path: root/meta-romley
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-02-27romley: add Ivy Bridge supportKishore Bodke
2013-02-18meta-romley: change preferred kernel to 3.41.4_M4.rc11.4_M4.final1.4_M4Kishore Bodke
2013-02-18meta-romley: add support for the linux-yocto_3.4 kernelKishore Bodke
2013-02-04meta-intel: remove kernel AUTOREVsTom Zanussi
2013-01-19BSP layer READMEs: fix the YP Compliance linkNitin A Kamble
2013-01-07layer.conf: Use .= for adding to BBPATH and += to BBFILESKhem Raj
2012-12-06meta-romley: add web links for supported platforms to README & Add code namesRahul Saxena
2012-12-05BSP README.sources: update the URL of the source tarballNitin A Kamble
2012-11-13meta-intel: remove explicit kernel SRCREVsTom Zanussi
2012-11-08romley: Update README InstructionsKishore Bodke
2012-10-29meta-intel: remove linux-yocto*_3.0 bbappendsTom Zanussi
2012-10-29meta-intel: update kernel SRCREVs and pin LINUX_VERSIONTom Zanussi
2012-10-29romley: add WEBTITLE & Compliance informationKishore Bodke
2012-10-09Fix use of PRINC in meta-intel BSPs1.3_M5.rc4Darren Hart
2012-10-02meta-intel: use FILESEXTRAPATHS for xserver-xf86-config bbappendsTom Zanussi
2012-09-04meta-intel: remove task-core-tools-profile.bbappendTom Zanussi
2012-08-29meta-intel.inc: have appropriate BSPs use itTom Zanussi
2012-08-10meta-romley: Add Matrox MGA variable to romley.confKishore Bodke
2012-08-10meta-romley: Move Matrox MGA Xorg driver to meta-intel/commonKishore Bodke
2012-07-10romley: update kernel SRCREVsTom Zanussi
2012-05-25meta-intel: update README.sources with denzil linkTom Zanussi
2012-05-23linux-yocto_3.0: Update KMACHINE and KBRANCH to play nice with new kerntoolsDarren Hart
2012-04-13Romley: Update SRCREVKishore Bodke
2012-04-05Romley: Add new bbappend file for 3.2 kernelKishore Bodke
2012-02-24meta-intel: add LAYERDEPENDS for layers needing the meta-intel common layer1.2_M3.rc11.2_M3Paul Eggleton
2012-02-24meta-intel: replace "include" with "require"Paul Eggleton
2012-02-07meta-intel: rename all task-core-tools.bbappend to task-core-tools-profile.bb...Tom Zanussi
2011-12-01meta-intel: update kernel SRCREVsTom Zanussi
2011-12-01meta-romley: Remove xserver-xorg .bbappend.Tom Zanussi
2011-12-01meta-intel: add Patches section to BSP READMEsTom Zanussi
2011-11-21meta-intel: update READMEs with layer dependency listTom Zanussi
2011-11-21meta-intel: update READMEs with new layer infoTom Zanussi
2011-11-21Have romley.conf use the common ia32-base .inc file and remove theTom Zanussi
2011-11-15meta-intel: remove virtual/xserver-xf86 referencesTom Zanussi
2011-11-14meta-intel: update kernel SRCREVsTom Zanussi
2011-10-31meta-romley: change references to sugarbay in linux-yocto-rt_3.0.bbappendTom Zanussi
2011-10-31meta-romley: Fix BSP description in romley.confTom Zanussi
2011-10-28New Romley BSP created. Uses Matrox MGA graphics driver.Kishore Bodke