path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy_migrate-0.7.2-py2.7.egg/migrate/changeset/databases/sqlite.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy_migrate-0.7.2-py2.7.egg/migrate/changeset/databases/sqlite.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy_migrate-0.7.2-py2.7.egg/migrate/changeset/databases/sqlite.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy_migrate-0.7.2-py2.7.egg/migrate/changeset/databases/sqlite.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 5ddd3f17..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy_migrate-0.7.2-py2.7.egg/migrate/changeset/databases/sqlite.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- `SQLite`_ database specific implementations of changeset classes.
- .. _`SQLite`: http://www.sqlite.org/
-from UserDict import DictMixin
-from copy import copy
-from sqlalchemy.databases import sqlite as sa_base
-from migrate import exceptions
-from migrate.changeset import ansisql
-SQLiteSchemaGenerator = sa_base.SQLiteDDLCompiler
-class SQLiteCommon(object):
- def _not_supported(self, op):
- raise exceptions.NotSupportedError("SQLite does not support "
- "%s; see http://www.sqlite.org/lang_altertable.html" % op)
-class SQLiteHelper(SQLiteCommon):
- def recreate_table(self,table,column=None,delta=None):
- table_name = self.preparer.format_table(table)
- # we remove all indexes so as not to have
- # problems during copy and re-create
- for index in table.indexes:
- index.drop()
- self.append('ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO migration_tmp' % table_name)
- self.execute()
- insertion_string = self._modify_table(table, column, delta)
- table.create(bind=self.connection)
- self.append(insertion_string % {'table_name': table_name})
- self.execute()
- self.append('DROP TABLE migration_tmp')
- self.execute()
- def visit_column(self, delta):
- if isinstance(delta, DictMixin):
- column = delta.result_column
- table = self._to_table(delta.table)
- else:
- column = delta
- table = self._to_table(column.table)
- self.recreate_table(table,column,delta)
-class SQLiteColumnGenerator(SQLiteSchemaGenerator,
- ansisql.ANSIColumnGenerator,
- # at the end so we get the normal
- # visit_column by default
- SQLiteHelper,
- SQLiteCommon
- ):
- """SQLite ColumnGenerator"""
- def _modify_table(self, table, column, delta):
- columns = ' ,'.join(map(
- self.preparer.format_column,
- [c for c in table.columns if c.name!=column.name]))
- return ('INSERT INTO %%(table_name)s (%(cols)s) '
- 'SELECT %(cols)s from migration_tmp')%{'cols':columns}
- def visit_column(self,column):
- if column.foreign_keys:
- SQLiteHelper.visit_column(self,column)
- else:
- super(SQLiteColumnGenerator,self).visit_column(column)
-class SQLiteColumnDropper(SQLiteHelper, ansisql.ANSIColumnDropper):
- """SQLite ColumnDropper"""
- def _modify_table(self, table, column, delta):
- columns = ' ,'.join(map(self.preparer.format_column, table.columns))
- return 'INSERT INTO %(table_name)s SELECT ' + columns + \
- ' from migration_tmp'
- def visit_column(self,column):
- # For SQLite, we *have* to remove the column here so the table
- # is re-created properly.
- column.remove_from_table(column.table,unset_table=False)
- super(SQLiteColumnDropper,self).visit_column(column)
-class SQLiteSchemaChanger(SQLiteHelper, ansisql.ANSISchemaChanger):
- """SQLite SchemaChanger"""
- def _modify_table(self, table, column, delta):
- return 'INSERT INTO %(table_name)s SELECT * from migration_tmp'
- def visit_index(self, index):
- """Does not support ALTER INDEX"""
- self._not_supported('ALTER INDEX')
-class SQLiteConstraintGenerator(ansisql.ANSIConstraintGenerator, SQLiteHelper, SQLiteCommon):
- def visit_migrate_primary_key_constraint(self, constraint):
- tmpl = "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX %s ON %s ( %s )"
- cols = ', '.join(map(self.preparer.format_column, constraint.columns))
- tname = self.preparer.format_table(constraint.table)
- name = self.get_constraint_name(constraint)
- msg = tmpl % (name, tname, cols)
- self.append(msg)
- self.execute()
- def _modify_table(self, table, column, delta):
- return 'INSERT INTO %(table_name)s SELECT * from migration_tmp'
- def visit_migrate_foreign_key_constraint(self, *p, **k):
- self.recreate_table(p[0].table)
- def visit_migrate_unique_constraint(self, *p, **k):
- self.recreate_table(p[0].table)
-class SQLiteConstraintDropper(ansisql.ANSIColumnDropper,
- SQLiteCommon,
- ansisql.ANSIConstraintCommon):
- def visit_migrate_primary_key_constraint(self, constraint):
- tmpl = "DROP INDEX %s "
- name = self.get_constraint_name(constraint)
- msg = tmpl % (name)
- self.append(msg)
- self.execute()
- def visit_migrate_foreign_key_constraint(self, *p, **k):
- self._not_supported('ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT')
- def visit_migrate_check_constraint(self, *p, **k):
- self._not_supported('ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT')
- def visit_migrate_unique_constraint(self, *p, **k):
- self._not_supported('ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT')
-# TODO: technically primary key is a NOT NULL + UNIQUE constraint, should add NOT NULL to index
-class SQLiteDialect(ansisql.ANSIDialect):
- columngenerator = SQLiteColumnGenerator
- columndropper = SQLiteColumnDropper
- schemachanger = SQLiteSchemaChanger
- constraintgenerator = SQLiteConstraintGenerator
- constraintdropper = SQLiteConstraintDropper