path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/protocols/msn.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/protocols/msn.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2479 deletions
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.words.test -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-MSNP8 Protocol (client only) - semi-experimental
-This module provides support for clients using the MSN Protocol (MSNP8).
-There are basically 3 servers involved in any MSN session:
-I{Dispatch server}
-The DispatchClient class handles connections to the
-dispatch server, which basically delegates users to a
-suitable notification server.
-You will want to subclass this and handle the gotNotificationReferral
-method appropriately.
-I{Notification Server}
-The NotificationClient class handles connections to the
-notification server, which acts as a session server
-(state updates, message negotiation etc...)
-I{Switcboard Server}
-The SwitchboardClient handles connections to switchboard
-servers which are used to conduct conversations with other users.
-There are also two classes (FileSend and FileReceive) used
-for file transfers.
-Clients handle events in two ways.
- - each client request requiring a response will return a Deferred,
- the callback for same will be fired when the server sends the
- required response
- - Events which are not in response to any client request have
- respective methods which should be overridden and handled in
- an adequate manner
-Most client request callbacks require more than one argument,
-and since Deferreds can only pass the callback one result,
-most of the time the callback argument will be a tuple of
-values (documented in the respective request method).
-To make reading/writing code easier, callbacks can be defined in
-a number of ways to handle this 'cleanly'. One way would be to
-define methods like: def callBack(self, (arg1, arg2, arg)): ...
-another way would be to do something like:
-d.addCallback(lambda result: myCallback(*result)).
-If the server sends an error response to a client request,
-the errback of the corresponding Deferred will be called,
-the argument being the corresponding error code.
-Due to the lack of an official spec for MSNP8, extra checking
-than may be deemed necessary often takes place considering the
-server is never 'wrong'. Thus, if gotBadLine (in any of the 3
-main clients) is called, or an MSNProtocolError is raised, it's
-probably a good idea to submit a bug report. ;)
-Use of this module requires that PyOpenSSL is installed.
-- check message hooks with invalid x-msgsinvite messages.
-- font handling
-- switchboard factory
-@author: Sam Jordan
-import types, operator, os
-from random import randint
-from urllib import quote, unquote
-from twisted.python import failure, log
-from twisted.python.hashlib import md5
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, execute
-from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientFactory
- from twisted.internet.ssl import ClientContextFactory
-except ImportError:
- ClientContextFactory = None
-from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
-from twisted.web.http import HTTPClient
-MSN_PROTOCOL_VERSION = "MSNP8 CVR0" # protocol version
-MSN_PORT = 1863 # default dispatch server port
-MSN_MAX_MESSAGE = 1664 # max message length
-MSN_CHALLENGE_STR = "Q1P7W2E4J9R8U3S5" # used for server challenges
-MSN_CVR_STR = "0x0409 win 4.10 i386 MSNMSGR 5.0.0544 MSMSGS" # :(
-# auth constants
-# list constants
-# phone constants
-# status constants
-CR = "\r"
-LF = "\n"
-class SSLRequired(Exception):
- """
- This exception is raised when it is necessary to talk to a passport server
- using SSL, but the necessary SSL dependencies are unavailable.
- @since: 11.0
- """
-def checkParamLen(num, expected, cmd, error=None):
- if error == None:
- error = "Invalid Number of Parameters for %s" % cmd
- if num != expected:
- raise MSNProtocolError, error
-def _parseHeader(h, v):
- """
- Split a certin number of known
- header values with the format:
- field1=val,field2=val,field3=val into
- a dict mapping fields to values.
- @param h: the header's key
- @param v: the header's value as a string
- """
- if h in ('passporturls','authentication-info','www-authenticate'):
- v = v.replace('Passport1.4','').lstrip()
- fields = {}
- for fieldPair in v.split(','):
- try:
- field,value = fieldPair.split('=',1)
- fields[field.lower()] = value
- except ValueError:
- fields[field.lower()] = ''
- return fields
- else:
- return v
-def _parsePrimitiveHost(host):
- # Ho Ho Ho
- h,p = host.replace('https://','').split('/',1)
- p = '/' + p
- return h,p
-def _login(userHandle, passwd, nexusServer, cached=0, authData=''):
- """
- This function is used internally and should not ever be called
- directly.
- @raise SSLRequired: If there is no SSL support available.
- """
- if ClientContextFactory is None:
- raise SSLRequired(
- 'Connecting to the Passport server requires SSL, but SSL is '
- 'unavailable.')
- cb = Deferred()
- def _cb(server, auth):
- loginFac = ClientFactory()
- loginFac.protocol = lambda : PassportLogin(cb, userHandle, passwd, server, auth)
- reactor.connectSSL(_parsePrimitiveHost(server)[0], 443, loginFac, ClientContextFactory())
- if cached:
- _cb(nexusServer, authData)
- else:
- fac = ClientFactory()
- d = Deferred()
- d.addCallbacks(_cb, callbackArgs=(authData,))
- d.addErrback(lambda f: cb.errback(f))
- fac.protocol = lambda : PassportNexus(d, nexusServer)
- reactor.connectSSL(_parsePrimitiveHost(nexusServer)[0], 443, fac, ClientContextFactory())
- return cb
-class PassportNexus(HTTPClient):
- """
- Used to obtain the URL of a valid passport
- login HTTPS server.
- This class is used internally and should
- not be instantiated directly -- that is,
- The passport logging in process is handled
- transparantly by NotificationClient.
- """
- def __init__(self, deferred, host):
- self.deferred = deferred
- self.host, self.path = _parsePrimitiveHost(host)
- def connectionMade(self):
- HTTPClient.connectionMade(self)
- self.sendCommand('GET', self.path)
- self.sendHeader('Host', self.host)
- self.endHeaders()
- self.headers = {}
- def handleHeader(self, header, value):
- h = header.lower()
- self.headers[h] = _parseHeader(h, value)
- def handleEndHeaders(self):
- if self.connected:
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- if 'passporturls' not in self.headers or 'dalogin' not in self.headers['passporturls']:
- self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(failure.DefaultException("Invalid Nexus Reply")))
- self.deferred.callback('https://' + self.headers['passporturls']['dalogin'])
- def handleResponse(self, r):
- pass
-class PassportLogin(HTTPClient):
- """
- This class is used internally to obtain
- a login ticket from a passport HTTPS
- server -- it should not be used directly.
- """
- _finished = 0
- def __init__(self, deferred, userHandle, passwd, host, authData):
- self.deferred = deferred
- self.userHandle = userHandle
- self.passwd = passwd
- self.authData = authData
- self.host, self.path = _parsePrimitiveHost(host)
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.sendCommand('GET', self.path)
- self.sendHeader('Authorization', 'Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET,OrgURL=http://messenger.msn.com,' +
- 'sign-in=%s,pwd=%s,%s' % (quote(self.userHandle), self.passwd,self.authData))
- self.sendHeader('Host', self.host)
- self.endHeaders()
- self.headers = {}
- def handleHeader(self, header, value):
- h = header.lower()
- self.headers[h] = _parseHeader(h, value)
- def handleEndHeaders(self):
- if self._finished:
- return
- self._finished = 1 # I think we need this because of HTTPClient
- if self.connected:
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- authHeader = 'authentication-info'
- _interHeader = 'www-authenticate'
- if _interHeader in self.headers:
- authHeader = _interHeader
- try:
- info = self.headers[authHeader]
- status = info['da-status']
- handler = getattr(self, 'login_%s' % (status,), None)
- if handler:
- handler(info)
- else:
- raise Exception()
- except Exception, e:
- self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
- def handleResponse(self, r):
- pass
- def login_success(self, info):
- ticket = info['from-pp']
- ticket = ticket[1:len(ticket)-1]
- self.deferred.callback((LOGIN_SUCCESS, ticket))
- def login_failed(self, info):
- self.deferred.callback((LOGIN_FAILURE, unquote(info['cbtxt'])))
- def login_redir(self, info):
- self.deferred.callback((LOGIN_REDIRECT, self.headers['location'], self.authData))
-class MSNProtocolError(Exception):
- """
- This Exception is basically used for debugging
- purposes, as the official MSN server should never
- send anything _wrong_ and nobody in their right
- mind would run their B{own} MSN server.
- If it is raised by default command handlers
- (handle_BLAH) the error will be logged.
- """
- pass
-class MSNCommandFailed(Exception):
- """
- The server said that the command failed.
- """
- def __init__(self, errorCode):
- self.errorCode = errorCode
- def __str__(self):
- return ("Command failed: %s (error code %d)"
- % (errorCodes[self.errorCode], self.errorCode))
-class MSNMessage:
- """
- I am the class used to represent an 'instant' message.
- @ivar userHandle: The user handle (passport) of the sender
- (this is only used when receiving a message)
- @ivar screenName: The screen name of the sender (this is only used
- when receiving a message)
- @ivar message: The message
- @ivar headers: The message headers
- @type headers: dict
- @ivar length: The message length (including headers and line endings)
- @ivar ack: This variable is used to tell the server how to respond
- once the message has been sent. If set to MESSAGE_ACK
- (default) the server will respond with an ACK upon receiving
- the message, if set to MESSAGE_NACK the server will respond
- with a NACK upon failure to receive the message.
- If set to MESSAGE_ACK_NONE the server will do nothing.
- This is relevant for the return value of
- SwitchboardClient.sendMessage (which will return
- a Deferred if ack is set to either MESSAGE_ACK or MESSAGE_NACK
- and will fire when the respective ACK or NACK is received).
- If set to MESSAGE_ACK_NONE sendMessage will return None.
- """
- def __init__(self, length=0, userHandle="", screenName="", message=""):
- self.userHandle = userHandle
- self.screenName = screenName
- self.message = message
- self.headers = {'MIME-Version' : '1.0', 'Content-Type' : 'text/plain'}
- self.length = length
- self.readPos = 0
- def _calcMessageLen(self):
- """
- used to calculte the number to send
- as the message length when sending a message.
- """
- return reduce(operator.add, [len(x[0]) + len(x[1]) + 4 for x in self.headers.items()]) + len(self.message) + 2
- def setHeader(self, header, value):
- """ set the desired header """
- self.headers[header] = value
- def getHeader(self, header):
- """
- get the desired header value
- @raise KeyError: if no such header exists.
- """
- return self.headers[header]
- def hasHeader(self, header):
- """ check to see if the desired header exists """
- return header in self.headers
- def getMessage(self):
- """ return the message - not including headers """
- return self.message
- def setMessage(self, message):
- """ set the message text """
- self.message = message
-class MSNContact:
- """
- This class represents a contact (user).
- @ivar userHandle: The contact's user handle (passport).
- @ivar screenName: The contact's screen name.
- @ivar groups: A list of all the group IDs which this
- contact belongs to.
- @ivar lists: An integer representing the sum of all lists
- that this contact belongs to.
- @ivar status: The contact's status code.
- @type status: str if contact's status is known, None otherwise.
- @ivar homePhone: The contact's home phone number.
- @type homePhone: str if known, otherwise None.
- @ivar workPhone: The contact's work phone number.
- @type workPhone: str if known, otherwise None.
- @ivar mobilePhone: The contact's mobile phone number.
- @type mobilePhone: str if known, otherwise None.
- @ivar hasPager: Whether or not this user has a mobile pager
- (true=yes, false=no)
- """
- def __init__(self, userHandle="", screenName="", lists=0, groups=[], status=None):
- self.userHandle = userHandle
- self.screenName = screenName
- self.lists = lists
- self.groups = [] # if applicable
- self.status = status # current status
- # phone details
- self.homePhone = None
- self.workPhone = None
- self.mobilePhone = None
- self.hasPager = None
- def setPhone(self, phoneType, value):
- """
- set phone numbers/values for this specific user.
- for phoneType check the *_PHONE constants and HAS_PAGER
- """
- t = phoneType.upper()
- if t == HOME_PHONE:
- self.homePhone = value
- elif t == WORK_PHONE:
- self.workPhone = value
- elif t == MOBILE_PHONE:
- self.mobilePhone = value
- elif t == HAS_PAGER:
- self.hasPager = value
- else:
- raise ValueError, "Invalid Phone Type"
- def addToList(self, listType):
- """
- Update the lists attribute to
- reflect being part of the
- given list.
- """
- self.lists |= listType
- def removeFromList(self, listType):
- """
- Update the lists attribute to
- reflect being removed from the
- given list.
- """
- self.lists ^= listType
-class MSNContactList:
- """
- This class represents a basic MSN contact list.
- @ivar contacts: All contacts on my various lists
- @type contacts: dict (mapping user handles to MSNContact objects)
- @ivar version: The current contact list version (used for list syncing)
- @ivar groups: a mapping of group ids to group names
- (groups can only exist on the forward list)
- @type groups: dict
- B{Note}:
- This is used only for storage and doesn't effect the
- server's contact list.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.contacts = {}
- self.version = 0
- self.groups = {}
- self.autoAdd = 0
- self.privacy = 0
- def _getContactsFromList(self, listType):
- """
- Obtain all contacts which belong
- to the given list type.
- """
- return dict([(uH,obj) for uH,obj in self.contacts.items() if obj.lists & listType])
- def addContact(self, contact):
- """
- Add a contact
- """
- self.contacts[contact.userHandle] = contact
- def remContact(self, userHandle):
- """
- Remove a contact
- """
- try:
- del self.contacts[userHandle]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- def getContact(self, userHandle):
- """
- Obtain the MSNContact object
- associated with the given
- userHandle.
- @return: the MSNContact object if
- the user exists, or None.
- """
- try:
- return self.contacts[userHandle]
- except KeyError:
- return None
- def getBlockedContacts(self):
- """
- Obtain all the contacts on my block list
- """
- return self._getContactsFromList(BLOCK_LIST)
- def getAuthorizedContacts(self):
- """
- Obtain all the contacts on my auth list.
- (These are contacts which I have verified
- can view my state changes).
- """
- return self._getContactsFromList(ALLOW_LIST)
- def getReverseContacts(self):
- """
- Get all contacts on my reverse list.
- (These are contacts which have added me
- to their forward list).
- """
- return self._getContactsFromList(REVERSE_LIST)
- def getContacts(self):
- """
- Get all contacts on my forward list.
- (These are the contacts which I have added
- to my list).
- """
- return self._getContactsFromList(FORWARD_LIST)
- def setGroup(self, id, name):
- """
- Keep a mapping from the given id
- to the given name.
- """
- self.groups[id] = name
- def remGroup(self, id):
- """
- Removed the stored group
- mapping for the given id.
- """
- try:
- del self.groups[id]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- for c in self.contacts:
- if id in c.groups:
- c.groups.remove(id)
-class MSNEventBase(LineReceiver):
- """
- This class provides support for handling / dispatching events and is the
- base class of the three main client protocols (DispatchClient,
- NotificationClient, SwitchboardClient)
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.ids = {} # mapping of ids to Deferreds
- self.currentID = 0
- self.connected = 0
- self.setLineMode()
- self.currentMessage = None
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self.ids = {}
- self.connected = 0
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.connected = 1
- def _fireCallback(self, id, *args):
- """
- Fire the callback for the given id
- if one exists and return 1, else return false
- """
- if id in self.ids:
- self.ids[id][0].callback(args)
- del self.ids[id]
- return 1
- return 0
- def _nextTransactionID(self):
- """ return a usable transaction ID """
- self.currentID += 1
- if self.currentID > 1000:
- self.currentID = 1
- return self.currentID
- def _createIDMapping(self, data=None):
- """
- return a unique transaction ID that is mapped internally to a
- deferred .. also store arbitrary data if it is needed
- """
- id = self._nextTransactionID()
- d = Deferred()
- self.ids[id] = (d, data)
- return (id, d)
- def checkMessage(self, message):
- """
- process received messages to check for file invitations and
- typing notifications and other control type messages
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- if self.currentMessage:
- self.currentMessage.readPos += len(line+CR+LF)
- if line == "":
- self.setRawMode()
- if self.currentMessage.readPos == self.currentMessage.length:
- self.rawDataReceived("") # :(
- return
- try:
- header, value = line.split(':')
- except ValueError:
- raise MSNProtocolError, "Invalid Message Header"
- self.currentMessage.setHeader(header, unquote(value).lstrip())
- return
- try:
- cmd, params = line.split(' ', 1)
- except ValueError:
- raise MSNProtocolError, "Invalid Message, %s" % repr(line)
- if len(cmd) != 3:
- raise MSNProtocolError, "Invalid Command, %s" % repr(cmd)
- if cmd.isdigit():
- errorCode = int(cmd)
- id = int(params.split()[0])
- if id in self.ids:
- self.ids[id][0].errback(MSNCommandFailed(errorCode))
- del self.ids[id]
- return
- else: # we received an error which doesn't map to a sent command
- self.gotError(errorCode)
- return
- handler = getattr(self, "handle_%s" % cmd.upper(), None)
- if handler:
- try:
- handler(params.split())
- except MSNProtocolError, why:
- self.gotBadLine(line, why)
- else:
- self.handle_UNKNOWN(cmd, params.split())
- def rawDataReceived(self, data):
- extra = ""
- self.currentMessage.readPos += len(data)
- diff = self.currentMessage.readPos - self.currentMessage.length
- if diff > 0:
- self.currentMessage.message += data[:-diff]
- extra = data[-diff:]
- elif diff == 0:
- self.currentMessage.message += data
- else:
- self.currentMessage += data
- return
- del self.currentMessage.readPos
- m = self.currentMessage
- self.currentMessage = None
- self.setLineMode(extra)
- if not self.checkMessage(m):
- return
- self.gotMessage(m)
- ### protocol command handlers - no need to override these.
- def handle_MSG(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 3, 'MSG')
- try:
- messageLen = int(params[2])
- except ValueError:
- raise MSNProtocolError, "Invalid Parameter for MSG length argument"
- self.currentMessage = MSNMessage(length=messageLen, userHandle=params[0], screenName=unquote(params[1]))
- def handle_UNKNOWN(self, cmd, params):
- """ implement me in subclasses if you want to handle unknown events """
- log.msg("Received unknown command (%s), params: %s" % (cmd, params))
- ### callbacks
- def gotMessage(self, message):
- """
- called when we receive a message - override in notification
- and switchboard clients
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def gotBadLine(self, line, why):
- """ called when a handler notifies me that this line is broken """
- log.msg('Error in line: %s (%s)' % (line, why))
- def gotError(self, errorCode):
- """
- called when the server sends an error which is not in
- response to a sent command (ie. it has no matching transaction ID)
- """
- log.msg('Error %s' % (errorCodes[errorCode]))
-class DispatchClient(MSNEventBase):
- """
- This class provides support for clients connecting to the dispatch server
- @ivar userHandle: your user handle (passport) needed before connecting.
- """
- # eventually this may become an attribute of the
- # factory.
- userHandle = ""
- def connectionMade(self):
- MSNEventBase.connectionMade(self)
- self.sendLine('VER %s %s' % (self._nextTransactionID(), MSN_PROTOCOL_VERSION))
- ### protocol command handlers ( there is no need to override these )
- def handle_VER(self, params):
- id = self._nextTransactionID()
- self.sendLine("CVR %s %s %s" % (id, MSN_CVR_STR, self.userHandle))
- def handle_CVR(self, params):
- self.sendLine("USR %s TWN I %s" % (self._nextTransactionID(), self.userHandle))
- def handle_XFR(self, params):
- if len(params) < 4:
- raise MSNProtocolError, "Invalid number of parameters for XFR"
- id, refType, addr = params[:3]
- # was addr a host:port pair?
- try:
- host, port = addr.split(':')
- except ValueError:
- host = addr
- port = MSN_PORT
- if refType == "NS":
- self.gotNotificationReferral(host, int(port))
- ### callbacks
- def gotNotificationReferral(self, host, port):
- """
- called when we get a referral to the notification server.
- @param host: the notification server's hostname
- @param port: the port to connect to
- """
- pass
-class NotificationClient(MSNEventBase):
- """
- This class provides support for clients connecting
- to the notification server.
- """
- factory = None # sssh pychecker
- def __init__(self, currentID=0):
- MSNEventBase.__init__(self)
- self.currentID = currentID
- self._state = ['DISCONNECTED', {}]
- def _setState(self, state):
- self._state[0] = state
- def _getState(self):
- return self._state[0]
- def _getStateData(self, key):
- return self._state[1][key]
- def _setStateData(self, key, value):
- self._state[1][key] = value
- def _remStateData(self, *args):
- for key in args:
- del self._state[1][key]
- def connectionMade(self):
- MSNEventBase.connectionMade(self)
- self._setState('CONNECTED')
- self.sendLine("VER %s %s" % (self._nextTransactionID(), MSN_PROTOCOL_VERSION))
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self._setState('DISCONNECTED')
- self._state[1] = {}
- MSNEventBase.connectionLost(self, reason)
- def checkMessage(self, message):
- """ hook used for detecting specific notification messages """
- cTypes = [s.lstrip() for s in message.getHeader('Content-Type').split(';')]
- if 'text/x-msmsgsprofile' in cTypes:
- self.gotProfile(message)
- return 0
- return 1
- ### protocol command handlers - no need to override these
- def handle_VER(self, params):
- id = self._nextTransactionID()
- self.sendLine("CVR %s %s %s" % (id, MSN_CVR_STR, self.factory.userHandle))
- def handle_CVR(self, params):
- self.sendLine("USR %s TWN I %s" % (self._nextTransactionID(), self.factory.userHandle))
- def handle_USR(self, params):
- if len(params) != 4 and len(params) != 6:
- raise MSNProtocolError, "Invalid Number of Parameters for USR"
- mechanism = params[1]
- if mechanism == "OK":
- self.loggedIn(params[2], unquote(params[3]), int(params[4]))
- elif params[2].upper() == "S":
- # we need to obtain auth from a passport server
- f = self.factory
- d = execute(
- _login, f.userHandle, f.password, f.passportServer,
- authData=params[3])
- d.addCallback(self._passportLogin)
- d.addErrback(self._passportError)
- def _passportLogin(self, result):
- if result[0] == LOGIN_REDIRECT:
- d = _login(self.factory.userHandle, self.factory.password,
- result[1], cached=1, authData=result[2])
- d.addCallback(self._passportLogin)
- d.addErrback(self._passportError)
- elif result[0] == LOGIN_SUCCESS:
- self.sendLine("USR %s TWN S %s" % (self._nextTransactionID(), result[1]))
- elif result[0] == LOGIN_FAILURE:
- self.loginFailure(result[1])
- def _passportError(self, failure):
- """
- Handle a problem logging in via the Passport server, passing on the
- error as a string message to the C{loginFailure} callback.
- """
- if failure.check(SSLRequired):
- failure = failure.getErrorMessage()
- self.loginFailure("Exception while authenticating: %s" % failure)
- def handle_CHG(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 3, 'CHG')
- id = int(params[0])
- if not self._fireCallback(id, params[1]):
- self.statusChanged(params[1])
- def handle_ILN(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 5, 'ILN')
- self.gotContactStatus(params[1], params[2], unquote(params[3]))
- def handle_CHL(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 2, 'CHL')
- self.sendLine("QRY %s msmsgs@msnmsgr.com 32" % self._nextTransactionID())
- self.transport.write(md5(params[1] + MSN_CHALLENGE_STR).hexdigest())
- def handle_QRY(self, params):
- pass
- def handle_NLN(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 4, 'NLN')
- self.contactStatusChanged(params[0], params[1], unquote(params[2]))
- def handle_FLN(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 1, 'FLN')
- self.contactOffline(params[0])
- def handle_LST(self, params):
- # support no longer exists for manually
- # requesting lists - why do I feel cleaner now?
- if self._getState() != 'SYNC':
- return
- contact = MSNContact(userHandle=params[0], screenName=unquote(params[1]),
- lists=int(params[2]))
- if contact.lists & FORWARD_LIST:
- contact.groups.extend(map(int, params[3].split(',')))
- self._getStateData('list').addContact(contact)
- self._setStateData('last_contact', contact)
- sofar = self._getStateData('lst_sofar') + 1
- if sofar == self._getStateData('lst_reply'):
- # this is the best place to determine that
- # a syn realy has finished - msn _may_ send
- # BPR information for the last contact
- # which is unfortunate because it means
- # that the real end of a syn is non-deterministic.
- # to handle this we'll keep 'last_contact' hanging
- # around in the state data and update it if we need
- # to later.
- self._setState('SESSION')
- contacts = self._getStateData('list')
- phone = self._getStateData('phone')
- id = self._getStateData('synid')
- self._remStateData('lst_reply', 'lsg_reply', 'lst_sofar', 'phone', 'synid', 'list')
- self._fireCallback(id, contacts, phone)
- else:
- self._setStateData('lst_sofar',sofar)
- def handle_BLP(self, params):
- # check to see if this is in response to a SYN
- if self._getState() == 'SYNC':
- self._getStateData('list').privacy = listCodeToID[params[0].lower()]
- else:
- id = int(params[0])
- self._fireCallback(id, int(params[1]), listCodeToID[params[2].lower()])
- def handle_GTC(self, params):
- # check to see if this is in response to a SYN
- if self._getState() == 'SYNC':
- if params[0].lower() == "a":
- self._getStateData('list').autoAdd = 0
- elif params[0].lower() == "n":
- self._getStateData('list').autoAdd = 1
- else:
- raise MSNProtocolError, "Invalid Paramater for GTC" # debug
- else:
- id = int(params[0])
- if params[1].lower() == "a":
- self._fireCallback(id, 0)
- elif params[1].lower() == "n":
- self._fireCallback(id, 1)
- else:
- raise MSNProtocolError, "Invalid Paramater for GTC" # debug
- def handle_SYN(self, params):
- id = int(params[0])
- if len(params) == 2:
- self._setState('SESSION')
- self._fireCallback(id, None, None)
- else:
- contacts = MSNContactList()
- contacts.version = int(params[1])
- self._setStateData('list', contacts)
- self._setStateData('lst_reply', int(params[2]))
- self._setStateData('lsg_reply', int(params[3]))
- self._setStateData('lst_sofar', 0)
- self._setStateData('phone', [])
- def handle_LSG(self, params):
- if self._getState() == 'SYNC':
- self._getStateData('list').groups[int(params[0])] = unquote(params[1])
- # Please see the comment above the requestListGroups / requestList methods
- # regarding support for this
- #
- #else:
- # self._getStateData('groups').append((int(params[4]), unquote(params[5])))
- # if params[3] == params[4]: # this was the last group
- # self._fireCallback(int(params[0]), self._getStateData('groups'), int(params[1]))
- # self._remStateData('groups')
- def handle_PRP(self, params):
- if self._getState() == 'SYNC':
- self._getStateData('phone').append((params[0], unquote(params[1])))
- else:
- self._fireCallback(int(params[0]), int(params[1]), unquote(params[3]))
- def handle_BPR(self, params):
- numParams = len(params)
- if numParams == 2: # part of a syn
- self._getStateData('last_contact').setPhone(params[0], unquote(params[1]))
- elif numParams == 4:
- self.gotPhoneNumber(int(params[0]), params[1], params[2], unquote(params[3]))
- def handle_ADG(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 5, 'ADG')
- id = int(params[0])
- if not self._fireCallback(id, int(params[1]), unquote(params[2]), int(params[3])):
- raise MSNProtocolError, "ADG response does not match up to a request" # debug
- def handle_RMG(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 3, 'RMG')
- id = int(params[0])
- if not self._fireCallback(id, int(params[1]), int(params[2])):
- raise MSNProtocolError, "RMG response does not match up to a request" # debug
- def handle_REG(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 5, 'REG')
- id = int(params[0])
- if not self._fireCallback(id, int(params[1]), int(params[2]), unquote(params[3])):
- raise MSNProtocolError, "REG response does not match up to a request" # debug
- def handle_ADD(self, params):
- numParams = len(params)
- if numParams < 5 or params[1].upper() not in ('AL','BL','RL','FL'):
- raise MSNProtocolError, "Invalid Paramaters for ADD" # debug
- id = int(params[0])
- listType = params[1].lower()
- listVer = int(params[2])
- userHandle = params[3]
- groupID = None
- if numParams == 6: # they sent a group id
- if params[1].upper() != "FL":
- raise MSNProtocolError, "Only forward list can contain groups" # debug
- groupID = int(params[5])
- if not self._fireCallback(id, listCodeToID[listType], userHandle, listVer, groupID):
- self.userAddedMe(userHandle, unquote(params[4]), listVer)
- def handle_REM(self, params):
- numParams = len(params)
- if numParams < 4 or params[1].upper() not in ('AL','BL','FL','RL'):
- raise MSNProtocolError, "Invalid Paramaters for REM" # debug
- id = int(params[0])
- listType = params[1].lower()
- listVer = int(params[2])
- userHandle = params[3]
- groupID = None
- if numParams == 5:
- if params[1] != "FL":
- raise MSNProtocolError, "Only forward list can contain groups" # debug
- groupID = int(params[4])
- if not self._fireCallback(id, listCodeToID[listType], userHandle, listVer, groupID):
- if listType.upper() == "RL":
- self.userRemovedMe(userHandle, listVer)
- def handle_REA(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 4, 'REA')
- id = int(params[0])
- self._fireCallback(id, int(params[1]), unquote(params[3]))
- def handle_XFR(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 5, 'XFR')
- id = int(params[0])
- # check to see if they sent a host/port pair
- try:
- host, port = params[2].split(':')
- except ValueError:
- host = params[2]
- port = MSN_PORT
- if not self._fireCallback(id, host, int(port), params[4]):
- raise MSNProtocolError, "Got XFR (referral) that I didn't ask for .. should this happen?" # debug
- def handle_RNG(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 6, 'RNG')
- # check for host:port pair
- try:
- host, port = params[1].split(":")
- port = int(port)
- except ValueError:
- host = params[1]
- port = MSN_PORT
- self.gotSwitchboardInvitation(int(params[0]), host, port, params[3], params[4],
- unquote(params[5]))
- def handle_OUT(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 1, 'OUT')
- if params[0] == "OTH":
- self.multipleLogin()
- elif params[0] == "SSD":
- self.serverGoingDown()
- else:
- raise MSNProtocolError, "Invalid Parameters received for OUT" # debug
- # callbacks
- def loggedIn(self, userHandle, screenName, verified):
- """
- Called when the client has logged in.
- The default behaviour of this method is to
- update the factory with our screenName and
- to sync the contact list (factory.contacts).
- When this is complete self.listSynchronized
- will be called.
- @param userHandle: our userHandle
- @param screenName: our screenName
- @param verified: 1 if our passport has been (verified), 0 if not.
- (i'm not sure of the significace of this)
- @type verified: int
- """
- self.factory.screenName = screenName
- if not self.factory.contacts:
- listVersion = 0
- else:
- listVersion = self.factory.contacts.version
- self.syncList(listVersion).addCallback(self.listSynchronized)
- def loginFailure(self, message):
- """
- Called when the client fails to login.
- @param message: a message indicating the problem that was encountered
- """
- def gotProfile(self, message):
- """
- Called after logging in when the server sends an initial
- message with MSN/passport specific profile information
- such as country, number of kids, etc.
- Check the message headers for the specific values.
- @param message: The profile message
- """
- pass
- def listSynchronized(self, *args):
- """
- Lists are now synchronized by default upon logging in, this
- method is called after the synchronization has finished
- and the factory now has the up-to-date contacts.
- """
- pass
- def statusChanged(self, statusCode):
- """
- Called when our status changes and it isn't in response to
- a client command. By default we will update the status
- attribute of the factory.
- @param statusCode: 3-letter status code
- """
- self.factory.status = statusCode
- def gotContactStatus(self, statusCode, userHandle, screenName):
- """
- Called after loggin in when the server sends status of online contacts.
- By default we will update the status attribute of the contact stored
- on the factory.
- @param statusCode: 3-letter status code
- @param userHandle: the contact's user handle (passport)
- @param screenName: the contact's screen name
- """
- self.factory.contacts.getContact(userHandle).status = statusCode
- def contactStatusChanged(self, statusCode, userHandle, screenName):
- """
- Called when we're notified that a contact's status has changed.
- By default we will update the status attribute of the contact
- stored on the factory.
- @param statusCode: 3-letter status code
- @param userHandle: the contact's user handle (passport)
- @param screenName: the contact's screen name
- """
- self.factory.contacts.getContact(userHandle).status = statusCode
- def contactOffline(self, userHandle):
- """
- Called when a contact goes offline. By default this method
- will update the status attribute of the contact stored
- on the factory.
- @param userHandle: the contact's user handle
- """
- self.factory.contacts.getContact(userHandle).status = STATUS_OFFLINE
- def gotPhoneNumber(self, listVersion, userHandle, phoneType, number):
- """
- Called when the server sends us phone details about
- a specific user (for example after a user is added
- the server will send their status, phone details etc.
- By default we will update the list version for the
- factory's contact list and update the phone details
- for the specific user.
- @param listVersion: the new list version
- @param userHandle: the contact's user handle (passport)
- @param phoneType: the specific phoneType
- (*_PHONE constants or HAS_PAGER)
- @param number: the value/phone number.
- """
- self.factory.contacts.version = listVersion
- self.factory.contacts.getContact(userHandle).setPhone(phoneType, number)
- def userAddedMe(self, userHandle, screenName, listVersion):
- """
- Called when a user adds me to their list. (ie. they have been added to
- the reverse list. By default this method will update the version of
- the factory's contact list -- that is, if the contact already exists
- it will update the associated lists attribute, otherwise it will create
- a new MSNContact object and store it.
- @param userHandle: the userHandle of the user
- @param screenName: the screen name of the user
- @param listVersion: the new list version
- @type listVersion: int
- """
- self.factory.contacts.version = listVersion
- c = self.factory.contacts.getContact(userHandle)
- if not c:
- c = MSNContact(userHandle=userHandle, screenName=screenName)
- self.factory.contacts.addContact(c)
- c.addToList(REVERSE_LIST)
- def userRemovedMe(self, userHandle, listVersion):
- """
- Called when a user removes us from their contact list
- (they are no longer on our reverseContacts list.
- By default this method will update the version of
- the factory's contact list -- that is, the user will
- be removed from the reverse list and if they are no longer
- part of any lists they will be removed from the contact
- list entirely.
- @param userHandle: the contact's user handle (passport)
- @param listVersion: the new list version
- """
- self.factory.contacts.version = listVersion
- c = self.factory.contacts.getContact(userHandle)
- c.removeFromList(REVERSE_LIST)
- if c.lists == 0:
- self.factory.contacts.remContact(c.userHandle)
- def gotSwitchboardInvitation(self, sessionID, host, port,
- key, userHandle, screenName):
- """
- Called when we get an invitation to a switchboard server.
- This happens when a user requests a chat session with us.
- @param sessionID: session ID number, must be remembered for logging in
- @param host: the hostname of the switchboard server
- @param port: the port to connect to
- @param key: used for authorization when connecting
- @param userHandle: the user handle of the person who invited us
- @param screenName: the screen name of the person who invited us
- """
- pass
- def multipleLogin(self):
- """
- Called when the server says there has been another login
- under our account, the server should disconnect us right away.
- """
- pass
- def serverGoingDown(self):
- """
- Called when the server has notified us that it is going down for
- maintenance.
- """
- pass
- # api calls
- def changeStatus(self, status):
- """
- Change my current status. This method will add
- a default callback to the returned Deferred
- which will update the status attribute of the
- factory.
- @param status: 3-letter status code (as defined by
- the STATUS_* constants)
- @return: A Deferred, the callback of which will be
- fired when the server confirms the change
- of status. The callback argument will be
- a tuple with the new status code as the
- only element.
- """
- id, d = self._createIDMapping()
- self.sendLine("CHG %s %s" % (id, status))
- def _cb(r):
- self.factory.status = r[0]
- return r
- return d.addCallback(_cb)
- # I am no longer supporting the process of manually requesting
- # lists or list groups -- as far as I can see this has no use
- # if lists are synchronized and updated correctly, which they
- # should be. If someone has a specific justified need for this
- # then please contact me and i'll re-enable/fix support for it.
- #def requestList(self, listType):
- # """
- # request the desired list type
- #
- # @param listType: (as defined by the *_LIST constants)
- # @return: A Deferred, the callback of which will be
- # fired when the list has been retrieved.
- # The callback argument will be a tuple with
- # the only element being a list of MSNContact
- # objects.
- # """
- # # this doesn't need to ever be used if syncing of the lists takes place
- # # i.e. please don't use it!
- # warnings.warn("Please do not use this method - use the list syncing process instead")
- # id, d = self._createIDMapping()
- # self.sendLine("LST %s %s" % (id, listIDToCode[listType].upper()))
- # self._setStateData('list',[])
- # return d
- def setPrivacyMode(self, privLevel):
- """
- Set my privacy mode on the server.
- B{Note}:
- This only keeps the current privacy setting on
- the server for later retrieval, it does not
- effect the way the server works at all.
- @param privLevel: This parameter can be true, in which
- case the server will keep the state as
- 'al' which the official client interprets
- as -> allow messages from only users on
- the allow list. Alternatively it can be
- false, in which case the server will keep
- the state as 'bl' which the official client
- interprets as -> allow messages from all
- users except those on the block list.
- @return: A Deferred, the callback of which will be fired when
- the server replies with the new privacy setting.
- The callback argument will be a tuple, the 2 elements
- of which being the list version and either 'al'
- or 'bl' (the new privacy setting).
- """
- id, d = self._createIDMapping()
- if privLevel:
- self.sendLine("BLP %s AL" % id)
- else:
- self.sendLine("BLP %s BL" % id)
- return d
- def syncList(self, version):
- """
- Used for keeping an up-to-date contact list.
- A callback is added to the returned Deferred
- that updates the contact list on the factory
- and also sets my state to STATUS_ONLINE.
- B{Note}:
- This is called automatically upon signing
- in using the version attribute of
- factory.contacts, so you may want to persist
- this object accordingly. Because of this there
- is no real need to ever call this method
- directly.
- @param version: The current known list version
- @return: A Deferred, the callback of which will be
- fired when the server sends an adequate reply.
- The callback argument will be a tuple with two
- elements, the new list (MSNContactList) and
- your current state (a dictionary). If the version
- you sent _was_ the latest list version, both elements
- will be None. To just request the list send a version of 0.
- """
- self._setState('SYNC')
- id, d = self._createIDMapping(data=str(version))
- self._setStateData('synid',id)
- self.sendLine("SYN %s %s" % (id, version))
- def _cb(r):
- self.changeStatus(STATUS_ONLINE)
- if r[0] is not None:
- self.factory.contacts = r[0]
- return r
- return d.addCallback(_cb)
- # I am no longer supporting the process of manually requesting
- # lists or list groups -- as far as I can see this has no use
- # if lists are synchronized and updated correctly, which they
- # should be. If someone has a specific justified need for this
- # then please contact me and i'll re-enable/fix support for it.
- #def requestListGroups(self):
- # """
- # Request (forward) list groups.
- #
- # @return: A Deferred, the callback for which will be called
- # when the server responds with the list groups.
- # The callback argument will be a tuple with two elements,
- # a dictionary mapping group IDs to group names and the
- # current list version.
- # """
- #
- # # this doesn't need to be used if syncing of the lists takes place (which it SHOULD!)
- # # i.e. please don't use it!
- # warnings.warn("Please do not use this method - use the list syncing process instead")
- # id, d = self._createIDMapping()
- # self.sendLine("LSG %s" % id)
- # self._setStateData('groups',{})
- # return d
- def setPhoneDetails(self, phoneType, value):
- """
- Set/change my phone numbers stored on the server.
- @param phoneType: phoneType can be one of the following
- constants - HOME_PHONE, WORK_PHONE,
- These are pretty self-explanatory, except
- maybe HAS_PAGER which refers to whether or
- not you have a pager.
- @param value: for all of the *_PHONE constants the value is a
- phone number (str), for HAS_PAGER accepted values
- are 'Y' (for yes) and 'N' (for no).
- @return: A Deferred, the callback for which will be fired when
- the server confirms the change has been made. The
- callback argument will be a tuple with 2 elements, the
- first being the new list version (int) and the second
- being the new phone number value (str).
- """
- # XXX: Add a default callback which updates
- # factory.contacts.version and the relevant phone
- # number
- id, d = self._createIDMapping()
- self.sendLine("PRP %s %s %s" % (id, phoneType, quote(value)))
- return d
- def addListGroup(self, name):
- """
- Used to create a new list group.
- A default callback is added to the
- returned Deferred which updates the
- contacts attribute of the factory.
- @param name: The desired name of the new group.
- @return: A Deferred, the callbacck for which will be called
- when the server clarifies that the new group has been
- created. The callback argument will be a tuple with 3
- elements: the new list version (int), the new group name
- (str) and the new group ID (int).
- """
- id, d = self._createIDMapping()
- self.sendLine("ADG %s %s 0" % (id, quote(name)))
- def _cb(r):
- self.factory.contacts.version = r[0]
- self.factory.contacts.setGroup(r[1], r[2])
- return r
- return d.addCallback(_cb)
- def remListGroup(self, groupID):
- """
- Used to remove a list group.
- A default callback is added to the
- returned Deferred which updates the
- contacts attribute of the factory.
- @param groupID: the ID of the desired group to be removed.
- @return: A Deferred, the callback for which will be called when
- the server clarifies the deletion of the group.
- The callback argument will be a tuple with 2 elements:
- the new list version (int) and the group ID (int) of
- the removed group.
- """
- id, d = self._createIDMapping()
- self.sendLine("RMG %s %s" % (id, groupID))
- def _cb(r):
- self.factory.contacts.version = r[0]
- self.factory.contacts.remGroup(r[1])
- return r
- return d.addCallback(_cb)
- def renameListGroup(self, groupID, newName):
- """
- Used to rename an existing list group.
- A default callback is added to the returned
- Deferred which updates the contacts attribute
- of the factory.
- @param groupID: the ID of the desired group to rename.
- @param newName: the desired new name for the group.
- @return: A Deferred, the callback for which will be called
- when the server clarifies the renaming.
- The callback argument will be a tuple of 3 elements,
- the new list version (int), the group id (int) and
- the new group name (str).
- """
- id, d = self._createIDMapping()
- self.sendLine("REG %s %s %s 0" % (id, groupID, quote(newName)))
- def _cb(r):
- self.factory.contacts.version = r[0]
- self.factory.contacts.setGroup(r[1], r[2])
- return r
- return d.addCallback(_cb)
- def addContact(self, listType, userHandle, groupID=0):
- """
- Used to add a contact to the desired list.
- A default callback is added to the returned
- Deferred which updates the contacts attribute of
- the factory with the new contact information.
- If you are adding a contact to the forward list
- and you want to associate this contact with multiple
- groups then you will need to call this method for each
- group you would like to add them to, changing the groupID
- parameter. The default callback will take care of updating
- the group information on the factory's contact list.
- @param listType: (as defined by the *_LIST constants)
- @param userHandle: the user handle (passport) of the contact
- that is being added
- @param groupID: the group ID for which to associate this contact
- with. (default 0 - default group). Groups are only
- valid for FORWARD_LIST.
- @return: A Deferred, the callback for which will be called when
- the server has clarified that the user has been added.
- The callback argument will be a tuple with 4 elements:
- the list type, the contact's user handle, the new list
- version, and the group id (if relevant, otherwise it
- will be None)
- """
- id, d = self._createIDMapping()
- listType = listIDToCode[listType].upper()
- if listType == "FL":
- self.sendLine("ADD %s FL %s %s %s" % (id, userHandle, userHandle, groupID))
- else:
- self.sendLine("ADD %s %s %s %s" % (id, listType, userHandle, userHandle))
- def _cb(r):
- self.factory.contacts.version = r[2]
- c = self.factory.contacts.getContact(r[1])
- if not c:
- c = MSNContact(userHandle=r[1])
- if r[3]:
- c.groups.append(r[3])
- c.addToList(r[0])
- return r
- return d.addCallback(_cb)
- def remContact(self, listType, userHandle, groupID=0):
- """
- Used to remove a contact from the desired list.
- A default callback is added to the returned deferred
- which updates the contacts attribute of the factory
- to reflect the new contact information. If you are
- removing from the forward list then you will need to
- supply a groupID, if the contact is in more than one
- group then they will only be removed from this group
- and not the entire forward list, but if this is their
- only group they will be removed from the whole list.
- @param listType: (as defined by the *_LIST constants)
- @param userHandle: the user handle (passport) of the
- contact being removed
- @param groupID: the ID of the group to which this contact
- belongs (only relevant for FORWARD_LIST,
- default is 0)
- @return: A Deferred, the callback for which will be called when
- the server has clarified that the user has been removed.
- The callback argument will be a tuple of 4 elements:
- the list type, the contact's user handle, the new list
- version, and the group id (if relevant, otherwise it will
- be None)
- """
- id, d = self._createIDMapping()
- listType = listIDToCode[listType].upper()
- if listType == "FL":
- self.sendLine("REM %s FL %s %s" % (id, userHandle, groupID))
- else:
- self.sendLine("REM %s %s %s" % (id, listType, userHandle))
- def _cb(r):
- l = self.factory.contacts
- l.version = r[2]
- c = l.getContact(r[1])
- group = r[3]
- shouldRemove = 1
- if group: # they may not have been removed from the list
- c.groups.remove(group)
- if c.groups:
- shouldRemove = 0
- if shouldRemove:
- c.removeFromList(r[0])
- if c.lists == 0:
- l.remContact(c.userHandle)
- return r
- return d.addCallback(_cb)
- def changeScreenName(self, newName):
- """
- Used to change your current screen name.
- A default callback is added to the returned
- Deferred which updates the screenName attribute
- of the factory and also updates the contact list
- version.
- @param newName: the new screen name
- @return: A Deferred, the callback for which will be called
- when the server sends an adequate reply.
- The callback argument will be a tuple of 2 elements:
- the new list version and the new screen name.
- """
- id, d = self._createIDMapping()
- self.sendLine("REA %s %s %s" % (id, self.factory.userHandle, quote(newName)))
- def _cb(r):
- self.factory.contacts.version = r[0]
- self.factory.screenName = r[1]
- return r
- return d.addCallback(_cb)
- def requestSwitchboardServer(self):
- """
- Used to request a switchboard server to use for conversations.
- @return: A Deferred, the callback for which will be called when
- the server responds with the switchboard information.
- The callback argument will be a tuple with 3 elements:
- the host of the switchboard server, the port and a key
- used for logging in.
- """
- id, d = self._createIDMapping()
- self.sendLine("XFR %s SB" % id)
- return d
- def logOut(self):
- """
- Used to log out of the notification server.
- After running the method the server is expected
- to close the connection.
- """
- self.sendLine("OUT")
-class NotificationFactory(ClientFactory):
- """
- Factory for the NotificationClient protocol.
- This is basically responsible for keeping
- the state of the client and thus should be used
- in a 1:1 situation with clients.
- @ivar contacts: An MSNContactList instance reflecting
- the current contact list -- this is
- generally kept up to date by the default
- command handlers.
- @ivar userHandle: The client's userHandle, this is expected
- to be set by the client and is used by the
- protocol (for logging in etc).
- @ivar screenName: The client's current screen-name -- this is
- generally kept up to date by the default
- command handlers.
- @ivar password: The client's password -- this is (obviously)
- expected to be set by the client.
- @ivar passportServer: This must point to an msn passport server
- (the whole URL is required)
- @ivar status: The status of the client -- this is generally kept
- up to date by the default command handlers
- """
- contacts = None
- userHandle = ''
- screenName = ''
- password = ''
- passportServer = 'https://nexus.passport.com/rdr/pprdr.asp'
- status = 'FLN'
- protocol = NotificationClient
-# XXX: A lot of the state currently kept in
-# instances of SwitchboardClient is likely to
-# be moved into a factory at some stage in the
-# future
-class SwitchboardClient(MSNEventBase):
- """
- This class provides support for clients connecting to a switchboard server.
- Switchboard servers are used for conversations with other people
- on the MSN network. This means that the number of conversations at
- any given time will be directly proportional to the number of
- connections to varioius switchboard servers.
- MSN makes no distinction between single and group conversations,
- so any number of users may be invited to join a specific conversation
- taking place on a switchboard server.
- @ivar key: authorization key, obtained when receiving
- invitation / requesting switchboard server.
- @ivar userHandle: your user handle (passport)
- @ivar sessionID: unique session ID, used if you are replying
- to a switchboard invitation
- @ivar reply: set this to 1 in connectionMade or before to signifiy
- that you are replying to a switchboard invitation.
- """
- key = 0
- userHandle = ""
- sessionID = ""
- reply = 0
- _iCookie = 0
- def __init__(self):
- MSNEventBase.__init__(self)
- self.pendingUsers = {}
- self.cookies = {'iCookies' : {}, 'external' : {}} # will maybe be moved to a factory in the future
- def connectionMade(self):
- MSNEventBase.connectionMade(self)
- print 'sending initial stuff'
- self._sendInit()
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self.cookies['iCookies'] = {}
- self.cookies['external'] = {}
- MSNEventBase.connectionLost(self, reason)
- def _sendInit(self):
- """
- send initial data based on whether we are replying to an invitation
- or starting one.
- """
- id = self._nextTransactionID()
- if not self.reply:
- self.sendLine("USR %s %s %s" % (id, self.userHandle, self.key))
- else:
- self.sendLine("ANS %s %s %s %s" % (id, self.userHandle, self.key, self.sessionID))
- def _newInvitationCookie(self):
- self._iCookie += 1
- if self._iCookie > 1000:
- self._iCookie = 1
- return self._iCookie
- def _checkTyping(self, message, cTypes):
- """ helper method for checkMessage """
- if 'text/x-msmsgscontrol' in cTypes and message.hasHeader('TypingUser'):
- self.userTyping(message)
- return 1
- def _checkFileInvitation(self, message, info):
- """ helper method for checkMessage """
- guid = info.get('Application-GUID', '').lower()
- name = info.get('Application-Name', '').lower()
- # Both fields are required, but we'll let some lazy clients get away
- # with only sending a name, if it is easy for us to recognize the
- # name (the name is localized, so this check might fail for lazy,
- # non-english clients, but I'm not about to include "file transfer"
- # in 80 different languages here).
- if name != "file transfer" and guid != classNameToGUID["file transfer"]:
- return 0
- try:
- cookie = int(info['Invitation-Cookie'])
- fileName = info['Application-File']
- fileSize = int(info['Application-FileSize'])
- except KeyError:
- log.msg('Received munged file transfer request ... ignoring.')
- return 0
- self.gotSendRequest(fileName, fileSize, cookie, message)
- return 1
- def _checkFileResponse(self, message, info):
- """ helper method for checkMessage """
- try:
- cmd = info['Invitation-Command'].upper()
- cookie = int(info['Invitation-Cookie'])
- except KeyError:
- return 0
- accept = (cmd == 'ACCEPT') and 1 or 0
- requested = self.cookies['iCookies'].get(cookie)
- if not requested:
- return 1
- requested[0].callback((accept, cookie, info))
- del self.cookies['iCookies'][cookie]
- return 1
- def _checkFileInfo(self, message, info):
- """ helper method for checkMessage """
- try:
- ip = info['IP-Address']
- iCookie = int(info['Invitation-Cookie'])
- aCookie = int(info['AuthCookie'])
- cmd = info['Invitation-Command'].upper()
- port = int(info['Port'])
- except KeyError:
- return 0
- accept = (cmd == 'ACCEPT') and 1 or 0
- requested = self.cookies['external'].get(iCookie)
- if not requested:
- return 1 # we didn't ask for this
- requested[0].callback((accept, ip, port, aCookie, info))
- del self.cookies['external'][iCookie]
- return 1
- def checkMessage(self, message):
- """
- hook for detecting any notification type messages
- (e.g. file transfer)
- """
- cTypes = [s.lstrip() for s in message.getHeader('Content-Type').split(';')]
- if self._checkTyping(message, cTypes):
- return 0
- if 'text/x-msmsgsinvite' in cTypes:
- # header like info is sent as part of the message body.
- info = {}
- for line in message.message.split('\r\n'):
- try:
- key, val = line.split(':')
- info[key] = val.lstrip()
- except ValueError:
- continue
- if self._checkFileInvitation(message, info) or self._checkFileInfo(message, info) or self._checkFileResponse(message, info):
- return 0
- elif 'text/x-clientcaps' in cTypes:
- # do something with capabilities
- return 0
- return 1
- # negotiation
- def handle_USR(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 4, 'USR')
- if params[1] == "OK":
- self.loggedIn()
- # invite a user
- def handle_CAL(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 3, 'CAL')
- id = int(params[0])
- if params[1].upper() == "RINGING":
- self._fireCallback(id, int(params[2])) # session ID as parameter
- # user joined
- def handle_JOI(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 2, 'JOI')
- self.userJoined(params[0], unquote(params[1]))
- # users participating in the current chat
- def handle_IRO(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 5, 'IRO')
- self.pendingUsers[params[3]] = unquote(params[4])
- if params[1] == params[2]:
- self.gotChattingUsers(self.pendingUsers)
- self.pendingUsers = {}
- # finished listing users
- def handle_ANS(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 2, 'ANS')
- if params[1] == "OK":
- self.loggedIn()
- def handle_ACK(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 1, 'ACK')
- self._fireCallback(int(params[0]), None)
- def handle_NAK(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 1, 'NAK')
- self._fireCallback(int(params[0]), None)
- def handle_BYE(self, params):
- #checkParamLen(len(params), 1, 'BYE') # i've seen more than 1 param passed to this
- self.userLeft(params[0])
- # callbacks
- def loggedIn(self):
- """
- called when all login details have been negotiated.
- Messages can now be sent, or new users invited.
- """
- pass
- def gotChattingUsers(self, users):
- """
- called after connecting to an existing chat session.
- @param users: A dict mapping user handles to screen names
- (current users taking part in the conversation)
- """
- pass
- def userJoined(self, userHandle, screenName):
- """
- called when a user has joined the conversation.
- @param userHandle: the user handle (passport) of the user
- @param screenName: the screen name of the user
- """
- pass
- def userLeft(self, userHandle):
- """
- called when a user has left the conversation.
- @param userHandle: the user handle (passport) of the user.
- """
- pass
- def gotMessage(self, message):
- """
- called when we receive a message.
- @param message: the associated MSNMessage object
- """
- pass
- def userTyping(self, message):
- """
- called when we receive the special type of message notifying
- us that a user is typing a message.
- @param message: the associated MSNMessage object
- """
- pass
- def gotSendRequest(self, fileName, fileSize, iCookie, message):
- """
- called when a contact is trying to send us a file.
- To accept or reject this transfer see the
- fileInvitationReply method.
- @param fileName: the name of the file
- @param fileSize: the size of the file
- @param iCookie: the invitation cookie, used so the client can
- match up your reply with this request.
- @param message: the MSNMessage object which brought about this
- invitation (it may contain more information)
- """
- pass
- # api calls
- def inviteUser(self, userHandle):
- """
- used to invite a user to the current switchboard server.
- @param userHandle: the user handle (passport) of the desired user.
- @return: A Deferred, the callback for which will be called
- when the server notifies us that the user has indeed
- been invited. The callback argument will be a tuple
- with 1 element, the sessionID given to the invited user.
- I'm not sure if this is useful or not.
- """
- id, d = self._createIDMapping()
- self.sendLine("CAL %s %s" % (id, userHandle))
- return d
- def sendMessage(self, message):
- """
- used to send a message.
- @param message: the corresponding MSNMessage object.
- @return: Depending on the value of message.ack.
- If set to MSNMessage.MESSAGE_ACK or
- MSNMessage.MESSAGE_NACK a Deferred will be returned,
- the callback for which will be fired when an ACK or
- NACK is received - the callback argument will be
- (None,). If set to MSNMessage.MESSAGE_ACK_NONE then
- the return value is None.
- """
- if message.ack not in ('A','N'):
- id, d = self._nextTransactionID(), None
- else:
- id, d = self._createIDMapping()
- if message.length == 0:
- message.length = message._calcMessageLen()
- self.sendLine("MSG %s %s %s" % (id, message.ack, message.length))
- # apparently order matters with at least MIME-Version and Content-Type
- self.sendLine('MIME-Version: %s' % message.getHeader('MIME-Version'))
- self.sendLine('Content-Type: %s' % message.getHeader('Content-Type'))
- # send the rest of the headers
- for header in [h for h in message.headers.items() if h[0].lower() not in ('mime-version','content-type')]:
- self.sendLine("%s: %s" % (header[0], header[1]))
- self.transport.write(CR+LF)
- self.transport.write(message.message)
- return d
- def sendTypingNotification(self):
- """
- used to send a typing notification. Upon receiving this
- message the official client will display a 'user is typing'
- message to all other users in the chat session for 10 seconds.
- The official client sends one of these every 5 seconds (I think)
- as long as you continue to type.
- """
- m = MSNMessage()
- m.ack = m.MESSAGE_ACK_NONE
- m.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/x-msmsgscontrol')
- m.setHeader('TypingUser', self.userHandle)
- m.message = "\r\n"
- self.sendMessage(m)
- def sendFileInvitation(self, fileName, fileSize):
- """
- send an notification that we want to send a file.
- @param fileName: the file name
- @param fileSize: the file size
- @return: A Deferred, the callback of which will be fired
- when the user responds to this invitation with an
- appropriate message. The callback argument will be
- a tuple with 3 elements, the first being 1 or 0
- depending on whether they accepted the transfer
- (1=yes, 0=no), the second being an invitation cookie
- to identify your follow-up responses and the third being
- the message 'info' which is a dict of information they
- sent in their reply (this doesn't really need to be used).
- If you wish to proceed with the transfer see the
- sendTransferInfo method.
- """
- cookie = self._newInvitationCookie()
- d = Deferred()
- m = MSNMessage()
- m.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/x-msmsgsinvite; charset=UTF-8')
- m.message += 'Application-Name: File Transfer\r\n'
- m.message += 'Application-GUID: %s\r\n' % (classNameToGUID["file transfer"],)
- m.message += 'Invitation-Command: INVITE\r\n'
- m.message += 'Invitation-Cookie: %s\r\n' % str(cookie)
- m.message += 'Application-File: %s\r\n' % fileName
- m.message += 'Application-FileSize: %s\r\n\r\n' % str(fileSize)
- m.ack = m.MESSAGE_ACK_NONE
- self.sendMessage(m)
- self.cookies['iCookies'][cookie] = (d, m)
- return d
- def fileInvitationReply(self, iCookie, accept=1):
- """
- used to reply to a file transfer invitation.
- @param iCookie: the invitation cookie of the initial invitation
- @param accept: whether or not you accept this transfer,
- 1 = yes, 0 = no, default = 1.
- @return: A Deferred, the callback for which will be fired when
- the user responds with the transfer information.
- The callback argument will be a tuple with 5 elements,
- whether or not they wish to proceed with the transfer
- (1=yes, 0=no), their ip, the port, the authentication
- cookie (see FileReceive/FileSend) and the message
- info (dict) (in case they send extra header-like info
- like Internal-IP, this doesn't necessarily need to be
- used). If you wish to proceed with the transfer see
- FileReceive.
- """
- d = Deferred()
- m = MSNMessage()
- m.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/x-msmsgsinvite; charset=UTF-8')
- m.message += 'Invitation-Command: %s\r\n' % (accept and 'ACCEPT' or 'CANCEL')
- m.message += 'Invitation-Cookie: %s\r\n' % str(iCookie)
- if not accept:
- m.message += 'Cancel-Code: REJECT\r\n'
- m.message += 'Launch-Application: FALSE\r\n'
- m.message += 'Request-Data: IP-Address:\r\n'
- m.message += '\r\n'
- m.ack = m.MESSAGE_ACK_NONE
- self.sendMessage(m)
- self.cookies['external'][iCookie] = (d, m)
- return d
- def sendTransferInfo(self, accept, iCookie, authCookie, ip, port):
- """
- send information relating to a file transfer session.
- @param accept: whether or not to go ahead with the transfer
- (1=yes, 0=no)
- @param iCookie: the invitation cookie of previous replies
- relating to this transfer
- @param authCookie: the authentication cookie obtained from
- an FileSend instance
- @param ip: your ip
- @param port: the port on which an FileSend protocol is listening.
- """
- m = MSNMessage()
- m.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/x-msmsgsinvite; charset=UTF-8')
- m.message += 'Invitation-Command: %s\r\n' % (accept and 'ACCEPT' or 'CANCEL')
- m.message += 'Invitation-Cookie: %s\r\n' % iCookie
- m.message += 'IP-Address: %s\r\n' % ip
- m.message += 'Port: %s\r\n' % port
- m.message += 'AuthCookie: %s\r\n' % authCookie
- m.message += '\r\n'
- m.ack = m.MESSAGE_NACK
- self.sendMessage(m)
-class FileReceive(LineReceiver):
- """
- This class provides support for receiving files from contacts.
- @ivar fileSize: the size of the receiving file. (you will have to set this)
- @ivar connected: true if a connection has been established.
- @ivar completed: true if the transfer is complete.
- @ivar bytesReceived: number of bytes (of the file) received.
- This does not include header data.
- """
- def __init__(self, auth, myUserHandle, file, directory="", overwrite=0):
- """
- @param auth: auth string received in the file invitation.
- @param myUserHandle: your userhandle.
- @param file: A string or file object represnting the file
- to save data to.
- @param directory: optional parameter specifiying the directory.
- Defaults to the current directory.
- @param overwrite: if true and a file of the same name exists on
- your system, it will be overwritten. (0 by default)
- """
- self.auth = auth
- self.myUserHandle = myUserHandle
- self.fileSize = 0
- self.connected = 0
- self.completed = 0
- self.directory = directory
- self.bytesReceived = 0
- self.overwrite = overwrite
- # used for handling current received state
- self.state = 'CONNECTING'
- self.segmentLength = 0
- self.buffer = ''
- if isinstance(file, types.StringType):
- path = os.path.join(directory, file)
- if os.path.exists(path) and not self.overwrite:
- log.msg('File already exists...')
- raise IOError, "File Exists" # is this all we should do here?
- self.file = open(os.path.join(directory, file), 'wb')
- else:
- self.file = file
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.connected = 1
- self.state = 'INHEADER'
- self.sendLine('VER MSNFTP')
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self.connected = 0
- self.file.close()
- def parseHeader(self, header):
- """ parse the header of each 'message' to obtain the segment length """
- if ord(header[0]) != 0: # they requested that we close the connection
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- return
- try:
- extra, factor = header[1:]
- except ValueError:
- # munged header, ending transfer
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- raise
- extra = ord(extra)
- factor = ord(factor)
- return factor * 256 + extra
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- temp = line.split()
- if len(temp) == 1:
- params = []
- else:
- params = temp[1:]
- cmd = temp[0]
- handler = getattr(self, "handle_%s" % cmd.upper(), None)
- if handler:
- handler(params) # try/except
- else:
- self.handle_UNKNOWN(cmd, params)
- def rawDataReceived(self, data):
- bufferLen = len(self.buffer)
- if self.state == 'INHEADER':
- delim = 3-bufferLen
- self.buffer += data[:delim]
- if len(self.buffer) == 3:
- self.segmentLength = self.parseHeader(self.buffer)
- if not self.segmentLength:
- return # hrm
- self.buffer = ""
- self.state = 'INSEGMENT'
- extra = data[delim:]
- if len(extra) > 0:
- self.rawDataReceived(extra)
- return
- elif self.state == 'INSEGMENT':
- dataSeg = data[:(self.segmentLength-bufferLen)]
- self.buffer += dataSeg
- self.bytesReceived += len(dataSeg)
- if len(self.buffer) == self.segmentLength:
- self.gotSegment(self.buffer)
- self.buffer = ""
- if self.bytesReceived == self.fileSize:
- self.completed = 1
- self.buffer = ""
- self.file.close()
- self.sendLine("BYE 16777989")
- return
- self.state = 'INHEADER'
- extra = data[(self.segmentLength-bufferLen):]
- if len(extra) > 0:
- self.rawDataReceived(extra)
- return
- def handle_VER(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 1, 'VER')
- if params[0].upper() == "MSNFTP":
- self.sendLine("USR %s %s" % (self.myUserHandle, self.auth))
- else:
- log.msg('they sent the wrong version, time to quit this transfer')
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def handle_FIL(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 1, 'FIL')
- try:
- self.fileSize = int(params[0])
- except ValueError: # they sent the wrong file size - probably want to log this
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- return
- self.setRawMode()
- self.sendLine("TFR")
- def handle_UNKNOWN(self, cmd, params):
- log.msg('received unknown command (%s), params: %s' % (cmd, params))
- def gotSegment(self, data):
- """ called when a segment (block) of data arrives. """
- self.file.write(data)
-class FileSend(LineReceiver):
- """
- This class provides support for sending files to other contacts.
- @ivar bytesSent: the number of bytes that have currently been sent.
- @ivar completed: true if the send has completed.
- @ivar connected: true if a connection has been established.
- @ivar targetUser: the target user (contact).
- @ivar segmentSize: the segment (block) size.
- @ivar auth: the auth cookie (number) to use when sending the
- transfer invitation
- """
- def __init__(self, file):
- """
- @param file: A string or file object represnting the file to send.
- """
- if isinstance(file, types.StringType):
- self.file = open(file, 'rb')
- else:
- self.file = file
- self.fileSize = 0
- self.bytesSent = 0
- self.completed = 0
- self.connected = 0
- self.targetUser = None
- self.segmentSize = 2045
- self.auth = randint(0, 2**30)
- self._pendingSend = None # :(
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.connected = 1
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- if self._pendingSend.active():
- self._pendingSend.cancel()
- self._pendingSend = None
- if self.bytesSent == self.fileSize:
- self.completed = 1
- self.connected = 0
- self.file.close()
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- temp = line.split()
- if len(temp) == 1:
- params = []
- else:
- params = temp[1:]
- cmd = temp[0]
- handler = getattr(self, "handle_%s" % cmd.upper(), None)
- if handler:
- handler(params)
- else:
- self.handle_UNKNOWN(cmd, params)
- def handle_VER(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 1, 'VER')
- if params[0].upper() == "MSNFTP":
- self.sendLine("VER MSNFTP")
- else: # they sent some weird version during negotiation, i'm quitting.
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def handle_USR(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 2, 'USR')
- self.targetUser = params[0]
- if self.auth == int(params[1]):
- self.sendLine("FIL %s" % (self.fileSize))
- else: # they failed the auth test, disconnecting.
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def handle_TFR(self, params):
- checkParamLen(len(params), 0, 'TFR')
- # they are ready for me to start sending
- self.sendPart()
- def handle_BYE(self, params):
- self.completed = (self.bytesSent == self.fileSize)
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def handle_CCL(self, params):
- self.completed = (self.bytesSent == self.fileSize)
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def handle_UNKNOWN(self, cmd, params):
- log.msg('received unknown command (%s), params: %s' % (cmd, params))
- def makeHeader(self, size):
- """ make the appropriate header given a specific segment size. """
- quotient, remainder = divmod(size, 256)
- return chr(0) + chr(remainder) + chr(quotient)
- def sendPart(self):
- """ send a segment of data """
- if not self.connected:
- self._pendingSend = None
- return # may be buggy (if handle_CCL/BYE is called but self.connected is still 1)
- data = self.file.read(self.segmentSize)
- if data:
- dataSize = len(data)
- header = self.makeHeader(dataSize)
- self.bytesSent += dataSize
- self.transport.write(header + data)
- self._pendingSend = reactor.callLater(0, self.sendPart)
- else:
- self._pendingSend = None
- self.completed = 1
-# mapping of error codes to error messages
-errorCodes = {
- 200 : "Syntax error",
- 201 : "Invalid parameter",
- 205 : "Invalid user",
- 206 : "Domain name missing",
- 207 : "Already logged in",
- 208 : "Invalid username",
- 209 : "Invalid screen name",
- 210 : "User list full",
- 215 : "User already there",
- 216 : "User already on list",
- 217 : "User not online",
- 218 : "Already in mode",
- 219 : "User is in the opposite list",
- 223 : "Too many groups",
- 224 : "Invalid group",
- 225 : "User not in group",
- 229 : "Group name too long",
- 230 : "Cannot remove group 0",
- 231 : "Invalid group",
- 280 : "Switchboard failed",
- 281 : "Transfer to switchboard failed",
- 300 : "Required field missing",
- 301 : "Too many FND responses",
- 302 : "Not logged in",
- 500 : "Internal server error",
- 501 : "Database server error",
- 502 : "Command disabled",
- 510 : "File operation failed",
- 520 : "Memory allocation failed",
- 540 : "Wrong CHL value sent to server",
- 600 : "Server is busy",
- 601 : "Server is unavaliable",
- 602 : "Peer nameserver is down",
- 603 : "Database connection failed",
- 604 : "Server is going down",
- 605 : "Server unavailable",
- 707 : "Could not create connection",
- 710 : "Invalid CVR parameters",
- 711 : "Write is blocking",
- 712 : "Session is overloaded",
- 713 : "Too many active users",
- 714 : "Too many sessions",
- 715 : "Not expected",
- 717 : "Bad friend file",
- 731 : "Not expected",
- 800 : "Requests too rapid",
- 910 : "Server too busy",
- 911 : "Authentication failed",
- 912 : "Server too busy",
- 913 : "Not allowed when offline",
- 914 : "Server too busy",
- 915 : "Server too busy",
- 916 : "Server too busy",
- 917 : "Server too busy",
- 918 : "Server too busy",
- 919 : "Server too busy",
- 920 : "Not accepting new users",
- 921 : "Server too busy",
- 922 : "Server too busy",
- 923 : "No parent consent",
- 924 : "Passport account not yet verified"
-# mapping of status codes to readable status format
-statusCodes = {
- STATUS_ONLINE : "Online",
- STATUS_OFFLINE : "Offline",
- STATUS_HIDDEN : "Appear Offline",
- STATUS_IDLE : "Idle",
- STATUS_AWAY : "Away",
- STATUS_BUSY : "Busy",
- STATUS_BRB : "Be Right Back",
- STATUS_PHONE : "On the Phone",
- STATUS_LUNCH : "Out to Lunch"
-# mapping of list ids to list codes
-listIDToCode = {
- FORWARD_LIST : 'fl',
- BLOCK_LIST : 'bl',
- ALLOW_LIST : 'al',
-# mapping of list codes to list ids
-listCodeToID = {}
-for id,code in listIDToCode.items():
- listCodeToID[code] = id
-del id, code
-# Mapping of class GUIDs to simple english names
-guidToClassName = {
- "{5D3E02AB-6190-11d3-BBBB-00C04F795683}": "file transfer",
- }
-# Reverse of the above
-classNameToGUID = {}
-for guid, name in guidToClassName.iteritems():
- classNameToGUID[name] = guid