path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_steps_source_p4.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_steps_source_p4.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 423 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_steps_source_p4.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_steps_source_p4.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b822f01f..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_steps_source_p4.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-# Portions Copyright 2013 Bad Dog Consulting
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from buildbot.steps.source.p4 import P4
-from buildbot.status.results import SUCCESS
-from buildbot.test.util import sourcesteps
-from buildbot.test.util.properties import ConstantRenderable
-from buildbot.test.fake.remotecommand import ExpectShell, Expect
-from buildbot import config
-import textwrap
-class TestP4(sourcesteps.SourceStepMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- return self.setUpSourceStep()
- def tearDown(self):
- return self.tearDownSourceStep()
- def setupStep(self, step, args={}, patch=None, **kwargs):
- step = sourcesteps.SourceStepMixin.setupStep(self, step, args={}, patch=None, **kwargs)
- self.build.getSourceStamp().revision = args.get('revision', None)
- # builddir propety used to create absolute path required in perforce client spec.
- self.properties.setProperty('builddir', '/home/user/workspace', 'P4')
- def test_no_empty_step_config(self):
- self.assertRaises(config.ConfigErrors, lambda: P4())
- def test_no_multiple_type_step_config(self):
- self.assertRaises(config.ConfigErrors, lambda:
- P4(p4viewspec=('//depot/trunk', ''),
- p4base='//depot', p4branch='trunk',
- p4extra_views=['src', 'doc']))
- def test_no_p4viewspec_is_string_step_config(self):
- self.assertRaises(config.ConfigErrors, lambda:
- P4(p4viewspec='a_bad_idea'))
- def test_no_p4base_has_trailing_slash_step_config(self):
- self.assertRaises(config.ConfigErrors, lambda:
- P4(p4base='//depot/'))
- def test_no_p4branch_has_trailing_slash_step_config(self):
- self.assertRaises(config.ConfigErrors, lambda:
- P4(p4base='//depot', p4branch='blah/'))
- def test_no_p4branch_with_no_p4base_step_config(self):
- self.assertRaises(config.ConfigErrors, lambda:
- P4(p4branch='blah'))
- def test_no_p4extra_views_with_no_p4base_step_config(self):
- self.assertRaises(config.ConfigErrors, lambda:
- P4(p4extra_views='blah'))
- def test_incorrect_mode(self):
- self.assertRaises(config.ConfigErrors, lambda:
- P4(p4base='//depot',
- mode='invalid'))
- def test_mode_incremental_p4base_with_revision(self):
- self.setupStep(P4(p4port='localhost:12000', mode='incremental',
- p4base='//depot', p4branch='trunk',
- p4user='user', p4client='p4_client1', p4passwd='pass'),
- dict(revision='100',))
- client_spec = textwrap.dedent('''\
- Client: p4_client1
- Owner: user
- Description:
- \tCreated by user
- Root:\t/home/user/workspace/wkdir
- Options:\tallwrite rmdir
- LineEnd:\tlocal
- View:
- \t//depot/trunk/... //p4_client1/...
- ''');
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', # defaults to this, only changes if it has a copy mode.
- command=['p4', '-V']) # expected remote command
- + 0, # expected exit status
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir',
- command=['p4', '-p', 'localhost:12000', '-u', 'user',
- '-P', 'pass', '-c', 'p4_client1',
- 'client', '-i'],
- initialStdin=client_spec)
- + 0,
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir',
- command=['p4', '-p', 'localhost:12000', '-u', 'user',
- '-P', 'pass', '-c', 'p4_client1',
- 'sync', '//depot...@100'])
- + 0,
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir',
- command=['p4', '-p', 'localhost:12000', '-u', 'user',
- '-P', 'pass', '-c', 'p4_client1',
- 'changes', '-m1', '#have'])
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio',
- stdout="Change 100 on 2013/03/21 by user@machine \'duh\'")
- + 0,
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, status_text=["update"])
- self.expectProperty('got_revision', '100', 'P4')
- return self.runStep()
- def _incremental(self, client_stdin=''):
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', # defaults to this, only changes if it has a copy mode.
- command=['p4', '-V']) # expected remote command
- + 0, # expected exit status
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir',
- command=['p4', '-p', 'localhost:12000', '-u', 'user',
- '-P', 'pass', '-c', 'p4_client1',
- 'client', '-i'],
- initialStdin=client_stdin,)
- + 0,
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir',
- command=['p4', '-p', 'localhost:12000', '-u', 'user',
- '-P', 'pass', '-c', 'p4_client1',
- 'sync'])
- + 0,
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir',
- command=['p4', '-p', 'localhost:12000', '-u', 'user',
- '-P', 'pass', '-c', 'p4_client1',
- 'changes', '-m1', '#have'])
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio',
- stdout="Change 100 on 2013/03/21 by user@machine \'duh\'")
- + 0,
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, status_text=["update"])
- self.expectProperty('got_revision', '100', 'P4')
- return self.runStep()
- def test_mode_incremental_p4base(self):
- self.setupStep(P4(p4port='localhost:12000', mode='incremental',
- p4base='//depot', p4branch='trunk',
- p4user='user', p4client='p4_client1', p4passwd='pass'))
- client_spec = textwrap.dedent('''\
- Client: p4_client1
- Owner: user
- Description:
- \tCreated by user
- Root:\t/home/user/workspace/wkdir
- Options:\tallwrite rmdir
- LineEnd:\tlocal
- View:
- \t//depot/trunk/... //p4_client1/...
- ''')
- self._incremental(client_stdin=client_spec)
- def test_mode_incremental_p4base_with_p4extra_views(self):
- self.setupStep(P4(p4port='localhost:12000', mode='incremental',
- p4base='//depot', p4branch='trunk',
- p4extra_views=[('-//depot/trunk/test', 'test'),
- ('-//depot/trunk/doc', 'doc')],
- p4user='user', p4client='p4_client1', p4passwd='pass'))
- client_spec = textwrap.dedent('''\
- Client: p4_client1
- Owner: user
- Description:
- \tCreated by user
- Root:\t/home/user/workspace/wkdir
- Options:\tallwrite rmdir
- LineEnd:\tlocal
- View:
- \t//depot/trunk/... //p4_client1/...
- \t-//depot/trunk/test/... //p4_client1/test/...
- \t-//depot/trunk/doc/... //p4_client1/doc/...
- ''')
- self._incremental(client_stdin=client_spec)
- def test_mode_incremental_p4viewspec(self):
- self.setupStep(P4(p4port='localhost:12000', mode='incremental',
- p4viewspec=[('//depot/trunk/', '')],
- p4user='user', p4client='p4_client1', p4passwd='pass'))
- client_spec = textwrap.dedent('''\
- Client: p4_client1
- Owner: user
- Description:
- \tCreated by user
- Root:\t/home/user/workspace/wkdir
- Options:\tallwrite rmdir
- LineEnd:\tlocal
- View:
- \t//depot/trunk/... //p4_client1/...
- ''')
- self._incremental(client_stdin=client_spec)
- def _full(self, client_stdin='', p4client='p4_client1', p4user='user'):
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', # defaults to this, only changes if it has a copy mode.
- command=['p4', '-V']) # expected remote command
- + 0, # expected exit status
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir',
- command=['p4', '-p', 'localhost:12000', '-u', p4user,
- '-P', 'pass', '-c', p4client, 'client',
- '-i'],
- initialStdin=client_stdin)
- + 0,
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir',
- command=['p4', '-p', 'localhost:12000', '-u', p4user,
- '-P', 'pass', '-c', p4client, 'sync',
- '#none'])
- + 0,
- Expect('rmdir', {'dir': 'wkdir', 'logEnviron': True})
- + 0,
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir',
- command=['p4', '-p', 'localhost:12000', '-u', p4user,
- '-P', 'pass', '-c', p4client, 'sync'])
- + 0,
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir',
- command=['p4', '-p', 'localhost:12000', '-u', p4user,
- '-P', 'pass', '-c', p4client, 'changes',
- '-m1', '#have'])
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio',
- stdout="Change 100 on 2013/03/21 by user@machine \'duh\'")
- + 0,
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, status_text=["update"])
- self.expectProperty('got_revision', '100', 'P4')
- return self.runStep()
- def test_mode_full_p4base(self):
- self.setupStep(
- P4(p4port='localhost:12000',
- mode='full', p4base='//depot', p4branch='trunk',
- p4user='user', p4client='p4_client1', p4passwd='pass'))
- client_stdin = textwrap.dedent('''\
- Client: p4_client1
- Owner: user
- Description:
- \tCreated by user
- Root:\t/home/user/workspace/wkdir
- Options:\tallwrite rmdir
- LineEnd:\tlocal
- View:
- \t//depot/trunk/... //p4_client1/...\n''')
- self._full(client_stdin=client_stdin)
- def test_mode_full_p4viewspec(self):
- self.setupStep(
- P4(p4port='localhost:12000',
- mode='full', p4viewspec=[('//depot/main/', '')],
- p4user='user', p4client='p4_client1', p4passwd='pass'))
- client_stdin = textwrap.dedent('''\
- Client: p4_client1
- Owner: user
- Description:
- \tCreated by user
- Root:\t/home/user/workspace/wkdir
- Options:\tallwrite rmdir
- LineEnd:\tlocal
- View:
- \t//depot/main/... //p4_client1/...\n''')
- self._full(client_stdin=client_stdin)
- def test_mode_full_renderable_p4base(self):
- # Note that the config check skips checking p4base if it's a renderable
- self.setupStep(
- P4(p4port='localhost:12000',
- mode='full', p4base=ConstantRenderable('//depot'),
- p4branch='release/1.0', p4user='user', p4client='p4_client2',
- p4passwd='pass'))
- client_stdin = textwrap.dedent('''\
- Client: p4_client2
- Owner: user
- Description:
- \tCreated by user
- Root:\t/home/user/workspace/wkdir
- Options:\tallwrite rmdir
- LineEnd:\tlocal
- View:
- \t//depot/release/1.0/... //p4_client2/...\n''')
- self._full(client_stdin=client_stdin, p4client='p4_client2')
- def test_mode_full_renderable_p4client(self):
- # Note that the config check skips checking p4base if it's a renderable
- self.setupStep(
- P4(p4port='localhost:12000',
- mode='full', p4base='//depot', p4branch='trunk',
- p4user='user', p4client=ConstantRenderable('p4_client_render'),
- p4passwd='pass'))
- client_stdin = textwrap.dedent('''\
- Client: p4_client_render
- Owner: user
- Description:
- \tCreated by user
- Root:\t/home/user/workspace/wkdir
- Options:\tallwrite rmdir
- LineEnd:\tlocal
- View:
- \t//depot/trunk/... //p4_client_render/...\n''')
- self._full(client_stdin=client_stdin, p4client='p4_client_render')
- def test_mode_full_renderable_p4branch(self):
- # Note that the config check skips checking p4base if it's a renderable
- self.setupStep(
- P4(p4port='localhost:12000',
- mode='full', p4base='//depot',
- p4branch=ConstantRenderable('render_branch'),
- p4user='user', p4client='p4_client1', p4passwd='pass'))
- client_stdin = textwrap.dedent('''\
- Client: p4_client1
- Owner: user
- Description:
- \tCreated by user
- Root:\t/home/user/workspace/wkdir
- Options:\tallwrite rmdir
- LineEnd:\tlocal
- View:
- \t//depot/render_branch/... //p4_client1/...\n''')
- self._full(client_stdin=client_stdin)
- def test_mode_full_renderable_p4viewspec(self):
- self.setupStep(
- P4(p4port='localhost:12000',
- mode='full',
- p4viewspec=[(ConstantRenderable('//depot/render_trunk/'), '')],
- p4user='different_user', p4client='p4_client1',
- p4passwd='pass'))
- client_stdin = textwrap.dedent('''\
- Client: p4_client1
- Owner: different_user
- Description:
- \tCreated by different_user
- Root:\t/home/user/workspace/wkdir
- Options:\tallwrite rmdir
- LineEnd:\tlocal
- View:
- \t//depot/render_trunk/... //p4_client1/...\n''')
- self._full(client_stdin=client_stdin, p4user='different_user')