path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/master.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/master.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 779 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/master.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/master.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 63c784fa..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/master.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,779 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import os
-import signal
-import socket
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import log, components, failure
-from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, task
-from twisted.application import service
-import buildbot
-import buildbot.pbmanager
-from buildbot.util import subscription, epoch2datetime
-from buildbot.status.master import Status
-from buildbot.changes import changes
-from buildbot.changes.manager import ChangeManager
-from buildbot import interfaces
-from buildbot.process.builder import BuilderControl
-from buildbot.db import connector
-from buildbot.schedulers.manager import SchedulerManager
-from buildbot.process.botmaster import BotMaster
-from buildbot.process import debug
-from buildbot.process import metrics
-from buildbot.process import cache
-from buildbot.process.users import users
-from buildbot.process.users.manager import UserManagerManager
-from buildbot.status.results import SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE
-from buildbot.util.eventual import eventually
-from buildbot import monkeypatches
-from buildbot import config
-class LogRotation(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.rotateLength = 1 * 1000 * 1000
- self.maxRotatedFiles = 10
-class BuildMaster(config.ReconfigurableServiceMixin, service.MultiService):
- # frequency with which to reclaim running builds; this should be set to
- # something fairly long, to avoid undue database load
- # multiplier on RECLAIM_BUILD_INTERVAL at which a build is considered
- # unclaimed; this should be at least 2 to avoid false positives
- # if this quantity of unclaimed build requests are present in the table,
- # then something is probably wrong! The master will log a WARNING on every
- # database poll operation.
- def __init__(self, basedir, configFileName="master.cfg", umask=None):
- service.MultiService.__init__(self)
- self.setName("buildmaster")
- self.umask = umask
- self.basedir = basedir
- assert os.path.isdir(self.basedir)
- self.configFileName = configFileName
- # set up child services
- self.create_child_services()
- # loop for polling the db
- self.db_loop = None
- # db configured values
- self.configured_db_url = None
- self.configured_poll_interval = None
- # configuration / reconfiguration handling
- self.config = config.MasterConfig()
- self.reconfig_active = False
- self.reconfig_requested = False
- self.reconfig_notifier = None
- # this stores parameters used in the tac file, and is accessed by the
- # WebStatus to duplicate those values.
- self.log_rotation = LogRotation()
- # subscription points
- self._change_subs = \
- subscription.SubscriptionPoint("changes")
- self._new_buildrequest_subs = \
- subscription.SubscriptionPoint("buildrequest_additions")
- self._new_buildset_subs = \
- subscription.SubscriptionPoint("buildset_additions")
- self._complete_buildset_subs = \
- subscription.SubscriptionPoint("buildset_completion")
- # local cache for this master's object ID
- self._object_id = None
- def create_child_services(self):
- # note that these are order-dependent. If you get the order wrong,
- # you'll know it, as the master will fail to start.
- self.metrics = metrics.MetricLogObserver()
- self.metrics.setServiceParent(self)
- self.caches = cache.CacheManager()
- self.caches.setServiceParent(self)
- self.pbmanager = buildbot.pbmanager.PBManager()
- self.pbmanager.setServiceParent(self)
- self.change_svc = ChangeManager(self)
- self.change_svc.setServiceParent(self)
- self.botmaster = BotMaster(self)
- self.botmaster.setServiceParent(self)
- self.scheduler_manager = SchedulerManager(self)
- self.scheduler_manager.setServiceParent(self)
- self.user_manager = UserManagerManager(self)
- self.user_manager.setServiceParent(self)
- self.db = connector.DBConnector(self, self.basedir)
- self.db.setServiceParent(self)
- self.debug = debug.DebugServices(self)
- self.debug.setServiceParent(self)
- self.status = Status(self)
- self.status.setServiceParent(self)
- # setup and reconfig handling
- _already_started = False
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def startService(self, _reactor=reactor):
- assert not self._already_started, "can only start the master once"
- self._already_started = True
- log.msg("Starting BuildMaster -- buildbot.version: %s" %
- buildbot.version)
- # Set umask
- if self.umask is not None:
- os.umask(self.umask)
- # first, apply all monkeypatches
- monkeypatches.patch_all()
- # we want to wait until the reactor is running, so we can call
- # reactor.stop() for fatal errors
- d = defer.Deferred()
- _reactor.callWhenRunning(d.callback, None)
- yield d
- try:
- # load the configuration file, treating errors as fatal
- try:
- self.config = config.MasterConfig.loadConfig(self.basedir,
- self.configFileName)
- except config.ConfigErrors, e:
- log.msg("Configuration Errors:")
- for msg in e.errors:
- log.msg(" " + msg)
- log.msg("Halting master.")
- _reactor.stop()
- return
- except:
- log.err(failure.Failure(), 'while starting BuildMaster')
- _reactor.stop()
- return
- # set up services that need access to the config before everything else
- # gets told to reconfig
- try:
- yield self.db.setup()
- except connector.DatabaseNotReadyError:
- # (message was already logged)
- _reactor.stop()
- return
- if hasattr(signal, "SIGHUP"):
- def sighup(*args):
- eventually(self.reconfig)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, sighup)
- if hasattr(signal, "SIGUSR1"):
- def sigusr1(*args):
- _reactor.callLater(0, self.botmaster.cleanShutdown)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, sigusr1)
- # call the parent method
- yield defer.maybeDeferred(lambda :
- service.MultiService.startService(self))
- # give all services a chance to load the new configuration, rather than
- # the base configuration
- yield self.reconfigService(self.config)
- except:
- f = failure.Failure()
- log.err(f, 'while starting BuildMaster')
- _reactor.stop()
- log.msg("BuildMaster is running")
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def stopService(self):
- if self.running:
- yield service.MultiService.stopService(self)
- if self.db_loop:
- self.db_loop.stop()
- self.db_loop = None
- def reconfig(self):
- # this method wraps doConfig, ensuring it is only ever called once at
- # a time, and alerting the user if the reconfig takes too long
- if self.reconfig_active:
- log.msg("reconfig already active; will reconfig again after")
- self.reconfig_requested = True
- return
- self.reconfig_active = reactor.seconds()
- metrics.MetricCountEvent.log("loaded_config", 1)
- # notify every 10 seconds that the reconfig is still going on, although
- # reconfigs should not take that long!
- self.reconfig_notifier = task.LoopingCall(lambda :
- log.msg("reconfig is ongoing for %d s" %
- (reactor.seconds() - self.reconfig_active)))
- self.reconfig_notifier.start(10, now=False)
- timer = metrics.Timer("BuildMaster.reconfig")
- timer.start()
- d = self.doReconfig()
- @d.addBoth
- def cleanup(res):
- timer.stop()
- self.reconfig_notifier.stop()
- self.reconfig_notifier = None
- self.reconfig_active = False
- if self.reconfig_requested:
- self.reconfig_requested = False
- self.reconfig()
- return res
- d.addErrback(log.err, 'while reconfiguring')
- return d # for tests
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def doReconfig(self):
- log.msg("beginning configuration update")
- changes_made = False
- failed = False
- try:
- new_config = config.MasterConfig.loadConfig(self.basedir,
- self.configFileName)
- changes_made = True
- self.config = new_config
- yield self.reconfigService(new_config)
- except config.ConfigErrors, e:
- for msg in e.errors:
- log.msg(msg)
- failed = True
- except:
- log.err(failure.Failure(), 'during reconfig:')
- failed = True
- if failed:
- if changes_made:
- log.msg("WARNING: reconfig partially applied; master "
- "may malfunction")
- else:
- log.msg("reconfig aborted without making any changes")
- else:
- log.msg("configuration update complete")
- def reconfigService(self, new_config):
- if self.configured_db_url is None:
- self.configured_db_url = new_config.db['db_url']
- elif (self.configured_db_url != new_config.db['db_url']):
- config.error(
- "Cannot change c['db']['db_url'] after the master has started",
- )
- # adjust the db poller
- if (self.configured_poll_interval
- != new_config.db['db_poll_interval']):
- if self.db_loop:
- self.db_loop.stop()
- self.db_loop = None
- self.configured_poll_interval = new_config.db['db_poll_interval']
- if self.configured_poll_interval:
- self.db_loop = task.LoopingCall(self.pollDatabase)
- self.db_loop.start(self.configured_poll_interval, now=False)
- return config.ReconfigurableServiceMixin.reconfigService(self,
- new_config)
- ## informational methods
- def allSchedulers(self):
- return list(self.scheduler_manager)
- def getStatus(self):
- """
- @rtype: L{buildbot.status.builder.Status}
- """
- return self.status
- def getObjectId(self):
- """
- Return the obejct id for this master, for associating state with the
- master.
- @returns: ID, via Deferred
- """
- # try to get the cached value
- if self._object_id is not None:
- return defer.succeed(self._object_id)
- # failing that, get it from the DB; multiple calls to this function
- # at the same time will not hurt
- try:
- hostname = os.uname()[1] # only on unix
- except AttributeError:
- hostname = socket.getfqdn()
- master_name = "%s:%s" % (hostname, os.path.abspath(self.basedir))
- d = self.db.state.getObjectId(master_name,
- "buildbot.master.BuildMaster")
- def keep(id):
- self._object_id = id
- return id
- d.addCallback(keep)
- return d
- ## triggering methods and subscriptions
- def addChange(self, who=None, files=None, comments=None, author=None,
- isdir=None, is_dir=None, revision=None, when=None,
- when_timestamp=None, branch=None, category=None, revlink='',
- properties={}, repository='', codebase=None, project='', src=None):
- """
- Add a change to the buildmaster and act on it.
- This is a wrapper around L{ChangesConnectorComponent.addChange} which
- also acts on the resulting change and returns a L{Change} instance.
- Note that all parameters are keyword arguments, although C{who},
- C{files}, and C{comments} can be specified positionally for
- backward-compatibility.
- @param author: the author of this change
- @type author: unicode string
- @param who: deprecated name for C{author}
- @param files: a list of filenames that were changed
- @type branch: list of unicode strings
- @param comments: user comments on the change
- @type branch: unicode string
- @param is_dir: deprecated
- @param isdir: deprecated name for C{is_dir}
- @param revision: the revision identifier for this change
- @type revision: unicode string
- @param when_timestamp: when this change occurred, or the current time
- if None
- @type when_timestamp: datetime instance or None
- @param when: deprecated name and type for C{when_timestamp}
- @type when: integer (UNIX epoch time) or None
- @param branch: the branch on which this change took place
- @type branch: unicode string
- @param category: category for this change (arbitrary use by Buildbot
- users)
- @type category: unicode string
- @param revlink: link to a web view of this revision
- @type revlink: unicode string
- @param properties: properties to set on this change
- @type properties: dictionary with string keys and simple values
- (JSON-able). Note that the property source is I{not} included
- in this dictionary.
- @param repository: the repository in which this change took place
- @type repository: unicode string
- @param project: the project this change is a part of
- @type project: unicode string
- @param src: source of the change (vcs or other)
- @type src: string
- @returns: L{Change} instance via Deferred
- """
- metrics.MetricCountEvent.log("added_changes", 1)
- # handle translating deprecated names into new names for db.changes
- def handle_deprec(oldname, old, newname, new, default=None,
- converter = lambda x:x):
- if old is not None:
- if new is None:
- log.msg("WARNING: change source is using deprecated "
- "addChange parameter '%s'" % oldname)
- return converter(old)
- raise TypeError("Cannot provide '%s' and '%s' to addChange"
- % (oldname, newname))
- if new is None:
- new = default
- return new
- author = handle_deprec("who", who, "author", author)
- is_dir = handle_deprec("isdir", isdir, "is_dir", is_dir,
- default=0)
- when_timestamp = handle_deprec("when", when,
- "when_timestamp", when_timestamp,
- converter=epoch2datetime)
- # add a source to each property
- for n in properties:
- properties[n] = (properties[n], 'Change')
- if codebase is None:
- if self.config.codebaseGenerator is not None:
- chdict = {
- 'changeid': None,
- 'author': author,
- 'files': files,
- 'comments': comments,
- 'is_dir': is_dir,
- 'revision': revision,
- 'when_timestamp': when_timestamp,
- 'branch': branch,
- 'category': category,
- 'revlink': revlink,
- 'properties': properties,
- 'repository': repository,
- 'project': project,
- }
- codebase = self.config.codebaseGenerator(chdict)
- else:
- codebase = ''
- d = defer.succeed(None)
- if src:
- # create user object, returning a corresponding uid
- d.addCallback(lambda _ : users.createUserObject(self, author, src))
- # add the Change to the database
- d.addCallback(lambda uid :
- self.db.changes.addChange(author=author, files=files,
- comments=comments, is_dir=is_dir,
- revision=revision,
- when_timestamp=when_timestamp,
- branch=branch, category=category,
- revlink=revlink, properties=properties,
- repository=repository, codebase=codebase,
- project=project, uid=uid))
- # convert the changeid to a Change instance
- d.addCallback(lambda changeid :
- self.db.changes.getChange(changeid))
- d.addCallback(lambda chdict :
- changes.Change.fromChdict(self, chdict))
- def notify(change):
- msg = u"added change %s to database" % change
- log.msg(msg.encode('utf-8', 'replace'))
- # only deliver messages immediately if we're not polling
- if not self.config.db['db_poll_interval']:
- self._change_subs.deliver(change)
- return change
- d.addCallback(notify)
- return d
- def subscribeToChanges(self, callback):
- """
- Request that C{callback} be called with each Change object added to the
- cluster.
- Note: this method will go away in 0.9.x
- """
- return self._change_subs.subscribe(callback)
- def addBuildset(self, **kwargs):
- """
- Add a buildset to the buildmaster and act on it. Interface is
- identical to
- L{buildbot.db.buildsets.BuildsetConnectorComponent.addBuildset},
- including returning a Deferred, but also potentially triggers the
- resulting builds.
- """
- d = self.db.buildsets.addBuildset(**kwargs)
- def notify((bsid,brids)):
- log.msg("added buildset %d to database" % bsid)
- # note that buildset additions are only reported on this master
- self._new_buildset_subs.deliver(bsid=bsid, **kwargs)
- # only deliver messages immediately if we're not polling
- if not self.config.db['db_poll_interval']:
- for bn, brid in brids.iteritems():
- self.buildRequestAdded(bsid=bsid, brid=brid,
- buildername=bn)
- return (bsid,brids)
- d.addCallback(notify)
- return d
- def subscribeToBuildsets(self, callback):
- """
- Request that C{callback(bsid=bsid, ssid=ssid, reason=reason,
- properties=properties, builderNames=builderNames,
- external_idstring=external_idstring)} be called whenever a buildset is
- added. Properties is a dictionary as expected for
- L{BuildsetsConnectorComponent.addBuildset}.
- Note that this only works for buildsets added on this master.
- Note: this method will go away in 0.9.x
- """
- return self._new_buildset_subs.subscribe(callback)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def maybeBuildsetComplete(self, bsid):
- """
- Instructs the master to check whether the buildset is complete,
- and notify appropriately if it is.
- Note that buildset completions are only reported on the master
- on which the last build request completes.
- """
- brdicts = yield self.db.buildrequests.getBuildRequests(
- bsid=bsid, complete=False)
- # if there are incomplete buildrequests, bail out
- if brdicts:
- return
- brdicts = yield self.db.buildrequests.getBuildRequests(bsid=bsid)
- # figure out the overall results of the buildset
- cumulative_results = SUCCESS
- for brdict in brdicts:
- if brdict['results'] not in (SUCCESS, WARNINGS):
- cumulative_results = FAILURE
- # mark it as completed in the database
- yield self.db.buildsets.completeBuildset(bsid, cumulative_results)
- # and deliver to any listeners
- self._buildsetComplete(bsid, cumulative_results)
- def _buildsetComplete(self, bsid, results):
- self._complete_buildset_subs.deliver(bsid, results)
- def subscribeToBuildsetCompletions(self, callback):
- """
- Request that C{callback(bsid, result)} be called whenever a
- buildset is complete.
- Note: this method will go away in 0.9.x
- """
- return self._complete_buildset_subs.subscribe(callback)
- def buildRequestAdded(self, bsid, brid, buildername):
- """
- Notifies the master that a build request is available to be claimed;
- this may be a brand new build request, or a build request that was
- previously claimed and unclaimed through a timeout or other calamity.
- @param bsid: containing buildset id
- @param brid: buildrequest ID
- @param buildername: builder named by the build request
- """
- self._new_buildrequest_subs.deliver(
- dict(bsid=bsid, brid=brid, buildername=buildername))
- def subscribeToBuildRequests(self, callback):
- """
- Request that C{callback} be invoked with a dictionary with keys C{brid}
- (the build request id), C{bsid} (buildset id) and C{buildername}
- whenever a new build request is added to the database. Note that, due
- to the delayed nature of subscriptions, the build request may already
- be claimed by the time C{callback} is invoked.
- Note: this method will go away in 0.9.x
- """
- return self._new_buildrequest_subs.subscribe(callback)
- ## database polling
- def pollDatabase(self):
- # poll each of the tables that can indicate new, actionable stuff for
- # this buildmaster to do. This is used in a TimerService, so returning
- # a Deferred means that we won't run two polling operations
- # simultaneously. Each particular poll method handles errors itself,
- # although catastrophic errors are handled here
- d = defer.gatherResults([
- self.pollDatabaseChanges(),
- self.pollDatabaseBuildRequests(),
- # also unclaim
- ])
- d.addErrback(log.err, 'while polling database')
- return d
- _last_processed_change = None
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def pollDatabaseChanges(self):
- # Older versions of Buildbot had each scheduler polling the database
- # independently, and storing a "last_processed" state indicating the
- # last change it had processed. This had the advantage of allowing
- # schedulers to pick up changes that arrived in the database while
- # the scheduler was not running, but was horribly inefficient.
- # This version polls the database on behalf of the schedulers, using a
- # similar state at the master level.
- timer = metrics.Timer("BuildMaster.pollDatabaseChanges()")
- timer.start()
- need_setState = False
- # get the last processed change id
- if self._last_processed_change is None:
- self._last_processed_change = \
- yield self._getState('last_processed_change')
- # if it's still None, assume we've processed up to the latest changeid
- if self._last_processed_change is None:
- lpc = yield self.db.changes.getLatestChangeid()
- # if there *are* no changes, count the last as '0' so that we don't
- # skip the first change
- if lpc is None:
- lpc = 0
- self._last_processed_change = lpc
- need_setState = True
- if self._last_processed_change is None:
- timer.stop()
- return
- while True:
- changeid = self._last_processed_change + 1
- chdict = yield self.db.changes.getChange(changeid)
- # if there's no such change, we've reached the end and can
- # stop polling
- if not chdict:
- break
- change = yield changes.Change.fromChdict(self, chdict)
- self._change_subs.deliver(change)
- self._last_processed_change = changeid
- need_setState = True
- # write back the updated state, if it's changed
- if need_setState:
- yield self._setState('last_processed_change',
- self._last_processed_change)
- timer.stop()
- _last_unclaimed_brids_set = None
- _last_claim_cleanup = 0
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def pollDatabaseBuildRequests(self):
- # deal with cleaning up unclaimed requests, and (if necessary)
- # requests from a previous instance of this master
- timer = metrics.Timer("BuildMaster.pollDatabaseBuildRequests()")
- timer.start()
- # cleanup unclaimed builds
- since_last_cleanup = reactor.seconds() - self._last_claim_cleanup
- if since_last_cleanup < self.RECLAIM_BUILD_INTERVAL:
- unclaimed_age = (self.RECLAIM_BUILD_INTERVAL
- yield self.db.buildrequests.unclaimExpiredRequests(unclaimed_age)
- self._last_claim_cleanup = reactor.seconds()
- # _last_unclaimed_brids_set tracks the state of unclaimed build
- # requests; whenever it sees a build request which was not claimed on
- # the last poll, it notifies the subscribers. It only tracks that
- # state within the master instance, though; on startup, it notifies for
- # all unclaimed requests in the database.
- last_unclaimed = self._last_unclaimed_brids_set or set()
- if len(last_unclaimed) > self.WARNING_UNCLAIMED_COUNT:
- log.msg("WARNING: %d unclaimed buildrequests - is a scheduler "
- "producing builds for which no builder is running?"
- % len(last_unclaimed))
- # get the current set of unclaimed buildrequests
- now_unclaimed_brdicts = \
- yield self.db.buildrequests.getBuildRequests(claimed=False)
- now_unclaimed = set([ brd['brid'] for brd in now_unclaimed_brdicts ])
- # and store that for next time
- self._last_unclaimed_brids_set = now_unclaimed
- # see what's new, and notify if anything is
- new_unclaimed = now_unclaimed - last_unclaimed
- if new_unclaimed:
- brdicts = dict((brd['brid'], brd) for brd in now_unclaimed_brdicts)
- for brid in new_unclaimed:
- brd = brdicts[brid]
- self.buildRequestAdded(brd['buildsetid'], brd['brid'],
- brd['buildername'])
- timer.stop()
- ## state maintenance (private)
- def _getState(self, name, default=None):
- "private wrapper around C{self.db.state.getState}"
- d = self.getObjectId()
- def get(objectid):
- return self.db.state.getState(objectid, name, default)
- d.addCallback(get)
- return d
- def _setState(self, name, value):
- "private wrapper around C{self.db.state.setState}"
- d = self.getObjectId()
- def set(objectid):
- return self.db.state.setState(objectid, name, value)
- d.addCallback(set)
- return d
-class Control:
- implements(interfaces.IControl)
- def __init__(self, master):
- self.master = master
- def addChange(self, change):
- self.master.addChange(change)
- def addBuildset(self, **kwargs):
- return self.master.addBuildset(**kwargs)
- def getBuilder(self, name):
- b = self.master.botmaster.builders[name]
- return BuilderControl(b, self)
-components.registerAdapter(Control, BuildMaster, interfaces.IControl)