path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/protocols/jabber/sasl.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/protocols/jabber/sasl.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 243 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/protocols/jabber/sasl.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/protocols/jabber/sasl.py
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index c804ad45..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/protocols/jabber/sasl.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-XMPP-specific SASL profile.
-import re
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import sasl_mechanisms, xmlstream
-from twisted.words.xish import domish
-# The b64decode and b64encode functions from the base64 module are new in
-# Python 2.4. For Python 2.3 compatibility, the legacy interface is used while
-# working around MIMEisms.
- from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
-except ImportError:
- import base64
- def b64encode(s):
- return "".join(base64.encodestring(s).split("\n"))
- b64decode = base64.decodestring
-NS_XMPP_SASL = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'
-def get_mechanisms(xs):
- """
- Parse the SASL feature to extract the available mechanism names.
- """
- mechanisms = []
- for element in xs.features[(NS_XMPP_SASL, 'mechanisms')].elements():
- if element.name == 'mechanism':
- mechanisms.append(str(element))
- return mechanisms
-class SASLError(Exception):
- """
- SASL base exception.
- """
-class SASLNoAcceptableMechanism(SASLError):
- """
- The server did not present an acceptable SASL mechanism.
- """
-class SASLAuthError(SASLError):
- """
- SASL Authentication failed.
- """
- def __init__(self, condition=None):
- self.condition = condition
- def __str__(self):
- return "SASLAuthError with condition %r" % self.condition
-class SASLIncorrectEncodingError(SASLError):
- """
- SASL base64 encoding was incorrect.
- RFC 3920 specifies that any characters not in the base64 alphabet
- and padding characters present elsewhere than at the end of the string
- MUST be rejected. See also L{fromBase64}.
- This exception is raised whenever the encoded string does not adhere
- to these additional restrictions or when the decoding itself fails.
- The recommended behaviour for so-called receiving entities (like servers in
- client-to-server connections, see RFC 3920 for terminology) is to fail the
- SASL negotiation with a C{'incorrect-encoding'} condition. For initiating
- entities, one should assume the receiving entity to be either buggy or
- malevolent. The stream should be terminated and reconnecting is not
- advised.
- """
-base64Pattern = re.compile("^[0-9A-Za-z+/]*[0-9A-Za-z+/=]{,2}$")
-def fromBase64(s):
- """
- Decode base64 encoded string.
- This helper performs regular decoding of a base64 encoded string, but also
- rejects any characters that are not in the base64 alphabet and padding
- occurring elsewhere from the last or last two characters, as specified in
- section 14.9 of RFC 3920. This safeguards against various attack vectors
- among which the creation of a covert channel that "leaks" information.
- """
- if base64Pattern.match(s) is None:
- raise SASLIncorrectEncodingError()
- try:
- return b64decode(s)
- except Exception, e:
- raise SASLIncorrectEncodingError(str(e))
-class SASLInitiatingInitializer(xmlstream.BaseFeatureInitiatingInitializer):
- """
- Stream initializer that performs SASL authentication.
- The supported mechanisms by this initializer are C{DIGEST-MD5}, C{PLAIN}
- and C{ANONYMOUS}. The C{ANONYMOUS} SASL mechanism is used when the JID, set
- on the authenticator, does not have a localpart (username), requesting an
- anonymous session where the username is generated by the server.
- Otherwise, C{DIGEST-MD5} and C{PLAIN} are attempted, in that order.
- """
- feature = (NS_XMPP_SASL, 'mechanisms')
- _deferred = None
- def setMechanism(self):
- """
- Select and setup authentication mechanism.
- Uses the authenticator's C{jid} and C{password} attribute for the
- authentication credentials. If no supported SASL mechanisms are
- advertized by the receiving party, a failing deferred is returned with
- a L{SASLNoAcceptableMechanism} exception.
- """
- jid = self.xmlstream.authenticator.jid
- password = self.xmlstream.authenticator.password
- mechanisms = get_mechanisms(self.xmlstream)
- if jid.user is not None:
- if 'DIGEST-MD5' in mechanisms:
- self.mechanism = sasl_mechanisms.DigestMD5('xmpp', jid.host, None,
- jid.user, password)
- elif 'PLAIN' in mechanisms:
- self.mechanism = sasl_mechanisms.Plain(None, jid.user, password)
- else:
- raise SASLNoAcceptableMechanism()
- else:
- if 'ANONYMOUS' in mechanisms:
- self.mechanism = sasl_mechanisms.Anonymous()
- else:
- raise SASLNoAcceptableMechanism()
- def start(self):
- """
- Start SASL authentication exchange.
- """
- self.setMechanism()
- self._deferred = defer.Deferred()
- self.xmlstream.addObserver('/challenge', self.onChallenge)
- self.xmlstream.addOnetimeObserver('/success', self.onSuccess)
- self.xmlstream.addOnetimeObserver('/failure', self.onFailure)
- self.sendAuth(self.mechanism.getInitialResponse())
- return self._deferred
- def sendAuth(self, data=None):
- """
- Initiate authentication protocol exchange.
- If an initial client response is given in C{data}, it will be
- sent along.
- @param data: initial client response.
- @type data: C{str} or C{None}.
- """
- auth = domish.Element((NS_XMPP_SASL, 'auth'))
- auth['mechanism'] = self.mechanism.name
- if data is not None:
- auth.addContent(b64encode(data) or '=')
- self.xmlstream.send(auth)
- def sendResponse(self, data=''):
- """
- Send response to a challenge.
- @param data: client response.
- @type data: C{str}.
- """
- response = domish.Element((NS_XMPP_SASL, 'response'))
- if data:
- response.addContent(b64encode(data))
- self.xmlstream.send(response)
- def onChallenge(self, element):
- """
- Parse challenge and send response from the mechanism.
- @param element: the challenge protocol element.
- @type element: L{domish.Element}.
- """
- try:
- challenge = fromBase64(str(element))
- except SASLIncorrectEncodingError:
- self._deferred.errback()
- else:
- self.sendResponse(self.mechanism.getResponse(challenge))
- def onSuccess(self, success):
- """
- Clean up observers, reset the XML stream and send a new header.
- @param success: the success protocol element. For now unused, but
- could hold additional data.
- @type success: L{domish.Element}
- """
- self.xmlstream.removeObserver('/challenge', self.onChallenge)
- self.xmlstream.removeObserver('/failure', self.onFailure)
- self.xmlstream.reset()
- self.xmlstream.sendHeader()
- self._deferred.callback(xmlstream.Reset)
- def onFailure(self, failure):
- """
- Clean up observers, parse the failure and errback the deferred.
- @param failure: the failure protocol element. Holds details on
- the error condition.
- @type failure: L{domish.Element}
- """
- self.xmlstream.removeObserver('/challenge', self.onChallenge)
- self.xmlstream.removeObserver('/success', self.onSuccess)
- try:
- condition = failure.firstChildElement().name
- except AttributeError:
- condition = None
- self._deferred.errback(SASLAuthError(condition))