BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterkernel-module-mali: Version based to match linux-xlnx kernelMark Hatle7 days
scarthgapkernel-module-mali: Version based to match linux-xlnx kernelMark Hatle7 days
nanbield.gitmodules: Correct the reference to gen-machine-confMark Hatle6 months
mickledore.gitmodules: Correct the reference to gen-machine-confMark Hatle6 months
langdale.gitmodules: Correct the reference to gen-machine-confMark Hatle6 months
kirkstone-nextxilinx-standalone.inc: Move to xlnx specific versions of libmetal and open-ampMark Hatle18 months
honisterxlnx-embeddedsw: Move PV to appendMark Hatle19 months
gatesgarthbinutils/gdb: Disable hunk from microblaze patchMark Hatle3 years
master-oldu-boot-xlnx.inc: Explicitly set builddir pathSai Hari Chandana Kalluri4 years
zeuslibmali-xlnx: Provide single shlib provider for libMali.so.9Sai Hari Chandana Kalluri4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2016-06-16linux-xilinx-machines.inc: Do not clobber COMPATIBLE_MACHINEfidoNathan Rossi
2015-11-05linux/configs: Update 'xilinx-drivers-linux-xlnx.cfg'Nathan Rossi
2015-11-05linux/configs: Fix up xilinx-drivers-linux-xlnx.scc includeNathan Rossi
2015-11-04platform-init: v2014.4 is no longer on master branchManjukumar Matha
2015-09-16linux-xlnx_3.19: Add compatible for ZynqMPNathan Rossi
2015-09-16linux-xlnx_3.19: Update SRCREV to xilinx-v2015.2 tagNathan Rossi
2015-09-16linux-xilinx-machines.inc: Default COMPATIBLE_MACHINE to noneNathan Rossi
2015-09-16linux-xlnx: Add recipe for v3.19 Xilinx kernelNathan Rossi
2015-05-04machine-xilinx-board.inc: Fixup value for u-boot image fileNathan Rossi
2015-05-04COPYING.MIT: Re-add missing licenseNathan Rossi