path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/buildsteps/BuildImages.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/buildsteps/BuildImages.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/buildsteps/BuildImages.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/buildsteps/BuildImages.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 23527c97..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/buildsteps/BuildImages.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-Created on Jan 6, 2013
-__author__ = "Elizabeth 'pidge' Flanagan"
-__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2013, Intel Corp."
-__credits__ = ["Elizabeth Flanagan"]
-__license__ = "GPL"
-__version__ = "2.0"
-__maintainer__ = "Elizabeth Flanagan"
-__email__ = "pidge@toganlabs.com"
-from buildbot.steps.shell import ShellCommand
-from buildbot.process.buildstep import LogLineObserver
-from distutils.version import StrictVersion
-from buildbot.status.results import SUCCESS, SKIPPED
-import os, datetime
-from lib.buildsteps import BitbakeShellCommand
-class BuildImages(BitbakeShellCommand):
- haltOnFailure = False
- flunkOnFailure = True
- name = "BuildImages"
- def __init__(self, factory, argdict=None, **kwargs):
- self.layerversion_yoctobsp=0
- self.machine=""
- self.images=""
- self.oeinit = "oe-init-build-env"
- self.overrideenv = []
- self._pendingLogObservers = []
- self.factory = factory
- for k, v in argdict.iteritems():
- setattr(self, k, v)
- # Timeout needs to be passed to LoggingBuildStep as a kwarg
- self.timeout = 100000
- kwargs['timeout']=self.timeout
- super(BuildImages, self).__init__(factory, argdict=None,
- **kwargs)
- def start(self):
- self.localconf = self.getProperty("LOCALCONF")
- self.layerversion_yoctobsp = \
- int(self.getProperty("layerversion_yoctobsp", "0"))
- self.layerversion_core = \
- int(self.getProperty("layerversion_core", "0"))
- self.machine = self.getProperty("MACHINE", "")
- self.minnowExists = self.getProperty("minnowExists")
- try:
- self.deploycheck = self.getProperty('custom_deploy_artifacts')
- except:
- self.deploycheck = "True"
- builddir = os.path.join(self.getProperty('builddir'), 'build')
- if self.overrideenv:
- for i, e in enumerate(self.overrideenv):
- self.overrideenv[i] = e.replace('#YPDIR', builddir)
- # the eventlog capability exists only in bitbake 1.25 and newer
- self.create_eventlog = "False"
- if self.getProperty('bitbakeversion') \
- and StrictVersion(self.getProperty('bitbakeversion')) >= StrictVersion("1.25"):
- try:
- self.create_eventlog = self.getProperty("custom_create_eventlog")
- if self.create_eventlog == "True":
- timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- self.eventlog_name = "tmp/log/bitbake_eventlog-%s.json" % timestamp
- except:
- pass
- env = ''
- if self.overrideenv:
- env = ' '.join(self.overrideenv) + ' '
- # Refkit builds should only happen for non-releases on master,
- # master-next or ross/mut* branches
- branch = self.getProperty('branch')
- masterish = False
- if self.getProperty('is_release') != 'True' \
- and (branch in ['master', 'master-next'] \
- or branch.startswith('ross/mut')):
- masterish = True
- if self.images == "#SCRAPEDTARGETS":
- self.images = self.getProperty("scraped_targets")
- if self.images == "#TOASTER":
- bitbakeflags = "-k "
- if self.create_eventlog == "True":
- bitbakeflags += "-w '" + self.eventlog_name + "' "
- self.images=self.getProperty("custom_images")
- self.command = env + ". ./" + self.oeinit + "; bitbake " + bitbakeflags + self.images
- self.description = ["Building " + str(self.images)]
- elif self.images == "package-index" and str(self.deploycheck) == "False":
- self.skipStep('Skipping build as the required artifacts are not there')
- elif not masterish and 'refkit' in self.images:
- # Refkit tracks OE-Core master, skip it for named branches
- self.skipStep('Skipping refkit build, not supported for releases.')
- # core-image-basic rename
- # See: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/poky/commit/?id=b7f1cca517bbd4191828c6bae32e0c5041f1ff19
- # I hate making people change their configs, so support both.
- else:
- if self.layerversion_core < 4:
- self.images=self.images.replace("core-image-full-cmdline", "core-image-basic")
- else:
- self.images=self.images.replace("core-image-basic", "core-image-full-cmdline")
- if self.layerversion_core < 8:
- self.images=self.images.replace("core-image-sato-sdk-ptest", "")
- if self.layerversion_core > 6:
- self.images=self.images.replace("LSB-QT-IMAGES", "")
- else:
- self.images=self.images.replace("LSB-QT-IMAGES", "core-image-lsb-qt3")
- # Releases older than Rocko didn't build
- # core-image-sato-sdk with musl.
- if self.layerversion_core < 11 \
- and "musl" in self.localconf:
- self.images = self.images.replace("core-image-sato-sdk", "core-image-sato")
- # Releases older than Pyro need to build an image before
- # invoking oe-selfest
- if self.layerversion_core < 10:
- self.images = self.images.replace("SELFTEST-PRE", "core-image-minimal")
- else:
- self.images = self.images.replace("SELFTEST-PRE", "")
- # The switch to recipe-specific-sysroots during the Pyro release forced us
- # to change how we build the native dependencies for wic and introduce
- # wic-tools. As we've traditionally made efforts in the AB to not break
- # existing buildset we should handle both wic-tools and the full list
- # of native dependencies correctly.
- wicNativeDeps = ("syslinux syslinux-native parted-native "
- "gptfdisk-native dosfstools-native mtools-native")
- if self.layerversion_core > 9:
- self.images = self.images.replace(wicNativeDeps, "wic-tools")
- else:
- self.images = self.images.replace("wic-tools", wicNativeDeps)
- if "minnow" in self.machine:
- if self.minnowExists is "False":
- self.skipStep("Minnowboard layer does not build for 1.8")
- '''
- Various images/builds/features do not work in earlier versions of
- oe-core/other layers. This excludes certain builds from building.
- While we could do something like:
- if <some condition is met>:
- self.finished(SUCCESS)
- self.description = ["Skipping Build"]
- self.build.allStepsDone()
- we really don't want to do this as other bits later in the build
- set may in fact be needed.
- '''
- if self.layerversion_core > 7 \
- and "adt-installer" in self.images:
- self.skipStep('Skipping adt-installer.')
- elif self.layerversion_core < 8 \
- and 'DISTRO_FEATURES_remove="x11"' in self.localconf.replace(" ", ""):
- self.skipStep('Skipping no-x11 Build.')
- elif self.layerversion_core != 8 \
- and 'uclibc' in self.localconf:
- self.skipStep('Skipping uclib Build.')
- elif self.layerversion_core < 8 \
- and 'musl' in self.localconf:
- self.skipStep('Skipping musl Build.')
- elif self.layerversion_core < 7 \
- and "populate_sdk_ext" in self.images:
- self.skipStep('Skipping eSDK Build.')
- elif self.layerversion_yoctobsp < 2 \
- and self.machine == "genericx86-64":
- self.skipStep("Skipping genericx86-64 Build")
- elif self.images == "":
- self.skipStep("Skipping Build. No Images to be built")
- else:
- bitbakeflags = "-k "
- if self.create_eventlog == "True":
- bitbakeflags += "-w '" + self.eventlog_name + "' "
- if self.minnowExists is None or self.minnowExists == "True":
- self.command = env + ". ./" + self.oeinit + "; bitbake " + bitbakeflags + self.images
- self.description = ["Building " + str(self.images)]
- self.setProperty("BuildImages", self.images, "BuildImages")
- ShellCommand.start(self)
- def describe(self, done=False):
- description = ShellCommand.describe(self, done)
- return description