path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_status_words.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_status_words.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 617 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_status_words.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_status_words.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d1300ac5..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_status_words.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,617 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import mock
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.application import internet
-from twisted.internet import task, reactor
-from buildbot.status import words
-from buildbot.test.util import compat, config
-class TestIrcContactChannel(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.bot = mock.Mock(name='IRCStatusBot-instance')
- self.bot.nickname = 'nick'
- self.bot.notify_events = { 'success' : 1, 'failure' : 1 }
- # fake out subscription/unsubscription
- self.subscribed = False
- def subscribe(contact):
- self.subscribed = True
- self.bot.status.subscribe = subscribe
- def unsubscribe(contact):
- self.subscribed = False
- self.bot.status.unsubscribe = unsubscribe
- # fake out clean shutdown
- self.bot.master = mock.Mock(name='IRCStatusBot-instance.master')
- self.bot.master.botmaster = mock.Mock(name='IRCStatusBot-instance.master.botmaster')
- self.bot.master.botmaster.shuttingDown = False
- def cleanShutdown():
- self.bot.master.botmaster.shuttingDown = True
- self.bot.master.botmaster.cleanShutdown = cleanShutdown
- def cancelCleanShutdown():
- self.bot.master.botmaster.shuttingDown = False
- self.bot.master.botmaster.cancelCleanShutdown = cancelCleanShutdown
- self.contact = words.IRCContact(self.bot, '#buildbot')
- def patch_send(self):
- self.sent = []
- def send(msg):
- self.sent.append(msg)
- self.contact.send = send
- def patch_act(self):
- self.actions = []
- def act(msg):
- self.actions.append(msg)
- self.contact.act = act
- def do_test_command(self, command, args='', who='me', clock_ticks=None,
- exp_usage=True, exp_UsageError=False, allowShutdown=False,
- shuttingDown=False):
- cmd = getattr(self.contact, 'command_' + command.upper())
- if exp_usage:
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(cmd, 'usage'))
- clock = task.Clock()
- self.patch(reactor, 'callLater', clock.callLater)
- self.patch_send()
- self.patch_act()
- self.bot.factory.allowShutdown = allowShutdown
- self.bot.master.botmaster.shuttingDown = shuttingDown
- if exp_UsageError:
- try:
- cmd(args, who)
- except words.UsageError:
- return
- else:
- self.fail("no UsageError")
- else:
- cmd(args, who)
- if clock_ticks:
- clock.pump(clock_ticks)
- # tests
- def test_doSilly(self):
- clock = task.Clock()
- self.patch(reactor, 'callLater', clock.callLater)
- self.patch_send()
- silly_prompt, silly_response = self.contact.silly.items()[0]
- self.contact.doSilly(silly_prompt)
- clock.pump([0.5] * 20)
- self.assertEqual(self.sent, silly_response)
- # TODO: remaining commands
- # (all depend on status, which interface will change soon)
- def test_command_mute(self):
- self.do_test_command('mute')
- self.assertTrue(self.contact.muted)
- def test_command_unmute(self):
- self.contact.muted = True
- self.do_test_command('unmute')
- self.assertFalse(self.contact.muted)
- def test_command_unmute_not_muted(self):
- self.do_test_command('unmute')
- self.assertFalse(self.contact.muted)
- self.assertIn("hadn't told me to be quiet", self.sent[0])
- def test_command_help_noargs(self):
- self.do_test_command('help')
- self.assertIn('help on what', self.sent[0])
- def test_command_help_arg(self):
- self.contact.command_FOO = lambda : None
- self.contact.command_FOO.usage = 'foo - bar'
- self.do_test_command('help', args='foo')
- self.assertIn('Usage: foo - bar', self.sent[0])
- def test_command_help_no_usage(self):
- self.contact.command_FOO = lambda : None
- self.do_test_command('help', args='foo')
- self.assertIn('No usage info for', self.sent[0])
- def test_command_help_dict_command(self):
- self.contact.command_FOO = lambda : None
- self.contact.command_FOO.usage = {
- None : 'foo - bar'
- }
- self.do_test_command('help', args='foo')
- self.assertIn('Usage: foo - bar', self.sent[0])
- def test_command_help_dict_command_no_usage(self):
- self.contact.command_FOO = lambda : None
- self.contact.command_FOO.usage = {}
- self.do_test_command('help', args='foo')
- self.assertIn("No usage info for 'foo'", self.sent[0])
- def test_command_help_dict_command_arg(self):
- self.contact.command_FOO = lambda : None
- self.contact.command_FOO.usage = {
- 'this' : 'foo this - bar'
- }
- self.do_test_command('help', args='foo this')
- self.assertIn('Usage: foo this - bar', self.sent[0])
- def test_command_help_dict_command_arg_no_usage(self):
- self.contact.command_FOO = lambda : None
- self.contact.command_FOO.usage = {
- # nothing for arg 'this'
- ('this', 'first') : 'foo this first - bar'
- }
- self.do_test_command('help', args='foo this')
- self.assertIn("No usage info for 'foo' 'this'", self.sent[0])
- def test_command_help_dict_command_arg_subarg(self):
- self.contact.command_FOO = lambda : None
- self.contact.command_FOO.usage = {
- ('this', 'first') : 'foo this first - bar'
- }
- self.do_test_command('help', args='foo this first')
- self.assertIn('Usage: foo this first - bar', self.sent[0])
- def test_command_help_dict_command_arg_subarg_no_usage(self):
- self.contact.command_FOO = lambda : None
- self.contact.command_FOO.usage = {
- None : 'foo - bar',
- 'this' : 'foo this - bar',
- ('this', 'first') : 'foo this first - bar'
- # nothing for subarg 'missing'
- }
- self.do_test_command('help', args='foo this missing')
- self.assertIn("No usage info for 'foo' 'this' 'missing'", self.sent[0])
- def test_command_help_nosuch(self):
- self.do_test_command('help', args='foo', exp_UsageError=True)
- def test_command_shutdown(self):
- self.do_test_command('shutdown', exp_UsageError=True)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot.factory.allowShutdown, False)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot.master.botmaster.shuttingDown, False)
- def test_command_shutdown_dissalowed(self):
- self.do_test_command('shutdown', args='check', exp_UsageError=True)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot.factory.allowShutdown, False)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot.master.botmaster.shuttingDown, False)
- def test_command_shutdown_check_running(self):
- self.do_test_command('shutdown', args='check', allowShutdown=True, shuttingDown=False)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot.factory.allowShutdown, True)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot.master.botmaster.shuttingDown, False)
- self.assertIn('buildbot is running', self.sent[0])
- def test_command_shutdown_check_shutting_down(self):
- self.do_test_command('shutdown', args='check', allowShutdown=True, shuttingDown=True)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot.factory.allowShutdown, True)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot.master.botmaster.shuttingDown, True)
- self.assertIn('buildbot is shutting down', self.sent[0])
- def test_command_shutdown_start(self):
- self.do_test_command('shutdown', args='start', allowShutdown=True, shuttingDown=False)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot.factory.allowShutdown, True)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot.master.botmaster.shuttingDown, True)
- def test_command_shutdown_stop(self):
- self.do_test_command('shutdown', args='stop', allowShutdown=True, shuttingDown=True)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot.factory.allowShutdown, True)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot.master.botmaster.shuttingDown, False)
- def test_command_shutdown_now(self):
- stop = mock.Mock()
- self.patch(reactor, 'stop', stop)
- self.do_test_command('shutdown', args='now', allowShutdown=True)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot.factory.allowShutdown, True)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot.master.botmaster.shuttingDown, False)
- stop.assert_called_with()
- def test_command_source(self):
- self.do_test_command('source')
- self.assertIn('My source', self.sent[0])
- def test_command_commands(self):
- self.do_test_command('commands')
- self.assertIn('buildbot commands', self.sent[0])
- def test_command_destroy(self):
- self.do_test_command('destroy', exp_usage=False)
- self.assertEqual(self.actions, [ 'readies phasers' ])
- def test_command_dance(self):
- self.do_test_command('dance', clock_ticks=[1.0]*10, exp_usage=False)
- self.assertTrue(self.sent) # doesn't matter what it sent
- def test_send(self):
- events = []
- def msgOrNotice(dest, msg):
- events.append((dest, msg))
- self.contact.bot.msgOrNotice = msgOrNotice
- self.contact.send("unmuted")
- self.contact.send(u"unmuted, unicode \N{SNOWMAN}")
- self.contact.muted = True
- self.contact.send("muted")
- self.assertEqual(events, [
- ('#buildbot', 'unmuted'),
- ('#buildbot', 'unmuted, unicode ?'),
- ])
- def test_act(self):
- events = []
- def describe(dest, msg):
- events.append((dest, msg))
- self.contact.bot.describe = describe
- self.contact.act("unmuted")
- self.contact.act(u"unmuted, unicode \N{SNOWMAN}")
- self.contact.muted = True
- self.contact.act("muted")
- self.assertEqual(events, [
- ('#buildbot', 'unmuted'),
- ('#buildbot', 'unmuted, unicode ?'),
- ])
- def test_handleMessage_silly(self):
- silly_prompt = self.contact.silly.keys()[0]
- self.contact.doSilly = mock.Mock()
- d = self.contact.handleMessage(silly_prompt, 'me')
- @d.addCallback
- def cb(_):
- self.contact.doSilly.assert_called_with(silly_prompt)
- return d
- def test_handleMessage_short_command(self):
- self.contact.command_TESTY = mock.Mock()
- d = self.contact.handleMessage('testy', 'me')
- @d.addCallback
- def cb(_):
- self.contact.command_TESTY.assert_called_with('', 'me')
- return d
- def test_handleMessage_long_command(self):
- self.contact.command_TESTY = mock.Mock()
- d = self.contact.handleMessage('testy westy boo', 'me')
- @d.addCallback
- def cb(_):
- self.contact.command_TESTY.assert_called_with('westy boo', 'me')
- return d
- def test_handleMessage_excited(self):
- self.patch_send()
- d = self.contact.handleMessage('hi!', 'me')
- @d.addCallback
- def cb(_):
- self.assertEqual(len(self.sent), 1) # who cares what it says..
- return d
- @compat.usesFlushLoggedErrors
- def test_handleMessage_exception(self):
- self.patch_send()
- def command_TESTY(msg, who):
- raise RuntimeError("FAIL")
- self.contact.command_TESTY = command_TESTY
- d = self.contact.handleMessage('testy boom', 'me')
- @d.addCallback
- def cb(_):
- self.assertEqual(self.sent,
- [ "Something bad happened (see logs)" ])
- self.assertEqual(len(self.flushLoggedErrors(RuntimeError)), 1)
- return d
- def test_handleMessage_UsageError(self):
- self.patch_send()
- def command_TESTY(msg, who):
- raise words.UsageError("oh noes")
- self.contact.command_TESTY = command_TESTY
- d = self.contact.handleMessage('testy boom', 'me')
- @d.addCallback
- def cb(_):
- self.assertEqual(self.sent, [ "oh noes" ])
- return d
- def test_handleAction_ignored(self):
- self.patch_act()
- self.contact.handleAction('waves hi', 'me')
- self.assertEqual(self.actions, [])
- def test_handleAction_kick(self):
- self.patch_act()
- self.contact.handleAction('kicks nick', 'me')
- self.assertEqual(self.actions, ['kicks back'])
- def test_handleAction_stpuid(self):
- self.patch_act()
- self.contact.handleAction('stupids nick', 'me')
- self.assertEqual(self.actions, ['stupids me too'])
- def test_unclosed_quote(self):
- self.do_test_command('list', args='args\'', exp_UsageError=True)
- self.do_test_command('status', args='args\'', exp_UsageError=True)
- self.do_test_command('notify', args='args\'', exp_UsageError=True)
- self.do_test_command('watch', args='args\'', exp_UsageError=True)
- self.do_test_command('force', args='args\'', exp_UsageError=True)
- self.do_test_command('stop', args='args\'', exp_UsageError=True)
- self.do_test_command('last', args='args\'', exp_UsageError=True)
- self.do_test_command('help', args='args\'', exp_UsageError=True)
-class FakeContact(object):
- def __init__(self, bot, name):
- self.bot = bot
- self.name = name
- self.messages = []
- self.actions = []
- def handleMessage(self, message, user):
- self.messages.append((message, user))
- def handleAction(self, data, user):
- self.actions.append((data, user))
-class TestIrcStatusBot(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.status = mock.Mock(name='status')
- def makeBot(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if not args:
- args = ('nick', 'pass', ['#ch'], [], self.status, [], {})
- return words.IrcStatusBot(*args, **kwargs)
- def test_msgOrNotice(self):
- b = self.makeBot(noticeOnChannel=False)
- b.notice = lambda d, m : evts.append(('n', d, m))
- b.msg = lambda d, m : evts.append(('m', d, m))
- evts = []
- b.msgOrNotice('nick', 'hi')
- self.assertEqual(evts, [('m', 'nick', 'hi')])
- evts = []
- b.msgOrNotice('#chan', 'hi')
- self.assertEqual(evts, [('m', '#chan', 'hi')])
- b.noticeOnChannel = True
- evts = []
- b.msgOrNotice('#chan', 'hi')
- self.assertEqual(evts, [('n', '#chan', 'hi')])
- def test_getContact(self):
- b = self.makeBot()
- c1 = b.getContact('c1')
- c2 = b.getContact('c2')
- c1b = b.getContact('c1')
- self.assertIdentical(c1, c1b)
- self.assertIsInstance(c2, words.IRCContact)
- def test_getContact_case_insensitive(self):
- b = self.makeBot()
- c1 = b.getContact('c1')
- c1b = b.getContact('C1')
- self.assertIdentical(c1, c1b)
- def test_privmsg_user(self):
- b = self.makeBot()
- b.contactClass = FakeContact
- b.privmsg('jimmy!~foo@bar', 'nick', 'hello')
- c = b.getContact('jimmy')
- self.assertEqual(c.messages, [('hello', 'jimmy')])
- def test_privmsg_user_uppercase(self):
- b = self.makeBot('NICK', 'pass', ['#ch'], [], self.status, [], {})
- b.contactClass = FakeContact
- b.privmsg('jimmy!~foo@bar', 'NICK', 'hello')
- c = b.getContact('jimmy')
- self.assertEqual(c.messages, [('hello', 'jimmy')])
- def test_privmsg_channel_unrelated(self):
- b = self.makeBot()
- b.contactClass = FakeContact
- b.privmsg('jimmy!~foo@bar', '#ch', 'hello')
- c = b.getContact('#ch')
- self.assertEqual(c.messages, [])
- def test_privmsg_channel_related(self):
- b = self.makeBot()
- b.contactClass = FakeContact
- b.privmsg('jimmy!~foo@bar', '#ch', 'nick: hello')
- c = b.getContact('#ch')
- self.assertEqual(c.messages, [(' hello', 'jimmy')])
- def test_action_unrelated(self):
- b = self.makeBot()
- b.contactClass = FakeContact
- b.action('jimmy!~foo@bar', '#ch', 'waves')
- c = b.getContact('#ch')
- self.assertEqual(c.actions, [])
- def test_action_unrelated_buildbot(self):
- b = self.makeBot()
- b.contactClass = FakeContact
- b.action('jimmy!~foo@bar', '#ch', 'waves at buildbot')# b.nickname is not 'buildbot'
- c = b.getContact('#ch')
- self.assertEqual(c.actions, [])
- def test_action_related(self):
- b = self.makeBot()
- b.contactClass = FakeContact
- b.action('jimmy!~foo@bar', '#ch', 'waves at nick')
- c = b.getContact('#ch')
- self.assertEqual(c.actions, [('waves at nick', 'jimmy')])
- def test_signedOn(self):
- b = self.makeBot('nick', 'pass',
- ['#ch1', dict(channel='#ch2', password='sekrits')],
- ['jimmy', 'bobby'], self.status, [], {})
- evts = []
- def msg(d, m):
- evts.append(('m', d, m))
- b.msg = msg
- def join(channel, key):
- evts.append(('k', channel, key))
- b.join = join
- b.contactClass = FakeContact
- b.signedOn()
- self.assertEqual(sorted(evts), [
- ('k', '#ch1', None),
- ('k', '#ch2', 'sekrits'),
- ('m', 'Nickserv', 'IDENTIFY pass'),
- ])
- self.assertEqual(sorted(b.contacts.keys()),
- # channels don't get added until joined() is called
- sorted(['jimmy', 'bobby']))
- def test_joined(self):
- b = self.makeBot()
- b.joined('#ch1')
- b.joined('#ch2')
- self.assertEqual(sorted(b.contacts.keys()),
- sorted(['#ch1', '#ch2']))
- def test_other(self):
- # these methods just log, but let's get them covered anyway
- b = self.makeBot()
- b.left('#ch1')
- b.kickedFrom('#ch1', 'dustin', 'go away!')
-class TestIrcStatusFactory(unittest.TestCase):
- def makeFactory(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if not args:
- args = ('nick', 'pass', ['ch'], [], [], {})
- return words.IrcStatusFactory(*args, **kwargs)
- def test_shutdown(self):
- # this is kinda lame, but the factory would be better tested
- # in an integration-test environment
- f = self.makeFactory()
- self.assertFalse(f.shuttingDown)
- f.shutdown()
- self.assertTrue(f.shuttingDown)
-class TestIRC(config.ConfigErrorsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def makeIRC(self, **kwargs):
- kwargs.setdefault('host', 'localhost')
- kwargs.setdefault('nick', 'russo')
- kwargs.setdefault('channels', ['#buildbot'])
- self.factory = None
- def TCPClient(host, port, factory):
- client = mock.Mock(name='tcp-client')
- client.host = host
- client.port = port
- client.factory = factory
- # keep for later
- self.factory = factory
- self.client = client
- return client
- self.patch(internet, 'TCPClient', TCPClient)
- return words.IRC(**kwargs)
- def test_constr(self):
- irc = self.makeIRC(host='foo', port=123)
- self.client.setServiceParent.assert_called_with(irc)
- self.assertEqual(self.client.host, 'foo')
- self.assertEqual(self.client.port, 123)
- self.assertIsInstance(self.client.factory, words.IrcStatusFactory)
- def test_constr_args(self):
- # test that the args to IRC(..) make it all the way down to
- # the IrcStatusBot class
- self.makeIRC(
- host='host',
- nick='nick',
- channels=['channels'],
- pm_to_nicks=['pm', 'to', 'nicks'],
- port=1234,
- allowForce=True,
- categories=['categories'],
- password='pass',
- notify_events={ 'successToFailure': 1, },
- noticeOnChannel=True,
- showBlameList=False,
- useRevisions=True,
- useSSL=False,
- lostDelay=10,
- failedDelay=20,
- useColors=False)
- # patch it up
- factory = self.factory
- proto_obj = mock.Mock(name='proto_obj')
- factory.protocol = mock.Mock(name='protocol', return_value=proto_obj)
- factory.status = 'STATUS'
- # run it
- p = factory.buildProtocol('address')
- self.assertIdentical(p, proto_obj)
- factory.protocol.assert_called_with(
- 'nick', 'pass', ['channels'], ['pm', 'to', 'nicks'],
- factory.status, ['categories'], { 'successToFailure': 1 },
- noticeOnChannel=True,
- useColors=False,
- useRevisions=True,
- showBlameList=False)
- def test_allowForce_notBool(self):
- """
- When L{IRCClient} is called with C{allowForce} not a boolean,
- a config error is reported.
- """
- self.assertRaisesConfigError("allowForce must be boolean, not",
- lambda: self.makeIRC(allowForce=object()))
- def test_allowShutdown_notBool(self):
- """
- When L{IRCClient} is called with C{allowShutdown} not a boolean,
- a config error is reported.
- """
- self.assertRaisesConfigError("allowShutdown must be boolean, not",
- lambda: self.makeIRC(allowShutdown=object()))
- def test_service(self):
- irc = self.makeIRC()
- # just put it through its paces
- irc.startService()
- return irc.stopService()