path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/status/wikilog.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/status/wikilog.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 459 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/status/wikilog.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/status/wikilog.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b25633b..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/status/wikilog.py
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-Created on Dec 13, 2016
-__author__ = "Joshua Lock"
-__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Intel Corp."
-__credits__ = ["Joshua Lock"]
-__license__ = "GPL"
-__version__ = "2.0"
-__maintainer__ = "Joshua Lock"
-__email__ = "joshua.g.lock@intel.com"
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import log
-from buildbot import interfaces
-from buildbot.interfaces import IStatusReceiver
-from buildbot.status import base
-from buildbot.status.results import SUCCESS
-from buildbot.process.properties import Properties
-import re
-import time
-from lib.wiki import YPWiki
-class WikiLog(base.StatusReceiverMultiService):
- implements(IStatusReceiver)
- def __init__(self, wiki_uri, wiki_un, wiki_pass, wiki_page,
- identifier):
- """
- initialise object
- @type wiki_uri: string
- @type wiki_un: string
- @type wiki_pass: string
- @type wiki_page: string
- @type identifier: string
- """
- base.StatusReceiverMultiService.__init__(self)
- self.wiki_page = wiki_page
- tagfmt = " on {}"
- if identifier:
- self.tag = tagfmt.format(identifier)
- else:
- self.tag = tagfmt.format("unnamed yocto-autobuilder")
- self.wiki = YPWiki(wiki_uri, wiki_un, wiki_pass)
- def logBuild(self, build):
- """
- Extract information about 'build' and post an entry to the wiki
- @type build: buildbot.status.build.BuildStatus
- """
- builder = build.getBuilder().getName()
- reason = build.getReason()
- buildid = str(build.getNumber())
- start, _ = build.getTimes()
- url = self.status.getURLForThing(build)
- buildbranch = build.getProperty('branch').strip()
- if not buildbranch or len(buildbranch) < 1:
- buildbranch = "YP_BUILDBRANCH"
- chash = build.getProperty('commit_poky').strip()
- if not chash or len(chash) < 1 or chash == "HEAD":
- chash = "YP_CHASH"
- reason_list = reason.split(':', 1)
- forcedby = reason_list[0].strip()
- description = 'No reason given.'
- if len(reason_list) > 1 and reason_list[1] != ' ':
- description = reason_list[1].strip()
- starttime = time.ctime(start)
- sectionfmt = '==[{} {} {} - {} {}]=='
- section_title = sectionfmt.format(url, builder, buildid, buildbranch,
- chash)
- summaryfmt = 'Adding new BuildLog entry for build %s (%s)'
- summary = summaryfmt % (buildid, chash)
- summary = summary + self.tag
- content = "* '''Build ID''' - %s" % chash
- content = content + self.tag + "\n"
- content = content + '* Started at: %s\n' % starttime
- content = content + '* ' + forcedby + '\n* ' + description + '\n'
- new_entry = '{}\n{}\n'.format(section_title, content).encode('utf-8')
- blurb, entries = self.wiki.get_content(self.wiki_page)
- if not blurb:
- log.err("wkl: Unexpected content retrieved from wiki!")
- return False
- entries = new_entry + entries
- cookies = self.wiki.login()
- if not cookies:
- log.err("wkl: Failed to login to wiki")
- return False
- if not self.wiki.post_entry(self.wiki_page, blurb+entries,
- summary, cookies):
- log.err("wkl: Failed to post entry for %s" % buildid)
- return False
- log.msg("wkl: Posting wikilog entry for %s" % buildid)
- return True
- def updateEntryBuildInfo(self, entry, build):
- """
- Extract the branch and commit hash from the properties of the 'build'
- and update the 'entry' string with extracted values
- @type entry: string
- @type build: buildbot.status.build.BuildStatus
- """
- # We only want to update the commit and branch info for the
- # primary poky build
- # FIXME: this is quite poky specific. Can we handle this in
- # a more generic manner?
- repo = build.getProperty("repourl_poky")
- if not repo:
- return entry
- buildbranch = build.getProperty('branch').strip()
- if not buildbranch or len(buildbranch) < 1:
- buildbranch = "YP_BUILDBRANCH"
- chash = build.getProperty('commit_poky').strip()
- if not chash or len(chash) < 1 or chash == "HEAD":
- chash = "YP_CHASH"
- new_entry = entry.replace("YP_BUILDBRANCH", buildbranch, 1)
- new_entry = new_entry.replace("YP_CHASH", chash, 2)
- return new_entry
- def updateBuildInfo(self, content, build):
- """
- Extract the branch and commit hash from the properties of the 'build'
- and update the 'content' string with extracted values
- @type content: string
- @type build: buildbot.status.build.BuildStatus
- """
- # Try to find an entry that matches this build, rather than blindly
- # updating all instances of the template value in the content
- buildid = build.getProperty('buildnumber', '0')
- builder = build.getProperty('buildername', 'nobuilder')
- entry_list = re.split('\=\=\[(.+)\]\=\=', content)
- title_idx = -1
- # Start at the beginning of entry list and keep iterating until we find
- # a title which looks ~right
- for idx, ent in enumerate(entry_list):
- # The matched title contents should always start with a http*
- # schemed URI
- if ent.startswith('http'):
- # format of the title is:
- # ==[url builder buildid - buildbranch commit_hash]==
- title_components = ent.split(None, 6)
- if builder == title_components[1] and \
- str(buildid) == title_components[2]:
- title_idx = idx
- break
- if title_idx < 0:
- errmsg = ("wkl: Failed to update entry for {0} couldn't find a "
- "matching title with builder {1}")
- log.err(errmsg.format(buildid, builder))
- return content
- entry = entry_list[title_idx + 1]
- title = entry_list[title_idx]
- combined = "==[{0}]=={1}".format(title, entry)
- new_entry = self.updateEntryBuildInfo(combined, build)
- new_entry = new_entry.encode('utf-8')
- it = re.finditer('\=\=\[(.+)\]\=\=', content)
- entry_title = it.next()
- while entry_title.group(1) != title:
- entry_title = it.next()
- next_title = it.next()
- head = content[:entry_title.start()]
- tail = content[next_title.start():]
- update = head + new_entry + tail
- # log.msg("wkl: Updating commit info YP_BUILDBRANCH=%s YP_CHASH=%s" %
- # (buildbranch, chash))
- return update
- def updateBuild(self, build):
- """
- Extract information about 'build' and update an entry in the wiki
- @type build: buildbot.status.build.BuildStatus
- """
- builder = build.getBuilder().getName()
- buildid = str(build.getNumber())
- reason = build.getReason()
- blurb, entries = self.wiki.get_content(self.wiki_page)
- if not blurb:
- log.err("wkl: Unexpected content retrieved from wiki!")
- return False
- url = self.status.getURLForThing(build)
- log_entries = []
- logfmt = '[%s %s]'
- for l in build.getLogs():
- # Ignore logs for steps which succeeded
- result, _ = l.getStep().getResults()
- if result == SUCCESS:
- continue
- step_name = l.getStep().getName()
- log_url = '%s/steps/%s/logs/%s' % (url,
- step_name,
- l.getName())
- log_url = log_url.replace(' ', '%20')
- log_entry = logfmt % (log_url, step_name)
- log_entries.append(log_entry)
- buildbranch = build.getProperty('branch').strip()
- if not buildbranch or len(buildbranch) < 1:
- buildbranch = "YP_BUILDBRANCH"
- chash = build.getProperty('commit_poky').strip()
- if not chash or len(chash) < 1 or chash == "HEAD":
- chash = "YP_CHASH"
- entry_list = re.split('\=\=\[(.+)\]\=\=', entries)
- entry = ''
- title = ''
- # Start at the beginning of entry list and keep iterating until we find
- # a title which looks ~right
- trigger = "Triggerable(trigger_main-build"
- for idx, entry in enumerate(entry_list):
- # The matched title contents should always start with a http*
- # schemed URI
- if entry.startswith('http'):
- # format of the title is:
- # ==[url builder buildid - buildbranch commit_hash]==
- title_components = entry.split(None, 6)
- # For the primary, nightly, builder we can match on chash and
- # buildbranch, otherwise we have to hope that the first
- # triggered build with matching chash and tag
- foundmatch = False
- if buildbranch == title_components[4] \
- and chash == title_components[5] \
- and self.tag in entry_list[idx+1]:
- foundmatch = True
- elif trigger in reason \
- and chash == title_components[5] \
- and self.tag in entry_list[idx+1]:
- foundmatch = True
- if foundmatch:
- entry = entry_list[idx+1]
- title = entry_list[idx]
- break
- if not entry or not title:
- errmsg = ("wkl: Failed to update entry for {0} couldn't find a "
- "matching title for branch: {1} or hash: {2} "
- "(reason was '{3}')")
- log.err(errmsg.format(buildid, buildbranch, chash, reason))
- return False
- log_fmt = ''
- logs = ''
- new_entry = ''
- if builder == 'nightly':
- # for failures in nightly we just append extra entries to the
- # bullet list pointing to the failure logs
- if len(log_entries) > 0:
- logs = '\n* '.join(log_entries) + '\n'
- new_entry = '\n' + entry.strip() + '\n* ' + logs
- else:
- # We only update the buildlog for a nightly build if there
- # are additional items to append to the log list.
- return True
- else:
- # for non-nightly failures we create an entry in the list linking
- # to the failed builder and indent the logs as a child bullet list
- log_fmt = '\n* '
- builderfmt = log_fmt
- if self.isTriggered(build) or self.isNightlyRunning():
- log_fmt = '\n** '
- builderfmt = '\n* [%s %s] failed' % (url, builder)
- if len(log_entries) > 0:
- if self.isTriggered(build) or self.isNightlyRunning():
- builderfmt = builderfmt + ': ' + log_fmt
- logs = log_fmt.join(log_entries)
- logs = logs + '\n'
- new_entry = '\n' + entry.strip() + builderfmt + logs
- summary = 'Updating entry with failures in %s' % builder
- summary = summary + self.tag
- new_entry = self.updateEntryBuildInfo(new_entry, build)
- new_entry = new_entry.encode('utf-8')
- # Find the point where the first entry's title starts and the second
- # entry's title begins, then replace the text between those points
- # with the newly generated entry.
- it = re.finditer('\=\=\[(.+)\]\=\=', entries)
- entry_title = it.next()
- while entry_title.group(1) != title:
- entry_title = it.next()
- next_title = it.next()
- head = entries[:entry_title.end()]
- tail = entries[next_title.start():]
- update = head + new_entry + tail
- cookies = self.wiki.login()
- if not cookies:
- log.err("wkl: Failed to login to wiki")
- return False
- if not self.wiki.post_entry(self.wiki_page, blurb+update, summary,
- cookies):
- log.err("wkl: Failed to update entry for %s" % buildid)
- return False
- log.msg("wkl: Updating wikilog entry for %s" % buildid)
- return True
- def isNightlyRunning(self):
- """
- Determine whether there's a nightly build in progress
- """
- nightly = self.master.getBuilder("nightly")
- if not nightly:
- return False
- build = nightly.getBuild(-1) # the most recent build
- if not build:
- return False
- running = not build.isFinished()
- return running
- def isTriggered(self, build):
- """
- build.isFinished() can return True when buildsteps triggered by
- nightly are still running, therefore we provide a method to check
- whether the 'build' was triggered by a nightly build.
- @type build: buildbot.status.build.BuildStatus
- """
- reason = build.getReason()
- reason_list = reason.split(':', 1)
- forcedby = reason_list[0].strip()
- if forcedby.startswith("Triggerable"):
- return True
- return False
- def startService(self):
- """
- Hook into this method of base.StatusReceiverMultiService to subscribe
- to events from the controller/master.
- """
- log.msg("wkl: WikiLog service started, logging to %s" % self.wiki.wiki_uri)
- base.StatusReceiverMultiService.startService(self)
- self.master = self.parent
- self.status = self.parent.getStatus()
- self.status.subscribe(self)
- def builderAdded(self, name, builder):
- """
- This method is called each time a new Builder is added and may
- return an IStatusReceiver, i.e. self, if the IStatusReceiver
- wishes to subscribe to events (buildStarted, buildFinished, etc)
- from the builder.
- For our purposes we wish to subscribe to all builders events
- and thus always return self.
- @type name: string
- @type builder: buildbot.status.builder.BuilderStatus
- """
- return self
- def buildStarted(self, builderName, build):
- """
- Builder 'builderName' has just started a build. The build is an
- object which implements IBuildStatus, and can be queried for more
- information.
- @type builderName: string
- @type build: buildbot.status.build.BuildStatus
- """
- if builderName != "nightly" and not self.isTriggered(build)\
- and not self.isNightlyRunning():
- # If a build has been started which isn't nightly and a nightly
- # build isn't running, chances are a single builder has been
- # started in order to test something and it just finished.
- if not self.logBuild(build):
- log.err("wkl: Failed to log build %s" % build.getNumber())
- elif builderName == "nightly":
- if not self.logBuild(build):
- log.err("wkl: Failed to log build %s" % build.getNumber())
- # Return an IStatusReceiver, self, to subscribe to stepStarted()
- # and stepFinished() messages
- return self
- def stepFinished(self, build, step, results):
- """
- The buildstep 'step' of 'build' just finished 'results' is one of the
- constants in buildbot.status.builder: SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE,
- @type build: buildbot.status.build.BuildStatus
- @type step: buildbot.status.build.BuildStepStatus
- @type results: constant
- """
- blurb, content = self.wiki.get_content(self.wiki_page)
- if not blurb:
- log.err("wkl: Couldn't get wiki content in stepFinished()")
- return
- update = self.updateBuildInfo(content, build)
- if not update:
- #log.msg("wkl: No update, nothing to POST")
- return
- if content == update:
- #log.msg("wkl: No update made, no need to make a POST")
- return
- cookies = self.wiki.login()
- if not cookies:
- log.err("wkl: Failed to login to wiki")
- return
- summary = "Updating branch and commitish for %s" %\
- build.getNumber()
- if not self.wiki.post_entry(self.wiki_page, blurb+update, summary,
- cookies):
- #log.err("wkl: Failed to update wikilog with summary: '{}'".format(summary))
- return
- def buildFinished(self, builderName, build, result):
- """
- A build has just finished. 'results' is one of the constants in
- buildbot.status.builder: SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE, SKIPPED or
- @type builderName: string
- @type build: buildbot.status.build.BuildStatus
- @type results: constant
- """
- if result == SUCCESS:
- return
- if not self.updateBuild(build):
- log.err("wkl: Failed to update wikilog with build %s failure" %
- build.getNumber())