path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/svn.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/svn.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 381 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/svn.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/svn.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a49e9e07..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/svn.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import xml.dom.minidom
-import xml.parsers.expat
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from buildbot.process import buildstep
-from buildbot.steps.source.base import Source
-from buildbot.interfaces import BuildSlaveTooOldError
-from buildbot.config import ConfigErrors
-class SVN(Source):
- """I perform Subversion checkout/update operations."""
- name = 'svn'
- renderables = [ 'repourl' ]
- possible_modes = ('incremental', 'full')
- possible_methods = ('clean', 'fresh', 'clobber', 'copy', 'export', None)
- def __init__(self, repourl=None, mode='incremental',
- method=None, username=None,
- password=None, extra_args=None, keep_on_purge=None,
- depth=None, preferLastChangedRev=False, **kwargs):
- self.repourl = repourl
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- self.extra_args = extra_args
- self.keep_on_purge = keep_on_purge or []
- self.depth = depth
- self.method = method
- self.mode = mode
- self.preferLastChangedRev = preferLastChangedRev
- Source.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- errors = []
- if self.mode not in self.possible_modes:
- errors.append("mode %s is not one of %s" % (self.mode, self.possible_modes))
- if self.method not in self.possible_methods:
- errors.append("method %s is not one of %s" % (self.method, self.possible_methods))
- if repourl is None:
- errors.append("you must provide repourl")
- if errors:
- raise ConfigErrors(errors)
- def startVC(self, branch, revision, patch):
- self.revision = revision
- self.method = self._getMethod()
- self.stdio_log = self.addLogForRemoteCommands("stdio")
- d = self.checkSvn()
- def checkInstall(svnInstalled):
- if not svnInstalled:
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError("SVN is not installed on slave")
- return 0
- d.addCallback(checkInstall)
- if self.mode == 'full':
- d.addCallback(self.full)
- elif self.mode == 'incremental':
- d.addCallback(self.incremental)
- d.addCallback(self.parseGotRevision)
- d.addCallback(self.finish)
- d.addErrback(self.failed)
- return d
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def full(self, _):
- if self.method == 'clobber':
- yield self.clobber()
- return
- elif self.method in ['copy', 'export']:
- yield self.copy()
- return
- updatable = yield self._sourcedirIsUpdatable()
- if not updatable:
- # blow away the old (un-updatable) directory
- yield self.runRmdir(self.workdir)
- # then do a checkout
- checkout_cmd = ['checkout', self.repourl, '.']
- if self.revision:
- checkout_cmd.extend(["--revision", str(self.revision)])
- yield self._dovccmd(checkout_cmd)
- elif self.method == 'clean':
- yield self.clean()
- elif self.method == 'fresh':
- yield self.fresh()
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def incremental(self, _):
- updatable = yield self._sourcedirIsUpdatable()
- if not updatable:
- # blow away the old (un-updatable) directory
- yield self.runRmdir(self.workdir)
- # and plan to do a checkout
- command = ['checkout', self.repourl, '.']
- else:
- # otherwise, do an update
- command = ['update']
- if self.revision:
- command.extend(['--revision', str(self.revision)])
- yield self._dovccmd(command)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def clobber(self):
- yield self.runRmdir(self.workdir)
- checkout_cmd = ['checkout', self.repourl, '.']
- if self.revision:
- checkout_cmd.extend(["--revision", str(self.revision)])
- yield self._dovccmd(checkout_cmd)
- def fresh(self):
- d = self.purge(True)
- cmd = ['update']
- if self.revision:
- cmd.extend(['--revision', str(self.revision)])
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self._dovccmd(cmd))
- return d
- def clean(self):
- d = self.purge(False)
- cmd = ['update']
- if self.revision:
- cmd.extend(['--revision', str(self.revision)])
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self._dovccmd(cmd))
- return d
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def copy(self):
- yield self.runRmdir(self.workdir)
- # temporarily set workdir = 'source' and do an incremental checkout
- try:
- old_workdir = self.workdir
- self.workdir = 'source'
- yield self.incremental(None)
- except: # finally doesn't work in python-2.4
- self.workdir = old_workdir
- raise
- self.workdir = old_workdir
- # if we're copying, copy; otherwise, export from source to build
- if self.method == 'copy':
- cmd = buildstep.RemoteCommand('cpdir',
- { 'fromdir': 'source', 'todir':self.workdir,
- 'logEnviron': self.logEnviron })
- else:
- export_cmd = ['svn', 'export']
- if self.revision:
- export_cmd.extend(["--revision", str(self.revision)])
- export_cmd.extend(['source', self.workdir])
- cmd = buildstep.RemoteShellCommand('', export_cmd,
- env=self.env, logEnviron=self.logEnviron, timeout=self.timeout)
- cmd.useLog(self.stdio_log, False)
- yield self.runCommand(cmd)
- if cmd.didFail():
- raise buildstep.BuildStepFailed()
- def finish(self, res):
- d = defer.succeed(res)
- def _gotResults(results):
- self.setStatus(self.cmd, results)
- return results
- d.addCallback(_gotResults)
- d.addCallbacks(self.finished, self.checkDisconnect)
- return d
- def _dovccmd(self, command, collectStdout=False):
- assert command, "No command specified"
- command.extend(['--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache'])
- if self.username:
- command.extend(['--username', self.username])
- if self.password:
- command.extend(['--password', self.password])
- if self.depth:
- command.extend(['--depth', self.depth])
- if self.extra_args:
- command.extend(self.extra_args)
- cmd = buildstep.RemoteShellCommand(self.workdir, ['svn'] + command,
- env=self.env,
- logEnviron=self.logEnviron,
- timeout=self.timeout,
- collectStdout=collectStdout)
- cmd.useLog(self.stdio_log, False)
- log.msg("Starting SVN command : svn %s" % (" ".join(command), ))
- d = self.runCommand(cmd)
- def evaluateCommand(cmd):
- if cmd.didFail():
- log.msg("Source step failed while running command %s" % cmd)
- raise buildstep.BuildStepFailed()
- if collectStdout:
- return cmd.stdout
- else:
- return cmd.rc
- d.addCallback(lambda _: evaluateCommand(cmd))
- return d
- def _getMethod(self):
- if self.method is not None and self.mode != 'incremental':
- return self.method
- elif self.mode == 'incremental':
- return None
- elif self.method is None and self.mode == 'full':
- return 'fresh'
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _sourcedirIsUpdatable(self):
- # first, perform a stat to ensure that this is really an svn directory
- res = yield self.pathExists(self.build.path_module.join(self.workdir, '.svn'))
- if not res:
- defer.returnValue(False)
- return
- # then run 'svn info --xml' to check that the URL matches our repourl
- stdout = yield self._dovccmd(['info', '--xml'], collectStdout=True)
- try:
- stdout_xml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(stdout)
- extractedurl = stdout_xml.getElementsByTagName('url')[0].firstChild.nodeValue
- except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
- msg = "Corrupted xml, aborting step"
- self.stdio_log.addHeader(msg)
- raise buildstep.BuildStepFailed()
- defer.returnValue(extractedurl == self.repourl)
- return
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def parseGotRevision(self, _):
- # if this was a full/export, then we need to check svnversion in the
- # *source* directory, not the build directory
- svnversion_dir = self.workdir
- if self.mode == 'full' and self.method == 'export':
- svnversion_dir = 'source'
- cmd = buildstep.RemoteShellCommand(svnversion_dir, ['svn', 'info', '--xml'],
- env=self.env,
- logEnviron=self.logEnviron,
- timeout=self.timeout,
- collectStdout=True)
- cmd.useLog(self.stdio_log, False)
- yield self.runCommand(cmd)
- stdout = cmd.stdout
- try:
- stdout_xml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(stdout)
- except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
- msg = "Corrupted xml, aborting step"
- self.stdio_log.addHeader(msg)
- raise buildstep.BuildStepFailed()
- revision = None
- if self.preferLastChangedRev:
- try:
- revision = stdout_xml.getElementsByTagName('commit')[0].attributes['revision'].value
- except (KeyError, IndexError):
- msg =("SVN.parseGotRevision unable to detect Last Changed Rev in"
- " output of svn info")
- log.msg(msg)
- # fall through and try to get 'Revision' instead
- if revision is None:
- try:
- revision = stdout_xml.getElementsByTagName('entry')[0].attributes['revision'].value
- except (KeyError, IndexError):
- msg =("SVN.parseGotRevision unable to detect revision in"
- " output of svn info")
- log.msg(msg)
- raise buildstep.BuildStepFailed()
- msg = "Got SVN revision %s" % (revision, )
- self.stdio_log.addHeader(msg)
- self.updateSourceProperty('got_revision', revision)
- defer.returnValue(cmd.rc)
- def purge(self, ignore_ignores):
- """Delete everything that shown up on status."""
- command = ['status', '--xml']
- if ignore_ignores:
- command.append('--no-ignore')
- d = self._dovccmd(command, collectStdout=True)
- def parseAndRemove(stdout):
- files = []
- for filename in self.getUnversionedFiles(stdout, self.keep_on_purge):
- filename = self.workdir+'/'+str(filename)
- files.append(filename)
- if len(files) == 0:
- d = defer.succeed(0)
- else:
- if self.slaveVersionIsOlderThan('rmdir', '2.14'):
- d = self.removeFiles(files)
- else:
- d = self.runRmdir(files, abandonOnFailure=False)
- return d
- d.addCallback(parseAndRemove)
- def evaluateCommand(rc):
- if rc != 0:
- log.msg("Failed removing files")
- raise buildstep.BuildStepFailed()
- return rc
- d.addCallback(evaluateCommand)
- return d
- @staticmethod
- def getUnversionedFiles(xmlStr, keep_on_purge):
- try:
- result_xml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlStr)
- except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
- log.err("Corrupted xml, aborting step")
- raise buildstep.BuildStepFailed()
- for entry in result_xml.getElementsByTagName('entry'):
- (wc_status,) = entry.getElementsByTagName('wc-status')
- if wc_status.getAttribute('item') == 'external':
- continue
- if wc_status.getAttribute('item') == 'missing':
- continue
- filename = entry.getAttribute('path')
- if filename in keep_on_purge or filename == '':
- continue
- yield filename
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def removeFiles(self, files):
- for filename in files:
- res = yield self.runRmdir(filename, abandonOnFailure=False)
- if res:
- defer.returnValue(res)
- return
- defer.returnValue(0)
- def checkSvn(self):
- cmd = buildstep.RemoteShellCommand(self.workdir, ['svn', '--version'],
- env=self.env,
- logEnviron=self.logEnviron,
- timeout=self.timeout)
- cmd.useLog(self.stdio_log, False)
- d = self.runCommand(cmd)
- def evaluate(cmd):
- if cmd.rc != 0:
- return False
- return True
- d.addCallback(lambda _: evaluate(cmd))
- return d
- def computeSourceRevision(self, changes):
- if not changes or None in [c.revision for c in changes]:
- return None
- lastChange = max([int(c.revision) for c in changes])
- return lastChange