path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot_slave-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildslave/commands/svn.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot_slave-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildslave/commands/svn.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot_slave-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildslave/commands/svn.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot_slave-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildslave/commands/svn.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f1c051d7..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot_slave-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildslave/commands/svn.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import os
-from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from buildslave.commands.base import SourceBaseCommand
-from buildslave import runprocess
-from buildslave.commands import utils
-from buildslave.util import Obfuscated
-class SVN(SourceBaseCommand):
- """Subversion-specific VC operation. In addition to the arguments
- handled by SourceBaseCommand, this command reads the following keys:
- ['svnurl'] (required): the SVN repository string
- ['username']: Username passed to the svn command
- ['password']: Password passed to the svn command
- ['keep_on_purge']: Files and directories to keep between updates
- ['ignore_ignores']: Ignore ignores when purging changes
- ['always_purge']: Always purge local changes after each build
- ['depth']: Pass depth argument to subversion 1.5+
- """
- header = "svn operation"
- def setup(self, args):
- SourceBaseCommand.setup(self, args)
- self.svnurl = args['svnurl']
- self.sourcedata = "%s\n" % self.svnurl
- self.keep_on_purge = args.get('keep_on_purge', [])
- self.keep_on_purge.append(".buildbot-sourcedata")
- self.ignore_ignores = args.get('ignore_ignores', True)
- self.always_purge = args.get('always_purge', False)
- self.exported_rev = 'HEAD'
- self.svn_args = []
- if args.has_key('username'):
- self.svn_args.extend(["--username", args['username']])
- if args.has_key('password'):
- self.svn_args.extend(["--password", Obfuscated(args['password'], "XXXX")])
- if args.get('extra_args', None) is not None:
- self.svn_args.extend(args['extra_args'])
- if args.has_key('depth'):
- self.svn_args.extend(["--depth",args['depth']])
- def _dovccmd(self, command, args, rootdir=None, cb=None, **kwargs):
- svn = self.getCommand("svn")
- if rootdir is None:
- rootdir = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- fullCmd = [svn, command, '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache']
- fullCmd.extend(self.svn_args)
- fullCmd.extend(args)
- c = runprocess.RunProcess(self.builder, fullCmd, rootdir,
- environ=self.env, sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout,
- maxTime=self.maxTime, usePTY=False,
- logEnviron=self.logEnviron, **kwargs)
- self.command = c
- d = c.start()
- if cb:
- d.addCallback(self._abandonOnFailure)
- d.addCallback(cb)
- return d
- def sourcedirIsUpdateable(self):
- return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir, ".svn"))
- def doVCUpdate(self):
- if self.sourcedirIsPatched() or self.always_purge:
- return self._purgeAndUpdate()
- revision = self.args['revision'] or 'HEAD'
- # update: possible for mode in ('copy', 'update')
- return self._dovccmd('update', ['--revision', str(revision)])
- def doVCFull(self):
- revision = self.args['revision'] or 'HEAD'
- args = ['--revision', str(revision), "%s@%s" % (self.svnurl, str(revision)), self.srcdir]
- if self.mode == 'export':
- if revision == 'HEAD': return self.doSVNExport()
- else: command = 'export'
- else:
- # mode=='clobber', or copy/update on a broken workspace
- command = 'checkout'
- return self._dovccmd(command, args, rootdir=self.builder.basedir)
- def doSVNExport(self):
- ''' Since svnversion cannot be used on a svn export, we find the HEAD
- revision from the repository and pass it to the --revision arg'''
- def parseInfo(res):
- answer = [i.split(': ') for i in self.command.stdout.splitlines() if i]
- answer = dict(answer)
- self.exported_rev = answer['Revision']
- return self.exported_rev
- def exportCmd(res):
- args = ['--revision', str(res), self.svnurl, self.srcdir]
- return self._dovccmd('export', args, rootdir=self.builder.basedir)
- svn_info_d = self._dovccmd('info', (self.svnurl,), rootdir=self.builder.basedir, keepStdout=True)
- svn_info_d.addCallbacks(parseInfo, self._abandonOnFailure)
- svn_info_d.addCallbacks(exportCmd)
- return svn_info_d
- def _purgeAndUpdate(self):
- """svn revert has several corner cases that make it unpractical.
- Use the Force instead and delete everything that shows up in status."""
- args = ['--xml']
- if self.ignore_ignores:
- args.append('--no-ignore')
- return self._dovccmd('status', args, keepStdout=True, sendStdout=False,
- cb=self._purgeAndUpdate2)
- @staticmethod
- def getUnversionedFiles(stdout, keep_on_purge):
- """Delete everything that shown up on status."""
- result_xml = parseString(stdout)
- for entry in result_xml.getElementsByTagName('entry'):
- (wc_status,) = entry.getElementsByTagName('wc-status')
- if wc_status.getAttribute('item') == 'external':
- continue
- if wc_status.getAttribute('item') == 'missing':
- continue
- filename = entry.getAttribute('path')
- if filename in keep_on_purge:
- continue
- yield filename
- def _purgeAndUpdate2(self, res):
- for filename in self.getUnversionedFiles(self.command.stdout, self.keep_on_purge):
- filepath = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.workdir,
- filename)
- self.sendStatus({'stdout': "%s\n" % filepath})
- if os.path.isfile(filepath):
- os.chmod(filepath, 0700)
- os.remove(filepath)
- else:
- utils.rmdirRecursive(filepath)
- # Now safe to update.
- revision = self.args['revision'] or 'HEAD'
- return self._dovccmd('update', ['--revision', str(revision)],
- keepStdout=True)
- def getSvnVersionCommand(self):
- """
- Get the (shell) command used to determine SVN revision number
- of checked-out code
- return: list of strings, passable as the command argument to RunProcess
- """
- # svn checkout operations finish with 'Checked out revision 16657.'
- # svn update operations finish the line 'At revision 16654.'
- # But we don't use those. Instead, run 'svnversion'.
- svnversion_command = utils.getCommand("svnversion")
- # older versions of 'svnversion' (1.1.4) require the WC_PATH
- # argument, newer ones (1.3.1) do not.
- return [svnversion_command, "."]
- def parseGotRevision(self):
- if self.mode == 'export':
- ss_rev = self.args['revision']
- got_revision = ss_rev and ss_rev or self.exported_rev
- return defer.succeed(got_revision)
- c = runprocess.RunProcess(self.builder,
- self.getSvnVersionCommand(),
- os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir),
- environ=self.env, timeout=self.timeout,
- sendStdout=False, sendStderr=False, sendRC=False,
- keepStdout=True, usePTY=False,
- logEnviron=self.logEnviron)
- d = c.start()
- def _parse(res):
- r_raw = c.stdout.strip()
- # Extract revision from the version "number" string
- r = r_raw.rstrip('MSP')
- r = r.split(':')[-1]
- got_version = None
- try:
- got_version = int(r)
- except ValueError:
- msg =("SVN.parseGotRevision unable to parse output "
- "of svnversion: '%s'" % r_raw)
- log.msg(msg)
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg + "\n"})
- return got_version
- d.addCallback(_parse)
- return d