path: root/examples/eclipse_automation_test.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/eclipse_automation_test.py')
1 files changed, 5897 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/eclipse_automation_test.py b/examples/eclipse_automation_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..85b7a3535a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/eclipse_automation_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5897 @@
+# Copyright
+# This is eclipse automation base class and test cases file
+import unittest, time, re, sys, getopt, os, logging, string, errno, exceptions
+from time import sleep
+import shutil, argparse, ConfigParser, platform, json
+from iniparser import IniParser
+import getpass, subprocess
+from dogtail import tree
+from dogtail.tree import predicate
+from datetime import datetime
+from dogtail.rawinput import keyCombo, pressKey, typeText
+from dogtail.procedural import FocusApplication
+from configVariables import *
+import httplib
+import urllib2
+import pexpect
+class NoParsingFilter(logging.Filter):
+ def filter(self, record):
+ return record.levelno == 100
+class testcase(object):
+ def __init__(self, test_case):
+ self.test_case = test_case
+ def __call__(self, func):
+ def wrapped_f(*args):
+ return func(*args)
+ wrapped_f.test_case = self.test_case
+ wrapped_f.__name__ = func.__name__
+ return wrapped_f
+def LogResults(original_class):
+ orig_method = original_class.run
+ inifile = IniParser()
+ param1 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param1")
+ param2 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param2")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ commit = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "commit")
+ dateofrun = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "date")
+ name_of_file = 'results-eclipse-' + eclipse_version +'.log'
+ path_of_file = '/home/'+getpass.getuser()+'/eclipse-results/' + param1 + '/' + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/"
+ logfile=path_of_file+name_of_file
+ from time import strftime, gmtime
+ caller = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ #timestamp = strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S',gmtime())
+ #logfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'results-'+caller+'.'+timestamp+'.log')
+ linkfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'results-'+caller+'.log')
+ #rewrite the run method of unittest.TestCase to add testcase logging
+ def run(self, result, *args, **kws):
+ orig_method(self, result, *args, **kws)
+ passed = True
+ testMethod = getattr(self, self._testMethodName)
+ #if test case is decorated then use it's number, else use it's name
+ try:
+ test_case = testMethod.test_case
+ except AttributeError:
+ test_case = self._testMethodName
+ class_name = str(testMethod.im_class).split("'")[1]
+ #create custom logging level for filtering.
+ custom_log_level = 100
+ logging.addLevelName(custom_log_level, 'RESULTS')
+ def results(self, message, *args, **kws):
+ if self.isEnabledFor(custom_log_level):
+ self.log(custom_log_level, message, *args, **kws)
+ logging.Logger.results = results
+ logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile,
+ filemode='w',
+ format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
+ datefmt='%H:%M:%S',
+ level=custom_log_level)
+ for handler in logging.root.handlers:
+ handler.addFilter(NoParsingFilter())
+ local_log = logging.getLogger(caller)
+ #check status of tests and record it
+ for (name, msg) in result.errors:
+ if (self._testMethodName == str(name).split(' ')[0]) and (class_name in str(name).split(' ')[1]):
+ local_log.results("Testcase "+str(test_case)+": ERROR")
+ local_log.results("Testcase "+str(test_case)+":\n"+msg)
+ passed = False
+ for (name, msg) in result.failures:
+ if (self._testMethodName == str(name).split(' ')[0]) and (class_name in str(name).split(' ')[1]):
+ local_log.results("Testcase "+str(test_case)+": FAILED")
+ local_log.results("Testcase "+str(test_case)+":\n"+msg)
+ passed = False
+ for (name, msg) in result.skipped:
+ if (self._testMethodName == str(name).split(' ')[0]) and (class_name in str(name).split(' ')[1]):
+ local_log.results("Testcase "+str(test_case)+": SKIPPED")
+ passed = False
+ if passed:
+ local_log.results("Testcase "+str(test_case)+": PASSED")
+ # Create symlink to the current log
+ if os.path.exists(linkfile):
+ os.remove(linkfile)
+ os.symlink(logfile, linkfile)
+ original_class.run = run
+ return original_class
+# #
+# PART II: base class #
+# #
+class eclipse_cases_base(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ cls.log = cls.logger_create()
+ def setUp(self):
+ #self.parser.read('eclipse_test.cfg')
+ pass
+ @staticmethod
+ def logger_create():
+ inifile = IniParser()
+ param1 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param1")
+ param2 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param2")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ dateofrun = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "date")
+ name_of_file = 'eclipse-' + eclipse_version + "-" +param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun +".log"
+ path_of_file = '/home/'+getpass.getuser()+'/eclipse-results/' + param1 + '/' + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/"
+ log_file=path_of_file+name_of_file
+ if not os.path.exists(path_of_file):
+ os.makedirs(path_of_file)
+ #log_file = "eclipse-auto-" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + ".log"
+ #if os.path.exists("eclipse-auto.log"): os.remove("eclipse-auto.log")
+ #os.symlink(log_file, "eclipse-auto.log")
+ log = logging.getLogger("eclipse")
+ log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ fh = logging.FileHandler(filename=log_file)
+ fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+ ch.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
+ fh.setFormatter(formatter)
+ ch.setFormatter(formatter)
+ log.addHandler(fh)
+ log.addHandler(ch)
+ return log
+ def tearDown(self):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ frames = app.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = frame_rolename))
+ frames_number = len(frames)
+ if (frames_number == 0):
+ self.log.info("can not find frames")
+ while frames_number > 1:
+ keyCombo("<<Alt><F4>")
+ print frames_number
+ frames_number-= 1
+ def create_tree(self, eclipse_version, param1, param2, dateofrun):
+ nameofrun = "run-"+ param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun
+ self.log.info("# Step : Name of run: %s"%(nameofrun))
+ #create folder for eclipse-run
+ eclipse_run = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/'
+ if not os.path.exists(eclipse_run):
+ os.makedirs(eclipse_run)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create directory : %s" %(eclipse_run))
+ #create folder run-param1-param2-date of run in eclipse-run
+ run_path=eclipse_run + nameofrun
+ if not os.path.exists(run_path):
+ os.makedirs(run_path)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create directory : %s" %(run_path))
+ #create folder download under eclipse-run/run-param1-param2-dateofrun.
+ download_path = run_path + "/download"
+ if not os.path.exists(download_path):
+ os.makedirs(download_path)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create directory : %s" %(download_path))
+ #create folder installed under eclipse-run/run-param1-param2-dateofrun.
+ installed_path = run_path + "/installed"
+ if not os.path.exists(installed_path):
+ os.makedirs(installed_path)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create directory : %s" %(installed_path))
+ #create folder version of eclipse(luna/kepler/mars) under eclipse-run/run-param1-param2-dateofrun.
+ version_path = run_path + "/"+eclipse_version
+ if not os.path.exists(version_path):
+ os.makedirs(version_path)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create directory : %s" %(version_path))
+ #create folder for eclipse-results
+ eclipse_result = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-results/'
+ if not os.path.exists(eclipse_result):
+ os.makedirs(eclipse_result)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create directory : %s" %(eclipse_result))
+ #create folder for release-results
+ release_result = eclipse_result + "/releases"
+ if not os.path.exists(release_result):
+ os.makedirs(release_result)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create directory : %s" %(release_result))
+ #create folder for nightly-results
+ nightly_result = eclipse_result + "/nightly"
+ if not os.path.exists(nightly_result):
+ os.makedirs(nightly_result)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create directory : %s" %(nightly_result))
+ def download_basic_things(self, param1, param2, dateofrun):
+ dogtail_scripts_path = subprocess.check_output("pwd", shell=True)
+ examples_path = dogtail_scripts_path.strip()
+ download_path = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + '/download/'
+ os.chdir(download_path)
+ adt_archive="adt_installer.tar.bz2"
+ adt_archive_path = download_path + adt_archive
+ if os.path.exists(adt_archive_path):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found adt-archive on %s-%s"%(param1,param2))
+ else:
+ self.log.info("# Step : Download adt-archive for %s-%s"%(param1,param2))
+ if not "rc" in param2:
+ adt_link = "https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/pub/" + param1 + "/" + param2 + "/adt-installer/" + adt_archive
+ else:
+ adt_link = "https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/pub/" + param1 + "/" + param2 + "/adt-installer-QA/" + adt_archive
+ #verify adt_link
+ try:
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(adt_link)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Url is : " + str(adt_link) )
+ self.log.info("* Check : Response from url is : " + str(response.code))
+ os.system("wget -q " +adt_link)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Wget " + str(adt_link) )
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, message:
+ self.fail("Message from url is : " + str(message.code))
+ except urllib2.URLError, urlerror:
+ self.fail("Message from url is : " + str(urlerror.args))
+ adt_path = download_path + 'adt-installer'
+ if os.path.exists(adt_path):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found folder adt-installer on %s-%s"%(param1,param2))
+ else:
+ os.system("tar jxf "+adt_archive)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Extract adt-archive")
+ poky_path = download_path + "poky/"
+ if os.path.exists(poky_path):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found folder poky on %s-%s folder"%(param1,param2))
+ else:
+ os.system("git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky")
+ self.log.info("# Step : Clone poky")
+ # download poky2
+ poky2_path = download_path + "poky2/"
+ if os.path.exists(poky2_path):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found folder poky2 on %s-%s folder"%(param1,param2))
+ else:
+ os.system("git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky poky2")
+ self.log.info("# Step : Clone poky2")
+ #download toolchain
+ os.chdir(download_path)
+ toolchain_i586 = subprocess.check_output("curl -s http://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/pub/" + param1 + "/"+ param2 + "/" + "/toolchain/x86_64/" + "/|grep sato-i586|sed \'s/<[^>]*>//g\'|awk -F\"./.sh\" \'{print $1}'", shell=True)
+ toolchain_i586_split = str(toolchain_i586.split(".sh")[0]).strip() + ".sh"
+ toolchain_i586_link = "http://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/pub/" + param1 + "/" + param2 + "/toolchain/x86_64/" + toolchain_i586_split
+ toolchain_path=download_path + toolchain_i586_split
+ if os.path.exists(toolchain_path):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found toolchain %s in download folder "%(toolchain_i586_split))
+ else:
+ self.log.info("# Step : Download toolchain %s"%(toolchain_i586_split))
+ try:
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(toolchain_i586_link)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Url is : " + str(toolchain_i586_link) )
+ self.log.info("* Check : Response from url is : " + str(response.code))
+ os.system("wget -q " + toolchain_i586_link)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Wget " + str(toolchain_i586_link))
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, message:
+ self.fail("Message from url is : " + str(message.code))
+ except urllib2.URLError, urlerror:
+ self.fail("Message from url is : " + str(urlerror.args))
+ os.chdir(examples_path)
+ def download_plugin_and_eclipse_version(self, eclipse_version, param1, param2, dateofrun):
+ dogtail_scripts_path = subprocess.check_output("pwd", shell=True)
+ examples_path = dogtail_scripts_path.strip()
+ version_path = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + '/' + eclipse_version + '/'
+ os.chdir(version_path)
+ #download eclipse-plugin
+ archive_parent_link = "http://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/pub/" + str(param1) + "/" + str(param2) + "/"
+ archive = subprocess.check_output("curl -s http://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/pub/" + param1 + "/"+ param2 + "/" + "eclipse-plugin/" + eclipse_version +"/|grep archive|sed \'s/<[^>]*>//g\'|awk -F\".zip\" \'{print $1}'", shell=True)
+ archive_link = str(archive_parent_link) + "eclipse-plugin/" + eclipse_version + "/" + archive.strip().split("\n" , 1)[0] + ".zip"
+ archive_plugin_path = version_path + archive.strip().split("\n" , 1)[0]+".zip"
+ if os.path.exists(archive_plugin_path):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found eclipse-%s plugin archive"%(eclipse_version))
+ else:
+ self.log.info("# Step : Download eclipse-%s plugin archive"%(eclipse_version))
+ try:
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(archive_link)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Url is : " + str(archive_link) )
+ self.log.info("* Check : Response from url is : " + str(response.code))
+ os.system("wget -q " + archive_link)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Wget " + str(archive_link))
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, message:
+ self.fail("Message from url is : " + str(message.code))
+ except urllib2.URLError, urlerror:
+ self.fail("Message from url is : " + str(urlerror.args))
+ #download eclipse-poky for eclipse-version(luna/kepler/mars)
+ version_poky_parent_link = "http://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/pub/" + str(param1) + "/" + str(param2) + "/"
+ version_poky = subprocess.check_output("curl -s http://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/pub/" + param1 + "/"+ param2 +"/|grep eclipse-poky-" + eclipse_version +"|sed 's/<[^>]*>//g'|awk -F\".tar.bz2\" \'{print $1}\'", shell=True)
+ if not "rc" in param2:
+ version_poky_link = version_poky_parent_link + version_poky.strip().split("\n" , 2)[1] + ".tar.bz2"
+ archive_eclipse_path = version_path + version_poky.strip().split("\n" , 2)[1] + ".tar.bz2"
+ else:
+ version_poky_link = version_poky_parent_link + version_poky.strip().split("\n" , 1)[0] + ".tar.bz2"
+ archive_eclipse_path = version_path + version_poky.strip().split("\n" , 1)[0] + ".tar.bz2"
+ if os.path.exists(archive_eclipse_path):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found eclipse-%s poky archive"%(eclipse_version))
+ else:
+ self.log.info("# Step : Download eclipse-%s poky archive"%(eclipse_version))
+ try:
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(version_poky_link)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Url is : " + str(version_poky_link) )
+ self.log.info("* Check : Response from url is : " + str(response.code))
+ os.system("wget -q " + version_poky_link)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Wget " + str(archive_link))
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, message:
+ self.fail("Message from url is : " + str(message.code))
+ except urllib2.URLError, urlerror:
+ self.fail("Message from url is : " + str(urlerror.args))
+ #extract eclipse-poky
+ if not "rc" in param2:
+ poky_archive = version_poky.strip().split("\n" , 2)[1] + ".tar.bz2"
+ else:
+ poky_archive = version_poky.strip().split("\n" , 1)[0] + ".tar.bz2"
+ os.system("tar jxf " + poky_archive)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Extract : %s"%(poky_archive))
+ os.chdir(examples_path)
+ def install_basic_things(self, param1, param2, commit, dateofrun):
+ dogtail_scripts_path = subprocess.check_output("pwd", shell=True)
+ examples_path = dogtail_scripts_path.strip()
+ run_path = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun
+ download_path = run_path + '/download/'
+ toolchain_i586 = subprocess.check_output("curl -s http://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/pub/" + param1 + "/"+ param2 + "/" + "/toolchain/x86_64/" + "/|grep sato-i586|sed \'s/<[^>]*>//g\'|awk -F\"./.sh\" \'{print $1}'", shell=True)
+ tch_file = toolchain_i586.split(".sh")[0].strip() + ".sh"
+ os.chdir(download_path)
+ os.system("chmod +x %s" %tch_file)
+ toolchain_installed_path = run_path + "/installed/toolchain"
+ if os.path.exists(toolchain_installed_path):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found toolchain %s installed"%(tch_file))
+ else:
+ self.log.info("# Step : Install toolchain : %s" %(tch_file))
+ tch = pexpect.spawn("sh " + str(tch_file))
+ tch.expect("Enter target directory for SDK")
+ tch.sendline(toolchain_installed_path)
+ tch.expect("Proceed[Y/n]?")
+ tch.sendline("Y")
+ i = tch.expect(['Each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session, you need to source the environment setup script e.g.','SDK has been successfully set up and is ready to be used.'], timeout=600)
+ if i==0:
+ self.log.warning("Each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session, you need to source the environment setup script e.g.")
+ elif i==1:
+ self.log.info("# Step : SDK has been successfully set up and is ready to be used.")
+ #bitbake meta-ide-support and core-image-sato-sdk
+ poky_path = download_path + "poky/"
+ os.chdir(poky_path)
+ os.system("git checkout " + commit)
+ os.chdir(examples_path)
+ os.system("bash build_meta_ide.sh %s" %(poky_path))
+ self.log.info("# Step : Build meta-ide-support")
+ adt_path = download_path + 'adt-installer'
+ adt_archive="adt_installer.tar.bz2"
+ if os.path.exists(adt_path):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found adt extracted")
+ else:
+ os.chdir(download_path)
+ #extract adt archive
+ os.system("tar jxf "+ adt_archive)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Extract : %s" %(adt_archive))
+ #install adt
+ adt_path = download_path + 'adt-installer'
+ os.chdir(adt_path)
+ adt_installed_path = run_path + "/installed/adt"
+ if os.path.exists(adt_installed_path):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found adt installed")
+ else:
+ self.log.info("# Step : Install adt-installer")
+ child = pexpect.spawn("./adt_installer")
+ child.expect("Please enter the install location")
+ child.sendline(adt_installed_path)
+ child.expect("Please enter your selections here:")
+ child.sendline("s")
+ i = child.expect(['# Yocto ADT has been successfully installed.','# Meet errors', '# Please check'], timeout=15000)
+ if i==0:
+ self.log.info("# Step : Yocto ADT has been successfully installed")
+ elif i==1:
+ self.fail("Meet errors and can not install ADT")
+ elif i==2:
+ self.fail("Please download another ADT")
+ os.chdir(examples_path)
+ def install_eclipse_version(self, param1, param2, eclipse_version, dateofrun):
+ dogtail_scripts_path = subprocess.check_output("pwd", shell=True)
+ examples_path = dogtail_scripts_path.strip()
+ run_path = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun
+ download_path = run_path + '/download/'
+ #install eclipse
+ version_poky = subprocess.check_output("curl -s http://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/pub/" + param1 + "/"+ param2 +"/|grep eclipse-poky-" + eclipse_version +"|sed 's/<[^>]*>//g'|awk -F\".tar.bz2\" \'{print $1}\'", shell=True)
+ if not "rc" in param2:
+ version_poky_directory = version_poky.strip().split("\n" , 2)[1]
+ else:
+ version_poky_directory = version_poky.strip().split("\n" , 1)[0]
+ eclipse_poky_path = run_path + '/' + eclipse_version + "/" + version_poky_directory +"/scripts"
+ launch_path = eclipse_poky_path + "/eclipse/eclipse"
+ if os.path.exists(launch_path):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found eclipse %s installed " %(eclipse_version))
+ else:
+ os.chdir(eclipse_poky_path)
+ os.system("./setup.sh")
+ self.log.info("# Step : Install eclipse %s " %(eclipse_version))
+ ##command_to_build_plugin = "ECLIPSE_HOME=" + eclipse_poky_path + "/eclipse ./build.sh " + eclipse_version + "-master " + "master " + eclipse_version + "-master"
+ ##os.system(command_to_build_plugin)
+ ###self.log.info("# Step : Build plugin")
+ os.chdir(examples_path)
+ def start_eclipse(self, param1, param2, eclipse_version, dateofrun):
+ dogtail_scripts_path = subprocess.check_output("pwd", shell=True)
+ examples_path = dogtail_scripts_path.strip()
+ version_poky = subprocess.check_output("curl -s http://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/pub/" + param1 + "/"+ param2 +"/|grep eclipse-poky-" + eclipse_version +"|sed 's/<[^>]*>//g'|awk -F\".tar.bz2\" \'{print $1}\'", shell=True)
+ version_poky_directory = version_poky.strip().split("\n" , 1)[0]
+ eclipse_poky_path = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + str(param1) + "-" + str(param2) + "-" + str(dateofrun) +"/" + str(eclipse_version) + "/" + version_poky_directory
+ eclipse_path = eclipse_poky_path + "/scripts/eclipse/"
+ os.chdir(eclipse_path)
+ os.system('./eclipse &')
+ self.log.info("# Step : Starting eclipse from %s \n" %(eclipse_path))
+ time.sleep(10)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Waiting to start eclipse %s" %(eclipse_version))
+ #os.system("cd -")
+ #dogtail_path = "/home/" + getpass.getuser() + "/yocto/dogtail-0.9.0/examples"
+ #os.chdir(dogtail_path)
+ os.chdir(examples_path)
+ def install_eclipse_plugin(self, param1, param2, eclipse_version, dateofrun):
+ workspace_path = "/home/" + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + str(param1) + "-" + str(param2) + "-"+ str(dateofrun) + "/" + str(eclipse_version)+"/workspace"
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ found = 1
+ if os.path.exists(workspace_path):
+ pass
+ else:
+ try:
+ workspace = app.child(name = worspacelauncher_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Workspace Launcher is Open")
+ except:
+ found = 0
+ self.log.info("can not find Workspace Launcher frame")
+ if found == 1:
+ text = workspace.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.log.info("can not find text boxes")
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Workspace>>")
+ text[0].text = workspace_path
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Workspace Location")
+ try:
+ checkBox = workspace.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName=checkbox_rolename))
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found check box <<Use this as the default and do no ask again>>")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find check box <<Use this as the default and do no ask again>")
+ checkBox[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on check box <<Use project specific settings>>")
+ try:
+ ok = workspace.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ time.sleep(60)
+ print "sleep 60"
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ YPT = eclipse.child(name = yocto_project_tools_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found YoctoProjectTools menu")
+ self.log.info("* Check : Plugin it's already installed")
+ except:
+ self.log.info("* Step : Install plugin .........")
+ try:
+ helpmenu = eclipse.child(name = help_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Help menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Help menu")
+ helpmenu.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Help>>")
+ try:
+ install_new_software = helpmenu.child(name=installnewsoftware_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Install New Software...>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Install New Software... menu item")
+ install_new_software.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Install New Software...>>")
+ try:
+ install = app.child(name=install_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Install>> frame")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Install frame")
+ try:
+ addbutton = install.child(name = add_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Add... push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Add... push button")
+ addbutton.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Add...>>")
+ try:
+ addrepository = app.child(name=addrepository_frame , roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Add Repository>> frame")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Add Repository frame")
+ text = addrepository.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ archive = subprocess.check_output("curl -s http://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/pub/" + param1 + "/"+ param2 + "/" + "eclipse-plugin/" + eclipse_version +"/|grep archive|sed \'s/<[^>]*>//g\'|awk -F\".zip\" \'{print $1}'", shell=True)
+ plugin = archive.strip().split("\n" , 1)[0] + ".zip"
+ plugin_path = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun +"/" + eclipse_version
+ location = "jar:file:" + plugin_path + "/" + plugin + "!/"
+ text[1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Location>>")
+ text[1].text = location
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Location")
+ try:
+ ok = addrepository.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ try:
+ selectAll = install.child(name = selectall_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Select All push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Select All push button")
+ selectAll.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Select All>>")
+ try:
+ next = install.child(name = next_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Next push button")
+ time.sleep(4)
+ if (next.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button sensitive")
+ next.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Next>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Next push button not sensitive")
+ print "sleep 60"
+ time.sleep(60)
+ print "sleep 60"
+ time.sleep(60)
+ print "sleep 60"
+ time.sleep(60)
+ print "sleep 60"
+ time.sleep(60)
+ if (next.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button sensitive")
+ next.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Next>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Next push button not sensitive")
+ try:
+ acceptTerms = install.child(name= acceptterms_button, roleName = radiobutton_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found I accept the terms of the license agreement radio button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find I accept the terms of the license agreement radio button")
+ acceptTerms.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on radio button <<I accept the terms of the license agreement>>")
+ try:
+ finish = install.child(name=finish_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Finish push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Finish push button")
+ if (finish.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Finish push button sensitive")
+ finish.doubleClick()
+ time.sleep(2)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Finish>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Finish push button not sensitive")
+ print "sleep 60"
+ time.sleep(60)
+ print "sleep 40"
+ time.sleep(40)
+ print "sleep 40"
+ time.sleep(40)
+ try:
+ securityWarning = app.child(name=securitywarning_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Security Warning>> frame")
+ except:
+ self.log.info("can not find Security Warning frame")
+ try:
+ ok = securityWarning.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ print "sleep 100"
+ time.sleep(100)
+ try:
+ softwareUpdates= app.child(name=softwareupdates_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Software Updates>> frame")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Software Updates frame")
+ try:
+ yes = softwareUpdates.child(name=yes_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yes push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Yes push button")
+ if (yes.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yes push button sensitive")
+ yes.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<Yes>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Yes push button not sensitive")
+ print "sleep 90"
+ time.sleep(90)
+ print "sleep 35"
+ time.sleep(35)
+ print "sleep 45"
+ time.sleep(45)
+ def restart_and_close_welcome(self):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ helpmenu = eclipse.child(name = help_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Help menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Help menu")
+ helpmenu.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Help>>")
+ try:
+ searchitem = helpmenu.child(name=search_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Search>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Search menu item")
+ searchitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Search>>")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ try:
+ filemenu = eclipse.child(name = file_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found File menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find File menu")
+ filemenu.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<File>>")
+ try:
+ restartitem = filemenu.child(name = restart_item, roleName = menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Restart menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Restart menu")
+ restartitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Search>>")
+ self.log.info("# Step : Waiting to restart ......")
+ time.sleep(10)
+ def close_eclipse(self):
+ app = tree.root.application("Eclipse")
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ filemenu = eclipse.child(name = file_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found File menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find File menu")
+ filemenu.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<File>>")
+ try:
+ exititem = filemenu.child(name = exit_item, roleName = menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Exit menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Exit menu item")
+ exititem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<Exit>> menu item")
+ def verify_frame(self,name_of_frame):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ myFrame = app.child(name = name_of_frame, roleName='frame')
+ self.log.info("* Check : Window %s is Open " %name_of_frame)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find %s frame " %name_of_frame)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def click_menu(self, name_of_menu, parent):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ menu = parent.child(name = name_of_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found %s menu " %name_of_menu)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find %s menu " %name_of_menu)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ menu.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<%s>>" %name_of_menu)
+ def click_button(self,name_of_button, name_of_frame):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ myFrame = app.child(name = name_of_frame, roleName='frame')
+ try:
+ button = myFrame.child(name = name_of_button, roleName = 'push button')
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found %s push button " %name_of_button)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find %s push button" %name_of_button)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if (button.sensitive):
+ button.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<%s>>" %name_of_button)
+ else:
+ self.fail("FAIL: button %s is not clickable" %name_of_button)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def doubleClick_button(self,name_of_button, name_of_frame):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ myFrame = app.child(name = name_of_frame, roleName='frame')
+ try:
+ button = myFrame.child(name = name_of_button, roleName = 'push button')
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found %s push button " %name_of_button)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find %s push button" %name_of_button)
+ try:
+ button.doubleClick()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<%s>>" %name_of_button)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: could not double click %s button" %name_of_button)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def click_pageTab(self, name_of_pageTab, name_of_frame):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ myFrame = app.child(name = name_of_frame, roleName='frame')
+ try:
+ pageTab = myFrame.child(name = name_of_pageTab, roleName = 'page tab')
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found %s page tab " %name_of_pageTab)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find %s page tab" %name_of_pageTab)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ pageTab.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<%s>>" %name_of_pageTab)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: could not click %s page tab" %name_of_pageTab)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def click_tableCell(self, name_of_tableCell, name_of_frame):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ myFrame = app.child(name = name_of_frame, roleName='frame')
+ try:
+ tableCell = myFrame.child(name = name_of_tableCell, roleName = 'table cell')
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found %s table cell " %name_of_tableCell)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find %s table cell" %name_of_tableCell)
+ try:
+ tableCell.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<%s>>" %name_of_tableCell)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: could not click %s table cell" %name_of_tableCell)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def doubleclick_tableCell(self,name_of_tableCell, name_of_frame):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ myFrame = app.child(name = name_of_frame, roleName='frame')
+ try:
+ tableCell = myFrame.child(name = name_of_tableCell, roleName = 'table cell')
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found %s table cell " %name_of_tableCell)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find %s table cell" %name_of_tableCell)
+ try:
+ tableCell.doubleClick()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Double click on <<%s>>" %name_of_tableCell)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: could not double click on %s" %name_of_tableCell)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def insert_text(self, myText, fieldNumber, name_of_frame):
+ """
+ :param myText:
+ :param fieldNumber:
+ :param name_of_frame:
+ :return:
+ """
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ myFrame = app.child(name = name_of_frame, roleName='frame')
+ text = myFrame.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = 'text'))
+ if (len(text) < 1):
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find any text boxes")
+ try:
+ text[fieldNumber].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box")
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find text boxe %s" %fieldNumber)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ text[fieldNumber].text = myText
+ self.log.info("# Step : Insert text on box: %s" %myText)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: could not insert %s in " %myText)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def select_from_dropdown_list(self,myMenuItem, dropDownNumber, name_of_frame):
+ """
+ :param myMenuItem:
+ :param dropDownNumber:
+ :param name_of_frame:
+ :return:
+ """
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ myFrame = app.child(name = name_of_frame, roleName='frame')
+ comboBox = myFrame.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName='combo box'))
+ if (len(comboBox) > 1):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found drop-down lists")
+ else:
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find combo boxes")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = myFrame.child(name='Cancel', roleName = 'push button')
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ comboBox[dropDownNumber].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on drop-down list = %s" %dropDownNumber)
+ try:
+ dropDownItem = myFrame.child(name = myMenuItem, roleName='menu item')
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found %s menu item" %myMenuItem)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find %s menu item" %myMenuItem)
+ dropDownItem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<%s>>" %myMenuItem)
+ def select_radioButton(self, MyRadioButton, name_of_frame):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ myFrame = app.child(name = name_of_frame, roleName='frame')
+ try:
+ radioButton = myFrame.child(name = MyRadioButton, roleName = 'radio button')
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found %s radio button" %MyRadioButton)
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = myFrame.child(name='Cancel', roleName = 'push button')
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find %s radio button" %MyRadioButton)
+ radioButton.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on %s radio button" %MyRadioButton)
+ def select_checkBox(self,myCheckBox, name_of_frame):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ myFrame = app.child(name = name_of_frame, roleName='frame')
+ try:
+ checkBox = myFrame.child(name = myCheckBox, roleName = 'check box')
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found %s check box" %myCheckBox)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find %s check box" %myCheckBox)
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = myFrame.child(name='Cancel', roleName = 'push button')
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ checkBox.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on %s check box" %myCheckBox)
+ def verifyMessage(self,myMessage):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ myFrame = app.child(name = 'Android Driver Development Kit', roleName='frame')
+ text = myFrame.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = 'text'))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText < 1):
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find text boxes")
+ text[nrText-1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on text")
+ last_lines = text[nrText-1].text.strip().split("\n")[-3:]
+ self.log.info("* Check : Text on box: %s" %last_lines)
+ if any(myMessage in line for line in last_lines):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found message: %s" %myMessage)
+ else:
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find message: %s" %myMessage)
+ def configure_standard_profile(self, toolchainType, toolchainAdr, sysrootAdr, targetArch, targetType, kernelAdr):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ # try to found window menu
+ try:
+ window = eclipse.child(name = window_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Window menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Window menu")
+ window.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Window>>")
+ try:
+ windowitem = window.child(name=preferences_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Preferences>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Preferences menu item")
+ windowitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Preferences>>")
+ try:
+ preferences = app.child(name = preferences_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Window Preferences is Open")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Preferences frame")
+ text = preferences.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ try:
+ yoctoProjectADT = app.child(name = YP_ADT_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yocto Project ADT button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Yocto Project ADT table cell")
+ yoctoProjectADT.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<Yocto Project ADT>>")
+ comboBox = preferences.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName=combobox_rolename))
+ try:
+ crossCompiler = preferences.child(name = toolchainType, roleName = radiobutton_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found toolchain type radio button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find toolchain type radio button")
+ crossCompiler.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on radio button <<" + str(toolchainType)+">>")
+ text = preferences.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ text[3].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Toolchain Root Location>>")
+ text[3].text = toolchainAdr
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Toolchain Root Location")
+ text[4].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Sysroot Location>>")
+ text[4].text = sysrootAdr
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Sysroot Location")
+ if (len(comboBox) > 1):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found menu drop-down list Target Arhitecture")
+ comboBox[1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu drop-down list <<Target Arhitecture>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("can not find combo boxes")
+ try:
+ targetArchitecture = preferences.child(name = targetArch, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found " + str(targetArch) + " menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find " + str(targetArch) + " menu item")
+ targetArchitecture.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<" + str(targetArch) + ">>")
+ try:
+ targetOptions = preferences.child(name = targetType , roleName = radiobutton_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found target type radio button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find target type radio button")
+ targetOptions.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on radio button <<QEMU>>")
+ if (targetType == "QEMU"):
+ text[5].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Kernel>>")
+ text[5].text = kernelAdr
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert location for bzImage")
+ try:
+ applyPref = preferences.child(name = apply_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Apply push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Apply push button")
+ try:
+ general = app.child(name = general_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found General button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find General table cell")
+ general.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<General>>")
+ if (applyPref.sensitive):
+ applyPref.click()
+ #applyPref.doubleClick()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Apply>> to save Standard Profile")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("Apply push button not sensitive")
+ try:
+ ok = preferences.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ def work_around_preferences_frame(self):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.click_menu(window_menu,eclipse)
+ try:
+ window = eclipse.child(name = window_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Window menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Window menu")
+ #window.click()
+ #self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Window>>")
+ try:
+ windowitem = window.child(name = preferences_item, roleName = menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Preferences>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Preferences menu item")
+ windowitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Preferences>>")
+ try:
+ preferences = app.child(name = preferences_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Window Preferences is Open")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Preferences frame")
+ text = preferences.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ try:
+ yoctoProjectADT = app.child(name = YP_ADT_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yocto Project ADT button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Yocto Project ADT table cell")
+ yoctoProjectADT.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<Yocto Project ADT>>")
+ text = preferences.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ text[3].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Toolchain Root Location>>")
+ text[3].text = "Input a long text to modify size of this frame---> workaround"
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert text for work around")
+ try:
+ general = app.child(name = general_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found General button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find General table cell")
+ general.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<General>>")
+ try:
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Cancel push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Cancel push button")
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<Cancel>>")
+ def createProject(self, projectname, typeproject, searchtype, author, copyrightproject):
+ app = tree.root.application("Eclipse")
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ project = eclipse.child(name = file_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found File menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find File menu")
+ project.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<File>>")
+ try:
+ newmenu = project.child(name = new_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found New menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find New menu")
+ newmenu.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<New>> menu")
+ try:
+ projectitem = newmenu.child(name = project_item , roleName = menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Project...>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Project... menu item")
+ projectitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Project...>>")
+ try:
+ new_proj = app.child(name = new_project_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : New Project frame")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find New Project frame")
+ text = new_proj.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Wizards>>")
+ text[0].text = typeproject
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert type of project")
+ try:
+ next = new_proj.child(name = next_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = new_proj.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Next push button")
+ time.sleep(4)
+ if (next.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button sensitive")
+ #next.doubleClick()
+ next.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Next>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = new_proj.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("Next push button not sensitive")
+ try:
+ cProject = app.child(name = str(typeproject) + ' ', roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found " + str(typeproject) + " frame")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find" + str(typeproject) + " frame")
+ text = cProject.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ time.sleep(5)
+ #text[0].click()
+ #self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Project Name >>")
+ typeText(projectname)
+ #text[0].text = projectname
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert name of project")
+ if eclipse_version == 'mars':
+ try:
+ executable = cProject.child(name = executable_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found " + str(typeproject) + " frame Executable table cell")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = cProject.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Executable table cell")
+ executable.actions['expand or contract'].do()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Expand or contract")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ try:
+ yocto = cProject.child(name = YPADT_AutotoolsP_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found %s table cell" %(YPADT_AutotoolsP_tablecell))
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step" %(YPADT_AutotoolsP_tablecell))
+ cancel_close = cProject.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find %s table cell"%(YPADT_AutotoolsP_tablecell))
+ yocto.actions['expand or contract'].do()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Expand Yocto Project ADT Autotools Project table cell")
+ yocto.click()
+ keyCombo("<<Page_Down>")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ tablecell = cProject.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(name = searchtype, roleName = tablecell_rolename))
+ nrTablecell = len(tablecell)
+ keyCombo("<<Page_Down>")
+ tablecell[nrTablecell-1].click()
+ else:
+ try:
+ tree_table = cProject.child(name = projecttype_treetable, roleName = treetable_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Project type tree table")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Project type tree table")
+ try:
+ executable = tree_table.child(name = executable_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found " + str(typeproject) + " frame Executable table cell")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = cProject.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Executable table cell")
+ executable.actions['expand or contract'].do()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Expand or contract")
+ try:
+ yocto = tree_table.child(name = YPADT_AutotoolsP_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yocto Project ADT Autotools Project table cell")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Yocto Project ADT Autotools Project table cell")
+ yocto.actions['expand or contract'].do()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Expand Yocto Project ADT Autotools Project table cell")
+ yocto.click()
+ keyCombo("<<Page_Down>")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ tablecell = tree_table.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(name = searchtype, roleName = tablecell_rolename))
+ nrTablecell = len(tablecell)
+ keyCombo("<<Page_Down>")
+ tablecell[nrTablecell-1].click()
+ try:
+ next = cProject.child(name = next_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = cProject.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Next push button")
+ if (next.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button sensitive")
+ #next.doubleClick()
+ next.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Next>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Next push button not sensitive")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = cProject.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ text = cProject.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ if (len(text) < 1):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ # am schimbat 3 cu 2 si 4 cu 3
+ text[3].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Author>>")
+ text[3].text = author
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Author")
+ text[4].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Copyright notice>>")
+ text[4].text = copyrightproject
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Copyrght notice")
+ try:
+ finish = cProject.child(name=finish_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Finish push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Finish push button")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = cProject.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ if (finish.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Finish push button sensitive")
+ finish.doubleClick()
+ time.sleep(2)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Finish>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Finish push button not sensitive")
+ def add_new_profile(self, newprofileName):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ window = eclipse.child(name = window_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Window menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Window menu")
+ window.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Window>>")
+ try:
+ windowitem = window.child(name=preferences_item, roleName = menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Preferences>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Preferences menu item")
+ windowitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Preferences>>")
+ try:
+ preferences = app.child(name = preferences_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Window Preferences is Open")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Preferences frame")
+ text = preferences.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ try:
+ yoctoProjectADT = app.child(name = YP_ADT_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yocto Project ADT button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Yocto Project ADT table cell")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ yoctoProjectADT.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<Yocto Project ADT>>")
+ try:
+ saveAs = preferences.child(name = saveAs_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Save as push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Save as push button")
+ saveAs.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Save as ...>>")
+ try:
+ saveAsProfile = app.child(name = saveAs_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Save as new cross development profile frame")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Save as new cross development profile frame")
+ try:
+ inputProfileName = saveAsProfile.child(roleName = text_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found box to input Profile Name")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find text")
+ inputProfileName.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Profile Name>>")
+ inputProfileName.text = newprofileName
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Profile Name")
+ found = 1
+ try:
+ ok = saveAsProfile.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button sensitive")
+ comboBox = preferences.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName=combobox_rolename))
+ if (len(comboBox) > 0):
+ comboBox[0].click()
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find combo boxes")
+ try:
+ preferences.child(name=newprofileName, roleName=menuitem_rolename).click()
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found profile name menu item")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find profile name menu item")
+ try:
+ general = app.child(name = general_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found General button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find General table cell")
+ general.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<General>>")
+ try:
+ applyPref = preferences.child(name = apply_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Apply push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Apply push button")
+ if (applyPref.sensitive):
+ applyPref.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Apply>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("Apply push button not sensitive")
+ try:
+ ok = preferences.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ def open_perspective(self):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ found = 1
+ try:
+ openPersp = app.child(name = open_perspective_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Open Associated Perspective")
+ except:
+ found = 0
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if found == 1:
+ try:
+ yes = openPersp.child(name=yes_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yes push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Yes push button")
+ if (yes.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yes push button sensitive")
+ yes.click()
+ #yes.doubleClick()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<Yes>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Yes push button not sensitive")
+ def reconfigure_project(self,projectname):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ text = eclipse.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ text[nrText-1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Quick Access>>")
+ text[nrText-1].text='Reconfigure Project'
+ self.log.info("# Step : Insert <<Reconfigure Project>> on box <<Quick Access>>")
+ try:
+ reconfig = app.child(name = reconfigureproject_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found C Reconfigure Project table cell")
+ reconfig.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Reconfigure Project >>")
+ except:
+ keyCombo("<<Esc>")
+ self.log.warning("can not find Reconfigure Project table cell on Quick Access")
+ try:
+ project = eclipse.child(name = projectname, roleName=tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<" +str(projectname) + ">> table cell")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find " +str(projectname) + " table cell")
+ project.click()
+ self.log.info("* Step : Click on project <<" +str(projectname) + ">>")
+ keyCombo("<<Shift><F10>")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ pressKey("Enter") # Reconfigure project
+ time.sleep(10)
+ def verify_console(self):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ text = eclipse.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ text[nrText-1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Quick Access>>")
+ text[nrText-1].text='Console'
+ self.log.info("# Step : Insert <<Console>> on box <<Quick Access>>")
+ try:
+ console = app.child(name = console_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Console")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Problems table cell")
+ console.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Close Project>>")
+ text[nrText-2].click()
+ #self.log.info("# Step : Click on" + str(projectname) + " Console")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ if "error" in text[nrText-2].text:
+ self.log.info("# Step : Output from Console:")
+ self.log.info(str(text[nrText-2].text))
+ else:
+ self.fail("Error found in Console")
+ try:
+ clearconsole = eclipse.child(description=clear_console_description, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Clear Console push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Clear Console push button")
+ clearconsole.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<Clear Console>>")
+ def verify_profile(self, projectname, toolchainType, toolchainAdr, sysrootAdr, targetArch, targetType, kernelAdr, newprofileName):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ project = eclipse.child(name = project_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Project menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Project menu")
+ project.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Project>>")
+ try:
+ targetProfiles = project.child(name = targetprofiles_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Project Target Profiles menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Target Profiles menu")
+ targetProfiles.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<Target Profiles>> menu")
+ # try to avoid a display bug. Need to select Target Profiles twice to see profileitem with name = newprofileName
+ targetProfiles.deselect()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Exit <<Target Profiles>> menu")
+ project.deselect()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Exit <<Project>> menu")
+ project.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Project>>")
+ targetProfiles.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<Target Profiles>> menu")
+ try:
+ profileitem = targetProfiles.child(name = newprofileName , roleName = radio_menu_item_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<"+ str(newprofileName) + ">> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find" +str(newprofileName) + ">> menu item")
+ targetProfiles.deselect()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Exit <<Target Profiles>> menu")
+ project.deselect()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Exit <<Project>> menu")
+ try:
+ project = eclipse.child(name = project_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Project menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Project menu")
+ project.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Project>>")
+ try:
+ changeYPSettings = project.child(name = changeYPsettings_item, roleName = menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Change Yocto Project Settings menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Change Yocto Project Settings menu item")
+ changeYPSettings.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<Change Yocto Project Settings menu >> menu item")
+ try:
+ projectProperties = app.child(name = 'Properties for ' + str(projectname) + " ", roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Window Properties for " + str(projectname) + " is Open")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Properties for " + str(projectname) + " frame")
+ comboBox = projectProperties.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName=combobox_rolename))
+ if (len(comboBox) > 1):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found menu drop-down list Target Arhitecture")
+ if str(newprofileName) in str(comboBox[0]):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Profile is saved correctly")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Profile is not saved correctly saved")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = projectProperties.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find combo boxes")
+ try:
+ checkBox = projectProperties.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName=checkbox_rolename))
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found check box <<Use project specific settings>>")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find check box <<Use project specific settings>")
+ checkBox[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on check box <<Use project specific settings>>")
+ try:
+ crosscompiler = projectProperties.child(name = toolchainType, roleName = radiobutton_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found toolchain type radio button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find toolchain type radio button")
+ crosscompiler.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on radio button <<" + str(toolchainType) + ">>")
+ text = projectProperties.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ text[2].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Toolchain Root Location>>")
+ if text[2].text == toolchainAdr:
+ self.log.info("* Check : Toolchain Root Location is saved correctly")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Toolchain Root Location is not saved correctly saved")
+ text[3].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Sysroot Location>>")
+ if text[3].text == sysrootAdr:
+ self.log.info("* Check : Sysroot Location is saved correctly")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Sysroot Location is not saved correctly saved")
+ if (len(comboBox) > 1):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found menu drop-down list Target Arhitecture")
+ if str(targetArch) in str(comboBox[1]):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Target Arhitecture is saved correctly")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Target Arhitecture is not saved correctly saved")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = projectProperties.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find combo boxes")
+ try:
+ targetT = projectProperties.child(name = targetType , roleName = radiobutton_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found target type radio button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = projectProperties.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find target type radio button")
+ targetT.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on radio button <<QEMU>>")
+ if (targetType == "QEMU"):
+ text[4].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Kernel>>")
+ if text[4].text == kernelAdr:
+ self.log.info("* Check : Kernel Location is saved correctly")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Kernel Locationis not saved correctly saved")
+ try:
+ applyPref = projectProperties.child(name = apply_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Apply push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = projectProperties.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Apply push button")
+ if (applyPref.sensitive):
+ applyPref.doubleClick()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Apply>> to save Standard Profile")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = projectProperties.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("Apply push button not sensitive")
+ try:
+ ok = projectProperties.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = projectProperties.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = projectProperties.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ def rename_profile(self, newprofileName, renameprofile):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ window = eclipse.child(name = window_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Window menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Window menu")
+ window.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Window>>")
+ try:
+ windowitem = window.child(name=preferences_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Preferences>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Preferences menu item")
+ windowitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Preferences>>")
+ try:
+ preferences = app.child(name = preferences_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Window Preferences is Open")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Preferences frame")
+ text = preferences.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ try:
+ yoctoProjectADT = app.child(name = YP_ADT_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yocto Project ADT button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Yocto Project ADT table cell")
+ yoctoProjectADT.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<Yocto Project ADT>>")
+ comboBox = preferences.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName=combobox_rolename))
+ if (len(comboBox) > 1):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found menu drop-down list Target Arhitecture")
+ comboBox[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu drop-down list <<Target Arhitecture>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find combo boxes")
+ try:
+ preferences.child(name=newprofileName, roleName=menuitem_rolename).click()
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found profile name menu item")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find profile name menu item")
+ try:
+ Rename = preferences.child(name = rename_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Rename push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Rename push button")
+ Rename.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Rename>>")
+ try:
+ renameProfile = app.child(name = rename_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Rename cross development profile frame")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Rename cross development profile frame")
+ try:
+ inputrenameProfileName = renameProfile.child(roleName = text_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found box to Rename Profile")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find text")
+ inputrenameProfileName.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Profile Name>>")
+ inputrenameProfileName.text = renameprofile #RenameProfile"
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Profile Name")
+ found = 1
+ try:
+ ok = renameProfile.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ try:
+ cancel = renameProfile.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Cancel push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel.sensitive):
+ cancel.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Cancel push button")
+ if (len(comboBox) > 0):
+ comboBox[0].click()
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find combo boxes")
+ try:
+ preferences.child(name=renameprofile, roleName=menuitem_rolename).click()
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Rename profile menu item")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find profile name menu item")
+ try:
+ general = app.child(name = general_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found General button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find General table cell")
+ general.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<General>>")
+ try:
+ applyPref = preferences.child(name = apply_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Apply push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Apply push button")
+ if (applyPref.sensitive):
+ applyPref.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Apply>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("Apply push button not sensitive")
+ try:
+ ok = preferences.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ try:
+ updateProfile = app.child(name = update_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Update cross development profile frame")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Update cross development profile frame")
+ try:
+ ok = updateProfile.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ cancel_close = updateProfile.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Cancel push button")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button sensitive")
+ def remove_yocto_profile(self, renameprofile):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ window = eclipse.child(name = window_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Window menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Window menu")
+ window.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Window>>")
+ try:
+ windowitem = window.child(name=preferences_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Preferences>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Preferences menu item")
+ windowitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Preferences>>")
+ try:
+ preferences = app.child(name = preferences_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Window Preferences is Open")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Preferences frame")
+ text = preferences.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ try:
+ yoctoProjectADT = app.child(name = YP_ADT_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yocto Project ADT button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Yocto Project ADT table cell")
+ yoctoProjectADT.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<Yocto Project ADT>>")
+ comboBox = preferences.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName=combobox_rolename))
+ if (len(comboBox) > 1):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found menu drop-down list Target Arhitecture")
+ comboBox[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu drop-down list <<Target Arhitecture>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find combo boxes")
+ try:
+ preferences.child(name=renameprofile, roleName=menuitem_rolename).click()
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found profile name menu item")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find profile name menu item")
+ try:
+ Remove = preferences.child(name = remove_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Remove push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ cancel_close.click()
+ Remove.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Remove>>")
+ try:
+ removeProfile = app.child(name = remove_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Remove cross development profile frame")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Remove cross development profile frame")
+ try:
+ ok = removeProfile.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ try:
+ general = app.child(name = general_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found General button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find General table cell")
+ general.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<General>>")
+ try:
+ applyPref = preferences.child(name = apply_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Apply push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Apply push button")
+ if (applyPref.sensitive):
+ applyPref.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Apply>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("Apply push button not sensitive")
+ try:
+ ok = preferences.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ try:
+ updateProfile = app.child(name = update_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Update cross development profile frame")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Update cross development profile frame")
+ try:
+ ok = updateProfile.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ cancel = updateProfile.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Cancel push button")
+ if (cancel.sensitive):
+ cancel.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button sensitive")
+ def close_project(self):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ text = eclipse.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ #text[nrText-1].click()
+ #self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Quick Access>>")
+ #text[nrText-1].text='Close Project'
+ #self.log.info("# Step : Insert <<Close Project>> on box <<Quick Access>>")
+ try:
+ keyCombo("<<Shift><F10>") # Right Click
+ pressKey("s") # Shortcut for close Project
+ #reconfig = app.child(name = 'Close Project - Close the selected project', roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Close Project")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Close Project table cell")
+ #reconfig.click()
+ #self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Close Project>>")
+ def delete_project(self, projectname, typeproject):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ keyCombo("<<Esc>")
+ keyCombo("<<Esc>")
+ try:
+ project = eclipse.child(name = projectname, roleName=tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<" +str(projectname) + ">> table cell")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find " +str(projectname) + " table cell")
+ project.click()
+ self.log.info("* Step : Click on project <<" +str(projectname) + ">>")
+ keyCombo("<<Esc>")
+ keyCombo("<<Esc>")
+ keyCombo("<<Shift><F10>")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ pressKey("d")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ pressKey("Enter") # Delete project
+ try:
+ deleteresources = app.child(name=delete_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Delete Resources>> frame")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Delete Resources frame")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ if "New Yocto Project" in typeproject:
+ pass
+ else:
+ deletecombobox = deleteresources.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName=checkbox_rolename))
+ deletecombobox[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on check box <<Delete project contents on disk>>")
+ try:
+ ok = deleteresources.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = deleteresources.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<OK>>")
+ frames = app.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = frame_rolename))
+ if (len(frames) == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find frames")
+ found = 1
+ try:
+ deleteresources = frames[2] #app.child(name=delete_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Delete Resources>> frame")
+ except:
+ found = 0
+ if found == 1:
+ try:
+ continuebutton = deleteresources.child(name=continue_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Continue push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.info("can not find Continue push button")
+ if (continuebutton.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Continue push button sensitive")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ continuebutton.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<Continue>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Continue push button not sensitive")
+ def close_perspective(self):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ window = eclipse.child(name = window_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Window menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Window menu")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ window.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Window>>")
+ if eclipse_version == "mars":
+ try:
+ perspective = window.child(name = perspective_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Perspective menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Window menu")
+ perspective.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Perspective>>")
+ try:
+ perspectiveitem = perspective.child(name=closeperspective_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Close Perspective>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Close Perspective menu item")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ perspectiveitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Close Perspective>>")
+ else:
+ try:
+ windowitem = window.child(name=closeperspective_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Close Perspective>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Close Perspective menu item")
+ windowitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Close Perspective>>")
+ def set_network_preferences_to_direct(self):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ window = eclipse.child(name = window_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Window menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Window menu")
+ window.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Window>>")
+ try:
+ windowitem = window.child(name=preferences_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Preferences>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Preferences menu item")
+ windowitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Preferences>>")
+ try:
+ preferences = app.child(name = preferences_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Window Preferences is Open")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Preferences frame")
+ cancel_close = preferences.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ text = preferences.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ typeText("Network Connections")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<Network Connections>>")
+ comboBox = preferences.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName=combobox_rolename))
+ if (len(comboBox) < 1):
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find combo boxes")
+ else:
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found drop-down list ")
+ comboBox[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu drop-down list <<Active Provider>>")
+ try:
+ directitem = preferences.child(name=direct_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Direct menu item")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ #cancel_close.click()
+ cancel_close.doubleClick()
+ self.fail("can not find Direct menu item")
+ directitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<Direct>> menu item")
+ try:
+ applyPref = preferences.child(name = apply_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Apply push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Apply push button")
+ try:
+ general = app.child(name = general_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found General button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find General table cell")
+ general.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<General>>")
+ if (applyPref.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Apply push button sensitive")
+ applyPref.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Apply>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("Apply push button not sensitive")
+ try:
+ ok = preferences.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button sensitive")
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ def build_project(self):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ project = eclipse.child(name = project_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Project menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Project menu")
+ project.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Project>>")
+ try:
+ build = project.child(name=buildproject_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Build Project menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Build Project menu item")
+ if (build.sensitive):
+ build.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Build Project>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Build Project menu item not sensitive")
+ def launch_qemu_from_eclipse(self):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ run = eclipse.child(name = run_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Run menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Run menu")
+ run.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<Run>> menu")
+ try:
+ externalTools = run.child(name = externaltools_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Run External Tools menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find External Tools menu")
+ externalTools.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<External Tools>> menu")
+ externalTools.deselect()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Exit <<External Tools>> menu")
+ run.deselect()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Exit <<Run>> menu")
+ try:
+ run = eclipse.child(name = run_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Run menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Run menu")
+ run.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<Run>> menu")
+ try:
+ externalTools = run.child(name = externaltools_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Run External Tools menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find External Tools menu")
+ externalTools.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<External Tools>> menu")
+ try:
+ qemu = externalTools.child(name = qemu_item , roleName = menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<1 qemu_i586-poky-linux>> menu item")
+ except:
+ try:
+ qemu = externalTools.child(name = qemu2_item , roleName = menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<1 qemu_i586-poky-linux>> menu item")
+ except:
+ if eclipse_version == 'mars':
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.fail("can not find qemu menu item") ###
+ #qemu.click()
+ #time.sleep(3)
+ #self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<1 qemu_i586-poky-linux>>")
+ #time.sleep(2)
+ externalTools.deselect()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Exit <<External Tools>> menu")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ run.deselect()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Exit <<Run>> menu")
+ def new_connection_for_run(self,eclipse_version):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ runConfig = app.child(name=runconfiguration_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ inifile = IniParser()
+ ip = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "SSH", "ip")
+ conncectionId = datetime.now().strftime("-%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
+ connection = ip +' SSH ' + conncectionId
+ try:
+ new = runConfig.child(name = new_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found New push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find New push button")
+ new.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<New...>push button")
+ newConnection = app.child(name=newconnection_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ text = newConnection.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<System type>>")
+ text[0].text = 'SSH Only'
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert <<SSH Only>> as System type")
+ try:
+ sshOnly = newConnection.child(name = ssh_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found SSH Only table cell")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find SSH Only table cell")
+ sshOnly.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<System type>>")
+ try:
+ next = newConnection.child(name = next_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Next push button")
+ next.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Next>>")
+ text = newConnection.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ if eclipse_version == 'kepler' or eclipse_version == 'luna':
+ text[0].click()
+ else:
+ pass
+ keyCombo("<<Ctrl><a>")
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Host name>>")
+ #text[0].text = ip
+ typeText(ip)
+ #text[0].text = ip
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert ip of QEMU as hostname")
+ if eclipse_version == 'kepler' or eclipse_version == 'luna':
+ text[1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Connection name>>")
+ text[1].text = connection
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Connection name")
+ else:
+ text[2].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Connection name>>")
+ text[2].text = connection
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Connection name")
+ #text[0].click()
+ #text[0].text = ip
+ try:
+ finish = newConnection.child(name = finish_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Finish push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Finish push button")
+ finish.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Finish>>")
+ def run_project(self , projectname, searchtype, eclipse_version):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ text = eclipse.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ try:
+ run = eclipse.child(name = run_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Run menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Run menu")
+ run.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Run>>")
+ try:
+ runitem = run.child(name=runconfiguration_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Run Configurations...>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Run Configurations menu item")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ runitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Run Configurations...>>")
+ try:
+ runConfig = app.child(name=runconfiguration_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Run Configurations>> frame")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Run Configurations frame")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ typeText(str(projectname))
+ time.sleep(10)
+ keyCombo("Enter")
+ self.new_connection_for_run(eclipse_version)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create a new Connection")
+ text = runConfig.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ if (len(text) < 6):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ if eclipse_version=="mars":
+ text[4].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Remote Absolute File Path for C/C++ App>>")
+ text[4].text = '/home/root/' + str(projectname)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Remote Absolute File Path for C/C++ App")
+ else:
+ text[5].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Remote Absolute File Path for C/C++ App>>")
+ text[5].text = '/home/root/' + str(projectname)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Remote Absolute File Path for C/C++ App")
+ if "Hello World GTK C" in str(searchtype):
+ if eclipse_version=='mars':
+ text[5].click()
+ text[5].text = 'export DISPLAY=:0.0'
+ else:
+ text[6].click()
+ text[6].text = 'export DISPLAY=:0.0'
+ cancel_close = runConfig.child(name = close_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ try:
+ run = runConfig.child(name=run_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Run push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Run push button")
+ if (run.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Run push button sensitive")
+ run.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<Run>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("Run push button not sensitive")
+ found = 1
+ try:
+ enterPassword = app.child(name=enterpassword_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Enter Password>> frame")
+ except:
+ found = 0
+ if found == 1:
+ text = enterPassword.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ if (len(text) == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<User ID>>")
+ text[0].text = 'root'
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert <<root>> in <<User ID>> box")
+ try:
+ ok = enterPassword.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = enterPassword.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button sensitive")
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ found = 1
+ try:
+ warning = app.child(name=warning_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Warning>> frame")
+ except:
+ found = 0
+ if found == 1:
+ try:
+ yes = warning.child(name=yes_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yes push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Yes push button")
+ if (yes.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yes push button sensitive")
+ yes.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<Yes>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Yes push button not sensitive")
+ if "Hello World GTK C" in str(searchtype):
+ var = subprocess.check_output("ssh root@ \"ps -x | grep " + str(projectname) + "\"", shell=True)
+ expectedmessage = '/home/root/' + str(projectname)
+ if str(expectedmessage) in str(var):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Message from QEMU: " + str(expectedmessage) )
+ subprocess.check_output("ssh root@ \"killall " + str(projectname) + "\"", shell=True)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Kill process: " + str(expectedmessage) + "")
+ else:
+ var = subprocess.check_output("ssh root@ \"./" + str(projectname) + "\"", shell=True)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Message from QEMU: " + str(var))
+ def change_profile_on_selected_project(self, projectname, newprofileName):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ project = eclipse.child(name = project_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Project menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Project menu")
+ project.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Project>>")
+ try:
+ changeYPSettings = project.child(name = changeYPsettings_item, roleName = menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Change Yocto Project Settings menu item")
+ except:
+ keyCombo("<<Esc>")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ try:
+ changeYPSettings = project.child(name = changeYPsettings_item, roleName = menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Change Yocto Project Settings menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Change Yocto Project Settings menu item")
+ changeYPSettings.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<Change Yocto Project Settings menu >> menu item")
+ try:
+ projectProperties = app.child(name = projectproperties_frame + projectname + " ", roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Window Properties for " + str(projectname) + " is Open")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Properties for " + str(projectname) + " frame")
+ cancel_close = projectProperties.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ comboBox = projectProperties.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName=combobox_rolename))
+ if (len(comboBox) > 1):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found menu drop-down list Target Arhitecture")
+ comboBox[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu drop-down list <<Target Arhitecture>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find combo boxes")
+ try:
+ projectProperties.child(name=newprofileName, roleName=menuitem_rolename).click()
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found profile name menu item")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find profile name menu item")
+ try:
+ applyPref = projectProperties.child(name = apply_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Apply push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Apply push button")
+ if (applyPref.sensitive):
+ applyPref.doubleClick()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Apply>> to save Standard Profile")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("Apply push button not sensitive")
+ try:
+ ok = projectProperties.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ def debug_project(self, projectname, searchtype):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ text = eclipse.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ try:
+ run = eclipse.child(name = run_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Run menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Run menu")
+ run.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Run>>")
+ try:
+ debugitem = run.child(name=debugconfiguration_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Debug Configurations...>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Debug Configurations menu item")
+ debugitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Debug Configurations...>>")
+ try:
+ debugConfig = app.child(name=debugconfiguration_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Debug Configurations>> frame")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Debug Configurations frame")
+ text = debugConfig.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (len(text) < 1):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ text[0].click()
+ #text[0].text = projectname
+ typeText(str(projectname))
+ #self.log.info("# Step : Insert <<"+ str(projectname)+">> name of project to debug")
+ try:
+ debug = debugConfig.child(name=debug_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Debug push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = debugConfig.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Debug push button")
+ if (debug.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Debug push button sensitive")
+ debug.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<Debug>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Close>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = debugConfig.child(name = close_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("Debug push button not sensitive")
+ found = 1
+ try:
+ confirm = app.child(name=confirmperspectiveswitch_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Confirm Perspective Switch >> frame")
+ except:
+ found = 0
+ if found == 1:
+ try:
+ yes = confirm.child(name=yes_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yes push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Yes push button")
+ if (yes.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yes push button sensitive")
+ yes.doubleClick()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<Yes>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Yes push button not sensitive")
+ time.sleep(20)
+ #var = subprocess.check_output("ssh root@ \"ps -ef | grep gdbserver " + str(projectname) + "\"", shell=True)
+ #print var
+ if eclipse_version == 'mars':
+ var = subprocess.check_output("ssh root@ \"killall gdbserver\"", shell=True)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Kill gdbserver open by : " + str(projectname) + "")
+ else:
+ if "Hello World GTK C" in str(searchtype):
+ var = subprocess.check_output("ssh root@ \"killall gdbserver\"", shell=True)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Kill gdbserver open by : " + str(projectname) + "")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Debug perspective")
+ found = 1
+ try:
+ dateforgdb = datetime.now().strftime("%m/%d/%y, %I:%M %p")
+ gdbserver = app.child(name= gdbserverdebugger_frame + dateforgdb, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<"+ gdbserverdebugger_frame+">> frame")
+ except:
+ found = 0
+ if found == 1:
+ try:
+ details = gdbserver.child(name=details_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Details push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Details push button")
+ if (details.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Details push button sensitive")
+ details.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<Details>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Details push button not sensitive")
+ found = 1
+ try:
+ errorconnection = gdbserver.child(name= error_connection_closed, roleName=tablecell_rolename)
+ except:
+ found = 0
+ if found == 1:
+ self.log.info("* Warning : Found" + error_connection_closed +" ?????")
+ try:
+ ok = gdbserver.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = gdbserver.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<OK>>")
+ def open_other_perspective(self, perspectivename):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ window = eclipse.child(name = window_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Window menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Window menu")
+ window.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Window>>")
+ try:
+ windowitem = window.child(name=openperspective_menu, roleName=menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Open Perspective>> menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Open Perspective menu")
+ windowitem.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select menu <<Open Perspective>>")
+ try:
+ otheritem = windowitem.child(name=other_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Other...>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Other... menu item")
+ otheritem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Other...>>")
+ try:
+ OpenPerspective = app.child(name = openp_other_erspective_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Open Perspective is Open")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Open Perspective frame")
+ try:
+ perspectiveitem = OpenPerspective.child(name = perspectivename, roleName=tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<" +str(perspectivename) + ">> table cell")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = OpenPerspective.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find " +str(perspectivename) + " table cell")
+ perspectiveitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on perspective <<" + str(perspectivename) +">>")
+ try:
+ ok = OpenPerspective.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = OpenPerspective.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<OK>>")
+ try:
+ perspectiveButton = eclipse.child(name = perspectivename, roleName = togglebutton_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<" +str(perspectivename) + ">> toggle button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find " +str(perspectivename) + ">> toggle button")
+ perspectiveButton.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<" +str(perspectivename) + ">>")
+ self.log.info("# Step : Perspective <<" +str(perspectivename) + ">> is open")
+ def create_yocto_project(self, projectname, projectlocation, typeproject):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ project = eclipse.child(name = file_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found File menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find File menu")
+ project.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<File>>")
+ try:
+ newmenu = project.child(name = new_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found New menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find New menu")
+ newmenu.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<New>> menu")
+ try:
+ projectitem = newmenu.child(name = project_item , roleName = menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Project...>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Project... menu item")
+ projectitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Project...>>")
+ try:
+ new_proj = app.child(name = new_project_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : New Project frame")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find New Project frame")
+ text = new_proj.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Wizards>>")
+ text[0].text = typeproject
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert type of project")
+ try:
+ next = new_proj.child(name = next_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = new_proj.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Next push button")
+ time.sleep(10)
+ if (next.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button sensitive")
+ #next.doubleClick()
+ next.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Next>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = new_proj.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("Next push button not sensitive")
+ try:
+ BBCProject = app.child(name = yoctoBBcommander_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Yocto Project Bitbake Commander frame")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Yocto Project Bitbake Commanderframe")
+ text = BBCProject.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ text[1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Project Name >>")
+ text[1].text = projectname
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert name of project")
+ text[2].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Project Location>>")
+ text[2].text = projectlocation
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert location of project")
+ try:
+ finish = BBCProject.child(name = finish_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Finish push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Finish push button")
+ finish.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Finish>>")
+ def add_bitbake_recipe(self, projectname, srcURI, description, recipelicense, recipename, pressPopulate):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ project = eclipse.child(name = projectname, roleName=tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<" +str(projectname) + ">> table cell")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find " +str(projectname) + " table cell")
+ project.click()
+ self.log.info("* Step : Click on project <<" +str(projectname) + ">>")
+ try:
+ file = eclipse.child(name = file_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found File menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find File menu")
+ file.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<File>>")
+ try:
+ newmenu = file.child(name = new_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found New menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find New menu")
+ newmenu.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<New>> menu")
+ try:
+ projectitem = newmenu.child(name = bitbakerecipe_item , roleName = menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<BitBake Recipe>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find BitBake Recipe menu item")
+ projectitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Project...>>")
+ frames = app.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = frame_rolename))
+ if (len(frames) == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find frames")
+ bbrecipe = frames[1]
+ text = bbrecipe.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename ))
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Recipe Directory>>")
+ recipe_directory = "/" + str(projectname)
+ if text[0].text == recipe_directory :
+ self.log.info("* Check : Recipe directory is correct")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Other recipe directory")
+ text[1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<SRC_URI>>")
+ text[1].text = srcURI
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert SRC_URI")
+ text[6].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Description>>")
+ text[6].text = description
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Description")
+ text[7].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<License>>")
+ text[7].text = recipelicense
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert License")
+ try:
+ finish = bbrecipe.child(name = finish_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Finish push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Finish push button")
+ if pressPopulate:
+ try:
+ populate = bbrecipe.child(name = populate_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Populate... push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Populate... push button")
+ populate.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Populate...>>")
+ time.sleep(20)
+ if text[2].text == recipename:
+ self.log.info("* Check : Recipe Name is correct")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Recipe Name is not correct")
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box SRC_URI[md5sum]")
+ text[3].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Text in box SRC_URI[md5sum]: %s" %(text[3].text) )
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box SRC_URI[sha255sum]")
+ text[4].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Text on box SRC_URI[sha255sum]: %s" %(text[4].text) )
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on Lincense File CheckSum")
+ text[5].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Text on box SRC_URI[sha255sum]: %s" %(text[5].text) )
+ else:
+ text[2].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Recipe Name>>")
+ text[2].text = recipename
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Recipe Name")
+ finish.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<Finish>>")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ text = eclipse.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ if eclipse_version == 'mars':
+ text[nrText-1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on " + str(projectname) + " Console")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Output from " + str(projectname) + " Console: %s" %((text[nrText-1].text)))
+ else:
+ text[nrText-2].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<" + str(projectname) + ">> Console")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Output from " + str(projectname) + " Console: %s "%(text[nrText-2].text))
+ try:
+ clearconsole = eclipse.child(description=clear_console_description, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Clear Console push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Clear Console push button")
+ clearconsole.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<Clear Console>>")
+ project.actions['expand or contract'].do()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Expand or contract")
+ project.grabFocus()
+ project.typeText(recipename)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Search " + str(recipename) + "")
+ try:
+ foundrecipe = eclipse.child(name = recipename, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found recipe: " + str(recipename) + " in BitBake Project <<" + str(projectname) + ">>")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find " + str(recipename) + "in BitBake Project <<" + str(projectname) + ">>")
+ foundrecipe.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on recipe file " + str(recipename) + "")
+ project.actions['expand or contract'].do()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Expand or contract")
+ project.click()
+ self.log.info("* Step : Click on project <<" +str(projectname) + ">>")
+ def start_HOB_or_toaster(self,eclipse_version):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ project = eclipse.child(name = project_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Project menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Project menu")
+ project.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Project>>")
+ if eclipse_version == 'kepler':
+ try:
+ projectitem = project.child(name=launchHob_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Launch HOB>> menu item")
+ except:
+ project.deselect()
+ time.sleep(10)
+ project.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Project>>")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ projectitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Launch HOB>>")
+ try:
+ Launch_HOB = app.child(name = launchHob_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Window Launch HOB is Open")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Launch HOB frame")
+ try:
+ ok = Launch_HOB.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = Launch_HOB.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button sensitive")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ time.sleep(10)
+ app2 = tree.root.application('bitbake')
+ try:
+ Hob = app2.child(name = 'Hob', roleName='frame')
+ self.log.info("* Check : Window %s is Open " %Hob)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find %s frame " %Hob)
+ os.system("killall hob")
+ elif eclipse_version == 'luna':
+ try:
+ projectitem = project.child(name=launchToaster_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Launch Toaster>> menu item")
+ except:
+ project.deselect()
+ time.sleep(10)
+ project.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Project>>")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ projectitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Launch Toaster>>")
+ frames = app.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = frame_rolename))
+ if (len(frames) == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find frames")
+ Launch_Toaster = frames[1]
+ text = Launch_Toaster.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename ))
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Toaster Server URL>")
+ link_toaster = 'https://www.yoctoproject.org/toaster/'
+ if text[0].text == link_toaster :
+ self.log.info("* Check : Toaster Server URL is correct")
+ else:
+ text[0].click()
+ text[0].text = link_toaster
+ try:
+ ok = Launch_Toaster.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = Launch_Toaster.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button sensitive")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ time.sleep(10)
+ app3 = tree.root.application('Firefox')
+ try:
+ Toaster = app3.child(name = 'Toaster - Mozilla Firefox', roleName='frame')
+ self.log.info("* Check : Window %s is Open " %Toaster)
+ except:
+ self.fail("FAIL: can not find %s frame " %Toaster)
+ os.system("killall firefox")
+ elif eclipse_version == 'mars':
+ try:
+ projectitem = project.child(name=launchToaster_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Launch Toaster>> menu item")
+ except:
+ project.deselect()
+ time.sleep(10)
+ project.select()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Project>>")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ projectitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Launch Toaster>>")
+ frames = app.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = frame_rolename))
+ if (len(frames) == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find frames")
+ Launch_Toaster = frames[2]
+ text = Launch_Toaster.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename ))
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Toaster Server URL>")
+ link_toaster = 'https://www.yoctoproject.org/toaster/'
+ if text[0].text == link_toaster :
+ self.log.info("* Check : Toaster Server URL is correct")
+ else:
+ text[0].click()
+ text[0].text = link_toaster
+ try:
+ ok = Launch_Toaster.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = Launch_Toaster.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button sensitive")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ try:
+ toaster_web = eclipse.child(name='Toaster', roleName='document web')
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Toaster>> document web")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Toaster document web")
+ time.sleep(10)
+ toaster_web.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<Toaster>> document web")
+ def new_connection_for_debug(self):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ inifile = IniParser()
+ debugConfig = app.child(name=debugconfiguration_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ ip = inifile.getValue("test.ini", "SSH", "ip")
+ conncectionId = datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
+ connection = ip +'SSH_' + conncectionId
+ try:
+ new = debugConfig.child(name = new_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found New push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find New push button")
+ new.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<New...>push button")
+ newConnection = app.child(name=newconnection_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ text = newConnection.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<System type>>")
+ text[0].text = 'SSH Only'
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert <<SSH Only>> as System type")
+ try:
+ sshOnly = newConnection.child(name = ssh_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found SSH Only table cell")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find SSH Only table cell")
+ sshOnly.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<System type>>")
+ try:
+ next = newConnection.child(name = next_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Next push button")
+ next.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Next>>")
+ text = newConnection.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ text[1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Host name>>")
+ text[1].text = ip
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert ip of QEMU as hostname")
+ text[2].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Connection name>>")
+ text[2].text = connection
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Connection name")
+ try:
+ finish = newConnection.child(name = finish_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Finish push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Finish push button")
+ finish.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Finish>>")
+ def debug_project_to_avoid_5163(self,projectname):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ debugConfig = app.child(name=debugconfiguration_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ text = eclipse.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ try:
+ run = eclipse.child(name = run_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Run menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Run menu")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ run.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<Run>>")
+ try:
+ debugitem = run.child(name=debugconfiguration_item, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Debug Configurations...>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Debug Configurations menu item")
+ debugitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<Debug Configurations...>>")
+ try:
+ debugConfig = app.child(name=debugconfiguration_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Debug Configurations>> frame")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Debug Configurations frame")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ typeText(str(projectname))
+ self.log.info("# Step : Insert <<"+ str(projectname)+">> name of project to debug")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ keyCombo("Enter")
+ self.new_connection_for_debug()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create a new Connection")
+ text = debugConfig.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ if (len(text) < 6):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ text[5].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Remote Absolute File Path for C/C++ App>>")
+ text[5].text = '/home/root/'+ str(projectname)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Remote Absolute File Path for C/C++ App")
+ try:
+ debug = debugConfig.child(name=debug_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Debug push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = debugConfig.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find Debug push button")
+ if (debug.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Debug push button sensitive")
+ debug.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<Debug>>")
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = debugConfig.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("Debug push button not sensitive")
+ found = 1
+ try:
+ enterPassword = app.child(name=enterpassword_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Enter Password>> frame")
+ except:
+ found = 0
+ if found == 1:
+ text = enterPassword.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ if (len(text) == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<User ID>>")
+ text[0].text = 'root'
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert <<root>> in <<User ID>> box")
+ try:
+ ok = enterPassword.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = enterPassword.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button sensitive")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ time.sleep(60)
+ try:
+ problem_occurred = app.child(name=problemoccurred_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Problem Occurred>> frame")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Problem Occurred push button")
+ try:
+ ok = problem_occurred.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button sensitive")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ def connection_for_linux_tools(self,linuxToolsItem, linuxToolsFrame):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ ip = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "SSH", "ip")
+ try:
+ YoctoProjectTools = eclipse.child(name = yocto_project_tools_menu, roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found YoctoProjectTools menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find YoctoProjectTools menu")
+ YoctoProjectTools.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<YoctoProjectTools>>")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ try:
+ YPTitem = YoctoProjectTools.child(name=linuxToolsItem, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<"+linuxToolsItem+">> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find "+linuxToolsItem+" menu item")
+ YPTitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<"+linuxToolsItem+">>")
+ try:
+ linuxtoolswindow = app.child(name=linuxToolsFrame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Perf>> frame")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Debug Configurations frame")
+ try:
+ new = linuxtoolswindow.child(name = new2_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found New push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find New push button")
+ new.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<New>push button")
+ newConnection = app.child(name=newconnection_frame, roleName = frame_rolename)
+ text = newConnection.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<System type>>")
+ text[0].text = 'SSH Only'
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert <<SSH Only>> as System type")
+ try:
+ sshOnly = newConnection.child(name = ssh_tablecell, roleName = tablecell_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found SSH Only table cell")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find SSH Only table cell")
+ sshOnly.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<System type>>")
+ try:
+ next = newConnection.child(name = next_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Next push button")
+ next.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Next>>")
+ text = newConnection.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ nrText = len(text)
+ if (nrText == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ keyCombo("<<Ctrl><a>")
+ #text[1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Host name>>")
+ #text[1].text = ip
+ typeText(ip)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert ip of QEMU as hostname")
+ conncectionId = datetime.now().strftime("-%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
+ connection = ip + ' ' + linuxToolsItem + conncectionId
+ if eclipse_version == 'mars':
+ text[2].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Connection name>>")
+ text[2].text = connection
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Connection name")
+ elif eclipse_version == 'luna':
+ text[1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Connection name>>")
+ text[1].text = connection
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Connection name")
+ try:
+ finish = newConnection.child(name = finish_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Finish push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Finish push button")
+ finish.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Finish>>")
+ comboBox = linuxtoolswindow.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName=combobox_rolename))
+ if (len(comboBox) > 0):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found menu drop-down list Connection")
+ comboBox[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu drop-down list <<Connection>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("can not find combo boxes")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = linuxtoolswindow.child(name=cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ try:
+ connectionTools = linuxtoolswindow.child(name = connection, roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found " + str(connection) + " menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find " + str(connection) + " menu item")
+ connectionTools.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<" + str(connection) + ">>")
+ try:
+ ok_tools = linuxtoolswindow.child(name = ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ ok_tools.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on <<OK>>push button")
+ found = 1
+ try:
+ enterPassword = app.child(name=enterpassword_frame, roleName=frame_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<Enter Password>> frame")
+ except:
+ found = 0
+ if found == 1:
+ text = enterPassword.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ if (len(text) == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find text boxes")
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<User ID>>")
+ text[0].text = 'root'
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert <<root>> in <<User ID>> box")
+ try:
+ ok_enter = enterPassword.child(name=ok_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = enterPassword.child(name = cancel_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ if (ok_enter.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button sensitive")
+ ok_enter.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on button <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+# #
+# PART III: test cases #
+# please refer to #
+# https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/tr_show_case.cgi?case_id=xxx
+# #
+# Note: to comply with the unittest framework, we call these test_xxx functions
+# from run_eclipsecases.py to avoid calling setUp() and tearDown() multiple times
+class eclipse_cases(eclipse_cases_base):
+ ##############
+ # CASE 24 #
+ ##############
+ @testcase(24)
+ def test_24(self):
+ param1 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param1")
+ param2 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param2")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ commit = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "commit")
+ dateofrun = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "date")
+ self.log.info('#############################################################################')
+ self.log.info('### TC 24 - Install Eclipse Using the Headless Build ###')
+ self.log.info('#############################################################################')
+ self.create_tree(eclipse_version, param1, param2, dateofrun)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create tree for run")
+ self.download_basic_things(param1, param2, dateofrun)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Download basic things")
+ self.download_plugin_and_eclipse_version(eclipse_version, param1, param2, dateofrun)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Download plugin and eclipse version")
+ self.install_basic_things(param1, param2, commit, dateofrun)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Install basic things")
+ self.install_eclipse_version(param1, param2, eclipse_version, dateofrun)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Install eclipse %s " %(eclipse_version))
+ self.start_eclipse(param1, param2, eclipse_version, dateofrun)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Start Eclipse %s" %eclipse_version)
+ self.install_eclipse_plugin(param1, param2, eclipse_version, dateofrun)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Install Eclipse %s" %eclipse_version)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ self.restart_and_close_welcome()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Restart Eclipse %s" %eclipse_version)
+ @testcase(739)
+ def test_739(self):
+ param1 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param1")
+ param2 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param2")
+ dateofrun = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "date")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ toolchainType = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC739_eclipse-plugin_support_profiles", "Cross_Compiler_Options")
+ toolchainAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/installed/adt"
+ sysrootAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/test-yocto/qemux86'
+ targetArch = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC739_eclipse-plugin_support_profiles", "Target_Arhitecture")
+ targetType = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC739_eclipse-plugin_support_profiles", "Target_Options")
+ kernelAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/download/adt-installer/download_image/bzImage-qemux86.bin"
+ newprofileName = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC739_eclipse-plugin_support_profiles", "Cross_development_profiles")
+ renameprofile = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC739_eclipse-plugin_support_profiles", "Cross_development_profiles_rename")
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC739_eclipse-plugin_support_profiles", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC739_eclipse-plugin_support_profiles", "Wizards")
+ searchtype = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC739_eclipse-plugin_support_profiles", "Search")
+ author = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC739_eclipse-plugin_support_profiles", "Author")
+ copyrightproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC739_eclipse-plugin_support_profiles", "Copyright")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 739 - eclipse-plugin support profiles ###")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.work_around_preferences_frame()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Insert a text in one text box to modify size of frame")
+ self.configure_standard_profile(toolchainType, toolchainAdr, sysrootAdr, targetArch, targetType, kernelAdr)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Configure Standard Profile")
+ self.add_new_profile(newprofileName)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Add Profile " + str(newprofileName) + "")
+ self.createProject(projectname, typeproject, searchtype, author, copyrightproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create Project")
+ self.open_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Change Perspective")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ if eclipse_version == 'mars':
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ self.verify_profile(projectname, toolchainType, toolchainAdr, sysrootAdr, targetArch, targetType, kernelAdr, newprofileName)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Verify all the information about profile saved")
+ self.rename_profile(newprofileName, renameprofile)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Rename profile")
+ self.remove_yocto_profile(renameprofile)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Remove profile")
+ self.close_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Project")
+ self.delete_project(projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close C/C++ perspective")
+ @testcase(25)
+ def test_25(self):
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC25_support_SSH_connection_to_Target", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC25_support_SSH_connection_to_Target", "Wizards")
+ searchtype = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC25_support_SSH_connection_to_Target", "Search")
+ author = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC25_support_SSH_connection_to_Target", "Author")
+ copyrightproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC25_support_SSH_connection_to_Target", "Copyright")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 25 - Support SSH connection to Target ###")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.set_network_preferences_to_direct()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Set connection to Direct")
+ self.createProject(projectname, typeproject, searchtype, author, copyrightproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create Project")
+ self.open_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Change Perspective")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ self.build_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Build Project")
+ self.launch_qemu_from_eclipse()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Verify if QEMU appears in External Tools in Eclipse")
+ self.delete_project(projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close C/C++ perspective")
+ @testcase(26)
+ def test_26(self):
+ param1 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param1")
+ param2 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param2")
+ dateofrun = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "date")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ toolchainAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/installed/adt"
+ kernelAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/download/adt-installer/download_image/bzImage-qemux86.bin"
+ sysrootAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/test-yocto/qemux86'
+ toolchainType = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC26_Persistent_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings", "Cross_Compiler_Options")
+ targetArch = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC26_Persistent_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings", "Target_Arhitecture")
+ targetType = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC26_Persistent_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings", "Target_Options")
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC26_Persistent_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC26_Persistent_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings", "Wizards")
+ searchtype = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC26_Persistent_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings", "Search")
+ author = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC26_Persistent_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings", "Author")
+ copyrightproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC26_Persistent_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings", "Copyright")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 26 - Persistent Yocto Project ADT settings ###")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.configure_standard_profile(toolchainType, toolchainAdr, sysrootAdr, targetArch, targetType, kernelAdr)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Configure Standard Profile")
+ self.createProject(projectname, typeproject, searchtype, author, copyrightproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create Project")
+ self.open_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Change Perspective")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ self.build_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Build Project")
+ self.run_project(projectname, searchtype,eclipse_version)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Run Project")
+ self.close_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Project")
+ self.delete_project( projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close C/C++ perspective")
+ @testcase(27)
+ def test_27(self):
+ param1 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param1")
+ param2 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param2")
+ dateofrun = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "date")
+ toolchainAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/installed/adt"
+ kernelAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/download/adt-installer/download_image/bzImage-qemux86.bin"
+ sysrootAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/test-yocto/qemux86'
+ toolchainType = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC27_Change_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings_profile", "Cross_Compiler_Options")
+ targetArch = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC27_Change_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings_profile", "Target_Arhitecture")
+ targetType = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC27_Change_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings_profile", "Target_Options")
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC27_Change_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings_profile", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC27_Change_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings_profile", "Wizards")
+ searchtype = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC27_Change_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings_profile", "Search")
+ author = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC27_Change_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings_profile", "Author")
+ copyrightproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC27_Change_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings_profile", "Copyright")
+ newprofileName = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC27_Change_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings_profile", "Cross_development_profiles_2")
+ renameprofile = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC27_Change_Yocto_Project_ADT_Settings_profile", "Cross_development_profiles_2")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 27 - Change Yocto Project ADT Settings profile ###")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.configure_standard_profile(toolchainType, toolchainAdr, sysrootAdr, targetArch, targetType, kernelAdr)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Configure Standard Profile")
+ self.createProject(projectname, typeproject, searchtype, author, copyrightproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create Project")
+ self.open_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Change Perspective")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ self.add_new_profile(newprofileName)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Add Profile " + str(newprofileName) )
+ self.change_profile_on_selected_project(projectname, newprofileName)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Change Profile")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ self.remove_yocto_profile(renameprofile)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Remove profile")
+ self.close_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Project")
+ self.delete_project(projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close C/C++ perspective")
+ @testcase(385)
+ def test_385(self):
+ param1 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param1")
+ param2 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param2")
+ dateofrun = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "date")
+ toolchainAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/installed/adt"
+ kernelAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/download/adt-installer/download_image/bzImage-qemux86.bin"
+ sysrootAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/test-yocto/qemux86'
+ toolchainType = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC385_ADT-installer_Configure_Eclipse_plugin_with_the_toolchain_and_sysroot_installed_using_ADT", "Cross_Compiler_Options")
+ targetArch = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC385_ADT-installer_Configure_Eclipse_plugin_with_the_toolchain_and_sysroot_installed_using_ADT", "Target_Arhitecture")
+ targetType = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC385_ADT-installer_Configure_Eclipse_plugin_with_the_toolchain_and_sysroot_installed_using_ADT", "Target_Options")
+ self.log.info("##########################################################################################################")
+ self.log.info("###TC 385 - ADT-installer - Configure Eclipse plugin with the toolchain and sysroot installed using ADT###")
+ self.log.info("##########################################################################################################")
+ self.configure_standard_profile(toolchainType, toolchainAdr, sysrootAdr, targetArch, targetType, kernelAdr)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Configure standard profile")
+ @testcase(38)
+ def test_38(self):
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC38_ADT-installer_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC38_ADT-installer_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Wizards")
+ searchtype = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC38_ADT-installer_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Search")
+ author = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC38_ADT-installer_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Author")
+ copyrightproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC38_ADT-installer_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Copyright")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.log.info("###TC 38 - ADT-installer - C - Build Hello World ANSI C Autotools Project ###")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.createProject(projectname, typeproject, searchtype, author, copyrightproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create Project")
+ self.open_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Change Perspective")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ self.build_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Build Project")
+ self.run_project(projectname, searchtype,eclipse_version)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Run Project")
+ self.debug_project(projectname, searchtype)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Debug Project")
+ self.close_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Project")
+ self.delete_project(projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close C/C++ perspective")
+ @testcase(39)
+ def test_39(self):
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC39_ADT-installer_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools project", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC39_ADT-installer_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools project", "Wizards")
+ searchtype = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC39_ADT-installer_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools project", "Search")
+ author = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC39_ADT-installer_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools project", "Author")
+ copyrightproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC39_ADT-installer_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools project", "Copyright")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 39 - ADT-installer - C++ - Build Hello World C++ Autotools Project ###")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.createProject(projectname, typeproject, searchtype, author, copyrightproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create Project")
+ self.open_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Change Perspective")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ self.build_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Build Project")
+ self.run_project(projectname, searchtype, eclipse_version)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Run Project")
+ self.debug_project(projectname, searchtype)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Debug Project")
+ self.close_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Project")
+ self.delete_project(projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close C/C++ perspective")
+ @testcase(377)
+ def test_377(self):
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC377_ADT-installer_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC377_ADT-installer_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Wizards")
+ searchtype = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC377_ADT-installer_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Search")
+ author = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC377_ADT-installer_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Author")
+ copyrightproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC377_ADT-installer_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Copyright")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.log.info("###TC 377 - ADT-installer - C - Build Hello World GTK C Autotools Project###")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.createProject(projectname, typeproject, searchtype, author, copyrightproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create Project")
+ self.open_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Change Perspective")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ self.build_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Build Project")
+ self.run_project(projectname, searchtype,eclipse_version)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Run Project")
+ self.debug_project(projectname, searchtype)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Debug Project")
+ self.close_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Project")
+ self.delete_project(projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close C/C++ perspective")
+ @testcase(386)
+ def test_386(self):
+ param1 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param1")
+ param2 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param2")
+ dateofrun = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "date")
+ toolchainAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/installed/toolchain"
+ kernelAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/download/adt-installer/download_image/bzImage-qemux86.bin"
+ sysrootAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/test-yocto/qemux86'
+ toolchainType = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC386_Relocatable_SDK_Configure_Eclipse_plugin_with_the_toolchain_and_sysroot_installed_using_Relocatable_SDK", "Cross_Compiler_Options")
+ targetArch = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC386_Relocatable_SDK_Configure_Eclipse_plugin_with_the_toolchain_and_sysroot_installed_using_Relocatable_SDK", "Target_Arhitecture")
+ targetType = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC386_Relocatable_SDK_Configure_Eclipse_plugin_with_the_toolchain_and_sysroot_installed_using_Relocatable_SDK", "Target_Options")
+ self.log.info("########################################################################################################################")
+ self.log.info("###TC 386 - Relocatable SDK - Configure Eclipse plugin with the toolchain and sysroot installed using Relocatable SDK###")
+ self.log.info("########################################################################################################################")
+ self.work_around_preferences_frame()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Insert a text in one text box to modify size of frame")
+ self.configure_standard_profile(toolchainType, toolchainAdr, sysrootAdr, targetArch, targetType, kernelAdr)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Configure standard profile")
+ @testcase(373)
+ def test_373(self):
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC373_Relocatable_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC373_Relocatable_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Wizards")
+ searchtype = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC373_Relocatable_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Search")
+ author = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC373_Relocatable_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Author")
+ copyrightproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC373_Relocatable_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Copyright")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.log.info("###TC 373 - Relocatable SDK - C - Build Hello World ANSI C Autotools Project ###")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.createProject(projectname, typeproject, searchtype, author, copyrightproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create Project")
+ self.open_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Change Perspective")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ self.build_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Build Project")
+ self.run_project(projectname, searchtype,eclipse_version)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Run Project")
+ self.debug_project(projectname, searchtype)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Debug Project")
+ self.close_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Project")
+ self.delete_project(projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close C/C++ perspective")
+ @testcase(379)
+ def test_379(self):
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC379_Relocatable_SDK_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools_Project", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC379_Relocatable_SDK_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools_Project", "Wizards")
+ searchtype = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC379_Relocatable_SDK_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools_Project", "Search")
+ author = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC379_Relocatable_SDK_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools_Project", "Author")
+ copyrightproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC379_Relocatable_SDK_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools_Project", "Copyright")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ self.log.info("##############################################################################")
+ self.log.info("###TC 379 - Relocatable SDK - C++ - Build Hello World C++ Autotools Project###")
+ self.log.info("##############################################################################")
+ self.createProject(projectname, typeproject, searchtype, author, copyrightproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create Project")
+ self.open_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Change Perspective")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ self.build_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Build Project")
+ self.run_project(projectname, searchtype,eclipse_version)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Run Project")
+ self.debug_project(projectname, searchtype)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Debug Project")
+ self.close_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Project")
+ self.delete_project(projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close C/C++ perspective")
+ @testcase(378)
+ def test_378(self):
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC378_Relocatable_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC378_Relocatable_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Wizards")
+ searchtype = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC378_Relocatable_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Search")
+ author = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC378_Relocatable_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Author")
+ copyrightproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC378_Relocatable_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Copyright")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.log.info("###TC 378 - Relocatable SDK - C - Build Hello World GTK C Autotools Project###")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.createProject(projectname, typeproject, searchtype, author, copyrightproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create Project")
+ self.open_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Change Perspective")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ self.build_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Build Project")
+ self.run_project(projectname, searchtype,eclipse_version)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Run Project")
+ self.debug_project(projectname, searchtype)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Debug Project")
+ self.close_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Project")
+ self.delete_project(projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close C/C++ perspective")
+ @testcase(387)
+ def test_387(self):
+ param1 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param1")
+ param2 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param2")
+ dateofrun = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "date")
+ poky_path = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/download/poky/"
+ toolchainAdr = poky_path + "build/"
+ kernelAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/download/adt-installer/download_image/bzImage-qemux86.bin"
+ sysrootAdr = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/test-yocto/qemux86'
+ toolchainType = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC387_User_Built_SDK-Configure_Eclipse_plugin_with_the_toolchain_and_sysroot_installed_using_User_Built_SDK", "Cross_Compiler_Options")
+ targetArch = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC387_User_Built_SDK-Configure_Eclipse_plugin_with_the_toolchain_and_sysroot_installed_using_User_Built_SDK", "Target_Arhitecture")
+ targetType = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC387_User_Built_SDK-Configure_Eclipse_plugin_with_the_toolchain_and_sysroot_installed_using_User_Built_SDK", "Target_Options")
+ #kernelAdr = poky_path +"build/tmp/deploy/images/qemux86/bzImage-qemux86.bin"
+ #sysrootAdr = poky_path + "build/tmp/sysroots/qemux86"
+ #sysrootAdr = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC387_User_Built_SDK-Configure_Eclipse_plugin_with_the_toolchain_and_sysroot_installed_using_User_Built_SDK", "Sysroot_Location")
+ self.log.info("########################################################################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 387 - User Built SDK - Configure Eclipse plugin with the toolchain and sysroot installed using User Built SDK ###")
+ self.log.info("########################################################################################################################")
+ self.work_around_preferences_frame()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Insert a text in one text box to modify size of frame")
+ self.configure_standard_profile(toolchainType, toolchainAdr, sysrootAdr, targetArch, targetType, kernelAdr)
+ @testcase(374)
+ def test_374(self):
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC374_User_Built_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC374_User_Built_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Wizards")
+ searchtype = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC374_User_Built_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Search")
+ author = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC374_User_Built_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Author")
+ copyrightproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC374_User_Built_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_ANSI_C_Autotools_Project", "Copyright")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 374 - User Built SDK - C - Build Hello World ANSI C Autotools Project ###")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.createProject(projectname, typeproject, searchtype, author, copyrightproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create Project")
+ self.open_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Change Perspective")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ self.build_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Build Project")
+ self.run_project(projectname, searchtype,eclipse_version)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Run Project")
+ self.debug_project(projectname, searchtype)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Debug Project")
+ self.close_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Project")
+ self.delete_project(projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close C/C++ perspective")
+ @testcase(380)
+ def test_380(self):
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC380_User_Built_SDK_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools_Project", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC380_User_Built_SDK_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools_Project", "Wizards")
+ searchtype = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC380_User_Built_SDK_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools_Project", "Search")
+ author = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC380_User_Built_SDK_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools_Project", "Author")
+ copyrightproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC380_User_Built_SDK_C++_Build_Hello_World_C++_Autotools_Project", "Copyright")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 380 - User Built SDk - C++ - Build Hello World C++ Autotools Project ###")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.createProject(projectname, typeproject, searchtype, author, copyrightproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create Project")
+ self.open_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Change Perspective")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ self.build_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Build Project")
+ self.run_project(projectname, searchtype,eclipse_version)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Run Project")
+ self.debug_project(projectname, searchtype)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Debug Project")
+ self.close_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Project")
+ self.delete_project(projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close C/C++ perspective")
+ @testcase(42)
+ def test_42(self):
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC42_User_Built_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC42_User_Built_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Wizards")
+ searchtype = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC42_User_Built_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Search")
+ author = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC42_User_Built_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Author")
+ copyrightproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC42_User_Built_SDK_C_Build_Hello_World_GTK_C_Autotools_Project", "Copyright")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 42 - User Built SDK - C - Build Hello World GTK C Autotools Project ###")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.createProject(projectname, typeproject, searchtype, author, copyrightproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create Project")
+ self.open_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Change Perspective")
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ if eclipse_version == 'mars':
+ self.reconfigure_project(projectname)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Reconfigure Project")
+ self.build_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Build Project")
+ self.run_project(projectname, searchtype,eclipse_version)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Run Project")
+ self.debug_project(projectname, searchtype)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Debug Project")
+ #check_passed3ewb = verify_console()
+ #ewb
+ #self.log.info("# Step : Verify problems")
+ self.close_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Project")
+ self.delete_project(projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close C/C++ perspective")
+ @testcase(388)
+ def test_388(self):
+ param1 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param1")
+ param2 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param2")
+ dateofrun = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "date")
+ projectlocation = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun +'/download/'
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC388_BB_Commander-Create_a_User_customized_recipe", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC388_BB_Commander-Create_a_User_customized_recipe", "Wizards")
+ perspectivename = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC388_BB_Commander-Create_a_User_customized_recipe", "Perspective_name")
+ srcURI = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC388_BB_Commander-Create_a_User_customized_recipe", "SRC_URI")
+ description = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC388_BB_Commander-Create_a_User_customized_recipe", "Description")
+ recipelicense = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC388_BB_Commander-Create_a_User_customized_recipe", "License")
+ recipename = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC388_BB_Commander-Create_a_User_customized_recipe", "Recipe_name")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 388 - BB Commander - Create a User customized recipe ###")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.open_other_perspective(perspectivename)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create BB Commander Project")
+ self.create_yocto_project(projectname, projectlocation, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create BB Commander Project")
+ self.add_bitbake_recipe(projectname, srcURI, description,recipelicense,recipename, pressPopulate=False)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create BitBake Recipe")
+ self.close_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Project")
+ self.delete_project(projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close BitBake Commander perspective")
+ @testcase(153)
+ def test_153(self):
+ param1 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param1")
+ param2 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param2")
+ dateofrun = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "date")
+ projectlocation = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + '/download/'
+ projectname = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC153_BB_Commander-Create_a_customized_recipeu_using_a_source_package", "Project_name")
+ typeproject = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC153_BB_Commander-Create_a_customized_recipeu_using_a_source_package", "Wizards")
+ perspectivename = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC153_BB_Commander-Create_a_customized_recipeu_using_a_source_package", "Perspective_name")
+ srcURI = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC153_BB_Commander-Create_a_customized_recipeu_using_a_source_package", "SRC_URI")
+ description = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC153_BB_Commander-Create_a_customized_recipeu_using_a_source_package", "Description")
+ recipelicense = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC153_BB_Commander-Create_a_customized_recipeu_using_a_source_package", "License")
+ recipename = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC153_BB_Commander-Create_a_customized_recipeu_using_a_source_package", "Recipe_name")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 153 - BB Commander - Create a customized recipe using a source package###")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.open_other_perspective(perspectivename)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create BB Commander Project")
+ self.create_yocto_project(projectname, projectlocation, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create BB Commander Project")
+ self.add_bitbake_recipe(projectname, srcURI, description, recipelicense, recipename, pressPopulate=True)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Create BitBake Recipe")
+ self.close_project()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close Project")
+ self.delete_project(projectname, typeproject)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Delete Project")
+ self.close_perspective()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Close BitBake Commander perspective")
+ @testcase(159)
+ def test_159(self):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ param1 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param1")
+ param2 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param2")
+ dateofrun = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "date")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ poky = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + '/download/poky'
+ workspace = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/" + eclipse_version + '/workspace/'
+ kernelArch = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC159_Yocto-BSP", "Kernel_Arhitecture")
+ if (kernelArch == "qemu"):
+ qemuArch = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC159_Yocto-BSP", "Qemu_Arhitecture")
+ else:
+ qemuArch = ""
+ kernel = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC159_Yocto-BSP", "Kernel")
+ kernelBranch = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC159_Yocto-BSP", "Kernel_branch")
+ projectNameId = datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M:%S")
+ projectName = 'BSP_' + projectNameId
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 159 - Yocto-BSP tool ###")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ try:
+ YoctoProjectTools = eclipse.child(name = 'YoctoProjectTools', roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found YoctoProjectTools menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find YoctoProjectTools menu")
+ YoctoProjectTools.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<YoctoProjectTools>>")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ try:
+ YPTitem = YoctoProjectTools.child(name='yocto-bsp', roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<yocto-bsp>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find yocto-bsp menu item")
+ YPTitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<yocto-bsp>>")
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ frames = app.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = frame_rolename))
+ if (len(frames) == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find frames")
+ yoctoBsp = frames[1]
+ text = yoctoBsp.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Metadata location>>")
+ text[0].text = poky
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Metadata location")
+ text[1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Build location>>")
+ text[1].text = workspace + 'build' + projectName
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Build location")
+ text[2].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<BSP Name>>")
+ text[2].text = projectName
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert BSP Name")
+ text[3].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<BSP output location>>")
+ text[3].text = workspace + 'output' + projectName
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert BSP output location")
+ comboBox = yoctoBsp.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName=combobox_rolename))
+ if (len(comboBox) < 4):
+ self.fail("can not find combo boxes")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ cancel_close.click()
+ else:
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found menu drop-down list Kernel Architecture")
+ comboBox[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu drop-down list <<Kernel Architecture>>")
+ try:
+ yoctoBsp.child(name=kernelArch, roleName=menuitem_rolename).click()
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found kernel architecture name menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find kernel architecture name menu item")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ comboBox[1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<qemu>>")
+ print "sleep 4"
+ time.sleep(4)
+ try:
+ if eclipse_version =='luna' or eclipse_version=='mars':
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ pressKey("Enter")
+ #yoctoBsp.child(name="i386", roleName='menu item').click()
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found qemu architecture name menu item")
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select Qemu Architecture <<x86_64>>")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find qemu architecture name menu item")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ try:
+ next = yoctoBsp.child(name = next_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Next push button")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ cancel_close.click()
+ if (next.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button sensitive")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ next.doubleClick()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Next>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Next push button not sensitive")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ cancel_close.click()
+ comboBox[2].click()
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found kernel name menu item")
+ try:
+ yoctoBsp.child(name = kernel, roleName=menuitem_rolename).click()
+ time.sleep(6)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select kernel<<linux-yocto_3.19>>")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find kernel name menu item")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ cancel_close.click()
+ comboBox[3].click()
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found kernel branch menu item")
+ try:
+ yoctoBsp.child(kernelBranch, roleName=menuitem_rolename).click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select kernel branch <<standard/base>>")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find kernel name menu item")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ time.sleep(10)
+ try:
+ finish = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Finish', roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Finish push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Finish push button")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ finish.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Finish>>")
+ newYoctoBSP = app.child(name = 'Yocto-BSP ', roleName = frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ ok = newYoctoBSP.child(name='OK', roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = '&Cancel ', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ cancel_close.click()
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button sensitive")
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ if (os.path.exists(workspace + 'build' + projectName)):
+ self.log.info('# Step : Create ' + workspace + 'build' + projectName + "")
+ else:
+ self.log.info("error: " + workspace + 'build' + projectName + " not created")
+ if (os.path.exists(workspace + 'output' + projectName)):
+ self.log.info('# Step : Create ' + workspace + 'output' + projectName + "")
+ else:
+ self.log.info("error: " + workspace + 'output' + projectName + " not created")
+ @testcase(157)
+ def test_157(self):
+ app = tree.root.application('Eclipse')
+ eclipse = app.child(roleName=frame_rolename)
+ param1 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param1")
+ param2 = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "param2")
+ dateofrun = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "date")
+ eclipse_version= inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "Run", "eclipse_version")
+ poky = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + '/download/poky'
+ workspace = '/home/' + getpass.getuser() + '/eclipse-run/' + "run-" + param1 + "-" + param2 + "-" + dateofrun + "/" + eclipse_version + '/workspace/'
+ kernelArch = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC157_Yocto-BSP", "Kernel_Arhitecture")
+ if (kernelArch == "qemu"):
+ qemuArch = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC157_Yocto-BSP", "Qemu_Arhitecture")
+ else:
+ qemuArch = ""
+ kernel = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC157_Yocto-BSP", "Kernel")
+ kernelBranch = inifile.getValue("settings-eclipse.ini", "TC157_Yocto-BSP", "Kernel_branch")
+ projectNameId = datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M:%S")
+ projectName = 'BSP_' + projectNameId
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 157 - Yocto-BSP tool ###")
+ self.log.info("################################################################################")
+ try:
+ YoctoProjectTools = eclipse.child(name = 'YoctoProjectTools', roleName = menu_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found YoctoProjectTools menu")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find YoctoProjectTools menu")
+ YoctoProjectTools.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu <<YoctoProjectTools>>")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ try:
+ YPTitem = YoctoProjectTools.child(name='yocto-bsp', roleName=menuitem_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found <<yocto-bsp>> menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find yocto-bsp menu item")
+ YPTitem.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu item <<yocto-bsp>>")
+ frames = app.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = frame_rolename))
+ if (len(frames) == 0):
+ self.fail("can not find frames")
+ yoctoBsp = frames[1]
+ text = yoctoBsp.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName = text_rolename))
+ message_with_empty_metadata_location = 'Enter the required fields(with *) to create new Yocto Project BSP!'
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Metadata location>>")
+ #text[0].text = wrong_poky_path
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Metadata location")
+ if text[4].text == message_with_empty_metadata_location:
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found message: %s" %(message_with_empty_metadata_location))
+ else:
+ self.fail("can not find %s" %(message_with_empty_metadata_location))
+ message_with_invalid_metadata_location = ' Invalid meta data location: Make sure it exists and is a directory!'
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Metadata location>>")
+ text[0].text = "dsadasdasd"
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Metadata location")
+ if text[4].text == message_with_invalid_metadata_location:
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found message: %s" %(message_with_invalid_metadata_location))
+ else:
+ self.fail("can not find %s" %(message_with_invalid_metadata_location))
+ wrong_poky_path = '"/home/scripts"'
+ message_with_no_poky_in_metadata_location = ' Make sure yocto-bsp exists under %s and is executable!' %(wrong_poky_path)
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Metadata location>>")
+ text[0].text = "/home"
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Metadata location")
+ if text[4].text == message_with_no_poky_in_metadata_location:
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found message: %s" %(message_with_no_poky_in_metadata_location))
+ else:
+ self.fail("can not find %s" %(message_with_no_poky_in_metadata_location))
+ text[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<Metadata location>>")
+ text[0].text = poky
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert Metadata location")
+ text[2].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on box <<BSP Name>>")
+ text[2].text = projectName
+ self.log.info("* Check : Insert BSP Name")
+ comboBox = yoctoBsp.findChildren(predicate.GenericPredicate(roleName=combobox_rolename))
+ if (len(comboBox) < 4):
+ self.fail("can not find combo boxes")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ cancel_close.click()
+ else:
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found menu drop-down list Kernel Architecture")
+ comboBox[0].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click on menu drop-down list <<Kernel Architecture>>")
+ try:
+ yoctoBsp.child(name=kernelArch, roleName=menuitem_rolename).click()
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found kernel architecture name menu item")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find kernel architecture name menu item")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ comboBox[1].click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select <<qemu>>")
+ print "sleep de 4"
+ time.sleep(4)
+ try:
+ if eclipse_version =='luna' or eclipse_version=='mars':
+ keyCombo("Down")
+ pressKey("Enter")
+ #yoctoBsp.child(name="i386", roleName='menu item').click()
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found qemu architecture name menu item")
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select Qemu Architecture <<x86_64>>")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find qemu architecture name menu item")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ try:
+ next = yoctoBsp.child(name = next_button, roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Next push button")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ cancel_close.click()
+ if (next.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Next push button sensitive")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ next.doubleClick()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Next>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("Next push button not sensitive")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ cancel_close.click()
+ comboBox[2].click()
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found kernel name menu item")
+ try:
+ yoctoBsp.child(name = kernel, roleName=menuitem_rolename).click()
+ time.sleep(6)
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select kernel<<linux-yocto_4.1>>")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find kernel name menu item")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ time.sleep(2)
+ cancel_close.click()
+ comboBox[3].click()
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found kernel branch menu item")
+ try:
+ yoctoBsp.child(kernelBranch, roleName=menuitem_rolename).click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Select kernel branch <<standard/base>>")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find kernel name menu item")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ time.sleep(10)
+ try:
+ finish = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Finish', roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found Finish push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find Finish push button")
+ self.log.warning("# Warning : Click <<Cancel>> and jump to next step")
+ cancel_close = yoctoBsp.child(name = 'Cancel', roleName = button_rolename)
+ if (cancel_close.sensitive):
+ cancel_close.click()
+ finish.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<Finish>>")
+ newYoctoBSP = app.child(name = 'Yocto-BSP ', roleName = frame_rolename)
+ try:
+ ok = newYoctoBSP.child(name='OK', roleName = button_rolename)
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button")
+ except:
+ self.fail("can not find OK push button")
+ if (ok.sensitive):
+ self.log.info("* Check : Found OK push button sensitive")
+ ok.click()
+ self.log.info("# Step : Click <<OK>>")
+ else:
+ self.fail("OK push button not sensitive")
+ if (os.path.exists(poky + '/meta-' + projectName)):
+ self.log.info('# Step : Create ' + poky + '/meta-' + projectName + "")
+ else:
+ self.fail("error: " + poky + 'meta-' + projectName + " not created")
+ @testcase(31)
+ def test_31(self):
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 31 - Linux tools - Perf ###")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ linuxToolsItem = perf_item
+ linuxToolsFrame = perf_frame
+ self.connection_for_linux_tools(linuxToolsItem, linuxToolsFrame)
+ self.log.info("# Step : New SSH connection for %s" %(linuxToolsItem))
+ keyCombo("Enter")
+ time.sleep(4)
+ typeText("perf top")
+ time.sleep(4)
+ keyCombo("Enter")
+ @testcase(32)
+ def test_32(self):
+ linuxToolsItem = powertop_item
+ linuxToolsFrame = powertop_frame
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.log.info("### TC 32 - Linux tools - PowerTop ###")
+ self.log.info("#############################################################################")
+ self.connection_for_linux_tools(linuxToolsItem, linuxToolsFrame)
+ self.log.info("# Step : New SSH connection for" +linuxToolsItem)