path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/buildstep.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/buildstep.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 386 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/buildstep.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/buildstep.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e453873..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/buildstep.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import os
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.persisted import styles
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
-from buildbot import interfaces, util
-from buildbot.status.logfile import LogFile, HTMLLogFile
-class BuildStepStatus(styles.Versioned):
- """
- I represent a collection of output status for a
- L{buildbot.process.step.BuildStep}.
- Statistics contain any information gleaned from a step that is
- not in the form of a logfile. As an example, steps that run
- tests might gather statistics about the number of passed, failed,
- or skipped tests.
- @type progress: L{buildbot.status.progress.StepProgress}
- @cvar progress: tracks ETA for the step
- @type text: list of strings
- @cvar text: list of short texts that describe the command and its status
- @type text2: list of strings
- @cvar text2: list of short texts added to the overall build description
- @type logs: dict of string -> L{buildbot.status.logfile.LogFile}
- @ivar logs: logs of steps
- @type statistics: dict
- @ivar statistics: results from running this step
- """
- # note that these are created when the Build is set up, before each
- # corresponding BuildStep has started.
- implements(interfaces.IBuildStepStatus, interfaces.IStatusEvent)
- persistenceVersion = 4
- persistenceForgets = ( 'wasUpgraded', )
- started = None
- finished = None
- progress = None
- text = []
- results = None
- text2 = []
- watchers = []
- updates = {}
- finishedWatchers = []
- statistics = {}
- step_number = None
- hidden = False
- def __init__(self, parent, master, step_number):
- assert interfaces.IBuildStatus(parent)
- self.build = parent
- self.step_number = step_number
- self.hidden = False
- self.logs = []
- self.urls = {}
- self.watchers = []
- self.updates = {}
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- self.statistics = {}
- self.skipped = False
- self.master = master
- self.waitingForLocks = False
- def getName(self):
- """Returns a short string with the name of this step. This string
- may have spaces in it."""
- return self.name
- def getBuild(self):
- return self.build
- def getTimes(self):
- return (self.started, self.finished)
- def getExpectations(self):
- """Returns a list of tuples (name, current, target)."""
- if not self.progress:
- return []
- ret = []
- metrics = self.progress.progress.keys()
- metrics.sort()
- for m in metrics:
- t = (m, self.progress.progress[m], self.progress.expectations[m])
- ret.append(t)
- return ret
- def getLogs(self):
- return self.logs
- def getURLs(self):
- return self.urls.copy()
- def isStarted(self):
- return (self.started is not None)
- def isSkipped(self):
- return self.skipped
- def isFinished(self):
- return (self.finished is not None)
- def isHidden(self):
- return self.hidden
- def waitUntilFinished(self):
- if self.finished:
- d = defer.succeed(self)
- else:
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.finishedWatchers.append(d)
- return d
- # while the step is running, the following methods make sense.
- # Afterwards they return None
- def getETA(self):
- if self.started is None:
- return None # not started yet
- if self.finished is not None:
- return None # already finished
- if not self.progress:
- return None # no way to predict
- return self.progress.remaining()
- # Once you know the step has finished, the following methods are legal.
- # Before this step has finished, they all return None.
- def getText(self):
- """Returns a list of strings which describe the step. These are
- intended to be displayed in a narrow column. If more space is
- available, the caller should join them together with spaces before
- presenting them to the user."""
- return self.text
- def getResults(self):
- """Return a tuple describing the results of the step.
- 'result' is one of the constants in L{buildbot.status.builder}:
- 'strings' is an optional list of strings that the step wants to
- append to the overall build's results. These strings are usually
- more terse than the ones returned by getText(): in particular,
- successful Steps do not usually contribute any text to the
- overall build.
- @rtype: tuple of int, list of strings
- @returns: (result, strings)
- """
- return (self.results, self.text2)
- def hasStatistic(self, name):
- """Return true if this step has a value for the given statistic.
- """
- return self.statistics.has_key(name)
- def getStatistic(self, name, default=None):
- """Return the given statistic, if present
- """
- return self.statistics.get(name, default)
- def getStatistics(self):
- return self.statistics.copy()
- # subscription interface
- def subscribe(self, receiver, updateInterval=10):
- # will get logStarted, logFinished, stepETAUpdate
- assert receiver not in self.watchers
- self.watchers.append(receiver)
- self.sendETAUpdate(receiver, updateInterval)
- def sendETAUpdate(self, receiver, updateInterval):
- self.updates[receiver] = None
- # they might unsubscribe during stepETAUpdate
- receiver.stepETAUpdate(self.build, self,
- self.getETA(), self.getExpectations())
- if receiver in self.watchers:
- self.updates[receiver] = reactor.callLater(updateInterval,
- self.sendETAUpdate,
- receiver,
- updateInterval)
- def unsubscribe(self, receiver):
- if receiver in self.watchers:
- self.watchers.remove(receiver)
- if receiver in self.updates:
- if self.updates[receiver] is not None:
- self.updates[receiver].cancel()
- del self.updates[receiver]
- # methods to be invoked by the BuildStep
- def setName(self, stepname):
- self.name = stepname
- def setColor(self, color):
- log.msg("BuildStepStatus.setColor is no longer supported -- ignoring color %s" % (color,))
- def setProgress(self, stepprogress):
- self.progress = stepprogress
- def setHidden(self, hidden):
- self.hidden = hidden
- def stepStarted(self):
- self.started = util.now()
- if self.build:
- self.build.stepStarted(self)
- def addLog(self, name):
- assert self.started # addLog before stepStarted won't notify watchers
- logfilename = self.build.generateLogfileName(self.name, name)
- log = LogFile(self, name, logfilename)
- self.logs.append(log)
- for w in self.watchers:
- receiver = w.logStarted(self.build, self, log)
- if receiver:
- log.subscribe(receiver, True)
- d = log.waitUntilFinished()
- d.addCallback(lambda log: log.unsubscribe(receiver))
- d = log.waitUntilFinished()
- d.addCallback(self.logFinished)
- return log
- def addHTMLLog(self, name, html):
- assert self.started # addLog before stepStarted won't notify watchers
- logfilename = self.build.generateLogfileName(self.name, name)
- log = HTMLLogFile(self, name, logfilename, html)
- self.logs.append(log)
- for w in self.watchers:
- w.logStarted(self.build, self, log)
- w.logFinished(self.build, self, log)
- def logFinished(self, log):
- for w in self.watchers:
- w.logFinished(self.build, self, log)
- def addURL(self, name, url):
- self.urls[name] = url
- def setText(self, text):
- self.text = text
- for w in self.watchers:
- w.stepTextChanged(self.build, self, text)
- def setText2(self, text):
- self.text2 = text
- for w in self.watchers:
- w.stepText2Changed(self.build, self, text)
- def setStatistic(self, name, value):
- """Set the given statistic. Usually called by subclasses.
- """
- self.statistics[name] = value
- def setSkipped(self, skipped):
- self.skipped = skipped
- def stepFinished(self, results):
- self.finished = util.now()
- self.results = results
- cld = [] # deferreds for log compression
- logCompressionLimit = self.master.config.logCompressionLimit
- for loog in self.logs:
- if not loog.isFinished():
- loog.finish()
- # if log compression is on, and it's a real LogFile,
- # HTMLLogFiles aren't files
- if logCompressionLimit is not False and \
- isinstance(loog, LogFile):
- if os.path.getsize(loog.getFilename()) > logCompressionLimit:
- loog_deferred = loog.compressLog()
- if loog_deferred:
- cld.append(loog_deferred)
- for r in self.updates.keys():
- if self.updates[r] is not None:
- self.updates[r].cancel()
- del self.updates[r]
- watchers = self.finishedWatchers
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- for w in watchers:
- w.callback(self)
- if cld:
- return defer.DeferredList(cld)
- def checkLogfiles(self):
- # filter out logs that have been deleted
- self.logs = [ l for l in self.logs if l.hasContents() ]
- def isWaitingForLocks(self):
- return self.waitingForLocks
- def setWaitingForLocks(self, waiting):
- self.waitingForLocks = waiting
- # persistence
- def __getstate__(self):
- d = styles.Versioned.__getstate__(self)
- del d['build'] # filled in when loading
- if d.has_key('progress'):
- del d['progress']
- del d['watchers']
- del d['finishedWatchers']
- del d['updates']
- del d['master']
- return d
- def __setstate__(self, d):
- styles.Versioned.__setstate__(self, d)
- # self.build must be filled in by our parent
- # point the logs to this object
- self.watchers = []
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- self.updates = {}
- def setProcessObjects(self, build, master):
- self.build = build
- self.master = master
- for loog in self.logs:
- loog.step = self
- loog.master = master
- def upgradeToVersion1(self):
- if not hasattr(self, "urls"):
- self.urls = {}
- self.wasUpgraded = True
- def upgradeToVersion2(self):
- if not hasattr(self, "statistics"):
- self.statistics = {}
- self.wasUpgraded = True
- def upgradeToVersion3(self):
- if not hasattr(self, "step_number"):
- self.step_number = 0
- self.wasUpgraded = True
- def upgradeToVersion4(self):
- if not hasattr(self, "hidden"):
- self.hidden = False
- self.wasUpgraded = True
- def asDict(self):
- result = {}
- # Constant
- result['name'] = self.getName()
- # Transient
- result['text'] = self.getText()
- result['results'] = self.getResults()
- result['isStarted'] = self.isStarted()
- result['isFinished'] = self.isFinished()
- result['statistics'] = self.statistics
- result['times'] = self.getTimes()
- result['expectations'] = self.getExpectations()
- result['eta'] = self.getETA()
- result['urls'] = self.getURLs()
- result['step_number'] = self.step_number
- result['hidden'] = self.hidden
- result['logs'] = [[l.getName(),
- self.build.builder.status.getURLForThing(l)]
- for l in self.getLogs()]
- return result