path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot_slave-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildslave/commands/hg.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot_slave-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildslave/commands/hg.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 285 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot_slave-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildslave/commands/hg.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot_slave-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildslave/commands/hg.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a7182c98..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot_slave-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildslave/commands/hg.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import os, re
-from twisted.python import log, runtime
-from buildslave.commands.base import SourceBaseCommand, AbandonChain
-from buildslave import runprocess
-from buildslave.util import remove_userpassword
-class Mercurial(SourceBaseCommand):
- """Mercurial specific VC operation. In addition to the arguments
- handled by SourceBaseCommand, this command reads the following keys:
- ['repourl'] (required): the Mercurial repository string
- ['clobberOnBranchChange']: Document me. See ticket #462.
- """
- header = "mercurial operation"
- def setup(self, args):
- SourceBaseCommand.setup(self, args)
- self.repourl = args['repourl']
- self.clobberOnBranchChange = args.get('clobberOnBranchChange', True)
- self.sourcedata = "%s\n" % self.repourl
- self.branchType = args.get('branchType', 'dirname')
- self.stdout = ""
- self.stderr = ""
- self.clobbercount = 0 # n times we've clobbered
- def sourcedirIsUpdateable(self):
- return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir, ".hg"))
- def doVCUpdate(self):
- hg = self.getCommand('hg')
- d = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- command = [hg, 'pull', '--verbose', self.repourl]
- c = runprocess.RunProcess(self.builder, command, d,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout,
- maxTime=self.maxTime, keepStdout=True,
- logEnviron=self.logEnviron, usePTY=False)
- self.command = c
- d = c.start()
- d.addCallback(self._handleEmptyUpdate)
- d.addCallback(self._update)
- return d
- def _handleEmptyUpdate(self, res):
- if type(res) is int and res == 1:
- if self.command.stdout.find("no changes found") != -1:
- # 'hg pull', when it doesn't have anything to do, exits with
- # rc=1, and there appears to be no way to shut this off. It
- # emits a distinctive message to stdout, though. So catch
- # this and pretend that it completed successfully.
- return 0
- return res
- def doVCFull(self):
- hg = self.getCommand('hg')
- command = [hg, 'clone', '--verbose', '--noupdate']
- # if got revision, clobbering and in dirname, only clone to specific revision
- # (otherwise, do full clone to re-use .hg dir for subsequent builds)
- if self.args.get('revision') and self.mode == 'clobber' and self.branchType == 'dirname':
- command.extend(['--rev', self.args.get('revision')])
- command.extend([self.repourl, self.srcdir])
- c = runprocess.RunProcess(self.builder, command, self.builder.basedir,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout,
- maxTime=self.maxTime, logEnviron=self.logEnviron,
- usePTY=False)
- self.command = c
- cmd1 = c.start()
- cmd1.addCallback(self._update)
- return cmd1
- def _clobber(self, dummy, dirname):
- self.clobbercount += 1
- if self.clobbercount > 3:
- raise Exception, "Too many clobber attempts. Aborting step"
- def _vcfull(res):
- return self.doVCFull()
- c = self.doClobber(dummy, dirname)
- c.addCallback(_vcfull)
- return c
- def _purge(self, dummy, dirname):
- hg = self.getCommand('hg')
- d = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- purge = [hg, 'purge', '--all']
- purgeCmd = runprocess.RunProcess(self.builder, purge, d,
- keepStdout=True, keepStderr=True,
- logEnviron=self.logEnviron, usePTY=False)
- def _clobber(res):
- if res != 0:
- # purge failed, we need to switch to a classic clobber
- msg = "'hg purge' failed: %s\n%s. Clobbering." % (purgeCmd.stdout, purgeCmd.stderr)
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg + "\n"})
- log.msg(msg)
- return self._clobber(dummy, dirname)
- # Purge was a success, then we need to update
- return res
- p = purgeCmd.start()
- p.addCallback(_clobber)
- return p
- def _update(self, res):
- hg = self.getCommand('hg')
- if res != 0:
- return res
- # compare current branch to update
- self.update_branch = self.args.get('branch', 'default')
- d = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- parentscmd = [hg, 'identify', '--num', '--branch']
- cmd = runprocess.RunProcess(self.builder, parentscmd, d,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout, keepStdout=True,
- keepStderr=True, logEnviron=self.logEnviron,
- usePTY=False)
- self.clobber = None
- def _parseIdentify(res):
- if res != 0:
- msg = "'hg identify' failed."
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg + "\n"})
- log.msg(msg)
- raise AbandonChain(-1)
- log.msg('Output: %s' % cmd.stdout)
- match = re.search(r'^(.+) (.+)$', cmd.stdout)
- if not match:
- msg = "'hg identify' did not give a recognizable output"
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg + "\n"})
- log.msg(msg)
- raise AbandonChain(-1)
- rev = match.group(1)
- current_branch = match.group(2)
- if rev == '-1':
- msg = "Fresh hg repo, don't worry about in-repo branch name"
- log.msg(msg)
- elif self.sourcedirIsPatched():
- self.clobber = self._purge
- elif self.update_branch != current_branch:
- msg = "Working dir is on in-repo branch '%s' and build needs '%s'." % (current_branch, self.update_branch)
- if self.clobberOnBranchChange:
- msg += ' Cloberring.'
- else:
- msg += ' Updating.'
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg + "\n"})
- log.msg(msg)
- # Clobbers only if clobberOnBranchChange is set
- if self.clobberOnBranchChange:
- self.clobber = self._purge
- else:
- msg = "Working dir on same in-repo branch as build (%s)." % (current_branch)
- log.msg(msg)
- return 0
- def _checkRepoURL(res):
- hg = self.getCommand('hg')
- parentscmd = [hg, 'paths', 'default']
- cmd2 = runprocess.RunProcess(self.builder, parentscmd, d,
- keepStdout=True, keepStderr=True, usePTY=False,
- timeout=self.timeout, sendRC=False,
- logEnviron=self.logEnviron)
- def _parseRepoURL(res):
- if res == 1:
- if "not found!" == cmd2.stderr.strip():
- msg = "hg default path not set. Not checking repo url for clobber test"
- log.msg(msg)
- return 0
- else:
- msg = "'hg paths default' failed."
- log.msg(msg)
- return 1
- oldurl = cmd2.stdout.strip()
- log.msg("Repo cloned from: '%s'" % oldurl)
- if runtime.platformType == 'win32':
- oldurl = oldurl.lower().replace('\\', '/')
- repourl = self.repourl.lower().replace('\\', '/')
- else:
- repourl = self.repourl
- if repourl.startswith('file://'):
- repourl = repourl.split('file://')[1]
- if oldurl.startswith('file://'):
- oldurl = oldurl.split('file://')[1]
- oldurl = remove_userpassword(oldurl)
- repourl = remove_userpassword(repourl)
- if oldurl.rstrip('/') != repourl.rstrip('/'):
- self.clobber = self._clobber
- msg = "RepoURL changed from '%s' in wc to '%s' in update. Clobbering" % (oldurl, repourl)
- log.msg(msg)
- return 0
- c = cmd2.start()
- c.addCallback(_parseRepoURL)
- return c
- def _maybeClobber(res):
- if self.clobber:
- msg = "Clobber flag set. Doing clobbering"
- log.msg(msg)
- return self.clobber(None, self.srcdir)
- return 0
- c = cmd.start()
- c.addCallback(_parseIdentify)
- c.addCallback(_checkRepoURL)
- c.addCallback(_maybeClobber)
- c.addCallback(self._update2)
- return c
- def _update2(self, res):
- hg = self.getCommand('hg')
- updatecmd=[hg, 'update', '--clean', '--repository', self.srcdir]
- if self.args.get('revision'):
- updatecmd.extend(['--rev', self.args['revision']])
- else:
- updatecmd.extend(['--rev', self.args.get('branch', 'default')])
- self.command = runprocess.RunProcess(self.builder, updatecmd,
- self.builder.basedir, sendRC=False,
- timeout=self.timeout, maxTime=self.maxTime,
- logEnviron=self.logEnviron, usePTY=False)
- return self.command.start()
- def parseGotRevision(self):
- hg = self.getCommand('hg')
- # we use 'hg parents' to find out what we wound up with
- command = [hg, "parents", "--template", "{node}\\n"] # get full rev id
- c = runprocess.RunProcess(self.builder, command,
- os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir),
- environ=self.env, timeout=self.timeout,
- sendRC=False,
- keepStdout=True, usePTY=False,
- logEnviron=self.logEnviron)
- d = c.start()
- def _parse(res):
- m = re.search(r'^(\w+)', c.stdout)
- return m.group(1)
- d.addCallback(_parse)
- return d