path: root/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/xlnx/xlnx,mixer.txt
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diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/xlnx/xlnx,mixer.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/xlnx/xlnx,mixer.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..20f4cec27175
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+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/xlnx/xlnx,mixer.txt
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+Device-Tree bindings for Xilinx Video Mixer IP core
+The IP core provides a flexible video processing block for alpha blending
+and compositing multiple video and/or graphics layers.
+Support for up to sixteen layers based on IP version, with an optional logo
+layer, using a combination of video inputs from either frame buffer or
+streaming video cores (through AXI4-Stream interfaces) is provided.
+The Video Mixer always has one streaming input layer, known as master layer.
+Required properties:
+ - compatible: Must contain atleast one of
+ "xlnx,mixer-4.0" (MIXER 4.0 version)
+ "xlnx,mixer-3.0" (MIXER 3.0 version)
+ - reg: Base address and size of the IP core.
+ - interrupts: Interrupt number.
+ - interrupts-parent: phandle for interrupt controller.
+ - reset-gpio: gpio to reset the mixer IP
+ - xlnx,dma-addr-width: dma address width, valid values are 32 and 64
+ - xlnx,bpc: bits per component for mixer
+ - xlnx,ppc: pixel per clock for mixer
+ - xlnx,num-layers: Total number of layers (excluding logo)
+ Value ranges from 1-9 for compatible string xlnx,mixer-3.0 and
+ Value ranges from 1-17 for comptaible string xlnx,mixer-4.0
+ - layer_[x]: node for [x] layer
+ - xlnx,layer-id: layer identifier number
+ - xlnx,vformat: video format for layer. See list of supported formats below.
+ - xlnx,layer-max-width: max layer width, mandatory for master layer
+ for overlay layers if scaling is alowed then this is mandatory otherwise
+ not required for overlay layers
+ - xlnx,layer-max-height: max layer height, mandatory for master layer
+ Not required for overlay layers
+ - xlnx,layer-primary: denotes the primary layer, should be mentioned in node
+ of layer which is expected to be constructing the primary plane
+Optional properties:
+ - dmas: dma attach to layer, mandatory for master layer
+ for rest other layers its optional
+ - dma-names: Should be "dma0", for more details on DMA identifier string
+ refer Documentation/devicetree/bindings/dma/dma.txt
+ - xlnx,layer-streaming: denotes layer can be streaming,
+ mandatory for master layer. Streaming layers need external dma, where
+ as non streaming layers read directly from memory.
+ - xlnx,layer-alpha: denotes layer can do alpha compositing
+ - xlnx,layer-scale: denotes layer can be scale to 2x and 4x
+ - xlnx,logo-layer: denotes logo layer is enable
+ - logo: logo layer
+ - xlnx,bridge: phandle to bridge node.
+ This handle is required only when VTC is connected as bridge.
+Supported Formats:
+ Mixer IP Format Driver supported Format String
+ BGR888 "RG24"
+ RGB888 "BG24"
+ XBGR2101010 "XB30"
+ XRGB8888 "XR24"
+ RGBA8888 "RA24"
+ ABGR8888 "AB24"
+ ARGB8888 "AR24"
+ XBGR8888 "XB24"
+ NV12 "NV12"
+ NV16 "NV16"
+ Y8 "GREY"
+ Y10 "Y10 " (Note: Space included)
+ XVUY2101010 "XV30"
+ VUY888 "VU24"
+ XVUY8888 "XV24"
+ XV15 "XV15"
+ XV20 "XV20"
+Note : Format strings are case sensitive.
+ v_mix_0: v_mix@80100000 {
+ compatible = "xlnx,mixer-3.0";
+ interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
+ interrupts = <0 93 4>;
+ reg = <0x0 0x80100000 0x0 0x80000>;
+ xlnx,dma-addr-width=<32>;
+ reset-gpios = <&gpio 1 1>;
+ xlnx,bpc = <8>;
+ xlnx,ppc = <2>;
+ xlnx,num-layers = <8>;
+ xlnx,logo-layer;
+ xlnx,bridge = <&v_tc_0>;
+ mixer_port: mixer_port@0 {
+ reg = <0>;
+ mixer_crtc: endpoint {
+ remote-endpoint = <&sdi_encoder>;
+ };
+ };
+ xv_mix_master: layer_0 {
+ xlnx,layer-id = <0>;
+ xlnx,vformat = "YUYV";
+ xlnx,layer-max-width = <4096>;
+ xlnx,layer-height = <2160>;
+ dmas = <&axi_vdma_0 0>;
+ dma-names = "dma0";
+ xlnx,layer-streaming;
+ xlnx,layer-primary;
+ };
+ xv_mix_overlay_1: layer_1 {
+ xlnx,layer-id = <1>;
+ xlnx,vformat = "NV16";
+ xlnx,layer-alpha;
+ xlnx,layer-scale;
+ xlnx,layer-max-width=<1920>;
+ };
+ xv_mix_overlay_2: layer_2 {
+ xlnx,layer-id = <2>;
+ xlnx,vformat = "YUYV";
+ xlnx,layer-alpha;
+ xlnx,layer-scale;
+ xlnx,layer-max-width=<1920>;
+ };
+ xv_mix_overlay_3: layer_3 {
+ xlnx,layer-id = <3>;
+ xlnx,vformat = "AYUV";
+ xlnx,layer-alpha;
+ xlnx,layer-scale;
+ xlnx,layer-max-width=<1920>;
+ };
+ xv_mix_overlay_4: layer_4 {
+ xlnx,layer-id = <4>;
+ xlnx,vformat = "GREY";
+ dmas = <&scaler_v_frmbuf_rd_0 0>;
+ dma-names = "dma0";
+ xlnx,layer-streaming;
+ xlnx,layer-alpha;
+ xlnx,layer-scale;
+ xlnx,layer-max-width=<1920>;
+ };
+ xv_mix_overlay_5: layer_5 {
+ xlnx,layer-id = <5>;
+ xlnx,vformat = "AB24";
+ xlnx,layer-alpha;
+ xlnx,layer-scale;
+ xlnx,layer-max-width=<1920>;
+ };
+ xv_mix_overlay_6: layer_6 {
+ xlnx,layer-id = <6>;
+ xlnx,vformat = "XB24";
+ xlnx,layer-alpha;
+ xlnx,layer-scale;
+ xlnx,layer-max-width=<1920>;
+ };
+ xv_mix_overlay_7: layer_7 {
+ xlnx,layer-id = <7>;
+ xlnx,vformat = "BG24";
+ xlnx,layer-alpha;
+ xlnx,layer-scale;
+ xlnx,layer-max-width=<1920>;
+ };
+ xv_mix_logo: logo {
+ xlnx,layer-id = <8>;
+ xlnx,logo-height = <64>;
+ xlnx,logo-width = <64>;
+ };
+ };