path: root/runtime/poky/qemux86-64/core-image-sato-sdk-ptest/ptest-openssh.log
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/poky/qemux86-64/core-image-sato-sdk-ptest/ptest-openssh.log')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1664 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/poky/qemux86-64/core-image-sato-sdk-ptest/ptest-openssh.log b/runtime/poky/qemux86-64/core-image-sato-sdk-ptest/ptest-openssh.log
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e649b83383..00000000000
--- a/runtime/poky/qemux86-64/core-image-sato-sdk-ptest/ptest-openssh.log
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1664 +0,0 @@
-test "x" = "x" || mkdir -p /valgrind-out
-set -e ; if test -z "" ; then \
- V="" ; \
- test "x" = "x" || \
- V=/usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ ; \
- $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/sshbuf/test_sshbuf ; \
- $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/sshkey/test_sshkey \
- -d /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/sshkey/testdata ; \
- $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/bitmap/test_bitmap ; \
- $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/conversion/test_conversion ; \
- $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/kex/test_kex ; \
- $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/hostkeys/test_hostkeys \
- -d /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/hostkeys/testdata ; \
- $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/match/test_match ; \
- if test "x" = "xyes" ; then \
- $V /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/utf8/test_utf8 ; \
- fi \
-/bin/sh: line 4: /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/unittests/sshbuf/test_sshbuf: No such file or directory
-make: *** [Makefile:224: unit] Error 127
-ssh-keygen -if /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_ssh2.prv | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_openssh.prv
-tr '\n' '\r' </usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_ssh2.prv > /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_ssh2_cr.prv
-ssh-keygen -if /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_ssh2_cr.prv | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_openssh.prv
-awk '{print $0 "\r"}' /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_ssh2.prv > /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_ssh2_crnl.prv
-ssh-keygen -if /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_ssh2_crnl.prv | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_openssh.prv
-cat /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/rsa_openssh.prv > /t2.out
-chmod 600 /t2.out
-ssh-keygen -yf /t2.out | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-ssh-keygen -ef /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ >/t3.out
-ssh-keygen -if /t3.out | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ |\
- awk '{print $2}' | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/t4.ok
-ssh-keygen -Bf /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ |\
- awk '{print $2}' | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/t5.ok
-ssh-keygen -if /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/dsa_ssh2.prv > /t6.out1
-ssh-keygen -if /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ > /t6.out2
-chmod 600 /t6.out1
-ssh-keygen -yf /t6.out1 | diff - /t6.out2
-ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N '' -f /t7.out
-ssh-keygen -lf /t7.out > /dev/null
-ssh-keygen -Bf /t7.out > /dev/null
-ssh-keygen -q -t dsa -N '' -f /t8.out
-ssh-keygen -lf /t8.out > /dev/null
-ssh-keygen -Bf /t8.out > /dev/null
-test "" != yes || \
-ssh-keygen -q -t ecdsa -N '' -f /t9.out
-test "" != yes || \
-ssh-keygen -lf /t9.out > /dev/null
-test "" != yes || \
-ssh-keygen -Bf /t9.out > /dev/null
-ssh-keygen -q -t ed25519 -N '' -f /t10.out
-ssh-keygen -lf /t10.out > /dev/null
-ssh-keygen -Bf /t10.out > /dev/null
-ssh-keygen -E sha256 -lf /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/ |\
- awk '{print $2}' | diff - /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/t11.ok
-ssh-keygen -q -t ed25519 -N '' -C 'test-comment-1234' -f /t12.out
-ssh-keygen -lf / | grep test-comment-1234 >/dev/null
-run test ...
-PASS: simple connect
-run test ...
-plain username comp=no
-plain username comp=yes
-username with style
-PASS: proxy connect
-run test ...
-PASS: proxy connect with privsep
-run test ...
-uri connect: no trailing slash
-uri connect: trailing slash
-uri connect: with path name
-PASS: uri connect
-run test ...
-PASS: sshd version with different protocol combinations
-run test ...
-PASS: protocol version mismatch
-run test ...
-test remote exit status: status 0
-test remote exit status: status 1
-test remote exit status: status 4
-test remote exit status: status 5
-test remote exit status: status 44
-PASS: remote exit status
-run test ...
-test environment passing: pass env, don't accept
-test environment passing: don't pass env, accept
-test environment passing: pass single env, accept single env
-test environment passing: pass multiple env, accept multiple env
-PASS: environment passing
-run test ...
-PASS: transfer data
-run test ...
-test banner: missing banner file
-test banner: size 0
-test banner: size 10
-test banner: size 100
-test banner: size 1000
-test banner: size 10000
-test banner: size 100000
-test banner: suppress banner (-q)
-PASS: banner
-run test ...
-client rekey KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
-client rekey KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
-client rekey KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
-client rekey KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
-client rekey KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group18-sha512
-client rekey KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
-client rekey KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
-client rekey KexAlgorithms=ecdh-sha2-nistp256
-client rekey KexAlgorithms=ecdh-sha2-nistp384
-client rekey KexAlgorithms=ecdh-sha2-nistp521
-client rekey KexAlgorithms=curve25519-sha256
-client rekey
-client rekey Ciphers=3des-cbc
-client rekey Ciphers=aes128-cbc
-client rekey Ciphers=aes192-cbc
-client rekey Ciphers=aes256-cbc
-client rekey
-client rekey Ciphers=aes128-ctr
-client rekey Ciphers=aes192-ctr
-client rekey Ciphers=aes256-ctr
-client rekey
-client rekey
-client rekey
-client rekey MACs=hmac-sha1
-client rekey MACs=hmac-sha1-96
-client rekey MACs=hmac-sha2-256
-client rekey MACs=hmac-sha2-512
-client rekey MACs=hmac-md5
-client rekey MACs=hmac-md5-96
-client rekey
-client rekey
-client rekey
-client rekey
-client rekey
-client rekey
-client rekey
-client rekey
-client rekey
-client rekey
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group18-sha512
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
-client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp256
-client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp384
-client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp521
-client rekey curve25519-sha256
-client rekey
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group18-sha512
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
-client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp256
-client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp384
-client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp521
-client rekey curve25519-sha256
-client rekey
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group18-sha512
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
-client rekey diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
-client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp256
-client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp384
-client rekey ecdh-sha2-nistp521
-client rekey curve25519-sha256
-client rekey
-client rekeylimit 16
-client rekeylimit 1k
-client rekeylimit 128k
-client rekeylimit 256k
-client rekeylimit default 5
-client rekeylimit default 10
-client rekeylimit default 5 no data
-client rekeylimit default 10 no data
-server rekeylimit 16
-server rekeylimit 1k
-server rekeylimit 128k
-server rekeylimit 256k
-server rekeylimit default 5 no data
-server rekeylimit default 10 no data
-rekeylimit parsing
-PASS: rekey
-run test ...
-test stderr data transfer: ()
-test stderr data transfer: (-n)
-PASS: stderr data transfer
-run test ...
-run test ...
-PASS: stderr data after eof
-PASS: broken pipe test
-run test ...
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac hmac-sha1
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac hmac-sha1-96
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac hmac-sha2-256
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac hmac-sha2-512
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac hmac-md5
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac hmac-md5-96
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher 3des-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac hmac-sha1
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac hmac-sha1-96
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac hmac-sha2-256
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac hmac-sha2-512
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac hmac-md5
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac hmac-md5-96
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac hmac-sha1
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac hmac-sha1-96
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac hmac-sha2-256
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac hmac-sha2-512
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac hmac-md5
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac hmac-md5-96
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac hmac-sha1
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac hmac-sha1-96
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac hmac-sha2-256
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac hmac-sha2-512
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac hmac-md5
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac hmac-md5-96
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-cbc mac
-test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-sha1
-test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-sha1-96
-test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-sha2-256
-test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-sha2-512
-test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-md5
-test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-md5-96
-test try ciphers: cipher mac
-test try ciphers: cipher mac
-test try ciphers: cipher mac
-test try ciphers: cipher mac
-test try ciphers: cipher mac
-test try ciphers: cipher mac
-test try ciphers: cipher mac
-test try ciphers: cipher mac
-test try ciphers: cipher mac
-test try ciphers: cipher mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac hmac-sha1
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac hmac-sha1-96
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac hmac-sha2-256
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac hmac-sha2-512
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac hmac-md5
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac hmac-md5-96
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes128-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac hmac-sha1
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac hmac-sha1-96
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac hmac-sha2-256
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac hmac-sha2-512
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac hmac-md5
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac hmac-md5-96
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes192-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac hmac-sha1
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac hmac-sha1-96
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac hmac-sha2-256
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac hmac-sha2-512
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac hmac-md5
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac hmac-md5-96
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher aes256-ctr mac
-test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-sha1
-test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-sha1
-test try ciphers: cipher mac hmac-sha1
-PASS: try ciphers
-run test ...
-PASS: yes pipe head
-run test ...
-run test ...
-PASS: connect after login grace timeout
-PASS: simple agent test
-run test ...
-SKIP: (not supported on this platform)
-run test ...
-PASS: agent timeout test
-run test ...
-PASS: keyscan
-run test ...
-PASS: change passphrase for key
-run test ...
-PASS: convert keys
-run test ...
-PASS: keygen moduli
-run test ...
-key option command="echo bar"
-key option no-pty,command="echo bar"
-key option pty default
-SKIP: for no openpty(3)
-key option pty no-pty
-SKIP: for no openpty(3)
-key option pty restrict
-SKIP: for no openpty(3)
-key option pty restrict,pty
-SKIP: for no openpty(3)
-key option environment
-key option from=""
-key option from=""
-key option expiry-time default
-key option expiry-time invalid
-key option expiry-time expired
-key option expiry-time valid
-run test ...
-PASS: key options
-scp: simple copy local file to local file
-scp: simple copy local file to remote file
-scp: simple copy remote file to local file
-scp: simple copy local file to remote dir
-scp: simple copy local file to local dir
-scp: simple copy remote file to local dir
-scp: recursive local dir to remote dir
-scp: recursive local dir to local dir
-scp: recursive remote dir to local dir
-scp: shell metacharacters
-scp: skipped file after scp -p with failed chown+utimes
-scp: disallow bad server #0
-scp: disallow bad server #1
-scp: disallow bad server #2
-scp: disallow bad server #3
-scp: disallow bad server #4
-scp: detect non-directory target
-/usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/copy2: Not a directory
-PASS: scp
-run test ...
-scp-uri: simple copy local file to remote file
-scp-uri: simple copy remote file to local file
-scp-uri: simple copy local file to remote dir
-scp-uri: simple copy remote file to local dir
-scp-uri: recursive local dir to remote dir
-scp-uri: recursive remote dir to local dir
-PASS: scp-uri
-run test ...
-test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 5 num_requests 1
-test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 5 num_requests 2
-test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 5 num_requests 10
-test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 1000 num_requests 1
-test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 1000 num_requests 2
-test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 1000 num_requests 10
-test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 32000 num_requests 1
-test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 32000 num_requests 2
-test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 32000 num_requests 10
-test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 64000 num_requests 1
-test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 64000 num_requests 2
-test basic sftp put/get: buffer_size 64000 num_requests 10
-PASS: basic sftp put/get
-run test ...
-test sftp in chroot: get
-PASS: sftp in chroot
-run test ...
-sftp commands: lls
-sftp commands: lls w/path
-sftp commands: ls
-sftp commands: shell
-sftp commands: pwd
-sftp commands: lpwd
-sftp commands: quit
-sftp commands: help
-sftp commands: get
-sftp commands: get quoted
-sftp commands: get filename with quotes
-sftp commands: get filename with spaces
-sftp commands: get filename with glob metacharacters
-sftp commands: get to directory
-sftp commands: glob get to directory
-sftp commands: get to local dir
-sftp commands: glob get to local dir
-sftp commands: put
-sftp commands: put filename with quotes
-sftp commands: put filename with spaces
-sftp commands: put to directory
-sftp commands: glob put to directory
-sftp commands: put to local dir
-sftp commands: glob put to local dir
-sftp commands: rename
-sftp commands: rename directory
-sftp commands: ln
-sftp commands: ln -s
-sftp commands: mkdir
-sftp commands: chdir
-sftp commands: rmdir
-sftp commands: lmkdir
-sftp commands: lchdir
-PASS: sftp commands
-run test ...
-sftp invalid commands: get nonexistent
-sftp invalid commands: glob get to nonexistent directory
-sftp invalid commands: put nonexistent
-sftp invalid commands: glob put to nonexistent directory
-sftp invalid commands: rename nonexistent
-sftp invalid commands: rename target exists (directory)
-sftp invalid commands: glob put files to local file
-PASS: sftp invalid commands
-run test ...
-sftp batchfile: good commands
-sftp batchfile: bad commands
-sftp batchfile: comments and blanks
-sftp batchfile: junk command
-PASS: sftp batchfile
-run test ...
-sftp glob: file glob
-sftp glob: dir glob
-sftp glob: quoted glob
-sftp glob: escaped glob
-sftp glob: escaped quote
-sftp glob: quoted quote
-sftp glob: single-quoted quote
-sftp glob: escaped space
-sftp glob: quoted space
-sftp glob: escaped slash
-sftp glob: quoted slash
-sftp glob: escaped slash at EOL
-sftp glob: quoted slash at EOL
-sftp glob: escaped slash+quote
-sftp glob: quoted slash+quote
-PASS: sftp glob
-run test ...
-sftp permissions: read-only upload
-sftp permissions: read-only setstat
-sftp permissions: read-only rm
-sftp permissions: read-only mkdir
-sftp permissions: read-only rmdir
-sftp permissions: read-only posix-rename
-sftp permissions: read-only oldrename
-sftp permissions: read-only symlink
-sftp permissions: read-only hardlink
-sftp permissions: explicit open
-sftp permissions: explicit read
-sftp permissions: explicit write
-sftp permissions: explicit lstat
-sftp permissions: explicit opendir
-sftp permissions: explicit readdir
-sftp permissions: explicit setstat
-sftp permissions: explicit remove
-sftp permissions: explicit mkdir
-sftp permissions: explicit rmdir
-sftp permissions: explicit posix-rename
-sftp permissions: explicit rename
-sftp permissions: explicit symlink
-sftp permissions: explicit hardlink
-sftp permissions: explicit statvfs
-PASS: sftp permissions
-run test ...
-sftp-uri: non-interactive fetch to local file
-sftp-uri: non-interactive fetch to local dir
-sftp-uri: put to remote directory (trailing slash)
-sftp-uri: put to remote directory (no slash)
-PASS: sftp-uri
-run test ...
-PASS: simple connect after reconfigure
-run test ...
-SKIP: (no suitable ProxyCommand found)
-run test ...
-Exit request sent.
-Exit request sent.
-Exit request sent.
-Exit request sent.
-Exit request sent.
-Exit request sent.
-Exit request sent.
-Exit request sent.
-PASS: local and remote forwarding
-run test ...
-test connection multiplexing: envpass
-test connection multiplexing: transfer
-test connection multiplexing: forward
-test connection multiplexing: status 0
-test connection multiplexing: status 1
-test connection multiplexing: status 4
-test connection multiplexing: status 5
-test connection multiplexing: status 44
-test connection multiplexing: cmd check
-test connection multiplexing: cmd forward local (TCP)
-test connection multiplexing: cmd forward remote (TCP)
-test connection multiplexing: cmd forward local (UNIX)
-test connection multiplexing: cmd forward remote (UNIX)
-test connection multiplexing: cmd exit
-test connection multiplexing: cmd stop
-PASS: connection multiplexing
-run test ...
-test config passing
-test reexec fallback
-PASS: reexec tests
-run test ...
-PASS: broken keys
-run test ...
-reparse minimal config
-ssh -W opts
-user first match
-PASS: ssh config parse
-run test ...
-reparse minimal config
-Could not connect to agent "none": No such file or directory
-reparse regress config
-Could not connect to agent "none": No such file or directory
-listenaddress order
-PASS: sshd config parse
-run test ...
-PASS: sshd_config match
-run test ...
-run test ...
-PASS: sshd_config matchlisten
-test first entry for user somehost
-test negative match for user somehost
-test no match for user somehost
-test list middle for user somehost
-test faked IP in hostname for user
-test bare IP4 address for user
-test localaddress for user somehost
-test localport for user somehost
-test bare IP6 address for user ::1
-test deny IPv6 for user ::2
-test IP6 negated for user ::3 somehost
-test IP6 no match for user ::4 somehost
-test IP6 network for user 2000::1 somehost
-test IP6 network for user 2001::1 somehost
-test IP6 localaddress for user ::5 somehost
-test IP6 localport for user ::5 somehost
-PASS: address match
-run test ...
-test localcommand: proto localcommand
-PASS: localcommand
-run test ...
-PASS: forced command
-run test ...
-port number parsing: invalid port 0
-port number parsing: invalid port 65536
-port number parsing: invalid port 131073
-port number parsing: invalid port 2000blah
-port number parsing: invalid port blah2000
-port number parsing: valid port 1
-port number parsing: valid port 22
-port number parsing: valid port 2222
-port number parsing: valid port 22222
-port number parsing: valid port 65535
-PASS: port number parsing
-run test ...
-keygen dsa, 1024 bits
-keygen rsa, 2048 bits
-keygen rsa, 3072 bits
-keygen ed25519, 512 bits
-keygen ecdsa, 256 bits
-keygen ecdsa, 384 bits
-keygen ecdsa, 521 bits
-userkey dsa-1024, hostkey dsa-1024
-userkey dsa-1024, hostkey dsa-1024
-userkey dsa-1024, hostkey dsa-1024
-userkey rsa-2048, hostkey rsa-2048
-userkey rsa-2048, hostkey rsa-2048
-userkey rsa-2048, hostkey rsa-2048
-userkey rsa-3072, hostkey rsa-3072
-userkey rsa-3072, hostkey rsa-3072
-userkey rsa-3072, hostkey rsa-3072
-userkey ed25519-512, hostkey ed25519-512
-userkey ed25519-512, hostkey ed25519-512
-userkey ed25519-512, hostkey ed25519-512
-userkey ecdsa-256, hostkey ecdsa-256
-userkey ecdsa-256, hostkey ecdsa-256
-userkey ecdsa-256, hostkey ecdsa-256
-userkey ecdsa-384, hostkey ecdsa-384
-userkey ecdsa-384, hostkey ecdsa-384
-userkey ecdsa-384, hostkey ecdsa-384
-userkey ecdsa-521, hostkey ecdsa-521
-userkey ecdsa-521, hostkey ecdsa-521
-userkey ecdsa-521, hostkey ecdsa-521
-PASS: login with different key types
-run test ...
-kex diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
-kex diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
-kex diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
-kex diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
-kex diffie-hellman-group18-sha512
-kex diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
-kex diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
-kex ecdh-sha2-nistp256
-kex ecdh-sha2-nistp384
-kex ecdh-sha2-nistp521
-kex curve25519-sha256
-PASS: login with different key exchange algorithms
-run test ...
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-certified host keys: sign host ed25519 cert
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-certified host keys: sign host rsa cert
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-certified host keys: sign host dsa cert
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-certified host keys: sign host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 cert
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-certified host keys: sign host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 cert
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-certified host keys: sign host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 cert
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-certified host keys: sign host rsa-sha2-256 cert
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-certified host keys: sign host rsa-sha2-512 cert
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-Revoking from /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/
-certified host keys: host ed25519 cert connect privsep yes
-certified host keys: ed25519 basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: ed25519 empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: ed25519 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ed25519 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ed25519 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ed25519 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: ed25519 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ed25519 cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ed25519 CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host rsa cert connect privsep yes
-certified host keys: rsa basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host dsa cert connect privsep yes
-certified host keys: dsa basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: dsa empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: dsa KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: dsa KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: dsa KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: dsa empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: dsa plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: dsa cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: dsa CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 cert connect privsep yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 cert connect privsep yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 cert connect privsep yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-256 cert connect privsep yes
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-512 cert connect privsep yes
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host ed25519 cert connect privsep no
-certified host keys: ed25519 basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: ed25519 empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: ed25519 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ed25519 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ed25519 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ed25519 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: ed25519 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ed25519 cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ed25519 CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host rsa cert connect privsep no
-certified host keys: rsa basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host dsa cert connect privsep no
-certified host keys: dsa basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: dsa empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: dsa KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: dsa KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: dsa KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: dsa empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: dsa plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: dsa cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: dsa CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 cert connect privsep no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 cert connect privsep no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 cert connect privsep no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-256 cert connect privsep no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-256 CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-512 cert connect privsep no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 basic connect expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 empty KRL expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 KRL w/ plain key revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 KRL w/ cert revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 KRL w/ CA revoked expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 empty plaintext revocation expect success yes
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 plain key plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 cert plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: rsa-sha2-512 CA plaintext revocation expect success no
-certified host keys: host ed25519 revoked cert privsep yes
-certified host keys: host rsa revoked cert privsep yes
-certified host keys: host dsa revoked cert privsep yes
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 revoked cert privsep yes
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 revoked cert privsep yes
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 revoked cert privsep yes
-certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-256 revoked cert privsep yes
-certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-512 revoked cert privsep yes
-certified host keys: host ed25519 revoked cert privsep no
-certified host keys: host rsa revoked cert privsep no
-certified host keys: host dsa revoked cert privsep no
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 revoked cert privsep no
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 revoked cert privsep no
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 revoked cert privsep no
-certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-256 revoked cert privsep no
-certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-512 revoked cert privsep no
-certified host keys: host ed25519 revoked cert
-certified host keys: host rsa revoked cert
-certified host keys: host dsa revoked cert
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 revoked cert
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 revoked cert
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 revoked cert
-certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-256 revoked cert
-certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-512 revoked cert
-certified host keys: host ed25519 cert downgrade to raw key
-certified host keys: host rsa cert downgrade to raw key
-certified host keys: host dsa cert downgrade to raw key
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 cert downgrade to raw key
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 cert downgrade to raw key
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 cert downgrade to raw key
-certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-256 cert downgrade to raw key
-certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-512 cert downgrade to raw key
-certified host keys: host ed25519 connect wrong cert
-certified host keys: host rsa connect wrong cert
-certified host keys: host dsa connect wrong cert
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 connect wrong cert
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 connect wrong cert
-certified host keys: host ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 connect wrong cert
-certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-256 connect wrong cert
-certified host keys: host rsa-sha2-512 connect wrong cert
-PASS: certified host keys
-run test ...
-certified user keys: sign user ed25519 cert
-certified user keys: sign user rsa cert
-certified user keys: sign user dsa cert
-certified user keys: sign user ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 cert
-certified user keys: sign user ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 cert
-certified user keys: sign user ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 cert
-certified user keys: sign user rsa-sha2-256 cert
-certified user keys: sign user rsa-sha2-512 cert
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes correct principals key option
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no correct principals key option
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes correct principals key option
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no correct principals key option
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes correct principals key option
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no correct principals key option
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes correct principals key option
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no correct principals key option
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes correct principals key option
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no correct principals key option
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes correct principals key option
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no correct principals key option
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes correct principals key option
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no correct principals key option
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes correct principals key option
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no missing authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no empty authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no wrong authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no correct authorized_principals
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no authorized_principals command=false
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no authorized_principals command=true
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no wrong principals key option
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no correct principals key option
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ed25519 authorized_keys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: rsa authorized_keys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: dsa authorized_keys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 authorized_keys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 authorized_keys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 authorized_keys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 authorized_keys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no authorized_keys connect
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no authorized_keys revoked key
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no authorized_keys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no authorized_keys empty KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 authorized_keys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: authorized_keys CA does not authenticate
-certified user keys: ensure CA key does not authenticate user
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ed25519 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ed25519 TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: rsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: rsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: rsa TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: dsa privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: dsa privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: dsa TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-256 TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep yes TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys connect
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked key
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys revoked via KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 privsep no TrustedUserCAKeys empty KRL
-certified user keys: rsa-sha2-512 TrustedUserCAKeys revoked CA key
-certified user keys: TrustedUserCAKeys CA does not authenticate
-certified user keys: ensure CA key does not authenticate user
-certified user keys: correct principal auth authorized_keys expect success rsa
-certified user keys: correct principal auth authorized_keys expect success ed25519
-certified user keys: correct principal auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect success rsa
-certified user keys: correct principal auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect success ed25519
-certified user keys: host-certificate auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: host-certificate auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: host-certificate auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: host-certificate auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: wrong principals auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: wrong principals auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: wrong principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: wrong principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: cert not yet valid auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: cert not yet valid auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: cert not yet valid auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: cert not yet valid auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: cert expired auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: cert expired auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: cert expired auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: cert expired auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: cert valid interval auth authorized_keys expect success rsa
-certified user keys: cert valid interval auth authorized_keys expect success ed25519
-certified user keys: cert valid interval auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect success rsa
-certified user keys: cert valid interval auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect success ed25519
-certified user keys: wrong source-address auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: wrong source-address auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: wrong source-address auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: wrong source-address auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: force-command auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: force-command auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: force-command auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: force-command auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: empty principals auth authorized_keys expect success rsa
-certified user keys: empty principals auth authorized_keys expect success ed25519
-certified user keys: empty principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: empty principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: AuthorizedPrincipalsFile principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect success rsa
-certified user keys: AuthorizedPrincipalsFile principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect success ed25519
-certified user keys: AuthorizedPrincipalsFile no principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: AuthorizedPrincipalsFile no principals auth TrustedUserCAKeys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: principals key option principals auth authorized_keys expect success rsa
-certified user keys: principals key option principals auth authorized_keys expect success ed25519
-certified user keys: principals key option no principals auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: principals key option no principals auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: force-command match true auth authorized_keys expect success rsa
-certified user keys: force-command match true auth authorized_keys expect success ed25519
-certified user keys: force-command match true auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: force-command match true auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: force-command mismatch 1 auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: force-command mismatch 1 auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: force-command mismatch 2 auth authorized_keys expect failure rsa
-certified user keys: force-command mismatch 2 auth authorized_keys expect failure ed25519
-certified user keys: user ed25519 connect wrong cert
-certified user keys: user rsa connect wrong cert
-certified user keys: user dsa connect wrong cert
-certified user keys: user ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 connect wrong cert
-certified user keys: user ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 connect wrong cert
-certified user keys: user ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 connect wrong cert
-certified user keys: user rsa-sha2-256 connect wrong cert
-certified user keys: user rsa-sha2-512 connect wrong cert
-PASS: certified user keys
-run test ...
-PASS: expand %h and %n
-run test ...
-AuthorizedKeysCommand with arguments
-AuthorizedKeysCommand without arguments
-PASS: authorized keys from command
-run test ...
-check_lfwd done (expecting Y): default configuration
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): default configuration
-check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, !PermitOpen
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, !PermitOpen
-check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, PermitOpen
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, PermitOpen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, !permitopen
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, !permitopen
-check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, permitopen
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, permitopen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, no-port-forwarding
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, no-port-forwarding
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, restrict
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, restrict
-check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, restrict,port-forwarding
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, restrict,port-forwarding
-check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=local
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, !PermitOpen
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, !PermitOpen
-check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=local, PermitOpen
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, PermitOpen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, !permitopen
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, !permitopen
-check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=local, permitopen
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, permitopen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, no-port-forwarding
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, no-port-forwarding
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, restrict
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, restrict
-check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=local, restrict,port-forwarding
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, restrict,port-forwarding
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=remote
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, !PermitOpen
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, !PermitOpen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, PermitOpen
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, PermitOpen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, !permitopen
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, !permitopen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, permitopen
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, permitopen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, no-port-forwarding
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, no-port-forwarding
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, restrict
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, restrict
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, restrict,port-forwarding
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, restrict,port-forwarding
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, !PermitOpen
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, !PermitOpen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, PermitOpen
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, PermitOpen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, !permitopen
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, !permitopen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, permitopen
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, permitopen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, no-port-forwarding
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, no-port-forwarding
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, restrict
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, restrict
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, restrict,port-forwarding
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, restrict,port-forwarding
-check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, !PermitListen
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, !PermitListen
-check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, PermitListen
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=yes, PermitListen
-check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=local, !PermitListen
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, !PermitListen
-check_lfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=local, PermitListen
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=local, PermitListen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, !PermitListen
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, !PermitListen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, PermitListen
-check_rfwd done (expecting Y): AllowTcpForwarding=remote, PermitListen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, !PermitListen
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, !PermitListen
-check_lfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, PermitListen
-check_rfwd done (expecting N): AllowTcpForwarding=no, PermitListen
-PASS: sshd control of local and remote forwarding
-run test ...
-test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2900
-test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2901
-test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2902
-test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2903
-test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2904
-test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2905
-test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2906
-test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2907
-test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2908
-test integrity: hmac-sha1 @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2900
-test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2901
-test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2902
-test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2903
-test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2904
-test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2905
-test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2906
-test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2907
-test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2908
-test integrity: hmac-sha1-96 @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2900
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2901
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2902
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2903
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2904
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2905
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2906
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2907
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2908
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-256 @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2900
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2901
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2902
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2903
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2904
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2905
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2906
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2907
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2908
-test integrity: hmac-sha2-512 @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: hmac-md5 @2900
-test integrity: hmac-md5 @2901
-test integrity: hmac-md5 @2902
-test integrity: hmac-md5 @2903
-test integrity: hmac-md5 @2904
-test integrity: hmac-md5 @2905
-test integrity: hmac-md5 @2906
-test integrity: hmac-md5 @2907
-test integrity: hmac-md5 @2908
-test integrity: hmac-md5 @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2900
-test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2901
-test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2902
-test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2903
-test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2904
-test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2905
-test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2906
-test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2907
-test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2908
-test integrity: hmac-md5-96 @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: @2900
-test integrity: @2901
-test integrity: @2902
-test integrity: @2903
-test integrity: @2904
-test integrity: @2905
-test integrity: @2906
-test integrity: @2907
-test integrity: @2908
-test integrity: @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: @2900
-test integrity: @2901
-test integrity: @2902
-test integrity: @2903
-test integrity: @2904
-test integrity: @2905
-test integrity: @2906
-test integrity: @2907
-test integrity: @2908
-test integrity: @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: @2900
-test integrity: @2901
-test integrity: @2902
-test integrity: @2903
-test integrity: @2904
-test integrity: @2905
-test integrity: @2906
-test integrity: @2907
-test integrity: @2908
-test integrity: @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: @2900
-test integrity: @2901
-test integrity: @2902
-test integrity: @2903
-test integrity: @2904
-test integrity: @2905
-test integrity: @2906
-test integrity: @2907
-test integrity: @2908
-test integrity: @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: @2900
-test integrity: @2901
-test integrity: @2902
-test integrity: @2903
-test integrity: @2904
-test integrity: @2905
-test integrity: @2906
-test integrity: @2907
-test integrity: @2908
-test integrity: @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: @2900
-test integrity: @2901
-test integrity: @2902
-test integrity: @2903
-test integrity: @2904
-test integrity: @2905
-test integrity: @2906
-test integrity: @2907
-test integrity: @2908
-test integrity: @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: @2900
-test integrity: @2901
-test integrity: @2902
-test integrity: @2903
-test integrity: @2904
-test integrity: @2905
-test integrity: @2906
-test integrity: @2907
-test integrity: @2908
-test integrity: @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: @2900
-test integrity: @2901
-test integrity: @2902
-test integrity: @2903
-test integrity: @2904
-test integrity: @2905
-test integrity: @2906
-test integrity: @2907
-test integrity: @2908
-test integrity: @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: @2900
-test integrity: @2901
-test integrity: @2902
-test integrity: @2903
-test integrity: @2904
-test integrity: @2905
-test integrity: @2906
-test integrity: @2907
-test integrity: @2908
-test integrity: @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: @2900
-test integrity: @2901
-test integrity: @2902
-test integrity: @2903
-test integrity: @2904
-test integrity: @2905
-test integrity: @2906
-test integrity: @2907
-test integrity: @2908
-test integrity: @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: @2900
-test integrity: @2901
-test integrity: @2902
-test integrity: @2903
-test integrity: @2904
-test integrity: @2905
-test integrity: @2906
-test integrity: @2907
-test integrity: @2908
-test integrity: @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: @2900
-test integrity: @2901
-test integrity: @2902
-test integrity: @2903
-test integrity: @2904
-test integrity: @2905
-test integrity: @2906
-test integrity: @2907
-test integrity: @2908
-test integrity: @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-test integrity: @2900
-test integrity: @2901
-test integrity: @2902
-test integrity: @2903
-test integrity: @2904
-test integrity: @2905
-test integrity: @2906
-test integrity: @2907
-test integrity: @2908
-test integrity: @2909
-test integrity: 10 errors: mac 10 padding 0 length 0 timeout 0
-PASS: integrity
-run test ...
-key revocation lists: generating test keys
-key revocation lists: generating KRLs
-key revocation lists: checking revocations for revoked keys
-key revocation lists: checking revocations for unrevoked keys
-key revocation lists: checking revocations for revoked certs
-key revocation lists: checking revocations for unrevoked certs
-key revocation lists: testing KRL update
-key revocation lists: checking revocations for revoked keys
-key revocation lists: checking revocations for unrevoked keys
-key revocation lists: checking revocations for revoked certs
-key revocation lists: checking revocations for unrevoked certs
-PASS: key revocation lists
-run test ...
-PASS: multiple pubkey
-run test ...
-allow rsa,ed25519
-allow ed25519
-allow cert only
-match w/ no match
-match w/ matching
-PASS: restrict pubkey type
-run test ...
-key type ssh-ed25519 privsep=no
-key type ssh-rsa privsep=no
-key type ssh-dss privsep=no
-key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep=no
-key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep=no
-key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep=no
-key type ssh-ed25519 privsep=yes
-key type ssh-rsa privsep=yes
-key type ssh-dss privsep=yes
-key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 privsep=yes
-key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 privsep=yes
-key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 privsep=yes
-PASS: hostkey agent
-run test ...
-/usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts updated.
-Original contents retained as /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts.old
-/usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts updated.
-Original contents retained as /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts.old
-/usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts updated.
-Original contents retained as /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts.old
-/usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts updated.
-Original contents retained as /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hosts.old
-/usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hashed updated.
-Original contents retained as /usr/lib/openssh/ptest/regress/kh.hashed.old
-PASS: ssh-keygen known_hosts
-run test ...
-learn hostkey with StrictHostKeyChecking=no
-learn additional hostkeys
-learn additional hostkeys, type=ssh-ed25519
-learn additional hostkeys, type=ssh-rsa
-learn additional hostkeys, type=ssh-dss
-learn additional hostkeys, type=ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
-learn additional hostkeys, type=ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
-learn additional hostkeys, type=ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
-learn changed non-primary hostkey
-learn new primary hostkey
-rotate primary hostkey
-check rotate primary hostkey
-PASS: hostkey rotate
-run test ...
-authorized principals command: privsep yes empty authorized_principals
-authorized principals command: privsep yes wrong authorized_principals
-authorized principals command: privsep yes correct authorized_principals
-authorized principals command: privsep yes authorized_principals bad key opt
-authorized principals command: privsep yes authorized_principals command=false
-authorized principals command: privsep yes authorized_principals command=true
-authorized principals command: privsep yes wrong principals key option
-authorized principals command: privsep yes correct principals key option
-authorized principals command: privsep no empty authorized_principals
-authorized principals command: privsep no wrong authorized_principals
-authorized principals command: privsep no correct authorized_principals
-authorized principals command: privsep no authorized_principals bad key opt
-authorized principals command: privsep no authorized_principals command=false
-authorized principals command: privsep no authorized_principals command=true
-authorized principals command: privsep no wrong principals key option
-authorized principals command: privsep no correct principals key option
-PASS: authorized principals command
-run test ...
-identity cert with no plain public file
-CertificateFile with no plain public file
-plain keys
-untrusted cert
-good cert, bad key
-single trusted
-multiple trusted
-PASS: ssh with certificates
-run test ...
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
-PASS: config include
-run test ...
-PASS: AllowUsers/DenyUsers
-run test ...
-PASS: authinfo
-make: Target 'tests' not remade because of errors.
-PASS: ptrace agent