path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/repo.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/repo.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 434 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/repo.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/repo.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f1a75e18..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/repo.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import re
-import textwrap
-from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
-from buildbot import util
-from buildbot.process import buildstep
-from buildbot.steps.source.base import Source
-from buildbot.interfaces import IRenderable
-from zope.interface import implements
-class RepoDownloadsFromProperties(util.ComparableMixin, object):
- implements(IRenderable)
- parse_download_re = (re.compile(r"repo download ([^ ]+) ([0-9]+/[0-9]+)"),
- re.compile(r"([^ ]+) ([0-9]+/[0-9]+)"),
- re.compile(r"([^ ]+)/([0-9]+/[0-9]+)"),
- )
- compare_attrs = ('names',)
- def __init__(self, names):
- self.names = names
- def getRenderingFor(self, props):
- downloads = []
- for propName in self.names:
- s = props.getProperty(propName)
- if s is not None:
- downloads.extend(self.parseDownloadProperty(s))
- return downloads
- def parseDownloadProperty(self, s):
- """
- lets try to be nice in the format we want
- can support several instances of "repo download proj number/patch" (direct copy paste from gerrit web site)
- or several instances of "proj number/patch" (simpler version)
- This feature allows integrator to build with several pending interdependant changes.
- returns list of repo downloads sent to the buildslave
- """
- if s is None:
- return []
- ret = []
- for cur_re in self.parse_download_re:
- res = cur_re.search(s)
- while res:
- ret.append("%s %s" % (res.group(1), res.group(2)))
- s = s[:res.start(0)] + s[res.end(0):]
- res = cur_re.search(s)
- return ret
-class RepoDownloadsFromChangeSource(util.ComparableMixin, object):
- implements(IRenderable)
- compare_attrs = ('codebase',)
- def __init__(self, codebase=None):
- self.codebase = codebase
- def getRenderingFor(self, props):
- downloads = []
- if self.codebase is None:
- changes = props.getBuild().allChanges()
- else:
- changes = props.getBuild().getSourceStamp(self.codebase).changes
- for change in changes:
- if ("event.type" in change.properties and
- change.properties["event.type"] == "patchset-created"):
- downloads.append("%s %s/%s" % (change.properties["event.change.project"],
- change.properties["event.change.number"],
- change.properties["event.patchSet.number"]))
- return downloads
-class Repo(Source):
- """ Class for Repo with all the smarts """
- name = 'repo'
- renderables = ["manifestURL", "manifestFile", "tarball", "jobs",
- "syncAllBranches", "updateTarballAge", "manifestOverrideUrl",
- "repoDownloads"]
- ref_not_found_re = re.compile(r"fatal: Couldn't find remote ref")
- cherry_pick_error_re = re.compile(r"|".join([r"Automatic cherry-pick failed",
- r"error: "
- r"fatal: "
- r"possibly due to conflict resolution."]))
- re_change = re.compile(r".* refs/changes/\d\d/(\d+)/(\d+) -> FETCH_HEAD$")
- re_head = re.compile(r"^HEAD is now at ([0-9a-f]+)...")
- mirror_sync_retry = 10 # number of retries, if we detect mirror desynchronization
- mirror_sync_sleep = 60 # wait 1min between retries (thus default total retry time is 10min)
- def __init__(self,
- manifestURL=None,
- manifestBranch="master",
- manifestFile="default.xml",
- tarball=None,
- jobs=None,
- syncAllBranches=False,
- updateTarballAge=7*24.0*3600.0,
- manifestOverrideUrl=None,
- repoDownloads=None,
- **kwargs):
- """
- @type manifestURL: string
- @param manifestURL: The URL which points at the repo manifests repository.
- @type manifestBranch: string
- @param manifestBranch: The manifest branch to check out by default.
- @type manifestFile: string
- @param manifestFile: The manifest to use for sync.
- @type syncAllBranches: bool.
- @param syncAllBranches: true, then we must slowly synchronize all branches.
- @type updateTarballAge: float
- @param updateTarballAge: renderable to determine the update tarball policy,
- given properties
- Returns: max age of tarball in seconds, or None, if we
- want to skip tarball update
- @type manifestOverrideUrl: string
- @param manifestOverrideUrl: optional http URL for overriding the manifest
- usually coming from Property setup by a ForceScheduler
- @type repoDownloads: list of strings
- @param repoDownloads: optional repo download to perform after the repo sync
- """
- self.manifestURL = manifestURL
- self.manifestBranch = manifestBranch
- self.manifestFile = manifestFile
- self.tarball = tarball
- self.jobs = jobs
- self.syncAllBranches = syncAllBranches
- self.updateTarballAge = updateTarballAge
- self.manifestOverrideUrl = manifestOverrideUrl
- if repoDownloads is None:
- repoDownloads = []
- self.repoDownloads = repoDownloads
- Source.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- assert self.manifestURL is not None
- def computeSourceRevision(self, changes):
- if not changes:
- return None
- return changes[-1].revision
- def filterManifestPatches(self):
- """
- Patches to manifest projects are a bit special.
- repo does not support a way to download them automatically,
- so we need to implement the boilerplate manually.
- This code separates the manifest patches from the other patches,
- and generates commands to import those manifest patches.
- """
- manifest_unrelated_downloads = []
- manifest_related_downloads = []
- for download in self.repoDownloads:
- project, ch_ps = download.split(" ")[-2:]
- if (self.manifestURL.endswith("/"+project) or
- self.manifestURL.endswith("/"+project+".git")):
- ch, ps = map(int, ch_ps.split("/"))
- branch = "refs/changes/%02d/%d/%d" % (ch % 100, ch, ps)
- manifest_related_downloads.append(
- ["git", "fetch", self.manifestURL, branch])
- manifest_related_downloads.append(
- ["git", "cherry-pick", "FETCH_HEAD"])
- else:
- manifest_unrelated_downloads.append(download)
- self.repoDownloads = manifest_unrelated_downloads
- self.manifestDownloads = manifest_related_downloads
- def _repoCmd(self, command, abandonOnFailure=True, **kwargs):
- return self._Cmd(["repo"]+command, abandonOnFailure=abandonOnFailure, **kwargs)
- def _Cmd(self, command, abandonOnFailure=True, workdir=None, **kwargs):
- if workdir is None:
- workdir = self.workdir
- self.cmd = cmd = buildstep.RemoteShellCommand(workdir, command,
- env=self.env,
- logEnviron=self.logEnviron,
- timeout=self.timeout, **kwargs)
- # does not make sense to logEnviron for each command (just for first)
- self.logEnviron = False
- cmd.useLog(self.stdio_log, False)
- self.stdio_log.addHeader("Starting command: %s\n" % (" ".join(command), ))
- self.step_status.setText(["%s" % (" ".join(command[:2]))])
- d = self.runCommand(cmd)
- def evaluateCommand(cmd):
- if abandonOnFailure and cmd.didFail():
- self.step_status.setText(["repo failed at: %s" % (" ".join(command[:2]))])
- self.stdio_log.addStderr("Source step failed while running command %s\n" % cmd)
- raise buildstep.BuildStepFailed()
- return cmd.rc
- d.addCallback(lambda _: evaluateCommand(cmd))
- return d
- def repoDir(self):
- return self.build.path_module.join(self.workdir, ".repo")
- def sourcedirIsUpdateable(self):
- return self.pathExists(self.repoDir())
- def startVC(self, branch, revision, patch):
- d = self.doStartVC()
- d.addErrback(self.failed)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def doStartVC(self):
- self.stdio_log = self.addLogForRemoteCommands("stdio")
- self.filterManifestPatches()
- if self.repoDownloads:
- self.stdio_log.addHeader("will download:\n" + "repo download " + "\nrepo download ".join(self.repoDownloads) + "\n")
- self.willRetryInCaseOfFailure = True
- d = self.doRepoSync()
- def maybeRetry(why):
- # in case the tree was corrupted somehow because of previous build
- # we clobber one time, and retry everything
- if why.check(buildstep.BuildStepFailed) and self.willRetryInCaseOfFailure:
- self.stdio_log.addStderr("got issue at first try:\n" + str(why) +
- "\nRetry after clobber...")
- return self.doRepoSync(forceClobber=True)
- return why # propagate to self.failed
- d.addErrback(maybeRetry)
- yield d
- yield self.maybeUpdateTarball()
- # starting from here, clobbering will not help
- yield self.doRepoDownloads()
- self.setStatus(self.cmd, 0)
- yield self.finished(0)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def doClobberStart(self):
- yield self.runRmdir(self.workdir)
- yield self.runMkdir(self.workdir)
- yield self.maybeExtractTarball()
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def doRepoSync(self, forceClobber=False):
- updatable = yield self.sourcedirIsUpdateable()
- if not updatable or forceClobber:
- # no need to re-clobber in case of failure
- self.willRetryInCaseOfFailure = False
- yield self.doClobberStart()
- yield self.doCleanup()
- yield self._repoCmd(['init',
- '-u', self.manifestURL,
- '-b', self.manifestBranch,
- '-m', self.manifestFile])
- if self.manifestOverrideUrl:
- self.stdio_log.addHeader("overriding manifest with %s\n" % (self.manifestOverrideUrl))
- local_file = yield self.pathExists(self.build.path_module.join(self.workdir,
- self.manifestOverrideUrl))
- if local_file:
- yield self._Cmd(["cp", "-f", self.manifestOverrideUrl, "manifest_override.xml"])
- else:
- yield self._Cmd(["wget", self.manifestOverrideUrl, "-O", "manifest_override.xml"])
- yield self._Cmd(["ln", "-sf", "../manifest_override.xml", "manifest.xml"],
- workdir=self.build.path_module.join(self.workdir, ".repo"))
- for command in self.manifestDownloads:
- yield self._Cmd(command, workdir=self.build.path_module.join(self.workdir, ".repo", "manifests"))
- command = ['sync']
- if self.jobs:
- command.append('-j' + str(self.jobs))
- if not self.syncAllBranches:
- command.append('-c')
- self.step_status.setText(["repo sync"])
- self.stdio_log.addHeader("synching manifest %s from branch %s from %s\n"
- % (self.manifestFile, self.manifestBranch, self.manifestURL))
- yield self._repoCmd(command)
- command = ['manifest', '-r', '-o', 'manifest-original.xml']
- yield self._repoCmd(command)
- # check whether msg matches one of the
- # compiled regexps in self.re_error_messages
- def _findErrorMessages(self, error_re):
- for logname in ['stderr', 'stdout']:
- if not hasattr(self.cmd, logname):
- continue
- msg = getattr(self.cmd, logname)
- if not (re.search(error_re, msg) is None):
- return True
- return False
- def _sleep(self, delay):
- d = defer.Deferred()
- reactor.callLater(delay, d.callback, 1)
- return d
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def doRepoDownloads(self):
- self.repo_downloaded = ""
- for download in self.repoDownloads:
- command = ['download'] + download.split(' ')
- self.stdio_log.addHeader("downloading changeset %s\n"
- % (download))
- retry = self.mirror_sync_retry + 1
- while retry > 0:
- yield self._repoCmd(command, abandonOnFailure=False,
- collectStdout=True, collectStderr=True)
- if not self._findErrorMessages(self.ref_not_found_re):
- break
- retry -= 1
- self.stdio_log.addStderr("failed downloading changeset %s\n" % (download))
- self.stdio_log.addHeader("wait one minute for mirror sync\n")
- yield self._sleep(self.mirror_sync_sleep)
- if retry == 0:
- self.step_status.setText(["repo: change %s does not exist" % download])
- self.step_status.setText2(["repo: change %s does not exist" % download])
- raise buildstep.BuildStepFailed()
- if self.cmd.didFail() or self._findErrorMessages(self.cherry_pick_error_re):
- # cherry pick error! We create a diff with status current workdir
- # in stdout, which reveals the merge errors and exit
- command = ['forall', '-c', 'git', 'diff', 'HEAD']
- yield self._repoCmd(command, abandonOnFailure=False)
- self.step_status.setText(["download failed: %s" % download])
- raise buildstep.BuildStepFailed()
- if hasattr(self.cmd, 'stderr'):
- lines = self.cmd.stderr.split("\n")
- match1 = match2 = False
- for line in lines:
- if not match1:
- match1 = self.re_change.match(line)
- if not match2:
- match2 = self.re_head.match(line)
- if match1 and match2:
- self.repo_downloaded += "%s/%s %s " % (match1.group(1),
- match1.group(2),
- match2.group(1))
- self.setProperty("repo_downloaded", self.repo_downloaded, "Source")
- def computeTarballOptions(self):
- # Keep in mind that the compression part of tarball generation
- # can be non negligible
- tar = ['tar']
- if self.tarball.endswith("gz"):
- tar.append('-z')
- if self.tarball.endswith("bz2") or self.tarball.endswith("bz"):
- tar.append('-j')
- if self.tarball.endswith("lzma"):
- tar.append('--lzma')
- if self.tarball.endswith("lzop"):
- tar.append('--lzop')
- return tar
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def maybeExtractTarball(self):
- if self.tarball:
- tar = self.computeTarballOptions() + ['-xvf', self.tarball]
- res = yield self._Cmd(tar, abandonOnFailure=False)
- if res: # error with tarball.. erase repo dir and tarball
- yield self._Cmd(["rm", "-f", self.tarball], abandonOnFailure=False)
- yield self.runRmdir(self.repoDir(), abandonOnFailure=False)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def maybeUpdateTarball(self):
- if not self.tarball or self.updateTarballAge is None:
- return
- # tarball path is absolute, so we cannot use slave's stat command
- # stat -c%Y gives mtime in second since epoch
- res = yield self._Cmd(["stat", "-c%Y", self.tarball], collectStdout=True, abandonOnFailure=False)
- if not res:
- tarball_mtime = int(self.cmd.stdout)
- yield self._Cmd(["stat", "-c%Y", "."], collectStdout=True)
- now_mtime = int(self.cmd.stdout)
- age = now_mtime - tarball_mtime
- if res or age > self.updateTarballAge:
- tar = self.computeTarballOptions() + ['-cvf', self.tarball, ".repo"]
- res = yield self._Cmd(tar, abandonOnFailure=False)
- if res: # error with tarball.. erase tarball, but dont fail
- yield self._Cmd(["rm", "-f", self.tarball], abandonOnFailure=False)
- # a simple shell script to gather all cleanup tweaks...
- # doing them one by one just complicate the stuff
- # and messup the stdio log
- def _getCleanupCommand(self):
- """also used by tests for expectations"""
- return textwrap.dedent("""\
- set -v
- if [ -d .repo/manifests ]
- then
- # repo just refuse to run if manifest is messed up
- # so ensure we are in a known state
- cd .repo/manifests
- rm -f .git/index.lock
- git fetch origin
- git reset --hard remotes/origin/%(manifestBranch)s
- git config branch.default.merge %(manifestBranch)s
- cd ..
- ln -sf manifests/%(manifestFile)s manifest.xml
- cd ..
- fi
- repo forall -c rm -f .git/index.lock
- repo forall -c git clean -f -d -x 2>/dev/null
- repo forall -c git reset --hard HEAD 2>/dev/null
- rm -f %(workdir)s/.repo/project.list
- """) % self.__dict__
- def doCleanup(self):
- command = self._getCleanupCommand()
- return self._Cmd(["bash", "-c", command], abandonOnFailure=False)