path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_schedulers_timed_Nightly.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_schedulers_timed_Nightly.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 208 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_schedulers_timed_Nightly.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_schedulers_timed_Nightly.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 34d6c3cb..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_schedulers_timed_Nightly.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import time
-import mock
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.internet import defer, task
-from twisted.python import log
-from buildbot.schedulers import timed
-from buildbot.test.util import scheduler
-from buildbot.changes import filter
-from buildbot import config
-class Nightly(scheduler.SchedulerMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- OBJECTID = 132
- # not all timezones are even multiples of 1h from GMT. This variable
- # holds the number of seconds ahead of the hour for the current timezone.
- # This is then added to the clock before each test is run (to get to 0
- # minutes past the hour) and subtracted before the time offset is reported.
- localtime_offset = time.timezone % 3600
- def makeScheduler(self, firstBuildDuration=0, **kwargs):
- sched = self.attachScheduler(timed.Nightly(**kwargs),
- self.OBJECTID)
- # add a Clock to help checking timing issues
- self.clock = sched._reactor = task.Clock()
- self.clock.advance(self.localtime_offset) # get to 0 min past the hour
- # keep track of builds in self.events
- self.events = []
- def addBuildsetForLatest(reason='', external_idstring='',
- branch=None, repository='', project=''):
- self.assertIn('scheduler named', reason)
- isFirst = (self.events == [])
- self.events.append('B(%s)@%d' % (branch,
- # show the offset as seconds past the GMT hour
- self.clock.seconds() - self.localtime_offset))
- if isFirst and firstBuildDuration:
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.clock.callLater(firstBuildDuration, d.callback, None)
- return d
- else:
- return defer.succeed(None)
- sched.addBuildsetForLatest = addBuildsetForLatest
- def addBuildsetForChanges(reason='', external_idstring='', changeids=[]):
- self.events.append('B%s@%d' % (`changeids`.replace(' ',''),
- # show the offset as seconds past the GMT hour
- self.clock.seconds() - self.localtime_offset))
- return defer.succeed(None)
- sched.addBuildsetForChanges = addBuildsetForChanges
- # see self.assertConsumingChanges
- self.consumingChanges = None
- def startConsumingChanges(**kwargs):
- self.consumingChanges = kwargs
- return defer.succeed(None)
- sched.startConsumingChanges = startConsumingChanges
- return sched
- def setUp(self):
- self.setUpScheduler()
- def tearDown(self):
- self.tearDownScheduler()
- def assertConsumingChanges(self, **kwargs):
- self.assertEqual(self.consumingChanges, kwargs)
- ## Tests
- def test_constructor_change_filter(self):
- sched = self.makeScheduler(name='test', builderNames=['test'],
- branch=None, change_filter=filter.ChangeFilter(category_re="fo+o"))
- assert sched.change_filter
- def test_constructor_no_branch(self):
- self.assertRaises(config.ConfigErrors,
- lambda : self.makeScheduler(name='test', builderNames=['test'],
- change_filter=filter.ChangeFilter(category_re="fo+o")))
- ## end-to-end tests: let's see the scheduler in action
- def test_iterations_simple(self):
- # note that Nightly works in local time, but the task.Clock() always
- # starts at midnight UTC, so be careful not to use times that are
- # timezone dependent -- stick to minutes-past-the-half-hour, as some
- # timezones are multiples of 30 minutes off from UTC
- sched = self.makeScheduler(name='test', builderNames=[ 'test' ], branch=None,
- minute=[10, 20, 21, 40, 50, 51])
- # add a change classification
- self.db.schedulers.fakeClassifications(self.OBJECTID, { 19 : True })
- sched.startService()
- # check that the classification has been flushed, since this
- # invocation has not requested onlyIfChanged
- self.db.schedulers.assertClassifications(self.OBJECTID, {})
- self.clock.advance(0) # let it get set up
- while self.clock.seconds() < self.localtime_offset + 30*60:
- self.clock.advance(60)
- self.assertEqual(self.events, [ 'B(None)@600', 'B(None)@1200', 'B(None)@1260' ])
- self.db.state.assertStateByClass('test', 'Nightly',
- last_build=1260 + self.localtime_offset)
- d = sched.stopService()
- return d
- def test_iterations_simple_with_branch(self):
- # see timezone warning above
- sched = self.makeScheduler(name='test', builderNames=[ 'test' ],
- branch='master', minute=[5, 35])
- sched.startService()
- self.clock.advance(0)
- while self.clock.seconds() < self.localtime_offset + 10*60:
- self.clock.advance(60)
- self.assertEqual(self.events, [ 'B(master)@300' ])
- self.db.state.assertStateByClass('test', 'Nightly',
- last_build=300 + self.localtime_offset)
- d = sched.stopService()
- return d
- def do_test_iterations_onlyIfChanged(self, *changes_at):
- fII = mock.Mock(name='fII')
- sched = self.makeScheduler(name='test', builderNames=[ 'test' ], branch=None,
- minute=[5, 25, 45], onlyIfChanged=True,
- fileIsImportant=fII)
- sched.startService()
- # check that the scheduler has started to consume changes
- self.assertConsumingChanges(fileIsImportant=fII, change_filter=None,
- onlyImportant=False)
- # manually run the clock forward through a half-hour, allowing any
- # excitement to take place
- changes_at = list(changes_at)
- self.clock.advance(0) # let it trigger the first build
- while self.clock.seconds() < self.localtime_offset + 30*60:
- # inject any new changes..
- while (changes_at and
- self.clock.seconds() >=
- self.localtime_offset + changes_at[0][0]):
- when, newchange, important = changes_at.pop(0)
- self.sched.gotChange(newchange, important).addErrback(log.err)
- # and advance the clock by a minute
- self.clock.advance(60)
- def test_iterations_onlyIfChanged_no_changes(self):
- self.do_test_iterations_onlyIfChanged()
- self.assertEqual(self.events, [])
- self.db.state.assertStateByClass('test', 'Nightly',
- last_build=1500 + self.localtime_offset)
- return self.sched.stopService()
- def test_iterations_onlyIfChanged_unimp_changes(self):
- self.do_test_iterations_onlyIfChanged(
- (60, mock.Mock(), False),
- (600, mock.Mock(), False))
- self.assertEqual(self.events, [])
- self.db.state.assertStateByClass('test', 'Nightly',
- last_build=1500 + self.localtime_offset)
- return self.sched.stopService()
- def test_iterations_onlyIfChanged_off_branch_changes(self):
- self.do_test_iterations_onlyIfChanged(
- (60, self.makeFakeChange(branch='testing'), True),
- (1700, self.makeFakeChange(branch='staging'), True))
- self.assertEqual(self.events, [])
- self.db.state.assertStateByClass('test', 'Nightly',
- last_build=1500 + self.localtime_offset)
- return self.sched.stopService()
- def test_iterations_onlyIfChanged_mixed_changes(self):
- self.do_test_iterations_onlyIfChanged(
- (120, self.makeFakeChange(number=3, branch=None), False),
- (130, self.makeFakeChange(number=4, branch='offbranch'), True),
- (1200, self.makeFakeChange(number=5, branch=None), True),
- (1201, self.makeFakeChange(number=6, branch=None), False),
- (1202, self.makeFakeChange(number=7, branch='offbranch'), True))
- # note that the changeid list includes the unimportant changes, but not the
- # off-branch changes, and note that no build took place at 300s, as no important
- # changes had yet arrived
- self.assertEqual(self.events, [ 'B[3,5,6]@1500' ])
- self.db.state.assertStateByClass('test', 'Nightly',
- last_build=1500 + self.localtime_offset)
- return self.sched.stopService()