path: root/README.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'README.txt')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc5b890
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+Note: PART I and PART II can be skipped if you have already done that.
+Part I: Base environment setup
+I-1. Install Build Dependencies
+I-1.1 Fedora
+ sudo dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk xsltproc wget tar make git
+I-1.2 Ubuntu
+ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk xsltproc wget tar make git
+I-1.3 OpenSUSE
+ sudo zypper install java-1_8_0-openjdk xsltproc wget tar make git
+I-3. Proxy Settings (If you're behind some firewall)
+ The currently recommended solution is to use Chameleonsocks:
+ The legacy method of handling proxy settings is included in Appendix A.
+I-4. Get the Source Code for the Yocto Project Eclipse Plugin
+ git clone git://
+ The scripts used for building, including on the auto builder, are under
+ the "scripts" directory.
+ The repo has several branches, for different releases of Eclipse (e.g.
+ "neon-master") and also for difference releases of the Yocto Project
+ (e.g. "neon/morty").
+Part II: Setup the Build Environment
+II-1. Modify the scripts/ to set appropriate proxy settings.
+ If you are not using Chameleonsocks, set PROXY to a http proxy URL
+ and PORT to the port number. Comment out these 2 variables if proxy
+ is not required.
+II-2. Run Script
+ Run <path to>/scripts/ to set up the build environment.
+ This will install the Eclipse SDK and relevant plugins required to build
+ the Yocto Project Eclipse plug-ins. It will also create a convenience
+ symbolic link to the Eclipse executable.
+ If you are working on a newer Eclipse release, where the upstream has not
+ yet been mirrored to, you
+ should instead run:
+ <path to>/scripts/ --upstream
+Part III: Build & Install Yocto Eclipse plug-in
+III.1 Build the Yocto Eclipse Plug-in
+ To build the Yocto Eclipse plug-in, simply run
+"ECLIPSE_HOME=<eclipse path> <path to>/scripts/ <plugin branch or tag name> <documentation branch or tag name> <release name> 2>&1 | tee -a build.log"
+ Note that this will clone the indicated branch of yocto-docs from
+ If you pass in an invalid branch/tag, the build
+ will fail.
+ The <eclipse path> is the absolute path where you installed Eclipse
+ in step II-2.
+ If successful, three files will be generated in the directory where
+ you invoked the "" script:
+ org.yocto.doc-<release name>-<date>.zip,
+ org.yocto.sdk-<release name>-<date>.zip and
+ org.yocto.sdk-<release name>-<date>
+ If you are planning to build multiple versions of the plugins (for
+ different Eclipse releases for instance), you can run the setup and build
+ scripts from any directory, as long as you use the proper paths.
+ When switching between branches, you may need to run the script
+ again to properly setup a different Eclipse environment. You may want to
+ change the "eclipse" symbolic link to point to the desired Eclipse
+ installation so that the already downloaded and installed files will be
+ recognized.
+III.2 Building Local Changes to Yocto Eclipse Plug-in
+ If you are building from a local branch, you should instead run:
+"ECLIPSE_HOME=<eclipse path> <path to>/scripts/ -l <plugin branch or tag name> <documentation branch or tag name> <release name> 2>&1 | tee -a build.log"
+III.3 Install the Yocto Eclipse Plug-in
+ The file with the "-archive" in its name is the archive zip used for Eclipse
+ update manager (the "p2 repository"). The user can use the Eclipse update
+ manager to install it:
+ Help -> Install New Software... -> Add... -> Archive...
+ This is the recommended way to install the plugin during development.
+ The files without the "-archive" in their names are the zip containing
+ only the plugins/features. The user can unzip them into their target
+ eclipse "plugins" folder to install it.
+Part IV. Updating and Keeping Up-to-Date with Upstream Eclipse
+IV.1 Updating script
+ When you would like to update the plugin to build for a new Eclipse release,
+ you need to make a few changes in the script.
+ 1. If you are building for a non "Release" version of Eclipse, set the
+ appropriate value for "ep_rel", for instance "S-" for stable.
+ 2. Set "ep_ver" to the numeric version of the release, for instance "4.6"
+ for the original Neon release or "4.5.2" for the Mars.2 release or
+ "4.7M2" for the second Oxygen milestone.
+ 3. Set the "ep_date" to the date stamp on the tarball. The easiest way to
+ determine this is to go the main Eclipse website, click on the Downloads
+ button, click on the Download Packages link, click on the "Other builds"
+ link in the "More Downloads" sidebar and then hover over the version you
+ would like to download to see its fully qualified name. The "Other builds"
+ link currently resolves to
+ but this may change in the future.
+ 4. Set the MAIN_SITE to point to the desired release URL.
+ 5. Set the UPDATE_SITE to point to the correct update site for the release
+ in question. Note that for milestone releases (pre-release), the URL is
+ different since the numeric version has "milestones" appended to it (e.g.
+ "4.7milestones" for Oxygen pre-release).
+ 6. Set the versions of the various components to the desired version,
+ for instance CDTFEAT="9.0.0" for the original Neon release, but
+ became "9.1.0" for the Neon.1 release and will be "9.2.0" for the
+ upcoming Oxygen release.
+ 7. If any new components need to be added (new build dependencies), the
+ name of the feature must match exactly in order for the convenience
+ "update_feature_remote" function to work properly. A recommended way
+ to explore P2 repositories is included in the Oomph Setup SDK.
+ It can be found under "Window -> Show View -> Other... -> Oomph ->
+ Repository Explorer".
+IV.2 Staying Informed
+ Eclipse has either a major release or a point release approximately every
+ three months. At times, plugins and features may be moved to a different
+ update site. As an example, between the Mars release and the Mars.1 release,
+ the RSE plugin was officially deprecated and moved to a separate update site.
+ In order to stay on top of these changes, it is highly recommended that you
+ subscribe to at least the following mailing lists:
+ 1. C/C++ Development Tooling:
+ 2. Eclipse Packaging Project:
+ 3. Cross Project Issues:
+ It is on these mailing lists that major API and ABI breaking changes will be
+ announced. As an example, the minimum required JDK version for Neon is 1.8.0,
+ which was announced on both the "EPP" and the "Cross Project" lists. These
+ mailing lists are also a place to discuss planned new features and commun-
+ icate with other Eclipse developers. It is not particularly time-consuming
+ to stay up to date, but if you wait for a year or two you might find that
+ upstream Eclipse has changed dramatically and it can be difficult to sync.
+Part V. Sharing with the Community
+V.1 Sending Patches to the Mailing List
+ Any changes to the eclipse-poky plugin should be sent as patches to
+ the Yocto Project mailing list (, with
+ --subject-prefix="eclipse-poky][PATCH"
+ This is a subscriber only list, so you will need to sign up for access at:
+ Patches should follow the same guidelines that are used for other parts of
+ the Yocto Project and Open Embedded code-base:
+ Note that code included in the eclipse-poky plugin should be under the EPL
+ (Eclipse Public License) or a compatible license.
+V.2 Sharing Code in the eclipse-poky-contrib Repository
+ Similar to other -contrib repositories in the Yocto Project, there is
+ an eclipse-poky-contrib repository created for community members to be
+ able to share work-in-progress code or code for pull-requests.
+ To request access, follow the same instructions as for poky-contrib:
+Appendix A. Proxy Settings without Chameleonsocks
+A-1. using git through a SOCKS proxy(If you're behind some firewall)
+A-1.1 Create a wrapper script for netcat
+ cat > ~/bin/proxy-wrapper
+ #!/bin/sh
+ PORT=8080
+ METHOD="-X 5 -x ${PROXY}:${PORT}"
+ nc $METHOD $*
+ Then Ctlr+D to save the file and "chmod +x ~/bin/proxy-wrapper"
+ Note: if netcat is not installed, please "sudo zypper install netcat-openbsd".
+A-1.2 set git proxy environment
+ add the following line to your ~/.bashrc and "source ~/.bashrc"
+ export GIT_PROXY_COMMAND="/somepath/bin/proxy-wrapper"
+ Please be noted that it should be absolute path, since "~" is not supported.
+A-2. using svn through a http_proxy(If you're behind some firewall)
+ Modify the ~/.subversion/servers
+ http-proxy-host =
+ http-proxy-port = 8888