path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_webclient.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_webclient.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3144 deletions
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.web.client}.
-import cookielib
-import os
-from errno import ENOSPC
-import zlib
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from urlparse import urlparse, urljoin
-from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.web import server, static, client, error, util, resource, http_headers
-from twisted.web._newclient import RequestNotSent, RequestTransmissionFailed
-from twisted.web._newclient import ResponseNeverReceived, ResponseFailed
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, interfaces, task
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.python.log import msg
-from twisted.python.components import proxyForInterface
-from twisted.protocols.policies import WrappingFactory
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor
-from twisted.internet.task import Clock
-from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionRefusedError, ConnectionDone
-from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory
-from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, succeed
-from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint, SSL4ClientEndpoint
-from twisted.web.client import FileBodyProducer, Request, HTTPConnectionPool
-from twisted.web.client import _WebToNormalContextFactory
-from twisted.web.client import WebClientContextFactory, _HTTP11ClientFactory
-from twisted.web.iweb import UNKNOWN_LENGTH, IBodyProducer, IResponse
-from twisted.web._newclient import HTTP11ClientProtocol, Response
-from twisted.web.error import SchemeNotSupported
- from twisted.internet import ssl
- ssl = None
-class ExtendedRedirect(resource.Resource):
- """
- Redirection resource.
- The HTTP status code is set according to the C{code} query parameter.
- @type lastMethod: C{str}
- @ivar lastMethod: Last handled HTTP request method
- """
- isLeaf = 1
- lastMethod = None
- def __init__(self, url):
- resource.Resource.__init__(self)
- self.url = url
- def render(self, request):
- if self.lastMethod:
- self.lastMethod = request.method
- return "OK Thnx!"
- else:
- self.lastMethod = request.method
- code = int(request.args['code'][0])
- return self.redirectTo(self.url, request, code)
- def getChild(self, name, request):
- return self
- def redirectTo(self, url, request, code):
- request.setResponseCode(code)
- request.setHeader("location", url)
- return "OK Bye!"
-class ForeverTakingResource(resource.Resource):
- """
- L{ForeverTakingResource} is a resource which never finishes responding
- to requests.
- """
- def __init__(self, write=False):
- resource.Resource.__init__(self)
- self._write = write
- def render(self, request):
- if self._write:
- request.write('some bytes')
- return server.NOT_DONE_YET
-class CookieMirrorResource(resource.Resource):
- def render(self, request):
- l = []
- for k,v in request.received_cookies.items():
- l.append((k, v))
- l.sort()
- return repr(l)
-class RawCookieMirrorResource(resource.Resource):
- def render(self, request):
- return repr(request.getHeader('cookie'))
-class ErrorResource(resource.Resource):
- def render(self, request):
- request.setResponseCode(401)
- if request.args.get("showlength"):
- request.setHeader("content-length", "0")
- return ""
-class NoLengthResource(resource.Resource):
- def render(self, request):
- return "nolength"
-class HostHeaderResource(resource.Resource):
- """
- A testing resource which renders itself as the value of the host header
- from the request.
- """
- def render(self, request):
- return request.received_headers['host']
-class PayloadResource(resource.Resource):
- """
- A testing resource which renders itself as the contents of the request body
- as long as the request body is 100 bytes long, otherwise which renders
- itself as C{"ERROR"}.
- """
- def render(self, request):
- data = request.content.read()
- contentLength = request.received_headers['content-length']
- if len(data) != 100 or int(contentLength) != 100:
- return "ERROR"
- return data
-class DelayResource(resource.Resource):
- def __init__(self, seconds):
- self.seconds = seconds
- def render(self, request):
- def response():
- request.write('some bytes')
- request.finish()
- reactor.callLater(self.seconds, response)
- return server.NOT_DONE_YET
-class BrokenDownloadResource(resource.Resource):
- def render(self, request):
- # only sends 3 bytes even though it claims to send 5
- request.setHeader("content-length", "5")
- request.write('abc')
- return ''
-class CountingRedirect(util.Redirect):
- """
- A L{util.Redirect} resource that keeps track of the number of times the
- resource has been accessed.
- """
- def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
- util.Redirect.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
- self.count = 0
- def render(self, request):
- self.count += 1
- return util.Redirect.render(self, request)
-class CountingResource(resource.Resource):
- """
- A resource that keeps track of the number of times it has been accessed.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- resource.Resource.__init__(self)
- self.count = 0
- def render(self, request):
- self.count += 1
- return "Success"
-class ParseUrlTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test URL parsing facility and defaults values.
- """
- def test_parse(self):
- """
- L{client._parse} correctly parses a URL into its various components.
- """
- # The default port for HTTP is 80.
- self.assertEqual(
- client._parse(''),
- ('http', '', 80, '/'))
- # The default port for HTTPS is 443.
- self.assertEqual(
- client._parse(''),
- ('https', '', 443, '/'))
- # Specifying a port.
- self.assertEqual(
- client._parse('http://spam:12345/'),
- ('http', 'spam', 12345, '/'))
- # Weird (but commonly accepted) structure uses default port.
- self.assertEqual(
- client._parse('http://spam:/'),
- ('http', 'spam', 80, '/'))
- # Spaces in the hostname are trimmed, the default path is /.
- self.assertEqual(
- client._parse('http://foo '),
- ('http', 'foo', 80, '/'))
- def test_externalUnicodeInterference(self):
- """
- L{client._parse} should return C{str} for the scheme, host, and path
- elements of its return tuple, even when passed an URL which has
- previously been passed to L{urlparse} as a C{unicode} string.
- """
- badInput = u'http://example.com/path'
- goodInput = badInput.encode('ascii')
- urlparse(badInput)
- scheme, host, port, path = client._parse(goodInput)
- self.assertIsInstance(scheme, str)
- self.assertIsInstance(host, str)
- self.assertIsInstance(path, str)
-class HTTPPageGetterTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{HTTPPagerGetter}, the HTTP client protocol implementation
- used to implement L{getPage}.
- """
- def test_earlyHeaders(self):
- """
- When a connection is made, L{HTTPPagerGetter} sends the headers from
- its factory's C{headers} dict. If I{Host} or I{Content-Length} is
- present in this dict, the values are not sent, since they are sent with
- special values before the C{headers} dict is processed. If
- I{User-Agent} is present in the dict, it overrides the value of the
- C{agent} attribute of the factory. If I{Cookie} is present in the
- dict, its value is added to the values from the factory's C{cookies}
- attribute.
- """
- factory = client.HTTPClientFactory(
- 'http://foo/bar',
- agent="foobar",
- cookies={'baz': 'quux'},
- postdata="some data",
- headers={
- 'Host': 'example.net',
- 'User-Agent': 'fooble',
- 'Cookie': 'blah blah',
- 'Content-Length': '12981',
- 'Useful': 'value'})
- transport = StringTransport()
- protocol = client.HTTPPageGetter()
- protocol.factory = factory
- protocol.makeConnection(transport)
- self.assertEqual(
- transport.value(),
- "GET /bar HTTP/1.0\r\n"
- "Host: example.net\r\n"
- "User-Agent: foobar\r\n"
- "Content-Length: 9\r\n"
- "Useful: value\r\n"
- "connection: close\r\n"
- "Cookie: blah blah; baz=quux\r\n"
- "\r\n"
- "some data")
-class GetBodyProtocol(Protocol):
- def __init__(self, deferred):
- self.deferred = deferred
- self.buf = ''
- def dataReceived(self, bytes):
- self.buf += bytes
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self.deferred.callback(self.buf)
-def getBody(response):
- d = defer.Deferred()
- response.deliverBody(GetBodyProtocol(d))
- return d
-class WebClientTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def _listen(self, site):
- return reactor.listenTCP(0, site, interface="")
- def setUp(self):
- self.agent = None # for twisted.web.client.Agent test
- self.cleanupServerConnections = 0
- name = self.mktemp()
- os.mkdir(name)
- FilePath(name).child("file").setContent("0123456789")
- r = static.File(name)
- r.putChild("redirect", util.Redirect("/file"))
- self.infiniteRedirectResource = CountingRedirect("/infiniteRedirect")
- r.putChild("infiniteRedirect", self.infiniteRedirectResource)
- r.putChild("wait", ForeverTakingResource())
- r.putChild("write-then-wait", ForeverTakingResource(write=True))
- r.putChild("error", ErrorResource())
- r.putChild("nolength", NoLengthResource())
- r.putChild("host", HostHeaderResource())
- r.putChild("payload", PayloadResource())
- r.putChild("broken", BrokenDownloadResource())
- r.putChild("cookiemirror", CookieMirrorResource())
- r.putChild('delay1', DelayResource(1))
- r.putChild('delay2', DelayResource(2))
- self.afterFoundGetCounter = CountingResource()
- r.putChild("afterFoundGetCounter", self.afterFoundGetCounter)
- r.putChild("afterFoundGetRedirect", util.Redirect("/afterFoundGetCounter"))
- miscasedHead = static.Data("miscased-head GET response content", "major/minor")
- miscasedHead.render_Head = lambda request: "miscased-head content"
- r.putChild("miscased-head", miscasedHead)
- self.extendedRedirect = ExtendedRedirect('/extendedRedirect')
- r.putChild("extendedRedirect", self.extendedRedirect)
- self.site = server.Site(r, timeout=None)
- self.wrapper = WrappingFactory(self.site)
- self.port = self._listen(self.wrapper)
- self.portno = self.port.getHost().port
- def tearDown(self):
- if self.agent:
- # clean up connections for twisted.web.client.Agent test.
- self.agent.closeCachedConnections()
- self.agent = None
- # If the test indicated it might leave some server-side connections
- # around, clean them up.
- connections = self.wrapper.protocols.keys()
- # If there are fewer server-side connections than requested,
- # that's okay. Some might have noticed that the client closed
- # the connection and cleaned up after themselves.
- for n in range(min(len(connections), self.cleanupServerConnections)):
- proto = connections.pop()
- msg("Closing %r" % (proto,))
- proto.transport.loseConnection()
- if connections:
- msg("Some left-over connections; this test is probably buggy.")
- return self.port.stopListening()
- def getURL(self, path):
- host = "" % self.portno
- return urljoin(host, path)
- def testPayload(self):
- s = "0123456789" * 10
- return client.getPage(self.getURL("payload"), postdata=s
- ).addCallback(self.assertEqual, s
- )
- def test_getPageBrokenDownload(self):
- """
- If the connection is closed before the number of bytes indicated by
- I{Content-Length} have been received, the L{Deferred} returned by
- L{getPage} fails with L{PartialDownloadError}.
- """
- d = client.getPage(self.getURL("broken"))
- d = self.assertFailure(d, client.PartialDownloadError)
- d.addCallback(lambda exc: self.assertEqual(exc.response, "abc"))
- return d
- def test_downloadPageBrokenDownload(self):
- """
- If the connection is closed before the number of bytes indicated by
- I{Content-Length} have been received, the L{Deferred} returned by
- L{downloadPage} fails with L{PartialDownloadError}.
- """
- # test what happens when download gets disconnected in the middle
- path = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- d = client.downloadPage(self.getURL("broken"), path.path)
- d = self.assertFailure(d, client.PartialDownloadError)
- def checkResponse(response):
- """
- The HTTP status code from the server is propagated through the
- C{PartialDownloadError}.
- """
- self.assertEqual(response.status, "200")
- self.assertEqual(response.message, "OK")
- return response
- d.addCallback(checkResponse)
- def cbFailed(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(path.getContent(), "abc")
- d.addCallback(cbFailed)
- return d
- def test_downloadPageLogsFileCloseError(self):
- """
- If there is an exception closing the file being written to after the
- connection is prematurely closed, that exception is logged.
- """
- class BrokenFile:
- def write(self, bytes):
- pass
- def close(self):
- raise IOError(ENOSPC, "No file left on device")
- d = client.downloadPage(self.getURL("broken"), BrokenFile())
- d = self.assertFailure(d, client.PartialDownloadError)
- def cbFailed(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(len(self.flushLoggedErrors(IOError)), 1)
- d.addCallback(cbFailed)
- return d
- def testHostHeader(self):
- # if we pass Host header explicitly, it should be used, otherwise
- # it should extract from url
- return defer.gatherResults([
- client.getPage(self.getURL("host")).addCallback(self.assertEqual, "" % (self.portno,)),
- client.getPage(self.getURL("host"), headers={"Host": "www.example.com"}).addCallback(self.assertEqual, "www.example.com")])
- def test_getPage(self):
- """
- L{client.getPage} returns a L{Deferred} which is called back with
- the body of the response if the default method B{GET} is used.
- """
- d = client.getPage(self.getURL("file"))
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "0123456789")
- return d
- def test_getPageHEAD(self):
- """
- L{client.getPage} returns a L{Deferred} which is called back with
- the empty string if the method is I{HEAD} and there is a successful
- response code.
- """
- d = client.getPage(self.getURL("file"), method="HEAD")
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "")
- return d
- def test_getPageNotQuiteHEAD(self):
- """
- If the request method is a different casing of I{HEAD} (ie, not all
- capitalized) then it is not a I{HEAD} request and the response body
- is returned.
- """
- d = client.getPage(self.getURL("miscased-head"), method='Head')
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "miscased-head content")
- return d
- def test_timeoutNotTriggering(self):
- """
- When a non-zero timeout is passed to L{getPage} and the page is
- retrieved before the timeout period elapses, the L{Deferred} is
- called back with the contents of the page.
- """
- d = client.getPage(self.getURL("host"), timeout=100)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "" % (self.portno,))
- return d
- def test_timeoutTriggering(self):
- """
- When a non-zero timeout is passed to L{getPage} and that many
- seconds elapse before the server responds to the request. the
- L{Deferred} is errbacked with a L{error.TimeoutError}.
- """
- # This will probably leave some connections around.
- self.cleanupServerConnections = 1
- return self.assertFailure(
- client.getPage(self.getURL("wait"), timeout=0.000001),
- defer.TimeoutError)
- def testDownloadPage(self):
- downloads = []
- downloadData = [("file", self.mktemp(), "0123456789"),
- ("nolength", self.mktemp(), "nolength")]
- for (url, name, data) in downloadData:
- d = client.downloadPage(self.getURL(url), name)
- d.addCallback(self._cbDownloadPageTest, data, name)
- downloads.append(d)
- return defer.gatherResults(downloads)
- def _cbDownloadPageTest(self, ignored, data, name):
- bytes = file(name, "rb").read()
- self.assertEqual(bytes, data)
- def testDownloadPageError1(self):
- class errorfile:
- def write(self, data):
- raise IOError, "badness happened during write"
- def close(self):
- pass
- ef = errorfile()
- return self.assertFailure(
- client.downloadPage(self.getURL("file"), ef),
- IOError)
- def testDownloadPageError2(self):
- class errorfile:
- def write(self, data):
- pass
- def close(self):
- raise IOError, "badness happened during close"
- ef = errorfile()
- return self.assertFailure(
- client.downloadPage(self.getURL("file"), ef),
- IOError)
- def testDownloadPageError3(self):
- # make sure failures in open() are caught too. This is tricky.
- # Might only work on posix.
- tmpfile = open("unwritable", "wb")
- tmpfile.close()
- os.chmod("unwritable", 0) # make it unwritable (to us)
- d = self.assertFailure(
- client.downloadPage(self.getURL("file"), "unwritable"),
- IOError)
- d.addBoth(self._cleanupDownloadPageError3)
- return d
- def _cleanupDownloadPageError3(self, ignored):
- os.chmod("unwritable", 0700)
- os.unlink("unwritable")
- return ignored
- def _downloadTest(self, method):
- dl = []
- for (url, code) in [("nosuchfile", "404"), ("error", "401"),
- ("error?showlength=1", "401")]:
- d = method(url)
- d = self.assertFailure(d, error.Error)
- d.addCallback(lambda exc, code=code: self.assertEqual(exc.args[0], code))
- dl.append(d)
- return defer.DeferredList(dl, fireOnOneErrback=True)
- def testServerError(self):
- return self._downloadTest(lambda url: client.getPage(self.getURL(url)))
- def testDownloadServerError(self):
- return self._downloadTest(lambda url: client.downloadPage(self.getURL(url), url.split('?')[0]))
- def testFactoryInfo(self):
- url = self.getURL('file')
- scheme, host, port, path = client._parse(url)
- factory = client.HTTPClientFactory(url)
- reactor.connectTCP(host, port, factory)
- return factory.deferred.addCallback(self._cbFactoryInfo, factory)
- def _cbFactoryInfo(self, ignoredResult, factory):
- self.assertEqual(factory.status, '200')
- self.assert_(factory.version.startswith('HTTP/'))
- self.assertEqual(factory.message, 'OK')
- self.assertEqual(factory.response_headers['content-length'][0], '10')
- def test_followRedirect(self):
- """
- By default, L{client.getPage} follows redirects and returns the content
- of the target resource.
- """
- d = client.getPage(self.getURL("redirect"))
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "0123456789")
- return d
- def test_noFollowRedirect(self):
- """
- If C{followRedirect} is passed a false value, L{client.getPage} does not
- follow redirects and returns a L{Deferred} which fails with
- L{error.PageRedirect} when it encounters one.
- """
- d = self.assertFailure(
- client.getPage(self.getURL("redirect"), followRedirect=False),
- error.PageRedirect)
- d.addCallback(self._cbCheckLocation)
- return d
- def _cbCheckLocation(self, exc):
- self.assertEqual(exc.location, "/file")
- def test_infiniteRedirection(self):
- """
- When more than C{redirectLimit} HTTP redirects are encountered, the
- page request fails with L{InfiniteRedirection}.
- """
- def checkRedirectCount(*a):
- self.assertEqual(f._redirectCount, 13)
- self.assertEqual(self.infiniteRedirectResource.count, 13)
- f = client._makeGetterFactory(
- self.getURL('infiniteRedirect'),
- client.HTTPClientFactory,
- redirectLimit=13)
- d = self.assertFailure(f.deferred, error.InfiniteRedirection)
- d.addCallback(checkRedirectCount)
- return d
- def test_isolatedFollowRedirect(self):
- """
- C{client.HTTPPagerGetter} instances each obey the C{followRedirect}
- value passed to the L{client.getPage} call which created them.
- """
- d1 = client.getPage(self.getURL('redirect'), followRedirect=True)
- d2 = client.getPage(self.getURL('redirect'), followRedirect=False)
- d = self.assertFailure(d2, error.PageRedirect
- ).addCallback(lambda dummy: d1)
- return d
- def test_afterFoundGet(self):
- """
- Enabling unsafe redirection behaviour overwrites the method of
- redirected C{POST} requests with C{GET}.
- """
- url = self.getURL('extendedRedirect?code=302')
- f = client.HTTPClientFactory(url, followRedirect=True, method="POST")
- self.assertFalse(
- f.afterFoundGet,
- "By default, afterFoundGet must be disabled")
- def gotPage(page):
- self.assertEqual(
- self.extendedRedirect.lastMethod,
- "GET",
- "With afterFoundGet, the HTTP method must change to GET")
- d = client.getPage(
- url, followRedirect=True, afterFoundGet=True, method="POST")
- d.addCallback(gotPage)
- return d
- def test_downloadAfterFoundGet(self):
- """
- Passing C{True} for C{afterFoundGet} to L{client.downloadPage} invokes
- the same kind of redirect handling as passing that argument to
- L{client.getPage} invokes.
- """
- url = self.getURL('extendedRedirect?code=302')
- def gotPage(page):
- self.assertEqual(
- self.extendedRedirect.lastMethod,
- "GET",
- "With afterFoundGet, the HTTP method must change to GET")
- d = client.downloadPage(url, "downloadTemp",
- followRedirect=True, afterFoundGet=True, method="POST")
- d.addCallback(gotPage)
- return d
- def test_afterFoundGetMakesOneRequest(self):
- """
- When C{afterFoundGet} is C{True}, L{client.getPage} only issues one
- request to the server when following the redirect. This is a regression
- test, see #4760.
- """
- def checkRedirectCount(*a):
- self.assertEqual(self.afterFoundGetCounter.count, 1)
- url = self.getURL('afterFoundGetRedirect')
- d = client.getPage(
- url, followRedirect=True, afterFoundGet=True, method="POST")
- d.addCallback(checkRedirectCount)
- return d
- def testPartial(self):
- name = self.mktemp()
- f = open(name, "wb")
- f.write("abcd")
- f.close()
- partialDownload = [(True, "abcd456789"),
- (True, "abcd456789"),
- (False, "0123456789")]
- d = defer.succeed(None)
- for (partial, expectedData) in partialDownload:
- d.addCallback(self._cbRunPartial, name, partial)
- d.addCallback(self._cbPartialTest, expectedData, name)
- return d
- testPartial.skip = "Cannot test until webserver can serve partial data properly"
- def _cbRunPartial(self, ignored, name, partial):
- return client.downloadPage(self.getURL("file"), name, supportPartial=partial)
- def _cbPartialTest(self, ignored, expectedData, filename):
- bytes = file(filename, "rb").read()
- self.assertEqual(bytes, expectedData)
- def test_downloadTimeout(self):
- """
- If the timeout indicated by the C{timeout} parameter to
- L{client.HTTPDownloader.__init__} elapses without the complete response
- being received, the L{defer.Deferred} returned by
- L{client.downloadPage} fires with a L{Failure} wrapping a
- L{defer.TimeoutError}.
- """
- self.cleanupServerConnections = 2
- # Verify the behavior if no bytes are ever written.
- first = client.downloadPage(
- self.getURL("wait"),
- self.mktemp(), timeout=0.01)
- # Verify the behavior if some bytes are written but then the request
- # never completes.
- second = client.downloadPage(
- self.getURL("write-then-wait"),
- self.mktemp(), timeout=0.01)
- return defer.gatherResults([
- self.assertFailure(first, defer.TimeoutError),
- self.assertFailure(second, defer.TimeoutError)])
- def test_downloadHeaders(self):
- """
- After L{client.HTTPDownloader.deferred} fires, the
- L{client.HTTPDownloader} instance's C{status} and C{response_headers}
- attributes are populated with the values from the response.
- """
- def checkHeaders(factory):
- self.assertEqual(factory.status, '200')
- self.assertEqual(factory.response_headers['content-type'][0], 'text/html')
- self.assertEqual(factory.response_headers['content-length'][0], '10')
- os.unlink(factory.fileName)
- factory = client._makeGetterFactory(
- self.getURL('file'),
- client.HTTPDownloader,
- fileOrName=self.mktemp())
- return factory.deferred.addCallback(lambda _: checkHeaders(factory))
- def test_downloadCookies(self):
- """
- The C{cookies} dict passed to the L{client.HTTPDownloader}
- initializer is used to populate the I{Cookie} header included in the
- request sent to the server.
- """
- output = self.mktemp()
- factory = client._makeGetterFactory(
- self.getURL('cookiemirror'),
- client.HTTPDownloader,
- fileOrName=output,
- cookies={'foo': 'bar'})
- def cbFinished(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(
- FilePath(output).getContent(),
- "[('foo', 'bar')]")
- factory.deferred.addCallback(cbFinished)
- return factory.deferred
- def test_downloadRedirectLimit(self):
- """
- When more than C{redirectLimit} HTTP redirects are encountered, the
- page request fails with L{InfiniteRedirection}.
- """
- def checkRedirectCount(*a):
- self.assertEqual(f._redirectCount, 7)
- self.assertEqual(self.infiniteRedirectResource.count, 7)
- f = client._makeGetterFactory(
- self.getURL('infiniteRedirect'),
- client.HTTPDownloader,
- fileOrName=self.mktemp(),
- redirectLimit=7)
- d = self.assertFailure(f.deferred, error.InfiniteRedirection)
- d.addCallback(checkRedirectCount)
- return d
-class WebClientSSLTestCase(WebClientTestCase):
- def _listen(self, site):
- from twisted import test
- return reactor.listenSSL(0, site,
- contextFactory=ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory(
- FilePath(test.__file__).sibling('server.pem').path,
- FilePath(test.__file__).sibling('server.pem').path,
- ),
- interface="")
- def getURL(self, path):
- return "" % (self.portno, path)
- def testFactoryInfo(self):
- url = self.getURL('file')
- scheme, host, port, path = client._parse(url)
- factory = client.HTTPClientFactory(url)
- reactor.connectSSL(host, port, factory, ssl.ClientContextFactory())
- # The base class defines _cbFactoryInfo correctly for this
- return factory.deferred.addCallback(self._cbFactoryInfo, factory)
-class WebClientRedirectBetweenSSLandPlainText(unittest.TestCase):
- def getHTTPS(self, path):
- return "" % (self.tlsPortno, path)
- def getHTTP(self, path):
- return "" % (self.plainPortno, path)
- def setUp(self):
- plainRoot = static.Data('not me', 'text/plain')
- tlsRoot = static.Data('me neither', 'text/plain')
- plainSite = server.Site(plainRoot, timeout=None)
- tlsSite = server.Site(tlsRoot, timeout=None)
- from twisted import test
- self.tlsPort = reactor.listenSSL(0, tlsSite,
- contextFactory=ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory(
- FilePath(test.__file__).sibling('server.pem').path,
- FilePath(test.__file__).sibling('server.pem').path,
- ),
- interface="")
- self.plainPort = reactor.listenTCP(0, plainSite, interface="")
- self.plainPortno = self.plainPort.getHost().port
- self.tlsPortno = self.tlsPort.getHost().port
- plainRoot.putChild('one', util.Redirect(self.getHTTPS('two')))
- tlsRoot.putChild('two', util.Redirect(self.getHTTP('three')))
- plainRoot.putChild('three', util.Redirect(self.getHTTPS('four')))
- tlsRoot.putChild('four', static.Data('FOUND IT!', 'text/plain'))
- def tearDown(self):
- ds = map(defer.maybeDeferred,
- [self.plainPort.stopListening, self.tlsPort.stopListening])
- return defer.gatherResults(ds)
- def testHoppingAround(self):
- return client.getPage(self.getHTTP("one")
- ).addCallback(self.assertEqual, "FOUND IT!"
- )
-class FakeTransport:
- disconnecting = False
- def __init__(self):
- self.data = []
- def write(self, stuff):
- self.data.append(stuff)
-class CookieTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def _listen(self, site):
- return reactor.listenTCP(0, site, interface="")
- def setUp(self):
- root = static.Data('El toro!', 'text/plain')
- root.putChild("cookiemirror", CookieMirrorResource())
- root.putChild("rawcookiemirror", RawCookieMirrorResource())
- site = server.Site(root, timeout=None)
- self.port = self._listen(site)
- self.portno = self.port.getHost().port
- def tearDown(self):
- return self.port.stopListening()
- def getHTTP(self, path):
- return "" % (self.portno, path)
- def testNoCookies(self):
- return client.getPage(self.getHTTP("cookiemirror")
- ).addCallback(self.assertEqual, "[]"
- )
- def testSomeCookies(self):
- cookies = {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}
- return client.getPage(self.getHTTP("cookiemirror"), cookies=cookies
- ).addCallback(self.assertEqual, "[('baz', 'quux'), ('foo', 'bar')]"
- )
- def testRawNoCookies(self):
- return client.getPage(self.getHTTP("rawcookiemirror")
- ).addCallback(self.assertEqual, "None"
- )
- def testRawSomeCookies(self):
- cookies = {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}
- return client.getPage(self.getHTTP("rawcookiemirror"), cookies=cookies
- ).addCallback(self.assertEqual, "'foo=bar; baz=quux'"
- )
- def testCookieHeaderParsing(self):
- factory = client.HTTPClientFactory('http://foo.example.com/')
- proto = factory.buildProtocol('')
- proto.transport = FakeTransport()
- proto.connectionMade()
- for line in [
- '200 Ok',
- 'Squash: yes',
- 'Hands: stolen',
- 'Set-Cookie: CUSTOMER=WILE_E_COYOTE; path=/; expires=Wednesday, 09-Nov-99 23:12:40 GMT',
- 'Set-Cookie: PART_NUMBER=ROCKET_LAUNCHER_0001; path=/',
- 'Set-Cookie: SHIPPING=FEDEX; path=/foo',
- '',
- 'body',
- 'more body',
- ]:
- proto.dataReceived(line + '\r\n')
- self.assertEqual(proto.transport.data,
- ['GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n',
- 'Host: foo.example.com\r\n',
- 'User-Agent: Twisted PageGetter\r\n',
- '\r\n'])
- self.assertEqual(factory.cookies,
- {
- })
-class TestHostHeader(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test that L{HTTPClientFactory} includes the port in the host header
- if needed.
- """
- def _getHost(self, bytes):
- """
- Retrieve the value of the I{Host} header from the serialized
- request given by C{bytes}.
- """
- for line in bytes.splitlines():
- try:
- name, value = line.split(':', 1)
- if name.strip().lower() == 'host':
- return value.strip()
- except ValueError:
- pass
- def test_HTTPDefaultPort(self):
- """
- No port should be included in the host header when connecting to the
- default HTTP port.
- """
- factory = client.HTTPClientFactory('http://foo.example.com/')
- proto = factory.buildProtocol('')
- proto.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- self.assertEqual(self._getHost(proto.transport.value()),
- 'foo.example.com')
- def test_HTTPPort80(self):
- """
- No port should be included in the host header when connecting to the
- default HTTP port even if it is in the URL.
- """
- factory = client.HTTPClientFactory('http://foo.example.com:80/')
- proto = factory.buildProtocol('')
- proto.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- self.assertEqual(self._getHost(proto.transport.value()),
- 'foo.example.com')
- def test_HTTPNotPort80(self):
- """
- The port should be included in the host header when connecting to the
- a non default HTTP port.
- """
- factory = client.HTTPClientFactory('http://foo.example.com:8080/')
- proto = factory.buildProtocol('')
- proto.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- self.assertEqual(self._getHost(proto.transport.value()),
- 'foo.example.com:8080')
- def test_HTTPSDefaultPort(self):
- """
- No port should be included in the host header when connecting to the
- default HTTPS port.
- """
- factory = client.HTTPClientFactory('https://foo.example.com/')
- proto = factory.buildProtocol('')
- proto.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- self.assertEqual(self._getHost(proto.transport.value()),
- 'foo.example.com')
- def test_HTTPSPort443(self):
- """
- No port should be included in the host header when connecting to the
- default HTTPS port even if it is in the URL.
- """
- factory = client.HTTPClientFactory('https://foo.example.com:443/')
- proto = factory.buildProtocol('')
- proto.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- self.assertEqual(self._getHost(proto.transport.value()),
- 'foo.example.com')
- def test_HTTPSNotPort443(self):
- """
- The port should be included in the host header when connecting to the
- a non default HTTPS port.
- """
- factory = client.HTTPClientFactory('http://foo.example.com:8080/')
- proto = factory.buildProtocol('')
- proto.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- self.assertEqual(self._getHost(proto.transport.value()),
- 'foo.example.com:8080')
-class StubHTTPProtocol(Protocol):
- """
- A protocol like L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} but which does not actually know
- HTTP/1.1 and only collects requests in a list.
- @ivar requests: A C{list} of two-tuples. Each time a request is made, a
- tuple consisting of the request and the L{Deferred} returned from the
- request method is appended to this list.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.requests = []
- self.state = 'QUIESCENT'
- def request(self, request):
- """
- Capture the given request for later inspection.
- @return: A L{Deferred} which this code will never fire.
- """
- result = Deferred()
- self.requests.append((request, result))
- return result
-class FileConsumer(object):
- def __init__(self, outputFile):
- self.outputFile = outputFile
- def write(self, bytes):
- self.outputFile.write(bytes)
-class FileBodyProducerTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the L{FileBodyProducer} which reads bytes from a file and writes
- them to an L{IConsumer}.
- """
- _NO_RESULT = object()
- def _resultNow(self, deferred):
- """
- Return the current result of C{deferred} if it is not a failure. If it
- has no result, return C{self._NO_RESULT}. If it is a failure, raise an
- exception.
- """
- result = []
- failure = []
- deferred.addCallbacks(result.append, failure.append)
- if len(result) == 1:
- return result[0]
- elif len(failure) == 1:
- raise Exception(
- "Deferred had failure instead of success: %r" % (failure[0],))
- return self._NO_RESULT
- def _failureNow(self, deferred):
- """
- Return the current result of C{deferred} if it is a failure. If it has
- no result, return C{self._NO_RESULT}. If it is not a failure, raise an
- exception.
- """
- result = []
- failure = []
- deferred.addCallbacks(result.append, failure.append)
- if len(result) == 1:
- raise Exception(
- "Deferred had success instead of failure: %r" % (result[0],))
- elif len(failure) == 1:
- return failure[0]
- return self._NO_RESULT
- def _termination(self):
- """
- This method can be used as the C{terminationPredicateFactory} for a
- L{Cooperator}. It returns a predicate which immediately returns
- C{False}, indicating that no more work should be done this iteration.
- This has the result of only allowing one iteration of a cooperative
- task to be run per L{Cooperator} iteration.
- """
- return lambda: True
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a L{Cooperator} hooked up to an easily controlled, deterministic
- scheduler to use with L{FileBodyProducer}.
- """
- self._scheduled = []
- self.cooperator = task.Cooperator(
- self._termination, self._scheduled.append)
- def test_interface(self):
- """
- L{FileBodyProducer} instances provide L{IBodyProducer}.
- """
- self.assertTrue(verifyObject(
- IBodyProducer, FileBodyProducer(StringIO(""))))
- def test_unknownLength(self):
- """
- If the L{FileBodyProducer} is constructed with a file-like object
- without either a C{seek} or C{tell} method, its C{length} attribute is
- """
- class HasSeek(object):
- def seek(self, offset, whence):
- pass
- class HasTell(object):
- def tell(self):
- pass
- producer = FileBodyProducer(HasSeek())
- self.assertEqual(UNKNOWN_LENGTH, producer.length)
- producer = FileBodyProducer(HasTell())
- self.assertEqual(UNKNOWN_LENGTH, producer.length)
- def test_knownLength(self):
- """
- If the L{FileBodyProducer} is constructed with a file-like object with
- both C{seek} and C{tell} methods, its C{length} attribute is set to the
- size of the file as determined by those methods.
- """
- inputBytes = "here are some bytes"
- inputFile = StringIO(inputBytes)
- inputFile.seek(5)
- producer = FileBodyProducer(inputFile)
- self.assertEqual(len(inputBytes) - 5, producer.length)
- self.assertEqual(inputFile.tell(), 5)
- def test_defaultCooperator(self):
- """
- If no L{Cooperator} instance is passed to L{FileBodyProducer}, the
- global cooperator is used.
- """
- producer = FileBodyProducer(StringIO(""))
- self.assertEqual(task.cooperate, producer._cooperate)
- def test_startProducing(self):
- """
- L{FileBodyProducer.startProducing} starts writing bytes from the input
- file to the given L{IConsumer} and returns a L{Deferred} which fires
- when they have all been written.
- """
- expectedResult = "hello, world"
- readSize = 3
- output = StringIO()
- consumer = FileConsumer(output)
- producer = FileBodyProducer(
- StringIO(expectedResult), self.cooperator, readSize)
- complete = producer.startProducing(consumer)
- for i in range(len(expectedResult) // readSize + 1):
- self._scheduled.pop(0)()
- self.assertEqual([], self._scheduled)
- self.assertEqual(expectedResult, output.getvalue())
- self.assertEqual(None, self._resultNow(complete))
- def test_inputClosedAtEOF(self):
- """
- When L{FileBodyProducer} reaches end-of-file on the input file given to
- it, the input file is closed.
- """
- readSize = 4
- inputBytes = "some friendly bytes"
- inputFile = StringIO(inputBytes)
- producer = FileBodyProducer(inputFile, self.cooperator, readSize)
- consumer = FileConsumer(StringIO())
- producer.startProducing(consumer)
- for i in range(len(inputBytes) // readSize + 2):
- self._scheduled.pop(0)()
- self.assertTrue(inputFile.closed)
- def test_failedReadWhileProducing(self):
- """
- If a read from the input file fails while producing bytes to the
- consumer, the L{Deferred} returned by
- L{FileBodyProducer.startProducing} fires with a L{Failure} wrapping
- that exception.
- """
- class BrokenFile(object):
- def read(self, count):
- raise IOError("Simulated bad thing")
- producer = FileBodyProducer(BrokenFile(), self.cooperator)
- complete = producer.startProducing(FileConsumer(StringIO()))
- self._scheduled.pop(0)()
- self._failureNow(complete).trap(IOError)
- def test_stopProducing(self):
- """
- L{FileBodyProducer.stopProducing} stops the underlying L{IPullProducer}
- and the cooperative task responsible for calling C{resumeProducing} and
- closes the input file but does not cause the L{Deferred} returned by
- C{startProducing} to fire.
- """
- expectedResult = "hello, world"
- readSize = 3
- output = StringIO()
- consumer = FileConsumer(output)
- inputFile = StringIO(expectedResult)
- producer = FileBodyProducer(
- inputFile, self.cooperator, readSize)
- complete = producer.startProducing(consumer)
- producer.stopProducing()
- self.assertTrue(inputFile.closed)
- self._scheduled.pop(0)()
- self.assertEqual("", output.getvalue())
- self.assertIdentical(self._NO_RESULT, self._resultNow(complete))
- def test_pauseProducing(self):
- """
- L{FileBodyProducer.pauseProducing} temporarily suspends writing bytes
- from the input file to the given L{IConsumer}.
- """
- expectedResult = "hello, world"
- readSize = 5
- output = StringIO()
- consumer = FileConsumer(output)
- producer = FileBodyProducer(
- StringIO(expectedResult), self.cooperator, readSize)
- complete = producer.startProducing(consumer)
- self._scheduled.pop(0)()
- self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), expectedResult[:5])
- producer.pauseProducing()
- # Sort of depends on an implementation detail of Cooperator: even
- # though the only task is paused, there's still a scheduled call. If
- # this were to go away because Cooperator became smart enough to cancel
- # this call in this case, that would be fine.
- self._scheduled.pop(0)()
- # Since the producer is paused, no new data should be here.
- self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), expectedResult[:5])
- self.assertEqual([], self._scheduled)
- self.assertIdentical(self._NO_RESULT, self._resultNow(complete))
- def test_resumeProducing(self):
- """
- L{FileBodyProducer.resumeProducing} re-commences writing bytes from the
- input file to the given L{IConsumer} after it was previously paused
- with L{FileBodyProducer.pauseProducing}.
- """
- expectedResult = "hello, world"
- readSize = 5
- output = StringIO()
- consumer = FileConsumer(output)
- producer = FileBodyProducer(
- StringIO(expectedResult), self.cooperator, readSize)
- producer.startProducing(consumer)
- self._scheduled.pop(0)()
- self.assertEqual(expectedResult[:readSize], output.getvalue())
- producer.pauseProducing()
- producer.resumeProducing()
- self._scheduled.pop(0)()
- self.assertEqual(expectedResult[:readSize * 2], output.getvalue())
-class FakeReactorAndConnectMixin:
- """
- A test mixin providing a testable C{Reactor} class and a dummy C{connect}
- method which allows instances to pretend to be endpoints.
- """
- class Reactor(MemoryReactor, Clock):
- def __init__(self):
- MemoryReactor.__init__(self)
- Clock.__init__(self)
- class StubEndpoint(object):
- """
- Endpoint that wraps existing endpoint, substitutes StubHTTPProtocol, and
- resulting protocol instances are attached to the given test case.
- """
- def __init__(self, endpoint, testCase):
- self.endpoint = endpoint
- self.testCase = testCase
- self.factory = _HTTP11ClientFactory(lambda p: None)
- self.protocol = StubHTTPProtocol()
- self.factory.buildProtocol = lambda addr: self.protocol
- def connect(self, ignoredFactory):
- self.testCase.protocol = self.protocol
- self.endpoint.connect(self.factory)
- return succeed(self.protocol)
- def buildAgentForWrapperTest(self, reactor):
- """
- Return an Agent suitable for use in tests that wrap the Agent and want
- both a fake reactor and StubHTTPProtocol.
- """
- agent = client.Agent(reactor)
- _oldGetEndpoint = agent._getEndpoint
- agent._getEndpoint = lambda *args: (
- self.StubEndpoint(_oldGetEndpoint(*args), self))
- return agent
- def connect(self, factory):
- """
- Fake implementation of an endpoint which synchronously
- succeeds with an instance of L{StubHTTPProtocol} for ease of
- testing.
- """
- protocol = StubHTTPProtocol()
- protocol.makeConnection(None)
- self.protocol = protocol
- return succeed(protocol)
-class DummyEndpoint(object):
- """
- An endpoint that uses a fake transport.
- """
- def connect(self, factory):
- protocol = factory.buildProtocol(None)
- protocol.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- return succeed(protocol)
-class BadEndpoint(object):
- """
- An endpoint that shouldn't be called.
- """
- def connect(self, factory):
- raise RuntimeError("This endpoint should not have been used.")
-class DummyFactory(Factory):
- """
- Create C{StubHTTPProtocol} instances.
- """
- def __init__(self, quiescentCallback):
- pass
- protocol = StubHTTPProtocol
-class HTTPConnectionPoolTests(unittest.TestCase, FakeReactorAndConnectMixin):
- """
- Tests for the L{HTTPConnectionPool} class.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.fakeReactor = self.Reactor()
- self.pool = HTTPConnectionPool(self.fakeReactor)
- self.pool._factory = DummyFactory
- # The retry code path is tested in HTTPConnectionPoolRetryTests:
- self.pool.retryAutomatically = False
- def test_getReturnsNewIfCacheEmpty(self):
- """
- If there are no cached connections,
- L{HTTPConnectionPool.getConnection} returns a new connection.
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.pool._connections, {})
- def gotConnection(conn):
- self.assertIsInstance(conn, StubHTTPProtocol)
- # The new connection is not stored in the pool:
- self.assertNotIn(conn, self.pool._connections.values())
- unknownKey = 12245
- d = self.pool.getConnection(unknownKey, DummyEndpoint())
- return d.addCallback(gotConnection)
- def test_putStartsTimeout(self):
- """
- If a connection is put back to the pool, a 240-sec timeout is started.
- When the timeout hits, the connection is closed and removed from the
- pool.
- """
- # We start out with one cached connection:
- protocol = StubHTTPProtocol()
- protocol.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- self.pool._putConnection(("http", "example.com", 80), protocol)
- # Connection is in pool, still not closed:
- self.assertEqual(protocol.transport.disconnecting, False)
- self.assertIn(protocol,
- self.pool._connections[("http", "example.com", 80)])
- # Advance 239 seconds, still not closed:
- self.fakeReactor.advance(239)
- self.assertEqual(protocol.transport.disconnecting, False)
- self.assertIn(protocol,
- self.pool._connections[("http", "example.com", 80)])
- self.assertIn(protocol, self.pool._timeouts)
- # Advance past 240 seconds, connection will be closed:
- self.fakeReactor.advance(1.1)
- self.assertEqual(protocol.transport.disconnecting, True)
- self.assertNotIn(protocol,
- self.pool._connections[("http", "example.com", 80)])
- self.assertNotIn(protocol, self.pool._timeouts)
- def test_putExceedsMaxPersistent(self):
- """
- If an idle connection is put back in the cache and the max number of
- persistent connections has been exceeded, one of the connections is
- closed and removed from the cache.
- """
- pool = self.pool
- # We start out with two cached connection, the max:
- origCached = [StubHTTPProtocol(), StubHTTPProtocol()]
- for p in origCached:
- p.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- pool._putConnection(("http", "example.com", 80), p)
- self.assertEqual(pool._connections[("http", "example.com", 80)],
- origCached)
- timeouts = pool._timeouts.copy()
- # Now we add another one:
- newProtocol = StubHTTPProtocol()
- newProtocol.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- pool._putConnection(("http", "example.com", 80), newProtocol)
- # The oldest cached connections will be removed and disconnected:
- newCached = pool._connections[("http", "example.com", 80)]
- self.assertEqual(len(newCached), 2)
- self.assertEqual(newCached, [origCached[1], newProtocol])
- self.assertEqual([p.transport.disconnecting for p in newCached],
- [False, False])
- self.assertEqual(origCached[0].transport.disconnecting, True)
- self.assertTrue(timeouts[origCached[0]].cancelled)
- self.assertNotIn(origCached[0], pool._timeouts)
- def test_maxPersistentPerHost(self):
- """
- C{maxPersistentPerHost} is enforced per C{(scheme, host, port)}:
- different keys have different max connections.
- """
- def addProtocol(scheme, host, port):
- p = StubHTTPProtocol()
- p.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- self.pool._putConnection((scheme, host, port), p)
- return p
- persistent = []
- persistent.append(addProtocol("http", "example.com", 80))
- persistent.append(addProtocol("http", "example.com", 80))
- addProtocol("https", "example.com", 443)
- addProtocol("http", "www2.example.com", 80)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.pool._connections[("http", "example.com", 80)], persistent)
- self.assertEqual(
- len(self.pool._connections[("https", "example.com", 443)]), 1)
- self.assertEqual(
- len(self.pool._connections[("http", "www2.example.com", 80)]), 1)
- def test_getCachedConnection(self):
- """
- Getting an address which has a cached connection returns the cached
- connection, removes it from the cache and cancels its timeout.
- """
- # We start out with one cached connection:
- protocol = StubHTTPProtocol()
- protocol.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- self.pool._putConnection(("http", "example.com", 80), protocol)
- def gotConnection(conn):
- # We got the cached connection:
- self.assertIdentical(protocol, conn)
- self.assertNotIn(
- conn, self.pool._connections[("http", "example.com", 80)])
- # And the timeout was cancelled:
- self.fakeReactor.advance(241)
- self.assertEqual(conn.transport.disconnecting, False)
- self.assertNotIn(conn, self.pool._timeouts)
- return self.pool.getConnection(("http", "example.com", 80),
- BadEndpoint(),
- ).addCallback(gotConnection)
- def test_newConnection(self):
- """
- The pool's C{_newConnection} method constructs a new connection.
- """
- # We start out with one cached connection:
- protocol = StubHTTPProtocol()
- protocol.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- key = 12245
- self.pool._putConnection(key, protocol)
- def gotConnection(newConnection):
- # We got a new connection:
- self.assertNotIdentical(protocol, newConnection)
- # And the old connection is still there:
- self.assertIn(protocol, self.pool._connections[key])
- # While the new connection is not:
- self.assertNotIn(newConnection, self.pool._connections.values())
- d = self.pool._newConnection(key, DummyEndpoint())
- return d.addCallback(gotConnection)
- def test_getSkipsDisconnected(self):
- """
- When getting connections out of the cache, disconnected connections
- are removed and not returned.
- """
- pool = self.pool
- key = ("http", "example.com", 80)
- # We start out with two cached connection, the max:
- origCached = [StubHTTPProtocol(), StubHTTPProtocol()]
- for p in origCached:
- p.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- pool._putConnection(key, p)
- self.assertEqual(pool._connections[key], origCached)
- # We close the first one:
- origCached[0].state = "DISCONNECTED"
- # Now, when we retrive connections we should get the *second* one:
- result = []
- self.pool.getConnection(key,
- BadEndpoint()).addCallback(result.append)
- self.assertIdentical(result[0], origCached[1])
- # And both the disconnected and removed connections should be out of
- # the cache:
- self.assertEqual(pool._connections[key], [])
- self.assertEqual(pool._timeouts, {})
- def test_putNotQuiescent(self):
- """
- If a non-quiescent connection is put back in the cache, an error is
- logged.
- """
- protocol = StubHTTPProtocol()
- # By default state is QUIESCENT
- self.assertEqual(protocol.state, "QUIESCENT")
- protocol.state = "NOTQUIESCENT"
- self.pool._putConnection(("http", "example.com", 80), protocol)
- error, = self.flushLoggedErrors(RuntimeError)
- self.assertEqual(
- error.value.args[0],
- "BUG: Non-quiescent protocol added to connection pool.")
- self.assertIdentical(None, self.pool._connections.get(
- ("http", "example.com", 80)))
- def test_getUsesQuiescentCallback(self):
- """
- When L{HTTPConnectionPool.getConnection} connects, it returns a
- C{Deferred} that fires with an instance of L{HTTP11ClientProtocol}
- that has the correct quiescent callback attached. When this callback
- is called the protocol is returned to the cache correctly, using the
- right key.
- """
- class StringEndpoint(object):
- def connect(self, factory):
- p = factory.buildProtocol(None)
- p.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- return succeed(p)
- pool = HTTPConnectionPool(self.fakeReactor, True)
- pool.retryAutomatically = False
- result = []
- key = "a key"
- pool.getConnection(
- key, StringEndpoint()).addCallback(
- result.append)
- protocol = result[0]
- self.assertIsInstance(protocol, HTTP11ClientProtocol)
- # Now that we have protocol instance, lets try to put it back in the
- # pool:
- protocol._state = "QUIESCENT"
- protocol._quiescentCallback(protocol)
- # If we try to retrive a connection to same destination again, we
- # should get the same protocol, because it should've been added back
- # to the pool:
- result2 = []
- pool.getConnection(
- key, StringEndpoint()).addCallback(
- result2.append)
- self.assertIdentical(result2[0], protocol)
- def test_closeCachedConnections(self):
- """
- L{HTTPConnectionPool.closeCachedConnections} closes all cached
- connections and removes them from the cache. It returns a Deferred
- that fires when they have all lost their connections.
- """
- persistent = []
- def addProtocol(scheme, host, port):
- p = HTTP11ClientProtocol()
- p.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- self.pool._putConnection((scheme, host, port), p)
- persistent.append(p)
- addProtocol("http", "example.com", 80)
- addProtocol("http", "www2.example.com", 80)
- doneDeferred = self.pool.closeCachedConnections()
- # Connections have begun disconnecting:
- for p in persistent:
- self.assertEqual(p.transport.disconnecting, True)
- self.assertEqual(self.pool._connections, {})
- # All timeouts were cancelled and removed:
- for dc in self.fakeReactor.getDelayedCalls():
- self.assertEqual(dc.cancelled, True)
- self.assertEqual(self.pool._timeouts, {})
- # Returned Deferred fires when all connections have been closed:
- result = []
- doneDeferred.addCallback(result.append)
- self.assertEqual(result, [])
- persistent[0].connectionLost(Failure(ConnectionDone()))
- self.assertEqual(result, [])
- persistent[1].connectionLost(Failure(ConnectionDone()))
- self.assertEqual(result, [None])
-class AgentTests(unittest.TestCase, FakeReactorAndConnectMixin):
- """
- Tests for the new HTTP client API provided by L{Agent}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create an L{Agent} wrapped around a fake reactor.
- """
- self.reactor = self.Reactor()
- self.agent = client.Agent(self.reactor)
- def completeConnection(self):
- """
- Do whitebox stuff to finish any outstanding connection attempts the
- agent may have initiated.
- This spins the fake reactor clock just enough to get L{ClientCreator},
- which agent is implemented in terms of, to fire its Deferreds.
- """
- self.reactor.advance(0)
- def test_defaultPool(self):
- """
- If no pool is passed in, the L{Agent} creates a non-persistent pool.
- """
- agent = client.Agent(self.reactor)
- self.assertIsInstance(agent._pool, HTTPConnectionPool)
- self.assertEqual(agent._pool.persistent, False)
- self.assertIdentical(agent._reactor, agent._pool._reactor)
- def test_persistent(self):
- """
- If C{persistent} is set to C{True} on the L{HTTPConnectionPool} (the
- default), C{Request}s are created with their C{persistent} flag set to
- C{True}.
- """
- pool = HTTPConnectionPool(self.reactor)
- agent = client.Agent(self.reactor, pool=pool)
- agent._getEndpoint = lambda *args: self
- agent.request("GET", "")
- self.assertEqual(self.protocol.requests[0][0].persistent, True)
- def test_nonPersistent(self):
- """
- If C{persistent} is set to C{False} when creating the
- L{HTTPConnectionPool}, C{Request}s are created with their
- C{persistent} flag set to C{False}.
- Elsewhere in the tests for the underlying HTTP code we ensure that
- this will result in the disconnection of the HTTP protocol once the
- request is done, so that the connection will not be returned to the
- pool.
- """
- pool = HTTPConnectionPool(self.reactor, persistent=False)
- agent = client.Agent(self.reactor, pool=pool)
- agent._getEndpoint = lambda *args: self
- agent.request("GET", "")
- self.assertEqual(self.protocol.requests[0][0].persistent, False)
- def test_connectUsesConnectionPool(self):
- """
- When a connection is made by the Agent, it uses its pool's
- C{getConnection} method to do so, with the endpoint returned by
- C{self._getEndpoint}. The key used is C{(scheme, host, port)}.
- """
- endpoint = DummyEndpoint()
- class MyAgent(client.Agent):
- def _getEndpoint(this, scheme, host, port):
- self.assertEqual((scheme, host, port),
- ("http", "foo", 80))
- return endpoint
- class DummyPool(object):
- connected = False
- persistent = False
- def getConnection(this, key, ep):
- this.connected = True
- self.assertEqual(ep, endpoint)
- # This is the key the default Agent uses, others will have
- # different keys:
- self.assertEqual(key, ("http", "foo", 80))
- return defer.succeed(StubHTTPProtocol())
- pool = DummyPool()
- agent = MyAgent(self.reactor, pool=pool)
- self.assertIdentical(pool, agent._pool)
- headers = http_headers.Headers()
- headers.addRawHeader("host", "foo")
- bodyProducer = object()
- agent.request('GET', 'http://foo/',
- bodyProducer=bodyProducer, headers=headers)
- self.assertEqual(agent._pool.connected, True)
- def test_unsupportedScheme(self):
- """
- L{Agent.request} returns a L{Deferred} which fails with
- L{SchemeNotSupported} if the scheme of the URI passed to it is not
- C{'http'}.
- """
- return self.assertFailure(
- self.agent.request('GET', 'mailto:alice@example.com'),
- SchemeNotSupported)
- def test_connectionFailed(self):
- """
- The L{Deferred} returned by L{Agent.request} fires with a L{Failure} if
- the TCP connection attempt fails.
- """
- result = self.agent.request('GET', 'http://foo/')
- # Cause the connection to be refused
- host, port, factory = self.reactor.tcpClients.pop()[:3]
- factory.clientConnectionFailed(None, Failure(ConnectionRefusedError()))
- self.completeConnection()
- return self.assertFailure(result, ConnectionRefusedError)
- def test_connectHTTP(self):
- """
- L{Agent._getEndpoint} return a C{TCP4ClientEndpoint} when passed a
- scheme of C{'http'}.
- """
- expectedHost = 'example.com'
- expectedPort = 1234
- endpoint = self.agent._getEndpoint('http', expectedHost, expectedPort)
- self.assertEqual(endpoint._host, expectedHost)
- self.assertEqual(endpoint._port, expectedPort)
- self.assertIsInstance(endpoint, TCP4ClientEndpoint)
- def test_connectHTTPS(self):
- """
- L{Agent._getEndpoint} return a C{SSL4ClientEndpoint} when passed a
- scheme of C{'https'}.
- """
- expectedHost = 'example.com'
- expectedPort = 4321
- endpoint = self.agent._getEndpoint('https', expectedHost, expectedPort)
- self.assertIsInstance(endpoint, SSL4ClientEndpoint)
- self.assertEqual(endpoint._host, expectedHost)
- self.assertEqual(endpoint._port, expectedPort)
- self.assertIsInstance(endpoint._sslContextFactory,
- _WebToNormalContextFactory)
- # Default context factory was used:
- self.assertIsInstance(endpoint._sslContextFactory._webContext,
- WebClientContextFactory)
- if ssl is None:
- test_connectHTTPS.skip = "OpenSSL not present"
- def test_connectHTTPSCustomContextFactory(self):
- """
- If a context factory is passed to L{Agent.__init__} it will be used to
- determine the SSL parameters for HTTPS requests. When an HTTPS request
- is made, the hostname and port number of the request URL will be passed
- to the context factory's C{getContext} method. The resulting context
- object will be used to establish the SSL connection.
- """
- expectedHost = 'example.org'
- expectedPort = 20443
- expectedContext = object()
- contextArgs = []
- class StubWebContextFactory(object):
- def getContext(self, hostname, port):
- contextArgs.append((hostname, port))
- return expectedContext
- agent = client.Agent(self.reactor, StubWebContextFactory())
- endpoint = agent._getEndpoint('https', expectedHost, expectedPort)
- contextFactory = endpoint._sslContextFactory
- context = contextFactory.getContext()
- self.assertEqual(context, expectedContext)
- self.assertEqual(contextArgs, [(expectedHost, expectedPort)])
- def test_hostProvided(self):
- """
- If C{None} is passed to L{Agent.request} for the C{headers} parameter,
- a L{Headers} instance is created for the request and a I{Host} header
- added to it.
- """
- self.agent._getEndpoint = lambda *args: self
- self.agent.request(
- 'GET', 'http://example.com/foo?bar')
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- self.assertEqual(req.headers.getRawHeaders('host'), ['example.com'])
- def test_hostOverride(self):
- """
- If the headers passed to L{Agent.request} includes a value for the
- I{Host} header, that value takes precedence over the one which would
- otherwise be automatically provided.
- """
- headers = http_headers.Headers({'foo': ['bar'], 'host': ['quux']})
- self.agent._getEndpoint = lambda *args: self
- self.agent.request(
- 'GET', 'http://example.com/foo?bar', headers)
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- self.assertEqual(req.headers.getRawHeaders('host'), ['quux'])
- def test_headersUnmodified(self):
- """
- If a I{Host} header must be added to the request, the L{Headers}
- instance passed to L{Agent.request} is not modified.
- """
- headers = http_headers.Headers()
- self.agent._getEndpoint = lambda *args: self
- self.agent.request(
- 'GET', 'http://example.com/foo', headers)
- protocol = self.protocol
- # The request should have been issued.
- self.assertEqual(len(protocol.requests), 1)
- # And the headers object passed in should not have changed.
- self.assertEqual(headers, http_headers.Headers())
- def test_hostValueStandardHTTP(self):
- """
- When passed a scheme of C{'http'} and a port of C{80},
- L{Agent._computeHostValue} returns a string giving just
- the host name passed to it.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.agent._computeHostValue('http', 'example.com', 80),
- 'example.com')
- def test_hostValueNonStandardHTTP(self):
- """
- When passed a scheme of C{'http'} and a port other than C{80},
- L{Agent._computeHostValue} returns a string giving the
- host passed to it joined together with the port number by C{":"}.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.agent._computeHostValue('http', 'example.com', 54321),
- 'example.com:54321')
- def test_hostValueStandardHTTPS(self):
- """
- When passed a scheme of C{'https'} and a port of C{443},
- L{Agent._computeHostValue} returns a string giving just
- the host name passed to it.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.agent._computeHostValue('https', 'example.com', 443),
- 'example.com')
- def test_hostValueNonStandardHTTPS(self):
- """
- When passed a scheme of C{'https'} and a port other than C{443},
- L{Agent._computeHostValue} returns a string giving the
- host passed to it joined together with the port number by C{":"}.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.agent._computeHostValue('https', 'example.com', 54321),
- 'example.com:54321')
- def test_request(self):
- """
- L{Agent.request} establishes a new connection to the host indicated by
- the host part of the URI passed to it and issues a request using the
- method, the path portion of the URI, the headers, and the body producer
- passed to it. It returns a L{Deferred} which fires with an
- L{IResponse} from the server.
- """
- self.agent._getEndpoint = lambda *args: self
- headers = http_headers.Headers({'foo': ['bar']})
- # Just going to check the body for identity, so it doesn't need to be
- # real.
- body = object()
- self.agent.request(
- 'GET', 'http://example.com:1234/foo?bar', headers, body)
- protocol = self.protocol
- # The request should be issued.
- self.assertEqual(len(protocol.requests), 1)
- req, res = protocol.requests.pop()
- self.assertIsInstance(req, Request)
- self.assertEqual(req.method, 'GET')
- self.assertEqual(req.uri, '/foo?bar')
- self.assertEqual(
- req.headers,
- http_headers.Headers({'foo': ['bar'],
- 'host': ['example.com:1234']}))
- self.assertIdentical(req.bodyProducer, body)
- def test_connectTimeout(self):
- """
- L{Agent} takes a C{connectTimeout} argument which is forwarded to the
- following C{connectTCP} agent.
- """
- agent = client.Agent(self.reactor, connectTimeout=5)
- agent.request('GET', 'http://foo/')
- timeout = self.reactor.tcpClients.pop()[3]
- self.assertEqual(5, timeout)
- def test_connectSSLTimeout(self):
- """
- L{Agent} takes a C{connectTimeout} argument which is forwarded to the
- following C{connectSSL} call.
- """
- agent = client.Agent(self.reactor, connectTimeout=5)
- agent.request('GET', 'https://foo/')
- timeout = self.reactor.sslClients.pop()[4]
- self.assertEqual(5, timeout)
- def test_bindAddress(self):
- """
- L{Agent} takes a C{bindAddress} argument which is forwarded to the
- following C{connectTCP} call.
- """
- agent = client.Agent(self.reactor, bindAddress='')
- agent.request('GET', 'http://foo/')
- address = self.reactor.tcpClients.pop()[4]
- self.assertEqual('', address)
- def test_bindAddressSSL(self):
- """
- L{Agent} takes a C{bindAddress} argument which is forwarded to the
- following C{connectSSL} call.
- """
- agent = client.Agent(self.reactor, bindAddress='')
- agent.request('GET', 'https://foo/')
- address = self.reactor.sslClients.pop()[5]
- self.assertEqual('', address)
-class HTTPConnectionPoolRetryTests(unittest.TestCase, FakeReactorAndConnectMixin):
- """
- L{client.HTTPConnectionPool}, by using
- L{client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol}, supports retrying requests done
- against previously cached connections.
- """
- def test_onlyRetryIdempotentMethods(self):
- """
- Only GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE, DELETE methods should cause a retry.
- """
- pool = client.HTTPConnectionPool(None)
- connection = client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol(None, pool)
- self.assertTrue(connection._shouldRetry("GET", RequestNotSent(), None))
- self.assertTrue(connection._shouldRetry("HEAD", RequestNotSent(), None))
- self.assertTrue(connection._shouldRetry(
- "OPTIONS", RequestNotSent(), None))
- self.assertTrue(connection._shouldRetry(
- "TRACE", RequestNotSent(), None))
- self.assertTrue(connection._shouldRetry(
- "DELETE", RequestNotSent(), None))
- self.assertFalse(connection._shouldRetry(
- "POST", RequestNotSent(), None))
- self.assertFalse(connection._shouldRetry(
- "MYMETHOD", RequestNotSent(), None))
- # This will be covered by a different ticket, since we need support
- #for resettable body producers:
- # self.assertTrue(connection._doRetry("PUT", RequestNotSent(), None))
- def test_onlyRetryIfNoResponseReceived(self):
- """
- Only L{RequestNotSent}, L{RequestTransmissionFailed} and
- L{ResponseNeverReceived} exceptions should be a cause for retrying.
- """
- pool = client.HTTPConnectionPool(None)
- connection = client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol(None, pool)
- self.assertTrue(connection._shouldRetry("GET", RequestNotSent(), None))
- self.assertTrue(connection._shouldRetry(
- "GET", RequestTransmissionFailed([]), None))
- self.assertTrue(connection._shouldRetry(
- "GET", ResponseNeverReceived([]),None))
- self.assertFalse(connection._shouldRetry(
- "GET", ResponseFailed([]), None))
- self.assertFalse(connection._shouldRetry(
- "GET", ConnectionRefusedError(), None))
- def test_wrappedOnPersistentReturned(self):
- """
- If L{client.HTTPConnectionPool.getConnection} returns a previously
- cached connection, it will get wrapped in a
- L{client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol}.
- """
- pool = client.HTTPConnectionPool(Clock())
- # Add a connection to the cache:
- protocol = StubHTTPProtocol()
- protocol.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- pool._putConnection(123, protocol)
- # Retrieve it, it should come back wrapped in a
- # _RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol:
- d = pool.getConnection(123, DummyEndpoint())
- def gotConnection(connection):
- self.assertIsInstance(connection,
- client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol)
- self.assertIdentical(connection._clientProtocol, protocol)
- return d.addCallback(gotConnection)
- def test_notWrappedOnNewReturned(self):
- """
- If L{client.HTTPConnectionPool.getConnection} returns a new
- connection, it will be returned as is.
- """
- pool = client.HTTPConnectionPool(None)
- d = pool.getConnection(123, DummyEndpoint())
- def gotConnection(connection):
- # Don't want to use isinstance since potentially the wrapper might
- # subclass it at some point:
- self.assertIdentical(connection.__class__, HTTP11ClientProtocol)
- return d.addCallback(gotConnection)
- def retryAttempt(self, willWeRetry):
- """
- Fail a first request, possibly retrying depending on argument.
- """
- protocols = []
- def newProtocol():
- protocol = StubHTTPProtocol()
- protocols.append(protocol)
- return defer.succeed(protocol)
- bodyProducer = object()
- request = client.Request("FOO", "/", client.Headers(), bodyProducer,
- persistent=True)
- newProtocol()
- protocol = protocols[0]
- retrier = client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol(protocol, newProtocol)
- def _shouldRetry(m, e, bp):
- self.assertEqual(m, "FOO")
- self.assertIdentical(bp, bodyProducer)
- self.assertIsInstance(e, (RequestNotSent, ResponseNeverReceived))
- return willWeRetry
- retrier._shouldRetry = _shouldRetry
- d = retrier.request(request)
- # So far, one request made:
- self.assertEqual(len(protocols), 1)
- self.assertEqual(len(protocols[0].requests), 1)
- # Fail the first request:
- protocol.requests[0][1].errback(RequestNotSent())
- return d, protocols
- def test_retryIfShouldRetryReturnsTrue(self):
- """
- L{client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol} retries when
- L{client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol._shouldRetry} returns C{True}.
- """
- d, protocols = self.retryAttempt(True)
- # We retried!
- self.assertEqual(len(protocols), 2)
- response = object()
- protocols[1].requests[0][1].callback(response)
- return d.addCallback(self.assertIdentical, response)
- def test_dontRetryIfShouldRetryReturnsFalse(self):
- """
- L{client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol} does not retry when
- L{client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol._shouldRetry} returns C{False}.
- """
- d, protocols = self.retryAttempt(False)
- # We did not retry:
- self.assertEqual(len(protocols), 1)
- return self.assertFailure(d, RequestNotSent)
- def test_onlyRetryWithoutBody(self):
- """
- L{_RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol} only retries queries that don't have
- a body.
- This is an implementation restriction; if the restriction is fixed,
- this test should be removed and PUT added to list of methods that
- support retries.
- """
- pool = client.HTTPConnectionPool(None)
- connection = client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol(None, pool)
- self.assertTrue(connection._shouldRetry("GET", RequestNotSent(), None))
- self.assertFalse(connection._shouldRetry("GET", RequestNotSent(), object()))
- def test_onlyRetryOnce(self):
- """
- If a L{client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol} fails more than once on
- an idempotent query before a response is received, it will not retry.
- """
- d, protocols = self.retryAttempt(True)
- self.assertEqual(len(protocols), 2)
- # Fail the second request too:
- protocols[1].requests[0][1].errback(ResponseNeverReceived([]))
- # We didn't retry again:
- self.assertEqual(len(protocols), 2)
- return self.assertFailure(d, ResponseNeverReceived)
- def test_dontRetryIfRetryAutomaticallyFalse(self):
- """
- If L{HTTPConnectionPool.retryAutomatically} is set to C{False}, don't
- wrap connections with retrying logic.
- """
- pool = client.HTTPConnectionPool(Clock())
- pool.retryAutomatically = False
- # Add a connection to the cache:
- protocol = StubHTTPProtocol()
- protocol.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- pool._putConnection(123, protocol)
- # Retrieve it, it should come back unwrapped:
- d = pool.getConnection(123, DummyEndpoint())
- def gotConnection(connection):
- self.assertIdentical(connection, protocol)
- return d.addCallback(gotConnection)
- def test_retryWithNewConnection(self):
- """
- L{client.HTTPConnectionPool} creates
- {client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol} with a new connection factory
- method that creates a new connection using the same key and endpoint
- as the wrapped connection.
- """
- pool = client.HTTPConnectionPool(Clock())
- key = 123
- endpoint = DummyEndpoint()
- newConnections = []
- # Override the pool's _newConnection:
- def newConnection(k, e):
- newConnections.append((k, e))
- pool._newConnection = newConnection
- # Add a connection to the cache:
- protocol = StubHTTPProtocol()
- protocol.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- pool._putConnection(key, protocol)
- # Retrieve it, it should come back wrapped in a
- # _RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol:
- d = pool.getConnection(key, endpoint)
- def gotConnection(connection):
- self.assertIsInstance(connection,
- client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol)
- self.assertIdentical(connection._clientProtocol, protocol)
- # Verify that the _newConnection method on retrying connection
- # calls _newConnection on the pool:
- self.assertEqual(newConnections, [])
- connection._newConnection()
- self.assertEqual(len(newConnections), 1)
- self.assertEqual(newConnections[0][0], key)
- self.assertIdentical(newConnections[0][1], endpoint)
- return d.addCallback(gotConnection)
-class CookieTestsMixin(object):
- """
- Mixin for unit tests dealing with cookies.
- """
- def addCookies(self, cookieJar, uri, cookies):
- """
- Add a cookie to a cookie jar.
- """
- response = client._FakeUrllib2Response(
- client.Response(
- ('HTTP', 1, 1),
- 200,
- 'OK',
- client.Headers({'Set-Cookie': cookies}),
- None))
- request = client._FakeUrllib2Request(uri)
- cookieJar.extract_cookies(response, request)
- return request, response
-class CookieJarTests(unittest.TestCase, CookieTestsMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.web.client._FakeUrllib2Response} and
- L{twisted.web.client._FakeUrllib2Request}'s interactions with
- C{cookielib.CookieJar} instances.
- """
- def makeCookieJar(self):
- """
- Create a C{cookielib.CookieJar} with some sample cookies.
- """
- cookieJar = cookielib.CookieJar()
- reqres = self.addCookies(
- cookieJar,
- 'http://example.com:1234/foo?bar',
- ['foo=1; cow=moo; Path=/foo; Comment=hello',
- 'bar=2; Comment=goodbye'])
- return cookieJar, reqres
- def test_extractCookies(self):
- """
- L{cookielib.CookieJar.extract_cookies} extracts cookie information from
- fake urllib2 response instances.
- """
- jar = self.makeCookieJar()[0]
- cookies = dict([(c.name, c) for c in jar])
- cookie = cookies['foo']
- self.assertEqual(cookie.version, 0)
- self.assertEqual(cookie.name, 'foo')
- self.assertEqual(cookie.value, '1')
- self.assertEqual(cookie.path, '/foo')
- self.assertEqual(cookie.comment, 'hello')
- self.assertEqual(cookie.get_nonstandard_attr('cow'), 'moo')
- cookie = cookies['bar']
- self.assertEqual(cookie.version, 0)
- self.assertEqual(cookie.name, 'bar')
- self.assertEqual(cookie.value, '2')
- self.assertEqual(cookie.path, '/')
- self.assertEqual(cookie.comment, 'goodbye')
- self.assertIdentical(cookie.get_nonstandard_attr('cow'), None)
- def test_sendCookie(self):
- """
- L{cookielib.CookieJar.add_cookie_header} adds a cookie header to a fake
- urllib2 request instance.
- """
- jar, (request, response) = self.makeCookieJar()
- self.assertIdentical(
- request.get_header('Cookie', None),
- None)
- jar.add_cookie_header(request)
- self.assertEqual(
- request.get_header('Cookie', None),
- 'foo=1; bar=2')
-class CookieAgentTests(unittest.TestCase, CookieTestsMixin,
- FakeReactorAndConnectMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.web.client.CookieAgent}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.reactor = self.Reactor()
- def test_emptyCookieJarRequest(self):
- """
- L{CookieAgent.request} does not insert any C{'Cookie'} header into the
- L{Request} object if there is no cookie in the cookie jar for the URI
- being requested. Cookies are extracted from the response and stored in
- the cookie jar.
- """
- cookieJar = cookielib.CookieJar()
- self.assertEqual(list(cookieJar), [])
- agent = self.buildAgentForWrapperTest(self.reactor)
- cookieAgent = client.CookieAgent(agent, cookieJar)
- d = cookieAgent.request(
- 'GET', 'http://example.com:1234/foo?bar')
- def _checkCookie(ignored):
- cookies = list(cookieJar)
- self.assertEqual(len(cookies), 1)
- self.assertEqual(cookies[0].name, 'foo')
- self.assertEqual(cookies[0].value, '1')
- d.addCallback(_checkCookie)
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- self.assertIdentical(req.headers.getRawHeaders('cookie'), None)
- resp = client.Response(
- ('HTTP', 1, 1),
- 200,
- 'OK',
- client.Headers({'Set-Cookie': ['foo=1',]}),
- None)
- res.callback(resp)
- return d
- def test_requestWithCookie(self):
- """
- L{CookieAgent.request} inserts a C{'Cookie'} header into the L{Request}
- object when there is a cookie matching the request URI in the cookie
- jar.
- """
- uri = 'http://example.com:1234/foo?bar'
- cookie = 'foo=1'
- cookieJar = cookielib.CookieJar()
- self.addCookies(cookieJar, uri, [cookie])
- self.assertEqual(len(list(cookieJar)), 1)
- agent = self.buildAgentForWrapperTest(self.reactor)
- cookieAgent = client.CookieAgent(agent, cookieJar)
- cookieAgent.request('GET', uri)
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- self.assertEqual(req.headers.getRawHeaders('cookie'), [cookie])
- def test_secureCookie(self):
- """
- L{CookieAgent} is able to handle secure cookies, ie cookies which
- should only be handled over https.
- """
- uri = 'https://example.com:1234/foo?bar'
- cookie = 'foo=1;secure'
- cookieJar = cookielib.CookieJar()
- self.addCookies(cookieJar, uri, [cookie])
- self.assertEqual(len(list(cookieJar)), 1)
- agent = self.buildAgentForWrapperTest(self.reactor)
- cookieAgent = client.CookieAgent(agent, cookieJar)
- cookieAgent.request('GET', uri)
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- self.assertEqual(req.headers.getRawHeaders('cookie'), ['foo=1'])
- def test_secureCookieOnInsecureConnection(self):
- """
- If a cookie is setup as secure, it won't be sent with the request if
- it's not over HTTPS.
- """
- uri = 'http://example.com/foo?bar'
- cookie = 'foo=1;secure'
- cookieJar = cookielib.CookieJar()
- self.addCookies(cookieJar, uri, [cookie])
- self.assertEqual(len(list(cookieJar)), 1)
- agent = self.buildAgentForWrapperTest(self.reactor)
- cookieAgent = client.CookieAgent(agent, cookieJar)
- cookieAgent.request('GET', uri)
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- self.assertIdentical(None, req.headers.getRawHeaders('cookie'))
- def test_portCookie(self):
- """
- L{CookieAgent} supports cookies which enforces the port number they
- need to be transferred upon.
- """
- uri = 'https://example.com:1234/foo?bar'
- cookie = 'foo=1;port=1234'
- cookieJar = cookielib.CookieJar()
- self.addCookies(cookieJar, uri, [cookie])
- self.assertEqual(len(list(cookieJar)), 1)
- agent = self.buildAgentForWrapperTest(self.reactor)
- cookieAgent = client.CookieAgent(agent, cookieJar)
- cookieAgent.request('GET', uri)
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- self.assertEqual(req.headers.getRawHeaders('cookie'), ['foo=1'])
- def test_portCookieOnWrongPort(self):
- """
- When creating a cookie with a port directive, it won't be added to the
- L{cookie.CookieJar} if the URI is on a different port.
- """
- uri = 'https://example.com:4567/foo?bar'
- cookie = 'foo=1;port=1234'
- cookieJar = cookielib.CookieJar()
- self.addCookies(cookieJar, uri, [cookie])
- self.assertEqual(len(list(cookieJar)), 0)
-class Decoder1(proxyForInterface(IResponse)):
- """
- A test decoder to be used by L{client.ContentDecoderAgent} tests.
- """
-class Decoder2(Decoder1):
- """
- A test decoder to be used by L{client.ContentDecoderAgent} tests.
- """
-class ContentDecoderAgentTests(unittest.TestCase, FakeReactorAndConnectMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{client.ContentDecoderAgent}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create an L{Agent} wrapped around a fake reactor.
- """
- self.reactor = self.Reactor()
- self.agent = self.buildAgentForWrapperTest(self.reactor)
- def test_acceptHeaders(self):
- """
- L{client.ContentDecoderAgent} sets the I{Accept-Encoding} header to the
- names of the available decoder objects.
- """
- agent = client.ContentDecoderAgent(
- self.agent, [('decoder1', Decoder1), ('decoder2', Decoder2)])
- agent.request('GET', 'http://example.com/foo')
- protocol = self.protocol
- self.assertEqual(len(protocol.requests), 1)
- req, res = protocol.requests.pop()
- self.assertEqual(req.headers.getRawHeaders('accept-encoding'),
- ['decoder1,decoder2'])
- def test_existingHeaders(self):
- """
- If there are existing I{Accept-Encoding} fields,
- L{client.ContentDecoderAgent} creates a new field for the decoders it
- knows about.
- """
- headers = http_headers.Headers({'foo': ['bar'],
- 'accept-encoding': ['fizz']})
- agent = client.ContentDecoderAgent(
- self.agent, [('decoder1', Decoder1), ('decoder2', Decoder2)])
- agent.request('GET', 'http://example.com/foo', headers=headers)
- protocol = self.protocol
- self.assertEqual(len(protocol.requests), 1)
- req, res = protocol.requests.pop()
- self.assertEqual(
- list(req.headers.getAllRawHeaders()),
- [('Host', ['example.com']),
- ('Foo', ['bar']),
- ('Accept-Encoding', ['fizz', 'decoder1,decoder2'])])
- def test_plainEncodingResponse(self):
- """
- If the response is not encoded despited the request I{Accept-Encoding}
- headers, L{client.ContentDecoderAgent} simply forwards the response.
- """
- agent = client.ContentDecoderAgent(
- self.agent, [('decoder1', Decoder1), ('decoder2', Decoder2)])
- deferred = agent.request('GET', 'http://example.com/foo')
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- response = Response(('HTTP', 1, 1), 200, 'OK', http_headers.Headers(),
- None)
- res.callback(response)
- return deferred.addCallback(self.assertIdentical, response)
- def test_unsupportedEncoding(self):
- """
- If an encoding unknown to the L{client.ContentDecoderAgent} is found,
- the response is unchanged.
- """
- agent = client.ContentDecoderAgent(
- self.agent, [('decoder1', Decoder1), ('decoder2', Decoder2)])
- deferred = agent.request('GET', 'http://example.com/foo')
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- headers = http_headers.Headers({'foo': ['bar'],
- 'content-encoding': ['fizz']})
- response = Response(('HTTP', 1, 1), 200, 'OK', headers, None)
- res.callback(response)
- return deferred.addCallback(self.assertIdentical, response)
- def test_unknownEncoding(self):
- """
- When L{client.ContentDecoderAgent} encounters a decoder it doesn't know
- about, it stops decoding even if another encoding is known afterwards.
- """
- agent = client.ContentDecoderAgent(
- self.agent, [('decoder1', Decoder1), ('decoder2', Decoder2)])
- deferred = agent.request('GET', 'http://example.com/foo')
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- headers = http_headers.Headers({'foo': ['bar'],
- 'content-encoding':
- ['decoder1,fizz,decoder2']})
- response = Response(('HTTP', 1, 1), 200, 'OK', headers, None)
- res.callback(response)
- def check(result):
- self.assertNotIdentical(response, result)
- self.assertIsInstance(result, Decoder2)
- self.assertEqual(['decoder1,fizz'],
- result.headers.getRawHeaders('content-encoding'))
- return deferred.addCallback(check)
-class SimpleAgentProtocol(Protocol):
- """
- A L{Protocol} to be used with an L{client.Agent} to receive data.
- @ivar finished: L{Deferred} firing when C{connectionLost} is called.
- @ivar made: L{Deferred} firing when C{connectionMade} is called.
- @ivar received: C{list} of received data.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.made = Deferred()
- self.finished = Deferred()
- self.received = []
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.made.callback(None)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self.finished.callback(None)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.received.append(data)
-class ContentDecoderAgentWithGzipTests(unittest.TestCase,
- FakeReactorAndConnectMixin):
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create an L{Agent} wrapped around a fake reactor.
- """
- self.reactor = self.Reactor()
- agent = self.buildAgentForWrapperTest(self.reactor)
- self.agent = client.ContentDecoderAgent(
- agent, [("gzip", client.GzipDecoder)])
- def test_gzipEncodingResponse(self):
- """
- If the response has a C{gzip} I{Content-Encoding} header,
- L{GzipDecoder} wraps the response to return uncompressed data to the
- user.
- """
- deferred = self.agent.request('GET', 'http://example.com/foo')
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- headers = http_headers.Headers({'foo': ['bar'],
- 'content-encoding': ['gzip']})
- transport = StringTransport()
- response = Response(('HTTP', 1, 1), 200, 'OK', headers, transport)
- response.length = 12
- res.callback(response)
- compressor = zlib.compressobj(2, zlib.DEFLATED, 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
- data = (compressor.compress('x' * 6) + compressor.compress('y' * 4) +
- compressor.flush())
- def checkResponse(result):
- self.assertNotIdentical(result, response)
- self.assertEqual(result.version, ('HTTP', 1, 1))
- self.assertEqual(result.code, 200)
- self.assertEqual(result.phrase, 'OK')
- self.assertEqual(list(result.headers.getAllRawHeaders()),
- [('Foo', ['bar'])])
- self.assertEqual(result.length, UNKNOWN_LENGTH)
- self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, result, 'unknown')
- response._bodyDataReceived(data[:5])
- response._bodyDataReceived(data[5:])
- response._bodyDataFinished()
- protocol = SimpleAgentProtocol()
- result.deliverBody(protocol)
- self.assertEqual(protocol.received, ['x' * 6 + 'y' * 4])
- return defer.gatherResults([protocol.made, protocol.finished])
- deferred.addCallback(checkResponse)
- return deferred
- def test_brokenContent(self):
- """
- If the data received by the L{GzipDecoder} isn't valid gzip-compressed
- data, the call to C{deliverBody} fails with a C{zlib.error}.
- """
- deferred = self.agent.request('GET', 'http://example.com/foo')
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- headers = http_headers.Headers({'foo': ['bar'],
- 'content-encoding': ['gzip']})
- transport = StringTransport()
- response = Response(('HTTP', 1, 1), 200, 'OK', headers, transport)
- response.length = 12
- res.callback(response)
- data = "not gzipped content"
- def checkResponse(result):
- response._bodyDataReceived(data)
- result.deliverBody(Protocol())
- deferred.addCallback(checkResponse)
- self.assertFailure(deferred, client.ResponseFailed)
- def checkFailure(error):
- error.reasons[0].trap(zlib.error)
- self.assertIsInstance(error.response, Response)
- return deferred.addCallback(checkFailure)
- def test_flushData(self):
- """
- When the connection with the server is lost, the gzip protocol calls
- C{flush} on the zlib decompressor object to get uncompressed data which
- may have been buffered.
- """
- class decompressobj(object):
- def __init__(self, wbits):
- pass
- def decompress(self, data):
- return 'x'
- def flush(self):
- return 'y'
- oldDecompressObj = zlib.decompressobj
- zlib.decompressobj = decompressobj
- self.addCleanup(setattr, zlib, 'decompressobj', oldDecompressObj)
- deferred = self.agent.request('GET', 'http://example.com/foo')
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- headers = http_headers.Headers({'content-encoding': ['gzip']})
- transport = StringTransport()
- response = Response(('HTTP', 1, 1), 200, 'OK', headers, transport)
- res.callback(response)
- def checkResponse(result):
- response._bodyDataReceived('data')
- response._bodyDataFinished()
- protocol = SimpleAgentProtocol()
- result.deliverBody(protocol)
- self.assertEqual(protocol.received, ['x', 'y'])
- return defer.gatherResults([protocol.made, protocol.finished])
- deferred.addCallback(checkResponse)
- return deferred
- def test_flushError(self):
- """
- If the C{flush} call in C{connectionLost} fails, the C{zlib.error}
- exception is caught and turned into a L{ResponseFailed}.
- """
- class decompressobj(object):
- def __init__(self, wbits):
- pass
- def decompress(self, data):
- return 'x'
- def flush(self):
- raise zlib.error()
- oldDecompressObj = zlib.decompressobj
- zlib.decompressobj = decompressobj
- self.addCleanup(setattr, zlib, 'decompressobj', oldDecompressObj)
- deferred = self.agent.request('GET', 'http://example.com/foo')
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- headers = http_headers.Headers({'content-encoding': ['gzip']})
- transport = StringTransport()
- response = Response(('HTTP', 1, 1), 200, 'OK', headers, transport)
- res.callback(response)
- def checkResponse(result):
- response._bodyDataReceived('data')
- response._bodyDataFinished()
- protocol = SimpleAgentProtocol()
- result.deliverBody(protocol)
- self.assertEqual(protocol.received, ['x', 'y'])
- return defer.gatherResults([protocol.made, protocol.finished])
- deferred.addCallback(checkResponse)
- self.assertFailure(deferred, client.ResponseFailed)
- def checkFailure(error):
- error.reasons[1].trap(zlib.error)
- self.assertIsInstance(error.response, Response)
- return deferred.addCallback(checkFailure)
-class ProxyAgentTests(unittest.TestCase, FakeReactorAndConnectMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{client.ProxyAgent}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.reactor = self.Reactor()
- self.agent = client.ProxyAgent(
- TCP4ClientEndpoint(self.reactor, "bar", 5678), self.reactor)
- oldEndpoint = self.agent._proxyEndpoint
- self.agent._proxyEndpoint = self.StubEndpoint(oldEndpoint, self)
- def test_proxyRequest(self):
- """
- L{client.ProxyAgent} issues an HTTP request against the proxy, with the
- full URI as path, when C{request} is called.
- """
- headers = http_headers.Headers({'foo': ['bar']})
- # Just going to check the body for identity, so it doesn't need to be
- # real.
- body = object()
- self.agent.request(
- 'GET', 'http://example.com:1234/foo?bar', headers, body)
- host, port, factory = self.reactor.tcpClients.pop()[:3]
- self.assertEqual(host, "bar")
- self.assertEqual(port, 5678)
- self.assertIsInstance(factory._wrappedFactory,
- client._HTTP11ClientFactory)
- protocol = self.protocol
- # The request should be issued.
- self.assertEqual(len(protocol.requests), 1)
- req, res = protocol.requests.pop()
- self.assertIsInstance(req, Request)
- self.assertEqual(req.method, 'GET')
- self.assertEqual(req.uri, 'http://example.com:1234/foo?bar')
- self.assertEqual(
- req.headers,
- http_headers.Headers({'foo': ['bar'],
- 'host': ['example.com:1234']}))
- self.assertIdentical(req.bodyProducer, body)
- def test_nonPersistent(self):
- """
- C{ProxyAgent} connections are not persistent by default.
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.agent._pool.persistent, False)
- def test_connectUsesConnectionPool(self):
- """
- When a connection is made by the C{ProxyAgent}, it uses its pool's
- C{getConnection} method to do so, with the endpoint it was constructed
- with and a key of C{("http-proxy", endpoint)}.
- """
- endpoint = DummyEndpoint()
- class DummyPool(object):
- connected = False
- persistent = False
- def getConnection(this, key, ep):
- this.connected = True
- self.assertIdentical(ep, endpoint)
- # The key is *not* tied to the final destination, but only to
- # the address of the proxy, since that's where *we* are
- # connecting:
- self.assertEqual(key, ("http-proxy", endpoint))
- return defer.succeed(StubHTTPProtocol())
- pool = DummyPool()
- agent = client.ProxyAgent(endpoint, self.reactor, pool=pool)
- self.assertIdentical(pool, agent._pool)
- agent.request('GET', 'http://foo/')
- self.assertEqual(agent._pool.connected, True)
-class RedirectAgentTests(unittest.TestCase, FakeReactorAndConnectMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{client.RedirectAgent}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.reactor = self.Reactor()
- self.agent = client.RedirectAgent(
- self.buildAgentForWrapperTest(self.reactor))
- def test_noRedirect(self):
- """
- L{client.RedirectAgent} behaves like L{client.Agent} if the response
- doesn't contain a redirect.
- """
- deferred = self.agent.request('GET', 'http://example.com/foo')
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- headers = http_headers.Headers()
- response = Response(('HTTP', 1, 1), 200, 'OK', headers, None)
- res.callback(response)
- self.assertEqual(0, len(self.protocol.requests))
- def checkResponse(result):
- self.assertIdentical(result, response)
- return deferred.addCallback(checkResponse)
- def _testRedirectDefault(self, code):
- """
- When getting a redirect, L{RedirectAgent} follows the URL specified in
- the L{Location} header field and make a new request.
- """
- self.agent.request('GET', 'http://example.com/foo')
- host, port = self.reactor.tcpClients.pop()[:2]
- self.assertEqual("example.com", host)
- self.assertEqual(80, port)
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- headers = http_headers.Headers(
- {'location': ['https://example.com/bar']})
- response = Response(('HTTP', 1, 1), code, 'OK', headers, None)
- res.callback(response)
- req2, res2 = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- self.assertEqual('GET', req2.method)
- self.assertEqual('/bar', req2.uri)
- host, port = self.reactor.sslClients.pop()[:2]
- self.assertEqual("example.com", host)
- self.assertEqual(443, port)
- def test_redirect301(self):
- """
- L{RedirectAgent} follows redirects on status code 301.
- """
- self._testRedirectDefault(301)
- def test_redirect302(self):
- """
- L{RedirectAgent} follows redirects on status code 302.
- """
- self._testRedirectDefault(302)
- def test_redirect307(self):
- """
- L{RedirectAgent} follows redirects on status code 307.
- """
- self._testRedirectDefault(307)
- def test_redirect303(self):
- """
- L{RedirectAgent} changes the methods to C{GET} when getting a redirect
- on a C{POST} request.
- """
- self.agent.request('POST', 'http://example.com/foo')
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- headers = http_headers.Headers(
- {'location': ['http://example.com/bar']})
- response = Response(('HTTP', 1, 1), 303, 'OK', headers, None)
- res.callback(response)
- req2, res2 = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- self.assertEqual('GET', req2.method)
- self.assertEqual('/bar', req2.uri)
- def test_noLocationField(self):
- """
- If no L{Location} header field is found when getting a redirect,
- L{RedirectAgent} fails with a L{ResponseFailed} error wrapping a
- L{error.RedirectWithNoLocation} exception.
- """
- deferred = self.agent.request('GET', 'http://example.com/foo')
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- headers = http_headers.Headers()
- response = Response(('HTTP', 1, 1), 301, 'OK', headers, None)
- res.callback(response)
- self.assertFailure(deferred, client.ResponseFailed)
- def checkFailure(fail):
- fail.reasons[0].trap(error.RedirectWithNoLocation)
- self.assertEqual('http://example.com/foo',
- fail.reasons[0].value.uri)
- self.assertEqual(301, fail.response.code)
- return deferred.addCallback(checkFailure)
- def test_307OnPost(self):
- """
- When getting a 307 redirect on a C{POST} request, L{RedirectAgent} fais
- with a L{ResponseFailed} error wrapping a L{error.PageRedirect}
- exception.
- """
- deferred = self.agent.request('POST', 'http://example.com/foo')
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- headers = http_headers.Headers()
- response = Response(('HTTP', 1, 1), 307, 'OK', headers, None)
- res.callback(response)
- self.assertFailure(deferred, client.ResponseFailed)
- def checkFailure(fail):
- fail.reasons[0].trap(error.PageRedirect)
- self.assertEqual('http://example.com/foo',
- fail.reasons[0].value.location)
- self.assertEqual(307, fail.response.code)
- return deferred.addCallback(checkFailure)
- def test_redirectLimit(self):
- """
- If the limit of redirects specified to L{RedirectAgent} is reached, the
- deferred fires with L{ResponseFailed} error wrapping a
- L{InfiniteRedirection} exception.
- """
- agent = self.buildAgentForWrapperTest(self.reactor)
- redirectAgent = client.RedirectAgent(agent, 1)
- deferred = redirectAgent.request('GET', 'http://example.com/foo')
- req, res = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- headers = http_headers.Headers(
- {'location': ['http://example.com/bar']})
- response = Response(('HTTP', 1, 1), 302, 'OK', headers, None)
- res.callback(response)
- req2, res2 = self.protocol.requests.pop()
- response2 = Response(('HTTP', 1, 1), 302, 'OK', headers, None)
- res2.callback(response2)
- self.assertFailure(deferred, client.ResponseFailed)
- def checkFailure(fail):
- fail.reasons[0].trap(error.InfiniteRedirection)
- self.assertEqual('http://example.com/foo',
- fail.reasons[0].value.location)
- self.assertEqual(302, fail.response.code)
- return deferred.addCallback(checkFailure)
-if ssl is None or not hasattr(ssl, 'DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory'):
- for case in [WebClientSSLTestCase, WebClientRedirectBetweenSSLandPlainText]:
- case.skip = "OpenSSL not present"
-if not interfaces.IReactorSSL(reactor, None):
- for case in [WebClientSSLTestCase, WebClientRedirectBetweenSSLandPlainText]:
- case.skip = "Reactor doesn't support SSL"