path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/scripts/runner.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/scripts/runner.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 731 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/scripts/runner.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/scripts/runner.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 89254c2a..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/scripts/runner.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-from __future__ import with_statement
-# N.B.: don't import anything that might pull in a reactor yet. Some of our
-# subcommands want to load modules that need the gtk reactor.
-# Also don't forget to mirror your changes on command-line options in manual
-# pages and texinfo documentation.
-from twisted.python import usage, reflect
-import re
-import sys
-from buildbot.scripts import base
-# Note that the terms 'options' and 'config' are used interchangeably here - in
-# fact, they are interchanged several times. Caveat legator.
-def validateMasterOption(master):
- """
- Validate master (-m, --master) command line option.
- Checks that option is a string of the 'hostname:port' form, otherwise
- raises an UsageError exception.
- @type master: string
- @param master: master option
- @raise usage.UsageError: on invalid master option
- """
- try:
- hostname, port = master.split(":")
- port = int(port)
- except:
- raise usage.UsageError("master must have the form 'hostname:port'")
-class UpgradeMasterOptions(base.BasedirMixin, base.SubcommandOptions):
- subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.upgrade_master.upgradeMaster"
- optFlags = [
- ["quiet", "q", "Do not emit the commands being run"],
- ["replace", "r", "Replace any modified files without confirmation."],
- ]
- optParameters = [
- ]
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: buildbot upgrade-master [options] [<basedir>]"
- longdesc = """
- This command takes an existing buildmaster working directory and
- adds/modifies the files there to work with the current version of
- buildbot. When this command is finished, the buildmaster directory should
- look much like a brand-new one created by the 'create-master' command.
- Use this after you've upgraded your buildbot installation and before you
- restart the buildmaster to use the new version.
- If you have modified the files in your working directory, this command
- will leave them untouched, but will put the new recommended contents in a
- .new file (for example, if index.html has been modified, this command
- will create index.html.new). You can then look at the new version and
- decide how to merge its contents into your modified file.
- When upgrading from a pre-0.8.0 release (which did not use a database),
- this command will create the given database and migrate data from the old
- pickle files into it, then move the pickle files out of the way (e.g. to
- changes.pck.old).
- When upgrading the database, this command uses the database specified in
- the master configuration file. If you wish to use a database other than
- the default (sqlite), be sure to set that parameter before upgrading.
- """
-class CreateMasterOptions(base.BasedirMixin, base.SubcommandOptions):
- subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.create_master.createMaster"
- optFlags = [
- ["quiet", "q", "Do not emit the commands being run"],
- ["force", "f",
- "Re-use an existing directory (will not overwrite master.cfg file)"],
- ["relocatable", "r",
- "Create a relocatable buildbot.tac"],
- ["no-logrotate", "n",
- "Do not permit buildmaster rotate logs by itself"]
- ]
- optParameters = [
- ["config", "c", "master.cfg", "name of the buildmaster config file"],
- ["log-size", "s", "10000000",
- "size at which to rotate twisted log files"],
- ["log-count", "l", "10",
- "limit the number of kept old twisted log files"],
- ["db", None, "sqlite:///state.sqlite",
- "which DB to use for scheduler/status state. See below for syntax."],
- ]
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: buildbot create-master [options] [<basedir>]"
- longdesc = """
- This command creates a buildmaster working directory and buildbot.tac file.
- The master will live in <dir> and create various files there. If
- --relocatable is given, then the resulting buildbot.tac file will be
- written such that its containing directory is assumed to be the basedir.
- This is generally a good idea.
- At runtime, the master will read a configuration file (named
- 'master.cfg' by default) in its basedir. This file should contain python
- code which eventually defines a dictionary named 'BuildmasterConfig'.
- The elements of this dictionary are used to configure the Buildmaster.
- See doc/config.xhtml for details about what can be controlled through
- this interface.
- The --db string is evaluated to build the DB object, which specifies
- which database the buildmaster should use to hold scheduler state and
- status information. The default (which creates an SQLite database in
- BASEDIR/state.sqlite) is equivalent to:
- --db='sqlite:///state.sqlite'
- To use a remote MySQL database instead, use something like:
- --db='mysql://bbuser:bbpasswd@dbhost/bbdb'
- The --db string is stored verbatim in the buildbot.tac file, and
- evaluated as 'buildbot start' time to pass a DBConnector instance into
- the newly-created BuildMaster object.
- """
- def postOptions(self):
- base.BasedirMixin.postOptions(self)
- if not re.match('^\d+$', self['log-size']):
- raise usage.UsageError("log-size parameter needs to be an int")
- if not re.match('^\d+$', self['log-count']) and \
- self['log-count'] != 'None':
- raise usage.UsageError("log-count parameter needs to be an int "+
- " or None")
-class StopOptions(base.BasedirMixin, base.SubcommandOptions):
- subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.stop.stop"
- optFlags = [
- ["quiet", "q", "Do not emit the commands being run"],
- ["clean", "c", "Clean shutdown master"],
- ]
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: buildbot stop [<basedir>]"
-class RestartOptions(base.BasedirMixin, base.SubcommandOptions):
- subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.restart.restart"
- optFlags = [
- ['quiet', 'q', "Don't display startup log messages"],
- ['nodaemon', None, "Don't daemonize (stay in foreground)"],
- ["clean", "c", "Clean shutdown master"],
- ]
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: buildbot restart [<basedir>]"
-class StartOptions(base.BasedirMixin, base.SubcommandOptions):
- subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.start.start"
- optFlags = [
- ['quiet', 'q', "Don't display startup log messages"],
- ['nodaemon', None, "Don't daemonize (stay in foreground)"],
- ]
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: buildbot start [<basedir>]"
-class ReconfigOptions(base.BasedirMixin, base.SubcommandOptions):
- subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.reconfig.reconfig"
- optFlags = [
- ['quiet', 'q', "Don't display log messages about reconfiguration"],
- ]
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: buildbot reconfig [<basedir>]"
-class DebugClientOptions(base.SubcommandOptions):
- subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.debugclient.debugclient"
- optParameters = [
- ["master", "m", None,
- "Location of the buildmaster's slaveport (host:port)"],
- ["passwd", "p", None, "Debug password to use"],
- ]
- buildbotOptions = [
- [ 'master', 'master' ],
- [ 'debugMaster', 'master' ],
- ]
- requiredOptions = [ 'master', 'passwd' ]
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: buildbot debugclient [options]"
- def parseArgs(self, *args):
- if len(args) > 0:
- self['master'] = args[0]
- if len(args) > 1:
- self['passwd'] = args[1]
- if len(args) > 2:
- raise usage.UsageError("I wasn't expecting so many arguments")
- def postOptions(self):
- base.SubcommandOptions.postOptions(self)
- validateMasterOption(self.get('master'))
-class BaseStatusClientOptions(base.SubcommandOptions):
- optFlags = [
- ['help', 'h', "Display this message"],
- ]
- optParameters = [
- ["master", "m", None,
- "Location of the buildmaster's status port (host:port)"],
- ["username", "u", "statusClient", "Username performing the trial build"],
- ["passwd", 'p', "clientpw", "password for PB authentication"],
- ]
- buildbotOptions = [
- [ 'master', 'master' ],
- [ 'masterstatus', 'master' ],
- ]
- requiredOptions = [ 'master' ]
- def parseArgs(self, *args):
- if len(args) > 0:
- self['master'] = args[0]
- if len(args) > 1:
- raise usage.UsageError("I wasn't expecting so many arguments")
- def postOptions(self):
- base.SubcommandOptions.postOptions(self)
- validateMasterOption(self.get('master'))
-class StatusLogOptions(BaseStatusClientOptions):
- subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.statuslog.statuslog"
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: buildbot statuslog [options]"
-class StatusGuiOptions(BaseStatusClientOptions):
- subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.statusgui.statusgui"
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: buildbot statusgui [options]"
-class SendChangeOptions(base.SubcommandOptions):
- subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.sendchange.sendchange"
- def __init__(self):
- base.SubcommandOptions.__init__(self)
- self['properties'] = {}
- optParameters = [
- ("master", "m", None,
- "Location of the buildmaster's PBListener (host:port)"),
- # deprecated in 0.8.3; remove in 0.8.5 (bug #1711)
- ("auth", "a", 'change:changepw',
- "Authentication token - username:password, or prompt for password"),
- ("who", "W", None, "Author of the commit"),
- ("repository", "R", '', "Repository specifier"),
- ("vc", "s", None, "The VC system in use, one of: cvs, svn, darcs, hg, "
- "bzr, git, mtn, p4"),
- ("project", "P", '', "Project specifier"),
- ("branch", "b", None, "Branch specifier"),
- ("category", "C", None, "Category of repository"),
- ("codebase", None, None,
- "Codebase this change is in (requires 0.8.7 master or later)"),
- ("revision", "r", None, "Revision specifier"),
- ("revision_file", None, None, "Filename containing revision spec"),
- ("property", "p", None,
- "A property for the change, in the format: name:value"),
- ("comments", "c", None, "log message"),
- ("logfile", "F", None,
- "Read the log messages from this file (- for stdin)"),
- ("when", "w", None, "timestamp to use as the change time"),
- ("revlink", "l", '', "Revision link (revlink)"),
- ("encoding", "e", 'utf8',
- "Encoding of other parameters (default utf8)"),
- ]
- buildbotOptions = [
- [ 'master', 'master' ],
- [ 'who', 'who' ],
- [ 'branch', 'branch' ],
- [ 'category', 'category' ],
- [ 'vc', 'vc' ],
- ]
- requiredOptions = [ 'who', 'master' ]
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: buildbot sendchange [options] filenames.."
- def parseArgs(self, *args):
- self['files'] = args
- def opt_property(self, property):
- name,value = property.split(':', 1)
- self['properties'][name] = value
- def postOptions(self):
- base.SubcommandOptions.postOptions(self)
- if self.get("revision_file"):
- with open(self["revision_file"],"r") as f:
- self['revision'] = f.read()
- if self.get('when'):
- try:
- self['when'] = float(self['when'])
- except:
- raise usage.UsageError('invalid "when" value %s'
- % (self['when'],))
- else:
- self['when'] = None
- if not self.get('comments') and self.get('logfile'):
- if self['logfile'] == "-":
- self['comments'] = sys.stdin.read()
- else:
- with open(self['logfile'], "rt") as f:
- self['comments'] = f.read()
- if self.get('comments') is None:
- self['comments'] = ""
- # fix up the auth with a password if none was given
- auth = self.get('auth')
- if ':' not in auth:
- import getpass
- pw = getpass.getpass("Enter password for '%s': " % auth)
- auth = "%s:%s" % (auth, pw)
- self['auth'] = tuple(auth.split(':', 1))
- vcs = ['cvs', 'svn', 'darcs', 'hg', 'bzr', 'git', 'mtn', 'p4']
- if self.get('vc') and self.get('vc') not in vcs:
- raise usage.UsageError("vc must be one of %s" % (', '.join(vcs)))
- validateMasterOption(self.get('master'))
-class TryOptions(base.SubcommandOptions):
- subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.trycmd.trycmd"
- optParameters = [
- ["connect", "c", None,
- "How to reach the buildmaster, either 'ssh' or 'pb'"],
- # for ssh, use --host, --username, and --jobdir
- ["host", None, None,
- "Hostname (used by ssh) for the buildmaster"],
- ["jobdir", None, None,
- "Directory (on the buildmaster host) where try jobs are deposited"],
- ["username", "u", None,
- "Username performing the try build"],
- # for PB, use --master, --username, and --passwd
- ["master", "m", None,
- "Location of the buildmaster's PBListener (host:port)"],
- ["passwd", None, None,
- "Password for PB authentication"],
- ["who", "w", None,
- "Who is responsible for the try build"],
- ["comment", "C", None,
- "A comment which can be used in notifications for this build"],
- # for ssh to accommodate running in a virtualenv on the buildmaster
- ["buildbotbin", None, "buildbot",
- "buildbot binary to use on the buildmaster host"],
- ["diff", None, None,
- "Filename of a patch to use instead of scanning a local tree. "
- "Use '-' for stdin."],
- ["patchlevel", "p", 0,
- "Number of slashes to remove from patch pathnames, "
- "like the -p option to 'patch'"],
- ["baserev", None, None,
- "Base revision to use instead of scanning a local tree."],
- ["vc", None, None,
- "The VC system in use, one of: bzr, cvs, darcs, git, hg, "
- "mtn, p4, svn"],
- ["branch", None, None,
- "The branch in use, for VC systems that can't figure it out "
- "themselves"],
- ["repository", None, None,
- "Repository to use, instead of path to working directory."],
- ["builder", "b", None,
- "Run the trial build on this Builder. Can be used multiple times."],
- ["properties", None, None,
- "A set of properties made available in the build environment, "
- "format is --properties=prop1=value1,prop2=value2,.. "
- "option can be specified multiple times."],
- ["property", None, None,
- "A property made available in the build environment, "
- "format:prop=value. Can be used multiple times."],
- ["topfile", None, None,
- "Name of a file at the top of the tree, used to find the top. "
- "Only needed for SVN and CVS."],
- ["topdir", None, None,
- "Path to the top of the working copy. Only needed for SVN and CVS."],
- ]
- optFlags = [
- ["wait", None,
- "wait until the builds have finished"],
- ["dryrun", 'n',
- "Gather info, but don't actually submit."],
- ["get-builder-names", None,
- "Get the names of available builders. Doesn't submit anything. "
- "Only supported for 'pb' connections."],
- ["quiet", "q",
- "Don't print status of current builds while waiting."],
- ]
- # Mapping of .buildbot/options names to command-line options
- buildbotOptions = [
- [ 'try_connect', 'connect' ],
- #[ 'try_builders', 'builders' ], <-- handled in postOptions
- [ 'try_vc', 'vc' ],
- [ 'try_branch', 'branch' ],
- [ 'try_repository', 'repository' ],
- [ 'try_topdir', 'topdir' ],
- [ 'try_topfile', 'topfile' ],
- [ 'try_host', 'host' ],
- [ 'try_username', 'username' ],
- [ 'try_jobdir', 'jobdir' ],
- [ 'try_buildbotbin', 'buildbotbin' ],
- [ 'try_passwd', 'passwd' ],
- [ 'try_master', 'master' ],
- [ 'try_who', 'who' ],
- [ 'try_comment', 'comment' ],
- #[ 'try_wait', 'wait' ], <-- handled in postOptions
- #[ 'try_quiet', 'quiet' ], <-- handled in postOptions
- # Deprecated command mappings from the quirky old days:
- [ 'try_masterstatus', 'master' ],
- [ 'try_dir', 'jobdir' ],
- [ 'try_password', 'passwd' ],
- ]
- def __init__(self):
- base.SubcommandOptions.__init__(self)
- self['builders'] = []
- self['properties'] = {}
- def opt_builder(self, option):
- self['builders'].append(option)
- def opt_properties(self, option):
- # We need to split the value of this option into a dictionary of properties
- propertylist = option.split(",")
- for i in range(0,len(propertylist)):
- splitproperty = propertylist[i].split("=", 1)
- self['properties'][splitproperty[0]] = splitproperty[1]
- def opt_property(self, option):
- name, _, value = option.partition("=")
- self['properties'][name] = value
- def opt_patchlevel(self, option):
- self['patchlevel'] = int(option)
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: buildbot try [options]"
- def postOptions(self):
- base.SubcommandOptions.postOptions(self)
- opts = self.optionsFile
- if not self['builders']:
- self['builders'] = opts.get('try_builders', [])
- if opts.get('try_wait', False):
- self['wait'] = True
- if opts.get('try_quiet', False):
- self['quiet'] = True
- # get the global 'masterstatus' option if it's set and no master
- # was specified otherwise
- if not self['master']:
- self['master'] = opts.get('masterstatus', None)
- if self['connect'] == 'pb':
- if not self['master']:
- raise usage.UsageError("master location must be specified" \
- "for 'pb' connections")
- validateMasterOption(self['master'])
-class TryServerOptions(base.SubcommandOptions):
- subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.tryserver.tryserver"
- optParameters = [
- ["jobdir", None, None, "the jobdir (maildir) for submitting jobs"],
- ]
- requiredOptions = [ 'jobdir' ]
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: buildbot tryserver [options]"
- def postOptions(self):
- if not self['jobdir']:
- raise usage.UsageError('jobdir is required')
-class CheckConfigOptions(base.SubcommandOptions):
- subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.checkconfig.checkconfig"
- optFlags = [
- ['quiet', 'q', "Don't display error messages or tracebacks"],
- ]
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: buildbot checkconfig [configFile]\n" + \
- " If not specified, 'master.cfg' will be used as 'configFile'"
- def parseArgs(self, *args):
- if len(args) >= 1:
- self['configFile'] = args[0]
- else:
- self['configFile'] = 'master.cfg'
-class UserOptions(base.SubcommandOptions):
- subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.user.user"
- optParameters = [
- ["master", "m", None,
- "Location of the buildmaster's PBListener (host:port)"],
- ["username", "u", None,
- "Username for PB authentication"],
- ["passwd", "p", None,
- "Password for PB authentication"],
- ["op", None, None,
- "User management operation: add, remove, update, get"],
- ["bb_username", None, None,
- "Username to set for a given user. Only availabe on 'update', "
- "and bb_password must be given as well."],
- ["bb_password", None, None,
- "Password to set for a given user. Only availabe on 'update', "
- "and bb_username must be given as well."],
- ["ids", None, None,
- "User's identifiers, used to find users in 'remove' and 'get' "
- "Can be specified multiple times (--ids=id1,id2,id3)"],
- ["info", None, None,
- "User information in the form: --info=type=value,type=value,.. "
- "Used in 'add' and 'update', can be specified multiple times. "
- "Note that 'update' requires --info=id:type=value..."]
- ]
- buildbotOptions = [
- [ 'master', 'master' ],
- [ 'user_master', 'master' ],
- [ 'user_username', 'username' ],
- [ 'user_passwd', 'passwd' ],
- ]
- requiredOptions = [ 'master' ]
- longdesc = """
- Currently implemented types for --info= are:\n
- git, svn, hg, cvs, darcs, bzr, email
- """
- def __init__(self):
- base.SubcommandOptions.__init__(self)
- self['ids'] = []
- self['info'] = []
- def opt_ids(self, option):
- id_list = option.split(",")
- self['ids'].extend(id_list)
- def opt_info(self, option):
- # splits info into type/value dictionary, appends to info
- info_list = option.split(",")
- info_elem = {}
- if len(info_list) == 1 and '=' not in info_list[0]:
- info_elem["identifier"] = info_list[0]
- self['info'].append(info_elem)
- else:
- for i in range(0, len(info_list)):
- split_info = info_list[i].split("=", 1)
- # pull identifier from update --info
- if ":" in split_info[0]:
- split_id = split_info[0].split(":")
- info_elem["identifier"] = split_id[0]
- split_info[0] = split_id[1]
- info_elem[split_info[0]] = split_info[1]
- self['info'].append(info_elem)
- def getSynopsis(self):
- return "Usage: buildbot user [options]"
- def _checkValidTypes(self, info):
- from buildbot.process.users import users
- valid = set(['identifier', 'email'] + users.srcs)
- for user in info:
- for attr_type in user:
- if attr_type not in valid:
- raise usage.UsageError(
- "Type not a valid attr_type, must be in: %s"
- % ', '.join(valid))
- def postOptions(self):
- base.SubcommandOptions.postOptions(self)
- validateMasterOption(self.get('master'))
- op = self.get('op')
- if not op:
- raise usage.UsageError("you must specify an operation: add, "
- "remove, update, get")
- if op not in ['add', 'remove', 'update', 'get']:
- raise usage.UsageError("bad op %r, use 'add', 'remove', 'update', "
- "or 'get'" % op)
- if not self.get('username') or not self.get('passwd'):
- raise usage.UsageError("A username and password must be given")
- bb_username = self.get('bb_username')
- bb_password = self.get('bb_password')
- if bb_username or bb_password:
- if op != 'update':
- raise usage.UsageError("bb_username and bb_password only work "
- "with update")
- if not bb_username or not bb_password:
- raise usage.UsageError("Must specify both bb_username and "
- "bb_password or neither.")
- info = self.get('info')
- ids = self.get('ids')
- # check for erroneous args
- if not info and not ids:
- raise usage.UsageError("must specify either --ids or --info")
- if op == 'add' or op == 'update':
- if ids:
- raise usage.UsageError("cannot use --ids with 'add' or "
- "'update'")
- self._checkValidTypes(info)
- if op == 'update':
- for user in info:
- if 'identifier' not in user:
- raise usage.UsageError("no ids found in update info; "
- "use: --info=id:type=value,type=value,..")
- if op == 'add':
- for user in info:
- if 'identifier' in user:
- raise usage.UsageError("identifier found in add info, "
- "use: --info=type=value,type=value,..")
- if op == 'remove' or op == 'get':
- if info:
- raise usage.UsageError("cannot use --info with 'remove' "
- "or 'get'")
-class Options(usage.Options):
- synopsis = "Usage: buildbot <command> [command options]"
- subCommands = [
- ['create-master', None, CreateMasterOptions,
- "Create and populate a directory for a new buildmaster"],
- ['upgrade-master', None, UpgradeMasterOptions,
- "Upgrade an existing buildmaster directory for the current version"],
- ['start', None, StartOptions,
- "Start a buildmaster"],
- ['stop', None, StopOptions,
- "Stop a buildmaster"],
- ['restart', None, RestartOptions,
- "Restart a buildmaster"],
- ['reconfig', None, ReconfigOptions,
- "SIGHUP a buildmaster to make it re-read the config file"],
- ['sighup', None, ReconfigOptions,
- "SIGHUP a buildmaster to make it re-read the config file"],
- ['sendchange', None, SendChangeOptions,
- "Send a change to the buildmaster"],
- ['debugclient', None, DebugClientOptions,
- "Launch a small debug panel GUI"],
- ['statuslog', None, StatusLogOptions,
- "Emit current builder status to stdout"],
- ['statusgui', None, StatusGuiOptions,
- "Display a small window showing current builder status"],
- ['try', None, TryOptions,
- "Run a build with your local changes"],
- ['tryserver', None, TryServerOptions,
- "buildmaster-side 'try' support function, not for users"],
- ['checkconfig', None, CheckConfigOptions,
- "test the validity of a master.cfg config file"],
- ['user', None, UserOptions,
- "Manage users in buildbot's database"]
- ]
- def opt_version(self):
- import buildbot
- print "Buildbot version: %s" % buildbot.version
- usage.Options.opt_version(self)
- def opt_verbose(self):
- from twisted.python import log
- log.startLogging(sys.stderr)
- def postOptions(self):
- if not hasattr(self, 'subOptions'):
- raise usage.UsageError("must specify a command")
-def run():
- config = Options()
- try:
- config.parseOptions(sys.argv[1:])
- except usage.error, e:
- print "%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], e)
- print
- c = getattr(config, 'subOptions', config)
- print str(c)
- sys.exit(1)
- subconfig = config.subOptions
- subcommandFunction = reflect.namedObject(subconfig.subcommandFunction)
- sys.exit(subcommandFunction(subconfig))