path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_changes_p4poller.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_changes_p4poller.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 238 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_changes_p4poller.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_changes_p4poller.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 02e0f67f..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/unit/test_changes_p4poller.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import time
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from buildbot.changes.p4poller import P4Source, get_simple_split, P4PollerError
-from buildbot.test.util import changesource, gpo
-from buildbot.util import epoch2datetime
-first_p4changes = \
-"""Change 1 on 2006/04/13 by slamb@testclient 'first rev'
-second_p4changes = \
-"""Change 3 on 2006/04/13 by bob@testclient 'short desc truncated'
-Change 2 on 2006/04/13 by slamb@testclient 'bar'
-third_p4changes = \
-"""Change 5 on 2006/04/13 by mpatel@testclient 'first rev'
-change_4_log = \
-"""Change 4 by mpatel@testclient on 2006/04/13 21:55:39
- short desc truncated because this is a long description.
-change_3_log = \
-u"""Change 3 by bob@testclient on 2006/04/13 21:51:39
- short desc truncated because this is a long description.
- ASDF-GUI-P3-\u2018Upgrade Icon\u2019 disappears sometimes.
-change_2_log = \
-"""Change 2 by slamb@testclient on 2006/04/13 21:46:23
- creation
-p4change = {
- 3: change_3_log +
-"""Affected files ...
-... //depot/myproject/branch_b/branch_b_file#1 add
-... //depot/myproject/branch_b/whatbranch#1 branch
-... //depot/myproject/branch_c/whatbranch#1 branch
- 2: change_2_log +
-"""Affected files ...
-... //depot/myproject/trunk/whatbranch#1 add
-... //depot/otherproject/trunk/something#1 add
- 5: change_4_log +
-"""Affected files ...
-... //depot/myproject/branch_b/branch_b_file#1 add
-... //depot/myproject/branch_b#75 edit
-... //depot/myproject/branch_c/branch_c_file#1 add
-class TestP4Poller(changesource.ChangeSourceMixin,
- gpo.GetProcessOutputMixin,
- unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.setUpGetProcessOutput()
- return self.setUpChangeSource()
- def tearDown(self):
- return self.tearDownChangeSource()
- def add_p4_describe_result(self, number, result):
- self.expectCommands(
- gpo.Expect('p4', 'describe', '-s', str(number)).stdout(result))
- def makeTime(self, timestring):
- datefmt = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
- when = time.mktime(time.strptime(timestring, datefmt))
- return epoch2datetime(when)
- # tests
- def test_describe(self):
- self.attachChangeSource(
- P4Source(p4port=None, p4user=None,
- p4base='//depot/myproject/',
- split_file=lambda x: x.split('/', 1)))
- self.assertSubstring("p4source", self.changesource.describe())
- def do_test_poll_successful(self, **kwargs):
- encoding = kwargs.get('encoding', 'utf8')
- self.attachChangeSource(
- P4Source(p4port=None, p4user=None,
- p4base='//depot/myproject/',
- split_file=lambda x: x.split('/', 1),
- **kwargs))
- self.expectCommands(
- gpo.Expect('p4', 'changes', '-m', '1', '//depot/myproject/...').stdout(first_p4changes),
- gpo.Expect('p4', 'changes', '//depot/myproject/...@2,now').stdout(second_p4changes),
- )
- encoded_p4change = p4change.copy()
- encoded_p4change[3] = encoded_p4change[3].encode(encoding)
- self.add_p4_describe_result(2, encoded_p4change[2])
- self.add_p4_describe_result(3, encoded_p4change[3])
- # The first time, it just learns the change to start at.
- self.assert_(self.changesource.last_change is None)
- d = self.changesource.poll()
- def check_first_check(_):
- self.assertEquals(self.changes_added, [])
- self.assertEquals(self.changesource.last_change, 1)
- d.addCallback(check_first_check)
- # Subsequent times, it returns Change objects for new changes.
- d.addCallback(lambda _ : self.changesource.poll())
- def check_second_check(res):
- self.assertEquals(len(self.changes_added), 3)
- self.assertEquals(self.changesource.last_change, 3)
- # They're supposed to go oldest to newest, so this one must be first.
- self.assertEquals(self.changes_added[0],
- dict(author='slamb',
- files=['whatbranch'],
- project='',
- comments=change_2_log,
- revision='2',
- when_timestamp=self.makeTime("2006/04/13 21:46:23"),
- branch='trunk'))
- # These two can happen in either order, since they're from the same
- # Perforce change.
- if self.changes_added[1]['branch'] == 'branch_c':
- self.changes_added[1:] = reversed(self.changes_added[1:])
- self.assertEquals(self.changes_added[1],
- dict(author='bob',
- files=['branch_b_file',
- 'whatbranch'],
- project='',
- comments=change_3_log, # converted to unicode correctly
- revision='3',
- when_timestamp=self.makeTime("2006/04/13 21:51:39"),
- branch='branch_b'))
- self.assertEquals(self.changes_added[2],
- dict(author='bob',
- files=['whatbranch'],
- project='',
- comments=change_3_log, # converted to unicode correctly
- revision='3',
- when_timestamp=self.makeTime("2006/04/13 21:51:39"),
- branch='branch_c'))
- self.assertAllCommandsRan()
- d.addCallback(check_second_check)
- return d
- def test_poll_successful_default_encoding(self):
- return self.do_test_poll_successful()
- def test_poll_successful_macroman_encoding(self):
- return self.do_test_poll_successful(encoding='macroman')
- def test_poll_failed_changes(self):
- self.attachChangeSource(
- P4Source(p4port=None, p4user=None,
- p4base='//depot/myproject/',
- split_file=lambda x: x.split('/', 1)))
- self.expectCommands(
- gpo.Expect('p4', 'changes', '-m', '1', '//depot/myproject/...').stdout('Perforce client error:\n...'))
- # call _poll, so we can catch the failure
- d = self.changesource._poll()
- return self.assertFailure(d, P4PollerError)
- def test_poll_failed_describe(self):
- self.attachChangeSource(
- P4Source(p4port=None, p4user=None,
- p4base='//depot/myproject/',
- split_file=lambda x: x.split('/', 1)))
- self.expectCommands(
- gpo.Expect('p4', 'changes', '//depot/myproject/...@3,now').stdout(second_p4changes),
- )
- self.add_p4_describe_result(2, p4change[2])
- self.add_p4_describe_result(3, 'Perforce client error:\n...')
- self.changesource.last_change = 2 # tell poll() that it's already been called once
- # call _poll, so we can catch the failure
- d = self.changesource._poll()
- self.assertFailure(d, P4PollerError)
- @d.addCallback
- def check(_):
- # check that 2 was processed OK
- self.assertEquals(self.changesource.last_change, 2)
- self.assertAllCommandsRan()
- return d
- def test_poll_split_file(self):
- """Make sure split file works on branch only changes"""
- self.attachChangeSource(
- P4Source(p4port=None, p4user=None,
- p4base='//depot/myproject/',
- split_file=get_simple_split))
- self.expectCommands(
- gpo.Expect('p4', 'changes', '//depot/myproject/...@51,now').stdout(third_p4changes),
- )
- self.add_p4_describe_result(5, p4change[5])
- self.changesource.last_change = 50
- d = self.changesource.poll()
- def check(res):
- self.assertEquals(len(self.changes_added), 2)
- self.assertEquals(self.changesource.last_change, 5)
- self.assertAllCommandsRan()
- d.addCallback(check)
- return d
-class TestSplit(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_get_simple_split(self):
- self.assertEqual(get_simple_split('foo/bar'), ('foo', 'bar'))
- self.assertEqual(get_simple_split('foo-bar'), (None, None))
- self.assertEqual(get_simple_split('/bar'), ('', 'bar'))
- self.assertEqual(get_simple_split('foo/'), ('foo', ''))