path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zope.interface-3.6.4-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/zope/interface/tests/test_interface.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/zope.interface-3.6.4-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/zope/interface/tests/test_interface.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 473 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zope.interface-3.6.4-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/zope/interface/tests/test_interface.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zope.interface-3.6.4-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/zope/interface/tests/test_interface.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 226e59c8..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zope.interface-3.6.4-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/zope/interface/tests/test_interface.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Test Interface implementation
-import doctest
-import unittest
-import sys
-class InterfaceTests(unittest.TestCase):
- def _makeDerivedInterface(self):
- from zope.interface import Interface
- from zope.interface import Attribute
- class _I1(Interface):
- a1 = Attribute("This is an attribute")
- def f11():
- pass
- def f12():
- pass
- f12.optional = 1
- class _I1_(_I1):
- pass
- class _I1__(_I1_):
- pass
- class _I2(_I1__):
- def f21():
- pass
- def f22():
- pass
- f23 = f22
- return _I2
- def testInterfaceSetOnAttributes(self):
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import FooInterface
- self.assertEqual(FooInterface['foobar'].interface,
- FooInterface)
- self.assertEqual(FooInterface['aMethod'].interface,
- FooInterface)
- def testClassImplements(self):
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import A
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import B
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import C
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import D
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import E
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import I1
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import I2
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import IC
- self.assert_(IC.implementedBy(C))
- self.assert_(I1.implementedBy(A))
- self.assert_(I1.implementedBy(B))
- self.assert_(not I1.implementedBy(C))
- self.assert_(I1.implementedBy(D))
- self.assert_(I1.implementedBy(E))
- self.assert_(not I2.implementedBy(A))
- self.assert_(I2.implementedBy(B))
- self.assert_(not I2.implementedBy(C))
- # No longer after interfacegeddon
- # self.assert_(not I2.implementedBy(D))
- self.assert_(not I2.implementedBy(E))
- def testUtil(self):
- from zope.interface import implementedBy
- from zope.interface import providedBy
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import A
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import B
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import C
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import I1
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import I2
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import IC
- self.assert_(IC in implementedBy(C))
- self.assert_(I1 in implementedBy(A))
- self.assert_(not I1 in implementedBy(C))
- self.assert_(I2 in implementedBy(B))
- self.assert_(not I2 in implementedBy(C))
- self.assert_(IC in providedBy(C()))
- self.assert_(I1 in providedBy(A()))
- self.assert_(not I1 in providedBy(C()))
- self.assert_(I2 in providedBy(B()))
- self.assert_(not I2 in providedBy(C()))
- def testObjectImplements(self):
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import A
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import B
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import C
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import D
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import E
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import I1
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import I2
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import IC
- self.assert_(IC.providedBy(C()))
- self.assert_(I1.providedBy(A()))
- self.assert_(I1.providedBy(B()))
- self.assert_(not I1.providedBy(C()))
- self.assert_(I1.providedBy(D()))
- self.assert_(I1.providedBy(E()))
- self.assert_(not I2.providedBy(A()))
- self.assert_(I2.providedBy(B()))
- self.assert_(not I2.providedBy(C()))
- # Not after interface geddon
- # self.assert_(not I2.providedBy(D()))
- self.assert_(not I2.providedBy(E()))
- def testDeferredClass(self):
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import A
- from zope.interface.exceptions import BrokenImplementation
- a = A()
- self.assertRaises(BrokenImplementation, a.ma)
- def testInterfaceExtendsInterface(self):
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import BazInterface
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import BarInterface
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import BobInterface
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import FunInterface
- self.assert_(BazInterface.extends(BobInterface))
- self.assert_(BazInterface.extends(BarInterface))
- self.assert_(BazInterface.extends(FunInterface))
- self.assert_(not BobInterface.extends(FunInterface))
- self.assert_(not BobInterface.extends(BarInterface))
- self.assert_(BarInterface.extends(FunInterface))
- self.assert_(not BarInterface.extends(BazInterface))
- def testVerifyImplementation(self):
- from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass
- from zope.interface import Interface
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import Foo
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import FooInterface
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import I1
- self.assert_(verifyClass(FooInterface, Foo))
- self.assert_(Interface.providedBy(I1))
- def test_names(self):
- iface = self._makeDerivedInterface()
- names = list(iface.names())
- names.sort()
- self.assertEqual(names, ['f21', 'f22', 'f23'])
- all = list(iface.names(all=True))
- all.sort()
- self.assertEqual(all, ['a1', 'f11', 'f12', 'f21', 'f22', 'f23'])
- def test_namesAndDescriptions(self):
- iface = self._makeDerivedInterface()
- names = [nd[0] for nd in iface.namesAndDescriptions()]
- names.sort()
- self.assertEqual(names, ['f21', 'f22', 'f23'])
- names = [nd[0] for nd in iface.namesAndDescriptions(1)]
- names.sort()
- self.assertEqual(names, ['a1', 'f11', 'f12', 'f21', 'f22', 'f23'])
- for name, d in iface.namesAndDescriptions(1):
- self.assertEqual(name, d.__name__)
- def test_getDescriptionFor(self):
- iface = self._makeDerivedInterface()
- self.assertEqual(iface.getDescriptionFor('f11').__name__, 'f11')
- self.assertEqual(iface.getDescriptionFor('f22').__name__, 'f22')
- self.assertEqual(iface.queryDescriptionFor('f33', self), self)
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, iface.getDescriptionFor, 'f33')
- def test___getitem__(self):
- iface = self._makeDerivedInterface()
- self.assertEqual(iface['f11'].__name__, 'f11')
- self.assertEqual(iface['f22'].__name__, 'f22')
- self.assertEqual(iface.get('f33', self), self)
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, iface.__getitem__, 'f33')
- def test___contains__(self):
- iface = self._makeDerivedInterface()
- self.failUnless('f11' in iface)
- self.failIf('f33' in iface)
- def test___iter__(self):
- iface = self._makeDerivedInterface()
- names = list(iter(iface))
- names.sort()
- self.assertEqual(names, ['a1', 'f11', 'f12', 'f21', 'f22', 'f23'])
- def testAttr(self):
- iface = self._makeDerivedInterface()
- description = iface.getDescriptionFor('a1')
- self.assertEqual(description.__name__, 'a1')
- self.assertEqual(description.__doc__, 'This is an attribute')
- def testFunctionAttributes(self):
- # Make sure function attributes become tagged values.
- from zope.interface import Interface
- class ITest(Interface):
- def method():
- pass
- method.optional = 1
- method = ITest['method']
- self.assertEqual(method.getTaggedValue('optional'), 1)
- def testInvariant(self):
- from zope.interface.exceptions import Invalid
- from zope.interface import directlyProvides
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import BarGreaterThanFoo
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import ifFooThenBar
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import IInvariant
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import InvariantC
- from zope.interface.tests.unitfixtures import ISubInvariant
- # set up
- o = InvariantC()
- directlyProvides(o, IInvariant)
- # a helper
- def errorsEqual(self, o, error_len, error_msgs, iface=None):
- if iface is None:
- iface = IInvariant
- self.assertRaises(Invalid, iface.validateInvariants, o)
- e = []
- try:
- iface.validateInvariants(o, e)
- except Invalid, error:
- self.assertEquals(error.args[0], e)
- else:
- self._assert(0) # validateInvariants should always raise
- # Invalid
- self.assertEquals(len(e), error_len)
- msgs = [error.args[0] for error in e]
- msgs.sort()
- for msg in msgs:
- self.assertEquals(msg, error_msgs.pop(0))
- # the tests
- self.assertEquals(IInvariant.getTaggedValue('invariants'),
- [ifFooThenBar])
- self.assertEquals(IInvariant.validateInvariants(o), None)
- o.bar = 27
- self.assertEquals(IInvariant.validateInvariants(o), None)
- o.foo = 42
- self.assertEquals(IInvariant.validateInvariants(o), None)
- del o.bar
- errorsEqual(self, o, 1, ['If Foo, then Bar!'])
- # nested interfaces with invariants:
- self.assertEquals(ISubInvariant.getTaggedValue('invariants'),
- [BarGreaterThanFoo])
- o = InvariantC()
- directlyProvides(o, ISubInvariant)
- o.foo = 42
- # even though the interface has changed, we should still only have one
- # error.
- errorsEqual(self, o, 1, ['If Foo, then Bar!'], ISubInvariant)
- # however, if we set foo to 0 (Boolean False) and bar to a negative
- # number then we'll get the new error
- o.foo = 2
- o.bar = 1
- errorsEqual(self, o, 1, ['Please, Boo MUST be greater than Foo!'],
- ISubInvariant)
- # and if we set foo to a positive number and boo to 0, we'll
- # get both errors!
- o.foo = 1
- o.bar = 0
- errorsEqual(self, o, 2, ['If Foo, then Bar!',
- 'Please, Boo MUST be greater than Foo!'],
- ISubInvariant)
- # for a happy ending, we'll make the invariants happy
- o.foo = 1
- o.bar = 2
- self.assertEquals(IInvariant.validateInvariants(o), None) # woohoo
- # now we'll do two invariants on the same interface,
- # just to make sure that a small
- # multi-invariant interface is at least minimally tested.
- o = InvariantC()
- directlyProvides(o, IInvariant)
- o.foo = 42
- old_invariants = IInvariant.getTaggedValue('invariants')
- invariants = old_invariants[:]
- invariants.append(BarGreaterThanFoo) # if you really need to mutate,
- # then this would be the way to do it. Probably a bad idea, though. :-)
- IInvariant.setTaggedValue('invariants', invariants)
- #
- # even though the interface has changed, we should still only have one
- # error.
- errorsEqual(self, o, 1, ['If Foo, then Bar!'])
- # however, if we set foo to 0 (Boolean False) and bar to a negative
- # number then we'll get the new error
- o.foo = 2
- o.bar = 1
- errorsEqual(self, o, 1, ['Please, Boo MUST be greater than Foo!'])
- # and if we set foo to a positive number and boo to 0, we'll
- # get both errors!
- o.foo = 1
- o.bar = 0
- errorsEqual(self, o, 2, ['If Foo, then Bar!',
- 'Please, Boo MUST be greater than Foo!'])
- # for another happy ending, we'll make the invariants happy again
- o.foo = 1
- o.bar = 2
- self.assertEquals(IInvariant.validateInvariants(o), None) # bliss
- # clean up
- IInvariant.setTaggedValue('invariants', old_invariants)
- def test___doc___element(self):
- from zope.interface import Interface
- from zope.interface import Attribute
- class I(Interface):
- "xxx"
- self.assertEqual(I.__doc__, "xxx")
- self.assertEqual(list(I), [])
- class I(Interface):
- "xxx"
- __doc__ = Attribute('the doc')
- self.assertEqual(I.__doc__, "")
- self.assertEqual(list(I), ['__doc__'])
- def testIssue228(self):
- from zope.interface import Interface
- # Test for http://collector.zope.org/Zope3-dev/228
- if sys.version[0] == '3':
- # No old style classes in Python 3, so the test becomes moot.
- return
- class I(Interface):
- "xxx"
- class Bad:
- __providedBy__ = None
- # Old style classes don't have a '__class__' attribute
- self.failUnlessRaises(AttributeError, I.providedBy, Bad)
- def test_comparison_with_None(self):
- from zope.interface import Interface
- class IEmpty(Interface):
- pass
- self.failUnless(IEmpty < None)
- self.failUnless(IEmpty <= None)
- self.failIf(IEmpty == None)
- self.failUnless(IEmpty != None)
- self.failIf(IEmpty >= None)
- self.failIf(IEmpty > None)
- self.failIf(None < IEmpty)
- self.failIf(None <= IEmpty)
- self.failIf(None == IEmpty)
- self.failUnless(None != IEmpty)
- self.failUnless(None >= IEmpty)
- self.failUnless(None > IEmpty)
- def test_comparison_with_same_instance(self):
- from zope.interface import Interface
- class IEmpty(Interface):
- pass
- self.failIf(IEmpty < IEmpty)
- self.failUnless(IEmpty <= IEmpty)
- self.failUnless(IEmpty == IEmpty)
- self.failIf(IEmpty != IEmpty)
- self.failUnless(IEmpty >= IEmpty)
- self.failIf(IEmpty > IEmpty)
- def test_hash(self):
- from zope.interface import Interface
- class IEmpty(Interface):
- pass
- self.assertEqual(hash(IEmpty),
- hash((IEmpty.__name__, IEmpty.__module__)))
-if sys.version_info >= (2, 4):
- def test_invariant_as_decorator():
- """Invaiants can be deined in line
- >>> from zope.interface.exceptions import Invalid
- >>> from zope.interface import Interface
- >>> from zope.interface import Attribute
- >>> from zope.interface import implements
- >>> from zope.interface import invariant
- >>> class IRange(Interface):
- ... min = Attribute("Lower bound")
- ... max = Attribute("Upper bound")
- ...
- ... @invariant
- ... def range_invariant(ob):
- ... if ob.max < ob.min:
- ... raise Invalid('max < min')
- >>> class Range(object):
- ... implements(IRange)
- ...
- ... def __init__(self, min, max):
- ... self.min, self.max = min, max
- >>> from zope.interface.exceptions import Invalid
- >>> IRange.validateInvariants(Range(1,2))
- >>> IRange.validateInvariants(Range(1,1))
- >>> try:
- ... IRange.validateInvariants(Range(2,1))
- ... except Invalid, e:
- ... str(e)
- 'max < min'
- """
-def test_description_cache_management():
- """ See https://bugs.launchpad.net/zope.interface/+bug/185974
-There was a bug where the cache used by Specification.get() was not
-cleared when the bases were changed.
- >>> from zope.interface import Interface
- >>> from zope.interface import Attribute
- >>> class I1(Interface):
- ... a = Attribute('a')
- >>> class I2(I1):
- ... pass
- >>> class I3(I2):
- ... pass
- >>> I3.get('a') is I1.get('a')
- True
- >>> I2.__bases__ = (Interface,)
- >>> I3.get('a') is None
- True
- """
-def test_suite():
- suite = unittest.makeSuite(InterfaceTests)
- suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite("zope.interface.interface"))
- if sys.version_info >= (2, 4):
- suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite())
- suite.addTest(doctest.DocFileSuite(
- '../README.txt',
- globs={'__name__': '__main__'},
- optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS,
- ))
- suite.addTest(doctest.DocFileSuite(
- '../README.ru.txt',
- globs={'__name__': '__main__'},
- optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS,
- ))
- return suite