BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
contrib/kirkstone-nextpoky.conf: add ubuntu2404 to SANITY_TESTED_DISTROSSteve Sakoman39 hours
contrib/scarthgap-nextpoky.conf: bump version for 5.0.8Steve Sakoman5 days
scarthgappoky.conf: bump version for 5.0.8Steve Sakoman5 days
masterpoky: Remove Fedora38 from SANITY_TESTED_DISTROSRichard Purdie7 days
master-nextpoky: Remove Fedora38 from SANITY_TESTED_DISTROSRichard Purdie7 days
contrib/styhead-nextpoky.conf: bump version for 5.1.3Steve Sakoman3 weeks
styheadpoky.conf: bump version for 5.1.3Steve Sakoman3 weeks
kirkstonepoky.conf: bump version for 4.0.25Steve Sakoman4 weeks
contrib/mathieu/master-nextyocto-bsp: drop linux-yocto 6.6 bbappendBruce Ashfield4 weeks
contrib/mathieu/master-next-successlocal.conf.sample: use explicit IMAGE_FEATURES instead of debug-tweaksRoss Burton4 months
contrib/abelloni/master-next-successgenericarm64: don't pin to linux 6.6Ross Burton6 months
contrib/dunfell-nextpoky.conf: bump version for 3.1.33Steve Sakoman11 months
dunfellpoky.conf: bump version for 3.1.33Steve Sakoman11 months
contrib/nanbield-nextpoky.conf: bump version for 4.3.4 releaseSteve Sakoman12 months
nanbieldpoky.conf: bump version for 4.3.4 releaseSteve Sakoman12 months
contrib/mickledore-nextpoky.conf: bump version for 4.2.4 releaseSteve Sakoman16 months
mickledorepoky.conf: bump version for 4.2.4 releaseSteve Sakoman16 months
contrib/lucaceresoli/master-nextpoky.conf: Switch to post release name/versionPeter Kjellerstedt19 months
contrib/langdale-nextpoky.conf: bump version for 4.1.4Steve Sakoman23 months
langdalepoky.conf: bump version for 4.1.4Steve Sakoman23 months
contrib/abelloni/master-nextpoky/poky-tiny: Drop largefile mentionsRichard Purdie2 years
contrib/lucaceresoli/master-next-successpoky: Update to match poky version numbersRichard Purdie2 years
honisteryocto-bsps: update to v5.10.113Bruce Ashfield3 years
contrib/honister-nextyocto-bsps: update to v5.10.113Bruce Ashfield3 years
hardknottpoky.conf: bump version for 3.3.6 releaseAnuj Mittal3 years
contrib/hardknott-nextpoky.conf: bump version for 3.3.6 releaseAnuj Mittal3 years
gatesgarthpoky.conf: bump version for 3.2.4 releaseAnuj Mittal4 years
zeuspoky.conf: Bump version for 3.0.4 zeus releaseRichard Purdie5 years
warriorpoky.conf: Bump version for 2.7.4 warrior releaseRichard Purdie5 years
thudlinux-yocto/4.14: update Yocto Bsps to 4.14.154Armpit5 years
sumopoky.conf: Bump version for 2.5.3 sumo releaseRichard Purdie6 years
rockopoky.conf: Bump version for 2.4.4 rocko releaseRichard Purdie6 years
rocko-nextpoky.conf: Bump version for 2.4.4 rocko releaseRichard Purdie6 years
mortypoky: Bump distro version to 2.2.4Richard Purdie7 years
pyropoky: Update version to 2.3.4Richard Purdie7 years
krogothlocal.conf.sample: Weakly set BB_DISKMON_DIRSRichard Purdie7 years
master-next2selftest: Migrate systemd_boot test case to the new frameworkAníbal Limón8 years
jethropoky.conf: Bump version for 2.0.3 jethro releaseRobert Yang8 years
fidoconf/local.conf.sample: comment out ASSUME_PROVIDED=libsdl-nativeRoss Burton9 years
dizzypoky.conf: Bump version for 1.7.3 dizzy releaseRichard Purdie9 years
daisypoky.conf: DISTRO_VERSION bumpBeth Flanagan10 years
dorayocto-bsp: Update qemu inclusion listsRichard Purdie10 years
dylanpoky.conf: Bump Release numbers for 1.4.4Saul Wold11 years
dannypoky.conf: fixing sanity tested distroElizabeth Flanagan12 years
denzilDISTRO var bump for pending releaseElizabeth Flanagan12 years
edisonpoky.conf: Bumping SKD_VERSIONElizabeth Flanagan13 years
bernardREADME.hardware: update installation instructions for beagleboardDarren Hart14 years
yocto-2.1meta-yocto-yocto-2.1.tar.gz  Tracy Graydon9 years
krogoth-15.0.0meta-yocto-krogoth-15.0.0.tar.gz  Tracy Graydon9 years
yocto-1.6.3meta-yocto-yocto-1.6.3.tar.gz  Beth Flanagan10 years
daisy-11.0.3meta-yocto-daisy-11.0.3.tar.gz  Beth Flanagan10 years
yocto-1.7.2meta-yocto-yocto-1.7.2.tar.gz  Beth Flanagan10 years
yocto-1.8meta-yocto-yocto-1.8.tar.gz  Beth Flanagan10 years