path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/db/model.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/db/model.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 539 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/db/model.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/db/model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 263e9cfb..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/db/model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import sqlalchemy as sa
-import migrate
-import migrate.versioning.schema
-import migrate.versioning.repository
-from twisted.python import util, log
-from buildbot.db import base
- from migrate.versioning import exceptions
- _hush_pyflakes = exceptions
-except ImportError:
- from migrate import exceptions
-class Model(base.DBConnectorComponent):
- #
- # schema
- #
- metadata = sa.MetaData()
- # * server_defaults here are included to match those added by the migration
- # scripts, but they should not be depended on - all code accessing these
- # tables should supply default values as necessary. The defaults are
- # required during migration when adding non-nullable columns to existing
- # tables.
- #
- # * dates are stored as unix timestamps (UTC-ish epoch time)
- #
- # * sqlalchemy does not handle sa.Boolean very well on MySQL or Postgres;
- # use sa.Integer instead
- # build requests
- # A BuildRequest is a request for a particular build to be performed. Each
- # BuildRequest is a part of a Buildset. BuildRequests are claimed by
- # masters, to avoid multiple masters running the same build.
- buildrequests = sa.Table('buildrequests', metadata,
- sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
- sa.Column('buildsetid', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey("buildsets.id"),
- nullable=False),
- sa.Column('buildername', sa.String(length=256), nullable=False),
- sa.Column('priority', sa.Integer, nullable=False,
- server_default=sa.DefaultClause("0")),
- # if this is zero, then the build is still pending
- sa.Column('complete', sa.Integer,
- server_default=sa.DefaultClause("0")),
- # results is only valid when complete == 1; 0 = SUCCESS, 1 = WARNINGS,
- # etc - see master/buildbot/status/builder.py
- sa.Column('results', sa.SmallInteger),
- # time the buildrequest was created
- sa.Column('submitted_at', sa.Integer, nullable=False),
- # time the buildrequest was completed, or NULL
- sa.Column('complete_at', sa.Integer),
- )
- # Each row in this table represents a claimed build request, where the
- # claim is made by the object referenced by objectid.
- buildrequest_claims = sa.Table('buildrequest_claims', metadata,
- sa.Column('brid', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('buildrequests.id'),
- index=True, unique=True),
- sa.Column('objectid', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('objects.id'),
- index=True, nullable=True),
- sa.Column('claimed_at', sa.Integer, nullable=False),
- )
- # builds
- # This table contains basic information about each build. Note that most
- # data about a build is still stored in on-disk pickles.
- builds = sa.Table('builds', metadata,
- sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
- sa.Column('number', sa.Integer, nullable=False),
- sa.Column('brid', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('buildrequests.id'),
- nullable=False),
- sa.Column('start_time', sa.Integer, nullable=False),
- sa.Column('finish_time', sa.Integer),
- )
- # buildsets
- # This table contains input properties for buildsets
- buildset_properties = sa.Table('buildset_properties', metadata,
- sa.Column('buildsetid', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('buildsets.id'),
- nullable=False),
- sa.Column('property_name', sa.String(256), nullable=False),
- # JSON-encoded tuple of (value, source)
- sa.Column('property_value', sa.String(1024), nullable=False),
- )
- # This table represents Buildsets - sets of BuildRequests that share the
- # same original cause and source information.
- buildsets = sa.Table('buildsets', metadata,
- sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
- # a simple external identifier to track down this buildset later, e.g.,
- # for try requests
- sa.Column('external_idstring', sa.String(256)),
- # a short string giving the reason the buildset was created
- sa.Column('reason', sa.String(256)),
- sa.Column('submitted_at', sa.Integer, nullable=False),
- # if this is zero, then the build set is still pending
- sa.Column('complete', sa.SmallInteger, nullable=False,
- server_default=sa.DefaultClause("0")),
- sa.Column('complete_at', sa.Integer),
- # results is only valid when complete == 1; 0 = SUCCESS, 1 = WARNINGS,
- # etc - see master/buildbot/status/builder.py
- sa.Column('results', sa.SmallInteger),
- # buildset belongs to all sourcestamps with setid
- sa.Column('sourcestampsetid', sa.Integer,
- sa.ForeignKey('sourcestampsets.id')),
- )
- # changes
- # Files touched in changes
- change_files = sa.Table('change_files', metadata,
- sa.Column('changeid', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('changes.changeid'),
- nullable=False),
- sa.Column('filename', sa.String(1024), nullable=False),
- )
- # Properties for changes
- change_properties = sa.Table('change_properties', metadata,
- sa.Column('changeid', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('changes.changeid'),
- nullable=False),
- sa.Column('property_name', sa.String(256), nullable=False),
- # JSON-encoded tuple of (value, source)
- sa.Column('property_value', sa.String(1024), nullable=False),
- )
- # users associated with this change; this allows multiple users for
- # situations where a version-control system can represent both an author
- # and committer, for example.
- change_users = sa.Table("change_users", metadata,
- sa.Column("changeid", sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('changes.changeid'),
- nullable=False),
- # uid for the author of the change with the given changeid
- sa.Column("uid", sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('users.uid'),
- nullable=False)
- )
- # Changes to the source code, produced by ChangeSources
- changes = sa.Table('changes', metadata,
- # changeid also serves as 'change number'
- sa.Column('changeid', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
- # author's name (usually an email address)
- sa.Column('author', sa.String(256), nullable=False),
- # commit comment
- sa.Column('comments', sa.String(1024), nullable=False),
- # old, CVS-related boolean
- sa.Column('is_dir', sa.SmallInteger, nullable=False), # old, for CVS
- # The branch where this change occurred. When branch is NULL, that
- # means the main branch (trunk, master, etc.)
- sa.Column('branch', sa.String(256)),
- # revision identifier for this change
- sa.Column('revision', sa.String(256)), # CVS uses NULL
- sa.Column('revlink', sa.String(256)),
- # this is the timestamp of the change - it is usually copied from the
- # version-control system, and may be long in the past or even in the
- # future!
- sa.Column('when_timestamp', sa.Integer, nullable=False),
- # an arbitrary string used for filtering changes
- sa.Column('category', sa.String(256)),
- # repository specifies, along with revision and branch, the
- # source tree in which this change was detected.
- sa.Column('repository', sa.String(length=512), nullable=False,
- server_default=''),
- # codebase is a logical name to specify what is in the repository
- sa.Column('codebase', sa.String(256), nullable=False,
- server_default=sa.DefaultClause("")),
- # project names the project this source code represents. It is used
- # later to filter changes
- sa.Column('project', sa.String(length=512), nullable=False,
- server_default=''),
- )
- # sourcestamps
- # Patches for SourceStamps that were generated through the try mechanism
- patches = sa.Table('patches', metadata,
- sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
- # number of directory levels to strip off (patch -pN)
- sa.Column('patchlevel', sa.Integer, nullable=False),
- # base64-encoded version of the patch file
- sa.Column('patch_base64', sa.Text, nullable=False),
- # patch author, if known
- sa.Column('patch_author', sa.Text, nullable=False),
- # patch comment
- sa.Column('patch_comment', sa.Text, nullable=False),
- # subdirectory in which the patch should be applied; NULL for top-level
- sa.Column('subdir', sa.Text),
- )
- # The changes that led up to a particular source stamp.
- sourcestamp_changes = sa.Table('sourcestamp_changes', metadata,
- sa.Column('sourcestampid', sa.Integer,
- sa.ForeignKey('sourcestamps.id'), nullable=False),
- sa.Column('changeid', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('changes.changeid'),
- nullable=False),
- )
- # A sourcestampset identifies a set of sourcestamps. A sourcestamp belongs
- # to a particular set if the sourcestamp has the same setid
- sourcestampsets = sa.Table('sourcestampsets', metadata,
- sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
- )
- # A sourcestamp identifies a particular instance of the source code.
- # Ideally, this would always be absolute, but in practice source stamps can
- # also mean "latest" (when revision is NULL), which is of course a
- # time-dependent definition.
- sourcestamps = sa.Table('sourcestamps', metadata,
- sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
- # the branch to check out. When branch is NULL, that means
- # the main branch (trunk, master, etc.)
- sa.Column('branch', sa.String(256)),
- # the revision to check out, or the latest if NULL
- sa.Column('revision', sa.String(256)),
- # the patch to apply to generate this source code
- sa.Column('patchid', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('patches.id')),
- # the repository from which this source should be checked out
- sa.Column('repository', sa.String(length=512), nullable=False,
- server_default=''),
- # codebase is a logical name to specify what is in the repository
- sa.Column('codebase', sa.String(256), nullable=False,
- server_default=sa.DefaultClause("")),
- # the project this source code represents
- sa.Column('project', sa.String(length=512), nullable=False,
- server_default=''),
- # each sourcestamp belongs to a set of sourcestamps
- sa.Column('sourcestampsetid', sa.Integer,
- sa.ForeignKey('sourcestampsets.id')),
- )
- # schedulers
- # This table references "classified" changes that have not yet been
- # "processed". That is, the scheduler has looked at these changes and
- # determined that something should be done, but that hasn't happened yet.
- # Rows are deleted from this table as soon as the scheduler is done with
- # the change.
- scheduler_changes = sa.Table('scheduler_changes', metadata,
- sa.Column('objectid', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('objects.id')),
- sa.Column('changeid', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('changes.changeid')),
- # true (nonzero) if this change is important to this scheduler
- sa.Column('important', sa.Integer),
- )
- # objects
- # This table uniquely identifies objects that need to maintain state across
- # invocations.
- objects = sa.Table("objects", metadata,
- # unique ID for this object
- sa.Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
- # object's user-given name
- sa.Column('name', sa.String(128), nullable=False),
- # object's class name, basically representing a "type" for the state
- sa.Column('class_name', sa.String(128), nullable=False),
- )
- # This table stores key/value pairs for objects, where the key is a string
- # and the value is a JSON string.
- object_state = sa.Table("object_state", metadata,
- # object for which this value is set
- sa.Column("objectid", sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('objects.id'),
- nullable=False),
- # name for this value (local to the object)
- sa.Column("name", sa.String(length=256), nullable=False),
- # value, as a JSON string
- sa.Column("value_json", sa.Text, nullable=False),
- )
- #users
- # This table identifies individual users, and contains buildbot-specific
- # information about those users.
- users = sa.Table("users", metadata,
- # unique user id number
- sa.Column("uid", sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
- # identifier (nickname) for this user; used for display
- sa.Column("identifier", sa.String(256), nullable=False),
- # username portion of user credentials for authentication
- sa.Column("bb_username", sa.String(128)),
- # password portion of user credentials for authentication
- sa.Column("bb_password", sa.String(128)),
- )
- # This table stores information identifying a user that's related to a
- # particular interface - a version-control system, status plugin, etc.
- users_info = sa.Table("users_info", metadata,
- # unique user id number
- sa.Column("uid", sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('users.uid'),
- nullable=False),
- # type of user attribute, such as 'git'
- sa.Column("attr_type", sa.String(128), nullable=False),
- # data for given user attribute, such as a commit string or password
- sa.Column("attr_data", sa.String(128), nullable=False),
- )
- # indexes
- sa.Index('buildrequests_buildsetid', buildrequests.c.buildsetid)
- sa.Index('buildrequests_buildername', buildrequests.c.buildername)
- sa.Index('buildrequests_complete', buildrequests.c.complete)
- sa.Index('builds_number', builds.c.number)
- sa.Index('builds_brid', builds.c.brid)
- sa.Index('buildsets_complete', buildsets.c.complete)
- sa.Index('buildsets_submitted_at', buildsets.c.submitted_at)
- sa.Index('buildset_properties_buildsetid',
- buildset_properties.c.buildsetid)
- sa.Index('changes_branch', changes.c.branch)
- sa.Index('changes_revision', changes.c.revision)
- sa.Index('changes_author', changes.c.author)
- sa.Index('changes_category', changes.c.category)
- sa.Index('changes_when_timestamp', changes.c.when_timestamp)
- sa.Index('change_files_changeid', change_files.c.changeid)
- sa.Index('change_properties_changeid', change_properties.c.changeid)
- sa.Index('scheduler_changes_objectid', scheduler_changes.c.objectid)
- sa.Index('scheduler_changes_changeid', scheduler_changes.c.changeid)
- sa.Index('scheduler_changes_unique', scheduler_changes.c.objectid,
- scheduler_changes.c.changeid, unique=True)
- sa.Index('sourcestamp_changes_sourcestampid',
- sourcestamp_changes.c.sourcestampid)
- sa.Index('sourcestamps_sourcestampsetid', sourcestamps.c.sourcestampsetid,
- unique=False)
- sa.Index('users_identifier', users.c.identifier, unique=True)
- sa.Index('users_info_uid', users_info.c.uid)
- sa.Index('users_info_uid_attr_type', users_info.c.uid,
- users_info.c.attr_type, unique=True)
- sa.Index('users_info_attrs', users_info.c.attr_type,
- users_info.c.attr_data, unique=True)
- sa.Index('change_users_changeid', change_users.c.changeid)
- sa.Index('users_bb_user', users.c.bb_username, unique=True)
- sa.Index('object_identity', objects.c.name, objects.c.class_name,
- unique=True)
- sa.Index('name_per_object', object_state.c.objectid, object_state.c.name,
- unique=True)
- # MySQl creates indexes for foreign keys, and these appear in the
- # reflection. This is a list of (table, index) names that should be
- # expected on this platform
- implied_indexes = [
- ('change_users',
- dict(unique=False, column_names=['uid'], name='uid')),
- ('sourcestamps',
- dict(unique=False, column_names=['patchid'], name='patchid')),
- ('sourcestamp_changes',
- dict(unique=False, column_names=['changeid'], name='changeid')),
- ('buildsets',
- dict(unique=False, column_names=['sourcestampsetid'],
- name='buildsets_sourcestampsetid_fkey')),
- ]
- #
- # migration support
- #
- # this is a bit more complicated than might be expected because the first
- # seven database versions were once implemented using a homespun migration
- # system, and we need to support upgrading masters from that system. The
- # old system used a 'version' table, where SQLAlchemy-Migrate uses
- # 'migrate_version'
- repo_path = util.sibpath(__file__, "migrate")
- def is_current(self):
- def thd(engine):
- # we don't even have to look at the old version table - if there's
- # no migrate_version, then we're not up to date.
- repo = migrate.versioning.repository.Repository(self.repo_path)
- repo_version = repo.latest
- try:
- # migrate.api doesn't let us hand in an engine
- schema = migrate.versioning.schema.ControlledSchema(engine,
- self.repo_path)
- db_version = schema.version
- except exceptions.DatabaseNotControlledError:
- return False
- return db_version == repo_version
- return self.db.pool.do_with_engine(thd)
- def upgrade(self):
- # here, things are a little tricky. If we have a 'version' table, then
- # we need to version_control the database with the proper version
- # number, drop 'version', and then upgrade. If we have no 'version'
- # table and no 'migrate_version' table, then we need to version_control
- # the database. Otherwise, we just need to upgrade it.
- def table_exists(engine, tbl):
- try:
- r = engine.execute("select * from %s limit 1" % tbl)
- r.close()
- return True
- except:
- return False
- # http://code.google.com/p/sqlalchemy-migrate/issues/detail?id=100
- # means we cannot use the migrate.versioning.api module. So these
- # methods perform similar wrapping functions to what is done by the API
- # functions, but without disposing of the engine.
- def upgrade(engine):
- schema = migrate.versioning.schema.ControlledSchema(engine,
- self.repo_path)
- changeset = schema.changeset(None)
- for version, change in changeset:
- log.msg('migrating schema version %s -> %d'
- % (version, version + 1))
- schema.runchange(version, change, 1)
- def check_sqlalchemy_migrate_version():
- # sqlalchemy-migrate started including a version number in 0.7; we
- # support back to 0.6.1, but not 0.6. We'll use some discovered
- # differences between 0.6.1 and 0.6 to get that resolution.
- version = getattr(migrate, '__version__', 'old')
- if version == 'old':
- try:
- from migrate.versioning import schemadiff
- if hasattr(schemadiff, 'ColDiff'):
- version = "0.6.1"
- else:
- version = "0.6"
- except:
- version = "0.0"
- version_tup = tuple(map(int, version.split('.')))
- log.msg("using SQLAlchemy-Migrate version %s" % (version,))
- if version_tup < (0,6,1):
- raise RuntimeError("You are using SQLAlchemy-Migrate %s. "
- "The minimum version is 0.6.1." % (version,))
- def version_control(engine, version=None):
- migrate.versioning.schema.ControlledSchema.create(engine,
- self.repo_path, version)
- # the upgrade process must run in a db thread
- def thd(engine):
- # if the migrate_version table exists, we can just let migrate
- # take care of this process.
- if table_exists(engine, 'migrate_version'):
- upgrade(engine)
- # if the version table exists, then we can version_control things
- # at that version, drop the version table, and let migrate take
- # care of the rest.
- elif table_exists(engine, 'version'):
- # get the existing version
- r = engine.execute("select version from version limit 1")
- old_version = r.scalar()
- # set up migrate at the same version
- version_control(engine, old_version)
- # drop the no-longer-required version table, using a dummy
- # metadata entry
- table = sa.Table('version', self.metadata,
- sa.Column('x', sa.Integer))
- table.drop(bind=engine)
- # clear the dummy metadata entry
- self.metadata.remove(table)
- # and, finally, upgrade using migrate
- upgrade(engine)
- # otherwise, this db is uncontrolled, so we just version control it
- # and update it.
- else:
- version_control(engine)
- upgrade(engine)
- check_sqlalchemy_migrate_version()
- return self.db.pool.do_with_engine(thd)
-# migrate has a bug in one of its warnings; this is fixed in version control
-# (3ba66abc4d), but not yet released. It can't hurt to fix it here, too, so we
-# get realistic tracebacks
- import migrate.versioning.exceptions as ex1
- import migrate.changeset.exceptions as ex2
- ex1.MigrateDeprecationWarning = ex2.MigrateDeprecationWarning
-except (ImportError,AttributeError):
- pass