path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/test/test_xpath.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/test/test_xpath.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 260 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/test/test_xpath.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/test/test_xpath.py
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index 9dbda0fc..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/test/test_xpath.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-import sys, os
-from twisted.words.xish.domish import Element
-from twisted.words.xish.xpath import XPathQuery
-from twisted.words.xish import xpath
-class XPathTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- # Build element:
- # <foo xmlns='testns' attrib1='value1' attrib3="user@host/resource">
- # somecontent
- # <bar>
- # <foo>
- # <gar>DEF</gar>
- # </foo>
- # </bar>
- # somemorecontent
- # <bar attrib2="value2">
- # <bar>
- # <foo/>
- # <gar>ABC</gar>
- # </bar>
- # <bar/>
- # <bar attrib4='value4' attrib5='value5'>
- # <foo/>
- # <gar>JKL</gar>
- # </bar>
- # <bar attrib4='value4' attrib5='value4'>
- # <foo/>
- # <gar>MNO</gar>
- # </bar>
- # <bar attrib4='value4' attrib5='value6'/>
- # </foo>
- self.e = Element(("testns", "foo"))
- self.e["attrib1"] = "value1"
- self.e["attrib3"] = "user@host/resource"
- self.e.addContent("somecontent")
- self.bar1 = self.e.addElement("bar")
- self.subfoo = self.bar1.addElement("foo")
- self.gar1 = self.subfoo.addElement("gar")
- self.gar1.addContent("DEF")
- self.e.addContent("somemorecontent")
- self.bar2 = self.e.addElement("bar")
- self.bar2["attrib2"] = "value2"
- self.bar3 = self.bar2.addElement("bar")
- self.subfoo2 = self.bar3.addElement("foo")
- self.gar2 = self.bar3.addElement("gar")
- self.gar2.addContent("ABC")
- self.bar4 = self.e.addElement("bar")
- self.bar5 = self.e.addElement("bar")
- self.bar5["attrib4"] = "value4"
- self.bar5["attrib5"] = "value5"
- self.subfoo3 = self.bar5.addElement("foo")
- self.gar3 = self.bar5.addElement("gar")
- self.gar3.addContent("JKL")
- self.bar6 = self.e.addElement("bar")
- self.bar6["attrib4"] = "value4"
- self.bar6["attrib5"] = "value4"
- self.subfoo4 = self.bar6.addElement("foo")
- self.gar4 = self.bar6.addElement("gar")
- self.gar4.addContent("MNO")
- self.bar7 = self.e.addElement("bar")
- self.bar7["attrib4"] = "value4"
- self.bar7["attrib5"] = "value6"
- def test_staticMethods(self):
- """
- Test basic operation of the static methods.
- """
- self.assertEqual(xpath.matches("/foo/bar", self.e),
- True)
- self.assertEqual(xpath.queryForNodes("/foo/bar", self.e),
- [self.bar1, self.bar2, self.bar4,
- self.bar5, self.bar6, self.bar7])
- self.assertEqual(xpath.queryForString("/foo", self.e),
- "somecontent")
- self.assertEqual(xpath.queryForStringList("/foo", self.e),
- ["somecontent", "somemorecontent"])
- def test_locationFooBar(self):
- """
- Test matching foo with child bar.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("/foo/bar")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), 1)
- def test_locationFooBarFoo(self):
- """
- Test finding foos at the second level.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("/foo/bar/foo")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), 1)
- self.assertEqual(xp.queryForNodes(self.e), [self.subfoo,
- self.subfoo3,
- self.subfoo4])
- def test_locationNoBar3(self):
- """
- Test not finding bar3.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("/foo/bar3")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), 0)
- def test_locationAllChilds(self):
- """
- Test finding childs of foo.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("/foo/*")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), True)
- self.assertEqual(xp.queryForNodes(self.e), [self.bar1, self.bar2,
- self.bar4, self.bar5,
- self.bar6, self.bar7])
- def test_attribute(self):
- """
- Test matching foo with attribute.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("/foo[@attrib1]")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), True)
- def test_attributeWithValueAny(self):
- """
- Test find nodes with attribute having value.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("/foo/*[@attrib2='value2']")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), True)
- self.assertEqual(xp.queryForNodes(self.e), [self.bar2])
- def test_position(self):
- """
- Test finding element at position.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("/foo/bar[2]")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), 1)
- self.assertEqual(xp.queryForNodes(self.e), [self.bar1])
- test_position.todo = "XPath queries with position are not working."
- def test_namespaceFound(self):
- """
- Test matching node with namespace.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("/foo[@xmlns='testns']/bar")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), 1)
- def test_namespaceNotFound(self):
- """
- Test not matching node with wrong namespace.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("/foo[@xmlns='badns']/bar2")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), 0)
- def test_attributeWithValue(self):
- """
- Test matching node with attribute having value.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("/foo[@attrib1='value1']")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), 1)
- def test_queryForString(self):
- """
- Test for queryForString and queryForStringList.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("/foo")
- self.assertEqual(xp.queryForString(self.e), "somecontent")
- self.assertEqual(xp.queryForStringList(self.e),
- ["somecontent", "somemorecontent"])
- def test_queryForNodes(self):
- """
- Test finding nodes.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("/foo/bar")
- self.assertEqual(xp.queryForNodes(self.e), [self.bar1, self.bar2,
- self.bar4, self.bar5,
- self.bar6, self.bar7])
- def test_textCondition(self):
- """
- Test matching a node with given text.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("/foo[text() = 'somecontent']")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), True)
- def test_textNotOperator(self):
- """
- Test for not operator.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("/foo[not(@nosuchattrib)]")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), True)
- def test_anyLocationAndText(self):
- """
- Test finding any nodes named gar and getting their text contents.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("//gar")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), True)
- self.assertEqual(xp.queryForNodes(self.e), [self.gar1, self.gar2,
- self.gar3, self.gar4])
- self.assertEqual(xp.queryForStringList(self.e), ["DEF", "ABC",
- "JKL", "MNO"])
- def test_anyLocation(self):
- """
- Test finding any nodes named bar.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("//bar")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), True)
- self.assertEqual(xp.queryForNodes(self.e), [self.bar1, self.bar2,
- self.bar3, self.bar4,
- self.bar5, self.bar6,
- self.bar7])
- def test_anyLocationQueryForString(self):
- """
- L{XPathQuery.queryForString} should raise a L{NotImplementedError}
- for any location.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("//bar")
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, xp.queryForString, None)
- def test_andOperator(self):
- """
- Test boolean and operator in condition.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("//bar[@attrib4='value4' and @attrib5='value5']")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), True)
- self.assertEqual(xp.queryForNodes(self.e), [self.bar5])
- def test_orOperator(self):
- """
- Test boolean or operator in condition.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("//bar[@attrib5='value4' or @attrib5='value5']")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), True)
- self.assertEqual(xp.queryForNodes(self.e), [self.bar5, self.bar6])
- def test_booleanOperatorsParens(self):
- """
- Test multiple boolean operators in condition with parens.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("""//bar[@attrib4='value4' and
- (@attrib5='value4' or @attrib5='value6')]""")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), True)
- self.assertEqual(xp.queryForNodes(self.e), [self.bar6, self.bar7])
- def test_booleanOperatorsNoParens(self):
- """
- Test multiple boolean operators in condition without parens.
- """
- xp = XPathQuery("""//bar[@attrib5='value4' or
- @attrib5='value5' or
- @attrib5='value6']""")
- self.assertEqual(xp.matches(self.e), True)
- self.assertEqual(xp.queryForNodes(self.e), [self.bar5, self.bar6, self.bar7])