AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-05-08import automated UI tests from the QA teamyocto-tts/masterAlexandru DAMIAN
2015-05-08Adding a list of Toaster valid URLs for checkingAlexandru DAMIAN
2015-05-07adapt to run from a different current directoryAlexandru DAMIAN
2015-04-28Fixes after deploymentAlexandru Damian
2015-04-27adding a README fileAlexandru DAMIAN
2015-04-27adding email receiver programAlexandru DAMIAN
2015-04-27launcher.py executable for crontabAlexandru DAMIAN
2015-04-22adding copyright information and file descriptionsAlexandru DAMIAN
2015-04-22fixing test discovery and running messagesAlexandru DAMIAN
2015-04-22fix imported code and build checkout infrastructureAlexandru DAMIAN
2015-04-21create the main test runnerAlexandru DAMIAN
2015-04-21initial commit for TTSAlexandru DAMIAN