path: root/patches
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-12-03 * configure.ac:chris
2006-04-24Add Iain Holmes' memory leak patchchris
2006-04-12- Fix html_event_find_box_traverser (make it not traverse boxes withchris
2006-04-01- Add new function to gtkhtml2: html_style_dupchris
2006-04-01- Install collapsing.user.jschris
2006-03-30- Add dom_Node_insertBefore to gtkhtml2 (untested)chris
2006-03-29Update add-dom-functions.patch, missed removeEventListener for DOMAttrModifiedchris
2006-03-29- New gtkhtml2 patch:chris
2006-03-22Refresh gtkhtml2 patcheschris
2006-03-03Add necessary gtkhtml2 patches to repositorychris