path: root/bin/acme
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-01-12Bug 13734 - cumulative deployment features and fixesDavid Reyna
srtool: cumulative deployment features and fixes High level new features: * Publishing support to external/public databases * Ability to label products as "active", "inactive", "under development" Inactive (EOL) products appear but * Do not affect status propagation * Do not auto-create defects Development product status is not exported to pubic database * Extend NIST download range to 2002..2019 * Added MITRE downloads to provide RESERVED tracking * Extended audit history tracking and meta-data * Delete CVE records * Ability to do "OR" searches (default is "AND") Example: "CVE-2019-20095 OR CVE-2019-20096 OR CVE-2019-19977" * Automated defect creation (Jira) If selected, creates customer defect for selected and active products Reuse existing defect if present for given product * Many small sorting, readability, edge case fixes Backups: * Add meta-data stamp file for each backup * Save daily backups with day name instead of day number * Preserve file dates when making copies to backup * Add list command Automated Updates: * Fix report format * Add trial run test Utilities: * Add 13 new database fix up procedures Some are one-shot historical fixes, some are learned validation checks Database Schema: * Add "SRTool" class to wrap shared enumerations (e.g. Priority) * Add "Update" class to tag and track audit trail objects * Change Priority naming to match CVE model instead of JIRA * Add srt_created/srt_updated to CVE/Vul/Inv/Notify for improved updating and auditing * Add to Defect the SRT versions of Status, Priority, Outcome To distinguish these from the customer's defect system's values Common Tools: * Fix new CVE auto-scoring to skip CVE's already scored (though still NEW) * Add automated propagation of Defects/Investigations status to parent Vulnerabilities See "srtool_common.py" for rule details CVEs: * Add MITRE as an automatic upstream source This is to specifically capture all of the "RESERVED" CVE enumerations which will not appear in the MIST databases, and have the CVE records in place for internal investigations and transitions to "public" status. * Spell out the command arguments in the NIST data source files for greater legibility * Change Priority naming to match CVE instead of JIRA * Add parallel status states for "inactive" products This specifically blocks state propagation from inactive objects to active objects NIST management script: * Refactor file for greater clarity * Reorder methods to reflect workflow order * Fully spell out names of objects * Remove temporary holding class "CVE" in favor of dictionary objects * Debugging enhancements * Incremental update commands for stepped debugging For example, ability to fetch/update specific CVE(s) * Additional debugging flags [YOCTO #13734] Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-02-19srtool_jira: fix Jira status mappingsDavid Reyna
Fix a copy/paste error in the Jira status mapping table. Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-02-19srtool_update: fix product/user update from tablesDavid Reyna
When restarting the SRTool, the main app's user and product table should be re-read and applied. This fixes a select problem. Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-01-29srtool_email: update email values, error handlingDavid Reyna
Various updates and fixes: * Use the new SRT_EMAIL_* variable names * Fix hardcoded value for 'from' address * Add additional error handling * Allow the email settings to be defined in SrtSetting values, and provide example in the ACME datasource file Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-01-24srtool: separate name/passwords for defect and emailDavid Reyna
Separate the environment variables of the username and password for the defect and email systems into separate values, in case they need separate credentials. Also, fix a Wind River-ism in the Jira template to reflect that the product key is not necessarily also defect name prefix. Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-01-21srtool_start: generate SRTool stop/restart scriptsDavid Reyna
When the SRTool successfully starts, auto-generate helper scripts to allow the user to stop and restart the SRTool based on the previous options. This is also useful for scripts that need to stop then restart the SRTool server in order to safely perform actions (like backup or restore). Generated scripts: bin/srt_start.sh (also first stops the server if currently running) bin/srt_stop.sh Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-01-19srtool_patcher: add custom exclusion supportDavid Reyna
Add the ability to exclude sections of the common code. The primary use case is if the common code is executinga function that causes undesired side effects for the customization. Here is example code in "bin/acme/patcher/inplace/bin/srt.patch": ### ACME_EXTENSION_EXCLUDE_BEGIN ### #echo "The system will $CMD." # ### ACME_EXTENSION_EXCLUDE_END ### ### ACME_EXTENSION_BEGIN ### # # NOTE: Exclusions should be used only when necessary # NOTE: The excluded lines are commented so that they are inactive # but restorable # echo "The ACME SRTool system will now $CMD!" ### ACME_EXTENSION_END ### The content in the excluded section are commented, so that when it is cleaned those lines can be restored to the original. Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-01-19srtool: add in-place custom patching supportDavid Reyna
Add 'in-place' patch support for customizing organization patches on top of regular upstream SRTool files. An example is provided in "bin/acme/patcher/inplace/bin/srt", which adds a custom hello message. * To assert (merge) the custom version for runtime, run: $ ./bin/common/srtool_patcher.py -J bin/acme/patcher.json -I * To stash the customized version and replace with clean version (but keep any changes in the public sections for pushing upstream), run: $ ./bin/common/srtool_patcher.py -J bin/acme/patcher.json -i Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-01-17srtool: patcher, Jira template, Jira ACMEDavid Reyna
Add formal support for extending and customizing shared template code files. * The initial use case is a shared Jira integration file that partners can extend to their particular installation. A working example is provided in the ACME directory: upstream: "bin/common/srtool_jira_template.py" custom : "bin/acme/srtool_jira_acme.py" * The custom sections are blocked off with comment tags (e.g. ACME) ### ACME_EXTENSION_BEGIN ### ... ### ACME_EXTENSION_END ### * The './bin/common/srtool_patcher.py' tool provides the support, for example: To merge shared upstream code into the custom Jira script, run: $ ./bin/common/srtool_patcher.py -j bin/acme/patcher.json --merge-original To merge edits in script's common areas back to upstream, run: $ ./bin/common/srtool_patcher.py -j bin/acme/patcher.json --merge-custom Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-01-16srtool: pylint for the bin toolsDavid Reyna
Fix the pylint errors in the bin directory tools. The pylint command was: $ PYTHONPATH=./lib:./bin pylint3 --load-plugins pylint_django bin --disable=C,R,unused-variable,unused-wildcard-import,redefined-outer-name,unused-argument,fixme,bare-except,broad-except,redefined-builtin,unnecessary-pass,logging-not-lazy,wildcard-import | tee srt_bin_pylint.txt The currently allowed exceptions are: W0603: Using the global statement (global-statement) W0611: Unused ORM imported from srt_schema (unused-import) Also, remove the obsolete 'bin/common/srtool_defect.py' and skip the need to pylint it altogether. Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-01-15srtool: separate lastUpdatedDate, enforce date formatDavid Reyna
* Add lastUpdatedDate to track when data source was updated * Leave lastModifedDate to track upstream dates * Introduce DataSource.DATETIME_FORMAT and ORM.DATASOURCE_DATETIME_FORMAT to enforce date formatting in the lib and bin code * Explicitly set 'nocache' for the data source page, so the refresh will always show the latest [YOCTO #13131] Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-01-14acme: cleanup importsRoss Burton
2019-01-14srtool: complete auto-update supportDavid Reyna
Complete the support for backgroup data source updates: * Add cron-start,cron-stop to srtool_update * Have cron update run as a user space script to avoid sudo * Hook cron-start,cron-stop into srt start,stop * Add list command to show update sources * Have force command propagate to update script calls, and add force option to all source scripts * Add 'srt manage update ...' for access to the update functions * Add flag SRT_SKIP_AUTOUPDATE and srt option noautoupdate to disable the automatic update app for development assistance Related Fixes: * Set the schema generator to always update on startup (13138) * Fix CVE 'recommend' default to the integer zero (13139) with auto-fix at startup for existing databases [YOCTO #13131] [YOCTO #13138] [YOCTO #13139] Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-01-13srtool: fix core update implementationDavid Reyna
Fix the data source update mechanism: * Move the update functions to "bin/common/srtool_update.py" * Remove 'lastModifiedDate' from the data source JSON files (since every restart overwrites any updated values) * Change the 'update_time' field to a dictionary of offset values e.g. "{\"weekday\":\"6\",\"hour\":\"2\"}" = day of week, hour of day * Implement the update frequency calculations * Implement data source name filters for selected manual updates * Add a log status file [YOCTO #13131] Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-01-01srtool: parameterize the defect new callDavid Reyna
Change the new defect call to use named parameters. This will enhance the readability and better allow for future changes. Also, pass the CVE list and defect 'reason' so that the defect integation tool can use that for the defect record and/or use in creating its own version of the defect 'summary'. Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2018-12-30srtool: add defect create from investigationsDavid Reyna
Enable the feature of creating defects from investigations. Consolidate into one defect creation method for both investigations and CVE triage. Enhance the "srtool_defect.py" sample tools to simulate creating new defects. Fix the sample "srtool_jira.py" tool new defect creation to support the new "defect_tag" variable. Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2018-12-30srtool: replace 'datasource_org' with new master app codeDavid Reyna
Transition the datasource scanning from 'datasource_org' to the new master app environment variable, so that it all works off of one key. Also, add a sample logo for ACME, plus fix datasource trace details. Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2018-12-29srtool: generalize the master app (yp, acme, ...) managementDavid Reyna
The SRTool allows users to substitute an alternate master application instead of the default "yp" in order to customize their instance to their organization. This is done by: (a) Creating a datasource directory under bin (b) Defining a "datasource.json" file (c) Defining 'export SRT_MAIN_APP="<app>"' in "srtool_env.sh" This environment files are scanned by 'bin/srt', and if such an alternate master app is found it pre-empts the default 'yp'. This value is set via the environment because "lib/srtmain/settings.py" is the file that sets the app (and this the URL) ordering, and it is processed before any database is attached. To disable the alternate main app, simply rename its "datasource.json" file and it will be ignored for the next start. The sample alternate app "acme" is provided to demonstrate this facility. Additionally, a development tool 'bin/dev_tools/master_app.sh' has been added to help switch between master apps, to aid testing. $ ./stop.sh $ ./master_app.sh acme $ ./start.sh ... test ... $ ./stop.sh $ ./master_app.sh yp $ ./start.sh Other included fixes: * Fix the ACME JSON files formating * Remove ACME "_sample" from all but "datasource.json_sample" * Fix tabs to spaces in "srt" * Add global contect values to views::managedcontextprocessor so that other app templates can share them Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>