path: root/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastergui
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-12-07bitbake: toaster: return back 'New project' buttonEd Bartosh
2015-12-07bitbake: toaster: remove SDKMACHINE from project variablesEd Bartosh
2015-12-07bitbake: toaster: remove usage of BUILD_MODE variableEd Bartosh
2015-12-07bitbake: toaster: toastergui tests Add generic test for ToasterTables widgetMichael Wood
2015-12-07bitbake: toaster: tables Fix invalid field name on NewCustomImagesTableMichael Wood
2015-12-07bitbake: toaster: tables Add default_orderby field where it was missing or unsetMichael Wood
2015-12-07bitbake: toaster: machines table Fix missing layers information needed for fi...Michael Wood
2015-12-07bitbake: toaster: tablejs Make sure click handlers consume click eventMichael Wood
2015-12-07bitbake: toaster: projectpage Make sure build targets are space separatedMichael Wood
2015-11-16bitbake: toaster: builds pages Fix the download cooker log linkBelen Barros Pena
2015-11-16bitbake: toaster: project pages Link to image recipes table in notificationsBelen Barros Pena
2015-11-16bitbake: toaster: localhostbectrl Pass DATABASE_URL in via the process enviro...Elliot Smith
2015-11-16bitbake: toaster: Remove the new-build-input button widgetMichael Wood
2015-11-16bitbake: toaster: projecttopbar Use the project in context to get num buildsMichael Wood
2015-11-16bitbake: toaster: projectpage Disable/Enable build input if we have 0 layersMichael Wood
2015-10-29bitbake: toaster: templates Add meaningful title tagsBelen Barros Pena
2015-10-27bitbake: toaster: Remove all navigation when not in build modeElliot Smith
2015-10-27bitbake: toaster: Run tests in build modeElliot Smith
2015-10-27bitbake: toaster: Hide builds for non-cli projects in analysis modeElliot Smith
2015-10-27bitbake: toaster: Hide top bar buttons in analysis modeElliot Smith
2015-10-27bitbake: toaster: Show mode-appropriate landing pageElliot Smith
2015-10-27bitbake: toaster: Add BUILD_MODE flag to contextElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Add tests for error message display on the build dashboardElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Modify "New build" button behaviour for cli builds projectElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Clean up template codeElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: More linting of testsElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Show tooltip next to cli builds project name in all buildsElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Hide tabs and add info popups for command line buildsElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Make the builds view the project page for "command line bui...Elliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Replace "Run again" button with help text for cli buildsElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Exclude "command line builds" project from projects typeaheadElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Show 'not applicable' for default project machine and releaseElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Reorganise and lint testsElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Allow any text input to machine configuration variableMichael Wood
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Guard against builds with no targetsElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Remove Toaster exceptions section of build dashboardElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Record critical errorsElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Test that exception isn't thrown by project pageElliot Smith
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Disable add layer button when input is emptyBelen Barros Pena
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Have 'Version' next to recipe nameBelen Barros Pena
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: Improve directory structure layoutBelen Barros Pena
2015-10-16bitbake: toaster: importlayer Update property names for importlayer api callsEd Bartosh
2015-10-13bitbake: toaster: Fix missing tooltips from layers on project configuration pageMichael Wood
2015-10-12bitbake: toaster: Fix broken test caseEd Bartosh
2015-10-12bitbake: toaster: Remove project name from latest project buildsBelen Barros Pena
2015-10-12bitbake: toaster: use get_alldeps in layerdetails rendererEd Bartosh
2015-10-11bitbake: toaster: Update JS unit testsMichael Wood
2015-10-11bitbake: toaster: Fix stale layer state buttonsMichael Wood
2015-10-11bitbake: toaster: tables Add the recipe filter back into the Recipe tableMichael Wood
2015-10-11bitbake: toaster: layerdetails update build recipe button class nameMichael Wood