path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/xish/xpathparser.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/xish/xpathparser.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 508 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/xish/xpathparser.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/xish/xpathparser.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 312f6ecd..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/xish/xpathparser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-# DO NOT EDIT xpathparser.py!
-# It is generated from xpathparser.g using Yapps. Make needed changes there.
-# This also means that the generated Python may not conform to Twisted's coding
-# standards.
-# HOWTO Generate me:
-# 1.) Grab a copy of yapps2, version 2.1.1:
-# http://theory.stanford.edu/~amitp/Yapps/
-# Note: Do NOT use the package in debian/ubuntu as it has incompatible
-# modifications.
-# 2.) Generate the grammar:
-# yapps2 xpathparser.g xpathparser.py.proto
-# 3.) Edit the output to depend on the embedded runtime, not yappsrt.
-# sed -e '/^import yapps/d' -e '/^[^#]/s/yappsrt\.//g' \
-# xpathparser.py.proto > xpathparser.py
-XPath Parser.
-Besides the parser code produced by Yapps, this module also defines the
-parse-time exception classes, a scanner class, a base class for parsers
-produced by Yapps, and a context class that keeps track of the parse stack.
-These have been copied from the Yapps runtime.
-import sys, re
-class SyntaxError(Exception):
- """When we run into an unexpected token, this is the exception to use"""
- def __init__(self, charpos=-1, msg="Bad Token", context=None):
- Exception.__init__(self)
- self.charpos = charpos
- self.msg = msg
- self.context = context
- def __str__(self):
- if self.charpos < 0: return 'SyntaxError'
- else: return 'SyntaxError@char%s(%s)' % (repr(self.charpos), self.msg)
-class NoMoreTokens(Exception):
- """Another exception object, for when we run out of tokens"""
- pass
-class Scanner:
- """Yapps scanner.
- The Yapps scanner can work in context sensitive or context
- insensitive modes. The token(i) method is used to retrieve the
- i-th token. It takes a restrict set that limits the set of tokens
- it is allowed to return. In context sensitive mode, this restrict
- set guides the scanner. In context insensitive mode, there is no
- restriction (the set is always the full set of tokens).
- """
- def __init__(self, patterns, ignore, input):
- """Initialize the scanner.
- @param patterns: [(terminal, uncompiled regex), ...] or C{None}
- @param ignore: [terminal,...]
- @param input: string
- If patterns is C{None}, we assume that the subclass has defined
- C{self.patterns} : [(terminal, compiled regex), ...]. Note that the
- patterns parameter expects uncompiled regexes, whereas the
- C{self.patterns} field expects compiled regexes.
- """
- self.tokens = [] # [(begin char pos, end char pos, token name, matched text), ...]
- self.restrictions = []
- self.input = input
- self.pos = 0
- self.ignore = ignore
- self.first_line_number = 1
- if patterns is not None:
- # Compile the regex strings into regex objects
- self.patterns = []
- for terminal, regex in patterns:
- self.patterns.append( (terminal, re.compile(regex)) )
- def get_token_pos(self):
- """Get the current token position in the input text."""
- return len(self.tokens)
- def get_char_pos(self):
- """Get the current char position in the input text."""
- return self.pos
- def get_prev_char_pos(self, i=None):
- """Get the previous position (one token back) in the input text."""
- if self.pos == 0: return 0
- if i is None: i = -1
- return self.tokens[i][0]
- def get_line_number(self):
- """Get the line number of the current position in the input text."""
- # TODO: make this work at any token/char position
- return self.first_line_number + self.get_input_scanned().count('\n')
- def get_column_number(self):
- """Get the column number of the current position in the input text."""
- s = self.get_input_scanned()
- i = s.rfind('\n') # may be -1, but that's okay in this case
- return len(s) - (i+1)
- def get_input_scanned(self):
- """Get the portion of the input that has been tokenized."""
- return self.input[:self.pos]
- def get_input_unscanned(self):
- """Get the portion of the input that has not yet been tokenized."""
- return self.input[self.pos:]
- def token(self, i, restrict=None):
- """Get the i'th token in the input.
- If C{i} is one past the end, then scan for another token.
- @param i: token index
- @param restrict: [token, ...] or C{None}; if restrict is
- C{None}, then any token is allowed. You may call
- token(i) more than once. However, the restrict set
- may never be larger than what was passed in on the
- first call to token(i).
- """
- if i == len(self.tokens):
- self.scan(restrict)
- if i < len(self.tokens):
- # Make sure the restriction is more restricted. This
- # invariant is needed to avoid ruining tokenization at
- # position i+1 and higher.
- if restrict and self.restrictions[i]:
- for r in restrict:
- if r not in self.restrictions[i]:
- raise NotImplementedError("Unimplemented: restriction set changed")
- return self.tokens[i]
- raise NoMoreTokens()
- def __repr__(self):
- """Print the last 10 tokens that have been scanned in"""
- output = ''
- for t in self.tokens[-10:]:
- output = '%s\n (@%s) %s = %s' % (output,t[0],t[2],repr(t[3]))
- return output
- def scan(self, restrict):
- """Should scan another token and add it to the list, self.tokens,
- and add the restriction to self.restrictions"""
- # Keep looking for a token, ignoring any in self.ignore
- while 1:
- # Search the patterns for the longest match, with earlier
- # tokens in the list having preference
- best_match = -1
- best_pat = '(error)'
- for p, regexp in self.patterns:
- # First check to see if we're ignoring this token
- if restrict and p not in restrict and p not in self.ignore:
- continue
- m = regexp.match(self.input, self.pos)
- if m and len(m.group(0)) > best_match:
- # We got a match that's better than the previous one
- best_pat = p
- best_match = len(m.group(0))
- # If we didn't find anything, raise an error
- if best_pat == '(error)' and best_match < 0:
- msg = 'Bad Token'
- if restrict:
- msg = 'Trying to find one of '+', '.join(restrict)
- raise SyntaxError(self.pos, msg)
- # If we found something that isn't to be ignored, return it
- if best_pat not in self.ignore:
- # Create a token with this data
- token = (self.pos, self.pos+best_match, best_pat,
- self.input[self.pos:self.pos+best_match])
- self.pos = self.pos + best_match
- # Only add this token if it's not in the list
- # (to prevent looping)
- if not self.tokens or token != self.tokens[-1]:
- self.tokens.append(token)
- self.restrictions.append(restrict)
- return
- else:
- # This token should be ignored ..
- self.pos = self.pos + best_match
-class Parser:
- """Base class for Yapps-generated parsers.
- """
- def __init__(self, scanner):
- self._scanner = scanner
- self._pos = 0
- def _peek(self, *types):
- """Returns the token type for lookahead; if there are any args
- then the list of args is the set of token types to allow"""
- tok = self._scanner.token(self._pos, types)
- return tok[2]
- def _scan(self, type):
- """Returns the matched text, and moves to the next token"""
- tok = self._scanner.token(self._pos, [type])
- if tok[2] != type:
- raise SyntaxError(tok[0], 'Trying to find '+type+' :'+ ' ,'.join(self._scanner.restrictions[self._pos]))
- self._pos = 1 + self._pos
- return tok[3]
-class Context:
- """Class to represent the parser's call stack.
- Every rule creates a Context that links to its parent rule. The
- contexts can be used for debugging.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent, scanner, tokenpos, rule, args=()):
- """Create a new context.
- @param parent: Context object or C{None}
- @param scanner: Scanner object
- @param tokenpos: scanner token position
- @type tokenpos: C{int}
- @param rule: name of the rule
- @type rule: C{str}
- @param args: tuple listing parameters to the rule
- """
- self.parent = parent
- self.scanner = scanner
- self.tokenpos = tokenpos
- self.rule = rule
- self.args = args
- def __str__(self):
- output = ''
- if self.parent: output = str(self.parent) + ' > '
- output += self.rule
- return output
-def print_line_with_pointer(text, p):
- """Print the line of 'text' that includes position 'p',
- along with a second line with a single caret (^) at position p"""
- # TODO: separate out the logic for determining the line/character
- # location from the logic for determining how to display an
- # 80-column line to stderr.
- # Now try printing part of the line
- text = text[max(p-80, 0):p+80]
- p = p - max(p-80, 0)
- # Strip to the left
- i = text[:p].rfind('\n')
- j = text[:p].rfind('\r')
- if i < 0 or (0 <= j < i): i = j
- if 0 <= i < p:
- p = p - i - 1
- text = text[i+1:]
- # Strip to the right
- i = text.find('\n', p)
- j = text.find('\r', p)
- if i < 0 or (0 <= j < i): i = j
- if i >= 0:
- text = text[:i]
- # Now shorten the text
- while len(text) > 70 and p > 60:
- # Cut off 10 chars
- text = "..." + text[10:]
- p = p - 7
- # Now print the string, along with an indicator
- print >>sys.stderr, '> ',text
- print >>sys.stderr, '> ',' '*p + '^'
-def print_error(input, err, scanner):
- """Print error messages, the parser stack, and the input text -- for human-readable error messages."""
- # NOTE: this function assumes 80 columns :-(
- # Figure out the line number
- line_number = scanner.get_line_number()
- column_number = scanner.get_column_number()
- print >>sys.stderr, '%d:%d: %s' % (line_number, column_number, err.msg)
- context = err.context
- if not context:
- print_line_with_pointer(input, err.charpos)
- while context:
- # TODO: add line number
- print >>sys.stderr, 'while parsing %s%s:' % (context.rule, tuple(context.args))
- print_line_with_pointer(input, context.scanner.get_prev_char_pos(context.tokenpos))
- context = context.parent
-def wrap_error_reporter(parser, rule):
- try:
- return getattr(parser, rule)()
- except SyntaxError, e:
- input = parser._scanner.input
- print_error(input, e, parser._scanner)
- except NoMoreTokens:
- print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not complete parsing; stopped around here:'
- print >>sys.stderr, parser._scanner
-from twisted.words.xish.xpath import AttribValue, BooleanValue, CompareValue
-from twisted.words.xish.xpath import Function, IndexValue, LiteralValue
-from twisted.words.xish.xpath import _AnyLocation, _Location
-# Begin -- grammar generated by Yapps
-import sys, re
-class XPathParserScanner(Scanner):
- patterns = [
- ('","', re.compile(',')),
- ('"@"', re.compile('@')),
- ('"\\)"', re.compile('\\)')),
- ('"\\("', re.compile('\\(')),
- ('"\\]"', re.compile('\\]')),
- ('"\\["', re.compile('\\[')),
- ('"//"', re.compile('//')),
- ('"/"', re.compile('/')),
- ('\\s+', re.compile('\\s+')),
- ('INDEX', re.compile('[0-9]+')),
- ('WILDCARD', re.compile('\\*')),
- ('IDENTIFIER', re.compile('[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]*')),
- ('ATTRIBUTE', re.compile('\\@[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]*')),
- ('FUNCNAME', re.compile('[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*')),
- ('CMP_EQ', re.compile('\\=')),
- ('CMP_NE', re.compile('\\!\\=')),
- ('STR_DQ', re.compile('"([^"]|(\\"))*?"')),
- ('STR_SQ', re.compile("'([^']|(\\'))*?'")),
- ('OP_AND', re.compile('and')),
- ('OP_OR', re.compile('or')),
- ('END', re.compile('$')),
- ]
- def __init__(self, str):
- Scanner.__init__(self,None,['\\s+'],str)
-class XPathParser(Parser):
- Context = Context
- def XPATH(self, _parent=None):
- _context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, self._pos, 'XPATH', [])
- PATH = self.PATH(_context)
- result = PATH; current = result
- while self._peek('END', '"/"', '"//"') != 'END':
- PATH = self.PATH(_context)
- current.childLocation = PATH; current = current.childLocation
- if self._peek() not in ['END', '"/"', '"//"']:
- raise SyntaxError(charpos=self._scanner.get_prev_char_pos(), context=_context, msg='Need one of ' + ', '.join(['END', '"/"', '"//"']))
- END = self._scan('END')
- return result
- def PATH(self, _parent=None):
- _context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, self._pos, 'PATH', [])
- _token = self._peek('"/"', '"//"')
- if _token == '"/"':
- self._scan('"/"')
- result = _Location()
- else: # == '"//"'
- self._scan('"//"')
- result = _AnyLocation()
- _token = self._peek('IDENTIFIER', 'WILDCARD')
- if _token == 'IDENTIFIER':
- result.elementName = IDENTIFIER
- else: # == 'WILDCARD'
- WILDCARD = self._scan('WILDCARD')
- result.elementName = None
- while self._peek('"\\["', 'END', '"/"', '"//"') == '"\\["':
- self._scan('"\\["')
- PREDICATE = self.PREDICATE(_context)
- result.predicates.append(PREDICATE)
- self._scan('"\\]"')
- if self._peek() not in ['"\\["', 'END', '"/"', '"//"']:
- raise SyntaxError(charpos=self._scanner.get_prev_char_pos(), context=_context, msg='Need one of ' + ', '.join(['"\\["', 'END', '"/"', '"//"']))
- return result
- def PREDICATE(self, _parent=None):
- _context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, self._pos, 'PREDICATE', [])
- _token = self._peek('INDEX', '"\\("', '"@"', 'FUNCNAME', 'STR_DQ', 'STR_SQ')
- if _token != 'INDEX':
- EXPR = self.EXPR(_context)
- return EXPR
- else: # == 'INDEX'
- INDEX = self._scan('INDEX')
- return IndexValue(INDEX)
- def EXPR(self, _parent=None):
- _context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, self._pos, 'EXPR', [])
- FACTOR = self.FACTOR(_context)
- e = FACTOR
- while self._peek('OP_AND', 'OP_OR', '"\\)"', '"\\]"') in ['OP_AND', 'OP_OR']:
- BOOLOP = self.BOOLOP(_context)
- FACTOR = self.FACTOR(_context)
- e = BooleanValue(e, BOOLOP, FACTOR)
- if self._peek() not in ['OP_AND', 'OP_OR', '"\\)"', '"\\]"']:
- raise SyntaxError(charpos=self._scanner.get_prev_char_pos(), context=_context, msg='Need one of ' + ', '.join(['OP_AND', 'OP_OR', '"\\)"', '"\\]"']))
- return e
- def BOOLOP(self, _parent=None):
- _context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, self._pos, 'BOOLOP', [])
- _token = self._peek('OP_AND', 'OP_OR')
- if _token == 'OP_AND':
- OP_AND = self._scan('OP_AND')
- return OP_AND
- else: # == 'OP_OR'
- OP_OR = self._scan('OP_OR')
- return OP_OR
- def FACTOR(self, _parent=None):
- _context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, self._pos, 'FACTOR', [])
- _token = self._peek('"\\("', '"@"', 'FUNCNAME', 'STR_DQ', 'STR_SQ')
- if _token != '"\\("':
- TERM = self.TERM(_context)
- return TERM
- else: # == '"\\("'
- self._scan('"\\("')
- EXPR = self.EXPR(_context)
- self._scan('"\\)"')
- return EXPR
- def TERM(self, _parent=None):
- _context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, self._pos, 'TERM', [])
- VALUE = self.VALUE(_context)
- t = VALUE
- if self._peek('CMP_EQ', 'CMP_NE', 'OP_AND', 'OP_OR', '"\\)"', '"\\]"') in ['CMP_EQ', 'CMP_NE']:
- CMP = self.CMP(_context)
- VALUE = self.VALUE(_context)
- t = CompareValue(t, CMP, VALUE)
- return t
- def VALUE(self, _parent=None):
- _context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, self._pos, 'VALUE', [])
- _token = self._peek('"@"', 'FUNCNAME', 'STR_DQ', 'STR_SQ')
- if _token == '"@"':
- self._scan('"@"')
- return AttribValue(IDENTIFIER)
- elif _token == 'FUNCNAME':
- FUNCNAME = self._scan('FUNCNAME')
- f = Function(FUNCNAME); args = []
- self._scan('"\\("')
- if self._peek('"\\)"', '"@"', 'FUNCNAME', '","', 'STR_DQ', 'STR_SQ') not in ['"\\)"', '","']:
- VALUE = self.VALUE(_context)
- args.append(VALUE)
- while self._peek('","', '"\\)"') == '","':
- self._scan('","')
- VALUE = self.VALUE(_context)
- args.append(VALUE)
- if self._peek() not in ['","', '"\\)"']:
- raise SyntaxError(charpos=self._scanner.get_prev_char_pos(), context=_context, msg='Need one of ' + ', '.join(['","', '"\\)"']))
- self._scan('"\\)"')
- f.setParams(*args); return f
- else: # in ['STR_DQ', 'STR_SQ']
- STR = self.STR(_context)
- return LiteralValue(STR[1:len(STR)-1])
- def CMP(self, _parent=None):
- _context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, self._pos, 'CMP', [])
- _token = self._peek('CMP_EQ', 'CMP_NE')
- if _token == 'CMP_EQ':
- CMP_EQ = self._scan('CMP_EQ')
- return CMP_EQ
- else: # == 'CMP_NE'
- CMP_NE = self._scan('CMP_NE')
- return CMP_NE
- def STR(self, _parent=None):
- _context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, self._pos, 'STR', [])
- _token = self._peek('STR_DQ', 'STR_SQ')
- if _token == 'STR_DQ':
- STR_DQ = self._scan('STR_DQ')
- return STR_DQ
- else: # == 'STR_SQ'
- STR_SQ = self._scan('STR_SQ')
- return STR_SQ
-def parse(rule, text):
- P = XPathParser(XPathParserScanner(text))
- return wrap_error_reporter(P, rule)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- from sys import argv, stdin
- if len(argv) >= 2:
- if len(argv) >= 3:
- f = open(argv[2],'r')
- else:
- f = stdin
- print parse(argv[1], f.read())
- else: print >>sys.stderr, 'Args: <rule> [<filename>]'
-# End -- grammar generated by Yapps