path: root/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/sessions.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/sessions.py')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/sessions.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/sessions.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8d4bcce6a37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/sessions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+import time
+import os
+import pwd
+import errno
+import re
+import subprocess
+import signal
+import tempfile
+import random
+import glob
+from dogtail.config import config
+def scratchFile(label): # pragma: no cover
+ """Uses tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() to create a unique tempfile in
+ config.scratchDir, with a filename like:
+ dogtail-headless-<label>.<random junk>"""
+ prefix = "dogtail-headless-"
+ return tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="%s%s." % (prefix, label),
+ dir=config.scratchDir)
+def testBinary(path): # pragma: no cover
+ if (path.startswith(os.path.sep) or
+ path.startswith(os.path.join('.', '')) or
+ path.startswith(os.path.join('..', ''))):
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, "No such file", path)
+ if not os.access(path, os.X_OK):
+ raise IOError(errno.ENOEXEC, "Permission denied", path)
+ return True
+def get_username(): # pragma: no cover
+ return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
+class Subprocess(object): # pragma: no cover
+ def __init__(self, cmdList, environ=None):
+ testBinary(cmdList[0])
+ self.cmdList = cmdList
+ self.environ = environ
+ self._exitCode = None
+ def start(self):
+ if self.environ is None:
+ self.environ = os.environ
+ self.popen = subprocess.Popen(
+ self.cmdList, env=self.environ) # , stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ # stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds = True)
+ return self.popen.pid
+ def wait(self):
+ return self.popen.wait()
+ def stop(self):
+ # The following doesn't exist in python < 2.6, if you can believe it.
+ # self.popen.terminate()
+ os.kill(self.popen.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+ @property
+ def exitCode(self):
+ if self._exitCode is None:
+ self._exitCode = self.wait()
+ return self._exitCode
+class XServer(Subprocess): # pragma: no cover
+ def __init__(self, server="/usr/bin/Xorg",
+ xinitrc="/etc/X11/xinit/Xclients",
+ resolution="1024x768x16"):
+ """resolution is only used with Xvfb."""
+ testBinary(server)
+ self.server = server
+ self._exitCode = None
+ self.xinit = "/usr/bin/xinit"
+ self.display = None
+ self.xinitrc = xinitrc
+ self.resolution = resolution
+ @staticmethod
+ def findFreeDisplay():
+ tmp = os.listdir('/tmp')
+ pattern = re.compile('\.X([0-9]+)-lock')
+ usedDisplays = []
+ for file in tmp:
+ match = re.match(pattern, file)
+ if match:
+ usedDisplays.append(int(match.groups()[0]))
+ if not usedDisplays:
+ return ':0'
+ usedDisplays.sort()
+ return ':' + str(usedDisplays[-1] + 1)
+ @property
+ def cmdList(self):
+ self.display = self.findFreeDisplay()
+ cmd = []
+ if self.xinit:
+ cmd.append(self.xinit)
+ if self.xinitrc:
+ cmd.append(self.xinitrc)
+ cmd.append('--')
+ cmd.append(self.server)
+ cmd.append(self.display)
+ cmd.extend(['-ac', '-noreset'])
+ if self.server.endswith('Xvfb'):
+ cmd.extend(['-screen', '0', self.resolution])
+ cmd.append('-shmem')
+ return cmd
+ def start(self):
+ print(' '.join(self.cmdList))
+ self.popen = subprocess.Popen(self.cmdList)
+ return self.popen.pid
+class Script(Subprocess): # pragma: no cover
+ pass
+class Session(object): # pragma: no cover
+ def __init__(self, sessionBinary, scriptCmdList=[], scriptDelay=20, logout=True):
+ testBinary(sessionBinary)
+ self.sessionBinary = sessionBinary
+ self.script = Script(scriptCmdList)
+ self.scriptDelay = scriptDelay
+ self.logout = logout
+ self.xserver = XServer()
+ self._cookie = None
+ self._environment = None
+ def start(self):
+ self.xinitrcFileObj = scratchFile('xinitrc')
+ self.xserver.xinitrc = self.xinitrcFileObj.name
+ self._buildXInitRC(self.xinitrcFileObj)
+ xServerPid = self.xserver.start()
+ time.sleep(self.scriptDelay)
+ self.script.environ = self.environment
+ scriptPid = self.script.start()
+ return (xServerPid, scriptPid)
+ @property
+ def environment(self):
+ def isSessionProcess(fileName):
+ try:
+ if os.path.realpath(path + 'exe') != ('/usr/bin/plasma-desktop'
+ if self.sessionBinary.split('/')[-1] == 'startkde'
+ else self.sessionBinary):
+ return False
+ except OSError:
+ return False
+ pid = fileName.split('/')[2]
+ if pid == 'self' or pid == str(os.getpid()):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def getEnvDict(fileName):
+ try:
+ envString = open(fileName, 'r').read()
+ except IOError:
+ return {}
+ envItems = envString.split('\x00')
+ envDict = {}
+ for item in envItems:
+ if not '=' in item:
+ continue
+ k, v = item.split('=', 1)
+ envDict[k] = v
+ return envDict
+ def isSessionEnv(envDict):
+ if not envDict:
+ return False
+ if envDict.get(self.cookieName, 'notacookie') == self.cookie:
+ return True
+ return False
+ for path in glob.glob('/proc/*/'):
+ if not isSessionProcess(path):
+ continue
+ envFile = path + 'environ'
+ envDict = getEnvDict(envFile)
+ if isSessionEnv(envDict):
+ # print path
+ # print envDict
+ self._environment = envDict
+ if not self._environment:
+ raise RuntimeError("Can't find our environment!")
+ return self._environment
+ def wait(self):
+ self.script.wait()
+ return self.xserver.wait()
+ def stop(self):
+ try:
+ self.script.stop()
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ self.xserver.stop()
+ def attemptLogout(self):
+ logoutScript = Script('dogtail-logout',
+ environ=self.environment)
+ logoutScript.start()
+ logoutScript.wait()
+ @property
+ def cookie(self):
+ if not self._cookie:
+ self._cookie = "%X" % random.getrandbits(16)
+ return self._cookie
+ def _buildXInitRC(self, fileObj):
+ lines = [
+ "export %s=%s" % (self.cookieName, self.cookie),
+ "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface toolkit-accessibility true",
+ ". /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc-common",
+ "export %s" % self.cookieName,
+ "exec -l $SHELL -c \"$CK_XINIT_SESSION $SSH_AGENT %s\"" %
+ (self.sessionBinary),
+ ""]
+ fileObj.write('\n'.join(lines).strip())
+ fileObj.flush()