path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/oldsource.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/oldsource.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1173 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/oldsource.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/oldsource.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bfe645f..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/steps/source/oldsource.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1173 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-from warnings import warn
-from email.Utils import formatdate
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from zope.interface import implements
-from buildbot.process.buildstep import RemoteCommand
-from buildbot.interfaces import BuildSlaveTooOldError, IRenderable
-from buildbot.steps.source.base import Source
-class _ComputeRepositoryURL(object):
- implements(IRenderable)
- def __init__(self, step, repository):
- self.step = step
- self.repository = repository
- def getRenderingFor(self, props):
- '''
- Helper function that the repository URL based on the parameter the
- source step took and the Change 'repository' property
- '''
- build = props.getBuild()
- assert build is not None, "Build should be available *during* a build?"
- s = build.getSourceStamp(self.step.codebase)
- repository = self.repository
- if not repository:
- return str(s.repository)
- else:
- if callable(repository):
- d = props.render(repository(s.repository))
- elif isinstance(repository, dict):
- d = props.render(repository.get(s.repository))
- elif isinstance(repository, str) or isinstance(repository, unicode):
- try:
- return str(repository % s.repository)
- except TypeError:
- # that's the backward compatibility case
- d = props.render(repository)
- else:
- d = props.render(repository)
- d.addCallback(str)
- return d
-class SlaveSource(Source):
- def __init__(self, mode='update', retry=None, **kwargs):
- """
- @type mode: string
- @param mode: the kind of VC operation that is desired:
- - 'update': specifies that the checkout/update should be
- performed directly into the workdir. Each build is performed
- in the same directory, allowing for incremental builds. This
- minimizes disk space, bandwidth, and CPU time. However, it
- may encounter problems if the build process does not handle
- dependencies properly (if you must sometimes do a 'clean
- build' to make sure everything gets compiled), or if source
- files are deleted but generated files can influence test
- behavior (e.g. python's .pyc files), or when source
- directories are deleted but generated files prevent CVS from
- removing them. When used with a patched checkout, from a
- previous buildbot try for instance, it will try to "revert"
- the changes first and will do a clobber if it is unable to
- get a clean checkout. The behavior is SCM-dependent.
- - 'copy': specifies that the source-controlled workspace
- should be maintained in a separate directory (called the
- 'copydir'), using checkout or update as necessary. For each
- build, a new workdir is created with a copy of the source
- tree (rm -rf workdir; cp -R -P -p copydir workdir). This
- doubles the disk space required, but keeps the bandwidth low
- (update instead of a full checkout). A full 'clean' build
- is performed each time. This avoids any generated-file
- build problems, but is still occasionally vulnerable to
- problems such as a CVS repository being manually rearranged
- (causing CVS errors on update) which are not an issue with
- a full checkout.
- - 'clobber': specifies that the working directory should be
- deleted each time, necessitating a full checkout for each
- build. This insures a clean build off a complete checkout,
- avoiding any of the problems described above, but is
- bandwidth intensive, as the whole source tree must be
- pulled down for each build.
- - 'export': is like 'clobber', except that e.g. the 'cvs
- export' command is used to create the working directory.
- This command removes all VC metadata files (the
- CVS/.svn/{arch} directories) from the tree, which is
- sometimes useful for creating source tarballs (to avoid
- including the metadata in the tar file). Not all VC systems
- support export.
- @type retry: tuple of ints (delay, repeats) (or None)
- @param retry: if provided, VC update failures are re-attempted up
- to REPEATS times, with DELAY seconds between each
- attempt. Some users have slaves with poor connectivity
- to their VC repository, and they say that up to 80% of
- their build failures are due to transient network
- failures that could be handled by simply retrying a
- couple times.
- """
- Source.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- assert mode in ("update", "copy", "clobber", "export")
- if retry:
- delay, repeats = retry
- assert isinstance(repeats, int)
- assert repeats > 0
- self.args = {'mode': mode,
- 'retry': retry,
- }
- def start(self):
- self.args['workdir'] = self.workdir
- self.args['logEnviron'] = self.logEnviron
- self.args['env'] = self.env
- self.args['timeout'] = self.timeout
- Source.start(self)
- def commandComplete(self, cmd):
- if not cmd.updates.has_key("got_revision"):
- return
- got_revision = cmd.updates["got_revision"][-1]
- if got_revision is None:
- return
- self.updateSourceProperty('got_revision', str(got_revision))
-class BK(SlaveSource):
- """I perform BitKeeper checkout/update operations."""
- name = 'bk'
- renderables = [ 'bkurl', 'baseURL' ]
- def __init__(self, bkurl=None, baseURL=None,
- directory=None, extra_args=None, **kwargs):
- """
- @type bkurl: string
- @param bkurl: the URL which points to the BitKeeper server.
- @type baseURL: string
- @param baseURL: if branches are enabled, this is the base URL to
- which a branch name will be appended. It should
- probably end in a slash. Use exactly one of
- C{bkurl} and C{baseURL}.
- """
- self.bkurl = _ComputeRepositoryURL(bkurl)
- self.baseURL = _ComputeRepositoryURL(baseURL)
- self.extra_args = extra_args
- Source.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- if bkurl and baseURL:
- raise ValueError("you must use exactly one of bkurl and baseURL")
- def computeSourceRevision(self, changes):
- return changes.revision
- def startVC(self, branch, revision, patch):
- warnings = []
- slavever = self.slaveVersion("bk")
- if not slavever:
- m = "slave does not have the 'bk' command"
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError(m)
- if self.bkurl:
- assert not branch # we need baseURL= to use branches
- self.args['bkurl'] = self.bkurl
- else:
- self.args['bkurl'] = self.baseURL + branch
- self.args['revision'] = revision
- self.args['patch'] = patch
- self.args['branch'] = branch
- if self.extra_args is not None:
- self.args['extra_args'] = self.extra_args
- revstuff = []
- revstuff.append("[branch]")
- if revision is not None:
- revstuff.append("r%s" % revision)
- if patch is not None:
- revstuff.append("[patch]")
- self.description.extend(revstuff)
- self.descriptionDone.extend(revstuff)
- cmd = RemoteCommand("bk", self.args)
- self.startCommand(cmd, warnings)
-class CVS(SlaveSource):
- """I do CVS checkout/update operations.
- Note: if you are doing anonymous/pserver CVS operations, you will need
- to manually do a 'cvs login' on each buildslave before the slave has any
- hope of success. XXX: fix then, take a cvs password as an argument and
- figure out how to do a 'cvs login' on each build
- """
- name = "cvs"
- renderables = [ "cvsroot" ]
- #progressMetrics = ('output',)
- #
- # additional things to track: update gives one stderr line per directory
- # (starting with 'cvs server: Updating ') (and is fairly stable if files
- # is empty), export gives one line per directory (starting with 'cvs
- # export: Updating ') and another line per file (starting with U). Would
- # be nice to track these, requires grepping LogFile data for lines,
- # parsing each line. Might be handy to have a hook in LogFile that gets
- # called with each complete line.
- def __init__(self, cvsroot=None, cvsmodule="",
- global_options=[], branch=None, checkoutDelay=None,
- checkout_options=[], export_options=[], extra_options=[],
- login=None,
- **kwargs):
- """
- @type cvsroot: string
- @param cvsroot: CVS Repository from which the source tree should
- be obtained. '/home/warner/Repository' for local
- or NFS-reachable repositories,
- ':pserver:anon@foo.com:/cvs' for anonymous CVS,
- 'user@host.com:/cvs' for non-anonymous CVS or
- CVS over ssh. Lots of possibilities, check the
- CVS documentation for more.
- @type cvsmodule: string
- @param cvsmodule: subdirectory of CVS repository that should be
- retrieved
- @type login: string or None
- @param login: if not None, a string which will be provided as a
- password to the 'cvs login' command, used when a
- :pserver: method is used to access the repository.
- This login is only needed once, but must be run
- each time (just before the CVS operation) because
- there is no way for the buildslave to tell whether
- it was previously performed or not.
- @type branch: string
- @param branch: the default branch name, will be used in a '-r'
- argument to specify which branch of the source tree
- should be used for this checkout. Defaults to None,
- which means to use 'HEAD'.
- @type checkoutDelay: int or None
- @param checkoutDelay: if not None, the number of seconds to put
- between the last known Change and the
- timestamp given to the -D argument. This
- defaults to exactly half of the parent
- Build's .treeStableTimer, but it could be
- set to something else if your CVS change
- notification has particularly weird
- latency characteristics.
- @type global_options: list of strings
- @param global_options: these arguments are inserted in the cvs
- command line, before the
- 'checkout'/'update' command word. See
- 'cvs --help-options' for a list of what
- may be accepted here. ['-r'] will make
- the checked out files read only. ['-r',
- '-R'] will also assume the repository is
- read-only (I assume this means it won't
- use locks to insure atomic access to the
- ,v files).
- @type checkout_options: list of strings
- @param checkout_options: these arguments are inserted in the cvs
- command line, after 'checkout' but before
- branch or revision specifiers.
- @type export_options: list of strings
- @param export_options: these arguments are inserted in the cvs
- command line, after 'export' but before
- branch or revision specifiers.
- @type extra_options: list of strings
- @param extra_options: these arguments are inserted in the cvs
- command line, after 'checkout' or 'export' but before
- branch or revision specifiers.
- """
- self.checkoutDelay = checkoutDelay
- self.branch = branch
- self.cvsroot = _ComputeRepositoryURL(self, cvsroot)
- SlaveSource.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self.args.update({'cvsmodule': cvsmodule,
- 'global_options': global_options,
- 'checkout_options':checkout_options,
- 'export_options':export_options,
- 'extra_options':extra_options,
- 'login': login,
- })
- def computeSourceRevision(self, changes):
- if not changes:
- return None
- lastChange = max([c.when for c in changes])
- if self.checkoutDelay is not None:
- when = lastChange + self.checkoutDelay
- else:
- lastSubmit = max([br.submittedAt for br in self.build.requests])
- when = (lastChange + lastSubmit) / 2
- return formatdate(when)
- def startVC(self, branch, revision, patch):
- if self.slaveVersionIsOlderThan("cvs", "1.39"):
- # the slave doesn't know to avoid re-using the same sourcedir
- # when the branch changes. We have no way of knowing which branch
- # the last build used, so if we're using a non-default branch and
- # either 'update' or 'copy' modes, it is safer to refuse to
- # build, and tell the user they need to upgrade the buildslave.
- if (branch != self.branch
- and self.args['mode'] in ("update", "copy")):
- m = ("This buildslave (%s) does not know about multiple "
- "branches, and using mode=%s would probably build the "
- "wrong tree. "
- "Refusing to build. Please upgrade the buildslave to "
- "buildbot-0.7.0 or newer." % (self.build.slavename,
- self.args['mode']))
- log.msg(m)
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError(m)
- if self.slaveVersionIsOlderThan("cvs", "2.10"):
- if self.args['extra_options'] or self.args['export_options']:
- m = ("This buildslave (%s) does not support export_options "
- "or extra_options arguments to the CVS step."
- % (self.build.slavename))
- log.msg(m)
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError(m)
- # the unwanted args are empty, and will probably be ignored by
- # the slave, but delete them just to be safe
- del self.args['export_options']
- del self.args['extra_options']
- if branch is None:
- branch = "HEAD"
- self.args['cvsroot'] = self.cvsroot
- self.args['branch'] = branch
- self.args['revision'] = revision
- self.args['patch'] = patch
- if self.args['branch'] == "HEAD" and self.args['revision']:
- # special case. 'cvs update -r HEAD -D today' gives no files
- # TODO: figure out why, see if it applies to -r BRANCH
- self.args['branch'] = None
- # deal with old slaves
- warnings = []
- slavever = self.slaveVersion("cvs", "old")
- if slavever == "old":
- # 0.5.0
- if self.args['mode'] == "export":
- self.args['export'] = 1
- elif self.args['mode'] == "clobber":
- self.args['clobber'] = 1
- elif self.args['mode'] == "copy":
- self.args['copydir'] = "source"
- self.args['tag'] = self.args['branch']
- assert not self.args['patch'] # 0.5.0 slave can't do patch
- cmd = RemoteCommand("cvs", self.args)
- self.startCommand(cmd, warnings)
-class SVN(SlaveSource):
- """I perform Subversion checkout/update operations."""
- name = 'svn'
- branch_placeholder = '%%BRANCH%%'
- renderables = [ 'svnurl', 'baseURL' ]
- def __init__(self, svnurl=None, baseURL=None, defaultBranch=None,
- directory=None, username=None, password=None,
- extra_args=None, keep_on_purge=None, ignore_ignores=None,
- always_purge=None, depth=None, **kwargs):
- """
- @type svnurl: string
- @param svnurl: the URL which points to the Subversion server,
- combining the access method (HTTP, ssh, local file),
- the repository host/port, the repository path, the
- sub-tree within the repository, and the branch to
- check out. Use exactly one of C{svnurl} and C{baseURL}.
- @param baseURL: if branches are enabled, this is the base URL to
- which a branch name will be appended. It should
- probably end in a slash. Use exactly one of
- C{svnurl} and C{baseURL}.
- @param defaultBranch: if branches are enabled, this is the branch
- to use if the Build does not specify one
- explicitly. It will simply be appended
- to C{baseURL} and the result handed to
- the SVN command.
- @type username: string
- @param username: username to pass to svn's --username
- @type password: string
- @param password: password to pass to svn's --password
- """
- if not 'workdir' in kwargs and directory is not None:
- # deal with old configs
- warn("Please use workdir=, not directory=", DeprecationWarning)
- kwargs['workdir'] = directory
- self.svnurl = svnurl and _ComputeRepositoryURL(self, svnurl)
- self.baseURL = _ComputeRepositoryURL(self, baseURL)
- self.branch = defaultBranch
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- self.extra_args = extra_args
- self.keep_on_purge = keep_on_purge
- self.ignore_ignores = ignore_ignores
- self.always_purge = always_purge
- self.depth = depth
- SlaveSource.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- if svnurl and baseURL:
- raise ValueError("you must use either svnurl OR baseURL")
- def computeSourceRevision(self, changes):
- if not changes or None in [c.revision for c in changes]:
- return None
- lastChange = max([int(c.revision) for c in changes])
- return lastChange
- def checkCompatibility(self):
- ''' Handle compatibility between old slaves/svn clients '''
- slavever = self.slaveVersion("svn", "old")
- if not slavever:
- m = "slave does not have the 'svn' command"
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError(m)
- if self.slaveVersionIsOlderThan("svn", "1.39"):
- # the slave doesn't know to avoid re-using the same sourcedir
- # when the branch changes. We have no way of knowing which branch
- # the last build used, so if we're using a non-default branch and
- # either 'update' or 'copy' modes, it is safer to refuse to
- # build, and tell the user they need to upgrade the buildslave.
- if (self.args['branch'] != self.branch
- and self.args['mode'] in ("update", "copy")):
- m = ("This buildslave (%s) does not know about multiple "
- "branches, and using mode=%s would probably build the "
- "wrong tree. "
- "Refusing to build. Please upgrade the buildslave to "
- "buildbot-0.7.0 or newer." % (self.build.slavename,
- self.args['mode']))
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError(m)
- if (self.depth is not None) and self.slaveVersionIsOlderThan("svn","2.9"):
- m = ("This buildslave (%s) does not support svn depth "
- "arguments. Refusing to build. "
- "Please upgrade the buildslave." % (self.build.slavename))
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError(m)
- if (self.username is not None or self.password is not None) \
- and self.slaveVersionIsOlderThan("svn", "2.8"):
- m = ("This buildslave (%s) does not support svn usernames "
- "and passwords. "
- "Refusing to build. Please upgrade the buildslave to "
- "buildbot-0.7.10 or newer." % (self.build.slavename,))
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError(m)
- def getSvnUrl(self, branch):
- ''' Compute the svn url that will be passed to the svn remote command '''
- if self.svnurl:
- return self.svnurl
- else:
- if branch is None:
- m = ("The SVN source step belonging to builder '%s' does not know "
- "which branch to work with. This means that the change source "
- "did not specify a branch and that defaultBranch is None." \
- % self.build.builder.name)
- raise RuntimeError(m)
- computed = self.baseURL
- if self.branch_placeholder in self.baseURL:
- return computed.replace(self.branch_placeholder, branch)
- else:
- return computed + branch
- def startVC(self, branch, revision, patch):
- warnings = []
- self.checkCompatibility()
- self.args['svnurl'] = self.getSvnUrl(branch)
- self.args['revision'] = revision
- self.args['patch'] = patch
- self.args['always_purge'] = self.always_purge
- #Set up depth if specified
- if self.depth is not None:
- self.args['depth'] = self.depth
- if self.username is not None:
- self.args['username'] = self.username
- if self.password is not None:
- self.args['password'] = self.password
- if self.extra_args is not None:
- self.args['extra_args'] = self.extra_args
- revstuff = []
- #revstuff.append(self.args['svnurl'])
- if self.args['svnurl'].find('trunk') == -1:
- revstuff.append("[branch]")
- if revision is not None:
- revstuff.append("r%s" % revision)
- if patch is not None:
- revstuff.append("[patch]")
- self.description.extend(revstuff)
- self.descriptionDone.extend(revstuff)
- cmd = RemoteCommand("svn", self.args)
- self.startCommand(cmd, warnings)
-class Darcs(SlaveSource):
- """Check out a source tree from a Darcs repository at 'repourl'.
- Darcs has no concept of file modes. This means the eXecute-bit will be
- cleared on all source files. As a result, you may need to invoke
- configuration scripts with something like:
- C{s(step.Configure, command=['/bin/sh', './configure'])}
- """
- name = "darcs"
- renderables = [ 'repourl', 'baseURL' ]
- def __init__(self, repourl=None, baseURL=None, defaultBranch=None,
- **kwargs):
- """
- @type repourl: string
- @param repourl: the URL which points at the Darcs repository. This
- is used as the default branch. Using C{repourl} does
- not enable builds of alternate branches: use
- C{baseURL} to enable this. Use either C{repourl} or
- C{baseURL}, not both.
- @param baseURL: if branches are enabled, this is the base URL to
- which a branch name will be appended. It should
- probably end in a slash. Use exactly one of
- C{repourl} and C{baseURL}.
- @param defaultBranch: if branches are enabled, this is the branch
- to use if the Build does not specify one
- explicitly. It will simply be appended to
- C{baseURL} and the result handed to the
- 'darcs pull' command.
- """
- self.repourl = _ComputeRepositoryURL(self, repourl)
- self.baseURL = _ComputeRepositoryURL(self, baseURL)
- self.branch = defaultBranch
- SlaveSource.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- assert self.args['mode'] != "export", \
- "Darcs does not have an 'export' mode"
- if repourl and baseURL:
- raise ValueError("you must provide exactly one of repourl and"
- " baseURL")
- def startVC(self, branch, revision, patch):
- slavever = self.slaveVersion("darcs")
- if not slavever:
- m = "slave is too old, does not know about darcs"
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError(m)
- if self.slaveVersionIsOlderThan("darcs", "1.39"):
- if revision:
- # TODO: revisit this once we implement computeSourceRevision
- m = "0.6.6 slaves can't handle args['revision']"
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError(m)
- # the slave doesn't know to avoid re-using the same sourcedir
- # when the branch changes. We have no way of knowing which branch
- # the last build used, so if we're using a non-default branch and
- # either 'update' or 'copy' modes, it is safer to refuse to
- # build, and tell the user they need to upgrade the buildslave.
- if (branch != self.branch
- and self.args['mode'] in ("update", "copy")):
- m = ("This buildslave (%s) does not know about multiple "
- "branches, and using mode=%s would probably build the "
- "wrong tree. "
- "Refusing to build. Please upgrade the buildslave to "
- "buildbot-0.7.0 or newer." % (self.build.slavename,
- self.args['mode']))
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError(m)
- if self.repourl:
- assert not branch # we need baseURL= to use branches
- self.args['repourl'] = self.repourl
- else:
- self.args['repourl'] = self.baseURL + branch
- self.args['revision'] = revision
- self.args['patch'] = patch
- revstuff = []
- if branch is not None and branch != self.branch:
- revstuff.append("[branch]")
- self.description.extend(revstuff)
- self.descriptionDone.extend(revstuff)
- cmd = RemoteCommand("darcs", self.args)
- self.startCommand(cmd)
-class Git(SlaveSource):
- """Check out a source tree from a git repository 'repourl'."""
- name = "git"
- renderables = [ 'repourl' ]
- def __init__(self, repourl=None,
- branch="master",
- submodules=False,
- ignore_ignores=None,
- reference=None,
- shallow=False,
- progress=False,
- **kwargs):
- """
- @type repourl: string
- @param repourl: the URL which points at the git repository
- @type branch: string
- @param branch: The branch or tag to check out by default. If
- a build specifies a different branch, it will
- be used instead of this.
- @type submodules: boolean
- @param submodules: Whether or not to update (and initialize)
- git submodules.
- @type reference: string
- @param reference: The path to a reference repository to obtain
- objects from, if any.
- @type shallow: boolean
- @param shallow: Use a shallow or clone, if possible
- @type progress: boolean
- @param progress: Pass the --progress option when fetching. This
- can solve long fetches getting killed due to
- lack of output, but requires Git 1.7.2+.
- """
- SlaveSource.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self.repourl = _ComputeRepositoryURL(self, repourl)
- self.branch = branch
- self.args.update({'submodules': submodules,
- 'ignore_ignores': ignore_ignores,
- 'reference': reference,
- 'shallow': shallow,
- 'progress': progress,
- })
- def computeSourceRevision(self, changes):
- if not changes:
- return None
- return changes[-1].revision
- def startVC(self, branch, revision, patch):
- self.args['branch'] = branch
- self.args['repourl'] = self.repourl
- self.args['revision'] = revision
- self.args['patch'] = patch
- # check if there is any patchset we should fetch from Gerrit
- if self.build.hasProperty("event.patchSet.ref"):
- # GerritChangeSource
- self.args['gerrit_branch'] = self.build.getProperty("event.patchSet.ref")
- self.updateSourceProperty("gerrit_branch",
- self.args['gerrit_branch'])
- else:
- try:
- # forced build
- change = self.build.getProperty("gerrit_change", '').split('/')
- if len(change) == 2:
- self.args['gerrit_branch'] = "refs/changes/%2.2d/%d/%d" \
- % (int(change[0]) % 100, int(change[0]), int(change[1]))
- self.updateSourceProperty("gerrit_branch",
- self.args['gerrit_branch'])
- except:
- pass
- slavever = self.slaveVersion("git")
- if not slavever:
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError("slave is too old, does not know "
- "about git")
- cmd = RemoteCommand("git", self.args)
- self.startCommand(cmd)
-class Repo(SlaveSource):
- """Check out a source tree from a repo repository described by manifest."""
- name = "repo"
- renderables = [ "manifest_url" ]
- def __init__(self,
- manifest_url=None,
- manifest_branch="master",
- manifest_file="default.xml",
- tarball=None,
- jobs=None,
- **kwargs):
- """
- @type manifest_url: string
- @param manifest_url: The URL which points at the repo manifests repository.
- @type manifest_branch: string
- @param manifest_branch: The manifest branch to check out by default.
- @type manifest_file: string
- @param manifest_file: The manifest to use for sync.
- """
- SlaveSource.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self.manifest_url = _ComputeRepositoryURL(self, manifest_url)
- self.args.update({'manifest_branch': manifest_branch,
- 'manifest_file': manifest_file,
- 'tarball': tarball,
- 'manifest_override_url': None,
- 'jobs': jobs
- })
- def computeSourceRevision(self, changes):
- if not changes:
- return None
- return changes[-1].revision
- def parseDownloadProperty(self, s):
- """
- lets try to be nice in the format we want
- can support several instances of "repo download proj number/patch" (direct copy paste from gerrit web site)
- or several instances of "proj number/patch" (simpler version)
- This feature allows integrator to build with several pending interdependant changes.
- returns list of repo downloads sent to the buildslave
- """
- import re
- if s == None:
- return []
- re1 = re.compile("repo download ([^ ]+) ([0-9]+/[0-9]+)")
- re2 = re.compile("([^ ]+) ([0-9]+/[0-9]+)")
- re3 = re.compile("([^ ]+)/([0-9]+/[0-9]+)")
- ret = []
- for cur_re in [re1, re2, re3]:
- res = cur_re.search(s)
- while res:
- ret.append("%s %s" % (res.group(1), res.group(2)))
- s = s[:res.start(0)] + s[res.end(0):]
- res = cur_re.search(s)
- return ret
- def buildDownloadList(self):
- """taken the changesource and forcebuild property,
- build the repo download command to send to the slave
- making this a defereable allow config to tweak this
- in order to e.g. manage dependancies
- """
- downloads = self.build.getProperty("repo_downloads", [])
- # download patches based on GerritChangeSource events
- for change in self.build.allChanges():
- if (change.properties.has_key("event.type") and
- change.properties["event.type"] == "patchset-created"):
- downloads.append("%s %s/%s"% (change.properties["event.change.project"],
- change.properties["event.change.number"],
- change.properties["event.patchSet.number"]))
- # download patches based on web site forced build properties:
- # "repo_d", "repo_d0", .., "repo_d9"
- # "repo_download", "repo_download0", .., "repo_download9"
- for propName in ["repo_d"] + ["repo_d%d" % i for i in xrange(0,10)] + \
- ["repo_download"] + ["repo_download%d" % i for i in xrange(0,10)]:
- s = self.build.getProperty(propName)
- if s is not None:
- downloads.extend(self.parseDownloadProperty(s))
- if downloads:
- self.args["repo_downloads"] = downloads
- self.updateSourceProperty("repo_downloads", downloads)
- return defer.succeed(None)
- def startVC(self, branch, revision, patch):
- self.args['manifest_url'] = self.manifest_url
- # manifest override
- self.args['manifest_override_url'] = None
- try:
- self.args['manifest_override_url'] = self.build.getProperty("manifest_override_url")
- except KeyError:
- pass
- # only master has access to properties, so we must implement this here.
- d = self.buildDownloadList()
- d.addCallback(self.continueStartVC, branch, revision, patch)
- d.addErrback(self.failed)
- def continueStartVC(self, ignored, branch, revision, patch):
- slavever = self.slaveVersion("repo")
- if not slavever:
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError("slave is too old, does not know "
- "about repo")
- cmd = RemoteCommand("repo", self.args)
- self.startCommand(cmd)
- def commandComplete(self, cmd):
- repo_downloaded = []
- if cmd.updates.has_key("repo_downloaded"):
- repo_downloaded = cmd.updates["repo_downloaded"][-1]
- if repo_downloaded:
- self.updateSourceProperty("repo_downloaded",
- str(repo_downloaded))
- else:
- repo_downloaded = []
- orig_downloads = self.getProperty("repo_downloads") or []
- if len(orig_downloads) != len(repo_downloaded):
- self.step_status.setText(["repo download issues"])
-class Bzr(SlaveSource):
- """Check out a source tree from a bzr (Bazaar) repository at 'repourl'.
- """
- name = "bzr"
- renderables = [ 'repourl', 'baseURL' ]
- def __init__(self, repourl=None, baseURL=None, defaultBranch=None,
- forceSharedRepo=None,
- **kwargs):
- """
- @type repourl: string
- @param repourl: the URL which points at the bzr repository. This
- is used as the default branch. Using C{repourl} does
- not enable builds of alternate branches: use
- C{baseURL} to enable this. Use either C{repourl} or
- C{baseURL}, not both.
- @param baseURL: if branches are enabled, this is the base URL to
- which a branch name will be appended. It should
- probably end in a slash. Use exactly one of
- C{repourl} and C{baseURL}.
- @param defaultBranch: if branches are enabled, this is the branch
- to use if the Build does not specify one
- explicitly. It will simply be appended to
- C{baseURL} and the result handed to the
- 'bzr checkout pull' command.
- @param forceSharedRepo: Boolean, defaults to False. If set to True,
- the working directory will be made into a
- bzr shared repository if it is not already.
- Shared repository greatly reduces the amount
- of history data that needs to be downloaded
- if not using update/copy mode, or if using
- update/copy mode with multiple branches.
- """
- self.repourl = _ComputeRepositoryURL(self, repourl)
- self.baseURL = _ComputeRepositoryURL(self, baseURL)
- self.branch = defaultBranch
- SlaveSource.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self.args.update({'forceSharedRepo': forceSharedRepo})
- if repourl and baseURL:
- raise ValueError("you must provide exactly one of repourl and"
- " baseURL")
- def computeSourceRevision(self, changes):
- if not changes:
- return None
- lastChange = max([int(c.revision) for c in changes])
- return lastChange
- def startVC(self, branch, revision, patch):
- slavever = self.slaveVersion("bzr")
- if not slavever:
- m = "slave is too old, does not know about bzr"
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError(m)
- if self.repourl:
- assert not branch # we need baseURL= to use branches
- self.args['repourl'] = self.repourl
- else:
- self.args['repourl'] = self.baseURL + branch
- self.args['revision'] = revision
- self.args['patch'] = patch
- revstuff = []
- if branch is not None and branch != self.branch:
- revstuff.append("[" + branch + "]")
- if revision is not None:
- revstuff.append("r%s" % revision)
- self.description.extend(revstuff)
- self.descriptionDone.extend(revstuff)
- cmd = RemoteCommand("bzr", self.args)
- self.startCommand(cmd)
-class Mercurial(SlaveSource):
- """Check out a source tree from a mercurial repository 'repourl'."""
- name = "hg"
- renderables = [ 'repourl', 'baseURL' ]
- def __init__(self, repourl=None, baseURL=None, defaultBranch=None,
- branchType='dirname', clobberOnBranchChange=True, **kwargs):
- """
- @type repourl: string
- @param repourl: the URL which points at the Mercurial repository.
- This uses the 'default' branch unless defaultBranch is
- specified below and the C{branchType} is set to
- 'inrepo'. It is an error to specify a branch without
- setting the C{branchType} to 'inrepo'.
- @param baseURL: if 'dirname' branches are enabled, this is the base URL
- to which a branch name will be appended. It should
- probably end in a slash. Use exactly one of C{repourl}
- and C{baseURL}.
- @param defaultBranch: if branches are enabled, this is the branch
- to use if the Build does not specify one
- explicitly.
- For 'dirname' branches, It will simply be
- appended to C{baseURL} and the result handed to
- the 'hg update' command.
- For 'inrepo' branches, this specifies the named
- revision to which the tree will update after a
- clone.
- @param branchType: either 'dirname' or 'inrepo' depending on whether
- the branch name should be appended to the C{baseURL}
- or the branch is a mercurial named branch and can be
- found within the C{repourl}
- @param clobberOnBranchChange: boolean, defaults to True. If set and
- using inrepos branches, clobber the tree
- at each branch change. Otherwise, just
- update to the branch.
- """
- self.repourl = _ComputeRepositoryURL(self, repourl)
- self.baseURL = _ComputeRepositoryURL(self, baseURL)
- self.branch = defaultBranch
- self.branchType = branchType
- self.clobberOnBranchChange = clobberOnBranchChange
- SlaveSource.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- if repourl and baseURL:
- raise ValueError("you must provide exactly one of repourl and"
- " baseURL")
- def startVC(self, branch, revision, patch):
- slavever = self.slaveVersion("hg")
- if not slavever:
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError("slave is too old, does not know "
- "about hg")
- if self.repourl:
- # we need baseURL= to use dirname branches
- assert self.branchType == 'inrepo' or not branch
- self.args['repourl'] = self.repourl
- if branch:
- self.args['branch'] = branch
- else:
- self.args['repourl'] = self.baseURL + (branch or '')
- self.args['revision'] = revision
- self.args['patch'] = patch
- self.args['clobberOnBranchChange'] = self.clobberOnBranchChange
- self.args['branchType'] = self.branchType
- revstuff = []
- if branch is not None and branch != self.branch:
- revstuff.append("[branch]")
- self.description.extend(revstuff)
- self.descriptionDone.extend(revstuff)
- cmd = RemoteCommand("hg", self.args)
- self.startCommand(cmd)
- def computeSourceRevision(self, changes):
- if not changes:
- return None
- # without knowing the revision ancestry graph, we can't sort the
- # changes at all. So for now, assume they were given to us in sorted
- # order, and just pay attention to the last one. See ticket #103 for
- # more details.
- if len(changes) > 1:
- log.msg("Mercurial.computeSourceRevision: warning: "
- "there are %d changes here, assuming the last one is "
- "the most recent" % len(changes))
- return changes[-1].revision
-class P4(SlaveSource):
- """ P4 is a class for accessing perforce revision control"""
- name = "p4"
- renderables = [ 'p4base' ]
- def __init__(self, p4base=None, defaultBranch=None, p4port=None, p4user=None,
- p4passwd=None, p4extra_views=[], p4line_end='local',
- p4client='buildbot_%(slave)s_%(builder)s', **kwargs):
- """
- @type p4base: string
- @param p4base: A view into a perforce depot, typically
- "//depot/proj/"
- @type defaultBranch: string
- @param defaultBranch: Identify a branch to build by default. Perforce
- is a view based branching system. So, the branch
- is normally the name after the base. For example,
- branch=1.0 is view=//depot/proj/1.0/...
- branch=1.1 is view=//depot/proj/1.1/...
- @type p4port: string
- @param p4port: Specify the perforce server to connection in the format
- <host>:<port>. Example "perforce.example.com:1666"
- @type p4user: string
- @param p4user: The perforce user to run the command as.
- @type p4passwd: string
- @param p4passwd: The password for the perforce user.
- @type p4extra_views: list of tuples
- @param p4extra_views: Extra views to be added to
- the client that is being used.
- @type p4line_end: string
- @param p4line_end: value of the LineEnd client specification property
- @type p4client: string
- @param p4client: The perforce client to use for this buildslave.
- """
- self.p4base = _ComputeRepositoryURL(self, p4base)
- self.branch = defaultBranch
- SlaveSource.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self.args['p4port'] = p4port
- self.args['p4user'] = p4user
- self.args['p4passwd'] = p4passwd
- self.args['p4extra_views'] = p4extra_views
- self.args['p4line_end'] = p4line_end
- self.p4client = p4client
- def setBuild(self, build):
- SlaveSource.setBuild(self, build)
- self.args['p4client'] = self.p4client % {
- 'slave': build.slavename,
- 'builder': build.builder.name,
- }
- def computeSourceRevision(self, changes):
- if not changes:
- return None
- lastChange = max([int(c.revision) for c in changes])
- return lastChange
- def startVC(self, branch, revision, patch):
- slavever = self.slaveVersion("p4")
- assert slavever, "slave is too old, does not know about p4"
- args = dict(self.args)
- args['p4base'] = self.p4base
- args['branch'] = branch or self.branch
- args['revision'] = revision
- args['patch'] = patch
- cmd = RemoteCommand("p4", args)
- self.startCommand(cmd)
-class Monotone(SlaveSource):
- """Check out a source tree from a monotone repository 'repourl'."""
- name = "mtn"
- renderables = [ 'repourl' ]
- def __init__(self, repourl=None, branch=None, progress=False, **kwargs):
- """
- @type repourl: string
- @param repourl: the URI which points at the monotone repository.
- @type branch: string
- @param branch: The branch or tag to check out by default. If
- a build specifies a different branch, it will
- be used instead of this.
- @type progress: boolean
- @param progress: Pass the --ticker=dot option when pulling. This
- can solve long fetches getting killed due to
- lack of output.
- """
- SlaveSource.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self.repourl = _ComputeRepositoryURL(self, repourl)
- if (not repourl):
- raise ValueError("you must provide a repository uri in 'repourl'")
- if (not branch):
- raise ValueError("you must provide a default branch in 'branch'")
- self.args.update({'branch': branch,
- 'progress': progress,
- })
- def startVC(self, branch, revision, patch):
- slavever = self.slaveVersion("mtn")
- if not slavever:
- raise BuildSlaveTooOldError("slave is too old, does not know "
- "about mtn")
- self.args['repourl'] = self.repourl
- if branch:
- self.args['branch'] = branch
- self.args['revision'] = revision
- self.args['patch'] = patch
- cmd = RemoteCommand("mtn", self.args)
- self.startCommand(cmd)
- def computeSourceRevision(self, changes):
- if not changes:
- return None
- # without knowing the revision ancestry graph, we can't sort the
- # changes at all. So for now, assume they were given to us in sorted
- # order, and just pay attention to the last one. See ticket #103 for
- # more details.
- if len(changes) > 1:
- log.msg("Monotone.computeSourceRevision: warning: "
- "there are %d changes here, assuming the last one is "
- "the most recent" % len(changes))
- return changes[-1].revision