path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/properties.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/properties.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 689 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/properties.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/properties.py
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index 4edf394e..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/properties.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,689 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import collections
-import re
-import warnings
-import weakref
-from buildbot import config, util
-from buildbot.util import json
-from buildbot.interfaces import IRenderable, IProperties
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter
-from zope.interface import implements
-class Properties(util.ComparableMixin):
- """
- I represent a set of properties that can be interpolated into various
- strings in buildsteps.
- @ivar properties: dictionary mapping property values to tuples
- (value, source), where source is a string identifing the source
- of the property.
- Objects of this class can be read like a dictionary -- in this case,
- only the property value is returned.
- As a special case, a property value of None is returned as an empty
- string when used as a mapping.
- """
- compare_attrs = ('properties',)
- implements(IProperties)
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- """
- @param kwargs: initial property values (for testing)
- """
- self.properties = {}
- # Track keys which are 'runtime', and should not be
- # persisted if a build is rebuilt
- self.runtime = set()
- self.build = None # will be set by the Build when starting
- if kwargs: self.update(kwargs, "TEST")
- @classmethod
- def fromDict(cls, propDict):
- properties = cls()
- for name, (value, source) in propDict.iteritems():
- properties.setProperty(name, value, source)
- return properties
- def __getstate__(self):
- d = self.__dict__.copy()
- d['build'] = None
- return d
- def __setstate__(self, d):
- self.__dict__ = d
- if not hasattr(self, 'runtime'):
- self.runtime = set()
- def __contains__(self, name):
- return name in self.properties
- def __getitem__(self, name):
- """Just get the value for this property."""
- rv = self.properties[name][0]
- return rv
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return not not self.properties
- def getPropertySource(self, name):
- return self.properties[name][1]
- def asList(self):
- """Return the properties as a sorted list of (name, value, source)"""
- l = [ (k, v[0], v[1]) for k,v in self.properties.iteritems() ]
- l.sort()
- return l
- def asDict(self):
- """Return the properties as a simple key:value dictionary"""
- return dict(self.properties)
- def __repr__(self):
- return ('Properties(**' +
- repr(dict((k,v[0]) for k,v in self.properties.iteritems())) +
- ')')
- def update(self, dict, source, runtime=False):
- """Update this object from a dictionary, with an explicit source specified."""
- for k, v in dict.items():
- self.setProperty(k, v, source, runtime=runtime)
- def updateFromProperties(self, other):
- """Update this object based on another object; the other object's """
- self.properties.update(other.properties)
- self.runtime.update(other.runtime)
- def updateFromPropertiesNoRuntime(self, other):
- """Update this object based on another object, but don't
- include properties that were marked as runtime."""
- for k,v in other.properties.iteritems():
- if k not in other.runtime:
- self.properties[k] = v
- # IProperties methods
- def getProperty(self, name, default=None):
- return self.properties.get(name, (default,))[0]
- def hasProperty(self, name):
- return self.properties.has_key(name)
- has_key = hasProperty
- def setProperty(self, name, value, source, runtime=False):
- try:
- json.dumps(value)
- except TypeError:
- warnings.warn(
- "Non jsonable properties are not explicitly supported and" +
- "will be explicitly disallowed in a future version.",
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- self.properties[name] = (value, source)
- if runtime:
- self.runtime.add(name)
- def getProperties(self):
- return self
- def getBuild(self):
- return self.build
- def render(self, value):
- renderable = IRenderable(value)
- return defer.maybeDeferred(renderable.getRenderingFor, self)
-class PropertiesMixin:
- """
- A mixin to add L{IProperties} methods to a class which does not implement
- the interface, but which can be coerced to the interface via an adapter.
- This is useful because L{IProperties} methods are often called on L{Build}
- and L{BuildStatus} objects without first coercing them.
- @ivar set_runtime_properties: the default value for the C{runtime}
- parameter of L{setProperty}.
- """
- set_runtime_properties = False
- def getProperty(self, propname, default=None):
- props = IProperties(self)
- return props.getProperty(propname, default)
- def hasProperty(self, propname):
- props = IProperties(self)
- return props.hasProperty(propname)
- has_key = hasProperty
- def setProperty(self, propname, value, source='Unknown', runtime=None):
- # source is not optional in IProperties, but is optional here to avoid
- # breaking user-supplied code that fails to specify a source
- props = IProperties(self)
- if runtime is None:
- runtime = self.set_runtime_properties
- props.setProperty(propname, value, source, runtime=runtime)
- def getProperties(self):
- return IProperties(self)
- def render(self, value):
- props = IProperties(self)
- return props.render(value)
-class _PropertyMap(object):
- """
- Privately-used mapping object to implement WithProperties' substitutions,
- including the rendering of None as ''.
- """
- colon_minus_re = re.compile(r"(.*):-(.*)")
- colon_tilde_re = re.compile(r"(.*):~(.*)")
- colon_plus_re = re.compile(r"(.*):\+(.*)")
- def __init__(self, properties):
- # use weakref here to avoid a reference loop
- self.properties = weakref.ref(properties)
- self.temp_vals = {}
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- properties = self.properties()
- assert properties is not None
- def colon_minus(mo):
- # %(prop:-repl)s
- # if prop exists, use it; otherwise, use repl
- prop, repl = mo.group(1,2)
- if prop in self.temp_vals:
- return self.temp_vals[prop]
- elif properties.has_key(prop):
- return properties[prop]
- else:
- return repl
- def colon_tilde(mo):
- # %(prop:~repl)s
- # if prop exists and is true (nonempty), use it; otherwise, use repl
- prop, repl = mo.group(1,2)
- if prop in self.temp_vals and self.temp_vals[prop]:
- return self.temp_vals[prop]
- elif properties.has_key(prop) and properties[prop]:
- return properties[prop]
- else:
- return repl
- def colon_plus(mo):
- # %(prop:+repl)s
- # if prop exists, use repl; otherwise, an empty string
- prop, repl = mo.group(1,2)
- if properties.has_key(prop) or prop in self.temp_vals:
- return repl
- else:
- return ''
- for regexp, fn in [
- ( self.colon_minus_re, colon_minus ),
- ( self.colon_tilde_re, colon_tilde ),
- ( self.colon_plus_re, colon_plus ),
- ]:
- mo = regexp.match(key)
- if mo:
- rv = fn(mo)
- break
- else:
- # If explicitly passed as a kwarg, use that,
- # otherwise, use the property value.
- if key in self.temp_vals:
- rv = self.temp_vals[key]
- else:
- rv = properties[key]
- # translate 'None' to an empty string
- if rv is None: rv = ''
- return rv
- def add_temporary_value(self, key, val):
- 'Add a temporary value (to support keyword arguments to WithProperties)'
- self.temp_vals[key] = val
-class WithProperties(util.ComparableMixin):
- """
- This is a marker class, used fairly widely to indicate that we
- want to interpolate build properties.
- """
- implements(IRenderable)
- compare_attrs = ('fmtstring', 'args', 'lambda_subs')
- def __init__(self, fmtstring, *args, **lambda_subs):
- self.fmtstring = fmtstring
- self.args = args
- if not self.args:
- self.lambda_subs = lambda_subs
- for key, val in self.lambda_subs.iteritems():
- if not callable(val):
- raise ValueError('Value for lambda substitution "%s" must be callable.' % key)
- elif lambda_subs:
- raise ValueError('WithProperties takes either positional or keyword substitutions, not both.')
- def getRenderingFor(self, build):
- pmap = _PropertyMap(build.getProperties())
- if self.args:
- strings = []
- for name in self.args:
- strings.append(pmap[name])
- s = self.fmtstring % tuple(strings)
- else:
- for k,v in self.lambda_subs.iteritems():
- pmap.add_temporary_value(k, v(build))
- s = self.fmtstring % pmap
- return s
-_notHasKey = object() ## Marker object for _Lookup(..., hasKey=...) default
-class _Lookup(util.ComparableMixin, object):
- implements(IRenderable)
- compare_attrs = ('value', 'index', 'default', 'defaultWhenFalse', 'hasKey', 'elideNoneAs')
- def __init__(self, value, index, default=None,
- defaultWhenFalse=True, hasKey=_notHasKey,
- elideNoneAs=None):
- self.value = value
- self.index = index
- self.default = default
- self.defaultWhenFalse = defaultWhenFalse
- self.hasKey = hasKey
- self.elideNoneAs = elideNoneAs
- def __repr__(self):
- return '_Lookup(%r, %r%s%s%s%s)' % (
- self.value,
- self.index,
- ', default=%r' % (self.default,)
- if self.default is not None else '',
- ', defaultWhenFalse=False'
- if not self.defaultWhenFalse else '',
- ', hasKey=%r' % (self.hasKey,)
- if self.hasKey is not _notHasKey else '',
- ', elideNoneAs=%r'% (self.elideNoneAs,)
- if self.elideNoneAs is not None else '')
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def getRenderingFor(self, build):
- value = build.render(self.value)
- index = build.render(self.index)
- value, index = yield defer.gatherResults([value, index])
- if not value.has_key(index):
- rv = yield build.render(self.default)
- else:
- if self.defaultWhenFalse:
- rv = yield build.render(value[index])
- if not rv:
- rv = yield build.render(self.default)
- elif self.hasKey is not _notHasKey:
- rv = yield build.render(self.hasKey)
- elif self.hasKey is not _notHasKey:
- rv = yield build.render(self.hasKey)
- else:
- rv = yield build.render(value[index])
- if rv is None:
- rv = yield build.render(self.elideNoneAs)
- defer.returnValue(rv)
-def _getInterpolationList(fmtstring):
- # TODO: Verify that no positial substitutions are requested
- dd = collections.defaultdict(str)
- fmtstring % dd
- return dd.keys()
-class _PropertyDict(object):
- implements(IRenderable)
- def getRenderingFor(self, build):
- return build.getProperties()
-_thePropertyDict = _PropertyDict()
-class _SourceStampDict(util.ComparableMixin, object):
- implements(IRenderable)
- compare_attrs = ('codebase',)
- def __init__(self, codebase):
- self.codebase = codebase
- def getRenderingFor(self, build):
- ss = build.getBuild().getSourceStamp(self.codebase)
- if ss:
- return ss.asDict()
- else:
- return {}
-class _Lazy(util.ComparableMixin, object):
- implements(IRenderable)
- compare_attrs = ('value',)
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def getRenderingFor(self, build):
- return self.value
- def __repr__(self):
- return '_Lazy(%r)' % self.value
-class Interpolate(util.ComparableMixin, object):
- """
- This is a marker class, used fairly widely to indicate that we
- want to interpolate build properties.
- """
- implements(IRenderable)
- compare_attrs = ('fmtstring', 'args', 'kwargs')
- identifier_re = re.compile('^[\w-]*$')
- def __init__(self, fmtstring, *args, **kwargs):
- self.fmtstring = fmtstring
- self.args = args
- self.kwargs = kwargs
- if self.args and self.kwargs:
- config.error("Interpolate takes either positional or keyword "
- "substitutions, not both.")
- if not self.args:
- self.interpolations = {}
- self._parse(fmtstring)
- # TODO: add case below for when there's no args or kwargs..
- def __repr__(self):
- if self.args:
- return 'Interpolate(%r, *%r)' % (self.fmtstring, self.args)
- elif self.kwargs:
- return 'Interpolate(%r, **%r)' % (self.fmtstring, self.kwargs)
- else:
- return 'Interpolate(%r)' % (self.fmtstring,)
- @staticmethod
- def _parse_prop(arg):
- try:
- prop, repl = arg.split(":", 1)
- except ValueError:
- prop, repl = arg, None
- if not Interpolate.identifier_re.match(prop):
- config.error("Property name must be alphanumeric for prop Interpolation '%s'" % arg)
- prop = repl = None
- return _thePropertyDict, prop, repl
- @staticmethod
- def _parse_src(arg):
- ## TODO: Handle changes
- try:
- codebase, attr, repl = arg.split(":", 2)
- except ValueError:
- try:
- codebase, attr = arg.split(":",1)
- repl = None
- except ValueError:
- config.error("Must specify both codebase and attribute for src Interpolation '%s'" % arg)
- return {}, None, None
- if not Interpolate.identifier_re.match(codebase):
- config.error("Codebase must be alphanumeric for src Interpolation '%s'" % arg)
- codebase = attr = repl = None
- if not Interpolate.identifier_re.match(attr):
- config.error("Attribute must be alphanumeric for src Interpolation '%s'" % arg)
- codebase = attr = repl = None
- return _SourceStampDict(codebase), attr, repl
- def _parse_kw(self, arg):
- try:
- kw, repl = arg.split(":", 1)
- except ValueError:
- kw, repl = arg, None
- if not Interpolate.identifier_re.match(kw):
- config.error("Keyword must be alphanumeric for kw Interpolation '%s'" % arg)
- kw = repl = None
- return _Lazy(self.kwargs), kw, repl
- def _parseSubstitution(self, fmt):
- try:
- key, arg = fmt.split(":", 1)
- except ValueError:
- config.error("invalid Interpolate substitution without selector '%s'" % fmt)
- return
- fn = getattr(self, "_parse_" + key, None)
- if not fn:
- config.error("invalid Interpolate selector '%s'" % key)
- return None
- else:
- return fn(arg)
- @staticmethod
- def _splitBalancedParen(delim, arg):
- parenCount = 0
- for i in range(0, len(arg)):
- if arg[i] == "(":
- parenCount += 1
- if arg[i] == ")":
- parenCount -= 1
- if parenCount < 0:
- raise ValueError
- if parenCount == 0 and arg[i] == delim:
- return arg[0:i], arg[i+1:]
- return arg
- def _parseColon_minus(self, d, kw, repl):
- return _Lookup(d, kw,
- default=Interpolate(repl, **self.kwargs),
- defaultWhenFalse=False,
- elideNoneAs='')
- def _parseColon_tilde(self, d, kw, repl):
- return _Lookup(d, kw,
- default=Interpolate(repl, **self.kwargs),
- defaultWhenFalse=True,
- elideNoneAs='')
- def _parseColon_plus(self, d, kw, repl):
- return _Lookup(d, kw,
- hasKey=Interpolate(repl, **self.kwargs),
- default='',
- defaultWhenFalse=False,
- elideNoneAs='')
- def _parseColon_ternary(self, d, kw, repl, defaultWhenFalse=False):
- delim = repl[0]
- if delim == '(':
- config.error("invalid Interpolate ternary delimiter '('")
- return None
- try:
- truePart, falsePart = self._splitBalancedParen(delim, repl[1:])
- except ValueError:
- config.error("invalid Interpolate ternary expression '%s' with delimiter '%s'" % (repl[1:], repl[0]))
- return None
- return _Lookup(d, kw,
- hasKey=Interpolate(truePart, **self.kwargs),
- default=Interpolate(falsePart, **self.kwargs),
- defaultWhenFalse=defaultWhenFalse,
- elideNoneAs='')
- def _parseColon_ternary_hash(self, d, kw, repl):
- return self._parseColon_ternary(d, kw, repl, defaultWhenFalse=True)
- def _parse(self, fmtstring):
- keys = _getInterpolationList(fmtstring)
- for key in keys:
- if not self.interpolations.has_key(key):
- d, kw, repl = self._parseSubstitution(key)
- if repl is None:
- repl = '-'
- for pattern, fn in [
- ( "-", self._parseColon_minus ),
- ( "~", self._parseColon_tilde ),
- ( "+", self._parseColon_plus ),
- ( "?", self._parseColon_ternary ),
- ( "#?", self._parseColon_ternary_hash )
- ]:
- junk, matches, tail = repl.partition(pattern)
- if not junk and matches:
- self.interpolations[key] = fn(d, kw, tail)
- break
- if not self.interpolations.has_key(key):
- config.error("invalid Interpolate default type '%s'" % repl[0])
- def getRenderingFor(self, props):
- props = props.getProperties()
- if self.args:
- d = props.render(self.args)
- d.addCallback(lambda args:
- self.fmtstring % tuple(args))
- return d
- else:
- d = props.render(self.interpolations)
- d.addCallback(lambda res:
- self.fmtstring % res)
- return d
-class Property(util.ComparableMixin):
- """
- An instance of this class renders a property of a build.
- """
- implements(IRenderable)
- compare_attrs = ('key','default', 'defaultWhenFalse')
- def __init__(self, key, default=None, defaultWhenFalse=True):
- """
- @param key: Property to render.
- @param default: Value to use if property isn't set.
- @param defaultWhenFalse: When true (default), use default value
- if property evaluates to False. Otherwise, use default value
- only when property isn't set.
- """
- self.key = key
- self.default = default
- self.defaultWhenFalse = defaultWhenFalse
- def getRenderingFor(self, props):
- if self.defaultWhenFalse:
- d = props.render(props.getProperty(self.key))
- @d.addCallback
- def checkDefault(rv):
- if rv:
- return rv
- else:
- return props.render(self.default)
- return d
- else:
- if props.hasProperty(self.key):
- return props.render(props.getProperty(self.key))
- else:
- return props.render(self.default)
-class _Renderer(util.ComparableMixin, object):
- implements(IRenderable)
- compare_attrs = ('getRenderingFor',)
- def __init__(self, fn):
- self.getRenderingFor = fn
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'renderer(%r)' % (self.getRenderingFor,)
-def renderer(fn):
- return _Renderer(fn)
-class _DefaultRenderer(object):
- """
- Default IRenderable adaptor. Calls .getRenderingFor if availble, otherwise
- returns argument unchanged.
- """
- implements(IRenderable)
- def __init__(self, value):
- try:
- self.renderer = value.getRenderingFor
- except AttributeError:
- self.renderer = lambda _: value
- def getRenderingFor(self, build):
- return self.renderer(build)
-registerAdapter(_DefaultRenderer, object, IRenderable)
-class _ListRenderer(object):
- """
- List IRenderable adaptor. Maps Build.render over the list.
- """
- implements(IRenderable)
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def getRenderingFor(self, build):
- return defer.gatherResults([ build.render(e) for e in self.value ])
-registerAdapter(_ListRenderer, list, IRenderable)
-class _TupleRenderer(object):
- """
- Tuple IRenderable adaptor. Maps Build.render over the tuple.
- """
- implements(IRenderable)
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def getRenderingFor(self, build):
- d = defer.gatherResults([ build.render(e) for e in self.value ])
- d.addCallback(tuple)
- return d
-registerAdapter(_TupleRenderer, tuple, IRenderable)
-class _DictRenderer(object):
- """
- Dict IRenderable adaptor. Maps Build.render over the keya and values in the dict.
- """
- implements(IRenderable)
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = _ListRenderer([ _TupleRenderer((k,v)) for k,v in value.iteritems() ])
- def getRenderingFor(self, build):
- d = self.value.getRenderingFor(build)
- d.addCallback(dict)
- return d
-registerAdapter(_DictRenderer, dict, IRenderable)