[0][1][3],
- testBad('SSH-1.5-OpenSSH')
- testBad('SSH-3.0-Twisted')
- testBad('GET / HTTP/1.1')
- def test_dataBeforeVersion(self):
- """
- Test that the transport ignores data sent before the version string.
- """
- proto = MockTransportBase()
- proto.makeConnection(proto_helpers.StringTransport())
- data = ("""here's some stuff beforehand
-here's some other stuff
-""" + proto.ourVersionString + "\r\n")
- [proto.dataReceived(c) for c in data]
- self.assertTrue(proto.gotVersion)
- self.assertEqual(proto.otherVersionString, proto.ourVersionString)
- def test_compatabilityVersion(self):
- """
- Test that the transport treats the compatbility version (1.99)
- as equivalent to version 2.0.
- """
- proto = MockTransportBase()
- proto.makeConnection(proto_helpers.StringTransport())
- proto.dataReceived("SSH-1.99-OpenSSH\n")
- self.assertTrue(proto.gotVersion)
- self.assertEqual(proto.otherVersionString, "SSH-1.99-OpenSSH")
- def test_supportedVersionsAreAllowed(self):
- """
- If an unusual SSH version is received and is included in
- C{supportedVersions}, an unsupported version error is not emitted.
- """
- proto = MockTransportBase()
- proto.supportedVersions = ("9.99", )
- proto.makeConnection(proto_helpers.StringTransport())
- proto.dataReceived("SSH-9.99-OpenSSH\n")
- self.assertFalse(proto.gotUnsupportedVersion)
- def test_unsupportedVersionsCallUnsupportedVersionReceived(self):
- """
- If an unusual SSH version is received and is not included in
- C{supportedVersions}, an unsupported version error is emitted.
- """
- proto = MockTransportBase()
- proto.supportedVersions = ("2.0", )
- proto.makeConnection(proto_helpers.StringTransport())
- proto.dataReceived("SSH-9.99-OpenSSH\n")
- self.assertEqual("9.99", proto.gotUnsupportedVersion)
- def test_badPackets(self):
- """
- Test that the transport disconnects with an error when it receives
- bad packets.
- """
- def testBad(packet, error=transport.DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR):
- self.packets = []
- self.proto.buf = packet
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.getPacket(), None)
- self.assertEqual(len(self.packets), 1)
- self.assertEqual(self.packets[0][0], transport.MSG_DISCONNECT)
- self.assertEqual(self.packets[0][1][3], chr(error))
- testBad('\xff' * 8) # big packet
- testBad('\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00BCDE') # length not modulo blocksize
- oldEncryptions = self.proto.currentEncryptions
- self.proto.currentEncryptions = MockCipher()
- testBad('\x00\x00\x00\x08\x06AB123456', # bad MAC
- self.proto.currentEncryptions.decrypt = lambda x: x[:-1]
- testBad('\x00\x00\x00\x08\x06BCDEFGHIJK') # bad decryption
- self.proto.currentEncryptions = oldEncryptions
- self.proto.incomingCompression = MockCompression()
- def stubDecompress(payload):
- raise Exception('bad compression')
- self.proto.incomingCompression.decompress = stubDecompress
- testBad('\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00BCDE', # bad decompression
- self.flushLoggedErrors()
- def test_unimplementedPackets(self):
- """
- Test that unimplemented packet types cause MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED packets
- to be sent.
- """
- seqnum = self.proto.incomingPacketSequence
- def checkUnimplemented(seqnum=seqnum):
- self.assertEqual(self.packets[0][0],
- self.assertEqual(self.packets[0][1][3], chr(seqnum))
- self.proto.packets = []
- seqnum += 1
- self.proto.dispatchMessage(40, '')
- checkUnimplemented()
- transport.messages[41] = 'MSG_fiction'
- self.proto.dispatchMessage(41, '')
- checkUnimplemented()
- self.proto.dispatchMessage(60, '')
- checkUnimplemented()
- self.proto.setService(MockService())
- self.proto.dispatchMessage(70, '')
- checkUnimplemented()
- self.proto.dispatchMessage(71, '')
- checkUnimplemented()
- def test_getKey(self):
- """
- Test that _getKey generates the correct keys.
- """
- self.proto.sessionID = 'EF'
- k1 = sha1('AB' + 'CD' + 'K' + self.proto.sessionID).digest()
- k2 = sha1('ABCD' + k1).digest()
- self.assertEqual(self.proto._getKey('K', 'AB', 'CD'), k1 + k2)
- def test_multipleClasses(self):
- """
- Test that multiple instances have distinct states.
- """
- proto = self.proto
- proto.dataReceived(self.transport.value())
- proto.currentEncryptions = MockCipher()
- proto.outgoingCompression = MockCompression()
- proto.incomingCompression = MockCompression()
- proto.setService(MockService())
- proto2 = MockTransportBase()
- proto2.makeConnection(proto_helpers.StringTransport())
- proto2.sendIgnore('')
- self.failIfEquals(proto.gotVersion, proto2.gotVersion)
- self.failIfEquals(proto.transport, proto2.transport)
- self.failIfEquals(proto.outgoingPacketSequence,
- proto2.outgoingPacketSequence)
- self.failIfEquals(proto.incomingPacketSequence,
- proto2.incomingPacketSequence)
- self.failIfEquals(proto.currentEncryptions,
- proto2.currentEncryptions)
- self.failIfEquals(proto.service, proto2.service)
-class ServerAndClientSSHTransportBaseCase:
- """
- Tests that need to be run on both the server and the client.
- """
- def checkDisconnected(self, kind=None):
- """
- Helper function to check if the transport disconnected.
- """
- if kind is None:
- self.assertEqual(self.packets[-1][0], transport.MSG_DISCONNECT)
- self.assertEqual(self.packets[-1][1][3], chr(kind))
- def connectModifiedProtocol(self, protoModification,
- kind=None):
- """
- Helper function to connect a modified protocol to the test protocol
- and test for disconnection.
- """
- if kind is None:
- proto2 = self.klass()
- protoModification(proto2)
- proto2.makeConnection(proto_helpers.StringTransport())
- self.proto.dataReceived(proto2.transport.value())
- if kind:
- self.checkDisconnected(kind)
- return proto2
- def test_disconnectIfCantMatchKex(self):
- """
- Test that the transport disconnects if it can't match the key
- exchange
- """
- def blankKeyExchanges(proto2):
- proto2.supportedKeyExchanges = []
- self.connectModifiedProtocol(blankKeyExchanges)
- def test_disconnectIfCantMatchKeyAlg(self):
- """
- Like test_disconnectIfCantMatchKex, but for the key algorithm.
- """
- def blankPublicKeys(proto2):
- proto2.supportedPublicKeys = []
- self.connectModifiedProtocol(blankPublicKeys)
- def test_disconnectIfCantMatchCompression(self):
- """
- Like test_disconnectIfCantMatchKex, but for the compression.
- """
- def blankCompressions(proto2):
- proto2.supportedCompressions = []
- self.connectModifiedProtocol(blankCompressions)
- def test_disconnectIfCantMatchCipher(self):
- """
- Like test_disconnectIfCantMatchKex, but for the encryption.
- """
- def blankCiphers(proto2):
- proto2.supportedCiphers = []
- self.connectModifiedProtocol(blankCiphers)
- def test_disconnectIfCantMatchMAC(self):
- """
- Like test_disconnectIfCantMatchKex, but for the MAC.
- """
- def blankMACs(proto2):
- proto2.supportedMACs = []
- self.connectModifiedProtocol(blankMACs)
- def test_getPeer(self):
- """
- Test that the transport's L{getPeer} method returns an
- L{SSHTransportAddress} with the L{IAddress} of the peer.
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.getPeer(),
- address.SSHTransportAddress(
- self.proto.transport.getPeer()))
- def test_getHost(self):
- """
- Test that the transport's L{getHost} method returns an
- L{SSHTransportAddress} with the L{IAddress} of the host.
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.getHost(),
- address.SSHTransportAddress(
- self.proto.transport.getHost()))
-class ServerSSHTransportTestCase(ServerAndClientSSHTransportBaseCase,
- TransportTestCase):
- """
- Tests for the SSHServerTransport.
- """
- klass = transport.SSHServerTransport
- def setUp(self):
- TransportTestCase.setUp(self)
- self.proto.factory = MockFactory()
- self.proto.factory.startFactory()
- def tearDown(self):
- TransportTestCase.tearDown(self)
- self.proto.factory.stopFactory()
- del self.proto.factory
- def test_KEXINIT(self):
- """
- Test that receiving a KEXINIT packet sets up the correct values on the
- server.
- """
- self.proto.dataReceived( 'SSH-2.0-Twisted\r\n\x00\x00\x01\xd4\t\x14'
- '\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99'
- '\x99\x00\x00\x00=diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-g'
- 'roup-exchange-sha1\x00\x00\x00\x0fssh-dss,ssh-rsa\x00\x00\x00'
- '\x85aes128-ctr,aes128-cbc,aes192-ctr,aes192-cbc,aes256-ctr,ae'
- 's256-cbc,cast128-ctr,cast128-cbc,blowfish-ctr,blowfish-cbc,3d'
- 'es-ctr,3des-cbc\x00\x00\x00\x85aes128-ctr,aes128-cbc,aes192-c'
- 'tr,aes192-cbc,aes256-ctr,aes256-cbc,cast128-ctr,cast128-cbc,b'
- 'lowfish-ctr,blowfish-cbc,3des-ctr,3des-cbc\x00\x00\x00\x12hma'
- 'c-md5,hmac-sha1\x00\x00\x00\x12hmac-md5,hmac-sha1\x00\x00\x00'
- '\tnone,zlib\x00\x00\x00\tnone,zlib\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
- '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99'
- '\x99')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.kexAlg,
- 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.keyAlg,
- 'ssh-dss')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.outgoingCompressionType,
- 'none')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.incomingCompressionType,
- 'none')
- ne = self.proto.nextEncryptions
- self.assertEqual(ne.outCipType, 'aes128-ctr')
- self.assertEqual(ne.inCipType, 'aes128-ctr')
- self.assertEqual(ne.outMACType, 'hmac-md5')
- self.assertEqual(ne.inMACType, 'hmac-md5')
- def test_ignoreGuessPacketKex(self):
- """
- The client is allowed to send a guessed key exchange packet
- after it sends the KEXINIT packet. However, if the key exchanges
- do not match, that guess packet must be ignored. This tests that
- the packet is ignored in the case of the key exchange method not
- matching.
- """
- kexInitPacket = '\x00' * 16 + (
- ''.join([common.NS(x) for x in
- [','.join(y) for y in
- [self.proto.supportedKeyExchanges[::-1],
- self.proto.supportedPublicKeys,
- self.proto.supportedCiphers,
- self.proto.supportedCiphers,
- self.proto.supportedMACs,
- self.proto.supportedMACs,
- self.proto.supportedCompressions,
- self.proto.supportedCompressions,
- self.proto.supportedLanguages,
- self.proto.supportedLanguages]]])) + (
- '\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00')
- self.proto.ssh_KEXINIT(kexInitPacket)
- self.assertTrue(self.proto.ignoreNextPacket)
- self.proto.ssh_DEBUG("\x01\x00\x00\x00\x04test\x00\x00\x00\x00")
- self.assertTrue(self.proto.ignoreNextPacket)
- self.proto.ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD('\x00\x00\x08\x00')
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.ignoreNextPacket)
- self.assertEqual(self.packets, [])
- self.proto.ignoreNextPacket = True
- self.proto.ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST('\x00\x00\x08\x00' * 3)
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.ignoreNextPacket)
- self.assertEqual(self.packets, [])
- def test_ignoreGuessPacketKey(self):
- """
- Like test_ignoreGuessPacketKex, but for an incorrectly guessed
- public key format.
- """
- kexInitPacket = '\x00' * 16 + (
- ''.join([common.NS(x) for x in
- [','.join(y) for y in
- [self.proto.supportedKeyExchanges,
- self.proto.supportedPublicKeys[::-1],
- self.proto.supportedCiphers,
- self.proto.supportedCiphers,
- self.proto.supportedMACs,
- self.proto.supportedMACs,
- self.proto.supportedCompressions,
- self.proto.supportedCompressions,
- self.proto.supportedLanguages,
- self.proto.supportedLanguages]]])) + (
- '\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00')
- self.proto.ssh_KEXINIT(kexInitPacket)
- self.assertTrue(self.proto.ignoreNextPacket)
- self.proto.ssh_DEBUG("\x01\x00\x00\x00\x04test\x00\x00\x00\x00")
- self.assertTrue(self.proto.ignoreNextPacket)
- self.proto.ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD('\x00\x00\x08\x00')
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.ignoreNextPacket)
- self.assertEqual(self.packets, [])
- self.proto.ignoreNextPacket = True
- self.proto.ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST('\x00\x00\x08\x00' * 3)
- self.assertFalse(self.proto.ignoreNextPacket)
- self.assertEqual(self.packets, [])
- def test_KEXDH_INIT(self):
- """
- Test that the KEXDH_INIT packet causes the server to send a
- KEXDH_REPLY with the server's public key and a signature.
- """
- self.proto.supportedKeyExchanges = ['diffie-hellman-group1-sha1']
- self.proto.supportedPublicKeys = ['ssh-rsa']
- self.proto.dataReceived(self.transport.value())
- e = pow(transport.DH_GENERATOR, 5000,
- transport.DH_PRIME)
- self.proto.ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD(common.MP(e))
- y = common.getMP('\x00\x00\x00\x40' + '\x99' * 64)[0]
- f = common._MPpow(transport.DH_GENERATOR, y, transport.DH_PRIME)
- sharedSecret = common._MPpow(e, y, transport.DH_PRIME)
- h = sha1()
- h.update(common.NS(self.proto.ourVersionString) * 2)
- h.update(common.NS(self.proto.ourKexInitPayload) * 2)
- h.update(common.NS(self.proto.factory.publicKeys['ssh-rsa'].blob()))
- h.update(common.MP(e))
- h.update(f)
- h.update(sharedSecret)
- exchangeHash = h.digest()
- signature = self.proto.factory.privateKeys['ssh-rsa'].sign(
- exchangeHash)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.packets,
- [(transport.MSG_KEXDH_REPLY,
- common.NS(self.proto.factory.publicKeys['ssh-rsa'].blob())
- + f + common.NS(signature)),
- (transport.MSG_NEWKEYS, '')])
- def test_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD(self):
- """
- Test that the KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD message causes the server
- to reply with a KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP message with the correct
- Diffie-Hellman group.
- """
- self.proto.supportedKeyExchanges = [
- 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1']
- self.proto.supportedPublicKeys = ['ssh-rsa']
- self.proto.dataReceived(self.transport.value())
- self.proto.ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD('\x00\x00\x04\x00')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.packets,
- [(transport.MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP,
- common.MP(transport.DH_PRIME) + '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02')])
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.g, 2)
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.p, transport.DH_PRIME)
- def test_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD_badKexAlg(self):
- """
- Test that if the server recieves a KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD message
- and the key exchange algorithm is not 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1' or
- 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1', we raise a ConchError.
- """
- self.proto.kexAlg = None
- self.assertRaises(ConchError, self.proto.ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD,
- None)
- def test_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST(self):
- """
- Test that the KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST message causes the server to reply
- with a KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP message with the correct Diffie-Hellman
- group.
- """
- self.proto.supportedKeyExchanges = [
- 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1']
- self.proto.supportedPublicKeys = ['ssh-rsa']
- self.proto.dataReceived(self.transport.value())
- self.proto.ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST('\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00' +
- '\x00\x00\x0c\x00')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.packets,
- [(transport.MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP,
- common.MP(transport.DH_PRIME) + '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x03')])
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.g, 3)
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.p, transport.DH_PRIME)
- def test_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT_after_REQUEST(self):
- """
- Test that the KEX_DH_GEX_INIT message after the client sends
- KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST causes the server to send a KEX_DH_GEX_INIT message
- with a public key and signature.
- """
- self.test_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST()
- e = pow(self.proto.g, 3, self.proto.p)
- y = common.getMP('\x00\x00\x00\x80' + '\x99' * 128)[0]
- f = common._MPpow(self.proto.g, y, self.proto.p)
- sharedSecret = common._MPpow(e, y, self.proto.p)
- h = sha1()
- h.update(common.NS(self.proto.ourVersionString) * 2)
- h.update(common.NS(self.proto.ourKexInitPayload) * 2)
- h.update(common.NS(self.proto.factory.publicKeys['ssh-rsa'].blob()))
- h.update('\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00')
- h.update(common.MP(self.proto.p))
- h.update(common.MP(self.proto.g))
- h.update(common.MP(e))
- h.update(f)
- h.update(sharedSecret)
- exchangeHash = h.digest()
- self.proto.ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT(common.MP(e))
- self.assertEqual(
- self.packets[1],
- (transport.MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY,
- common.NS(self.proto.factory.publicKeys['ssh-rsa'].blob()) +
- f + common.NS(self.proto.factory.privateKeys['ssh-rsa'].sign(
- exchangeHash))))
- def test_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT_after_REQUEST_OLD(self):
- """
- Test that the KEX_DH_GEX_INIT message after the client sends
- KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD causes the server to sent a KEX_DH_GEX_INIT
- message with a public key and signature.
- """
- self.test_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD()
- e = pow(self.proto.g, 3, self.proto.p)
- y = common.getMP('\x00\x00\x00\x80' + '\x99' * 128)[0]
- f = common._MPpow(self.proto.g, y, self.proto.p)
- sharedSecret = common._MPpow(e, y, self.proto.p)
- h = sha1()
- h.update(common.NS(self.proto.ourVersionString) * 2)
- h.update(common.NS(self.proto.ourKexInitPayload) * 2)
- h.update(common.NS(self.proto.factory.publicKeys['ssh-rsa'].blob()))
- h.update('\x00\x00\x04\x00')
- h.update(common.MP(self.proto.p))
- h.update(common.MP(self.proto.g))
- h.update(common.MP(e))
- h.update(f)
- h.update(sharedSecret)
- exchangeHash = h.digest()
- self.proto.ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT(common.MP(e))
- self.assertEqual(
- self.packets[1:],
- [(transport.MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY,
- common.NS(self.proto.factory.publicKeys['ssh-rsa'].blob()) +
- f + common.NS(self.proto.factory.privateKeys['ssh-rsa'].sign(
- exchangeHash))),
- (transport.MSG_NEWKEYS, '')])
- def test_keySetup(self):
- """
- Test that _keySetup sets up the next encryption keys.
- """
- self.proto.nextEncryptions = MockCipher()
- self.simulateKeyExchange('AB', 'CD')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.sessionID, 'CD')
- self.simulateKeyExchange('AB', 'EF')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.sessionID, 'CD')
- self.assertEqual(self.packets[-1], (transport.MSG_NEWKEYS, ''))
- newKeys = [self.proto._getKey(c, 'AB', 'EF') for c in 'ABCDEF']
- self.assertEqual(
- self.proto.nextEncryptions.keys,
- (newKeys[1], newKeys[3], newKeys[0], newKeys[2], newKeys[5],
- newKeys[4]))
- def test_NEWKEYS(self):
- """
- Test that NEWKEYS transitions the keys in nextEncryptions to
- currentEncryptions.
- """
- self.test_KEXINIT()
- self.proto.nextEncryptions = transport.SSHCiphers('none', 'none',
- 'none', 'none')
- self.proto.ssh_NEWKEYS('')
- self.assertIdentical(self.proto.currentEncryptions,
- self.proto.nextEncryptions)
- self.assertIdentical(self.proto.outgoingCompression, None)
- self.assertIdentical(self.proto.incomingCompression, None)
- self.proto.outgoingCompressionType = 'zlib'
- self.simulateKeyExchange('AB', 'CD')
- self.proto.ssh_NEWKEYS('')
- self.failIfIdentical(self.proto.outgoingCompression, None)
- self.proto.incomingCompressionType = 'zlib'
- self.simulateKeyExchange('AB', 'EF')
- self.proto.ssh_NEWKEYS('')
- self.failIfIdentical(self.proto.incomingCompression, None)
- def test_SERVICE_REQUEST(self):
- """
- Test that the SERVICE_REQUEST message requests and starts a
- service.
- """
- self.proto.ssh_SERVICE_REQUEST(common.NS('ssh-userauth'))
- self.assertEqual(self.packets, [(transport.MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT,
- common.NS('ssh-userauth'))])
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.service.name, 'MockService')
- def test_disconnectNEWKEYSData(self):
- """
- Test that NEWKEYS disconnects if it receives data.
- """
- self.proto.ssh_NEWKEYS("bad packet")
- self.checkDisconnected()
- def test_disconnectSERVICE_REQUESTBadService(self):
- """
- Test that SERVICE_REQUESTS disconnects if an unknown service is
- requested.
- """
- self.proto.ssh_SERVICE_REQUEST(common.NS('no service'))
- self.checkDisconnected(transport.DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE)
-class ClientSSHTransportTestCase(ServerAndClientSSHTransportBaseCase,
- TransportTestCase):
- """
- Tests for SSHClientTransport.
- """
- klass = transport.SSHClientTransport
- def test_KEXINIT(self):
- """
- Test that receiving a KEXINIT packet sets up the correct values on the
- client. The way algorithms are picks is that the first item in the
- client's list that is also in the server's list is chosen.
- """
- self.proto.dataReceived( 'SSH-2.0-Twisted\r\n\x00\x00\x01\xd4\t\x14'
- '\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99'
- '\x99\x00\x00\x00=diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-g'
- 'roup-exchange-sha1\x00\x00\x00\x0fssh-dss,ssh-rsa\x00\x00\x00'
- '\x85aes128-ctr,aes128-cbc,aes192-ctr,aes192-cbc,aes256-ctr,ae'
- 's256-cbc,cast128-ctr,cast128-cbc,blowfish-ctr,blowfish-cbc,3d'
- 'es-ctr,3des-cbc\x00\x00\x00\x85aes128-ctr,aes128-cbc,aes192-c'
- 'tr,aes192-cbc,aes256-ctr,aes256-cbc,cast128-ctr,cast128-cbc,b'
- 'lowfish-ctr,blowfish-cbc,3des-ctr,3des-cbc\x00\x00\x00\x12hma'
- 'c-md5,hmac-sha1\x00\x00\x00\x12hmac-md5,hmac-sha1\x00\x00\x00'
- '\tzlib,none\x00\x00\x00\tzlib,none\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
- '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99'
- '\x99')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.kexAlg,
- 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.keyAlg,
- 'ssh-rsa')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.outgoingCompressionType,
- 'none')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.incomingCompressionType,
- 'none')
- ne = self.proto.nextEncryptions
- self.assertEqual(ne.outCipType, 'aes256-ctr')
- self.assertEqual(ne.inCipType, 'aes256-ctr')
- self.assertEqual(ne.outMACType, 'hmac-sha1')
- self.assertEqual(ne.inMACType, 'hmac-sha1')
- def verifyHostKey(self, pubKey, fingerprint):
- """
- Mock version of SSHClientTransport.verifyHostKey.
- """
- self.calledVerifyHostKey = True
- self.assertEqual(pubKey, self.blob)
- self.assertEqual(fingerprint.replace(':', ''),
- md5(pubKey).hexdigest())
- return defer.succeed(True)
- def setUp(self):
- TransportTestCase.setUp(self)
- self.blob = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh).blob()
- self.privObj = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- self.calledVerifyHostKey = False
- self.proto.verifyHostKey = self.verifyHostKey
- def test_notImplementedClientMethods(self):
- """
- verifyHostKey() should return a Deferred which fails with a
- NotImplementedError exception. connectionSecure() should raise
- NotImplementedError().
- """
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.klass().connectionSecure)
- def _checkRaises(f):
- f.trap(NotImplementedError)
- d = self.klass().verifyHostKey(None, None)
- return d.addCallback(self.fail).addErrback(_checkRaises)
- def test_KEXINIT_groupexchange(self):
- """
- Test that a KEXINIT packet with a group-exchange key exchange results
- in a KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD message..
- """
- self.proto.supportedKeyExchanges = [
- 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1']
- self.proto.dataReceived(self.transport.value())
- self.assertEqual(self.packets, [(transport.MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD,
- '\x00\x00\x08\x00')])
- def test_KEXINIT_group1(self):
- """
- Like test_KEXINIT_groupexchange, but for the group-1 key exchange.
- """
- self.proto.supportedKeyExchanges = ['diffie-hellman-group1-sha1']
- self.proto.dataReceived(self.transport.value())
- self.assertEqual(common.MP(self.proto.x)[5:], '\x99' * 64)
- self.assertEqual(self.packets,
- [(transport.MSG_KEXDH_INIT, self.proto.e)])
- def test_KEXINIT_badKexAlg(self):
- """
- Test that the client raises a ConchError if it receives a
- KEXINIT message bug doesn't have a key exchange algorithm that we
- understand.
- """
- self.proto.supportedKeyExchanges = ['diffie-hellman-group2-sha1']
- data = self.transport.value().replace('group1', 'group2')
- self.assertRaises(ConchError, self.proto.dataReceived, data)
- def test_KEXDH_REPLY(self):
- """
- Test that the KEXDH_REPLY message verifies the server.
- """
- self.test_KEXINIT_group1()
- sharedSecret = common._MPpow(transport.DH_GENERATOR,
- self.proto.x, transport.DH_PRIME)
- h = sha1()
- h.update(common.NS(self.proto.ourVersionString) * 2)
- h.update(common.NS(self.proto.ourKexInitPayload) * 2)
- h.update(common.NS(self.blob))
- h.update(self.proto.e)
- h.update('\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02') # f
- h.update(sharedSecret)
- exchangeHash = h.digest()
- def _cbTestKEXDH_REPLY(value):
- self.assertIdentical(value, None)
- self.assertEqual(self.calledVerifyHostKey, True)
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.sessionID, exchangeHash)
- signature = self.privObj.sign(exchangeHash)
- d = self.proto.ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP(
- (common.NS(self.blob) + '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02' +
- common.NS(signature)))
- d.addCallback(_cbTestKEXDH_REPLY)
- return d
- def test_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP(self):
- """
- Test that the KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP message results in a
- KEX_DH_GEX_INIT message with the client's Diffie-Hellman public key.
- """
- self.test_KEXINIT_groupexchange()
- self.proto.ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP(
- '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.p, 15)
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.g, 2)
- self.assertEqual(common.MP(self.proto.x)[5:], '\x99' * 40)
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.e,
- common.MP(pow(2, self.proto.x, 15)))
- self.assertEqual(self.packets[1:], [(transport.MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT,
- self.proto.e)])
- def test_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY(self):
- """
- Test that the KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY message results in a verified
- server.
- """
- self.test_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP()
- sharedSecret = common._MPpow(3, self.proto.x, self.proto.p)
- h = sha1()
- h.update(common.NS(self.proto.ourVersionString) * 2)
- h.update(common.NS(self.proto.ourKexInitPayload) * 2)
- h.update(common.NS(self.blob))
- h.update('\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02')
- h.update(self.proto.e)
- h.update('\x00\x00\x00\x01\x03') # f
- h.update(sharedSecret)
- exchangeHash = h.digest()
- def _cbTestKEX_DH_GEX_REPLY(value):
- self.assertIdentical(value, None)
- self.assertEqual(self.calledVerifyHostKey, True)
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.sessionID, exchangeHash)
- signature = self.privObj.sign(exchangeHash)
- d = self.proto.ssh_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY(
- common.NS(self.blob) +
- '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x03' +
- common.NS(signature))
- d.addCallback(_cbTestKEX_DH_GEX_REPLY)
- return d
- def test_keySetup(self):
- """
- Test that _keySetup sets up the next encryption keys.
- """
- self.proto.nextEncryptions = MockCipher()
- self.simulateKeyExchange('AB', 'CD')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.sessionID, 'CD')
- self.simulateKeyExchange('AB', 'EF')
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.sessionID, 'CD')
- self.assertEqual(self.packets[-1], (transport.MSG_NEWKEYS, ''))
- newKeys = [self.proto._getKey(c, 'AB', 'EF') for c in 'ABCDEF']
- self.assertEqual(self.proto.nextEncryptions.keys,
- (newKeys[0], newKeys[2], newKeys[1], newKeys[3],
- newKeys[4], newKeys[5]))
- def test_NEWKEYS(self):
- """
- Test that NEWKEYS transitions the keys from nextEncryptions to
- currentEncryptions.
- """
- self.test_KEXINIT()
- secure = [False]
- def stubConnectionSecure():
- secure[0] = True
- self.proto.connectionSecure = stubConnectionSecure
- self.proto.nextEncryptions = transport.SSHCiphers(
- 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none')
- self.simulateKeyExchange('AB', 'CD')
- self.assertNotIdentical(
- self.proto.currentEncryptions, self.proto.nextEncryptions)
- self.proto.nextEncryptions = MockCipher()
- self.proto.ssh_NEWKEYS('')
- self.assertIdentical(self.proto.outgoingCompression, None)
- self.assertIdentical(self.proto.incomingCompression, None)
- self.assertIdentical(self.proto.currentEncryptions,
- self.proto.nextEncryptions)
- self.assertTrue(secure[0])
- self.proto.outgoingCompressionType = 'zlib'
- self.simulateKeyExchange('AB', 'GH')
- self.proto.ssh_NEWKEYS('')
- self.failIfIdentical(self.proto.outgoingCompression, None)
- self.proto.incomingCompressionType = 'zlib'
- self.simulateKeyExchange('AB', 'IJ')
- self.proto.ssh_NEWKEYS('')
- self.failIfIdentical(self.proto.incomingCompression, None)
- def test_SERVICE_ACCEPT(self):
- """
- Test that the SERVICE_ACCEPT packet starts the requested service.
- """
- self.proto.instance = MockService()
- self.proto.ssh_SERVICE_ACCEPT('\x00\x00\x00\x0bMockService')
- self.assertTrue(self.proto.instance.started)
- def test_requestService(self):
- """
- Test that requesting a service sends a SERVICE_REQUEST packet.
- """
- self.proto.requestService(MockService())
- self.assertEqual(self.packets, [(transport.MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST,
- '\x00\x00\x00\x0bMockService')])
- def test_disconnectKEXDH_REPLYBadSignature(self):
- """
- Test that KEXDH_REPLY disconnects if the signature is bad.
- """
- self.test_KEXDH_REPLY()
- self.proto._continueKEXDH_REPLY(None, self.blob, 3, "bad signature")
- self.checkDisconnected(transport.DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED)
- def test_disconnectGEX_REPLYBadSignature(self):
- """
- Like test_disconnectKEXDH_REPLYBadSignature, but for DH_GEX_REPLY.
- """
- self.test_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY()
- self.proto._continueGEX_REPLY(None, self.blob, 3, "bad signature")
- self.checkDisconnected(transport.DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED)
- def test_disconnectNEWKEYSData(self):
- """
- Test that NEWKEYS disconnects if it receives data.
- """
- self.proto.ssh_NEWKEYS("bad packet")
- self.checkDisconnected()
- def test_disconnectSERVICE_ACCEPT(self):
- """
- Test that SERVICE_ACCEPT disconnects if the accepted protocol is
- differet from the asked-for protocol.
- """
- self.proto.instance = MockService()
- self.proto.ssh_SERVICE_ACCEPT('\x00\x00\x00\x03bad')
- self.checkDisconnected()
- def test_noPayloadSERVICE_ACCEPT(self):
- """
- Some commercial SSH servers don't send a payload with the
- SERVICE_ACCEPT message. Conch pretends that it got the correct
- name of the service.
- """
- self.proto.instance = MockService()
- self.proto.ssh_SERVICE_ACCEPT('') # no payload
- self.assertTrue(self.proto.instance.started)
- self.assertEquals(len(self.packets), 0) # not disconnected
-class SSHCiphersTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the SSHCiphers helper class.
- """
- if Crypto is None:
- skip = "cannot run w/o PyCrypto"
- if pyasn1 is None:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyASN1"
- def test_init(self):
- """
- Test that the initializer sets up the SSHCiphers object.
- """
- ciphers = transport.SSHCiphers('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')
- self.assertEqual(ciphers.outCipType, 'A')
- self.assertEqual(ciphers.inCipType, 'B')
- self.assertEqual(ciphers.outMACType, 'C')
- self.assertEqual(ciphers.inMACType, 'D')
- def test_getCipher(self):
- """
- Test that the _getCipher method returns the correct cipher.
- """
- ciphers = transport.SSHCiphers('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')
- iv = key = '\x00' * 16
- for cipName, (modName, keySize, counter) in ciphers.cipherMap.items():
- cip = ciphers._getCipher(cipName, iv, key)
- if cipName == 'none':
- self.assertIsInstance(cip, transport._DummyCipher)
- else:
- self.assertTrue(getClass(cip).__name__.startswith(modName))
- def test_getMAC(self):
- """
- Test that the _getMAC method returns the correct MAC.
- """
- ciphers = transport.SSHCiphers('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')
- key = '\x00' * 64
- for macName, mac in ciphers.macMap.items():
- mod = ciphers._getMAC(macName, key)
- if macName == 'none':
- self.assertIdentical(mac, None)
- else:
- self.assertEqual(mod[0], mac)
- self.assertEqual(mod[1],
- Crypto.Cipher.XOR.new('\x36').encrypt(key))
- self.assertEqual(mod[2],
- Crypto.Cipher.XOR.new('\x5c').encrypt(key))
- self.assertEqual(mod[3], len(mod[0]().digest()))
- def test_setKeysCiphers(self):
- """
- Test that setKeys sets up the ciphers.
- """
- key = '\x00' * 64
- cipherItems = transport.SSHCiphers.cipherMap.items()
- for cipName, (modName, keySize, counter) in cipherItems:
- encCipher = transport.SSHCiphers(cipName, 'none', 'none', 'none')
- decCipher = transport.SSHCiphers('none', cipName, 'none', 'none')
- cip = encCipher._getCipher(cipName, key, key)
- bs = cip.block_size
- encCipher.setKeys(key, key, '', '', '', '')
- decCipher.setKeys('', '', key, key, '', '')
- self.assertEqual(encCipher.encBlockSize, bs)
- self.assertEqual(decCipher.decBlockSize, bs)
- enc = cip.encrypt(key[:bs])
- enc2 = cip.encrypt(key[:bs])
- if counter:
- self.failIfEquals(enc, enc2)
- self.assertEqual(encCipher.encrypt(key[:bs]), enc)
- self.assertEqual(encCipher.encrypt(key[:bs]), enc2)
- self.assertEqual(decCipher.decrypt(enc), key[:bs])
- self.assertEqual(decCipher.decrypt(enc2), key[:bs])
- def test_setKeysMACs(self):
- """
- Test that setKeys sets up the MACs.
- """
- key = '\x00' * 64
- for macName, mod in transport.SSHCiphers.macMap.items():
- outMac = transport.SSHCiphers('none', 'none', macName, 'none')
- inMac = transport.SSHCiphers('none', 'none', 'none', macName)
- outMac.setKeys('', '', '', '', key, '')
- inMac.setKeys('', '', '', '', '', key)
- if mod:
- ds = mod().digest_size
- else:
- ds = 0
- self.assertEqual(inMac.verifyDigestSize, ds)
- if mod:
- mod, i, o, ds = outMac._getMAC(macName, key)
- seqid = 0
- data = key
- packet = '\x00' * 4 + key
- if mod:
- mac = mod(o + mod(i + packet).digest()).digest()
- else:
- mac = ''
- self.assertEqual(outMac.makeMAC(seqid, data), mac)
- self.assertTrue(inMac.verify(seqid, data, mac))
-class CounterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the _Counter helper class.
- """
- if Crypto is None:
- skip = "cannot run w/o PyCrypto"
- if pyasn1 is None:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyASN1"
- def test_init(self):
- """
- Test that the counter is initialized correctly.
- """
- counter = transport._Counter('\x00' * 8 + '\xff' * 8, 8)
- self.assertEqual(counter.blockSize, 8)
- self.assertEqual(counter.count.tostring(), '\x00' * 8)
- def test_count(self):
- """
- Test that the counter counts incrementally and wraps at the top.
- """
- counter = transport._Counter('\x00', 1)
- self.assertEqual(counter(), '\x01')
- self.assertEqual(counter(), '\x02')
- [counter() for i in range(252)]
- self.assertEqual(counter(), '\xff')
- self.assertEqual(counter(), '\x00')
-class TransportLoopbackTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test the server transport and client transport against each other,
- """
- if Crypto is None:
- skip = "cannot run w/o PyCrypto"
- if pyasn1 is None:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyASN1"
- def _runClientServer(self, mod):
- """
- Run an async client and server, modifying each using the mod function
- provided. Returns a Deferred called back when both Protocols have
- disconnected.
- @type mod: C{func}
- @rtype: C{defer.Deferred}
- """
- factory = MockFactory()
- server = transport.SSHServerTransport()
- server.factory = factory
- factory.startFactory()
- server.errors = []
- server.receiveError = lambda code, desc: server.errors.append((
- code, desc))
- client = transport.SSHClientTransport()
- client.verifyHostKey = lambda x, y: defer.succeed(None)
- client.errors = []
- client.receiveError = lambda code, desc: client.errors.append((
- code, desc))
- client.connectionSecure = lambda: client.loseConnection()
- server = mod(server)
- client = mod(client)
- def check(ignored, server, client):
- name = repr([server.supportedCiphers[0],
- server.supportedMACs[0],
- server.supportedKeyExchanges[0],
- server.supportedCompressions[0]])
- self.assertEqual(client.errors, [])
- self.assertEqual(server.errors, [(
- "user closed connection")])
- if server.supportedCiphers[0] == 'none':
- self.assertFalse(server.isEncrypted(), name)
- self.assertFalse(client.isEncrypted(), name)
- else:
- self.assertTrue(server.isEncrypted(), name)
- self.assertTrue(client.isEncrypted(), name)
- if server.supportedMACs[0] == 'none':
- self.assertFalse(server.isVerified(), name)
- self.assertFalse(client.isVerified(), name)
- else:
- self.assertTrue(server.isVerified(), name)
- self.assertTrue(client.isVerified(), name)
- d = loopback.loopbackAsync(server, client)
- d.addCallback(check, server, client)
- return d
- def test_ciphers(self):
- """
- Test that the client and server play nicely together, in all
- the various combinations of ciphers.
- """
- deferreds = []
- for cipher in transport.SSHTransportBase.supportedCiphers + ['none']:
- def setCipher(proto):
- proto.supportedCiphers = [cipher]
- return proto
- deferreds.append(self._runClientServer(setCipher))
- return defer.DeferredList(deferreds, fireOnOneErrback=True)
- def test_macs(self):
- """
- Like test_ciphers, but for the various MACs.
- """
- deferreds = []
- for mac in transport.SSHTransportBase.supportedMACs + ['none']:
- def setMAC(proto):
- proto.supportedMACs = [mac]
- return proto
- deferreds.append(self._runClientServer(setMAC))
- return defer.DeferredList(deferreds, fireOnOneErrback=True)
- def test_keyexchanges(self):
- """
- Like test_ciphers, but for the various key exchanges.
- """
- deferreds = []
- for kex in transport.SSHTransportBase.supportedKeyExchanges:
- def setKeyExchange(proto):
- proto.supportedKeyExchanges = [kex]
- return proto
- deferreds.append(self._runClientServer(setKeyExchange))
- return defer.DeferredList(deferreds, fireOnOneErrback=True)
- def test_compressions(self):
- """
- Like test_ciphers, but for the various compressions.
- """
- deferreds = []
- for compression in transport.SSHTransportBase.supportedCompressions:
- def setCompression(proto):
- proto.supportedCompressions = [compression]
- return proto
- deferreds.append(self._runClientServer(setCompression))
- return defer.DeferredList(deferreds, fireOnOneErrback=True)
-class RandomNumberTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the random number generator L{_getRandomNumber} and private
- key generator L{_generateX}.
- """
- skip = dependencySkip
- def test_usesSuppliedRandomFunction(self):
- """
- L{_getRandomNumber} returns an integer constructed directly from the
- bytes returned by the random byte generator passed to it.
- """
- def random(bytes):
- # The number of bytes requested will be the value of each byte
- # we return.
- return chr(bytes) * bytes
- self.assertEqual(
- transport._getRandomNumber(random, 32),
- 4 << 24 | 4 << 16 | 4 << 8 | 4)
- def test_rejectsNonByteMultiples(self):
- """
- L{_getRandomNumber} raises L{ValueError} if the number of bits
- passed to L{_getRandomNumber} is not a multiple of 8.
- """
- self.assertRaises(
- ValueError,
- transport._getRandomNumber, None, 9)
- def test_excludesSmall(self):
- """
- If the random byte generator passed to L{_generateX} produces bytes
- which would result in 0 or 1 being returned, these bytes are
- discarded and another attempt is made to produce a larger value.
- """
- results = [chr(0), chr(1), chr(127)]
- def random(bytes):
- return results.pop(0) * bytes
- self.assertEqual(
- transport._generateX(random, 8),
- 127)
- def test_excludesLarge(self):
- """
- If the random byte generator passed to L{_generateX} produces bytes
- which would result in C{(2 ** bits) - 1} being returned, these bytes
- are discarded and another attempt is made to produce a smaller
- value.
- """
- results = [chr(255), chr(64)]
- def random(bytes):
- return results.pop(0) * bytes
- self.assertEqual(
- transport._generateX(random, 8),
- 64)
-class OldFactoryTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- The old C{SSHFactory.getPublicKeys}() returned mappings of key names to
- strings of key blobs and mappings of key names to PyCrypto key objects from
- C{SSHFactory.getPrivateKeys}() (they could also be specified with the
- C{publicKeys} and C{privateKeys} attributes). This is no longer supported
- by the C{SSHServerTransport}, so we warn the user if they create an old
- factory.
- """
- if Crypto is None:
- skip = "cannot run w/o PyCrypto"
- if pyasn1 is None:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyASN1"
- def test_getPublicKeysWarning(self):
- """
- If the return value of C{getPublicKeys}() isn't a mapping from key
- names to C{Key} objects, then warn the user and convert the mapping.
- """
- sshFactory = MockOldFactoryPublicKeys()
- self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning,
- "Returning a mapping from strings to strings from"
- " getPublicKeys()/publicKeys (in %s) is deprecated. Return "
- "a mapping from strings to Key objects instead." %
- (qual(MockOldFactoryPublicKeys),),
- factory.__file__, sshFactory.startFactory)
- self.assertEqual(sshFactory.publicKeys, MockFactory().getPublicKeys())
- def test_getPrivateKeysWarning(self):
- """
- If the return value of C{getPrivateKeys}() isn't a mapping from key
- names to C{Key} objects, then warn the user and convert the mapping.
- """
- sshFactory = MockOldFactoryPrivateKeys()
- self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning,
- "Returning a mapping from strings to PyCrypto key objects from"
- " getPrivateKeys()/privateKeys (in %s) is deprecated. Return"
- " a mapping from strings to Key objects instead." %
- (qual(MockOldFactoryPrivateKeys),),
- factory.__file__, sshFactory.startFactory)
- self.assertEqual(sshFactory.privateKeys,
- MockFactory().getPrivateKeys())
- def test_publicKeysWarning(self):
- """
- If the value of the C{publicKeys} attribute isn't a mapping from key
- names to C{Key} objects, then warn the user and convert the mapping.
- """
- sshFactory = MockOldFactoryPublicKeys()
- sshFactory.publicKeys = sshFactory.getPublicKeys()
- self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning,
- "Returning a mapping from strings to strings from"
- " getPublicKeys()/publicKeys (in %s) is deprecated. Return "
- "a mapping from strings to Key objects instead." %
- (qual(MockOldFactoryPublicKeys),),
- factory.__file__, sshFactory.startFactory)
- self.assertEqual(sshFactory.publicKeys, MockFactory().getPublicKeys())
- def test_privateKeysWarning(self):
- """
- If the return value of C{privateKeys} attribute isn't a mapping from
- key names to C{Key} objects, then warn the user and convert the
- mapping.
- """
- sshFactory = MockOldFactoryPrivateKeys()
- sshFactory.privateKeys = sshFactory.getPrivateKeys()
- self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning,
- "Returning a mapping from strings to PyCrypto key objects from"
- " getPrivateKeys()/privateKeys (in %s) is deprecated. Return"
- " a mapping from strings to Key objects instead." %
- (qual(MockOldFactoryPrivateKeys),),
- factory.__file__, sshFactory.startFactory)
- self.assertEqual(sshFactory.privateKeys,
- MockFactory().getPrivateKeys())
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_userauth.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_userauth.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d027faad..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_userauth.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1077 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_userauth -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for the implementation of the ssh-userauth service.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.cred.checkers import ICredentialsChecker
-from twisted.cred.credentials import IUsernamePassword, ISSHPrivateKey
-from twisted.cred.credentials import IPluggableAuthenticationModules
-from twisted.cred.credentials import IAnonymous
-from twisted.cred.error import UnauthorizedLogin
-from twisted.cred.portal import IRealm, Portal
-from twisted.conch.error import ConchError, ValidPublicKey
-from twisted.internet import defer, task
-from twisted.protocols import loopback
-from twisted.trial import unittest
- import Crypto.Cipher.DES3, Crypto.Cipher.XOR
- import pyasn1
-except ImportError:
- keys = None
- class transport:
- class SSHTransportBase:
- """
- A stub class so that later class definitions won't die.
- """
- class userauth:
- class SSHUserAuthClient:
- """
- A stub class so that later class definitions won't die.
- """
- from twisted.conch.ssh.common import NS
- from twisted.conch.checkers import SSHProtocolChecker
- from twisted.conch.ssh import keys, userauth, transport
- from twisted.conch.test import keydata
-class ClientUserAuth(userauth.SSHUserAuthClient):
- """
- A mock user auth client.
- """
- def getPublicKey(self):
- """
- If this is the first time we've been called, return a blob for
- the DSA key. Otherwise, return a blob
- for the RSA key.
- """
- if self.lastPublicKey:
- return keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh)
- else:
- return defer.succeed(keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicDSA_openssh))
- def getPrivateKey(self):
- """
- Return the private key object for the RSA key.
- """
- return defer.succeed(keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh))
- def getPassword(self, prompt=None):
- """
- Return 'foo' as the password.
- """
- return defer.succeed('foo')
- def getGenericAnswers(self, name, information, answers):
- """
- Return 'foo' as the answer to two questions.
- """
- return defer.succeed(('foo', 'foo'))
-class OldClientAuth(userauth.SSHUserAuthClient):
- """
- The old SSHUserAuthClient returned a PyCrypto key object from
- getPrivateKey() and a string from getPublicKey
- """
- def getPrivateKey(self):
- return defer.succeed(keys.Key.fromString(
- keydata.privateRSA_openssh).keyObject)
- def getPublicKey(self):
- return keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh).blob()
-class ClientAuthWithoutPrivateKey(userauth.SSHUserAuthClient):
- """
- This client doesn't have a private key, but it does have a public key.
- """
- def getPrivateKey(self):
- return
- def getPublicKey(self):
- return keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh)
-class FakeTransport(transport.SSHTransportBase):
- """
- L{userauth.SSHUserAuthServer} expects an SSH transport which has a factory
- attribute which has a portal attribute. Because the portal is important for
- testing authentication, we need to be able to provide an interesting portal
- object to the L{SSHUserAuthServer}.
- In addition, we want to be able to capture any packets sent over the
- transport.
- @ivar packets: a list of 2-tuples: (messageType, data). Each 2-tuple is
- a sent packet.
- @type packets: C{list}
- @param lostConnecion: True if loseConnection has been called on us.
- @type lostConnection: C{bool}
- """
- class Service(object):
- """
- A mock service, representing the other service offered by the server.
- """
- name = 'nancy'
- def serviceStarted(self):
- pass
- class Factory(object):
- """
- A mock factory, representing the factory that spawned this user auth
- service.
- """
- def getService(self, transport, service):
- """
- Return our fake service.
- """
- if service == 'none':
- return FakeTransport.Service
- def __init__(self, portal):
- self.factory = self.Factory()
- self.factory.portal = portal
- self.lostConnection = False
- self.transport = self
- self.packets = []
- def sendPacket(self, messageType, message):
- """
- Record the packet sent by the service.
- """
- self.packets.append((messageType, message))
- def isEncrypted(self, direction):
- """
- Pretend that this transport encrypts traffic in both directions. The
- SSHUserAuthServer disables password authentication if the transport
- isn't encrypted.
- """
- return True
- def loseConnection(self):
- self.lostConnection = True
-class Realm(object):
- """
- A mock realm for testing L{userauth.SSHUserAuthServer}.
- This realm is not actually used in the course of testing, so it returns the
- simplest thing that could possibly work.
- """
- implements(IRealm)
- def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
- return defer.succeed((interfaces[0], None, lambda: None))
-class PasswordChecker(object):
- """
- A very simple username/password checker which authenticates anyone whose
- password matches their username and rejects all others.
- """
- credentialInterfaces = (IUsernamePassword,)
- implements(ICredentialsChecker)
- def requestAvatarId(self, creds):
- if creds.username == creds.password:
- return defer.succeed(creds.username)
- return defer.fail(UnauthorizedLogin("Invalid username/password pair"))
-class PrivateKeyChecker(object):
- """
- A very simple public key checker which authenticates anyone whose
- public/private keypair is the same keydata.public/privateRSA_openssh.
- """
- credentialInterfaces = (ISSHPrivateKey,)
- implements(ICredentialsChecker)
- def requestAvatarId(self, creds):
- if creds.blob == keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh).blob():
- if creds.signature is not None:
- obj = keys.Key.fromString(creds.blob)
- if obj.verify(creds.signature, creds.sigData):
- return creds.username
- else:
- raise ValidPublicKey()
- raise UnauthorizedLogin()
-class PAMChecker(object):
- """
- A simple PAM checker which asks the user for a password, verifying them
- if the password is the same as their username.
- """
- credentialInterfaces = (IPluggableAuthenticationModules,)
- implements(ICredentialsChecker)
- def requestAvatarId(self, creds):
- d = creds.pamConversion([('Name: ', 2), ("Password: ", 1)])
- def check(values):
- if values == [(creds.username, 0), (creds.username, 0)]:
- return creds.username
- raise UnauthorizedLogin()
- return d.addCallback(check)
-class AnonymousChecker(object):
- """
- A simple checker which isn't supported by L{SSHUserAuthServer}.
- """
- credentialInterfaces = (IAnonymous,)
- implements(ICredentialsChecker)
-class SSHUserAuthServerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for SSHUserAuthServer.
- """
- if keys is None:
- skip = "cannot run w/o PyCrypto"
- def setUp(self):
- self.realm = Realm()
- self.portal = Portal(self.realm)
- self.portal.registerChecker(PasswordChecker())
- self.portal.registerChecker(PrivateKeyChecker())
- self.portal.registerChecker(PAMChecker())
- self.authServer = userauth.SSHUserAuthServer()
- self.authServer.transport = FakeTransport(self.portal)
- self.authServer.serviceStarted()
- self.authServer.supportedAuthentications.sort() # give a consistent
- # order
- def tearDown(self):
- self.authServer.serviceStopped()
- self.authServer = None
- def _checkFailed(self, ignored):
- """
- Check that the authentication has failed.
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.authServer.transport.packets[-1],
- NS('keyboard-interactive,password,publickey') + '\x00'))
- def test_noneAuthentication(self):
- """
- A client may request a list of authentication 'method name' values
- that may continue by using the "none" authentication 'method name'.
- See RFC 4252 Section 5.2.
- """
- d = self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(NS('foo') + NS('service') +
- NS('none'))
- return d.addCallback(self._checkFailed)
- def test_successfulPasswordAuthentication(self):
- """
- When provided with correct password authentication information, the
- server should respond by sending a MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS message with
- no other data.
- See RFC 4252, Section 5.1.
- """
- packet = NS('foo') + NS('none') + NS('password') + chr(0) + NS('foo')
- d = self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- def check(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(
- self.authServer.transport.packets,
- [(userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS, '')])
- return d.addCallback(check)
- def test_failedPasswordAuthentication(self):
- """
- When provided with invalid authentication details, the server should
- respond by sending a MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE message which states whether
- the authentication was partially successful, and provides other, open
- options for authentication.
- See RFC 4252, Section 5.1.
- """
- # packet = username, next_service, authentication type, FALSE, password
- packet = NS('foo') + NS('none') + NS('password') + chr(0) + NS('bar')
- self.authServer.clock = task.Clock()
- d = self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- self.assertEqual(self.authServer.transport.packets, [])
- self.authServer.clock.advance(2)
- return d.addCallback(self._checkFailed)
- def test_successfulPrivateKeyAuthentication(self):
- """
- Test that private key authentication completes sucessfully,
- """
- blob = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh).blob()
- obj = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- packet = (NS('foo') + NS('none') + NS('publickey') + '\xff'
- + NS(obj.sshType()) + NS(blob))
- self.authServer.transport.sessionID = 'test'
- signature = obj.sign(NS('test') + chr(userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST)
- + packet)
- packet += NS(signature)
- d = self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- def check(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(self.authServer.transport.packets,
- [(userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS, '')])
- return d.addCallback(check)
- def test_requestRaisesConchError(self):
- """
- ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST should raise a ConchError if tryAuth returns
- None. Added to catch a bug noticed by pyflakes.
- """
- d = defer.Deferred()
- def mockCbFinishedAuth(self, ignored):
- self.fail('request should have raised ConochError')
- def mockTryAuth(kind, user, data):
- return None
- def mockEbBadAuth(reason):
- d.errback(reason.value)
- self.patch(self.authServer, 'tryAuth', mockTryAuth)
- self.patch(self.authServer, '_cbFinishedAuth', mockCbFinishedAuth)
- self.patch(self.authServer, '_ebBadAuth', mockEbBadAuth)
- packet = NS('user') + NS('none') + NS('public-key') + NS('data')
- # If an error other than ConchError is raised, this will trigger an
- # exception.
- self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- return self.assertFailure(d, ConchError)
- def test_verifyValidPrivateKey(self):
- """
- Test that verifying a valid private key works.
- """
- blob = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh).blob()
- packet = (NS('foo') + NS('none') + NS('publickey') + '\x00'
- + NS('ssh-rsa') + NS(blob))
- d = self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- def check(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(self.authServer.transport.packets,
- [(userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK, NS('ssh-rsa') + NS(blob))])
- return d.addCallback(check)
- def test_failedPrivateKeyAuthenticationWithoutSignature(self):
- """
- Test that private key authentication fails when the public key
- is invalid.
- """
- blob = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicDSA_openssh).blob()
- packet = (NS('foo') + NS('none') + NS('publickey') + '\x00'
- + NS('ssh-dsa') + NS(blob))
- d = self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- return d.addCallback(self._checkFailed)
- def test_failedPrivateKeyAuthenticationWithSignature(self):
- """
- Test that private key authentication fails when the public key
- is invalid.
- """
- blob = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh).blob()
- obj = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- packet = (NS('foo') + NS('none') + NS('publickey') + '\xff'
- + NS('ssh-rsa') + NS(blob) + NS(obj.sign(blob)))
- self.authServer.transport.sessionID = 'test'
- d = self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- return d.addCallback(self._checkFailed)
- def test_successfulPAMAuthentication(self):
- """
- Test that keyboard-interactive authentication succeeds.
- """
- packet = (NS('foo') + NS('none') + NS('keyboard-interactive')
- + NS('') + NS(''))
- response = '\x00\x00\x00\x02' + NS('foo') + NS('foo')
- d = self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE(response)
- def check(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(self.authServer.transport.packets,
- [(userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST, (NS('') + NS('')
- + NS('') + '\x00\x00\x00\x02' + NS('Name: ') + '\x01'
- + NS('Password: ') + '\x00')),
- (userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS, '')])
- return d.addCallback(check)
- def test_failedPAMAuthentication(self):
- """
- Test that keyboard-interactive authentication fails.
- """
- packet = (NS('foo') + NS('none') + NS('keyboard-interactive')
- + NS('') + NS(''))
- response = '\x00\x00\x00\x02' + NS('bar') + NS('bar')
- d = self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE(response)
- def check(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(self.authServer.transport.packets[0],
- (userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST, (NS('') + NS('')
- + NS('') + '\x00\x00\x00\x02' + NS('Name: ') + '\x01'
- + NS('Password: ') + '\x00')))
- return d.addCallback(check).addCallback(self._checkFailed)
- def test_invalid_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE_not_enough_data(self):
- """
- If ssh_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE gets an invalid packet,
- the user authentication should fail.
- """
- packet = (NS('foo') + NS('none') + NS('keyboard-interactive')
- + NS('') + NS(''))
- d = self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE(NS('\x00\x00\x00\x00' +
- NS('hi')))
- return d.addCallback(self._checkFailed)
- def test_invalid_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE_too_much_data(self):
- """
- If ssh_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE gets too much data, the user
- authentication should fail.
- """
- packet = (NS('foo') + NS('none') + NS('keyboard-interactive')
- + NS('') + NS(''))
- response = '\x00\x00\x00\x02' + NS('foo') + NS('foo') + NS('foo')
- d = self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE(response)
- return d.addCallback(self._checkFailed)
- def test_onlyOnePAMAuthentication(self):
- """
- Because it requires an intermediate message, one can't send a second
- keyboard-interactive request while the first is still pending.
- """
- packet = (NS('foo') + NS('none') + NS('keyboard-interactive')
- + NS('') + NS(''))
- self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- self.assertEqual(self.authServer.transport.packets[-1][0],
- transport.MSG_DISCONNECT)
- self.assertEqual(self.authServer.transport.packets[-1][1][3],
- def test_ignoreUnknownCredInterfaces(self):
- """
- L{SSHUserAuthServer} sets up
- C{SSHUserAuthServer.supportedAuthentications} by checking the portal's
- credentials interfaces and mapping them to SSH authentication method
- strings. If the Portal advertises an interface that
- L{SSHUserAuthServer} can't map, it should be ignored. This is a white
- box test.
- """
- server = userauth.SSHUserAuthServer()
- server.transport = FakeTransport(self.portal)
- self.portal.registerChecker(AnonymousChecker())
- server.serviceStarted()
- server.serviceStopped()
- server.supportedAuthentications.sort() # give a consistent order
- self.assertEqual(server.supportedAuthentications,
- ['keyboard-interactive', 'password', 'publickey'])
- def test_removePasswordIfUnencrypted(self):
- """
- Test that the userauth service does not advertise password
- authentication if the password would be send in cleartext.
- """
- self.assertIn('password', self.authServer.supportedAuthentications)
- # no encryption
- clearAuthServer = userauth.SSHUserAuthServer()
- clearAuthServer.transport = FakeTransport(self.portal)
- clearAuthServer.transport.isEncrypted = lambda x: False
- clearAuthServer.serviceStarted()
- clearAuthServer.serviceStopped()
- self.failIfIn('password', clearAuthServer.supportedAuthentications)
- # only encrypt incoming (the direction the password is sent)
- halfAuthServer = userauth.SSHUserAuthServer()
- halfAuthServer.transport = FakeTransport(self.portal)
- halfAuthServer.transport.isEncrypted = lambda x: x == 'in'
- halfAuthServer.serviceStarted()
- halfAuthServer.serviceStopped()
- self.assertIn('password', halfAuthServer.supportedAuthentications)
- def test_removeKeyboardInteractiveIfUnencrypted(self):
- """
- Test that the userauth service does not advertise keyboard-interactive
- authentication if the password would be send in cleartext.
- """
- self.assertIn('keyboard-interactive',
- self.authServer.supportedAuthentications)
- # no encryption
- clearAuthServer = userauth.SSHUserAuthServer()
- clearAuthServer.transport = FakeTransport(self.portal)
- clearAuthServer.transport.isEncrypted = lambda x: False
- clearAuthServer.serviceStarted()
- clearAuthServer.serviceStopped()
- self.failIfIn('keyboard-interactive',
- clearAuthServer.supportedAuthentications)
- # only encrypt incoming (the direction the password is sent)
- halfAuthServer = userauth.SSHUserAuthServer()
- halfAuthServer.transport = FakeTransport(self.portal)
- halfAuthServer.transport.isEncrypted = lambda x: x == 'in'
- halfAuthServer.serviceStarted()
- halfAuthServer.serviceStopped()
- self.assertIn('keyboard-interactive',
- halfAuthServer.supportedAuthentications)
- def test_unencryptedConnectionWithoutPasswords(self):
- """
- If the L{SSHUserAuthServer} is not advertising passwords, then an
- unencrypted connection should not cause any warnings or exceptions.
- This is a white box test.
- """
- # create a Portal without password authentication
- portal = Portal(self.realm)
- portal.registerChecker(PrivateKeyChecker())
- # no encryption
- clearAuthServer = userauth.SSHUserAuthServer()
- clearAuthServer.transport = FakeTransport(portal)
- clearAuthServer.transport.isEncrypted = lambda x: False
- clearAuthServer.serviceStarted()
- clearAuthServer.serviceStopped()
- self.assertEqual(clearAuthServer.supportedAuthentications,
- ['publickey'])
- # only encrypt incoming (the direction the password is sent)
- halfAuthServer = userauth.SSHUserAuthServer()
- halfAuthServer.transport = FakeTransport(portal)
- halfAuthServer.transport.isEncrypted = lambda x: x == 'in'
- halfAuthServer.serviceStarted()
- halfAuthServer.serviceStopped()
- self.assertEqual(clearAuthServer.supportedAuthentications,
- ['publickey'])
- def test_loginTimeout(self):
- """
- Test that the login times out.
- """
- timeoutAuthServer = userauth.SSHUserAuthServer()
- timeoutAuthServer.clock = task.Clock()
- timeoutAuthServer.transport = FakeTransport(self.portal)
- timeoutAuthServer.serviceStarted()
- timeoutAuthServer.clock.advance(11 * 60 * 60)
- timeoutAuthServer.serviceStopped()
- self.assertEqual(timeoutAuthServer.transport.packets,
- [(transport.MSG_DISCONNECT,
- '\x00' * 3 +
- NS("you took too long") + NS(''))])
- self.assertTrue(timeoutAuthServer.transport.lostConnection)
- def test_cancelLoginTimeout(self):
- """
- Test that stopping the service also stops the login timeout.
- """
- timeoutAuthServer = userauth.SSHUserAuthServer()
- timeoutAuthServer.clock = task.Clock()
- timeoutAuthServer.transport = FakeTransport(self.portal)
- timeoutAuthServer.serviceStarted()
- timeoutAuthServer.serviceStopped()
- timeoutAuthServer.clock.advance(11 * 60 * 60)
- self.assertEqual(timeoutAuthServer.transport.packets, [])
- self.assertFalse(timeoutAuthServer.transport.lostConnection)
- def test_tooManyAttempts(self):
- """
- Test that the server disconnects if the client fails authentication
- too many times.
- """
- packet = NS('foo') + NS('none') + NS('password') + chr(0) + NS('bar')
- self.authServer.clock = task.Clock()
- for i in range(21):
- d = self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- self.authServer.clock.advance(2)
- def check(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(self.authServer.transport.packets[-1],
- (transport.MSG_DISCONNECT,
- '\x00' * 3 +
- NS("too many bad auths") + NS('')))
- return d.addCallback(check)
- def test_failIfUnknownService(self):
- """
- If the user requests a service that we don't support, the
- authentication should fail.
- """
- packet = NS('foo') + NS('') + NS('password') + chr(0) + NS('foo')
- self.authServer.clock = task.Clock()
- d = self.authServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(packet)
- return d.addCallback(self._checkFailed)
- def test__pamConvErrors(self):
- """
- _pamConv should fail if it gets a message that's not 1 or 2.
- """
- def secondTest(ignored):
- d2 = self.authServer._pamConv([('', 90)])
- return self.assertFailure(d2, ConchError)
- d = self.authServer._pamConv([('', 3)])
- return self.assertFailure(d, ConchError).addCallback(secondTest)
- def test_tryAuthEdgeCases(self):
- """
- tryAuth() has two edge cases that are difficult to reach.
- 1) an authentication method auth_* returns None instead of a Deferred.
- 2) an authentication type that is defined does not have a matching
- auth_* method.
- Both these cases should return a Deferred which fails with a
- ConchError.
- """
- def mockAuth(packet):
- return None
- self.patch(self.authServer, 'auth_publickey', mockAuth) # first case
- self.patch(self.authServer, 'auth_password', None) # second case
- def secondTest(ignored):
- d2 = self.authServer.tryAuth('password', None, None)
- return self.assertFailure(d2, ConchError)
- d1 = self.authServer.tryAuth('publickey', None, None)
- return self.assertFailure(d1, ConchError).addCallback(secondTest)
-class SSHUserAuthClientTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for SSHUserAuthClient.
- """
- if keys is None:
- skip = "cannot run w/o PyCrypto"
- def setUp(self):
- self.authClient = ClientUserAuth('foo', FakeTransport.Service())
- self.authClient.transport = FakeTransport(None)
- self.authClient.transport.sessionID = 'test'
- self.authClient.serviceStarted()
- def tearDown(self):
- self.authClient.serviceStopped()
- self.authClient = None
- def test_init(self):
- """
- Test that client is initialized properly.
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.user, 'foo')
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.instance.name, 'nancy')
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.transport.packets,
- [(userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, NS('foo') + NS('nancy')
- + NS('none'))])
- def test_USERAUTH_SUCCESS(self):
- """
- Test that the client succeeds properly.
- """
- instance = [None]
- def stubSetService(service):
- instance[0] = service
- self.authClient.transport.setService = stubSetService
- self.authClient.ssh_USERAUTH_SUCCESS('')
- self.assertEqual(instance[0], self.authClient.instance)
- def test_publickey(self):
- """
- Test that the client can authenticate with a public key.
- """
- self.authClient.ssh_USERAUTH_FAILURE(NS('publickey') + '\x00')
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.transport.packets[-1],
- (userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, NS('foo') + NS('nancy')
- + NS('publickey') + '\x00' + NS('ssh-dss')
- + NS(keys.Key.fromString(
- keydata.publicDSA_openssh).blob())))
- # that key isn't good
- self.authClient.ssh_USERAUTH_FAILURE(NS('publickey') + '\x00')
- blob = NS(keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh).blob())
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.transport.packets[-1],
- (userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, (NS('foo') + NS('nancy')
- + NS('publickey') + '\x00'+ NS('ssh-rsa') + blob)))
- self.authClient.ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK(NS('ssh-rsa')
- + NS(keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh).blob()))
- sigData = (NS(self.authClient.transport.sessionID)
- + chr(userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST) + NS('foo')
- + NS('nancy') + NS('publickey') + '\x01' + NS('ssh-rsa')
- + blob)
- obj = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.transport.packets[-1],
- (userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, NS('foo') + NS('nancy')
- + NS('publickey') + '\x01' + NS('ssh-rsa') + blob
- + NS(obj.sign(sigData))))
- def test_publickey_without_privatekey(self):
- """
- If the SSHUserAuthClient doesn't return anything from signData,
- the client should start the authentication over again by requesting
- 'none' authentication.
- """
- authClient = ClientAuthWithoutPrivateKey('foo',
- FakeTransport.Service())
- authClient.transport = FakeTransport(None)
- authClient.transport.sessionID = 'test'
- authClient.serviceStarted()
- authClient.tryAuth('publickey')
- authClient.transport.packets = []
- self.assertIdentical(authClient.ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK(''), None)
- self.assertEqual(authClient.transport.packets, [
- (userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, NS('foo') + NS('nancy') +
- NS('none'))])
- def test_old_publickey_getPublicKey(self):
- """
- Old SSHUserAuthClients returned strings of public key blobs from
- getPublicKey(). Test that a Deprecation warning is raised but the key is
- verified correctly.
- """
- oldAuth = OldClientAuth('foo', FakeTransport.Service())
- oldAuth.transport = FakeTransport(None)
- oldAuth.transport.sessionID = 'test'
- oldAuth.serviceStarted()
- oldAuth.transport.packets = []
- self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning, "Returning a string from "
- "SSHUserAuthClient.getPublicKey() is deprecated since "
- "Twisted 9.0. Return a keys.Key() instead.",
- userauth.__file__, oldAuth.tryAuth, 'publickey')
- self.assertEqual(oldAuth.transport.packets, [
- (userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, NS('foo') + NS('nancy') +
- NS('publickey') + '\x00' + NS('ssh-rsa') +
- NS(keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh).blob()))])
- def test_old_publickey_getPrivateKey(self):
- """
- Old SSHUserAuthClients returned a PyCrypto key object from
- getPrivateKey(). Test that _cbSignData signs the data warns the
- user about the deprecation, but signs the data correctly.
- """
- oldAuth = OldClientAuth('foo', FakeTransport.Service())
- d = self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning, "Returning a PyCrypto key "
- "object from SSHUserAuthClient.getPrivateKey() is "
- "deprecated since Twisted 9.0. "
- "Return a keys.Key() instead.", userauth.__file__,
- oldAuth.signData, None, 'data')
- def _checkSignedData(sig):
- self.assertEqual(sig,
- keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh).sign(
- 'data'))
- d.addCallback(_checkSignedData)
- return d
- def test_no_publickey(self):
- """
- If there's no public key, auth_publickey should return a Deferred
- called back with a False value.
- """
- self.authClient.getPublicKey = lambda x: None
- d = self.authClient.tryAuth('publickey')
- def check(result):
- self.assertFalse(result)
- return d.addCallback(check)
- def test_password(self):
- """
- Test that the client can authentication with a password. This
- includes changing the password.
- """
- self.authClient.ssh_USERAUTH_FAILURE(NS('password') + '\x00')
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.transport.packets[-1],
- (userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, NS('foo') + NS('nancy')
- + NS('password') + '\x00' + NS('foo')))
- self.authClient.ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK(NS('') + NS(''))
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.transport.packets[-1],
- (userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, NS('foo') + NS('nancy')
- + NS('password') + '\xff' + NS('foo') * 2))
- def test_no_password(self):
- """
- If getPassword returns None, tryAuth should return False.
- """
- self.authClient.getPassword = lambda: None
- self.assertFalse(self.authClient.tryAuth('password'))
- def test_keyboardInteractive(self):
- """
- Test that the client can authenticate using keyboard-interactive
- authentication.
- """
- self.authClient.ssh_USERAUTH_FAILURE(NS('keyboard-interactive')
- + '\x00')
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.transport.packets[-1],
- (userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, NS('foo') + NS('nancy')
- + NS('keyboard-interactive') + NS('')*2))
- self.authClient.ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK(NS('')*3 + '\x00\x00\x00\x02'
- + NS('Name: ') + '\xff' + NS('Password: ') + '\x00')
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.transport.packets[-1],
- (userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE, '\x00\x00\x00\x02'
- + NS('foo')*2))
- def test_USERAUTH_PK_OK_unknown_method(self):
- """
- If C{SSHUserAuthClient} gets a MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK packet when it's not
- expecting it, it should fail the current authentication and move on to
- the next type.
- """
- self.authClient.lastAuth = 'unknown'
- self.authClient.transport.packets = []
- self.authClient.ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK('')
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.transport.packets,
- [(userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, NS('foo') +
- NS('nancy') + NS('none'))])
- def test_USERAUTH_FAILURE_sorting(self):
- """
- ssh_USERAUTH_FAILURE should sort the methods by their position
- in SSHUserAuthClient.preferredOrder. Methods that are not in
- preferredOrder should be sorted at the end of that list.
- """
- def auth_firstmethod():
- self.authClient.transport.sendPacket(255, 'here is data')
- def auth_anothermethod():
- self.authClient.transport.sendPacket(254, 'other data')
- return True
- self.authClient.auth_firstmethod = auth_firstmethod
- self.authClient.auth_anothermethod = auth_anothermethod
- # although they shouldn't get called, method callbacks auth_* MUST
- # exist in order for the test to work properly.
- self.authClient.ssh_USERAUTH_FAILURE(NS('anothermethod,password') +
- '\x00')
- # should send password packet
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.transport.packets[-1],
- (userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, NS('foo') + NS('nancy')
- + NS('password') + '\x00' + NS('foo')))
- self.authClient.ssh_USERAUTH_FAILURE(
- NS('firstmethod,anothermethod,password') + '\xff')
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.transport.packets[-2:],
- [(255, 'here is data'), (254, 'other data')])
- def test_disconnectIfNoMoreAuthentication(self):
- """
- If there are no more available user authentication messages,
- the SSHUserAuthClient should disconnect with code
- """
- self.authClient.ssh_USERAUTH_FAILURE(NS('password') + '\x00')
- self.authClient.ssh_USERAUTH_FAILURE(NS('password') + '\xff')
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.transport.packets[-1],
- (transport.MSG_DISCONNECT, '\x00\x00\x00\x0e' +
- NS('no more authentication methods available') +
- '\x00\x00\x00\x00'))
- def test_ebAuth(self):
- """
- _ebAuth (the generic authentication error handler) should send
- a request for the 'none' authentication method.
- """
- self.authClient.transport.packets = []
- self.authClient._ebAuth(None)
- self.assertEqual(self.authClient.transport.packets,
- [(userauth.MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, NS('foo') + NS('nancy')
- + NS('none'))])
- def test_defaults(self):
- """
- getPublicKey() should return None. getPrivateKey() should return a
- failed Deferred. getPassword() should return a failed Deferred.
- getGenericAnswers() should return a failed Deferred.
- """
- authClient = userauth.SSHUserAuthClient('foo', FakeTransport.Service())
- self.assertIdentical(authClient.getPublicKey(), None)
- def check(result):
- result.trap(NotImplementedError)
- d = authClient.getPassword()
- return d.addCallback(self.fail).addErrback(check2)
- def check2(result):
- result.trap(NotImplementedError)
- d = authClient.getGenericAnswers(None, None, None)
- return d.addCallback(self.fail).addErrback(check3)
- def check3(result):
- result.trap(NotImplementedError)
- d = authClient.getPrivateKey()
- return d.addCallback(self.fail).addErrback(check)
-class LoopbackTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- if keys is None:
- skip = "cannot run w/o PyCrypto or PyASN1"
- class Factory:
- class Service:
- name = 'TestService'
- def serviceStarted(self):
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def serviceStopped(self):
- pass
- def getService(self, avatar, name):
- return self.Service
- def test_loopback(self):
- """
- Test that the userauth server and client play nicely with each other.
- """
- server = userauth.SSHUserAuthServer()
- client = ClientUserAuth('foo', self.Factory.Service())
- # set up transports
- server.transport = transport.SSHTransportBase()
- server.transport.service = server
- server.transport.isEncrypted = lambda x: True
- client.transport = transport.SSHTransportBase()
- client.transport.service = client
- server.transport.sessionID = client.transport.sessionID = ''
- # don't send key exchange packet
- server.transport.sendKexInit = client.transport.sendKexInit = \
- lambda: None
- # set up server authentication
- server.transport.factory = self.Factory()
- server.passwordDelay = 0 # remove bad password delay
- realm = Realm()
- portal = Portal(realm)
- checker = SSHProtocolChecker()
- checker.registerChecker(PasswordChecker())
- checker.registerChecker(PrivateKeyChecker())
- checker.registerChecker(PAMChecker())
- checker.areDone = lambda aId: (
- len(checker.successfulCredentials[aId]) == 3)
- portal.registerChecker(checker)
- server.transport.factory.portal = portal
- d = loopback.loopbackAsync(server.transport, client.transport)
- server.transport.transport.logPrefix = lambda: '_ServerLoopback'
- client.transport.transport.logPrefix = lambda: '_ClientLoopback'
- server.serviceStarted()
- client.serviceStarted()
- def check(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(server.transport.service.name, 'TestService')
- return d.addCallback(check)
-class ModuleInitializationTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- if keys is None:
- skip = "cannot run w/o PyCrypto or PyASN1"
- def test_messages(self):
- # Several message types have value 60, check that MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK
- # is always the one which is mapped.
- self.assertEqual(userauth.SSHUserAuthServer.protocolMessages[60],
- self.assertEqual(userauth.SSHUserAuthClient.protocolMessages[60],
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_window.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_window.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 6d7d9d28..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_window.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-Tests for the insults windowing module, L{twisted.conch.insults.window}.
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.conch.insults.window import TopWindow, ScrolledArea, TextOutput
-class TopWindowTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{TopWindow}, the root window container class.
- """
- def test_paintScheduling(self):
- """
- Verify that L{TopWindow.repaint} schedules an actual paint to occur
- using the scheduling object passed to its initializer.
- """
- paints = []
- scheduled = []
- root = TopWindow(lambda: paints.append(None), scheduled.append)
- # Nothing should have happened yet.
- self.assertEqual(paints, [])
- self.assertEqual(scheduled, [])
- # Cause a paint to be scheduled.
- root.repaint()
- self.assertEqual(paints, [])
- self.assertEqual(len(scheduled), 1)
- # Do another one to verify nothing else happens as long as the previous
- # one is still pending.
- root.repaint()
- self.assertEqual(paints, [])
- self.assertEqual(len(scheduled), 1)
- # Run the actual paint call.
- scheduled.pop()()
- self.assertEqual(len(paints), 1)
- self.assertEqual(scheduled, [])
- # Do one more to verify that now that the previous one is finished
- # future paints will succeed.
- root.repaint()
- self.assertEqual(len(paints), 1)
- self.assertEqual(len(scheduled), 1)
-class ScrolledAreaTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{ScrolledArea}, a widget which creates a viewport containing
- another widget and can reposition that viewport using scrollbars.
- """
- def test_parent(self):
- """
- The parent of the widget passed to L{ScrolledArea} is set to a new
- L{Viewport} created by the L{ScrolledArea} which itself has the
- L{ScrolledArea} instance as its parent.
- """
- widget = TextOutput()
- scrolled = ScrolledArea(widget)
- self.assertIdentical(widget.parent, scrolled._viewport)
- self.assertIdentical(scrolled._viewport.parent, scrolled)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/topfiles/NEWS b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/topfiles/NEWS
deleted file mode 100644
index e3a12638..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/topfiles/NEWS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-Ticket numbers in this file can be looked up by visiting
-Twisted Conch 12.2.0 (2012-08-26)
- - twisted.conch.ssh.transport.SSHTransport now returns an
- SSHTransportAddress from the getPeer() and getHost() methods.
- (#2997)
- - twisted.conch now supports commercial SSH implementations which
- don't comply with the IETF standard (#1902)
- - twisted.conch.ssh.userauth now works correctly with hash
- randomization enabled. (#5776)
- - twisted.conch no longer relies on __builtins__ being a dict, which
- is a purely CPython implementation detail (#5779)
- - #5496, #5617, #5700, #5748, #5777
-Twisted Conch 12.1.0 (2012-06-02)
- - twisted.conch.tap now supports cred plugins (#4753)
- - twisted.conch.client.knownhosts now handles errors encountered
- parsing hashed entries in a known hosts file. (#5616)
-Improved Documentation
- - Conch examples window.tac and telnet_echo.tac now have better
- explanations. (#5590)
- - #5580
-Twisted Conch 12.0.0 (2012-02-10)
- - use Python shadow module for authentication if it's available
- (#3242)
- - twisted.conch.ssh.transport.messages no longer ends with with old
- message IDs on platforms with differing dict() orderings (#5352)
- - #5225
-Twisted Conch 11.1.0 (2011-11-15)
- - twisted.conch.ssh.filetransfer.FileTransferClient now handles short
- status messages, not strictly allowed by the RFC, but sent by some
- SSH implementations. (#3009)
- - twisted.conch.manhole now supports CTRL-A and CTRL-E to trigger
- HOME and END functions respectively. (#5252)
- - When run from an unpacked source tarball or a VCS checkout, the
- bin/conch/ scripts will now use the version of Twisted they are
- part of. (#3526)
- - twisted.conch.insults.window.ScrolledArea now passes no extra
- arguments to object.__init__ (which works on more versions of
- Python). (#4197)
- - twisted.conch.telnet.ITelnetProtocol now has the correct signature
- for its unhandledSubnegotiation() method. (#4751)
- - twisted.conch.ssh.userauth.SSHUserAuthClient now more closely
- follows the RFC 4251 definition of boolean values when negotiating
- for key-based authentication, allowing better interoperability with
- other SSH implementations. (#5241)
- - twisted.conch.recvline.RecvLine now ignores certain function keys
- in its keystrokeReceived method instead of raising an exception.
- (#5246)
-Deprecations and Removals
- - The --user option to `twistd manhole' has been removed as it was
- dead code with no functionality associated with it. (#5283)
- - #5107, #5256, #5349
-Twisted Conch 11.0.0 (2011-04-01)
- - The transport for subsystem protocols now declares that it
- implements ITransport and implements the getHost and getPeer
- methods. (#2453)
- - twisted.conch.ssh.transport.SSHTransportBase now responds to key
- exchange messages at any time during a connection (instead of only
- at connection setup). It also queues non-key exchange messages
- sent during key exchange to avoid corrupting the connection state.
- (#4395)
- - Importing twisted.conch.ssh.common no longer breaks pow(base, exp[,
- modulus]) when the gmpy package is installed and base is not an
- integer. (#4803)
- - twisted.conch.ls.lsLine now returns a time string which does not
- consider the locale. (#4937)
-Improved Documentation
- - Changed the man page for ckeygen to accurately reflect what it
- does, and corrected its synposis so that a second "ckeygen" is not
- a required part of the ckeygen command line. (#4738)
- - #2112
-Twisted Conch 10.2.0 (2010-11-29)
- - twisted.conch.ssh.factory.SSHFactory no longer disables coredumps.
- (#2715)
- - The Deferred returned by twisted.conch.telnet.TelnetTransport.will
- now fires with an OptionRefused failure if the peer responds with a
- refusal for the option negotiation. (#4231)
- - SSHServerTransport and SSHClientTransport in
- twisted.conch.ssh.transport no longer use PyCrypto to generate
- random numbers for DH KEX. They also now generate values from the
- full valid range, rather than only half of it. (#4469)
- - twisted.conch.ssh.connection.SSHConnection now errbacks leftover
- request deferreds on connection shutdown. (#4483)
- - #4677
-Twisted Conch 10.1.0 (2010-06-27)
- - twisted.conch.ssh.transport.SSHTransportBase now allows supported
- ssh protocol versions to be overriden. (#4428)
- - SSHSessionProcessProtocol now doesn't close the session when stdin
- is closed, but instead when both stdout and stderr are. (#4350)
- - The 'cftp' command-line tool will no longer encounter an
- intermittent error, crashing at startup with a ZeroDivisionError
- while trying to report progress. (#4463)
- - twisted.conch.ssh.connection.SSHConnection now replies to requests
- to open an unknown channel with a OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE message
- instead of closing the connection. (#4490)
-Deprecations and Removals
- - twisted.conch.insults.client was deprecated. (#4095)
- - twisted.conch.insults.colors has been deprecated. Please use
- twisted.conch.insults.helper instead. (#4096)
- - Removed twisted.conch.ssh.asn1, which has been deprecated since
- Twisted 9.0. (#4097)
- - Removed twisted.conch.ssh.common.Entropy, as Entropy.get_bytes has
- been deprecated since 2007 and Entropy.get_bytes was the only
- attribute of Entropy. (#4098)
- - Removed twisted.conch.ssh.keys.getPublicKeyString, which has been
- deprecated since 2007. Also updated the conch examples
- sshsimpleserver.py and sshsimpleclient.py to reflect this removal.
- (#4099)
- - Removed twisted.conch.ssh.keys.makePublicKeyString, which has been
- deprecated since 2007. (#4100)
- - Removed twisted.conch.ssh.keys.getPublicKeyObject, which has been
- deprecated since 2007. (#4101)
- - Removed twisted.conch.ssh.keys.getPrivateKeyObject, which has been
- deprecated since 2007. Also updated the conch examples to reflect
- this removal. (#4102)
- - Removed twisted.conch.ssh.keys.makePrivateKeyString, which has been
- deprecated since 2007. (#4103)
- - Removed twisted.conch.ssh.keys.makePublicKeyBlob, which has been
- deprecated since 2007. (#4104)
- - Removed twisted.conch.ssh.keys.signData,
- twisted.conch.ssh.keys.verifySignature, and
- twisted.conch.ssh.keys.printKey, which have been deprecated since
- 2007. (#4105)
- - #3849, #4408, #4454
-Twisted Conch 10.0.0 (2010-03-01)
- - twisted.conch.checkers.SSHPublicKeyDatabase now looks in the
- correct user directory for authorized_keys files. (#3984)
- - twisted.conch.ssh.SSHUserAuthClient now honors preferredOrder when
- authenticating. (#4266)
- - #2391, #4203, #4265
-Twisted Conch 9.0.0 (2009-11-24)
- - The SSH key parser has been removed and conch now uses pyASN1 to parse keys.
- This should fix a number of cases where parsing a key would fail, but it now
- requires users to have pyASN1 installed (#3391)
- - The time field on SFTP file listings should now be correct (#3503)
- - The day field on SFTP file listings should now be correct on Windows (#3503)
- - The "cftp" sftp client now truncates files it is uploading over (#2519)
- - The telnet server protocol can now properly respond to subnegotiation
- requests (#3655)
- - Tests and factoring of the SSHv2 server implementation are now much better
- (#2682)
- - The SSHv2 server now sends "exit-signal" messages to the client, instead of
- raising an exception, when a process dies due to a signal (#2687)
- - cftp's client-side "exec" command now uses /bin/sh if the current user has
- no shell (#3914)
-Deprecations and Removals
- - The buggy SSH connection sharing feature of the SSHv2 client was removed
- (#3498)
- - Use of strings and PyCrypto objects to represent keys is deprecated in favor
- of using Conch Key objects (#2682)
- - #3548, #3537, #3551, #3220, #3568, #3689, #3709, #3809, #2763, #3540, #3750,
- #3897, #3813, #3871, #3916, #4047, #3940, #4050
-Conch 8.2.0 (2008-12-16)
- - The type of the protocols instantiated by SSHFactory is now parameterized
- (#3443)
- - A file descriptor leak has been fixed (#3213, #1789)
- - "File Already Exists" errors are now handled more correctly (#3033)
- - Handling of CR IAC in TelnetClient is now improved (#3305)
- - SSHAgent is no longer completely unusable (#3332)
- - The performance of insults.ClientProtocol is now greatly increased by
- delivering more than one byte at a time to application code (#3386)
- - Manhole and the conch server no longer need to be run as root when not
- necessary (#2607)
- - The value of FILEXFER_ATTR_ACMODTIME has been corrected (#2902)
- - The management of known_hosts and host key verification has been overhauled
- (#1376, #1301, #3494, #3496, #1292, #3499)
- - #3193, #1633
-8.1.0 (2008-05-18)
- - A regression was fixed whereby the publicKeys and privateKeys attributes of
- SSHFactory would not be interpreted as strings (#3141)
- - The sshsimpleserver.py example had a minor bug fix (#3135)
- - The deprecated mktap API is no longer used (#3127)
- - An infelicity was fixed whereby a NameError would be raised in certain
- circumstances during authentication when a ConchError should have been
- (#3154)
- - A workaround was added to conch.insults for a bug in gnome-terminal whereby
- it would not scroll correctly (#3189)
-8.0.0 (2008-03-17)
- - Add DEC private mode manipulation methods to ITerminalTransport. (#2403)
- - Parameterize the scheduler function used by the insults TopWindow widget.
- This change breaks backwards compatibility in the TopWindow initializer.
- (#2413)
- - Notify subsystems, like SFTP, of connection close. (#2421)
- - Change the process file descriptor "connection lost" code to reverse the
- setNonBlocking operation done during initialization. (#2371)
- - Change ConsoleManhole to wait for connectionLost notification before
- stopping the reactor. (#2123, #2371)
- - Make SSHUserAuthServer.ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST return a Deferred. (#2528)
- - Manhole's initializer calls its parent class's initializer with its
- namespace argument. (#2587)
- - Handle ^C during input line continuation in manhole by updating the prompt
- and line buffer correctly. (#2663)
- - Make twisted.conch.telnet.Telnet by default reject all attempts to enable
- options. (#1967)
- - Reduce the number of calls into application code to deliver application-level
- data in twisted.conch.telnet.Telnet.dataReceived (#2107)
- - Fix definition and management of extended attributes in conch file transfer.
- (#3010)
- - Fix parsing of OpenSSH-generated RSA keys with differing ASN.1 packing style.
- (#3008)
- - Fix handling of missing $HOME in twisted.conch.client.unix. (#3061)
- - #2267, #2378, #2604, #2707, #2341, #2685, #2679, #2912, #2977, #2678, #2709
- #2063, #2847
-0.8.0 (2007-01-06)
- - Manhole now supports Ctrl-l to emulate the same behavior in the
- Python interactive interpreter (#1565)
- - Python 2.5 is now supported (#1867)
- - #1673, #1636, #1892, #1943, #2057, #1180, #1185, #2148, #2159, #2291,
-Deprecations and Removals
- - The old twisted.cred API (Identities, Authorizers, etc) is no
- longer supported (#1440)
-0.7.0 (2006-05-21)
- - Timeout support for ExpectableBuffer.expect()
- - ~5x speedup for bulk data transfer (#1325)
- - Misc: #1428
- Bugfixes and improvements in SSH support and Insults:
- - PAM authenticator support factored out into twisted.cred
- - Poorly supported next-line terminal operation replaced with simple \r\n
- New functionality:
- - An ITerminalTransport implementation with expect-like features
- - Support for the "none" SSH cipher
- - Insults support for handling more keystrokes and more methods for
- terminal manipulation
- - New, simple insults-based widget library added
- Better test coverage:
- - Dependence on `localhost' name removed
- - Some timing-sensitive tests changed to be more reliable
- - Process spawning tests initialize environment more robustly
- Many improvements to SSH support. Here's some in particular:
- - Add --reconnect option to conch binary
- - utmp/wtmp logging
- - Unix login improvements, PAM support
- - Add "cftp" -- Conch SFTP.
- - Deferred retrieval of public keys is supported
- - PAM support for client and server
- - Bugfixes:
- - fix conch failing to exit, and hangs.
- - Remote->Local forwarding
- - Channel closing
- - Invalid known_host writing
- - Many others
- New functionality:
- - twisted.conch.telnet: new, much improved telnet implementation.
- - twisted.conch.insults: Basic curses-like terminal support (server-side).
- - twisted.conch.manhole: new interactive python interactive interpreter,
- can be used with conch's telnet, ssh, or on the console.
- - Main features: Syntax coloring, line editing, and useful interactive
- handling of Deferreds.
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/topfiles/README b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/topfiles/README
deleted file mode 100644
index aa25bb65..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/topfiles/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Twisted Conch 12.2.0
-Twisted Conch depends on Twisted Core and on Python Crypto extensions
-The pyasn1 module (<http://pyasn1.sourceforge.net/>) is also required.
-gmpy (<http://code.google.com/p/gmpy/>) is strongly recommended to improve
-Twisted Conch includes a couple simple GUI applications which depend on Tkinter.
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ttymodes.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ttymodes.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 00b4495f..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ttymodes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import tty
-# this module was autogenerated.
-VINTR = 1
-VQUIT = 2
-VKILL = 4
-VEOF = 5
-VEOL = 6
-VEOL2 = 7
-VSTOP = 9
-VSUSP = 10
-VDSUSP = 11
-VLNEXT = 14
-VFLUSH = 15
-VSWTCH = 16
-IGNPAR = 30
-PARMRK = 31
-INPCK = 32
-ISTRIP = 33
-INLCR = 34
-IGNCR = 35
-ICRNL = 36
-IUCLC = 37
-IXON = 38
-IXANY = 39
-IXOFF = 40
-ISIG = 50
-ICANON = 51
-XCASE = 52
-ECHO = 53
-ECHOE = 54
-ECHOK = 55
-ECHONL = 56
-NOFLSH = 57
-TOSTOP = 58
-IEXTEN = 59
-ECHOKE = 61
-PENDIN = 62
-OPOST = 70
-OLCUC = 71
-ONLCR = 72
-OCRNL = 73
-ONOCR = 74
-ONLRET = 75
-CS7 = 90
-CS8 = 91
-PARENB = 92
-PARODD = 93
- 1 : 'VINTR',
- 2 : 'VQUIT',
- 3 : 'VERASE',
- 4 : 'VKILL',
- 5 : 'VEOF',
- 6 : 'VEOL',
- 7 : 'VEOL2',
- 8 : 'VSTART',
- 9 : 'VSTOP',
- 10 : 'VSUSP',
- 11 : 'VDSUSP',
- 12 : 'VREPRINT',
- 13 : 'VWERASE',
- 14 : 'VLNEXT',
- 15 : 'VFLUSH',
- 16 : 'VSWTCH',
- 17 : 'VSTATUS',
- 18 : 'VDISCARD',
- 30 : (tty.IFLAG, 'IGNPAR'),
- 31 : (tty.IFLAG, 'PARMRK'),
- 32 : (tty.IFLAG, 'INPCK'),
- 33 : (tty.IFLAG, 'ISTRIP'),
- 34 : (tty.IFLAG, 'INLCR'),
- 35 : (tty.IFLAG, 'IGNCR'),
- 36 : (tty.IFLAG, 'ICRNL'),
- 37 : (tty.IFLAG, 'IUCLC'),
- 38 : (tty.IFLAG, 'IXON'),
- 39 : (tty.IFLAG, 'IXANY'),
- 40 : (tty.IFLAG, 'IXOFF'),
- 41 : (tty.IFLAG, 'IMAXBEL'),
- 50 : (tty.LFLAG, 'ISIG'),
- 51 : (tty.LFLAG, 'ICANON'),
- 52 : (tty.LFLAG, 'XCASE'),
- 53 : (tty.LFLAG, 'ECHO'),
- 54 : (tty.LFLAG, 'ECHOE'),
- 55 : (tty.LFLAG, 'ECHOK'),
- 56 : (tty.LFLAG, 'ECHONL'),
- 57 : (tty.LFLAG, 'NOFLSH'),
- 58 : (tty.LFLAG, 'TOSTOP'),
- 59 : (tty.LFLAG, 'IEXTEN'),
- 60 : (tty.LFLAG, 'ECHOCTL'),
- 61 : (tty.LFLAG, 'ECHOKE'),
- 62 : (tty.LFLAG, 'PENDIN'),
- 70 : (tty.OFLAG, 'OPOST'),
- 71 : (tty.OFLAG, 'OLCUC'),
- 72 : (tty.OFLAG, 'ONLCR'),
- 73 : (tty.OFLAG, 'OCRNL'),
- 74 : (tty.OFLAG, 'ONOCR'),
- 75 : (tty.OFLAG, 'ONLRET'),
-# 90 : (tty.CFLAG, 'CS7'),
-# 91 : (tty.CFLAG, 'CS8'),
- 92 : (tty.CFLAG, 'PARENB'),
- 93 : (tty.CFLAG, 'PARODD'),
- 128 : 'ISPEED',
- 129 : 'OSPEED'
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ui/__init__.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ui/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index ea0eea83..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ui/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-twisted.conch.ui is home to the UI elements for tkconch.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ui/ansi.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ui/ansi.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 9d5e616a..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ui/ansi.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-"""Module to parse ANSI escape sequences
-Maintainer: Jean-Paul Calderone
-import string
-# Twisted imports
-from twisted.python import log
-class ColorText:
- """
- Represents an element of text along with the texts colors and
- additional attributes.
- """
- # The colors to use
- COLORS = ('b', 'r', 'g', 'y', 'l', 'm', 'c', 'w')
- BOLD_COLORS = tuple([x.upper() for x in COLORS])
- # Color names
- 'Black', 'Red', 'Green', 'Yellow', 'Blue', 'Magenta', 'Cyan', 'White'
- )
- def __init__(self, text, fg, bg, display, bold, underline, flash, reverse):
- self.text, self.fg, self.bg = text, fg, bg
- self.display = display
- self.bold = bold
- self.underline = underline
- self.flash = flash
- self.reverse = reverse
- if self.reverse:
- self.fg, self.bg = self.bg, self.fg
-class AnsiParser:
- """
- Parser class for ANSI codes.
- """
- # Terminators for cursor movement ansi controls - unsupported
- CURSOR_SET = ('H', 'f', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'R', 's', 'u', 'd','G')
- # Terminators for erasure ansi controls - unsupported
- ERASE_SET = ('J', 'K', 'P')
- # Terminators for mode change ansi controls - unsupported
- MODE_SET = ('h', 'l')
- # Terminators for keyboard assignment ansi controls - unsupported
- ASSIGN_SET = ('p',)
- # Terminators for color change ansi controls - supported
- COLOR_SET = ('m',)
- def __init__(self, defaultFG, defaultBG):
- self.defaultFG, self.defaultBG = defaultFG, defaultBG
- self.currentFG, self.currentBG = self.defaultFG, self.defaultBG
- self.bold, self.flash, self.underline, self.reverse = 0, 0, 0, 0
- self.display = 1
- self.prepend = ''
- def stripEscapes(self, string):
- """
- Remove all ANSI color escapes from the given string.
- """
- result = ''
- show = 1
- i = 0
- L = len(string)
- while i < L:
- if show == 0 and string[i] in _sets:
- show = 1
- elif show:
- n = string.find('\x1B', i)
- if n == -1:
- return result + string[i:]
- else:
- result = result + string[i:n]
- i = n
- show = 0
- i = i + 1
- return result
- def writeString(self, colorstr):
- pass
- def parseString(self, str):
- """
- Turn a string input into a list of L{ColorText} elements.
- """
- if self.prepend:
- str = self.prepend + str
- self.prepend = ''
- parts = str.split('\x1B')
- if len(parts) == 1:
- self.writeString(self.formatText(parts[0]))
- else:
- self.writeString(self.formatText(parts[0]))
- for s in parts[1:]:
- L = len(s)
- i = 0
- type = None
- while i < L:
- if s[i] not in string.digits+'[;?':
- break
- i+=1
- if not s:
- self.prepend = '\x1b'
- return
- if s[0]!='[':
- self.writeString(self.formatText(s[i+1:]))
- continue
- else:
- s=s[1:]
- i-=1
- if i==L-1:
- self.prepend = '\x1b['
- return
- type = _setmap.get(s[i], None)
- if type is None:
- continue
- if type == AnsiParser.COLOR_SET:
- self.parseColor(s[:i + 1])
- s = s[i + 1:]
- self.writeString(self.formatText(s))
- elif type == AnsiParser.CURSOR_SET:
- cursor, s = s[:i+1], s[i+1:]
- self.parseCursor(cursor)
- self.writeString(self.formatText(s))
- elif type == AnsiParser.ERASE_SET:
- erase, s = s[:i+1], s[i+1:]
- self.parseErase(erase)
- self.writeString(self.formatText(s))
- elif type == AnsiParser.MODE_SET:
- mode, s = s[:i+1], s[i+1:]
- #self.parseErase('2J')
- self.writeString(self.formatText(s))
- elif i == L:
- self.prepend = '\x1B[' + s
- else:
- log.msg('Unhandled ANSI control type: %c' % (s[i],))
- s = s[i + 1:]
- self.writeString(self.formatText(s))
- def parseColor(self, str):
- """
- Handle a single ANSI color sequence
- """
- # Drop the trailing 'm'
- str = str[:-1]
- if not str:
- str = '0'
- try:
- parts = map(int, str.split(';'))
- except ValueError:
- log.msg('Invalid ANSI color sequence (%d): %s' % (len(str), str))
- self.currentFG, self.currentBG = self.defaultFG, self.defaultBG
- return
- for x in parts:
- if x == 0:
- self.currentFG, self.currentBG = self.defaultFG, self.defaultBG
- self.bold, self.flash, self.underline, self.reverse = 0, 0, 0, 0
- self.display = 1
- elif x == 1:
- self.bold = 1
- elif 30 <= x <= 37:
- self.currentFG = x - 30
- elif 40 <= x <= 47:
- self.currentBG = x - 40
- elif x == 39:
- self.currentFG = self.defaultFG
- elif x == 49:
- self.currentBG = self.defaultBG
- elif x == 4:
- self.underline = 1
- elif x == 5:
- self.flash = 1
- elif x == 7:
- self.reverse = 1
- elif x == 8:
- self.display = 0
- elif x == 22:
- self.bold = 0
- elif x == 24:
- self.underline = 0
- elif x == 25:
- self.blink = 0
- elif x == 27:
- self.reverse = 0
- elif x == 28:
- self.display = 1
- else:
- log.msg('Unrecognised ANSI color command: %d' % (x,))
- def parseCursor(self, cursor):
- pass
- def parseErase(self, erase):
- pass
- def pickColor(self, value, mode, BOLD = ColorText.BOLD_COLORS):
- if mode:
- return ColorText.COLORS[value]
- else:
- return self.bold and BOLD[value] or ColorText.COLORS[value]
- def formatText(self, text):
- return ColorText(
- text,
- self.pickColor(self.currentFG, 0),
- self.pickColor(self.currentBG, 1),
- self.display, self.bold, self.underline, self.flash, self.reverse
- )
-_sets = ''.join(map(''.join, AnsiParser.SETS))
-_setmap = {}
-for s in AnsiParser.SETS:
- for r in s:
- _setmap[r] = s
-del s
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ui/tkvt100.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ui/tkvt100.py
deleted file mode 100755
index cd7581da..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/ui/tkvt100.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-"""Module to emulate a VT100 terminal in Tkinter.
-Maintainer: Paul Swartz
-import Tkinter, tkFont
-import ansi
-import string
-ttyFont = None#tkFont.Font(family = 'Courier', size = 10)
-fontWidth, fontHeight = None,None#max(map(ttyFont.measure, string.letters+string.digits)), int(ttyFont.metrics()['linespace'])
-colorKeys = (
- 'b', 'r', 'g', 'y', 'l', 'm', 'c', 'w',
- 'B', 'R', 'G', 'Y', 'L', 'M', 'C', 'W'
-colorMap = {
- 'b': '#000000', 'r': '#c40000', 'g': '#00c400', 'y': '#c4c400',
- 'l': '#000080', 'm': '#c400c4', 'c': '#00c4c4', 'w': '#c4c4c4',
- 'B': '#626262', 'R': '#ff0000', 'G': '#00ff00', 'Y': '#ffff00',
- 'L': '#0000ff', 'M': '#ff00ff', 'C': '#00ffff', 'W': '#ffffff',
-class VT100Frame(Tkinter.Frame):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
- global ttyFont, fontHeight, fontWidth
- ttyFont = tkFont.Font(family = 'Courier', size = 10)
- fontWidth, fontHeight = max(map(ttyFont.measure, string.letters+string.digits)), int(ttyFont.metrics()['linespace'])
- self.width = kw.get('width', 80)
- self.height = kw.get('height', 25)
- self.callback = kw['callback']
- del kw['callback']
- kw['width'] = w = fontWidth * self.width
- kw['height'] = h = fontHeight * self.height
- Tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
- self.canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(bg='#000000', width=w, height=h)
- self.canvas.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.BOTH, expand=1)
- self.canvas.bind('<Key>', self.keyPressed)
- self.canvas.bind('<1>', lambda x: 'break')
- self.canvas.bind('<Up>', self.upPressed)
- self.canvas.bind('<Down>', self.downPressed)
- self.canvas.bind('<Left>', self.leftPressed)
- self.canvas.bind('<Right>', self.rightPressed)
- self.canvas.focus()
- self.ansiParser = ansi.AnsiParser(ansi.ColorText.WHITE, ansi.ColorText.BLACK)
- self.ansiParser.writeString = self.writeString
- self.ansiParser.parseCursor = self.parseCursor
- self.ansiParser.parseErase = self.parseErase
- #for (a, b) in colorMap.items():
- # self.canvas.tag_config(a, foreground=b)
- # self.canvas.tag_config('b'+a, background=b)
- #self.canvas.tag_config('underline', underline=1)
- self.x = 0
- self.y = 0
- self.cursor = self.canvas.create_rectangle(0,0,fontWidth-1,fontHeight-1,fill='green',outline='green')
- def _delete(self, sx, sy, ex, ey):
- csx = sx*fontWidth + 1
- csy = sy*fontHeight + 1
- cex = ex*fontWidth + 3
- cey = ey*fontHeight + 3
- items = self.canvas.find_overlapping(csx,csy, cex,cey)
- for item in items:
- self.canvas.delete(item)
- def _write(self, ch, fg, bg):
- if self.x == self.width:
- self.x = 0
- self.y+=1
- if self.y == self.height:
- [self.canvas.move(x,0,-fontHeight) for x in self.canvas.find_all()]
- self.y-=1
- canvasX = self.x*fontWidth + 1
- canvasY = self.y*fontHeight + 1
- items = self.canvas.find_overlapping(canvasX, canvasY, canvasX+2, canvasY+2)
- if items:
- [self.canvas.delete(item) for item in items]
- if bg:
- self.canvas.create_rectangle(canvasX, canvasY, canvasX+fontWidth-1, canvasY+fontHeight-1, fill=bg, outline=bg)
- self.canvas.create_text(canvasX, canvasY, anchor=Tkinter.NW, font=ttyFont, text=ch, fill=fg)
- self.x+=1
- def write(self, data):
- #print self.x,self.y,repr(data)
- #if len(data)>5: raw_input()
- self.ansiParser.parseString(data)
- self.canvas.delete(self.cursor)
- canvasX = self.x*fontWidth + 1
- canvasY = self.y*fontHeight + 1
- self.cursor = self.canvas.create_rectangle(canvasX,canvasY,canvasX+fontWidth-1,canvasY+fontHeight-1, fill='green', outline='green')
- self.canvas.lower(self.cursor)
- def writeString(self, i):
- if not i.display:
- return
- fg = colorMap[i.fg]
- bg = i.bg != 'b' and colorMap[i.bg]
- for ch in i.text:
- b = ord(ch)
- if b == 7: # bell
- self.bell()
- elif b == 8: # BS
- if self.x:
- self.x-=1
- elif b == 9: # TAB
- [self._write(' ',fg,bg) for i in range(8)]
- elif b == 10:
- if self.y == self.height-1:
- self._delete(0,0,self.width,0)
- [self.canvas.move(x,0,-fontHeight) for x in self.canvas.find_all()]
- else:
- self.y+=1
- elif b == 13:
- self.x = 0
- elif 32 <= b < 127:
- self._write(ch, fg, bg)
- def parseErase(self, erase):
- if ';' in erase:
- end = erase[-1]
- parts = erase[:-1].split(';')
- [self.parseErase(x+end) for x in parts]
- return
- start = 0
- x,y = self.x, self.y
- if len(erase) > 1:
- start = int(erase[:-1])
- if erase[-1] == 'J':
- if start == 0:
- self._delete(x,y,self.width,self.height)
- else:
- self._delete(0,0,self.width,self.height)
- self.x = 0
- self.y = 0
- elif erase[-1] == 'K':
- if start == 0:
- self._delete(x,y,self.width,y)
- elif start == 1:
- self._delete(0,y,x,y)
- self.x = 0
- else:
- self._delete(0,y,self.width,y)
- self.x = 0
- elif erase[-1] == 'P':
- self._delete(x,y,x+start,y)
- def parseCursor(self, cursor):
- #if ';' in cursor and cursor[-1]!='H':
- # end = cursor[-1]
- # parts = cursor[:-1].split(';')
- # [self.parseCursor(x+end) for x in parts]
- # return
- start = 1
- if len(cursor) > 1 and cursor[-1]!='H':
- start = int(cursor[:-1])
- if cursor[-1] == 'C':
- self.x+=start
- elif cursor[-1] == 'D':
- self.x-=start
- elif cursor[-1]=='d':
- self.y=start-1
- elif cursor[-1]=='G':
- self.x=start-1
- elif cursor[-1]=='H':
- if len(cursor)>1:
- y,x = map(int, cursor[:-1].split(';'))
- y-=1
- x-=1
- else:
- x,y=0,0
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
- def keyPressed(self, event):
- if self.callback and event.char:
- self.callback(event.char)
- return 'break'
- def upPressed(self, event):
- self.callback('\x1bOA')
- def downPressed(self, event):
- self.callback('\x1bOB')
- def rightPressed(self, event):
- self.callback('\x1bOC')
- def leftPressed(self, event):
- self.callback('\x1bOD')
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/unix.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/unix.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3a44be07..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/unix.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from twisted.cred import portal
-from twisted.python import components, log
-from twisted.internet.error import ProcessExitedAlready
-from zope import interface
-from ssh import session, forwarding, filetransfer
-from twisted.conch.ls import lsLine
-from avatar import ConchUser
-from error import ConchError
-from interfaces import ISession, ISFTPServer, ISFTPFile
-import struct, os, time, socket
-import fcntl, tty
-import pwd, grp
-import pty
-import ttymodes
- import utmp
-except ImportError:
- utmp = None
-class UnixSSHRealm:
- interface.implements(portal.IRealm)
- def requestAvatar(self, username, mind, *interfaces):
- user = UnixConchUser(username)
- return interfaces[0], user, user.logout
-class UnixConchUser(ConchUser):
- def __init__(self, username):
- ConchUser.__init__(self)
- self.username = username
- self.pwdData = pwd.getpwnam(self.username)
- l = [self.pwdData[3]]
- for groupname, password, gid, userlist in grp.getgrall():
- if username in userlist:
- l.append(gid)
- self.otherGroups = l
- self.listeners = {} # dict mapping (interface, port) -> listener
- self.channelLookup.update(
- {"session": session.SSHSession,
- "direct-tcpip": forwarding.openConnectForwardingClient})
- self.subsystemLookup.update(
- {"sftp": filetransfer.FileTransferServer})
- def getUserGroupId(self):
- return self.pwdData[2:4]
- def getOtherGroups(self):
- return self.otherGroups
- def getHomeDir(self):
- return self.pwdData[5]
- def getShell(self):
- return self.pwdData[6]
- def global_tcpip_forward(self, data):
- hostToBind, portToBind = forwarding.unpackGlobal_tcpip_forward(data)
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- try: listener = self._runAsUser(
- reactor.listenTCP, portToBind,
- forwarding.SSHListenForwardingFactory(self.conn,
- (hostToBind, portToBind),
- forwarding.SSHListenServerForwardingChannel),
- interface = hostToBind)
- except:
- return 0
- else:
- self.listeners[(hostToBind, portToBind)] = listener
- if portToBind == 0:
- portToBind = listener.getHost()[2] # the port
- return 1, struct.pack('>L', portToBind)
- else:
- return 1
- def global_cancel_tcpip_forward(self, data):
- hostToBind, portToBind = forwarding.unpackGlobal_tcpip_forward(data)
- listener = self.listeners.get((hostToBind, portToBind), None)
- if not listener:
- return 0
- del self.listeners[(hostToBind, portToBind)]
- self._runAsUser(listener.stopListening)
- return 1
- def logout(self):
- # remove all listeners
- for listener in self.listeners.itervalues():
- self._runAsUser(listener.stopListening)
- log.msg('avatar %s logging out (%i)' % (self.username, len(self.listeners)))
- def _runAsUser(self, f, *args, **kw):
- euid = os.geteuid()
- egid = os.getegid()
- groups = os.getgroups()
- uid, gid = self.getUserGroupId()
- os.setegid(0)
- os.seteuid(0)
- os.setgroups(self.getOtherGroups())
- os.setegid(gid)
- os.seteuid(uid)
- try:
- f = iter(f)
- except TypeError:
- f = [(f, args, kw)]
- try:
- for i in f:
- func = i[0]
- args = len(i)>1 and i[1] or ()
- kw = len(i)>2 and i[2] or {}
- r = func(*args, **kw)
- finally:
- os.setegid(0)
- os.seteuid(0)
- os.setgroups(groups)
- os.setegid(egid)
- os.seteuid(euid)
- return r
-class SSHSessionForUnixConchUser:
- interface.implements(ISession)
- def __init__(self, avatar):
- self.avatar = avatar
- self. environ = {'PATH':'/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin'}
- self.pty = None
- self.ptyTuple = 0
- def addUTMPEntry(self, loggedIn=1):
- if not utmp:
- return
- ipAddress = self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.getPeer().host
- packedIp ,= struct.unpack('L', socket.inet_aton(ipAddress))
- ttyName = self.ptyTuple[2][5:]
- t = time.time()
- t1 = int(t)
- t2 = int((t-t1) * 1e6)
- entry = utmp.UtmpEntry()
- entry.ut_type = loggedIn and utmp.USER_PROCESS or utmp.DEAD_PROCESS
- entry.ut_pid = self.pty.pid
- entry.ut_line = ttyName
- entry.ut_id = ttyName[-4:]
- entry.ut_tv = (t1,t2)
- if loggedIn:
- entry.ut_user = self.avatar.username
- entry.ut_host = socket.gethostbyaddr(ipAddress)[0]
- entry.ut_addr_v6 = (packedIp, 0, 0, 0)
- a = utmp.UtmpRecord(utmp.UTMP_FILE)
- a.pututline(entry)
- a.endutent()
- b = utmp.UtmpRecord(utmp.WTMP_FILE)
- b.pututline(entry)
- b.endutent()
- def getPty(self, term, windowSize, modes):
- self.environ['TERM'] = term
- self.winSize = windowSize
- self.modes = modes
- master, slave = pty.openpty()
- ttyname = os.ttyname(slave)
- self.environ['SSH_TTY'] = ttyname
- self.ptyTuple = (master, slave, ttyname)
- def openShell(self, proto):
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- if not self.ptyTuple: # we didn't get a pty-req
- log.msg('tried to get shell without pty, failing')
- raise ConchError("no pty")
- uid, gid = self.avatar.getUserGroupId()
- homeDir = self.avatar.getHomeDir()
- shell = self.avatar.getShell()
- self.environ['USER'] = self.avatar.username
- self.environ['HOME'] = homeDir
- self.environ['SHELL'] = shell
- shellExec = os.path.basename(shell)
- peer = self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.getPeer()
- host = self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.getHost()
- self.environ['SSH_CLIENT'] = '%s %s %s' % (peer.host, peer.port, host.port)
- self.getPtyOwnership()
- self.pty = reactor.spawnProcess(proto, \
- shell, ['-%s' % shellExec], self.environ, homeDir, uid, gid,
- usePTY = self.ptyTuple)
- self.addUTMPEntry()
- fcntl.ioctl(self.pty.fileno(), tty.TIOCSWINSZ,
- struct.pack('4H', *self.winSize))
- if self.modes:
- self.setModes()
- self.oldWrite = proto.transport.write
- proto.transport.write = self._writeHack
- self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.setTcpNoDelay(1)
- def execCommand(self, proto, cmd):
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- uid, gid = self.avatar.getUserGroupId()
- homeDir = self.avatar.getHomeDir()
- shell = self.avatar.getShell() or '/bin/sh'
- command = (shell, '-c', cmd)
- peer = self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.getPeer()
- host = self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.getHost()
- self.environ['SSH_CLIENT'] = '%s %s %s' % (peer.host, peer.port, host.port)
- if self.ptyTuple:
- self.getPtyOwnership()
- self.pty = reactor.spawnProcess(proto, \
- shell, command, self.environ, homeDir,
- uid, gid, usePTY = self.ptyTuple or 0)
- if self.ptyTuple:
- self.addUTMPEntry()
- if self.modes:
- self.setModes()
-# else:
-# tty.setraw(self.pty.pipes[0].fileno(), tty.TCSANOW)
- self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.setTcpNoDelay(1)
- def getPtyOwnership(self):
- ttyGid = os.stat(self.ptyTuple[2])[5]
- uid, gid = self.avatar.getUserGroupId()
- euid, egid = os.geteuid(), os.getegid()
- os.setegid(0)
- os.seteuid(0)
- try:
- os.chown(self.ptyTuple[2], uid, ttyGid)
- finally:
- os.setegid(egid)
- os.seteuid(euid)
- def setModes(self):
- pty = self.pty
- attr = tty.tcgetattr(pty.fileno())
- for mode, modeValue in self.modes:
- if not ttymodes.TTYMODES.has_key(mode): continue
- ttyMode = ttymodes.TTYMODES[mode]
- if len(ttyMode) == 2: # flag
- flag, ttyAttr = ttyMode
- if not hasattr(tty, ttyAttr): continue
- ttyval = getattr(tty, ttyAttr)
- if modeValue:
- attr[flag] = attr[flag]|ttyval
- else:
- attr[flag] = attr[flag]&~ttyval
- elif ttyMode == 'OSPEED':
- attr[tty.OSPEED] = getattr(tty, 'B%s'%modeValue)
- elif ttyMode == 'ISPEED':
- attr[tty.ISPEED] = getattr(tty, 'B%s'%modeValue)
- else:
- if not hasattr(tty, ttyMode): continue
- ttyval = getattr(tty, ttyMode)
- attr[tty.CC][ttyval] = chr(modeValue)
- tty.tcsetattr(pty.fileno(), tty.TCSANOW, attr)
- def eofReceived(self):
- if self.pty:
- self.pty.closeStdin()
- def closed(self):
- if self.ptyTuple and os.path.exists(self.ptyTuple[2]):
- ttyGID = os.stat(self.ptyTuple[2])[5]
- os.chown(self.ptyTuple[2], 0, ttyGID)
- if self.pty:
- try:
- self.pty.signalProcess('HUP')
- except (OSError,ProcessExitedAlready):
- pass
- self.pty.loseConnection()
- self.addUTMPEntry(0)
- log.msg('shell closed')
- def windowChanged(self, winSize):
- self.winSize = winSize
- fcntl.ioctl(self.pty.fileno(), tty.TIOCSWINSZ,
- struct.pack('4H', *self.winSize))
- def _writeHack(self, data):
- """
- Hack to send ignore messages when we aren't echoing.
- """
- if self.pty is not None:
- attr = tty.tcgetattr(self.pty.fileno())[3]
- if not attr & tty.ECHO and attr & tty.ICANON: # no echo
- self.avatar.conn.transport.sendIgnore('\x00'*(8+len(data)))
- self.oldWrite(data)
-class SFTPServerForUnixConchUser:
- interface.implements(ISFTPServer)
- def __init__(self, avatar):
- self.avatar = avatar
- def _setAttrs(self, path, attrs):
- """
- NOTE: this function assumes it runs as the logged-in user:
- i.e. under _runAsUser()
- """
- if "uid" in attrs and "gid" in attrs:
- os.chown(path, attrs["uid"], attrs["gid"])
- if "permissions" in attrs:
- os.chmod(path, attrs["permissions"])
- if "atime" in attrs and "mtime" in attrs:
- os.utime(path, (attrs["atime"], attrs["mtime"]))
- def _getAttrs(self, s):
- return {
- "size" : s.st_size,
- "uid" : s.st_uid,
- "gid" : s.st_gid,
- "permissions" : s.st_mode,
- "atime" : int(s.st_atime),
- "mtime" : int(s.st_mtime)
- }
- def _absPath(self, path):
- home = self.avatar.getHomeDir()
- return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home, path))
- def gotVersion(self, otherVersion, extData):
- return {}
- def openFile(self, filename, flags, attrs):
- return UnixSFTPFile(self, self._absPath(filename), flags, attrs)
- def removeFile(self, filename):
- filename = self._absPath(filename)
- return self.avatar._runAsUser(os.remove, filename)
- def renameFile(self, oldpath, newpath):
- oldpath = self._absPath(oldpath)
- newpath = self._absPath(newpath)
- return self.avatar._runAsUser(os.rename, oldpath, newpath)
- def makeDirectory(self, path, attrs):
- path = self._absPath(path)
- return self.avatar._runAsUser([(os.mkdir, (path,)),
- (self._setAttrs, (path, attrs))])
- def removeDirectory(self, path):
- path = self._absPath(path)
- self.avatar._runAsUser(os.rmdir, path)
- def openDirectory(self, path):
- return UnixSFTPDirectory(self, self._absPath(path))
- def getAttrs(self, path, followLinks):
- path = self._absPath(path)
- if followLinks:
- s = self.avatar._runAsUser(os.stat, path)
- else:
- s = self.avatar._runAsUser(os.lstat, path)
- return self._getAttrs(s)
- def setAttrs(self, path, attrs):
- path = self._absPath(path)
- self.avatar._runAsUser(self._setAttrs, path, attrs)
- def readLink(self, path):
- path = self._absPath(path)
- return self.avatar._runAsUser(os.readlink, path)
- def makeLink(self, linkPath, targetPath):
- linkPath = self._absPath(linkPath)
- targetPath = self._absPath(targetPath)
- return self.avatar._runAsUser(os.symlink, targetPath, linkPath)
- def realPath(self, path):
- return os.path.realpath(self._absPath(path))
- def extendedRequest(self, extName, extData):
- raise NotImplementedError
-class UnixSFTPFile:
- interface.implements(ISFTPFile)
- def __init__(self, server, filename, flags, attrs):
- self.server = server
- openFlags = 0
- if flags & FXF_READ == FXF_READ and flags & FXF_WRITE == 0:
- openFlags = os.O_RDONLY
- if flags & FXF_WRITE == FXF_WRITE and flags & FXF_READ == 0:
- openFlags = os.O_WRONLY
- if flags & FXF_WRITE == FXF_WRITE and flags & FXF_READ == FXF_READ:
- openFlags = os.O_RDWR
- if flags & FXF_APPEND == FXF_APPEND:
- openFlags |= os.O_APPEND
- if flags & FXF_CREAT == FXF_CREAT:
- openFlags |= os.O_CREAT
- if flags & FXF_TRUNC == FXF_TRUNC:
- openFlags |= os.O_TRUNC
- if flags & FXF_EXCL == FXF_EXCL:
- openFlags |= os.O_EXCL
- if "permissions" in attrs:
- mode = attrs["permissions"]
- del attrs["permissions"]
- else:
- mode = 0777
- fd = server.avatar._runAsUser(os.open, filename, openFlags, mode)
- if attrs:
- server.avatar._runAsUser(server._setAttrs, filename, attrs)
- self.fd = fd
- def close(self):
- return self.server.avatar._runAsUser(os.close, self.fd)
- def readChunk(self, offset, length):
- return self.server.avatar._runAsUser([ (os.lseek, (self.fd, offset, 0)),
- (os.read, (self.fd, length)) ])
- def writeChunk(self, offset, data):
- return self.server.avatar._runAsUser([(os.lseek, (self.fd, offset, 0)),
- (os.write, (self.fd, data))])
- def getAttrs(self):
- s = self.server.avatar._runAsUser(os.fstat, self.fd)
- return self.server._getAttrs(s)
- def setAttrs(self, attrs):
- raise NotImplementedError
-class UnixSFTPDirectory:
- def __init__(self, server, directory):
- self.server = server
- self.files = server.avatar._runAsUser(os.listdir, directory)
- self.dir = directory
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self):
- try:
- f = self.files.pop(0)
- except IndexError:
- raise StopIteration
- else:
- s = self.server.avatar._runAsUser(os.lstat, os.path.join(self.dir, f))
- longname = lsLine(f, s)
- attrs = self.server._getAttrs(s)
- return (f, longname, attrs)
- def close(self):
- self.files = []
-components.registerAdapter(SFTPServerForUnixConchUser, UnixConchUser, filetransfer.ISFTPServer)
-components.registerAdapter(SSHSessionForUnixConchUser, UnixConchUser, session.ISession)