path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/im/ircsupport.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/im/ircsupport.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 263 deletions
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/im/ircsupport.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-IRC support for Instance Messenger.
-import string
-from twisted.words.protocols import irc
-from twisted.words.im.locals import ONLINE
-from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, protocol
-from twisted.internet.defer import succeed
-from twisted.words.im import basesupport, interfaces, locals
-from zope.interface import implements
-class IRCPerson(basesupport.AbstractPerson):
- def imperson_whois(self):
- if self.account.client is None:
- raise locals.OfflineError
- self.account.client.sendLine("WHOIS %s" % self.name)
- ### interface impl
- def isOnline(self):
- return ONLINE
- def getStatus(self):
- return ONLINE
- def setStatus(self,status):
- self.status=status
- self.chat.getContactsList().setContactStatus(self)
- def sendMessage(self, text, meta=None):
- if self.account.client is None:
- raise locals.OfflineError
- for line in string.split(text, '\n'):
- if meta and meta.get("style", None) == "emote":
- self.account.client.ctcpMakeQuery(self.name,[('ACTION', line)])
- else:
- self.account.client.msg(self.name, line)
- return succeed(text)
-class IRCGroup(basesupport.AbstractGroup):
- implements(interfaces.IGroup)
- def imgroup_testAction(self):
- pass
- def imtarget_kick(self, target):
- if self.account.client is None:
- raise locals.OfflineError
- reason = "for great justice!"
- self.account.client.sendLine("KICK #%s %s :%s" % (
- self.name, target.name, reason))
- ### Interface Implementation
- def setTopic(self, topic):
- if self.account.client is None:
- raise locals.OfflineError
- self.account.client.topic(self.name, topic)
- def sendGroupMessage(self, text, meta={}):
- if self.account.client is None:
- raise locals.OfflineError
- if meta and meta.get("style", None) == "emote":
- self.account.client.me(self.name,text)
- return succeed(text)
- #standard shmandard, clients don't support plain escaped newlines!
- for line in string.split(text, '\n'):
- self.account.client.say(self.name, line)
- return succeed(text)
- def leave(self):
- if self.account.client is None:
- raise locals.OfflineError
- self.account.client.leave(self.name)
- self.account.client.getGroupConversation(self.name,1)
-class IRCProto(basesupport.AbstractClientMixin, irc.IRCClient):
- def __init__(self, account, chatui, logonDeferred=None):
- basesupport.AbstractClientMixin.__init__(self, account, chatui,
- logonDeferred)
- self._namreplies={}
- self._ingroups={}
- self._groups={}
- self._topics={}
- def getGroupConversation(self, name, hide=0):
- name=string.lower(name)
- return self.chat.getGroupConversation(self.chat.getGroup(name, self),
- stayHidden=hide)
- def getPerson(self,name):
- return self.chat.getPerson(name, self)
- def connectionMade(self):
- # XXX: Why do I duplicate code in IRCClient.register?
- try:
- if self.account.password:
- self.sendLine("PASS :%s" % self.account.password)
- self.setNick(self.account.username)
- self.sendLine("USER %s foo bar :Twisted-IM user" % (
- self.account.username,))
- for channel in self.account.channels:
- self.joinGroup(channel)
- self.account._isOnline=1
- if self._logonDeferred is not None:
- self._logonDeferred.callback(self)
- self.chat.getContactsList()
- except:
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- def setNick(self,nick):
- self.name=nick
- self.accountName="%s (IRC)"%nick
- irc.IRCClient.setNick(self,nick)
- def kickedFrom(self, channel, kicker, message):
- """
- Called when I am kicked from a channel.
- """
- return self.chat.getGroupConversation(
- self.chat.getGroup(channel[1:], self), 1)
- def userKicked(self, kickee, channel, kicker, message):
- pass
- def noticed(self, username, channel, message):
- self.privmsg(username, channel, message, {"dontAutoRespond": 1})
- def privmsg(self, username, channel, message, metadata=None):
- if metadata is None:
- metadata = {}
- username=string.split(username,'!',1)[0]
- if username==self.name: return
- if channel[0]=='#':
- group=channel[1:]
- self.getGroupConversation(group).showGroupMessage(username, message, metadata)
- return
- self.chat.getConversation(self.getPerson(username)).showMessage(message, metadata)
- def action(self,username,channel,emote):
- username=string.split(username,'!',1)[0]
- if username==self.name: return
- meta={'style':'emote'}
- if channel[0]=='#':
- group=channel[1:]
- self.getGroupConversation(group).showGroupMessage(username, emote, meta)
- return
- self.chat.getConversation(self.getPerson(username)).showMessage(emote,meta)
- def irc_RPL_NAMREPLY(self,prefix,params):
- """
- >> NAMES #bnl
- << :Arlington.VA.US.Undernet.Org 353 z3p = #bnl :pSwede Dan-- SkOyg AG
- """
- group=string.lower(params[2][1:])
- users=string.split(params[3])
- for ui in range(len(users)):
- while users[ui][0] in ["@","+"]: # channel modes
- users[ui]=users[ui][1:]
- if not self._namreplies.has_key(group):
- self._namreplies[group]=[]
- self._namreplies[group].extend(users)
- for nickname in users:
- try:
- self._ingroups[nickname].append(group)
- except:
- self._ingroups[nickname]=[group]
- def irc_RPL_ENDOFNAMES(self,prefix,params):
- group=params[1][1:]
- self.getGroupConversation(group).setGroupMembers(self._namreplies[string.lower(group)])
- del self._namreplies[string.lower(group)]
- def irc_RPL_TOPIC(self,prefix,params):
- self._topics[params[1][1:]]=params[2]
- def irc_333(self,prefix,params):
- group=params[1][1:]
- self.getGroupConversation(group).setTopic(self._topics[group],params[2])
- del self._topics[group]
- def irc_TOPIC(self,prefix,params):
- nickname = string.split(prefix,"!")[0]
- group = params[0][1:]
- topic = params[1]
- self.getGroupConversation(group).setTopic(topic,nickname)
- def irc_JOIN(self,prefix,params):
- nickname=string.split(prefix,"!")[0]
- group=string.lower(params[0][1:])
- if nickname!=self.nickname:
- try:
- self._ingroups[nickname].append(group)
- except:
- self._ingroups[nickname]=[group]
- self.getGroupConversation(group).memberJoined(nickname)
- def irc_PART(self,prefix,params):
- nickname=string.split(prefix,"!")[0]
- group=string.lower(params[0][1:])
- if nickname!=self.nickname:
- if group in self._ingroups[nickname]:
- self._ingroups[nickname].remove(group)
- self.getGroupConversation(group).memberLeft(nickname)
- def irc_QUIT(self,prefix,params):
- nickname=string.split(prefix,"!")[0]
- if self._ingroups.has_key(nickname):
- for group in self._ingroups[nickname]:
- self.getGroupConversation(group).memberLeft(nickname)
- self._ingroups[nickname]=[]
- def irc_NICK(self, prefix, params):
- fromNick = string.split(prefix, "!")[0]
- toNick = params[0]
- if not self._ingroups.has_key(fromNick):
- return
- for group in self._ingroups[fromNick]:
- self.getGroupConversation(group).memberChangedNick(fromNick, toNick)
- self._ingroups[toNick] = self._ingroups[fromNick]
- del self._ingroups[fromNick]
- def irc_unknown(self, prefix, command, params):
- pass
- # GTKIM calls
- def joinGroup(self,name):
- self.join(name)
- self.getGroupConversation(name)
-class IRCAccount(basesupport.AbstractAccount):
- implements(interfaces.IAccount)
- gatewayType = "IRC"
- _groupFactory = IRCGroup
- _personFactory = IRCPerson
- def __init__(self, accountName, autoLogin, username, password, host, port,
- channels=''):
- basesupport.AbstractAccount.__init__(self, accountName, autoLogin,
- username, password, host, port)
- self.channels = map(string.strip,string.split(channels,','))
- if self.channels == ['']:
- self.channels = []
- def _startLogOn(self, chatui):
- logonDeferred = defer.Deferred()
- cc = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, IRCProto, self, chatui,
- logonDeferred)
- d = cc.connectTCP(self.host, self.port)
- d.addErrback(logonDeferred.errback)
- return logonDeferred