path: root/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime')
5 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/ftpm.py b/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/ftpm.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be0cf46f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/ftpm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+import os
+from oeqa.runtime.case import OERuntimeTestCase
+from oeqa.core.decorator.oetimeout import OETimeout
+class FtpmTestSuite(OERuntimeTestCase):
+ """
+ Minimal test for optee-ftpm and ftpm kernel driver interfaces
+ """
+ @OETimeout(360)
+ def test_ftpm(self):
+ # device files, need tee-supplicant fully initialized which takes some time
+ # and tests seem to run before boot is complete
+ cmd = "ls -l /dev/tpm0 /dev/tpmrm0 || ( runlevel; sleep 60; ls -l /dev/tpm0 /dev/tpmrm0 )"
+ status, output = self.target.run(cmd, timeout=90)
+ self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg='\n'.join([cmd, output]))
+ # tpm version
+ cmd = "cat /sys/class/tpm/tpm0/tpm_version_major"
+ status, output = self.target.run(cmd, timeout=60)
+ self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg='\n'.join([cmd, output]))
+ self.assertEqual(output, "2", msg='\n'.join([cmd, output]))
+ # sha384 pcrs
+ cmd = 'for c in $(seq 0 23); do cat /sys/class/tpm/tpm0/pcr-sha384/"${c}"; done'
+ status, output = self.target.run(cmd, timeout=60)
+ self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg='\n'.join([cmd, output]))
+ # sha256 pcrs
+ cmd = 'for c in $(seq 0 23); do cat /sys/class/tpm/tpm0/pcr-sha256/"${c}"; done'
+ status, output = self.target.run(cmd, timeout=60)
+ self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg='\n'.join([cmd, output]))
+ # sha1 pcrs
+ cmd = 'for c in $(seq 0 23); do cat /sys/class/tpm/tpm0/pcr-sha1/"${c}"; done'
+ status, output = self.target.run(cmd, timeout=60)
+ self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg='\n'.join([cmd, output]))
diff --git a/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/fvp_boot.py b/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/fvp_boot.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..342186eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/fvp_boot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+from oeqa.runtime.case import OERuntimeTestCase
+class FVPBootTest(OERuntimeTestCase):
+ """
+ This test waits for a Linux login prompt on the default console. It is
+ dependent on the OEFVPTarget test controller
+ """
+ def test_fvp_boot(self):
+ import pexpect
+ self.target.transition("off")
+ timeout = int(self.td.get('TEST_FVP_LINUX_BOOT_TIMEOUT') or 10*60)
+ self.target.transition("linux", timeout)
+ # Check for common error patterns on all consoles
+ for console in self.target.config['consoles']:
+ # "expect" a timeout when searching for the error patterns
+ match = self.target.expect(console,
+ [br'(\[ERR\]|\[ERROR\]|ERROR\:)',
+ pexpect.TIMEOUT],
+ timeout=0)
+ self.assertEqual(match, 1)
diff --git a/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/fvp_devices.py b/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/fvp_devices.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0246e76a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/fvp_devices.py
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+from oeqa.runtime.case import OERuntimeTestCase
+from oeqa.core.decorator.data import skipIfNotInDataVar
+from oeqa.core.decorator.depends import OETestDepends
+class FvpDevicesTest(OERuntimeTestCase):
+ def run_cmd(self, cmd, check=True):
+ """
+ A wrapper around self.target.run, which:
+ * Fails the test on command failure by default
+ * Allows the "run" behavior to be overridden in sub-classes
+ """
+ (status, output) = self.target.run(cmd)
+ if status and check:
+ self.fail("Command '%s' returned non-zero exit "
+ "status %d:\n%s" % (cmd, status, output))
+ return (status, output)
+ def check_devices(self, cls, min_count, search_drivers):
+ # Find all the devices of the specified class
+ cmd = f'find "/sys/class/{cls}" -type l -maxdepth 1'
+ _, output = self.run_cmd(cmd)
+ devices = output.split()
+ self.assertGreaterEqual(len(devices),
+ min_count,
+ msg='Device count is lower than expected')
+ # Assert that at least one of the devices uses at least one of the
+ # drivers
+ drivers = set()
+ for device in devices:
+ cmd = f'basename "$(readlink "{device}/device/driver")"'
+ _, output = self.run_cmd(cmd)
+ drivers.update(output.split())
+ self.assertTrue(drivers & set(search_drivers),
+ msg='No device uses either of the drivers: ' +
+ str(search_drivers))
+ def check_rng(self, hw_random, dev):
+ cmd = f'cat {hw_random} | grep {dev}'
+ self.run_cmd(cmd)
+ def set_cpu(self, cpu_num, flag):
+ # Issue echo command
+ self.run_cmd(
+ f'echo "{flag}" > "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu{cpu_num}/online"',
+ check = False,
+ )
+ _, output = self.run_cmd(
+ f'cat "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu{cpu_num}/online"'
+ )
+ return output == flag
+ def enable_cpu(self, cpu_num):
+ return self.set_cpu(cpu_num, "1")
+ def disable_cpu(self, cpu_num):
+ return self.set_cpu(cpu_num, "0")
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ @skipIfNotInDataVar('TEST_FVP_DEVICES', 'cpu_hotplug',
+ 'cpu_hotplug not included in BSP tests')
+ def test_cpu_hotplug(self):
+ _, cpus = self.run_cmd('find /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/cpus/'
+ ' -name "cpu@*" -maxdepth 1 | wc -l')
+ try:
+ count_cpus = int(cpus)
+ except ValueError:
+ self.fail(f"Expected number of CPUs, but found this:\n{cpus}")
+ self.num_cpus = int(self.td.get('TEST_CPU_HOTPLUG_NUM_CPUS',
+ count_cpus))
+ try:
+ # Test that all cores are online
+ _, cpus = self.run_cmd('grep -c "processor" /proc/cpuinfo')
+ self.assertEqual(int(cpus), self.num_cpus)
+ # Don't try to disable here the only cpu present in the system.
+ if self.num_cpus > 1:
+ # Test that we can stop each core individually
+ for i in range(self.num_cpus):
+ self.assertTrue(self.disable_cpu(i))
+ self.assertTrue(self.enable_cpu(i))
+ # Test that we cannot disable all cores
+ for i in range(self.num_cpus - 1):
+ self.assertTrue(self.disable_cpu(i))
+ # Disabling last core should trigger an error
+ self.assertFalse(self.disable_cpu(self.num_cpus - 1))
+ finally:
+ # Ensure all CPUs are re-enabled
+ for i in range(self.num_cpus):
+ self.enable_cpu(i)
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ @skipIfNotInDataVar('TEST_FVP_DEVICES', 'rtc',
+ 'rtc device not included in BSP tests')
+ def test_rtc(self):
+ self.check_devices("rtc", 1, ["rtc-pl031"])
+ self.run_cmd('hwclock')
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ @skipIfNotInDataVar('TEST_FVP_DEVICES', 'watchdog',
+ 'watchdog device not included in BSP tests')
+ def test_watchdog(self):
+ self.check_devices("watchdog", 1, ["sp805-wdt", "sbsa-gwdt"])
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ @skipIfNotInDataVar('TEST_FVP_DEVICES', 'networking',
+ 'networking device not included in BSP tests')
+ def test_networking(self):
+ self.check_devices("net", 2, ["virtio_net", "vif"])
+ # Check that outbound network connections work
+ self.run_cmd('wget -O /dev/null "https://www.arm.com"')
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ @skipIfNotInDataVar('TEST_FVP_DEVICES', 'virtiorng',
+ 'virtiorng device not included in BSP tests')
+ def test_virtiorng(self):
+ self.check_rng('/sys/devices/virtual/misc/hw_random/rng_available',
+ 'virtio_rng.0')
+ self.check_rng('/sys/devices/virtual/misc/hw_random/rng_current',
+ 'virtio_rng.0')
+ self.run_cmd('hexdump -n 32 /dev/hwrng')
diff --git a/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/optee.py b/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/optee.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f46225b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/optee.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+import os
+from oeqa.runtime.case import OERuntimeTestCase
+from oeqa.runtime.decorator.package import OEHasPackage
+from oeqa.core.decorator.oetimeout import OETimeout
+class OpteeTestSuite(OERuntimeTestCase):
+ """
+ Run OP-TEE tests (xtest).
+ """
+ @OETimeout(1300)
+ @OEHasPackage(['optee-test'])
+ def test_opteetest_xtest(self):
+ # clear storage before executing tests
+ cmd = "xtest --clear-storage || true"
+ status, output = self.target.run(cmd, timeout=60)
+ self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg='\n'.join([cmd, output]))
+ cmd = "xtest"
+ status, output = self.target.run(cmd, timeout=1200)
+ self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg='\n'.join([cmd, output]))
diff --git a/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/trusted_services.py b/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/trusted_services.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54423999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-arm/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/trusted_services.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+from oeqa.runtime.case import OERuntimeTestCase
+from oeqa.core.decorator.depends import OETestDepends
+from oeqa.runtime.decorator.package import OEHasPackage
+from oeqa.core.decorator.data import skipIfNotInDataVar
+class TrustedServicesTest(OERuntimeTestCase):
+ def run_test_tool(self, cmd, expected_status=0, expected_output=None ):
+ """ Run a test utility """
+ status, output = self.target.run(cmd)
+ self.assertEqual(status, expected_status, msg='\n'.join([cmd, output]))
+ if expected_output is not None:
+ self.assertEqual(output, expected_output, msg='\n'.join([cmd, output]))
+ @OEHasPackage(['ts-demo'])
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ def test_00_ts_demo(self):
+ self.run_test_tool('ts-demo')
+ @OEHasPackage(['ts-uefi-test'])
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ def test_02_ts_uefi_test(self):
+ self.run_test_tool('uefi-test')
+ @OEHasPackage(['ts-psa-crypto-api-test'])
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ def test_03_psa_crypto_api_test(self):
+ self.run_test_tool('psa-crypto-api-test')
+ @OEHasPackage(['ts-psa-its-api-test'])
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ def test_04_psa_its_api_test(self):
+ self.run_test_tool('psa-its-api-test')
+ @OEHasPackage(['ts-psa-ps-api-test'])
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ def test_05_psa_ps_api_test(self):
+ self.run_test_tool('psa-ps-api-test')
+ @OEHasPackage(['ts-psa-iat-api-test'])
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ def test_06_psa_iat_api_test(self):
+ self.run_test_tool('psa-iat-api-test')
+ @OEHasPackage(['ts-service-test'])
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ def test_09_ts_service_grp_check(self):
+ # If this test fails, available test groups in ts-service-test have changed and all
+ # tests using the test executable need to be double checked to ensure test group to
+ # TS SP mapping is still valid.
+ test_grp_list="FwuServiceTests PsServiceTests ItsServiceTests AttestationProvisioningTests"
+ test_grp_list+=" AttestationServiceTests CryptoKeyDerivationServicePackedcTests"
+ test_grp_list+=" CryptoMacServicePackedcTests CryptoCipherServicePackedcTests"
+ test_grp_list+=" CryptoHashServicePackedcTests CryptoServicePackedcTests"
+ test_grp_list+=" CryptoServiceProtobufTests CryptoServiceLimitTests"
+ self.run_test_tool('ts-service-test -lg', expected_output=test_grp_list)
+ @OEHasPackage(['optee-test'])
+ @skipIfNotInDataVar('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'optee-spmc-test', 'SPMC Test SPs are not included')
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ def test_07_spmc_test(self):
+ self.run_test_tool('xtest -t ffa_spmc')
+ @OEHasPackage(['ts-service-test'])
+ @skipIfNotInDataVar('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'ts-fwu', 'FWU SP is not included')
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ def test_10_fwu_service_tests(self):
+ self.run_test_tool('ts-service-test -g FwuServiceTests')
+ @OEHasPackage(['ts-service-test'])
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ def test_11_ps_service_tests(self):
+ if 'ts-storage' not in self.tc.td['MACHINE_FEATURES'] and \
+ 'ts-se-proxy' not in self.tc.td['MACHINE_FEATURES']:
+ self.skipTest('Storage SP is not deployed in the system.')
+ self.run_test_tool('ts-service-test -g PsServiceTests')
+ @OEHasPackage(['ts-service-test'])
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ def test_12_its_service_tests(self):
+ if 'ts-its' not in self.tc.td['MACHINE_FEATURES'] and \
+ 'ts-se-proxy' not in self.tc.td['MACHINE_FEATURES']:
+ self.skipTest('Internal Storage SP is not deployed in the system.')
+ self.run_test_tool('ts-service-test -g ItsServiceTests')
+ @OEHasPackage(['ts-service-test'])
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ def test_14_attestation_service_tests(self):
+ if 'ts-attestation' not in self.tc.td['MACHINE_FEATURES'] and \
+ 'ts-se-proxy' not in self.tc.td['MACHINE_FEATURES']:
+ self.skipTest('Attestation SP is not deployed in the system.')
+ self.run_test_tool('ts-service-test -g Attestation')
+ @OEHasPackage(['ts-service-test'])
+ @skipIfNotInDataVar('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'ts-crypto', 'Crypto SP is not included')
+ @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
+ def test_15_crypto_service_tests(self):
+ if 'ts-crypto' not in self.tc.td['MACHINE_FEATURES'] and \
+ 'ts-se-proxy' not in self.tc.td['MACHINE_FEATURES']:
+ self.skipTest('Crypto SP is not deployed in the system.')
+ self.run_test_tool('ts-service-test -g Crypto')