path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_steps_shell.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_steps_shell.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 836 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_steps_shell.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_steps_shell.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f914600..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_steps_shell.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,836 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import re
-import textwrap
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from buildbot.steps import shell
-from buildbot.status.results import SKIPPED, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE
-from buildbot.status.results import EXCEPTION
-from buildbot.test.util import steps, compat
-from buildbot.test.util import config as configmixin
-from buildbot.test.fake.remotecommand import ExpectShell, Expect
-from buildbot.test.fake.remotecommand import ExpectRemoteRef
-from buildbot import config
-from buildbot.process import properties
-class TestShellCommandExecution(steps.BuildStepMixin, unittest.TestCase, configmixin.ConfigErrorsMixin):
- def setUp(self):
- return self.setUpBuildStep()
- def tearDown(self):
- return self.tearDownBuildStep()
- def test_doStepIf_False(self):
- self.setupStep(
- shell.ShellCommand(command="echo hello", doStepIf=False))
- self.expectOutcome(result=SKIPPED,
- status_text=["'echo", "hello'", "skipped"])
- return self.runStep()
- def test_constructor_args_strings(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build', command="echo hello",
- usePTY=False, description="echoing",
- descriptionDone="echoed")
- self.assertEqual(step.description, ['echoing'])
- self.assertEqual(step.descriptionDone, ['echoed'])
- def test_constructor_args_lists(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build', command="echo hello",
- usePTY=False, description=["echoing"],
- descriptionDone=["echoed"])
- self.assertEqual(step.description, ['echoing'])
- self.assertEqual(step.descriptionDone, ['echoed'])
- def test_constructor_args_kwargs(self):
- # this is an ugly way to define an API, but for now check that
- # the RemoteCommand arguments are properly passed on
- step = shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build', command="echo hello",
- want_stdout=0, logEnviron=False)
- self.assertEqual(step.remote_kwargs, dict(want_stdout=0,
- logEnviron=False, workdir='build',
- usePTY='slave-config'))
- def test_constructor_args_validity(self):
- # this checks that an exception is raised for invalid arguments
- self.assertRaisesConfigError(
- "Invalid argument(s) passed to RemoteShellCommand: ",
- lambda: shell.ShellCommand('build', "echo Hello World",
- wrongArg1=1, wrongArg2='two'))
- def test_describe_no_command(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build')
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (['???'],)*2)
- def test_describe_from_empty_command(self):
- # this is more of a regression test for a potential failure, really
- step = shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build', command=' ')
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (['???'],)*2)
- def test_describe_from_short_command(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build', command="true")
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (["'true'"],)*2)
- def test_describe_from_short_command_list(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build', command=["true"])
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (["'true'"],)*2)
- def test_describe_from_med_command(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(command="echo hello")
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (["'echo", "hello'"],)*2)
- def test_describe_from_med_command_list(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(command=["echo", "hello"])
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (["'echo", "hello'"],)*2)
- def test_describe_from_long_command(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(command="this is a long command")
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (["'this", "is", "...'"],)*2)
- def test_describe_from_long_command_list(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(command="this is a long command".split())
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (["'this", "is", "...'"],)*2)
- def test_describe_from_nested_command_list(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(command=["this", ["is", "a"], "nested"])
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (["'this", "is", "...'"],)*2)
- def test_describe_from_nested_command_tuples(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(command=["this", ("is", "a"), "nested"])
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (["'this", "is", "...'"],)*2)
- def test_describe_from_nested_command_list_empty(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(command=["this", [], ["is", "a"], "nested"])
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (["'this", "is", "...'"],)*2)
- def test_describe_from_nested_command_list_deep(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(command=[["this", [[["is", ["a"]]]]]])
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (["'this", "is", "...'"],)*2)
- def test_describe_custom(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(command="echo hello",
- description=["echoing"], descriptionDone=["echoed"])
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (['echoing'], ['echoed']))
- def test_describe_with_suffix(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(command="echo hello", descriptionSuffix="suffix")
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (["'echo", "hello'", 'suffix'],)*2)
- def test_describe_custom_with_suffix(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(command="echo hello",
- description=["echoing"], descriptionDone=["echoed"],
- descriptionSuffix="suffix")
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (['echoing', 'suffix'], ['echoed', 'suffix']))
- def test_describe_no_command_with_suffix(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build', descriptionSuffix="suffix")
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (['???', 'suffix'],)*2)
- def test_describe_unrendered_WithProperties(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(command=properties.WithProperties(''))
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (['???'],)*2)
- def test_describe_unrendered_WithProperties_list(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(
- command=[ 'x', properties.WithProperties(''), 'y' ])
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (["'x", "y'"],)*2)
- @compat.usesFlushLoggedErrors
- def test_describe_fail(self):
- step = shell.ShellCommand(command=object())
- self.assertEqual((step.describe(), step.describe(done=True)),
- (['???'],)*2)
- # (describe is called twice, so two exceptions)
- self.assertEqual(len(self.flushLoggedErrors(TypeError)), 2)
- def test_run_simple(self):
- self.setupStep(
- shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build', command="echo hello"))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='build', command='echo hello',
- usePTY="slave-config")
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, status_text=["'echo", "hello'"])
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_list(self):
- self.setupStep(
- shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build',
- command=['trial', '-b', '-B', 'buildbot.test']))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='build',
- command=['trial', '-b', '-B', 'buildbot.test'],
- usePTY="slave-config")
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS,
- status_text=["'trial", "-b", "...'"])
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_nested_command(self):
- self.setupStep(
- shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build',
- command=['trial', ['-b', '-B'], 'buildbot.test']))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='build',
- command=['trial', '-b', '-B', 'buildbot.test'],
- usePTY="slave-config")
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS,
- status_text=["'trial", "-b", "...'"])
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_nested_deeply_command(self):
- self.setupStep(
- shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build',
- command=[['trial', ['-b', ['-B']]], 'buildbot.test']))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='build',
- command=['trial', '-b', '-B', 'buildbot.test'],
- usePTY="slave-config")
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS,
- status_text=["'trial", "-b", "...'"])
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_nested_empty_command(self):
- self.setupStep(
- shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build',
- command=['trial', [], '-b', [], 'buildbot.test']))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='build',
- command=['trial', '-b', 'buildbot.test'],
- usePTY="slave-config")
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS,
- status_text=["'trial", "-b", "...'"])
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_env(self):
- self.setupStep(
- shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build', command="echo hello"),
- slave_env=dict(DEF='HERE'))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='build', command='echo hello',
- usePTY="slave-config",
- env=dict(DEF='HERE'))
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, status_text=["'echo", "hello'"])
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_env_override(self):
- self.setupStep(
- shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build', env={'ABC':'123'},
- command="echo hello"),
- slave_env=dict(ABC='XXX', DEF='HERE'))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='build', command='echo hello',
- usePTY="slave-config",
- env=dict(ABC='123', DEF='HERE'))
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, status_text=["'echo", "hello'"])
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_usePTY(self):
- self.setupStep(
- shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build', command="echo hello",
- usePTY=False))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='build', command='echo hello',
- usePTY=False)
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, status_text=["'echo", "hello'"])
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_usePTY_old_slave(self):
- self.setupStep(
- shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build', command="echo hello",
- usePTY=True),
- slave_version=dict(shell='1.1'))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='build', command='echo hello')
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, status_text=["'echo", "hello'"])
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_decodeRC(self, rc=1, results=WARNINGS, extra_text = ["warnings"]):
- self.setupStep(
- shell.ShellCommand(workdir='build', command="echo hello",
- decodeRC={1:WARNINGS}))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='build', command='echo hello',
- usePTY="slave-config")
- + rc
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=results, status_text=["'echo", "hello'"]+extra_text)
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_decodeRC_defaults(self):
- return self.test_run_decodeRC(2, FAILURE,extra_text=["failed"])
- def test_run_decodeRC_defaults_0_is_failure(self):
- return self.test_run_decodeRC(0, FAILURE,extra_text=["failed"])
-class TreeSize(steps.BuildStepMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- return self.setUpBuildStep()
- def tearDown(self):
- return self.tearDownBuildStep()
- def test_run_success(self):
- self.setupStep(shell.TreeSize())
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command=['du', '-s', '-k', '.'])
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio', stdout='9292 .\n')
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS,
- status_text=["treesize", "9292 KiB"])
- self.expectProperty('tree-size-KiB', 9292)
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_misparsed(self):
- self.setupStep(shell.TreeSize())
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command=['du', '-s', '-k', '.'])
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio', stdio='abcdef\n')
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=WARNINGS,
- status_text=["treesize", "unknown"])
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_failed(self):
- self.setupStep(shell.TreeSize())
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command=['du', '-s', '-k', '.'])
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio', stderr='abcdef\n')
- + 1
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=FAILURE,
- status_text=["treesize", "unknown"])
- return self.runStep()
-class SetPropertyFromCommand(steps.BuildStepMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- return self.setUpBuildStep()
- def tearDown(self):
- return self.tearDownBuildStep()
- def test_constructor_conflict(self):
- self.assertRaises(config.ConfigErrors, lambda :
- shell.SetPropertyFromCommand(property='foo', extract_fn=lambda : None))
- def test_run_property(self):
- self.setupStep(shell.SetPropertyFromCommand(property="res", command="cmd"))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command="cmd")
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio', stdout='\n\nabcdef\n')
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS,
- status_text=["property 'res' set"])
- self.expectProperty("res", "abcdef") # note: stripped
- self.expectLogfile('property changes', r"res: 'abcdef'")
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_property_no_strip(self):
- self.setupStep(shell.SetPropertyFromCommand(property="res", command="cmd",
- strip=False))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command="cmd")
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio', stdout='\n\nabcdef\n')
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS,
- status_text=["property 'res' set"])
- self.expectProperty("res", "\n\nabcdef\n")
- self.expectLogfile('property changes', r"res: '\n\nabcdef\n'")
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_failure(self):
- self.setupStep(shell.SetPropertyFromCommand(property="res", command="blarg"))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command="blarg")
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio', stderr='cannot blarg: File not found')
- + 1
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=FAILURE,
- status_text=["'blarg'", "failed"])
- self.expectNoProperty("res")
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_extract_fn(self):
- def extract_fn(rc, stdout, stderr):
- self.assertEqual((rc, stdout, stderr), (0, 'startend', 'STARTEND'))
- return dict(a=1, b=2)
- self.setupStep(shell.SetPropertyFromCommand(extract_fn=extract_fn, command="cmd"))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command="cmd")
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio', stdout='start', stderr='START')
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio', stdout='end')
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio', stderr='END')
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS,
- status_text=["2 properties set"])
- self.expectLogfile('property changes', 'a: 1\nb: 2')
- self.expectProperty("a", 1)
- self.expectProperty("b", 2)
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_extract_fn_cmdfail(self):
- def extract_fn(rc, stdout, stderr):
- self.assertEqual((rc, stdout, stderr), (3, '', ''))
- return dict(a=1, b=2)
- self.setupStep(shell.SetPropertyFromCommand(extract_fn=extract_fn, command="cmd"))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command="cmd")
- + 3
- )
- # note that extract_fn *is* called anyway
- self.expectOutcome(result=FAILURE,
- status_text=["2 properties set"])
- self.expectLogfile('property changes', 'a: 1\nb: 2')
- return self.runStep()
- def test_run_extract_fn_cmdfail_empty(self):
- def extract_fn(rc, stdout, stderr):
- self.assertEqual((rc, stdout, stderr), (3, '', ''))
- return dict()
- self.setupStep(shell.SetPropertyFromCommand(extract_fn=extract_fn, command="cmd"))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command="cmd")
- + 3
- )
- # note that extract_fn *is* called anyway, but returns no properties
- self.expectOutcome(result=FAILURE,
- status_text=["'cmd'", "failed"])
- return self.runStep()
- @compat.usesFlushLoggedErrors
- def test_run_extract_fn_exception(self):
- def extract_fn(rc, stdout, stderr):
- raise RuntimeError("oh noes")
- self.setupStep(shell.SetPropertyFromCommand(extract_fn=extract_fn, command="cmd"))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command="cmd")
- + 0
- )
- # note that extract_fn *is* called anyway, but returns no properties
- self.expectOutcome(result=EXCEPTION,
- status_text=["setproperty", "exception"])
- d = self.runStep()
- d.addCallback(lambda _ :
- self.assertEqual(len(self.flushLoggedErrors(RuntimeError)), 1))
- return d
-class SetPropertyDeprecation(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{shell.SetProperty}
- """
- def test_deprecated(self):
- """
- Accessing L{shell.SetProperty} reports a deprecation error.
- """
- shell.SetProperty
- warnings = self.flushWarnings([self.test_deprecated])
- self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
- self.assertIdentical(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['message'],
- "buildbot.steps.shell.SetProperty was deprecated in Buildbot 0.8.8: "
- "It has been renamed to SetPropertyFromCommand"
- )
-class Configure(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_class_attrs(self):
- # nothing too exciting here, but at least make sure the class is present
- step = shell.Configure()
- self.assertEqual(step.command, ['./configure'])
-class WarningCountingShellCommand(steps.BuildStepMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- return self.setUpBuildStep()
- def tearDown(self):
- return self.tearDownBuildStep()
- def test_no_warnings(self):
- self.setupStep(shell.WarningCountingShellCommand(workdir='w',
- command=['make']))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='w', usePTY='slave-config',
- command=["make"])
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio', stdout='blarg success!')
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, status_text=["'make'"])
- self.expectProperty("warnings-count", 0)
- return self.runStep()
- def test_default_pattern(self):
- self.setupStep(shell.WarningCountingShellCommand(command=['make']))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command=["make"])
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio',
- stdout='normal: foo\nwarning: blarg!\nalso normal')
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=WARNINGS, status_text=["'make'", "warnings"])
- self.expectProperty("warnings-count", 1)
- self.expectLogfile("warnings (1)", "warning: blarg!\n")
- return self.runStep()
- def test_custom_pattern(self):
- self.setupStep(shell.WarningCountingShellCommand(command=['make'],
- warningPattern=r"scary:.*"))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command=["make"])
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio',
- stdout='scary: foo\nwarning: bar\nscary: bar')
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=WARNINGS, status_text=["'make'", "warnings"])
- self.expectProperty("warnings-count", 2)
- self.expectLogfile("warnings (2)", "scary: foo\nscary: bar\n")
- return self.runStep()
- def test_maxWarnCount(self):
- self.setupStep(shell.WarningCountingShellCommand(command=['make'],
- maxWarnCount=9))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command=["make"])
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio', stdout='warning: noo!\n' * 10)
- + 0
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=FAILURE, status_text=["'make'", "failed"])
- self.expectProperty("warnings-count", 10)
- return self.runStep()
- def test_fail_with_warnings(self):
- self.setupStep(shell.WarningCountingShellCommand(command=['make']))
- self.expectCommands(
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command=["make"])
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio', stdout='warning: I might fail')
- + 3
- )
- self.expectOutcome(result=FAILURE, status_text=["'make'", "failed"])
- self.expectProperty("warnings-count", 1)
- self.expectLogfile("warnings (1)", "warning: I might fail\n")
- return self.runStep()
- def do_test_suppressions(self, step, supps_file='', stdout='',
- exp_warning_count=0, exp_warning_log='',
- exp_exception=False):
- self.setupStep(step)
- # Invoke the expected callbacks for the suppression file upload. Note
- # that this assumes all of the remote_* are synchronous, but can be
- # easily adapted to suit if that changes (using inlineCallbacks)
- def upload_behavior(command):
- writer = command.args['writer']
- writer.remote_write(supps_file)
- writer.remote_close()
- self.expectCommands(
- # step will first get the remote suppressions file
- Expect('uploadFile', dict(blocksize=32768, maxsize=None,
- slavesrc='supps', workdir='wkdir',
- writer=ExpectRemoteRef(shell.StringFileWriter)))
- + Expect.behavior(upload_behavior),
- # and then run the command
- ExpectShell(workdir='wkdir', usePTY='slave-config',
- command=["make"])
- + ExpectShell.log('stdio', stdout=stdout)
- + 0
- )
- if exp_exception:
- self.expectOutcome(result=EXCEPTION,
- status_text=["shell", "exception"])
- else:
- if exp_warning_count != 0:
- self.expectOutcome(result=WARNINGS,
- status_text=["'make'", "warnings"])
- self.expectLogfile("warnings (%d)" % exp_warning_count,
- exp_warning_log)
- else:
- self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS,
- status_text=["'make'"])
- self.expectProperty("warnings-count", exp_warning_count)
- return self.runStep()
- def test_suppressions(self):
- step = shell.WarningCountingShellCommand(command=['make'],
- suppressionFile='supps')
- supps_file = textwrap.dedent("""\
- # example suppressions file
- amar.c : .*unused variable.*
- holding.c : .*invalid access to non-static.*
- """).strip()
- stdout = textwrap.dedent("""\
- /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --silent --mode=link gcc blah
- /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --silent --mode=link gcc blah
- amar.c: In function 'write_record':
- amar.c:164: warning: unused variable 'x'
- amar.c:164: warning: this should show up
- /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --silent --mode=link gcc blah
- /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --silent --mode=link gcc blah
- holding.c: In function 'holding_thing':
- holding.c:984: warning: invalid access to non-static 'y'
- """)
- exp_warning_log = textwrap.dedent("""\
- amar.c:164: warning: this should show up
- """)
- return self.do_test_suppressions(step, supps_file, stdout, 1,
- exp_warning_log)
- def test_suppressions_directories(self):
- def warningExtractor(step, line, match):
- return line.split(':', 2)
- step = shell.WarningCountingShellCommand(command=['make'],
- suppressionFile='supps',
- warningExtractor=warningExtractor)
- supps_file = textwrap.dedent("""\
- # these should be suppressed:
- amar-src/amar.c : XXX
- .*/server-src/.* : AAA
- # these should not, as the dirs do not match:
- amar.c : YYY
- server-src.* : BBB
- """).strip()
- # note that this uses the unicode smart-quotes that gcc loves so much
- stdout = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
- make: Entering directory \u2019amar-src\u2019
- amar.c:164: warning: XXX
- amar.c:165: warning: YYY
- make: Leaving directory 'amar-src'
- make: Entering directory "subdir"
- make: Entering directory 'server-src'
- make: Entering directory `one-more-dir`
- holding.c:999: warning: BBB
- holding.c:1000: warning: AAA
- """)
- exp_warning_log = textwrap.dedent("""\
- amar.c:165: warning: YYY
- holding.c:999: warning: BBB
- """)
- return self.do_test_suppressions(step, supps_file, stdout, 2,
- exp_warning_log)
- def test_suppressions_directories_custom(self):
- def warningExtractor(step, line, match):
- return line.split(':', 2)
- step = shell.WarningCountingShellCommand(command=['make'],
- suppressionFile='supps',
- warningExtractor=warningExtractor,
- directoryEnterPattern="^IN: (.*)",
- directoryLeavePattern="^OUT:")
- supps_file = "dir1/dir2/abc.c : .*"
- stdout = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
- IN: dir1
- IN: decoy
- OUT: decoy
- IN: dir2
- abc.c:123: warning: hello
- """)
- return self.do_test_suppressions(step, supps_file, stdout, 0, '')
- def test_suppressions_linenos(self):
- def warningExtractor(step, line, match):
- return line.split(':', 2)
- step = shell.WarningCountingShellCommand(command=['make'],
- suppressionFile='supps',
- warningExtractor=warningExtractor)
- supps_file = "abc.c:.*:100-199\ndef.c:.*:22"
- stdout = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
- abc.c:99: warning: seen 1
- abc.c:150: warning: unseen
- def.c:22: warning: unseen
- abc.c:200: warning: seen 2
- """)
- exp_warning_log = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
- abc.c:99: warning: seen 1
- abc.c:200: warning: seen 2
- """)
- return self.do_test_suppressions(step, supps_file, stdout, 2,
- exp_warning_log)
- @compat.usesFlushLoggedErrors
- def test_suppressions_warningExtractor_exc(self):
- def warningExtractor(step, line, match):
- raise RuntimeError("oh noes")
- step = shell.WarningCountingShellCommand(command=['make'],
- suppressionFile='supps',
- warningExtractor=warningExtractor)
- supps_file = 'x:y' # need at least one supp to trigger warningExtractor
- stdout = "abc.c:99: warning: seen 1"
- d = self.do_test_suppressions(step, supps_file, stdout,
- exp_exception=True)
- d.addCallback(lambda _ :
- self.assertEqual(len(self.flushLoggedErrors(RuntimeError)), 1))
- return d
- def test_suppressions_addSuppression(self):
- # call addSuppression "manually" from a subclass
- class MyWCSC(shell.WarningCountingShellCommand):
- def start(self):
- self.addSuppression([('.*', '.*unseen.*', None, None)])
- return shell.WarningCountingShellCommand.start(self)
- def warningExtractor(step, line, match):
- return line.split(':', 2)
- step = MyWCSC(command=['make'], suppressionFile='supps',
- warningExtractor=warningExtractor)
- stdout = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
- abc.c:99: warning: seen 1
- abc.c:150: warning: unseen
- abc.c:200: warning: seen 2
- """)
- exp_warning_log = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
- abc.c:99: warning: seen 1
- abc.c:200: warning: seen 2
- """)
- return self.do_test_suppressions(step, '', stdout, 2,
- exp_warning_log)
- def test_warnExtractFromRegexpGroups(self):
- step = shell.WarningCountingShellCommand(command=['make'])
- we = shell.WarningCountingShellCommand.warnExtractFromRegexpGroups
- line, pat, exp_file, exp_lineNo, exp_text = \
- ('foo:123:text', '(.*):(.*):(.*)', 'foo', 123, 'text')
- self.assertEqual(we(step, line, re.match(pat, line)),
- (exp_file, exp_lineNo, exp_text))
-class Compile(steps.BuildStepMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- return self.setUpBuildStep()
- def tearDown(self):
- return self.tearDownBuildStep()
- def test_class_args(self):
- # since this step is just a pre-configured WarningCountingShellCommand,
- # there' not much to test!
- step = self.setupStep(shell.Compile())
- self.assertEqual(step.name, "compile")
- self.assertTrue(step.haltOnFailure)
- self.assertTrue(step.flunkOnFailure)
- self.assertEqual(step.description, ["compiling"])
- self.assertEqual(step.descriptionDone, ["compile"])
- self.assertEqual(step.command, ["make", "all"])
-class Test(steps.BuildStepMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.setUpBuildStep()
- def tearDown(self):
- self.tearDownBuildStep()
- def test_setTestResults(self):
- step = self.setupStep(shell.Test())
- step.setTestResults(total=10, failed=3, passed=5, warnings=3)
- self.assertEqual(self.step_statistics, {
- 'tests-total' : 10,
- 'tests-failed' : 3,
- 'tests-passed' : 5,
- 'tests-warnings' : 3,
- })
- # ensure that they're additive
- step.setTestResults(total=1, failed=2, passed=3, warnings=4)
- self.assertEqual(self.step_statistics, {
- 'tests-total' : 11,
- 'tests-failed' : 5,
- 'tests-passed' : 8,
- 'tests-warnings' : 7,
- })
- def test_describe_not_done(self):
- step = self.setupStep(shell.Test())
- self.assertEqual(step.describe(), ['testing'])
- def test_describe_done(self):
- step = self.setupStep(shell.Test())
- self.step_statistics['tests-total'] = 93
- self.step_statistics['tests-failed'] = 10
- self.step_statistics['tests-passed'] = 20
- self.step_statistics['tests-warnings'] = 30
- self.assertEqual(step.describe(done=True), [ 'test', '93 tests',
- '20 passed', '30 warnings', '10 failed'])
- def test_describe_done_no_total(self):
- step = self.setupStep(shell.Test())
- self.step_statistics['tests-total'] = 0
- self.step_statistics['tests-failed'] = 10
- self.step_statistics['tests-passed'] = 20
- self.step_statistics['tests-warnings'] = 30
- # describe calculates 60 = 10+20+30
- self.assertEqual(step.describe(done=True), [ 'test', '60 tests',
- '20 passed', '30 warnings', '10 failed'])