path: root/tools/power/cpupower
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/power/cpupower')
14 files changed, 608 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/tools/power/cpupower/Makefile b/tools/power/cpupower/Makefile
index b53753dee02f..6c02f401069e 100644
--- a/tools/power/cpupower/Makefile
+++ b/tools/power/cpupower/Makefile
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ LANGUAGES = de fr it cs pt ka
bindir ?= /usr/bin
sbindir ?= /usr/sbin
mandir ?= /usr/man
+libdir ?= /usr/lib
includedir ?= /usr/include
localedir ?= /usr/share/locale
docdir ?= /usr/share/doc/packages/cpupower
@@ -94,15 +95,6 @@ RANLIB = $(CROSS)ranlib
HOSTCC = gcc
MKDIR = mkdir
-# 64bit library detection
-include ../../scripts/Makefile.arch
-ifeq ($(IS_64_BIT), 1)
-libdir ?= /usr/lib64
-libdir ?= /usr/lib
# Now we set up the build system
@@ -332,4 +324,39 @@ uninstall:
rm -f $(DESTDIR)${localedir}/$$HLANG/LC_MESSAGES/cpupower.mo; \
-.PHONY: all utils libcpupower update-po create-gmo install-lib install-tools install-man install-gmo install uninstall clean
+ @echo 'Building targets:'
+ @echo ' all - Default target. Could be omitted. Put build artifacts'
+ @echo ' to "O" cmdline option dir (default: current dir)'
+ @echo ' install - Install previously built project files from the output'
+ @echo ' dir defined by "O" cmdline option (default: current dir)'
+ @echo ' to the install dir defined by "DESTDIR" cmdline or'
+ @echo ' Makefile config block option (default: "")'
+ @echo ' install-lib - Install previously built library binary from the output'
+ @echo ' dir defined by "O" cmdline option (default: current dir)'
+ @echo ' and library headers from "lib/" for userspace to the install'
+ @echo ' dir defined by "DESTDIR" cmdline (default: "")'
+ @echo ' install-tools - Install previously built "cpupower" util from the output'
+ @echo ' dir defined by "O" cmdline option (default: current dir) and'
+ @echo ' "cpupower-completion.sh" script from the src dir to the'
+ @echo ' install dir defined by "DESTDIR" cmdline or Makefile'
+ @echo ' config block option (default: "")'
+ @echo ' install-man - Install man pages from the "man" src subdir to the'
+ @echo ' install dir defined by "DESTDIR" cmdline or Makefile'
+ @echo ' config block option (default: "")'
+ @echo ' install-gmo - Install previously built language files from the output'
+ @echo ' dir defined by "O" cmdline option (default: current dir)'
+ @echo ' to the install dir defined by "DESTDIR" cmdline or Makefile'
+ @echo ' config block option (default: "")'
+ @echo ' install-bench - Install previously built "cpufreq-bench" util files from the'
+ @echo ' output dir defined by "O" cmdline option (default: current dir)'
+ @echo ' to the install dir defined by "DESTDIR" cmdline or Makefile'
+ @echo ' config block option (default: "")'
+ @echo ''
+ @echo 'Cleaning targets:'
+ @echo ' clean - Clean build artifacts from the dir defined by "O" cmdline'
+ @echo ' option (default: current dir)'
+ @echo ' uninstall - Remove previously installed files from the dir defined by "DESTDIR"'
+ @echo ' cmdline or Makefile config block option (default: "")'
+.PHONY: all utils libcpupower update-po create-gmo install-lib install-tools install-man install-gmo install uninstall clean help
diff --git a/tools/power/cpupower/README b/tools/power/cpupower/README
index 1c68f47663b2..2678ed81d311 100644
--- a/tools/power/cpupower/README
+++ b/tools/power/cpupower/README
@@ -22,16 +22,156 @@ interfaces [depending on configuration, see below].
compilation and installation
-make install
-should suffice on most systems. It builds libcpupower to put in
-/usr/lib; cpupower, cpufreq-bench_plot.sh to put in /usr/bin; and
-cpufreq-bench to put in /usr/sbin. If you want to set up the paths
-differently and/or want to configure the package to your specific
-needs, you need to open "Makefile" with an editor of your choice and
-edit the block marked CONFIGURATION.
+There are 2 output directories - one for the build output and another for
+the installation of the build results, that is the utility, library,
+man pages, etc...
+default directory
+In the case of default directory, build and install process requires no
+additional parameters:
+$ make
+The output directory for the 'make' command is the current directory and
+its subdirs in the kernel tree:
+$ sudo make install
+'make install' command puts targets to default system dirs:
+| Installing file | System dir |
+| libcpupower | /usr/lib |
+| cpupower | /usr/bin |
+| cpufreq-bench_plot.sh | /usr/bin |
+| man pages | /usr/man |
+To put it in other words it makes build results available system-wide,
+enabling any user to simply start using it without any additional steps
+custom directory
+There are 2 make's command-line variables 'O' and 'DESTDIR' that setup
+appropriate dirs:
+'O' - build directory
+'DESTDIR' - installation directory. This variable could also be setup in
+the 'CONFIGURATION' block of the "Makefile"
+$ make O=<your_custom_build_catalog>
+$ make O=/home/hedin/prj/cpupower/build
+$ make O=<your_custom_build_catalog> DESTDIR=<your_custom_install_catalog>
+$ make O=/home/hedin/prj/cpupower/build DESTDIR=/home/hedin/prj/cpupower \
+> install
+Notice that both variables 'O' and 'DESTDIR' have been provided. The reason
+is that the build results are saved in the custom output dir defined by 'O'
+variable. So, this dir is the source for the installation step. If only
+'DESTDIR' were provided then the 'install' target would assume that the
+build directory is the current one, build everything there and install
+from the current dir.
+The files will be installed to the following dirs:
+| Installing file | System dir |
+| libcpupower | ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib |
+| cpupower | ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin |
+| cpufreq-bench_plot.sh | ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin |
+| man pages | ${DESTDIR}/usr/man |
+If you look at the table for the default 'make' output dirs you will
+notice that the only difference with the non-default case is the
+${DESTDIR} prefix. So, the structure of the output dirs remains the same
+regardles of the root output directory.
+clean and uninstall
+'clean' target is intended for cleanup the build catalog from build results
+'uninstall' target is intended for removing installed files from the
+installation directory
+default directory
+This case is a straightforward one:
+$ make clean
+$ make uninstall
+custom directory
+Use 'O' command line variable to remove previously built files from the
+build dir:
+$ make O=<your_custom_build_catalog> clean
+$ make O=/home/hedin/prj/cpupower/build clean
+Use 'DESTDIR' command line variable to uninstall previously installed files
+from the given dir:
+$ make DESTDIR=<your_custom_install_catalog>
+make DESTDIR=/home/hedin/prj/cpupower uninstall
+running the tool
+default directory
+$ sudo cpupower
+custom directory
+When it comes to run the utility from the custom build catalog things
+become a little bit complicated as 'just run' approach doesn't work.
+Assuming that the current dir is '<your_custom_install_catalog>/usr',
+issuing the following command:
+$ sudo ./bin/cpupower
+will produce the following error output:
+./bin/cpupower: error while loading shared libraries: libcpupower.so.1:
+cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
+The issue is that binary cannot find the 'libcpupower' library. So, we
+shall point to the lib dir:
+sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib64/ ./bin/cpupower
diff --git a/tools/power/cpupower/bench/Makefile b/tools/power/cpupower/bench/Makefile
index a4b902f9e1c4..34e5894476eb 100644
--- a/tools/power/cpupower/bench/Makefile
+++ b/tools/power/cpupower/bench/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ifeq ($(MAKELEVEL),0)
+$(error This Makefile is not intended to be run standalone, but only as a part \
+of the main one in the parent dir)
OUTPUT := ./
ifeq ("$(origin O)", "command line")
ifneq ($(O),)
diff --git a/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/.gitignore b/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..51cbb8799c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
diff --git a/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/Makefile b/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e1ebb1d60cd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+# Makefile for libcpupower's Python bindings
+# This Makefile expects you have already run the makefile for cpupower to build
+# the .o files in the lib directory for the bindings to be created.
+CC := gcc
+HAVE_SWIG := $(shell if which swig >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi)
+HAVE_PYCONFIG := $(shell if which python-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi)
+LIB_DIR := ../../lib
+PY_INCLUDE = $(firstword $(shell python-config --includes))
+OBJECTS_LIB = $(wildcard $(LIB_DIR)/*.o)
+all: _raw_pylibcpupower.so
+_raw_pylibcpupower.so: raw_pylibcpupower_wrap.o
+ $(CC) -shared $(OBJECTS_LIB) raw_pylibcpupower_wrap.o -o _raw_pylibcpupower.so
+raw_pylibcpupower_wrap.o: raw_pylibcpupower_wrap.c
+ $(CC) -fPIC -c raw_pylibcpupower_wrap.c $(PY_INCLUDE)
+raw_pylibcpupower_wrap.c: raw_pylibcpupower.swg
+ifeq ($(HAVE_SWIG),0)
+ $(error "swig was not found. Make sure you have it installed and in the PATH to generate the bindings.")
+else ifeq ($(HAVE_PYCONFIG),0)
+ $(error "python-config was not found. Make sure you have it installed and in the PATH to generate the bindings.")
+ swig -python raw_pylibcpupower.swg
+# Will only clean the bindings folder; will not clean the actual cpupower folder
+ rm -f raw_pylibcpupower.py raw_pylibcpupower_wrap.c raw_pylibcpupower_wrap.o _raw_pylibcpupower.so
diff --git a/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/README b/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0a4bb2581e8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/README
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+This folder contains the necessary files to build the Python bindings for
+libcpupower (aside from the libcpupower object files).
+* You need the object files in the libcpupower directory compiled by
+cpupower's makefile.
+* The SWIG program must be installed.
+* The Python's development libraries installed.
+Please check that your version of SWIG is compatible with the version of Python
+installed on your machine by checking the SWIG changelog on their website.
+Note that while SWIG itself is GPL v3+ licensed; the resulting output,
+the bindings code: is permissively licensed + the license of libcpupower's .o
+files. For these bindings that means GPL v2.
+Please see https://swig.org/legal.html and the discussion [1] for more details.
+Install SWIG and the Python development files provided by your distribution.
+Build the object files for libcpupower by running make in the cpupower
+Return to the directory this README is in to run:
+$ make
+Please verify the _raw_pylibcpupower.so and raw_pylibcpupower.py files have
+been created.
+To run the test script:
+$ python test_raw_pylibcpupower.py
+Original Bindings Author:
+John B. Wyatt IV
+Copyright (C) 2024 Red Hat
diff --git a/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/raw_pylibcpupower.swg b/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/raw_pylibcpupower.swg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..96556d87a745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/raw_pylibcpupower.swg
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
+%module raw_pylibcpupower
+#include "../../lib/cpupower_intern.h"
+#include "../../lib/acpi_cppc.h"
+#include "../../lib/cpufreq.h"
+#include "../../lib/cpuidle.h"
+#include "../../lib/cpupower.h"
+#include "../../lib/powercap.h"
+ * cpupower_intern.h
+ */
+#define PATH_TO_CPU "/sys/devices/system/cpu/"
+#define MAX_LINE_LEN 4096
+#define SYSFS_PATH_MAX 255
+int is_valid_path(const char *path);
+unsigned int cpupower_read_sysfs(const char *path, char *buf, size_t buflen);
+unsigned int cpupower_write_sysfs(const char *path, char *buf, size_t buflen);
+ * acpi_cppc.h
+ */
+enum acpi_cppc_value {
+unsigned long acpi_cppc_get_data(unsigned int cpu,
+ enum acpi_cppc_value which);
+ * cpufreq.h
+ */
+struct cpufreq_policy {
+ unsigned long min;
+ unsigned long max;
+ char *governor;
+struct cpufreq_available_governors {
+ char *governor;
+ struct cpufreq_available_governors *next;
+ struct cpufreq_available_governors *first;
+struct cpufreq_available_frequencies {
+ unsigned long frequency;
+ struct cpufreq_available_frequencies *next;
+ struct cpufreq_available_frequencies *first;
+struct cpufreq_affected_cpus {
+ unsigned int cpu;
+ struct cpufreq_affected_cpus *next;
+ struct cpufreq_affected_cpus *first;
+struct cpufreq_stats {
+ unsigned long frequency;
+ unsigned long long time_in_state;
+ struct cpufreq_stats *next;
+ struct cpufreq_stats *first;
+unsigned long cpufreq_get_freq_kernel(unsigned int cpu);
+unsigned long cpufreq_get_freq_hardware(unsigned int cpu);
+#define cpufreq_get(cpu) cpufreq_get_freq_kernel(cpu);
+unsigned long cpufreq_get_transition_latency(unsigned int cpu);
+int cpufreq_get_hardware_limits(unsigned int cpu,
+ unsigned long *min,
+ unsigned long *max);
+char *cpufreq_get_driver(unsigned int cpu);
+void cpufreq_put_driver(char *ptr);
+struct cpufreq_policy *cpufreq_get_policy(unsigned int cpu);
+void cpufreq_put_policy(struct cpufreq_policy *policy);
+struct cpufreq_available_governors
+*cpufreq_get_available_governors(unsigned int cpu);
+void cpufreq_put_available_governors(
+ struct cpufreq_available_governors *first);
+struct cpufreq_available_frequencies
+*cpufreq_get_available_frequencies(unsigned int cpu);
+void cpufreq_put_available_frequencies(
+ struct cpufreq_available_frequencies *first);
+struct cpufreq_available_frequencies
+*cpufreq_get_boost_frequencies(unsigned int cpu);
+void cpufreq_put_boost_frequencies(
+ struct cpufreq_available_frequencies *first);
+struct cpufreq_affected_cpus *cpufreq_get_affected_cpus(unsigned
+ int cpu);
+void cpufreq_put_affected_cpus(struct cpufreq_affected_cpus *first);
+struct cpufreq_affected_cpus *cpufreq_get_related_cpus(unsigned
+ int cpu);
+void cpufreq_put_related_cpus(struct cpufreq_affected_cpus *first);
+struct cpufreq_stats *cpufreq_get_stats(unsigned int cpu,
+ unsigned long long *total_time);
+void cpufreq_put_stats(struct cpufreq_stats *stats);
+unsigned long cpufreq_get_transitions(unsigned int cpu);
+int cpufreq_set_policy(unsigned int cpu, struct cpufreq_policy *policy);
+int cpufreq_modify_policy_min(unsigned int cpu, unsigned long min_freq);
+int cpufreq_modify_policy_max(unsigned int cpu, unsigned long max_freq);
+int cpufreq_modify_policy_governor(unsigned int cpu, char *governor);
+int cpufreq_set_frequency(unsigned int cpu,
+ unsigned long target_frequency);
+unsigned long cpufreq_get_sysfs_value_from_table(unsigned int cpu,
+ const char **table,
+ unsigned int index,
+ unsigned int size);
+ * cpuidle.h
+ */
+int cpuidle_is_state_disabled(unsigned int cpu,
+ unsigned int idlestate);
+int cpuidle_state_disable(unsigned int cpu, unsigned int idlestate,
+ unsigned int disable);
+unsigned long cpuidle_state_latency(unsigned int cpu,
+ unsigned int idlestate);
+unsigned long cpuidle_state_usage(unsigned int cpu,
+ unsigned int idlestate);
+unsigned long long cpuidle_state_time(unsigned int cpu,
+ unsigned int idlestate);
+char *cpuidle_state_name(unsigned int cpu,
+ unsigned int idlestate);
+char *cpuidle_state_desc(unsigned int cpu,
+ unsigned int idlestate);
+unsigned int cpuidle_state_count(unsigned int cpu);
+char *cpuidle_get_governor(void);
+char *cpuidle_get_driver(void);
+ * cpupower.h
+ */
+struct cpupower_topology {
+ /* Amount of CPU cores, packages and threads per core in the system */
+ unsigned int cores;
+ unsigned int pkgs;
+ unsigned int threads; /* per core */
+ /* Array gets mallocated with cores entries, holding per core info */
+ struct cpuid_core_info *core_info;
+struct cpuid_core_info {
+ int pkg;
+ int core;
+ int cpu;
+ /* flags */
+ unsigned int is_online:1;
+int get_cpu_topology(struct cpupower_topology *cpu_top);
+void cpu_topology_release(struct cpupower_topology cpu_top);
+int cpupower_is_cpu_online(unsigned int cpu);
+ * powercap.h
+ */
+struct powercap_zone {
+ char name[MAX_LINE_LEN];
+ /*
+ * sys_name relative to PATH_TO_POWERCAP,
+ * do not forget the / in between
+ */
+ char sys_name[SYSFS_PATH_MAX];
+ int tree_depth;
+ struct powercap_zone *parent;
+ struct powercap_zone *children[POWERCAP_MAX_CHILD_ZONES];
+ /* More possible caps or attributes to be added? */
+ uint32_t has_power_uw:1,
+ has_energy_uj:1;
+int powercap_walk_zones(struct powercap_zone *zone,
+ int (*f)(struct powercap_zone *zone));
+struct powercap_zone *powercap_init_zones(void);
+int powercap_get_enabled(int *mode);
+int powercap_set_enabled(int mode);
+int powercap_get_driver(char *driver, int buflen);
+int powercap_get_max_energy_range_uj(struct powercap_zone *zone, uint64_t *val);
+int powercap_get_energy_uj(struct powercap_zone *zone, uint64_t *val);
+int powercap_get_max_power_range_uw(struct powercap_zone *zone, uint64_t *val);
+int powercap_get_power_uw(struct powercap_zone *zone, uint64_t *val);
+int powercap_zone_get_enabled(struct powercap_zone *zone, int *mode);
+int powercap_zone_set_enabled(struct powercap_zone *zone, int mode);
diff --git a/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/test_raw_pylibcpupower.py b/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/test_raw_pylibcpupower.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..3d6f62b9556a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/power/cpupower/bindings/python/test_raw_pylibcpupower.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+import raw_pylibcpupower as p
+# Simple function call
+Get cstate count
+cpu_cstates_count = p.cpuidle_state_count(0)
+if cpu_cstates_count > -1:
+ print(f"CPU 0 has {cpu_cstates_count} c-states")
+ print(f"cstate count error: return code: {cpu_cstates_count}")
+Disable cstate (will fail if the above is 0, ex: a virtual machine)
+cstate_disabled = p.cpuidle_state_disable(0, 0, 1)
+if cpu_cstates_count == 0:
+ print(f"CPU 0 has {cpu_cstates_count} c-states")
+ print(f"cstate count error: return code: {cpu_cstates_count}")
+match cstate_disabled:
+ case 0:
+ print(f"CPU state disabled")
+ case -1:
+ print(f"Idlestate not available")
+ case _:
+ print(f"Not documented")
+# Pointer example
+topo = p.cpupower_topology()
+total_cpus = p.get_cpu_topology(topo)
+if total_cpus > 0:
+ print(f"Number of total cpus: {total_cpus} and number of cores: {topo.cores}")
+ print(f"Error: could not get cpu topology")
diff --git a/tools/power/cpupower/lib/cpuidle.c b/tools/power/cpupower/lib/cpuidle.c
index 479c5971aa6d..0ecac009273c 100644
--- a/tools/power/cpupower/lib/cpuidle.c
+++ b/tools/power/cpupower/lib/cpuidle.c
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ enum idlestate_value {
@@ -125,6 +126,7 @@ static const char *idlestate_value_files[MAX_IDLESTATE_VALUE_FILES] = {
[IDLESTATE_USAGE] = "usage",
[IDLESTATE_POWER] = "power",
[IDLESTATE_LATENCY] = "latency",
+ [IDLESTATE_RESIDENCY] = "residency",
[IDLESTATE_TIME] = "time",
[IDLESTATE_DISABLE] = "disable",
@@ -254,6 +256,12 @@ unsigned long cpuidle_state_latency(unsigned int cpu,
return cpuidle_state_get_one_value(cpu, idlestate, IDLESTATE_LATENCY);
+unsigned long cpuidle_state_residency(unsigned int cpu,
+ unsigned int idlestate)
+ return cpuidle_state_get_one_value(cpu, idlestate, IDLESTATE_RESIDENCY);
unsigned long cpuidle_state_usage(unsigned int cpu,
unsigned int idlestate)
diff --git a/tools/power/cpupower/lib/cpuidle.h b/tools/power/cpupower/lib/cpuidle.h
index 2e10fead2e1e..2ab404d40259 100644
--- a/tools/power/cpupower/lib/cpuidle.h
+++ b/tools/power/cpupower/lib/cpuidle.h
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ int cpuidle_state_disable(unsigned int cpu, unsigned int idlestate,
unsigned int disable);
unsigned long cpuidle_state_latency(unsigned int cpu,
unsigned int idlestate);
+unsigned long cpuidle_state_residency(unsigned int cpu,
+ unsigned int idlestate);
unsigned long cpuidle_state_usage(unsigned int cpu,
unsigned int idlestate);
unsigned long long cpuidle_state_time(unsigned int cpu,
diff --git a/tools/power/cpupower/lib/powercap.c b/tools/power/cpupower/lib/powercap.c
index a7a59c6bacda..94a0c69e55ef 100644
--- a/tools/power/cpupower/lib/powercap.c
+++ b/tools/power/cpupower/lib/powercap.c
@@ -78,6 +78,14 @@ int powercap_get_enabled(int *mode)
+ * TODO: implement function. Returns dummy 0 for now.
+ */
+int powercap_set_enabled(int mode)
+ return 0;
* Hardcoded, because rapl is the only powercap implementation
- * this needs to get more generic if more powercap implementations
* should show up
diff --git a/tools/power/cpupower/man/cpupower-monitor.1 b/tools/power/cpupower/man/cpupower-monitor.1
index 8ee737eefa5c..89af019f8dc4 100644
--- a/tools/power/cpupower/man/cpupower-monitor.1
+++ b/tools/power/cpupower/man/cpupower-monitor.1
@@ -81,11 +81,6 @@ Measure idle and frequency characteristics of an arbitrary command/workload.
The executable \fBcommand\fP is forked and upon its exit, statistics gathered since it was
forked are displayed.
-.RS 4
-Increase verbosity if the binary was compiled with the DEBUG option set.
.SS "Idle_Stats"
@@ -172,9 +167,11 @@ displayed.
"BIOS and Kernel Developer’s Guide (BKDG) for AMD Family 14h Processors"
-"Intel® Turbo Boost Technology
-in Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture (Nehalem) Based Processors"
+"What Is Intel® Turbo Boost Technology?"
+"Power Management - Technology Overview"
"Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual
Volume 3B: System Programming Guide"
diff --git a/tools/power/cpupower/utils/cpuidle-info.c b/tools/power/cpupower/utils/cpuidle-info.c
index 44126a87fa7a..e0d17f0de3fe 100644
--- a/tools/power/cpupower/utils/cpuidle-info.c
+++ b/tools/power/cpupower/utils/cpuidle-info.c
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ static void cpuidle_cpu_output(unsigned int cpu, int verbose)
printf(_("Latency: %lu\n"),
cpuidle_state_latency(cpu, idlestate));
+ printf(_("Residency: %lu\n"),
+ cpuidle_state_residency(cpu, idlestate));
printf(_("Usage: %lu\n"),
cpuidle_state_usage(cpu, idlestate));
printf(_("Duration: %llu\n"),
@@ -115,6 +117,8 @@ static void proc_cpuidle_cpu_output(unsigned int cpu)
printf(_("promotion[--] demotion[--] "));
printf(_("latency[%03lu] "),
cpuidle_state_latency(cpu, cstate));
+ printf(_("residency[%05lu] "),
+ cpuidle_state_residency(cpu, cstate));
printf(_("usage[%08lu] "),
cpuidle_state_usage(cpu, cstate));
printf(_("duration[%020Lu] \n"),
diff --git a/tools/power/cpupower/utils/idle_monitor/cpupower-monitor.c b/tools/power/cpupower/utils/idle_monitor/cpupower-monitor.c
index 075e766ff1f3..f746099b5dac 100644
--- a/tools/power/cpupower/utils/idle_monitor/cpupower-monitor.c
+++ b/tools/power/cpupower/utils/idle_monitor/cpupower-monitor.c
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ static unsigned int avail_monitors;
static char *progname;
enum operation_mode_e { list = 1, show, show_all };
-static int mode;
+static enum operation_mode_e mode;
static int interval = 1;
static char *show_monitors_param;
static struct cpupower_topology cpu_top;