path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_status_web_links.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_status_web_links.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 239 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_status_web_links.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_status_web_links.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4abe1573..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_status_web_links.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import buildbot.status.web.base as wb
-import jinja2, re
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-class RevisionLinks(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test webstatus revision link filters
- """
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def _test(self, env, should_have_links=True):
- for name in ['shortrev', 'revlink']:
- f = env.filters[name]
- for r in [None, 'repo', 'repo2', 'sub/repo']:
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f(None, r), 'repo: %s' % r)
- if should_have_links:
- self.assertSubstring('<a', f(1234, r), 'repo: %s' % r)
- self.assertSubstring('<a', f('deadbeef1234', r), 'repo: %s' % r)
- else:
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f(1234, r), 'repo: %s' % r)
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f('deadbeef1234', r), 'repo: %s' % r)
- def test_default(self):
- env = wb.createJinjaEnv()
- self._test(env, False)
- def test_format(self):
- env = wb.createJinjaEnv('http://myserver.net/repo/%s')
- self._test(env)
- def test_dict(self):
- env = wb.createJinjaEnv({None: 'http://default.net/repo/%s',
- 'repo': 'http://myserver.net/repo/%s',
- 'repo2': 'http://myserver2.net/repo/%s',
- 'sub/repo': 'http://otherserver.com/%s'})
- self._test(env)
- def test_callable(self):
- def my_revlink(rev, repo):
- import urllib
- if not rev:
- return None
- if not repo:
- repo = 'main'
- rev = urllib.quote(rev)
- repo = urllib.quote(repo)
- return 'http://myserver.net/repos/%s/rev/%s' % (repo, rev)
- env = wb.createJinjaEnv(my_revlink)
- self._test(env)
- def test_template(self):
- template_str = '''{{ rev|revlink('repo') }} - {{ rev|shortrev('repo') }}'''
- env = wb.createJinjaEnv(revlink='http://myserver.net/repo/%s')
- template = env.from_string(template_str)
- rev = '1234567890' * 4 # reasonably long
- html = template.render(rev=rev)
- self.assertSubstring('http://myserver.net/repo/%s' % rev, html)
- self.assertSubstring('...', html) # did it get shortened?
- self.assertEquals(html.count('<a'), 3) # one in revlink, two in shortrev
-class ChangeCommentLinks(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests webstatus changecomment link filter
- """
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def _test(self, env):
- f = env.filters['changecomment']
- for p in [None, 'project1', 'project2']:
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f('', p))
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f('There is no ticket...', p))
- self.assertSubstring('<a', f('There is a ticket #123', p))
- self.assertEquals(f('There are two tickets #123 and #456', p).count("<a"), 2)
- def test_default(self):
- env = wb.createJinjaEnv()
- f = env.filters['changecomment']
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f(None, ''))
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f(None, 'There is no ticket #123'))
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f('project', ''))
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f('project', 'There is no ticket #123'))
- def test_tuple2(self):
- env = wb.createJinjaEnv(
- changecommentlink=(r'#(\d+)', r'http://buildbot.net/trac/ticket/\1'))
- self._test(env)
- def test_tuple3(self):
- env = wb.createJinjaEnv(
- changecommentlink=(r'#(\d+)', r'http://buildbot.net/trac/ticket/\1',
- r'Ticket #\1'))
- self._test(env)
- def test_dict_2tuple(self):
- env = wb.createJinjaEnv(
- changecommentlink={
- None: (r'#(\d+)', r'http://server/trac/ticket/\1'),
- 'project1': (r'#(\d+)', r'http://server/trac/p1/ticket/\1'),
- 'project2': (r'#(\d+)', r'http://server/trac/p2/ticket/\1')
- })
- self._test(env)
- f = env.filters['changecomment']
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f('fixed #123', 'nonexistingproject'))
- def test_dict_3tuple(self):
- env = wb.createJinjaEnv(
- changecommentlink={
- None: (r'#(\d+)', r'http://server/trac/ticket/\1', r'Ticket #\1'),
- 'project1': (r'#(\d+)', r'http://server/trac/p1/ticket/\1', r'Ticket #\1'),
- 'project2': (r'#(\d+)', r'http://server/bugzilla/p2/ticket/\1', r'Bug #\1')
- })
- self._test(env)
- f = env.filters['changecomment']
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f('fixed #123', 'nonexistingproject'))
- def test_callable(self):
- r1 = re.compile(r'#(\d+)')
- r2 = re.compile(r'bug ([a-eA-E0-9]+)')
- r1_sub = jinja2.Markup(r'<a href="\1" title="Ticket #\1">\g<0></a>')
- r2_sub = jinja2.Markup(r'<a href="\1" title="Bug \1"><img src="\bug.png">\g<0></a>')
- def my_changelink(changehtml, project):
- if project == 'nonexistingproject':
- return changehtml
- html1 = r1.sub(r1_sub, changehtml)
- html2 = r2.sub(r2_sub, html1)
- return html2
- env = wb.createJinjaEnv(changecommentlink=my_changelink)
- self._test(env)
- f = env.filters['changecomment']
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f('fixed #123', 'nonexistingproject'))
-class DictLinkfilter(unittest.TestCase):
- '''test the dictlink filter used for top-level links to
- projects and repostiories'''
- def test_default(self):
- f = wb.dictlinkfilter(None)
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f(None))
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f('repo'))
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f('repo2'))
- def test_simple(self):
- f = wb.dictlinkfilter({'repo': 'http://myrepo.net'})
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f(None))
- self.assertSubstring('<a', f('repo'))
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f('repo2'))
- self.assertEquals(f('bah'), 'bah') # passthrough
- def test_callable(self):
- def my_dictlink(value):
- if len(value) == 0:
- return 'http://thevoid.net'
- if len(value) == 1:
- return 'http://highlander.net'
- if value == 'hiddenproject':
- return None
- else:
- return 'http://legion.net'
- f = wb.dictlinkfilter(my_dictlink)
- self.assertSubstring('thevoid', f(''))
- self.assertSubstring('highlander', f('X'))
- self.assertSubstring('legion', f('many'))
- self.assertSubstring('<a', f('many'))
- self.assertNotSubstring('<a', f('hiddenproject'))
- def test_jinjaenv(self):
- env = wb.createJinjaEnv(repositories={'a': 'http://a.net'},
- projects={'b': 'http://b.net'})
- self.assertSubstring('<a href="http://a.net">', env.filters['repolink']('a'))
- self.assertSubstring('<a href="http://b.net">', env.filters['projectlink']('b'))
-class EmailFilter(unittest.TestCase):
- ''' test that the email filter actually obfuscates email addresses'''
- def test_emailfilter(self):
- self.assertNotSubstring('me@the.net', wb.emailfilter('me@the.net'))
- self.assertSubstring('me', wb.emailfilter('me@the.net'))
- self.assertSubstring('@', wb.emailfilter('me@the.net'))
- self.assertSubstring('the.net', wb.emailfilter('me@the.net'))
-class UserFilter(unittest.TestCase):
- '''test commit user names filtering, should be safe from complete
- email addresses and split user/email into separate HTML instances'''
- def test_emailfilter(self):
- self.assertNotSubstring('me@the.net', wb.userfilter('me@the.net'))
- self.assertNotSubstring('me@the.net', wb.userfilter('Me <me@the.net>'))
- def test_emailfilter_split(self):
- self.assertNotSubstring('Me <me', wb.userfilter('Me <me@the.net>'))
- self.assertSubstring('me', wb.userfilter('Me <me@the.net>'))
- self.assertSubstring('the.net', wb.userfilter('Me <me@the.net>'))
- self.assertSubstring('John Doe', wb.userfilter('John Doe <me@the.net>'))