path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/web/auth.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/web/auth.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/web/auth.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/web/auth.py
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index e9b168c9..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/web/auth.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import os
-from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute, implements
-from buildbot.status.web.base import HtmlResource, ActionResource
-from buildbot.status.web.base import path_to_authfail
-from buildbot.process.users import users
-class IAuth(Interface):
- """
- Represent an authentication method.
- Note that each IAuth instance contains a link to the BuildMaster that
- will be set once the IAuth instance is initialized.
- """
- master = Attribute('master', "Link to BuildMaster, set when initialized")
- def authenticate(self, user, passwd):
- """Check whether C{user} / C{passwd} are valid."""
- def getUserInfo(self, user):
- """return dict with user info.
- dict( fullName="", email="", groups=[])
- """
- def errmsg(self):
- """Get the reason authentication failed."""
-class AuthBase:
- master = None # set in status.web.baseweb
- err = ""
- def errmsg(self):
- return self.err
- def getUserInfo(self, user):
- """default dummy impl"""
- return dict(userName=user, fullName=user, email=user+"@localhost", groups=[ user ])
-class BasicAuth(AuthBase):
- implements(IAuth)
- """Implement basic authentication against a list of user/passwd."""
- userpass = []
- """List of user/pass tuples."""
- def __init__(self, userpass):
- """C{userpass} is a list of (user, passwd)."""
- for item in userpass:
- assert isinstance(item, tuple) or isinstance(item, list)
- u, p = item
- assert isinstance(u, str)
- assert isinstance(p, str)
- self.userpass = userpass
- def authenticate(self, user, passwd):
- """Check that C{user}/C{passwd} is a valid user/pass tuple."""
- if not self.userpass:
- self.err = "Bad self.userpass data"
- return False
- for u, p in self.userpass:
- if user == u and passwd == p:
- self.err = ""
- return True
- self.err = "Invalid username or password"
- return False
-class HTPasswdAuth(AuthBase):
- implements(IAuth)
- """Implement authentication against an .htpasswd file."""
- file = ""
- """Path to the .htpasswd file to use."""
- def __init__(self, file):
- """C{file} is a path to an .htpasswd file."""
- assert os.path.exists(file)
- self.file = file
- def authenticate(self, user, passwd):
- """Authenticate C{user} and C{passwd} against an .htpasswd file"""
- if not os.path.exists(self.file):
- self.err = "No such file: " + self.file
- return False
- # Fetch each line from the .htpasswd file and split it into a
- # [user, passwd] array.
- lines = [l.rstrip().split(':', 1)
- for l in file(self.file).readlines()]
- # Keep only the line for this login
- lines = [l for l in lines if l[0] == user]
- if not lines:
- self.err = "Invalid user/passwd"
- return False
- hash = lines[0][1]
- res = self.validatePassword(passwd, hash)
- if res:
- self.err = ""
- else:
- self.err = "Invalid user/passwd"
- return res
- def validatePassword(self, passwd, hash):
- # This is the DES-hash of the password. The first two characters are
- # the salt used to introduce disorder in the DES algorithm.
- from crypt import crypt #@UnresolvedImport
- return hash == crypt(passwd, hash[0:2])
-class HTPasswdAprAuth(HTPasswdAuth):
- implements(IAuth)
- """Implement authentication against an .htpasswd file based on libaprutil"""
- file = ""
- """Path to the .htpasswd file to use."""
- def __init__(self, file):
- HTPasswdAuth.__init__(self, file)
- # Try to load libaprutil throug ctypes
- self.apr = None
- try:
- from ctypes import CDLL
- from ctypes.util import find_library
- lib = find_library("aprutil-1")
- if lib:
- self.apr = CDLL(lib)
- except:
- self.apr = None
- def validatePassword(self, passwd, hash):
- # Use apr_password_validate from libaprutil if libaprutil is available.
- # Fallback to DES only checking from HTPasswdAuth
- if self.apr:
- return self.apr.apr_password_validate(passwd, hash) == 0
- else:
- return HTPasswdAuth.validatePassword(self, passwd, hash)
-class UsersAuth(AuthBase):
- """Implement authentication against users in database"""
- implements(IAuth)
- def authenticate(self, user, passwd):
- """
- It checks for a matching uid in the database for the credentials
- and return True if a match is found, False otherwise.
- @param user: username portion of user credentials
- @type user: string
- @param passwd: password portion of user credentials
- @type passwd: string
- @returns: boolean via deferred.
- """
- d = self.master.db.users.getUserByUsername(user)
- def check_creds(user):
- if user:
- if users.check_passwd(passwd, user['bb_password']):
- return True
- self.err = "no user found with those credentials"
- return False
- d.addCallback(check_creds)
- return d
-class AuthFailResource(HtmlResource):
- pageTitle = "Authentication Failed"
- def content(self, request, cxt):
- templates =request.site.buildbot_service.templates
- template = templates.get_template("authfail.html")
- return template.render(**cxt)
-class AuthzFailResource(HtmlResource):
- pageTitle = "Authorization Failed"
- def content(self, request, cxt):
- templates =request.site.buildbot_service.templates
- template = templates.get_template("authzfail.html")
- return template.render(**cxt)
-class LoginResource(ActionResource):
- def performAction(self, request):
- authz = self.getAuthz(request)
- d = authz.login(request)
- def on_login(res):
- if res:
- status = request.site.buildbot_service.master.status
- root = status.getBuildbotURL()
- return request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders('referer',
- [root])[0]
- else:
- return path_to_authfail(request)
- d.addBoth(on_login)
- return d
-class LogoutResource(ActionResource):
- def performAction(self, request):
- authz = self.getAuthz(request)
- authz.logout(request)
- status = request.site.buildbot_service.master.status
- root = status.getBuildbotURL()
- return request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders('referer',[root])[0]