Command line builds
core-image-myimage (+1)
20% of tasks complete
20% of tasks complete
Command line builds
11/09/14 12:01
Build time: 00:00:06
Outcome Target Machine Project Completed on Failed tasks Errors Warnings Image files
core-image-sato atom-pc $project_name 11/06/13 at 15:22 4 warnings ext3, hddimg, iso, tar.bz2
Unknown recipe qemux86 Command line builds 11/06/13 at 12:01 acl_2.2.51-r3 do_configure 3 errors
core-image-sato atom-pc $project_name 11/06/13 at 11:54 4 warnings ext3, hddimg, iso
busybox qemux86-64 Command line builds 04/12/13 at 10:08
busybox qemux86-64 $project_name 04/12/13 at 09:58
core-image-minimal qemux86 $project_name 10/06/13 at 17:16 ext3, tar.bz2
core-image-realtime-sdk fri2 $project_name 10/06/13 at 17:34 ext3, tar.bz2
core-image-minimal qemuarm $project_name 10/06/13 at 14:02 5 warnings ext3, tar.bz2
qemux86 $project_name 10/06/13 at 11:31 2 warnings ext3, tar.bz2
core-image-minimal qemumips64 $project_name 10/06/13 at 09:47 acl_2.2.51-r3 do_configure 1 error
core-image-minimal qemuppc $project_name 09/06/13 at 18:25 ext3, tar.bz2
core-image-minimal qemux86-64 $project_name 08/06/13 at 13:17 2 warnings ext3, tar.bz2