path: root/recipes-bsp/hdf
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-05-21external-hdf: Add Vivado specific versionslangdaleMark Hatle
2023-04-29hdf-repository.inc additional update :2023.1_0426_1_04270351Manikanta Sreeram
2023-04-27hdf-repository.inc update :2023.1_0426_1_04270351Manikanta Sreeram
2023-03-16hdf-repository.inc update :2023.1_0313_1Manikanta Sreeram
2023-03-03external-hdf: Move to xlnx_rel_v2023.1 branchMark Hatle
2023-01-05external-hdf: Remove deprecated BOARD supportMark Hatle
2022-12-08external-hdf: Update to latest SRCREVSandeep Gundlupet Raju
2022-11-23external-hdf: Update to latest SRCREVSandeep Gundlupet Raju
2022-10-20external-hdf: Set default protocol, when using git, to httpsMark Hatle
2022-09-22external-hdf: Update srcrev for 2022.2 releaseSandeep Gundlupet Raju
2022-09-19external-hdf: Update branch and srcrev for 2022.2 releaseMark Hatle
2022-09-17external-hdf: Updated SRCREV for versal-net xsaSandeep Gundlupet Raju
2022-09-06externa-hdf: Updated SRCREV for 2022.2Sandeep Gundlupet Raju
2022-08-30hdf-repository-generate-srcuri.sh: Add script to generate external-hdf src_urisMark Hatle
2022-08-30external-hdf.bb: Make more extensible and add additional error checkingMark Hatle
2022-08-30Updated SRCREV for 2022.2Mark Hatle
2022-08-26external-hdf: Add updated versal-netMark Hatle
2022-08-23external-hdf: Add updated versal-net and vck190Mark Hatle
2022-08-17Add support for Versal NetJohn Toomey
2022-06-13external-hdf: Move defaults to ??= to make overriding easierMark Hatle
2022-06-06Update external-hdf SRCREVJohn Toomey
2022-04-04external-hdf: Update commit id for 2022.2 releaseSandeep Gundlupet Raju
2022-03-10external-hdf: Update commit id for 2022 releaseSai Hari Chandana Kalluri
2021-12-15external-hdf: Updated branch for 2022Mark Hatle
2021-11-12Convert to new override syntaxMark Hatle
2021-09-28Convert to new override syntaxSai Hari Chandana Kalluri
2021-09-21external-hdf: update branch name for 2021.2Mark Hatle
2021-06-30external-hdf: Sync recipe to 2021.2 json fileMark Hatle
2021-06-04external-hdf: Update commit id and branch for 2021 releaseSai Hari Chandana Kalluri
2021-05-27external-hdf: Update commit id for 2021 releaseSai Hari Chandana Kalluri
2021-05-06external-hdf: Update commit id and branch for 2021 releaseSai Hari Chandana Kalluri
2021-03-29embeddedsw: Adjust the pmu/plm/psm firmware to latest standaloneMark Hatle
2021-03-08external-hdf.bb: Fixing HDF_MACHINE to expand correctlyJaewon Lee
2021-03-04external-hdf: Use BOARD name as HDF_MACHINESai Hari Chandana Kalluri
2020-11-17Update commit ids and branches for 2020.2 releaseSai Hari Chandana Kalluri
2020-06-18external-hdf: Update recipe to pull from 2020.1 branchSai Hari Chandana Kalluri
2020-03-26external-hdf: Move from xilinx variable to COMPATIBLE_HOSTMark Hatle
2020-03-25external-hdf.bb: set COMPATIBLE_MACHINE variableSai Hari Chandana Kalluri
2020-03-12external-hdf: Add a way for BSPs to change which machine dir to useMark Hatle
2020-01-08bitbake: remove True option to getVar callsManjukumar Matha
2019-10-23external-hdf.bb: Update commit id for 2019.2 releaseSai Hari Chandana Kalluri
2019-08-21external-hdf.bb: Change fatal message to warningSai Hari Chandana Kalluri
2019-08-15Modify hardware design file references from hdf to xsaAjay Rajan
2019-08-15external-hdf.bb: Changed to use xsa instead of hdfAjay Rajan
2019-05-08external-hdf.bb: Update commit ID for 2019.1 releaseManjukumar Matha
2019-05-06external-hdf: Update commit id for 2019.1 releaseSai Hari Chandana Kalluri
2019-04-17external-hdf.bb: Use DSA for versal machinesSai Hari Chandana Kalluri
2018-11-27external-hdf.bb: Update example HDF for 2018.3 releaseManjukumar Matha
2018-09-13external-hdf.bb: Removing code to deploy extra hdfsJaewon Lee
2018-09-04external-hdf.bb: Using weaker assignment for REPO and SRCREVJaewon Lee